Obs Gynae Full Summary Notes
Obs Gynae Full Summary Notes
Obs Gynae Full Summary Notes
Obstetric terminology
Trimesters of pregnancy:
1st trimester: 1-12wk
2nd trimester: 13-27wk
3rd trimester: 27-40wk
Regular observations (hypotension with epidural Rx: IVF +/- ephedrine. Hypertension Rx: labetalol)
Mobilize regularly (squat, kneel, left lateral)
Hydration (water or IVF if prolonged)
Discourage eating (risk of aspiration – Mendelson’s syndrome - ?GA needed later. Give RANITIDINE)
Pyrexia common if prolonged labour or epidural. If >37.5 increased risk of neonatal illness or chorioamnionitis. >38
increased risk of sepsis and give antibiotics.
Monitoring essential:
o VE: cervical dilation and head descent
o Inefficient uterine action: slow progress (common in older, prim and IOL), however if too slow – augment, ARM,
oxytocin, empty bladder, give fluids of pain relief needed
o Hyperactive uterine action: strong, frequent or prolonged. Association with ++oxytocin (give tocolytic –salbutamol
IV or SC) or placental abruption.
Risks of IOL:
o Increase chance of operative delivery
o Increase risk for complex analgesia
o Uterine hyperstimulation
o Uterine rupture (old
Countraindications to Propess:
o Active heart or lung
o Previous caesearaean
section or multiparous
o Placenta praevia
o Malpresentation
o Fetal distress
(6) Poor progress in 2nd stage
(1) Uterine activity: Secondary uterine inertia
<4-5/10 – common in prim/ older women - made worse by epidural
Monitor on tocograph and intrauterine pressure catheters - Full dilatation causes weak contractions and can
Hydrate, pain relief and support be associated with dehydration or ketoacidosis
Poor progression examine 2hourly - Give oxytocin
ARM and oxytocin – need CTG monitoring Rotation
If oxytocin for 4 to 6 hours with no progression – CS Small mid pelvis (ANDROID pelvis) – deep transverse
arrest as cannot rotate
(3) Birth canal: – fibroids and cervical dystonia (doesn’t dilate due to scarring)
(5) Mal-presentation
More common in parous and can cause ruptures
Exclude cephalo-pelvic disproportion
Failure of presenting part to engage and descend
Excessive moulding
Deep transverse arrest (no rotation, head in OP)
BREECH – risk of prolapsed cord, CTG abnormalities with compression, mechanical difficulties can damage organs
Prenatal scanning for age related trisomies, PMHx of trisomy, maternal request
6/1000 live births, greater risk 35+
Random non-dysjunction at meiosis. 6% balanced chromosomal translocation in parents.
o mental retardation
o Characteristic facial features with apparent macro-glossia (due to low tone), abnormal teeth, slanted eyes, flattened
o Short neck and hands with OSA association
o Duodenal atresia and exomphalus
o Poor eustachian tube function with OME and associated hearing problems
o Greater risk of epilepsy, ALL, thyroid disease and early onset dementia.
Antenatal monitoring: Fetal abnormalities (NTDs, bowel atresia)
(1) USS assessment of fetal growth: Look at the rate of Infection
growth by comparison with previous scans. Hydrops +/- IUGR
Symmetrical or asymmetrical.
o Important in high risk or multiple pregnancies Oligohydramnios:
(2) Doppler umblical artery waveform: placental IUGR
dysfunction with reduced end diastolic flow. Pre-PROM (poor lung development increasing risk of RDS and
o Small fetus: growth restricted or limb contractures)
Potters syndrome (renal agenesis)
Hydronephrosis and VUR due to obstruction
(3) Doppler waveforms of fetal circulation – MCA: sign of
fetal anaemia via increased velocity reflecting head
MEASURE AFI in all 4 quadrants
(4) CTG
o Admission and steroids
o Start erythromycin OD for 10 days
o OR close maternal and fetal surveillance
o IOL @ 36wk
o IV AB and delivery if chorioamnionitis.
(Antibiotics: Benzylmethypenicillin)
Differential diagnosis:
o Vaginal discharge
o Urine
Fasting glucose >7.0 and GGT >7.8/2hr after 75g glucose
Shoulder dystonia
load. Macrosomnia
Insulin requirement almost doubles as: Still birth
- Placenta secretes insulinase (degrades insulin),
- Decreased sensitivity to insulin dueprE-Eclampsia
to O and P effect
- Increased cortisol and human placental lactogen
- Increased calories with reduced exercise, brings an
increased glucose load.
