Acct 3210 HW3
Acct 3210 HW3
Acct 3210 HW3
A6 ($) EX4 ($)
Selling Price 180 280
Variable manufacturing cost (110) (190)
Variable marketing cost (20) (60)
Contribution Margin per unit 50 30
Contribution margin per hour 50 60
Total contribution margin from selling only one 2,500,000 3,000,000
Less lease cost if ex4 - (600,000)
Net Relevant benefit 2,500,000 2,400,000
Even though EX4 has the higher contribution margin per unit of the constrained resource, the
fact that Gormley must incur additional costs of $600,000 to achieve this higher contribution
margin means that Gormley is better off using its entire 50,000-hour capacity on the regular
machine to produce and sell 50,000 units (50,000 hours / 1 hour per unit) of A6. The additional
contribution from selling EX4 rather than A6 is $500,000, which is not enough to cover the
additional costs of leasing the high-precision machine. Note that, because all other overhead
costs are fixed and cannot be changed, they are irrelevant for the decision. Gormley produces
50,000 units of A6, which increases operating income by $2,500,000.