Bulletin 8-1-21
Bulletin 8-1-21
Bulletin 8-1-21
James Parish Neshkoro, Wisconsin August 1, 2021 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
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St. James Parish Neshkoro, Wisconsin August 1, 2021 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
“Tenderness and kindness are not signs of
weakness and despair but manifestations of
strength and resolution.”
Kahlil Gibran
Don’t forget the Bake Sale at our St. James “Mini Fest”!! We
know we have a lot of wonderful bakers out there. We are in
need of your delicious prepackaged bakery items for the
Bake Sale (i.e. cookies 6 per package).
• If you wish to bring baked goods in on Friday, August 6,
from 9:00–11:00 AM, please see Mary Klier in the Rectory.
• If you would like to bring in the baked goods on Saturday,
August 7, from 3:00 – 4:00 PM, or Sunday, August 8,
before Mass, there will be some tables in church to place
the items on.
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St. James Parish Neshkoro, Wisconsin August 1, 2021 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
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