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Core Ovation Training Reference Manual For Ovation 3.5

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Core Ovation Training Reference Manual for Ovation 3.


Version 1
January 2014
Copyright Notice

Since the equipment explained in this document has a variety of uses, the user and those
responsible for applying this equipment must satisfy themselves as to the acceptability of each
application and use of the equipment. Under no circumstances will Emerson Process
Management be responsible or liable for any damage, including indirect or consequential losses
resulting from the use, misuse, or application of this equipment.

The text, illustrations, charts, and examples included in this manual are intended solely to explain
the use and application of the Ovation Unit. Due to the many variables associated with specific
uses or applications, Emerson Process Management cannot assume responsibility or liability for
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Copyright © Emerson Process Management Power & Water Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
Emerson Process Management
Power & Water Solutions
200 Beta Drive
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E-Mail: [email protected]
Web site: https://www.ovationusers.com

1 Introduction to Core Ovation Training Reference Manual for

release 3.5 1
1.1 Overview of Core Ovation Training Reference Manual ...................................................... 1
1.2 What is an Ovation system? ............................................................................................... 2
1.3 Ovation system terminology ................................................................................................ 2
1.4 What are the components of an Ovation system? .............................................................. 6
1.5 Additional Reference Documentation ................................................................................. 9

2 Introduction to the Ovation 3.5 Operator Station 11

2.1 Topics covered in the Operator Station section of this manual ........................................ 11
2.2 What is an Ovation Operator Station? .............................................................................. 11
2.3 What are the Operator Station applications? .................................................................... 12
2.4 Operator Station terminology ............................................................................................ 12
2.5 To access the Operator Station applications .................................................................... 16

3 Using the Alarm System at the Ovation Operator Station 17

3.1 What is the Ovation Alarm system? .................................................................................. 18
3.2 What is an alarm? ............................................................................................................. 19
3.3 Alarm System terminology ................................................................................................ 20
3.4 What is the Operator Station Alarm window? ................................................................... 22
3.5 To access the Alarm window ............................................................................................ 23
3.6 What are the components of the Alarm window? ............................................................. 23
3.7 Alarm window Status bar .................................................................................................. 24
3.8 What are the Operator Station Alarm window columns? .................................................. 25
3.8.1 Alarm Type column for the Operator Station Alarm window ................................ 25
3.8.2 Code column for the Operator Station Alarm window .......................................... 29
3.8.3 Value/Quality (Q) columns for the Operator Station Alarm window ..................... 29
3.9 What is alarm cutout? ....................................................................................................... 30
3.10 What is alarm filtering at the Operator Station? ................................................................ 30
3.11 What are the alarm filtering windows? .............................................................................. 31
3.11.1 To set Priority Alarm filtering ................................................................................ 32
3.11.2 To set Destination Alarm filtering ......................................................................... 33

4 Using the Graphics Display System at the Operator Station 35

4.1 What is the Operator Station Graphics Display System? ................................................. 35
4.2 What is the Graphics window at the Operator Station? .................................................... 36
4.2.1 To access the Graphics window at the Operator Station ..................................... 36

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4.3 What are Operator Station poke fields? ............................................................................ 39

4.3.1 To display poke fields at the Operator Station ..................................................... 39
4.4 What are Favorites in the Graphics Display System?....................................................... 39
4.4.1 To create a new Favorites folder in the Graphics Display System ...................... 40
4.4.2 To add Favorites in the Graphics Display System ............................................... 40
4.4.3 To access Favorites in the Graphics Display System .......................................... 41
4.5 What is the Warning window at the Operator Station? ..................................................... 42

5 Using signal diagrams at the Operator Station 43

5.1 What are signal diagrams? ............................................................................................... 43
5.1.1 What functions are provided by signal diagrams? ............................................... 43
5.1.2 To access a signal diagram from the Operator Station ....................................... 43
5.2 Opening a sheet in the Signal Diagram window ............................................................... 44
5.3 Understanding the Signal Diagram Navigation toolbar and menu .................................... 45
5.3.1 Navigation toolbar ................................................................................................ 45
5.3.2 Navigation menu .................................................................................................. 48
5.4 What is the Signal Diagram display canvas? .................................................................... 49
5.4.1 Viewing algorithm information in a Signal Diagram window ................................ 50
5.4.2 Understanding when online graphics and control are mismatched ..................... 51
5.4.3 Understanding colors on the Signal Diagram display canvas.............................. 52
5.4.4 Understanding icons on the Signal Diagram display canvas ............................... 53
5.4.5 To display algorithm and point information using the right-click menu ................ 54
5.5 What are the various Signal Diagram windows? .............................................................. 56
5.6 Tuning algorithms .............................................................................................................. 57
5.6.1 To tune algorithm parameters .............................................................................. 57

6 Using the Point Information (PI) System at the Operator Station 59

6.1 What is the Ovation Point Information system? ................................................................ 59
6.2 What is the Point Information (PI) window at the Operator Station? ................................ 60
6.2.1 To access the Point Information window ............................................................. 62
6.3 What are the components of the Point Information window? ........................................... 64
6.4 Point Information Menu button .......................................................................................... 65
6.4.1 Ovation Point Browser window in PI .................................................................... 66
6.4.2 Where Used window in PI .................................................................................... 67

7 Using Point Review at the Operator Station 69

7.1 What is the Operator Station Point Review function? ....................................................... 70
7.1.1 To access the Point Review window .................................................................... 71
7.2 What are the components of the Point Review window? .................................................. 71

8 Using Historical Reviews at the Operator Station 73

8.1 Historical Review overview ............................................................................................... 73
8.1.1 To access the Historical Review window ............................................................. 74
8.2 Components of the Historical Reviews window ................................................................ 75

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8.3 Performing a Historical Review ......................................................................................... 76

8.3.1 To perform an Operator Event review.................................................................. 76
8.3.2 Understanding Operator Event Messages ........................................................... 77
8.4 To view edited historical data from a Historical Review .................................................... 79

9 Using the Trend Display System at the Operator Station 83

9.1 What is the Operator Station Trend Display system? ....................................................... 83
9.2 Trend Display system terminology .................................................................................... 85
9.3 What is the Trend window? ............................................................................................... 88
9.3.1 To access the Trend window ............................................................................... 89
9.4 What are the components of the Trend window? ............................................................. 90
9.5 Trend ribbon tabs .............................................................................................................. 91
9.5.1 Format ribbon tab in the Trend window ............................................................... 91
9.5.2 Trend ribbon tab in the Trend window ................................................................. 92
9.6 Trend data view (dockable) tabs ....................................................................................... 93
9.6.1 Graph view dockable tab...................................................................................... 94
9.6.2 Table View dockable tab ...................................................................................... 94
9.6.3 Summary View dockable tab................................................................................ 95
9.6.4 Radar View dockable tab ..................................................................................... 96
9.6.5 Information tab ..................................................................................................... 97
9.6.6 Interaction among Graph, Radar, and Table view tabs when Trace Explorer
is active ................................................................................................................ 97
9.7 Configuring the appearance of trends ............................................................................... 98
9.7.1 To access the Configure Settings dialog box....................................................... 98
9.7.2 To set the Long Date-Time Format in a trend .................................................... 100
9.7.3 To add titles to trend layouts .............................................................................. 100
9.7.4 To view/hide the application panels and trend chart panes ............................... 103
9.8 Working with live trends .................................................................................................. 104
9.8.1 To start or stop a trend ....................................................................................... 104
9.8.2 To memorize and recall a time span (Historical Trends only) ............................ 105
9.8.3 To add a Compound Trace ................................................................................ 105
9.8.4 Using the Trace Properties window ................................................................... 106
9.8.5 Using the Properties Panel ................................................................................ 117
9.8.6 To configure scale behavior ............................................................................... 119
9.8.7 To identify different values on a trend graph...................................................... 120

10 Using the Ovation Error Log Window at the Operator Station 125
10.1 Ovation Error Log window at the Operator Station ......................................................... 125
10.2 To access the Error Log window at the Operator Station ............................................... 126
10.3 Error Log window columns at the Operator Station ........................................................ 127
10.4 Priority levels of Error Log messages at the Operator Station ........................................ 127
10.5 To use the Select Priority Level dialog box at the Operator Station ............................... 128

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11 Using the System Viewer at the Operator Station 129

11.1 What is the System Viewer at the Operator Station? ..................................................... 129
11.1.1 To access the System Viewer window ............................................................... 130
11.2 What are the components of the System Viewer window? ............................................. 131
11.3 System Viewer Menu button ........................................................................................... 132
11.4 System Viewer Quick Access toolbar ............................................................................. 133
11.5 System Viewer Ribbon tabs ............................................................................................ 133
11.6 Hierarchy Display Pane ................................................................................................... 134
11.7 System Viewer Dockable tabs ........................................................................................ 135
11.8 Hardware Address and I/O Status Values ...................................................................... 137

12 Ovation Utilities 139

12.1 What are the Ovation utilities? ........................................................................................ 139
12.2 What is the Control Logic Navigator utility? .................................................................... 140
12.2.1 To access the Control Logic Navigator .............................................................. 141
12.3 What is the Sensor Calibration utility? ............................................................................ 142
12.3.1 To access the Sensor Calibrate function ........................................................... 142
12.3.2 To calibrate a point using Sensor Calibration .................................................... 143
12.4 What is the Ovation Session Manager utility? ................................................................ 146
12.4.1 To access the Session Manager utility .............................................................. 146
12.4.2 What are the components of the Session Manager window?............................ 147
12.4.3 Drop/User tab in the Session Manager window ................................................. 147
12.5 What is the Operator Diagram Group Display utility? ..................................................... 148
12.5.1 To access the Operator Diagram Group Display at an Operator Station .......... 148
12.5.2 What are Operator Diagram Group Display guidelines? ................................... 149
12.5.3 To display a diagram group at the Operator Station .......................................... 149
12.5.4 Configuring Operator Diagram Groups at an Operator Station ......................... 149
12.5.5 To add a diagram group at an Operator Station ................................................ 150
12.5.6 To remove a diagram group from an Operator Station ...................................... 150
12.5.7 To reorder diagram groups at an Operator Station ............................................ 150

13 Introduction to the Ovation 3.5 Developer Studio 151

13.1 Topics covered in the Developer Studio section of this manual ..................................... 151
13.2 What is the Ovation Developer Studio? .......................................................................... 152
13.2.1 To access the Developer Studio ........................................................................ 152
13.3 What are the Developer Studio window components? ................................................... 153
13.4 Understanding the Developer Studio Overview window ................................................. 154
13.4.1 System view bar ................................................................................................. 154
13.4.2 Hardware view bar ............................................................................................. 155
13.4.3 Defaults view bar ................................................................................................ 156
13.4.4 TrashCan view bar ............................................................................................. 157
13.5 Understanding the WorkPad window .............................................................................. 158
13.6 What are the Developer Studio menus? ......................................................................... 158
13.6.1 File menu on the Developer Studio window....................................................... 158
13.6.2 Edit menu on the Developer Studio window ...................................................... 159
13.6.3 Operation menu on the Developer Studio window ............................................ 159

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13.6.4 Operation right-click menu ................................................................................. 162

13.6.5 Browse menu on the Developer Studio window ................................................ 163
13.6.6 View menu on the Developer Studio window..................................................... 163
13.6.7 Help menu on the Developer Studio window ..................................................... 164
13.7 What tools are available for status and error checking on the Developer Studio? ......... 164
13.7.1 Status bar ........................................................................................................... 164
13.7.2 Developer Studio - Alert window ........................................................................ 164
13.7.3 Dynamic Status feature ...................................................................................... 165
13.7.4 To use the Dynamic Status feature .................................................................... 165
13.8 Data validation................................................................................................................. 166
13.9 What is the Developer Studio system tree structure? ..................................................... 167

14 Working with common Developer Studio operations 169

14.1 Common Operation menu functions ............................................................................... 169
14.2 Delete function ................................................................................................................ 169
14.3 Purge function ................................................................................................................. 170
14.4 Undelete function ............................................................................................................ 170
14.5 Search function ............................................................................................................... 170
14.5.1 To begin the Search function ............................................................................. 171
14.5.2 To use the Search function to perform a narrow search .................................... 173
14.5.3 To use the Search function to display results .................................................... 175
14.5.4 To use the Search function to add columns....................................................... 176
14.6 Where Used function ....................................................................................................... 178
14.6.1 To use the Where Used function ....................................................................... 178
14.7 Find function .................................................................................................................... 180
14.7.1 To use the Find feature ...................................................................................... 180
14.8 Backup/Restore ............................................................................................................... 182
14.8.1 To use the Ovation Backup function .................................................................. 182
14.8.2 Understanding the Backup/Restore Parameters tab ......................................... 184
14.8.3 To use the Restore function ............................................................................... 185
14.9 Consistency Checking ..................................................................................................... 185
14.9.1 To run a Consistency Check .............................................................................. 186
14.10 Load function ................................................................................................................... 188
14.11 Download function ........................................................................................................... 189
14.12 Reconcile function ........................................................................................................... 189
14.13 Coefficient calculation ..................................................................................................... 189
14.13.1 To run a Coefficient Calculation ......................................................................... 190
14.14 Clear function .................................................................................................................. 192
14.15 Reboot function ............................................................................................................... 193
14.16 Baseline Creation function .............................................................................................. 193
14.16.1 To Create a Baseline ......................................................................................... 194
14.17 Baseline Comparison function ........................................................................................ 195
14.17.1 To run a Baseline Comparison........................................................................... 195
14.17.2 To delete a Baseline Comparison entry ............................................................. 196

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15 Creating Points in the Developer Studio 197

15.1 What is a point? .............................................................................................................. 197
15.1.1 What is a point record? ...................................................................................... 198
15.1.2 What is a record field? ....................................................................................... 198
15.2 Understanding point names ............................................................................................ 199
15.2.1 Using fully qualified point names ....................................................................... 199
15.2.2 Rules for using fully qualified point names......................................................... 200
15.3 Points folder features and functions ................................................................................ 200
15.4 Understanding point record types and sizes ................................................................... 201
15.5 Adding points in the Ovation Developer Studio .............................................................. 201
15.5.1 To add a point in the Developer Studio .............................................................. 202
15.5.2 To use the Point Copy function to add points to the Developer Studio ............. 202

16 Introduction to Ovation 3.5 Input/Output (I/O) modules 205

16.1 Topics covered in the Input/Output (I/O) section of this manual ..................................... 205
16.2 What is the purpose of Ovation I/O modules? ................................................................ 206
16.3 I/O reference terminology................................................................................................ 206
16.4 Ovation I/O module features ........................................................................................... 209
16.5 Installing Ovation modules .............................................................................................. 210
16.6 Ovation Module Configuration and Status ...................................................................... 210
16.7 Ovation Module Diagnostic LEDs ................................................................................... 211
16.8 What is involved in the replacement of user serviceable fuses? .................................... 211
16.8.1 Electronics module fuses ................................................................................... 211
16.8.2 Personality module fuses ................................................................................... 212
16.8.3 Ovation cabinet fuses ......................................................................................... 213
16.9 Personality module jumpers ............................................................................................ 214
16.10 I/O environmental specifications ..................................................................................... 215
16.11 Standard module components ........................................................................................ 216
16.11.1 Marshalling base unit ......................................................................................... 219
16.12 Relay module components .............................................................................................. 220

17 Adding I/O modules to the Developer Studio 223

17.1 Before you add an I/O module to the Developer Studio ................................................. 223
17.2 Overview of adding I/O modules to the Developer Studio .............................................. 224
17.2.1 To insert an I/O Device number in a Controller.................................................. 224
17.2.2 To insert an I/O Device in the Developer Studio ................................................ 226
17.2.3 To insert an Ovation I/O module in the Developer Studio ................................. 228
17.2.4 To insert a Module point..................................................................................... 231
17.3 Defining and configuring Ovation I/O modules in the Developer Studio ......................... 233
17.3.1 Analog Input module configuration .................................................................... 234
17.3.2 Analog Output module configuration .................................................................. 236
17.3.3 Compact Contact Input module configuration .................................................... 236
17.3.4 Contact Input module configuration ................................................................... 236
17.3.5 Compact Digital Input module configuration ...................................................... 237
17.3.6 Digital Input module configuration ...................................................................... 237
17.3.7 Digital Output module configuration ................................................................... 237

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17.3.8 HART Analog Input module configuration.......................................................... 238

17.3.9 HART Analog High Performance Input module configuration ........................... 238
17.3.10 HART Analog Output module configuration ....................................................... 238
17.3.11 High Side Digital Output 24VDC module module configuration......................... 239
17.3.12 RTD module configuration ................................................................................. 239
17.3.13 Relay Output module KUEP module configuration ............................................ 241
17.3.14 Sequence of Events module configuration ........................................................ 241
17.3.15 Compact Sequence of Events module configuration ......................................... 242
17.3.16 Enhanced Sequence of Events module configuration ....................................... 244

18 I/O module descriptions (select I/O modules only) 247

18.1 Analog Input module (13-Bit) - (AI-13) ............................................................................ 247
18.1.1 Electronics modules (Emod) - (AI-13) ................................................................ 247
18.1.2 Personality modules and jumper settings (Pmod) - (AI-13) ............................... 248
18.1.3 Terminal block wiring information - (AI-13) ........................................................ 249
18.1.4 Thermocouple Personality module functionality & coefficients - (AI-13)
and (HSAI).......................................................................................................... 251
18.1.5 Register configuration/address information - (AI-13) ......................................... 255
18.1.6 Diagnostic Logic card LEDs - (AI-13, AI-14 & HSAI) ......................................... 258
18.1.7 Specifications - (AI-13) ....................................................................................... 259
18.2 High Speed Analog Input module (14-Bit) - (HSAI) ........................................................ 260
18.2.1 Electronics modules (Emod) - (HSAI) ................................................................ 260
18.2.2 Personality modules (Pmod) - (HSAI) ................................................................ 261
18.2.3 Thermocouple Personality module functionality & coefficients - (AI-13)
and (HSAI).......................................................................................................... 261
18.2.4 Terminal block wiring information - (HSAI) ........................................................ 266
18.2.5 Input address locations (Group 4) - (HSAI)........................................................ 267
18.2.6 Diagnostic Logic card LEDs - (AI-13, AI-14 & HSAI) ......................................... 269
18.3 HART High Performance Analog Input module - (HHPAI) ............................................. 270
18.3.1 Electronics modules (Emod) - (HHPAI) ............................................................. 270
18.3.2 Personality modules (Pmod) - (HHPAI) ............................................................. 270
18.3.3 Subsystems - (HHPAI) ....................................................................................... 271
18.3.4 Power supply information - (HHPAI) .................................................................. 272
18.3.5 Terminal block wiring information - (HHPAI) ...................................................... 273
18.3.6 Personality Jumper Information - (HHPAI)......................................................... 274
18.3.7 Register configuration/address information - (HHPAI) ....................................... 274
18.3.8 Diagnostic Logic card LEDs - (HHPAI) .............................................................. 278
18.3.9 Specifications - (HHPAI) .................................................................................... 278
18.4 RTD module (4 Channel) - (RTD-4) ................................................................................ 280
18.4.1 Electronics modules (Emod) - (RTD-4) .............................................................. 280
18.4.2 Personality modules (Pmod) - (RTD-4).............................................................. 280
18.4.3 Subsystems - (RTD-4) ....................................................................................... 280
18.4.4 Terminal block wiring information (Pmod 1C31164G01) - (RTD-4) ................... 281
18.4.5 Terminal block wiring information (Pmod 1C31164G02) - (RTD-4) ................... 282
18.4.6 Systems using (Pmod 1C31164G01) - (RTD-4) ................................................ 283
18.4.7 Field Wiring (Pmod 1C31164G02) - (RTD-4)..................................................... 284
18.4.8 Field wiring diagrams (Pmod 1C31164G02) (CE Mark) - (RTD-4) .................... 285
18.4.9 RTD ranges - (RTD-4)........................................................................................ 286
18.4.10 Register configuration/address information - (RTD-4) ....................................... 287
18.4.11 Diagnostic Logic card LEDs - (RTD-4)............................................................... 288
18.4.12 Specifications - (RTD-4) ..................................................................................... 288

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18.5 RTD module (8-Channel) - (RTD-8) ................................................................................ 289

18.5.1 Electronics modules (Emod) - (RTD-8) .............................................................. 289
18.5.2 Personality modules (Pmod) - (RTD-8).............................................................. 289
18.5.3 Subsystems - (RTD-8) ....................................................................................... 290
18.5.4 Terminal block wiring information (Pmod 5X00121G01) - (RTD-8) ................... 290
18.5.5 Module and field connection wiring - (RTD-8).................................................... 291
18.5.6 Ranges - (RTD-8)............................................................................................... 293
18.5.7 Register configuration/address information - (RTD-8) ....................................... 294
18.5.8 Diagnostic Logic card LEDs - (RTD-8)............................................................... 296
18.5.9 Specifications - (RTD-8) ..................................................................................... 296
18.6 Analog Output module - (AO).......................................................................................... 297
18.6.1 Electronics modules (Emod) - (AO) ................................................................... 298
18.6.2 Personality modules (Pmod) - (AO) ................................................................... 298
18.6.3 Subsystems - (AO) ............................................................................................. 298
18.6.4 Terminal block wiring information - (AO)............................................................ 299
18.6.5 Register configuration/address information - (AO) ............................................ 300
18.6.6 Diagnostic Logic card LEDs - (AO) .................................................................... 302
18.6.7 Specifications - (AO) .......................................................................................... 302
18.7 HART High Performance Analog Output module - (HHPAO) ......................................... 304
18.7.1 Electronics modules (Emod) - (HHPAO) ............................................................ 304
18.7.2 Personality modules (Pmod) - (HHPAO) ........................................................... 304
18.7.3 Subsystems - (HHPAO) ..................................................................................... 304
18.7.4 Terminal block wiring information - (HHPAO) .................................................... 305
18.7.5 Register configuration/address information - (HHPAO) ..................................... 306
18.7.6 Diagnostic Logic card LEDs - (HHPAO) ............................................................ 308
18.7.7 Specifications - (HHPAO)................................................................................... 309
18.8 Contact Digital Input module - (ContactDI) ..................................................................... 311
18.8.1 Electronics module (Emod) - (ContactDI) .......................................................... 311
18.8.2 Personality module (Pmod) - (ContactDI) .......................................................... 311
18.8.3 Subsystems - (ContactDI) .................................................................................. 312
18.8.4 Terminal block wiring information - (ContactDI) ................................................. 312
18.8.5 Register configuration/address information - (ContactDI) & (CCDI) .................. 313
18.8.6 Power Checking (ContactDI - CCDI) ................................................................. 314
18.8.7 Diagnostic Logic card LEDs - (ContactDI) ......................................................... 314
18.8.8 Specifications - (ContactDI) ............................................................................... 315
18.9 Compact Contact Digital Input module - (CCDI) ............................................................. 316
18.9.1 Electronics module (Emod) - (CCDI) ................................................................. 316
18.9.2 Personality Module (Pmod) - (CCDI) ................................................................. 317
18.9.3 Subsystems - (CCDI) ......................................................................................... 317
18.9.4 Terminal block wiring information - (CCDI) ........................................................ 317
18.9.5 Register configuration/address information - (ContactDI) & (CCDI) .................. 318
18.9.6 Power Checking (ContactDI - CCDI) ................................................................. 319
18.9.7 Diagnostic Logic card LEDs - (CCDI) ................................................................ 320
18.9.8 Specifications - (CCDI)....................................................................................... 320
18.10 Digital Output module - (DO)........................................................................................... 321
18.10.1 Electronics module (Emod) - (DO) ..................................................................... 321
18.10.2 Personality modules (Pmod) - (DO) ................................................................... 321
18.10.3 Subsystems - (DO)............................................................................................. 322
18.10.4 Blown Fuse Detection Circuit - (DO) .................................................................. 322
18.10.5 Terminal block wiring information - (DO) ........................................................... 323
18.10.6 Register configuration/address information - (DO) ............................................ 324
18.10.7 Diagnostic Logic card LEDs - (DO) .................................................................... 325
18.10.8 Specifications - (DO) .......................................................................................... 326

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18.11 Relay Output module - (RO) ........................................................................................... 327

18.11.1 Electronics module (Emod) - (RO) ..................................................................... 327
18.11.2 Base assemblies - (RO) ..................................................................................... 327
18.11.3 Panel kits - (RO) ................................................................................................. 328
18.11.4 External power supply information (RO) ............................................................ 328
18.11.5 Using bases (RO) ............................................................................................... 329
18.11.6 Terminal block wiring information (RO) .............................................................. 330
18.11.7 Base unit layouts - (RO) ..................................................................................... 331
18.11.8 Register configuration/address information - (RO) ............................................ 333
18.11.9 Blown fuse detection circuit (RO) ....................................................................... 335
18.11.10 Diagnostic Logic card LEDs (RO) ................................................................ 335
18.11.11 Specifications - (RO) .................................................................................... 335

19 Introduction to the Ovation 3.5 Control Builder 339

19.1 Topics covered in the Control Builder section of this manual ......................................... 339
19.2 What is Ovation control? ................................................................................................. 340
19.3 What types of control are supported in Ovation? ............................................................ 341
19.4 What is the Ovation Control Builder? .............................................................................. 342
19.5 What is the role of the Control Builder in Ovation? ......................................................... 343
19.6 Control Builder terminology ............................................................................................. 343

20 Planning and Designing Ovation Control 347

20.1 What are the best practices for planning control?........................................................... 347
20.2 What are the best practices for designing control? ......................................................... 348

21 Understanding basic Control Builder concepts 349

21.1 What are Ovation control functions (control sheets)? ..................................................... 349
21.2 What is a control task area?............................................................................................ 350
21.2.1 Control tasks cycle time ..................................................................................... 351
21.3 Numbering control sheets ............................................................................................... 352

22 Understanding Control Builder windows, menus, and toolbars 353

22.1 Accessing the Ovation Control Builder application ......................................................... 353
22.1.1 To access the Control Builder ............................................................................ 353
22.2 What is the Control Builder main window and drawing canvas? .................................... 355
22.2.1 Accessing functions from the Control Builder main window .............................. 358
22.3 What are the Control Builder menus? ............................................................................. 358
22.3.1 File menu on the Control Builder main window.................................................. 358
22.3.2 Edit menu on the Control Builder main window ................................................. 359
22.3.3 View menu on the Control Builder main window................................................ 361
22.3.4 Draw menu on the Control Builder main window ............................................... 361
22.3.5 Tools menu on the Control Builder main window............................................... 363
22.3.6 Window menu on the Control Builder main window .......................................... 364
22.3.7 Help menu on the Control Builder main window ................................................ 364

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22.4 What are the Control Builder toolbars? ........................................................................... 365

22.4.1 Standard toolbar on the Control Builder main window ....................................... 366
22.4.2 Drawing toolbar on the Control Builder main window ........................................ 367
22.4.3 Text Attributes toolbar on the Control Builder main window .............................. 367
22.5 Control Builder keyboard shortcuts ................................................................................. 368
22.6 What is the Control Builder Object Browser? .................................................................. 370
22.6.1 What are the Object Browser containers? ......................................................... 371
22.6.2 Object Browser toolbar ....................................................................................... 372
22.7 What is the Control Builder Property Editor window? ..................................................... 373
22.8 What is the Control Builder Style Editor window? ........................................................... 374
22.8.1 To use the Style Editor window .......................................................................... 374
22.9 Using the Control Builder online help system ................................................................. 375
22.10 Using the Control Builder What's This function ............................................................... 378
22.10.1 To use the What's This function ......................................................................... 378

23 Building control sheets 379

23.1 What are the best practices for building control sheets? ................................................ 379
23.2 Overview of building sheets for Ovation systems ........................................................... 380
23.3 Creating a new control sheet .......................................................................................... 380
23.4 To create a new control sheet in a Windows-based Ovation system ............................. 380
23.5 Configuring information in Control Builder title box fields ............................................... 382
23.6 Opening an existing control sheet ................................................................................... 382
23.7 To open a locked control sheet ....................................................................................... 383
23.8 To open a recovered version of a file .............................................................................. 384
23.9 What is the Control Builder Revert function? .................................................................. 385
23.9.1 To use the Control Builder Revert function ........................................................ 385
23.10 To recover multiple files .................................................................................................. 385
23.11 Saving a control sheet ..................................................................................................... 386
23.12 Using the Control Builder Audit function ......................................................................... 386
23.13 Deleting control sheets in a Windows-based Ovation system ........................................ 387
23.13.1 To delete control sheets in a Windows-based Ovation system ......................... 387
23.14 Changing control sheet execution order ......................................................................... 387
23.14.1 To change control sheet execution order ........................................................... 388

24 Understanding algorithms and algorithm components 391

24.1 What are algorithms? ...................................................................................................... 391
24.1.1 What are best practices for using algorithms? ................................................... 391
24.1.2 To add an algorithm ........................................................................................... 392
24.1.3 To edit algorithm parameters ............................................................................. 393
24.1.4 To use the algorithm right-click menu ................................................................ 394
24.1.5 To delete an algorithm from a sheet .................................................................. 395
24.2 What are algorithm anchors? .......................................................................................... 395
24.3 What is the Control Builder Symbol Browser window? ................................................... 396
24.3.1 To use the Symbol Browser ............................................................................... 396

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24.4 What is the Control Builder Favorites window? .............................................................. 399

24.4.1 To access the Favorites window ........................................................................ 399
24.4.2 Favorites Folder toolbar ..................................................................................... 399
24.4.3 Favorites Folder right-click menu ....................................................................... 400
24.4.4 To add symbols to the Favorites window ........................................................... 401
24.4.5 To add a folder to the Favorites window ............................................................ 402

25 Understanding the elements of a control sheet 403

25.1 What are the elements of a control sheet? ..................................................................... 403
25.2 What are control pins? .................................................................................................... 403
25.2.1 To add a control pin ........................................................................................... 403
25.2.2 To delete a control pin........................................................................................ 405
25.2.3 To move a control pin ......................................................................................... 405
25.3 What are control signals? ................................................................................................ 405
25.3.1 What are the best practices for using control signals? ...................................... 405
25.3.2 To add a control signal ....................................................................................... 406
25.3.3 Tips for adding a control signal .......................................................................... 407
25.3.4 To delete or break a control signal ..................................................................... 407
25.3.5 To bend a control signal ..................................................................................... 407
25.3.6 To move a control signal .................................................................................... 408
25.3.7 To set tracking between algorithms ................................................................... 408
25.3.8 To set tracking between sheets ......................................................................... 408
25.3.9 To clear all tracking on a sheet .......................................................................... 409
25.4 What are page connectors on control sheets? ............................................................... 409
25.4.1 What are the best practices for using page connectors on control sheets? ...... 409
25.4.2 Page connector descriptions .............................................................................. 410
25.4.3 To determine where a page connector is used on a control sheet .................... 411
25.4.4 Using output connectors on control sheets ........................................................ 411

26 Understanding points in the Control Builder 413

26.1 Using the Control Builder to create points ...................................................................... 413
26.1.1 To create points using the Control Builder ......................................................... 413
26.2 What is the Control Builder Find Points function?........................................................... 415
26.2.1 To use the Control Builder Find Points function................................................. 415

27 Using control libraries in the Control Builder 417

27.1 What is a control library? ................................................................................................. 417
27.2 To create a new control library ........................................................................................ 417
27.3 Importing control logic ..................................................................................................... 418
27.3.1 To import a document into a control sheet......................................................... 418
27.3.2 To import a library into a control sheet ............................................................... 418
27.4 Exporting control logic to a library ................................................................................... 419
27.4.1 To export control logic to a library ...................................................................... 419

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28 Managing Control Builder operations 421

28.1 What are the Ovation Control Builder operations? ......................................................... 421
28.2 Understanding the Control Builder operations window sequence .................................. 422
28.2.1 To use the Choose files window ........................................................................ 426
28.2.2 To use the Macro Filter option ........................................................................... 427
28.3 What is the Compile operation? ...................................................................................... 430
28.3.1 To use the Compile Operation ........................................................................... 430
28.4 What is the Copy operation? ........................................................................................... 433
28.4.1 To use the Copy operation ................................................................................. 433
28.4.2 To use the Copy operation Find and Replace function ...................................... 436
28.4.3 Example of copying control ................................................................................ 437
28.5 What is the Export operation? ......................................................................................... 437
28.5.1 To use the Export operation ............................................................................... 437
28.6 What is the Import operation? ......................................................................................... 439
28.6.1 To use the Import operation ............................................................................... 439
28.7 What is the Reconcile operation? ................................................................................... 442
28.7.1 To use the Reconcile operation ......................................................................... 442
28.8 What is the Synchronize Online function? ...................................................................... 445
28.8.1 Understanding the Synchronize Online Directories window .............................. 445
28.8.2 To use the Synchronize Online function ............................................................ 448

29 Understanding tracking 449

29.1 What is tracking? ............................................................................................................. 449
29.2 What is the purpose of tracking?..................................................................................... 450
29.3 What is the tracking process? ......................................................................................... 451
29.4 What are the best practices for using tracking? .............................................................. 451
29.5 What algorithms support tracking?.................................................................................. 452
29.6 Tracking examples .......................................................................................................... 454
29.7 Setting tracking signals for algorithms ............................................................................ 455

30 Control Builder Information and error messages 459

30.1 What is the Control Builder Error List window? ............................................................... 459
30.2 Fields in the Error List window ........................................................................................ 459
30.3 Control Builder error message descriptions .................................................................... 460

31 Introduction to the Ovation 3.5 Graphics Language 465

31.1 Topics covered in the Graphics Language section of this manual ................................. 465
31.2 What is the Graphics Language? .................................................................................... 465
31.3 What is the role of the Graphics Language in Ovation? ................................................. 466
31.4 Graphics Language rules ................................................................................................ 466
31.4.1 Main commands and section labels ................................................................... 468
31.4.2 Valid Characters ................................................................................................. 471

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31.5 Graphics Language Reserved Words ............................................................................. 471

31.5.1 What are Reserved Words? ............................................................................... 471
31.5.2 List of reserved words ........................................................................................ 472
31.6 Graphics Language Status Words .................................................................................. 476
31.6.1 What are Status Words? .................................................................................... 476
31.6.2 List of Status Words ........................................................................................... 477

32 Introduction to the Ovation 3.5 Graphics Builder 487

32.1 Topics covered in the Graphics Builder section of this manual ...................................... 487
32.2 What is the Ovation Graphics Builder? ........................................................................... 488
32.3 Understanding Graphics Builder concepts ...................................................................... 488
32.3.1 Outlining rectangle ............................................................................................. 489
32.3.2 Coordinates ........................................................................................................ 490
32.3.3 Rules for relative coordinates............................................................................. 491
32.3.4 Origins of draw items ......................................................................................... 492

33 Using process points, conditionals, pointers, and variables in

graphics 495
33.1 Entering process point names......................................................................................... 495
33.2 Conditionals..................................................................................................................... 496
33.2.1 To specify a conditional using a conditional dialog box ..................................... 498
33.3 Conditional Expressions .................................................................................................. 499
33.3.1 Conditional parameters ...................................................................................... 499
33.4 Simple Expression .......................................................................................................... 501
33.5 Compound Expression .................................................................................................... 503
33.6 Case Expression ............................................................................................................. 505
33.7 Quality Expression .......................................................................................................... 507
33.8 Set Expression ................................................................................................................ 509
33.9 What are Pointers? ......................................................................................................... 511
33.9.1 $P pointers (Scratch pad pointer) ...................................................................... 511
33.9.2 $S pointers (Entry field pointer).......................................................................... 512
33.9.3 $G pointers (Group pointer) ............................................................................... 512
33.9.4 $H pointers (Highway pointer) ........................................................................... 512
33.9.5 $W pointers (Window pointer) ............................................................................ 513
33.9.6 $D pointers (Macro pointer) ............................................................................... 513
33.9.7 $O pointers (On-screen pointer) ........................................................................ 514
33.10 Record fields ................................................................................................................... 514

34 Understanding the Graphics Builder windows and subwindows 517

34.1 Graphics Builder window................................................................................................. 517
34.2 Graphics Builder menus .................................................................................................. 518
34.2.1 File menu............................................................................................................ 518
34.2.2 Edit menu ........................................................................................................... 519
34.2.3 View menu.......................................................................................................... 520
34.2.4 Options Menu ..................................................................................................... 521
34.2.5 Help menu .......................................................................................................... 522

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34.3 Graphics Builder toolbars ................................................................................................ 523

34.4 Error handling .................................................................................................................. 524
34.5 Keyboard shortcuts for the Graphics Builder .................................................................. 524
34.6 Set # usage in a graphic ................................................................................................. 526
34.6.1 To use the List all set #'s option ......................................................................... 527
34.6.2 To use the Detail set # usage for control option ................................................ 527
34.6.3 Understanding the GBNT:Control Set# Usage window ..................................... 528
34.6.4 Viewing potential control set number errors....................................................... 531

35 Setting drawing attributes in the Graphics Builder 533

35.1 Drawing Attributes toolbar options .................................................................................. 533
35.2 Setting Place ................................................................................................................... 534
35.2.1 To use the Change Place function ..................................................................... 535
35.3 Setting Color.................................................................................................................... 536
35.4 Setting Font Attributes ..................................................................................................... 537
35.4.1 To use the Ovation Vector Font ......................................................................... 538
35.5 Using the Fill Pattern dialog box ..................................................................................... 539
35.6 Understanding the gradient fill pattern ............................................................................ 540
35.6.1 Gradient fill pattern rules .................................................................................... 541
35.6.2 Gradient fill pattern window fields ...................................................................... 542
35.6.3 To set a Gradient fill pattern ............................................................................... 544
35.6.4 Gradient system defaults ................................................................................... 546
35.6.5 To draw a gradient-filled Pie arc ........................................................................ 546
35.6.6 To draw a gradient-filled rectangle, polygon, arc, or ellipse .............................. 547
35.7 Setting Line Patterns ....................................................................................................... 548
35.8 Line Width dialog ............................................................................................................. 548
35.9 To Set Blink ..................................................................................................................... 549

36 Working with Background, Foreground, Trigger and Macro Trigger

Graphics Builder draw items 551
36.1 What draw items are used in the Background, Foreground, Trigger, and Macro Trigger
sections? ......................................................................................................................... 551
36.2 Pie Arc ............................................................................................................................. 553
36.2.1 To Draw a Pie Arc .............................................................................................. 553
36.3 Frame .............................................................................................................................. 554
36.3.1 To draw a frame ................................................................................................. 554
36.3.2 To view the preview conditionals window .......................................................... 557
36.4 Bar, Variable-fill items ..................................................................................................... 558
36.5 Plot .................................................................................................................................. 559
36.6 Trend, Multi-Trend ........................................................................................................... 559
36.7 Meter ............................................................................................................................... 560
36.7.1 To create a meter ............................................................................................... 560
36.7.2 To configure the Meter window base tab ........................................................... 563
36.7.3 To configure the Meter window tic marks tab .................................................... 567
36.7.4 To configure the Meter window value/limits tab ................................................. 570
36.7.5 To configure the Meter window needle tab ........................................................ 573
36.7.6 To configure the Meter window color band tab .................................................. 577
36.7.7 To define sections of the color band .................................................................. 579

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36.7.8 Using the right-click menu in the Defined Sections of the Color Band area ...... 580
36.7.9 To configure the Meter window add-ons tab ...................................................... 581
36.7.10 To modify an existing meter add-on ................................................................... 584
36.8 Analog Indicator .............................................................................................................. 586
36.8.1 Analog Indicator examples ................................................................................. 587
36.8.2 To add an analog indicator to a diagram ........................................................... 590
36.8.3 To configure the Analog Indicator window base tab .......................................... 592
36.8.4 To configure the Analog Indicator window default colors tab ............................ 594
36.8.5 To configure the Analog Indicator window alarm color overrides tab ................ 596
36.8.6 To configure the Analog Indicator window past values variability tab ............... 598

37 Working with Graphics Builder Keyboard draw Items 601

37.1 What draw items are used in the Keyboard section? ..................................................... 601
37.2 Poke Field ....................................................................................................................... 602
37.2.1 To enter general poke field information ............................................................. 602
37.2.2 To Create a Process Point (0) Poke Field ......................................................... 604
37.2.3 To Create a Multi Process (1) Point Poke Field ................................................. 605
37.2.4 To Create a Diagram/Group (2) Poke Field ....................................................... 606
37.2.5 To Create an Application Program (3) Poke Field ............................................. 607
37.2.6 To Create an Options (7) Poke Field ................................................................. 608
37.2.7 To Create a Window (8) Poke Field ................................................................... 609
37.2.8 To Create an Application (9) Poke Field ............................................................ 610
37.2.9 To Create a Help (20) Poke Field ...................................................................... 611
37.2.10 To Create a Control (23) Poke Field .................................................................. 612
37.2.11 To configure the poke field display in an edit session ....................................... 613
37.3 Entry Field ....................................................................................................................... 615
37.3.1 To create an old-style entry field ........................................................................ 616
37.3.2 To create an enhanced entry field ..................................................................... 617
37.4 OL Button ........................................................................................................................ 620
37.4.1 To create an OL Button ...................................................................................... 620
37.5 Button .............................................................................................................................. 623
37.5.1 Button features ................................................................................................... 624
37.5.2 To create a Button .............................................................................................. 625
37.5.3 To configure the Button appearance tab............................................................ 628
37.5.4 Understanding the apply/change individual attr mode checkbox on the
appearance tab .................................................................................................. 633
37.5.5 To configure the Button function tab .................................................................. 634
37.5.6 To configure the Button state/tag tab ................................................................. 636
37.5.7 Understanding the Apply configuration to selected buttons option on
the state/tag tab ................................................................................................. 639
37.5.8 To use the Button Preview window .................................................................... 639
37.5.9 To use the Button Preview Conditional window ................................................. 640

38 What are Application Programs? 641

38.1 Application program reference list................................................................................... 641
38.1.1 Implementing security ........................................................................................ 645
38.2 CNTRL_POKE (6) (Select Algorithm for Control) ........................................................... 646
38.3 DISP_EFDATA (66) (Write entry field in Main and Subscreen) ...................................... 649
38.4 XPID_DIGITAL (121) ...................................................................................................... 651

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39 Adding Application Programs to Graphics Builder windows 655

39.1 What is the GBNT:Application Programs window? ......................................................... 655
39.1.1 To access the GBNT:Application Programs window ......................................... 655
39.1.2 Application Programs window fields and descriptions ....................................... 657
39.2 To add application programs to Graphics Builder windows ............................................ 658
39.3 To edit application program parameters ......................................................................... 660
39.4 To remove an application program ................................................................................. 662
39.5 To re-order programs in the Selected Programs List ...................................................... 662
39.6 What is the RUN_PROGRAMS command? ................................................................... 663
39.6.1 To add RUN_PROGRAMS commands ............................................................. 663

40 Editing graphics 665

40.1 Working with selected items and groups ........................................................................ 665
40.1.1 To select overlaid item(s)/group(s) .................................................................... 665
40.1.2 Jog mode............................................................................................................ 666
40.1.3 To resize an item or group proportional to itemN .............................................. 667
40.1.4 Temporarily hiding item(s)/group(s) in the Graphics Builder ............................. 669
40.1.5 Rules pertaining to the hide/show functionality .................................................. 669
40.1.6 To show all temporarily hidden item(s)/group(s) ................................................ 670
40.1.7 To work on items made accessible by hiding other items ................................. 670
40.1.8 To edit grouped items ........................................................................................ 670
40.1.9 Copying and Pasting item(s) or group(s) using the Duplicates function ............ 670
40.1.10 Copying and pasting item(s) or group(s) from one graphic to another graphic . 672

41 Understanding Macros 673

41.1 Macro Overview .............................................................................................................. 674
41.2 Naming macros ............................................................................................................... 675
41.2.1 Rules for specifying macro names ..................................................................... 675
41.3 Creating macros .............................................................................................................. 676
41.3.1 To insert a macro in the Ovation Developer Studio ........................................... 676
41.3.2 To create a macro (online or offline Graphics Builder) ...................................... 678
41.4 What is the Macro dialog box? ........................................................................................ 679
41.4.1 To specify a macro on the Macro dialog box ..................................................... 682
41.4.2 To add a macro to a diagram ............................................................................. 682
41.4.3 To display macro notes ...................................................................................... 684
41.5 Inverting and rotating Macros.......................................................................................... 685
41.5.1 Macro rotation restrictions .................................................................................. 685
41.5.2 To invert and rotate macros ............................................................................... 686
41.6 What is the Macro Explorer dialog box? ......................................................................... 687
41.6.1 Understanding the Macro Explorer tree and folder structure ............................. 688
41.7 Macro support files .......................................................................................................... 689

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41.8 What is the Macros w/invalid param counts dialog box? ................................................ 689
41.8.1 To correct the number of parameters being passed to macros ......................... 691
41.8.2 Saving a graphic containing macros with invalid parameter counts .................. 692
41.8.3 Editing a graphic containing macros with invalid parameter counts .................. 692
41.9 Understanding how macros are merged into a parent graphic ....................................... 693
41.10 Using the Unmacro feature ............................................................................................. 694
41.10.1 To use the unmacro feature ............................................................................... 694

42 Using the Shape Library 695

42.1 What is a shape? ............................................................................................................ 695
42.1.1 Rules for defining a shape name ....................................................................... 696
42.2 What is the Shape Library file? ....................................................................................... 697
42.3 What is the Shape Library Editor window? ..................................................................... 698
42.3.1 To access the Shape Library Editor window ...................................................... 698

43 Using the Integrated Source Editor 699

43.1 Integrated Source Editor ................................................................................................. 699
43.1.1 To access the Integrated Source Editor ............................................................. 700
43.2 What are the Integrated Source Editor menus?.............................................................. 701
43.3 Integrated Source Editor toolbar ..................................................................................... 702
43.4 Keyboard shortcuts for the Integrated Source Editor functions ...................................... 702
43.5 Selecting and compiling lines and commands ................................................................ 704
43.6 Defining the current line and current command .............................................................. 704
43.7 Navigating through the Source Editor File ...................................................................... 705
43.7.1 To use the Source Editor Goto Line # option ..................................................... 705
43.7.2 To Use the Find/Replace Function .................................................................... 705

44 Using the generic text editor 707

44.1 What is the Generic text editor? ...................................................................................... 707
44.2 To access the generic text editor .................................................................................... 709
44.3 Differences between the generic text editor and the integrated source editor ............... 710
44.4 TextEdit differences ........................................................................................................ 710
44.5 Compiling a TextEdit file ................................................................................................. 711

45 Using the QuickView program 713

45.1 What is the QuickView program? .................................................................................... 713
45.2 To access the QuickView program ................................................................................. 714

Index 715

TRN350_100 xvii
S E C T I O N 1

Introduction to Core Ovation Training Reference

Manual for release 3.5


Overview of Core Ovation Training Reference Manual ...................................................... 1

What is an Ovation system? ............................................................................................... 2
Ovation system terminology ................................................................................................ 2
What are the components of an Ovation system? .............................................................. 6
Additional Reference Documentation.................................................................................. 9

1.1 Overview of Core Ovation Training Reference Manual

The Core Ovation Training Reference Manual is a synopsis of the most critical material contained
in the Ovation User Guides and Reference Manuals. In order to be used as an efficient training
tool, the most important information from the manuals has been carefully selected and
condensed. Emerson recommends that you refer to the complete manuals for additional details.
See Additional Reference Documentation (see page 9) for a complete list of manuals.

The Core Training Reference Manual is divided into the following main subject areas:
 Operator Station applications (see page 11).
 Developer Studio functions (see page 151).
 Input/Output modules (see page 205).
 Control Builder functions (see page 339).
 Graphics Language rules and application programs (see page 465).
 Graphics Builder usage (see page 487).

TRN350_100 1
1.2 What is an Ovation system?

1.2 What is an Ovation system?

Ovation is a Distributed Control System (DCS) whose modular design permits you to configure
your process management system exactly as it is needed. You can expand a small installation to
include as many as 254 intelligent modules (referred to as drops). Each drop is a separate
module that can perform various functions. Ovation systems use commercially available hardware
platforms, operating systems, and open network technology.

You should consider the following elements when you plan and configure your Ovation system:
 Redundant high-speed network that uses Fast Ethernet standards to send input and output
data to all the stations and Controllers connected to the network.
 Workstations (Windows-based computers) that receive and send data in order to perform
any operations needed to run a process. These workstations are typically connected to a
switch, which is, in turn, connected to the network.
 A Controller that executes modulating and sequential control strategies and interfaces to
input and output modules. The Controller is the drop containing the modules (I/O) that are
attached to sensors on the actual plant equipment. These sensors measure the point values
that are then broadcast onto the Ovation Network.
 Hardware such as cabinets, cables, and grounding equipment.
 Input/Output (I/O) modules that interface field signals (temperature, pressure, and so forth)
from the actual plant processes to the Controller. The Controller sends the information over
the network to the workstations. In turn, messages are sent from the workstations to the
Controller, so that adjustments can be made, as needed, by the Controller.
 Software packages that run on Ovation workstations and perform the tasks needed to
configure, manage, and operate an Ovation system.

Note: Contact your project manager for answers to any questions you might have about your
specific system.

1.3 Ovation s ystem terminology


AC Mains Cables that carry the main AC current into the I/O cabinets.
API Database Application Programming Interface. Used to “talk” or interface to the system
Relational Databases: Oracle (Master Database) or Raima (Distributed Database used by
Operator Stations and populated from Oracle).
AUI cable Attachment Unit Interface (AUI) Cable that interfaces the IOIC card to the MAU module in
remote I/O applications.
B side Refers to the right side board-to-board connector of the base unit when the terminal block or
AUI Cable connector is facing the viewer.
Base unit Consists of a printed circuit board, various connectors, and plastic housing. It provides a
mechanism to attach field wiring, and to connect the field signals to the I/O module. The unit
enables the I/O module to receive power, and also provides a low-impedance earth ground
connection. Each Base Unit can house two sets of I/O modules, along with the associated
field wiring.
Baud rate Number of bits-per-second a modem can send or receive.
Branch Set of Base Units configured consecutively on a DIN rail with a local bus being connected to
the Ovation I/O controller.

2 TRN350_100
1.3 Ovation system terminology


Bridge Device that connects two or more network components and transmits data with source and
destination addresses on different network components.

Broadcast Data packet delivery system where copies of the packet are delivered to all destinations on
the network.
Business Rules Layer of software between Ovation applications and the database interface software.
Client A computer or software program that is used to contact and obtain data from a server
software program on a networked computer.

Collision The garbling of data when two or more nodes on the same network segment transmit
Compact I/O Ovation I/O modules that do not contain a Personality module, only an Electronics module.
Control Builder Power tool package used to build control drawings and generate source code from the
Controller Drop used to control a process. The Controller passes process control information over the
network to other drops or devices that need it.
CSMA/CD Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection. Senses a collision and causes the
colliding frames to be retransmitted increasing network congestion, which reduces system
DCS Distributed Control System.
Discrete I/O Individual hard-wired circuits connecting real-world field devices with the processor. Each
discrete input provides the processor with a single digital signal based on a single state in
the field device. Each discrete output sends a single digital signal to the field based on a
single bit of data in the processor.
Distributed Contains a subset of the information stored on the Master Database. A Distributed Database
Database is present on each drop in the system and is continually updated as point information
Distributed I/O Hardware used to communicate between the processor and I/O modules located outside the
processor chassis (also called Remote I/O). Refers either to the Q-Line or the Ovation I/O
Drop A collective term for a Controller, Workstation, or Database Server that is a member of an
Ovation network and is defined as a drop by an Ovation configuration tool (Developer
Dual attachment Connection to two different switches. A Dual Attached Station (DAS) is a node that is
connected to two different switches.
Electronics Portion of an I/O module that provides a plastic housing with associated lenses and labeling.
module It contains up to two printed circuit boards (the logic board and field board) that provide the
electronics necessary to interface the field devices with the I/O Controller.
Fast Ethernet Ethernet specification that runs at 100 megabits per second.
I/O module Standard I/O modules are made up of an Electronics module and a Personality module.
Compact modules and Relay Output modules do not contain a Personality module. These
modules perform the interface between the I/O Controller and the field devices.
IOIC card Generic name for the Ovation I/O Interface card. Also known as PCI card. The OCR400 and
OCR1100 Controller uses only one IOIC module.
IP address Internet Protocol address. Uniquely identifies a computer connected to a network. Typically
assigned by the system administrator. For example:

TRN350_100 3
1.3 Ovation system terminology


LAN Local Area Network. A computer network limited to the immediate area, usually the same
License A necessary permission to use certain Emerson Process Management software products.
Load function Ovation function that is used to transfer data from the Master Database and distribute it to
control drops and those drops that originate points.
Master Database Contains the entire process database. It is used for creating, modifying, and verifying control
strategies and process points. At runtime, it supports queries of the process database,
captures changes made to control and point attributes, and propagates those changes to
the distributed database.
MAU Media Attachment Unit (MAU) is an alternate name for the Attachment Unit Module and
includes the Electronics module and Personality module combined. This device interfaces
the IOIC card (via the AUI cable) to the RNC (via fiber-optic cable) in remote I/O
Membrane Also known as the Ovation Keyboard. Optional keyboard that is used in conjunction with the
Keyboard standard keyboard and mouse. It allows the operator to access data acquisition and control
Migration Process where the legacy Q-Line I/O is interfaced to an Ovation Controller.
Network The communication link used to transfer time-critical information between drops or stations.
Network Nodes Another term for drops on the Ovation Network.
NIC A Network Interface Card (NIC) is required in each of the end stations, Controller or HMI.
NICs are available in two configurations, Single Attach Station (SAS) or Dual Attach Station
(DAS) with copper connections. Within a system, it is NOT necessary that all stations have
like modes of attachment. SAS and DAS may be mixed as economics, function, and
redundancy dictate.
Node Active element on a Fast Ethernet network that has an address. Can be a station or a
switch. Up to 1000 nodes are permitted per network.
Operator Station A drop in an Ovation system, used to control and monitor plant operation.
Ovation Developer Configuration tool that houses all of the integrated engineering tools necessary for a
Studio Microsoft Windows-based Ovation system.
Ovation network Local area network in which Ovation drops communicate with each other through Fast
Ethernet media.
Ovation system An open architecture Emerson Process Management System that is based on ANSI and
ISO network standards. Uses snap-in modules for I/O.
PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect. Main bus used in the Controller for communication
between the Controller CPU network interface and I/O Controller modules. Also known as
IOIC cards. Controller OCR 400 uses only one IOIC card.
Personality Portion of an I/O module that provides a plastic housing with associated lenses and labeling.
module It contains a printed circuit board to perform the necessary signal interconnections required
for interfacing the I/O modules to particular field devices.
Typically, the module contains only passive components, but the Media Attachment Unit
module and Remote Node Controller module contains fiber-optic transmitters, receivers, and
transceivers in their Personality modules. The module plugs directly into the base.
Point A record in the global database containing a value (such as an input or output) and related
Point name Alphanumeric identifier associated with a point on the Ovation network (up to 24 characters
for Windows).

4 TRN350_100
1.3 Ovation system terminology


Port Entry/exit mechanism in a node that can connect to the network cable and can connect to
another node.
Q-Line Line of legacy Emerson I/O modules.
QOR Card Remote Q-Line card (housed in a remote node Q-Crate) that permits remote nodes to be
interfaced to an Ovation Controller, through the use of fiber optic cable, an MAU, and a
PCRR card in the Ovation Controller.
Record The set of data associated with a point, including the point name, System ID, value, status,
and various other fields, depending on the point record type.
Remote I/O A configuration where the I/O is located remotely from the Controller.
Remote Node A grouping of I/O modules that communicates with the Controller via media that can carry
control signals over a long distance (for example, fiber-optic).
RNC Remote Node Controller (RNC) is an alternate name for the Ovation module containing the
Remote Node Electronics module and Remote Node Personality module. The RNC
interfaces the I/O modules in the Remote Node to an MAU module at the Controller via a
fiber-optic communication link.
Router A hardware or software set-up that handles the connection between two or more networks.
SCSI Small Computer System Interface, a peripheral-connect interface used to connect hard
drives, CDROM drives, and other storage devices to a computer.
Server A computer or software program that provides a specific kind of service to client software
running on other computers.
Single attachment Connection to one switch. A Single Attached Station (SAS) is a node that is connected to
one switch.

SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol. Network management protocol of TCP/IP. Monitors
and reports about the activity in various devices on the network. This information is
maintained in a structure known as a management information block.
Software Server A drop on a network that provides storage and control of system software files.
Station Addressable node on Fast Ethernet network; can transmit and receive data.
Synchronous High speed data communication that is time critical. Must be guaranteed service for nodes
transmitting synchronous data. Typically provided periodically.
System ID System Identification number. The network reference number for each point which may be

Switch Connects stations and/or LAN segments. Operates at Data Link Layer.
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol, a set of communication protocols that
allows dissimilar computers to share information over a network.

Transition panels Types are:

ROP - I/O transition panel.
TND - Remote Node transition panel.
RRP - Relay Base transition panel (top location).
RRB - Relay Base transition panel (bottom location).
Working area Part of the Master Database that is used when working with the system. All interaction with
the database takes place here. This is the only part of the database that can be edited.
Workstation Windows-based computer that receives and sends data in order to perform any operations
needed to run a process. These workstations (drops) are typically connected to a switch,
which is, in turn, connected to the Ovation network.

TRN350_100 5
1.4 What are the components of an Ovation system?

1.4 What are the components of an Ovation s ystem?

Ovation is the control industry’s most reliable and responsive real-time plant monitoring and
process control system using commercially available hardware platforms, operating systems, and
network technology.

The Ovation system consists of different workstations that are linked to each other through a high-
speed network. These workstations perform different functions and communicate the results of
these functions by sending data throughout the entire network. Therefore, each station on the
network is able to collect data and also to send out data when requested by other stations.

Ovation offers unique features to its users:

 Transmits real-time data.
 Detects, reports, or bypasses system faults.
 Provides redundancy for all critical functions.
Since Ovation provides redundancy for the most important system elements (such as control), the
flow of data throughout the system is not interrupted by any single component, cable, or device
failure. This redundancy helps prevent possible work stoppage.

The basic drops or functions used in an Ovation system are listed below and described briefly.

Ovation network

The Ovation network connects the components of the Ovation system so that all components can
communicate quickly and easily with each other. The Ovation Network is based on the standard
Fast Ethernet protocol, implemented in a robust, fail-safe, open design. This design provides for
easy, direct connection of third-party devices such as printers, WANs, LANs, Allen-Bradley PLCs,
GE Mark V/VI turbine controls, and other similar equipment that use Ethernet communications.

The network is media independent, allowing both fiber-optic and/or copper (UTP) implementation.

Ovation database

The Ovation database consists of a Master Database that uses the relational database software
package Oracle. This database contains system configuration, control algorithm information, and
the process point database. The Ovation database provides the capability to integrate and
organize the massive amounts of raw data in the system to create meaningful and valuable

All programming tools and user interfaces store their data in the Ovation database, and that
information is transmitted to the control system. Application software and the control system can
be easily accessed via third party SQL (Structured Query Language) tools. This means that the
Ovation process control system data is open and accessible to all components of the Ovation
network that have permission to access the database data. (See Ovation Database User Guide.)

6 TRN350_100
1.4 What are the components of an Ovation system?

Ovation input/output modules

Ovation Input and Output (I/O) modules consist of modular, plug-in components that offer built-in
fault tolerance and system diagnostics. Ovation I/O modules convert input signals and create
output signals, which perform a multitude of functions. Specialized I/O modules are also available
for loop interfacing, serial linking, and pulse accumulating functions. These modules are typically
located in Ovation Controller cabinets, but they can also be installed in remote cabinets that are
up to 2,000 meters away from the Controller. (See Ovation I/O Reference Manual.)

Ovation Controller

The Ovation Controller is a process controller that is based on a commercially available operating
system. The Controller executes modulating and sequential control strategies and supports the
following functions:
 Originates and receives process points.
 Adds, deletes, and modifies points online.
 Provides alarming and command word processing for originated points.
 Reads I/O modules and converts data to process points.
 Reads process points and writes data to I/O modules.
 Executes control algorithms.
 Adds, deletes, and modifies control online. (See the applicable Ovation Controller User

Ovation Operator Station

The Ovation Operator Station drop provides communication with plant processes through the
Ovation network and monitors normal and abnormal plant conditions. A Distributed Database
(Raima) supports the Operator Station. This database is a subset of the information found in the
Master Database and contains only those data items necessary to support Operator Station

Several applications are included in the Operator Station functions:

 Alarm System: Detects and displays abnormal plant conditions, such as drop time outs, points
out of range, digital state changes, and so forth.
 Graphics Display or Process Diagram System: Displays graphic diagrams that represent the
actual plant process control equipment used to monitor and control the system.
 Point Information (PI) System: Views and edits point information from the Ovation Network
and the Point Builder.
 Error Log: Provides information about system errors and writes messages to a log file.
 Point Review: Searches the database for points having specific characteristics or belonging to
a particular point group.
 Trend: Displays live or historical data samples collected for points on the Ovation Network in
graphical or tabular trends.
 Signal diagrams: Displays diagrams created in the Control Builder that can be used at the
Operator Station to monitor and tune a control process.

TRN350_100 7
1.4 What are the components of an Ovation system?

Developer Studio (Windows)

The Engineering drop provides tools that are used for the development, configuration, and
maintenance of application and system software. These tools are known as Ovation Power Tools.

These Power Tools perform the following functions:

 Define and configure your Ovation system.
 Create, modify, and delete points.
 Define the I/O modules used in an Ovation system.
 Store values from algorithms (typically, for Special Functions and ladder applications).
 Load control and originating point information into drops in an Ovation system. Links the
Master Database with other drops in the system.
 Force Controller changes (online) into the database.
 Create, modify, and delete security objects and definitions.
 Track changes made to the database.
 Compare an external database with your Master Database.
 Create control logic that runs on the Ovation Controller.
 Create and edit system process diagrams that display on the Operator Station. (See Ovation
Developer Studio User Guide.)

Historical storage and reporting capabilities

Ovation Historians provide mass storage and retrieval of process data, alarms, sequence of
events (SOE), logs, and operator actions in the Ovation process control system. Reports can then
be generated that provide meaningful information to operators, engineers, and maintenance
personnel. (See the applicable Ovation Process Historian User Guide.)

Third-party devices

Ovation provides the ability to reliably exchange information between the plant control system and
diverse third-party devices such as Allen-Bradley, GE Mark V/VI, Modbus, RTP I/O, Toshiba, and
MHI devices.

Connectivity products

Emerson connectivity products, such as Web Access View Enabler (WAVE), ODBC Server,
NetDDE Server, OPC Server, and SCADA Server connect the plant control system to corporate
networks. By integrating plant control and information systems, plants can develop new
applications including global process tuning, predictive control, neural networks, and process

8 TRN350_100
1.5 Additional Reference Documentation

1.5 Additional Reference Documentation

The Core Ovation Training Reference Manual is a compilation of specific topics from several
Ovation user manuals. For detailed information on a particular subject, refer to applicable full user
 Ovation Operator Station User Guide (OW350_20).
 Ovation Developer Studio User Guide (OW350_60).
 Ovation Control Builder User Guide (OW350_80).
 Ovation Graphics Builder User Guide (OW350_90).
 Ovation Graphics Language Reference Manual (OW350_91).
 Ovation Algorithms Reference Manual (OW350_R1100).
 Ovation I/O Reference Manual (OW350_R1150).

TRN350_100 9
S E C T I O N 2

Introduction to the Ovation 3.5 Operator Station


Topics covered in the Operator Station section of this manual ........................................ 11

What is an Ovation Operator Station? .............................................................................. 11
What are the Operator Station applications? .................................................................... 12
Operator Station terminology ............................................................................................ 12
To access the Operator Station applications .................................................................... 15

2.1 Topics covered in the Operator Station section of this manual

The following Operator Station subjects are discussed in this manual:

 What is an Ovation Operator Station? (see page 11).
 What are the Operator Station applications? (see page 12).
 Operator Station terminology (see page 12).
 Alarms (see page 17)
 Graphics Display (see page 35).
 Signal diagrams (see page 43).
 Point Information (see page 59).
 Point Review (see page 69).
 Historical Reviews (see page 73).
 Trends (see page 83).
 Ovation Error Log (see page 125).
 System Viewer (see page 129).
 Ovation Utilities (see page 139).

2.2 What is an Ovation Operator Station?

The Ovation Operator Station is a workstation (drop) that enables an operator to view and control
the current status of the plant process control system through the use of process diagrams and
other standard display utilities. The Operator Station functions include monitoring and controlling
alarm conditions, entering point information, and creating point trends.

TRN350_100 11
2.3 What are the Operator Station applications?

2.3 What are the Operator Station applications?

The Operator Station allows you to communicate with plant processes through the Ovation
network and to monitor normal and abnormal plant conditions. The Operator Station desktop
displays a folder (Ovation Applications) containing the icons that represent each of the Operator
Station applications.

The following list provides a brief overview of the Operator Station applications:
 Alarms – displays information on abnormal conditions and plant malfunctions. There are two
types of alarm systems available for Ovation Operator Stations:
 Alarm System - This standard alarm system provides a method for detecting and
displaying abnormal plant conditions on an Operator workstation. Alarms display in
various types of lists.
 Alarm Annunciation System - This optional alarm system provides a method for
detecting and displaying abnormal plant conditions on an Operator workstation. Alarms
display in alarm bands that appear at the top of the workstation monitor.
 Error Log – provides information about system errors and archives old error messages.
 Graphics – allows you to view graphic diagrams.
 Historical Review - provides information on historical data. (See the applicable Ovation
Process Historian User Guide.)
 Online Help - allows you to access all of the online help files for each Operator Station
 Point Information (PI) – provides access to detailed information about each point in the
Ovation network.
 Point Review – allows you to choose specific characteristic filters to search the database for
periodic process points.
 Signal Diagrams - allows you to view control sheets created by the Control Builder.
 Trend – enables you to display graphical, tabular, and radar view of trends with live points
and historical points.
 System Viewer – generates a real-time, live display of a drop’s I/O from the drop-level down
to individual points or channels on modules.

2.4 Operator Station terminology

The following table contains a list of terms used in conjunction with the Operator Station.

Terms used with the Operator Station


Application Button in upper left corner of an application window that can be used to access functions
Menu Button for that application.

Apply Used to verify the data, enter information, and start a desired operation. The window is not
Cancel Cancels changes and dismisses the window.

12 TRN350_100
2.4 Operator Station terminology


Characteristics Provides a method for sorting the database based on plant area, signal type, equipment,
or other concepts you might want to use. There are eight alphanumeric characters
available per point.
You can define each Operator Station to receive alarms from specific plant areas or
destinations. This is done by assigning a unique destination to each point. The first
character in this field defines the destination. This character must be either a letter (A-Z),
a dash (-) (matches all characters on a given sort), or a blank space that does not match
any character. Points with alarms cannot have a blank destination.
Dockable tabs Movable tabs located in the bottom half of an application window. These tabs provide
detailed information about points, alarms, and current application sessions. Use the Guide
Diamond to move and anchor dockable tabs.
Double-click Action that requires you to rapidly click the left mouse button twice.
Drag and Drop Window manager function that allows you to “drag” data from one window and “drop” it
into another window.
Frequency Represents the broadcast frequency of the point. The choices are:
 Slow 1.0 second
 Fast 0.1 second
 Aperiodic as requested
Aperiodic points are broadcast in special aperiodic DDBs that are broadcast on the
network by subscription. When a point’s dynamic data is accessed from another drop, that
drop sends a request to the originator to start broadcasting (once a second) the DDB that
contains the point. These subscriptions are renewed with the subsequent accesses. Once
the subscription runs out, the point (DDB) no longer broadcasts
Grayed out Color of a button or entry field that indicates that a function or menu item is not available
to you under the present conditions.
Guide A type of mouse that can arrange and anchor multiple dockable tabs in a window. The
Diamond Guide is shaped like a cross where each section of the "cross" is used to help position a
dockable tab in a window.
Icon Graphical representation of a window or function.
LAI Last Active Instance. This icon appears in the window of a diagram that was viewed last.
The request executes in the window where LAI appears.
Latched When the quality of a point is set to a requested value. Test Mode must be On in order to
Quality use the Latched Quality option. Choices are Good, Fair, Poor, or Bad.
Left-click Action that requires you to click the left mouse button once. The left mouse button is used
(“Select”) to select a window or an item inside a window.
Maximize Opens the window to the full size of the screen.
Minimize Removes the window from the screen, but does not terminate the application. A button on
the task bar provides access to the application.
OK Applies changes and dismisses the window.
Open Double-click on an icon to open the application.

TRN350_100 13
2.4 Operator Station terminology


Quality The system can be configured to display an additional quality reason clarifier after the
Reasons point quality description. If you want the reasons to display, the system should be
configured to set the order of precedence for the quality reasons, in addition to the text
that displays for each reason. The Value/Status tab on the Point Information window
displays all applicable quality reasons.
Possible Quality reasons are:
Latched Quality
Tagged Out
Hardware Error
Oscillating Point
Sensor Calibrate
Scan Removed
Data Link Failure
Substituted Entered Value
Algorithm Application
Test Mode
User Definable
Engineering Limit
Reasonability Limit
Quality Good = no character displayed
Displays Description = Can be the result of following factors:
 The data is usable as it stands.
 Test mode.
 The result of a quality checking algorithm in the application (algorithm propagation).
Fair = F
Description = Can be the result of following factors:
 An Operator entered value.
 Test mode.
 The result of a quality checking algorithm in the application (algorithm propagation).
Poor = P
Description = Can be the result of following factors:
 Generated from certain algorithms if some inputs were bad and some were good.
 Input at maximum or minimum scale.
 If out of Engineering Range.
 Test mode.
 The result of a quality checking algorithm in the application (algorithm propagation).
Bad = B
Description = Can be the result of following factors:
 Faulty input hardware.
 Input out of specified sensor range (analog).
 The removal of a point from scan.
 If out of Reasonability Range.
 Test mode.
 The result of a quality checking algorithm in the application (algorithm propagation).

14 TRN350_100
2.4 Operator Station terminology


Timed Out = T
Description = The point is not being updated. The drop that broadcasts the point is
probably off the network.
The formal definition of “quality” does not include the status “Timed Out.” However,
window displays that contain process point status usually include Timed Out information in
the same screen location as the four Quality items.
Quick Access Group of icons located next to the Application Menu button. These icons can access the
Toolbar most frequently used functions for that application.
Refresh Refreshes screen.
Ribbon An interface where a set of icons are placed on a ribbon panel in a ribbon tab instead of
using menus and toolbars. The icon options are context sensitive, which means that the
available icon options change depending on which part of the interface you are using at
that time.
Ribbon Bar Contains the function names of the groups of icons that perform a specific task.
Ribbon Group Name of the type of function that is displayed in the application window. For example,
"List Operations" for the different alarm lists that display in the Alarm window.
Ribbon Panel Collection of related tasks illustrated by icons that change as the ribbon tabs change.
Ribbon Tabs Tabs located under the Quick Access Toolbar. These tabs are used to set the
configuration for the application.
Right-click By clicking the right button on the mouse, a pop-up menu may display containing actions
(“Menu”) appropriate to the cursor position and application.
Status Bar An area at the bottom of many program windows that contains a short text message about
the current condition of the program and specific application data.
Task Bar A small area on the screen which contains buttons for all the running applications. The
task bar is usually along the bottom, but may be positioned along any edge.
Title Bar Top margin of a diagram. Contains minimize, maximize, and close icons in upper right
Toolbar The toolbar is usually located under the Menu bar. It is a row of on-screen graphical
buttons or icons relating to application functions.
W# A box appears around this W# icon to show which window is active.
Workspace Graphical environment where menus, icons, and diagrams are located.

TRN350_100 15
2.5 To access the Operator Station applications

2.5 To access the Operator Station applications

1. Double-click the Operator Station folder (Ovation Applications) located on the Operator
Station desktop.
Access the Start button ->All Programs -> Ovation -> Ovation Applications.
The Ovation Application function icons appear.
2. Select the desired Operator Station application. The appropriate window for the selected
application appears.

Figure 1: Operator Station applications

16 TRN350_100
S E C T I O N 3

Using the Alarm System at the Ovation Operator



What is the Ovation Alarm system? .................................................................................. 18

What is an alarm? ............................................................................................................. 19
Alarm System terminology ................................................................................................ 20
What is the Operator Station Alarm window? ................................................................... 22
To access the Alarm window ............................................................................................ 23
What are the components of the Alarm window? ............................................................. 23
Alarm window Status bar .................................................................................................. 24
What are the Operator Station Alarm window columns? .................................................. 25
What is alarm cutout? ....................................................................................................... 30
What is alarm filtering at the Operator Station? ................................................................ 30
What are the alarm filtering windows? .............................................................................. 31

TRN350_100 17
3.1 What is the Ovation Alarm system?

3.1 What is the Ovation Alarm s ystem?

The Ovation Alarm System allows you to monitor and detect abnormal plant conditions. The
alarms can be acknowledged, printed, and sent to the Emerson Historian. You can also configure
the alarm system to display remote alarm messages from multiple networks. The Alarm window
that appears at the Operator Station contains dockable tabs (in Enhanced Grid Mode only) that
display the following alarm lists:
 List tab displays a list of the current alarms with the most recent alarm first.
 History tab displays a history of the most recent 15,000 alarm occurrences (all alarm
occurrences, including returns, are displayed).
 Acknowledged tab displays a list of the current acknowledged alarms.
 Unacknowledged tab displays a list of the oldest unacknowledged alarms in the system. This
list is generated from the alarm list with the oldest of the unacknowledged alarms displayed
 Reset tab displays a list of points which were returned and acknowledged from alarms.
 Alarm Check Remove tab displays a list of all the alarms that are currently alarm check
 Icon tab (if configured) displays a list of icons. Each icon corresponds to a group of alarms.
 Remote Network Status tab (if configured) displays a list of each remote network connection
and its status.
The plant operator can also filter out alarms based on their priority, alarm type, and destination.
These filtering characteristics can be updated by the operator for both the normal and priority
modes of operation. In addition to viewing alarm conditions on the screen, alarms can be
annunciated by playing an audio file on external speakers. Alarms can be printed on a local
printer or they can be sent to the Emerson Historian.

Note: You can configure the Alarms at any level in the System Tree of the Developer Studio. All
configurations defined at the lower levels override what has been defined at the higher levels.

18 TRN350_100
3.2 What is an alarm?

3.2 What is an alarm?

An Ovation alarm is a message or signal that indicates an abnormal plant condition. This plant
condition is based on the status of an Ovation point. When you create a point in an Ovation
system, you define limits for the value of the point. If these limits are exceeded, the point goes
into alarm. Typically, an alarm requires an operator action.

An alarm typically indicates one of the following:

 Analog point has exceeded its high or low limits.
 Analog point is getting better or worse (value for point is moving closer to or further from its
defined limits).
 Digital point has changed its state (on/off, 1 or 0).
An alarm can be a visual message and/or an audible sound that serves the following purposes in
an Ovation system:
 Indicates an operator action is required.
 Helps maintain normal plant performance.
 Recognizes and avoids hazardous conditions.
 Identifies deviations that could lead to financial losses.
 Provides better understanding of the conditions that affect plant processes.
You can configure your alarm system to initiate either an Alarm window or the Alarm Annunciation
window. The Alarm window is the standard Ovation alarm window, but you can optionally use an
Alarm Annunciation window. You can display both alarm window types at the same time, but the
Alarm Annunciation window always appears at the top of the alarm screen and you cannot cover
the Alarm Annunciation window with any other windows.

Points in alarm display at the Operator Station. Unless you make configuration changes to the
alarm object that defines how alarms are displayed, the default values for the display are used.

If you want to change how the alarms are displayed, use the configuration function in the
Developer Studio (Windows Ovation system) to insert a new alarm object and make the desired

Once you have created the alarm object, if you want to make additional changes, use the
configuration function in the Developer Studio to open the alarm object and make the desired

No changes take place until you download the changes and restart the drop. See Downloading in
the Ovation Developer Studio User Guide for information on downloading changes to a drop.

TRN350_100 19
3.3 Alarm System terminology

3.3 Alarm S ystem terminology

The following terms are used when discussing alarm or alarm annunciation windows:

Terms used with the Alarm System


Alarm Annunciation (Not available on all systems) This alarm system provides a method for
System detecting and displaying abnormal plant conditions on an Operator workstation.
Alarms display in alarm bands that appear at the top of the workstation monitor.
This is an alternative to the Alarm system.
Alarm Collector The alarm collectors are responsible for connecting to the remote networks,
receiving all of the remote alarm data, and disseminating it to the Alarm
windows. (See Ovation Multiple Networks User Guide.)
Alarm Cutout Alarm cutout is an optional function that either stops a point from alarming or
stops an alarmed point from displaying an alarm message. You select the type
of alarm cutout you want to use in your Ovation system through the Developer
Alarm Cutout Delay This is the time after the alarm cutout is released before the alarm is actually
Alarm Destination Each of the Operator workstations can be defined to receive alarms from
specific plant areas, or destinations. This is done by assigning a unique
destination to each point. The destination is defined by the first characteristic of
each point’s characteristic field. Each workstation can be assigned to receive
alarms for one or more specific destinations or for the entire system.
Alarm Priority Each point can have an alarm priority assigned to it. Priorities may be assigned
from 1 to 8, where 1 is the highest (most critical/important) and 8 is the lowest
(least critical/important). Analog points can have up to five different priorities
assigned (one for each of the four limits and one for the user defined limit). The
priority is defined if the corresponding limit is defined. The high X (where X is 1 -
4) alarm uses the upper nibble of the appropriate priority field. The low X (where
X is 1 - 4) alarm uses the lower nibble.
The sensor alarm and SID alarm use the highest value from all the defined
priorities, and the return uses the lesser value of all the defined priorities. For
example, when determining the priority for a sensor alarm or return from alarm,
if the high1 limit is defined but the low1 limit is not defined, then the limit1
priority field’s high nibble will be used in the evaluation of the priority but the low
nibble of the limit1 priority field is not used in the evaluation.
Alarm System This alarm system provides a method for detecting and displaying abnormal
plant conditions. Alarms display in lists on an Operator workstation. This is the
standard Ovation alarm system.
Enhanced Grid Style of alarm window that provides for the docking of tabs and for the sorting of
Mode style alarms. This is the default style choice and is set in the Developer Studio.
Filtering Allows you to choose the kinds of alarms that you want to display in the various
alarm lists at the Operator Station and also to filter out the alarms that you do
not want to display. The alarms displayed in the Alarm window can be filtered
based on mode, priority, destination (plant area), type, and network/unit.
High1- High4 Limit Ovation analog points can have a high1, high2, high3, high4, low1, low2, low3,
and Low1 - Low4 and low4 limit value assigned to them. When any of these values are exceeded,
Limit an alarm status for the point is broadcast onto the Ovation network. You are not
required to define all four high limits or all four low limits.

20 TRN350_100
3.3 Alarm System terminology


Iconic Alarming This alarm system provides a mechanism to group alarms based on their
System priority and their plant area. Each group of alarms is represented by a
preconditioned bitmap on the display.
Incremental high In addition to the high1 - high4 and the low1 - low4 limits for an Ovation point, a
and low limit high incremental and a low incremental limit can also be assigned. When an
incremental alarm is exceeded, information can be sent to the Operator
workstation which indicates whether the value for the point is getting better or
worse (that is, whether the value is moving closer to or further away from the
last exceeded high or low limit.)
Legacy/Classic Style of alarm window that does not allow for the docking of tabs and for the
style sorting of alarms, but does allow gaps in the alarm lists when alarms are
removed. This style choice is set in the Developer Studio.
Reset (Resettable An indication that the return has been previously acknowledged and must be
Returns) reset in order to be removed from the Alarm List and cleared from the screen. A
resettable return is initiated in one of the two following ways:
 An unacknowledged alarm is acknowledged and then returns. This return is
re-initiated as a resettable return. Since its previous alarm state was
acknowledged, the return does not require an acknowledgment; however, it
does require a reset.
 An unacknowledged alarm returns to normal and the unacknowledged return
is broadcast to all the drops. Once the unacknowledged return is
acknowledged, it is re-initiated as a resettable return.
Returns (Returns to An indication that a point previously in alarm has now returned to normal and is
normal) no longer in alarm.
Sensor Alarms An indication of an input failure (for example, a bad signal or bad card).
SID Alarms An indication of an invalid point being used as a limit or cutout. It is also an
indication (on analogs only) that the calculated limit has bad quality.
State Change An indication of a change of state of a digital point (only displayed on the
History List).
User Defined Limit Ovation analog points can have an optional user-defined high and low limit
assigned to them. When either of these limits is exceeded, an alarm status for
the point is broadcast onto the Ovation network. This alarm is independent of
the standard alarm limits.
Unacknowledged When an alarm occurs (a new alarm, toggle alarm, or incremental alarm), it is
Alarms broadcast on the Ovation network as an unacknowledged alarm. The alarm
remains unacknowledged until the operator acknowledges it. This is a system-
wide acknowledgment, which is broadcast to all drops. If this alarm is re-
initiated again, (that is, a new limit was exceeded,) it would then become an
unacknowledged alarm again. When a drop time-out occurs, it is considered to
be unacknowledged. When the operator acknowledges this type of alarm, it is
not broadcast system-wide and must be done on a drop-by-drop basis.
Primary and Identifies the alarm data server that the alarm collector is connected to in order
Secondary Alarm to receive remote alarm data or the last connection the alarm collector made.
Data Servers For each alarm collector, you must define the remote networks that connect to
the alarm collector.

TRN350_100 21
3.4 What is the Operator Station Alarm window?

3.4 What is the Operator Station Alarm window ?

The Alarm window allows you to monitor plant operations and acknowledge alarm conditions.
Each alarm message has its foreground and background color dictated by the color coding
scheme. Color coding is based on alarm priority. Specific colors are defined to identify
acknowledged versus unacknowledged alarms. The alarm colors are read in upon startup. The
colors are configured using the applicable Ovation configuration tool. (See Ovation Operator
Station Configuration Guide.)

New alarm entries are processed by the system every second. If the Alarm window is minimized
and an alarm entry is detected, the alarm system’s icon turns red. You can open the Alarm
window by double-clicking on the Alarms icon located in the system tray or by a single click on the
alarm icon in the task bar.

The Alarm window consists of two sets of tabs: ribbon tabs at the top of the window and Alarm list
tabs at the bottom of the window (the list tabs are dockable in the Enhanced Grid Mode style).
These tabs work together to display the various Alarm lists in the window. The information that
displays in each Alarm list is dependent upon what tab is selected.

You can select the tab that you want to display in the window, by using the Select View(s) menu
in the Home tab or by selecting each tab individually. You can display multiple tabs in the window
at the same time by using the Guide Diamond to arrange and anchor different tabs as desired.

The first time the Alarm window opens, the Alarm List displays (provided the window is configured
to display an Alarm List). If a different alarm display is selected, and the Alarm window is
minimized, the last display appears the next time the icon opens (provided no points go into alarm
while the window is minimized). If a point goes into alarm while the window is minimized, the
Alarm window opens to the Alarm List screen.

The following figure is an example of the Alarm List display in the Home tab.

Figure 2: Alarm window Home tab

22 TRN350_100
3.5 To access the Alarm window

3.5 To access the Alarm w indow

1. Open the Ovation Applications folder at the Operator Station and double-click the Alarms
Select Start -> Ovation -> Ovation Applications -> Alarms.
2. If the Alarms application is already running, double-click the Alarms icon located on the
system tray.
3. The Alarm window appears. Use the window as desired.

