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Davao Doctor’s College Inc.

General Malvar St., Davao City

Nursing Program
Name of Patient: Patient Yan Mahani Date of Admission: August 22, 2021 Room: 3002
Age: 29 Sex: F Attending Physician: Dr, Bonna
Date Medication Mode of Dosage Indication Contraindications Side Effects Adverse Nursing
Ordered Action Effects Responsibilities
Increases Induction or Induction or Hypersensitivity to Occasional: Hypertonicity Monitor B/P,
August 22, Generic prostaglandin Stimulation of Stimulation of oxytocin. Adequate Tachycardia, may occur with pulse,
2021 Name synthesis by Labor IV: Labor uterine activity that premature tearing of respirations, fetal
Oxytocin activating ADULTS: 0.5– fails to progress, ventricular uterus, heart rate,
receptors that 1 milliunit/min. Abortion cephalopelvic contractions, increased intrauterine
Brand Name cause a rise in May gradually disproportion, fetal hypotension, bleeding, pressure,
Pitocin intracellular increase in distress without nausea, vomiting. abruptio contractions
calcium levels increments of Control of imminent delivery, Rare: Nasal: placentae (i.e., (duration,
Classificatio in uterine 1–2 Postpartum grand multiparity, Lacrimation/tearing placental strength,
n myofibrils. milliunits/min Bleeding hyperactive or , nasal irritation, abruption), frequency)
Uterine Stimulates q30–60 hypertonic uterus, rhinorrhea, cervical/vaginal q15min. Notify
smooth uterine minutes until obstetric unexpected lacerations. physician of
muscle contractions desired emergencies that uterine bleeding/ Fetal: contractions that
stimulant as a contraction favor surgical contractions Bradycardia, last longer than 1
therapeutic pattern is intervention, CNS/brain min, occur more
effect. established. prematurity, damage, frequently than
Rates greater unengaged fetal trauma due to every 2 min, or
than 9–10 head, unfavorable rapid stop. Maintain
milliunits/min fetal propulsion, low careful I&O; be
are rarely position/presentation Apgar score at alert to potential
required. , when vaginal 5 min, retinal water
delivery is hemorrhage intoxication.
Abortion IV: contraindicated (e.g., occur rarely. Check for blood
ADULTS: active genital herpes Prolonged IV loss.
(Midterm infection, invasive infusion of
elective cervical cancer, oxytocin with
abortion): placenta previa, cord excessive fluid
10–20 presentation). volume has
milliunits/min. caused severe
Maximum: 30 water
units/12-hr intoxication
dose. with seizures,
(Incomplete, coma, death.
abortion): 10
units as IV
infusion after
suction or a

Control of
Bleeding IV
40 units in
1,000 mL IV
fluid at rate
sufficient to
sustain uterine
and control
uterine atony.
10 units (total
dose) after

Dosage in
No dose

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