Bulletin 8-16-20

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James Parish Neshkoro, Wisconsin August 16, 2020 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Wearing of facemasks are When someone is seriously ill or in the hospital, it is up to family
NOW REQUIRED during Mass inside members to notify Fr. Grubba or the Parish Office,
of St. James Place. Thank you for your (920) 295-6209 or (920) 293-4211, and their names will be listed
in the bulletin the next week so that they may be remembered
with prayers and letters. This week I would ask that you
remember…Shut-ins of the parish.

This week remember Aspen Ladwig, Barbara Faccio, Arnold
Skrzypchak, Caroline Skrzypchak, Carole Nation,
John Ronspies, Joyce Vetrone, Jeanette Harmon, Donna Paris,
Tim Lynch, Roberta Naparalla, Ken Finnemore, Mary Jean
Nielsen, Betty Rohde, Julie Swartz, Sharon Bennett,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FATHER GRUBBA Jerry Wallander, Joe Schumitsch, Jack Nehmer, Jim Schurk,
Christina Hope, Grant Wolf, Susan DeLain, Keith Farnham, Jan
(on August 24)
Schiro, Vic Schiro, Gail Fitzgerald, Marge Matthias, Dorothy
Kasubaski, Jason Philps, and all the shut-ins of St. James

Saturday, August 15 – 4:00 PM August 8-9, 2020

3:30 - 3:45 PM Confessions Envelopes $2,021.00
Intentions: Blanch & Michael Spritka Offertory 638.10
Servers: Preston & Parker Reese-Grimm
Candles 24.00
Lector: Jack Nehmer
Eucharistic: Ginger Nehmer Building & Improvements 200.00
Ushers: Dave & Shannon Krentz, Assumption 20.00
Brian Ronspies Picnic – Big Ticket 500.00
Raffle Tickets Sold 2,833.00
Sunday, August 16 – 9:30 AM
Intentions: Loretta Warmbier, TOTAL $6,236.10
Harold Regal
Servers: Kiley & Macey Weckwerth COMING EVENTS - NESHKORO
Lector: Al Allbaugh August 19 - 7:00 PM AA Meeting (basement)
Eucharistic: Darlene Zahn August 20 - 3:00 PM Cenacle
Ushers: Tom Murphy, Ralph Disterhaft
Saturday, August 22 – 4:00 PM (for you to keep and take home)
3:30 - 3:45 PM Confessions Missalettes will be available at the church entrance for you to
Intentions: Family of Gregory Yasick keep, take home, and then bring back each week for Mass. Any
& Wilbur Conklin Missalettes left behind in the church after Mass will be
Servers: Sobieski family discarded.
Lector: Glory Schrader
Eucharistic: Pearl Reese, Pierce Reese-Grimm NATIONAL COMBINED COLLECTION
Ushers: Dave & Shannon Krentz, On August 22 & 23, the National Combined Collection will be
Brian Ronspies conducted in our Parish. This collection is combining the
following individual collections: Black & Indian Missions,
Sunday, August 23 – 9:30 AM Catholic Promotion of Authentic Human Development, Catholic
Intentions: Elizabeth Shook, Communications Campaign, Catholic Home Missions, Catholic
Henry & Lucy Kurz University of America, Collection for the Archdiocese for the
Servers: Bryanna Markel Military Services, Retirement Fund for Religious. Your help in
Lector: Paul Kornaus supporting these collections is critical. Diocese of Madison
Eucharistic: Dick & Paula Pfaller Stewardship & Development. Envelopes & brochures will be at
Ushers: Tom Murphy, Ralph Disterhaft the front entrance of the church.


My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy “O woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you
Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive wish.” Have faith that your marriage can be strong. Gain the
You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You tools of a great marriage on an upcoming Worldwide Marriage
sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace Encounter Weekend on September 11-13 (Geneva, IL), October
You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. 16-18 (Brookfield, WI), or November 13-15 (Rockford, IL).
Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen. For more information, visit our Website at: alifetimeoflove.org or
call (888) 574-5653.

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