3.6 What are the components of the Alarm w indow ?

The Alarm window consists of the following:

 Alarm Menu button.
 Quick Access toolbar.
 Set of ribbon tabs at the top of the window:
 Home tab
 Filter tab
 Value tab
 Alarm/Limit tab
 Set of Alarm list tabs at the bottom of the window (tabs are dockable in Enhanced Grid Mode
 List tab that displays the current Alarm list.
 History tab that displays the Alarm History list.
 Acknowledged tab that displays the Acknowledged Alarm list.
 Unacknowledged tab that displays the Unacknowledged Alarm list.
 Reset tab that displays the Reset list.
 Alarm Check Remove tab that displays the Alarm Check Removed list.
 Icon tab that displays the Icon list (only displayed when the icon list is configured for
Iconic Alarming).
 Remote Network Status tab displays the Remote Network Status list (only displayed
when the Alarm window is configured to receive alarms from remote networks).
 Grid area where the Alarm lists display.
The tabs work together to display the various Alarm lists in the window. The information that
displays in each Alarm list is dependent upon what tab is selected.

TRN350_100 23
3.7 Alarm window Status bar

3.7 Alarm w indow Status bar

The Status bar is located at the bottom of the Alarm window. Alarm counts are located in different
areas of the Status bar.

Figure 3: Alarm window status bar

Options for the Alarm window status bar


Total Alarms Total number of alarms that pass the current Alarm List filter.

Acknowledged Total number of acknowledged alarms that pass the current Alarm List filter
Unacknowledged Total number of unacknowledged alarms that pass the current Alarm List filter.

Resets Total number of resettable returns that pass the Alarm List filter.
Alarm Check Total number of alarm check removed alarms that pass the Alarm Check Removed
Remove filter.
This icon on the Status bar identifies the Alarm window that is in control of the
peripheral's filtering parameters, for example, audio, Historian station, and the
dedicated line-by-line alarm printing. If you want to change the audible filtering
parameters, you must change the filter through the Filter tab in the Alarm window.
The Ovation Keyboard interacts with the last active Graphic window. The last active
Graphic window is designated by the icon indication in the Status bar.

24 TRN350_100
3.8 What are the Operator Station Alarm window columns?

3.8 What are the Operator Station Alarm w indow columns?

Alarm information is contained in columns in the Alarm window. You can select which columns to
display in the Alarm window and each column is sizable.

You can change the size of the column to automatically fit all the data in that column. Place the
cursor between the columns until the cursor changes shapes and then double-click.

You can also change the size of the columns manually. Place the cursor between the columns,
press the left mouse button down and drag the column to a new size.

The columns can provide the following information about the alarms:
 Date and Time.
 Alarm Types (see page 25).
 Code (see page 29).
 Name.
 Description.
 Alarm Priority (AP).
 Alarm Destination (AY).
 Value/Quality (Q) (see page 29).
 Units.
 Limit.
 Incremental Limit (Incr)it.
 Plant Mode.
 Network ID.
 Net Alias.
 Incrementals and Returns.

3.8.1 Alarm Type column for the Operator Station Alarm window

The Alarm Type column displays the state of the alarm.

The alarm status represents the present state of the alarm condition. The following table lists the
status types and possible states of alarm condition.

Alarm types


Analog RETURN Point has returned to normal.

SENSOR Data exceeded sensor device limits.
HIGH1 High1 alarm. The value exceeded the high 1 limit.
HIGH2 High2 alarm. The value exceeded the high 2 limit.
HIGH3 High3 alarm. The value exceeded the high 3 limit.
HIGH4 High4 alarm. The value exceeded the high 4 limit.

TRN350_100 25
3.8 What are the Operator Station Alarm window columns?


HI WRS High Worse alarm. The high incremental alarm limit was passed
going away from normal.
HI BET High Better alarm. The high incremental alarm limit was passed going
toward normal.
H1/HUDA High1 High UDA (User-defined Alarm) alarm. The point is in high 1
alarm and the value has also exceeded the high UDA alarm limit.

H2/HUDA High2 High UDA alarm. The point is in high 2 alarm and the value has
also exceeded the high UDA alarm limit.
H3/HUDA High3 High UDA alarm. The point is in high 3 alarm and the value has
also exceeded the high UDA alarm limit.
H4/HUDA High4 High UDA alarm. The point is in high 4 alarm and the value has
also exceeded the high UDA alarm limit.
HW/HUDA High Worse High UDA alarm. The point is in high worse alarm and
has also exceeded the high UDA limit.
HB/HUDA High Better UDA alarm. The point is in high better alarm and has also
exceeded the high UDA limit.
H1/ LUDA High1 Low UDA alarm. The point is in high 1 alarm and has also
exceeded the low UDA alarm limit.
H2/ LUDA High2 Low UDA alarm. The point is in high 2 alarm and has also
exceeded the low UDA alarm limit.
H3/ LUDA High3 Low UDA alarm. The point is in high 3 alarm and has also
exceeded the low UDA alarm limit.
H4/ LUDA High4 Low UDA alarm. The point is in high 4 alarm and has also
exceeded the low UDA alarm limit.
HW/LUDA High Worse Low UDA alarm. The point is in high worse and has also
exceeded the low UDA limit.
HB/LUDA High Better Low UDA alarm. The point is in high better and has also
exceeded the low UDA limit.
LOW1 Low1 alarm. The value exceeded the low 1 limit.

LOW2 Low2 alarm. The value exceeded the low 2 limit.

LOW3 Low3 alarm. The value exceeded the low 3 limit.
LOW4 Low4 alarm. The value exceeded the low 4 limit.
LO WRS Low Worse alarm. The low incremental alarm limit was passed going
away from normal.
LO BET Low Better alarm. The low incremental alarm limit was passed going
toward normal.
L1/HUDA Low1 High UDA alarm. The point is in low 1 alarm and the value has
also exceeded the high UDA alarm limit.
L2/HUDA Low2 High UDA alarm. The point is in low 2 alarm and the value has
also exceeded the high UDA alarm limit.
L3/HUDA Low3 High UDA alarm. The point is in low 3 alarm and the value has
also exceeded the high UDA alarm limit.
L4/HUDA Low4 High UDA alarm. The point is in low 4 alarm and the value has
also exceeded the high UDA alarm limit.

26 TRN350_100
3.8 What are the Operator Station Alarm window columns?


LW/HUDA Low Worse High UDA alarm. The point is in low worse alarm and the
value has also exceeded the high UDA alarm limit.
LB/HUDA Low Better High UDA alarm. The point is in low better alarm and the
value has also exceeded the high UDA alarm limit.
L1/LUDA Low1 Low UDA alarm. The point is in low 1 alarm and the value has
also exceeded the low UDA alarm limit.
L2/LUDA Low2 Low UDA alarm. The point is in low 2 alarm and the value has
also exceeded the low UDA alarm limit.
L3/LUDA Low3 Low UDA alarm. The point is in low 3 alarm and the value has
also exceeded the low UDA alarm limit.
L4/LUDA Low4 Low UDA alarm. The point is in low 4 alarm and the value has
also exceeded the low UDA alarm limit.
LW/LUDA Low Worse Low UDA alarm. The point is in low worse alarm and the
value has also exceeded the low UDA alarm limit.
LB/LUDA Low Better Low UDA alarm. The point is in low better alarm and the
value has also exceeded the low UDA alarm limit.
HI UDA High UDA alarm. The value has exceeded the high UDA alarm limit.

LO UDA Low UDA alarm. The value has exceeded the low UDA alarm limit.
SP ALM Spurious alarm. The point went into alarm and returned from alarm
before being sent to the alarm system. This status appears in the
Alarm History List.
TIMEOUT Point has timed out.
SID ALM SID Alarm. The SID Alarm can be set when:
 The limit field for the point is a SID and a limit read error has been
detected for that point.
 The SID used to determine cutout is invalid.
Digital RETURN Point has returned to normal.
SENSOR Data exceeded sensor device limits.
TIMEOUT Point has timed out.
SP ALM Spurious alarm. The point went into alarm and returned from alarm
before being sent to the alarm system. This status appears only in the
Alarm History List.
ALARM Point is in a digital alarm state.
ST CHG The digital changed state. This status appears only in the Alarm
History List.
SID ALM SID Alarm. The SID Alarm is set when the SID used to determine
cutout is invalid.

TRN350_100 27
3.8 What are the Operator Station Alarm window columns?


Packed Group RETURN Point has returned to normal.

Module TIMEOUT Point has timed out.
Records SP ALM Spurious alarm. The point went into alarm and returned from alarm
before being sent to the alarm system. This status appears only in the
Alarm History List.
ALARM Point is in alarm.
SENSOR Data exceeded sensor device limits.
SID ALM SID Alarm. The SID Alarm can set when the SID used to determine
cutout is invalid.
Packed Group CLEAR Point has returned to normal.
Used as a
Device ALARM Point is in alarm (state alarm).
OPERAT Operational failure (general description).
INSENS Input sensor failure.
OUTSEN Output sensor failure.
ALARM_SN Output sensor failure and state alarm.
TIMEOUT Point has timed out.
SP ALM Spurious alarm. The point went into alarm and returned from alarm
before being sent to the alarm system. This status appears only in the
Alarm History List.
SID ALM SID alarm. The SID Alarm can set when the SID used to determine
cutout is invalid.
SENSOR Data exceeded sensor device limits.
PlantWeb RETURN Drop has returned to normal.
TIMEOUT Drop has timed out.
DEVALRT The field device is in alarm. The value field identifies the specific
alert(s) that are active.
Drop RETURN Drop has returned to normal.
TIMEOUT Drop has timed out.
SP ALM Spurious alarm. The point went into alarm and returned from alarm
before being sent to the alarm system. This status appears in the
Alarm History List.
ALARM Drop is in alarm.
INC AL Drop alarm which has added faults. This status appears in the Alarm
History List.

28 TRN350_100
3.8 What are the Operator Station Alarm window columns?

3.8.2 Code column for the Operator Station Alarm window

The Code column displays the alarm removed code. The code choices are:
 LR = Limit checking off.
 SC = Scan off (scan removed).
 AR = Alarm checking off (point removed from alarm by an operator).
 AR-C = Alarm Off Re-inhibit
 CO = Cutout of alarm checking. Type of cutout depends on mode of cutout (see page 30).
 RD = Return Delay
PlantWeb Alert codes:
 AR = Alarm check removed.
 CS = Communication suppressed.
 FS = Failed suppressed.
 NS = Abnormal suppressed.
 MS = Maintenance suppressed.
 AS = Advisory suppressed.

3.8.3 Value/Quality (Q) columns for the Operator Station Alarm window

The point value continually updates on the Alarm List, the Unacknowledged Alarm List,
Acknowledged Alarm List, and Reset List. The possible options are:
 Analog Value/Quality (Q) – displays the value of the analog point with its quality (blank =
good, P = poor, F = fair, B = bad, or T = timed out). Value/Q displays are always displayed
by default.
 Digital Value/Quality (Q) – displays the status description of the digital point (SET/RESET)
followed by the value (1 or 0) and the point’s quality. This is only used with digital points.
 Packed Group Value – displays the current digital value in binary followed by an indication
identifying whether or not the point is timed out, which is followed by the bits in alarm
(displayed in binary). For packed group alarm points, the value field (displayed in binary
notation) is followed by a “T” if the point is timed out. This is followed by the bits in alarm
(displayed in binary). For packed group points used as devices, the set/reset field is followed
by the value.
 Module/Node Records – lists value (displayed in binary) followed by the quality. The
value/quality is followed by the bits in alarm displayed in binary. For the modules value field,
the value field (displayed in binary notation) is followed by quality and the bits in alarm
(displayed in binary).
 PlantWeb Alerts - contains the currently active alert types. For example, if a PlantWeb alert
has an active Failed, Maintenance, and Advisory alert, the value field would display "FAILED
MAINT ADVISE." The following values display for the specific alert type:
 FAILED - Failed Alert.
 MAINT - Maintenance Alert.
 ADVISE - Advisory Alert.
 NO_COMM - Communication Alert.
 ABNORMAL - Abnormal Alert.

TRN350_100 29
3.9 What is alarm cutout?

 Drop Alarms – the drop description displays. The drop description identifies the fault code,
fault ID, and fault parameters 1 and 2.
 Quality – The Ovation system supports four quality states: Good, Fair, Poor, and Bad, plus
the condition Timed-out. Each indicates the condition of the point to the operator and to the
The system can be configured to display an additional quality reason clarifier after the point
quality description. If the reasons are to be displayed, you should configure the system to set
the order of precedence for the quality reasons in addition to the text that is displayed for
each reason. If multiple reasons are present, only the reason with the highest precedent
displays. You can view all of the applicable quality reasons in the Value/Status tab on the
Point Information window.

3.9 What is alarm cutout?

Alarm cutout is an optional function that either stops a point from alarming or stops an alarmed
point from displaying an alarm message. You use the Developer Studio to select the desired type
of alarm cutout for your Ovation system and to select the points that you want to configure for
cutout. (See Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide.)

Alarm cutout is applicable for analog, digital, and packed points.

An example of using the alarm cutout function is to configure points with cutout in order to
eliminate nuisance alarms under certain conditions such as during plant startup.

3.10 What is alarm filtering at the Operator Station?

You can choose the kinds of alarms that you want to display in the various alarm lists at the
Operator Station and filter out the alarms that you do not want to display.

You can also choose the kinds of alarms that you want to send to the alarm printer or to the

You can use the Developer Studio to set default alarm filtering settings. These settings determine
what alarms appear on the various alarm lists at the Operator Station, what alarms are sent to the
printer, to audio, and what alarms are sent to the Historian for storage. (See Ovation Operator
Station Configuration Guide.)

You can change current alarm settings by using the ribbon Filter tab in the Alarm window at the
Operator Station. These settings override the default alarm filtering settings and can be saved to
a configuration file. Then upon the next startup, those saved configuration settings can be used. If
you do not save the settings, they are canceled when the Alarm window is closed and return to
the default settings that were configured in the Studio.

Note: If you disable the Modify Alarm Filters function in the Security Builder, you cannot change
the filtering parameters. (See Managing Ovation Security User Guide.)

30 TRN350_100
3.11 What are the alarm filtering windows?

The alarms that will display in the Alarm window can be based on the following temporary filtering
 Mode.
 Priority.
 Destination (plant area).
 Alarm type.
 Network/unit.

Note: Filtering is also available for audible alarms (see Audio Alarm System in the Ovation
Operator Station User Guide). If audible alarms have been selected, they use the Alarm List
filtering, and the tab in the Alarm Filtering Definition window will display List/Audio.
The HSR tab is available in the Alarm window that is in control of the peripherals filtering
The Print Advance option is available from the Print option in the Alarm Menu button, providing
a dedicated alarm printer (not the standard Windows printer) is configured. The Alarm window
that is in control of the peripherals filtering is designated by the Filt icon displayed in the Status

3.11 What are the alarm filtering w indows?

The alarm filtering windows provide the ability to temporarily override default alarm filtering
settings while working in the Alarm window for one session at the Operator Station.

Default alarm filtering settings are configured in the Developer Studio. These settings determine
what alarms appear on the various alarm lists at the Operator Station, what alarms are sent to the
printer, to audio, and what alarms are sent to the Historian for storage. (See Ovation Operator
Station Configuration Guide.)

You can change current alarm settings by using the ribbon Filter tab in the Alarm window at the
Operator Station. These settings override the default alarm filtering settings and can be saved to
a configuration file. Then upon the next startup, those saved configuration settings can be used. If
you do not save the settings, they are canceled when the Alarm window is closed and return to
the default settings that were configured in the Studio.

The alarm filtering windows are accessed from the Filter tab in the Alarm window.

Figure 4: Filter tab in the Alarm window

TRN350_100 31
3.11 What are the alarm filtering windows?

The filtering windows that can be used to filter alarms are:

 Priority (see page 32)
 Destination
 Alarm Type
 Network/Unit

3.11.1 To set Priority Alarm filtering

1. Access the Alarm window at the Operator Station.
2. Select the ribbon Filter tab.

3. Select the Priority icon from either the Normal Mode or the Priority Mode ribbon panel. The
Priority alarm filtering window appears.

Figure 5: Priority Alarm Filtering window

32 TRN350_100
3.11 What are the alarm filtering windows?

4. Select the alarm list you want to set filters for from the Select View list.
5. Select the alarm priority levels that you want to set filters for from the Priority list.
6. Select the OK button. The current alarm display updates with the new alarm filtering
definitions activated.
7. Select the Cancel button to discard any changes before they are applied.

Note: You can change current alarm settings by using the ribbon Filter tab in the Alarm window
at the Operator Station. These settings override the default alarm filtering settings and can be
saved to a configuration file. Then upon the next startup, those saved configuration settings can
be used. If you do not save the settings, they are canceled when the Alarm window is closed
and return to the default settings that were configured in the Studio.

3.11.2 To set Destination Alarm filtering

1. Access the Alarm window at the Operator Station.
2. Select the ribbon Filter tab.

3. Select the Destination icon from either the Normal Mode or the Priority Mode ribbon panel.
The Destination alarm filtering window appears.

Figure 6: Destination Alarm filtering window

TRN350_100 33
3.11 What are the alarm filtering windows?

4. Select the alarm list you want to set filters for from the Select View list.
5. Select the destination characteristic that you want to set filters for from the Destination list.
6. Select the OK button. The current alarm display updates with the new alarm filtering
definitions activated.
7. Select the Cancel button to discard any changes before they are applied.

Note: You can change current alarm settings by using the ribbon Filter tab in the Alarm window
at the Operator Station. These settings override the default alarm filtering settings and can be
saved to a configuration file. Then upon the next startup, those saved configuration settings can
be used. If you do not save the settings, they are canceled when the Alarm window is closed
and return to the default settings that were configured in the Studio.

34 TRN350_100
S E C T I O N 4

Using the Graphics Display System at the Operator



What is the Operator Station Graphics Display System? ................................................. 35

What is the Graphics window at the Operator Station? .................................................... 36
What are Operator Station poke fields? ............................................................................ 38
What are Favorites in the Graphics Display System?....................................................... 39
What is the Warning window at the Operator Station? ..................................................... 42

4.1 What is the Operator Station Graphics Displa y S ystem?

The Graphics Display System (also known as the Process Diagram System) allows you to view
graphic diagrams at the Operator Station.

The operator has direct interaction with the process flow through system display diagrams.
Typically, the Operator Station can display up to 16 process diagrams or icons (which open to
custom diagrams). These graphics are typically custom diagrams created by using the Ovation
Graphics Builder. (See Ovation Graphics Builder User Guide and Ovation Graphics Language
Reference Manual.)

You can use the Operator Station utility Operator Diagram Group Display (see page 148) to take
a "snapshot" of a group of graphic diagrams while they are being displayed on an Operator
Station monitor. This snapshot and all information pertaining to the diagram group are stored in a
configuration file. You can then quickly and easily redisplay the group in the same position it was
when you took the snapshot.

You can also redirect a graphic that is currently displayed on an Ovation Operator Station (source
drop) and display it on another Operator Station (destination drop).

TRN350_100 35
4.2 What is the Graphics window at the Operator Station?

4.2 What is the Graphics w indow at the Operator Station?

A Process Diagram window displays graphic diagrams at an Ovation Operator Station. You
access the Graphics window from the Graphics icon at the Operator Station. You can display up
to 16 main windows at once. An Operator Station with multiple monitors can be configured to
display different diagram windows on each monitor.

Each diagram may contain links to other diagrams. Typically, page links are hierarchical. For
example, the top-level diagram might be a plant overview with a plant area displayed below.
Different areas or additional data on the plant area may be located to the left or right.

When you create a diagram, you assign a name and a diagram type (main, window, or sub
window) to the diagram at build time. If you do not specify a paging direction for the diagram, the
arrow button for that diagram is grayed-out.

Once a diagram displays in the window, you can zoom an area of the window.

The diagram may include poke fields which displays other diagrams in pop-up windows. For more
information on poke fields, see Displaying Poke Fields (see page 38).

4.2.1 To access the Graphics window at the Operator Station

1. Open the Ovation Applications folder at the Operator Station click on the Graphics icon.
If the Graphics application is already running, double click on the Graphics icon located on
the system tray.
Select Start -> Ovation -> Ovation Applications -> Graphics.

36 TRN350_100
4.2 What is the Graphics window at the Operator Station?

2. Depending on Operator Station configuration, each Graphics window can initially display a
custom diagram. Diagram 1000.diag is the default diagram.

Figure 7: Graphics display window example

3. To display a diagram in the window, select a diagram name from one of the following sources:
 Load Diagram icon on the toolbar.
 Ovation Keyboard (Custom Key).
 Favorites menu.
If a top-level diagram is defined for the system, you can access it quickly by clicking on the
diagram box.
4. You can access additional graphics from poke fields in the diagram. These graphics appear in
pop-up windows. By default, only one pop-up window at a time can remain open for a
diagram. If you want to open more than one pop-up window at a time for a graphic, you must
configure this feature as described in Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide.

TRN350_100 37
4.2 What is the Graphics window at the Operator Station?

You can open up to 10 pop-up windows for a graphic by selecting the Lock Window check
box in each pop-up window. This locks the graphic in the window until you uncheck it, and no
other graphic can overwrite the locked graphic. You cannot check the final pop-up window
that you open and any additional window you open (beyond the configured number) appears
in that pop-up window.

Figure 8: Graphics Pop-up Window example

38 TRN350_100
4.3 What are Operator Station poke fields?

4.3 What are Operator Station poke fields?

A poke field is a rectangular area on a diagram. When you select that area with a cursor, the poke
field executes a function. Some of the possible functions include displaying a new diagram,
displaying a pop-up window, running an application program, running an operating system
command, displaying process point information and displaying help information.

A diagram may contain several types of poke fields. You can display the locations of all poke
fields on a diagram using the Display Pokes option from the View menu. (Refer to Ovation
Graphics Language Reference Manual for additional information about the implementation of
poke fields.)

If desired, you can highlight a poke field in a process diagram. The Process Diagram
Configuration window in the Developer Studio allows you to configure the color and width of poke
field border lines. Refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide for details.

4.3.1 To display poke fields at the Operator Station

1. Select the View pull-down menu in the Graphics window.
2. Select the Display Pokes option. A red rectangle appears around the poke fields in the
displayed diagram.

Note: As you move the mouse pointer over a diagram, it changes from an arrow to a finger as it
encounters a poke field.

4.4 What are Favorites in the Graphics Displa y S ystem?

Favorites are a collection of items that you use frequently. Favorites in the Graphics Display
System allow you to quickly access diagrams which are used on a regular basis. Three options
exist under the Favorites right-click menu:
 Organize Favorites
 Add to Favorites (see page 40)
 Goto Favorites (see page 41)

Note: Favorites configuration is stored on each drop and is not distributed across the network;
therefore, you must configure favorites on each drop individually.

TRN350_100 39
4.4 What are Favorites in the Graphics Display System?

4.4.1 To create a new Favorites folder in the Graphics Display System

1. Access the Graphics window (see page 36).
2. Select Organize Favorites from the Favorites pull-down menu. A window appears.
This window allows you to create custom folders to organize your diagrams, move between
diagrams, and rename folders and diagrams.
3. Highlight the existing folder or the root Favorites folder and select the New Folder button.
4. A new folder is created. Highlight the new folder and select the Rename button and enter
your desired folder name.
5. Remove folders from the list by highlighting the folder and selecting the Delete button. This
removes the folder and all underlying diagrams from the list.

Figure 9: Organize Favorites window

4.4.2 To add Favorites in the Graphics Display System

You can add a diagram to the favorites list by first displaying the diagram in the Graphics window:

1. Access the Graphics window (see page 36).

2. Select Add to Favorites from the Favorites pull-down menu. A window appears showing the
complete diagram path name and description. You may overwrite this description.

40 TRN350_100
4.4 What are Favorites in the Graphics Display System?

3. Select the Create In>> button to place this entry in any of the previously designated Favorites

Figure 10: Add Favorites window

4.4.3 To access Favorites in the Graphics Display System

1. Access the Graphics window (see page 36).
2. Select Goto Favorites from the Favorites pull-down menu or select the Favorites folder on
the toolbar. A window appears.

Figure 11: Goto Favorites window

3. Highlight the desired diagram and select the Open button or double-click the diagram.

TRN350_100 41
4.5 What is the Warning window at the Operator Station?

4.5 What is the Warning w indow at the Operator Station?

If an error or warning should occur when a diagram displays, a message appears in the Status
Bar and in a Warning window. Take the appropriate action to respond to the message.

Figure 12: Warning window

If you wish to write the warnings to a file, select Write Warnings to File from the Warning Level
drop-down menu in the Warning window. As errors and warnings occur, they are written to the file
C:\tmp\graphics_debug.txt. This feature is intended for debugging and should be used

42 TRN350_100
S E C T I O N 5

Using signal diagrams at the Operator Station


What are signal diagrams? ............................................................................................... 43

Opening a sheet in the Signal Diagram window ............................................................... 44
Understanding the Signal Diagram Navigation toolbar and menu .................................... 45
What is the Signal Diagram display canvas? .................................................................... 49
What are the various Signal Diagram windows? .............................................................. 56
Tuning algorithms .............................................................................................................. 57

5.1 What are signal diagrams?

A signal diagram is an Ovation Operator Station application that monitors and tunes a control
process. Once you create and save a control function (sheet) in the Control Builder, you can view
it online through a signal diagram.

In order to use a signal diagram to monitor or tune a process, you must first load the control
function (.svg file) into the Controller and then the system downloads it to an Operator Station in
your system. (Refer to the Loading sheets in a Windows-based Ovation system section of Ovation
Control Builder User Guide for more information.)

5.1.1 What functions are provided by signal diagrams?

The following functions are provided by the signal diagrams:

 Monitoring analog and digital values.
 Monitoring algorithm mode, tracking and limit status.
 Tuning algorithms parameters.
 Manipulating Set Point and MA Station algorithms.
 Using points through page connectors.
 Navigation for control subsystems.

5.1.2 To access a signal diagram from the Operator Station

1. From the Ovation Operator Station, choose Start -> Ovation -> Ovation Applications. The
Ovation Application icons appear.
2. Double-click the Signal Diagram icon. The Open Document window appears.

TRN350_100 43
5.2 Opening a sheet in the Signal Diagram window

5.2 Opening a sheet in the Signal Diagram w indow

The Open Document window displays sheets in a hierarchical tree that can be sorted by drop and
control task or by component code. Navigate to the desired sheet by expanding the folders in the
tree. Note that only one sheet can be displayed on the Signal Diagram window at one time.

The Open Documents window is the first window that displays when you access a Signal
Diagram. It also appears when you press the Open icon on the Signal Diagram window. The
exception is when a signal diagram is accessed from a Point Menu. When you right-click a point
and select Point Menu, a signal diagram appears loaded with the sheet that originates that point.
See To access signal diagrams from a Point Menu in the Ovation Operator Station User Guide.

Figure 13: Signal Diagrams -- Open Document window

Open Document window item descriptions


Tree drop-down menu Presents two different options of the sheet hierarchy tree:
 Drop Layout - sheets are organized by drop and control task.
 Component Layout - sheets are organized by component code.
Refresh Document Tree icon Displays the Refresh Document List window that prompts you to
regenerate the cache file if it becomes outdated. Regenerating this file
updates the Open Document window so that any newly added sheets
appear in the window.
Search document tree icon Displays a Find window that allows you to enter text strings in the entry
field that represent all or part of a document title.

44 TRN350_100
5.3 Understanding the Signal Diagram Navigation toolbar and menu


Document list window pane Displays the sheets in a hierarchical tree that is sorted either by drop
layout or component layout.
Ok button Opens the sheet in the Signal Diagram window and closes the Open
Document window.
Cancel button Quits the Open Document window without displaying any sheets in the
Signal Diagram window.

Note: For projects that have a valid SIS license, the Open Document window tree displays SIS
sheets under their applicable Control Module and Logic Solver.

5.3 Understanding the Signal Diagram Navigation toolbar and menu

The Navigation toolbar provides a quick way to open, access, and print sheets. The Navigation
menu allows you to select what windows appear on the Signal Diagram main window.

5.3.1 Navigation toolbar

The Signal Diagram Navigation toolbar appears at the top of the Signal Diagram window.

Figure 14: Navigation toolbar

TRN350_100 45
5.3 Understanding the Signal Diagram Navigation toolbar and menu

Navigation toolbar icons and descriptions


Open Previous Document -- Moves to the previously viewed or loaded sheet (not
defined by page connectors or execution order).

Open Next Document -- Moves to the next currently loaded sheet (not defined by
page connectors or execution order).

Previous Document in Table of Contents -- Moves to the sheet above the current
sheet, based on execution order.

Next Document in Table of Contents -- Moves to the sheet below the current
sheet, based on execution order.

Open Related Component Documents -- Provides a list of documents (control

sheets and supplemental documents) that are part of the component code hierarchy
scheme of the document that you currently have open. (See What are component
codes? in the Ovation Control Builder User Guide.)
Open Primary/Partner Specific Document -- Displays a menu that lists the
Controllers that have a copy of the sheet you have open in the Signal Diagram. It
also shows you which Controller has the most recent copy of that sheet. See To
display the last loaded version of a sheet in the Ovation Control Builder User Guide.)
Open Document -- Opens a new sheet by activating the Open Document window.

Refresh Current Document -- Refreshes the currently viewed sheet.

Print Document -- Prints the sheet using the standard Windows Print dialog box.

Point name entry field and Open Reference Document icon -- Enter a point
name in the entry field and select the icon. A list appears showing all the names of
sheets that use that point. The sheet with a yellow * beside the name is the sheet
where the point originates. If the point is on the loaded sheet, it highlights on the
display canvas.

46 TRN350_100
5.3 Understanding the Signal Diagram Navigation toolbar and menu


Enable Fast Point Update -- Determines how fast points are being updated. If the
clock on the icon is one quarter full, points are being updated at 50 milliseconds. If
you click it, the clock becomes three quarters full meaning that points are being
updated every 500 milliseconds. This icon operates as a toggle button.
Show Icon Indicators on Algorithms -- Displays algorithm value indicators on
algorithms. This icon functions as a toggle option. Therefore, if values are currently
displayed, pressing the icon will hide the point values.
Show Dynamic Values on Signals -- Displays point values on signal lines. This
icon functions as a toggle option. Therefore, if point values are currently displayed,
pressing the icon will hide the point values.

Show Default True/False Labels -- Removes the Boolean logic where values are
true or false. This icon functions as a toggle option. Therefore, if True/False text is
currently displayed, pressing the icon will hide the True/False text. It is
recommended that you display True/False text before you print.
Change Dynamic Value Font Size -- Allows you to change the font size of dynamic
values displayed on the sheet. Click the icon to cycle through three choices: small,
medium, and large.

Show Algorithm Order -- Provides a visual numbered sequence of how the

algorithms are executed within a control sheet. When you select this icon, the
algorithms on the sheet are replaced by rectangular boxes with numbers inside. This
indicates the sequence of the algorithms.
Open Help Document -- Provides online help on the signal diagram application.

Note: Holding down the <Shift> key while selecting any of these options will start a new
instance of the Signal Diagram Viewer.

TRN350_100 47
5.3 Understanding the Signal Diagram Navigation toolbar and menu

5.3.2 Navigation menu

You can toggle the display of the Navigation toolbar and the Signal Diagram windows by right-
clicking on any empty space on the toolbar. (Click anywhere but directly on an icon.) A menu
appears that toggles the display of the toolbar and windows. If there is a check to the left of the
menu item, that toolbar or window is currently displayed. If there is no check beside the menu
item, that toolbar or window is currently not displayed.

Figure 15: Navigation menu

48 TRN350_100
5.4 What is the Signal Diagram display canvas?

5.4 What is the Signal Diagram displa y canvas?

The display canvas is where you view your running control after a sheet has been selected from
the Open Document window.

Figure 16: Signal Diagram window

The top of the signal diagram window shows the name of the sheet. From this sheet, you can
monitor your control based on signal and algorithm colors and updating point names and values.
When you select an algorithm, the information that pertains to that algorithm displays in the
Algorithm Summary and the Properties Summary windows. The Properties Summary window
allows you to tune the algorithm.

Note: Press the F2 key on the keyboard to toggle between viewing the display canvas as part of
the signal diagram and viewing it as the entire screen.

TRN350_100 49
5.4 What is the Signal Diagram display canvas?

5.4.1 Viewing algorithm information in a Signal Diagram window

Detailed algorithm, point feedback, and mode information appear as flyover data at the bottom
status bar of the Signal Diagram window (lower left corner). For Foundation Fieldbus algorithms,
the values for the STAT and AMODE parameters display. If you hover over a signal line, the
signal line value displays.

If an algorithm supports tracking, the track value and mode bits appear at the bottom of the Signal
Diagram window. If the algorithm you selected does not support tracking, no tracking information
will appear at the bottom of the window. Refer to the Understanding tracking (see page 449)
section of the Ovation Control Builder User Guide for more information.

Figure 17: Algorithm information displayed at the bottom of Signal Diagram window

50 TRN350_100
5.4 What is the Signal Diagram display canvas?

5.4.2 Understanding when online graphics and control are mismatched

The Ovation system is designed to report discrepancies between the signal diagram loaded in the
Operator Station and the control running in the Controller.

A special icon appears at the lower right-hand corner of the signal diagram window to indicate if
there is a mismatch. Typically, a check mark inside a green circle appears at the lower right-hand
corner of the signal diagram window, indicating that there is no mismatch between the signal
diagram and the control sheet in the Controller. However, if a mismatch does exist, a yellow
triangle icon displays, indicating that the diagram is obsolete.

Signal Diagram mismatch icon indicators


No mismatch between the signal diagram and the control sheet in the Controller.

Mismatch exists between the signal diagram and the control sheet in the Controller.

TRN350_100 51
5.4 What is the Signal Diagram display canvas?

5.4.3 Understanding colors on the Signal Diagram display canvas

The online sheet uses various colors to indicate the conditions that are occurring in the control
scheme. From the Display canvas, the operator views these colors and notes any changes so he
can take appropriate actions.

The following colors are the Emerson default colors that are initially configured with the shipment
of your system. These colors are defined by the standard html color codes, which are given in
hexadecimal numbers. These numbers reside in an .xml file on your system. You may modify the
.xml file using the standard html color code to change these colors per project requirements.

Non-Digital Algorithms Colors

The following colors are used for an algorithm body to indicate the condition of a non-digital
algorithm. The hexadecimal color code number is also given:
 Pastel Green (00FF00) - algorithm is tracking.
 Red (FF0000) - algorithm is in manual mode.
 Turquoise (00FFFF) - algorithm is in local mode.
 Dark Gray (606060) - algorithm has reached bottom of scale.
 Dark Gray (606060) - algorithm has reached top of scale.
 White (FFFFFF) - algorithm is in automatic mode.
 White (FFFFFF) - default/normal color for non-digital algorithm.
 Magenta (E000E0) - algorithm is in alarm.
 Light Purple (pink) (FF0080) - output point is Not Good quality.

Non-Digital Signal Colors

Signals are the lines connecting algorithms on a control drawing. The following colors are used for
non-digital signals to indicate the value of the point of the originating algorithm. The hexadecimal
color code number is also given:
 White (FFFFFF) - default color for point. No action needed.
 Magenta (E000E0) - point is in alarm.
 Light Purple (pink) (FF0080) - output point is Not Good quality.
 Dark Gray (606060) - point is timed out.
 Light Gray (707070) - point is off scan.

Digital Signal/Algorithm Colors

The following colors are used for digital signals and digital algorithms. The hexadecimal color
code number is also given:
 Red (FF0000) - Value - True.
 White (FFFFFF) - Value - False.
 Magenta (E000E0) - point is in Alarm - True.
 Yellow (FFFF00) - point is in Alarm - False.
 Light Blue (0000FF) - point is off scan - True.
 Turquoise (00FFFF) - point is off scan - False.

52 TRN350_100
5.4 What is the Signal Diagram display canvas?

5.4.4 Understanding icons on the Signal Diagram display canvas

The sheet may display various icons to indicate certain conditions that are occurring in a point or
an algorithm. From the display canvas, the operator views these icons and notes any changes so
he can take appropriate actions.

Signal Diagram display canvas icons


Point is in alarm.

Algorithm has reached its high limit.

Algorithm has reached its low limit.

Algorithm is off scan.

Output point has quality other than Good.

Algorithm is timed out.

TRN350_100 53
5.4 What is the Signal Diagram display canvas?

5.4.5 To display algorithm and point information using the right-click menu
1. Access a Signal Diagram.
2. From the display canvas, right-click an algorithm or a page connector symbol. A menu
appears. See the following figure.

Figure 18: Right-clicking an algorithm

The menu has the following format:

 Top of the menu shows the algorithm name.
 Middle section of the menu lists the user-defined points.
 Bottom of the menu allows you to access online help for that algorithm.

54 TRN350_100
5.4 What is the Signal Diagram display canvas?

3. Pull-right on one of the user-defined point names to display another menu. See the following

Figure 19: Pull-right menu

4. The pull-right menu has the following format:

 Top of the menu shows the point name.
 Middle section of the menu displays a Point menu. Refer to Ovation Operator Station
User Guide for more information on Point menus.
 Bottom portion of the menu displays the names of sheets where this point is used. A
yellow asterisk (*) beside the name is the sheet where the point originates. If you click a
sheet in the list, it opens in the Signal Diagram window. Note that only one sheet can be
opened at a time in the Signal Diagram window.

TRN350_100 55
5.5 What are the various Signal Diagram windows?

5.5 What are the various Signal Diagram w indow s?

When you are first accessing a Signal Diagram and displaying a diagram, it appears on the
display canvas. By default, the Function Summary window also initially displays. You can access
other windows from the Navigation menu (see page 48) that give you detailed information about a
selected algorithm. Like the Control Builder windows, the signal diagram windows work together
to give you a complete picture of your control process. Also like the Control Builder, all signal
diagram windows are dockable and floatable.

Note: When you select an algorithm on a sheet, only windows that relate to the selected
algorithm will open.

From the Navigation menu, you can access the following windows:
 Event Log -- shows a list of actions taken in the Signal Diagram window.
 Algorithm Summary -- displays information on a selected algorithm.
 Algorithm Control -- used for certain algorithms that support user input in the form of keyboard
buttons or set point values.
 Properties Summary -- performs tuning on a selected algorithm.
 Ladder Viewer -- only used for Ladders. This will only appear when a ladder is displayed on
the canvas. Note that the Navigation menu will display a Ladder Viewer menu item if a Ladder
is displayed on the canvas.
 Function Summary -- similar to the Algorithm Summary window, but only displays information
on page connectors (inputs and outputs).
Notice that for most of these windows, when you access and dock them, they appear as tabs at
the bottom of the Signal Diagram window (except for the Ladder Viewer which does not appear as
a tab at the bottom of the window). See the following figure:

Figure 20: Signal Diagram windows minimized as tabs at the bottom of the screen

56 TRN350_100
5.6 Tuning algorithms

5.6 Tuning algorithms

The Tuning function in Ovation refers to the changing of point values in an algorithm while it is
displayed in a signal diagram. This modifying or tuning is performed online at an Operator Station
while the system is running. As the tuning is done, the values are sent to the Controller and the
value of the point changes accordingly.

Note: In order for you to select an algorithm for control, you must set the security item
CONTROL FUNCTIONS. In order for you to tune an algorithm, you must set the security item
TUNING FUNCTIONS. For Windows Ovation systems, these functions are enabled through the
Developer Studio. For Solaris Ovation systems, these functions are enabled through the
Security Builder.

5.6.1 To tune algorithm parameters

1. Access the Signal Diagram window.
2. Select a sheet from the Open Document window (see page 44).
3. Left-click the algorithm you want to tune.
4. Go to the Properties Summary window and select the parameter(s) to tune. Enter a new value
for the parameter in the Tuned Value field.

Figure 21: Properties Summary window

5. Select the Commit button to save the setting and change the value in the algorithm record.
6. To perform advanced tuning functions on special algorithms, go to the display canvas, right-
click the algorithm, and select Advanced Tuning. An advanced tuning window appears. For
information on the advanced tuning window for special algorithms, see APC Toolkit User
Guide. For information on the advanced tuning window (SIS Tuning) for SIS algorithms, see
Viewing SIS Tuning windows for SIS algorithms in the Ovation SIS User Guide.

Note: When an algorithm is mismatched, it cannot be modified.

TRN350_100 57
S E C T I O N 6

Using the Point Information (PI) System at the

Operator Station


What is the Ovation Point Information system? ................................................................ 59

What is the Point Information (PI) window at the Operator Station? ................................ 60
What are the components of the Point Information window? ........................................... 63
Point Information Menu button .......................................................................................... 65

6.1 What is the Ovation Point Information system?

The Ovation Point Information system provides access to current detailed information about each
point in the Ovation network.

The fields for Ovation points are updated periodically to ensure the accuracy of the point data.

From the Point Information window, you can use the dockable tabs to view point database
records along with point status information.

You can also use the ribbon tabs to make adjustments to point attributes, such as entering a new
point value or disabling alarm checking.

TRN350_100 59
6.2 What is the Point Information (PI) window at the Operator Station?

6.2 What is the Point Information (PI) window at the Operator

The Point Information window is composed of many different components (see page 63). The
main components are window tabs:
 Ribbon tabs at the top of the window.
 Dockable tabs in the middle of the window.
These tabs work together to display all the attributes for the selected point in the window. The
information that displays is dependent upon what tab is selected.

Note: You can also create custom tabs that will display only the point attributes that you want to

You can select one dockable tab to display in the window or you can select multiple tabs to
display at the same time by using the Guide Diamond to arrange and anchor different tabs as

The first time the Point Information window appears, the Home ribbon tab appears. There is an
empty Point Name field where you can enter the name of the point you want to display or use the
Browse For Points button to locate the desired point.

After you enter a point name and access the point, you can select the applicable tabs to display
the desired information about the point in the PI window.

The name of the point currently displayed in the window appears on the Point Information window
title bar. For more information on this, refer to the Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide.

The parameters of the point appear along with the record fields and current values of the
parameters. You can "drag" the point name from the Current Point field and "drop" it into other
applications such as Trend.

60 TRN350_100
6.2 What is the Point Information (PI) window at the Operator Station?

The following figure is an example of the Point Information window using the Value/Mode ribbon
tab with multiple dockable tabs.

Figure 22: Example of PI window displaying multiple tabs

TRN350_100 61
6.2 What is the Point Information (PI) window at the Operator Station?

6.2.1 To access the Point Information window

1. Open the Ovation Applications folder at the Operator Station and double-click the Point
Information icon.
Select Start -> All Programs -> Ovation -> Ovation Applications -> Point Information.
2. The empty Point Information window appears.

Figure 23: Empty Point Information window

62 TRN350_100
6.2 What is the Point Information (PI) window at the Operator Station?

3. If you know the name of the desired point, type in the name and press <Enter>. The Point
Information window appears for that point.
 If the point name is unqualified, the default unit and network is appended to the name.
 If the point name has the network specified, the default unit is added, if the network
matched the default network.
 If the point is not found on the unit, the other units on the network are searched for the
point name.

TRN350_100 63
6.3 What are the components of the Point Information window?

6.3 What are the components of the Point Information w indow ?

The Point Information window consists of the following:

 Point Information menu button (see page 65).
 Point Information Quick Access toolbar.
 Ribbon tabs at the top of the window:
 Home tab.
 View tab.
 Value/Mode tab.
 Alarm/Limit tab (appears only as Alarm if a digital point is selected).
 Plant Mode tab (appears if a Deluxe point is selected).
 Dockable tabs in the middle of the window.
 Current Point Status bar appears above the dockable tabs (as shown in the following
example). This bar displays the current point name, the English Description (ED) of the point,
and the current value of the point.

The tabs work together to display all the attributes for the selected point in the window. The
information that displays is dependent upon what tab is selected.

Note: You can also create custom tabs that will display only the point attributes that you want to

64 TRN350_100
6.4 Point Information Menu button

6.4 Point Information Menu button

The Point Information Menu button at the top of the Point Information window provides access to
several Point Information window functions. The following figure illustrates the menu that displays
from the Point Information Menu button and the following table describes the functions.

Figure 24: Point Information Menu example

Point Information Menu button functions


Browse for points Displays the Ovation Point Browser (see page 66) window where you can search
the point directory for the local Ovation network as well as configured remote
Ovation networks for points by applying various filtering criteria. An individual point
can then be selected to be loaded into Point Information.
Where Used Displays the Where Used window (see page 67) that contains a list of references to
the currently loaded point. This button is enabled if a point is currently loaded in the
PI window.
Print Displays the Preview and Print menu.

Export Opens the Export window. You can use the Save As window to export the contents
of the PI window to Text, Image, CSV, HTML, PDF, XML, MHT, RTF, XLS, and
XLSX formats.
Preferences Opens the Preferences window that can be used to save application settings
between PI sessions.
Point Information Displays the Options window that allows you to set View and Color Settings for the
Options Point Information window for the current session.
Exit Point Closes the Point Information window.
Recently Viewed List of last points that have been viewed in the Point Information window.

TRN350_100 65
6.4 Point Information Menu button

6.4.1 Ovation Point Browser window in PI

The Ovation Point Browser window is used to locate the points you want to display in the Point
Information window (see page 60). Various filters are provided to help you narrow the search for
the desired points.

The Ovation Point Browser window appears when you select the Browse for Points icon
(magnifying glass) in the Point Information window, in the Quick Access toolbar, or in the Point
Information Menu button. The following figure provides an example of the Ovation Point Browser
window and the following table provides descriptions of the components of the window.

Figure 25: Ovation Point Browser window

Functions in the Point Information Ovation Point Browser window


Start button Searches for all points matching the current filter settings and displays the matching
set in the point list. This button is enabled if a search is not currently in progress.
Stop button Aborts the current point search. This button is enabled if a point search is in progress.
Network/Unit Selects between local and remote networks and units as the source of the points to
Drops Selects a set of drops from the selected Network/Unit as the source of the point
Point Name/ Sets the Point Name and/or Description filters used during the point search. An
Description asterisk (*) character is used as a wild card.
Characteristic Sets the Point Characteristics to be included during the point search.

66 TRN350_100
6.4 Point Information Menu button


Record Types Selects a set of record types to be included during the point search.
Frequencies Selects a set of frequencies to be included during the point search.
OK Accepts the selected point and loads its parameter values.
Close Closes the Ovation Point Browser window.
Initializing Points Displays the progress of the initialization of the points in the list. All the points in the list
Bar must be initialized in order to sort or group the points in the list.
Stop Point Used to stop the initialization of the points in the list. Appears next to the progress bar
Initialization in the bottom of the window during initialization.

6.4.2 Where Used window in PI

After you have loaded a point into the Point Information window (see page 60), you may want to
learn where that point is used in the Ovation system. The Where Used window contains a list of
places and items that currently reference the selected point. You may use this as a cross
reference tool when building or modifying points.

The following figure provides an example of a Where Used window and the following table
provides descriptions of the components of the window.

Figure 26: Point Information Where Used window

TRN350_100 67
6.4 Point Information Menu button

Components in the Point Information Where Used window


Object column Lists the objects in the database that use the selected point.

Type column Identifies the type of objects in the database that use the selected point.
How Used column Describes how the point is used in the Ovation system.

Go To Reference If the selected point is used in control or in a graphic, this button is enabled. Identifies
button the control sheet or graphic where the selected point is used. A window also appears
that provides the option to open the sheet or graphic where the point is used.
Refresh button Refreshes the contents of the window.

Close button Closes the Where Used window.

68 TRN350_100
S E C T I O N 7

Using Point Review at the Operator Station


What is the Operator Station Point Review function? ....................................................... 70

What are the components of the Point Review window? .................................................. 71

TRN350_100 69
7.1 What is the Operator Station Point Review function?

7.1 What is the Operator Station Point Review function?

The Point Review function allows you to search the database for points having specific
characteristics or belonging to a particular point group. A review generated from the Point Review
window displays (or prints) a list of points with specified characteristics, point groups, status
conditions, or qualities.

The Point Review function provides live values for points in the system.

You can base a review on point characteristics that define plant areas (physical or functional), or
other user-defined sorting criteria such as equipment or subsystems.

In addition to characteristics and point groups, you can also base a review on status conditions,
such as points in alarm, points for which scan has been disabled, or points in sensor alarms.

Optionally, the points to be included in a point review can be selected based on quality (good,
bad, fair, or poor), originating drop, and record type.

Point Review provides the ability to show a wide variety of point fields in the columns in the Point
Review window, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 27: Point Review window with multiple columns

70 TRN350_100
7.2 What are the components of the Point Review window?

7.1.1 To access the Point Review window

1. Open the Ovation Applications folder at the Operator Station and double-click the Point
Review icon.
2. Select Start -> Ovation -> Ovation Applications -> Review.
3. If the Point Review application is already running, double-click the Review icon located on the
system tray.
4. The Point Review window appears. The Point Review searches for points on the selected
network and unit.

7.2 What are the components of the Point Review window?

The Point Review window consists of the following:

 Point Review menu button.
 Point Review Quick Access toolbar.
 Set of ribbon tabs at the top of the window:
 Home tab.
 Filters tab.
 Value tab.
 Alarm/Limit tab (appears only as Alarm tab if a digital point is selected).
 Point Review list.
The information that displays in the list is dependent upon what filters are selected for the review.

TRN350_100 71
S E C T I O N 8

Using Historical Reviews at the Operator Station


Historical Review overview ............................................................................................... 73

Components of the Historical Reviews window ................................................................ 75
Performing a Historical Review ......................................................................................... 76
To view edited historical data from a Historical Review .................................................... 79

8.1 Historical Review overview

The Historical Review application allows you to perform specific retrieval requests for point-based
and message-based (that is, alarm, SOE, operator event) historical data. Historical retrieval
results are displayed within an interactive grid that allows you to regroup, sort, and filter the
retrieval results. The user interface for this application contains a ribbon toolbar for easy
navigation to its filtering and configuration features.

By using this functionality, you can perform the following tasks:

 Select historical time ranges, data filters, and views to review your data.
 Save the review query settings (for example, "all set point change operator events for the past
24 hours", "today's sequence of events messages", and so forth) to a Review Definition file,
according to user role, for later reuse.
 Compare specific points from multiple Historians.
 Easily select common time spans (for example, yesterday, current day, past 60 min, and so
 Memorize a current time span for recall and use for other review types.
 Perform paging of a time span.
 Export the retrieval results to various file types, such as .txt, .csv, .pdf, .xls, and .xlsx.
 Investigate and diagnose detailed process records that correspond to the time period of a
plant condition or an event.
You can access Historical Review from your Operator Station or a desktop PC.

Note: The Historical Review application can only be used for Ovation Process Historian (OPH)
retrieval. Interoperability with eDB and HSR has not been retained in Ovation 3.5.

TRN350_100 73
8.1 Historical Review overview

Use the Historical Review application to perform the following types of reviews:
 Point: Point reviews are based on a selected time range, specific points (filtered by point
name, point group, or point characteristic), and specific review types that you select (which
define the type of collected point data that is retrieved). For example, you might be interested
to view all changes in point value, or you might be interested to view only the changes that
occurred when the points entered a particular status.
 Alarm: Alarm reviews display all alarm messages that occurred on all drops or a single drop,
selected alarm types, point types, or individual points.
 Operator Event: Operator Event reviews display operator event messages based on specific
workstation, subtypes, specific grouped subtypes, selected subtypes, and messages for a
single point.
 SOE: SOE reviews are based on workstation number and point name.
 SIS (optional): SIS activity messages are transmitted from SIS data servers. This review tab
is hidden by default.
 ASCII: ASCII messages are text messages generated by the system. The ASCII review can
display, print, or save ASCII messages that occur on all workstations or a single workstation.
 Common: Common reviews allow combined reviews of one or more data types to be
displayed together.

8.1.1 To access the Historical Review window

1. Select Start -> Ovation -> Ovation Applications -> Historical Review.
Open the Ovation Applications folder at the Operator Station and double-click the
Historical Review icon.
If the historical review application is already running, double-click the Historical Review icon
located on the system tray.
2. The Historical Reviews window appears.

Note: Refer to the applicable Historian User Guide for detailed information about using the
various types of Historical Reviews.

74 TRN350_100
8.2 Components of the Historical Reviews window

8.2 Components of the Historical Reviews window

The graphical user interface (GUI) for the Historical Review application is shown in the following

Figure 28: Components of the Historical Reviews window

Note: The SIS dockable tab is hidden by default.

The Historical Review GUI contains the following main components:

 Historical Review Menu button.
 Quick Access Toolbar.
 Menu bar.
 Ribbon bars.
 Settings bar.
 Column grouping bar.
 Review details.
 Dockable tabs.
 Status bar.

TRN350_100 75
8.3 Performing a Historical Review

8.3 Performing a Historical Review

You can use the Historical Reviews window to perform specific retrieval requests for point-based
and message-based historical data. These retrieval results or reviews are displayed on a grid that
allows you to regroup, sort, and filter the retrieval results. You can perform the following reviews:
 Point review.
 Alarm review.
 Operator Event review (see page 76).
 SOE review.
 SIS review.
 ASCII review.
 Common review.

8.3.1 To perform an Operator Event review

The Operator Event review is used to filter a chronological list of operator event messages by
time period, originating workstation, or event type. In addition, this review allows you to focus on
actions taken during a specific time period and can help you decide whether human interaction
preceded a particular plant event.

Use the following steps to perform an Operator Event review:

1. Access the Historical Reviews window.

2. Click the Operator Event dockable tab at the bottom of the window to access the Operator
Event review window.
3. Use the Home ribbon bar to specify the general settings for the review.
4. Use the Filter ribbon bar to specify the filter criteria for the review. The ribbon bar has the
following groups:
 System: This group has the following option:
 Network/Unit: Use this option to select all networks or a single network or unit as a
filter option for the review.
 Originating Drop: This group has the following option:
 Drops: Use this option to select the drop ID for the review.
 User Detail: This group has the following options:
 Domain User Name: Use this option to specify the domain and user name of the
Ovation user that initiated the operator event action.
 Filter Criteria: This group has the following options:
 Groups: Use this option to select one or more groups for the review.
 SubTypes: Use this option to select one or more subtypes for the review.
 Point: Use this option to enter or browse a point for the review.
5. After specifying the settings, start the Historical Review by using any of the following steps:
 Using the Home ribbon bar, click Begin in the Review group.
 Using the Quick Access Toolbar, click Begin.

76 TRN350_100
8.3 Performing a Historical Review

6. The review results are displayed in the Historical Reviews window as follows:

Figure 29: Operator Event review

Note: To stop an active Historical Review, click Stop, which is located in the Quick Access
Toolbar and the Home ribbon bar. This button is enabled only when you start a review. It may
take a few seconds to terminate the review process.

8.3.2 Understanding Operator Event Messages

Certain Operator Station applications report user-specified actions to other drops in the Ovation
system in the form of Operator Event Messages. For example, if an operator makes a change to
a point, such as setting it to Limit Check Off, that action generates an event message so that
other drops in the system are aware of the change.

Operator Event Messages are saved at an Ovation Historian drop and can be viewed through the
Historian's Operator Event Review application (see page 76).

Only certain Operator Station applications and specific operator actions generate operator event
messages. The applications that can issue an Operator Event message are:
 Alarms
 Graphics
 Point Information
 Point Review
 Signal Viewer
 System Viewer
 Trends
Operator Event Messages are also generated when a user logs on and logs out from a drop.

In addition, some actions can be issued from more than one Operator Station application. For
example, the Scan On action can be performed in the Alarm, Point Information, Graphics, and
System Viewer subsystems.

Note: For more information about Operator Event Messages generated from graphics
application programs, refer to the Ovation Graphics Language Reference Manual.

TRN350_100 77
8.3 Performing a Historical Review

The following table displays the list of actions that generate Operator Event messages.

Actions that generate Operator Event messages


Scan On
Scan Off
Alarm Check On
Alarm Check Off
Limit Check On
Limit Check Off
Auto Cutout Disabled
Auto Cutout Enabled
Alarm Acknowledge (the Send Alarm Event Message parameter must be selected in the
MMI Config window in the Ovation Developer Studio. (Refer to the Ovation Operator
Station Configuration Guide for more information.)
Alarm Reset (the Send Alarm Event Message parameter must be selected in the MMI
Config window in the Ovation Developer Studio. (Refer to the Ovation Operator Station
Configuration Guide for more information.)
Test Mode On
Test Mode Off
Latched Quality Good
Latched Quality Fair
Latched Quality Poor
Latched Quality Bad
Value Clamp On
Value Clamp Off
Engineering Check On
Engineering Check Off
Reasonability Check On
Reasonability Check Off
Entered Value
When any of the limits of an analog or deluxe analog are changed
Set Force
Clear Force
Set all Force Bits
Clear All Force Bits
Commission: Off
Commission: On
Mode Change TO FROM, where TO and FROM are AUTO, CASC, or MANUAL

78 TRN350_100
8.4 To view edited historical data from a Historical Review

8.4 To view edited historical data from a Historical Review

After you have performed a Point review, you can compare data between the original value of a
point and the latest value of that point. You can also display a pencil icon next to any data that
has been edited.

Use the following steps to view the edited historical data from the Historical Reviews window:

1. Perform a Historical Review, for example, Point review. The Historical Reviews window

Figure 30: Point review

2. Click the Historical Review Menu button, and then click Historical Reviews Options. The
Historical Reviews Options dialog box appears.

TRN350_100 79
8.4 To view edited historical data from a Historical Review

3. In the Historical Reviews Options dialog box, click Review Settings. The following dialog box

Figure 31: Review Settings

You can toggle between Get Original Value and Get Latest Value to display either original
or the most recent data. In addition, you can select the Mark Edited Data check box if you
want to see pencil icons next to data that has been edited.
4. Click OK.

80 TRN350_100
8.4 To view edited historical data from a Historical Review

5. A selected check box appears at the left to the edited data. The Historical Reviews window

Figure 32: Point review with edit icons

TRN350_100 81
S E C T I O N 9

Using the Trend Display System at the Operator



What is the Operator Station Trend Display system? ....................................................... 83

Trend Display system terminology .................................................................................... 85
What is the Trend window? ............................................................................................... 88
What are the components of the Trend window? ............................................................. 90
Trend ribbon tabs .............................................................................................................. 90
Trend data view (dockable) tabs ....................................................................................... 93
Configuring the appearance of trends ............................................................................... 98
Working with live trends .................................................................................................. 103

9.1 What is the Operator Station Trend Displa y s ystem?

A trend is typically a plot of dependent variable such as process values mapped against
independent variable such as time. It mainly consists of Cartesian graphs with vertical axis (Y-
axis) representing process values and horizontal axis (X-axis) representing time values. There are
many options available for customizing Ovation trends at the Operator Station to effectively
visualize, monitor, and analyze process activity. The Trend Display application allows you to view
Live and Historical data in the form of graphical charts, tables, and printouts.

The following three primary trend views are available:

 Graph (see page 93): plots of process point values over time or process point values
compared to a reference point value (XY Plot).
 Table (see page 93): tabular listing of process values over time.
 Radar (see page 93): multi-axes plot comparing several process point values at a specified
point in time.
Live Trend accesses the Operator Station's Ovation trend buffer, which contains a local, recent
history of values from the Ovation real-time data network. Historical Trend accesses the Ovation
Process Historian’s (OPH) historical database (see the applicable Ovation Process Historian User
Guide for detailed Historian information).

TRN350_100 83
9.1 What is the Operator Station Trend Display system?

Additional views are available to provide related information. In Live Trend mode, an Information
tab is provided that shows the alarm limits associated with the assigned points. In Historical
mode, a Summary tab is provided that lists the numerical results (for example, average,
maximum, and more) for the entire trend time span.

Live Trends and Historical Trends have many of the same features, but there are some features
that are unique to each type of trend. The following table illustrates the features that are available
for Live Trends and for Historical Trends:

Trending Features



Formatting Tools Display Settings  

Styles  
Layouts  
Chart Grids  
Chart Options  
Visibility Options  
Trend Configuration Duration Presets  
and Interaction
Time Span Presets 
Variable Time Span 
Memorize / Recall Time 
Variable Plot Sample 
Browse Points  
Add / Delete Point  
Graphical Zoom  
Data Zoom * 
Page Back  
Page Next 
Trace Value Explorers  
Save / Recall Trend  
Group Definitions
Print Results  
Export Results  
Trend Views Graph  

Table  
Radar  
Information 

Summary 

84 TRN350_100
9.2 Trend Display system terminology



Trace Properties Point Name / Bit Mask  

Historian Data Source  
Data Processing Type / 
Conversion Constant
Variable Plot Sample 
Trace Colors  
Scaling Options  
Visibility Settings  
Display Settings  
* Click-drag zoom only

9.2 Trend Displa y s ystem terminology

The following terms are used when discussing the Ovation Trend Display system:

1. Live Trend: This type of trend continuously updates the Trend display to show real-time
updates to process point values.
2. Historical Trend: This type of trend shows the historical view of process point values for a
specified time span. It interfaces with OPH to obtain historical data of specified granularity and
data aggregation criteria like actual-value, min, max, average, and more.
3. Ovation Process Historian (OPH): Historical data collection and storage system for process
point values and related content.
4. Stacked Panes layout: This is a form of laying out Trend Graphs in vertically stacked areas
(panes) appearing one below the other. Up to four panes are available and are named Panes
A, B, C, and D.
5. Quadrants layout: This is a form of laying out Trend Graphs in four quadrants (two rows, two
columns arrangement). These are named Quadrants A, B, C, and D.
6. Trace: A graph line representing the values for a process point. The whole Trend is
comprised of a maximum of 32 traces.
7. Compound Trace: This is a trace item that is not directly a process point but derives its
values from other process point values by applying specified calculation logic.
8. Auto Historian: When specified as a Historian for a trace item, historical data is obtained
from the first Historian in the Historian list that permits a connection and fulfills data retrieval
9. User Preferences: These are the settings for controlling the behavior of the application.
These can be saved in order to be applied for any new application sessions.
10. Trend Style: These are appearance and display settings associated with the Trend chart
display. These can be saved and reused as necessary. A default trend style can be specified
as a user preference.

TRN350_100 85
9.2 Trend Display system terminology

11. Trend Color Scheme: When new items are added to the Trend, they are assigned colors
based on a color scheme. This color scheme is comprised of 32 good color values and 32
non-good color values. Each pair of these values is assigned to a trace item based on its
sequence in the list of items. These colors can be over-ridden at the trace item level. Good
color value denotes data values with GOOD quality and non-good color values denote data
values with quality of BAD, FAIR, or POOR.
12. Scale: This is a vertical axis displaying a ruler with tick marks and numeric labels. It is
associated with trend graphs and helps to get a visual indication and measure of plotted data
13. Master Scale: This is an optional scale available to be used by all trace items.
14. My Scale: When a trace item is assigned its own customized scale, it is called My Scale. This
scale may also be referred to as the built-in scale or native scale.
15. Shared Scale: When a scale is used by more than one trace item, it becomes a shared
scale. Master scale is an example of a sharable scale. Also ‘My Scale’ scales of Trace items
are sharable scales.
16. Scale Criteria: The scale criteria dictates the numerical extent of the scale. Auto, Limits, and
Custom are the three available criteria.
a) When scale criteria is Auto, the scale adjusts its extent dynamically based on the extent
of displayed values.
b) When scale criteria is Limits, the scale extent is based on the Top and Bottom values of
the process point. These are typically specified using the Ovation Developer Studio.
c) When scale criteria is Custom, the scale extent is based on user specified Low and High
custom values.
17. Show 0 level on scale: This scale property displays the trend graph with 0 value on scale
visible on a trend chart thus allowing graph visualization relative to 0 value. It is applicable
only for scale criteria of Auto. However, if all the data values have a range farther away from
0, then turning off this property will make the graph span more effectively on the trend chart.
18. Digital trace item: This is a trace item where all data values are either 0 or 1. An example of
this is a DIGITAL type process point, a PACKED type process point with only 1 bit being
shown on display, or a minimum/maximum of such values specified as a processing type for a
Historical Trend.
19. Staggered traces: A newly added digital trace item is always assigned My Scale as scale
with scale criteria Auto. In this particular situation, these traces are plotted so that they
appear staggered on a trend chart in the related pane or quadrant. For a staggered trace,
SET and RESET description text appears on the scale.
20. Base Line value: This numeric value applies to the trend graph when the graph type is Area,
Area Bars, Step Area, or Line Bars. It is used as a reference to fill the area above and below it
for Area, Area Bars, Step Area type graphs, and to draw line bars above and below it for a
Line Bars type graph. It is also referred to as a Base Value.
21. Reference line: This is horizontal line placed on a trend chart, based on a user specified
value on a scale. These lines are used to visually emphasize specific values on the trend
chart. For example, they can be used to visualize alarm limits. They are also referred to as
Marker Lines.
22. Reference stripe: This is horizontal band placed on a trend chart and based on a user
specified low value and high value on a scale. This band can be filled with a solid color or a
gradient color. These stripes are used to visually emphasize areas on a chart bounded by
specific values. For example, they can be used to visualize a region bounded by alarm limits.
They are also referred to as Marker Stripes.

86 TRN350_100
9.2 Trend Display system terminology

23. Data markers: When enabled, the numeric values actually used to plot a trend graph are
highlighted with marker dots on the trend graph.
24. XY-Plot: This is a trend in which the X-axis is based on numeric values of a process point
instead of time. Values of other process points are plotted against these X-axis values based
on mutual common time-stamps associated with them.
25. Graphical Zoom: This adjusts the scale range to show a zoomed-in or zoomed-out view
without changing underlying data samples.
26. Data Zoom: A data zoom-in will show a more granular view with a reduced time range. A
data zoom-out will show a less granular view with a wider time range. A data zoom operation
always needs to rebuild underlying data.
27. Trace values explorer: This feature allows you to examine trace values while simultaneously
moving a vertical cursor line horizontally across the trend chart.
28. Compare values explore: This feature allows you to examine trace values from two different
time instances and compare the difference between those two values. This is done by placing
two movable vertical cursor lines on the trend chart. For a Live Trend, these cursor lines
move with the plot lines, thus representing constant time.
29. Trace Hover Window: When mouse is made to hover on the trace plot, underlying point
names and data values are displayed in a small pop up window referred as a Trace hover
30. Time Zone Abbreviation: This is a three or four letter abbreviation for the Time Zones that
are available on a Windows machine and which users intend to use for specifying the
absolute start and/or end times for a Historical Trend. Using these, times can be specified
from nonlocal time zones.
31. Relative Time: This is a method of specifying start and/or end time for a Historical Trend and
is relative to commonly understood time boundaries such as current time, current hour, today,
yesterday, and so forth. This is represented as an expression comprised of various
mnemonics. One example is ‘ct -10hr - 10mi’ meaning subtract 10 hours and 10 minutes from
current time, to determine the time value. Relative time is useful for Historical Trends because
it makes it unnecessary to specify absolute time values every time a trend needs to be

TRN350_100 87
9.3 What is the Trend window?

9.3 What is the Trend window ?

The Trend window features a ribbon style user interface that incorporates dockable windows and
panels to organize and present information to the user.
 Ribbon tabs at the top are associated with the ribbon panels consisting of menus and
commands, which are grouped based on their function.
 Dockable tabs are the Trend Data Display view panels that display various views of trend
data. These dockable panels are organized as tabs in the content area and are floatable.
 Properties panel and Details panel display configuration and runtime information for the
displayed process points. They can be anchored to specific sides of the main window and are
These user interface elements work together to interactively provide the functions for configuring
trend parameters, selecting the process points, displaying the trend data, and assisting you in the
examination and comparison of current and past values.

You can choose to display trend views one at a time by having all views in the same tab group or
you can move around views by holding and moving associated tabs with a mouse. A Guide
Diamond tool helps identify valid anchoring positions and allows interactive placement of views for
the desired arrangement.

The following figure shows the Trend window appearance, when the application runs for the very
first time:

Figure 33: Components of the Trend window

88 TRN350_100
9.3 What is the Trend window?

The main components (use what is in existing Section 10.4) in a bulleted list, provide cross-
references where appropriate.)

The main components of the Trend window are as follows:

 Trend Menu button
 Trend Quick Access toolbar
 Ribbon tabs (at the top of the window)
 Dockable tabs or Trend Data Display view panels (in the middle of the window)
 Properties Panel (Dockable panel that docks to left or right side of the main window)
 Details Panel (Dockable panel that docks to top or bottom of the main window)
 Status bar (at the bottom of the trend window)

9.3.1 To access the Trend window

The Trend window in one of the following ways:

1. Open the Ovation Applications folder at the Operator Station desktop and double-click the
Trend icon.
Select Start -> Ovation -> Ovation Applications -> Trend.
2. If the Trend application is already running, click the Trend icon located on the system tray.
Access the Trend window via the Trend option on the Point Menu.
Drag/drop points from other Ovation applications into the Trend window.

TRN350_100 89
9.4 What are the components of the Trend window?

9.4 What are the components of the Trend w indow ?

The Trend window consists of the following:

 Trend Menu button
 Trend Quick Access toolbar
 Ribbon tabs (see page 90) (at the top of the window)
 Dockable tabs (see page 93) or Trend Data Display view panels (in the middle of the window)
 Properties Panel (see page 117) (Dockable panel that docks to left or right side of the main
 Details Panel (Dockable panel that docks to top or bottom of the main window)
 Status bar (Located at the bottom of the trend window: It shows the current trend type, time
specifications, and point count for the currently shown trend.)

Figure 34: Components of the Trend window

90 TRN350_100
9.5 Trend ribbon tabs

9.5 Trend ribbon tabs

Ribbon tabs organize various Trend application functions and facilitate navigation to them. The
following ribbon tabs are available in the Trend window:
 Home ribbon tab
 Format ribbon tab (see page 91)
 Trend ribbon tab (see page 92)

9.5.1 Format ribbon tab in the Trend window

The Format ribbon tab contains features that you can use to set up the appearance of the trend.
You can configure the trend appearance and associated display settings by:
 Configuring background colors, time axis options, and pane sizing.
 Swapping between stacked panes and quadrants layout.
 Showing or hiding Details panel, Properties panel, and Graph panes.
 Activating additional chart options.
These features are organized by functions (Configure, Layout, Chart Grid, Chart Options, and
Visibility) as shown in the following figure:

Figure 35: Format ribbon tab

TRN350_100 91
9.5 Trend ribbon tabs

9.5.2 Trend ribbon tab in the Trend window

The Trend ribbon tab provides tools for configuring the trend time range, trace parameters,
process point related content, and user interaction for trend monitoring and analysis. You can use
these tools to define the following trend settings:

Trend content configuration functions include:

 Trend’s time specifications
 Point assignments
 Compound traces (see page 105)
 Number of samples (historical trend only)
 Data processing types (historical trend only)
Trend monitoring and analysis functions include:
 Pausing live trends (see page 104)
 Graphical and data (historical trend only) zooming
 Paging through time
 Saving and reusing a time period (historical trend only)
 Trend value exploration and comparison (see page 120)
The following figure shows the options available under the Trend tab for Live trends:

Figure 36: Trend ribbon tab for Live trends

The following figure shows the options available under the Trend tab for Historical trends. For
more information about Historical trends, please refer to the Working with historical trends section
in the Ovation Process Historian User Guide.

Figure 37: Trend ribbon tab for Historical trends

92 TRN350_100
9.6 Trend data view (dockable) tabs

9.6 Trend data view (dockable) tabs

Trend data view (dockable) tabs provide different views of trends. These dockable tabs are:
 Graph view tab (see page 94).
 Table View tab (see page 94).
 Summary View tab (displayed for Historical Trends, but not available for Live Trends) (see
page 95).
 Radar View tab (see page 96).
 Information tab (displayed for Live Trends, but not available for Historical Trends) (see page
You can interactively dock these views in an application window through the use of the Guide
Diamond tool. The dockable tab view panels can be laid out as a group of tabbed windows or can
be docked with each other for simultaneous viewing. These view panels can also float
independently and can be placed on different monitors.

Note: For live trend, alarm limits are displayed in Information view to assist with data
exploration. For Historical trend, summary data for entire trend duration is presented in
Summary View.

The Graph View, Table View, and Radar View exhibit synchronization when Trace Values
Explorer is activated. For example, the time selected using the Trace Values Explorer is
highlighted in the Table View and represents the time shown in the Radar View. Moving the
cursor in one view can affect the other.

TRN350_100 93
9.6 Trend data view (dockable) tabs

9.6.1 Graph view dockable tab

The Graph view tab is the main dockable tab that will be used most of the time to monitor process
activity. The graph view shows the plots of process values over time or plots of process variables
against another variable in an X-Y plot format.

Figure 38: An example of a Graph view dockable tab

9.6.2 Table View dockable tab

The Table View dockable tab contains the same data as the data presented in the Graph view tab
but in a tabular format.

Figure 39: An example of a Table View dockable tab

94 TRN350_100
9.6 Trend data view (dockable) tabs

9.6.3 Summary View dockable tab

This view shows historical data summary information (for example, average, maximum, minimum,
and so forth) for the entire time span. The following figure shows a summary view for the
Historical Trend application:

Figure 40: Example of a Summary View dockable tab

TRN350_100 95
9.6 Trend data view (dockable) tabs

9.6.4 Radar View dockable tab

The Radar view dockable tab plots all the configured points for one instant in time, each on an
individual spoke (axis) arranged in a radial pattern. Radar graphs are also known as spider
charts. These are useful for plotting similar points together to identify commonality between them
and to easily see outliers/deviations from the others.

The Live Trend version continuously updates. The Historical version is static but the instant in
time can be adjusted by moving the Trace Values Explorer cursor line in the Graph view.

Figure 41: An example of a Radar View dockable tab

96 TRN350_100
9.6 Trend data view (dockable) tabs

9.6.5 Information tab

The Information dockable tab displays the Top value, Bottom value, and various alarm limits for
all trace items. Associated context menus allow easy creation of reference line objects and stripe
objects based on these limits.

Figure 42: An example of an Information dockable tab

9.6.6 Interaction among Graph, Radar, and Table view tabs when Trace Explorer
is active

Since view tabs are dockable, you can position them so that the Graph and Radar and/or Table
views are shown together (see figure below). When you activate the Trace Explorer and position
the line cursor at a desired point in time, the values plotted in the Radar view and the row
highlighted in the Table view correspond to the time indicated by the line cursor. Moving the line
cursor adjusts the other Views accordingly.

Figure 43: Example of interaction among View tabs

TRN350_100 97
9.7 Configuring the appearance of trends

9.7 Configuring the appearance of trends

You can use the Format ribbon tab to configure the appearance of a trend and to select what
panels appear with the trend. Use the following procedure to access the Format ribbon tab:

1. Access the main Trend window.

2. Select the Format ribbon tab. The Format tab options appear. Use these options to access
dialog boxes that allow you to configure the appearance of your trends

Figure 44: Format ribbon tab

9.7.1 To access the Configure Settings dialog box

The Configure Settings dialog box contains several tabs that allow you to define appearance
settings such as grid lines color, chart background colors, details panel colors, trend color
scheme, X-axis settings, and Master scale settings. Use the following procedure to access the
Configure Settings dialog box:

1. Access the main Trend window.

2. Select the Format ribbon tab.
3. Select Display Settings. The Configure Settings dialog box appears containing seven
configuration tabs. These tabs are:
 General tab
 Stacked Panes Layout tab
 Quadrant Layout tab
 Master Scale tab
 Good Colors tab
 Non Good Colors tab
 Details tab

98 TRN350_100
9.7 Configuring the appearance of trends

Figure 45: General tab in the Configure Settings dialog box

The Configure Settings dialog box has two Restore buttons to enable you to quickly return to the
default trend settings:
 Restore Defaults: Click this button to restore the default settings (prior to any customization
done) on a particular tab.
 Restore Defaults for All Tabs: Click this button to restore the default settings (prior to any
customization done) on all the tabs.

TRN350_100 99
9.7 Configuring the appearance of trends

9.7.2 To set the Long Date-Time Format in a trend

The Long Date-Time option is used to configure date-times that are displayed in trends for the
table view date-time column, summary view, status bar (in Historical Trend mode), pop up hover
window, compare explorer, and value explorer.

To configure the Long Date-Time format, perform the following steps:

1. Access the main Trend window.

2. Select the Format ribbon tab.
3. Select Display Settings to display the Configure Settings dialog box. Select the General tab.
4. Select the Long Date-Time Format drop-down list. Make your desired selection and click OK
at the bottom of the Configure Settings dialog box. The following figure illustrates the Long
Date-Time Format drop-down list:

Figure 46: Long Date-Time Format drop-down list

9.7.3 To add titles to trend layouts

You can add titles to trend layouts and then show the titles or hide them.

To add a trend title to a Quadrants/Stacked Pane layout, perform the following steps:

1. Access the main Trend window.

2. Select the Format ribbon tab.
3. Select the Quadrant or Stacked Pane layout icon in the Layout section of the Format

Figure 47: Selecting Quadrant Titles

100 TRN350_100
9.7 Configuring the appearance of trends

4. Select Titles in the Configure section of the ribbon. The Chart Titles window appears.

Figure 48: Chart Titles window

5. Enter names for the Stacked Panes or Quadrants layouts in the Chart Titles window (each
Quadrant has its own title).
6. Check the Visible check box if you want the title to be visible.
7. Select the Color for the title text.

TRN350_100 101
9.7 Configuring the appearance of trends

8. Note that the following figure shows an example where the title visibility is enabled for all
quadrants, a title name is given to all Quadrants (Test title for Quad A, B, C, and D), and the
title color is black:

Figure 49: An example of titles for all quadrants

9. Note that the following figure shows an example where the title visibility is enabled, a title
name is given to the Stacked Panes layout, and the title color is black:

Figure 50: An example of Stacked Panes with visible title

102 TRN350_100
9.7 Configuring the appearance of trends

9.7.4 To view/hide the application panels and trend chart panes

To view or hide the panels and panes in a trend chart, perform the following steps:

1. Access the main Trend window.

2. Select the Format ribbon tab.
3. Select the desired options in the Visibility section of the Format ribbon. If you check the
boxes, the selected panels or panes will appear in the trend chart.
 Details Panel (described in Ovation Operator Station User Guide).
 Properties Panel (see page 117).
 Individual stacked panes (described in Ovation Operator Station User Guide).

Figure 51: Visibility section in Format ribbon tab

TRN350_100 103
9.8 Working with live trends

9.8 Working w ith live trends

After you have configured how your trends will appear, you can use the Trend ribbon bar to work
with trends. You can use the Trend ribbon tab to pause live trends, zoom trends, page through
time, save and reuse time periods, and explore and compare trend values. Use the following
procedure to access the Trend ribbon tab:

1. Access the main Trend window.

2. Select the Trend ribbon tab. The Trend ribbon bar appears. Select the desired action.

Figure 52: Trend ribbon tab for Live trends

Figure 53: Trend ribbon tab for Historical trends

9.8.1 To start or stop a trend

1. Access the main Trend window.
2. Select the Trend ribbon tab.
3. Select the Stop/Start icon to resume or pause a live trend.


Select the Begin icon to begin a historical trend. This option is only available for Historical
trends. For more details about Historical trends, please refer to the applicable Ovation
Process Historian User Guide.

Figure 54: Action section in Trend ribbon tab (Live Trend)

104 TRN350_100
9.8 Working with live trends

9.8.2 To memorize and recall a time span (Historical Trends only)

1. Access the main Trend window.
2. Select the Trend ribbon tab.
3. Select the Memorize icon to memorize the current time span to be recalled later.
4. If desired, select the Recall icon to recall the previously memorized time span.

9.8.3 To add a Compound Trace

Compound Trace plot represents values derived from adding or subtracting values of two process
points. Use the following procedure:

1. Access the main Trend window.

2. Select the Trend ribbon tab.
3. Select the down arrow next to the Add button in the Points section.
4. The Specify Compound Trace Information dialog box appears. Fill in the fields as desired.

Figure 55: Specify Compound Trace Information dialog box

TRN350_100 105
9.8 Working with live trends

5. The fields in the window are described below. After you have filled in the required information,
click OK to add or subtract the information for the points.
 Name: Enter the name of the compound trace.
 Description: Enter the description of the compound trace.
 Expression: This shows the addition or subtraction criteria to be applied to the data
values of constituent points.
 Samples: This is the number of data samples. This option is enabled only for Historical
 High Limit: This is the high limit to be used when the scale criteria is Limits.
 Low Limit: This is the low limit to be used when the scale criteria is Limits.
 Units: Enter the engineering units for this compound trace item.
 Point Name: Enter the name of the point to be added to the Trend or click the ellipses
button to browse for the point.
 Historian: Select the applicable Historian name for the history data.
 Processing Type: This defines the mathematical processing for aggregating samples for
Historical trends.
 Conversion Constant: This supplies the units conversion constant to be used for
Integration, Full Integration, and Rate of Change Processing Types when trending this
type of data from the Historian.
 Bit Mask: Applies to packed point items only.
 Add Individual Trace (if it does not exist already): Check this box for creating
individual trace for constituent points.

9.8.4 Using the Trace Properties window

The Trace Properties window allows you to view existing traces' configuration and manage the
trace items by using the Add Point, Browse Points, Remove Trace, and Remove All buttons
located at the bottom of the window. Also, you can configure Compound Traces by using the Add
Compound Trace button. Compound Trace plot represents addition or subtraction of two process
point values.

The Trace Properties window groups the details of trace items into collapsible sections such as
Main, Scale, and Visibility for easy readability and navigation. You can edit each property display
cell of the associated value.

Use the following procedure to access the Trace Properties window

1. Access the main Trend window.

2. Select the Trend ribbon tab.
3. Select the Trace Properties icon in the Points section.

106 TRN350_100
9.8 Working with live trends

4. The Trace Properties window appears.

Figure 56: Trace Properties window

TRN350_100 107
9.8 Working with live trends

The Trace Properties window is comprised of different sections, which are described below:
 Main section: Use this section to examine the point properties that were set while adding a
point along with the good and non-good colors to be used for each trend trace.

Figure 57: Main section of the Trace Properties window

 Scale section: Use this section to edit or view information pertaining to the trend scale that is
used for trace items.

Figure 58: Scale section of the Trace Properties window

 Scale: Use this drop-down list to present all the scale choices available for this trace item.
Depending on the context, this list includes Master scale, My Scale, and native scales of
other trace items or a subset thereof.
 Master scale is the scale that was configured in Display Settings under the Format
ribbon tab (described in To configure Master Scale settings for trends in the Ovation
Operator Station User Guide). By selecting this option you can use the scale settings
defined for the Master Scale and edit the master scale properties directly from Trace
Properties window.
 Select the My Scale option to customize the scale properties to suit your
requirements. The customized scale will be called 'My Scale'. My Scale selection
indicates that the scaling behavior will be controlled by the Scale Criteria settings for
this trace.
 As long as 'My Scale' is defined for at least one trace, the scale from another trace
can be adopted for use by this trace. This allows the trend chart area to be maximized
by eliminating display of duplicate process range limits from the trend chart. The point
name and sequence number of the trace(s) with sharable scales are listed as a drop-
down Scale option(s).

108 TRN350_100
9.8 Working with live trends

 Scale Criteria: Click the cell and select from the Auto, Limits, or Custom options.
 If you select Auto, the scale extent adjusts automatically based on the extent of trace
values. This means the complete trace plot will always be visible in the display area.
This option automatically readjusts the scaling according to the plot data content
associated with the time span of the trend graph. This maximizes the resolution of the
plotted graph for increased readability.
 If you select Limits, the scale extent is based on Limits for the trace point item.
Please refer to the Ovation Developer Studio User Guide for information on how to
specify these limits.
 If you select Custom, it over-rides the scale limits from the Ovation point database
and applies the user configured range limits specified in the Custom High and
Custom Low cells.
 Custom High and Low: Use the option to specify high and low custom value for the
scale, respectively. Select the cell and enter the values.
 Scale Color: Click the cell and choose the color of the scale from the color options
available in the drop-down box.
 Lines: Use this setting to place a reference line on the trend chart for visual comparison
with trended process activity. Select the cell and click the ellipses to view the Marker
Lines dialog box. On this dialog box, click Add New Line to add a reference line on the
trend chart:

Figure 59: Defining properties of a marker line

The fields in the Marker Lines dialog box are described below:
 Y Value: Specify the Y value on the scale to display a horizontal marker line at that
 Label: Specify a label for the marker line.
 Color: Select the color of the marker line from available options in the drop-down box.
 Thickness: Specify the thickness of the marker line.
 Line Style: Select the style of the line from the available drop-down options such as
Dash, Dash Dot, Dash Dot Dot, Dot, and Solid.