BP= CO x SVR Pre-eclampsia
WCC increased , clotting factors & Hb diluted with Multisystem disorder.
platelets decreased. Progressive & variable
Decrease 2nd trim by 30/15mmHg from decreased SVR – Hypertension usually precedes ++proteinuria (0.3g/24hr)
SM relaxation and vasodilatation due to increased 6% prim; 15% recurrence rate.
progesterone; increase by term (normal) Risk factors:
CO increased by 50% (mostly in 3rd trimester) o Obesity
GFR increased up to 40%, glucouria, reduced gut motility o Extremities of age
and thyroid enlargement o Chronic HT
Utero-placental circulation increased. o Renal disease or DM
o FHx or PMHx
o Multiple pregnancy
Pregnancy induced HTN Pre-existing/chronic HTN
o >140/90 AFTER o >140/90 BEFORE STAGE 1: Development Normally trophoblastic
20wk 20wk; already Dx invasion through decidua and myometrium to infiltrate
& on medication. spiral arterioles & vasodilation. There is remodeling of
o + PROTEINURIA o 1/2° causes these arterties normally, with increasing vascularity and
(>0.3g/24hr) = Pre- tortious channels
eclampsia There is incomplete invasion; altered immune response?
Reduced uteroplacental BF – poor oxgen supply to
o Risk of o Risk of super- placenta - ischaemia
epileptiform Sz/ imposed pre-
eclampsia eclampsia STAGE 2: Manifestation Placenta releases
Gestational HT: IOL @ 40wk inflammatory factors locally, altering circulatory function
Mild pre-eclampsia: IOL @ 37wk
Moderate to severe pre-eclampsia: IOL 34-36wk with
conservative Mx in specialist unit with NICU.
Severe with complications and fetal distress – deliver
Risk factors:
o Age >40
o HTN >10yrs
o BP >160/110 in early pregnancy
o Diabetes mellitus
o Cardiomyopathy; CT disorder
SMOKING protective against pre-eclampsia
Pre-existing HT
HTN increases late in pregnancy
Risk of super-imposed pre-eclampsia (always do
URINALYSIS check for proteinuria) 2+ admit and
do PCR/24hr or 1+ review in 2 days
Investigations: U&E, TFTs, cortisol, BP in both arms.
Management of pre-existing HTN:
o Counsel pre-pregnancy
o Change meds to Labetalol (combined a and b
blocker) or methyldopa
o May not need meds 2nd trimester (16-18wk)
with physiological decrease.
o Low dose aspirin 75mg to high risk mums before
o UAE Doppler at 23wk.
Fulminating pre-eclampsia:
Management of pre-eclampsia: Presentation: oedematous, HTN, proteinuria, renal and
liver failure as HELLP and DIC
Management in labour:
If <34wk C.section with steroids 24 hours before.
If >34wk: IOL with PROPESS.
Epidural will reduce BP. Monitor BP and CTG.
Avoid pushing if BP >160/110 in 2nd stage (Risk of Increased ICP and cerebral haemorrhage)
PHYSIOLOGICAL CHANGES IN Increased plasma volume 40% and RCC 25%- dilution of Hb
hence anaemia
Increased clotting factors: hyper coaguable state and need
Hormones are needed to maintain pregnancy, prepare for delivery and
VTE prophylaxis
post partum period.
Increased WCC
Enlarged uterus, increased intra-abdominal pressure,
Increased BMI
increasing diaphragmatic breathing
Lower back pain (common. Physio and advice with lifting,
Hyperventilation and increased TV (yet normal RR)
posture and firm mattress)
CARDIOVASCULAR Carpal tunnel syndrome and sciatica
Increased CO (increased BF to placenta), increasing HR and Muscle cramps
SV. Decreased SVR also increases SV, hence CO Pelvic girdle pain: discomfort in pubic or sacroiliac joint.
Reduced BP in 2nd trimester Physio and analgesia
Gastro-oesphageal reflux Increased activity in anterior pituitary gland, increasing
Hemorrhoids hormone secretion.
