This document provides information about mass times and intentions for Palm Sunday and Holy Week at St. James Catholic Church in Neshkoro, Wisconsin. It includes the mass schedule, names of parish staff, prayer requests, and announcements about an upcoming celebration for Father Dale Grubba, who has served as pastor for 24 years. Financial information from recent collections and an obituary for Victor Schiro are also presented.
This document provides information about mass times and intentions for Palm Sunday and Holy Week at St. James Catholic Church in Neshkoro, Wisconsin. It includes the mass schedule, names of parish staff, prayer requests, and announcements about an upcoming celebration for Father Dale Grubba, who has served as pastor for 24 years. Financial information from recent collections and an obituary for Victor Schiro are also presented.
This document provides information about mass times and intentions for Palm Sunday and Holy Week at St. James Catholic Church in Neshkoro, Wisconsin. It includes the mass schedule, names of parish staff, prayer requests, and announcements about an upcoming celebration for Father Dale Grubba, who has served as pastor for 24 years. Financial information from recent collections and an obituary for Victor Schiro are also presented.
This document provides information about mass times and intentions for Palm Sunday and Holy Week at St. James Catholic Church in Neshkoro, Wisconsin. It includes the mass schedule, names of parish staff, prayer requests, and announcements about an upcoming celebration for Father Dale Grubba, who has served as pastor for 24 years. Financial information from recent collections and an obituary for Victor Schiro are also presented.
James Parish Neshkoro, Wisconsin April 2, 2023 Palm Sunday
315 N. Main Street, Neshkoro, WI 54960 (920) 293-4211 Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM Father Dale Grubba, Pastor (920) 295-6209 Email Address: [email protected] Website Address: PARISH STAFF: OFFICE STAFF: Parish Council President: Patrick Klier (920) 293-4196 Kathy Walker Spiritual Advisor: Father Dale Grubba (920) 295-6209 Eunie Ripp Trustee: Kevin Fitzgerald (920) 787-3797 Mary Klier Trustee: Jay Johnson (414) 315-7286 Additional Council Members: Joyce Pindel, Steve Schultz, Rebecca Van Scyoc, Paula Pfaller Choir Director: Lynn Bockenhauer Maintenance: Dave Ripp Religious Ed Coordinator: Pam Springstroh (920) 295-6209 CCW President: Cindy LaValliere
HOLY WEEK MASS SCHEDULE – 2023 Saturday, April 1 – 4:00 PM 3:30 - 3:45 PM Confessions ST. JAMES (Neshkoro) Intentions: Judy Dolderer April 7 (Good Friday) 1:30 PM Lector: Pierce Reese-Grimm April 9 (Easter Sunday) 9:30 AM Eucharistic: Tess DeStefanis, Ginger Nehmer, Pam Peirce, Charmaine Luczak Ushers: Dave & Shannon Krentz, Brian Ronspies ST. JOHN’S (Princeton) April 6 (Holy Thursday) 6:00 PM Sunday, April 2 – 9:30 AM April 7 (Good Friday) NOON PALM SUNDAY April 8 (Holy Saturday) 7:00 PM Intentions: Norb Wargula April 9 (Easter Sunday) 8:00 AM Lector: Rebecca Van Scyoc Eucharistic: Rebecca Van Scyoc, Dick & Paula Pfaller Ushers: Tom Murphy, Ralph Disterhaft
Friday, April 7 – 1:30 PM
WISDOM OF THE POPE GOOD FRIDAY Jesus is more than a friend. He is a teacher of Intentions: Karen & Helen Drover truth and life who shows us the way that leads to Lector: Rebecca Van Scyoc happiness. Eucharistic: Joyce Pindel, Rebecca Van Scyoc
Sunday, April 9 – 9:30 AM March 18-19, 2023
EASTER SUNDAY Envelopes $1,914.00 Intentions: Blessings for a good growing season Offertory 393.50 Lector: Paul Kornaus Candles 21.00 Eucharistic: Tess DeStefanis, Ginger Nehmer, Karen Moriarty, Lynette Konopacki, Building & Improvements 20.00 Dick & Paula Pfaller TOTAL $2,348.50 Ushers: Tom Murphy, Ralph Disterhaft COMING EVENTS AT ST. JAMES (NESHKORO) PRAYER LIST April 5 (Wed) - 7:00 PM AA meeting (in basement) This week remember Sharon Bennett, C. J. Brudnowski, Susan DeLain, Barbara Faccio, Keith Farnham, Gail Fitzgerald, Julia April 11 (Tues) - 12:30 PM CCW meeting Hampton, Dorothy Kasubaski, Jean Kunde, Steve Lind, Marge Matthias, Roberta Naparalla, Carole Nation, Mary Jean Nielsen, MASS INTENTIONS Donna Paris, Jason Philps, John Ronspies, Joe Schumitsch, Glory Schrader, Gordon & Deanne Smukowski, Steve Sobeski, Attention everyone! The church Rectory can once again start taking Julie Swartz, Ed