TRN350_100 109
9.8 Working with live trends

 Visible: Check or clear the check box to view or hide the marker line. You can also
delete the line using the Delete button.
The following figure shows an example of the marker line where the Y Value specified is

Figure 60: An example of the Marker line

 Stripes: Use this feature to add stripes to the trend chart to provide a visual reference
area for the plotted traces. Select the cell and click the ellipses to view the Stripes dialog
box. Click the Add New Stripe button to add a reference stripe.

Figure 61: Defining properties of a stripe

The fields in the Stripes dialog box are described below:

 Low Value: Specify the low-value on scale from where the stripe will begin.
 High Value: Specify the high-value on scale where the stripe will end.

110 TRN350_100
9.8 Working with live trends

 Color 1: Select the color of the stripe from available options in the drop-down box.
 Fill Mode: Select the Fill Mode as Solid or Gradient.
 Gradient Mode: If Gradient is selected as the Fill Mode, select the color blending
direction from the options: BottomLeftToTopRight, BottomRightToTopLeft,
BottomToTop, FromCenterHorizontal, FromCenterVertical, LeftToRight, RightToLeft,
ToCenterHorizontal, ToCenterVertical, TopLeftToBottomRight,
TopRightToBottomLeft, or ToptoBottom.
 Color 2: If Gradient is selected as the Fill Mode, select the second color for the stripe
from available options in the drop-down box. The stripe color that will appear will be
the combination of Color 1 and Color 2 selected.
 Visible: Check or clear the check box to view or hide the stripe. You can also delete
the stripe using the Delete button.
The following figure shows an example of the stripe where the Low Value is .38 and High
Value is .52:

Figure 62: An example of a Stripe

 Visibility: Use this section to show/hide the Trend trace plot and scale in the Trend Graph
view. The visibility of these items can also be controlled from the Details Panel.

Figure 63: Visibility section of the Trace Properties window

 Display Settings: Use this section to specify the display-related attributes for each trend
trace including:
 Pane or quadrant assignment.
 Type of graph to be plotted.
 Trace plot line appearance.
 Shading settings for area graph types.

TRN350_100 111
9.8 Working with live trends

 Markers to identify data values on a trace plot.

 Use of this point (instead of time) for XY plotting.

Figure 64: Display Settings section of the Trace Properties window

The fields in the Display Settings section are described below:

 Pane ID: Select the Pane ID for the trace item.
 Quadrant ID: Select the Quadrant ID for the trace item.
 Graph Type: Select the type of graph to be displayed in the Graph view for the trace item
from the available options such as Area, Area Bars, Line, Line Bars, Step Line, and Step
Area. Following figures illustrates the graph view of trend trace with various Graph types

112 TRN350_100
9.8 Working with live trends

Note: The graph types Area Bars, Step Area, Line Bars, and Step Line are more pronounced for
Historical Trends that use a smaller number of samples. These graph types have a limited
purpose for Live Trends because they use a higher number of data samples.

Figure 65: Graph Type: Area

Figure 66: Graph Type: Area Bars

TRN350_100 113
9.8 Working with live trends

Figure 67: Graph Type: Line

Figure 68: Graph Type: Line Bars

114 TRN350_100
9.8 Working with live trends

Figure 69: Graph Type: Step Line

Figure 70: Graph Type: Step Area

 Line Style: Select the line style from the available options such as Dash, Dash Dot, Dash
Dot Dot, Dot, and Solid. This option is only enabled for Line-related graphs (Line, Line
Bars, and Step Line as selected in the Graph Type field).
 Line Thickness: Specify the thickness of the trace plot line. This option is only enabled
for Line-related graphs (Line, Line Bars, and Step Line as selected in the Graph Type
 Transparency: Select the transparency of the graph area with respect to other trace plots
and the background of the Trend window. This option is only enabled for Area-related
graphs (Area, Area Bars, and Step Area as selected in the Graph Type field).
 Base Value: This value specifies a base for plotting trace item with graph type of Area,
Area Bars, Step Area, and Line Bars. For example, for an Area graph type, the area
above and below the base value will be shaded.

TRN350_100 115
9.8 Working with live trends

 Data Markers: Check this option to view the data markers on the graph as shown in the
following example figure. When enabled, Data Markers will show the location for each
data value on the plot line.

Figure 71: An example of data markers

 XY Plot - X Axis: Use this option to plot a point not against time but against another point
by checking the XY Plot - X Axis. If this box is selected, this trace item is chosen as X
 Scale - More Options: Use this section for additional options you can use to customize the
scale-display and behavior. You can show/hide the label for the scale, set the scale position,
activate horizontal grid lines, and configure the scale type as linear or logarithmic.

Figure 72: Scale - More Options section of the Trace Properties window

The fields in the Scale – More Options section are described below:
 Scale Label: Specify a text label to be assigned to the scale.
 Label Visible: Check or clear the check box to show or hide the scale label specified.
 Scale Position: Select the position of scale to be either Left or Right of the trend graph.
 Scale Type: Select the scale type to appear as Linear or Logarithmic.
 Logarithmic Base: If Scale Type option is selected as Logarithmic, then select the
logarithmic base as Base 10, Base 2, or Base e.
 Show 0 Level: Check or clear the check box to show or hide the 0 level on the scale.
 Horizontal Grid: Check or clear the check box to show or hide the horizontal grid for a
particular scale.
 Buttons in the Trace Properties window:
 Use the Add Compound Trace button, as mentioned in the Add Point section above, to
add or subtract the data for two points before being plotted on the trend graph.
 Use the View Single Item/View Multiple Items button to change the display behavior of
the Trace Properties window and view the details of one point or multiple points at a time.
By using the Move Up and Move Down arrows next to this button, you can adjust the
sequence of traces configured for the current trend.

116 TRN350_100
9.8 Working with live trends

9.8.5 Using the Properties Panel

The Properties Panel provides a quick view of trace item configuration details and allows you to
dynamically edit and update these details while a trend graph is in view. The panel has same
information that the Trace Properties window contains as described in the Using the Trace
Properties window (see page 106) section.

The Properties Panel shows configuration details of the trace item that is selected in the Details
Panel as described in the To configure the Details Panel appearance section in the Ovation
Operator Station User Guide.

Use the following procedure to show or hide the Properties Panel:

1. Access the main Trend window.

2. Select the Format ribbon tab.
3. Put a check in the Properties Panel check box in the Visibility section of the Format ribbon.
The Properties Panel will now appear in the trend charts. Uncheck the box and the Properties
Panel will not appear in the trend charts.
4. You can also make use of the following features:
 Enable a horizontal scroll-bar to navigate between the trace items in the Property Panel.
This is enabled from the Trend Menu button -> Trend Options ->General options.
 Select a trace item by clicking its plot line in a graph view.
 In addition to PANE and QUADRANT assignments in Properties panel and Details Panel
context menu, you can move trace items to difference panes and quadrants by doing a
left-click-drag on the plot line.

TRN350_100 117
9.8 Working with live trends

 You can pin or unpin the Properties Panel in a trend window. In an un-pinned state, the
panel is hidden with just the title visible along the edge of the trend window. Hover the
mouse on the title and the Properties Panel will temporarily slide into the trend window.
Move the mouse outside or click in the outside area to make the panel slide back.

Figure 73: Properties Panel options

118 TRN350_100
9.8 Working with live trends

9.8.6 To configure scale behavior

You can configure how the scale behaves when you add points to a current trend. Use the
following procedure to configure scale behavior:

1. Access the main Trend window.

2. Select the Trend ribbon tab.
3. Click the small arrow below the Trace Properties icon as shown in the following figure:

Figure 74: Small-arrow below Trace Properties in Trend ribbon tab

4. Note the Personalize Scale Usage dialog box that appears as shown in the following figure.
This dialog box is used to select scale and scale criteria for new trace items.

Figure 75: Personalize Scale Usage dialog box

TRN350_100 119
9.8 Working with live trends

5. For new Trace Items with non-digital values, select from the following options and then
select OK:
 Use scale of last similar item in same Pane/Quadrant automates the adoption of
scales for points with identical scales configured in the point database. For example,
browsing and adding 12 vibration points would use the scale of the first point and share it
with the other 11 so that only one scale is displayed on the Graph view.
 Use My Scale forces each added trace to have its own scale displayed in the Graph
view. Sharing of another trace’s scale would have to be configured manually via the Trace
Properties window. When this option is selected, it automatically sets the Scale Criteria
that are specified in the bottom of this dialog box.
 Use Master Scale configures all added traces to use the Master Scale that was
configured in the Configure Settings dialog box under the Format tab. For more
information, refer to the To configure Master Scale settings for trends section in the
Ovation Operator Station User Guide).

9.8.7 To identify different values on a trend graph

The Explore functions allow you to identify plot values and time instances that correspond to lines
that you have placed onto the trend graph. Use the following procedure:

1. Access the main Trend window.

2. Select the Trend ribbon tab.
3. Select one of the options from the Explore section:
 Trace Values.
 Compare Values.

Figure 76: Explore section in Trend tab

4. Select Trace Values to activate a cursor line that you can move to the desired location on a
trend plot. The plot data values are displayed in the Details Panel and the time corresponding
to the cursor line appears in the right footer of the Trend application window.
5. You can also activate the Trace Values function by hovering the mouse cursor at the very top
of the trend graph area. You will see a special icon (triangular shape). Left-click the mouse
once the special icon appears. A cursor line appears that follows the mouse movement to
your desired location. A subsequent left-click deactivates the Trace Values function.

120 TRN350_100
9.8 Working with live trends

Note that the Trace Values line cursor only moves when you reposition it. Therefore a live
trend will move beneath it and then the line cursor represents a new point in time.

Figure 77: Trace hover value

Figure 78: An example of trace value

TRN350_100 121
9.8 Working with live trends

6. Select Compare Values to compare the values and time differences between two user-
positioned line cursors. This function is activated in two ways, through the Compare Values
button or by positioning the mouse cursor just below the time scale and then doing a left-click
(when the mouse cursor changes to an Up arrow) to display a line cursor. A second line can
be placed in the same way. For a live trend, the line cursors will “stick” to the trend traces to
mark that instant in time and will move to the left with the trace as new dynamic data updates
You have the following line placement options: Left Cursor Line, Right Cursor Line, and Both
Cursor Lines. Click the Both Cursor Lines option and you will have two line cursors on the
trend as shown in the following figure:

Figure 79: An example of Compare Values cursor lines

7. The values and times that correspond to the two line cursors are displayed in one of two
places depending on user preferences set under Trend Options > Value Explorer. You can
configure this information to display within the Details Panel or in a separate pop-up window.
In addition to the values and times at the cursors, the difference in value and time between
the cursors is computed and displayed.

122 TRN350_100
9.8 Working with live trends

8. Use the Details Panel to view the Cursor-lines information as shown in the following figure:

Figure 80: Cursor-lines information in the Details Panel

9. You can reposition the cursor lines by holding them with left-click and dragging. A click just
below the time axis (when the cursor changes to Up arrow), will change the position of the
nearest cursor line to the clicked location when both lines have been activated, or else this will
create a new cursor line.

TRN350_100 123
S E C T I O N 10

Using the Ovation Error Log Window at the Operator



Ovation Error Log window at the Operator Station ......................................................... 125

To access the Error Log window at the Operator Station ............................................... 125
Error Log window columns at the Operator Station ........................................................ 127
Priority levels of Error Log messages at the Operator Station ........................................ 127
To use the Select Priority Level dialog box at the Operator Station ............................... 128

10.1 Ovation Error Log w indow at the Operator Station

An Ovation Error Log window contains error, warning, and informational messages generated by
the various Ovation services and applications.

The Error Log window displays system messages in a standard Windows list view using up to five
columns of information. When first displayed, error messages appear in the window in
chronological order from oldest to newest. You can define the number of columns that appear and
the priority of the messages (see page 128) in the columns.

This information displays in two different modes, Live and Historical. You can toggle between the
two modes in order to view current as well as older error messages. A filtering function allows you
to search for error messages based on dates or priority (see page 128).

You can use the Ovation Developer Studio to define the following Error Log functions (refer to
Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide):
 Send error messages to another Ovation workstation for storage and display. The messages
are also available on the local workstation.
 Archive older error messages.
 Configure the size of the active Error Log file (Live) so that as it reaches its maximum size,
part of the file (oldest Live messages) is archived in the Historical file.
 Configure the size of the archival Historical file so that as it reaches its maximum size, part of
the file (oldest Historical messages) is deleted. This process maintains a consistent size for
both the Live and Historical Error Log files.

TRN350_100 125
10.2 To access the Error Log window at the Operator Station

10.2 To access the Error Log w indow at the Operator Station

1. Open the Ovation Applications folder at the Operator Station and double-click on the Error
Log icon.
If the Error Log application is already running, double click on the Error Log icon located on
the system tray.
Select Start -> Ovation -> Error Log.
2. Use the Ovation Error Log window that appears to display error, warning, and informational
messages generated by the various Ovation services and applications.

Figure 81: Ovation Error Log window (Live mode)

126 TRN350_100
10.3 Error Log window columns at the Operator Station

10.3 Error Log w indow columns at the Operator Station

The data about the error messages displays in a standard Windows list view that contains up to
five columns. You can define what columns appear in the window and you can resize the columns
by adjusting the headers at the top of each column. Click on a column header to sort the list in
alphabetical order based on that column's data. Click again to sort the list in reverse alphabetical
order. By default, the messages appear in chronological order.

Messages that appear in the Error Log window (see page 125) have five components of
information. This information appears in the columns that you selected from the Choose Columns
dialog box.
 Date Time – indicates the date and time the message was generated and added to the Error
 Source – indicates the workstation that first logged this message. If you see this message at
a workstation that has been configured as a Logging Host, this column lists the workstation
that sent the message. (See Ovation Operator Station Configuration Guide for information on
configuring the Error Log.)
 Priority – displays a value ranging from 0 to 7. The value 0 represents an extremely severe
condition; the value 7 represents benign information or a debugging message. By default,
only priorities 0 through 6 display.
 Identifier – displays a string showing which Ovation program or drop generated the message.
 Description – contains a description of the error message. Some error messages may
contain a series of hex numbers. These are typically Fault Codes from the Controller and
have the following format:
<Fault Code>: <Fault ID>: <Fault Parameter1>... <Fault Parameter5>.
For Ovation 3.5 and later releases, fault codes are part of Ovation software and are displayed
in the Ovation System Viewer application. Refer to the Ovation Operator Station User Guide
for additional information.

10.4 Priority levels of Error Log messages at the Operator Station

Error Log messages have eight different priority levels:

 0 - Emergency Condition/Severe Error
 1 - Alert Message
 2 - Critical Situation
 3 - Errors
 4 - Warnings
 5 - Normal but Significant Condition
 6 - Informational Messages
 7 - Debug Messages
These priority levels are defined during program development and are permanently fixed. The
most severe message level is 0 and the least severe message level is 7.

The Select Priority Level dialog box allows you to select the least severe priority level of the error
messages that you want to display in the Error Log window.

TRN350_100 127
10.5 To use the Select Priority Level dialog box at the Operator Station

10.5 To use the Select Priority Level dialog box at the Operator
1. Access the Error Log window.
2. Select the View drop-down menu and pick Priority Level. The Select Priority Level dialog
box appears.

Figure 82: Error Log Select Priority Level dialog box

3. Select the base priority level of the error messages that you want to appear in the Error Log
window and select OK. All messages containing that priority level and any priority levels
above that level will appear in the Error Log window.
For example, if you select level 3, all messages with priority levels 3, 2, 1, or 0 display in the

128 TRN350_100
S E C T I O N 11

Using the System Viewer at the Operator Station


What is the System Viewer at the Operator Station?...................................................... 129

What are the components of the System Viewer window? ............................................. 131
System Viewer Menu button ........................................................................................... 132
System Viewer Quick Access toolbar ............................................................................. 133
System Viewer Ribbon tabs ............................................................................................ 133
Hierarchy Display Pane ................................................................................................... 134
System Viewer Dockable tabs ........................................................................................ 135
Additional Information on Fault Code: Hardware Address and I/O Status Values ......... 137

11.1 What is the S ystem View er at the Operator Station?

The Ovation System Viewer automatically generates a real-time, live display of a drop’s
Input/Output from the drop-level down to the individual points or channels on modules. The I/O
Viewer allows effective monitoring of I/O in their operation, maintenance, and commissioning of
the plant.

System Viewer supports the status display of bus devices, Rline I/O devices, and a few third-party
devices such as Fieldbus, Profibus, and DeviceNet. This application will typically be used by the
Technicians and Project Engineers, Installation Engineers, and Plant Operators.

The Ovation System Viewer window is composed of many different components. The main
components are window tabs:
 Ribbon tabs at the top of the window.
 Dockable tabs in the middle of the window.
These tabs work together to display all the attributes for the selected item in the window. The
information that appears is dependent upon what tab is selected.

You can select one dockable tab to display in the window or you can select multiple tabs to
display at the same time by using the Guide Diamond to arrange and anchor different tabs as

Note: You can only redock the grids that are displayed. The number of grids displayed is
dependent on the type of item that is selected.

TRN350_100 129
11.1 What is the System Viewer at the Operator Station?

When you open the Ovation System Viewer window, it appears as shown in the following figure:

Figure 83: System Viewer main window

Note: You can have more than one System Viewer windows running but the one with the green
square icon on the bottom-right of the window is the active window.

11.1.1 To access the System Viewer window

1. Open the Ovation Applications folder at the Operator Station desktop and double-click on
the System Viewer icon.
Select Start -> All Programs -> Ovation -> Ovation Applications -> System Viewer.
2. If the System Viewer application is already running, double-click the System Viewer icon
located on the system tray.
Right-click a point in Point Information, Point Review, Alarm, or Trend windows and select
the System Viewer option.
3. The System Viewer window appears. Use this window to display a real-time, live display of a
drop’s I/O down to the individual points or channels on modules

130 TRN350_100
11.2 What are the components of the System Viewer window?

11.2 What are the components of the S ystem View er w indow ?

The System Viewer window consists of the following:

 System Viewer Menu button (see page 132)
 System Viewer Quick Access toolbar (see page 133)
 Ribbon tabs (see page 133) at the top of the window
 Hierarchy Display Pane (see page 134)
 Dockable tabs (see page 135) in the middle of the window

Figure 84: Components of the System Viewer window

TRN350_100 131
11.3 System Viewer Menu button

11.3 System View er Menu button

The System Viewer Menu button at the top of the System Viewer window provides access to
several System Viewer window functions. The following figure illustrates the menu options and
the table describes the functions:

Figure 85: System Viewer Menu

System Viewer Menu button functions


Load Search Criteria Displays a window that allows you to choose a previously saved System Viewer
configuration of filter and column settings and apply (load) it to the current
Save Search Criteria Displays a window that allows you to save the current filter and column settings
to a file. You should provide a custom name for the saved settings so the
settings can be applied at a later time.
Print Displays the Preview and Print menu. This function is similar to the Print option
in the Point Information window.
Export Opens the Export window. This window is similar to the Export window in Point
Information. You can use the Save As window to export the contents of the
System Viewer window to Text, Image, CSV, HTML, PDF, XML, MHT, RTF,
XLS, and XLSX formats. Refer to the Export option section for more
Preferences Opens the Preferences window that can be used to save application settings
between System Viewer sessions.
Where Used Displays the Where Used window that contains a list of references to the
currently loaded point. This button is enabled if a point is currently loaded in the
Point Information window. Refer to the Where Used option section for more

132 TRN350_100
11.4 System Viewer Quick Access toolbar


System Viewer Options Displays the Options window that allows you to set View and Color Settings for
the System Viewer window for the current session.
Exit System Viewer Closes the System Viewer window.
Recently Used Search List of last search criterion that has been viewed in the System Viewer window.

11.4 System View er Quick Access toolbar

The System Viewer window has frequently used icons that appear at the top of the window in a
Quick Access toolbar. These icons are shown below and are described in the following table as
they appear from left to right:

Figure 86: System Viewer Quick Access toolbar

System Viewer Quick Access Toolbar functions


Displays the Load Search Criteria window.

System Viewer tracks your movement and allows you to navigate back and forth by
using these two arrows.

11.5 System View er Ribbon tabs

The System Viewer window has two main ribbon tabs.

 Home ribbon tab
 Hierarchy Search ribbon tab
It has six other ribbon tabs that appear depending upon what point is selected:



Value tab Long Analog (LA), Deluxe Analog (DA), Long Packed (LP), or Deluxe Packed (DP) point

Value/Mode tab Long Digital (LD) or Deluxe Digital (DD) point. This tab contains the Auto, Manual, and
Cascade buttons used to change the device modes
Alarm tab Long Digital (LD), Deluxe Digital (DD), Long Packed (LP), Deluxe Packed (DP), Module
(RM), or Node (RN) point
Alarm/Limit tab Long Analog (LA) or Deluxe Analog (DA) point

TRN350_100 133
11.6 Hierarchy Display Pane



Commission tab Long Analog (LA), Deluxe Analog (DA), Long Digital (LD), Deluxe Digital (DD), Long
Packed (LP), or Deluxe Packed (DP) point.
The Commission tab is used to commission points NOT devices.
Plant Mode tab Deluxe Analog (DA), Deluxe Digital (DD), Long Packed (LP), or Deluxe Packed (DP)
point. This tab contains the Auto, Manual, and Cascade buttons used to change the
device modes.

11.6 Hierarchy Displa y Pane

The Hierarchy Display Pane displays a tree structure of the hierarchical view of Ovation hardware
and third-party hardware such as Fieldbus, Profibus, and DeviceNet as shown in the following
figure. When an error or alarm occurs, that particular node is highlighted in the Hierarchy Display
Pane to make it easier to view the hardware where the problem occurred. The Hierarchy Display
Pane is further explained in the Using the Ovation System Viewer section.

Figure 87: Hierarchy Display Pane

134 TRN350_100
11.7 System Viewer Dockable tabs

11.7 System View er Dockable tabs

The System Viewer window contains various dockable tabs. The following figure shows an
example of some dockable tabs. Use a Guide Diamond tool to arrange these dockable tabs in an
application window. These dockable tabs are further explained in the Using the Ovation System
Viewer section.

Figure 88: An example of dockable tabs

For better readability of data under the dockable tabs, you can redock the grids (also called tabs)
using the Guide Diamond tool.

The following figures display examples of redocking a grid:

Figure 89: An example of a default view of dockable tabs

TRN350_100 135
11.7 System Viewer Dockable tabs

Figure 90: An example of redocking the tabs

Figure 91: An example of another way of redocking the tabs

136 TRN350_100
11.8 Hardware Address and I/O Status Values

11.8 Hardw are Address and I/O Status Values

For Ovation 3.5 and later releases, the Fault Codes are part of the Ovation System Viewer

The following tables apply to the hardware address and I/O Status values for Fault Code 66 (Fault
ID B).

Note: All fields are 0 based. This table only applies to IOIC Devices.

Hardware Address Decoding


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Node Branch Module Offset

N O D E A C C E S S ( B I T 1 3 :1 , B I T 7 :1 )

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 Node 1 Offset

GROUP WRITE TO M O D U L E S ( B I T 1 3 :1 , B I T 7 : 0 , B I T 8 :0 )

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 0 0 Offset

GROUP WRITE TO N O D E S ( B I T 1 3 :1 , B I T 7 : 0 , B I T 8 : 1 )

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 1 0 Offset

I/O Status Values


0x0000 Local: No response from module

0x0800 Remote: Echo: No response
0x0a00 Remote: Node: No response
0x0e00 1
Remote: Transmit collision
0x2000 Local: Bad CRC
0x2800 1
Remote: Echo: Bad CRC
0x2a00 Remote: Node: Bad CRC
0x2e00 Remote: I/O control register changed
0x4000 Local: Module in attention
0x4c00 Remote: Node in attention

TRN350_100 137
11.8 Hardware Address and I/O Status Values


0x4e00 Remote: PCRR internal error

0x6000 Success
0x6200 1
Remote: Echo: Wrong SRC
0x6400 Remote: Node: Wrong SRC
0x6800 1
Remote: Echo: Wrong DST
0x6a00 Remote: Node: Wrong DST
0x6c00 Remote: Node: Invalid response
0x0180 IOIC board not in control
0x0190 Q-line DIOB volts bad
0x00a0 Illegal access type
0x00b0 Illegal hardware address
0x00c0 Point not scanned yet
0x00d0 I/O cycle hung
0x00e0 Remote I/O type unknown
0x01f0 Third-party I/O Driver Error (for example, invalid GE Mark V/VI tables)
0x6010 Error checking for SOE Events
0x6020 Readback failed or Card OK Bit not set
0x6130 DIOB test failed
Consider updating PCRR (3A99190G01) Board to Revision 14 (per DEO 57211).

Note: Bit 0x8000 could also be set in any of these codes.

Local I/O statuses indicate a problem in the local R-Line I/O bus. For local I/O, the problem is
between the PCRL and the module. For remote I/O, the problem is between the remote node
Controller and the module.

Remote I/O statuses indicate a problem in the remote R-Line I/O bus. The problem is between the
PCRR and the remote node Controller.

138 TRN350_100
S E C T I O N 12

Ovation Utilities


What are the Ovation utilities? ........................................................................................ 139

What is the Control Logic Navigator utility? .................................................................... 140
What is the Sensor Calibration utility? ............................................................................ 141
What is the Ovation Session Manager utility? ................................................................ 145
What is the Operator Diagram Group Display utility? ..................................................... 148

12.1 What are the Ovation utilities?

The Ovation utilities allow you to display a variety of information about your Ovation system or
perform a function on your Ovation system. The utilities are:
 Control Logic Navigator (see page 140).
 Sensor Calibration (see page 141).
 Ovation Session Manager (see page 145).
 Operator Diagram Group Display (see page 148).
 Print Screen function
 Controller Diagnostics (see the applicable Ovation Controller User Guide for information
about the Controller Diagnostics utility).
 SureService Ovation System Registration Utility (see the applicable Ovation System
Registration User Guide for more information).

TRN350_100 139
12.2 What is the Control Logic Navigator utility?

12.2 What is the Control Logic Navigator utility?

The Control Logic Navigation tool searches the control sheets on one or more of the active
Controllers on the local network for a user-specified point.

Primarily, this tool is designed for troubleshooting control logic. In particular, it is designed to
troubleshoot the control logic in migrated WDPF control systems.

This tool allows you to query the control system for specific points in currently loaded control
sheets. The Control Logic Navigator tool searches all control sheets in selected drops and
displays control diagrams using the graphics display program.

A list of control sheets where a specified point is used appears. The drop number, sheet number,
and sheet description are displayed for each sheet in the list. You can expand each sheet in the
list to view a sublist of each instance where the point is used on that sheet.

For each instance, the algorithm name is displayed along with data specific to the algorithm. For
example, if the algorithm is a BOOLEANSOLVER, the named output is also displayed. If the
algorithm is a LADDERSOLVER, the parameter type and the parameter row and column are

For all other algorithms, both the parameter pin name and the associated LC point are displayed.
Clicking on any list entry displays the associated control sheet in the active graphics window.

Where possible, the graphics program highlights the algorithm or algorithms where the point is

When searching for a packed point, the Control Logic Navigator tool gives you an option to limit
your search by selecting a bit number in the Bit field.

You may search on all occurrences of the point on control sheets, or you may limit the search to
sheets where a specific bit is used (bits 0 to 15). If you select the blank option in the Bit field, the
option searches for sheets where any of the 16 bits are used. The bit option is ignored if the input
point is not a Packed Point.

When you begin a search for a point, this tool creates a drops list of the drop where the point
originates and any of the drops where it is received. The originating drop is tagged with an
asterisk ( * ). If there is more than one drop in the list, an All option is added to the drops list.

By default, the initial search always searches the originating drop from the drop list. After the
initial search is performed, you can select any other drop from the drops list, or select the All item
and then re-run the search to begin searching the other drops.

The tool provides the capability to save the search output to a file and to print the search output.

140 TRN350_100
12.2 What is the Control Logic Navigator utility?

12.2.1 To access the Control Logic Navigator

You can access the Control Logic Navigator through the point context menu within the graphics
display or from the Start button at the bottom left corner of your computer screen.

Choose Start -> Ovation -> Ovation Utilities -> Control Logic Navigator. The Control Logic
Navigator window appears.

Figure 92: Control Logic Navigator window

TRN350_100 141
12.3 What is the Sensor Calibration utility?

12.3 What is the Sensor Calibration utility?

Sensor Calibration provides calibration of analog points. Sensor Calibration takes user input and
calculates the conversion coefficients that are then used by the Controller for conversion of
original input values to engineering units.

12.3.1 To access the Sensor Calibrate function

1. Choose Start -> All Programs -> Ovation -> Ovation Utilities -> Sensor Calibrate.
The Sensor Calibration window appears.

Figure 93: Sensor Calibration window

142 TRN350_100
12.3 What is the Sensor Calibration utility?

12.3.2 To calibrate a point using Sensor Calibration

1. To search for points you want to calibrate, click on the Search button on the Sensor
Calibration window.
The Find Points window appears.

Figure 94: Find Points window

2. From the Find Points window, select a drop from the left pane and a point from the right
pane and select Apply.
3. The selected point displays on the Sensor Calibration window.

Note: When a point is applied, the point is taken off scan and put in Sensor Calibrate mode.

4. Select the Degree of the Polynomial (that is the highest power of input x). Refer to the CV
Conversion Type Index record field. (See Ovation Record Types Reference Manual.)
5. Enter the Expected Values for your application range.
6. Click on Position and select one of the following options:
 User Entered - (Manual Calibration) - Entered by the user.
 Actual Voltage - Read from the hardware. The actual voltage is based on the card.

TRN350_100 143
12.3 What is the Sensor Calibration utility?

7. Once a sufficient number of values are entered (the required number of values is dependent
on the polynomial order specified previously), you can choose the Calc Coeff button to
calculate the new coefficients. When the coefficients are calculated, they are displayed in the
New Coeff column (see the following figure).

Figure 95: Sensor Calibration window showing complete calibration

8. The Deviation field is only applicable for actual values read from the hardware.
 Store Coeff - Replaces the old coefficient values with the new values.
 Clear Coeff - Clears the table, then you can start over.
9. Click on the Plot Point tab. The Plot Point window appears (see the following figure). This
plots the Expected Value against the Actual Voltage in a graph.

144 TRN350_100
12.3 What is the Sensor Calibration utility?

The Plot Point tab in the Sensor Calibration window displays a graph of the plotted points.

Figure 96: Plot Point tab

TRN350_100 145
12.4 What is the Ovation Session Manager utility?

12.4 What is the Ovation Session Manager utility?

The Ovation Session Manager utility provides quick access to useful system information such as
the current Ovation version, remote data server status, and security information. It also gives you
the ability to change your default network and unit which is helpful in completing fully qualified
point names.

The icon for the Ovation Session Manager utility is located in the Taskbar Notification Area
(System Tray) of an Ovation workstation. The color of the icon indicates the status of the session:
 Green = All systems are normal.
 Yellow = Session Manager is initializing.
 Red = One or more remote networks are not responding.

Figure 97: Session Manager icon

12.4.1 To access the Session Manager utility

Perform the following to access an Ovation workstation:

1. Locate the Session Manager utility icon in the System Tray.

2. Double-click on the icon. The Session Manager window opens.

146 TRN350_100
12.4 What is the Ovation Session Manager utility?

12.4.2 What are the components of the Session Manager window?

The Session Manager window consists of the following (refer to the Ovation Operator Station
User Guide for details about the components of the Session Manager window):
 Four drop-down menus:
 Session Manager File menu.
 Session Manager Options menu.
 Default Network drop-down menu.
 Default Unit drop-down menu.
 Set of dockable tabs that describe the parameters of the current Operator Station session:
 Remote Networks tab.
 Drop/User tab (see page 147).
 Operator Functions tab.
 Point Security Groups tab.

12.4.3 Drop/User tab in the Session Manager window

The Drop/User tab identifies the current drop and the current user on the drop and provides
information about both of them.

Figure 98: Session Manager Drop/User tab

TRN350_100 147
12.5 What is the Operator Diagram Group Display utility?

12.5 What is the Operator Diagram Group Displa y utility?

The Operator Diagram Group Display takes a "snapshot" of a group of graphic diagrams while
they are being displayed on an Operator Station monitor. This snapshot and all information
pertaining to the diagram group are stored in a configuration file. You can then quickly and easily
redisplay the group in the same position it was when you took the snapshot.

The configuration file contains the following information:

 Description of the group of diagrams.
 Predefined diagrams (up to eight) that belong in the group.
 Point groups to use in the diagrams.
 x and y-coordinates of the group display.
 Width and height of the group display.

12.5.1 To access the Operator Diagram Group Display at an Operator Station

1. At the Operator Station, select Start -> All Programs -> Ovation -> Ovation Utilities ->
Operator Diagram Group Display. The Operator Diagram Group Display window appears.

Figure 99: Operator Diagram Group Display window

148 TRN350_100
12.5 What is the Operator Diagram Group Display utility?

2. Use the window to add, remove, or reorder (see page 149) Operator Diagram Groups.
3. After the initial access of the utility, you can optionally select to start the utility automatically
each time you log on to the Operator Station. Put a check in the Display Icon in Taskbar
Tray on Startup check box in the Operator Diagram Group Display window, and each time
you log on, an Operator Diagram Group icon appears in the taskbar tray.

12.5.2 What are Operator Diagram Group Display guidelines?

The following guidelines apply to the creation and configuration of Operator Diagram Groups:
 You may capture up to eight diagrams in a diagram group.
 You must configure each specific Operator Station individually for each user.
 You may copy your Operator Diagram Group configuration files to multiple Operator Stations.
 If requested group coordinates are invalid or outside the current Operator Station screen
resolution, the group diagram appears in the upper-right corner of the screen.
 When you perform a group snapshot, any active pop-up windows in the applicable graphics
are not captured and do not display when you request the diagram group.

12.5.3 To display a diagram group at the Operator Station

1. At the Operator Station, right-click on the Operator Diagram Group Display icon in the taskbar
tray. A list of the defined diagram groups appears.

Figure 100: Diagram Group menu

2. Left-click on the diagram group that you want to display.

12.5.4 Configuring Operator Diagram Groups at an Operator Station

After you access the Operator Diagram Group Display window, you can edit the diagram groups.
After you make the desired configuration changes, select the Save to Disk button to save the

You can perform the following functions:

 Add a diagram group (see page 149).
 Remove a diagram group (see page 150).
 Reorder the diagram groups (see page 150).

TRN350_100 149
12.5 What is the Operator Diagram Group Display utility?

12.5.5 To add a diagram group at an Operator Station

1. Log onto an Operator Station.
2. Display the diagrams that you want to include in the diagram group.
3. Access the Operator Diagram Group Display window and select the Add Snapshot button.
The utility determines the size, location, diagram number, and point group number of all the
currently displayed diagrams and puts that information into a configuration file.
4. Enter a description (up to 80 characters) for the group in the Snapshot Description window.
5. Select Apply or Cancel.

Figure 101: Snapshot Description window

6. Select the Save to Disk button on the Operator Diagram Group Display window to save the

12.5.6 To remove a diagram group from an Operator Station

1. Log onto an Operator Station.
2. Access the Operator Diagram Group Display window and select the desired diagram group
from the list of configured diagram groups.
3. Select the Remove Snapshot button. This removes the diagram group from the configuration
4. Select the Save to Disk button to save the changes.

12.5.7 To reorder diagram groups at an Operator Station

1. Log onto an Operator Station.
2. Access the Operator Diagram Group Display window and select the desired diagram group
from the list of configured diagram groups. Use the up and down arrows to reorder the group's
position in the list.
3. Continue reordering the diagram groups until the desired group order is complete.
4. Select the Save to Disk button to save the changes.

150 TRN350_100
S E C T I O N 13

Introduction to the Ovation 3.5 Developer Studio


Topics covered in the Developer Studio section of this manual ..................................... 151
What is the Ovation Developer Studio? .......................................................................... 152
What are the Developer Studio window components? ................................................... 153
Understanding the Developer Studio Overview window ................................................. 154
Understanding the WorkPad window .............................................................................. 158
What are the Developer Studio menus? ......................................................................... 158
What tools are available for status and error checking on the Developer Studio? ......... 164
Data validation................................................................................................................. 166
What is the Developer Studio system tree structure? ..................................................... 167

13.1 Topics covered in the Developer Studio section of this manual

The following Developer Studio subjects are discussed in this manual:

 What is the Ovation Developer Studio? (see page 152).
 Understanding the Developer Studio windows, menus, and toolbars.
 Understanding the Developer Studio hierarchical tree structure.
 Working with common Developer Studio operations (see page 169).
 Creating Points in the Developer Studio (see page 197).

TRN350_100 151
13.2 What is the Ovation Developer Studio?

13.2 What is the Ovation Developer Studio?

The Ovation Developer Studio is a comprehensive software application that manages the
configuration of the entire Ovation system. As a fully integrated advanced software program, the
Developer Studio creates and maintains Ovation drop types, control strategies, process graphics,
point records, and system-wide configurations, including integrated security features.

The Developer Studio is a single launch point for various functions, each aimed at managing
and/or configuring a different portion of the Ovation system:
 Define and configure an Ovation system.
 Create, modify, and delete points.
 Create and modify drops.
 Define the I/O modules used in an Ovation system.
 Store values from algorithms (typically, for Special Functions and ladder applications).
 Load control and originating point information into drops in an Ovation system.
 Links the Master Database with other drops in the system.
 Manage licensing for Ovation applications.
 Upload Controller changes (online) into the database.
 Create point groups used in trends or graphics.
 Create, modify, and delete security objects and definitions.
 Track changes made to the database.
 Create control logic that runs on the Ovation Controller.
 Create and edit system process diagrams that display on the Operator Station.
 Serves as a launch point for many Ovation programs, such as the Control Builder and the
Graphics Builder.
 Manages security privileges in an Ovation system.
The Developer Studio also serves as a "window" into the Ovation Database Server. It allows you
to see what is defined and configured. For most projects, the creation of the Ovation Database
and the Developer Studio is a combined effort between customer design engineers and Emerson
project engineers. Careful planning before the database or the Developer Studio is installed is
essential to a successful project by reducing time and cost.

13.2.1 To access the Developer Studio

When your Ovation system is loaded, the Developer Studio icon will already appear on your
desktop. Simply double-click on the icon and the Developer Studio window appears.

Note: Much of the setup and configuration of the Developer Studio is performed by an Emerson
representative before the system is installed in your plant.

152 TRN350_100
13.3 What are the Developer Studio window components?

13.3 What are the Developer Studio w indow components?

The Developer Studio main window consists of a base frame with a pull-down menu panel,
various view bars and toolbars, subwindows, workspace, horizontal and vertical scrollbars, and a
footer for displaying messages.

The following figure shows an example of the Ovation Developer Studio with various window
components labeled.

Figure 102: Example of Ovation Developer Studio window components

TRN350_100 153
13.4 Understanding the Developer Studio Overview window

13.4 Understanding the Developer Studio Overview window

The Overview window provides the following view bars.

 System view bar (see page 154) -- displays the system where the Developer Studio is
currently mapped.
 Hardware view bar (see page 155) - contains the hierarchical file structure view (system tree)
of the database.
 Defaults view bar (see page 156) - reveals a file structure in which you set defaults for point
types and I/O Devices.
 TrashCan view bar (see page 157) - stores deleted items. This function behaves much like
the Microsoft Windows Recycle Bin.
The following figure shows an example of the Overview window with its view bars.

Figure 103: Overview window

13.4.1 System view bar

The Ovation Systems view bar sits at the top of the Overview window and displays the system to
which the Developer Studio is currently mapped. (See Ovation Multiple Networks User Guide.)

Figure 104: Ovation Systems Bar

154 TRN350_100
13.4 Understanding the Developer Studio Overview window

13.4.2 Hardware view bar

The Hardware view bar provides a hierarchical file structure view of the database. The Hardware
view is referred to as the system tree. The highest level in the system tree is the System,
followed by the Network, Unit, and Drop. Within the Hardware view bar, you configure almost
every aspect of your Ovation system.

Note: Throughout this manual, the phrase “Use the system tree to navigate to” refers to opening
a folder in the Hardware view hierarchical structure to reveal more folders.

By default, the Developer Studio displays the Hardware view bar expanded (the Defaults and
TrashCan view bars are collapsed). When no system has been defined, only the Hardware root
folder is displayed. To expand or collapse the folder structure within the Hardware view, click the
plus (+) or minus (-) signs in front of each folder. By expanding into the file structure of the
Hardware view bar, you are able to configure every aspect of the System down to the Points
folder level.

Figure 105: Hardware view bar expanded in Overview window

See the topic Understanding the Developer Studio hierarchical tree structure for additional
information about the system tree that is illustrated in the Hardware view bar.

TRN350_100 155
13.4 Understanding the Developer Studio Overview window

13.4.3 Defaults view bar

The Defaults bar provides a tool to create default settings for certain items By setting point
defaults, each new point created in the Hardware bar will initially possess the attributes or values
established as a default for that type of point. Creating/modifying default points saves time when
creating multiple points with similar characteristics. By eliminating the need to enter repetitive
information for each point type, you can focus on the unique settings of the specific point.

When the Ovation system is first installed, the items in the Defaults bar are configured with factory
default information. However, you can override these "factory" defaults by modifying the settings
for the point types and/or I/O types shown in the Defaults bar.

Not all attributes of a point type can be set as defaults. Information that is drop- or unit-specific
cannot be set as a default. Additionally, all information that has been set as a default can be
overwritten when the point is created in the Hardware view bar (system tree).

Note: The same principle applies to remote I/O and Remote Q-Line I/O defaults.

Some examples of point fields that can be set as defaults are:

 Description.
 Characteristics.
 Min/Max scale.
 Number of Digits displayed.
 Security Groups.
The following figure shows all 13 default types.

Figure 106: Defaults view bar displayed in Overview window

156 TRN350_100
13.4 Understanding the Developer Studio Overview window

13.4.4 TrashCan view bar

The TrashCan view bar behaves much like the Microsoft Windows Recycle Bin. All files and
folders deleted from the Hardware folders are moved to the TrashCan folder. The deleted files are
stored in the trashcan so you can open the previously deleted folders, restore the folders to their
original location, or purge the files from the system entirely.

Notice that the hierarchy in the TrashCan view bar contains place-holders for Systems, Networks,
Units, Drops, Points, and Graphics. Not all items deleted from the Hardware view bar are stored
in the TrashCan folder. Only items in the Hardware view bar with corresponding placeholders in
the TrashCan view bar can be shown in the TrashCan.

For example, if you delete a unit from the Hardware view bar, the folder and all its contents are
moved from the Hardware view bar to the TrashCan view bar and placed in the Units placeholder
folder. However, if you delete only a configuration item from the Hardware view bar that record is
not shown in the TrashCan view bar.

All points deleted from the Hardware view bar are listed under the Points placeholder folder in the
TrashCan, regardless of the drop folder from which the points were removed. If a point is
removed from the TrashCan and returned to the Hardware view bar, it will return to its original

Note: If you delete a folder, all of its subfolders are removed with it.

Figure 107: TrashCan view bar expanded

TRN350_100 157
13.5 Understanding the WorkPad window

13.5 Understanding the WorkPad w indow

The WorkPad window displays selectable folders and objects of the highlighted tree object. The
WorkPad view buttons change the way objects appear in the WorkPad window.

WorkPad view buttons


Icons — Changes the appearance of the folders and objects listed in the WorkPad
Single Column — Lists the folders, objects in the WorkPad window in one vertical
Multi-column/Vertical — Lists the folders and objects in the WorkPad window in several
vertical columns.
Multi-column/Horizontal — Lists the folders and objects in the WorkPad window in
several horizontal columns.

13.6 What are the Developer Studio menus?

The Developer Studio pull-down menu panel is actually a floatable and dockable Menu bar. The
following menus are available on the Menu bar:
 File (see page 158).
 Edit (see page 159).
 Operation (see page 159).
 Browse (see page 163).
 View (see page 163).
 Help (see page 164).

13.6.1 File menu on the Developer Studio window

The File menu allows you to access print options and to close the Developer Studio application.

File menu items


Print Preview Allows you to see what will be printed before actually printing.
Print Prints what is currently displayed on the Developer Studio screen.

Print Setup Displays a standard Microsoft Windows Print Setup window which allows you to specify
a printer, paper, size, print mode, and so forth.
Exit Quits the Developer Studio.

158 TRN350_100
13.6 What are the Developer Studio menus?

13.6.2 Edit menu on the Developer Studio window

The Edit menu provides the tools to perform common edit functions.

Edit menu items


Undo Reverts to the last action.

Cut Removes the currently selected items and places them in an internal buffer
(clipboard) for pasting later.
Copy Copies the currently selected items to an internal buffer (clipboard) for pasting later.

Paste Adds the contents of the internal buffer (clipboard) to the active document.

Select All Selects (highlights) all of the items in the active window.

13.6.3 Operation menu on the Developer Studio window

The Operation menu lists the functions that can be performed on the Developer Studio.

The Operation menu provides an additional feature to the user. When an item is highlighted in the
Developer Studio system tree, only operations that can be performed on the highlighted item will
be active on the Operation menu; all other menu items will be grayed out.

Note: Several functions in the following table are specific to a particular Ovation application. For
these operations, the corresponding manual is listed for more information.

Operation menu



Insert New Inserts a new item in the hierarchy. ---

Open Opens the selected item for editing. ---

Engineer Opens the selected engineering tool. Ovation Foundation Fieldbus

User Guide
Delete Deletes/moves the selected item(s) to the Delete function (see page
TrashCan folder. 169)
Purge Permanently deletes the selected item(s) from Purge function (see page
the TrashCan folder. 170)
Undelete Restores the previously deleted item from the Undelete function (see page
TrashCan to the previous location in the 170)
hardware hierarchy.
Search Searches the database for items that match Search function (see page
specified criteria. 170)

TRN350_100 159
13.6 What are the Developer Studio menus?



Where Used Searches the database to find where an item is Where Used function (see
used by another item in the system. page 177)

Find Provides a quick name search for items in the Find function (see page 180)
Map Remote System Allows the connection to and operation of a Ovation Multiple Networks
remote system for engineering the system via the User Guide
Developer Studio.
Disconnect Remote Disconnects the Developer Studio from the Ovation Multiple Networks
System remotely mapped system. User Guide

Compile Compiles the selected diagram/macro or folder of Ovation Graphics Builder

diagram/macros. User Guide
Control Options Opens the Control Builder options dialog box. Ovation Control Builder User

Backup/Restore Used to backup and restore the system Backup/Restore (see page
information. 182)

Lock Used with Safety Instrumented Systems. Ovation Safety Instrumented

System (SIS) User Guide.

Unlock Used with Safety Instrumented Systems. Ovation Safety Instrumented

System (SIS) User Guide.
Consistency Checks Performs a consistency check at the selected Consistency Checking (see
hierarchy location. page 185)

Load Loads database and control contents to the Load function (see page 188)
specified Ovation target drop.
Download Downloads configuration and diagram files to one Download function (see page
or more specified Ovation target drops. 189)

Reconcile Reconciles the database against a specified Reconcile function (see page
Ovation target drop. 189)
Ovation Control Builder User
Coefficient Calc. Automatically calculates analog conversion Coefficient calculation (see
coefficients. page 189)

Restore Reload mismatched Controllers to a prior Ovation Controller User Guide

matched state (if the system is configured for
Restore Mode).
Clear Clears application data (originated and received Clear function (see page 192)
point's lists and control information) from the
specified Ovation target drop.
Reboot Reboots the selected Ovation drop. Reboot function (see page
Import Imports items into the database. Ovation Graphics Builder
User Guide

160 TRN350_100
13.6 What are the Developer Studio menus?



Export Exports the selected item from the database. Ovation Graphics Builder
User Guide
Update Security Provides a mechanism by which computer and Update Security Infrastructure
Infrastructure network information stored in the Ovation function
database and in the Ovation domain Controller
can be made constant.
Create Switch Used with Safety Instrumented Systems. Ovation Safety Instrumented
Configuration System (SIS) User Guide.
Create Baselines Captures a snapshot-in-time of the Ovation Baseline Creation function
Database. (see page 193)
Compare to Baseline Used to view changes in the Ovation Database Baseline Comparison function
over time. (see page 195)
Dump CRC Used with Safety Instrumented Systems. Ovation Safety Instrumented
System (SIS) User Guide.
Refresh Refreshes the hierarchy (not listed in the ---
(F5) Operation toolbar.)

For more information, see Working with common Developer Studio operations (see page 169).

TRN350_100 161
13.6 What are the Developer Studio menus?

13.6.4 Operation right-click menu

Perhaps one of the easiest ways to access most operations is through the right-click menu. The
right-click menu is available on all folders in the System Tree and on all WorkPad items. The
right-click menu displays a subset of the Operations menu. All of the operations shown on the
Operation menu/toolbar can be available on the right-click menu. However, the right-click menu
only displays operations that are appropriate for the folder or item that is highlighted.

The following figure shows an example of a right-click menu.

Figure 108: Example right-click menu

162 TRN350_100
13.6 What are the Developer Studio menus?

13.6.5 Browse menu on the Developer Studio window

The Browse menu allows you to change your view of the system hierarchy tree.

Browse menu


Expand Child Shows all of the child items of a selected item.

Note: In hierarchical relationships, items in a hierarchy tree

structure are often referred to as "parent and child" to define
inherited group membership. A Parent and Child hierarchical
relationship refers to a folder that contains one or more
subordinate folder hierarchies underneath it. For more
information, see Understanding the Developer Studio hierarchical
tree structure.

Collapse Child Closes all of the child folders of a selected item.

Expand All Shows all of the items in the tree.
Collapse All Closes all folders in the tree.

13.6.6 View menu on the Developer Studio window

The View menu allows you to change the appearance of the Developer Studio windows.

View menu


Workbook Mode Provides tabs for each functional dialog box opened in the Workspace window.

Full Screen Mode Increases workspace size by eliminating all menu and menu bars.
Customize Toolbar Opens the Customize Toolbar dialog box.
Overview Window Displays or hides the Overview window. A check box enables the Overview
WorkPad Window Displays or hides the WorkPad window. A check box enables the WorkPad
Status Bar Displays or hides the Status bar. A check box enables the Status Bar.
Lookup List As Determines the look of the WorkPad window.
 Icon — changes the appearance of the folders and items listed in the WorkPad
 Single column — lists the folders and items in the WorkPad window in one
vertical column.
 Multi-column/Vert. — lists the folders and items in the WorkPad window in
several vertical columns.
 Multi-column/Horiz. — lists the folders and items in the WorkPad window in
several horizontal columns.

TRN350_100 163
13.7 What tools are available for status and error checking on the Developer Studio?

13.6.7 Help menu on the Developer Studio window

The Help menu provides access to online help information.

Help menu


Contents and Index Provides access to the online Ovation user manuals that are part of the
Developer Studio suite of manuals.
About (About Developer Studio) Displays program, version number, and copyright information.

13.7 What tools are available for status and error checking on the
Developer Studio?

The Developer Studio uses the following items to alert you of systems errors and status:
 Status bar (see page 164).
 Alert window (see page 164).
 Dynamic Status flags (see page 165).

13.7.1 Status bar

The Status bar of the Developer Studio window provides additional information as it relates to
your editing session.

The following figure shows an example of the Developer Studio Status bar.

Figure 109: Developer Studio Status bar

13.7.2 Developer Studio - Alert window

Alert windows provide important information regarding errors in the Ovation system.

The following message is a generic example of an alert message that may appear while working
in the Developer Studio. Select the Details button to obtain an error message that will provide
information on the specific error. Make any changes necessary to correct the problem, and then
proceed with the task.

Figure 110: Alert message

164 TRN350_100
13.7 What tools are available for status and error checking on the Developer Studio?

13.7.3 Dynamic Status feature

Dynamic status refers to a graphical indication (flag) that appears in front of a database object in
the system tree whenever that object requires user attention and/or action. Currently, the
following database changes that are monitored (and could result in a flagged object) are:
 Ovation points.
 Holding registers.
 Control sheets/

Note: If you change a point, no flag appears on the point item; however, a flag will appear on
the parent drop item.

13.7.4 To use the Dynamic Status feature

1. Access the Developer Studio.
2. Use the system tree to navigate to the Drops folder:
3. Locate the item(s) needing attention as indicated by the Dynamic Status markers (graphical
indication (flag)).

Figure 111: Dynamic Status Indicators

TRN350_100 165
13.8 Data validation

4. Select the down-arrow that appears after the item name. The Ovation Diagnostics window
that is appropriate for that item appears.

Figure 112: Ovation Diagnostics window

5. Diagnostic information about the item is provided and recommended actions are suggested.
Perform the appropriate actions and the Dynamic Status indicator disappears.

13.8 Data validation

The Developer Studio checks user input and provides feedback if it detects inconsistent data.
Data validation in the Developer Studio is performed at three levels:
 Per field basis ensures that data type and range are valid as the input is entered. For
example, fields may be limited in the number of characters or the types of characters entered.
Field validation occurs whenever a user changes focus from one field to another in an open
dialog box.
 Per object basis ensures that various fields make sense in combination with each other. The
checking of objects is performed as objects are added to or updated in the database. If
inconsistencies are discovered, the Developer Studio displays an Alert window indicating the
 Inter-object or system basis checks ensure that the information in the newly modified object
is consistent with the other objects in the system. An example of this is the check for duplicate
point names within the same unit.
The last two types of data validation occur whenever an object is changed via a dialog (that is, the
Apply or Ok button is pressed.)

166 TRN350_100
13.9 What is the Developer Studio system tree structure?

13.9 What is the Developer Studio s ystem tree structure?

The Developer Studio is designed in a tree or system hierarchy structure. This structure
separates the functions of the system and makes it easy to see and understand the dependence
and flow of the configuration as well as the usage of the various hardware and software objects.
With the Developer Studio, you are able to configure parameters and settings at the System,
Network, Unit, and Drop levels.

The tree structure separates the system functions into levels with the highest level being the most
general and the lowest level being the most specific. Each level is defined by a folder. There are
four major folders in the Ovation Developer Studio tree: System, Network, Unit, and Drops.
Each folder (or item) of the system tree contains all the specific elements for that level. For
example, the Drops folder contains all Drops for a specific unit.

Configuration at the highest folder level (System) filters down through the entire system. However,
changes made at a lower level (Units) overrides the System configuration for everything defined
in its level and below it.

For example, if the trend screen background color is set to black at the highest folder level
(System), all trend screen background colors down throughout the entire system (Networks,
Units, and Drops) default to black . If, however, you change a trend screen background color to
green at the Units folder level, trend screens in that unit, including all of the drops in that unit,
utilize the green background. Trend screens above the Units folder level (or in different units)
remain black. This tree structure allows you to customize configuration information where

Each of the major folders contains subfolders. Some subfolders reside in more than one major
folder. Some subfolders can only be found in one major folder. Two subfolders, Configuration and
Graphics, are found in all four major folders. Any settings made to the Configuration or Graphics
folder made at a higher level defaults down through the other folders to the point where you make
a change. That change then defaults down through the remainder of the folders.

The Developer Studio hierarchical structure (system tree) is shown when the Hardware view bar
is expanded (see the following figure).

TRN350_100 167
13.9 What is the Developer Studio system tree structure?

Figure 113: Developer Studio System tree as seen from Hardware view bar

Note: Throughout the remainder of this manual, navigation procedures will use the term "system
tree" to describe moving down the hierarchy folder structure.

168 TRN350_100
S E C T I O N 14

Working with common Developer Studio operations


Common Operation menu functions ............................................................................... 169

Delete function ................................................................................................................ 169
Purge function ................................................................................................................. 170
Undelete function ............................................................................................................ 170
Search function ............................................................................................................... 170
Where Used function ....................................................................................................... 177
Find function .................................................................................................................... 180
Backup/Restore ............................................................................................................... 182
Consistency Checking ..................................................................................................... 185
Load function ................................................................................................................... 188
Download function ........................................................................................................... 189
Reconcile function ........................................................................................................... 189
Coefficient calculation ..................................................................................................... 189
Clear function .................................................................................................................. 192
Reboot function ............................................................................................................... 193
Baseline Creation function .............................................................................................. 193
Baseline Comparison function ........................................................................................ 195

14.1 Common Operation menu functions

The Operations menu on the Developer Studio lists the functions you can perform on the
Developer Studio. Some of the common functions performed in the Developer Studio are listed in
the following sections.

Note: This section only describes the operations that are not discussed in other Ovation User
manuals. For a complete list of items on the Operations menu and where they are described,
refer to Operation menu on the Developer Studio window (see page 159).

14.2 Delete function

Deleting an item from the Developer Studio’s Hardware view bar removes it from the system tree.
As discussed in TrashCan view bar (see page 157), certain items can be restored from the
TrashCan view bar to their original location.

Note: If an item is being used by something that remains in the system tree, the references
must be removed before the delete operation is permitted. (See the Where Used function (see
page 177) for assistance in determining reference information.)

TRN350_100 169
14.3 Purge function

14.3 Purge function

Purging permanently removes an object from the TrashCan view bar. Once an object has been
purged from the TrashCan view bar, it is removed from the system. This includes any files that
are associated with the object.

14.4 Undelete function

Individual objects or objects with descendants that have been deleted from the Hardware view bar
and moved to the TrashCan view bar can be restored to their original location in the Hardware
view bar.

Note: For an item to be undeleted, it is validated to make sure that it is legitimate to return the
object to the system tree. For example, a duplicate name validation may occur. In other words, if
A100 point is deleted, then a new A100 point is added to the same Unit, the system will not
allow the object A100 in the TrashCan to be "undeleted" (restored).

14.5 Search function

The Search function allows you to search for items under the currently selected folder using
optional user-specified criteria to limit the results of the search. Additionally, the Search function
provides a tool to:
 Edit individual items.
 Perform global/mass changes.
 Query the database and sort items according to a user-specified criteria.
 View all attributes of the item(s).
All items in the system can be searched. Searches are performed downward in the tree structure.
A search at the Units folder level queries the database for information only about that unit and
drops and points associated with that unit. The search does not query other Units or Networks in
the system. If the search is performed at the System folder level, all Networks, Units, and Drops in
the system are queried.

Note: Be careful entering text in the Search function dialog box because the function is case

170 TRN350_100
14.5 Search function

14.5.1 To begin the Search function

1. Access the Developer Studio.
2. Use the system tree to navigate to the level where you want to begin the search.
3. Right-click the desired item. If the search was initiated at the Ovation Systems folder, all
appropriate objects that fall below the Ovation system item in the tree structure are available
for query. The Search Options Wizard - (Step 1/2) appears.

Figure 114: Search Options Wizard (Step 1 of 2)

4. Choose the type of object to search for from the menu.

If you select a "Family" item, the search will be performed across all objects of similar types.
For example, if you select Family: Point, the search will be conducted for all types of points.
However, if you select an object item, such as Object:Analog Points, the search will only be
on analog points.
5. Click Next.

TRN350_100 171
14.5 Search function

6. The Search Options Wizard (Step 2/2) appears.

Figure 115: Search Options Wizard (Step 2 of 2)

7. Select the type of search to perform:

 Find all items searches the database for all instances of the object and lists all of the
instances in the Search: Item: dialog box.
 Find specific items using search clauses allows you to define search criteria that will
narrow your search (see page 173).
8. Select Finish.
9. If you select Find all items, proceed to To use the Search function - results (see page 175).
10. If you select Find specific items using search clauses, proceed to To use the Search
function - narrow search (see page 173).

172 TRN350_100
14.5 Search function

14.5.2 To use the Search function to perform a narrow search

1. If you selected Find specific items using search clauses, the Search dialog box appears.
In this Search example, analog points are selected.

Figure 116: Search window items

Search window items


Search (Top) Displays the search criteria that the user selected.
Search (Bottom) Area where a limiting clause is created.
Attribute Pull-down menu that contains a list of all the attributes in the Developer
Condition Pull-down menu that contains conditional text used to create a limiting
clause. The choices are: Equal To, Not Equal To, Less Than, Greater Than,
Less Than or Equal To, Greater Than or Equal To, Like, Not Like, In, Not In,
Null, Not Null
Value Enter the applicable name, number, and so forth to search for.
Add button Takes the information defined in the bottom Search window and adds it to
the top Search window and sets it as the search criteria.
Delete button Removes the selected limiting clause from the Search window.

2. Pull down the Attribute menu and select an attribute from the list. This item is used to further
narrow your search from the previous window. Selected Object:Analog Points from the Search
Options Wizard (Step 1/2), and the Attribute menu will display different attributes of an analog
point such as object name, frequency, description, and so forth.

TRN350_100 173
14.5 Search function

3. Pull down the Condition menu and select conditional text that is used to create a limiting
clause (equal to, not equal to, and so forth).
4. Enter the item to search for in the Value entry field. For example, if you select Object Name
as the attribute, you may enter all or part of a point name and the system will search for
analog points that have that name.
You can utilize wild cards to help broaden or narrow your search:
 Use the percent symbol (%) to match the text you entered plus additional characters
included in the object.
 Use the underscore (_) to match exactly one character.
 To match the % or _ literally, precede the character with \ (back slash.) For example, to
find the title Drop %, type Drop\% in the Find What field.
5. Select the Add button to add the search criteria (attribute, condition, and value) to the top part
of the Search window.
6. Add additional clauses to broaden or restrict the search, if necessary.

Note: To delete search criteria, select one of the search criteria strings in the top portion of the
Search window. Once a search string is highlighted, the Delete button becomes active. If you
want to make a change to a search criteria, you must delete the old one first and then create a
new one.

Figure 117: Search window showing a defined search criteria

174 TRN350_100
14.5 Search function

7. Select Ok to perform the search.

8. Proceed to To use the Search function - results (see page 175).

Note: Each of the limiting clauses are implicitly separated by AND operators. In other words, the
list of objects retrieved are those where <clause1> AND <clause2> AND...<clauseX> are true.

14.5.3 To use the Search function to display results

1. If you selected Find all items on the Search Options Wizard (Step 2/2) or if you chose to
narrow the search by defining search criteria (see page 173), the Search window (results)

Figure 118: Search results

Search window items


item(s) found Shows how many items were found in the search.
Object column Lists, by name, the objects found in the search.
Search Again button Opens the Search dialog box, enabling you to modify the search criteria.
Add Column(s) button Adds columns that provide additional attributes of the objects listed in the
Object column. See To use the Search function to add columns (see page
176) for information on this helpful feature.
Refresh Column(s) button Refreshes the data in the columns.

TRN350_100 175
14.5 Search function

2. To expand or limit the search, select the Search Again button and the Search dialog box
appears. Repeat the steps described in To use the Search function to perform a narrow
search (see page 173).
3. To make modifications to the point, click on the point name and a Point window appears.
From this window you can make changes to many of the point's parameters. To see additional
information on your search item, see To use the Search function - add columns (see page

14.5.4 To use the Search function to add columns

After you have obtained the results of a search, you may want to gather additional information on
the points or even change some of the information. Adding columns of data to your search results
gives you this ability.

1. From the Search (results) window (see page 173), select the Add Column(s) button. The
Add Columns dialog box appears.

Note: The available attributes are based on the type of object being searched.

Figure 119: Add Column(s) window

2. Highlight the column(s) that you want to add to the Search (results) window.

176 TRN350_100
14.5 Search function

3. Select Ok. The column(s) are added to the Search (results) dialog box.

Figure 120: Search (results) window with an added column

4. When you add columns, you can perform the following functions:
 Edit information in a single cell and select the Apply/Ok button. The change is saved to
the database.
 Make global changes to all of the entries in a column. To do this, enter new information to
one cell. Right-click on the cell and select Copy to column. All of the entries in that
column change to display the new information.
 Select a column heading to sort the list alphabetically, based on the selected column.
 Rearrange columns by dragging and dropping the column heading.
 Delete a column by right-clicking on the column header and selecting the option to delete
the column.
 Use the File menu to print or save the search results to a file (all dialog boxes in the
Studio provide this feature).

TRN350_100 177
14.6 Where Used function

14.6 Where Used function

The Where Used function searches the database and finds all the references of the specified
object. If an object is used in the database, the Where Used feature provides a detailed report of
what program uses it, where it is used, and how it is used.

14.6.1 To use the Where Used function

Use the following procedure to use the Where Used function:

1. Access the Developer Studio.

2. Use the system tree to navigate to the desired item (point, graphic, drop, and so forth).
3. Right-click on the desired item.
4. Select Where Used. The Where Used Options Wizard appears.

Note: The Where Used option will only display on the right-click menu if it is applicable to the
selected item.

Figure 121: WhereUsed Wizard

178 TRN350_100
14.6 Where Used function

The four types of reference searches are:

 Find all references to -- shows all references to the selected item
 Find all references to ... and its children, outside of -- shows all references to the
selected item and its children (those items inside its folder) and any references to items
outside of the folder.
 Find all references made by -- shows all references made by the item to any other item.
 Find all references made by ... and its children, outside of -- shows all references
made by the selected item and its children (those items inside its folder) and any
references made by items outside of the folder.
5. Select Find Now. The results display in a window that is applicable to the type of search you
requested. The following figure shows one example of a results window for the Where Used

Figure 122: Example of Find all references made by ... and its children, outside of ... results

TRN350_100 179
14.7 Find function

Where Used results -- Column descriptions


Object Object in system tree that references the selected item. Select the button to open the
item’s configuration dialog box.
Type Describes the referencing object.
How Used Describes how the referencing object uses the selected item.
Path Describes where the referencing object is located in the system.
The following columns only appear after a Find all references made to/made by and its children, outside
of is selected.
Who Selected item or the child that is being referenced. Select the button to open the item’s
configuration dialog box.
Who Type Describes the referenced Who item.

14.7 Find function

The Find function provides a tool to search for objects by name, using wild cards to broaden the
search. Unlike the Search function, the Find function does not allow editing of found items.

Note: Use caution when entering text in the Find function; it is case sensitive.

14.7.1 To use the Find feature

1. Access the Developer Studio.
2. Use the system tree to navigate to a folder at the level where you want to begin the search.

180 TRN350_100
14.7 Find function

3. Right-click the desired folder. (For example, if a search was initiated at the Networks level, all
items that fall below that level in the file structure are available for query.) The Find: All
Objects dialog box appears.

Figure 123: Find:All Objects window

4. In the "Find what" field, enter a name, or part of a name of an item you are looking for. Utilize
wild cards to help broaden or narrow your search:
 Use the % (percent symbol) to match the text you entered plus additional characters
included in the item.
 Use the _ (underscore) to match exactly one character.
 To match the % or _ literally, precede the character with \ (back slash.) For example, to
find the title Drop%, type Drop\% in the "Find What" field.

TRN350_100 181
14.8 Backup/Restore

5. Select one of the following radio buttons:

 Find anywhere in database to locate the item wherever it occurs in the entire database,
 Find in <specific folder> only to locate occurrences of the item within the folder where
you began the search.
6. Select Find Now and the fields populate with the items found.
7. Select an item in the Object column (a checkbox appears in the box) and click the Open
button. The applicable configuration dialog box appears for the selected item. However, you
will not be able to interact with the dialog box until you close the Find:All Objects window.

Note: You can select several items in the Object column (or select them all by clicking the
Select All button) at one time. If multiple items are selected when you click the Open button, all
of the applicable dialog boxes will open in succession. To deselect a selected item, click the
Clear All button.

8. When you are finished with the Find window, select the Close button.

14.8 Backup/Restore

This utility backs up and restores the Ovation database. It performs an export of the database in
Oracle and saves it to a file. If necessary, this file can be imported back into the database to
restore it to a previous state.

Note: The Backup/Restore utility in the Ovation Developer Studio is only designed to back up
the Oracle database. It does NOT back up a complete image of the entire Ovation system. For
this function, the Acronis Backup and Recovery application is needed. See System Backup and
Recovery User Guide (for use with Ovation 3.5 and later) for more information.

14.8.1 To use the Ovation Backup function

1. Access the Developer Studio.
2. Use the system tree to navigate to the Systems folder:
3. Right-click on the Systems item.

182 TRN350_100
14.8 Backup/Restore

4. Select Backup/Restore. The Ovation Backup/Restore window appears.

5. Enter the full path of where the exported file backup should be placed in the Place Backups in
entry field. If you do not know the full path, select the folder icon beside the entry field to
browse for a directory.
6. Specify how many backups you want to keep (before they are automatically deleted) in the
Keep at most this many backup field. The default is 3. Once the number of backup files
exceeds the number specified here, the oldest file will be deleted.
7. The configuration settings for the backup are defined in the Parameters tab (see page 184).

Note: Emerson recommends that you do NOT change the default settings when running a

8. To schedule a backup to automatically run at regular intervals, press the Schedule button.
9. Select the Backup Now button.
The database backs up, and the file is saved in the specified directory. To view a status of the
backup, select the Status Log tab.

TRN350_100 183
14.8 Backup/Restore

14.8.2 Understanding the Backup/Restore Parameters tab

The Parameters tab on the Ovation Backup/Restore window displays the configuration settings
for the backup. The settings that appear are the default Ovation parameters for your system.
Emerson recommends that you use the default settings when running a backup.

Figure 124: Ovation Backup / Restore window -- Parameters tab

Parameters tab field descriptions


Data Directory Name of the Ovation data directory. The default is
User ID User identification.
OvPtExport Other Parameters Names of other export parameters.
Home Directory Name of the Oracle home directory.
User ID User identification.
Other Export Parameters Names of other export parameters.

184 TRN350_100
14.9 Consistency Checking


Import Program Name Name of the input program

Export Program Name Name of the export program.
Restore Defaults button Restores the entries on the window to their default settings.

14.8.3 To use the Restore function

You can restore the database to a previous state by importing the most current version of a
backup file.

1. Access the Ovation Backup/Restore window (see page 182).

2. Select the Restore button. A notice window appears.

Figure 125: Restore Notice window

3. Read the Restore Notice window. If you still want to continue with the restore, click the Yes
button. If you want to quit the restore function, click the No button.
4. If you selected the Yes button, the database is restored to the last backup (using the most
current backup file).

14.9 Consistenc y Checking

The Ovation system periodically checks for consistency throughout different levels of the system.
One example of a consistency check would be if the system gives you an error message because
you entered an invalid character in a window field. Other consistency checks are run
automatically before a user runs a Load or a Download function. This is done to preserve the
integrity of the Ovation system.

However, the Developer Studio allows you to manually run a consistency check any time you
make any additions, corrections, or deletions to the system. If you run a consistency check and
errors are detected, a report displays which allows you to correct the errors before performing a
load or a download.

TRN350_100 185
14.9 Consistency Checking

14.9.1 To run a Consistency Check

You can run consistency checking at the Systems, Networks, Units, or Drops folder level. For
example purposes here, the Drops folder is used in the following procedures.

1. Access the Developer Studio.

2. Use the system tree (in the Hardware view bar) to navigate to the Drops folder:
3. Right-click on the appropriate Drop<number> folder.

Figure 126: Right-click menu on Drop<number> folder

186 TRN350_100
14.9 Consistency Checking

4. Choose Consistency Check. A consistency check is performed.

Figure 127: Consistency check Report window

5. There are three types of items that are reported:

 Errors - Represents problems in the system that must be corrected before the system
allows you to perform a Load or a Download function.
 Warnings - Less severe than an error, but represent inconsistencies that should be fixed
prior to loading or downloading.
 Information - Provides information to the user. Does not affect the ability to load or
6. A series of columns display for each message that is reported. Two of these columns, Group
and Object, have raised buttons. Click on a button to display a configuration dialog box for a
point or a drop (as is applicable to the message).
7. Make any desired changes and rerun the consistency check to make sure all errors and
warning are corrected before loading or downloading.

TRN350_100 187
14.10 Load function

8. If you choose to run a load or a download and errors still exist, the following window appears
(Download example shown):

Figure 128: Download Preview window

9. You can view the details of the errors or ignore the errors and select the Ok button to
continue the load or download. You can also choose to Abort the operation.
10. If necessary, correct any errors before proceeding with the load or download.

14.10 Load function

The Load function is used to load control sheets, points, and holding registers onto the system.

For more information on the Load function, see the Ovation Developer Studio User Guide.

Note: If you modify, add, or delete a point, the Load flag will display on the point originator. On
occasion, the system event which notifies the Ovation Developer Studio to display its flags may
not be detected. The Refresh operation may be used to display and so confirm the flag status.

188 TRN350_100
14.11 Download function

14.11 Dow nload function

When changes are made to configuration diagrams, audio files, bitmap files, and/or Controller
software, you must download these changes to the appropriate drop(s) using the Download

For more information on the Download function, see the Ovation Developer Studio User Guide.

Note: The Download operation will not perform if the target has any consistency check errors.

14.12 Reconcile function

The Reconcile function enables you to compare the database contents of Ovation points with
drop contents in order to capture changes made in the online system. Examples of items that can
be reconciled include tuned algorithms and modified alarm limits.

Reconcile is a two-step process. Changes are reconciled from the Controller to the database and
then from the database to the Control Builder. For more information on the Reconcile function,
see Ovation Control Builder User Guide.

14.13 Coefficient calculation

The coefficient calculation function automatically calculates coefficients for analog hardware input
points assigned to the following types of modules. All coefficients are accessible for user
adjustment, if required.

RTD input

Select the type of RTD and desired span on the Instrument tab of an analog point edit dialog. A
typical coefficient generates and creates a six-point curve of ohms verses temperature and a 5th
order polynomial to configure the input.

Thermocouple input

Select the type of thermocouple and whether it is in degrees F or C. The values of the eight
conversion coefficients are inserted into the dialog box. In addition, the thermocouple links to the
associated cold junction IC by default.

Standard analog input

Set the instrument span on the Instrument tab of an analog point edit dialog box, and the interface
calculates all coefficients.

Note: For the Ovation 3.5 release, you do not have to specify the high/low operating and
high/low transmitter ranges for thermocouple inputs (applicable conversion type is fifth order)
since they are not utilized in the generation of the conversion coefficient values by the
Coefficient Calculation operation.

TRN350_100 189
14.13 Coefficient calculation

14.13.1 To run a Coefficient Calculation

1. Access the Developer Studio.
2. Use the system tree (in the Hardware view bar) to navigate to the Systems, Networks, Units,
or Drop folder:
3. Right-click on the appropriate Drop folder.
4. Select Coefficient Calculation from the right-click pop-up menu.

Note: The right-click menu only displays items that are appropriate for that drop.

5. The software performs the requested function and displays a list of any points that it could not
calculate at the top of the dialog box.

190 TRN350_100
14.13 Coefficient calculation

6. Left-click on an item, a Point configuration window opens.

Figure 129: Drop configuration window

7. Go to the Instrumentation tab on the Drop configuration window, find, and fix the missing
information indicated in the Reason box of the Coefficient Calc dialog box (shown in Step 5).

TRN350_100 191
14.14 Clear function

Note: For the Ovation 3.5 release, you do not have to specify the high/low operating and
high/low transmitter ranges for thermocouple inputs (applicable conversion type is fifth order)
since they are not utilized in the generation of the conversion coefficient values by the
Coefficient Calculation operation.

8. Select Apply or Ok. Points that have sufficient information to perform the calculation have
their conversion coefficient fields compared (actual versus calculated.) The differences are
shown in the lower half of the dialog.

Figure 130: Calculation differences

9. If you wish to revert from the current values to the calculated values, you must highlight the
desired fields (or point item to take all values.)
10. Select Apply or Ok.

14.14 Clear function

The Clear function is used to remove all of the application information data, such as Ovation point
and control data, from an Ovation drop. The Clear function is performed at the Drops folder level.
Upon completion of the Clear process, the drop automatically reboots.

For more information on the Clear function, see the Ovation Developer Studio User Guide.

192 TRN350_100
14.15 Reboot function

14.15 Reboot function

In most cases, the Reboot command should be executed immediately following the completion of
any Download command involving configuration changes. Even though this may not always be
necessary, it is a safe and recommended practice to reboot a drop after it has been downloaded.

For more information on the Reboot function, see the Ovation Developer Studio User Guide.

14.16 Baseline Creation function

The Baseline Creation/Comparison function provides the ability to view changes made to the
Ovation database over time. You can create and store a snapshot (that is, Baseline) of the
Ovation database and later compare it with other stored baselines or with the current contents of
the database.

You can compare any baseline with the current contents of the database itself.

The comparison of two saved baselines must be between any two baselines created with the
same context. For example, two baselines taken at the Ovation System object can be compared,
but a baseline taken at the Ovation System object cannot be compared with a baseline taken at
the Ovation Network object.

Note: The comparison functionality is intended for informational use only. The results presented
should not be used as a shortcut to bypasses sound engineering practices such as thorough
testing and validation of configuration data and Ovation control logic.

The functionality of the Baseline Creation/Comparison includes:

 Creating a baseline image via the Developer Studio at various nodes in the Ovation hierarchy
(for example, System, Network, Unit, and Drop).
 The objects and attributes stored in the Ovation database itself as well as the appropriate
Ovation control sheets.
 The captured Ovation database images include:
 Creation time/date.
 User-specified description field.
 Baseline context (that is, the Ovation database hierarchy node where the baseline was
 Who created the baseline.
 The machine where the baseline creation operation was initiated.

TRN350_100 193
14.16 Baseline Creation function

 Viewing the differences between any two baselines of the same context or between a
baseline and the current contents of the Ovation database.
 The Deletion of baselines that are no longer needed.
The specific set of data collected will be based on the context in which the Baseline was created.
(For example, network configuration data would not be included if a Baseline were performed on
an Ovation Controller.)

Note: An Ovation binary export (that is, an Oracle binary export performed through the Ovation
Backup/Restore utility) includes all Baselines currently existing in the database. These
Baselines will be included if the Ovation binary export is restored through the
do_ptadmin_import.bat file.

14.16.1 To Create a Baseline

1. Access the Developer Studio.
2. Use the system tree to navigate to the desired folder (Systems, Networks, Units, or Drops).
3. Right-click the appropriate folder.
Access the Operations menu.
4. Select Create Baseline. The Create Baseline window appears.

Figure 131: Create Baseline window

5. Select the baselines to be created.

6. Select OK; a baseline will be created.

Note: See Baseline Comparison (see page 195) to perform a baseline comparison.

194 TRN350_100
14.17 Baseline Comparison function

14.17 Baseline Comparison function

Baseline Comparison permits the comparison of any two baselines created with the same
context. You have the option of ignoring Ovation control sheets during the comparison operation.

The operation can be performed through the Operation menu or through the right-click menu on
the Ovation hierarchy itself. You can select specific context for comparison purposes. These are
shown on a list of baselines appropriate to the specific context from which you will select two for
comparison. The current contents of the database can also be selected as the second item to be

The comparison results will show the following:

1. Objects existing in the second baseline (or database), but do not exist in the first baseline
(that is, objects which have been added).
 If a whole sub-tree of objects has been created, the comparison results will show the root
of the new sub-tree. (For example, if an Ovation drop and all of its user-defined points
have been added to the database after a Baseline has been taken, the comparison
results will simply show that the Ovation drop has been added.)
2. Objects not existing in the second baseline (or database), but exist in the first baseline (that
is, object which have been deleted).
 If a whole sub-tree of objects has been deleted, the comparison results will show the root
of the deleted sub-tree. (For example, if an Ovation drop and all of its points and control
sheets have been removed from the database after a Baseline has been taken, the
comparison results will simply show that the Ovation drop has been deleted.)
3. Objects that have been modified (as well as the specific attributes which are different).
4. You can select from a list specific default point differences as well as read-only views of the
control sheets themselves.

Note: The Ovation database will not be locked during a Baseline comparison operation.
Modifications or the addition/deletion of objects while a comparison between a baseline and the
current contents of the database is taking place may produce indeterminate results (that is,
modifications may or may not be included in the comparison results, depending on when the
changes were made relative to the Baseline creation progress).

The comparison results window provides “Save as” functionality to save the comparison report in
an electronic format that can be viewed later with standard browser applications such as Windows

14.17.1 To run a Baseline Comparison

1. Access the Developer Studio.
2. Use the system tree to navigate to the desired folder (Systems, Networks, Units, or Drops).
3. Right-click the appropriate folder.
Pull down the Operations menu.

TRN350_100 195
14.17 Baseline Comparison function

4. Select Baseline Compare; a Compare to Baseline dialog similar to the one shown in the
following figure will appear. Flagged drops will only show "(Current Baseline)."

Figure 132: Compare to Baseline window

5. Select the checkboxes next to the baselines to be compared.

6. Select Compare; if there are any differences, a list of differences will appear.

14.17.2 To delete a Baseline Comparison entry

1. Access the Developer Studio.
2. Use the system tree to navigate to the desired folder (Systems, Networks, Units, or Drops).
3. Right-click the appropriate folder.
Access the Operations menu.
4. Select Baseline Compare; the Compare to Baseline window appears.

Figure 133: Compare to Baseline window

5. Select the baseline or baselines (can select two at a time) to be deleted.

6. Select Remove.

196 TRN350_100
S E C T I O N 15

Creating Points in the Developer Studio


What is a point?............................................................................................................... 197

Understanding point names ............................................................................................ 199
Points folder features and functions ................................................................................ 200
Understanding point record types and sizes ................................................................... 201
Adding points in the Ovation Developer Studio .............................................................. 201

15.1 What is a point?

CAUTION! Understanding point information is a complex subject. For this reason, this section
provides an overview of points and how they relate to the Developer Studio. More information
about points and record types is described in Ovation Record Types Reference Manual. Since
correct point configuration is very important to the integrity of your Ovation system, only
knowledgeable personnel should create points.

A point is a record in the global database that contains a value and other related data. Points
include inputs and outputs from field devices, calculated values, and internal system information.
A name and a unique System ID number identify each point, and this information is stored in the
Ovation Master Database. An Ovation system can support up to 200,000 process points.

The Ovation control system scans or processes the following types of input/output. The control
system converts incoming information to engineering units then stores it in the point records. This
information is available for use in all parts of the system and for transmission to all parts of the
 Analog Input
 Thermocouples
 Milliamp DC
 Millivolt DC
 Volt DC
 Digital Input
 Standard Digital
 Sequence of Events
 Pulsed Input

TRN350_100 197
15.1 What is a point?

 Transforms of Analog inputs

 Calculated logicals (Boolean)
 Analog calculated values
 Analog outputs
 Digital outputs
 Relay outputs
 Loop Controllers (modulating and digital)
 Serial interfaces
 Turbine Control I/O
 PLCs
 Smart Transmitters
 Digital Valve Controllers
 Profibus DP I/O
 DeviceNet I/O
 Third-party I/O interfaces
 Ovation multi-network I/O

Note: Ovation Control Builder-generated points should never be modified in the Studio. These
points are intentionally hidden from the Hardware view. User-defined points should be used if
customization is necessary.

15.1.1 What is a point record?

A point record stores the set of information which defines the attributes of the point. Point records
are used within each drop, and to communicate over the Ovation Network to other drops. There
are 11 types of point records.

Point record information is required in many contexts when programming the Ovation system.
Every drop incorporates a point database, which must be defined to include all of the points
originated or received by the drop. In addition, each drop's application may use specific point
record fields. Examples of tasks which require familiarity with point records include the following:
 Defining the point database for any drop.
 Creating graphics which include process point information.
 Troubleshooting system faults.

15.1.2 What is a record field?

Point records are constructed of record fields. Some fields can be defined by the user, while other
fields store information the system needs to process the point value. Examples of record fields
are 1W, AV, AZ, and so forth.