Constipation from decreased gut motility (worsens with oral Oestrogen, progesterone, b-hCG, HPL, TSH (goiter)
iron. Encourage high fibre intake and stool softeners)
UROLOGICAL Skin pigmentation – striae gravidarum
Increased renal BF 40% - icreased GFR, hence reduced Spider naevi from distension or proliferation of BV
creatinine and urea Facial flushing
Urinary frequency
Increased kidney size and hydronephrosis
CMV o Severe neonatal illness
o 1% maternal infection rate; 40% vertical transmission o Intrapartum PENICILLIN if high risk or +ve 3rd trimester
o Diagnosis with maternal IgM and IgG; fetal diagnosis screen
amniocentesis 20wk GAS
o Deafness common o Common cause of sore throat (or chorioamnionitis,
o Screening of vaccination. No treatment. puerperal sepsis)
Rubella o Supportive Rx and PENICILLIN
o Most female immune. Very rare
o Fetal infection <16wk Herpes zoster virus
o Screening identifies if need postnatal immunization o Many immune. Severe maternal illness in pregnancy
o <20wk occasionally teratogenic or if infection just before
Toxoplasmosis** (cat litter) delivery give IgG to neonate
o 0.2% maternal infection rate HepB
o Low % fetus permanently affected o High transmission rate and high chronic disease/mortality
o Screening NOT ROUTINE in UK to neonate.
o Diagnosis with maternal IgM; fetal amniocentesis 20wk o Screening and neonate needs Ig
o Treatment: spiramycin, fetal combo Rx
Syphillis HepC
o Rare o High risk. 6% vertical transmission
o Screening routine as Rx prevents congenital syphilis
HSV Chalmydia
o Common. Neonatal infection rare but serious o 5% pregnancies.
o If primary infection <6wk before delivery high RISK and C o Neonatal conjunctivitis and pre-term labour
section delivery o Azithromycin
o Rx: aciclovir
Parvovirus Bacterial vaginosis
o 0.25%, increasing with epidemics o COMMON. Association with pre term labour
o Fetal anaemia and hydrops (inutero transfusion_ o Treatment: metronidazole
o IgM +ve
o Surveillance with USS and MCA Doppler
PE is the most common cause of maternal death. Presents Investigations: CTG, FBP, U+E, LFTS, bile acids
with SOB, pleuritic chest pain, haemoptysis cold, Management: UDCA relieves itch or PIRITON. Increased
lightheadedness, pins and needles, N&V risk of haemorrhage: give vitamin K 10mg OD from 36wk.
PE investigations: ABG & CXR or V/Q scan vs CTPA. NO D- Advice to avoid perfume and body lotions.
dimer as already raised in pregnancy. IOL at 38wk. 6 week follow up.
DVT is more common; L iliofemoral vein. Doppler diagnosis Abdominal pain in pregnancy: DDx
Signs: swelling (difference in calf circumference), deep calf
tenderness, redness and increased temp o Miscarriage/ ectopic pregnancy
o Pre-eclampsia (RUQ)
Management: o Pre-term labour contractions
Clexane 1mg/kg BD. Doesn’t cross placenta and isn’t o Placental abruption
associated with increased bleeding peri-partum and low o Gall stones (progesterone dilates SM in gall bladder
thrombocytopenia risk. Stop during labour if possible and and bile duct; risk of gall stone pancreatitis)
restart 24 hours later. o Renal colic
IOL planned for 38/39wk. Reduce dose day before – if not o Chorioamnionitis (Rx with amoxicillin, clarithromycin
reduced, can’t use epidural (Entanox and remifentanyl) +/- gentamicin)
Continue postnatally, no warfarin in breastfeeding
Prevention: mobilize and maintain hydration; compression
stockings; antenatal prophylactic LMWH +/- postpartum
Enoxaparin 40mg OD in every future pregnancy and Hyperemesis gravidarum
continued for 6 weeks postpartum. Severe nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (NVP) with
Oestrogen preps contraindicated, encourage weight loss weight loss, dehydration and electrolyte abnormalities
and there is a higher early pregnancy loss. Usually settles at 14wk
Exclude UTI, multiple or molar pregnancy
o Admit if ketosis
o 3L 09% saline and 20mmol KCl
