Bulletin 7-26-20 + 7-22-20 Parish Council Minutes

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James Parish Neshkoro, Wisconsin July 26, 2020 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Envelopes $1,555.00
Saturday, July 25 – 4:00 PM
3:30 - 3:45 PM Confessions Offertory 900.50
Intentions: Donna Krentz, Building & Improvements 25.00
Duke Schneider Initial Offering 7.00
Servers: Sobieski family Picnic – Big Ticket 50.00
Lector: Glory Schrader
Eucharistic: Kathy Fitzgerald TOTAL $2,537.50
Ushers: Dave & Shannon Krentz,
July 29 - 7:00 PM AA Meeting (basement)
Sunday, July 26 – 9:30 AM August 2 - 10:30 AM First Communion (6 Students)
Intentions: Jean Skurczynski, August 9 - 3:30 PM Picnic Raffle Ticket Drawing
Steve & Lillian Strebelinski
family members
Servers: Kiley & Macey Weckwerth AUGUST BIRTHDAYS
Lector: Al Allbaugh Maynard Erdmann 8/1 Richard Reese 8/15
Eucharistic: Dick & Paula Pfaller Lucille Henke 8/5 Arlene Bodoh 8/15
Ushers: Tom Murphy, Ralph Disterhaft Bernadine Bahn 8/12 Dorothy Kasubaski 8/22
Alan Lambert 8/12 Rita Erdmann 8/23
Saturday, August 1 – 4:00 PM Rochelle Brudnowski 8/13 Caroline Skrzypchak 8/25
3:30 - 3:45 PM Confessions
Intentions: Bill Adler, AUGUST ANNIVERSARIES
Bob Guenterberg, Jr. Jerold & Helen Discher 8/6
Servers: Preston & Parker Reese-Grimm Gayle & Arlene Bodoh 8/8
Lector: Pierce Reese-Grimm Dorothy & Edward Nadolny 8/19
Eucharistic: Pearl Reese, Pierce Reese Leo & Judith Souder 8/22
Ushers: Dave & Shannon Krentz, Richard & Judith Dolderer 8/23
Brian Ronspies Alan & Patricia Lambert 8/23
Victor & Jan Schiro 8/29
Sunday, August 2 – 9:30 AM
Intentions: Thanksgiving for good farm crops FIRST COMMUNION
Servers: Bryanna Markel August 2 (Sunday) – 10:30 AM @ St. James
Lector: Paul Kornaus Neshkoro, WI
Eucharistic: Stella Sedlar
Abby Bundy Ziva Brodien
Ushers: Tom Murphy, Ralph Disterhaft
Dustin Drover Owen Meyer
Pauline Reese-Grimm Eleanor Zahn
My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Please keep our First Communion students in your prayers.
Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive
You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You ST. JAMES BIG RAFFLE DRAWING
sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace August 9, 2020 (Sunday)
You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. 3:30 PM (under St. James canopy outside)
Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.
The St. James Church Mini-Festival has been cancelled.
PLACE on August 9 at 3:30 PM under the St. James
When someone is seriously ill or in the hospital, it is up to family canopy outside.
members to notify Fr. Grubba or the Parish Office,
(920) 295-6209 or (920) 293-4211, and their names will be listed
in the bulletin the next week so that they may be remembered MISSALETTES AVAILABLE AT DOOR
with prayers and letters. This week I would ask that you (for you to keep and take home)
remember…Shut-ins of the parish. Missalettes will be available at the church entrance for you
to keep, take home, and then bring back each week for
PRAYER LIST Mass. Any Missalettes left behind in the church after Mass
This week remember Aspen Ladwig, Barbara Faccio, will be discarded.
Arnold Skrzypchak, Caroline Skrzypchak, Carole Nation,
John Ronspies, Joyce Vetrone, Jeanette Harmon, Donna AUDIO RECORDING OF SUNDAY MASS
Paris, Tim Lynch, Roberta Naparalla, Ken Finnemore, For those unable to attend Mass on the weekends, an audio
Mary Jean Nielsen, Betty Rohde, Julie Swartz, Sharon recording of the Mass is being made available. If anyone
Bennett, Jerry Wallander, Joe Schumitsch, Jack Nehmer, would like a copy of an audio recording of the Sunday Mass,
Jim Schurk, Christina Hope, Jean Scott, Grant Wolf, Susan please contact Gayle Bodoh at (920) 572-0075.
DeLain, Keith Farnham, Jan Schiro, Vic Schiro,
Gail Fitzgerald, Marge Matthias, Dorothy Kasubaski, Jason
Philps, and all the shut-ins of St. James Parish.
The meeting was called to order by President, Pat Klier. Father Grubba offered an opening prayer. Council members
present: Father Grubba, Kevin Fitzgerald, Pearl Reese-Grimm, Krista Sobieski, Paula Pfaller and Trustees: Jack
Nehmer and Don Sedlar.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes from the June meeting were electronically approved and published.
Correspondence: Anonymous correspondence received and disregarded.
Treasurer’s Report: All expenses are up to date. Kevin Fitzgerald made a Motion to file as presented, Gayle Bodoh
seconded. St. John’s Pocket Change continues to be collected and the balance of $3,266.60 has been donated to St.
John’s. Going forward, pocket change will be given to St. John’s monthly without being tabulated.
Building/Maintenance Report: The new leaf blower is working well. All bushes/shrubs have been trimmed and the
repair has been started on the retaining wall. The heating/cooling system flange repair will happen soon. The gutters
will be added to rectory and door repair is awaiting quotes. Gratitude expressed for Leo Souder’s very generous
Spiritual/Music Report: Gayle Bodoh shared that Audio Plus will be checking the sound system. Distribution of
audio mass recordings will begin again. This is free of charge and is offered to shut-ins. If you are interested in helping,
please contact the church office or Gayle Bodoh.
Council of Catholic Women: No updates at this time.
Religious Education: First Communion will be Sunday, August 2nd at 10:30 am. Please keep our First
Communicants in your prayers: Dustin Drover, Owen Meyer, Abby Bundy, Pauline Reese-Grimm, Eleanor Zahn and
Ziva Brodien.
Liturgy: Everyone is adjusting to the new rules.
Food for the Needy: There is a substantial balance in the Food for the Needy Fund. A Motion was made by Pearl
Reese-Grimm to donate the July 25-26 Food for the Needy collection to the Blessings Food Pantry to replenish some
of what was recently destroyed by vandals. Seconded by Paula Pfaller, Motion carried.
Old Business: The Mary Schumitsch Memorial Fund may be used to purchase new Ciboriums. The new Parish
Website is up and running. Discussion was held regarding the Parish mini-festival. Kevin Fitzgerald made a Motion
to postpone everything but the raffle. Seconded by Gayle Bodoh, Motion carried.
The Big Raffle is still happening on August 9 at 3:30 p.m. under the St. James canopy outside.
If anyone would like their donations for the Silent Auction returned, please contact the church office. Donations will
be saved for future fundraisers. Video equipment may be purchased in the near future.
New Business: A discussion was held regarding possible purchase of security cameras. Point of clarification - Jack
Nehmer received information from the County that funeral luncheons may continue following recommendations.
Pastor’s Report: No new updates from the Diocese. The Diocese continues to work on their Evangelization program.
The virtual Masses and distribution of audio recordings are part of this initiative. The Mass attendance numbers have
been increasing.
Next Council Meeting: August 19, 2020 (tentative date).
Father closed the meeting with a prayer.
Motion to adjourn made by Kevin Fitzgerald, seconded by Pearl Reese-Grimm, Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,

Pearl Reese-Grimm, Secretary

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