Refer to Ovation Record Types Reference Manual for information required to select the proper
record type, based on the point's application. This includes information on the record fields
included in each record type, the size of each type of point record, and the applications where
specific record types are used.

198 TRN350_100
15.2 Understanding point names

15.2 Understanding point names

Point names are defined early in the system configuration process by plant personnel and
Emerson project team members. Sometimes, existing point names are imported into a new
Ovation system with some minor enhancements. Other times, point names are created in the
Developer Studio.

Note: Points can also be created in the Control Builder. See Ovation Control Builder User Guide
for more information.

Typically, the point names are based on the field equipment they will be associated with.

For example, a point name that can be used for a pump valve could be B1AHVAO1232.


B = Boiler.
1 = Boiler number.
AH = Ash Handling.
VAO = Valve - Air Operated.
1 = First Floor.
232 = Individual equipment number.

A database contains multiple point names that should be appropriately named to ensure that the
point names can be mapped to the applicable element in the plant.

Note: Typically, these point names become fully qualified point names (see page 199) when
they are used in the Ovation Distributed Database.

15.2.1 Using fully qualified point names

A fully qualified point name in the Ovation system uses the following format:


This format consists of three parameters:

 A 24-character maximum point name.
 A six-character maximum unit name.
 An eight-character maximum network name.
The “.” and “@” are required and are reserved characters. They are part of a fully qualified point
name, but are not allowed in the name portion of the fully qualified point name. Therefore, the
maximum number of characters in a fully qualified point name is 40.

For example, B1AHVAO1232.UNIT3@NETWORK1 would reference point B1AHVAO1232

located in the unit whose name is UNIT3 and in the network whose name is NETWORK1. This
allows for the use of the same point name in different units or networks. Ovation is able to identify
each point since a unique SID was assigned to each point as it was entered into the system.

TRN350_100 199
15.3 Points folder features and functions

In a multiple network implementation, the network name segment must be one of the following:
 Actual name of the local or remote network.
 Any of the defined network aliases (the alias for the remote or local network).

Note: For more information about multiple networks, see Ovation Multiple Networks User Guide.

15.2.2 Rules for using fully qualified point names

Use the following rules when creating fully qualified point names:

1. Characters in the name portion may be any combination of alphabetic, numeric (0 - 9), or
special punctuation characters. The only characters that are not allowed in the name are: *,
@, ., %, $, ~, \, “, ‘, comma, space.
2. Point names are not case sensitive. That is, “Testai01.unit1@wdpf” is the same as
3. A point name cannot be a reserved word (see Ovation Graphics Language Reference
Manual for information on reserved words).
4. Do not begin user-defined point names or Control Builder default point names with OCB.
5. Do not include a space in a point name.
6. When creating a point name through the Ovation Developer Studio, do not enter fully
qualified names. Only the point name parameter is used.

15.3 Points folder features and functions

Every drop in the Developer Studio must contain a Points folder. The Points folder has a folder for
each of the 11 types of point records (see page 201).

The Points folder is a child of a Drops folder and contains an item for each user-defined point in
the Drop. Points contain the data gathered from the various hardware devices used by the
operators as well as by the system to make decisions concerning the operation of hardware in the
plant. Some of the types of information are the field inputs and outputs, calculated values, and
internal system information. The gathered information can be in the form of a temperature, level of
solids or fluids, weight, vibration, amount of rotation, timing, and so forth. You can identify each
point by a name and a unique System ID number.

Figure 134: Points folder

To add a new point, see Adding points in the Ovation Developer Studio (see page 201).

200 TRN350_100
15.4 Understanding point record types and sizes

15.4 Understanding point record types and sizes

The Ovation system has 11 record types:

 Analog (two sizes)
 Long Analog (LA)
 Deluxe Analog (DA)
 Digital (two sizes)
 Long Digital (LD)
 Deluxe Digital (DD)
 Packed (two sizes)
 Long Packed (LP)
 Deluxe Packed (DP)
 Packed Digital (one size - PD)
 Algorithm (one size - LC)
 Drop (one size - DU)
 Module (one size - RM)
 Node (one size - RN)
Long record types are the default and have full alarming and I/O capabilities.

Deluxe record types (an optional feature not used by standard Ovation software) provide two
additional functions:
 Limits can be defined that are based on plant mode (1 to 6). Plant mode is configurable and is
used to define the current state of the plant (for example, 1 could represent plant start-up). If
the plant mode changes, the active limits would be the limits that were defined for that specific
plant mode.
 The scan time can be displayed in deluxe record fields.

15.5 Adding points in the Ovation Developer Studio

Points can be created manually or imported into the database. The procedures described in this
section are typically used for adding a small number of points. For information on importing a
large number of points, contact your Emerson project personnel.

Note: Certain values can be configured to be defaults prior to adding new points. See To
configure defaults for items in the Defaults view bar for more information.

The Point Copy function (see page 202) can also be used to simplify the process of adding

TRN350_100 201
15.5 Adding points in the Ovation Developer Studio

15.5.1 To add a point in the Developer Studio

The following procedure is an example of adding a point to the Ovation system but does not
detail specific field input. An analog point is used in the example, but the procedure is appropriate
for all point types. Since there are 11 types of points and each type requires different input, the
specific field information that is available for each tab is provided in the section called,
Understanding the Points dialog box and its tabs.

1. Access the Developer Studio.

2. Use the system tree to navigate to the Points folder:
3. Right-click the appropriate Points folder (such as analog points in this example).
4. Select Insert New. The Insert New [Analog] Points Wizard appears.
5. Enter the point name in the Point Name Value field. See Understanding point names (see
page 199) for more information.
6. Select the frequency from the pull-down menu.
 S - Slow (1 second).
 F - Fast (0.1 second).
 A - Aperiodic (as needed).
7. Select Finish and the New [Analog] Point dialog box appears.

Note: When looking through the tabs, some fields are already filled in. If the box has gray
shading, the contents are added by the system; they cannot be changed and are provided for
information only.

8. Find the tabs needed for a particular point type. Then use the tables in Understanding the
Points dialog box and its tabs in the Ovation Developer Studio User Guide to enter the correct
9. Select the Apply or Ok button. If all required fields have been completed, the point is added
to the database. If a required field was not completed, a warning box appears prompting you
to complete the necessary information.
10. The point is not available on the Ovation network until it is loaded using the procedures
discussed in Load function (see page 188).

Note: If you modify, add, or delete a point, the Load flag will display on the point originator. On
occasion, the system event which notifies the Ovation Developer Studio to display its flags may
not be detected. The Refresh operation may be used to redisplay and so confirm the flag status.

15.5.2 To use the Point Copy function to add points to the Developer Studio

The Point Copy function enhances the process of entering point information by allowing you to
copy a point with similar information and only changing the parameters that are different.

Note: When copying a point, hardware information is not copied.

202 TRN350_100
15.5 Adding points in the Ovation Developer Studio

Use the following procedures to copy a point:

1. Access the Developer Studio.

2. Use the system tree to navigate to a particular Point type folder:
<Point type>
3. Select the type of point to copy (analog, digital, packed, and so forth) from the system tree.
The points that are defined for the selected type appear in the WorkPad window (see page
4. From the WorkPad window, highlight the point you want to copy and right-click. A menu
5. Select Copy. The Insert Copy of <point_name> Wizard appears.

Figure 135: Insert Copy of <point_name> wizard

6. Enter a name for the new point in the Point Name entry field and click Finish.
7. The Copy of <point_name> window appears. All of the tab settings are the same as the point
you copied. Modify any of the parameters on any of the tabs as applicable to the new point.
8. Select the Apply or Ok button. If all required fields have been completed, the point is added
to the database. If a required field was not completed, a warning box appears prompting you
to complete the necessary information.
9. The point is not available on the Ovation network until it is loaded using the procedures
discussed in Load function (see page 188).

TRN350_100 203
S E C T I O N 16

Introduction to Ovation 3.5 Input/Output (I/O)



Topics covered in the Input/Output (I/O) section of this manual ..................................... 205
What is the purpose of Ovation I/O modules? ................................................................ 206
I/O reference terminology ................................................................................................ 206
Ovation I/O module features ........................................................................................... 209
Installing Ovation modules .............................................................................................. 210
Ovation Module Configuration and Status ...................................................................... 210
Ovation Module Diagnostic LEDs ................................................................................... 211
What is involved in the replacement of user serviceable fuses? .................................... 211
Personality module jumpers ............................................................................................ 213
I/O environmental specifications ..................................................................................... 215
Standard module components ........................................................................................ 216
Relay module components .............................................................................................. 220

16.1 Topics covered in the Input/Output (I/O) section of this manual

The following I/O subjects are discussed in this manual:

 What is the purpose of Ovation I/O modules? (see page 206).
 I/O reference terminology (see page 206).
 Ovation I/O module features (see page 209).
 Installing Ovation modules (see page 210).
 Ovation Module Configuration and Status (see page 210).
 Ovation Module Diagnostic LEDs (see page 211).
 What is involved in the replacement of user serviceable fuses? (see page 211).
 Personality module jumpers (see page 213).
 I/O environmental specifications (see page 215).
 Standard module components (see page 216).
 Relay module components (see page 220).
 Adding I/O modules to the Developer Studio (see page 223).
 I/O module descriptions (select I/O modules only):
 Analog Input module (13-Bit) - (AI-13) (see page 247).
 High Speed Analog Input Module (14-Bit) - (HSAI) (see page 260).
 HART High Performance Analog Input module - (HHPAI) (see page 270).
 RTD module (4 Channel) - (RTD-4) (see page 279).
 RTD module (8-Channel) - (RTD-8) (see page 289).

TRN350_100 205
16.2 What is the purpose of Ovation I/O modules?

 Analog Output module - (AO) (see page 297).

 HART High Performance Analog Output module - (HHPAO) (see page 304).
 Contact Digital Input module - (ContactDI) (see page 311).
 Compact Contact Digital Input module - (CCDI) (see page 316).
 Digital Output module - (DO) (see page 321).
 Relay Output - (RO) (see page 327).

16.2 What is the purpose of Ovation I/O modules?

Ovation control systems consist of a configurable mix of functional Input/Output (I/O) modules that
communicate with the Ovation Controller. Refer to the Ovation I/O Reference Manual for
complete details about I/O modules.

I/O modules provide an interface between the Ovation Controller and the processes in the plant.
Ovation I/O modules are a plug-in component with built-in fault tolerance and diagnostics. They
are able to operate on a wide range of signals and perform a multitude of functions.

Ovation I/O modules are seated into base units and are latched into place. Base units are housed
in the Controller cabinet where they are mounted on DIN rails and wired to the appropriate field

The standard modular components typically consist of the following:

 Electronics module (Emod).
 Personality module (Pmod).
 Base Unit (containing the field terminations).
The relay output modular components consist of the following:
 Electronics module.
 Base Unit (containing the field terminations).

16.3 I/O reference terminology


AWG American wire gauge is used in the United States as a standard method of denoting wire
diameter. Increasing gauge numbers give decreasing wire diameters. Outside of North
America, wire sizes for electrical purposes are usually given as the cross sectional area in
square millimeters.
A Side Refers to the left side board-to-board connector of the base unit when the terminal block or
AUI Cable connector is facing the viewer.
Also can refer to the Controller cabinet or the "A" cabinet.
Attention The Ovation I/O bus cycle status when the Electronics module returns a reply requesting
B Side Refers to the right side board-to-board connector of the base unit when the terminal block or
AUI Cable connector is facing the viewer.
Also can refer to the Termination cabinet or the "B" cabinet.

206 TRN350_100
16.3 I/O reference terminology


Base Unit The DIN Rail mounted Ovation Base serves as the mechanical means to hold & secure the
Ovation I/O Electronics and personality modules while providing an electrical interface
between customers field connections, Ovation I/O controller & transition panels.
The Ovation Bases when connected together form the Ovation I/O bus used by the Ovation
controller to communicate with its I/O subsystem and the distribute power to the I/O
Each standard 2-slot base can house up to two sets of electronic and personality I/O
modules, while 4-slot base units can house up to four sets of I/O modules.
Base Unit, The Relay Output base unit houses one Electronics module.
Relay Output
Branch A set of two 4-slot base units or four standard 2-slot bases configured consecutively on a
DIN rail with a local Ovation I/O bus being connected to the Ovation Controller. A Maximum
of eight I/O modules is supported on a branch.
Controller Interface between the Network and the I/O. The Controller is located in the Ovation I/O
cabinet. (See Planning Your Ovation System.)
Current A digital voltage input circuit made of an input voltage protection, a serial current limiting
Sinking circuit and an output interface. Each channel circuit terminates the connection between the
Digital Input logic input and its associated high side sensor or switch. Any short circuit to the reference
potential or field wire breakages are interpreted as the “off” or “0” state.
Electronics A plastic housing with associated lenses and labeling that contains the necessary
module electronics to interface between field devices and the Ovation I/O bus. Electronics modules
are inserted directly into a base unit.
Event A digital input change of state detected by the Ovation Higher Density Digital Input
electronics module
Galvanic The principle of isolating functional sections of electronic circuits so that charge-carrying
Isolation particles cannot move from one section to another, i.e. there is no electrical current flowing
directly from one section to the next. Energy and/or information can still be exchanged
between the sections by other means, however, such as by capacitance, electromagnetic
waves, or mechanical means.
IOIC Card Generic name for the Controller PCI I/O Interface card. The OCR400 Controller and
OCR1100 Controller only need the IOIC module.
I/O Module Standard I/O modules are made up of an Electronics module and a Personality module.
These modules perform the interface between the I/O Controller and the field devices.
Compact modules and Relay Output modules do not contain a Personality module.
LSB Least significant bit.
MAU Media Attachment Unit (MAU) is an alternate name for the Attachment Unit Module and
includes the Electronics module and Personality module combined. This device interfaces
the PCRR card (via the AUI cable) to the RNC (via fiber-optic cable) in remote I/O
MSB Most significant bit.
Ovation Local area network in which Ovation drops communicate with each other through Fast
Network Ethernet media.
Partial A partial rotation is directly associated with sample. Samples, representing pulses and time
Rotation elapsed for those pulses, are combined each sample period into the pulse count and time
elapsed for a full rotation. Typically, a partial rotation is what is sampled.

TRN350_100 207
16.3 I/O reference terminology


Personality Portion of an I/O module that provides a plastic housing with associated lenses and
module labeling. It contains a printed circuit board to perform the necessary signal interconnections
required for interfacing the I/O modules to particular field devices.
Typically, the module contains only passive components, but the Media Attachment Unit
module and Remote Node Controller module contains fiber-optic transmitters, receivers,
and transceivers in their Personality modules. The Link Controller I/O module contains
optical couplers and RS-232/RS-485 transceivers in its Personality module. The module
plugs directly into the base.
Remote I/O A configuration where the I/O is located remotely from the Controller.
Remote A grouping of I/O modules that communicates with the Controller via media that can carry
Node control signals over a long distance (for example, fiber-optic).
RNC Remote Node Controller (RNC) is an alternate name for the module containing the Remote
Node Electronics module and Remote Node Personality module. The RNC interfaces the
I/O modules in the Remote Node to an MAU module at the Controller via a fiber-optic
communication link.
Rotation The time of a full rotation of the toothed wheel given in 24 MHz timer ticks. Normally the
Time rotation time is the summation of a number of sample times.
Transition Types are:
ROP - I/O transition panel.
TND - Remote Node transition panel.
RRP - Relay Base transition panel (top location).
RRB - Relay Base transition panel (bottom location).
Watchdog A timer which, if allowed to expire, will reset the microcontroller.

208 TRN350_100
16.4 Ovation I/O module features

16.4 Ovation I/O module features

Ovation I/O modules provide many user-friendly features that ensure ease of use and accuracy of
performance. Some of these features are:
 Ovation I/O is available in both remote and local configurations.
 Modular, plug-in components.
 Quick installation and configuration of the modules.
 DIN Rail mounting of the I/O Base Units.
 Wiring schematic labels are provided on Personality modules and cavity inserts.
 Wiring directions (Normally Closed, Normally Open, Common) are provided on the Base Unit
for Relay Output modules.
 Writable surface labels are provided on Electronics modules so that up to 16 point names can
be identified on each label.
 The labels on the Personality and Electronics modules are color-coded to match the
appropriate modules.
 Unique base unit interconnection scheme eliminates most power and communications wiring.
 Module style, group, serial number, and revision are stored electronically on each I/O module.
 Hot swapping capabilities streamline maintenance. (See Planning Your Ovation System.)
 Status indicators that display standardized diagnostic LED color codes.
 Up to 128 Local Ovation module units per Controller.
 Up to 1024 Remote Ovation module units per Controller.
 Base Unit common to all Standard I/O modules.
 Two Base Unit styles (G2R and KUEP) are available for Relay Output modules.
 Test-point/probe holder on each field terminal of standard I/O Base Units.
 Built-in spare fuse holders and wire strip gauge, located on top of the middle plastic separator
section (between the terminal strips) of a base unit.
 Most modules are CE Mark compliant.

TRN350_100 209
16.5 Installing Ovation modules

16.5 Installing Ovation modules

DIN rails and modules are typically installed at the factory according to system requirements. If
you need to replace or add Relay Output modules to your system, see Planning Your Ovation

Standard and Compact I/O Modules

The Ovation standard and compact modules are installed in base units mounted on DIN rails in
Ovation cabinets. Each base unit can contain two I/O modules, and even if you only use one I/O
module, you must still use a base unit that contains two terminal blocks.

Relay Output Modules

The Ovation Relay Output modules are installed in base units mounted on DIN rails in Ovation
cabinets. Each base unit can contain one Relay Output Electronics module and the appropriate

There are two styles of Relay Output Base Units (see page 220):
 1C31223 (16 G2R relays)
 1C31222 (12 KUEP relays)

16.6 Ovation Module Configuration and Status

An Ovation I/O module has 16 address locations, but a module might not use all 16 addresses.

There are four possible address locations in each I/O module that are reserved for special use.
Three of these addresses provide configuration (Write) and status (Read) information.

Definitions for these locations are provided for each module in the module reference pages:
 Address word 13 (D in Hex) is present for every module and is used for configuration and
status. The module status provides diagnostic information that is read by the Controller when
it is online. The status register can be read by using the Point Information window at an
Ovation Operator Station. The Bit Pattern Field can be read on the Hardware Tab of the Point
Information window (See the Ovation Operator Station User Guide.)
 Address word 14 (E in Hex) is used as a secondary or expansion configuration register and
is only used when needed.
 Address word 12 (C in Hex) is used for reporting point specific fault information and
optionally as an expansion configuration register.
 Address word 15 (F in Hex), is used for the module Electronic ID information. This location
and its use are identical for all modules.
Configuration settings for these registers for each point can be viewed in the Ovation Developer
Studio User Guide.

210 TRN350_100
16.7 Ovation Module Diagnostic LEDs

16.7 Ovation Module Diagnostic LEDs

Every Ovation module contains diagnostic LEDs. These are used to indicate the status of the
module and to alert you to any module problems.

Ovation I/O modules typically contain the following LEDs:

 P = (Green) Power OK LED is lit when the power supply to the module is good.
 C = (Green) Communications OK LED is lit when the Controller is communicating with the
module, and when the communication watchdog timer is not timed out.
 E = (Red) Optional External Error LED is lit when there is a problem external to the module,
such as a blown common auxiliary power supply fuse.
 I = (Red) Internal Fault LED is lit when a failure internal to the module has occurred. This LED
is typically an indication that the Electronics module needs to be replaced.

Note: A communication timeout also lights the Internal Fault LED and turns off the
Communications OK LED.

The other LEDs for each module vary according to the functions of the module. Definitions for
LEDs are provided for each module in their individual sections.

16.8 What is involved in the replacement of user serviceable fuses?

Some Electronics modules (Emods) and Personality modules (Pmods) may contain fuses. These
fuses are typically 5 x 20 mm micro-fuses, and are conveniently located (see page 216) for easy

16.8.1 Electronics module fuses

If a fuse needs to be replaced, push the fuse cap in, turn it one-quarter turn counter-clockwise
and the fuse can be removed. Replace the blown fuse with an exact replacement fuse. Fuse sizes
are indicated on the Electronics module label. Refer to the following table for descriptions of fuses
used by Ovation Electronics modules.

Note: In CE Mark Certified systems, the project drawings MUST include any fuses and their
ratings, if they are replaceable by a qualified technician.


5 x 20 mm cartridge 0.50A; 250V; Compact Digital Input Emod (1C31232G01) EX06100

Fast acting Compact Sequence of Events Emod

TRN350_100 211
16.8 What is involved in the replacement of user serviceable fuses?

16.8.2 Personality module fuses

If a 5x20 mm cartridge fuse needs to be replaced, push the fuse cap in, turn it one-quarter turn
counter-clockwise and the fuse can be removed. Replace the blown fuse with an exact
replacement fuse. Fuse sizes are indicated on the Personality module label. Refer to the following
table for descriptions of fuses used by Ovation Personality modules.

If the fuse is a micro fuse, pull the blown fuse out of its holder and plug the replacement fuse into
the vacated holder.

Note: In CE Mark Certified systems, the project drawings MUST include any fuses and their
ratings, if they are replaceable by a qualified technician.


2 1 Digital Input Pmods Sequence of Events EX06100
a5 x 20 mm 0.50A; 250V
2 0.063A; 250V Analog Input Pmods 1C31116G02 - G03 EX06102
5 x 20 mm
1 Loop Interface Pmods 1C31177G02 - G03
2 1 Pulse Accum. Pmods 1C31150G01 - G03 EX06071
5 x 20 mm 0.63A; 250V
2 1 Relay Base 16 G2R - 1C31223G01 EX06104
5 x 20 mm 1.0A; 250V
2 1 Loop Interface Pmods1C31177G01 - G03 EX06098
5 x 20 mm 1.25A; 250V
Digital Output Pmods - 1C31125G01
Valve Positioner Pmods 1C31197G01 - G04
Relay Panels (Solid State) 5A22410H01 - H02
Relay Panels (16 G2R) - 5A22411H01
2 1 Relay Panels (8 KU) - 5A22412H01 EX06105
5 x 20 mm 2.0A; 250V
Relay Base (12 KUEP) - 1C31222G01
2 1 Digital Output Pmods - 1C31125G02 EX06101
5 x 20 mm 3.15A;250V
3 1 16 Point Individually fused, 1X00030H02
Micro-Fuse 0.5A;125V
Digital Input Pmod - 5X00034G01
HART Analog Input Pmods 5X00063G01
3 0.063A;125V HART Analog Input Pmods 1X00030H01
1 Analog Inputs - 5X00059G01
3 1 HART Analog Output Pmods 5X00063G01 1X00030H05
Micro-Fuse 0.6A;125V
Fast Acting

212 TRN350_100
16.8 What is involved in the replacement of user serviceable fuses?

16.8.3 Ovation cabinet fuses

In addition to Personality module fuses, there are other fuses that can also be serviced by users.
Refer to the following table for descriptions of fuses used in Ovation cabinets.


Micro-Fuse 5.0A; 250V; CBO Backplane 4A00120H01 Auxiliary power Branch fuses
Fast acting 3A99200G01 - G02 CBO: F1 -F4
ROP Panel 4D33922G01 ROP: F1, F2, F7, F8
TND Panel 4D33924G01 TND: F1, F2, F6, F7
RRP Panel 3A99252G01 RRP: F1, F2
RRB Panel 3A99253G01 RRB: F1, F2
0001.2515 12.5A; 5x20; Power Distribution 1X00728H01L AUX Power Fuse
250VAC; Panel
Schurter 125VDC 5X00489G01 F1
Type T

TRN350_100 213
16.9 Personality module jumpers

16.9 Personality module jumpers

Most Ovation Personality modules do not have configurable jumpers. However, if a module does
have configurable jumpers, and the default settings need to be changed, the card must be
removed from the Personality module case in order to be configured. Use the following procedure
to open a Personality module case:

Note: Be sure to observe static electricity guidelines.

1. Use a small straight-edge screwdriver to press in one of the clips located on the side of the
module until the module cap is loosened. Remove the module cap.
2. Push both clips on the module bottom outward until the card is free to slide.
3. Slide the card out the top of the module and make the desired jumper changes.
4. Slide the card back into the module case, being sure the card is positioned in the card
channels, and the bottom clips are engaged.
5. Replace the module cap.

Module Cap

(press in)

Clip (push outward) Clip (push outward)

Module Bottom

Figure 136: Module Cap

214 TRN350_100
16.10 I/O environmental specifications

16.10 I/O environmental specifications

The following tables provide common environmental specifications for the Ovation I/O modules.

I/O Module specifications


Temperature o o o o
0 C (32 F) Operating 60 C (140 F) Operating
o o o o
- 40 C (-40 F) Storage 85 C (185 F) Storage
Humidity (non-condensing) 0% Operating 95% Operating
90% Operating (CE Mark)
Maximum wet bulb temp 35 C

Relay Output module specifications


o o o o
Relay Output G2R/KUEP Form X 0 C (32 F) Operating 60 C (140 F) Operating
o o o o
- 40 C (-40 F) Storage 70 C (158 F) Storage
Relay Output KUEP Form C o o o o
0 C (32 F) Operating 45 C (113 F) Operating
o o o o
- 40 C (-40 F) Storage 50 C (122 F) Storage
Humidity (non-condensing)
Relay Output G2R 35% Operating 85% Operating
Maximum wet bulb temp 35 C
Relay Output KUEP Form X/Form C N/A N/A
See Relay Output Module (see page 327) for additional temperature and derating information relative to
specific cabinet configuration.

TRN350_100 215
16.11 Standard module components

16.11 Standard module components

Standard I/O modules combine special Personality modules with Electronics modules in order to
operate at a wide range of signals, and perform a multitude of functions.

The standard Ovation modules are illustrated below and consist of the following:
 Base Units (containing I/O bus power, signals, and field terminations).
 Electronics modules.
 Personality modules (foam inserts are used instead of Personality modules for some I/O

DIN Rail
Base-to-Base Connector Terminal Block Connections
A, B, C


"B" Side of Base Unit

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17
Module Base Connectors

Base Unit
Spare Fuse

DIN Rail Mounting Screw Locations

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17

Typical Fuse Locations

Status LEDs
"A" Side of Base Unit

Module Latches

Electronics Module
Personality Module Terminal Block Connections
A, B, C

Figure 137: Ovation modules (Top View)

216 TRN350_100
16.11 Standard module components

1. Base Unit
The base unit (containing two terminal blocks) mounts onto a DIN rail. Each base unit
accommodates two I/O modules.
The footprint of the base unit (containing Electronic and Personality module) is:
27.9 cm Long (11 in)
12.7 cm Wide (5 in)
16.5 cm High (6.5 in)
If you use only one I/O module, you still must use a base unit that contains two terminal
For the Standard I/O Marshalling Base Unit, field terminations are located on the half shells
and connected to the base. See Marshaling Base Unit (see page 219) for more information.

CAUTION! For CE Mark Certified Systems:

Base units containing differential digital input modules configuration with hazardous input
voltages (>30 V RMS, 42.4 V peak, or 60 VDC) listed in the following table must include a
hazardous voltage warning label (1B30025H01) on that base unit. Hazardous voltage is
present on the individual module terminal blocks and module connector(s).

Differential digital input module configurations with hazardous input voltages


125VAC/VDC Digital Input (Diff) 1C31107G02 1C31110G02

125VAC/VDC Compact Digital Input (Diff) 1C31232G03 1C31238H01
125VDC Sequence of Events (Diff) 1C31157G02 1C31110G02
125VDC Compact Sequence of Events (Diff) 1C31233G03 1C31238H01
125VDC Enhanced Compact Sequence of Events (Diff) 5X00357G03 1C31238H01

CAUTION! Base units containing single ended or fused digital input modules with hazardous
voltages (>30 V RMS, 42.4 V peak, or 60 VDC) listed in the following table must include a
hazardous voltage warning label (1B30025H01) on the base unit as well as ALL base units of
the branch. Hazardous voltage is present on terminal block and module connectors of bases
on an entire branch. In addition, auxiliary power fuses must be removed and a fuse cover kit
should be added.

Base units containing single ended or fused digital input modules with hazardous voltages


125VAC/VDC Digital Input (Sing) 1C31107G02 1C31110G01

125VAC/VDC Compact Digital Input (Fused) 1C31232G03 5X00034G01
125VDC Sequence of Events (Sing) 1C31157G02 1C31110G01
125VDC Compact Sequence of Events (Fused) 1C31233G03 5X00034G01
125VDC Enhanced Compact Sequence of Events (Fused) 5X00357G03 5X00034G01

TRN350_100 217
16.11 Standard module components

CAUTION! Hazardous labels must be placed in a visible location on the base unit, preferable
above the spare fuse location. This information must be indicated in the application specific
project drawings.

2. Electronics module (Emod)

The Electronics module (configured by adding the appropriate Personality module) fits into
the base unit.
3. Personality module (Pmod)
The Personality module (configures the Electronics module) fits into the base unit beside the
appropriate Electronics module.

Note: The Personality module is installed in the base unit first. Then, the Electronics module is
installed and interlocks with the Personality module. The blue corner latches on the Electronics
module locks both modules into the base unit.

Wires from customer field devices are connected to terminal block in the base unit.

The wiring connections to the terminal block for each combination of Electronics module and
Personality module are printed on each Personality module, and are illustrated in each module
description in the following sections.

218 TRN350_100
16.11 Standard module components

16.11.1 Marshalling base unit

Marshalling Base (5X00334G01)

Cable Connector (1X00439H01)

The Ovation Marshalling Base Unit serves as an interface between the field connections, the I/O
bus, and the Personality and Electronics Modules. The I/O bus is used by the Controller to
communicate with the I/O subsystem via the Ovation Marshalling Base Unit Backplane. Power is
also distributed to the Electronics Modules via the I/O bus.

The Ovation Marshalling Base Unit is similar to the Ovation I/O Base (1B30035) except the field
termination terminal block is replaced with 17 Pin Headers. The Headers are mated to a plug with
a screw flange and with a 17-position screw connection. This arrangement allows the use of pre-
fabricated cables for the field wiring and provides secure anchoring of the cable.

The following figure depicts the Marshalling Base Unit identifying the Aux power terminals (+) A17
and (-) B17.

Figure 138: Marshalling Base Unit

TRN350_100 219
16.12 Relay module components

16.12 Rela y module components

The Ovation Relay module consists of two parts, refer to the following figures:

1. Base Unit
The relay base assembly consists of a backplane with connectors, a plastic housing, and a
DIN rail clamping/grounding mechanism. This unit accommodates the relays for interfacing
with field devices.
2. Relay Output Electronics module
The relay output Electronics module is an on-line replaceable module that provides the relay
output circuit board. This board contains relay coil drive interfacing as well as I/O bus and bus
power interface. This module plugs into the desired relay output base unit.

The wires from the customer field devices are connected to the terminal block in the base unit.

DIN Rail
Base-to-Base Connector



"B" Side of Base Unit




Terminal Block


DIN Rail Mounting Screw




Base Unit




Electronics Module




"A" Side of Base Unit







Module Latches

Figure 139: Relay Output Panel G2R

220 TRN350_100
16.12 Relay module components

DIN Rail
Base-to-Base Connector



"B" Side of Base Unit




Terminal Block



DIN Rail Mounting Screw






Base Unit






Electronics Module



"A" Side of Base Unit








Module Latches



Figure 140: Relay Output KUEP

TRN350_100 221
S E C T I O N 17

Adding I/O modules to the Developer Studio


Before you add an I/O module to the Developer Studio ................................................. 223
Overview of adding I/O modules to the Developer Studio .............................................. 223
Defining and configuring Ovation I/O modules in the Developer Studio ......................... 233

17.1 Before you add an I/O module to the Developer Studio

Before configuring an I/O module, design a plan that lists the requirements for your Ovation
system. Make a list of:
 Modules to be added.
 I/O module part numbers.
 Where in the system the modules are to be placed.

Note: The module(s) can be installed prior to, or after, entering the information into the system.
However, the module(s) must be installed prior to downloading the information to the Controller.

In addition, consider the following before adding I/O modules to your Ovation system.
 Make sure you have the appropriate engineering privileges that are needed to add I/O
modules to the Ovation system.
 You should be familiar with point naming conventions (see page 199) for module records.
 You should know how to use the Controller Diagnostic Tool to download firmware to the I/O
modules. See the applicable Ovation Controller User Guide for more information.
Adding and configuring I/O modules involves a hardware component and a software component.
Hardware information related to Ovation I/O modules can be found in:
 Planning Your Ovation System
 Ovation I/O Reference Manual
Software configuration information can be found in this manual and:
 Ovation Controller User Guide

TRN350_100 223
17.2 Overview of adding I/O modules to the Developer Studio

17.2 Overview of adding I/O modules to the Developer Studio

The following steps provide an overview of adding a new I/O module to an Ovation system. Refer
to the specific topics for detailed instructions.

1. Make sure you have read the section called, Before you add an I/O module to the Developer
Studio (see page 223).
2. Add an I/O device number in the Controller (see page 224).
3. Add an Ovation I/O module to the Developer Studio (see page 228).
4. Add a module point (see page 231).
5. Configure the applicable Ovation module(s) (see page 233).

17.2.1 To insert an I/O Device number in a Controller

Note: The following procedure is only performed once. If you already added a specific driver,
you do not have to perform this procedure.

A Controller driver is a software program that acts as a translator between a hardware device and
the applications that use the device. Every version of a hardware device, such as a printer,
requires its own specialized commands.

Note: The following procedures provide a general overview of inserting device drivers. Refer to
the applicable Ovation Controller User Guide for more detailed information on device drivers.

1. Access the Developer Studio.

Note: The following procedure is only performed once. If you have already added a specific
driver, you do not have to perform this procedure.

2. Use the system tree to navigate to the Device Number item:

Device Number
3. Right-click Device Number.

224 TRN350_100
17.2 Overview of adding I/O modules to the Developer Studio

4. Select Insert New. The Insert New Device Numbers wizard appears.

Figure 141: Insert New Device Numbers Wizard

Note: If you add, change, or delete device drivers, perform a clear/load function on the

5. From the Device Number drop-down menu, select an unused number (for example, you
might start with 2, and continue numbering successive devices sequentially).
6. Click Finish. The New Device Numbers window appears.

TRN350_100 225
17.2 Overview of adding I/O modules to the Developer Studio

7. From the I/O Driver Type drop-down menu, select OVATION (for examples purposes here).

Figure 142: New Device Numbers window

8. Click Ok.

17.2.2 To insert an I/O Device in the Developer Studio

1. Access the Developer Studio.
2. Use the system tree to navigate to the I/O Device item:
<Controller Drop number>
I/O Devices
3. Right-click I/O Device and select Insert New. The Insert New [I/O Devices] Wizard appears.
4. Select the I/O Device Number from the drop-down menu. The choices are: 0 for IOIC and 5 -
11 for third-party and Bus devices.

226 TRN350_100
17.2 Overview of adding I/O modules to the Developer Studio

5. From the I/O Device Type drop-down menu, select IOIC.

Figure 143: Insert New [I/O Devices] Wizard

6. Click Finish. The New [I/O Devices] window appears showing the selection that you made.
7. Select the Ok button.

Refer to the applicable Ovation Controller User Guide for an explanation of the attributes and
value selections for the IOIC and third-party devices:

 IOIC Devices:
 Local Ovation
 Remote Ovation
 Local Q-Line
 Remote Q-Line
 Allen-Bradley PLC
 Modbus Master
 RTP IOBC6700
 GE Mark V
 GE Mark VI/Ve
 External Ovation Network
 Toshiba
 Foundation Fieldbus Module
 GE Genius
 Modbus -R

TRN350_100 227
17.2 Overview of adding I/O modules to the Developer Studio

Refer to the indicated User Guide for an explanation of the attributes and value selections for the
I/O Device Types not discussed in the Controller manual:

 Fieldbus Module - Refer to the appropriate Ovation Foundation Fieldbus User Guide.
 Profibus Module - Refer to the appropriate Ovation Profibus User Guide.
 DeviceNet Module - Refer to the appropriate Ovation DeviceNet User Guide.
 Wireless HART - Refer to the appropriate Ovation Wireless Devices User Guide.
 Ethernet Link - Refer to the appropriate Ovation Ethernet Link Controller User Guide.
 Ovation SIS - Refer to the appropriate Ovation SIS User Guide.

17.2.3 To insert an Ovation I/O module in the Developer Studio

1. Access the Developer Studio.
2. Use the system tree to navigate to an empty slot under your Ovation IOIC branch:
I/O Devices
I/O Device 0 IOIC
IO Interfaces

228 TRN350_100
17.2 Overview of adding I/O modules to the Developer Studio

3. Right-click on Ovation Module in the empty slot and select Insert New.

Figure 144: Inserting a new Primary module

The Insert New Ovation Module Wizard appears.

TRN350_100 229
17.2 Overview of adding I/O modules to the Developer Studio

4. From the Module Type pull-down menu, select the applicable module.

Figure 145: Insert New Ovation Module window

5. Select Finish. The New Ovation Module window appears.

6. Go to the Module tab at the bottom of the New Ovation Module window.

Figure 146: New Ovation Module window showing Module tab

7. Complete the information on the window fields. These fields will be different depending on the
module you select). (For information on configuring the various modules, see Defining and
configuring Ovation I/O modules in the Developer Studio (see page 233).)
8. Select the Ok button.

230 TRN350_100
17.2 Overview of adding I/O modules to the Developer Studio

9. After you have added and configured the I/O module, you must load the changes to the
appropriate Controller.

Note: The Load function is necessary any time an I/O module is added.

10. Return to the Developer Studio system tree and navigate to the Drops item:
11. Right-click on the appropriate Controller that you want to load.
12. Select Load from the pop-up menu.

17.2.4 To insert a Module point

1. Access the Developer Studio.
2. Use the system tree to navigate to Module Points:
Module Points
3. Right-click on Module Points to select Insert New. The Insert New Module Points wizard

Figure 147: Insert New Module Points Wizard

4. Enter a point name.

5. Pick a frequency (S = Slow (1 second), F = Fast (0.1 second), or A = As needed).

TRN350_100 231
17.2 Overview of adding I/O modules to the Developer Studio

6. Click Finish. The New Module Points window appears.

Figure 148: New Module Points window

7. Navigate to the Hardware tab.

8. Choose the I/O module from the location where you added the Primary I/O module.
9. Click OK. If you navigate to your card and Open/Refresh, you will see the fully qualified
module record point name (for example, TEST.UNIT@FB).

232 TRN350_100
17.3 Defining and configuring Ovation I/O modules in the Developer Studio

17.3 Defining and configuring Ovation I/O modules in the Developer


The Module tab on the Ovation Module window (see page 228) must be defined and configured
for each different type of Ovation Module. The window contain four tabs, Config, Module, Digital
Channels, and Analog Channels. All tabs except the Module tab are completed by the software.
The Module tab is populated when you complete the Insert New Ovation Module Wizard. The
Module tab contains the selectable module information.

The module types are discussed in the following sections:

Analog Input modules

 Analog Input (13 bits) (Legacy product).
 Analog Input (14 bits).
 Analog High Speed Input (14 bits).
 HART Analog Input.
 HART High Performance Analog Input.
 RTD (4-Inputs).
 RTD (8-Inputs).
 16 Channel 4-20mA Analog Input.

Analog Output modules

 Analog Output.
 HART Analog Output.
 HART High Performance Analog Output.

Digital Input modules

 Digital Input.
 Redundant Digital Input (Windows Ovation 3.2 and above).
 Compact Digital Input.
 Contact Digital Input.
 Compact Contact Digital Input.
 Sequence of Events Digital Input.
 Sequence of Events Contact Digital Input Field Interface.
 Sequence of Events Compact Digital Input Field Interface.
 Enhanced Compact Sequence of Events Digital Input.
 32 Channel 24V DC Digital Input.

Digital Output modules

 Digital Output.
 High Side Digital Output (24 VDC).
 Relay Output.
 Relay Output with Contact Monitoring.
 Fused Relay Output.
 32 Channel 24 VDC Digital Output.

TRN350_100 233
17.3 Defining and configuring Ovation I/O modules in the Developer Studio

Bus interface modules

 DeviceNet.
 Foundation Fieldbus.
 Profibus.
 Ethernet Link Controller.

Specialty modules
 Link Controller.
 Loop Interface.
 Pulse Accumulator.
 Servo Driver.
 Small Loop Interface.
 Speed Detector.
 Valve Positioner.
 Enhanced Valve Positioner.
 Numalogic Fast Ethernet Remote I/O subsystem.
For more information on module configuration, refer to the Ovation I/O Reference Manual.

17.3.1 Analog Input module configuration

The parameters shown on the Module tab vary depending on the type of analog input module
selected. See the following tables:

Module tab parameters for select Analog Input modules


 14 bit 4 to 20 mA A/C Line Frequency Defines the type of AC used in the system (50 Hz
 14 bit -1 to 1 V or 60Hz.)
Input sampling rate is 80ms at 50Hz, and 83.3ms at
Default is 60Hz.
A/D Conversion Rate Defines the speed at which the A/D conversion is
performed by the I/O module - Normal or High
Speed. Default is Normal.
Suppress Point Fault Prevents the RM point module point from going into
Module Alarm alarm if one or more of the analog inputs are in an
alarm/sensor condition. For example, if one or more
channel(s) of a 4-20mA card were unused (and left
open), setting this attribute would prevent the RM
Module Point from going into alarm. The default is
to NOT suppress the point fault module alarm.

234 TRN350_100
17.3 Defining and configuring Ovation I/O modules in the Developer Studio

Module tab parameters for select Analog Input modules


 14 bit HS 4 to 20mA A/C Line Frequency Defines the type of AC used in the system (50 Hz
 14 bit HS +/-1mA remote or 60Hz.)
Input sampling rate is 80ms at 50Hz, and 83.3ms
 14-bit HS +/-1mA local at 60Hz.
Default is 60Hz.
Suppress Point Fault Prevents the RM point module point from going
Module Alarm into alarm if one or more of the analog inputs are
in an alarm/sensor condition. For example, if one
or more channel(s) of a 4-20mA card were
unused (and left open), setting this attribute
would prevent the RM Module Point from going
into alarm. The default is to NOT suppress the
point fault module alarm.

Module tab parameters for select Analog Input modules


 14 bit HS +/-100mV, A/C Line Frequency Defines the type of AC used in the system
250mV, 1V (50 Hz or 60Hz.)
 14 bit HS +/-5V, 10V
Input sampling rate is 80ms at 50Hz, and
 14 bit MS +/-20mV, 83.3ms at 60Hz.
50mV, 100mV, w/ODT
 14 bit MS +/-20mV, Default is 60Hz.
50mV, 100mV w/OTD Voltage Range Selection
(CE61131-2) instead of A/D Conversion
Suppress Point Fault Module Prevents the RM point module point from
Alarm going into alarm if one or more of the analog
inputs are in an alarm/sensor condition. For
example, if one or more channel(s) of a 4-
20mA card were unused (and left open),
setting this attribute would prevent the RM
Module Point from going into alarm. The
default is to NOT suppress the point fault
module alarm.

TRN350_100 235
17.3 Defining and configuring Ovation I/O modules in the Developer Studio

17.3.2 Analog Output module configuration

Module tab parameters for Analog Output modules


Timeout Action Reset = After the timeout period, output goes to 0.

Latch = After the timeout period, the last output remains.
Timeout Selection Pull-down menu used to define the timeout period:
 16 seconds.
 4 seconds.
 2 seconds.
 1 second.
 500 milliseconds.
 250 milliseconds.
 125 milliseconds.
 62.6 milliseconds.

17.3.3 Compact Contact Input module configuration

Module tab parameters for Compact Contact Input modules


Disable Points on When set, the module reports an error when an input line or return line is shorted to
Ground Fault earth ground, and lights the “E” LED.

17.3.4 Contact Input module configuration

Module tab parameters for Contact Input modules


Disable Points on When set, the module reports an error when an input line or return line is shorted to
Ground Fault earth ground, and lights the “E” LED.

236 TRN350_100
17.3 Defining and configuring Ovation I/O modules in the Developer Studio

17.3.5 Compact Digital Input module configuration

Module tab parameters for Compact Digital Input modules


Blown Fuse Detection When set, if an auxiliary power supply fuse is blown, the module reports an error
(Single-Ended Versions) and lights the “E” LED.
No Fields No fields necessary in the Compact Digital Input Module tab.
(All Other Versions)

17.3.6 Digital Input module configuration

Module tab parameters for Digital Input modules


Blown Fuse Detection When set, if an auxiliary power supply fuse is blown, the module reports an error
(Single-Ended Versions) and lights the “E” LED.
No Fields No fields necessary in the Digital Input Module tab.
(All Other Versions)

17.3.7 Digital Output module configuration

Module tab parameters for Digital Output modules


Timeout Action Reset = After the timeout period, output clears (output transistor is shut off.)
Latch = After the timeout period, the last output remains.
Timeout Selection Pull-down menu used to define the timeout period:
 16 seconds.
 4 seconds.
 2 seconds.
 1 second.
 500 milliseconds.
 250 milliseconds.
 125 milliseconds.
 62.6 milliseconds.
Blown Fuse Detection When set, if a fuse is blown, the module reports an error and lights the “E” LED.

TRN350_100 237
17.3 Defining and configuring Ovation I/O modules in the Developer Studio

17.3.8 HART Analog Input module configuration

Module tab parameters for HART Analog Input modules


HART Device on Channel Indicates if a HART device is attached to the channel.

Scan HART Variables on Channel Indicates that HART multi-variable support is enabled for the channel.

17.3.9 HART Analog High Performance Input module configuration

Module tab parameters for HART Analog High Performance Input modules


A/C Line Frequency Defines the type of AC used in the system (50 Hz or 60Hz.)
Input sampling rate is 80ms at 50Hz, and 83.3ms at 60Hz. Default is 60Hz.
HART Device on Channel Indicates if a HART device is attached to the channel.
Scan HART Variables on Indicates that HART multi-variable support is enabled for the channel. Only those
Channel devices that were chosen above can be used.
Suppress Point Fault Permits the RM point module point from going into alarm if one or more of the
Module Alarm analog inputs are in an alarm/sensor condition. For example, if one or more
channel(s) of a 4-20mA card were unused (and left open), setting this attribute
would prevent the RM module point from going into alarm. The default is to NOT
suppress the point fault module alarm.

17.3.10 HART Analog Output module configuration

Module tab parameters for HART Analog Output modules


Timeout Action Reset = After the timeout period, output goes to 0.

Latch = After the timeout period, the last output remains.
Timeout Selection Pull-down menu used to define the timeout period:
 16 seconds
 4 seconds
 2 seconds
 1 second
 500 milliseconds
 250 milliseconds
 125 milliseconds
 62.6 milliseconds
HART Device on Channel Indicates if a HART device is attached to the channel.
Scan HART Variables on Channel Indicates that HART multi-variable support is enabled for the channel.

238 TRN350_100
17.3 Defining and configuring Ovation I/O modules in the Developer Studio

17.3.11 High Side Digital Output 24VDC module module configuration

Module tab parameters for High Side Digital Output 24VDC modules


Timeout Selection Specifies the length of time after which the I/O module considers itself to be out of
communication with the Ovation Controller. The available choices are the same as
for existing digital output modules (see page 237) and range from 62.6 msec to 16
Timeout Action Specifies the action to be taken in the event of a bus timeout. The choices are
Reset or Latch.
Redundant Specifies whether the operation of the module is redundant or simplex.
Self-test Period Specifies the elapsed time between the self-test operations performed by the
modules when configured for redundant operation.
Redundant Module When configured for redundant operation, this attribute specifies the I/O location of
Location the corresponding partner module.

17.3.12 RTD module configuration

Module tab parameters for RTD modules


A/C Line Frequency Defines the type of AC used in the system (50 Hz or 60Hz). Input sampling rate is 80ms
at 50Hz, and 83.3ms at 60Hz. Default is 60Hz.
Channel 1 Scale See the following table for descriptions of the items in the menu.
Channel 2 Scale See the following table for descriptions of the items in the menu.
Channel 3 Scale See the following table for descriptions of the items in the menu.
Channel 4 Scale See the following table for descriptions of the items in the menu.
Suppress Point Fault Permits the RM point module point from going into alarm if one or more of the analog
Mode Alarm inputs are in an alarm/sensor condition. For example, if one or more channel(s) of a 4-
20mA card were unused (and left open), setting this attribute would prevent the RM
module point from going into alarm. The default is to NOT suppress the point fault
module alarm.

TRN350_100 239
17.3 Defining and configuring Ovation I/O modules in the Developer Studio

RTD scrolling list values








1 3 PL 0 to 1200 -18 to 649 6 106.3 0.1556 9 0.22
2 3 CU 0 to 302 -18 to 150 8.5 16.5 1.51 13 2.32
D 11 CU 32 to 284 0 to 140 50 80 1.0756 11 0.27
11 3 CU 32 to 230 0 to 110 53 78 1.1291 12 0.30
19 3 PL -4 to 334 -16 to 168 92 163.67 0.5121 11 0.27
22 3 PL 32 to 520 0 to 269 100 200 0.4087 10 0.25
23 3 PL 32 to 1040 0 to 561 100 301 0.2554 10 0.25
25 3 NI 12 to 464 -11 to 240 109 360 0.2104 10 0.25
26 3 NI 32 to 150 0 to 70 120 170 0.5240 13 0.32
28 3 NI 32 to 278 0 to 122 120 225 0.3682 11 0.27
80 4 PL 32 to 544 0 to 290 100 208 0.3921 10 0.25
81 4 PL 356 to 446 180 to 230 168 186 0.5240 30 0.74
82 4 PL 32 to 698 0 to 370 200 473 0.1675 12 0.30
83 4 PL 514 to 648 268 to 342 402 452 0.2142 29 0.71
84 4 PL 32 to 124 0 to 51 100 120 0.7860 19 0.47
85 4 PL 32 to 217 0 to 103 100 140 0.6386 13 0.32
86 4 PL 32 to 412 0 to 211 100 180 0.4644 11 0.27
87 4 PL 32 to 714 0 to 379 100 240 0.3296 10 0.25
88 4 PL 511 to 662 266 to 350 200 230 0.4170 24 0.59

240 TRN350_100
17.3 Defining and configuring Ovation I/O modules in the Developer Studio

17.3.13 Relay Output module KUEP module configuration

Module tab parameters for Relay Output modules (KUEP configuration)


Timeout Action Reset = After the timeout period, output clears (output transistor is shut off).
Latch = After the timeout period, the last output remains.
Timeout Selection Pull-down menu used to define the timeout period:
 16 seconds
 4 seconds
 2 seconds
 1 seconds
 500 milliseconds
 250 milliseconds
 125 milliseconds
 62.6 milliseconds
Blown Fuse Detection Should be set, module reports a blown fuse and lights the “E” LED.

17.3.14 Sequence of Events module configuration

The parameters shown on the Module tab vary depending on the type of Sequence of Events
module selected. See the following tables:

Module tab parameters for Sequence of Events modules (24VDC/48VDC/125VDC single-



Chatter Control Action Chatter control counter is reset or it is decremented every 100 milliseconds.
Reset setting is recommended.
Chatter Control Disable Emerson recommends that this not be set and chatter control will be enabled.
Ground Fault Detection Should not be set.
Contact Wetting Voltage Should not be set.
Failure Detection
Event Tagging Enable Channels that are set as enable for the event tagging mask for that channel.

Note: All channels enabled for event tagging MUST have an associated digital
point configured for that channel.

Blown Fuse Detection Should be set, module reports a blown fuse and lights the “E” LED.

TRN350_100 241
17.3 Defining and configuring Ovation I/O modules in the Developer Studio

Module tab parameters for Sequence of Events modules (24VDC/48VDC/125VDC



Chatter Control Action Chatter control counter is reset or is decremented every 100 milliseconds.
Reset setting is recommended.
Chatter Control Disable Emerson recommends that this not be set which enables chatter control.
Ground Fault Detection User can set as needed.
Contact Wetting Voltage Should not be set.
Failure Detection
Event Tagging Enable Channels that are set as enable the event tagging mask for that channel.

Note: All channels enabled for event tagging MUST have an associated digital
point configured for that channel.

Module tab parameters for Sequence of Events modules (48VDC contact input)


Chatter Control Action Chatter control counter is reset or is decremented every 100 milliseconds.
Reset setting is recommended.
Chatter Control Disable Emerson recommends that this not be set which enables chatter control.
Ground Fault Detection Should be set.
Contact Wetting Voltage Should be set.
Failure Detection
Event Tagging Enable Channels that are set as enable the event tagging mask for that channel.

Note: All channels enabled for event tagging MUST have an associated digital
point configured for that channel.

Blown Fuse Detection When set, the module reports a blown fuse and lights the “E” LED.

17.3.15 Compact Sequence of Events module configuration

The parameters shown on the Module tab vary depending on the type of Compact Sequence of
Events module selected. See the following tables:

Module tab parameters for Compact Sequence of Events modules (24VDC/48VDC/125VDC



Chatter Control Action Chatter control counter is reset or it is decremented every 100 milliseconds
Reset setting is recommended.

Chatter Control Disable Emerson recommends that this not be set which enables chatter control.

242 TRN350_100
17.3 Defining and configuring Ovation I/O modules in the Developer Studio


Chatter Control Action Chatter control counter is reset or it is decremented every 100 milliseconds
Reset setting is recommended.

Ground Fault Detection Should not be set.

Contact Wetting Voltage Should not be set.
Failure Detection
Event Tagging Enable Channels that are set as enable the event tagging mask for that channel.

Note: All channels enabled for event tagging MUST have an associated
digital point configured for that channel.

Blown Fuse Detection Should be set, module reports a blown fuse and lights the “E” LED.

Module tab parameters for Compact Sequence of Events modules (24VDC/48VDC/125VDC



Chatter Control Action Chatter control counter is reset or it is decremented every 100 milliseconds.
Reset setting is recommended.

Chatter Control Disable Emerson recommends that this not be set which enables chatter control.
Ground Fault Detection Should not be set.
Contact Wetting Voltage Should not be set.
Failure Detection
Event Tagging Enable Channels that are set as enable the event tagging mask for that channel.

Note: All channels enabled for event tagging MUST have an associated
digital point configured for that channel.

Module tab parameters for Compact Sequence of Events modules (48VDC contact input)


Chatter Control Action Chatter control counter is reset or is decremented every 100 milliseconds.
Reset setting is recommended.

Chatter Control Disable Emerson recommends that this not be set which enables chatter control.
Ground Fault Detection Should be set.
Contact Wetting Voltage Should be set.
Failure Detection
Event Tagging Enable Channels that are set as enable the event tagging mask for that channel.

Note: All channels enabled for event tagging MUST have an associated
digital point configured for that channel.

Blown Fuse Detection When set, the module reports a blown fuse and light the “E” LED.

TRN350_100 243
17.3 Defining and configuring Ovation I/O modules in the Developer Studio

17.3.16 Enhanced Sequence of Events module configuration

The parameters shown on the Module tab vary depending on the type of Enhanced Sequence of
Events module selected. See the following tables:

Module tab parameters for Enhanced Sequence of Events modules G01 (24VDC/48VDC


Chatter Control Action Chatter control counter is reset or it is decremented every 100 milliseconds.
Reset setting is recommended.
Chatter Control Disable Emerson recommends that this not be set and chatter control will be enabled.
Event Tagging Enable Channels that are set as enable the event tagging mask for that channel.

Note: All channels enabled for event tagging MUST have an associated digital
point configured for that channel.

Blown Fuse Detection Should be set, module reports a blown fuse and lights the “E” LED.

Module tab parameters for Enhanced Sequence of Events modules G02 (24VDC/48VDC


Chatter Control Action Chatter control counter is reset or is decremented every 100 milliseconds.
Reset setting is recommended.
Chatter Control Disable Emerson recommends that this not be set which enables chatter control.
Event Tagging Enable Channels that are set as enable the event tagging mask for that channel.

Note: All channels enabled for event tagging MUST have an associated digital
point configured for that channel.

Module tab parameters for Enhanced Sequence of Events modules G03 (125VDC


Chatter Control Action Chatter control counter is reset or is decremented every 100 milliseconds.
Reset setting is recommended.
Chatter Control Disable Emerson recommends that this not be set which enables chatter control.
Event Tagging Enable Channels that are set as enable the event tagging mask for that channel.

Note: All channels enabled for event tagging MUST have an associated digital
point configured for that channel.

244 TRN350_100
17.3 Defining and configuring Ovation I/O modules in the Developer Studio

Module tab parameters for Enhanced Sequence of Events modules G04 (Contact input
24VDC differential)


Chatter Control Action Chatter control counter is reset or it is decremented every 100 milliseconds.
Reset setting is recommended.
Chatter Control Disable Emerson recommends that this not be set and chatter control will be enabled.
Ground Fault Detection Set as needed.
Contact Wetting Voltage Set as needed.
Failure Detection
Event Tagging Enable Channels that are set as enable the event tagging mask for that channel.
Note: All channels enabled for event tagging MUST have an associated digital
point configured for that channel.

Module tab parameters for Enhanced Sequence of Events modules G05 (24VDC/differential
w/wirebreak detection)


Chatter Control Action Chatter control counter is reset or it is decremented every 100 milliseconds.
Reset setting is recommended.
Chatter Control Disable Emerson recommends that this not be set and chatter control will be enabled.
Event Tagging Enable Channels that are set as enable the event tagging mask for that channel.

Note: All channels enabled for event tagging MUST have an associated digital
point configured for that channel.

Wire Break Detection Set as needed.

TRN350_100 245
S E C T I O N 18

I/O module descriptions (select I/O modules only)


Analog Input module (13-Bit) - (AI-13) ............................................................................ 247

High Speed Analog Input module (14-Bit) - (HSAI) ........................................................ 260
HART High Performance Analog Input module - (HHPAI).............................................. 270
RTD module (4 Channel) - (RTD-4) ................................................................................ 279
RTD module (8-Channel) - (RTD-8) ................................................................................ 289
Analog Output module - (AO).......................................................................................... 297
HART High Performance Analog Output module - (HHPAO) ......................................... 304
Contact Digital Input module - (ContactDI) ..................................................................... 311
Compact Contact Digital Input module - (CCDI) ............................................................. 316
Digital Output module - (DO)........................................................................................... 321
Relay Output module - (RO) ........................................................................................... 327

18.1 Analog Input module (13-Bit) - (AI-13)

The Ovation Analog Input module with an associated Personality module provides signal
conditioning and analog-to-digital conversion for eight galvanically isolated analog inputs. Field
inputs are surge protected and routed by the appropriate Personality module and then sent to the
Electronics module for conversion.

The Analog Input module (13 bits) is applicable for CE Mark Certified Systems.

Note: I/O Module General Information contains environmental, installation, wiring, and fuse
information for I/O modules.

18.1.1 Electronics modules (Emod) - (AI-13)

 1C31113G01 provides voltage input range of ± 20 mV.
 1C31113G02 provides voltage input range of ± 50 mV.
 1C31113G03 provides voltage input range of ± 100 mV.
 1C31113G04 provides voltage input range of ± 1 V.
 1C31113G05 provides voltage input range of ± 5 V.
 1C31113G06 provides voltage input range of ± 10 V.

TRN350_100 247
18.1 Analog Input module (13-Bit) - (AI-13)

18.1.2 Personality modules and jumper settings (Pmod) - (AI-13)

 1C31116G01 provides voltage analog inputs.
 1C31116G02 provides field-powered current analog inputs.
 1C31116G03 provides locally powered current analog inputs.
 1C31116G04 provides voltage analog inputs with a temperature sensor for cold junction
thermocouple compensation.

Figure 149: Jumper settings for analog input personality module (1C31116G01 & 04)

Note: The circuit board must be removed from the module housing to access the jumpers (see
page 213).

248 TRN350_100
18.1 Analog Input module (13-Bit) - (AI-13)

18.1.3 Terminal block wiring information - (AI-13)

Each Personality module has a simplified wiring diagram label on its side, which appears above
the terminal block. This diagram indicates how to connect the wiring from the field to the terminal
block in the base unit.

Note: For the Standard I/O Marshalling Base Unit, field terminations are located on the half
shells and connected to the base. See Marshaling Base Unit (see page 219) for more

The diagrams for the analog input Personality modules are illustrated in the following figure. The
following table lists and defines the abbreviations used in those diagrams.

Figure 150: Terminal block connections for the Analog Input Personality modules

TRN350_100 249
18.1 Analog Input module (13-Bit) - (AI-13)

Shielded twisted-pair wire should be used for the field interface. For analog input signals; the (-)
and shield should be tied together to earth ground either locally at the cabinet or at the field

Abbreviations used in diagrams


Earth ground terminals

A1 - A8 Analog Input positive terminal connection

A1 - A8 Analog Input negative terminal connection
P1 - P8 Positive terminal connection for current loop power
PS+, PS- Auxiliary power supply terminals
RSV Reserved terminal. No connections allowed on these terminals.
SH1 - SH8 Shield terminal connection.

Note: Do not use unmarked terminal block locations.

Shield terminals (SH) are not connected in CE Mark systems.

250 TRN350_100
18.1 Analog Input module (13-Bit) - (AI-13)

18.1.4 Thermocouple Personality module functionality & coefficients - (AI-13) &


When two dissimilar metals (a thermocouple) are joined together, a voltage (the Seebeck
Voltage) is generated between them. This voltage is directly related to the temperature at the
junction of the two metals. The relationship between the voltage and the temperature can be best
described by a fifth order polynomial, determined by the two types of metals that are joined.

To measure the voltage (Vt) between the two metals, a voltmeter (in this case, an analog input
card) must be connected to each wire. Unfortunately, this produces two new junctions and
voltages (V1 and V2) between the terminals and the thermocouples. The following formula is
used to find Vt: Vt = Vm -V1 -V2.

It is not possible to measure V1 and V2 without inducing more junctions and voltages; therefore,
the analog input subsystem has a temperature sensor on the Personality module (1C31116G04)
to measure the temperature (Tj) at the terminal block of the base unit.

A conversion formula, determined from the junction metal and thermocouple metals, is used to
calculate the combined voltage of V1 and V2. This is called Cold Junction Compensation.

Figure 151: Thermocouple illustration

Select one of the Field Instrumentation Types. The Ovation system assigns the default
thermocouple coefficients based on the Thermocouple Type selected.

If you override the default coefficients by entering new values, the new values remain until you
select another thermocouple type. The values then return to the values for the type just selected.

TRN350_100 251
18.1 Analog Input module (13-Bit) - (AI-13)

The following tables list the valid thermocouple types and coefficients:

Thermocouple type B or TB



400 to 1100 Degrees C 0.000 to 13.814 0 to 1820 Degrees C 20 mv module

800 to 2000 Degrees F 0.006 to 13.814 0 to 3308 Degrees F 20 mv module
Fahrenheit Centigrade
COEF_1 = 3.5164700E+02 COEF_1 = 1.7758167E+02
COEF_2 = 6.1388490E+05 COEF_2 = 3.4104717E+05
COEF_3 = – 1.5397740E+08 COEF_3 = – 8.5543000E+07
COEF_4 = 3.3593730E+10 COEF_4 = 1.8663183E+10
COEF_5 = – 4.0518260E+12 COEF_5 = – 2.2510144E+12
COEF_6 = 2.0039330E+14 COEF_6 = 1.1132961E+14
COEF_7 = – 5.7368636E-06 COEF_7 = – 4.3977239E-06
COEF_8 = 4.1848114E-08 COEF_8 = 7.5326606E-08

Thermocouple type E or TE



– 18 to 286 Degrees C – 9.835 to 19.945 – 270 to 286 Degrees C 20 mv module

0 to 550 Degrees F – 9.835 to 19.945 – 450 to 548 Degrees F 20 mv module
– 18 to 661 Degrees C – 9.835 to 49.992 – 270 to 661 Degrees C 50 mv module
0 to 1200 Degrees F – 9.835 to 49.956 – 450 to 1221 Degrees F 50 mv module
– 18 to 1000 Degrees C – 9.835 to 76.358 – 270 to 1000 Degrees C 100 mv module
0 to 1832 Degrees F – 9.835 to 76.358 – 450 to 1832 Degrees F 100 mv module
Fahrenheit Centigrade
COEF_1 = 3.1672830E+01 COEF_1 = – 1.8176111E-01
COEF_2 = 3.0306280E+04 COEF_2 = 1.6836822E+04
COEF_3 = – 3.3449490E+05 COEF_3 = – 1.8583050E+05
COEF_4 = 6.8495880E+06 COEF_4 = 3.8053267E+06
COEF_5 = – 6.9753490E+07 COEF_5 = – 3.8751939E+07
COEF_6 = 2.9236530E+08 COEF_6 = 1.6242517E+08
COEF_7 = – 1.0939E-03 COEF_7 = – 1.71E-05
COEF_8 = 3.365E-05 COEF_8 = 6.057E-05

252 TRN350_100
18.1 Analog Input module (13-Bit) - (AI-13)

Thermocouple type J or TJ



– 18 to 365 Degrees C – 8.096 to 19.971 – 210 to 366 Degrees C 20 mv card

– 140 to 700 Degrees F – 8.137 to 19.977 – 350 to 691 Degrees F 20 mv card
– 18 to 760 Degrees C – 8.096 to 42.922 – 210 to 760 Degrees C 50 mv card
– 140 to 1400 Degrees F – 8.137 to 42.922 – 350 to 1400 Degrees F 50 mv card
Fahrenheit Centigrade
COEF_1 = 3.112531E+01 COEF_1 = – 4.8593889E-01
COEF_2 = 3.6070270E+04 COEF_2 = 2.0039039E+04
COEF_3 = – 4.2886170E+05 COEF_3 = – 2.3825650E+05
COEF_4 = 2.2613820E+07 COEF_4 = 1.2563233E+07
COEF_5 = – 5.1743790E+08 COEF_5 = – 2.8746550E+08
COEF_6 = 3.9727830E+09 COEF_6 = 2.2071017E+09
COEF_7 = – 9.256E-04 COEF_7 = – 9.76E-06
COEF_8 = 2.862E-05 COEF_8 = 5.1516E-05

Thermocouple type K or TK



– 18 to 480 Degrees C – 6.458 to 19.959 – 270 to 484 Degrees C 20 mv card

0 to 900 Degrees F – 6.456 to 19.978 – 450 to 904 Degrees F 20 mv card
– 18 to 1230 Degrees C – 6.458 to 49.988 – 270 to 1232 Degrees C 50 mv card
0 to 2250 Degrees F – 6.456 to 49.996 – 450 to 2250 Degrees F 50 mv card
– 18 to 1370 Degrees C – 6.458 to 54.875 – 270 to 1372 Degrees C 100 mv card
0 to 2500 Degrees F – 6.456 to 54.845 – 450 to 2500 Degrees F 100 mv card
Fahrenheit Centigrade
COEF_1 = 3.0344730E+01 COEF_1 = – 9.1959444E-01
COEF_2 = 4.4031910E+04 COEF_2 = 2.4462172E+04
COEF_3 = 1.615839E+05 COEF_3 = 8.9768833E+04
COEF_4 = – 1.616257E+07 COEF_4 = – 8.9792056E+06
COEF_5 = 4.4011090E+08 COEF_5 = 2.4450606E+08
COEF_6 = – 3.599650E+09 COEF_6 = – 1.9998056E+09
COEF_7 = – 7.259E-04 COEF_7 = – 8.14E-06
COEF_8 = 2.243E-05 COEF_8 = 4.0374E-05

TRN350_100 253
18.1 Analog Input module (13-Bit) - (AI-13)

Thermocouple type N or TN



– 270 to 584 Degrees C – 4.345 to 19.990 – 270 to 584 Degrees C 20 mv card

– 454 to 1083 Degrees F – 4.345 to 19.990 – 454 to 1083 Degrees F 20 mv card
– 270 to 1300 Degrees C – 4.345 to 47.514 – 270 to 1300 Degrees C 50 mv card
– 454 to 2372 Degrees F – 4.345 to 47.514 – 454 to 2372 Degrees F 50 mv card
Fahrenheit Centigrade
COEF_1 = 2.7795251549E+01 COEF_1 = – 2.3359713617E+00
COEF_2 = 7.6249124464E+04 COEF_2 = 4.2360624702E+04
COEF_3 = – 2.8626852972E+06 COEF_3 = – 1.5903807207E+06
COEF_4 = 1.3017695115E+08 COEF_4 = 7.2320528414E+07
COEF_5 = – 2.7644988772E+09 COEF_5 = – 1.5358327096E+09
COEF_6 = 2.1988892938E+10 COEF_6 = 1.2216051632E+10
COEF_7 = – 4.8744444444E-04 COEF_7 = – 1.1000000000E-05
COEF_8 = 1.4888888888E-05 COEF_8 = 2.6800000000E-05

Thermocouple type R or TR



260 to 1100 Degrees C 0.000 to 19.998 0 to 1684 Degrees C 20 mv card

500 to 2000 Degrees F 0.089 to 19.997 0 to 3063 Degrees F 20 mv card
Fahrenheit Centigrade
COEF_1 = 8.3628480E+01 COEF_1 = 2.8682489E+01
COEF_2 = 2.2737160E+05 COEF_2 = 1.2631756E+05
COEF_3 = – 1.2482860E+07 COEF_3 = – 6.9349222E+06
COEF_4 = 1.2062540E+09 COEF_4 = 6.7014111E+08
COEF_5 = – 7.4221280E+10 COEF_5 = – 4.1234044E+10
COEF_6 = 1.89930000E+12 COEF_6 = 1.0551667E+12
COEF_7 = – 1.084E-04 COEF_7 = – 4.72E-06
COEF_8 = 3.24E-06 COEF_8 = 5.832E-06

Thermocouple type S or TS



400 to 1100 Degrees C 0.000 to 18.698 0 to 1768 Degrees C 20 mv card

750 to 2000 Degrees F -0.092 to 18.696 0 to 3214 Degrees F 20 mv card

254 TRN350_100
18.1 Analog Input module (13-Bit) - (AI-13)



Fahrenheit Centigrade
COEF_1 = 1.1803440E+02 COEF_1 = 4.7796889E+01
COEF_2 = 1.9859180E+05 COEF_2 = 1.1032878E+05
COEF_3 = – 1.9730960E+04 COEF_3 = – 1.0961644E+04
COEF_4 = – 5.0093290E+08 COEF_4 = – 2.7829606E+08
COEF_5 = 4.1104880E+10 COEF_5 = 2.2836044E+10
COEF_6 = – 1.1557940E+12 COEF_6 = – 6.4210778E+11
COEF_7 = – 1.0847E-04 COEF_7 = – 4.15E-06
COEF_8 = 3.26E-06 COEF_8 = 5.868E-06

Thermocouple type T or TT



-46 to 400 Degrees C -6.258 to 19.945 -270 to 385 Degrees C 20 mv card

-50 to 750 Degrees F -6.254 to 19.979 -450 to 726 Degrees F 20 mv card
Fahrenheit Centigrade
COEF_1 = 3.1892240E+01 COEF_1 = – 5.9866667E-02
COEF_2 = 4.6693280E+04 COEF_2 = 2.5940711E+04
COEF_3 = – 1.3257390E+06 COEF_3 = – 7.3652167E+05
COEF_4 = 6.9620670E+07 COEF_4 = 3.8678150E+07
COEF_5 = – 2.3278080E+09 COEF_5 = – 1.2932267E+09
COEF_6 = 3.3306460E+10 COEF_6 = 1.8503589E+10
COEF_7 = – 7.3333E-04 COEF_7 = – 1.55700E-05
COEF_8 = 2.243E-05 COEF_8 = 4.0374E-05

18.1.5 Register configuration/address information - (AI-13)

Word address 13 (D in Hex) is used to configure the module and provide status information to the
Controller. The status register can be read by using the Point Information window at an Operator
Station (see the Bit Pattern field on the Hardware tab). (See the Ovation Operator Station User

Analog Input configuration/status register (address 13 or D in Hex)



0 Configure module Module Configured (1 = configured; 0 = unconfigured)

1 Force Error Internal or forced error
(1 = forced error; 0 = no forced error)
2-6 Not Used Not Used (0)
7 Not Used EEPROM Checksum Error - Module Uncalibrated
(1 = error; 0 = no error)
8 50/60 Hz Selection (0 = 60Hz, 1 = 50Hz) 50 Hz/60 Hz System (0 = 60Hz; 1 = 50Hz)

TRN350_100 255
18.1 Analog Input module (13-Bit) - (AI-13)



9 Use Line Sync if Present (1 = use) Using Line Sync

10 Not Used Line Frequency Tracking Active
11 Not Used EE PROM Program Enabled
12 Not Used PSD Generator Malfunction
13 Not Used Internal Memory Error
(EPROM Checksum or Static RAM Error)
14 Not Used Temperature Sensor Failure
15 Not Used 1
Point Fault
Refer to Point Quality registers for descriptions of the Point Faults.

Bit 0: This bit configures the module (write) or indicates the configuration state of the module
(read). A “1” indicates that the module is configured. Note that until the module is configured,
accessing addresses 0 through 11 (B in Hex) produces an attention status.
Bit 1: This bit (write “1”) forces the module into its error state, resulting in the error LED being
lit. The read of bit 1 indicates the error state of the module, with “1” indicating that there is an
internal error in the module or the Controller has forced the module into an error state. The
state of this bit is always reflected by the module's Internal Error LED. Whenever this bit is
set, an attention status is returned to the Controller when the point data is read (that is,
accessing addresses 0 through 11).
Bits 2 - 6: These bits are “not used” values and are read as “0” under normal operation.
Bit 7: This bit is the result of a checksum test of the EEPROM. A failure of this test can
indicate a bad EEPROM, but typically indicates that the module has not been calibrated. A “0”
indicates that there is no error condition. If this error is present, the error is indicated by the
module error LED being lit and the module does not process the point information. The point
fault bit is also set as all the point data is uncalibrated. When this error is present, no other
processing takes place. The “1” state of this bit indicates an unrecoverable error condition in
the field.
Bit 8: This bit indicates if the on-board integrating timebase is 80 msec (4 line cycles of a 50
Hz system) or 83.3 msec (5 line cycles of a 60 Hz system). A “0” indicates that the timebase
is 83.3 msec (60 Hz line frequency) and is the default setting.
Bit 9: This bit indicates whether to use the line frequency tracking if it is present. A write of “1”
indicates to use the tracking input. A read of “1” indicates that the module is using the tracking
input. The default state is a “0.”

Note: Line frequency tracking is presently NOT supported by the Ovation I/O system.

Bit 10: This bit indicates whether the line frequency tracking signal is present and active for
greater normal and common mode rejection. A “0” indicates that the line frequency tracking
signal is NOT present.
Bit 11: This bit indicates whether the hardware EEPROM PE signal is active. A “0” indicates
that the module is in normal operating mode and calibration and ID programming commands
are not processed.

256 TRN350_100
18.1 Analog Input module (13-Bit) - (AI-13)

Bit 12: This bit reflects the detection of the internal 625 KHz PSD signal at module
initialization. This verifies that the multifunction FPGA and the microcontroller's timer 0 are
functioning. A “0” indicates that there is no error condition. A “1” indicates an unrecoverable
error condition in the field.
Bit 13: This bit is a basic check of program and data memory, along with the microcontroller's
data, address, and control buses. A “0” indicates that there is no error condition. A “1”
indicates an unrecoverable error condition in the field.
Bit 14: This bit indicates the fault status of the digital temperature sensor. A “0” indicates the
sensor is present and communicating properly with the microcontroller. A “1” indicates a fault
exists; either there is no sensor present, or problems exist in communicating with the sensor.
On an uncalibrated module, a sensor failure is always reported because the uncalibrated
status prevents the sensor from being checked.
Bit 15: This bit indicates the point fault status of the module. It is the logical “OR” of the eight
individual point quality statuses plus bits 1, 7, 12, and 13 of this register. A “0” indicates that
all eight points have good quality and no module errors exist. A “1” indicates that at least one
of the points has bad quality and is therefore in fault.

A subsequent read of the Point Quality status register at Address 12 (C in Hex) reveals which of
the eight points has bad quality and the cause of the bad quality condition. The Address 12 (C in
Hex) Point Quality Status Register contains data only when the module fault is due to a bad point
quality; that is, bits 7, 12, and 13 of this register or the forced error bit are not set. Note that the
Temperature Sensor (Address 8) status is treated separately and is not included in this module
point fault bit.

Word address 12 (C in Hex) serves the purpose of reporting the point quality of the eight channel
inputs. The bit definitions for this register are encoded as shown in the following table.

Point Quality register (address 12 or C in Hex)


1-8 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 Auto Calibration Reasonability Check Failed

1-8 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 Overrange Input/Blown Fuse/Open Loop/Open Thermocouple

Auto Calibration Reasonability Check Failed - This bit is set when the auto calibration zero or
reference reading is out of tolerance (±6% of the nominal reading).

Overrange Input/Blown Fuse/Open Loop/Open Thermocouple - This bit is set under the
following conditions:
 Voltage Input Configuration (all groups) - when an overrange input of ±125% of the full
scale value is read on the input.
 Current Input Configuration (Group 5) - when an input less than 2.5mA (a blown fuse or
open loop condition) is detected or an overrange of greater than 25mA of full scale is present.

TRN350_100 257
18.1 Analog Input module (13-Bit) - (AI-13)

Secondary configuration/status register (address 14 or E in Hex)



0-7 Select Point 1 - 8 Current/Voltage (1 = Current) Select Point 1 - 8 Current/Voltage (1 = Current)

8 - 15 Not Used Point 1 - 8 Current Blown Fuse (1 = Blown)

Word address 14 (E in Hex) serves the purpose of the Current/Voltage Configuration/Status

Register. The bit definitions for this register are encoded as shown in the following table.

The default state of the register under normal operation is “0” for voltage inputs. The lower 8 bits
are configuration bits which are written to and read from the module. The upper 8 bits are read-
only status bits indicating the blown fuse status only for those channels which have been
configured as current inputs.

18.1.6 Diagnostic Logic card LEDs - (AI-13, AI-14 & HSAI)


P (green) Power OK LED. Lit when the +5V power is OK.

C (green) Communication OK LED. Lit when the Ovation Controller is communicating with the module.
I (Red) Internal Error LED. Lit whenever there is any type of error with the module except for a loss of
power. Possible causes are:
 Module initialization is in progress.
 I/O Bus timeout has occurred.
 Internal hardware error.
 Module reset
 Module is uncalibrated.
 Forced error has been received from the Controller.
 Communication between the Field and Logic boards failed.
1 - 8 (Red) Channel error. Lit whenever there is an error associated with a channel or channels. Possible
causes are:
 Positive overrange: Input voltage greater than +121% of full scale value (for modules
configured as voltage input).
 Negative overrange: Input voltage less than -121% of full scale value (for modules configured
as voltage input).
 Current loop out of range
 Calibration readings out of range.
9 - 16 No LED.

258 TRN350_100
18.1 Analog Input module (13-Bit) - (AI-13)

18.1.7 Specifications - (AI-13)

Electronics module (1C31113)

Personality module (1C31116)


Number of channels 8
1 G01: ±20 mv
Input range
G02: ±50 mv
G03: ±100 mv
G04: ±1 V
G05: ±5 V
G06: ±10 V
Resolution 13-Bit (including polarity)
Data format 13-bit, two's complement, and error indicator bits
Conversion type Sigma Delta
Operating mode Self-scan
Monotonicity Yes
Non-linearity 0.003% of full scale
Repeatability Within guaranteed accuracy
Guaranteed accuracy (@25°C) Accuracy over -25% to 100% range of full scale input level:
 ±0.10% of upper range value ±10µV ±1/2LSB @99.7% confidence.
 Accuracy over -100% to -25% range of full scale input level:
 ±0.15% of upper range value ±10µV ±1/2LSB @99.7% confidence.
Temperature coefficient ±0.24% of the upper range value ±24µV over 0 to 60°C.
Input impedance:
Groups G01 through G05 10 M-ohms
Group G06 (± 10V input only) 2 M-ohms

Maximum overload G01 - G03: ±10 Vdc or Vrms

G04 - G06: ±120 Vdc or Vrms
Sample duration time (msec) 50 Hz configuration : 80
60 Hz configuration: 83.33
Sample repetition (msec) 50 Hz configuration : 80
60 Hz configuration: 83.33
Filtering Digital, Sinc, 3dB cutoff: 13.1 Hz for 50 Hz, 15.7 Hz for 60 Hz
Offset and gain temperature drift Automatic
Diagnostics Internal module operating faults.
 Out of range detection.
 Open thermocouple detection for thermocouple inputs.
 Open loop/blown fuse detection for current inputs.
Dielectric isolation:
Channel to channel 1000 V AC/DC
Channel to logic 1000 V AC/DC

TRN350_100 259
18.2 High Speed Analog Input module (14-Bit) - (HSAI)


Normal mode rejection 60 dB at 50 Hz ± 1/2% or 60 Hz ± 1/2%

30 dB (typical) at 50 Hz ± 5% or 60 Hz ± 5%
Common mode rejection and 120 dB at DC, power line frequency and its harmonics ± 1/2% tracking.
channel to channel crosstalk 100 dB (typical) for nominal line frequency ± 5% and harmonics.
Module power Main: 2.5 W typical; 3.38 W Maximum
Aux: When used (1C31116G03)
Aux power supply voltage = 24 V DC
3.84 W typical (8 inputs @ 20mA each)
Operating temperature range 0 to 60°C (32°F to 140°F)
Storage temperature range -40°C to 85°C (-40°F to 185°F)
Humidity (non-condensing) 0 to 95%
Ranges are available through separate modules.
Current inputs when using Personality module 1C31116G02 or 1C31116G03 with ± 5V Electronics module.
The input range 0 to 20 mA is also available, but if selected, blown fuse detection will be disabled. If you
select 0 to 20 mA, the software adds a suffix “A” to the Personality module identification. This “A” is not
displayed, it is only used by the database to differentiate between 0 to 20 mA and 4 to 20 mA, in order to
generate correct coefficients.
Only for modules used with voltage input Personality modules (1C1116G01 and 1C1116G04).

18.2 High Speed Analog Input module (14-Bit) - (HS AI)

The combined Personality and Electronics modules form the High Speed Analog Input module.
Eight sets of galvanically isolated input channels provide 14-bit resolution with 50 or 60 samples
per second conversion rates. The input signals are conditioned and routed through the
appropriate Personality module to the Electronics module. The Personality module also provides
surge protection to protect the input circuits of the Electronics module. The Electronics module
performs the analog to digital conversions and provides interfacing to the Ovation Serial I/O Bus.

The 14-Bit High Speed Analog Input is applicable for CE Mark certified systems.

Note: I/O Module General Information contains information on for environmental, installation,
wiring, and fuse information for I/O modules.

18.2.1 Electronics modules (Emod) - (HSAI)

 5X00070G01 interfaces to current signals with an input range of 4 to 20 mA.
 5X00070G02 interfaces to voltage signals with an input range of ±1V, ±250mV, ±100mV.
 5X00070G03 interfaces to voltage signals with an input range of ±5V, ±10V.
 5X00070G04 interfaces to thermocouple inputs ± 20mV, ± 50Vm, ± 100mV.
 5X00070G05 interfaces to thermocouple inputs ± 20mV, ± 50Vm, ± 100mV, (Non-EMC

260 TRN350_100
18.2 High Speed Analog Input module (14-Bit) - (HSAI)

18.2.2 Personality modules (Pmod) - (HSAI)

 1C31227G01 interfaces to current input with an input range of 4 - 20 mA.
 1C31227G02 voltage input.
 1C31116G02 field powered current input ± 1mA.
 1C31116G03 local powered ± 1mA current only.
 1C31116G04 voltage inputs to temperature sensor.