o 1L 0.9% with 10ml Pabrinex (prevent Wernickes)
o Measure weight, HR, postural BP
o Bloods: FBC, U+E, LFTs, TFTs
o Urinalysis and MSU (rule out UTI)
o USS (rule out molar pregnancy)
o Anti-emetics (cyclizine) and steroids if severe
Antepartum Haemmorhage (>20 wks) Maternal risk: PPH, postpartum sepsis or placenta
In 2 – 5% pregnancies accreta
Usually small, but can indicate future complications Fetal risk: preterm birth, growth restriction, fetal
DON’T DO VE UNTIL USS congenital malformation
History: trauma or sex, amount, colour, clots, mucous,
onset, pain, contractions, previous episodes Presentation:
Examination: basic observations, fluid status, abdomen for *PAINLESS BLEEDING*; increasing frequency and
tenderness, contractions, lie, speculum to assess bleed and intensity over weeks with normal fetal movements
cervix, USS before VE - movements and CTG** and fetal HR
Examination: Breech presentation & transverse lie,
Management: no fetal head engagement
o 2 large bore cannulas DON’T DO VE AS CAN PROVOKE BLEED
o FBC, G+Cx, U+E, coag screen, Kleihauer (anti-D)
o IV fluids, colloid +/- transfusion, anti D
Risk factors:
o High parity
o Older women
o Multiple pregnany
o Scarred uterus – Hx C section or IVF or multiple
o Smoking and cocaine
o Hx placenta praevia
o Obstructs engagement of head therefore
transverse lie & C section
o Severe haemorrhage
o Implant on previous scar which may prevent
placental separation (ACCRETA)
o Penetrate onto uterine wall (INCRETA)
o Surrounding structures (PERCRETA); risk of subsequent hysterectomy
PAINFUL BLEED (constant with exacerbations), of DARK RED blood. REDUCED MOVEMENT and CTG abnormalities.
Examination: Tachycardic, pallor, hypotension. Tender WOODEN uterus with contractions – UTERUS COUVELAIRE.
Abnormal/ absent fetal heart. Coagulopathy and poor UO and renal failure if severe.
Investigations: Clinical Dx. CTG. USS excludes praevia. FBC, coag and G+Cx +/- catheterization with hourly UO. Regular bloods
as above (with U+E and CVP)
IV fluids +/- transfusion
Steroids for <34wk
Opiate analgesia
Anti-D if Rh-ve
If fetal distress urgent CS.
If no distress and gestation >37wk IOL with ARM.
Complete miscarriage Positive pregnancy test weeks ago.
EDD: LMP - 3 MONTHS + 7 DAYS + 1 YEAR Heavy fresh vaginal bleed and
abdominal cramps, passed in
As long as the several clots. Pain stopped and
cycle is regular 28 days, ovulation on 14th day minimal bleeding. Uterus normal
Crown rump length (CRL): 9-14wks pre-pregnancy size and cervical os
Head circumference (HC): 14-20wks closed
Incomplete miscarriage Positive pregnancy test weeks ago.
SYMPTOMS OF PREGNANCY & HISTORY TAKING Cervical os remains open, only
Normal symptoms of pregnancy some POC have been passed. Need
Hx: EDD, USS, plans and concerns, problems so far including to remove from os with sponge
holding forceps.
bleeding, pain, contractions or fluid loss
Septic miscarriage Positive pregnancy test weeks ago.
PMHx gynae: PID or PCOS (longer cycle and GD risk)
Tissue from above has become
OHx and contraceptive (coil and miscarriage risk) infected and risk of septicemia.
Last smear and result Tender +/- fever. Cervical os
Surgical Hx remains open.
FHx of cardiac problems, VTE, pre-eclampsia, DM, twins, Threatened miscarriage Bleeding during the pregnancy,
autoimmune or congenital problems prior to viability that has yet to be
Investigations: assessed further. Foetus still alive,
o FBC for anaemia os close and uterus of expected
o Blood group and antibodies size (25% RISK)
o Urinalysis Missed miscarriage Brown bleeding, uterus small and
o Rubella (dangerous in 1st trim – vaccine after preganancy) cervical os remains closed.
o HepBsAg (transmit in labour and vaccine needed at birth)
Recurrent miscarriage 3+ miscarriages in succession.
o HIV (anti-retroviral, CS and no breast feeding to reduce risk of
transmission 30 to <1%)
Chance in 4th pregnancy is 40%.
Increased risk with age.
