Assignment 3.1

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Microsoft Excel 12.

0 Sensitivity Report
Worksheet: [Assignment 3.1.xlsx]3.1 a
Report Created: 2/27/2011 11:30:30 AM

Adjustable Cells
Final Reduced Objective Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Cost Coefficient Increase Decrease
$B$13 Units Family Thrillseeker 3800 0 3600 7200 514.28571427
$C$13 Units Classy Cruiser 2400 0 5400 900 3600

Final Shadow Constraint Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Price R.H. Side Increase Decrease
$E$10 Doors Total 20000 180 20000 12000 5500
$E$11 Labour hour Total 48000 480 48000 8250 18000
Doors profit Labour hour

Family Thrillseeker 4 3600

Classy Cruiser 2 5400

Family Thrillseeker Classy Cruiser Total

Doors 4 2 20000 <= 20000
Labour hour 6 10.5 48000 <= 48000
Profit 3600 5400
Units 3800.00000020452 2400
Profit individual 13680000.0007363 12960000
Profit 26640000.0006277
Doors profit Labour hour

Family Thrillseeker 4 3600

Classy Cruiser 2 5400

Family Thrillseeker Classy Cruiser Total

Doors 4 2 20000 <= 20000
Labour hour 6 10.5 48000 <= 48000
Profit 3600 5400
Units 3799.99999999989 2400
Profit individual 13679999.9999996 12960000
Profit 26640000.0000355

The campaign should not be taken as profit remains same so no point in shelling out $500000 extra
Doors profit Labour hour

Family Thrillseeker 4 3600

Classy Cruiser 2 5400

Family Thrillseeker Classy Cruiser Total

Doors 4 2 20000 <= 20000
Labour hour 6 10.5 56250 <= 60000
Profit 3600 5400
Units 3250.00000000063 3500
Profit individual 11700000.0000023 18900000
Profit 30600000.0000023
Doors profit Labour hour

Family Thrillseeker 4 3600

Classy Cruiser 2 5400

Family Thrillseeker Classy Cruiser Total

Doors 4 2 20000 <= 20000
Labour hour 6 10.5 56250 <= 60000
Profit 3600 5400
Units 3250.00000000063 3500
Profit individual 11700000.0000023 18900000
Profit 30600000.0000023

Previous profit 26640000

Extra amt to labour 3960000.00000228

Doors profit Labour hour

Family Thrillseeker 4 3600

Classy Cruiser 2 5400

Family Thrillseeker Classy Cruiser Total

Doors 4 2 20000 <= 20000
Labour hour 6 10.5 60000 <= 60000
Profit 3600 5400
Units 3000.0000000024 4000
Profit individual 10800000.0000087 21100000
Profit 32400000.0000366

Previous profit 26640000

Extra amt to labour 5760000.0000366

In 'e' part
Profit Extra amt to labour Net profit
31900000.0000366 1600000 30300000

In 'a' part 26640000.0006277

Solution or decision taken in 'e' part is good as compared to 'a' part.

As it if fetching an extra profit of 3659999.9994089
Doors profit Labour hour

Family Thrillseeker 4 3600

Classy Cruiser 2 5400

Family Thrillseeker Classy Cruiser Total

Doors 4 2 14500 <= 20000
Labour hour 6 10.5 48000 <= 48000
Profit 2800 5400
Units 1875.00000000828 3500
Profit individual 5250000.00002318 18900000
Profit 24150000.0000232
Doors profit Labour hour

Family Thrillseeker 4 3600

Classy Cruiser 2 5400

Family Thrillseeker Classy Cruiser Total

Doors 4 2 13000 <= 20000
Labour hour 7.5 10.5 48000 <= 48000
Profit 2800 5400
Units 1500.00000000307 3500
Profit individual 4200000.0000086 18900000
Profit 23100000.0000086
Doors profit Labour hour

Family Thrillseeker 4 3600

Classy Cruiser 2 5400

Family Thrillseeker Classy Cruiser Total

Doors 4 2 14500 <= 20000
Labour hour 6 10.5 48000 <= 48000
Profit 2800 5400
Units 1875.00000000828 3500
Profit individual 5250000.00002318 18900000
Profit 24150000.0000232
Profit in 'a' part 26640000.0006277
Profit difference from 'a' part 2490000.0006

Exceptable diff 2000000

Doors profit Labour hour

Family Thrillseeker 4 3600

Classy Cruiser 2 5400

Family Thrillseeker Classy Cruiser Total

Doors 4 2 16880 <= 20000
Labour hour 7.5 10.5 60000 <= 60000
Profit 2800 5400
Units 2120.00000000368 4200
Profit individual 5936000.00001029 22180000
Profit 27016000.0000103

Previous profit 'a' part 26640000

Profit difference 376000.000010289

After applying new considerations in 'f', 'g' and 'h' part, we et more profit from 'a' part i.e. $376000
So we can go by applying all these conditions

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