18.2.3 Thermocouple Personality module functionality & coefficients - (AI-13) &


When two dissimilar metals (a thermocouple) are joined together, a voltage (the Seebeck
Voltage) is generated between them. This voltage is directly related to the temperature at the
junction of the two metals. The relationship between the voltage and the temperature can be best
described by a fifth order polynomial, determined by the two types of metals that are joined.

To measure the voltage (Vt) between the two metals, a voltmeter (in this case, an analog input
card) must be connected to each wire. Unfortunately, this produces two new junctions and
voltages (V1 and V2) between the terminals and the thermocouples. The following formula is
used to find Vt: Vt = Vm -V1 -V2.

It is not possible to measure V1 and V2 without inducing more junctions and voltages; therefore,
the analog input subsystem has a temperature sensor on the Personality module (1C31116G04)
to measure the temperature (Tj) at the terminal block of the base unit.

A conversion formula, determined from the junction metal and thermocouple metals, is used to
calculate the combined voltage of V1 and V2. This is called Cold Junction Compensation.

Figure 152: Thermocouple illustration

TRN350_100 261
18.2 High Speed Analog Input module (14-Bit) - (HSAI)

Select one of the Field Instrumentation Types. The Ovation system assigns the default
thermocouple coefficients based on the Thermocouple Type selected.

If you override the default coefficients by entering new values, the new values remain until you
select another thermocouple type. The values then return to the values for the type just selected.

The following tables list the valid thermocouple types and coefficients:

Thermocouple type B or TB



400 to 1100 Degrees C 0.000 to 13.814 0 to 1820 Degrees C 20 mv module

800 to 2000 Degrees F 0.006 to 13.814 0 to 3308 Degrees F 20 mv module
Fahrenheit Centigrade
COEF_1 = 3.5164700E+02 COEF_1 = 1.7758167E+02
COEF_2 = 6.1388490E+05 COEF_2 = 3.4104717E+05
COEF_3 = – 1.5397740E+08 COEF_3 = – 8.5543000E+07
COEF_4 = 3.3593730E+10 COEF_4 = 1.8663183E+10
COEF_5 = – 4.0518260E+12 COEF_5 = – 2.2510144E+12
COEF_6 = 2.0039330E+14 COEF_6 = 1.1132961E+14
COEF_7 = – 5.7368636E-06 COEF_7 = – 4.3977239E-06
COEF_8 = 4.1848114E-08 COEF_8 = 7.5326606E-08

Thermocouple type E or TE



– 18 to 286 Degrees C – 9.835 to 19.945 – 270 to 286 Degrees C 20 mv module

0 to 550 Degrees F – 9.835 to 19.945 – 450 to 548 Degrees F 20 mv module
– 18 to 661 Degrees C – 9.835 to 49.992 – 270 to 661 Degrees C 50 mv module
0 to 1200 Degrees F – 9.835 to 49.956 – 450 to 1221 Degrees F 50 mv module
– 18 to 1000 Degrees C – 9.835 to 76.358 – 270 to 1000 Degrees C 100 mv module
0 to 1832 Degrees F – 9.835 to 76.358 – 450 to 1832 Degrees F 100 mv module
Fahrenheit Centigrade
COEF_1 = 3.1672830E+01 COEF_1 = – 1.8176111E-01
COEF_2 = 3.0306280E+04 COEF_2 = 1.6836822E+04
COEF_3 = – 3.3449490E+05 COEF_3 = – 1.8583050E+05
COEF_4 = 6.8495880E+06 COEF_4 = 3.8053267E+06
COEF_5 = – 6.9753490E+07 COEF_5 = – 3.8751939E+07
COEF_6 = 2.9236530E+08 COEF_6 = 1.6242517E+08
COEF_7 = – 1.0939E-03 COEF_7 = – 1.71E-05
COEF_8 = 3.365E-05 COEF_8 = 6.057E-05

262 TRN350_100
18.2 High Speed Analog Input module (14-Bit) - (HSAI)

Thermocouple type J or TJ



– 18 to 365 Degrees C – 8.096 to 19.971 – 210 to 366 Degrees C 20 mv card

– 140 to 700 Degrees F – 8.137 to 19.977 – 350 to 691 Degrees F 20 mv card
– 18 to 760 Degrees C – 8.096 to 42.922 – 210 to 760 Degrees C 50 mv card
– 140 to 1400 Degrees F – 8.137 to 42.922 – 350 to 1400 Degrees F 50 mv card
Fahrenheit Centigrade
COEF_1 = 3.112531E+01 COEF_1 = – 4.8593889E-01
COEF_2 = 3.6070270E+04 COEF_2 = 2.0039039E+04
COEF_3 = – 4.2886170E+05 COEF_3 = – 2.3825650E+05
COEF_4 = 2.2613820E+07 COEF_4 = 1.2563233E+07
COEF_5 = – 5.1743790E+08 COEF_5 = – 2.8746550E+08
COEF_6 = 3.9727830E+09 COEF_6 = 2.2071017E+09
COEF_7 = – 9.256E-04 COEF_7 = – 9.76E-06
COEF_8 = 2.862E-05 COEF_8 = 5.1516E-05

Thermocouple type K or TK



– 18 to 480 Degrees C – 6.458 to 19.959 – 270 to 484 Degrees C 20 mv card

0 to 900 Degrees F – 6.456 to 19.978 – 450 to 904 Degrees F 20 mv card
– 18 to 1230 Degrees C – 6.458 to 49.988 – 270 to 1232 Degrees C 50 mv card
0 to 2250 Degrees F – 6.456 to 49.996 – 450 to 2250 Degrees F 50 mv card
– 18 to 1370 Degrees C – 6.458 to 54.875 – 270 to 1372 Degrees C 100 mv card
0 to 2500 Degrees F – 6.456 to 54.845 – 450 to 2500 Degrees F 100 mv card
Fahrenheit Centigrade
COEF_1 = 3.0344730E+01 COEF_1 = – 9.1959444E-01
COEF_2 = 4.4031910E+04 COEF_2 = 2.4462172E+04
COEF_3 = 1.615839E+05 COEF_3 = 8.9768833E+04
COEF_4 = – 1.616257E+07 COEF_4 = – 8.9792056E+06
COEF_5 = 4.4011090E+08 COEF_5 = 2.4450606E+08
COEF_6 = – 3.599650E+09 COEF_6 = – 1.9998056E+09
COEF_7 = – 7.259E-04 COEF_7 = – 8.14E-06
COEF_8 = 2.243E-05 COEF_8 = 4.0374E-05

Thermocouple type N or TN



– 270 to 584 Degrees C – 4.345 to 19.990 – 270 to 584 Degrees C 20 mv card

– 454 to 1083 Degrees F – 4.345 to 19.990 – 454 to 1083 Degrees F 20 mv card
– 270 to 1300 Degrees C – 4.345 to 47.514 – 270 to 1300 Degrees C 50 mv card
– 454 to 2372 Degrees F – 4.345 to 47.514 – 454 to 2372 Degrees F 50 mv card

TRN350_100 263
18.2 High Speed Analog Input module (14-Bit) - (HSAI)



Fahrenheit Centigrade
COEF_1 = 2.7795251549E+01 COEF_1 = – 2.3359713617E+00
COEF_2 = 7.6249124464E+04 COEF_2 = 4.2360624702E+04
COEF_3 = – 2.8626852972E+06 COEF_3 = – 1.5903807207E+06
COEF_4 = 1.3017695115E+08 COEF_4 = 7.2320528414E+07
COEF_5 = – 2.7644988772E+09 COEF_5 = – 1.5358327096E+09
COEF_6 = 2.1988892938E+10 COEF_6 = 1.2216051632E+10
COEF_7 = – 4.8744444444E-04 COEF_7 = – 1.1000000000E-05
COEF_8 = 1.4888888888E-05 COEF_8 = 2.6800000000E-05

Thermocouple type R or TR



260 to 1100 Degrees C 0.000 to 19.998 0 to 1684 Degrees C 20 mv card

500 to 2000 Degrees F 0.089 to 19.997 0 to 3063 Degrees F 20 mv card
Fahrenheit Centigrade
COEF_1 = 8.3628480E+01 COEF_1 = 2.8682489E+01
COEF_2 = 2.2737160E+05 COEF_2 = 1.2631756E+05
COEF_3 = – 1.2482860E+07 COEF_3 = – 6.9349222E+06
COEF_4 = 1.2062540E+09 COEF_4 = 6.7014111E+08
COEF_5 = – 7.4221280E+10 COEF_5 = – 4.1234044E+10
COEF_6 = 1.89930000E+12 COEF_6 = 1.0551667E+12
COEF_7 = – 1.084E-04 COEF_7 = – 4.72E-06
COEF_8 = 3.24E-06 COEF_8 = 5.832E-06

Thermocouple type S or TS



400 to 1100 Degrees C 0.000 to 18.698 0 to 1768 Degrees C 20 mv card

750 to 2000 Degrees F -0.092 to 18.696 0 to 3214 Degrees F 20 mv card
Fahrenheit Centigrade
COEF_1 = 1.1803440E+02 COEF_1 = 4.7796889E+01
COEF_2 = 1.9859180E+05 COEF_2 = 1.1032878E+05
COEF_3 = – 1.9730960E+04 COEF_3 = – 1.0961644E+04
COEF_4 = – 5.0093290E+08 COEF_4 = – 2.7829606E+08
COEF_5 = 4.1104880E+10 COEF_5 = 2.2836044E+10
COEF_6 = – 1.1557940E+12 COEF_6 = – 6.4210778E+11
COEF_7 = – 1.0847E-04 COEF_7 = – 4.15E-06
COEF_8 = 3.26E-06 COEF_8 = 5.868E-06

264 TRN350_100
18.2 High Speed Analog Input module (14-Bit) - (HSAI)

Thermocouple type T or TT



-46 to 400 Degrees C -6.258 to 19.945 -270 to 385 Degrees C 20 mv card

-50 to 750 Degrees F -6.254 to 19.979 -450 to 726 Degrees F 20 mv card
Fahrenheit Centigrade
COEF_1 = 3.1892240E+01 COEF_1 = – 5.9866667E-02
COEF_2 = 4.6693280E+04 COEF_2 = 2.5940711E+04
COEF_3 = – 1.3257390E+06 COEF_3 = – 7.3652167E+05
COEF_4 = 6.9620670E+07 COEF_4 = 3.8678150E+07
COEF_5 = – 2.3278080E+09 COEF_5 = – 1.2932267E+09
COEF_6 = 3.3306460E+10 COEF_6 = 1.8503589E+10
COEF_7 = – 7.3333E-04 COEF_7 = – 1.55700E-05
COEF_8 = 2.243E-05 COEF_8 = 4.0374E-05

TRN350_100 265
18.2 High Speed Analog Input module (14-Bit) - (HSAI)

18.2.4 Terminal block wiring information - (HSAI)

Each Personality module has a simplified wiring diagram label on its side, which appears above
the terminal block. This diagram indicates how to connect the wiring from the field to the terminal
block in the base unit.

Note: For the Standard I/O Marshalling Base Unit, field terminations are located on the half
shells and connected to the base. See Marshaling Base Unit (see page 219) for more

The diagrams for the analog input Personality modules are illustrated in the field connections
diagrams. The following table lists and defines the abbreviations used in those diagrams.

Figure 153: Terminal Block Connections for the Analog Input 1C31227 Pmods

Abbreviations used in diagrams


Earth ground terminals.

A1 - A8 Analog Input positive terminal connection (connected to the positive terminal of the field
+ device).
A1 - A8 Analog Input negative terminal connection (voltage input group only).
CI1 - CI8 Current input terminals.
P-1 - P-8 Loop power output terminals (for locally powered loops).
PS+, PS- Auxiliary power supply terminals.

266 TRN350_100
18.2 High Speed Analog Input module (14-Bit) - (HSAI)


RSV Reserved terminal. No connections allowed on these terminals.

SH1 - SH8 Shield terminal connection.

Use shielded twisted pair wire for the field wiring. Tie the Analog Input negative terminal and
shield together and to earth ground, either locally at the cabinet or at the field device. Voltage
inputs use the 1C31227G02 Personality modules. Grounding the shield and the analog input
negative terminal at the cabinet or at the field device is arranged by the proper Terminal Block

Similarly, current inputs using the 1C31227G01 Personality modules can accommodate field or
locally powered devices by using the correct terminal block connections.

The Personality modules have a field connection diagram label on top of each module to facilitate
field wiring. The following figures show the implementations of the field connections for the
various Personality module and field device combinations.

18.2.5 Input address locations (Group 4) - (HSAI)

Word address 13 (D in Hex) is used to configure the module and provide status information to the
Controller. It varies slightly with the different groups (1-4), primarily in module calibration and
range selection. The bit information contained within these words is shown in the following tables.

These status words are only updated once per input channel sampling period; therefore, any
Controller action based on changing the configuration (writing to address 13) must take this delay
into account.

Data Format for the configuration/module status register for group 4

definitions for the configuration/module status register bits



0 Configure Module Module Configured (1 = configured)

1 Force Error Internal or forced error (1 = forced error)
2 0, (ADD4 bit During Diagnostics) SYS_CAL In Progress (During Diagnostics)
3 0, (ADD5 bit During Diagnostics) Module In Diagnostic Mode (During Diagnostics)
4 0, (ADD6 bit During Diagnostics) Warming
5 0, (ADD7 bit During Diagnostics) (Not Used)
6 0, (ADD8 bit During Diagnostics) (Not Used)
7 0, (DIAG_SET, Initiates Diagnostics) Module is Not Calibrated
8 50/60 Hz Selection (1 = 50Hz) 50 Hz/60 Hz System (1 = 50Hz)
9 50mv select (14 bit)/Don’t care (13-Bit) 50mv select (14 bit)/ 0 (13-Bit)
10 100mv select (14 bit)/Don’t care(13-Bit) 100mv select (14 bit)/0 (13-Bit)
11 SELF_CAL (Initiates Self Calibration) SYS_CAL Completed (During Diagnostics)
12 0, (Initiates system calibration during SYS_CAL Failed (During Diagnostics)

TRN350_100 267
18.2 High Speed Analog Input module (14-Bit) - (HSAI)



13 0, Lock Calibration Gain (concurrent with the Internal Memory Error

initiation of calibration during diagnostics)
14 0, Clear Calibration (concurrent with the Temperature Sensor Failure
initiation of calibration during diagnostics)
15 Not Defined 1
Point Fault
Refer to the Point Quality Register for the descriptions of the Point Faults

Bits defined for Diagnostics are only used during factory testing.

The bit definitions for this register are encoded as shown in the above table and described below:

Bit 0: This bit configures the module (write) or indicates the configuration state of the module
(read). A “1” indicates that the module is configured. Note that until the module is configured,
reading from addresses 0 through 11 (B in Hex) produces an attention status.
Bit 1: This bit (write “1”) forces the module into the error state, resulting in the error LED being
lit. The read of bit “1” indicates that there is an internal module error, or the Controller has
forced the module into the error state. The state of this bit is always reflected by the module’s
Internal Error LED. Whenever this bit is set, an attention status is returned to the Controller
when addresses 0 through 11 (B in Hex) are read.
Bits 2-3: These bits are not used and are read as “0” under normal operation.
Bit 4: This bit (read) indicates that the module is in the “Warming” state. This state exists after
power up and terminates after 8.16 seconds. The module is in the error condition during the
warm up period.
Bits 5-6: These bits are not used and are read as “0” under normal operation.
Bit 7: This bit (read) is the result of a checksum test of the EEPROM. A failure of this test can
indicate a bad EEPROM, but it typically indicates that the module has not been calibrated. A
“0” indicates that there is no error condition. If an error is present, the module error LED is lit.
The point fault bit is also set as all the point data is not calibrated. The “1” state of this bit
indicates an unrecoverable error condition in the field.
Bit 8: The status of this bit (read) indicates the conversion rate of the input module, write to
this bit configures the conversion rate of A/D converters as shown in the following table.


60 (for 60Hz systems) 0

50 (for 50Hz systems) 1

Bits 9-10: These bits are used to configure the ranges as follows

FULL SCALE Bit 9 Bit 10

20 mv 0 0
50 mv 1 0
100 mv 0 1
invalid 1 1

268 TRN350_100
18.2 High Speed Analog Input module (14-Bit) - (HSAI)

Bit 11: This bit (write) is used to initiate self-calibration. The sampling rate during self-
calibration is 2 per second. The status (read) bit is not used and is read as “0” under normal
Bit 12: This bit is not used and is read as “0” under normal operation.
Bit 13: This bit (read) indicates that the module has internal memory error (FLASH checksum,
Register or Static RAM error). If this error is present, the module error LED is lit, the point fault
bit is also set as the condition of the module is undetermined.
Bit 14: This bit, if set, indicates that the temperature sensor has failed.
Bit 15: This bit indicates the point fault status of the module. It is the logical “OR” of the eight
individual point-quality status bits, plus the bits 1, 4, 7, and 13 of this register. A “0” indicates
that all eight points have good quality and no module error exists. When bits 1, 4, 7 or 13 of
the Status Register are not set, this bit (when set to “1”) indicates that at least one of the
points has bad quality. A subsequent read of the Point Quality Register (Address 12, C in
Hex) reveals the point(s) that have bad quality. The Address 12 (C in Hex) Point Quality
Register contains data only when the module fault is due to a bad point quality.

18.2.6 Diagnostic Logic card LEDs - (AI-13, AI-14 & HSAI)


P (green) Power OK LED. Lit when the +5V power is OK.

C (green) Communication OK LED. Lit when the Ovation Controller is communicating with the module.
I (Red) Internal Error LED. Lit whenever there is any type of error with the module except for a loss of
power. Possible causes are:
 Module initialization is in progress.
 I/O Bus timeout has occurred.
 Internal hardware error.
 Module reset
 Module is uncalibrated.
 Forced error has been received from the Controller.
 Communication between the Field and Logic boards failed.
1 - 8 (Red) Channel error. Lit whenever there is an error associated with a channel or channels. Possible
causes are:
 Positive overrange: Input voltage greater than +121% of full scale value (for modules
configured as voltage input).
 Negative overrange: Input voltage less than -121% of full scale value (for modules configured
as voltage input).
 Current loop out of range
 Calibration readings out of range.
9 - 16 No LED.

TRN350_100 269
18.3 HART High Performance Analog Input module - (HHPAI)

18.3 HART High Performance Analog Input module - (HHPAI)

The HART (Highway Addressable Remote Transducer) High Performance Analog Input module is
a standard Ovation I/O Module that provides eight galvanically isolated 4-20 mA analog inputs
with HART transceivers. Each transceivers provides optically isolated communication to a
dedicated UART (Universal Addressable Remote Transducer), thereby Maximizing HART
communication throughout. Each channel may be individually configured for field powered or local
powered transmitters via user accessible jumpers on the Personality module.

HART is a digital communication protocol designed for industrial process measurement

applications. Field measurement devices (transmitters) interface for a process control system via
an analog 4-to-20 mA current loop. HART uses a low-level frequency-shift-keyed sine wave signal
that is superimposed on the standard 4-to-20 mA process measurement current loop. Since the
HART sine wave signal is small and its average value is zero, the current loop analog 4-to-20 mA
signal is not significantly affected by the presence of the HART signal. Using HART allows a field
device to provide more than one measurement, which is a feature not available when using only
the 4-to-20mA analog current signal.

“Smart” field devices may be described as field devices in which the analog 4-to-20 mA signal,
digital communication, and sometimes power, co-exist on the same pair of wires. The Ovation
HART Fast Analog Input (IAH) module is a standard form factor Ovation I/O module, which
permits Ovation to communicate with HART devices.

Note: I/O Module General Information contains environmental, installation, wiring, and fuse
information for I/O modules.

18.3.1 Electronics modules (Emod) - (HHPAI)

 5X00106G01 interfaces to eight current loop signals with an input range of 4-20 mA.
 5X00106G02 interfaces to eight current loop signals with an input range of 4-20 mA,
(Reduced radiated emissions).

18.3.2 Personality modules (Pmod) - (HHPAI)

 5X00109G01 contains eight fused input and user accessible jumpers that configure the
channels for field powered or local powered transmitters on an individual basis.
 5X00109G02 contains eight fused input and user accessible jumpers that configure the
channels for field powered or local powered transmitters on an individual basis. Has the
addition of active current limiting in the two-wire mode. Note that this module is available only
in the following releases:
 Ovation 3.4.0 and later.
 Ovation 3.3.1 with patch OVA331063 installed.

270 TRN350_100
18.3 HART High Performance Analog Input module - (HHPAI)

18.3.3 Subsystems - (HHPAI)

HART High Performance Analog Input subsystems (14-bit)



1 8 5X00106G01 5X00109G01
4-20 mA
5X00109G02 (Note that this
module is available only in the
following releases:
 Ovation 3.4.0 and later.
 Ovation 3.3.1 with patch
OVA331063 installed.
2 8 5X00106G02 5X00109G01
4-20 mA (Reduced radiated
emissions). or
5X00109G02 (Note that this
module is available only in the
following releases:
 Ovation 3.4.0 and later.
 Ovation 3.3.1 with patch
OVA331063 installed.
This module configuration is CE Mark Certified.
This module configuration is CE Mark Certified (Non-EMC Cabinet).

TRN350_100 271
18.3 HART High Performance Analog Input module - (HHPAI)

18.3.4 Power supply information - (HHPAI)

Note: Module power specifications (main and auxiliary) refer to the actual power drawn by the
module from the 24 VDC main power supply and from the +24 VDC auxiliary power supply and
NOT from the AC or DC mains.

The HART High Performance Analog Input module utilizes the standard +24V Ovation main
power supply to provide the power required for the logic circuitry.

When one or more loop powered two-wire current transmitters are interfaced to the HART High
Performance Analog Input module, the module utilizes a +24 auxiliary power supply to provide the
power required by the current transmitters and their current loops.

It is recommended that the High Performance Analog Input module utilize the Ovation cabinet’s
Auxiliary +24V DC power that is obtained from the module's branch from the standard Ovation
DIN Rail power supply auxiliary output.

However, if an external auxiliary power supply is utilized by the HART High Performance Analog
Input module, the power supply output noise cannot exceed 2.2 mVRMS Maximum for all rated
loads across the frequency range of 500 HZ to 10 KHz.

Figure 154: Power supply output noise requirements

All modules utilizing the auxiliary power supplies, including the HART High Performance Analog
Input modules, MUST utilize shielded I/O cables in order to suppress coupled noise and
transients into the HART High Performance Analog Input module. This requirement includes
modules on the same branch utilizing the auxiliary power, or modules on other branches utilizing
the same auxiliary power. This recommendation applies regardless of the user selected power
supply style.

272 TRN350_100
18.3 HART High Performance Analog Input module - (HHPAI)

18.3.5 Terminal block wiring information - (HHPAI)

Each Personality module has a simplified wiring diagram label on its side which appears above
the terminal block. This diagram indicates how to connect the wiring from the field to the terminal
block in the base unit. Note that there are two wiring configurations for each channel dependent
upon whether the channel is configured for Local or Field powered transmitters.

Note: For the Standard I/O Marshalling Base Unit, field terminations are located on the half
shells and connected to the base. See Marshaling Base Unit (see page 219) for more

Figure 155: Wiring diagram label

The diagrams for the HART High Performance Analog Input Personality modules are illustrated in
the figure above. The following table lists and defines the abbreviations used in those diagrams.

Wiring diagram label definitions


Earth ground terminals. (For landing shields where the shield is to be grounded at the

A1 - A8 Analog Input terminal connection (connected to the negative terminal of a local

powered transmitter or the positive terminal of field powered transmitter).
A1 - A8 Analog Input negative terminal connection (field powered configuration only).
P1 - P8 Loop power output terminals (for local powered configuration only. Connected to the
SH1 - SH8 Shield terminal connection. (For landing shields where the shield is to be grounded at
the transmitter).
PS+, PS- External Auxiliary power supply terminals.
RSV Reserved terminal. No connections are allowed on these terminals.

TRN350_100 273
18.3 HART High Performance Analog Input module - (HHPAI)

18.3.6 Personality Jumper Information - (HHPAI)

Each Personality module provides a 1/20 A fuse on each channel for loop protection. Additionally,
each channel provides a pair of user accessible jumpers for configuring each channel for local
powered transmitters or field powered transmitters. This configuration is on a per channel basis.
The fuses and jumpers are accessible through the top of the module. The label, shown in the
following figure, on the top of the module indicates how to position the jumpers. Note that there
are two jumpers per channel and they must be positioned together.

Figure 156: HART High Performance Analog Input Personality module

Note: Jumpers are shown in the local powered configuration for all channels.

18.3.7 Register configuration/address information - (HHPAI)

The module configuration/status register is module I/O register 13 (0xD). The register bit
assignments are defined as follows:

Module configuration/status register


0 Configure Module Module Configured (1 = configured)

1 Force Error Internal or forced error (1 = forced error)
2 50/60 Hz selection (1=50 hz) 50/60 Hz System (1=50 Hz)
3 SELF_CAL (Initiates Self Calibration) SELF_CAL (Initiates Self Calibration)
4 Toggle Bit (80C32 to 90S8515) 0, (Not Used)
5 0, (Not Used) 0, (Not Used)
6 0, (Not Used) 0, (Not Used)
7 80C32 diagnostics 80C32 diagnostics
8 0, (Not Used) 80C32 Memory Error
9 0, (Not Used) 9058515 Internal Error
10 0, (Not Used) 9058515 Memory Error
11 0, (Not Used) Module not calibrated
12 0, (Not Used) 0, (Not Used)
13 Toggle Bit (90S8515 to 80C32) Toggle Bit (90S8515 to 80C32)
14 0, (Not Used) 0, (Not Used)

274 TRN350_100
18.3 HART High Performance Analog Input module - (HHPAI)


15 0, (Not Used) 1
Point Fault
Refer to the Channel Error Register for the descriptions of the Point Faults.

Bit 0: The Ovation Controller must set bit 0 of the Module Configuration register in order to
access module I/O registers 0 through 11 (0xB). If bit 0 is not set, reading module I/O
registers 0 through 11 (0xB) yields an Attention Status.
Bit 1: This bit (write “1”) forces the module into error state, illuminating the module’s internal
Error LED. The read of bit “1” indicates that there is an internal module error, or the Controller
has forced the module into the error state. The state of this bit is always reflected by the
modules Internal Error LED. Whenever this bit is set, an attention status is returned to the
Controller when addresses 0 through 11 (B in Hex) are read.
Bit 2: The status of this bit (read) indicates the conversion rate of the module, write to this bit
configures the conversion rate of the A/D converters as shown in the following table.



20 (for 60Hz systems) 0

16 (for 50Hz systems) 1

Bit 3: This bit (write) is used to initiate self-calibration. The sample rate during self-calibration
is two per second. The status (read) bit is one as long as the configuration bit is set. If this is
set, the module imitates one self calibration cycle. For subsequent self-calibration to occur,
the bit must be cleared and reset or different configuration written to the card with this bit set.
Bit 4: Reserved for inter-module handshaking.
Bit 7: Reserved for Factory diagnosis.
Bit 8: This bit (read) indicates that the module has internal memory error. If this error is
present, the internal error LED is lit.
Bit 9: This bit is set if bit 10 or 11 is set. If this bit is set, the internal error LED is lit. The Point
Fault bit is set as the condition of the module is undetermined. Also, I/O channel registers 2-9
will be in attention.
Bit 10: This bit (read) indicates that the module has internal memory error (FLASH checksum,
Register or Static RAM error). Bit 9 is set as well.
Bit 11: This bit indicates that the module is not calibrated. Bit 9 is set as well.
Bit 13: Reserved for inter-module handshaking.
Bit 15: Bit indicates point fault status of the module. It is the logical “OR” of any individual
channel error status bits in register C, plus bit 9 of this register. A “0” indicates that all eight
points have good quality and no module error exists. When bit 9 of the Status Register is not
set, this bit (when set to “1”) indicates that at least one of the points has bad quality. A
subsequent read of the Channel Error Register (address C) reveals the point(s) that have bad
quality. The Channel Error Register contains data only when the module fault is due to a bad
point quality.

TRN350_100 275
18.3 HART High Performance Analog Input module - (HHPAI)

HART High Performance Analog Input Enable Register (Address 14 or E in Hex)



0-7 Multivariable Channel 1 - 8 Not Used

8 - 15 HART Enabled - Channel 1 - 8 Not Used

Bit 0-7: A “1” in any of these bits causes Multivariable messaging on the corresponding
Bit 8-15 A “1” in any of these bits indicate that a HART compliant device exists on the
corresponding channel.

To avoid a HART communication error message, set each bit to “0” when connecting a non-HART
output device.

The HART High Performance AI, HART High Performance AO, and IAH modules have the ability
to retrieve additional variables from a field device. These variables are referred to as
‘multivariable’ and are named PV (primary variable), SV (secondary variable), TV (tertiary
variable), and QV (quarterly variable).

The point data registers occupy locations 2-9 for analog input points 1-8 respectively. The data
format is as follows:

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 - 0

14 bit value
Over-range Bit
Point quality: (for good point quality (and proper card operation))

Example Values

Output Data in Hex Data Description

8CCC 4 ma input
C000 20 ma input
CZZZ + Over Range
*0000-7FFF *Card Trouble/Not Warmed Up/Bad

276 TRN350_100
18.3 HART High Performance Analog Input module - (HHPAI)

Each of the 16 direct registers on the HART High Performance Analog Input module is
summarized in the following tables and shown in more detail in the following tables. The module
status register 13 (D in Hex) can be read by using the Point Information window at an Operator’s
Station. (See the Ovation Operator Station User Guide.)

HART High Performance Analog input register map


0 Indirect Memory Index NA

1 Indirect Memory Data Indirect Memory Data
2-9 NA Analog Input - Channel 1 - 8
10 Calibration Register (Factory use Calibration Register (Factory use only)
11 Flash memory download handshaking The exchange of signals between the transmitter and
receiver to ensure synchronization before downloading a
firmware revision to the flash memory.
12 NA Channel Error Bits
13 Module Configuration Register Module Status Register
14 HART Enable HART Enable
15 NA Module Electronic ID Data

Word address 12 (C in Hex) is used to report the channel errors on the eight input channels. The
following table is for reference only, Individual bits are not user accessible.

Channel error register output data format (read)


1-8 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 Communication to the Channel has failed

1-8 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 Over/under-range, Input/blown fuse/Open Loop

Communication to the Channel has failed - this bit is set when the communication to the
corresponding channel has failed.

Over/under-range, Input/blown fuse/Open Loop - this bit is set when the corresponding Points
input is less than 2.5mA (open loop condition), or greater than 25mA (over-range).

TRN350_100 277
18.3 HART High Performance Analog Input module - (HHPAI)

18.3.8 Diagnostic Logic card LEDs - (HHPAI)


P (green) Power OK LED. Lit when the +5V power is OK.

C (green) Communication OK LED. Lit when the Ovation Controller is communicating with the
I (Red) Internal Error LED. Illuminated whenever there is any type of error within the module
except for a loss of external auxiliary power. Possible causes are:
 The Controller sets the module’s Force Error bit.
 Communications with the Controller is lost.
 The module is not calibrated.
 Flash memory, EE memory or RAM diagnostic failure.
1 - 8 (Red) The eight channel LEDs serve two functions.
 LEDs 1-8 are used to indicate the firmware state during module startup.
 Used to indicate HART communication activity and analog input health during normal
module operation.

After module configuration, the bank of eight channel LEDs (LEDs 1-8) are used to
indicate HART communications activity and the health of the analog input.
 If the Analog Input for the associated analog input channel is healthy (bit 15 set in the
point data word), then the LED is on.
 If the analog input channel is bad, then the LED is off.
 When a HART message is sent and received correctly, the LED blinks off for 100 msec
if the analog input is healthy.
 When a HART message is sent and received incorrectly, the LED blinks off for 400
msec if the analog input is unhealthy.
9 - 16 N/A

18.3.9 Specifications - (HHPAI)

 Electronics module (5X00106)
 Personality module (5X00109)

Number of channels 8
Input range 2.5 to 25 mA with under-range and over-range checking.
A/D Resolution 14 bits
Data format 14 bit binary
Bit weight 0.00122 ma
Conversion type Sigma Delta
Operating Mode self-scan
Monotonicity yes
Nonlinearity 0.003% of full scale.

278 TRN350_100
18.3 HART High Performance Analog Input module - (HHPAI)


Repeatability Within guaranteed accuracy.

Reference accuracy (@ 25oC) +/-0.1% of full scale value (20mA) @ 99.7% confidence.
Accuracy over temperature +/-0.24% of full scale value (20mA) over the full operating temperature
Input Sample duration (period) 50 when configured for 60 Hz rejection.
(msec) 60 when configured for 50 Hz rejection.
Input Sample Rate 20 when configured for 60 Hz rejection
16 when configured for 50 Hz rejection.
Dielectric isolation: 1000 VAC/VDC for one minute.
1000 VAC/VDC for one minute.
Channel to channel
Channel to logic
Operating temperature range o o o o
0 to 60 C (32 F to 140 F).
Humidity (non-condensing) 0% to 95%
Module power Drawn from Main: 4.1W typical. 4.5W Maximum.
Drawn from Aux.: 3.84W typical (20mA X 8 loops X 24V).
Dissipation in module: 5.06W typ. (Emod + Pmod).
Input Impedance 300 ohms maximum when using 5X00109G01 Pmod
347 ohms + 1.5V maximum when using 5X00109G02 Pmod
Maximum Overload For the field (self) powered transmitter interface, the positive input is fused
with a 50mA user accessible fuse.
For the local powered transmitter interface, the loop power supply output
is fused with a 50mA user accessible fuse. In addition to the 50mA fuse,
the 5X00109G02 personality module actively limits the loop power supply
current draw by the transmitter to 27mA.
Normal Mode Rejection 60 dB @50 Hz ± 1/2% or @60 Hz ± 1/2% (when properly configured)
30 dB (typical) @50 Hz ± 5% or @60 Hz ± 5% (when properly
Common mode rejection and 120 dB @ DC or @ the nominal (50/60 Hz) line frequency ± 1/2% and
channel-channel crosstalk harmonics.
100 dB (typical) for nominal line frequency ± 5% and harmonics.
Filtering 3
Digital, Sinc, 3dB cutoff: 13.1 Hz for 50 Hz; 15.7 Hz for 60 Hz.

Note: Each channel reports current from about 2.5 to 25 ma. Above and below these values,
the channel reports an error in the channel error register (4.5.10).

TRN350_100 279
18.4 RTD module (4 Channel) - (RTD-4)

18.4 RTD module (4 Channel) - (RTD-4)

The RTD module is used to convert inputs from Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs) to
digital data. The digitized data is transmitted to the Controller.

The RTD Module is applicable for CE Mark Certified Systems.

Note: I/O Module General Information contains environmental, installation, wiring, and fuse
information for I/O modules.

18.4.1 Electronics modules (Emod) - (RTD-4)

 1C31161G01 converts inputs for all ranges and is compatible only with Personality module
1C31164G01 (not applicable for CE Mark certified systems).
 1C31161G02 converts inputs for all ranges and is compatible with Personality module
1C31164G02 (applicable for CE Mark certified systems).

18.4.2 Personality modules (Pmod) - (RTD-4)

 1C31164G01 converts inputs for all ranges and is compatible only with Electronics module
1C31161G01 (not for new systems and is not applicable for CE Mark certified systems).
 1C31164G02 (50/60 Hz filtered) converts inputs for all ranges and is only compatible with
Electronics module 1C31161G02 (applicable for CE Mark certified systems).

18.4.3 Subsystems - (RTD-4)

RTD module subsystems



All 4 1C31161G01 1C31164G01

All (for 50/60 Hz filtered inputs and CE Mark certified 4 1 1
1C31161G02 1C31164G02
Configuration 1C3116G02 / 1C31164G02 is CE Mark Certified.

280 TRN350_100
18.4 RTD module (4 Channel) - (RTD-4)

18.4.4 Terminal block wiring information (Pmod 1C31164G01) - (RTD-4)

Each Personality module has a simplified wiring diagram label on its side, which appears above
the terminal block. The following diagram indicates how to connect the wiring from the field to the
terminal block in the base unit.

Note: For the Standard I/O Marshalling Base Unit, field terminations are located on the half
shells and connected to the base. See Marshaling Base Unit (see page 219) for more

Figure 157: Terminal block connections for the RTD Pmod (1C31164G01)

The following table lists and defines the abbreviations used in this diagram.


Earth ground terminal

+IN, -IN Positive and negative sense input connection.

PS+, PS- Auxiliary power supply terminals.
RSV Reserved terminal. No connections allowed on these terminals.
RTN Return for current source connection.
SH Shield connector.
SRC Current source connection.

Note: Do not use unmarked terminal block locations.

PS+ and PS- are not used by this module.

TRN350_100 281
18.4 RTD module (4 Channel) - (RTD-4)

18.4.5 Terminal block wiring information (Pmod 1C31164G02) - (RTD-4)

Each Personality module has a simplified wiring diagram label on its side, which appears above
the terminal block. The following diagram indicates how to connect the wiring from the field to the
terminal block in the base unit.

Note: For the Standard I/O Marshalling Base Unit, field terminations are located on the half
shells and connected to the base. See Marshaling Base Unit (see page 219) for more

Figure 158: Terminal block connections for the RTD Pmod (1C31164G02)

The following table lists and defines the abbreviations used in this diagram.

Abbreviations used in wiring diagrams


Earth ground terminal.

+IN, -IN Positive and negative sense input connection.

PS+, PS- Auxiliary power supply terminals.
RTN Return for current source connection.
RSV Reserved terminal. No connections allowed on these terminals.
SH Shield connector.
SRC Current source connection.

Note: Do not use unmarked terminal block locations.

PS+ and PS- are not used by this module.

282 TRN350_100
18.4 RTD module (4 Channel) - (RTD-4)

18.4.6 Systems using (Pmod 1C31164G01) - (RTD-4)

Figure 159: Field Connection for the RTD Pmod 1C31164G01

TRN350_100 283
18.4 RTD module (4 Channel) - (RTD-4)

18.4.7 Field Wiring (Pmod 1C31164G02) - (RTD-4)

Figure 160: Field Connection for the RTD Personality Module

284 TRN350_100
18.4 RTD module (4 Channel) - (RTD-4)

18.4.8 Field wiring diagrams (Pmod 1C31164G02) (CE Mark) - (RTD-4)

Figure 161: Field Connection for the RTD Personality Module (CE Mark)

TRN350_100 285
18.4 RTD module (4 Channel) - (RTD-4)

18.4.9 RTD ranges - (RTD-4)

RTD ranges





±% OF





1 3 10 Ohm PL 0 to 1200 –18 to 649 6 106.3 0.1556 9 0.22
2 3 10 Ohm CU 0 to 302 –18 to 150 8.5 16.5 1.51 13 0.32
D 3 10 Ohm CU 32 to 284 0 to 140 50 80 1.0756 11 0.27
11 3 10 Ohm CU 32 to 230 0 to 110 53 78 1.1291 12 0.30
19 3 100 Ohm PL –4 to 334 –20 to 168 92 163.67 0.5121 11 0.27
22 3 100 Ohm PL 32 to 520 0 to 271 100 200 0.4087 10 0.25
23 3 100 Ohm PL 32 to 1040 0 to 560 100 301 0.2554 10 0.25
25 3 120 Ohm NI –12 to 464 –11 to 240 109 360 0.2104 10 0.25
26 3 120 Ohm NI 32 to 150 0 to 66 120 170 0.5240 13 0.32
28 3 120 Ohm NI 32 to 252 0 to 122 120 225 0.3682 11 0.27
80 4 100 Ohm PL 32 to 544 0 to 290 100 208 0.3921 10 0.25
81 4 100 Ohm PL 356 to 446 180 to 230 168 186 0.5240 30 0.74
82 4 200 Ohm PL 32 to 698 0 to 370 200 473 0.1675 12 0.30
83 4 200 Ohm PL 514 to 648 268 to 342 402 452 0.2142 29 0.71
84 4 100 Ohm PL 32 to 124 0 to 51 100 120 0.7860 19 0.47
85 4 100 Ohm PL 32 to 217 0 to 103 100 140 0.6386 13 0.32
86 4 100 Ohm PL 32 to 412 0 to 211 100 180 0.4644 11 0.27
87 4 100 Ohm PL 32 to 714 0 to 379 100 240 0.3296 10 0.25
88 4 200 Ohm PL 511 to 662 266 to 350 200 230 0.4170 24 0.59

286 TRN350_100
18.4 RTD module (4 Channel) - (RTD-4)

18.4.10 Register configuration/address information - (RTD-4)

Word address 13 (D in Hex) is used to configure the module and provide status information to the
Word address 13 (D in Hex) low byte is used for module configuration.
Word address 13 (D in Hex) high byte is used to define the scale for Channel 2.
The status register can be read by using the Point Information window at an Operator Station (see
the Bit Pattern field on the Hardware tab). (See Ovation Operator Station User Guide.)

RTD configuration/status register (address 13 or D in Hex)



0 Configure Module Module Configured (1 = configured; 0 = un-considered.)

1 Force error Internal or forced error (1 = forced error; 0 = no forced
2 Not used Point Fault bit (set when any point specific fault exists.)
3 Not used Card trouble bit (set during card failure.)
4 Not used Warming bit (set during power up or configuration.)
5 50/60 Hz select (0 = 60Hz, 1 = 50Hz) 50/60 Hz select readback (0 = 60Hz, 1 = 50Hz.)
6 Enable line frequency tracking. Status of the line frequency tracking enable signal.
7 Diagnostic bit (do not use). Sync Fault (set if SYNC is missing or the reasonability
When set in the “Diagnostics” mode, test failed while the line frequency tracking is enabled.)
Bits 0 to 6 of the configuration register
represent a word address of the Micro
Controller’s internal memory.
8 - 15 Channel #2 scale configuration Channel #2 scale configuration read back

Note: Line frequency tracking is presently NOT supported by the Ovation I/O system.

Word address 14 (E in Hex) is used to define the scales for Channels 3 and 4.

Expansion configuration and status register (address 14 or E in Hex)



0-7 Channel 3 scale configuration Channel 3 scale configuration read back.

8 - 15 Channel 4 scale configuration Channel 4 scale configuration read back.

TRN350_100 287
18.4 RTD module (4 Channel) - (RTD-4)

Point status register (address 12 or C in Hex)



0, 2, 4 Reserved for Point Status Channel 1 - 4 reasonability test failed (Zero or Common
1, 3 Reserved for Point Status Channel 1 - 4 current loop reasonability test failed.
8 - 15 Configure Channel 1 scales Channel 1, scale configuration read back.

Note: Status bits when set (1) indicate the fault condition.

Word address 12 (C in Hex) low byte is used for point status.

Word address 12 (C in Hex) high byte is used during write to define scales for Channels 3 and 4.
The bit definitions for this register during read are encoded.

18.4.11 Diagnostic Logic card LEDs - (RTD-4)


P (green) Power OK LED. Lit when the +5V power is OK.

C (green) Communication OK LED. Lit when the Ovation Controller is communicating with the module.
I (Red) Internal Fault LED. Lit whenever the Force Error bit (Bit 1) of the Configuration Register is
set, or when a timeout of the watchdog timer occurs when the Controller stops
communicating with the module.
Also lit when the IMOK signal is false (0) indicating failures of part or all of the logic common
to the input channels.
1 - 4 (Red) Channel #1 - 4 error. Lit whenever there is an error associated with Channel 1 - 4.
5 - 16 No LED.

18.4.12 Specifications - (RTD-4)

 Electronics module (1C31161)
 Personality module (1C31164)

Number of channels 4
Sampling rate Four per second (two per second during auto calibration.)
RTD ranges Refer to the previous RTD Ranges table.
Resolution 12 bits
Guaranteed accuracy (@25°C) 0.10% ± [0.045 (Rcold/Rspan)]% ± [((Rcold + Rspan)/4096 OHM)]% ± [0.5
OHM/Rspan]% ±10 µV ± 1/2LSB, where: Rcold and Rspan are in Ohms.
Temperature coefficient 10ppm/°C

288 TRN350_100
18.5 RTD module (8-Channel) - (RTD-8)


Dielectric isolation:
Channel to channel 1000 V AC/DC
Channel to logic 1000 V AC/DC
Input impedance 100 M OHM, 1 M OHM in power down (for input voltages 0 to 0.1 V.)
Module power 3.6 W typical; 4.2 W Maximum.
Operating temperature range 0 to 60°C (32°F to 140°F.)
Storage temperature range -40°C to 85°C (-40°F to 185°F.)
Humidity (non-condensing) 0 to 95%

18.5 RTD module (8-Channel) - (RTD-8)

The 8-channel RTD module is used to convert inputs from Resistance Temperature Detectors
(RTDs) to digital data. The digitized data is transmitted to the Controller.

Note: I/O Module General Information contains environmental, installation, wiring, and fuse
information for I/O modules.

CAUTION! The following applies to channels that are subsequently wired to an RTD
after power is applied to the module.

If an RTD is wired into a live eight channel RTD module, one of the following two conditions
must be met to ensure reading of the RTD:

1. Cycle module power after the RTD is installed.

2. Configure or re-configure the particular point to which the RTD is installed.

Note that there are no considerations necessary if the RTD is installed prior to power being
applied to the module. Further, once the conditions for proper operations are met, the RTD
can be removed and subsequently re-installed at which time it is read correctly without any
further considerations.

18.5.1 Electronics modules (Emod) - (RTD-8)

 5X00119G01 converts inputs for all ranges and is compatible only with Personality module
 5X00119G02 converts inputs for all ranges and is compatible only with Personality module
5X00121G01 (Non-EMC cabinet).

18.5.2 Personality modules (Pmod) - (RTD-8)

 5X00121G01 converts inputs for all ranges and is compatible only with Electronics module

TRN350_100 289
18.5 RTD module (8-Channel) - (RTD-8)

18.5.3 Subsystems - (RTD-8)

RTD module (8-Channel) subsystems


8 1 5X00121G01
8 2 5X00121G01
This module configuration is CE Mark Certified.
This module configuration is CE Mark Certified (Non-EMC cabinet).

18.5.4 Terminal block wiring information (Pmod 5X00121G01) - (RTD-8)

Each Personality module has a simplified wiring diagram label on its side, which appears above
the terminal block. This diagram indicates how to connect the wiring from the field to the terminal
block in the base unit. The following table lists and defines the abbreviations used in this diagram.

Note: For the Standard I/O Marshalling Base Unit, field terminations are located on the half
shells and connected to the base. See Marshaling Base Unit (see page 219) for more

Abbreviations used in wiring diagrams

Abbreviation Definition

Earth ground terminal. Used for landing shields when the shield is to be grounded at the

+IN, -IN Positive and negative sense input connection.

PS+, PS- Auxiliary power supply terminals.
RTN Return for current source connection.
SH Shield connector. Used for landing shields when the shield is to be grounded at the RTD.

SRC Current source connection.

Note: PS+ and PS- are not used by this module.

290 TRN350_100
18.5 RTD module (8-Channel) - (RTD-8)

18.5.5 Module and field connection wiring - (RTD-8)

The Ovation 8-Channel RTD module consists of two modules, an Electronics module containing a
logic printed circuit board (LIA) and a printed circuit board (FTD). The Electronics module is used
in conjunction with a Personality module, which contains a single printed circuit board (PTD). The
block diagram for the 8-channel RTD module is shown below.

Note: Shielded twisted pair wiring should be used for Maximum noise immunity. The shield may
be grounded at the module or in the field as outlined in the following diagrams

TRN350_100 291
I/O Base Connector to Other I/O Bases and/or Controller
Note: this example shows the shield C B A
grounded at the module. It may be

optionally grounded at the RTD.

+ 1


42A V
– MODULE Current


s ubI/O

EGND (A1) Source

ni a42mv
ni a42mv


SHIELD (A2) Supply


nr ut er ni a m

+IN (B2) I/O


input Interface


-IN (C1)

f er V

Pass A/D converter, A/D

5 SRC (B1) Filter Mux power clock,
Converter Power
Input & data supply & Processor

#2 Data I/F



RTN (C2)

18.5 RTD module (8-Channel) - (RTD-8)

7 CHANNEL 1 (Four wire field interface, local shield grounding)














Note: this example shows the shield EGND (A15) Source

grounded at the RTD. It may be

optionally grounded at the module.


+ +IN (B16)

– 15 input
RTN #1

-IN (C15)
f er V



16 Pass A/D converter, A/D

SRC (B15) Filter Mux power clock,
Converter Power
Input & data supply &

17 #2 Data I/F

Jumper required for 3-wire RTDs

RTN (C16)
C B A CHANNEL 8 (Three wire field interface, remote shield grounding)



I/O Base Connector to Other I/O Bases

18.5 RTD module (8-Channel) - (RTD-8)

18.5.6 Ranges - (RTD-8)











0 0 3 10 Ohm PL 0 to 1200 –18 to 649 6 106.3 1.0 9 0.22

1 1 3 10 Ohm CU 0 to 302 –18 to 150 8.5 16.5 1.0 13 0.32
2 2 3 10 Ohm CU 32 to 284 0 to 140 50 80 1.0 11 0.27
3 3 3 10 Ohm CU 32 to 230 0 to 110 53 78 1.0 12 0.30
4 4 3 100 Ohm –4 to 334 –20 to 168 92 163.67 1.0 11 0.27
5 5 3 100 Ohm 32 to 520 0 to 271 100 200 1.0 10 0.25
6 6 3 100 Ohm 32 to 1040 0 to 560 100 301 1.0 10 0.25
7 7 3 120 Ohm NI –12 to 464 –11 to 240 109 360 1.0 10 0.25
8 8 3 120 Ohm NI 32 to 150 0 to 66 120 170 1.0 13 0.32
9 9 3 120 Ohm NI 32 to 252 0 to 122 120 225 1.0 11 0.27
0 10 4 100 Ohm 32 to 544 0 to 290 100 208 1.0 10 0.25
1 11 4 100 Ohm 356 to 446 180 to 230 168 186 1.0 30 0.74
2 12 4 200 Ohm 32 to 698 0 to 370 200 473 1.0 12 0.30
3 13 4 200 Ohm 514 to 648 268 to 342 402 452 1.0 29 0.71
4 14 4 100 Ohm 32 to 124 0 to 51 100 120 1.0 19 0.47
5 15 4 100 Ohm 32 to 217 0 to 103 100 140 1.0 13 0.32
6 16 4 100 Ohm 32 to 412 0 to 211 100 180 1.0 11 0.27
7 17 4 100 Ohm 32 to 714 0 to 379 100 240 1.0 10 0.25
8 18 4 200 Ohm 511 to 662 266 to 350 200 230 1.0 24 0.59
For Hardware configuration.
For Software Purposes. This value is used in Import/Export files.

TRN350_100 293
18.5 RTD module (8-Channel) - (RTD-8)

18.5.7 Register configuration/address information - (RTD-8)

Word addresses 12 and 14 (described in the following two tables) are used to configure the
appropriate scales for Channels 1 - 8 (refer to Column 1 in the table in Specifications (see page

Data format for the channel scale configuration register (address 12 or C in Hex)



0-3 Configure Channel #1 scale - Bit 0 - 3. Channel #1 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 0 - 3.
4-7 Configure Channel #2 scale - Bit 0 - 3. Channel #2 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 0 - 3.
8 - 11 Configure Channel #3 scale - Bit 0 - 3. Channel #3 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 0 - 3.
12 - 15 Configure Channel #4 scale - Bit 0 - 3. Channel #4 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 0 - 3.

CAUTION: Configuring any or all channel scales while the system is running causes all
channels to return attention status for up to two seconds following the reconfiguration.

Data format for the channel scale configuration register (address 14 or E in Hex)



0-3 Configure Channel #5 scale - Bit 0 - 3. Channel #5 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 0 - 3.
4-7 Configure Channel #6 scale - Bit 0 - 3. Channel #6 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 0 - 3.
8 - 11 Configure Channel #7 scale - Bit 0 - 3. Channel #7 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 0 - 3.
12 - 15 Configure Channel #8 scale - Bit 0 - 3. Channel #8 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 0 - 3.

CAUTION: Configuring any or all channel scales while the system is running causes all
channels to return attention status for up to two seconds following the reconfiguration.

Word address 13 (D in Hex) is used to configure the module and provide status information to the
Controller. The status register can be read by using the Point Information window at an Operator
Station (Bit Pattern Field on the Hardware Tab). (See the Ovation Operator Station User Guide.)

8-Channel RTD configuration/status register (address 13 or D in Hex)



0 Configure Module. Module Configured (1 = configured; 0 = unconfigured.)

1 Force error. Internal/forced error (1 = forced error; 0 = no forced
2 50/60 Hz select (0 = 60Hz, 1 = 50Hz.) 50/60 Hz System (1 = 50Hz) (read back.)
3 SELF_CAL (Initiates Self Calibration.) Warming bit (set during power up or configuration.)

4 0 0

294 TRN350_100
18.5 RTD module (8-Channel) - (RTD-8)



5 0 0
6 0 Module Not Calibrated.
7 0 0
8 - 15 Channel 1 - 8 _ 3/4 Wire. Channel 1 - 8 _ 3/4 Wire - Configuration (read back.)
Bit 0: This bit configures the module (write) or indicates the configuration state of the module
(read). A “1” indicates that the module is configured. Note that until the module is configured,
reading from addresses 0 through 11 (B in Hex) produces an attention status.
Bit 1: This bit (write “1”) forces the module into the error state, resulting in the error LED being
lit. The read of bit “1” indicates that there is an internal module error, or the Controller has
forced the module into the error state. The state of this bit is always reflected by the module’s
Internal Error LED. Whenever this bit is set, an attention status is returned to the Controller
when address 0 through 11 (B in Hex) are read.
Bit 2: The status of this bit (read) indicates the conversion rate of the module, write to this bit
configures the conversion rate of A/D converters as shown below.



60 (for 60Hz systems) 0

50 (for 50Hz systems) 1
Bit3: Write: This bit is used to initiate self-calibration. Read: This bit indicates that the module
is in the “Warming” state. This state exists after power up and terminates after 8.16 seconds.
The module is in the error condition during the warm up period.
Bits 4 - 5: These bits are not used and read as “0” under normal operation.
Bit 6: This bit (read) is the result of a checksum test of the EEPROM. A failure of this test can
indicate a bad EEPROM, but it typically indicates that the module has not been calibrated. A
“0” indicates that there is no error condition. If an error is present, the internal error LED is lit
and attention status is returned for all address offsets 0-11 (0x0 - 0xB). The “1” state of this bit
indicates an unrecoverable error condition in the field.
Bit 7: This bit is not used and read as “0” under normal operation.
Bits 8 - 15: These bits are used to configure channels 1 - 8 respectively for 3 or 4 wire
operation. A “0” indicates 3 wire and a “1” indicates 4 wire operation, see the tables below).

TRN350_100 295
18.5 RTD module (8-Channel) - (RTD-8)

18.5.8 Diagnostic Logic card LEDs - (RTD-8)


P (green) Power OK LED. Lit when the +5V power is OK.

C (green) Communication OK LED. Lit when the Ovation Controller is communicating with the module.
I (Red) Internal Fault LED. Lit whenever there is any type of error with the module except to a loss
of power. Possible causes are:
 Module initialization is in progress.
 I/O Bus time-out has occurred.
 Register, static RAM, or FLASH checksum error.
 Module reset.
 Module is uncalibrated.
 Forced error has been received from the Controller.
 Communication between the Field and Logic boards failed.
1 - 8 (Red) Channel #1 - 8 error. Lit whenever there is an error associated with a channel or channels.
Possible causes are:
 Positive overrange.
 Negative overrange.
 Communication with the channel has failed.
9 - 16 No LED.

18.5.9 Specifications - (RTD-8)

 Electronics module (5X00119)
 Personality module (5X00121)

Number of channels. 8
Sample repetition time and 50 HZ mode: 40/sec. normally. In 3 wire mode, lead resistance
sample duration time (msec.) measurement occurs once every 6.45 sec. during which the time rises to
60 HZ mode: 20/sec. normally. In 3 wire mode, lead resistance
measurement occurs once every 6.45 sec. during which the time rises to
Self Calibration Mode: Occurs on demand only. The rate drops to 1/sec.
once during each self calibration cycle.
RTD ranges. Refer to the following RTD Ranges table.
Resolution. 12 bits + polarity.
Data format. Two's compliment.
Conversion type. Sigma Delta.
Operating Mode. Self-scan.
Monotonicity. Yes
Nonlinearity. 0.003% of full scale.

296 TRN350_100
18.6 Analog Output module - (AO)


Repeatability. With guaranteed accuracy.

Guaranteed accuracy (@25×C.) 0.10% ± [0.045 (Rcold/Rspan)]% ± [((Rcold + Rspan)/4096 OHM)]% ±
[0.5 OHM/Rspan]% ±10 µV ± 1/2LSB where: Rcold and Rspan are in
Temperature coefficient. 10ppm/ oC.
Dielectric isolation:
Channel to channel. 200V AC/DC.
Channel to logic. 1500 V AC/DC.
Input impedance. 100 M OHM.
50 K OHM in power down.
Maximum Overload. Fused at 50 ma.
Module power. 3.6 W typical; 4.2 W Maximum.
Operating temperature range. o o o
0 to 60 C (32 F to 140 F.)
Storage temperature range. o o o o
-40 C to 85 C (-40 F to 185 F.)
Humidity (non-condensing). 0 to 95%.
Self Calibration. On Demand by Ovation Controller.
Common Mode Rejection and 120 dB @ DC and nominal power line frequency (+/- 1/2%.)
Channel Crosstalk.
Normal Mode Rejection. 100 dB @ DC and nominal power line frequency (+/- 1/2%.)
Filtering. Digital, Sinc - 3dB cutoff: 13.1 Hz for 50 Hz; 15.7 Hz for 60 Hz.

18.6 Analog Output module - (AO)

The Analog Output Electronics module uses low-power-drain 12-bit serial digital-to-analog
converters (DACs) to provide four galvanically isolated output channels. The serial clock and data
allow the four channels to be updated every 1.5 ms. The serial interface uses opto-isolators for
high-voltage isolation.

The Analog Output module is a CE Mark Certified module.

Note: I/O Module General Information contains environmental, installation, wiring, and fuse
information for I/O modules.

TRN350_100 297
18.6 Analog Output module - (AO)

18.6.1 Electronics modules (Emod) - (AO)

 1C31129G01 provides voltage output range of 0 to 5 V DC (for simplex applications).
 1C31129G02 provides voltage output range of 0 to 10 V (for simplex applications).
 1C31129G03 provides current output range of 0 to 20 mA with diagnostics (for simplex
 1C31129G04 provides current output range of 0 to 20 mA without diagnostics (for simplex
 1C31129G05 provides current output range of 4 to 20 mA with diagnostics (for redundant

18.6.2 Personality modules (Pmod) - (AO)

 1C31132G01 for simplex Analog Output Electronics modules.
 1C31132G02 for redundant Analog Output Electronics modules.
 5X00170G01 for HART High Performance Analog Output Electronics modules - provides
Analog Output (current output) module I/O Base pin-compatibility.

18.6.3 Subsystems - (AO)

Analog Output subsystems



0-5 Volts DC 4 1 1C31132G01

0-10 Volts DC 4 1 1C31132G01

0-20 mA with Diagnostics 4 1 1C31132G01

(4-20 mA with Diagnostics can also be selected).

4 1 1C31132G01
0-20 mA without Diagnostics 1C31129G04
(4-20 mA without Diagnostics can also be

4-20 mA with Diagnostics (For Redundant 4 2 1C31132G02

This module configurations is CE Mark Certified.
For Redundant applications using Windows Ovation 3.2 and later.

298 TRN350_100
18.6 Analog Output module - (AO)

18.6.4 Terminal block wiring information - (AO)

Each Personality module has a simplified wiring diagram label on its side, which appears above
the terminal block. This diagram indicates how to connect the wiring from the field to the terminal
block in the base unit. The diagram for the analog output Personality module is illustrated in the
following figure. The following table lists and defines the abbreviations used in this diagram.

Note: For the Standard I/O Marshalling Base Unit, field terminations are located on the half
shells and connected to the base. See Marshaling Base Unit (see page 219) for more

Shielded twisted pair wiring should be used for Maximum noise immunity.

Figure 162: Terminal block connections for the Analog Output Personality module

Note: 1. R is only used with the combination of 1C31129G05 and 1C31132G02.

2. Do not use unmarked terminal block locations.
3. Shield terminals (SH) are not connected in CE Mark systems.

Abbreviations used in wiring diagrams


Earth ground terminals.

+I Current output source terminal.

RSV Reserved terminal. No connections allowed on these terminals.

SH Shield terminal connection.
+V Voltage output source terminal connection.
PS+, PS- Auxiliary power supply terminals.

- Reference for voltage and current output.

R Current return for redundant mode.

The loads can be floating or grounded. For Maximum noise immunity, it is best to reference a
floating load to local earth by placing a jumper between the SH terminal and the adjacent earth
GND terminal.

TRN350_100 299
18.6 Analog Output module - (AO)

18.6.5 Register configuration/address information - (AO)

Word address 13 (D in Hex) is used to configure the module and provide status information to the
Controller. The status register can be read by using the Point Information window at an Operator
Station (see the Bit Pattern Field on the Hardware tab). (See the Ovation Operator Station User

Analog Output configuration/status register (address 13 or D in Hex)



0 Configure Configured (1 = configured; 0 = unconfigured)

1 Force Error Forced Error (1 = forced error; 0 = no forced error)
2-4 1 1
Communications Timeout Setting Communications Timeout Setting
Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Timeout Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Timeout
0 0 0 16 seconds 0 0 0 16 seconds
0 0 1 4 seconds 0 0 1 4 seconds
0 1 0 2 seconds 0 1 0 2 seconds
0 1 1 1 seconds 0 1 1 1 seconds
1 0 0 500 milliseconds 1 0 0 500 milliseconds
1 0 1 250 milliseconds 1 0 1 250 milliseconds
1 1 0 125 milliseconds 1 1 0 125 milliseconds
1 1 1 62.5 milliseconds 1 1 1 62.5 milliseconds
3 1 1
Communication Timeout Bit Communication Timeout Bit 1
4 1 1
Communication Timeout Bit Communication Timeout Bit 2
5 Hold Output Hold Output.
6 Not used Channel error (G05 only).
7 Disable power Disable power.
15 Redundant Operation (G05 only) Redundant Operation (G05 only).
The tolerance on the timeout period is +/- 35%.

The bit definitions for this register are encoded as shown in the above table and described below:

Bit 0: When Bit 0 is set, the module is configured. The module cannot be read and does not
operate until the configure bit is set with a write. Subsequent writes to address 13 should also
have Bit 0 set.
Bit 1: Bit 1 is the Force-Error bit. When Bit 1 is set, the Internal Error LED is turned on, and
data registers can be written, but not read.
Bits 2-4: These bits are used to select the communication timeout period.

300 TRN350_100
18.6 Analog Output module - (AO)

Bit 5: This bit is Hold Output on communication timeout. If Bit 5 is set and no communication
to the module occurs for the defined time period, only the communication LED goes off, and
the Internal Error LED goes on, but the outputs hold their last value.
If Bit 5 is not set and no communication to the module occurs for the defined time period, the
outputs reset to zero and the Internal Error LED goes on.
Bit 6: Group 5 only - Set on any channel error (over-current, under-current, Power Supply
Bit 7: This bit is the disable power bit.
Bit 15: Group 5 only - Set to indicate redundant operation.
All the bits are cleared to zero on power up.

CAUTION! This module contains Communications Timeout Settings (Timeout Action and
Timeout Selection) that are initially configured in the Developer Studio. The default Timeout
Selection is 16 seconds, with the Timeout Action set to LATCH. These settings are normally
adjusted by a Project Engineer or an Emerson Field Service Engineer after determining the
affects the setting will have on the system. Any Timeout Selection change made while the
module is in the LATCH Timeout Action, will have no effect on the system (with the exception
of the system indication a Communication Error.)

The Timeout Action must be changed to RESET in the Developer Studio before any new
Timeout Selection has an effect on the system. It is recommended that before you make any
changes to the Timeout Selection, you conduct a thorough evaluation of any affect that
change may have on the system. Under some conditions a different timeout may cause the
module to go into its respective fail-safe mode.

The register at address 12 (C in Hex) is for diagnostics and is a read-only register. The
overcurrent and undercurrent status bits may be read from this register. The following table shows
the overcurrent and undercurrent bits for each channel. The overcurrent bits are used for both the
voltage groups and current groups. The undercurrent bits only have meaning for the current
group. The voltage output groups do not implement the undercurrent bit.

The simultaneous setting of a channel's overcurrent and undercurrent bits indicates a loss of Field
Card power supply for that channel. Overcurrent and undercurrent bits indicate the output current
status of this module and not the loop current.

Note: Group 4 current output Field Cards do not have these diagnostic capabilities and the
overcurrent and undercurrent bits are strapped in the logical zero state. Since the Group 4
modules do not have diagnostics, the information is not available to the Ovation Controller to
support redundancy logic calculations. Groups 1 and 2 do not have undercurrent indication.

Output Current Status register address location information (address 12 or C in Hex)


0, 2, 4, 6 Channel 1 - 4 Overcurrent
1, 3, 5, Channel 1 - 4 Undercurrent

TRN350_100 301
18.6 Analog Output module - (AO)

Current Output Modules with Diagnostics - 1C31129G03 and 1C31129G05

Overcurrent Condition (bit set) = Output current >= 20.25 mA +/- 0.15 mA
Undercurrent Condition (bit set) = Output current <= 2 mA +/- 0.25 mA
Loss of channel field power = both Overcurrent and Undercurrent limit bits are set

Voltage Output Modules - 1C31129G01 and 1C31129G02

Overcurrent Condition (bit set) = Output current >= 12.5 mA

18.6.6 Diagnostic Logic card LEDs - (AO)


P (green) Power OK LED. Lit when the +5V power is OK.

C (green) Communication OK LED. Lit when the Ovation Controller is communicating with the module.
I (Red) Internal Fault LED. Lit whenever the Force Error bit (Bit 1) of the Configuration Register is
Also lit when a timeout of the watchdog timer occurs when Controller stops communicating
with module.
1 - 4 (Red) Channel 1 - 4 error. Over-current or undercurrent indication.
 On groups 1, 2, 3, and 5, the LEDs are ON after power up until the module is configured.
 On groups 1 and 2, the LED is ON for over-current output or loss of output D/A power.
 On group 3, and 5, the LED is ON for over-current/undercurrent output or loss of output
D/A power.
 Group 4 does not have diagnostic LEDs.
5 - 16 No LED.

18.6.7 Specifications - (AO)

 Electronics module (1C31129)
 Personality module (1C31132)

Number of channels 4
Maximum update time 2 msec
Output range 1 1 2
0 − 5 V , 0 -10 V , 0 - 20 mA
Resolution 12 bits
Data Format Binary
Bit Weight Current Output: 0.005 ma - Voltage output: 2.5 mv.
Setting time (full scale change) to 1% of range Current Output: 660 usec
Overshoot None
Inductive Loads (current outputs) 10 mH

302 TRN350_100
18.6 Analog Output module - (AO)


Power up/down The outputs power up at 0 mA (G03, G04), 4mA (G05) or 0

V (G01, G02).
Monotonicity Yes
Crosstalk between channels >60dB
Nonlinearity 1/2 LSB
Repeatability <1 LSB
Output noise 5 mv Max
Guaranteed accuracy (@25°C) 0.1% of full scale.
Temperature coefficient 30 ppm/°C.
User loop voltage Power for current loop output is supplied by module.
Dielectric isolation:
Channel to channel - Channel to logic 1000 V AC/DC - 1000 V AC/DC.
Output loading:
Current 0 Ohms minimum; 750 Ohms Maximum.
Voltage 10 mA Maximum.
Module power
Current output 4 W typical; 6 W Maximum.
Voltage output 2 W typical; 3 W Maximum.
Operating temperature range 0 to 60°C (32°F to 140°F).

Storage temperature range -40°C to 85°C (-40°F to 185°F).

Humidity (non-condensing) 0 to 95%
Overcurrent load indications.
Module supplied loop voltage, overcurrent and undercurrent diagnostic indication. Provides the ability to
measure current without disconnecting loop.

TRN350_100 303
18.7 HART High Performance Analog Output module - (HHPAO)

18.7 HART High Performance Analog Output module - (HHPAO)

The Ovation HART High Performance Analog Output module consists of an Electronics module
and a personality mode cavity insert. The Ovation HART High Performance Analog Output
module is designed to interface with four HART compliant output devices utilizing a 4-20 mA
control loop signal. A HART compliant output device exchanges digital information with the
Ovation control system in addition to the standard 4-20 mA control loop signal. The digital
information is imposed on the 4-20 mA signal according to the guidelines of the HART Protocol
Specification. HART uses a low-level frequency shift-keyed sine-wave signal that is superimposed
on the 4-20 mA signal. The average value of the HART signal is zero. Therefore, the HART signal
does not interfere with the 4-20 mA control signal.

Note: I/O Module General Information contains environmental, installation, wiring, and fuse
information for I/O modules.

18.7.1 Electronics modules (Emod) - (HHPAO)

 5X00167G01 contains four independent self-powered, 4-20 mA output channels that interface
with 4 HART output devices.
 5X00167G31 contains four independent self-powered, 4-20 mA output channels that interface
with 4 HART output devices (Q-line migration).

18.7.2 Personality modules (Pmod) - (HHPAO)

 1X00188H01 (molded plastic cavity insert)
 5X00211G03 (Q-line migration)

18.7.3 Subsystems - (HHPAO)

HART High Performance Analog Output subsystems (16-bit)


4-20 mA 4 1 1X00188H01 (molded plastic cavity insert)

4-20 mA 4 5X00167G31 5X00211G03 (Q-line migration)
This module configuration is CE Mark Certified.

A Personality module is not required in order to use the HART High Performance Analog Output
module. However, there may be requirements to use the Ovation Analog Output module base unit
terminal assignments for the actuator interface field wiring. In those cases, you must use the
5X00170G01 HART High Performance Analog Output Personality module.

Warning! The following non-HART product does not work correctly with the HART High
Performance Analog Output module's analog outputs:

Manufacturer: BLX

Manufacturer Part Number: V100 Positioner

304 TRN350_100
18.7 HART High Performance Analog Output module - (HHPAO)

18.7.4 Terminal block wiring information - (HHPAO)

Each Personality module cavity insert has a simplified wiring diagram label on its top which
appears above the terminal block. This diagram indicates how to connect the wiring from the field
to the terminal block in the base unit. The wiring diagrams for the HART High Performance
Analog Output Personality modules are illustrated in HART Analog Output Field Connection
Wiring Diagrams.

Note: For the Standard I/O Marshalling Base Unit, field terminations are located on the half
shells and connected to the base. See Marshaling Base Unit (see page 219) for more

Abbreviations used in wiring diagrams


Earth ground terminals

+I Analog Output positive terminal connection (connected to the positive terminal of a

HART analog output device).
-I Analog Output negative terminal connection (connected to the negative terminal of a
HART analog output device)
PS+, PS- External Auxiliary power supply terminals (Not Used)

Note: All unused channels must have a wired jumper installed across the channel output
terminals in order to prevent channel Under current alarms. Starting with Ovation 3.4 systems, a
resistor or wired jumper is not necessary because the Ovation Developer Studio will mask off
module alarms for an unused channel and eliminate the nuisance alarm.

TRN350_100 305
18.7 HART High Performance Analog Output module - (HHPAO)

18.7.5 Register configuration/address information - (HHPAO)

Word address 13 (D in Hex) is used to write to the Module Configuration Register and to read the
Module Status Register.

The status register information is copied to the A2 field of the module's RM record. The A2 field
can be viewed by using the Point Information window at an Operator Station to display the RM
record and then clicking the Value tab. (See Ovation Operator Station User Guide for more
information on the Point Information window.)

Prior to the Ovation 3.4 release, a module alarm would be generated when any of the module's
channels were unused. Starting with Ovation 3.4, unused channels will not cause an alarm to be

Configuration/status register (address 13 or D in Hex)


0 Configure module Module Configured

(1 = configured; 0 = unconfigured)
1 Force Error Internal or forced error
(1 = forced error; 0 = no forced error)
2-4 1 1
Communications Timeout Setting Communications Timeout Setting


4 2 4 3

0 0 0 16 seconds 0 0 0 16 seconds
0 0 1 4 seconds 0 0 1 4 seconds
0 1 0 2 seconds 0 1 0 2 seconds
0 1 1 1 seconds 0 1 1 1 seconds
1 0 0 500 milliseconds 1 0 0 500 milliseconds
1 0 1 250 milliseconds 1 0 1 250 milliseconds
1 1 0 125 milliseconds 1 1 0 125 milliseconds
1 1 1 62.5 milliseconds 1 1 1 62.5 milliseconds
5 Timeout Action NA
6 Factory Test Not Used
7 Reserved Reserved
8 - 11 NA Channel 1 - 4, over-under
12 - Not Used Not Used
The tolerance on the timeout period is +/- 35%.

Bit 0: Configures the module (write) or indicates the configuration state of the module (read).
“1” indicates that the module is configured. Until module is configured, addresses 0 through
11 produces an attention status.
Bit 1: This bit (write “1”) forces the module into its error state causing the Internal Error LED
to light.
Bits 2-4: These bits are used to select the Controller communications timeout period.

306 TRN350_100
18.7 HART High Performance Analog Output module - (HHPAO)

Bit 5: If this bit is set and the Controller times out, the module continues to output the last
value received. If the bit is cleared and the Controller times out, the module outputs data to
the DAC for each channel, that yields 4mA on the outputs after the time-out period defined by
bits 2-4.
Bit 6: This bit is only used in the manufacturing test. When the bit is set and PE is active, the
module enters a factory test mode.
Bits 7: Reserved.
Bit 8: 1=Channel 1 output current is overrange or underrange.
Bit 9: 1=Channel 2 output current is overrange or underrange.
Bit 10: 1=Channel 3 output current is overrange or underrange.
Bit 11: 1=Channel 4 output current is overrange or underrange.
Bits 12-15: Not Used.

Output Communication Timeout Settings


0 0 0 16 seconds
0 0 1 4 seconds
0 1 0 2 seconds
0 1 1 1 second
1 0 0 500 milliseconds
1 0 1 250 milliseconds
1 1 0 125 milliseconds
1 1 1 62 milliseconds
Time-outs have a tolerance of +/- 35%. The default after a power-up is 16 seconds.

CAUTION! This module contains Communications Timeout Settings (Timeout Action and
Timeout Selection) that are initially configured in the Developer Studio. The default Timeout
Selection is 16 seconds, with the Timeout Action set to LATCH. These settings are normally
adjusted by a Project Engineer or an Emerson Field Service Engineer after determining the
effects the setting will have on the system. Any Timeout Selection change made while the
module is in the LATCH Timeout Action, will have no effect on the system (with the exception
of the system indication a Communication Error.)

The Timeout Action must be changed to RESET in the Developer Studio before any new
Timeout Selection has an effect on the system. It is recommended that before you make any
changes to the Timeout Selection, you conduct a thorough evaluation of any effect that
change may have on the system. Under some conditions a different timeout may cause the
module to go into its respective fail-safe mode.

TRN350_100 307
18.7 HART High Performance Analog Output module - (HHPAO)

The following table is for reference only, Individual bits are not user accessible.

Over/Under current limit register (address 12 or C in Hex)



0-3 NA Channel 1 - 4 Under Current

4-7 NA Channel 1 - 4 Over Current
8 - 15 Not Used Not Used

Enable Register (Address 14 or E in Hex)



0-3 Multi-variable Enabled - Channel 1 - 4 NA

4-7 Not Used Not Used
8 - 11 HART Enabled - Channel 1 - 4 NA
12 - Not Used Not Used
Bits 0-3: These bits are set to enable multivariable messaging. Refer to the IO configuration
guide for additional information.
The HAI, HAO, HART High Performance AI, HART High Performance AO modules have the
ability to retrieve additional variables from a field device. These variables are referred to as
‘multivariables’ and are named PV (primary variable), SV (secondary variable), TV (tertiary
variable), and QV (quarterly variable).
If the bit is set, the module periodically retrieves whatever variables exist for the device.
The definitions of PV, SV, TV, and QV are found in the user’s manual for the field device
supplied by the device manufacturer. The standard format of these four variables is IEEE 754,
a floating-point format.
You must configure IO point records to cause the Controller to scan the module and retrieve
the variables. (Refer to the Ovation Developer Studio User Guide for additional information).
Bits 8-11: In the IO configuration tool, you can set these flags on a per-channel basis to
allow HART messaging, including Multivariable messaging, to flow on that channel.
You should ensure that these bits are cleared for non-HART field devices. To avoid a HART
communication error message, set each bit at “0” when connecting a non-HART output

18.7.6 Diagnostic Logic card LEDs - (HHPAO)


P (green) Power OK LED. Lit when the +5V power is OK.

C (green) Communication OK LED. Lit when the Ovation Controller is communicating with the

308 TRN350_100
18.7 HART High Performance Analog Output module - (HHPAO)


I (Red) Internal Error LED. Illuminated whenever there is any type of error within the module
except for a loss of external auxiliary power. Possible causes are:
 The Controller sets the module’s Force Error bit.
 Communications with the Controller is lost.
 EPROM, EE memory or RAM diagnostic failure.
1 - 4 (Green) After module configuration, the bank of four channel LEDs (LEDs 1 through 4) is used to
indicate HART communication activity and the health of the analog outputs. If the analog
output for the associated analog output channel is healthy (no overcurrent or undercurrent
condition), then the channel LED will be ON. If the analog output channel is bad (an
overcurrent or undercurrent is present), then the channel LED will be off.
When a HART message is sent and received correctly, the channel LED blinks off for 100
msec if the analog output is healthy. When a HART message is sent and received
incorrectly, the channel LED blinks off for 400 msec if the analog output is healthy.
5 - 16 No LED.

18.7.7 Specifications - (HHPAO)


Number of channels 4
Sample duration time (msec) 33 mSec (Maximum)
Output range 4 to 20 mA nominal signal voltage (Span) 0 to 23.5 mA (full signal range)
D/A resolution 16 bits
Bit weight 0.000305 mA
Data format 16-bit binary output
Conversion type Sigma Delta DAC
Operating mode Self scan
Monotonicity Yes
Non-linearity DNL: <1 LSB full scale, INL: <0.1 LSB full scale
Repeatability Within guaranteed accuracy
Power up/Power down Power up and power down to 4mA
Type of loads HART compatible devices
Maximum inductive load Per the HART physical layer specification
Settling time Per the HART physical layer specification
Overshoot Per the HART physical layer specification
Crosstalk Per the HART physical layer specification
Output ripple Per the HART physical layer specification
Sample repetition (msec) 33 msec Maximum
Filtering 2-pole low pass filter at 10 Hz
Reference Accuracy 0.10% of full scale (20mA) @25º C
Temperature Range

TRN350_100 309
18.7 HART High Performance Analog Output module - (HHPAO)


Temperature Coefficient 25ppm of full scale / º C

Current Loop Power For each channel, power for loop current is supplied by the module
Diagnostics Loop Current Overrange/Underrange detection. Eight Error bits are
stored in data register 0xC in Hex (Address 12)
Dielectric isolation:
Channel to Channel/logic 1000 VAC/VDC for 1 minute/1000 VAC/VDC for 1 minute
Output Loading 4-20 mA (0 ohm minimum to 600 ohm Maximum)
Operating Temperature Range 0º to 60º C (32º to 140º F)
Storage Temperature Range -40º to 85º C (-40º to 185º F)
Humidity (non-condensing) 0% to 95%
Module Power Main: 24 VDC, 4.56W nominal, 6.75W Max, Aux: 24 VDC, Not Used.

310 TRN350_100
18.8 Contact Digital Input module - (ContactDI)

18.8 Contact Digital Input module - (ContactDI)

The Contact Input module, comprised of an Electronics module and Personality module, provides
16 contact input current detecting channels with common returns. The field side circuitry and
terminal connections for three of these channels are shown.

A +48V on-board power supply provides current limited contact wetting voltage if the contact is
open. If the contact closes, current is drawn from the +10V supply which turns on the associated
opto-isolator; thereby, relaying a closed contact state to the I/O bus. The opto-isolators and the
isolation provided by the 10V and 48 Volt power supply provide high dielectric isolation between
the field side and the logic or I/O bus side.

On-Board power supply checking:

A common voltage monitor circuit examines the 10V and 48V voltages and sets a module status
register bit (bit 8) if there is an issue with the 10V and 48V power supply. If this on-board power
supply fails, all channels are affected.

There are two methods of wiring field devices to the Contact Input module termination block. Each
field contact may have a separate input and return line as shown for channel 1. Alternatively, field
contacts wired to the same Contact Input module may share a return line as shown for channels 2
and 3. For either wiring method, do not tie the contact return line to earth ground or a ground fault
condition occurs as well as a degradation of the common mode surge protection.

Debouncing of a contact input signal is done by an RC filter and digital debouncer on the logic
side. If a contact changes state for less than 3 msec, the change of state is always rejected. If the
Contact changes state for more than 7 msec, the change of state always accepted.

Ground fault detection circuitry on a Contact Input module activates when an input or return line
for any channel finds a low impedance (<5 K ohms) path to earth ground. A single ground fault
wire does not cause an error in the point data, but multiple ground faults (if they include input and
return lines) could cause faulty data (that is, channels appearing as if contacts are closed when
they are really open).

When a ground fault occurs, the external error LED lights, and the GND Fault bit in the Status
Register (see page 313) is set. If the GND Fault Attention Enable bit is set in the Configuration
Register (see page 313), a ground fault is seen as a catastrophic error causing an attention status
to be sent back to the Controller. The Contact Input module is a CE Mark certified module.

Note: I/O Module General Information contains environmental, installation, wiring, and fuse
information for I/O modules.

18.8.1 Electronics module (Emod) - (ContactDI)

 1C31142G01 provides 48 VDC on-card auxiliary power for 16 contact inputs with common

18.8.2 Personality module (Pmod) - (ContactDI)

 1C31110G03 contains surge-protection components for 16 inputs.

TRN350_100 311
18.8 Contact Digital Input module - (ContactDI)

18.8.3 Subsystems - (ContactDI)

Contact Digital Input subsystems



48 VDC On-Card Auxiliary (Legacy) 16 1C31142G01 1C31110G03

This module configuration is CE Mark certified.

18.8.4 Terminal block wiring information - (ContactDI)

Each Personality module has a simplified wiring diagram label on its side, which appears above
the terminal block. This diagram indicates how to connect the wiring from the field to the terminal
block in the base unit. The diagram for the contact input Personality module (also known as digital
input) is illustrated in the following figure.

Note: For the Standard I/O Marshalling Base Unit, field terminations are located on the half
shells and connected to the base. See Marshaling Base Unit (see page 219) for more

Figure 163: Terminal Block Connections for the Contact Input Personality Modules

The following table lists and defines the abbreviations used in this diagram.

Abbreviations used in wiring diagrams


Earth ground terminals

1+ through 16+ Contact input positive terminal connection

1- through 16- Contact input negative terminal connection
PS+, PS- Auxiliary Power Supply terminals
RSV Reserved terminal. No connection allowed on these terminals

Note: Do not use terminal block locations marked RSV.