Check APL antibodies (thrombosis
Down’s syndrome 11 – 13wk: NT and PAPP-A and hCG; in utero-placental circulation. Give
combined with mothers age and gestation of baby to give aspirin and low dose clexane)
result. Triple test: HCG, AFP, uE3 (+ inhibin for quadruple) Investigations for recurrent miscarriage:
and structural anomaly scan at 20wk. Pelvic USS or HSG for anatomical uterine defects or cervical
Gestational diabetes OGTT at 24-28wk if risk with BMI
>30, previous baby >4.5kg, previous GD, 1st degree relative
T1DM, origin
Pre-eclampsia screen at every visit (BP and urinalysis)
(1) Conservative
21 o Small and not ruptured
o BhCG low <1000 and decreasing ++
(2) Medical
Downloaded by reema ahmed ([email protected])
TRIAD of symptoms:
o Lower abdominal pain (colic then constant)
o Dark bleeding following amenorrhoaea
o Collapse in 20%. Some syncopal episodes
PIPPA: Risk factors for ectopic:
o BhCG: (urinaryectopic
o Previous and serum) on all females with lower abdominal pain
o IUD repeat in coil
(copper 48hours, 63% rise is normal. Slow rising or decreased is indicative
only stops
o TVUS:IUno intrauterine sac and free fluid in adnexa +/- sac within.
Multiple pregnancy Molar pregnancy
o Pelvic or tubal surgery
Hyperemesis gravidarum Prolonged hyperemesis
Recurrent PV bleed/ staining
Hyperthyroid 3%
Early pre-eclampsia
o Laxative effect encouraging meconium passage,
minimizing jaundice
o High density and low volume – rich in PROTEN, FAT
SOLUBLE VITAMINS (A,E,K) and other minerals than
mature milk
o Less lactose, fat and water soluble than mature milk
o Ig against past maternal infections, SIgA protecting
against pathogens sticking to mucosa, GALT and BALT
protect from environment (Peyer’s patches in maternal
o Lactoferrin binds free iron in baby’s gut increasing
absorption and iron-dependent bacteria (E coli) can’t
grow, allowing normal flora to thrive
o Bifudus Factor help lactobacillus bifidus create acidic
pH in gut killing pathogens
o Hormones insulin, TSH, GH, EGF & enzymes lipase
o WCC and viral fragments to digest bacteria & trigger
immune response
o Chlamydia swab Management:
RED FLAG: IMB >3 cycles/ 40+ (PMB) (1) Mirena coil or COCP: gives regular and lighter menstruation.
HRT can be considered in peri-menopausal
Management: (2) Avulsion of polyps and send for histology
(1) IUS (Mirena coil: reduces BF 90% and acts as
contraception. The copper coil actually increases loss)
(2) Tranexamic acid 1g TDS (during menstruation only and
reduces blood loss by 50%) & Mefenamic acid 500mg When to do a hysteroscopy?
TDS (with pain: inhibits prostaglandin synthesis –
reduces blood loss 30%) or COCP o Thickness >10mm or patient >40yrs
o Better than mini pill as less effect on bleeding o ?polyp on USS +/- IMB
loss o No response to treatment
(3) GnRH analogue with or without HRT
o Limited to 6/12 as risk of osteopenia
(4) Endometrial laser ablation or diathermy rollerball
endometrial ablation, TCRE – risk of uterine perforation
and decreased fertility
(5) Thermal balloon ablation, circulate hot saline,
(6) TCRF: submucosa fibroids: <3cm – improve fertility
(7) Hysterectomy
(8) UAE
o Atrophic vaginitis (post menopause)
Primary: Periods didn’t start by 16 otherwise normal sex
o Cervical ectropion (young F on OCP at menstruation/
characteristics or no secondary sex characteristics by age 14
Delayed puberty or menstrual outflow obstruction?
