NURSING CARE PLAN: Risk For Fetal Injury Related To Shoulder Dystocia
NURSING CARE PLAN: Risk For Fetal Injury Related To Shoulder Dystocia
NURSING CARE PLAN: Risk For Fetal Injury Related To Shoulder Dystocia
SUBJECTIVE: Risk for fetal injury rt to Short term goals Assess FHR manually or Detects abnormal
previous pregnancies shoulder dystocia as electronically. Note responses, such as Patient participated in
have all been evidenced by failed gentle Patient will participate in variability, periodic exaggerated variability, intervention to improve
uncomplicated traction of the anterior fetal interventions to improve changes, and baseline bradycardia, and labor pattern and/or
past medical history is shoulder. labor pattern and/or reduce rate. If in the free tachycardia, which may reduced identified risk
significant for uterine identified risk factors standing birth center, be caused by stress, factors
fibroids Continuous fetal monitoring check Fetal heart tone hypoxia, acidosis, or
will show fetal heart rate between contractions sepsis. Continuous fetal
maintains variability of 6 to using a Doptone. Count monitoring shows fetal
10 beats/minute, with for 10 min, break for 5 heart rate maintains
blood pressure is min, and count again for
reassuring pattern. variability of 6 to 10
160/100 mm Hg 10 min. Continue this beats/minute, with
pre pregnancy weight Long term goal pattern throughout the reassuring pattern.
was 250 lb, and she contraction to midway
gained 30 lb during Patient will achieve good between it and the Patient achieves good
the pregnancy. labor pattern, and neonate following contraction. labor pattern and
fundal height is 43 cm will be delivered without delivers neonate without
Gentle traction fails to complications. Note frequency of uterine Contractions occurring complications.
deliver the anterior Patient and fetus will contractions. Notify every 2 min or less do not
fetal shoulder. maintain optimal well-being. physician if the frequency allow for adequate Patient and fetus
is 2 min or less. oxygenation of intervillous maintain optimal well-
spaces. being during labor and
A 34 year old woman, G7P6, undergoes induction of labor at 39 weeks (due to the development of new-onset hypertension). The patient became pregnant 5 months after
her most recent delivery, and the pregnancy has been uncomplicated. Her previous pregnancies have all been uncomplicated as well. Her past medical history is
significant for uterine fibroids. Her blood pressure is 160/100 mm Hg. Her pre pregnancy weight was 250 lb, and she gained 30 lb during the pregnancy. Her fundal height
is 43 cm. About 22 hours after the induction of labor, the fetal head delivers and then retracts in the maternal perineum. Gentle traction fails to deliver the anterior fetal