312 TRN350_100
18.8 Contact Digital Input module - (ContactDI)

18.8.5 Register configuration/address information - (ContactDI) & (CCDI)

Word address 13 (D in Hex) is used to configure the module and provide status information to the
Controller. The status register can be read by using the Point Information window at an Operator
Station (see the Bit Pattern field on the Hardware tab). (See the Ovation Operator Station User

Contact (and Compact Contact) Input configuration/status register (address 13 or D in Hex)



0 Configure module Module Configured

1 = configure 1 = configured
0 = unconfigure, causing an attention status 0 = unconfigured
1 Force Error Forced error
1 = force an attention status to be read by 1 = forced error set by Controller
Controller 0 = no forced error
0 = no forced error
2-5 Not defined Not defined
6-7 Reserved Reserved
8 Not defined Wetting Voltage Failure
1 = +48V wetting Voltage Failed
0 = +48V wetting Voltage OK.
9 Ground Fault Attention Enable Ground Fault Attention Enable
1 = configure GND fault to cause an attention 1 = GND fault causes attention status
status 0 = GND fault does not cause an attention
0 = configure GND fault to not cause an status
attention status
10 Not defined Ground Fault
1 = field wiring has a ground fault
0 = field wiring does not have a ground fault
11-15 Not defined Not defined

The bit definitions for this register are encoded as shown in the above table and described below:

Bit 0: After the Contact Input module power is cycled, this bit is “0.” A “1” must be written to
the Configure module bit. If the module is not configured in this manner, an attention status is
sent to the Controller upon an attempt to read the point data. The bit may be read back
through the Status Register.
Bit 1: The Force Error bit is “0” after the Contact Input module power is cycled. If the
Controller sets the Force Error bit, an attention status is issued. The bit may be read back
through the Status Register.
Bits 2-5: These bits are not defined.
Bit 6 & 7: These bits are reserved in the Status Register.
Bit 8: This bit is set in the Status Register if the +48V supply on the FCI board fails.

TRN350_100 313
18.8 Contact Digital Input module - (ContactDI)

Bit 9: The GND Fault Attention Enable bit is “0” after the Contact Input module power is
cycled. This bit must be set by the Controller if a ground fault is to be treated as a
catastrophic failure. If Bit 9 is set, a ground fault causes an attention status to be returned to
the Controller upon accessing the module, and no point data can be read. If the bit is not set,
a ground fault does not inhibit the Controller from reading point data. In the latter case, if more
than one ground fault occurs on the field wiring to a Contact Input module, false point data
may possibly be read on channels with open contacts.
Bit 10: This bit is set in the Status Register if a ground fault occurs in the field wiring. This bit
is not defined in Configuration Register.
Bits 11-15: These bits are not defined in the Configuration register and are read as high in
the Status register. These bits cannot be accessed by the Controller during a write to the

18.8.6 Power Checking (ContactDI - CCDI)

The module has an internal 48 transistor voltage supply and is capable of looking at 16 different
contact inputs. Each input that is connected to a dry contact requires a digital point name or
packed group point name with bit position. A closed contact will produce a one (true) value for the
associated point whereas an open contact produces a zero (false) value. If the power supply were
to fail, all points would have a zero (false) value.

Power on checking uses one of the sixteen inputs to verify that the 48 volt supply has not failed.
The selected point is hard wired to simulate a closed contact, and should therefore always be a
one (true) statement.

To implement the feature, when building the points for the field inputs, within the point config tab,
the power on checking is enabled, and the channel is used (hardwired) is declared. When the
field inputs are scanned, the hard wired channel is also scanned to verify that it has a value of
one. If not, the field inputs will be tagged with “bad quality”.

If desired, a point may be built for the hard wired channel and be set to alarm on zero.

Note: The terminal wiring for the Contact Digital Input and Compact Contact Digital Input
modules is different.

18.8.7 Diagnostic Logic card LEDs - (ContactDI)


P (green) Power OK LED. Lit when the +5V power is OK.

C (green) Communication OK LED. Lit when the Ovation Controller is communicating with the module.
E (Red) External Fault LED. Lit when GND Fault bit (Bit 10) of the Status Register (see page 313) is
set. This indicates that a ground fault has occurred in the field wiring. An attention status is
generated when the External Fault LED is lit only if the GND Fault Attention Enable bit (Bit 9)
is set.
I (Red) Internal Fault LED. Lit whenever the Force Error bit (Bit 1) of the Configuration Register is set
or when the on-board +48V/+10/V wetting power supply fails.
Also lit when a timeout of the watchdog timer occurs when Controller stops communicating
with module.
An attention status is always generated when the LED is lit.
1 (Green) Point Status LEDs 1-16. Lit when the input contact of the LED’s corresponding channel is

314 TRN350_100
18.8 Contact Digital Input module - (ContactDI)

18.8.8 Specifications - (ContactDI)

 Electronics module (1C31142)
 Personality module (1C31110)

Number of channels 16
On board auxiliary power supply 42 V minimum
55 V Maximum
Propagation delay 7 mSec Maximum
Contact bounce rejection
Always rejects contact change of state < 3 mSec
Always accepts contact change of state > 7 mSec

Closed contact output current 4 mA minimum

8 mA Maximum
Diagnostics Internal module operating faults. Ground Fault Detection
Dielectric isolation:
Channel to logic 1000 V AC/DC
Module power 4.56 W typical
4.75 W Maximum
Operating temperature range 0 to 60°C (32°F to 140°F)
Storage temperature range -40°C to 85°C (-40°F to 185°F)
Humidity (non-condensing) 0 to 95%

TRN350_100 315
18.9 Compact Contact Digital Input module - (CCDI)

18.9 Compact Contact Digital Input module - (CCDI)

The Compact Contact Input module, comprised of an Electronics module, provides 16

contact input current detecting channels with common returns.

Additionally, a cavity insert that includes a wiring diagram is available for placement in the
Personality module cavity in the base unit.

A +48V on-board power supply provides current limited contact wetting voltage if the contact is
open. If the contact closes, current is drawn from the +10V supply which turns on the associated
opto-isolator; thereby, relaying a closed contact state to the I/O bus. The opto-isolators and the
isolation provided by the 10V and 48 Volt power supply provide high dielectric isolation between
the field side and the logic or I/O bus side.

On-Board power supply checking

A common voltage monitor circuit examines the 10V and 48V voltages and sets a module status
register bit (bit 8) if there is an issue with the 10V and 48V power supply. If this on-board power
supply fails, all channels are affected.

There are two methods of wiring field devices to the Compact Contact Input module termination
block. Each field contact may have a separate input and return line. Alternatively, field contacts
wired to the same Contact Input module may share a return line. For either wiring method, do not
tie the contact return line to earth ground or a ground fault condition occurs as well as a
degradation of the common mode surge protection.

Debouncing of a contact input signal is done by an RC filter and digital debouncer on the logic
side. If a contact changes state for less than three msec, the change of state always is rejected. If
the Contact changes state for more than seven msec, the change of state always is accepted.

Ground fault detection circuitry on the Compact Contact Input module activates when the input or
return line for any channel finds a low impedance (<5K ohms) path to earth ground. A single wire
with a ground fault does not cause an error in the point data, but multiple ground faults, if they
include input and return lines, could cause faulty data (that is, channels appearing as if their
contacts are closed when they are really open).

When a ground fault occurs, the external error LED lights, and the GND Fault bit in the Status
Register is set. If the GND Fault Attention Enable bit is set in the Configuration Register, a ground
fault is seen as a catastrophic error causing an attention status to be sent back to the Controller.

The Compact Contact Input module is applicable for CE Mark certified systems.

Note: I/O Module General Information contains environmental, installation, wiring, and fuse
information for I/O modules.

18.9.1 Electronics module (Emod) - (CCDI)

 1C31234G01 provides 48 VDC on-card auxiliary power for 16 contact inputs with common

316 TRN350_100
18.9 Compact Contact Digital Input module - (CCDI)

18.9.2 Personality Module (Pmod) - (CCDI)

A cavity insert is available that fits into the Personality module cavity in the Base Unit and
provides wiring information.
 1C31238H01 Personality Module Cavity Plastic insert

18.9.3 Subsystems - (CCDI)

Compact Contact Digital Input subsystems



Compact Contact with 48 VDC On-Card 16 1C31234G01 1C31238H01

This module configuration is CE Mark Certified.
This is an insert that fits into the Personality module position and provides a wiring schematic label for the

18.9.4 Terminal block wiring information - (CCDI)

The available cavity insert has a simplified wiring diagram label on its top, which appears above
the terminal block. This diagram indicates how to connect the wiring from the field to the terminal
block in the base unit. The diagram for the Compact Contact Input module is illustrated in the
following figure. The following table lists and defines the abbreviations used in this diagram.

Note: For the Standard I/O Marshalling Base Unit, field terminations are located on the half
shells and connected to the base. See Marshaling Base Unit (see page 219) for more

Figure 164: Terminal block connections for the Compact Contact Input modules

TRN350_100 317
18.9 Compact Contact Digital Input module - (CCDI)

Abbreviations used in wiring diagrams


Earth ground terminals

1+ through 16+ Contact input positive terminal connection

1- through 16- Contact input negative terminal connection
PS+, PS- Auxiliary Power Supply terminals
RSV Reserved terminal. No internal connection

18.9.5 Register configuration/address information - (ContactDI) & (CCDI)

Word address 13 (D in Hex) is used to configure the module and provide status information to the
Controller. The status register can be read by using the Point Information window at an Operator
Station (see the Bit Pattern field on the Hardware tab). (See the Ovation Operator Station User

Contact (and Compact Contact) Input configuration/status register (address 13 or D in Hex)



0 Configure module Module Configured

1 = configure 1 = configured
0 = unconfigure, causing an attention status 0 = unconfigured
1 Force Error Forced error
1 = force an attention status to be read by 1 = forced error set by Controller
Controller 0 = no forced error
0 = no forced error
2-5 Not defined Not defined
6-7 Reserved Reserved
8 Not defined Wetting Voltage Failure
1 = +48V wetting Voltage Failed
0 = +48V wetting Voltage OK.
9 Ground Fault Attention Enable Ground Fault Attention Enable
1 = configure GND fault to cause an attention 1 = GND fault causes attention status
status 0 = GND fault does not cause an attention
0 = configure GND fault to not cause an status
attention status
10 Not defined Ground Fault
1 = field wiring has a ground fault
0 = field wiring does not have a ground fault
11-15 Not defined Not defined

318 TRN350_100
18.9 Compact Contact Digital Input module - (CCDI)

The bit definitions for this register are encoded as shown in the above table and described below:

Bit 0: After the Contact Input module power is cycled, this bit is “0.” A “1” must be written to
the Configure module bit. If the module is not configured in this manner, an attention status is
sent to the Controller upon an attempt to read the point data. The bit may be read back
through the Status Register.
Bit 1: The Force Error bit is “0” after the Contact Input module power is cycled. If the
Controller sets the Force Error bit, an attention status is issued. The bit may be read back
through the Status Register.
Bits 2-5: These bits are not defined.
Bit 6 & 7: These bits are reserved in the Status Register.
Bit 8: This bit is set in the Status Register if the +48V supply on the FCI board fails.
Bit 9: The GND Fault Attention Enable bit is “0” after the Contact Input module power is
cycled. This bit must be set by the Controller if a ground fault is to be treated as a
catastrophic failure. If Bit 9 is set, a ground fault causes an attention status to be returned to
the Controller upon accessing the module, and no point data can be read. If the bit is not set,
a ground fault does not inhibit the Controller from reading point data. In the latter case, if more
than one ground fault occurs on the field wiring to a Contact Input module, false point data
may possibly be read on channels with open contacts.
Bit 10: This bit is set in the Status Register if a ground fault occurs in the field wiring. This bit
is not defined in Configuration Register.
Bits 11-15: These bits are not defined in the Configuration register and are read as high in
the Status register. These bits cannot be accessed by the Controller during a write to the

18.9.6 Power Checking (ContactDI - CCDI)

The module has an internal 48 transistor voltage supply and is capable of looking at 16 different
contact inputs. Each input that is connected to a dry contact requires a digital point name or
packed group point name with bit position. A closed contact will produce a one (true) value for the
associated point whereas an open contact produces a zero (false) value. If the power supply were
to fail, all points would have a zero (false) value.

Power on checking uses one of the sixteen inputs to verify that the 48 volt supply has not failed.
The selected point is hard wired to simulate a closed contact, and should therefore always be a
one (true) statement.

To implement the feature, when building the points for the field inputs, within the point config tab,
the power on checking is enabled, and the channel is used (hardwired) is declared. When the
field inputs are scanned, the hard wired channel is also scanned to verify that it has a value of
one. If not, the field inputs will be tagged with “bad quality”.

If desired, a point may be built for the hard wired channel and be set to alarm on zero.

Note: The terminal wiring for the Contact Digital Input and Compact Contact Digital Input
modules is different.

TRN350_100 319
18.9 Compact Contact Digital Input module - (CCDI)

18.9.7 Diagnostic Logic card LEDs - (CCDI)


P (green) Power OK LED. Lit when the +5V power is OK.

C (green) Communication OK LED. Lit when the Ovation Controller is communicating with the
E (Red) External Fault LED. Lit when GND Fault bit (Bit 10) of the Status Register is set. This
indicates that a ground fault has occurred in the field wiring. An attention status is
generated when the External Fault LED is lit only if the GND Fault Attention Enable bit (Bit
9) is set.
I (Red) Internal Fault LED. Lit whenever the Force Error bit (Bit 1) of the Configuration Register is
set or when the on-board +48V/+10/V wetting power supply fails. Also lit when a timeout of
the watchdog timer occurs when Controller stops communicating with module. An attention
status is always generated when the LED is lit.
1 - 16 (Green) Point Status LEDs 1-16. Lit when the input contact of the LED’s corresponding channel is

18.9.8 Specifications - (CCDI)


Number of channels 16
On board auxiliary power supply 42 V minimum
55 V Maximum
Propagation delay 7 mSec Maximum
Contact bounce rejection
Always rejects contact change of state < 3 mSec
Always accepts contact change of state > 7 mSec
Closed contact output current 4 mA minimum
8 mA Maximum
Diagnostics Internal module operating faults, Ground Fault Detection
Dielectric isolation:
Channel to logic 1000 V AC/DC
Module power 4.56 W typical
4.75 W Maximum
Operating temperature range 0 to 60°C (32°F to 140°F)
Storage temperature range -40°C to 85°C (-40°F to 185°F)
Humidity (non-condensing) 0 to 95%

320 TRN350_100
18.10 Digital Output module - (DO)

18.10 Digital Output module - (DO)

The Ovation Digital Output module provides a means to switch up to 60 VDC at moderate
currents (for example, relay coils and lamps). The Digital Output module contains 16 current
sinking transistor outputs capable of switching 60 VDC loads at up to 500mA.

The Digital Output module provides configurable communication timeout periods and LEDs to
indicate the status of each output.

The Digital Output module is a CE Mark certified module.

Note: I/O Module General Information contains environmental, installation, wiring, and fuse
information for I/O modules.

18.10.1 Electronics module (Emod) - (DO)

 1C31122G01 provides for switching 60 VDC loads.

18.10.2 Personality modules (Pmod) - (DO)

 1C31125G01 is used to interface the digital output module to the field through the terminal
 1C31125G02 is used to interface the digital output module to the relay modules when power
is supplied locally (from the I/O backplane auxiliary power supply). It can also be used to
interface the digital output module to the field through the terminal blocks.
 1C31125G03 is used to interface the digital output module to the relay modules when power
is supplied remotely (from the relay modules). It can also be used to interface the digital
output module to the field through the terminal blocks.

CAUTION: When 1C31125G03 is used, the returns for the remote power supply and the local
power supply are connected together. Therefore, to avoid problems with differences in earth
ground potentials, ensure that the power supply return lines are earth grounded at only ONE

TRN350_100 321
18.10 Digital Output module - (DO)

18.10.3 Subsystems - (DO)

Digital Output subsystems



5-60 VDC Single ended Direct 16 1C31122G01 1C31125G01

Relay Panel Interface:

Local Power Supply 16 1C31122G01 1C31125G02
Field Power Supply 16 1C31122G01 1C31125G03
Relay Panels: Solid State Relay Panel (AC) 16 5A22410G01
Solid State Relay Panel (DC) 16 5A22410G02
G2R Relay Panel (Low Power Electro-mechanical) 16 5A22411G01
2 16 5A22412G01 - G03
KU Relay Panel (High Power Electro-mechanical)
All configurations listed in the table are CE Mark certified, unless they use AC/DC solid state relay panels.
Two panels (8 relays each) are included in the KU Relay Panel kit 5A22412G01, G02, and G03.

18.10.4 Blown Fuse Detection Circuit - (DO)

Bit 6 in the status register enables the Controller to monitor the status of the field supply fuse, and
it also gives a visual indication of the status via the “EXTERNAL ERROR” LED.

The Controller enables this feature by writing a “1” to Bit 7 of the configuration register. If enabled
and the field supply voltage is between 15VDC and 60VDC, the circuit indicates that the field
supply fuse is OK by turning OFF the “EXTERNAL ERROR” LED and clearing Bit 6 of the module
status register. If enabled and the field supply voltage is less than 0.4VDC, the circuit indicates
that the field supply fuse is blown by turning ON the “EXTERNAL ERROR” LED and setting Bit 6
of the module status register.

If the card is operated with a field supply voltage less than 15V, the output circuit continues to
operate properly. However, the blown fuse detection may not give an accurate indication of the
fuse state. In this case, the Controller has the capability to disable the detection circuit by writing a
“0” to Bit 7 of the configuration register. When Bit 7 is a “0” the “EXTERNAL ERROR” LED is
turned OFF and the blown fuse status bit (Bit 6 of the status register) is cleared which indicates
the fuse is OK.

In summary, this feature is specified to operate as follows:

 15VDC < Field supply voltage < 60VDC => Fuse is OK
 0.4VDC < Field supply voltage < 15VDC => UNDEFINED
 Field supply voltage < 0.4VDC => Fuse is blown
 After a power-on reset the blown fuse detection circuit is disabled.

322 TRN350_100
18.10 Digital Output module - (DO)

18.10.5 Terminal block wiring information - (DO)

Each Personality module has a simplified wiring diagram label on its side, which appears above
the terminal block. This diagram indicates how to connect the wiring from the field to the terminal
block in the base unit. The diagram for the Digital Output personality module is shown in the
following figure. The following table lists and defines the abbreviations used in that diagram.

Note: For the Standard I/O Marshalling Base Unit, field terminations are located on the half
shells and connected to the base. See Marshaling Base Unit (see page 219) for more

Figure 165: Terminal Block Connections for the Digital Output Personality Modules

Abbreviations Used in Wiring Diagrams


Earth Ground terminals.

+ Digital output positive terminal connections.

- Digital output negative terminal connections.
PS+, PS- Auxiliary power supply terminals.
SH Shield.

Note: Do not use unmarked terminal block locations.

Shield terminals (SH) are not connected in CE Mark systems.

You should always adhere to channel specifications and polarity when connecting load devices to
the digital output module. This ensures proper operation of the digital output module and avoids
potential damage to either the digital output module or load device.

TRN350_100 323
18.10 Digital Output module - (DO)

18.10.6 Register configuration/address information - (DO)

Word address 13 (D in Hex) is used to configure the module and provide status information to the
Controller. The status register can be read by using the Point Information window at an Operator
Station (see the Bit Pattern field on the Hardware tab). (See the Ovation Operator Station User

Digital Output Configuration/Status Register (Address 13 or D in Hex)



0 Configured (active high) Configured (active high)

(1=configured; 0=unconfigured)
1 Forced Error (active high) Forced Error (active high)
(1=forced error; 0=no forced error)
2- 4 1 1
Communications Timeout Setting Communications Timeout Setting


0 0 0 16 seconds 0 0 0 16 seconds
0 0 1 4 seconds 0 0 1 4 seconds
0 1 0 2 seconds 0 1 0 2 seconds
0 1 1 1 seconds 0 1 1 1 seconds
1 0 0 500 millisecs 1 0 0 500 millisecs
1 0 1 250 millisecs 1 0 1 250 millisecs
1 1 0 125 millisecs 1 1 0 125 millisecs
1 1 1 62.5 millisecs 1 1 1 62.5 millisecs
5 Outputs hold their state on communications timeout Outputs hold their state on communications
(active high) timeout (active high)
6 Not used Indicates the status of the blown fuse detection
circuit (high = field supply fuse is blown)
7 Enable blown detection circuit (active high) Enable blown detection circuit (active high)
The tolerance on the timeout period is +/- 35%.

Bit definitions for this register are encoded as shown in the above table and described below:

Bit 0: When Bit 0 is set, the module is configured. The Controller configures the module by
writing a “1” to bit 0 of the configuration register. Once configured, it remains configured until
a power up/down reset is generated. After a power-up condition, the configuration register is
Bit 1: When Bit 1 is set, the internal error LED is turned on and data registers can be written
but not read.
Bits 2-4: These bits are used to select the communication timeout period.
Bit 5: When Bit 5 is set, the digital outputs hold their last state on a communications
watchdog timeout. When Bit 5 is cleared, the digital outputs are cleared (output transistor is
shut off) on a communications watchdog timeout.

324 TRN350_100
18.10 Digital Output module - (DO)

Bit 6: This bit indicates the status of the blown fuse detection circuit (see page 322). When Bit
6 of the status register is set, the field supply fuse is blown.
Bit 7: When Bit 7 is set, the blown fuse detection circuit is enabled.

CAUTION: This module contains Communications Timeout Settings (Timeout Action and
Timeout Selection) that are initially configured in the Developer Studio. The default Timeout
Selection is 16 seconds, with the Timeout Action set to LATCH. These settings are normally
adjusted by a Project Engineer or an Emerson Field Service Engineer after determining the
effects the setting will have on the system. Any Timeout Selection change made while the
module is in the LATCH Timeout Action, will have no effect on the system (with the exception
of the system indication of a Communication Error.)

The Timeout Action must be changed to RESET in the Developer Studio before any new
Timeout Selection has an effect on the system. It is recommended that before you make any
changes to the Timeout Selection, you conduct a thorough evaluation of any effect that
change may have on the system. Under some conditions a different timeout may cause the
module to go into its respective fail-safe mode.

18.10.7 Diagnostic Logic card LEDs - (DO)


P (green) Power OK LED. Lit when the +5V power is OK.

C (green) Communication OK LED. Lit when the Ovation Controller is communicating with the
E (Red) External Fault LED. Lit when the field supply fuse is blown and the blown fuse detection
circuit is enabled. Blown Fuse bit (Bit 7) of the Configuration Register (see page 324)
enables or disables the fuse detection circuit (high = enabled).
I (Red) Internal Fault LED. Lit whenever the Force Error bit (Bit 1 of the Configuration Register
(see page 324)) is active, or the Controller stops communicating with the module.
1 - 16 (Green) If the LED is lit, this indicates that the output is in the ON state.
If the LED is not lit, this indicates that the output is in the OFF state.

TRN350_100 325
18.10 Digital Output module - (DO)

18.10.8 Specifications - (DO)

 Electronics module (1C31122)
 Personality module (1C31125)

Number of channels 16
Output voltage
Off voltage (Maximum) 60 VDC
On voltage (Maximum) 1.0 V @ 500mA
0.2 V @ 100mA
Output current
Off Current (Maximum) 25µA @ TA = 25°C, VDS = 60 VDC
250µA @ TA = 60°C, VDS = 60 VDC
On current for all 16 outputs Limited by fuse rating
combined (Max)
Personality module Group 1 890mA Maximum for all 16 outputs
1 2.2A Maximum for all 16 outputs
Personality module Group 2
1 Limited by the fuse located on the relay module
Personality module Group 3
On current for individual output (Max) 500 mA
Blown fuse detection
Operating voltage range 15V ≤ field supply voltage ≤ 60V

Maximum propagation time 2.5 mSec for Rload=500Ω

Dielectric isolation:
Channel to logic 1000V AC/DC

Module power Main: 2.2 W typical, 3.3 W Maximum

Aux used with no relay panels:
8 outputs on @ 100mA each
19.2 W (24V) typical
38.4 W (48V) typical
Aux used with the following relay panels:
Solid State panel with 16 relays: 5.9 W (24V) typical
G2R panel with 16 relays: 10.87 W (24V) typical
KUEP panel with 8 Form C relays: 15.84 W (24V) typical
2 KUEP panels with 16 Form C relays: 31.68 W (24V) typical
KUEP panel with 8 Form X relays: 11.28 W (24V) typical
2 KUEP panels with 16 Form X relays: 22.56 W (24V) typical
Operating temperature range 0 to 60°C (32°F to 140°F)
Storage temperature range -40°C to 85°C (-40°F to 185°F)
Humidity (non-condensing) 0 to 95%
Inductive Kick Protection method 4
The personality module Groups 2 and 3 are used to interface with the relay modules.
You can configure the card to disable the blown fuse detection function.
All 16 channels have a common return which is galvanically isolated from the logic ground.
Inductive kick diode located on the personality module. Diode is specified to protect the MOSFET when
connected to loads within the digital output channel specifications (Off voltage = 60VDC and On current =

326 TRN350_100
18.11 Relay Output module - (RO)

Note: The output channels maintain proper operation when subjected to IEC 61131-2, second
edition, 2003-02 Section 9.12 Voltage Drops and Interruptions Immunity testing (condition tested
with the standard Ovation power supply providing both the main and auxiliary power to the
Digital Output Module).

18.11 Rela y Output module - (RO)

An Ovation Relay Output module consists of an Electronics module, a base assembly, and relays.
The Relay Output module provides a means to switch high AC voltages at high currents to field
devices. There are two versions of the Relay Output base assembly which contain either 12 or 16
relays within each base. The 12 Relay Output base assembly provides the additional advantage
of being able to switch larger DC voltages at high currents.

Each Relay Output base assembly incorporates an integral Relay Output Electronics module to
interface between the relays and the Ovation I/O Controller. The Relay Output Electronics module
provides configurable communication timeout periods and LEDs to indicate the status of each

The Relay Output module is a CE Mark certified module.

Note: I/O Module General Information contains environmental, installation, wiring, and fuse
information for I/O modules.

18.11.1 Electronics module (Emod) - (RO)

 1C31219G01 provides an interface between the Ovation Controller and the mechanical relays
that are used to switch high AC voltages at high currents. This module plugs into the Relay
Output base assembly.

Note: The Relay Output base assembly does not incorporate a Personality module.

18.11.2 Base assemblies - (RO)

There are two different styles of Relay Output with Contact Monitoring base assemblies:
 5X00564G01 is configured with 16 Form C (G2R style) relays which switch high AC voltages
at high currents. Each relay contains one Form C contact arrangement which is brought to
terminal blocks for user connections.
 5X00564G02 is configured at the project level with either 12 Form C (KUEP style) or 12 Form
X (KUEP style) relays which switch high AC and DC voltages at high currents.
In the case of the Form C relay, only one of the contact pairs within the relay is available at
the terminal blocks for user connection. The KUEP style relay bases (1C31222G01) have the
advantage of being able to switch larger DC voltages at higher currents than the G2R style
relay bases (1C31223G01).

Relay contact ratings must be adhered to when utilizing the Relay Output module Assemblies.
The application must include external current limiting protection for the Relay Output module

TRN350_100 327
18.11 Relay Output module - (RO)

18.11.3 Panel kits - (RO)

There are several different styles of Relay Output panel kits:

 5A26457G01 contains a Relay Output Electronics module a relay output base assembly, and
16 Form C relays (G2R style).
 5A26458G01 contains a Relay Output Electronics module, a relay output base assembly, and
12 Form C relays (KUEP style).
 5A26458G02 contains a Relay Output Electronics module, a relay output base assembly, and
12 Form X relays (KUEP style).
 5A26458G03 contains a Relay Output Electronics module, and a relay output base assembly.
This is a project-specific base assembly in which the project determines the mix of the Form
C and Form X relays on a panel. The KUEP Form C relay is 4960A71H16 and the KUEP
Form X relay is 4960A71H05.
 5A26458G04 contains a Relay Output Electronics module, a relay output base assembly, and
12 Form C relays (KUEP style) and labeled with the country of assembly.
 5A26458G05 contains a Relay Output Electronics module, a relay output base assembly, and
12 Form X relays (KUEP style) and labeled with the country of assembly.

CAUTION! When using the Relay Output Base Assemblies, the Power Distribution Module
(5X00489G01) must have the Main GND and AUX GND referenced together. Therefore,
ensure that the Main grounding bar (J10) and AUX grounding bar (J11) are installed and
referenced to earth on the Power Distribution Module.

Relay Output bases must be installed only on I/O branches containing +24V typical Aux power
(before auctioneering diode drop within Ovation auxiliary power supply).

Do NOT install Relay Output modules/bases on the same branch with Ovation bases with
different voltage wired as Aux power (for example, DI modules using 125V AC).

18.11.4 External power supply information (RO)

It is recommended that the Relay Output base assembly obtain relay coil voltage from the internal
Ovation auxiliary power supplies. These supplies distribute power through the Controller
backplane and ROP panel to base assemblies. Use of external power supplies for relay coil
power is NOT recommended.

328 TRN350_100
18.11 Relay Output module - (RO)

18.11.5 Using bases (RO)

Proper relay operation is temperature dependent and is determined by the following:

 Temperature rise of the coil after being energized for extended periods.
 Temperature rise of the coil due to large relay contact currents.
 Ambient temperature.
The following table provides general user guidelines which can be referenced when configuring
cabinets with Relay Output bases.

Operating Temperature Summary for Relay Output Bases


Controller 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F) G2R

Extended I/O 0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F) G2R
Remote I/O (Ventilated) 0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F) G2R
Remote I/O (Sealed) 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F) @ 175 W Maximum G2R
Remote I/O (Sealed) 0 to 40°C (32 to 104°F) @ 225 W Maximum G2R

Controller 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F) KUEP Form X

Extended I/O 0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F) KUEP Form X
Remote I/O (Ventilated) 0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F) KUEP Form X
Remote I/O (Sealed) 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F) @ 175 W Maximum KUEP Form X
Remote I/O (Sealed) 0 to 40°C (32 to 104°F) @ 225 W Maximum KUEP Form X

Controller 0 to 40°C (32 to 104°F) KUEP Form C

Extended I/O 0 to 45°C (32 to 113°F) KUEP Form C
Remote I/O (Ventilated) 0 to 45°C (32 to 113°F) KUEP Form C
Remote I/O (Sealed) 0 to 35°C (32 to 95°F) @ 175 W Maximum KUEP Form C
Remote I/O (Sealed) 0 to 25°C (32 to 77°F) @ 225 W Maximum KUEP Form C

TRN350_100 329
18.11 Relay Output module - (RO)

18.11.6 Terminal block wiring information (RO)

Each relay base assembly employs terminal blocks which are permanently marked with
appropriate relay contact designations at each position. The terminal block marking indicates how
field wiring is connected to each terminal block position in the respective relay base assemblies.

Note: For the Standard I/O Marshalling Base Unit, field terminations are located on the half
shells and connected to the base. See Marshaling Base Unit (see page 219) for more

The terminal block markings for the G2R style Relay Output base assembly and for the KUEP
style Relay Output base assemblies are illustrated below. The following table lists and defines the
abbreviations used in those diagrams.

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Figure 166: Terminal Block Connections for the G2R Relay Output Base Assembly

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Form C Relays Installed

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Form X Relays Installed

Figure 167: Terminal Block Connections for the KUEP Relay Output Base Assembly

Abbreviations Used in Wiring Diagrams


1 Normally Closed contact connection

NO Normally Open contact connection
C Common contact connection
Do NOT use the NC terminal position when using the KUEP style base assembly with a Form
X style relay inserted. The terminal position should remain unconnected.

330 TRN350_100
18.11 Relay Output module - (RO)

18.11.7 Base unit layouts - (RO)

DIN Rail
Base-to-Base Connector



"B" Side of Base Unit



Terminal Block


DIN Rail Mounting Screw




Base Unit




Electronics Module




"A" Side of Base Unit







Module Latches

Figure 168: Relay Output Panel G2R

TRN350_100 331
18.11 Relay Output module - (RO)

DIN Rail
Base-to-Base Connector



"B" Side of Base Unit




Terminal Block



DIN Rail Mounting Screw






Base Unit






Electronics Module



"A" Side of Base Unit








Module Latches



Figure 169: Relay Output KUEP

332 TRN350_100
18.11 Relay Output module - (RO)

18.11.8 Register configuration/address information - (RO)

Word address 13 (D in Hex) is used to configure the module and provide status information to the
Controller. The status register can be read by using the Point Information window at an Operator
Station (see the Bit Pattern field on the Hardware tab). Refer to the (Ovation Operator Station
User Guide.)

Relay Output configuration/status register (address 13 or D in Hex)



0 Configured (active high) Configured (active high)

(1 = configured; 0 = unconfigured)
1 Forced Error (active high) Forced Error (active high)
(1 = forced error; 0 = no forced error)
2-4 1 1
Communications Timeout Setting Communications Timeout Setting


0 0 0 16 seconds 0 0 0 16 seconds
0 0 1 4 seconds 0 0 1 4 seconds
0 1 0 2 seconds 0 1 0 2 seconds
0 1 1 1 seconds 0 1 1 1 seconds
1 0 0 500 1 0 0 500
milliseconds milliseconds
1 0 1 250 1 0 1 250
milliseconds milliseconds
1 1 0 125 1 1 0 125
milliseconds milliseconds
1 1 1 62.5 1 1 1 62.5
milliseconds milliseconds
5 Outputs hold their state on communications Outputs hold their state on communications
timeout (active high) timeout (active high)
6 Not used Indicates the status of the blown fuse detection
circuit (high = field supply fuse is blown)
7 Enable blown fuse detection circuit (active high) Enable blown fuse detection circuit (active high)
8 Not used 2
Base ID0 Bit (Set by the Base Assembly)

9 Not used 2
Base ID1 Bit (Set by the Base Assembly)
10 Not used 2
Base ID2 Bit (Set by the Base Assembly)
11 - 15 Not used Not used
The tolerance on the timeout period is +/- 35%.
Refer to the following table for Base ID values.

TRN350_100 333
18.11 Relay Output module - (RO)

Bit 0: When Bit 0 is set, the module is configured. The Controller configures the module by
writing a “1” to Bit 0 of the configuration register. Once configured, it remains configured until
a power-up/down reset is generated. After a power-up condition, the configuration register
Bit 1: When Bit 1 is set, the internal error LED is turned on and data registers can be written
but not read.
Bits 2-4: These bits are used to select the communication timeout period.
Bit 5: When Bit 5 is set, the digital outputs hold their last state on a communications
watchdog timeout. When Bit 5 is cleared, the digital outputs are cleared (output transistor is
shut off) on a communications watchdog timeout.
Bit 6: This bit indicates the status of the blown fuse detection circuit. When Bit 6 of the status
register is set, the field supply fuse is blown.
Bit 7: When Bit 7 is set, the blown fuse detection circuit is enabled.
Bits 8-10: The Base Assembly (KUEP or G2R style) straps three bits in hardware which
identify which type of base the ROE is plugged into. The type of base can therefore be
determined from reading these bits.
Bits 11-15: Not used.

CAUTION! This module contains Communications Timeout Settings (Timeout Action and
Timeout Selection) that are initially configured in the Developer Studio. The default Timeout
Selection is 16 seconds, with the Timeout Action set to LATCH. These settings are normally
adjusted by a Project Engineer or an Emerson Field Service Engineer after determining the
affects the setting will have on the system. Any Timeout Selection change made while the
module is in the LATCH Timeout Action, will have no effect on the system (with the exception
of the system indication a Communication Error.)

The Timeout Action must be changed to RESET in the Developer Studio before any new
Timeout Selection has an effect on the system. It is recommended that before you make any
changes to the Timeout Selection, you conduct a thorough evaluation of any affect that
change may have on the system. Under some conditions a different timeout may cause the
module to go into its respective fail-safe mode.

Relay Output Base ID Bits


0 0 0 KUEP Style
0 0 1 G2R Style
All others All others All others Reserved for Future Use

334 TRN350_100
18.11 Relay Output module - (RO)

18.11.9 Blown fuse detection circuit (RO)

Bit 6 in the status register enables the Controller to monitor the status of the field supply fuse, and
it gives a visual indication of the status via the EXTERNAL ERROR LED.

The Controller enables this feature by writing a “1” to Bit 7 of the configuration register. If enabled
and the field supply voltage is between 18VDC and 25.5VDC, the circuit indicates the field supply
fuse is OK by turning OFF the “EXTERNAL ERROR” LED and clearing Bit 6 of the module status
register. If enabled and the field supply voltage is less than 0.4VDC, the circuit indicates the field
supply fuse is blown by turning ON the “EXTERNAL ERROR” LED and setting Bit 6 of the module
status register.

In summary, this feature is specified to operate as follows:

 18 VDC < Field supply voltage < 25.5VDC => Fuse is OK
 0.4 VDC < Field supply voltage < 18VDC => UNDEFINED
 Field supply voltage < 0.4VDC => Fuse is blown

Note: After a powering reset, the blown fuse detection circuit is disabled. System level
configuration software must set the respective configuration bit if blown fuse detection is

18.11.10 Diagnostic Logic card LEDs (RO)


P (green) Power OK LED. Lit when the +5V power is OK.

C (green) Communication OK LED. Lit when the Ovation Controller is communicating with the
E (Red) External Fault LED. Lit when the field supply fuse is blown and the blown fuse detection
circuit is enabled. Blown Fuse bit (Bit 7) of the Configuration Register (see page 333)
enables or disables the fuse detection circuit (high = enabled).
I (Red) Internal Fault LED. Lit whenever the Force Error bit (Bit 1 of the Configuration Register
(see page 333)) is active or the Controller stops communicating with the module.
1 - 16 (Green) If the LED is lit, this indicates that the output is in the ON state.
If the LED is not lit, this indicates that the output is in the OFF state.

18.11.11 Specifications - (RO)

 Electronics module (1C31219G01)
 Base Assembly (1C31223G01, 1C31222G01)

Relay Output Electronics module specifications (1C31219G01)


Number of channels 16
Blown fuse detection
Operating voltage range 18V ≤ auxiliary supply voltage ≤ 25.5V

TRN350_100 335
18.11 Relay Output module - (RO)


Module power Main: 1.88 W typical, 2.5 W Maximum

Auxiliary: 0.3 W typical, 0.35 W Maximum
Operating temperature range 0 to 60°C (32°F to 140°F)

Storage temperature range -40°C to 85°C (-40°F to 185°F)

Humidity (non-condensing) 0 to 95%
You can configure the module to enable/disable the blown fuse detection function.

Relay Output Base Specifications (1C31223G01, G2R Style)


Number of relays 16
Relay Type G2R electromechanical style with 1 Form C contact style
3 10 amps @250 VAC, PF=1
Relay contact ratings
10 amps @30 VDC
Maximum propagation time Operate time: 15 mSec, bounce approximately = 3 mSec
Release time: 10 mSec, bounce approximately = 8 mSec
Dielectric isolation:
Channel to Channel 2300 VAC
Relay contacts to logic 2200 VAC
Relay base power Auxiliary power: 9.1 W typical, 11.68 W Maximum
1 25V typical (before output auctioneering diode drop within Ovation
Auxiliary power supply
auxiliary power supply) 25.5V Maximum@60°C
2 0 to 60°C (32°F to 140°F)
Operating temperature range

Storage temperature range -40 to 70°C (-40°F to 158°F)

Humidity (non-condensing) 35 - 85%
Use of the internal Ovation auxiliary power supply is recommended for relay output modules.
See additional application derating information.
1A @240 VAC 300,000 operations IEC 61131-2 applications. No DC ratings considered.

336 TRN350_100
18.11 Relay Output module - (RO)

Relay Output Base Assembly Specifications (1C31222G01, KUEP Style)


Number of channels 12
Relay Type KUEP electromechanical style:
5A26458G01 Kit - 1 Form C contact type
5A26458G02 Kit - 1 Form X contact type
5A26458G03 Kit - Project specific
3 Form C relays:
Relay contact ratings
10 amps @240 VAC, PF=0.8
3 amps @150 VDC
Form X relays:
10 amps @240 VAC, PF=0.8
10 amps @150 VDC
Typical propagation time Operate time: 15 mSec, excluding bounce
Release time: 10 mSec, excluding bounce
Dielectric isolation:
Channel to Channel 2300V AC
Relay contacts to logic 2200 VAC
Relay base power Auxiliary power:
23.45 W typical, 30.1 W Maximum (5A26458G01 Kit - Form C relays)
15.9 W typical, 20.41 W Maximum (5A26458G02 Kit - Form X relays)
1 25V typical (before output auctioneering diode drop within Ovation
Auxiliary power supply
auxiliary power supply)
25.5V Maximum @42°C (108°F) (Form C relays)
25.5V Maximum @60°C (140°F) (Form X relays)
2 0 to 45°C (32°F to 113°F) (5A26458G01 Kit - Form C relays)
Operating temperature range
0 to 60°C (32°F to 140°F) (5A26458G02 Kit - Form X relays)
Storage temperature range KUEP X: -40 to 70°C (-40°F to 158°F)
KUEP C: -40 to 50°C (-40°F to 122°F)
Use of internal Ovation auxiliary power supply is recommended for Relay Output modules.
See additional application derating information contained in Using Relay Output Bases.
1A @240 VAC 100,000 operations IEC 61131-2 applications. No DC ratings considered.

TRN350_100 337
S E C T I O N 19

Introduction to the Ovation 3.5 Control Builder


Topics covered in the Control Builder section of this manual ......................................... 339
What is Ovation control? ................................................................................................. 340
What types of control are supported in Ovation? ............................................................ 341
What is the Ovation Control Builder? .............................................................................. 342
What is the role of the Control Builder in Ovation? ......................................................... 343
Control Builder terminology ............................................................................................. 343

19.1 Topics covered in the Control Builder section of this manual

The following Developer Studio subjects are discussed in this manual:

 What is Ovation control? (see page 340).
 What types of control are supported in Ovation? (see page 341).
 What is the Ovation Control Builder? (see page 342).
 What is the role of the Control Builder in Ovation? (see page 343).
 Control Builder terminology (see page 343).
 Planning and Designing Ovation Control (see page 347).
 Understanding basic Control Builder concepts (see page 349).
 Accessing and configuring the Ovation Control Builder.
 Understanding Control Builder windows, menus, and toolbars (see page 353).
 Building control sheets (see page 379).
 Understanding algorithms and algorithm components (see page 391).
 Understanding the elements of a control sheet (see page 403).
 Understanding points in the Control Builder (see page 413).
 Using Control Builder control libraries (see page 417).
 Managing Control Builder operations (see page 421).
 Understanding tracking (see page 449).
 Control Builder Information and error messages (see page 459)

TRN350_100 339
19.2 What is Ovation control?

19.2 What is Ovation control?

An Ovation control system is an advanced process control system that controls industrial plant
processes. Ovation control systems are typically used by utility companies and waste water
companies to control the entire processes of the plant in real time with accurate precision.

WARNING! This process management is accomplished by sophisticated hardware and

software working together to provide information and guidance between field devices out in the
plant and an Ovation Controller. Therefore, developing control sheets should only be
performed by experienced personnel.

The devices in the plant monitor processes and make changes to the process as needed. These
changes might be to open a valve, close a switch, or sound an alarm. Each monitored process is
based on pieces of data (known as process points) that carry information about the process
throughout the Ovation system. These points carry the current value of the process variable (for
example, temperature, pressure, or volume) from the devices to the Controller.

The Controller in the plant is typically a control cabinet that contains Input and Output modules
that connect to the field devices, usually by wires. These modules monitor each device for any
change in the device’s condition. When a change is detected (input), the Controller reads the
change and tells the device (output) to perform an action that the Controller decides is

This action has been programmed into the Controller by control sheets (also known as functional
drawings) that are created in the Ovation Control Builder. The Control Builder sheets consist of
building blocks (algorithms) arranged in a logical pattern that defines in detail what action should
be taken when certain events occur in a device. These algorithms are linked by signals and can
represent a simple two-step process or a complex process made up of many algorithms
contained on many sheets.

The Ovation control systems consist of three elements: input, control logic, and output.
 Input consists of analog or digital signals collected from field devices. These devices control
some physical operation in the field.
 Control logic is created in the Control Builder and processes the input information and
determines which output functions should be activated.
 Output consists of analog or digital signals defined by the control logic and sent out to
activate the appropriate field devices.
These elements of control can be displayed to the user as graphics, instead of complex
programming commands. These graphics provide a user-friendly representation of the strategy.
Control can then be monitored and modified from these diagrams (in real time) by tuning the
constants, logic, and control schemes.

340 TRN350_100
19.3 What types of control are supported in Ovation?

19.3 What types of control are supported in Ovation?

Ovation supports various types of control. The control type that you choose to run a process
depends on the device that you want to control and what type of output is required from the
process. You must choose algorithms that are designed to perform the various types of control
carefully before you add them to the control sheet.

The following control types account for most of the possible Ovation control schemes.
 Sequential Control (digital).
Sequential control is “instantaneous” in response time if the proper conditions exist (that is,
when the input occurs, usually the output follows immediately). For example, when an
operator presses the button to start a pump, the pump either starts or it does not. The various
types of sequential control are:
 Boolean - AND, OR, NOR logic. Output = on or off; 1 or 0; yes or no.
 Ladder logic - Similar to Boolean. Simulates electrical relay system.

Note: Ovation supports ladders created in WDPF systems and migrated to Ovation systems;
however, ladders typically are not used in the design and implementation of new control logic in
an Ovation system.

 Continuous Modulating Control (analog).

Modulating control is not “instantaneous” in response time. It occurs over a given time period.
Typically, an operator defines a desired value for a process and the control system works to
attain that value. For example, when the desired level or “set point” for a tank is set by the
operator, the system cannot obtain that level instantaneously. It takes time to either raise or
lower the level until it matches the set point. The various types of modulating control are:
 PID Control - Proportional, integral, and derivative. Output = results of PID equation.
 Lead/Lag functions - Nonlinear lead/lag control. Output = function of old output, old input,
new input, gain, and lead/lag time constants.
 Hi/Low/Medium select - Measures and compares inputs.
 Rate of change limit - Rate of change in input. Output = rate sampled every second.
 Total, average, weighted averages - Measures and calculates inputs. Output = sum or
average of inputs.
 Sample and hold - Mathematical calculations of sample inputs.
 Mathematical functions - Sine, Cosine, Sum, Divide, Log, and so forth.
 Operator Station functions - Keyboard, MA Station.
 Adaptive and auto tuning control - Dynamic functions.
 Advanced Control
Advanced control uses sophisticated algorithms that can “adapt” control strategies to meet
the control process requirements. This type of control is typically used for the following:
 Equipment startup.
 Demineralization.
 Optimal valve settings.
 Plant performance, Opacity, and Low NOx optimization.
 Advanced sootblowing.

TRN350_100 341
19.4 What is the Ovation Control Builder?

19.4 What is the Ovation Control Builder?

The Ovation Control Builder is a graphical editor that creates the control logic that runs in the
Ovation Controller. This logic consists of algorithms that are placed on functional drawings (also
known as control sheets) and direct the control strategy for the Ovation system. Typically, there
are many different control sheets linked together to form the complete control structure for an
Ovation system.

The Control Builder application consists of three main areas or windows:

 Main window with the drawing canvas (see page 355).
 Object Browser (see page 370).
 Property Editor (see page 373).
Each window has a different function, but they all work together to give you a complete picture of
your control. In general, items such as inputs, algorithms, signals, and so forth appear on the
drawing canvas, which provides the visual display of the sheet. Any item that you place on the
drawing canvas is put into the hierarchy in the Object Browser. The Object Browser shows the
relationships between the items placed on the drawing canvas. The Property Editor is used for
editing the attributes of the items found on the drawing canvas and in the Object Browser.

Since the three main areas of the Control Builder give you a different perspective on your control
function, there are many ways to perform various tasks. This makes the application flexible and
easy to use since you choose which way is best to perform a certain function.

All Control Builder windows are dockable and floatable. Dockable means it can be attached to
one of the sides of the main window. Floatable means it can be displayed as a pop-up window
with a title and a window close button in the upper right corner.

The following figure shows an example of how the Control Builder may look loaded with a control
function. Since the Control Builder application is flexible and configurable, you may move, resize,
or close windows in order to create more drawing space.

Figure 170: Control Builder main window

342 TRN350_100
19.5 What is the role of the Control Builder in Ovation?

The following sections of this document discuss each area of the Control Builder application,
along with its menus and toolbars. Understanding how these main areas work together enables
you to use the Control Builder quickly and efficiently when creating various control functions.

In addition to the three main windows, the Control Builder uses other windows and dialog boxes
to design control functions. These windows are also discussed throughout the document.

19.5 What is the role of the Control Builder in Ovation?

The Control Builder creates the control logic that runs in the Ovation Controller. In addition to
editing the control sheets containing the logic, the Control Builder facilitates the integration of the
logic into the Controller.

The logic that is created and edited by the Control Builder affects the Ovation database since the
database is modified to reflect the logic changes.

The actual editing by the Control Builder is done at an Ovation Engineering Station. Here, control
sheets, which are SAMA drawings, are created and edited by a control design engineer. These
sheets contain the various algorithms that are used in the control designs.

The drawings that are created at the Engineering Station can be displayed at an Operator Station
through signal diagrams. Here, an Operator can monitor the systems that are displayed and
perform certain tuning functions.

19.6 Control Builder terminology

The following terms and descriptions are associated to Ovation control systems and may help you
understand the Ovation Control Builder.

Control Builder terminology


Algorithms Set of rules, procedures, and mathematical formulas that define a control strategy.
(See Ovation Algorithms Reference Manual.)
An algorithm does not have a name; it is a collection of points and is identified by
the Algorithm Control Record.
Aperiodic Points These are points whose values are scanned “as needed” or “as requested.” See
also Periodic Points.
Asynchronously Performed at different times. For example, control tasks operate asynchronously.
Batch Processing or Performs same operation on multiple control sheets.
Run Scripts
Component Code Text strings that represent a sheet's or document's location in a folder structure or
Configuration Tool Software function used to configuration parameters for the Ovation system. For
Ovation Windows systems, the configuration tool is the Developer Studio.

Control Function Drawing that contains a graphical representation of a control scheme.

(also known as a
control sheet or
functional drawing)

TRN350_100 343
19.6 Control Builder terminology


Control Task Refers to a specific Controller area where all the control sheets in that area are
scanned at the same frequency. Up to five control tasks can be defined.
(also known as Set
or Area) All the sheets in the Control Task 1 area are scanned every 0.1 second or 100
milliseconds (also known as fast time).
All the sheets in the Control Task 2 area are scanned every 1 second or 1000
milliseconds (also known as slow time).
The scan times for sheets in Control Task 3, 4, and 5 are user-defined.
Points are grouped by control tasks so they can be updated (scanned) at different
rates. The rate is set in the applicable Ovation configuration tool during configuration
for a Controller drop.
It is recommended that third-party points have their own task area and their scan
rate should be no faster than one second because of communication overhead.
Cycle Time interval during which the scanning of inputs, execution of algorithms, and the
transmission of output values to devices occur.
Deadband The range of values through which an input signal may vary without initiating an
action of causing an observable change in the output signal.
Database Contains information about the system configuration, the system points, and control
Default Points Points created by OCB that have the following naming convention:
(see also User- OCBssssaaa-pppp, where:
Defined Points)
ssss = Unique sheet identifier (Hex)
aaa = Unique algorithm identifier (Hex)
pppp = Parameter mnemonic (for example, OUT)
Discrete Control Control where inputs, algorithms, and outputs are based on logical values (yes/no,
on/off, or 0/1).
Distributed Database Contains a subset of the information stored on the Master Database and is stored
locally on a drop to allow that drop to operate if the Master Database is unavailable.
A Distributed Database is present on each drop in the system and is continually
updated as point information changes.
Hyperlinks Mechanism for linking sheets and documents to each other.
Interlocks Interlocks are the situations where the status of a device is affected by the status of
another device. For example, if the temperature in a water tank increases, a valve
opens. When the valve opens, a switch closes. Interlocks are often used as safety
precautions when planning a control strategy.
Macro A user-defined control strategy, with clearly defined inputs and outputs. Even though
a macro typically consists of several algorithms, it is represented in a functional
drawing as a single user-defined algorithm.

Master Database Contains the entire process database. It is used for creating, modifying, and
verifying control strategies and process points. At runtime, it supports queries of the
process database, captures changes made to control and point attributes, and
propagates those changes to the distributed databases.
Mode Control block operational condition, such as manual, automatic, or cascade.

Object Browser Control Builder window that shows the relationships between the items placed on
the drawing canvas.

344 TRN350_100
19.6 Control Builder terminology


Originated Points Points that were created in the current drop. For example, Drop 202 refers to all
points that were created in Drop 202 as originated points.
Periodic Points These are points whose values are scanned periodically at a defined frequency
such as 0.01 of a second. See also Aperiodic Points.
Plant Area Designated points (inputs, outputs, and calculated values) that belong to a
geographical or functional section of a plant.
Point Process variable derived from an input signal or calculated in a process calculation.
Property Editor Control Builder window that is used for editing the attributes of the items found on
the drawing canvas and in the Object Browser.
Received Points Points that were not created in the current drop. For example, Drop 202 refers to all
points that were created in Drop 210 as received points.
Redundant Pair When Control information between a pair of redundant Controllers is different.
Regulatory Control Functions of control (process measurement, algorithm execution, and final control
device manipulation) that provide closed loop control of a plant process. For
example, an operator defines a value for a process setpoint, and the control process
adjusts until it achieves that setpoint.
Safety Instrumented A set of components that includes sensors, Logic Solvers, and final control elements
System (SIS) whose purpose is to respond to plant conditions, which may be hazardous. A project
must purchase a Safety Instrumented System in order to access the SIS algorithms.
Scratchpad Temporary library file.
Signals Lines connecting algorithms on a sheet. Signals start from an algorithm output pin
and connect to one or more algorithm input pins. They are comprised of one or more
Signal Diagram Ovation Operator Station application that monitors or tunes a control process.
Signal Doughnut Circle representing multiple downstream connections.
Signal Junction Where two or more signal segments connect. If more than two signal segments
connect, a signal doughnut is visible.
Signal Segment Primary building block of a signal. Straight line with a start point and an end point.
Supervisory Control Higher level control functions that interface with regulatory control functions. For
example, an Advanced Control process outside the control loop defines a value for a
process setpoint, and the control process adjusts until it achieves that setpoint.
Supplemental Any documents that do not have control associated with them. There is no algorithm
Documents folder attached to the document. Examples of supplemental documents include
Microsoft Word files, pdf files, and Control Builder simple graphic .svg files.
Tracking Exchange of information between different control strategies (for example, going
from manual to automatic mode).
User-Defined Points Points created by you through the Ovation Developer Studio (Windows systems).
Do NOT begin these point names with OCB.
(see also Default
Zoom Changes magnification (larger or smaller) of objects or of complete drawings.

TRN350_100 345
S E C T I O N 20

Planning and Designing Ovation Control


What are the best practices for planning control? ........................................................... 347
What are the best practices for designing control? ......................................................... 348

20.1 What are the best practices for planning control?

Before you begin to plan your control strategies, there are some control building best practices
that provide for simpler and more effective implementation of your control logic:
 Organize the control project before you install any system hardware or software.
Collect similar devices into virtual groups and then define the unique devices. For example, all
pumps might be in a group, but the oil pumps would be unique pumps. All pumps could have
the same basic control scheme, but the oil pumps would have special control issues that
would require additional control logic.
 Rework is time consuming. Carefully consider your goals before you commit your control
schemes to a control sheet.
 Identify algorithms correctly from the beginning of your control plans. If algorithms are not
correctly identified, you will need to perform rework to avoid inconsistencies and rework is
always difficult and costly.
 Spend time reviewing the P&ID drawings and determining how you should map the database
points (process points) to the processes that you want to control.
 Determine what types of sensors will be used in the field.
 Define what inputs and outputs need to be monitored. How will interlocks be handled?
Interlocks are the situations where the operation of a device is affected by the status of
another device. For example, if the temperature in a water tank increases, a valve opens.
When the valve opens, a switch closes. Interlocks are often used as safety precautions when
planning a control strategy.
 Plan to use some form of simulator to test the control logic as you create it. Avoid testing the
logic on a running plant whenever possible.
 Minimize signal crossing in your drawings to avoid confusion where lines meet and cross.
 Use tags where ever possible for any dynamic analog values for algorithms. Comments do
not dynamically update.
 Remember the basic concepts of how changes to control sheets are saved to the database
by the Control Builder:
 If a sheet is open when a change is made to the sheet, the sheet is master, and the
changes are saved to the database from the sheet.
 If a sheet is closed when a change is made, the database is master, and the changes are
saved to the sheet from the database.
 The Control Builder configuration file is always the master, and any changes made to it
are saved to the sheet and to the database.

TRN350_100 347
20.2 What are the best practices for designing control?

20.2 What are the best practices for designing control?

Spending the time to design your control before implementation saves time and frustration for
your current project and enables you to reuse the control in future projects.

By laying out the design for the control, you create a comprehensive and consistent picture of
how the control functions throughout the system. Your control scheme will be better organized
and the inputs and outputs will be clearer.

Using consistency in the design of control sheets helps to ensure that all engineers involved in the
control system can understand any control sheet in the plant. If every designer uses the same
design process, then any changes that need to be made can be done easily with a minimum of
questions and confusion.

Before you begin to design your control strategies, there a few control building best practices that
you should follow:
 Do not force too much control strategy on one sheet. Spread it out so it can be easily read,
understood, and modified.
Troubleshooting a sheet is much easier if the information about the sheet is well organized
with enough space for changes and additions.
 Segment the various control functions.
 Separate self-contained control functions.
 Minimize off-page functions.
 Block out the analog and digital algorithms that will be used:
 Logic is executed in ascending order of the algorithm numbers that are assigned in a
sheet. Typically, build logic from top to bottom and left to right. You need to review the
execution order and override it, as needed.
 Logically group functions (for example, put all the temperature logic on a sheet).
 You can mix analog and digital algorithms on a sheet.
 Analog signals should flow top to bottom. As much as possible, all inputs should be
brought in on the extreme top of the sheet. Outputs should be extended to and shown
on the extreme bottom of the sheet. The logic should be drawn from top to bottom.
 Digital signals should flow left to right. As much as possible, all inputs should be
brought in on the extreme left of the sheet. Outputs should be extended to and shown
on the extreme right of the sheet. The logic should be drawn from left to right.
 Allow room for descriptions for all signals.
 Provide descriptions that allow you to trace logic destinations.
 Remember that implementation will be simpler if the BALANCER algorithm and all the
downstream balanced algorithms are on the same sheet.
 Segregate the control into specific Controllers based on hardware and available points.
 Place logic segments that have multiple interlocks on different sheets. Segments that do not
have multiple interlocks can be mixed on one sheet.
 Note that, typically, tracking from algorithms that have a single track output is out of the IN1

348 TRN350_100
S E C T I O N 21

Understanding basic Control Builder concepts


What are Ovation control functions (control sheets)? ..................................................... 349

What is a control task area?............................................................................................ 350
Numbering control sheets ............................................................................................... 351

21.1 What are Ovation control functions (control sheets)?

An Ovation control function (control sheet) is a graphical representation of the control logic that is
used by the Ovation system to control the processes in a plant.

Note: Throughout this manual, control functions are also referred to as control sheets, functional
drawings, or files.

The Control Builder creates control sheets and then sends them, as needed, to the Controller. Up
to 1500 control sheets can be maintained in one Controller. The sheet also exists as a graphic file
and has a file name extension of .svg. An example of a control sheet name would be 2250.svg.

The Controller uses the sheets to control and adjust the system processes as needed. These
sheets consist of building blocks (algorithms) arranged in a logical pattern that defines in detail
what action should be taken when certain events occur in a device.

These algorithms (see page 391) on a sheet are linked together by signals to create a control
scheme. A control scheme can represent a simple two-step process or a complex process made
up of many algorithms contained on many sheets.

After these schemes are compiled and verified, they are loaded into the Ovation Controller. A
service running in the background downloads the sheets to the MMIs on startup and every few
minutes. Once sheets are downloaded, they can be used to execute control strategies in Ovation

TRN350_100 349
21.2 What is a control task area?

21.2 What is a control task area?

One of the major features of the Ovation control system is the ability of the Controller to update or
scan the system’s process points at different intervals. This feature is available since the control
portion of a Controller is divided into five areas which are used to designate different scan times
for points. These areas are known as control tasks, but are sometimes referred to as Sets or

A Controller can hold up to 32,000 total points depending on your hardware and software
configuration (including originated and received points), but no more than 2,000 I/O points can be
assigned to a specific task area. This means that points must be carefully assigned to control task
areas in order to ensure that all points are scanned and updated as needed. (See Ovation
Controller User Guide.)

If a point is used in several different sheets, make sure to select the number of the fastest task
area for the point. For example, if point A220 is used in three control sheets, one with a 1 second
scan, one with a 0.1 second scan, and one with a 20 millisecond scan, select the 20 millisecond
task area.

You can set the control task (task index) for the point in the applicable Ovation configuration tool.

The five control tasks consist of the following:

 Control Task 1 contains points that are scanned every 100 milliseconds (0.1 second). This is
a default area and is automatically assigned whenever a Controller drop is added to an
Ovation system. This scan time cannot be changed.
 Control Task 2 contains points that are scanned every 1000 milliseconds (1 second). This is
a default area and is automatically assigned whenever a Controller drop is added to an
Ovation system. This scan time cannot be changed.
 Control Tasks 3, 4, and 5 are user configurable and can be changed as needed.
Most control logic is assigned to the 1 second task area, but it is recommended that you store
safety critical logic in the 0.1 of a second task area.

Since control tasks operate asynchronously, execution orders for control actions can be
sequenced only for control actions for one control task area. Control actions cannot be sequenced
between control areas.

Each task area contains the control sheets that are scanned periodically based on the scan time
that has been configured for the task area. When planning control, it is important to configure the
control task areas so that each area has enough memory to handle all the sheets that are
assigned to it. For example, if Control Task 2 scans every second, it should contain only enough
sheets that can be scanned and updated every second. If too many sheets are inserted into
Control Task 2, then the Controller scanning process will not be able to successfully complete a
control task.

If a control task cannot be successfully scanned once, a warning message is sent to the Error Log
and the System Viewer (see page 129) shows the Controller is in alarm. A Fault Code is
generated: Fault Code 66, Fault ID 1, Parameter 1 = C, Parameter 2 = 13, Parameter 3 = number
of scans missed.

If a control task cannot be successfully scanned for three consecutive times, the redundant
Controller fails over to its backup drop. A Fault Code is generated: Fault Code 66, Fault ID 1,
Parameter 1 = B, Parameter 2 = 7, Parameter 3 = Control Task Number.

350 TRN350_100
21.2 What is a control task area?

Since the backup drop has the same control task settings as the drop in control had, the control
task scan will still not be successful. However, since the Controller now has no other drop to
failover to, the backup struggles to continue processing control, and continues to send messages
to the Error Log; however, it will not try to failover.

21.2.1 Control tasks cycle time

A duty cycle (execution) is the time that a process or task takes to complete. A control task
begins its process by reading the inputs from the field, performing the control as fast as it can,
and writing the outputs to the field. The task resides on control sheets that are located in a control
task. The control task area determines how frequently the task is begun. If the task completes
before the task area time frame is up, it waits until the time frame is completed, and then starts

For example, a process is located in Control Task 2. This means that the task begins every 1000
milliseconds. However, the task completes every 500 milliseconds and so must wait 500
milliseconds until it starts again. So the duty cycle of the task is 500 milliseconds.

If the task in Control Task 2 completes every 1100 milliseconds, the drop goes into alarm and a
message is sent to the Error Log. If this occurred once, a warning message would be sent to the
Error Log, and the System Status Diagram would show the Controller is in alarm. The system
generates a fault code: Fault Code 66, Fault ID 1, Parameter 1 = C, Parameter 2 = 13, Parameter
3 = number of scans missed.

If this occurred for three consecutive times, the redundant Controller would failover to its backup
drop, a message would be sent to the Error Log, and the System Status Diagram would show the
Controller is in alarm. The system generates a fault code: Fault Code 66, Fault ID 1, Parameter 1
= B, Parameter 2 = 7, Parameter 3 = Control Task number (0 based; add one to the number to
determine the actual control task area).

Note: You can obtain fault information in the System Viewer application (see page 129).

If the problem continues for the backup drop that is now in control, since the backup drop has the
same control task settings as the drop in control had, the control scan would still not be
successful. However, since the Controller now has no other drop to failover to, the backup drop
attempts to continue processing control, and continues to send messages to the Error Log.
However, it does not try to failover.

This task information can be visually displayed in the Controller Diagnostics window using the
Processing Task Information tab. (See Ovation Controller User Guide for information on
Controller Diagnostics.)

TRN350_100 351
21.3 Numbering control sheets

21.3 Numbering control sheets

The control sheets are numbered in two ways:

 Provided by the system
The system provides a unique number for each control sheet when it is created. This number
(also known as the Sheet ID) is a four-digit hexadecimal number that is used by the Ovation
database to keep track of all the control sheets in the system.
 Provided by the user
The user enters a number for each control sheet when it is created. This number is entered in
the Sheet number entry field on the Property Editor. Any alphanumeric string can be used.
This number is used to identify the sheet to the user. It is considered a best practice that each
sheet be unique, but that is not required.

352 TRN350_100
S E C T I O N 22

Understanding Control Builder windows, menus,

and toolbars


Accessing the Ovation Control Builder application ......................................................... 353

What is the Control Builder main window and drawing canvas? .................................... 355
What are the Control Builder menus? ............................................................................. 358
What are the Control Builder toolbars? ........................................................................... 365
Control Builder keyboard shortcuts ................................................................................. 368
What is the Control Builder Object Browser? .................................................................. 370
What is the Control Builder Property Editor window? ..................................................... 373
What is the Control Builder Style Editor window? ........................................................... 374
Using the Control Builder online help system ................................................................. 375
Using the Control Builder What's This function ............................................................... 377

22.1 Accessing the Ovation Control Builder application

The Ovation Control Builder is a graphical editor that creates the control logic that runs in the
Ovation Controller. The Control Builder application consists of three main areas or windows:
 Main window with the drawing canvas (see page 355)
 Object Browser (see page 370)
 Property Editor (see page 373)
Each area has a different function, but they all work together to give you a complete picture of
your control function.

You can access the Control Builder from the applicable Ovation configuration tool.

22.1.1 To access the Control Builder

1. Access the Ovation Developer Studio (refer to Ovation Developer Studio User Guide for more
2. Use the system tree to navigate to the applicable Control Sheets folder:
System folder
Network folder
Unit folder
Drops folder
<Controller drop> folder (applicable to the sheets that you want to delete)
Control Task folder (applicable to the sheets that you want to delete)
Control Sheets folder
3. Select Control Sheets.

TRN350_100 353
22.1 Accessing the Ovation Control Builder application

4. The existing control sheets appear in the bottom Work Pad window. Right-click a control
sheet and select Open from the pop-up menu, or double-click a control sheet. The selected
sheet opens in the Control Builder window.

Figure 171: Control Builder with sheet displayed on the drawing canvas

5. If you want to create a new control sheet, right-click the Control Sheets folder in the
Developer Studio system tree.
The New Control Sheets window appears. Fill in the following:
 Sheet name -- determine how the sheet is described in the system.
 Sheet Number -- give short reference number.
 Sheet Component -- define the sheet component code.
6. The Control Builder opens with the new sheet (drawing canvas will be blank). The Property
Editor displays the information that was entered in the New Control Sheets dialog box.

354 TRN350_100
22.2 What is the Control Builder main window and drawing canvas?

22.2 What is the Control Builder main w indow and draw ing canvas?

The Control Builder main window consists of a base frame with a pull-down menu panel (see
page 358), three toolbars (see page 365), and a footer that displays informational icons and
check boxes. When you open an existing Control Builder function or create a new one, a drawing
canvas displays and becomes part of the main window. On this drawing canvas, you place your
control and non-control graphic items (algorithms, signals, text, rectangles, and so forth). In this
way, the drawing canvas provides a visual view of your control sheet.

All of the items that you place on the drawing canvas also appear in the Object Browser window
(see page 370) which shows a hierarchical relationship between all the elements that appear on
the drawing canvas. Through the Property Editor window (see page 373), you define and modify
all of the properties of the control and graph items that you placed on the drawing canvas and that
appear in the Object Browser.

The following figure shows the Control Builder main window.

Figure 172: Control Builder main window

TRN350_100 355
22.2 What is the Control Builder main window and drawing canvas?

The actual drawing canvas is not active until you open or create one of the following:
 Simple graphic
 Control function (see page 380)
 Algorithm symbol
 Control library (see page 417)
 Control macro
The drawing canvas contains a template, called the frame, which is used to enforce consistency
standards across a project. A frame is part of the standard template for control functions, control
libraries, and control macros. The drawing canvas is blank (no frame template) when creating a
simple graphic or an algorithm symbol.

When displaying a file in the Control Builder, the name of the file that is currently being edited
appears above the menu panel at the top of the window. Note that you can have more than one
file open in the Control Builder at one time. When creating a new control function file, the title
displays, "New Control Function x" until the file is named and saved.

The footer of the Control Builder window provides additional information as it relates to your
control editing session. For example, the footer displays a user prompt for every command. In this
way, you can look at the footer to determine what action the Control Builder expects (such a draw
line, add algorithm, and so forth). The following figure shows an example of the Control Builder
window footer.

Figure 173: Control Builder window footer example

356 TRN350_100
22.2 What is the Control Builder main window and drawing canvas?

The footer icon descriptions, from left to right, are:

Control Builder foot icon descriptions


Determines whether or not the Control Builder is connected to the Oracle database.
The choices are:
 Colored database icon -- database connect is valid.
 Transluscent (faded) database icon -- database connect is not required. Also,
this icon is always displayed for Control Macros, Control Libraries, Algorithm
Symbols, and Simple Graphics since these document types do not utilize a
 Triangle icon -- indicates that the current editing session is not connected to the
database; and therefore, any changes made and saved to a sheet are not stored
in the database.

Shows whether algorithm ordering is set to automatic or manual.

Shows the x and y coordinates of the cursor on the drawing canvas. As you move
the cursor, the numbers in this icon change. You can use this icon to place an item
(algorithm, signal, graphic) at a specific x, y location on the drawing canvas.

(Function icon) Displays the function that is currently being executed. For example,
when opening a file, the icon displays, "Open File."

Determines whether or not to enable the snap function for the current editing

Determines whether or not to enable orthogonal lines for the current editing session.
This option is used when adding signals. If this box is checked, you can only draw
horizontal and vertical lines; you cannot draw diagonal lines.

TRN350_100 357
22.3 What are the Control Builder menus?

22.2.1 Accessing functions from the Control Builder main window

You can access all of the Control Builder functions through the menus (see page 358) and
toolbars (see page 365) on the main window. In addition, many functions can also be accessed
by keyboard shortcuts (see page 368) that are listed on the menus. This manual discusses all of
the functions on the menus and toolbars; however, because the Ovation Control Builder is
flexible, there may be more than one way to accomplish a task. For example, when deleting an
item on the drawing canvas, you would first highlight the item. You could then use the Delete
menu item, the Delete icon, or the Delete key on the keyboard. You can use whatever method
suits your preferences best.

In addition to the menus and toolbars located on the main window, certain functions can also be
accomplished through the Object Browser. For example, if you want to delete an item on the
drawing canvas, instead of using the main window delete functions, you could delete the item
using the Object Browser delete icon or right-click menu item. Refer to Using the Object Browser
window (see page 370) for information on using the Object Browser edit functions. See Control
Builder drawing basics for information on using the main window edit functions.

22.3 What are the Control Builder menus?

The following menus are available from the top of the Control Builder window:
 File (see page 358).
 Edit (see page 359).
 View (see page 361).
 Draw (see page 361).
 Tools (see page 363).
 Window (see page 364).
 Help (see page 364).

22.3.1 File menu on the Control Builder main window

You can use the File menu to load, save, and print sheets.

File menu items


New Create a new Control Builder editing session. The choices are:
 Simple Graphic -- creates a graphic with no control associated with it.
 Control Function -- creates a graphic with control elements (algorithms, signal
lines, and so forth). Control functions are also known as control sheets. This is
the primary document loaded to the Controller.
 Algorithm Symbol -- creates a custom symbol for algorithms.
 Control Library -- creates a custom library for storing control strategies that can
be used in other documents.
 Control Macro -- creates a control macro which is a collection of several
algorithms representing a single, custom control algorithm.
Open Displays the Browse for Folder window, which searches for the file you wish to
Save Saves the document.

358 TRN350_100
22.3 What are the Control Builder menus?


Close Closes the active document.

Import and Export Displays a menu with the following items:
 Import Document -- imports a document into the current document.
 Import Library -- imports a library into the current document.
 Export Library -- takes a portion of control out of the current document and
exports it to a library file.
Audit Verifies internal drawing consistencies.
Clear All Tracking Removes all tracking from a sheet.
Reconcile Compares current point records in the database and the values in the algorithms.
The Controller must be reconciled with the database before attempting this
Revert Accesses the last saved version of a sheet.
Recover Files Recovers documents that were not saved in the event that the Control Builder
unexpectedly exits.
Print Prints the control sheet that is displayed on the drawing canvas.
Print Report Prints the following reports for the current sheet:
 Algorithm Details
 Connector Information
 Execution Order
 Title Page
 Print Ladders
Properties Displays the Property Editor window.
Recent Files Displays a list of sheets that you have opened. There is also a selection on the
menu to clear the Recent Files list.
Exit Quits the Control Builder.

22.3.2 Edit menu on the Control Builder main window

You can use the Edit menu to modify Control Builder items (cut, copy, paste, and so forth) and to
edit point information.

Edit menu items


Undo Reverts back to the last edit. An unlimited number of undo operations are allowed.
Redo Performs the action that occurred before selecting Undo. Redo has the same
effect as undoing an undo function.
Cut Removes the selected item(s) from the drawing and puts it into the system
Copy Copies the selected item(s) from the drawing and puts it into the system

TRN350_100 359
22.3 What are the Control Builder menus?


Paste Pastes item(s) stored in the system scratchpad into a drawing. An unlimited
number of paste operations are allowed.
Delete Deletes (removes) selected items.
Move Moves selected item(s) graphically.
Alignment and Spacing Accesses the alignment and spacing functions. The choices are:
 Align Algorithms Horizontally -- Moves the selected algorithm(s) so that the x-
coordinate of the anchors are the same as the x-coordinate of the referenced
algorithms. That is, the selected algorithm(s) are aligned horizontally to a
referenced algorithm.
 Align Algorithms Vertically -- Moves the selected algorithm(s) so that the y-
coordinate of the anchors are the same as the y-coordinate of the referenced
algorithms. That is, the selected algorithm(s) are aligned vertically to a
referenced algorithm.
 Space Algorithms Horizontally -- Evenly spaces adjoining anchors along the
x-axis. The spacing is the average of all the distances between adjoining
anchors in the x-direction.
 Space Algorithms Vertically -- Evenly spaces adjoining anchors along the y-
axis. The spacing is the average of all the distances between adjoining anchors
in the y-direction.
Text Modifies text. (To create text, use the Text option found on the Draw menu.)
Find and Replace Provides a fast and convenient way to find and, if desired, replace comment text
Comment Text with different text.
Points Displays the Point Edit window which is used to map point names after a library
has been imported, locate points on a sheet, or edit points.
Macro Interface Lists all macro interface items and edits the macro parameter descriptions and
Point Security Enables or disables default or user-defined point security groups for the default
points on the sheet.
Create User Points Creates user-defined points in the database from points that are used on a sheet
but do not currently exist in the database.
Find Points Searches for points on a particular sheet.
Styles Accesses the Style Editor window which changes font sizes, colors, and so forth
for the open document.
Configuration Configures on two levels: user and project. Changes made under the user setting
apply to that particular user. Changes made under the project setting apply to
every sheet in that project directory.

360 TRN350_100
22.3 What are the Control Builder menus?

22.3.3 View menu on the Control Builder main window

You can use the View menu to display other windows related to the Control Builder. This menu
also displays the zoom functions.

View menu items


Full View Displays the entire sheet on the Control Builder canvas.
Zoom Window Allows you to draw a “view box” which, when placed over sections of the sheet,
expands that particular area.
Zoom In Zooms in on the current view.
Zoom Out Zooms out on the current view.
Object Browser Displays the Object Browser window.
Property Editor Displays the Property Editor window.
Favorites Folder Provides a means to manage a set of frequently used symbols.
Symbol Browser Provides a quick way of adding algorithms to a sheet through "click and drop"
Import Browser Displays the Import Tool Utility.
Refresh Refreshes all open windows.
Algorithm Errors Displays the Error List window. By default, this appears at the bottom of the main
Control Builder window; however, you can move this window to wherever you
Algorithm Order Displays the algorithm execution order on the drawing canvas.

22.3.4 Draw menu on the Control Builder main window

The Draw menu displays the elements that can be added to a control sheet.

Draw menu items


Rectangle Draws a rectangle on the sheet.

Polygon Draws a polygon on the sheet.
Ellipse Draws an ellipse on the sheet.
Curve Draws a curve on the sheet.
Line Draws a line on the sheet.
Text Creates text in a document. (To modify text, use the Text option found on
the Edit menu.)
Add Hyper Link Adds a hyperlink to your document.
Add Algorithm Displays the Add Algorithm dialog box which adds algorithms to a control

TRN350_100 361
22.3 What are the Control Builder menus?


Add Control Pin Displays the Select Parameter dialog box which chooses which type of
pin to add to the selected algorithm.
Build Control Signal Adds a signal line to a sheet.
Algorithm Value Displays special, dynamic text fields on a control sheet. These text fields
identify algorithm fields such as point names and algorithms parameter
Document Value Displays special dynamic text fields on a control sheet. These text fields
identify general title information that pertains to the sheet such as project
name, engineer, drop ID, task ID, etc.
Point Description Adds descriptions of a point to the control sheet. This information is
obtained from the point's ED (English Description) field.
Point Reference Adds text fields to a control sheet that show where a point originated
from or on what other sheets the point is used.
Point Status Indicator Creates a container in the Object Browser under the selected algorithm.
To this container, you can add an indicator that represents the
configuration of a point for an algorithm parameter.
Algorithm Value Indicator Creates a container in the Object Browser under the selected algorithm.
To this container, you can add an indicator that represents the state of an
algorithm parameter.
Extended Algorithm Tag Provides for function-specific tags.
For the FUNCTION algorithm, it creates a graph on the sheet. This graph
is dynamic so as the algorithm changes, the graph updates as well.
For the LSCALC algorithm, it creates a new object in the Object Browser
called "CalcBlock Program Tag." This object will display the program on
the sheet. See To add an extended algorithm tag for the LSCALC
algorithm in the Ovation Control Builder User Guide.

362 TRN350_100
22.3 What are the Control Builder menus?

22.3.5 Tools menu on the Control Builder main window

The Tools menu displays items that work with multiple sheets.

Tools menu items


Operations Displays a menu with the following items:

 Compile Operation -- compiles multiple sheets at one time.
 Copy Operation -- makes multiple copies of existing control sheets.
 Export Operation -- extracts control functions, control symbols, control libraries,
and control macros from an existing Ovation system to a specified directory. This
operation along with the Import Operation is the primary means for moving control
files between systems.
 Import Operation -- copies control functions, control symbols, control libraries,
and control macros from a specified directory to an existing Ovation system. This
operation along with the Export Operation is the primary means for moving control
files between systems.
 Print Operation -- prints multiple sheets at one time.
 Publish Operation -- converts the selected files into PDF documents for easier
verification, archiving of control files, and ease of correspondence.
 Reconcile Operation -- compares current point records in the database and the
values in the algorithms for multiple sheets.
 Standardize Text -- provides a user-friendly interface for standardizing style
options on multiple sheets.
 Style Operation -- changes the styles of one or more sheets. It provides a way to
reference or generate an external style sheet which can be applied or imported to
multiple documents.
Delete Sheets This option is only available for Solaris-based Ovation systems. It is used to delete
sheets from the Ovation system. In Windows-based Ovation systems, deleting
sheets is done at the Developer Studio
Order Sheets Defines the execution order for all the sheets within a task.
Signal Diagrams Accesses a signal diagram which displays sheets in a runtime environment.
Synchronize Online Compares what is in the offline Control Functions directory and what is in the online
directory (Signal Diagrams) and allows you to synchronize them so that they have
the same data.
Pack Default Digital Searches for all of the default digital points on a sheet and combines them into one
Points packed point. This is typically done to lower the point count on a sheet. This function
can also be used in macros.
Replace Macro Provides an easy way to interchange macros on a sheet. For more information, see
Reference Replacing a macro reference in the Ovation Control Builder User Guide
Supplemental Displays two supplemental document windows. The choices are:
Documents  Publish Supplemental Documents moves supplemental documents to the online
environment (signal diagrams).
 Edit Supplemental Documents allows you to edit supplemental documents
(change titles, component codes, and so forth).

TRN350_100 363
22.3 What are the Control Builder menus?

22.3.6 Window menu on the Control Builder main window

The Window menu allows you change the layout of all the currently opened windows on the
drawing canvas in a way that is most appealing to the user.

Window menu items


Cascade Displays the sheets in a sequence of successive, overlapping windows so that the
title bar of each is visible.
Tile When displaying multiple sheets, the sheets arrange in a tile pattern, resized,
without any overlap.
Tile Horizontally When displaying multiple sheets, the sheets arrange so that they appear one below
the next, horizontally stretched across the canvas, but the title bar of each is
Close All Windows Closes all open documents in the Control Builder.
Name of document(s) Displays the name(s) of all open documents in the Control Builder.

22.3.7 Help menu on the Control Builder main window

The Help menu accesses online help information about a particular topic. See Using the Control
Builder online help system (see page 375).

Help menu items


User Guide Displays the Ovation Control Builder User Guide.

Algorithm Guide Displays the Ovation Algorithm Reference Manual.
About Gives you the current software version number of the Control Builder.

364 TRN350_100
22.4 What are the Control Builder toolbars?

22.4 What are the Control Builder toolbars?

Toolbars provide quick, easy access to the more frequently used Control Builder windows and
functions. All toolbar button functions can also be accessed from a menu with the exception of the
Text Attributes functions. Text Attribute functions (bold, underline, and so forth) are only available
through the toolbar.

There are three toolbars on the main window:

 Standard (see page 366)
 Drawing (see page 367)
 Text Attributes (see page 367)
Toolbar buttons, like their associated menu items, can be active or inactive. If a function is
currently not active, the associated toolbar button and menu item are inactive. If a function is
active, both the toolbar button and the menu item are active.

You can toggle the display of toolbars by right-clicking any empty space on the toolbar. (Click
anywhere but directly on the icon.) A menu displays that toggles the display of the toolbar. If there
is a check to the left of the menu item, that toolbar is currently displayed. If there is no check
beside the menu item, that toolbar is currently not displayed. The menu also lets you toggle the
display of the Property Editor, Object Browser, Style Editor, Favorites Folder (local), Symbol
Browser, Error List, and Import Tool Utility.

Figure 174: Toolbar toggle menu (toggles to display or hide toolbars and windows)

TRN350_100 365
22.4 What are the Control Builder toolbars?

The typical position for these toolbars is above the drawing canvas; however, you can move
toolbars to different locations on the screen. Each of the toolbars is dockable. A toolbar is docked
if it is attached to one of the sides of the main Control Builder window. All of the toolbars can be
docked to the left, right, top, or bottom on the main window.

To move a docked toolbar, grab the left end of the toolbar at the dotted vertical line. Notice how
the cursor changes. Press and hold the left mouse button and drag the toolbar to the desired
place/position. Release the mouse button, and the toolbar is docked to that side.

Each toolbar button has an associated “tooltip” for that button. A tooltip is a short descriptive text
string describing the button function. To see the tooltip for a particular button, hover the mouse
pointer over the toolbar button.

22.4.1 Standard toolbar on the Control Builder main window

The Standard toolbar provides access to basic commands for editing and adding control

Figure 175: Standard toolbar

The icon descriptions, from left to right, are:

 Open file
 Save file
 Open related component documents
 Print current document
 Cut
 Copy
 Paste
 Find point names on sheet
 Delete
 Move selected items
 Full view
 Zoom window view
 Undo
 Redo
 Add control algorithm
 Add control pin
 Build control signal
 Draw algorithm value
 Align algorithms horizontally
 Align algorithms vertically
 Space algorithms horizontally
 Space algorithms vertically

366 TRN350_100
22.4 What are the Control Builder toolbars?

22.4.2 Drawing toolbar on the Control Builder main window

The Drawing toolbar displays the graphic elements that you can add to a document.

