Patient A.M. came in having Risk for maternal and By 15- 30 minutes of Monitor for the Comparison of vital signs After performing the
contractions and feeling neonatal injury related Maternal Care the VS., and before and during intervention during
uncomfortable. to delay in the delivery patient will be able to: pateint’s level delivery provides a delivery of the baby:
Objective: 1. The mother of more complete picture The goal is met:
1. 26 years old of the shoulder and deliver the consciousness of the mother health If the mother delivered
2. Gravida 3, Parity 2 vaginal laceration as neonate using AVPU. status and possible the neonate safely and
3. 41 weeks of gestation evidenced by turtle sign normally signs of abnormalities. there is no further sign
4. Obstretical h/o: Dx to causing prolonged labor without 2. Assess the Using AVPU Scale can of complication.
have gestational diabetes further patient risk for help determine the If the APGAR score of
mellitus at 28 weeks age of complication. vaginal urgency of surgical the baby is 7-10 which
gestation. laceration and treatment and means that the
2. Maternal patients bladder increased risk for newborn is in good
1st I.E. result: take part in damage. maternal injury. health
a. cervix: 3 cm dilated interventions to 2. Shoulder dystocia may The goal is not met:
b. fundic height: 40 cm maintain their safety 3. Ask for cause the patient to If the intervention that
6. pelvic ultrasound: normal and in steps to reduce assistance. have vaginal bleeding is provided didn’t help
admitted for monitoring of risk factors that have Ensure that due to unnatural in the delivery of the
labor and delivery been identified. there is enough position of the baby baby.
members of the during delivery If a further complication
2nd I.E. 4h after, 3. The patient team to 3. Shoulder dystocia is develop after prolong
spontaneous rapture of maintain safety and support the medical emergency, labor.
membranes participate in measures delivery of the therefore, more If the APGAR score is
Cervix: 3cm dilated that protect self baby. intensive monitoring below the normal which
Administered oxytocin during the treatment. and assistance will be implies that further
Infusion All through out of the 4. Assist the needed. Asking for an intervention is needed
labor and delivery, the mother to extra hand is usually the
3rd I.E. after 4h, baby will be able to: assume the health care worker’s
Cervix: 7cm dilated McRoberts first move.
4th I.E. after 4h, 1. The baby maneuver. 4. It promotes the rotation
Cervix: 10 cm dilated(full) maintain of
Transferred to delivery efficient tissue 5. Place pressure in the pelvis to let the
room perfusion and the suprapubic baby pass through
will be area of the easily.
delivered mother. 5. To encourage the baby’s
successfully shoulder to change and
without rotate