Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Rationale Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Rationale Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Rationale Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Activity Preterm labor is After 8hoursof Independent: After rendering
“Gulpi nalang intolerance related defined as nursing proper nursing
nag sakit busog, to muscle or uterine interventions, the Assess status Assessment interventions, the
nabatyagan ko cellular contractions patient will use of the client provides a goal was MET.
run nga daw hypersensitivity. occurring after identified and fetus. baseline date The patient was
mamata run ko” 20weeks of techniques to for future able to use
gestation and enhance activity comparisons. identified
Objective: before 37 intolerance. techniques to
•Continued completed weeks Encourage Bed rest enhance activity
uterine of gestation. Risk bed rest with relieves intolerance.
contraction. factors include patient in side pressure of the
multiple lying position. fetus on the
• Facial gestation, history cervix.
mask of pain. of previous
preterm labor of
•Irritability. delivery, Apply Uterine and
abdominal external fetal
• V/S taken surgery during uterine and monitoring
as follows: current fetal provides
pregnancy, monitoring. evidence of
T:37.3 uterine anomaly, maternal and
P:84 history of cone fetal well-
R:19 biopsy, maternal being.
BP: 100/80 age younger than
20 or older than
age 35.
Monitor Maternal pulse
patients vital over 120 beats
signs closely, per minute or
every persistent
15minutes. tachycardia or
chest pain,
dyspnea and
breath sounds
may indicate
Instruct Early
patient to recognition of
report any possible
feelings of adverse effects
difficulty of allows for
breathing or prompt
chest pain, intervention.
and irregular
Monitor Monitor of
uterine uterine
contractions, contractions
including provides
frequency and evidence of
domain. effective