Figure 176: Drawing toolbar

The icon descriptions, from left to right, are:

 Edit styles
 Select style type pull-down menu
 Draw a line
 Draw a rectangle
 Draw a polygon
 Draw an ellipse
 Draw a curve
 Create new text object in document

22.4.3 Text Attributes toolbar on the Control Builder main window

The Text Attributes toolbar sets the size, color, and style of text.

Figure 177: Text Attributes toolbar

The icon descriptions, from left to right, are:

 Font name pull-down menu
 Font size pull-down menu
 Bold
 Italic
 Underline
 Left
 Center
 Right
 Font color

TRN350_100 367
22.5 Control Builder keyboard shortcuts

22.5 Control Builder keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts access the Control Builder windows and functions by keystroke combinations
instead of selecting the item with the mouse. All of the keyboard shortcuts have an associated
menu item. The associated menu item must be active at the time you use the keyboard shortcut.
The following table lists the keyboard shortcuts for the menu items on the main Control Builder

Main window menu items and keyboard shortcuts


File New -> Control Function Ctrl + N

Open Ctrl + O

Save Ctrl + S
Import and Export -> Import Library Ctrl + Shift + I
Import and Export -> Export Library Ctrl + Shift + E
Audit Ctrl + F7
Print Ctrl + P
Edit Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Cut Ctrl + X
Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Delete Delete
Move Ctrl + M
Text Ctrl + T
Find and Replace Comment Text Ctrl + H
Find Points F3
Align Algorithms Horizontally Ctrl + Alt + H
Align Algorithms Vertically Ctrl + Alt + T
Space Algorithms Horizontally Ctrl + Shift + H
Space Algorithms Vertically Ctrl + Shift + T
View Full View Ctrl + Home
Zoom Window Ctrl + E
Zoom In Ctrl + +
Zoom Out Ctrl + -
Object Browser F2
Property Editor F4
Symbol Browser F8

368 TRN350_100
22.5 Control Builder keyboard shortcuts


Refresh F5
Algorithm Errors F6
Algorithm Order F7
Draw Add Algorithm Ctrl + A
Add Control Pin Ctrl + Alt + P
Build Control Signal Ctrl + Alt + S
Algorithm Value Ctrl + Alt + A
Document Value Ctrl + Alt + D
Point Description Ctrl + D
Point Reference Ctrl + Alt + R
Point Status Indicator Ctrl + Alt + I
Algorithm Value Indicator Ctrl + Alt + V

Note: Pressing the F1 key accesses online help information.

TRN350_100 369
22.6 What is the Control Builder Object Browser?

22.6 What is the Control Builder Object Brow ser?

The Object Browser shows a hierarchical relationship between all the elements that appear on the
drawing canvas. However, in contrast to the drawing canvas which gives you a visual perspective
of a control function, macro, and so forth, the Object Browser displays how all the items are
related to each other. This is shown in a tree or folder structure.

The Object Browser begins this relationship structure with three main containers: Algorithms,
Comments, and Frame. These containers organize the control and graphic items by type which
allows you to find items in a more efficient manner. Containers are discussed in more detail in
What are the Object Browser containers (see page 371).

Listed within the Algorithms container are all the algorithms shown on the drawing canvas. Within
each individual algorithm folder are all the elements that comprise that particular algorithm, such
as pins, lines, text, and so forth. To move down the folder structure, you can expand or collapse
the folders. Left-click the plus sign (+) beside the folder name to expand a folder and reveal its
contents. Left-click the minus sign (-) beside the folder name to collapse a folder and hide its
contents. Note that the way an item is listed in the folder structure defines its relationship to the
item one level above it (parent) and to the item one level below it (child).

The order in which the algorithms are listed in the Algorithms container defines the execution
order of the algorithms for the sheet. Since the Object Browser organizes items by relationship,
moving items in the Object Browser is not the same as moving items on the display canvas. For
example, moving algorithms on the drawing canvas only affects their graphic location on the
sheet. However, moving algorithms in the Object Browser would change the execution order.

This same principle is true for graphic items, as well. Moving a line or polygon on the drawing
canvas affects its location on the sheet. Moving a line or polygon within the Object Browser
affects the order in which the item is drawn which could affect how it would display on the drawing
canvas. For example, moving a line in the Object Browser has the effect of moving it in front of or
behind other graphic items.

Note that when you select any folder or any item within a folder in the Object Browser, the
Property Editor (see page 373) updates with that item's property information. The Property Editor
is used to define and edit all the items found in the Object Browser and shown on the drawing

The following figure shows an example of the Object Browser window.

Figure 178: Object Browser

370 TRN350_100
22.6 What is the Control Builder Object Browser?

22.6.1 What are the Object Browser containers?

The Object Browser containers efficiently separate and manage control and graphic items. There
are three main areas or containers:
 Algorithms
 Comments
 Frame

Note: The Object Browser may display another container called External Hyper Links only if
hyperlinks are used on the sheet. Refer to What are hyperlinks? in the Ovation Control Builder
User Guide for more information.

The Algorithms container holds all algorithms and everything that relates to an algorithm (pins,
signals, text, graphic items, and so forth). You can place non-algorithm items (such as lines, text,
and shapes) in the Algorithm container, but algorithms cannot be placed into any other container
type. Note that how algorithms are listed in the Algorithms container defines the execution order.

The Comments container is a location for various, user-defined supplemental information. This
information pertains to the sheet in general as opposed to one particular algorithm. You can place
items such as shapes and text in the Comments container.

The Frame container holds all the items that are related to the document frame. Emerson does
not recommend modifying the Frame container since changes will be overwritten if the frame.svg
file is changed. To make document-specific changes, add items to the Comments container. To
add items to every document in a project, modify the frame.svg file.

Not all of these containers are used by every type of Control Builder item. The following table lists
Control Builder item types and which containers are applicable to them.

Containers by Control Builder type



Comments x x x x x
Algorithms x x x x
Frame x x x

Containers can be active or inactive. Containers are active when a check mark icon displays to
the left of the folder name. When you add an item to the drawing canvas, it is created in the active
container. Note that only one container can be active at one time. However, when adding
algorithms to the drawing canvas, they are always placed in the Algorithms container whether or
not it is set as the active container. You can make a container active or inactive by using the
Object Browser right-click menu.

In addition to the containers, every project folder has a Styles entry in the hierarchy. Click this
entry and the Style Editor appears (see page 374). The Style Editor defines the font sizes, colors,
and so forth for items on your sheet.

TRN350_100 371
22.6 What is the Control Builder Object Browser?

22.6.2 Object Browser toolbar

The Object Browser toolbar provides a quick and easy way to manipulate items in the Object
Browser window.

Figure 179: Object Browser toolbar

The icon descriptions, from left to right, are:

 Move up -- Moves the selected item up one level within a container.
 Move down -- Moves the selected item down one level within a container.
 Cut -- Cuts the selected item out of the current container for pasting into another container.
This is the first step in a Move operation.
 Paste -- Pastes the item that was cut into a new container. This completes a Move operation.
 Delete object -- Deletes the selected item.
 Refresh -- Refreshes the Object Browser window.
 Deselect all -- Deselects all selected items in the hierarchy.
 Insert group -- Inserts a group. The choices are: Graphic Shape or Group Text.

372 TRN350_100
22.7 What is the Control Builder Property Editor window?

22.7 What is the Control Builder Property Editor w indow ?

The Property Editor window defines and edits all the elements of a control function, control macro,
algorithm symbol, and so forth. It works with the Object Browser and drawing canvas to give you
a complete picture of your control or graphic. Whereas the drawing canvas gives you a visual
view of your function, and the Object Browser describes the relationships between the items of a
function, the Property Editor is used to define the detailed values for the items in a function.

You can define the following items:

 Algorithm parameter values and points.
 Required sheet information such as drop ID, task ID, title, and sheet number.
 Colors, font sizes, and line widths for text and graphic items.
 Component codes and related component codes.
 Algorithm execution order. You can change ordering from automatic to manual and vice
When you highlight an item in the Object Browser or on drawing canvas, the properties or
attributes for that item appear in the Property Editor. The Property Editor window is divided into
two columns. The left side of the window displays the property descriptions and the right side of
the window shows the corresponding property value. To define or modify a property, left-click in
the Value column beside the desired property. Depending on the type of property, the Value
column either behaves like an entry field or a drop-down menu. This becomes apparent when you
select the Value field for a particular property.

The Property Editor also alerts you to errors. If a property displays a red circle with an "x" inside,
this indicates an incorrect or missing value. If you hover your mouse over the property with the
red alert, a short help message appears describing the error. Note that you can also get a list of
errors by displaying the Error List window (see page 459).

The following figure shows the Property Editor.

Figure 180: Property Editor

TRN350_100 373
22.8 What is the Control Builder Style Editor window?

22.8 What is the Control Builder Style Editor w indow ?

The Style Editor defines the styles (line patterns, font sizes, colors, and so forth) for the current
document (control function, algorithm symbol, control macro, and so forth) of the Control Builder.

The Control Builder is shipped with predefined style classes or templates. For example, one of
these classes is called "algorithm." This is used to enforce a consistent appearance for all of your
documents in a project. You can also create your own classes.

22.8.1 To use the Style Editor window

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).
2. Pull down the Edit menu and select Styles. You can also use the Edit Styles icon on the
toolbar. The Style Editor window appears.
The Style Editor works like the Property Editor. The left side of the window displays the
properties and the right side of the window shows the values for those properties.
3. At the top of the Style Editor window, pull down the menu to select one of the predefined
templates. The settings for that template appear in the Property and Value columns.
4. To change any of the style values, highlight the desired property. Then left-click again on the
value defined for that property. A pull-down menu appears.

Figure 181: Style Editor pull-down menu

5. Make the desired selection from the pull-down menu.

374 TRN350_100
22.9 Using the Control Builder online help system

22.9 Using the Control Builder online help system

The Ovation Control Builder has an online help system (QT Assistant) that provides information
on the Control Builder application and on individual algorithms. You can access this help in
several ways:
 By pulling down the Help menu on the main Control Builder window.
 By pressing the F1 key on the keyboard while the cursor is anywhere on the Control Builder
drawing canvas.
 By right-clicking on an algorithm displayed on the Control Builder drawing canvas.
 By pressing a Help button on any of the various Control Builder dialog boxes.
The following figure shows an example of the Control Builder Help window.

Figure 182: Control Builder Help window

TRN350_100 375
22.9 Using the Control Builder online help system

The Help window contains four tabs that are used as different search methods:
 Contents
 Index
 Bookmarks
 Search
The Contents tab displays a directory tree structure of the help file content for the current
application. To access the information in the tree, expand the desired folder by clicking on the "+"
sign. Select the desired subject. The right side of the window displays the corresponding help

The Index tab displays a window that has a text entry field to search the index for specific
information. The system searches the index for an entry as you type the information. As you type,
it highlights index help topics that most closely alphabetically match your entry. Double-click a
topic to view help text. The right side of the window displays the corresponding help information.

The Bookmarks tab easily catalogs and accesses help topics that you visit often. In this way, you
do not have to remember the name of the topic or type anything -- just select the Bookmark tab
and a list of your selected topics appears.

The Search tab dialog box (located at the top of the right side of the window) allows you to enter
a keyword into the Find box and click the Search button. Topics then appear that match the
keyword. Double-click a topic to display the topic. The right side of the window populates with the
corresponding help information.

In addition to the tabs that are part of the standard Help window, you can create custom tabs
above the display area that allow you to easily toggle between help topics.

To access functionality not available with tabs, the Help window provides a series of menus that
are described in the following table.

Control Builder Help window menu fields and descriptions


File Page Setup -- selects the page size, orientation, and margins for the page.

Print Preview -- allows you to see what the printed page will look like before
you actually print.
Print -- prints the currently displayed help topic.
New Tab -- creates another tab on the display area.
Close Tab -- closes the current tab on the display area.
Quit -- exits the Control Builder Help window.
Edit Copy Selected Text -- copies any selected text out of the help document so
you can paste it into another document.
Find in Text -- searches the current help topic.
Find Next -- searches the next help topic.
Find Previous -- searches the previous help topic.
Preferences -- defines the settings for the CB Help window.

376 TRN350_100
22.9 Using the Control Builder online help system


View Zoom in -- zooms in on the current view by a defined percentage.

Zoom out -- zooms out of the current view by a defined percentage.
Normal Size -- resets the font size in the current tab to the default size.
Contents -- displays the directory tree structure of the contents of the help file.
Index -- displays a window that has a text entry field to search the index for
specific information.
Bookmarks -- easily catalogs and accesses help topics that you visit often.
Search -- displays a window that allows you to search for topics based on a
defined keyword.
Toolbars -- toggles the display of the toolbars.
Go Home -- goes to the home page of the QT Assistant.
Back -- goes to the previously displayed help topic (search backward).
Forward -- goes to the help topic displayed after the current help topic (search
Sync w/ Table of Contents -- synchronizes the Contents window with the page
currently shown in the main window.
Next Page -- selects the next tab in the window.
Previous Page -- selects the previous tab in the window.
Bookmarks Add Bookmarks -- creates a bookmark to easily access a frequently used help
Help About Control Builder Help -- provides the version and copyright information for
the Ovation Control Builder help.

The Control Builder Help window also provides a toolbar that provides quick access to the
frequently used help functions. Each toolbar button has an associated “tooltip” for that button. A
tooltip is a short descriptive text string describing the button function. To see the tooltip for a
particular button, hover the mouse pointer over the toolbar button.

For more information on using the QT Assistant, press the Home icon to access QT online help.

TRN350_100 377
22.10 Using the Control Builder What's This function

22.10 Using the Control Builder What's This function

The Control Builder "What's This" function provides context-sensitive help for buttons, entry fields,
and parameters on certain Control Builder windows. The "What's This" function is depicted by a
question mark (?) in the upper right-hand corner of the window, next to the "X" icon that quits the

Help buttons or, in some cases, the F1 button provides general online help on a window. The
"What's This" feature provides help on individual window items and typically gives more
information than is presented in a tooltip.

22.10.1 To use the What's This function

1. Access a Control Builder window.
2. Click the question mark (?) in the upper right-hand corner of the window.

Move the cursor to the item (button, entry field, and so forth) that you want to display help for and
click the item.

Note: If help is available for that item, the cursor changes to a question mark and appears over
the item. The help message appears.

378 TRN350_100
S E C T I O N 23

Building control sheets


What are the best practices for building control sheets? ................................................ 379
Overview of building sheets for Ovation systems ........................................................... 379
Creating a new control sheet .......................................................................................... 380
To create a new control sheet in a Windows-based Ovation system ............................. 380
Configuring information in Control Builder title box fields ............................................... 382
Opening an existing control sheet ................................................................................... 382
To open a locked control sheet ....................................................................................... 383
To open a recovered version of a file .............................................................................. 384
What is the Control Builder Revert function? .................................................................. 384
To recover multiple files .................................................................................................. 385
Saving a control sheet ..................................................................................................... 386
Using the Control Builder Audit function ......................................................................... 386
Deleting control sheets in a Windows-based Ovation system ........................................ 387
Changing control sheet execution order ......................................................................... 387

23.1 What are the best practices for building control sheets?

Refer to the following best practices when building control sheets:

 Plan the use of control task areas carefully. It is time consuming to move control sheets from
one area to another (sheets would have to be libraried, deleted, and re-added to the new
area). Review what is contained in each control task area. (Moving sheets from one task area
to another can be accomplished through the applicable Ovation configuration tool.)
 Place all algorithms on the sheet first. Use a full window to make placement easier, then add
signal lines. It is easier to move a single algorithm than to move many algorithms.
 Use the entire drawing area since it is easier to read.
 Leave plenty of room for editing, connectors, and so forth.
 Test control templates thoroughly before duplicating them.
 Avoid crossing lines.
 Up to 1500 control sheets can be maintained in one Controller, but approximately 800 sheets
allows for the most efficient management of control by one Controller.

TRN350_100 379
23.2 Overview of building sheets for Ovation systems

23.2 Overview of building sheets for Ovation s ystems

The following steps provide a brief overview for building and/or modifying control sheets.

1. Plan all control prior to implementation. Planning saves time and money since rework is
2. Perform the Reconcile function before you open any existing control sheet to edit. Reconcile
the Controller to the database and then the database to the control sheet. This ensures that
the database, Controller, and control sheet are all at the same revision level.
3. When creating a new sheet, select the appropriate control task (see page 350).
4. Add algorithms, pins, signals, and page connectors. For algorithms, note the following:
 Input connectors must have a named output.
 The final upstream algorithm requires a named output unless a field algorithm is the final
 You only have to change default algorithm point names if the algorithm interfaces to a
5. Save the sheet and check for errors.
6. Load the sheet into the Controller that is in control.
7. Wait to see if the new control adversely affects the system.
8. If there are no adverse effects, load the backup Controller.
9. Review signal diagrams and tune the process as necessary.

23.3 Creating a new control sheet

When you create a new control sheet, you select the Controller where you want to create the new
sheet and select the Control Task area (1 - 5) for the new sheet. The Control Task area (see page
350) defines how frequently the sheet is executed.

23.4 To create a new control sheet in a Window s-based Ovation

1. Access the Ovation Developer Studio (see Ovation Developer Studio User Guide for more
2. Use the system tree to navigate to the applicable Control Sheets folder:
System folder
Network folder
Unit folder
Drops folder
<Controller drop> folder (applicable to the sheets that you want to delete)
Control Task folder (applicable to the sheets that you want to delete)
Control Sheets folder
3. Right-click the Control Sheets folder in the system tree.

380 TRN350_100
23.4 To create a new control sheet in a Windows-based Ovation system

The New Control Sheets window appears.

Figure 183: Developer Studio - New Control Sheets window

The following table describes the New Control Sheets dialog box entry fields.

New Control Sheets dialog box fields


Sheet Name This defines how the sheet is described in the system (for example, DigitalTest).
This name (up to 30 characters) appears in the Control Sheets section of the Studio
Sheet Number Short reference number (maximum three characters). This number is used to
identify the sheet to the user, but is not the unique internal .svg file number that is
assigned by the Control Builder.
Sheet Component Defines the sheet component code.
4. Enter the applicable information in the New Control Sheets dialog box, and select Ok.
5. The Control Builder opens a new sheet. The Property Editor displays the information that was
entered in the New Control Sheets window. Complete the remaining fields in the Property
Editor as it pertains to the new sheet. This information displays in the document title box.
6. Create your sheet using algorithms, pins, signals, and so forth. Refer to Understanding the
elements of a control sheet (see page 403) for more information.
7. After you finish creating the control sheet, save it. The new control sheet appears in the
Control Sheets list in the Studio.
8. Once you have accessed the Control Builder, you can create additional new sheets by pulling
down the File menu on the main Control Builder window and selecting New -> Control

TRN350_100 381
23.5 Configuring information in Control Builder title box fields

23.5 Configuring information in Control Builder title box fields

Each sheet contains a title box in its lower right corner. The project-specific system frame.svg file
that is provided by Emerson determines how the title box appears. The frame.svg file contains
the frame, title box lines, Emerson company name, and Emerson Proprietary Statement. This
information is typically created for a project and is not changed.

If a project needs to create a custom title box, changes can be made to the frame.svg file. In
addition, a second copy of the frame.svg file can be created and used for sheets that require
special information. This version of the frame.svg file can be used in certain circumstances while
leaving the original frame.svg file for regular sheets. Refer to What is the Control Builder frame?
in the Ovation Control Builder User Guide for more information.

The information that appears in the title box fields is defined in the Property Editor. An example of
a title box appears in the following figure.

Figure 184: Title box

23.6 Opening an existing control sheet

When you open an existing control sheet in the Control Builder, the following functions are
performed automatically:
 Title Block - Title information is reconciled with the database (title, number, and so forth).
 Tuning Reconcile - The algorithms on the sheet are compared with the algorithm records in
the Oracle database. Differences are considered to be tuning changes. It is a good practice to
reconcile after making tuning changes.
 Sheet Audit - The drawing is checked for internal consistency and for syntax errors. If any
errors are detected, a list of errors displays. Refer to Information and error messages (see
page 459) for descriptions of the errors.
Internal consistency is the verifying of graphical signals, dynamic text, and algorithm
connections. Syntax errors are mistakes in the content-based data within an algorithm, data
such as point record types and value ranges.

Sheets are accessed from the Select file to open window. The window has two views that can be
used to find sheets:
 Drop layout view.
 Component code view.

382 TRN350_100
23.7 To open a locked control sheet

23.7 To open a locked control sheet

If you select a sheet that has a lock symbol beside it, you cannot open the sheet because it is
locked. This could happen if another user has the sheet open or if the sheet was open when the
Control Builder exited unexpectedly. When you select a locked sheet, notice that an Unlock
button appears beside the OK button at the bottom of the Select file to open window. At the
bottom left corner of the window, the system displays the name of the user who has the sheet
locked and what drop he is using.

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).

2. From the main Control Builder window, pull down the File menu and select Open. The Select
file to open window appears.
3. Select a locked sheet in the folder hierarchy and press the Unlock button. A warning
message displays asking you to verify the unlock process.

Note: The Address entry field displays the path where the control functions are found. The
following figure shows a Windows-based path. For Solaris-based systems, a Solaris path would

Figure 185: Example of a locked file

4. Select the Unlock button on the warning window and the sheet unlocks. You can then select
the sheet to display on the Control Builder canvas.
5. Click the sheet and select the OK button. The sheet displays on the Control Builder canvas.

Note: Emerson recommends that you do not unlock a sheet if you know another user is
working on it. If more than one user is editing a sheet, changes may be lost or overwritten
depending on who saves the sheet first and loads it to the Controller.

TRN350_100 383
23.8 To open a recovered version of a file

23.8 To open a recovered version of a file

If the Control Builder exits unexpectedly while a sheet is opened, you will have the opportunity to
open the last saved version of the sheet or a recovered version.

1. Open an existing control sheet. If the sheet has a recovered version, a window appears
showing an original version of the file and a recovered version:

Figure 186: Recovering a newer version of a file

2. Choose one of the following buttons:

 Recover -- loads the newer, recovered version of the file. This is the image on the right
side of the window.
 Continue -- loads the original version of the file (image on the left side of the window)
and permanently removes the recovered file and any other temporary files associated
with the original.
3. The selected version of the file appears on the main Control Builder window.

384 TRN350_100
23.9 What is the Control Builder Revert function?

23.9 What is the Control Builder Revert function?

The Revert function returns to the last saved version of a sheet. This function can be used to
return to a previously saved version of a sheet and to discard any current, unsaved changes
made to the sheet.

23.9.1 To use the Control Builder Revert function

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).
2. Open a sheet in the Control Builder.
3. Pull down the File menu on the main Control Builder window and select Revert. The following
message appears.

Figure 187: Revert message

4. Select Yes to discard the unsaved edits and load the last saved version of the file. Select No
to keep the current version of the file.
5. If Yes is selected, the last saved version of the file appears on the Control Builder canvas.

23.10 To recover multiple files

The Recover Files function recovers files that you may have been working on if the Control
Builder exits unexpectedly.

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).

2. From the main Control Builder window, pull down the File menu, and select Recover Files.
a) If you currently have a sheet loaded in the Control Builder, the following error message
Please make sure that all active edits are closed before executing this
b) If there are no sheets loaded in the Control Builder, the following message appears:

TRN350_100 385
23.11 Saving a control sheet

3. Close all loaded sheets and then select the Yes button on the Confirm single instance
window. You will not be able to recover files if sheets are loaded or more than one instance of
the Control Builder is running. The Recover Files window appears.
4. Select the files to recover from the scrolling list. A check mark appears by those files that are
selected. When you place a check in the box, the file appears in the preview pane on the right
side of the Recover Files window.
5. Select one of the following buttons:
 Load Selected -- loads the selected files into the Control Builder.
 Ignore -- quits the Recover Files window without performing any action on the files.
 Clean Up -- deletes all of the recovered files -- it does not just delete the ones that have
a check in the box. A warning message appears asking if you are sure that you want to
clean up. After you load and recover the files you want, it is a good practice to delete
unnecessary files since recovered files are large and use considerable disk space.

23.11 Saving a control sheet

When you save a control sheet, the Control Builder performs the following:
 Checks the Syntax - If syntax errors are found, a list of errors display and the Control Builder
does not save the sheet. An error message also appears advising you that Control has not
been saved. Refer to Information and error messages (see page 459).
 Updates Oracle Database - If no errors are found, the control from the sheet is written to the
disk, and the Control Builder loads the sheet number into the Oracle database. In order to
activate the control logic on the sheet, you must load the control sheet into the Controller. For
Windows-based Ovation systems, this is done through the Developer Studio. For Solaris-
based Ovation systems, this is done through the Drop Loader.

23.12 Using the Control Builder Audit function

The Audit function validates a control sheet by performing the following tasks:
 Checks the drawing for internal consistency. Internal consistency is the verifying of graphical
signals, dynamic text, and algorithm connections.
 Checks the drawing for syntax errors. Syntax errors are mistakes in the content-based data
within an algorithm, data such as point record types and value ranges. If syntax errors are
found, the data cannot be saved.
 Updates internal data and dynamic text for a sheet.
If errors are detected, an Error List window updates, listing the errors

Note: To view the errors, the Error List window must already be opened. To open the Error List
window, pull down the View menu and select Algorithm Errors. The Audit function does not
automatically display the Error List window.

The Audit function automatically validates a sheet whenever it is opened or saved in the Control
Builder. You can also run the Audit function manually by pulling down the File menu and selecting

386 TRN350_100
23.13 Deleting control sheets in a Windows-based Ovation system

23.13 Deleting control sheets in a Windows-based Ovation system

To delete sheets from your Ovation system, you must use the Developer Studio. Once sheets
have been deleted, they cannot be recovered. Be sure to load the Controller after you have
deleted sheets.

23.13.1 To delete control sheets in a Windows-based Ovation system

CAUTION! Be careful when deleting control sheets since removing sheets from the system
could adversely affect your control scheme. Also note that the database item, Control Builder
files, and the default points associated with the sheet are permanently deleted. If a higher level
folder (drop, unit, network, or system) is deleted, all control sheets under that folder are

1. Access the Ovation Developer Studio (see Ovation Developer Studio User Guide for more
2. Use the system tree to navigate to the applicable Control Sheets folder:
System folder
Network folder
Unit folder
Drops folder
<Controller drop> folder (applicable to the sheets that you want to delete)
Control Task folder (applicable to the sheets that you want to delete)
Control Sheets folder
3. Select the Control Sheets folder and a list of all the sheets in that folder appears in the
WorkPad area at the bottom of the Ovation Developer Studio.
4. Right-click the sheet you want to delete, and select Delete.
5. A window appears with the following message, "Are you sure you want to delete the selected
item(s)?". Select Yes to confirm the delete.
6. Follow the procedures in Loading sheets in a Windows-based Ovation system in the Ovation
Control Builder User Guide to update the system.

23.14 Changing control sheet execution order

You can change the order in which control sheets execute. A Control Builder utility provides a
user-friendly interface for defining the execution order for all the sheets within one specific task
area. Since tasks execute asynchronously in the Controller, it is not possible to order the
execution of sheets outside of one task.

For Windows-based Ovation systems only -- When you select the Control Sheets folder from
the Ovation Developer Studio directory hierarchy, a window appears allowing you to select the
drop and task area that you want to order. Once a drop and area are selected, a window appears
showing the sheets that appear in that drop and task area. If the sheet number sequence does
not represent the desired order, you can rearrange the execution order. Note that when ordering
sheets from the Developer Studio, Sheet Order is listed on the Control Builder operations window.
See Ovation Developer Studio User Guide.

Note: You cannot use this utility to add or remove sheets.

TRN350_100 387
23.14 Changing control sheet execution order

23.14.1 To change control sheet execution order

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).
2. From the main Control Builder window, pull down the Tools menu and select Order Sheets.
A Browse for Folder window appears.
3. Select the directory where the sheets reside and press the Ok button. The Select Drop and
Control Task window appears.

Figure 188: cbOrder window

4. Expand the drop folder to reveal the task areas for that drop. Select a Control Task area and
select the Ok button.

388 TRN350_100
23.14 Changing control sheet execution order

The Sheet Execution Order window appears.

Figure 189: Order control sheets window

The icon and button descriptions, from left to right, are:

 Move up -- Moves the selected sheet(s) one position higher in the execution order.
 Move down -- Moves the selected sheets(s) one position lower in the execution order.
 Undo -- Undoes any changes that have been made.
 Cut -- Removes a sheet from the list so that it can be pasted at a different location on the
 Paste -- Pastes a sheet that was cut into a new area on the list.
 Sort -- Sorts the sheets alphabetically based on filenames.
 Change drop/task -- Accesses another task and/or drop for ordering sheets.
 Ok button -- Saves the changes and exits the window.
 Cancel button -- Quits the window without ordering any sheets.
 Help button -- Provides online help on using the window.

TRN350_100 389
23.14 Changing control sheet execution order

5. Use the toolbar at the top of the window to move sheets.

6. When you finish ordering sheets, select the Ok button to save the new sheet order and exit
the window, or select the Cancel button to quit the window without saving the changes.
7. Since you changed the control sheet execution order, make sure you load the Controllers so
that they have the most update information.

390 TRN350_100
S E C T I O N 24

Understanding algorithms and algorithm



What are algorithms? ...................................................................................................... 391

What are algorithm anchors? .......................................................................................... 395
What is the Control Builder Symbol Browser window? ................................................... 396
What is the Control Builder Favorites window? .............................................................. 399

24.1 What are algorithms?

Algorithms are mathematical formulas that define a specific control strategy. An algorithm may be
thought of as a collection of system points that are controlled by the algorithm. The algorithm
reads values and writes values into points to accomplish certain desired actions in the system.

The Ovation Control Builder places these algorithms on control sheets to tell the Ovation control
system what algorithms to use, what points to associate with the algorithms, and in what order the
algorithms should execute. The Control Builder combines multiple algorithms and even multiple
control sheets to create an entire control strategy for a system process.

The Ovation algorithms are typically provided with the Ovation Controller, and are used to
implement a wide range of functionality for a Controller. Each algorithm is represented in the
Control Builder by a unique symbol.

Algorithms and record types are described in Ovation reference manuals. (See Ovation
Algorithms Reference Manual and Ovation Record Types Reference Manual.) You can access
the Ovation Algorithms Reference Manual from the Control Builder window. To do this, pull down
the Help menu on the main Control Builder window and select Algorithm Guide.

Note: Page connectors (see page 409) are similar to algorithms, but are not used in control, and
are not sent to the Controller. They are graphical representations that depict how signals are
connected between sheets.

24.1.1 What are best practices for using algorithms?

 Always use the full potential of an algorithm when planning and creating control. (See Ovation
Algorithms Reference Manual.) This reduces the number of algorithms needed in your control
 Wherever possible, reduce the number of algorithms used in your control plan.
 Do not use unnecessary GAINBIAS algorithms.
 Use MAMODE algorithm priority raise/lower instead of external transfers below MASTATION
 Only allow a maximum of 143 fast Boolean algorithms on a single sheet.

TRN350_100 391
24.1 What are algorithms?

24.1.2 To add an algorithm

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).
2. From the main Control Builder window, open a control function, control library, or control
3. From the main Control Builder window, pull down the Draw menu, and select Add Algorithm.
You can also select the Add Control Algorithm icon on the toolbar. The Add Algorithm
dialog box appears.

Note: You can also add algorithms to a control sheet using the Symbol Browser (see page 396)
and the Favorites Folder (see page 399).

4. Select the desired algorithm from the list. The algorithm symbols that are currently in the
library display on the right side of the dialog box.

Figure 190: Add Algorithm dialog box -- select algorithm symbol

Note: You can have a maximum of 143 fast Boolean algorithms on a single sheet.

5. Select the symbol that best fits your needs (symbols may vary depending on the number of
pins needed).

Note: Instead of clicking the OK button on the window and using the mouse to add the algorithm
to the sheet, you can use the <Enter> key on the keyboard. Using the mouse only allows you to
add one instance of the algorithm. Using the <Enter> key allows you to add multiple instances
of the algorithm.

6. Select the OK button on the Add Algorithm dialog box.

392 TRN350_100
24.1 What are algorithms?

7. Move the cursor, which has changed to an arrow, to the drawing canvas. Move the algorithm
to the desired location and left-click to position the algorithm on the canvas. Notice that a full-
screen cross-hair icon appears that aligns items on the screen. While moving the algorithm
across the canvas, you can toggle the full-screen cross-hair cursor by pressing the <Shift>
key on the keyboard. This is useful for aligning items on the canvas.

Note: When adding an algorithm, notice the algorithm anchor, shown in yellow. Once the
algorithm is added to the canvas, the anchor can be used to align and space the algorithm on
the sheet. If you hover the mouse over the anchor, the icon changes to a hand. If you left-click
the mouse button, the hand "closes" as though it is gripping the anchor (see page 395). You can
then move the algorithm to the desired location.

8. After adding the algorithm using the Add Algorithm dialog box, the algorithm appears in the
Algorithms container in the Object Browser window. The algorithm parameters (see page 393)
appear in the Property Editor window where you can edit them.

24.1.3 To edit algorithm parameters

The Object Browser and the Property Editor provide a means to edit and change an algorithm's
internal configuration. You can modify any part of the algorithm -- from the individual lines
comprising the algorithm symbol to the algorithm constants and output points.

Use the following procedure to edit algorithm parameters:

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).

2. To edit the values and points for the algorithm, highlight the algorithm name in the Object
Browser window. The Property Editor updates with a list of editable parameters.

3. Highlight the field you wish to edit in the Property Editor. If the field requires user entry, an
entry field appears. If it is a menu option of choices, a pull-down menu appears allowing you
to choose the appropriate item.
4. In the Property Editor, an algorithm parameter that displays a red circle with an "x" inside
means that an error exists. For example, the error may indicate that the parameter is missing
a required value. If you hover your mouse over the parameter, a tooltip appears with the error
information. You can also display algorithm errors by pulling down the View menu and
selecting Algorithm Errors (see page 459). The Error List window appears describing the
error. Note that you must correct all errors before you can save the sheet successfully.

TRN350_100 393
24.1 What are algorithms?

5. To edit any part of the algorithm symbol, go to the Object Browser and expand the algorithm
folder by clicking on the + sign in the hierarchy.
6. Select the item you wish to edit (text, lines, pins, etc.) in the Object Browser. Notice that the
Property Editor also updates with fields that can be edited for that item.
7. Make all the desired changes in the Property Editor, and then save the sheet.

24.1.4 To use the algorithm right-click menu

The algorithm right-click menu provides a quick and easy way to access the common algorithm
functions. Use the following procedure to access and use the algorithm right-click menu,

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).

2. Open a control sheet (see page 382).
3. On the drawing canvas, hover the mouse over an algorithm and right-click.
The algorithm right-click menu appears as shown in the following figure.

Figure 191: Algorithm right-click menu

The following table describes the algorithm right-click menu.

Algorithm right-click menu item descriptions


Add Control Pin Adds a pin to the algorithm. See To add a control pin (see page 403).
Algorithm Value Adds an algorithm value to the algorithm. See To use the Algorithm
Value function in Ovation Control Builder User Guide.
Point Description Adds a point description to the algorithm. See To add a point description
in Ovation Control Builder User Guide.
Point Reference Adds a point reference to the algorithm. See To add a point reference in
Ovation Control Builder User Guide.
Algorithm Value Indicator Adds an algorithm value indicator to the algorithm. See To add an
algorithm value indicator in Ovation Control Builder User Guide.

394 TRN350_100
24.2 What are algorithm anchors?


Point Status Indicator Adds a point status indicator to the algorithm. See To add a point status
indicator in Ovation Control Builder User Guide. This entry is grayed out
(inactive) unless you hover over an input or an output.
Delete Deletes the algorithm.
Help Displays online help for the algorithm.
<User-defined point name> Shows any user-defined points for the algorithm. Pull right on a user-
defined point and another menu appears listing the sheets that use that
point. An asterisk (*) beside the drop name indicates that this is the drop
that originates the point.
Advanced Edit This menu item only displays for certain algorithms that have advanced
editing functions (such as CALCBLOCK).
Generate New Ladder Row This menu item only displays for ladder elements. It adds another "rung"
on a ladder element.

24.1.5 To delete an algorithm from a sheet

There are many ways to delete an algorithm from a sheet:

 Select the algorithm on the drawing canvas.
 Press the Delete key on the keyboard.
 Use the Delete icon on the Standard toolbar.
 Pull down the Edit menu, and select Delete.
 Right-click the algorithm and select Delete from the menu.
 Highlight the algorithm in the Object Browser.
 Use the Delete Object icon on the Object Browser toolbar.
 Right-click the algorithm in the Object Browser window and select Delete Object.

24.2 What are algorithm anchors?

Anchors allow you to quickly move, align, and space algorithms on a control sheet. When you
select an algorithm, an algorithm anchor is attached to the algorithm on the canvas. The following
rules apply:
 By default, the anchor is attached to the first control pin under the algorithm.
 When you select an algorithm on the canvas, it turns magenta. However, the anchor appears
yellow. Also, a unique graphic element (a pin inside a broken square) represents the anchor
on the algorithm.
 If the anchor location was previously modified, the anchor will be attached to the previous
 There is only one active anchor point per algorithm.
 If you have multiple algorithms selected simultaneously, then each selected algorithm can
have one active anchor.
 Deselecting an algorithm detaches and clears its associated algorithm anchor.

TRN350_100 395
24.3 What is the Control Builder Symbol Browser window?

24.3 What is the Control Builder S ymbol Brow ser w indow ?

The Symbol Browser provides a visual list of the algorithms currently used on your sheet as well
as a list of recently used algorithms. The Symbol Browser, as well as the Add Algorithm (see
page 392) window, allow you to select algorithms by type and add them to your control function.

Like all Control Builder windows, the Symbol Browser window is dockable and floatable. Dockable
means it can be attached to one of the sides of the main window, and floatable means that it
becomes a free-floating window if you double-click it. Once it is a free-floating window, it can be
moved anywhere (even to another monitor in a dual-monitor configuration) to create more space
for the primary display.

If you create a new symbol for an algorithm, the Symbol Browser updates to reflect the new
symbol. To create a file of commonly used or "favorite" algorithms, see What is the Control
Builder Favorites window? (see page 399).

24.3.1 To use the Symbol Browser

1. Access the main Control Builder window.
2. Pull down the View menu and select Symbol Browser. The Symbol Browser displays.

Figure 192: Symbol Browser

396 TRN350_100
24.3 What is the Control Builder Symbol Browser window?

The Symbol Browser initially displays the Currently Used Algorithms list, which shows the
algorithms that are used on the sheet that is open in the Control Builder. If there is no sheet
open in the Control Builder, the Currently Used Algorithms list is blank on the initial display of
the Symbol Browser.
3. To view algorithms other than the ones on the current sheet, pull down the menu at the top of
the browser.

Figure 193: Symbol Browser menu

4. Select another list from the menu to display:

 Recently Used Algorithms -- displays the algorithms that you used on different sheets in
the current editing session.
 List of algorithms by algorithm type (Fast Boolean, Calcblock, Foundation Fieldbus,
and so forth) - this option allows the Symbol Browser to work like the Add Algorithm dialog
box (see page 392). Double-click one of these algorithms and then add the algorithm to
the sheet.

TRN350_100 397
24.3 What is the Control Builder Symbol Browser window?

 Commonly Used with Selected Algorithm -- displays the algorithms that are used with
the algorithm that is selected on the sheet. That is, if you select an algorithm on the sheet
and then select this option, the Symbol Browser shows the algorithms that are connected
to the selected algorithm on the sheet. Note that inputs and outputs do not show up in this
This information is stored in a file called CommonlyUsedAlgorithms.xml and is
automatically generated. If you delete this file, and then try to use this option, a message
displays asking if you want to create this file. If you select yes, the file generates. Do not
perform any editing in the Control Building while this file is generating.
5. You can change the size of the icons that appear on the Symbol Browser.
a) To change the icon size, right-click anywhere on the Browser window pane.
b) Select either small, medium, or large from the menu. The icons resize accordingly.

Note: The Symbol Browser right-click menu also allows you to add the selected algorithm to the
Favorites window, access online help on the algorithm, and update (refresh) the Symbol
Browser window.

Figure 194: Symbol Browser right-click menu

6. You can use the Symbol Browser to add algorithms to a sheet. To do this, double-click the
symbol in the Symbol Browser. The symbol is added to the sheet.
7. When you finish using the Symbol Browser, close the window by pressing the "x" in the upper
right corner of the window.

Note: Use the Symbol Browser to add symbols to the Favorites Folder. See To add symbols to
the Favorites Folder (see page 401).

398 TRN350_100
24.4 What is the Control Builder Favorites window?

24.4 What is the Control Builder Favorites w indow ?

The Favorites window provides a place to store "favorite" or frequently used symbols. These
favorite symbols can then be accessed quickly and easily. You use the Symbol Browser to
populate the Favorites window. Once you place symbols in the Favorites window, they can be
organized into folders so that common symbols can be found in the same place.

You can create a favorites folder that resides on your local machine for individual use or a shared
folder which is located on the network and can be used by many users for a project. A directory
path displays above the Favorites window that shows the directory location of the stored items in
the folder. Note that when you create a favorites folder, it is automatically placed in your local

To use a local favorites folder as a shared folder, copy the folder to a location that is above the
control sheet data directory (CSDD). For Windows-based Ovation systems, place the local
favorites folder in the Network folder. For Solaris-based Ovation systems, place the local favorites
folder in the /wdpf/rel/data/cb directory.

24.4.1 To access the Favorites window

1. Access the main Control Builder window.
2. Pull down the View menu and select Favorites Folder. The Favorites window appears.

Figure 195: Favorites Folder

Like most Control Builder windows, the Favorites window is dockable and floatable. Dockable
means it can be attached to one of the sides of the main window, and floatable means that it
becomes a free-floating window when you double-click it. Once it is a free-floating window, it can
be moved anywhere (even to another monitor in a dual-monitor configuration) to create more
space for the primary display.

24.4.2 Favorites Folder toolbar

The Favorites folder has two icons:

Favorites Folder icons


Add Folder (plus sign) Adds a folder to the Favorites window.

Up (up arrow) Navigates to the folder above the current folder. Note that there is no
down arrow. You must double-click the folder icon to open it, which
facilitates the down direction.

TRN350_100 399
24.4 What is the Control Builder Favorites window?

24.4.3 Favorites Folder right-click menu

The Favorites Folder right-click menu performs all the editing function associated with the folder.

Figure 196: Favorites Folder right-click menu

Favorites Folder right-click menu descriptions


Cut Symbol Cuts the symbol for pasting into another folder. Note that no actual operation is
performed until you select the Paste symbol.
Copy Symbol Copies the symbol for pasting into another folder.
Paste Symbol Pastes the cut or copied symbol to the current folder.
Edit Symbol Opens the symbol in the symbols editor so that it can be modified.
Delete Deletes a file or a folder. A message window prompts you to confirm the delete
New Folder Creates a new folder. This action is also performed by the Plus sign icon on the
Open Folder Opens a folder. This action is also performed by the Up arrow icon on the toolbar.
Switch Base Folder Changes from the local favorites folder to the shared favorites folder and vice versa.
Rename Folder Gives a new name to a folder.
Refresh Updates the Favorites Folder after changes have been made.
Small Images Changes the size of the icons to the small size.
Medium Images Changes the size of the icons to the medium size.

400 TRN350_100
24.4 What is the Control Builder Favorites window?


Large Images Changes the size of the icons to the large size.
Help If you right-click an algorithm symbol, this Help option displays help about the
selected algorithm. If you right-click a folder, this Help option is not active (grayed

24.4.4 To add symbols to the Favorites window

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).
2. Select Symbol Browser from the View menu.
3. From the Symbol Browser, right-click an algorithm symbol. A pop-up menu appears.

Figure 197: Symbol Browser right-click menu

TRN350_100 401
24.4 What is the Control Builder Favorites window?

4. From the pop-up menu, select Add to Favorites. The symbol appears in the Favorites
window in the directory and folder that is currently displayed. Note that when symbols are
added, they are sorted alphabetically.

Figure 198: Favorites Folder

Note: Once you add a symbol to the Favorites folder, you can move it to another folder by using
the cut/copy and paste options found on the right-click menu.

5. You can use the Favorites Folder to add symbols to a sheet. To do this, double-click the
symbol in the Favorites Folder. The symbol is added to the control sheet.

24.4.5 To add a folder to the Favorites window

The Favorites window allows you to organize your frequently used symbols however you choose.
You can create folders to hold certain symbols. Multiple folders can be created with some folders
nested within other folders. Once folders are created, symbols can be copied or moved into them.

1. Access the Favorites window (see page 399).

2. From the Favorites window, right-click and select New Folder. You can also click the Add
Folder icon (+ sign) on the toolbar. The Favorites Symbols Browser window appears.

Figure 199: Adding a folder to Favorites window

3. Enter the name of the folder in the entry field. Since folder names become directory names,
do not use backslashes or wildcard character symbols in the name. Select the OK button.
4. The new folder appears in the Favorites window. Symbols can now be added to the folder.

402 TRN350_100
S E C T I O N 25

Understanding the elements of a control sheet


What are the elements of a control sheet? ..................................................................... 403

What are control pins? .................................................................................................... 403
What are control signals? ................................................................................................ 405
What are page connectors on control sheets? ............................................................... 409

25.1 What are the elements of a control sheet?

In addition to algorithms (see page 391) and macros, you must consider several elements of
control sheets when designing and building control. These elements are placed, connected, and
manipulated on a control sheet in order to create the best possible control schema for an Ovation

These elements are:

 Pins (see page 403) are part of the algorithm symbol and connect to signals.
 Signals (see page 405) are the lines on a sheet that connect the algorithms.
 Page connectors (see page 409) connect control sheets together when more than one sheet
is needed to represent a control plan.
 Static Text adds descriptions to control sheets that do not change.
 Dynamic text adds descriptions to the control sheets that update as the sheet information
updates (see Ovation Control Builder User Guide).

25.2 What are control pins?

Pins are part of the algorithm symbol and connect to signals. (See Ovation Algorithms Reference
Manual.) The Ovation Control Builder adds, deletes, and moves pins. If you cannot add, delete, or
move a pin, the Control Builder displays a message and does not permit the action to be

25.2.1 To add a control pin

Pins can be added to an algorithm symbol on a control sheet. When Add Control Pin is selected
from the Draw menu, a list of valid pins that can be added to the algorithm appears.

Note: Tracking pins (TOUT AND TRIN) are not visible and cannot be added to an algorithm

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).

2. Open a sheet (see page 382).

TRN350_100 403
25.2 What are control pins?

3. From the main Control Builder window, you can access the Add Control Pin function in one of
the following ways:
 Pull down the Draw menu, and select Add Control Pin.
 Select the Add Control Pin icon on the toolbar.
 Move the cursor over the algorithm, right-click, and select Add Control Pin from the
menu that appears.
4. Left-click the algorithm that is getting the additional pin. (Note that this step is not needed if
you selected Add Control Pin from the right-click menu.)
5. The Ovation Control Builder zooms into the selected algorithm to display an enlarged view of
the algorithm. At the same time, the Select Parameter window appears showing the valid pins
that can be added to this algorithm.

Figure 200: Select parameter window -- adding a pin

6. Select the desired pin from the list.

7. The filters listed on the right side of the window allow you to only show certain types of
parameters on the Select Parameter window. You may check all of the filters to display or only
choose a few.
 Input -- shows parameters that can be used as inputs.
 Output -- shows parameters that can be used as outputs.
 Dual Input -- shows parameters that can take a value or a point name. If the pin is
connected, the point name displays. If the pin is not connected, the value in the algorithm
 Parameter -- shows parameters that can take constants.
 Tracking -- shows parameters that implement tracking.
8. Select the OK button.
9. Position the cursor on the algorithm where you want to place the pin. Left-click for the
beginning of the pin and left-click again to mark the end of the pin.

404 TRN350_100
25.3 What are control signals?

10. After you have placed the pin, the Select Parameter window appears again prompting you to
add another pin, if desired.

Note: The Property Editor initially lists every pin that can be added whether you use it or not;
however, the Object Browser only lists the pins that are currently being used. For example, if
you select an AND algorithm with four pins (four inputs), the Property Editor lists entry fields for
eight inputs, but the Object Browser only shows the four inputs that you initially selected. If you
add a pin (input) to the AND algorithm, the Object Browser updates to show the pin you added.

25.2.2 To delete a control pin

There are many ways to delete a pin from an algorithm:

 Select the pin on the drawing canvas.
 Press the Delete key on the keyboard.
 Use the Delete icon on the Standard toolbar.
 Pull down the Edit menu, and select Delete.
 Right-click the algorithm and select Delete from the menu.
 Highlight the pin in the Object Browser.
 Use the Delete Object icon on the Object Browser toolbar.
 Right-click the pin and select Delete Object from the menu.

25.2.3 To move a control pin

You can move a control pin in the same way you move any other item on the drawing canvas
(see To move objects in the Ovation Control Builder User Guide.); however, moving pins in this
way can be tedious. In many cases, it is easier to delete the existing pin (see page 405) and add
a new one (see page 403).

25.3 What are control signals?

Signals are the lines on a drawing that connect the algorithms. Signals are drawn in colors and
line types that are defined through the Property Editor. You can set the colors and line types so
that different inputs can be more easily distinguished.

25.3.1 What are the best practices for using control signals?
 Start signals from a source (an algorithm output pin or a point on an existing line) and then
proceed toward the destination.
 Use up to three signals from one signal intersection point.
 If a signal is erased, note that the signals are erased downstream from the selected segment
(from output to input).
 If a signal leaves a sheet, you must define the output point.
 You must single-source output signals. The ORIG parameter on an Input connector
designates which control sheet the hardware input point originates from.
 Single-sourcing of packed points is convenient because only one signal diagram number
can be attached to a point. If a packed point originates on multiple sheets, only the last
sheet compiled gets the signal diagram number.

TRN350_100 405
25.3 What are control signals?

 Minimize signal crossing to avoid confusion where signals meet and cross.
 Use the following default colors to identify signals in the Control Builder drawings:
 Cyan indicates digital signals.
 White indicates analog signals.
 Red indicates the signal is not connected.
 Green indicates a tracking signal.
 Magenta highlights a signal for quick visual tracking.

Note: Signal colors can be changed, but the release default colors are the recommended
colors. If you change the colors, you must use the Audit function to save the changes.

 Refer to Understanding colors in the Signal Diagram display canvas (see page 52) for
information on default signal colors for online graphic displays.

25.3.2 To add a control signal

Note: If you want to add a signal that is not connected to a second algorithm, start the signal at
the algorithm Out pin then put the cursor where you want to end the signal and click the left
mouse button.

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).

2. Open a sheet (see page 382).
3. Start a control signal in one of the following ways:
 Pull down the Draw menu, and select Build Control Signal.
 Select the Build Control Signal icon on the Control Builder toolbar.
 Position the cursor at the Out pin of the algorithm, right-click, and select Build Control
Signal from the menu.

Use Start Signal from the right-click menu. See To connect control signals from the right-click
menu (see Ovation Control Builder User Guide).

1. Use the mouse to select an Out pin or an existing segment on an algorithm and left-click it.
(Note that this step is not needed when you select Build Control Signal from the right-click
2. Without holding down any mouse buttons, move the cursor to an In pin on the algorithm you
want to connect to the first algorithm and left-click it. A signal is placed between the two
algorithms. (See Tips for adding a signal (see page 407).)

Note: Make sure you have the Enable Ortho check box checked when you add a signal. This
check box is found at the lower right corner of the Control Builder window. Enable Ortho allows
orthogonal lines, meaning that only vertical and horizontal signal lines can be drawn. If you use
this check box, you will not be allowed to draw diagonal signal lines.

3. To exit the Build a Signal mode, right-click or press the Escape key on the keyboard. Notice
that the Signal Segment is also added to the Output pin in the Object Browser.

406 TRN350_100
25.3 What are control signals?

25.3.3 Tips for adding a control signal

The Control Builder application can assist you in adding signals:

 If an arrow icon appears when starting to build a signal, press the Enter key on the keyboard.
The Control Builder will complete the signal draw process.
 When looking for the starting point of a signal, a red "X" appears showing an invalid starting
point for the signal. When the symbol changes to a green dot, you are hovering over a valid
starting point for the signal.
 To line up a signal, you can access cross-hairs at any time by holding down the Shift key on
the keyboard as you move the mouse.

25.3.4 To delete or break a control signal

Using the Object Browser

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).
2. Open a sheet (see page 382).
3. Go to the Object Browser and find the desired algorithm in the Algorithms container. Expand
the algorithm object to display its contents in the hierarchy.
4. Find the control pin that connects to the signal. Expand the pin object to display its contents.
5. Highlight SignalSegment in the hierarchy.
6. Select the Delete Object icon (shown as an "x") on the Object Browser.
Right-click and select Delete Object from the menu that appears.
7. Save the sheet.

Using the drawing canvas

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).
2. Open a sheet (see page 382).
3. Position the cursor over the control signal you want to delete.
4. Right-click and select Break Control Signal from the menu that appears. The signal deletes.
5. Save the sheet.

25.3.5 To bend a control signal

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).
2. Open a sheet (see page 382).
3. Move the cursor to the signal you want to bend.
4. Right-click over the signal, and select Bend Control Signal.
5. Without holding down any mouse buttons, move the cursor to bend the signal to the desired
6. Left-click again to mark the final vertex point of the bent signal.
7. To end the bending session, right-click or press the Esc key on the keyboard.

TRN350_100 407
25.3 What are control signals?

25.3.6 To move a control signal

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).
2. Open a sheet (see page 382).
3. Highlight the signal you want to move. The signal turns magenta.
4. Move the cursor over the grips or vertex points. The grips display as blue squares.
5. As you hover the cursor over the grips and left-click, the cursor icon changes from a cross-
hair to a hand. The hand icon lets you know that you have "grabbed" a grip and can now
move the signal to wherever you choose.
6. Move the signal as desired. Left-click to complete the move process.

25.3.7 To set tracking between algorithms

Tracking is used to align the portion of a control system that is not in control to the portion of the
control system that is in control. Tracking signals are sent between algorithms to tell the upstream
algorithm whether or not to be in tracking mode, and what value is required by the downstream
algorithm to maintain the current output coming from the upstream algorithm. Refer to
Understanding tracking (see page 449) for more information.

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).

2. Open a sheet (see page 382).
3. Hover over a signal, right-click, and select Connect Tracking Signal. The signal changes
color to match the "tracking" color option (typically, green).
4. To clear tracking from the signal, hover over the signal, right-click and select Disconnect
Tracking Signal. The signal returns to its original color.

25.3.8 To set tracking between sheets

You can set tracking across sheet boundaries. As with all points entering or leaving a sheet,
tracking points used on multiple sheets must be user defined. Since the Control Builder manages
the tracking connections, the tracking fields in the Property Editor are typically hidden from the

On the downstream sheet

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).
2. Open a sheet (see page 382).
3. Enable the tracking from the downstream algorithm to the input connector.
4. Edit the downstream algorithm using the Property Editor. The tracking field is now visible and
can be edited.
5. Enter a user-defined name in the Property Editor.
6. Save the sheet.

On the upstream sheet

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).
2. Open a sheet (see page 382).
3. Enable the tracking from the output connector to the upstream algorithm.

408 TRN350_100
25.4 What are page connectors on control sheets?

4. Edit the output connector using the Property Editor.

5. Enter the user-defined name from the downstream algorithm and exit the Property Editor.
6. Save the sheet.

25.3.9 To clear all tracking on a sheet

You can clear all tracking on a sheet with one click of the mouse button.

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).

2. Open a sheet (see page 382) that has tracking in the Control Builder.
3. Pull down the File menu, and select Clear All Tracking. The following window appears:

Figure 201: Confirm Operation window

4. Select Yes on the Confirm Operation window. All tracking is removed from the currently
opened sheet.

25.4 What are page connectors on control sheets?

Page connectors are graphical representations of the input and output between sheets. Page
connectors are similar to algorithms and can be added, deleted, and edited like algorithms;
however, page connectors play no actual role in the control process and are therefore not loaded
into the Controller.

Page connectors are used to connect signals from one sheet to another within a single Controller,
between Controllers, or between a Controller and its I/O.

Note: A second set of input/output symbols are provided for macros to allow for macro-specific

25.4.1 What are the best practices for using page connectors on control sheets?
 Use a page connector as an input/output point for a sheet:
 Input page connectors graphically accept points into a sheet.
 Output page connectors graphically pass points out of a sheet.
 Note the following page connector rules:
 Page connectors may or may not have a matching page connector on another sheet.
 Page connectors reflect the point's usage and configuration and are automatically
updated by the Control Builder.

TRN350_100 409
25.4 What are page connectors on control sheets?

 Page connectors are not sensitive to record types. There is neither an analog connector
nor a digital connector.
 By default, a page connector contains a tag for both the point name and the point’s
English Description.
 Do not use a page connector to pass default points. By definition, default points are not meant
to be used outside the originating sheet.
 Minimize the use of connectors.
 Use only one input connector per point per sheet - this reduces clutter.
There is no reason to bring an input directly to an output connector.
 As hardware inputs are placed on sheets, consider setting originate = true/yes in the input
 Review all usages for best origination sheet - this will be the default signal diagram
accessed via Point Information.
 Note that control systems can consist of either discrete logic (digital) or continuous
modulating control (analog). Control systems, whether they are discrete logic or modulating
control systems, consist of three typical elements:
 Input — either digital or analog signals gathered from field sensors. Field devices control
or record some physical operation in the field.
 Control logic — processes the input information and determines which output functions
should be activated.
 Output — either digital or analog signals, determined by the control logic to activate
appropriate field devices.

25.4.2 Page connector descriptions

Refer to the following figure.

Figure 202: Page connectors

410 TRN350_100
25.4 What are page connectors on control sheets?

A basic page connector (A) is represented by a circle with an input or an output signal connection
to or from another sheet.

The circle has two boxes attached to it (B) that contain a “G” if the point is used in a custom
graphic, and an “A” if the point is configured for alarming.

If the circle has a box around it (C), then the point is a hardware point with values coming or going
to a device.

If the circle has a diamond in it (D), then an input point is a network point that is originated in
another drop, or an output point that is used in another drop.

If the circle has a diamond in it and a box around it (E), then the point is a hardware point that is
originated in another drop.

25.4.3 To determine where a page connector is used on a control sheet

You might need to determine where a page connector is used to ensure that you do not
accidentally delete a connector that is needed in the control scheme.

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).

2. Open a sheet (see page 382).
3. Right-click the desired page connector.
4. A menu displays. The bottom of the menu contains a list of all the locations where the
connector is used. Left-click a sheet in the menu and the sheet appears in the Control Builder.

25.4.4 Using output connectors on control sheets

Output page connectors should be used to connect signals that are generated on one sheet and
used on other sheets within the same Controller. The Control Builder automatically assigns an
alpha designator and resolves the sheet numbers across sheets, but only if all connectors are
built on the source sheet and the receiving sheet.

You can have one output connector on a sheet that connects to inputs on multiple sheets (this is
known as the “one to many relationship”).

Input connectors must be designated on sheets; however, output connectors do not have to be
illustrated on a sheet. To avoid confusion, Emerson recommends that you designate output
connectors for signals that go to graphics, alarms, or another sheet.

Avoid “daisy-chaining” output connectors from sheet to sheet; instead, create all output
connectors on one sheet.

TRN350_100 411
S E C T I O N 26

Understanding points in the Control Builder


Using the Control Builder to create points ...................................................................... 413

What is the Control Builder Find Points function? ........................................................... 414

26.1 Using the Control Builder to create points

Typically, you do not create points through the Control Builder; however, if you are in a Control
Builder session, you might want to add points while you are creating control sheets. Being able to
create points from inside the Control Builder saves time while building control sheets.

For example, if you are adding algorithms to a control sheet, an algorithm will be assigned a
default name by the Control Builder.

From this default name, default point names are assigned to default points associated with the
algorithm. For example, if the algorithm is named OCBPID112, then its default output point will be
named OCBPID112-OUT since its name is based on the algorithm’s name.

Default point names can be used during the control sheet building process, and can remain in the
database as default points; however, there are times when these default point names should be
changed to user-defined point names.

The default points that are created in the Control Builder do not contain enough information to be
useful in a control scheme. Therefore, they typically need to become user-defined points.

When a default point is created in OCB, it has no hardware information attached to it. I/O points
need hardware information defined for them so they can be assigned to I/O modules.

26.1.1 To create points using the Control Builder

If the point name you use in a renaming procedure does not exist in your database, you will not
be able to save the control sheet and the Error List will appear at the bottom of your screen. This
means you need to create the point. Use the following procedure to create a user-defined point.

Note: Be careful where you build logic because points should originate in the same drop where
the field wiring connects.

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).

2. Open a sheet (see page 382).

TRN350_100 413
26.1 Using the Control Builder to create points

3. From the main Control Builder window, pull down the Edit menu and select Create User
Points. The Create User Points window appears. Notice that the window lists all the
undefined points that exist on the sheet.

Figure 203: Create User Points window

4. The columns on the Create User Points window are sortable. Click at the top of the column in
the header and an arrow appears. An up arrow indicates that the column is sorted in
alphabetical order. A down arrow means that the column is sorted in reverse alphabetical

Note: You can directly edit the description of all the points on the control sheet from the
Description column.

5. If desired, select an algorithm from the Algorithm column. The algorithm highlights on the
6. Highlight the point or points you want to create in the database. After you highlight the points,
the Create button becomes active (no longer grayed out).

Note: To select every point on the window, press the <Ctrl + A> keys on the keyboard. Every
point on the window highlights.

7. Verify that the record types for the selected points are correct. Note that you cannot edit the
record types on the Create User Points window. You can only modify record types in the
Property Editor.
8. Select the Create button. This adds the points to the database and saves the sheet.
 To quit the window without creating any points, select the Cancel button.
 To get online help on using the window, select the Help button.
9. The newly created point contains only the minimum information needed to be a functional
network point. In order to assign the point to a hardware module, you must use the Point
Builder function of the applicable Ovation configuration tool.
10. In order for the new point to be used in control, you must load it in the Controller where it has
been defined. Load the Controller according to the procedures applicable for your Ovation

414 TRN350_100
26.2 What is the Control Builder Find Points function?

26.2 What is the Control Builder Find Points function?

The Find Points function searches for points on a particular sheet.

26.2.1 To use the Control Builder Find Points function

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).
2. Open a sheet (see page 382).
3. From the main Control Builder window, pull down the Edit menu and select Find Points. The
Find Point Name window appears.

Figure 204: Find Point Name window

4. Enter the characters in the entry field that you want to search for and press the Find button.
The search string may include all or part of a point name, and may include wildcard
characters (such as "*"). For example, if you enter "MW," the application searches the sheet
for point names that have "MW" in the name.

Figure 205: Find Point Name window - showing point names and descriptions

TRN350_100 415
26.2 What is the Control Builder Find Points function?

The Find Point Name window appears with the following columns:
 Algorithm - name of the algorithm that originated the point.
 Point Name - point name that matches the search criteria.
 Point Description - English description of the point. This column only appears if the
Control Builder is connected to a database. If not, only the Algorithm and Point Name
columns appear.
When multiple point names are found, a message appears at the bottom of the Find Point
Name window, telling you how many points were found. However, if only one match is found,
the window does not appear, but instead, it zooms in on the algorithm and highlights it on the
sheet. If no point names match the search criteria, the message at the bottom of the window
says, "No points found."
5. If you single-click an algorithm in the Algorithm column, the algorithm highlights on the sheet
at the zoom full view setting. If you double-click the algorithm, the Find Point Name window
closes, the algorithm highlights on the sheet, and the magnification increases to zoom in to
that algorithm.
6. To search for more point names, enter characters in the Point Name entry field and select the
Find button. To exit the window, click the Close button. To get online help on the Find Point
Name window, click the Help button.

416 TRN350_100
S E C T I O N 27

Using control libraries in the Control Builder


What is a control library? ................................................................................................. 417

To create a new control library ........................................................................................ 417
Importing control logic ..................................................................................................... 417
Exporting control logic to a library ................................................................................... 418

27.1 What is a control librar y?

The control library contains entire control sheets or sections of control sheets that have been
exported (saved) to files and stored in a library. These files can then be imported from the
libraries into other control sheets.

27.2 To create a new control library

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).
2. From the main Control Builder window, pull down the File menu and select New. Pull right to
display another menu and select Control Library. A blank Control Builder canvas appears.
3. Add to the drawing canvas any items you wish to be part of the library file. You can add
algorithms, pins, signals, text, and so forth. If you desire, you can create an entire sheet of
control and save it to the library file.
4. When you have finished creating the control, pull down the File menu and select Save. The
Save dialog box appears.
5. Define the path where you want to store the library file in the "Save in" entry field. Enter a
name for the file in the "File name" entry field, and define the file as a *.svg file type in the
"Save as type" entry field.

Note: Place all library files in a directory called "Library" in order to keep control items
organized. Do not mix these files into your "Sheets" directory.

TRN350_100 417
27.3 Importing control logic

27.3 Importing control logic

You can use the Import function to bring existing control logic that is stored in a library file or in
another control sheet, into your current drawing sheet.

27.3.1 To import a document into a control sheet

Importing a document into a control sheet involves importing an item that does not have control
associated with it.

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).

2. Open a control sheet (see page 382) that already exists or create a new drawing (see page
3. Pull down the File menu and select Import and Export. Pull right to display another menu.
Select Import Document. The Select File to Import dialog box appears.
4. Find the desired file in the window.
5. Once you have found the file, select it, and press the Open button.
6. Use the cursor to position the control elements saved in the file onto the current drawing.
Click to mark the position of the control items on the drawing canvas.
7. Save the control sheet.

27.3.2 To import a library into a control sheet

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).
2. Open a control sheet (see page 382) that already exists or create a new drawing (see page
3. Pull down the File menu and select Import and Export. Pull right to display another menu.
Select Import Library. The Choose a file to open dialog box appears.
4. Find the desired library file in the window.
5. Once you have found the file, select it, and press the Open button.
Note that if there are point names in the selection that may be duplicated, a dialog box
appears. If you select Yes, a Point Edit dialog box appears prompting you to make the
necessary changes to the point(s). Select Ok on this window to commit the changes.
6. Use the cursor to position the control elements saved in the file onto the current drawing.
Click to mark the position of the control items on the drawing canvas.
7. Save the control sheet.

418 TRN350_100
27.4 Exporting control logic to a library

27.4 Exporting control logic to a library

If you want to reuse existing portions of control logic in a control sheet, you can export these
portions to a library file. These files can then be accessed and reused in another drawing.

27.4.1 To export control logic to a library

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).
2. Open a control sheet (see page 382) that already exists or create a new drawing (see page
3. Use the cursor to select the portion of the drawing that you want to export to a library.
4. Pull down the File menu and select Import and Export. Pull right to display another menu.
Select Export Library. A save dialog box appears.

5. If you want to save the selected portion of control to an existing library, find the name of the
library in the window, and select the Save button.
To save the selected portion of control to a new library, define the path where you want to
store the file in the "Save in" entry field. Enter a name for the file in the "File name" entry field,
and define the file as a *.svg file type in the "Save as type" entry field. Select the Save button.
The portion of control that you selected is now saved to a library file and can be used in
another drawing by using the Import function.

TRN350_100 419
S E C T I O N 28

Managing Control Builder operations


What are the Ovation Control Builder operations? ......................................................... 421

Understanding the Control Builder operations window sequence .................................. 422
What is the Compile operation? ...................................................................................... 430
What is the Copy operation? ........................................................................................... 433
What is the Export operation? ......................................................................................... 437
What is the Import operation? ......................................................................................... 439
What is the Reconcile operation? ................................................................................... 441
What is the Synchronize Online function? ...................................................................... 444

28.1 What are the Ovation Control Builder operations?

There are nine operations that perform various Ovation Control Builder functions. Typically, these
functions operate on multiple control sheets.
 Compile Operation (see page 430) -- compiles multiple control sheets.
 Copy Operation (see page 433) -- makes multiple copies of control sheets.
 Export Operation (see page 437) -- extracts sheets, symbols, or libraries out of the
 Import Operation (see page 439) -- inserts sheets, symbols, or libraries into the database.
 Print Operation -- prints multiple sheets at one time.
 Publish Operation -- converts the selected files into PDF documents for easier verification
and archiving of control files
 Reconcile Operation (see page 441) -- compares current point records in the database and
the values in the algorithms for multiple sheets.
 Standardize Text Operation -- provides a user-friendly interface for standardizing style
options on multiple sheets.
 Style Operation -- changes the styles of one or more sheets.

Note: These Control Builder operations are also available from the Ovation Developer Studio
right-click menus for Windows-based Ovation systems only. Also, when ordering sheets from
the Developer Studio, Order Sheets is shown as a Control Builder operation.

Even though it is not part of the Operations menu, the Synchronize Online function is discussed
in this section since it is also considered a Control Builder operation.

TRN350_100 421
28.2 Understanding the Control Builder operations window sequence

28.2 Understanding the Control Builder operations w indow sequence

The Control Builder operations provide common, user-friendly interfaces for performing a selected
task. All of the operations behave in a similar way. The information outlined here provides an
overview of the basic windows that apply to all the operations. Each specific operation is
discussed in its own section.

Note: The following numbered list provides an overview of the window sequence for the Control
Builder operations. The list is not designed to be a step-by-step procedure, but rather, just a
general sequence of what window appears and in what order. Step-by-step procedures are
provided in each operation's section.

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).

2. Pull down the Tools menu on the main Control Builder window and select Operations. Pull
right and another menu appears showing the list of operations.

Note: For Solaris-based Ovation systems, the Control Builder Tools menu also lists an option
for Delete Sheets. For Windows-based Ovation systems, deleting sheets is handled through the
Developer Studio.

Figure 206: Tools -> Operations menu

3. For all operations, the first window that appears is a Browse for Folder window. This window
allows you to select which folder contains the sheets to use for your operation. By default, the
ControlFunctions directory will be highlighted when the Browse for Folder window displays.
4. After you choose a folder, the Choose files window appears. The Choose files window is the
same for every Control Builder operation. In this window, you select the sheet(s) that will be
used in the operation. You can also filter out sheets that contain a certain macro. For more
information, see To use the Choose files window (see page 425) and To use the Macro Filter
option (see page 427) respectively.

422 TRN350_100
28.2 Understanding the Control Builder operations window sequence

5. After you select Next on the Choose files window, the Configure operation window appears.
This window is different for every operation, and it sets the parameters for the operation. For
some operations, there are many other windows that are accessed from the Configure
operation window. The following figure shows an example of the Configure operation window
for the Compile Operation.

Figure 207: Configure operation window

TRN350_100 423
28.2 Understanding the Control Builder operations window sequence

6. After you select Next on the Configure operation window, another window appears. Typically,
it is a Confirmation window. The Confirmation window shows the sheets that have been
selected and verifies all the settings that were defined on the Configure operation window.

Figure 208: Confirmation window

7. To execute the operation, press the Run button on the Confirmation window. To make
changes in a previous window, select the Back button. To quit the window without completing
the operation, select Cancel.
8. A window appears showing the process running. When complete, another window displays
showing the status of the operation. On the Completed window, a green check mark indicates
that the operation was successful for that sheet. A red X means that an error exists and the
operation did not execute for that sheet. To remove all successful results from the list, select
the Filter out successful results check box. A check mark appears in the box.

424 TRN350_100
28.2 Understanding the Control Builder operations window sequence

9. If errors are found, go to the "X" and expand the tree by clicking on the + symbol. This
displays the errors that were found. Double clicking on a sheet in the list displays the sheet in
the Control Builder.

Figure 209: Completed window

Note: The icons at the bottom of the Completed window allow you to save the compiled file as
an .html file or to send the file to the printer.

TRN350_100 425
28.2 Understanding the Control Builder operations window sequence

28.2.1 To use the Choose files window

The Choose files window is the same for every operation. In this window, you select the sheet(s)
that will be processed in the operation. Use the following procedure to use the Choose files

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).

2. Pull down the Tools menu on the main Control Builder window and select Operations. Pull
right and another menu appears showing the list of operations.
3. Select the desired operation.
4. A Browse for folder window appears. Select the folder that contains the sheets to use for your
operation and then click the Ok button. By default, the ControlFunctions directory will be
5. The Choose files window appears. The full path of the folder you selected in the Browse for
folder window displays in the Data Directory field. To look for sheets in a different directory,
use the Browse icon beside the Layout drop-down menu.
6. The Layout drop-down menu presents two different views of the sheet hierarchy tree. Select
one of the following options:
 Drop Layout - sheets are organized by drop and control task.
 Component Layout - sheets are organized by component code.
7. To select sheets for your operation, go to the directory tree. Click the + or - sign to expand or
collapse the folder. To make a selection, select the check box beside the drop (s) or sheet(s).
Note that when you select a folder in the directory, all of the items beneath it are also
8. The Macro Filter button allows you to search for sheets that contain a certain macro. If
desired, you can perform the desired operation only on those selected sheets. For more
information on this function, see To use the Macro Filter option (see page 427).
9. Select one of the following buttons:
 Next -- Advances to the next window in the sequence, which is the Configure operation
window. Since the Configure operation window is different for every operation, procedures
for using this window are defined in each operation's specific section.
 Cancel -- Prompts you with a message asking if you want to abort the operation.
 Refresh -- updates the sheets in the directory tree.

426 TRN350_100
28.2 Understanding the Control Builder operations window sequence

The following figure shows a "Choose files" window for the Compile Operation.

Figure 210: Choose files window

28.2.2 To use the Macro Filter option

The Macro Filter option shows all of the sheets that contain a certain macro. If desired, you can
perform the desired operation only on those selected sheets.

Use the following procedure to use the Macro Filter option:

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).

TRN350_100 427
28.2 Understanding the Control Builder operations window sequence

2. Pull down the Tools menu on the main Control Builder window and select Operations. Pull
right and another menu appears showing the list of operations.
3. Select the desired operation.
4. A Browse for folder window appears. Select the folder that contains the sheets to use for your
operation and then click the Ok button. By default, the ControlFunctions directory will be
highlighted. To look for sheets in a different directory, use the Browse icon beside the Layout
drop-down menu.
5. The Choose files window appears. Select the Macro Filter button at the bottom of the
window. A list of all the macros in the ControlMacros directory appears in the list.

Figure 211: Macro Filter list

428 TRN350_100
28.2 Understanding the Control Builder operations window sequence

6. Select a macro from the list. A processing window appears stating that it is searching for
sheets. When processing completes, the Choose files window updates to show check marks
beside the sheets that contain that macro.

Figure 212: Macro Filter option -- showing selected sheets

7. Select one of the following buttons:

 Next -- advance you to the Configure operation window. You will perform the operation
with the selected sheets.
 Back -- quits the macro filter function and returns the directory tree to how it first
appeared in the Choose files window.
 Cancel -- prompts you with a message asking if you would like to abort the operation.
 Refresh -- updates the sheets in the directory tree.

TRN350_100 429
28.3 What is the Compile operation?

28.3 What is the Compile operation?

The Compile operation provides a user-friendly interface for compiling multiple sheets at one time
by performing audit functions on objects within the sheet. Once the Compile operation is
complete, a summary of the compilation displays.

Note: Compiling control sheets will overwrite tuning changes. You must reconcile tuning
changes before compiling.

28.3.1 To use the Compile Operation

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).
2. From the main Control Builder window, pull down the Tools menu and select Operations.
Pull right to display another menu listing all the Control Builder operations.
3. Select Compile Operation.
4. A Browse for folder window appears. Select the folder that contains the sheets to use for your
operation and then click the Ok button. By default, the ControlFunctions directory will be
highlighted. To look for sheets in a different directory, use the Browse icon beside the Layout
drop-down menu.
5. The Choose files window appears (see page 425). Select the desired sheet(s) to be compiled.

Note: If desired, you can search for sheets that contain a certain macro. See To use the Macro
Filter option (see page 427).

a) If you attempt to compile when sheets are open in the Control Builder, a warning
message displays:

Figure 213: Warning message -- sheets are open during a compile/reconcile

430 TRN350_100
28.3 What is the Compile operation?

b) You must acknowledge the Warning window before proceeding with the compile.
Compiling while sheets are open in the Control Builder could result in data loss in the
compile after the open sheets are saved. Take one of the following actions:
- Close the sheets before you continue with the compile.
- Select the check box at the bottom of the window which states "I acknowledge that
proceeding may result in loss of data."

Note: The lock files may be outdated (that is, the sheets are no longer being edited). To clear
the lock files, access the Control Builder's Open File dialog box. Navigate to the sheets in the
hierarchy and unlock them.

c) Select the Ok button.

6. Select the Next button on the Choose files window. The Configure operation window appears.

Figure 214: Configure operation window

TRN350_100 431
28.3 What is the Compile operation?

In the Configure operation window, the Data Directory section at the top of the window shows
the location of the sheets that are to be compiled. The Selected Files section shows all the
sheets that were selected to be compiled.
7. In the Frame Attributes section, enter the following information:
 Engineer -- name of the engineer who created the drawing.
 Revision Date -- last date of revision of the drawing.
 Revision -- revision number of the drawing.
 Approved -- name of the engineer who approved the drawing.
8. In the Point Options section, if desired, enter the full path name of the point map file to use.
The point map file contains a list of point names, mapping the original point name to a new
point name.
The three icons beside the Point map file entry field are:
 Browse for Point Map File (magnifying glass icon) - displays a Browse window that
searches in other directories for a point map file.
 Edit Point Map File (pencil icon) - edits an existing point map file. When you select this
icon, the Point Translation Editor window appears loaded with the point map file that was
defined in the Point map file entry field. From this window, you can change any of the
existing new point names in the file.
 Create New Point Map File (page icon) - creates a new point map file. When you select
this icon, the Point Translation Editor window appears with only the original point names.
You define the new point names and create a new point map file.
9. If desired, select the Create undefined points check box to create all undefined user points
that are found on the compiled sheet. Note that if this box is checked, it will create all
undefined user points, including algorithm points (see Step 10).
10. If desired, select the Create user defined algorithm points check box to create all of the
user defined algorithm points that are found on the compiled sheet and that are not currently
defined in the database.
11. If desired, select the Force Reload of Selected Sheet(s) on Next Controller Load check
box to force a load of the Controller.
12. If desired, select the Configure point security group check box if you want to assign point
security groups for the points in this compile.
 Select the check box and click the Next button. The Configure Point Security Group
window appears as the next window. (If you do not select this check box and then hit the
Next button, the Confirmation window appears; see Step 13.)
 Select the desired group(s). To select all the groups, press the Select All button. To clear
the window, select the Clear All button.
 Select the Enable button to enable the group(s) or the Disable button to disable the
 Select the Next button to save the changes and advance to the Confirmation window.
Press the Back button to return to the previous window.
13. The Confirmation window shows the sheets to be compiled. To compile the sheets, press the
Run button in the Confirmation window. To make changes in a previous window, select the
Back button. To quit the window without compiling, select Cancel.

432 TRN350_100
28.4 What is the Copy operation?

14. A window appears showing the compile process running. When complete, another window
displays showing the status of the compile. On the Completed window, a green check mark
indicates that the sheet compiled. A red X means that an error exists and the sheet did not
15. If errors are found, go to the X and expand the tree by clicking on the + symbol. This displays
the errors that were found. Double-click a sheet in the list to display the sheet in the Control

28.4 What is the Copy operation?

The Copy operation makes multiple copies of existing control sheets. A flexible, user-friendly
interface copies control sheets from multiple locations to one specific location per each session.

You can also define a point mapping table to replace original point names with new point names.

28.4.1 To use the Copy operation

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).
2. From the main Control Builder window, pull down the Tools menu and select Operations.
Pull right to display another menu listing all the Control Builder operations.
3. Select Copy Operation.
4. A Browse for folder window appears. Select the folder that contains the sheets to use for your
operation and then click the Ok button. By default, the ControlFunctions directory will be
highlighted. To look for sheets in a different directory, use the Browse icon beside the Layout
drop-down menu.
5. The Choose files window appears (see page 425). Select the desired sheet(s) to be copied.

Note: If desired, you can search for sheets that contain a certain macro. See To use the Macro
Filter option (see page 427).

6. Select the Next button. The Configure operation window appears.

TRN350_100 433
28.4 What is the Copy operation?

7. The appearance of the Configure operation window varies depending on the type of sheets
that were selected in the Choose files window. If your project has a valid SIS license and you
selected SIS sheets to copy, they will appear under the Embedded Sheet(s) section. If you
only selected standard Ovation sheets to copy, they will appear under the Selected Files

Figure 215: Copy Operation window -- Configure operation

8. Enter the path that is the destination of the copy in the Destination entry field. This is typically
the Control Functions directory under OvPtSvr.
9. Enter a drop number (drop destination of the copy). The sheets are copy to this drop ID. Note
that if you are only copying SIS sheets, this field will be grayed out.
10. Enter a task number (task destination of the copy). The sheets are copied to this task ID. Note
that if you are only copying SIS sheets, this field will be grayed out.

434 TRN350_100
28.4 What is the Copy operation?

11. Enter a Base sheet number. This is the number you give the first sheet that is being copied. If
you do not assign a number here, the program uses the actual sheet number.
12. For SIS sheets only -- In the Embedded Device entry field, enter the name of the Logic
Solver that you want to copy the sheets into.
13. For SIS sheets only -- In the Control Module entry field, enter the number of the control
module (1 - 4) that the sheets will be copied to.
14. Select the Next button. The Configure point translation window appears.

Figure 216: Copy Operation window - Configure point translation

15. The Configure Point Translation window maps the original point name to a new point. Click
the entry field beside the original point name that you want to map and enter the new point
name. Do this for as many points as you want to map.
16. The Configure Point Translation window also has a right-click menu. To access this menu,
right-click anywhere on the window. The following choices appear:
 Insert column - inserts a column in the window. Inserting columns provides a quick and
efficient way to copy control strategies. See What are the best practices for copying
control? (see page 437) for more information.
 Delete column - deletes a column from the window.
 Find/Replace - accesses the Find/Replace window (see page 436).

TRN350_100 435
28.4 What is the Copy operation?

 Save -- saves the point map file.

 Load -- loads a point map file.
17. If desired, select the Create undefined points check box to create points that are not defined
in the Ovation database.
18. Select the Next button. A confirmation window appears.
19. Verify that the information in the Confirmation window is correct. To change any information,
use the Back button to return to a previous window and make any desired changes. To quit
the window without making copies, click the Cancel button.
20. When you are ready to make copies, select the Run button in the Confirmation window.
21. A window appears showing the Copy process running. When complete, another window
displays showing the status of the copy. On the Completed window, a green check mark
indicates that the sheet copied. A red X means that errors exist and the sheet did not copy.
22. If errors are found, go to the "X" and expand the tree by clicking on the + symbol. This
displays the errors that were found. Double clicking on a sheet in the list displays the sheet in
the Control Builder.

28.4.2 To use the Copy operation Find and Replace function

1. To perform a global find-and-replace action for point names, select Find/Replace from the
right-click menu on Copy operation - Configure Point Translation window. The Find/Replace
window appears.

Figure 217: Find/Replace window for Copy operation

2. Enter a point name in the "Find what" field and the point name that should replace it in the
"Replace with" field.
3. If desired, select the Use regular expressions check box to use the advanced search tool.
4. Select the Replace All button.

436 TRN350_100
28.5 What is the Export operation?

28.4.3 Example of copying control

Inserting columns in the Configure point translation window provides a quick and efficient way to
copy control strategies. Inserting columns saves time by allowing you to make multiple copies of
the same control. Each column represents a unique copy.