Wargula, Sarah Wehnes, and all the shut-ins of Mass intentions for dates after July 1. St. James Parish. Although we do not yet know the weekend Mass days or times after July 1, we are allowed to take one intention per Mass. The cost is PLEASE REMEMBER TO PRAY FOR THE SICK $10 per intention. When someone is seriously ill or in the hospital, it is up to family members to notify Fr. Grubba or the Parish Office, (920) 295-6209 Please contact the Parish office (920/293-4211) or stop by during or (920) 293-4211, and their names will be listed in the bulletin the normal office hours on Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays from 9:00 AM next week so that they may be remembered with prayers and letters. to 11:00 AM. This week I would ask that you remember shut-ins of the parish. Page 1 of 2 St. James Parish Neshkoro, Wisconsin April 2, 2023 Palm Sunday
To our St. James Parishioners: Your Parish Council has approved (and a committee of FUNERAL MASS FOR VICTOR (“VIC”) SCHIRO parishioners has met) and has started the planning process to Victor (“Vic”) Schiro passed away peacefully Saturday celebrate Father Grubba’s time with us here at St. James Parish over morning, March 25, 2023, at Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee. the last 24 years. Vic was a very active member of St. James Catholic Church for many years. Please keep the family members and friends in St. James Parishioners please mark your calendars for your thoughts and prayers. Father Grubba’s Celebration reception and catered dinner here at St. James Place. Services at St. James Catholic Church MONDAY, APRIL 3 The date is SUNDAY, JUNE 11, after the 9:30 AM outdoor Mass. The Mass will be held under a tent on the lawn. The Visitation: 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM reception and dinner will be held inside St. James Place. Mass: 11:00 AM (followed by a luncheon by CCW ladies) This event will be for St. James Parishioners and Father Grubba’s guests. Invitations will be mailed in the next Vic will be laid to rest next to his wife (Jan) in the Resurrection couple of weeks to all registered St. James Parishioners. An RSVP Cemetery in Madison. will be required and tickets for entrance to the reception and dinner will be mailed back to those who respond. This is a “no cost” event for all attendees. Funds leftover from last year’s profitable Parish Festival will cover the costs for this event. There is limited seating for this event. Further details will be forthcoming in the following weeks.
St. James Parish Council
St. James Council of Catholic Women (CCW) Celebration Planning Committee
During Holy Week, the little church at St. James will be open as follows for prayers (please use the Sacristy entrance): DEEPEN YOUR FAITH WITH THE CATHOLIC HERALD • Monday (April 3) - 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM • Wednesday (April 5) - 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM ISSUE OF APRIL 6, 2023: Be informed and inspired about the Faith through the • Good Friday (April 7) - 9:00 AM to the conclusion of Catholic Herald. This issue arrives during Holy Week, and Good Friday services features Bishop Donald J. Hying’s Easter message, along with other Easter greetings and content. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION – ST. JOHN’S (Princeton) NOTE: There will not be an issue during Easter Week During Holy Week, St. John’s in Princeton will be having (April 13). adoration on Holy Thursday (8:00 AM to 6:00 PM) and Good Friday (8:00 AM to 12:00 Noon). Learn more about your Catholic faith by reading the Catholic Herald. If you do not subscribe but wish to receive the Catholic We need two people for each Holy Hour. There is a need for Herald, contact the parish office at (920) 293-4211. The cost of four more people; could you spend an hour with Jesus on the annual subscription is $23.00. Thursday afternoon? Call, text, or email Kathy Smith (402) 210-6978; [email protected]. PASSAGES OF KINDNESS “Begin each day with friendly thoughts and as the day goes on, Calling all Catholic Men to become better men, husbands, keep friendly, loving, good and kind, fathers and grandfathers by joining the Knights of Columbus. just as you were at dawn.” For more information, contact Patrick Klier at Frank B. Whitney (920) 293-4196 or Guy Eichsteadt at (608) 296-1927.