o Cervical polyps
o Cervicitis
Secondary: Previous normal & ceased for 6+ months
o Cervical Ca
o Physiological
Inspection & smear for cytology
Pregnancy; post menopause; lactation; familial;
Avulse polyp & send for histology
constitutional delay
Freeze ectropion with cryotherapy
Colposcopy to exclude malignancy
o Hypothalamus: Hypothalamic hypogonadism
Hypothalamus effectively shuts down
Associated with Low BMI and excessive exercise/stress
Low GnRH, LH and FSH, oestrogen
Supportive Rx & oestrogen replacement through COCP
or HRT as risk of osteopenia
o Pituitary: Hyperprolactinaemia
Adenoma or hyperplasia Primary: no organic cause
Low GnRH, FSH and LH, oestrogen and high prolactin Management: Mefanemic acid or COCP and reassurance
Rx: Bromocriptine or Cabergoline
Rare: Sheenans syndrome after PPH causes pituitary
necrosis & hypopituitarism Secondary: pelvic pathology; pain precedes and is relieved
at onset of menstruation; deep dyspareunia; menorrhagia;
o Adrenal or thyroid IMB
Over or underactivitity
Hypothyroid – Increased prolactin & amenorrhoea. AETIOLOGY:
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia rare o Fibroids
Endocervix: columnar glandular; ectocervix: squamous. STI: CT or NG most common
Meet @ squamocolumnar junction. Vulnerable to neoplastic Ulceration & infection with degrees of prolapse
change, as it meets lower pH of vagina. Management: Antibiotics depending on culture
Partial eversion physiological in puberty/ pregnancy.
CERVICAL ECTROPION Chronic inflammation or infection often of an ectropion.
Visible columnar epithelium as ‘red area’ around cervical os, PV discharge
due to eversion. Normal in younger; pregnancy; OCP. Management: Cryotherapy +/- antibiotics
Assymptomatic; sometimes discharge or PCB or dyspareunia
Management: Smear to exclude Ca. Cryotherapy. Exposed NABOTHIAN FOLLICLES
area is susceptible to infection Squamous epithelium formed over endocervical cells
Secretions from the underlying glandular cells are blocked
CERVICAL POLYPS and retained forming a cyst
Benign tumours of endocervical epithelium. Opaque white swelling.
Common 40+ and <1cm Treatment not needed unless symptomatic
Assymptomatic; IMB/PCB
Management: Avulsion & sent for histology. LA
o CIN I: mild atypia of lower 1/3 MRI for size, spread and lymph node involvement.
o CIN II: moderate atypia of lower 2/3 Staging via FIGO
o CIN III: severe atypia full thickness of epithelium – o Stage 1 lesions are confined to cervix
carcinoma in situ – no invasion. o Stage 2 invasion into vagina, but not the pelvic
90% patients <45; peak prevalence 25-29 side wall
RISK FACTORS: OCP, smoking & immunocompromised. o Stage 3 invasion into lower vagina or pelvic wall, or
Poor diet, ++ partners, HIV, steroids. causing ureteric obstruction
Screening: o Stage 4 invasion of bladder or rectal mucosa, or
o Normal: repeat in 3 years 25-49 or 5 years 50-65 beyond true pelvis.
o Borderline and HPV –ve: Routine recall Treatment:
o Borderline and HPV +ve: Colposcopy referral o Stage 1a(i): Cone Bx or simple hysterectomy
o Moderate to severe dyskaryosis – Urgent o Stage 1a(ii) to 1b: Laparascopic
colposcopy lymphadenectomy & radical trachelectomy
o Look up referral guidelines…** o Stage 1a(ii) – 2a: Radical abdominal/
Prevention: HPV vaccine; sex and contraceptive Wertheims hysterectomy or chemo-
education; cervical smear programme radiotherapy
Treatment: CIN II-III – LLETZ in OP o Stage 2b+: Chemo-radiotherapy alone
Examination: Vulval pallor, fusiolabia, featureless vulva with Presentation: Pain++, pruritis, purple papules or plagues
skin tightening, telangiectasia in late disease. In the anogenital on vulva with white hyperpigmentation
area: figure of 8 distribution WICKHAMS striae
Presentation: Pruritis, sore and dyspareunia. Pruritis typically Management: topical steroid
worse at night
Management: topical steroid BD until symptoms resolve. Scabies have silver burrow lines. Pediculosus are nits.
Weekly maintenance
Complications: 5% develop vulval carcinoma. Association with
Physio prior to urodynamics with 40% cure, 40% improve, 20% fail –
bladder emptying techniques, pelvic floor stimulation and exercises
o Bimanual with cough
o Post void urinary residual
o Urinalysis (Blood for Ca or calculi; glucose for DM;
nitrates & leucocytes for infection; protein for renal
o USS for congenital problem; calculi; tumour
o Urodynamics
o Diary of voiding intervals and functional capacity
o Methylene dye test ?fistula
o Neuro exam for S3+4 for saddle anaesthesia: then
o Asymptomatic nil
o Analgesia
o COCP MICROGYNON (not in older F or migraine with
aura or smokers)
o Progestogen CERAZETTE or MICRONOR (side effect:
fluid retention and weight gain)
o GnRH analogue PROSTAP injections: however limited
to 6 months with risk of bone demineralization +/-
addback HRT
o Mirena coil
o Bipolar diathermy +/- adhesiolysis
o Hysterectomy + BSO then HRT
o Atrophic vaginitis (60-80%)
o Endometrial hyperplasia (10%) +/- polyps (12%)
With atypia: complex, 30-40% risk of malignancy – hysteroscopy
Endometrial cancer is the most common genital tract cancer. 5th most common cancer in NI.
