Marketing Services For Cooperatives
Marketing Services For Cooperatives
Marketing Services For Cooperatives
• Collective Marketing
• Market Information
• Market Research
Collective Marketing
› Cooperatives can either support their members’ individual marketing by providing
them with marketing services, or they can buy their members’ produce and
market it themselves. The latter is called collective marketing and is a feature of
many cooperatives.
• Market research involves the process of systematically gathering data related to
cooperative marketing, and the recording, interpreting and reporting of the
findings to the cooperative management in order to make informed decisions.
Market research is also about understanding competition and the success of the
current marketing strategy in place.
• Market research is used to identify and analyse the requirements and needs of
the different markets. Separating the many customers into specific groups is
referred to as market segmentation. Market segmentation is about understanding
the needs of customers and how they decide between one offer and another.
• A decisive factor in choosing a method to gather your market information is the
location of the markets that are of interest to your cooperative and its members. If
you sell on the domestic market, getting data on consumer needs is both
important and feasible. This is different if the produce is exported. In this case, it
makes more sense to question direct buyers of the products, instead of the
consumers, who are far away from your market.
• After identifying the objective and the location of the market, the process of
gathering data can start. Market research should take place regularly.
Customers’ needs change over time and the economic context is continuously