Common 60+
Type 1: Endometrioid adenocarcinoma (90%) pre-malignant hyperplasia atypia coexists in 40%
Type 2: Papillary serous adenocarcinoma (10%) and clear cell adenocarcinoma (5%) and mixed (5%) older women, more
aggressive & not related to oestrogen
o History
o TVUS >5mm in longitudional plane needs Bx. (If on tamoxifen, TVUS isn’t as reliable therefore all need Bx)
o Bx pipelle and hysteroscopy to confirm diagnosis
o STAGING after hysterectomy: do MRI and CXR for any spread.
(1) POLYCYSTIC OVARIES SYNDROME (6) Premature ovarian failure ovary fails with decreased
PCO on TVUS oestradiol and inhibin hence no negative feedback and raised
Multiple (12+) SMALL (2-8mm) follicles in an enlarged FSH and LH. FSH >30.
ovary (>10mL volume) Hot flushes and amenorrhoea. Exogenous hormones of no
use as there are no responding follicles. Need donor eggs
As above with irregular periods (>35 days apart) (7) Hypo or hyperthyroidism
Hirsutism (acne and excess body hair +/- increased (8) Androgen secreting tumours
Increased LH and insulin and free androgens Side effects of ovulation induction
Normal FSH. Reversed LH:FSH ratio. Multiple pregnancies with clomifene or gonadotrophins
Free androgen index >5 increasing peripheral insulin Ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome (OHSS)
resistance Risk of hypovolaemia, electrolyte disturbances, ascites,
thromboembolism and pulmonary oedema
ROTTERDAM CRITERIA: Ovarian and breast cancer
(1) String of pearls
(2) Hyper-androgenism (Increased free androgens. Monitor with USS or use lower doses. Can ‘coast’ or cancel IVF
HIRSUTISM – acne and excess body hair +/- increased cycle by withholding injection if too excessive and treat
33 complications before resuming.
(3) Oligomenorrhogea >35 days/5 weeks (irregular periods)
(4) Prolactin NORMAL
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([email protected])
o Diet and exercise
o COCP: regulates periods, need 3-4 per year to protect endometrium
o Antiandrogens for hirsutism (cyproterone acetate). Eflomithine for facial hirsutism
o Metformin as 50% devlop DM, 30% GD
o Ovulation induction with:
(1) CLOMIFENE (increasing FSH and LH, blocking oestrogen receptor) at day 2-6 for only 6 months with METFORMIN
if resistant & to reduce early miscarriage risk
(2) Gonadotrophins: FSH injections and monitor oestrogen levels.
(3) Laparoscopic ovarian diathermy with caution of tubal patency, test with methylene blue insufflation
(4) IVF
Complications: T2DM, GD, Endometrial cancer
Semen analysis: count >15mil, mobility >40%, normal forms >4% (4)taken
ejactulation, analysed within 1 hour and
repeated in 12wks. As effective as gonadtrophics
Management: General lifestyle advice and drug exposures. Loose clothing Lower multiple
and cooling. pregnancy
Ligation rates were appropriate.
of variocele
Assisted conception with IUI or IVF and ICSI or donar insemination Each ovary monopolar diathermy at a few points for
few seconds
Also assess tubal patency with methylene blune
UNKNOWN CAUSE (25%) insufflation and assess any co-morbidities
Useful in hypothalamic hypogonadism if weight is
Fimbrial end of fallopian tube collects oocyte from the ovary. Peristaltic
Givencontraction and cilia sweep
as subcutaneous along
injection to stimulate follicular
Any tubal damage (as before), endometriosis, cervical problems or sexual growthproblems influence this.
PCOS: low dose step up regimen to increase every 5-7
days until the ovaries respond. Reduce multiple
INVESTIGATIONS: pregnancy by 10%
**COST** USS follicular development adequate for ovulation at
Coitus (difficulties with sex) 17mm – artificial stimulation with hCG or LH injection
Sperm (functioning poor) Indications for IVF
Tubal patency
Folic acid
Weight loss and stop smoking
Correct thyroid abnormality or hyperprolactinaemia
Traditional first line limited to 6 months
Ovulation in 70%, live birth rates 40%
Anti – oestrogen blocking receptors in the hypothalamus and pituitary increasing FSH and LH. Only give at the start of cycle on
day 2 and 6 to initiate follicular maturation
Monitor clomifene cycles with TVUS in first month to assess ovarian response (increase from 50mg/day to 150mg)
Also assess endometrial thickness <7mm to indicate success
Given if clomifene resistane to increasing effectiveness
No increasd risk of multiple pregnancyes
Treats hirsutism in PCOS; prevents development of GDM and early miscarriage
Features of menopause:
CVD increased risk
Vasomotor: hot flushes & night sweats, palps
Psychological: mood swings, anxiety
Joint pains
Sleep disturbance
Atrophic vaginitis with itch or burning and urinary
problems; dyspareunia; recurrent infection
Loss of libido
Premature menopause:
<40, 1 in 100
Usually idiopathic; can be autoimmune
Genetic: Turners syndrome, fragile X
Iatrogenic: surgery, radiotherapy, chemo
Long term use of HRT recommended until early 50s.
Women referred to specialist clinic for accurate advice.
Fertility: IVF with donor eggs, but spontaneous
conception can occur
o Bimanual & speculum
o Cervical smear
o TVUS for endometrial thickness
o If >4mm hysteroscopy & Bx OP ?cysts/ fibroids/ Ca
o Laparoscopy
o Hysteroscopy
o Check Hb if bleed; can be high as fibroids
secrete EPO
o Nulliparous.
Teratoma or dermoid cyst: younger females <30, small bilateral and asymptomatic until rupture. Fully differentiated tissue of all
cell types
Granulosa cell tumours: post-menopausal and slow growth. Secrete oestrogen and inhibin causing endometrial hyperplasia –
presenting with PMB. Inhibin is a tumour maker for its recurrence
Fibroma: benign
MEIGS SYNDROME – ascites and right pleural effusion with small ovarian mass
General candidiasis (Candida albicans) – THRUSH Trichomoniasis (TV – flagellated protozoa: less common)
Association with diabetes, antibiotics, pregnancy and IP of 7 days, sexual transmission
immunosuppression Presentation: Assymptomatic in 30-50% or profuse, frothy or
DDx to eczema or psoriasis watery yellow discharge. Vulvar irritation or oain. External
dysuria and superficial dyspareunia
Examination: Strawberry Cx
37 Diagnosis: Wet mount microscopy and cultures
Non-sexual transmission
Presentation: ITCH and COTTAGE CHEESE discharge and ODOUR; external dysuria and superficial dyspareunia
Examination: red erythematous, excoriation of vulva, swelling of labia and lichenification.
Vulvovaginal candidiasis causes vulvitis
Diagnosis: Wet mount microscopy (SWAB) and cultures. Budding hyphae and spores
Treatment: IM penicillin
Non-specific urethritis
Excess PMNLs in anterior urethra
Investigate for CT and NG. Presume STI
Investigations: Pregnancy test. Endo-Cx swabs for CT and NG; cultures if pyrexic, WBC and CRP increased, pelvic USS excludes
abscess or cyst.
1000 in NI approximately
Management: Analgesia. IM Ceftriazone then doxycycline & metronidazole. ASSESS PARTNER
Risk factors:
o Homosexuals
Rare complication: Fitz Hugh Curtis syndrome – perihepatic abscess – violin string adhesions. Presents with severe RUQ pain
o Younger males with multiple partners
worse on inspiration and coughing, radiating to the right shoulder
Increased risk of ectopic pregnancy
o Migrants
Genital warts
Complication if HIV +ve: lymphogranuloma valarum
HPV 6 + 11
Not protected by the vaccine
o PEP: within 72 hour and need urgent HIV test. BD
tablet 28 days. Review at 2,4 and 8 weeks
o PrEP: before exposure (good in homosexual males)
38 Not on NHS
Vulval warts
Major SE: VTE and MI, focal migraine, HT, jaundice, liver, cervical and breast cancer
Protective to endometrial and ovarian cancer