For example, you want nine copies of two sheets. To do this, initiate the Copy operation and
select the two sheets to copy from the Choose files window. On the Configure point translation
window, add eight columns to the window (one Mapping column is given when the window first
appears). Change the point names in each column accordingly. Each column with a different point
name represents a new copy of the control.

Once you define the point names, select the Next button and then run the copies. The result is
nine copies of the same control strategy with unique point names.

28.5 What is the Export operation?

The Export operation extracts control functions, control symbols, control libraries, and control
macros from an existing Ovation system to a specified directory.

Export stores the files with easily recognizable file names by allowing you to include either the
drop number, task number, or sheet number in the file name for distinction. In addition, you can
also specify the output format and size of the file to be exported.

The Export operation along with the Import operation (see page 439) is the primary means for
moving control files between systems.

28.5.1 To use the Export operation

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).
2. From the main Control Builder window, pull down the Tools menu and select Operations.
Pull right to display another menu listing all the Control Builder operations.
3. Select Export Operation.
4. A Browse for folder window appears. Select the folder that contains the sheets to use for your
operation and then click the Ok button. By default, the ControlFunctions directory will be
highlighted. To look for sheets in a different directory, use the Browse icon beside the Layout
drop-down menu.
5. The Choose files window appears (see page 425). Select the desired sheet(s) to be exported.

Note: If desired, you can search for sheets that contain a certain macro. See To use the Macro
Filter option (see page 427).

TRN350_100 437
28.5 What is the Export operation?

6. Select the Next button. The Configure operation window appears.

Figure 218: Export Operation window -- Configure operation

7. Enter the path that is the destination of the export in the Destination entry field. You can use
the Browse button beside the entry field to search for directories.
8. Select the check box if you wish to overwrite existing files.
9. You can append extra information to the exported file by selecting one of the following export
 Drop Number
 Task Number
 Sheet Number
10. Select the type of file format of the exported file. The choices are: SVG, BMP, JPG, PNG, and
11. Enter a width and height for the exported file in the Width and Height entry fields. The values
for width and height are only used for the BMP, JPG, and PNG file formats. The width and
height fields are ignored for SVG and DXF.
12. Select the Next button. A Confirmation window appears.

438 TRN350_100
28.6 What is the Import operation?

13. Verify that the information in the Confirmation window is correct. To change any information,
use the Back button to return to a previous window and make any desired changes. To quit
the window without exporting, click the Cancel button.
14. When you are ready to export, select the Run button in the Confirmation window.
15. A window appears showing the Export process running. When complete, another window
displays showing the status of the export. On the Completed window, a green check mark
indicates that the sheet exported. A red X means that errors exist and the sheets did not
16. If errors are found, go to the "X" and expand the tree by clicking on the + symbol. This
displays the errors that were found. Double-clicking on a sheet in the list displays the sheet in
the Control Builder.

28.6 What is the Import operation?

The Import operation copies control functions, control symbols, and control libraries from a
directory to an existing Ovation system.

It stores the files with a hex-formatted filename to distinguish it from other files in the specified
location. In addition, you can also specify a point mapping file to replace original point names with
new point names.

The Import operation along with the Export Operation are the primary means for moving control
files between systems.

Note: Be sure to define your directory structure before performing the import. You must have a
ControlMacros directory and a Custom Symbols directory at the same level as your
ControlFunctions directory in order for the import to be successful. Also, the ControlMacros and
Custom Symbols directories must contain any referenced macros and symbols.

28.6.1 To use the Import operation

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).
2. From the main Control Builder window, pull down the Tools menu and select Operations.
Pull right to display another menu listing all the Control Builder operations.
3. Select Import Operation.
4. A Browse for folder window appears. Select the folder that contains the sheets to use for your
operation and then click the Ok button. By default, the ControlFunctions directory will be
highlighted. To look for sheets in a different directory, use the Browse icon beside the Layout
drop-down menu.
5. The Choose files window appears (see page 425). Select the desired sheet(s) to be imported.

Note: If desired, you can search for sheets that contain a certain macro. See To use the Macro
Filter option (see page 427).

If your project has a valid SIS license, SIS sheets can be imported by checking the Logic Solver
entry in the tree that the sheets below to.

6. Select the Next button. The Configure operation window appears.

TRN350_100 439
28.6 What is the Import operation?

7. The appearance of the Configure operation window varies depending on the type of sheets
that were selected in the Choose files window. If your project has a valid SIS license and you
selected SIS sheets to import, they will appear under the Embedded Sheet(s) section. If you
only selected standard Ovation sheets to import, they will appear under the Selected Files

Figure 219: Import Operation window -- Configure operation window showing standard and
SIS sheets

8. Enter the path that is the destination of the import in the "Destination" entry field. This is
typically the Control Functions directory under OvPtSvr. If necessary, use the button beside
the entry field to search for directories.
9. Enter a drop number (drop destination of the import). The sheets are imported to this drop ID.
Note that if you are only importing SIS sheets, this field will be grayed out.

440 TRN350_100
28.6 What is the Import operation?

10. Enter a task number (task destination of the import). The sheets are imported to this task ID.
Note that if you are only importing SIS sheets, this field will be grayed out.
11. Enter a Base sheet number. This is the number you give the first sheet that is being imported.
If you do not assign a number here, the program uses the actual sheet number.
12. For SIS sheets only -- In the Embedded Device entry field, enter the name of the Logic
Solver that you want to import the sheets into.
13. For SIS sheets only -- In the Control Module entry field, enter the number of the control
module (1 - 4) that the sheets will be imported to.
14. If desired, enter the full path name of the point map file to use. The point map files contains a
list of point names, mapping the original point name to a new point name.
The three icons beside the Point map file entry field are:
 Browse for Point Map File - displays a Browse window used to search in other
directories for a point map file.
 Edit Point Map File - edits an existing point map file. When you select this icon, the Point
Translation Editor window appears loaded with the point map file that was defined in the
Point map file entry field. From this window, you can change any of the existing new point
names in the file.
 Create New Point Map File - creates a new point map file. When you select this icon, the
Point Translation Editor window appears with only the original point names. You define
the new point names and create a new point map file.
15. If desired, select the Create undefined points check box to create all undefined user points
that are found on the compiled sheet. Note that if this box is checked, it will create all
undefined user points, including algorithm points (see Step 16).
16. If desired, select the Create user defined algorithm points check box to create all of the
user defined algorithm points that are found on the compiled sheet and that are not currently
defined in the database.
17. Select the Next button. A Confirmation window appears.
18. Verify that the information in the Confirmation window is correct. To change any information,
use the Back button to return to a previous window and make any desired changes. To quit
the window without importing, click the Cancel button.
19. When you are ready to import, select the Run button in the Confirmation window.
20. A window appears showing the import process running. When complete, another window
displays showing the status of the import. On the Completed window, a green check mark
indicates that the sheet imported. A red X means that errors exist and the sheets did not
21. If errors are found, go to the "X" and expand the tree by clicking on the + symbol. This
displays the errors that were found. Double-click a sheet in the list to display the sheet in the
Control Builder.

TRN350_100 441
28.7 What is the Reconcile operation?

28.7 What is the Reconcile operation?

The Reconcile operation provides a user friendly interface for reconciling multiple sheets. It
compares current point records in the database and the values in the algorithms. The Controller
must be reconciled with the database before attempting this operation (using the Ovation system
reconcile function). All changes will be accepted, but only documents will be updated. The
database will not be changed.

28.7.1 To use the Reconcile operation

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).
2. From the main Control Builder window, pull down the Tools menu and select Operations.
Pull right to display another menu listing all the Control Builder operations.
3. Select Reconcile Operation.
4. A Browse for folder window appears. Select the folder that contains the sheets to use for your
operation and then click the Ok button. By default, the ControlFunctions directory will be
highlighted. To look for sheets in a different directory, use the Browse icon beside the Layout
drop-down menu.
5. The Choose files window appears (see page 425). Select the desired sheet(s) to be

Note: If desired, you can search for sheets that contain a certain macro. See To use the Macro
Filter option (see page 427).

a) If attempt to reconcile when sheets are open in the Control Builder, a warning message

Figure 220: Warning message -- sheets are open during a compile/reconcile

442 TRN350_100
28.7 What is the Reconcile operation?

b) You must acknowledge the Warning window before proceeding with the reconcile.
Reconciling while sheets are open in the Control Builder will likely result in data
loss in the reconcile after the open sheets are saved. Take one of the following
- Close the sheets before you continue with the reconcile.
- Select the check box at the bottom of the window which states "I acknowledge that
proceeding may result in loss of data."
c) Select the Ok button.

Note: The lock files may be outdated (that is, the sheets are no longer being edited). To clear
the lock files, access the Control Builder's Open File dialog box. Navigate to the sheets in the
hierarchy and unlock them.

6. Select the Next button. The Configure Operation window appears.

Figure 221: Reconcile Operation window -- Configure operation

7. The Configure operation window shows you the selected sheet(s) and any tuning changes
that must be reconciled.

TRN350_100 443
28.7 What is the Reconcile operation?

8. To save the tuning changes to a file before they are reconciled, select the Save icon at the
bottom of the Configure operation window.
9. Select the Next button. A Confirmation window appears.
10. Verify that the information in the Confirmation window is correct. To change any information,
use the Back button to return to a previous window and make any desired changes. To quit
the window without printing, click the Cancel button.
11. When you are ready to print, select the Run button in the Confirmation window.
12. A window appears showing the Reconcile process running. When complete, another window
displays showing the status of the reconcile. On the Completed window, a green check mark
indicates that the sheet was reconciled. A red X means that an error exists and the sheets did
not reconcile.
13. If errors are found, go to the "X" and expand the tree by clicking on the + symbol. This
displays the errors that were found. Double-clicking on a sheet in the list displays the sheet in
the Control Builder.

444 TRN350_100
28.8 What is the Synchronize Online function?

28.8 What is the S ynchronize Online function?

The Synchronize Online function allows you to view control sheets in the Signal Diagram viewer
without loading those sheets in the Controller first. This function saves time, since it can be used
to view sheets in Signal Diagrams for accuracy before they are loaded to the Controller.

28.8.1 Understanding the Synchronize Online Directories window

The Synchronize Online Directories window displays the sheets that you can view in Signal
Diagrams that have not yet been loaded into the Controller. Through various view and filter
options, you can customize the window to show different types of information about the sheets.

See To use the Synchronize Online function (see page 447) for information on using the
Synchronize Online Directories window.

Figure 222: Synchronize Online Directories window

TRN350_100 445
28.8 What is the Synchronize Online function?

The following table lists and describes the menus, columns, and buttons of the Synchronize
Online Directories window.

Synchronize Online Directories window -- menus, columns, and buttons


View menu Displays a menu of additional columns that can be displayed on the window.
(Note that the default columns display when the window is accessed.) The
choices are:
 ID - shows the four-digit hex number that the Control Builder assigns to a
 Master - displays the timestamp of the last edit of the sheet in the
ControlFunctions directory.
 MSize - displays the size of the file in the offline directory.
 Active - displays the timestamp of the last edit of the sheet in the online
 ASize - shows the size of the file in the online directory.
 Control - shows the timestamp of the last control change made to the sheet.
A control change is any change dealing with algorithms, pins, segment lines,
and so forth. Note that a simple change to text (that does not affect control)
would not be listed in this column, but instead, would be timestamped as an
edit under the Master column.
Filter menu Allows you to determine the States that shown on the window.
 Hide Up to Date -- if checked, sheets that are up to date are not shown in
the window. Up to date sheets are those that have the same version in the
offline and online directories.
 Modified -- if checked, sheets that have been modified will appear in the
window. A modified sheet indicates that a change was made to the sheet so
that a newer version of the sheet exists in the offline directory, but not in the
online directory.
 New - if checked, sheets that are new will appear in the window. Since these
sheets are new, they do not exist in Signal Diagrams.
 Deleted -- if checked, sheets that have been deleted will appear in the
window. Sheets that have been deleted no longer exist in the offline
directory; however, they may still exist in the online directory.
 Overwritten - if checked, sheets that have been overwritten will appear in
the window. This indicates a mismatch between the online and offline
 Drops - displays a list of drop numbers by which to filter on.
Find menu Displays a window that allows you to search for a text string in the Publish
Supplemental Documents window. Enter the text string in the Find field on the
Search window and select the Ok button.
Enable Advanced Mode Toggle option that takes the window from Basic Mode to Advanced Mode. If
the field says "Enable Advanced Mode," it means that you are currently in
Basic Mode.
Basic Mode - sheets are moved from the offline directory to the online
Advanced Mode - sheets are moved from the online directory to the offline
directory. If you click Enable Advanced Mode, a warning message appears
asking you to confirm the mode change. If you confirm the change to
Advanced Mode, the item on the window then reads, "Disable Advanced

446 TRN350_100
28.8 What is the Synchronize Online function?


Check box field Indicates that a file should be synchronized. If no check mark appears beside
the Drop column, it will not be sent to the online directory.

Drop field Number of the drop where the sheet resides.

Task field Control task area assigned to the sheet. See What is a control task area? (see
page 350) for more information.
Number field Number given to the sheet in the Property Editor when it was first created.

Title field Title given to the sheet in the Property Editor when it was first created.

State field Displays the sheet's state. The choices are: Modified, New, Deleted, and
Overwritten. See Filter menu in this table for more information.
Ok button Completes the synchronize action and closes the window.

Cancel button Closes the window without performing the synchronization.

Help button Displays online help about the window.

TRN350_100 447
28.8 What is the Synchronize Online function?

28.8.2 To use the Synchronize Online function

1. Access the Control Builder (see page 353).
2. From the main Control Builder window, pull down the Tools menu, and select Synchronize
Online. The Synchronize Online Directories window appears.

Figure 223: Synchronize Online Directories window

3. Click to place a check mark beside the sheet(s) that you want to send to Signal Diagrams for
viewing. Refer to Understanding the Synchronize Online Directories window (see page 445)
for information on determining the State of a sheet and whether the sheet should be sent to
Signal Diagrams.
4. Select the OK button to send the sheets and close the window.

448 TRN350_100
S E C T I O N 29

Understanding tracking


What is tracking? ............................................................................................................. 449

What is the purpose of tracking?..................................................................................... 450
What is the tracking process? ......................................................................................... 451
What are the best practices for using tracking? .............................................................. 451
What algorithms support tracking?.................................................................................. 452
Tracking examples .......................................................................................................... 454
Setting tracking signals for algorithms ............................................................................ 455

29.1 What is tracking?

The tracking function is a sophisticated control feature that is unique to Ovation systems. Tracking
is implemented through the signals that connect the algorithms. Tracking may be defined as
aligning a portion of a control system that is not in control to the portion of the control system that
is in control.

To implement tracking in the Ovation system, tracking signals are sent between algorithms.
These signals tell the upstream algorithm whether or not to be in the tracking mode and what
value is required by the downstream algorithm to achieve the present output.

Typically, multiple control strategies (or “modes”) are defined to control a process. For example,
both manual and automatic control modes may be available. Multiple types of automatic control
may be available, such as flow control, level control, element control, and cascade control modes.
During the transition from one control mode to another, tracking is needed.

When transferring between control strategies (for instance, from manual to automatic control
modes), information is required by the newly selected control strategy to ensure a smooth
transition. These required values are obtained from the active control strategy and are provided to
the other available strategies. This exchange of information between control strategies is referred
to as tracking.

Tracking signals are automatically generated by the Control Builder. The Control Builder assigns
points to carry the tracking mode and value information. The insertion of tracking logic is
transparent to the user (requires no user input to implement). You have the option of turning
tracking off.

TRN350_100 449
29.2 What is the purpose of tracking?

Tracking should be turned off for the following situations:

 Tracking from a mathematical calculation.
 When using PID to a setpoint to keep from winding up a PID, priority lower/raise. Typically, do
not allow tracking to change a setpoint.
Tracking can be blocked in the following ways:
 Place the algorithms on a separate sheet. Since automatic tracking only occurs within a
sheet, tracking is effectively blocked.
 Use Control Builder to remove tracking points from the TRIN entry fields.

29.2 What is the purpose of tracking?

There are two purposes for tracking:

 Prevent bumps.
Changes in the mode of a process have the potential to disrupt the process. For example,
consider a situation where a control element is manually set to a low level, even though the
automatic control scheme is calculating a high level. If the control mode is changed to
automatic, a “bump” occurs as this control element’s setting goes from low to high. If the
change is extreme, equipment damage could result. Methods used to avoid this type of rapid
adjustment are referred to as “bumpless transfer.”
 Reduce process upsets.
A process upset may be defined as a condition in which the control system causes the
process to temporarily move to an operating point that differs from the desired point. Often the
process upset is caused by failing to hold the integral action of a PID Controller in check; this
condition is called reset windup.
For example, a PID control scheme sums a Proportional component and an Integral
component. In certain situations, the value of the output may reach its limit (100%) while one
of the components is still increasing. Although the output cannot be driven past 100%, it takes
time for the component value to return to the appropriate range. During this time, if it is
necessary to lower the output, the artificially high component value can cause a delay. In
order to keep the control scheme components within the appropriate range, an approach
called Anti-reset windup limiting is used.
To ensure bumpless transfer (during the transition from one control mode to another) and to
avoid reset windup, tracking is needed.

450 TRN350_100
29.3 What is the tracking process?

29.3 What is the tracking process?

Tracking works by reverse calculation of the normal control functions. Control may be thought of
as proceeding from “top to bottom,” with inputs on the top, computations in the middle, and
outputs on the bottom. On the other hand, tracking may be thought of as proceeding from “bottom
to top,” with the output values on the bottom being used to calculate values for the computational
elements in the middle. Effectively, tracking calculates a value for an upstream control function,
so that the upstream objectives are satisfied.

One output point that is used for tracking is created for each algorithm that has an IN1 input. The
output is listed in the algorithm definitions as TOUT. TOUT contains the track output value, mode
and status output signals for the cascade IN1 variable.

Some algorithms have two to four additional tracking outputs for the Input 2, Input 3, and Input 4
as well. These are TRK2, TRK3, and TRK4.

The tracking output is input by the upstream algorithm as TRIN (Tracking Input Point) according
to the tracking rules outlined in the following sections. TRIN contains the tracking analog input
value and the tracking and limiting mode input signals.

Tracking values are generated by a reverse calculation of the normal algorithm function. That is,
when the algorithm is actively controlling the process, it uses one or more inputs to calculate an
output. When in the tracking mode, the algorithm is provided with the output value, and must
calculate the input value required to obtain that output. This value is sent to the upstream
algorithm that is generating the algorithm’s input. When there is more than one input, the value is
sent to the IN1 input.

Not all algorithms initiate tracking. All algorithms do not process the signals the same way. Refer
to the individual algorithm descriptions to determine how the signals are processed for a particular

29.4 What are the best practices for using tracking?

Refer to the following guidelines when using tracking:

 Perform tracking typically upstream.
 Do not unnecessarily use the GAINBIAS algorithm.
 Use MAMODE priority raise/lower instead of external transfers below MASTATION
 Remember that tracking signals are always visible (except for BALANCER signals) and are
typically shown in green.
 If downstream tracking can come from more than one source, then use the initial building
order to determine the source, unless manually changed. The exception to this is the
BALANCER algorithm, which can accept tracking from up to 16 downstream algorithms.
 You may break tracking after the signal wires are drawn. On the Solaris platform, this may be
done by clearing the TRIN entry in the algorithm’s EDIT window. On the Windows platform,
this may be done with the Clear Tracking icon.
 If you insert non-tracking algorithms between tracking algorithms, then you are responsible for
tracking across the “gaps.” Typically, the TRANSFER algorithm is used above the gap to
insert the user-computed tracking.

TRN350_100 451
29.5 What algorithms support tracking?

 You can perform Reset Windup limiting by tracking algorithms if:

 They are properly configured for tracking.
 The scale limits (TPSC and BTSC) are set to reflect the accepted signal range.
 In addition, the PID and PIDFF algorithms provide for enhanced windup limiting in the
cascade configuration.
 Implement cross sheet tracking by passing a tracking point “upstream” through the same
page connectors that pass control signals downstream. On the Solaris platform, this is done
by filling in the optional tracking point name in the cross page connector’s EDIT window. On
the Windows platform, this is done by using the Set Tracking icon with the signal wires.
 Use OCB to fully manage tracking points except when tracking crosses between sheets, and
when tracking from a downstream algorithm into a BALANCER algorithm.
Since the BALANCER algorithm tracks from many downstream algorithms, tracking
connections between a BALANCER algorithm and any downstream algorithms are not
graphically visible.
 Typically use only one tracking input (IN1) to an algorithm, except for TRANSFER and
SELECTOR algorithms.
 Before you implement tracking, consider the following:
 What are scaling factors, voltage, percentage, temperature?
 Where is the I/O located?
 What is the frequency of the point?
 Note that the Track Ramp Rate (TRAT) referred to in the algorithm descriptions is used by the
algorithm when tracking action is terminated and normal control begins. It is the time in units
per second for the output to decay or ramp to the value dictated by the inputs under normal
(non-tracking) operation. The default Track Ramp Rate value is 2.5 units

29.5 What algorithms support tracking?

Only these algorithms support tracking through dual-purpose analog inputs and outputs (that is,
track value in AV field, mode status bits in 3W field) (See Ovation Algorithms Reference Manual
and Ovation Record Types Reference Manual.):

Tracking algorithm summary




DIVIDE x x x


452 TRN350_100
29.5 What algorithms support tracking?




HISELECT x x x x x x
LOSELECT x x x x x x
PID x 1 x x

PIDFF x 1 x x
QSRMA x x x

SQUARE- x x x

SUM x x x
3 4 x x x
XMA2 x x x
XML2 2 x

X3STEP x x
Through S (setpoint) pin
Information Only
Supports switchable slewing and switchable tracking
Ramps supported on both TRR1 and TRR2 pins

TRN350_100 453
29.6 Tracking examples

29.6 Tracking examples

Tracking: Mode Transition

One of the most common uses of tracking is during the transition between manual mode and auto
mode. In this case, the control algorithm upstream of the MASTATION algorithm must be tracked
to the current output of the MASTATION algorithm. The input to the MASTATION station is the
same as the output from the MASTATION station at the moment of the mode change, and
bumping is prevented.

Tracking: SUM Algorithm

Another common use of tracking is for one input into a SUM algorithm. A two-input SUM algorithm
normally adds two inputs, A and B, to produce an output, C. That is, A + B = C. When the
algorithm is in tracking mode, C is dictated by downstream tracking requirements and one of the
inputs, which may be continually varying as process conditions change. Therefore, a value for the
other input must be calculated by the algorithm such that the sum of the inputs is equal to the
required output. Simple algebraic manipulation of the SUM equation reveals that the dependent
input must be tracked to the difference between required C and independent B. That is, A = C - B.

Tracking: PID Algorithm

Still another common tracking use involves one of the inputs to a PID algorithm’s error calculation.
As in the SUM example, the output of the PID is dictated by downstream tracking requirements
and the process variable acts as an independent variable. However, because integral action is
involved in this control algorithm, the concept for tracking changes. Here, the appropriate
technique is to cause a zero error to be presented to the PID during tracking periods to provide no
error-related movement of the PID output when tracking is initially released.

Therefore, the dependent input to the PID error function, the set point, should be tracked to the
value of the process variable input so that a zero-error condition is produced. Also, the PID output
must be tracked when the associated portion of the system is not in control so that integral action
does not cause process upsets by following set point errors. As described previously, this
condition is called reset windup.

Typically, an MASTATION algorithm is placed below the PID algorithm on a control sheet.

In summary, there might be a change in your plant's process values (for example, the
temperature rose in a feedwater system). The applicable process control sheet contains the logic
that defines the desired value for the process. The algorithm PID looks at the difference between
the actual process value and the desired process value and reacts based on this difference. It
performs the necessary action (for example, add cold water to lower the water temperature) to
bring the process back to the desired value.

Tracking: Reset Windup

The concept of reset windup applies to normal control modes as well as to tracking modes. It is
undesirable to allow the integral action in a control algorithm to move any further in a direction
that tends to drive a control element past its limits of travel. Once the integrator winds past where
it should be, it takes time to wind back to the control region when the time comes. Control delays
result and process upsets may occur. The solution is to compute an integrator output that keeps
the downstream demand to the control element at the limit until it becomes time to drive the
control element into the control range. This approach is called anti-reset windup limiting.

454 TRN350_100
29.7 Setting tracking signals for algorithms

Tracking: Anti-Reset Windup

The Ovation tracking functions performs the anti-reset windup limiting function if the following two
conditions are met:
 The sheets must be configured using the Ovation sheet tracking rules.
 The Scale Top and Scale Bottom parameters of the algorithms must be set to reflect the
actual control element ranges, usable controller ranges, and so forth.
The fact that an algorithm is at its top or bottom of scale is used to produce signals that inhibit the
upstream algorithm from moving too far in the wrong direction. If algorithms are properly
configured, reset windup is prevented. Reset windup is technically more of a concern in control
mode than in tracking mode.

29.7 Setting tracking signals for algorithms

The digital tracking signals are set and used as described in the following table.



Track PID and PIDFF set the Track output signal The output value is set equal to the
TRUE. Track input value. An internal track
buffer is set up to provide a bumpless
TRANSFER sets the Track output signal transfer when the Track input signal is
TRUE for the value that is not selected. removed.
MASTATION set the Track output signal
TRUE for one loop after it reads the
hardware value on the first pass.
MASTATION sets the Track output signal
TRUE when the algorithm is not in Auto
All algorithms set the Track output signal
TRUE when the Track input signal is
Track-if-Lower HISELECT sets the Track-if-Lower output If the output value of the PID or
signal TRUE for the value that is not PIDFF is less than the Track input
selected only when there are no Track, value, then a negative error causes
Track-if_Higher, or Track-if-Lower input the Controller to take action from the
signals and the gain on the input value is previous output value, and a positive
positive. error causes the Controller to take
action from the Track input value.
LOSELECT sets the Track-if-Lower output
signal TRUE for the value that is not
selected only when there are not Track,
Track-if-Higher, or Track-if-Lower input
signals and the gain on the input value is

TRN350_100 455
29.7 Setting tracking signals for algorithms



All algorithms set the Tack-if-Lower output

signal TRUE when there is no Track input
signal and either:
 The Track-if-Lower signal is TRUE and
the gain on the input value is positive, or
 The Track-if-Higher input signal is TRUE
and the gain on the input value is
Track-if-Higher LOSELECT sets the Track-if-Higher output If the output value of PID or PIDFF is
signal TRUE for the value that is not greater than the Track input value,
selected only when there are no Track, then a positive error causes the
Track-if-Higher, or Track-if-Lower input Controller to take action from the
signals and the gain on the input value is previous output value, and a negative
positive. error causes the Controller to take
action from the Track input value.
HISELECT sets the Track-if-Higher output
signal TRUE for the value that is not
selected only when there are no Track,
Track-if-Higher, or Track-if-Lower input
signals and the gain on the input value is
All algorithms set the Track-if-Higher output
signal TRUE when there is no Track input
signal and :
 The Track-if-Higher input signal is TRUE
and the gain on the input value is
positive, or
 The Track-if-Lower input signal is TRUE
and the gain on the input value is
Lower Inhibit PID and PIDFF set the Lower Inhibit output The output is prevented from
signal TRUE when the algorithm is in decreasing its value, but it is
Cascade mode, no Track input signal permitted to increase.
exists, and:
 The Track-if-Lower input signal is TRUE
and either the gain on the setpoint is
positive with INDIRECT action on the
error or the gain on the setpoint is
negative with DIRECT action on the error,
 The Track-if-Higher input signal is TRUE
and either the gain on the setpoint is
negative with INDIRECT action on the
error, or the gain on the setpoint is
positive with DIRECT action on the error.

456 TRN350_100
29.7 Setting tracking signals for algorithms



All algorithms set the Lower Inhibit output

signal TRUE when there is no Track input
signal and:
 The output value is at the low limit
specified and the gain on the output value
is positive, or
 The output value is at the high limit
specified and the gain on the input value
is negative, or
 The Lower Inhibit input signal is TRUE
and the gain on the input value is
positive, or
 The Raise Inhibit input signal is TRUE
and the gain on the input value is
Raise Inhibit PID and PIDFF set the Raise Inhibit output The output is prevented from
signal TRUE when the algorithm is in increasing its value, but it is permitted
Cascade mode, no Track input signal to decrease.
exists, and:
 The Track-if-Higher input signal is TRUE
and either the gain on the setpoint is
positive with INDIRECT action on the
error, or the gain on the setpoint is
negative with DIRECT action on the error,
 The Track-if-Lower input signal is TRUE
and either the gain on the setpoint is
negative with INDIRECT action on the
error, or the gain on the setpoint is
positive with DIRECT action on the error.
All algorithms set the Raise Inhibit output
signal TRUE when there is no Track input
signal, and:
 The output value is at the high limit
specified and the gain on the input value
is positive, or
 The output value is at the low limit
specified and the gain on the input value
is negative, or
 The Raise Inhibit input signal is TRUE
and the gain on the input value is
positive, or
 The Lower Inhibit input signal is TRUE
and the gain on the input value is

TRN350_100 457
S E C T I O N 30

Control Builder Information and error messages


What is the Control Builder Error List window? ............................................................... 459

Fields in the Error List window ........................................................................................ 459
Control Builder error message descriptions .................................................................... 460

30.1 What is the Control Builder Error List w indow ?

The Error List window displays algorithm errors for a particular sheet. These errors also appear in
the Operator Station Error Log.

To access the Error List, pull down the View menu on the main Control Builder window and select
Algorithm Errors. The Error List window appears.

30.2 Fields in the Error List w indow

Figure 224: Error List window

TRN350_100 459
30.3 Control Builder error message descriptions

Error List window Fields


Icon Red circle with an "x" indicates an error.

Algorithm (name) Name of the algorithm on the sheet that has the error.
Parameter The parameter (of the algorithm) that has the error.
Value The value of the parameter in question.
Error Short message stating the error.
Error details Extra information pertaining to the error.

30.3 Control Builder error message descriptions

The following error messages display in the Error List window.

Control Builder error messages and descriptions


Algorithm template not found. The algorithm template could not be found.

Audit operation failed. The Control Builder could not successfully audit the sheet due to
Bit number > 32 or Invalid The point name has been defined with an invalid point name. Using
characters. the expected format, which is <point name> [bit], the bit is either an
invalid integer or not a number at all.
Cell input is not connected There is no power flow to the input of a cell in a ladder.
Cell output is not connected There is no downstream connection from a ladder line, orbar, or
CSS path not specified. A directory path was not specified for the .css (cascading style sheet)
file. A .css file is used to apply styles to graphic items. Enter the
correct path of the .css file you wish to use to apply styles.
Database offline. The system is unable to connect to the configured database.
Proceeding with this error results in control sheet edits being
committed to the file but not to the Ovation database.
Database type not defined. The correct Ovation database is not configured. This error implies an
incorrectly formatted Control Builder Project configuration file in the
directory with the currently opened .svg file. See To set Control
Builder configuration parameters in the Ovation Control Builder User
Guide for information on setting the Database/Type attribute. Note
that "None" is a valid configuration/
Directory does not exist. The directory you specified does not exist. Enter a new directory path
or create a new directory.
Document path not defined. A directory path was not defined for the document.

460 TRN350_100
30.3 Control Builder error message descriptions


Drop ID not yet specified. A drop ID was not specified for your sheet. A drop ID is required in
order to save a control function. Control does NOT update under this
Drop not found in database. The drop is not currently defined in the database. Create a drop or
select a new drop. Control does NOT update under this condition.
Embedded Device not found in For projects that have a valid SIS license, the embedded device is not
database. in the database.
Exponent exceeds allowed value. The entered exponent exceeds the allowed maximum limit.
Exponential format invalid for The format of the entered exponent is not valid for integers.
integer parameters.
File does not exist. The file you entered does not exist. Enter a different file name or
create a new one.
File not found. The file you are searching for was not found in the database.
Font not supported by this machine. The selected font type is not supported by the drop.
Foundation Fieldbus algorithm not The Ovation algorithm must be assigned to a specific Foundation
assigned to a device. Fieldbus function block. Control does NOT update under this
Foundation Fieldbus device is The device name specified for the Foundation Fieldbus function block
already in use. is already allocated to another Ovation algorithm. This is similar to a
point being originated by another algorithm. Control does NOT update
under this condition.
Hex format invalid for real The format for hexadecimal numbers is not valid for parameters that
parameters. require a real value.
Hex numbers must be prefixed with Hexadecimal numbers must begin with "0x."
Insufficient SIS permissions: For projects that have a valid SIS license, the user does not have
Document is read-only. permission to edit the SIS document. It is read-only,
Invalid cell structure There is a problem with a cell in a ladder.
Invalid character. The entered character is not valid for the current entry field.
Invalid Control Module number. For projects that have a valid SIS license, the control module number
used is incorrect.
Invalid data type. The selected data type is not valid.
Invalid date. The entered date is not in a valid format.
Invalid datetime. The entered time is not in a valid format.
Invalid drop ID. The entered drop ID is not valid. Drop ID is required in order to save
Invalid font size. The selected font size is not supported.
Invalid Foundation Fieldbus device The Fieldbus device name is not found in the database under the
name. current drop.
Invalid indicator type. The selected indicator type (for point status indicators or algorithm
value indicators) is not valid.
Invalid ladder special function The number of a holding register in a special function is outside the
register value. range 0 - 9999.

TRN350_100 461
30.3 Control Builder error message descriptions


Invalid line style. The selected line style is not supported by the Control Builder.
Invalid point name format. An algorithm's output point name contains invalid characters. Valid
characters are all characters, except \, $, %, &, *, @, ~, ". Control
does NOT update under this condition.
Invalid point record type. An algorithm's output contains a point whose record type is
incompatible with the algorithm's definition. For example, a digital
point is used as the output for an algorithm requiring an analog point.
Control does NOT update under this condition.
Invalid style class. The selected style template is not defined in the current document.
IO channel is originated by another For projects that have a valid SIS license, the IO channel is not
sheet. originated on the current sheet, but is originated on another sheet.
IO channel not defined in the For projects that have a valid SIS license, the IO channel was not
database. properly defined. It must be defined in the Ovation Developer Studio.
Item not found. The item you are searching for could not be found.
Ladder is empty There are no cells defined in the ladder.
Missing required attribute. The attributes requires the user to define a value.
More than one decimal point You can only have one decimal point in a real number.
More than one signal segment is You can only have one signal segment connected to an input.
connected to input.
Network name contains other than A network name can only contain alphanumeric characters (A-Z, 0-9).
characters A-Z, 0-9.
Network name is defined without a A unit name must be defined with every network name in a fully
unit name. qualified point name.
Network name longer than 8 A network name cannot contain more than eight characters.
Network not found in database. The network you are searching for was not found in the database.
No active unit available. The Control Builder is unable to determine which unit to use for the
drop defined by the currently active sheet.
No description available for point. This error implies that a point's description is empty and cannot be
displayed on the sheet.
No help information currently Help information is not available on the selected item.
No ladders allowed Ladders are not allowed on sheets with Fast Boolean logic.
No value for cb-source upstream This error implies that an algorithm value is attached to an attribute
attribute. that does not currently have a value in the algorithm.
Not a recognized Control Builder The selected file is not a Control Builder file.
Not a valid enumeration value. The current value for the enumeration is not valid. The default value
will be used instead. Control updates under this condition.
Numeric value expected. The entered value should be a numeric value.
Only SIS algorithms are valid in a For projects that have a valid SIS license, only SIS algorithms can be
SIS function. used on SIS sheets. Standard Ovation algorithms cannot be used on
SIS sheets.

462 TRN350_100
30.3 Control Builder error message descriptions


Out of range for byte. The entered byte is not in a valid range. Valid range is 0 - 255.
Output point name is not unique. The output point name is used on more than one algorithm on the
Point is originated by another Point is originated from an algorithm on another sheet.
Point name contains invalid Point names can only contain certain valid characters. Refer to
characters. Ovation Graphics Builder User Guide for more information on valid
point names.
Point name too long. The entered point name is too long. Point names cannot exceed 24
characters for Ovation Windows systems or 16 characters for Ovation
Solaris systems.
Point not originated in the same The point is calculated by an algorithm on the current sheet, but the
drop as the sheet. point is originated in a different drop than the one that is executing the
current sheet. The sheet must run in the same Controller that
originates the points.
Point not found in database. An algorithm's output contains a point name that is not currently
defined in the database. Create a point or select a new point. Control
does NOT update under this condition.
Real values invalid for integer The entered real numbers are not valid for integer parameters.
Secure parameter not defined in For projects that have a valid SIS license, this indicates that the
the database. parameter was not defined in the database.
Sheet number not yet specified. A sheet number was not defined in the Property Editor. The sheet
does not save under this condition.
Sheet title not yet specified. A sheet title was not defined in the Property Editor. The sheet does
not save under this condition.
SIS Logic Solver not found in the For projects that have a valid SIS license, the Logic Solver is not
database. found in the database. It must be defined in the Ovation Developer
SIS Logic Solver undefined. For projects that have a valid SIS license, the Logic Solver is not
defined and must be defined in the Ovation Developer Studio.
System not available. When connecting to an Ovation Windows database, the system in the
database must match the system expected for the sheet. The system
is derived from the directory structure under OvPtSvr.
Target files/directory not specified. A target directory or file was not specified for a Copy operation.
Task ID not yet specified. A task ID was not specified in the Property Editor. The sheet does not
save under this condition.
Task not found in database. The entered control task was not defined in the database.
The Foundation Fieldbus block Fieldbus function block names must be unique within a sheet.
name is not unique.
Unable to open file. The selected file could not be opened.
Unit name contains other than Unit names can only contain alphanumeric characters (A-Z, 0-9).
characters A-Z, 0-9.
Unit name longer than six A unit name cannot be longer than six characters.

TRN350_100 463
30.3 Control Builder error message descriptions


Unit name required when a network You must supply a unit name when specifying a network.
is specified.
Unit not found in database. When connecting to an Ovation Windows database, the unit in the
database must match the unit expected for the sheet. The unit is
derived from the directory structure under OvPtSvr.
Upstream algorithm belongs to a Foundation Fieldbus blocks may only be connected if they run on
different segment. devices on the same Fieldbus segment. The upstream algorithm is
running on a device on a different segment. To connect the blocks,
use an Ovation algorithm between them (GAINBIAS for analog
signals, and OR for digital signals). Be advised that under this
configuration, the control will not run independently on the segments.
This configuration requires continuous operation by the Controller for
the control to run correctly.
Value below allowable minimum. The entered value falls below the defined minimum limit.
Value exceeds limit. The entered value exceeds the defined limit for the parameter.
Value exceeds maximum allowable The entered value exceeds the defined maximum length.
Value out of range. The entered value is not in the valid range for the parameter.
Value over allowable maximum. The value exceeds the maximum defined limit.
X-coordinates do not progress. The Function Generator graphic is invalid because the x coordinates
do not numerically progress. X(n) is less than X(n-1).

464 TRN350_100
S E C T I O N 31

Introduction to the Ovation 3.5 Graphics Language


Topics covered in the Graphics Language section of this manual ................................. 465
What is the Graphics Language? .................................................................................... 465
What is the role of the Graphics Language in Ovation? ................................................. 466
Graphics Language rules ................................................................................................ 466
Graphics Language Reserved Words ............................................................................. 471
Graphics Language Status Words .................................................................................. 476

31.1 Topics covered in the Graphics Language section of this manual

The following Graphics Language subjects are discussed in this manual:

 What is the Graphics Language? (see page 465).
 What is the role of the Graphics Language in Ovation? (see page 466).
 Graphics Language rules (see page 466).
 Graphics Language Reserved Words (see page 471).
 Graphics Language Status Words (see page 476).

31.2 What is the Graphics Language?

The Graphics Language is the source language rules and commands used to develop the
process diagrams that are displayed on the Ovation Operator Station. Each process diagram is
created in source language form as well as binary object form. The object (.diag) form is the
"executable" diagram file that is displayed at the Ovation Operator Station. The source (.src)
language form is a readable ASCII representation of the diagram that adheres to a defined
syntax. All display items (arcs, circles, poke fields, and so forth) and logic commands (if/endif,
run_programs, and so forth) have a defined syntax.

TRN350_100 465
31.3 What is the role of the Graphics Language in Ovation?

31.3 What is the role of the Graphics Language in Ovation?

The Graphics Language is the actual syntax for Ovation graphic display items.

Graphics can be drawn interactively through the Graphics Builder, which provides a user-friendly
Graphics builder editor to build process diagrams. Displayed on the Ovation Operator Station,
process diagrams are graphical representations of the actual plant process that are used to
monitor and control the system.

The Graphics Builder (GB, sometimes referred to as GBNT on windows and dialog boxes) is
comprised of two interfaces: the interactive editor and the source (code) editor. Both editors
modify the graphic source format (.src file.) The graphic object format (.diag) is created when the
source format is saved.

Display items such as arcs, circles, rectangles, and so forth can be drawn in the interactive editor.
However, these same items can be drawn by entering the actual source syntax (ARC, CIRCLE,
RECTANGLE) into the source editor. Logic items, such as IF/ELSE/ENDIF, LOOP, SETVAL, and
so forth, which have no associated display must be entered in the source editor.

Any text editor may be used to enter graphic source commands. However, one of the benefits of
using the Graphics Builder source editor is that the commands are checked for syntax errors
simultaneously on the same graphic in the same edit session. Note that if you use a text editor
other than the Graphics Builder source editor, the file must still be loaded into the Builder for
syntax checking.

In order to provide control through the process diagrams, the graphics are written with links to
algorithms through application programs. Application programs are internal programming routines
that perform common control and interactive functions from poke fields, from the
RUN_PROGRAMS command, or from the Control Panel window. Application programs
implement control by changing the contents of record fields in the algorithms found on control
sheets created in the Control Builder. By using conditional statements, the value of a graphics
command parameter can change based upon a specified condition, such as raising/lowering
setpoint, switching from auto to manual mode, and so forth

Once process diagrams are built, they are downloaded to other drops in the system. The process
diagrams can then be displayed on the Ovation Operator Station.

31.4 Graphics Language rules

The following rules apply to the graphics language and source editor:

1. The DIAGRAM command must be the first command in the graphics language program
(except for comment lines and blank lines.)
2. There must always be one DIAGRAM command per file. Changes to the DIAGRAM
command cannot be undone through the undo feature on the source editor. (See Ovation
Graphics Builder User Guide.)
3. Comments cannot be embedded within commands.
4. Blank lines may be placed anywhere in the source file (including within a command.)
5. You cannot modify a keyword that has already been entered into the source editor.
For example, you cannot select a CIRCLE command and change it into a LINE command.
Once a valid keyword is entered, changes must be made by deleting and re-entering the
entire command.

466 TRN350_100
31.4 Graphics Language rules

6. If you wish to move/copy a loop, the entire loop must be blocked first. (See Ovation Graphics
Builder User Guide.)
7. You may choose a name, number, or a combination of both as the diagram name. Valid
entries include: alphanumeric, numeric, variables, $P pointer or $T pointer if used in a macro.
8. Each source line of a graphics program can contain up to 132 characters. The graphics
language is free-formatted, which means that statements do not have to begin in a certain
column or end with a special character. Statements may use more than one line, but a
carriage return must separate the lines if using a text editor other than the Graphics Builder
source editor. (See Ovation Graphics Builder User Guide.)
9. Arithmetic constants include integer and real constants. These constants are formed as
Integer Constants assume signed values and are represented in decimal notation. The
decimal representation consists of a series of one to five decimal digits (0 - 9) written without
a decimal point. The number may be preceded by a sign (plus or minus.) If unsigned, the
number is assumed to be positive. Any leading zeros are ignored. Unless otherwise specified,
the valid range for integers is 0 - 2,147,483,647.
The following are valid integer constants:
1 0 -56 0077 +85
Real Constants are represented in decimal notation. Decimal notation represents the
number with a sign (optional), an integer, a decimal point, and a fractional extension. Both the
integer and the fraction may contain a sequence of zero to eight decimal digits (0 - 9.) Unless
otherwise specified, the valid range for real constants is 0.00 - 3.40282346638528860e + 38 -
The following are valid real numbers:
3.1415927 0.005 6.3 8.00082
10. You can specify a conditional statement in the graphics language to allow the value(s) of the
parameter(s) to change based on a specified condition (for example, a conditional statement
could cause a process point to be displayed in green instead of white if the point value is out
of range.) You can build the following types of conditional statements:
 Simple Conditional statement (see page 501).
 Compound Conditional statement (see page 503).
 Case Conditional statement (see page 505).
 Quality Conditional statement (see page 507).
 Set Conditional statement (see page 509).
11. For the commands that use conditional expressions in their syntax, anything enclosed in “[ ]”
characters is optional. The “[ ]” do not actually appear in the source command. They are used
here only to illustrate that what is within them is optional.
12. Valid point names in the graphics language consist of process point names defined in the
Ovation database and the pointer names.
13. Valid record field names in the graphics language consist of standard record fields and the
$offset pointers used with the $P pointer type.
14. Text strings may be delimited by single or double quotes. The maximum number of
characters allowed in the string (not including the quotes) is 80 characters for TEXT and
MACRO strings; 50 characters for the OL_EVENT_MENU strings; 30 characters for the
MULTI_TEXT, OL_CHOICE, OL_BUTTON, and FONT name strings; and 130 characters for

TRN350_100 467
31.4 Graphics Language rules

31.4.1 Main commands and section labels

Main commands can only be used with the section labels specified in the following table. Note
that neither main command names nor section label names are case sensitive (that is, ARC, arc,
and Arc are all valid.)

Use of Main Commands with Section Labels

Section Labels



ARC x x x
BAR x x x
BLINK x x x
CIRCLE x x x
COLOR x x x x
CURSOR x x x
DATE x x x
DOT x x x
EF_STATE x x x
FONT x x x x

468 TRN350_100
31.4 Graphics Language rules

Section Labels



FRAME x x x
GCODE x x x
GTEXT x x x
IF/ENDIF x x x
LINE x x x
MACRO x x x x x
MATH x x x

METER x x x

OL_GAUGE x x x
PLOT x x x
POINTER x x x x

TRN350_100 469
31.4 Graphics Language rules

Section Labels



PTR_EQUAL x x x x
PTR_MOVE x x x x
PTR_VALUE x x x x
SETVAL x x x
SHAPE x x x
TEXT x x x
TIME x x x
TREND x x x
TRIG_ON x x x
XY_PLOT x x x

Note: Macros can be used with all of the section labels (background, diagram, foreground,
keyboard, and trigger.) See Understanding Graphics Builder Macros for more information on
using macros.

470 TRN350_100
31.5 Graphics Language Reserved Words

31.4.2 Valid Characters

The valid characters in the graphics language are:

Alphabetic A - Z; a - z
Numeric 0-9
Special See below:
. (period) -- separates whole and fractional parts of real numbers (decimals.)
+ (plus) -- indicates a positive number or the mathematical symbol for addition.
- (minus) -- indicates a negative number or mathematical symbol for subtraction.
/ (slash) -- used as the mathematical symbol for division.
* (asterisk) -- denotes a comment or the mathematical symbol for multiplication.
' or " (single or double quotes) -- denotes the beginning and end of a text string.
() (parentheses) -- indicates the beginning and end of a simple conditional expression.
{} (braces) -- indicates the beginning and end of a compound conditional expression.
= (equal) -- indicates a relational operation within a conditional expression.
< (less than) -- denotes a relational operation within a conditional expression.
> (greater than) -- denotes a relational operation within a conditional expression.
__ (underscore) -- clarifies variable names.

31.5 Graphics Language Reserved Words

31.5.1 What are Reserved Words?

This section lists the words that are reserved for use by the compiler. In addition to the words
listed on the following pages, the items below are also considered reserved:
 Point names.
 Pointer names ($P, $H, $D, $G, $W, and $O) and offsets ($In, $Rn, $Bn, $Sn, $AnXi.)
 Record type and record field names. (See Ovation Record Types Reference Manual.)
 Fill pattern names.
 Line pattern names.
 Color names.
 Shape names.

Note: These terms are case insensitive (that is, not sensitive to upper and lower case letters.)
The exception is for shape names. They must be used as defined.

TRN350_100 471
31.5 Graphics Language Reserved Words

31.5.2 List of reserved words

The following words are reserved for use by the compiler. They are alphabetically arranged left to






472 TRN350_100
31.5 Graphics Language Reserved Words









TRN350_100 473
31.5 Graphics Language Reserved Words

ON8 ON9 ON10
ON11 ON12 ON13
ON14 ON15 ON16
ON17 ON18 ON19
ON20 ON21 ON22
ON23 ON24 ON25
ON26 ON27 ON28
ON29 ON30 ON31


474 TRN350_100
31.5 Graphics Language Reserved Words






TRN350_100 475
31.6 Graphics Language Status Words





31.6 Graphics Language Status Words

31.6.1 What are Status Words?

This section lists the Graphics Language status words. The general purpose words (ONx, OFFx,
and so forth) enable you to check a bit within any integer record field of a point record. Other
status words are designed to check for specific conditions, based on the value of specific point
record fields. (See Ovation Record Types Reference Manual.) Multiple bits may be checked by
using a compound conditional (that is, using a logical operator (AND or OR) to combine the
simple expressions that check each bit.
 Mask = Bits that are checked.
 Pattern = Value of the bits that are checked.
For example, the status word NORMAL has mask = 1000 0000 1000 0000, indicating that bits 7
and 15 are checked.

The pattern for NORMAL is 0000 0000 0000 0000, indicating that the bits checked should equal
zero. For example, the conditional {A100 = NORMAL} evaluates as true if bits 7 and 15 in the AS
field of analog point A100 are reset (equal to zero.)

Note: In the above example with NORMAL, bits 16 through 31 are 0.

476 TRN350_100
31.6 Graphics Language Status Words

31.6.2 List of Status Words

The following table provides the following information on the Graphics Language status words:
description, mask, pattern, and record type (default record fields.)

Graphics Language Status Words



ALARM Point in Alarm 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Long Analog (LA)
Deluxe Analog (DA)
1000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 Long Digital (LD)
Deluxe Digital (LD)
ALAR- Unacknowl- 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Long Analog (LA)
MACK Alarm Deluxe Analog (DA)
1000 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 Long Digital (LD)
Deluxe Digital (LD)
ALARM- Alarm Check 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Long Analog (LA)
OFF Off Deluxe Analog (DA)
1010 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 Long Digital (LD)
Deluxe Digital (LD)
BAD Quality = Bad 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Long Analog (LA)
Deluxe Analog (DA)
1000 0011 0000 0000 0000 0011 0000 0000 Long Digital (LD)
Deluxe Digital (LD)
BETTER Better 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Long Analog (LA)
Deluxe Analog (DA)
1000 0000 0000 0011 0000 0000 0000 0001
CUTOUT Cutout 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Long Analog (LA)
Deluxe Analog (DA)
1000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 Long Digital (LD)
Deluxe Digital (LD)
DRO- Drop in Alarm 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Drop Status (DU)
0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000
DROP- Drop not in 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Drop Status (DU)
0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
DROP- Drop Fault 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Drop Status (DU)
0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000
ENTER- Value was 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Long Analog (LA)
VALUE Entered Deluxe Analog (DA)
1000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 Long Digital (LD)
Deluxe Digital (LD)
FAIR Quality = Fair 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Long Analog (LA)
Deluxe Analog (DA)
1000 0011 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 Long Digital (LD)
Deluxe Digital (LD)
GOOD Quality = Good 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Long Analog (LA)
Deluxe Analog (DA)
1000 0011 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Long Digital (LD)
Deluxe Digital (LD)

TRN350_100 477
31.6 Graphics Language Status Words



HDWR- Hardware Fail 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Long Analog (LA)
FAIL Deluxe Analog (DA)
(timed-out) 1000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 Long Digital (LD)
Deluxe Digital (LD)
Long Packed (LP)
Deluxe Packed (LP)
HIGH- High Alarm 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Long Analog (LA)
ALARM Deluxe Analog (DA)
1000 0000 1000 1100 0000 0000 1000 1000
LIMIT- Limit Check Off 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Long Analog (LA)
OFF Deluxe Analog (DA)
1001 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000
INCR Incremental 0000 0000 0000 0111 0000 0111 0000 0000 Long Analog (LA)
Deluxe Analog (DA)
Alarm 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
INCR_ Incremental 0000 0000 0000 0111 0000 0000 0000 0111 Long Analog (LA)
BETTER Deluxe Analog (DA)
Better Alarm 1000 0000 0000 0011 0000 0000 0000 0001
INCR_ Incremental 0000 0000 0000 0111 0000 0000 0000 0111 Long Analog (LA)
WORSE Deluxe Analog (DA)
Worse Alarm 1000 0000 0000 0011 0000 0000 0000 0010
LOW- Low Alarm 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Long Analog (LA)
ALARM Deluxe Analog (DA)
1000 0000 1000 1100 0000 0000 1000 0100
MCB0- MBC 0 Inactive 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Drop Status (DU)
0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000
MCB1- MBC 1 Inactive 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Drop Status (DU)
0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000
NORMAL Point not in 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Long Analog (LA)
Alarm Deluxe Analog (DA)
1000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Long Digital (LD)
Deluxe Digital (LD)
OFF0 Specified bit 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 OFF0 - OFF31 are
is OFF applicable to any integer
0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 record field of any point
OFF1 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000
OFF2 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000
OFF3 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000
OFF4 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
OFF5 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

478 TRN350_100
31.6 Graphics Language Status Words



OFF6 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
OFF7 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 000 0000
OFF8 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
OFF9 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
OFF10 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
OFF11 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
OFF12 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
OFF13 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
OFF14 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
OFF15 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
OFF16 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
OFF17 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
OFF18 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
OFF19 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
OFF20 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
OFF21 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
OFF22 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
OFF23 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

TRN350_100 479
31.6 Graphics Language Status Words



OFF24 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
OFF25 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
OFF26 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
OFF27 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
OFF28 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
OFF29 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
OFF30 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
OFF31 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
ON0 Specified bit 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ON0 - ON31 are
is ON applicable to any integer
0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 record field of any point
ON1 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0010
ON2 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0100
ON3 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 1000
ON4 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000
ON5 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000
ON6 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000
ON7 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000
ON8 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000

480 TRN350_100
31.6 Graphics Language Status Words



ON9 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000
ON10 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000
ON11 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000
ON12 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000
ON13 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0010 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000
ON14 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0100 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000
ON15 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
1000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000
ON16 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
ON17 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0010
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
ON18 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0100
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
ON19 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 1000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
ON20 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
ON21 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
ON22 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
ON23 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
ON24 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
ON25 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
ON26 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

TRN350_100 481
31.6 Graphics Language Status Words



ON27 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
ON28 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
ON29 0010 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
ON30 0100 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
ON31 1000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
OPATTN Operator 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Drop Status (DU)
Required 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000

POOR Quality = Poor 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Long Analog (LA)
Deluxe Analog (DA)
1000 0011 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 Long Digital (LD)
Deluxe Digital (LD)
PRESET0 Specified bit is 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 All record types.
reset (= 0)
0000 0000 0000 0001 1111 1111 1111 1111
PRESET1 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0010 1111 1111 1111 1111
PRESET2 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0100 1111 1111 1111 1111
PRESET3 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 1000 1111 1111 1111 1111
PRESET4 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0001 0000 1111 1111 1111 1111
PRESET5 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0010 0000 1111 1111 1111 1111
PRESET6 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0100 0000 1111 1111 1111 1111
PRESET7 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 1000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1111
PRESET8 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0001 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1111
PRESET9 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0010 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1111

482 TRN350_100
31.6 Graphics Language Status Words



PRESET 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

0000 0100 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1111
PRESET 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 1000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1111
PRESET 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0001 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1111
PRESET 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0010 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1111
PRESET 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0100 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1111
PRESET 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
1000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1111
PRESET 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1110
PRESET 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1110
PRESET 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1110
PRESET 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1110
PRESET 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1110
PRESET 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1110
PRESET 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1110
PRESET 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1110
PRESET 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1110
PRESET 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1110
PRESET 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1110
PRESET 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1110

TRN350_100 483
31.6 Graphics Language Status Words



PRESET 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1110
PRESET 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1110
PRESET 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1110
PRESET 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1110
PSET0 Specified bit 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 All record types.
is set (= 1)
0000 0000 0000 0001 1111 1111 1111 1101
PSET1 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0010 1111 1111 1111 1101
PSET2 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0100 1111 1111 1111 1101
PSET3 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 1000 1111 1111 1111 1101
PSET4 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0001 0000 1111 1111 1111 1101
PSET5 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0010 0000 1111 1111 1111 1101
PSET6 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0100 0000 1111 1111 1111 1101
PSET7 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 1000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1101
PSET8 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0001 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1101
PSET9 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0010 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1101
PSET10 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0100 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1101
PSET11 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 1000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1101
PSET12 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0001 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1101
PSET13 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0010 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1101

484 TRN350_100
31.6 Graphics Language Status Words



PSET14 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

0100 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1101
PSET15 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
1000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1101
PSET16 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1100
PSET17 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0010
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1100
PSET18 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0100
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1100
PSET19 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 1000
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1100
PSET20 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1100
PSET21 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1100
PSET22 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1100
PSET23 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1100
PSET24 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1100
PSET25 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1100
PSET26 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1100
PSET27 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1100
PSET28 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1100
PSET29 0010 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1100
PSET30 0100 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1100
PSET31 1000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1100

TRN350_100 485
31.6 Graphics Language Status Words



RESET Reset 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Long Digital (LD)
Deluxe Digital (LD)
1000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000
RESET- Reset Alarm 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Long Digital (LD)
ALM State Deluxe Digital (LD)
1000 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000
SCAN- Point not 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Long Analog (LA)
OFF Scanned Deluxe Analog (DA)
1000 1000 0000 0000 0000 1000 0000 0000 Long Digital (LD)
Deluxe Digital (LD)
SENSOR- Sensor Alarm 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Long Analog (LA)
ALM Deluxe Analog (DA)
1000 0000 1000 1100 0000 0000 1000 1100
SENSOR Sensor Mode 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Long Analog (LA)
Deluxe Analog (DA)
1000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000
SET Set 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Long Digital (LD)
Deluxe Digital (LD)
1000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0001
SETALM Set Alarm 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Long Digital (LD)
State Deluxe Digital (LD)
1000 0000 0000 0010 0000 0000 0000 0010
TOGGLE Toggle 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Long Analog (LA)
Deluxe Analog (DA)
1100 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 Long Digital (LD)
Deluxe Digital (LD)
UPDATE- Update Clock 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Drop Status (DU)
0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000 0000
WORSE Worse 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Long Analog (LA)
Deluxe Analog (DA)
1000 0000 0000 0011 0000 0000 0000 0010

486 TRN350_100
S E C T I O N 32

Introduction to the Ovation 3.5 Graphics Builder


Topics covered in the Graphics Builder section of this manual ...................................... 487
What is the Ovation Graphics Builder? ........................................................................... 488
Understanding Graphics Builder concepts ...................................................................... 488

32.1 Topics covered in the Graphics Builder section of this manual

The following Graphics Builder subjects are discussed in this manual:

 What is the Ovation Graphics Builder? (see page 488).
 Understanding Graphics Builder concepts (see page 488).
 Using process points, conditionals, pointers, and variables in graphics (see page 495).
 Understanding the Graphics Builder windows and subwindows (see page 517).
 Setting Graphics Builder edit session parameters.
 Setting drawing attributes (see page 533).
 Working with Background, Foreground, Trigger and Macro Trigger draw items (see page
 Working with Keyboard draw Items (see page 601).
 What are the Graphics Application Programs? (see page 641).
 Adding Application Programs to Graphics Builder windows (see page 655).
 Editing graphics (see page 665).
 Understanding Macros (see page 673).
 Using the Shape Library (see page 695).
 Using the Integrated Source Editor (see page 699).
 Using the generic text editor (see page 707).
 Using the QuickView program (see page 713).

TRN350_100 487
32.2 What is the Ovation Graphics Builder?

32.2 What is the Ovation Graphics Builder?

The Ovation Graphics Builder resides on the Ovation Developer Studio and is used to develop the
process diagrams that are displayed in the Graphics Display System on the Ovation Operator
Station. These process diagrams are software programs which display graphical images that
represent actual plant process control equipment.

Two diagram files (source and object) are created and edited within the Graphics Builder. The
source (.src) format is a readable ASCII representation of the diagram which adheres to the
syntax of the graphics language. You can view and/or edit the graphics language syntax in the
Integrated Source Editor (see page 699). For more information on the graphics language syntax,
refer to Ovation Graphics Language Reference Manual. The object (.diag) format is the
corresponding “executable” diagram file that is displayed at the Ovation Operator Station.

The Graphics Builder can be run online from within the Ovation Developer Studio, or it can be run
offline as a standalone program. (Refer to Differences between the online and offline Graphics
Builder in the Ovation Graphics Builder User Guide) The Graphics Builder only communicates
with the database when it is running online; therefore, all point names are interpreted as
unresolved points when running offline. If working offline, an import utility is used to import/merge
graphics, macros, bitmap files, shapes, custom colors, custom line patterns, and custom fill
patterns into the Ovation Developer Studio environment. For purposes of clarity and simplicity, the
examples in this manual show the offline Graphics Builder program.

Note: Do NOT use the database import function (OvPtImport) if the Graphics Builder is in use
anywhere in the system. This could result in system disruption. If a disruption should
accidentally occur, you must correct the disruption. (See Ovation Database User Guide.)

32.3 Understanding Graphics Builder concepts

This document assumes that you are already familiar with certain operating system and window
manager terms. Before beginning to use the Graphics Builder, it may be helpful to refer to the
applicable operating system and window manager documentation for your system.

The following topics discuss concepts that are specific to the Graphics Builder and are used
throughout this manual:
 Outlining rectangle (see page 489).
 Coordinates (see page 490).
 Origins of Draw Items (see page 492).

488 TRN350_100
32.3 Understanding Graphics Builder concepts

32.3.1 Outlining rectangle

The outlining rectangle is the smallest rectangle that could be drawn around an item that includes
every point on the item. When an item is selected on the drawing canvas, eight handles appear
around the item as shown in the following figure:

Figure 225: Graphics Builder depicting outlining rectangle around a draw item

If a line were drawn to connect these handles, it would represent the outlining rectangle around
the item.

TRN350_100 489
32.3 Understanding Graphics Builder concepts

32.3.2 Coordinates

The Graphics Builder uses two types of coordinates to specify x and y locations and widths and
heights. An explanation of each follows:

Screen coordinates — Screen coordinates are used to define the location/size of the diagram
windows displayed on the Ovation Operator Station monitor screen. They are also used to specify
the spacing between strings for multiple text. Screen coordinates are classic pixels.

Screen coordinates are defined by the pixel resolution of the CRT monitor screen. These
coordinates are used in conjunction with the DIAGRAM, DIAG_DISP, and MULTI_TEXT graphics
language commands only. See Ovation Graphics Language Reference Manual for more
information on command syntax.

Virtual coordinates — Virtual coordinates define the drawing surface of a diagram. The drawing
surface is defined to be 16,384 x 16,384 pixels. Therefore, the virtual coordinate range is 0 -
16,383 and 0 - 16,383 where 0, 0 is the upper left corner of the diagram, and 16,383, 16,383 is
the lower right corner of the diagram. All of the graphics commands drawing items on the diagram
(ARC, CIRCLE, BAR, LINE, and so forth), specify x, y, w, h parameters in terms of virtual

Virtual coordinates are required to implement software pan and zoom. For example, since it is not
possible to display a diagram that is 16,384 x 16,384 pixels on a CRT screen which is only 1,152
x 900 pixels, virtual coordinates are mapped (scaled) to screen coordinates when items are
displayed on the drawing surface. The current zoom level determines the number of virtual pixels
which map to a single screen pixel. As you zoom in further, the number of virtual pixels mapping
to a single pixel decreases until one virtual pixel maps to one screen pixel.

Two types of virtual coordinates are supported:

 Absolute - Specify a virtual offset from 0, 0 (upper left corner of the diagram). The valid range
for Absolute coordinates is 0 to 16,383.
 Relative - Specify a virtual offset from the previous display item (circle, bar, text, and so forth),
or from 0, 0 if there is no previous item in the diagram section. The valid range for Relative
coordinates is -16,383 to 16,383.

Note: Relative coordinates must be enclosed in brackets.

Refer to the following examples:

Example 1: Rectangle specified with absolute virtual coordinates:

RECTANGLE 4000 4000 6000 2000 1 solid solid

Example 2: Rectangle specified with relative virtual coordinates:

RECTANGLE [-1000] [3000] 6000 2000 1 solid solid

For this example, the source line in Example 2 immediately follows the source line in Example 1,
as shown in the following:

LINE 1000 2000 5000 5000 9000 2000 1 solid

490 TRN350_100
32.3 Understanding Graphics Builder concepts

RECTANGLE 4000 4000 6000 2000 1 solid solid

RECTANGLE [-1000] [3000] 6000 2000 1 solid solid

In the example, the second rectangle would be relative to the first rectangle. The second
rectangle would be 1,000 pixels left of the first, and 3,000 pixels below the first rectangle. If you
interactively move the first rectangle, the position of the second automatically shifts also. If you
delete the first rectangle, the second rectangle becomes relative to the line. If you then delete the
line, the second rectangle becomes relative to 0, 0. If you then add a new item after the color
command, the rectangle becomes relative to the new item.

For those commands that have more than one x, y coordinate pair (LINE and POLYGON), only
the first x, y coordinate pair is relative to the previous display item. If relative coordinates are
specified for any other x, y pair (not the first pair), those relative coordinates are relative to the
previous coordinate pair. See the following example:

LINE 1000 2000 [5000] [5000] 9000 2000 1 solid

In the example above, the relative coordinates [5000] [5000] are relative to the previous
coordinate pair (1000, 2000.)

32.3.3 Rules for relative coordinates

The following rules apply to relative coordinates:

1. Items can only be defined with relative coordinates through the source editor. You cannot
interactively draw items with relative coordinates. You may interactively draw items and then
change to relative coordinates by editing the command in the source editor. Once the item is
created with relative coordinates, it may be edited (moved, copied, resized, rotated, inverted,
and/or deleted) through the main Graphics Builder window.
2. Items specified with relative coordinates cannot be interactively grouped, and their Place
cannot be changed.
3. Relative coordinates can only be used to specify the x, y position of display items. Relative
coordinates cannot be used to specify size (width and height.) You may specify x and y
coordinates independently (x may be absolute and y may be relative.) Commands with
multiple x, y pairs (LINE and POLYGON) may specify any number of coordinates as relative;
only the x, y position of the DYNAMIC_LINE and DYNAMIC_POLYGON may be relative (not
the individual x, y coordinates.)
4. Relative coordinates may only be used to specify the position of the following commands:
See the following examples:
ARC [222] [3333] 1989 9999 123 -220 1 solid unfilled
BAR [2222] [3434] 1377 2401 up A100 AV 2 22
CIRCLE [1222] [1111] 898 1 solid unfilled
DATE [999] [233] 1 vector 207 944 1
DOT [444] [555] large
DYNAMIC_LINE [1000] [4000] 2342 1078 0 100 0 100 NOT_FITTED
NOSCALE 1 2 \A100\ AV 50 \A200 \ AV 50 1 solid

TRN350_100 491
32.3 Understanding Graphics Builder concepts

DYNAMIC_POLYGON [1000] [4000] 3770 2412 \A100\ LL \A100\ HL

\A200\ LL \A200\ HL 5 4 12.45 \A200\ AV \A100\ HL 0 20 \A200\ AV 100
\A200\ HL 3 dashed unfilled
ELLIPSE [2323] [1212] 7776 7677 1 solid unfilled
GTEXT [233] [985] 1 7 horz vector 207 944 1
LINE [111] [2222] [3333] [3434] [3432] [1212] 1 solid
MULTI_TEXT [2000] [2000] 0 0 3 “string1” “string2” “string3”
VECTOR 140 257 1
OL_CYLINDER [1000] [-2000] 1000 4000 A100 AV A100 ll a100 HL
OL_GAUGE [-3000] [0] 2000 550 LEFT A100 AV 0 100
OL_RECTANGLE [1234] [5678] 2500 2500 INVOKED
PLOT [222] [3333] 1234 8765 up A100 AV 2 33
POLYGON [2322] [6565] [4545] [5656] [3333] [2323] [454] [233] 1 solid
PROCESS_PT [2323] [2222] 10 -1 right0 on horz vector 207 944 1
A100 AV
RECTANGLE [2222] [6778] 232 999 1 solid unfilled
SHAPE [222] [3333] 1260 3434 tmp 0 none
TEXT [333] [232] “help” horz vector 207 944 1
TIME [333] [323] 1 vector 207 944 1
TREND [3456] [233] 2865 7654 horz A100 AV 2 33 10 60 scale
XY_PLOT [2222] [3333] 1234 7654 A100 AV 2 44 A200 AV 3 44 scale
5. Items defined with relative coordinates are relative to the previous item. The point on the
previous item to which an item is relative depends on the previous item. This point is defined
as the origin (see page 492).

32.3.4 Origins of draw items

Items defined with relative coordinates are relative to the previous item. The point on the previous
item to which an item is relative depends on the previous item. This point is defined as the origin.
For example, the origin of a circle is the center. If a rectangle was specified to be relative to the
circle, then the rectangle would be relative to the x, y point at the center of the circle. The origin
for each draw item is listed in the following table.

Origin by draw item


ANALOG INDICATOR Upper left corner.

ARC Starting point of the arc.
ARCPOLYGON Starting point of the arc.
BAR Upper left corner (down, right or bias).
Lower left corner (up).
Upper right corner (left).

492 TRN350_100
32.3 Understanding Graphics Builder concepts


BMP_IMAGE Upper left corner.

BUTTON Upper left corner.
CIRCLE Center.
DATE Baseline position of the first character of the text string (for bitmap
and bitmap_over text).
Upper left corner of the outlining rectangle of the text string (for vector
and vector_over text).
DECORATIVE_TEXT Baseline position of the first character of the text string (for bitmap
and bitmap_over text).
Upper left corner of the outlining rectangle of the text string (for vector
and vector_over).
DOT x, y position.
DYNAMIC_LINE Lower left corner of the outlining rectangle.
DYNAMIC_POLYGON Lower left corner of the outlining rectangle.
FRAME Upper left corner (x, y from command syntax).
LINE First x, y coordinate of the line.
MACRO Upper left corner of the macro outlining rectangle.
METER Upper left corner of the rectangle on which the meter lies.

MULTI_TEXT Baseline position of the first character of the first text string (for
bitmap and bitmap_over text).
Upper left corner of the outlining rectangle of the entire item (for
vector and vector_over text).
MULTI_TREND Lower right corner (for horizontal).
Upper right corner (for vertical).
OL_BUTTON Upper left corner of button outlining rectangle (x, y from command
OL_CHECKBOX Upper left corner of checkbox outlining rectangle (x, y from command
OL_CHOICE Upper left corner of choice (x, y from command syntax).
OL_CYLINDER Upper left corner of cylinder outlining rectangle (x, y from command
OL_EVENT_MENU Upper left corner of event menu (x, y from command syntax).
OL_GAUGE Upper left corner of gauge outlining rectangle (x, y from command
OL_RECTANGLE Upper left corner (x, y from command syntax).
OL_RECTPOLYGON Upper left corner (x, y from command syntax).

OL_SLIDER Upper left corner of slider outlining rectangle (x, y from command

TRN350_100 493
32.3 Understanding Graphics Builder concepts


PLOT Top of plot line (down).

Bottom of plot line (up).
Left end of plot line (right).
Right end of plot line (left).
POKE_FLD Upper left corner of poke field.
POLYGON First x, y coordinate of the polygon.
POLYBAR First x, y coordinate of the polygon.
PROCESS_PT Baseline position of the first character of the text string (for bitmap
and bitmap_over text).
Upper left corner of the outlining rectangle of the text string (for vector
and vector_over text).
RECTANGLE Upper left corner.
RECTPOLYGON Upper left corner.
SHAPE Defined origin.
TEXT Baseline position of the first character of the text string (for bitmap
and bitmap_over text).
Upper left corner of the outlining rectangle of the text string (for vector
and vector_over).
TEXT_POLYGON Upper left corner.
TIME Baseline position of the first character of the text string (for bitmap
Upper left corner of the first character of the text string (for vector).
TREND Lower right corner (for horizontal).
Upper right corner (for vertical).
VARIABLE_FILL_ARC Starting point of the arc.
VARIABLE_FILL_POLYGON First x, y coordinate of the polygon.
XY_PLOT Lower left corner.

Note: The origin of a group is defined as the upper left corner of the group’s outlining rectangle.

494 TRN350_100
S E C T I O N 33

Using process points, conditionals, pointers, and

variables in graphics


Entering process point names......................................................................................... 495

Conditionals ..................................................................................................................... 496
Conditional Expressions .................................................................................................. 499
Simple Expression........................................................................................................... 501
Compound Expression .................................................................................................... 503
Case Expression ............................................................................................................. 505
Quality Expression .......................................................................................................... 507
Set Expression ................................................................................................................ 509
What are Pointers?.......................................................................................................... 510
Record fields ................................................................................................................... 514

33.1 Entering process point names

Point record information is required in many Graphics Builder windows (Bar, Process Point, Poke,
and so forth.) This section defines the valid point names and record fields that can be used. (See
Ovation Developer Studio User Guide and Ovation Record Types Reference Manual for more
information on point types and record fields.)

Valid point names in the graphics language consist of the following:

 Process point names defined in the Point Builder (see Ovation Developer Studio User Guide).
 Dummy points (unresolved points).
 $Pointer variables ($P, $G, $H, $, $D, $O, and $S).
 Record fields.
 OPC points.
All of the above types of points can be used in graphics commands wherever point names (or
point name and record field pairs) are used.

TRN350_100 495
33.2 Conditionals

33.2 Conditionals

A conditional statement allows the value of a parameter in a graphics command to change based
upon a specified condition.

The following parameters can be specified by a conditional in the graphics language:

 FG, BG, ER, and OL colors in the COLOR command.
 Blink state in the BLINK command.
 Text string to display in the TEXT/DECORATIVE_TEXT commands.
 Set of strings to display in the MULTI_TEXT command.
 Record field (for a given process point) to display in the PROCESS_POINT command.
 Shape name to display in the SHAPE command.
 Trigger number to execute in the TRIG_ON command.
 Line pattern to use in the following commands: LINE, RECTANGLE, POLYGON, ARC,
 Fill pattern to use in the following commands: RECTANGLE, POLYGON, ARC,
 Runtime display state in the ROTATING_SHAPE, MOVING_SHAPE,
SEQUENCING_SHAPES, and BLINKING_SHAPE commands (shape animation commands).
 IF conditional in the IF/ENDIF, IF/ELSE/ENDIF, IF_DISPLAY/ENDIF commands.
 Button color in the BUTTON command.
 Text and/or shape label in the BUTTON command.
 FG/BG colors of the text and/or shape label in the BUTTON command.
 Runtime display state in the BUTTON command.
 Disabled color and disabled display option in the BUTTON command.
 Rotation increment in the ROTATING_SHAPE command.
The Graphics Builder command dialog boxes that support conditionals either provide an entry
field directly on the dialog box for you to specify the conditional, or they provide an ellipsis button
(…) beside the conditional parameter to bring up a separate dialog box in which to enter the
conditional. See the following figures:

496 TRN350_100
33.2 Conditionals

Figure 226: GBNT:Line Patterns dialog box showing Conditional entry field on window

Figure 227: GBNT:Color window showing conditional button that accesses a conditional

TRN350_100 497
33.2 Conditionals

Note: For commands that do not have an associated dialog box (such as IF and TRIG_ON
commands), you can only enter conditionals via a text editor.

Specifying conditionals is always optional. The Graphics Builder does not evaluate conditionals.
Conditionals are only evaluated at runtime.

For information on the types of conditionals and conditional syntax, refer to Ovation Graphics
Language Reference Manual.

33.2.1 To specify a conditional using a conditional dialog box

1. Access the Graphics Builder.
2. From a dialog box that has access to the conditional window, select the ellipsis button. The
conditional window for that dialog box appears. For example purposes, the following figure
shows the GBNT:ButtonColorCond window.

Figure 228: Example conditional window

3. Enter the conditional(s). For information on conditional types and syntax, see Ovation
Graphics Language Reference Manual.

Note: The conditional dialog boxes are fully resizable.

4. Select the first button (checkmark) to check/save the conditional.

5. Select the middle button (reset arrow) to restore the last saved conditional.
6. Select the last button (eraser) to clear/delete the conditional.
7. Select the close (X) in the right-hand corner of the dialog box when finished editing to close
the dialog box.

Note: If a conditional is defined, the color of the conditional button changes to green as a visual
clue that a conditional exists.
If a conditional is defined, but contains an error, the color of the conditional button changes to
red as a visual clue that an erroneous conditional exists.
If the conditional button is the same color as the dialog box, no conditional has been defined.

498 TRN350_100
33.3 Conditional Expressions

33.3 Conditional Expressions

Conditional statements allow the value of a graphics command parameter to change based upon
a specified condition. Five types of conditional statements are supported in the Graphics
 Simple Expressions.
 Compound Expressions.
 Case Expressions.
 Quality Expressions.
 Set Expressions.
Conditional statements may be used in conjunction with various commands. The type of the
conditional value is determined by the conditional parameter for the conditional (for example: the
conditional parameter for the COLOR command is the color name; thus the conditional value
could be red, blue, green, and so forth.)

Specifying conditionals is always optional. The Graphics Builder does not evaluate conditionals.
Conditionals are only evaluated at runtime.

In this document, conditionals are specified in a certain way. In the source syntax for any
command that can have a condition, the convention is to denote the conditional as [conditional].
The “[“ and “]” do not actually appear in the source command; they are used here to illustrate that
what is within them is optional.

33.3.1 Conditional parameters

The following table shows the parameter(s) which may be conditional for each command.


ARC (and ARCPOLYGON) Line pattern and/or fill pattern.

CIRCLE Line pattern and/or fill pattern.
COLOR (and BLINK) The conditional parameters are color name and blink state for
the COLOR command.
DYNAMIC_LINE Line pattern.
DYNAMIC_POLYGON Line pattern and/or fill pattern.
ELLIPSE (and ECLIPSPOLYGON) Line pattern and/or fill pattern.
LINE Line pattern.
MULTI_TEXT List of strings (same number as entered for default case)
OL_BUTTON Shape name or label string.
POLYGON Line pattern and/or fill pattern name.
PROCESS_PT Record field.
RECTANGLE (and RECTPOLYGON) Line pattern and/or fill pattern name.
SHAPE Shape name.
TEXT Text string.
TRIG_ON Trigger number.

TRN350_100 499
33.3 Conditional Expressions

Note: The “unfilled” fill pattern cannot be used as a conditional value in any conditional. This is
because “unfilled” is not an actual fill pattern, but rather, the lack of a fill pattern. If an item is
created with the unfilled option, only the outline of the item is drawn. If the unfilled option was
allowed in conditionals when that conditional became true, only the outline of the item would be
drawn and any existing fill would not be erased.

500 TRN350_100
33.4 Simple Expression

33.4 Simple Expression

Simple Expression - conditionals consist of one or more expressions joined by logical operators.
The conditional evaluates to true or false. There is a single conditional value to substitute for the
default parameter in the graphics command when the conditional evaluates to true.

String Comparison makes it possible to test for equality and inequality of strings in expressions in
the graphics language. You can compare ASCII-type data within expressions, ASCII-type data
(variables of type ASCII, $Pn $A offsets, A100PN, ED, PN, EU, "string1", and so forth.)

(operand1 rel_op operand2) [ logic_op (operand1 rel_op operand2) ...]


operand1, operand2 Any of the following:

Integer or real constant (123, 45.67, and so forth.)
Point name/record field (A100 AV, $P1 $I0, \OPC$server$pt.name\, and so forth.)
Status identifier (HDWRFAIL, OFF0, and so forth.)
Two-character ASCII record field (AV, TV, EQ, and so forth.)
Set variable (SET1, SET12, and so forth.)
$SETn variable ($SET1,$SET2, and so forth.)
$STATUSn variable ($STATUS1,$STATUS2, and so forth.)
$CONSTn variable ($CONST1,$CONST2, and so forth.)
ASCII type Data (....)
rel_op Relational operator. Any of the following: <, <>, >, <=, >=, =.
logic_op Logical operator (AND, OR, EOR.)
(EOR = exclusive OR; that is, one and only one of the expressions is true.)

conditional_value Value which is used if simple_expression evaluates as True (must be of appropriate

type for applicable command parameter.)

1. If one operand in an expression is an integer, the other operand must be a point name/record
field pair, a set variable, or a $SETn variable. For example:
A100 BV = 10
SET2 = 20
2. If one operand in an expression is a real number, the other operand must be a point name or
a point name and record field (if no record field is specified, the default record field for that
point type is assumed.) For example:
A200 LL > 100.45
3. Both operands may be point names and/or point names and record fields (if no record field is
specified, the default record field for that point type is assumed.) For example:
A100 <= A100 LL

TRN350_100 501
33.4 Simple Expression

4. Operand1, rel_op, and operand2 must be placed within parenthesis. If more than two simple
expressions are joined with a logical operator, the entire expression must be parenthesized as
shown below:
((operand1 rel_op operand2) logic_op (operand1 rel_op operand2))
Also, parenthesis can be used to control the evaluation order of a conditional. If parenthesis
are not specified, the conditional is evaluated left to right.
5. If one operand is a status identifier or a $STATUS variable, the other operand must be a point
name/record field pair, where the record field is of type integer. If no record field is specified,
the Graphics Builder defaults the record field per the point type. If the default chosen is AV or
A2, it is automatically changed to 1W. Specify the record field in expressions to avoid
problems with the Graphics Builder defaulting the record field incorrectly. For example:
6. If one operand is a two-character ASCII record field, the other operand must be a point
name/record field pair, where the record field should be the 'RT' record field. Using a two-
character ASCII record field as a conditional operand is specific to expressions of the
following format:
A100 RT = LA
D200 RT = LD
7. If one operand is a set variable or a $SET variable, the other operand must be an integer or a
point name/record field pair where the record field is of type integer or a byte. For example:
Set5 > 50
Set20 = A100 GS
8. The $SET, $CONST, and $STATUS operands are used to pass set variables, integer/real
constants, and status words respectively into expressions in a macro file instead of hard-
coding them. These operands are only valid in macro files. For example:
(A100 AV > $CONST1) could be used to pass 123 (or 34.56,or some other number) for
$CONST1 in the expression above in a macro file.
9. If one operand is ASCII type data, the other operand must be ASCII type data.
10. The ‘=’ and ‘<>’ operators are supported for ASCII type operands, the ‘<’, ‘>’, ‘<=’, and ‘>=’
operators are not supported for ASCII-type operands.

Note: String comparisons ARE case-sensitive.

502 TRN350_100
33.5 Compound Expression

33.5 Compound Expression

Compound Expression - conditionals consist of two or more simple expression conditionals. Each
simple expression evaluates to true or false. For each simple expression there is an associated
conditional value. The simple expressions are evaluated in the order in which they are entered,
and the conditional value for the first expression evaluating to true determines the value for the
conditional parameter. Once a condition is met, any following conditionals are ignored.

{ simple_expression1 conditional_value1 simple_expression2
conditional_value2 ... simple_expressionN conditional_valueN }


simple _expression1 A simple expression conditional (see page 501).

conditional_value1 Value which is used if simple_expression evaluates as True (must be of
appropriate type for applicable command parameter.)
simple_expression2 Another simple expression conditional.
conditional_value2 Another conditional value.
{} Left and right braces must be used to enclose the entire compound conditional

1. The overall compound expression must be delimited by curly braces “{ }”.
2. If one operand in an expression is an integer, the other operand must be a point name/record
field pair, a set variable, or a $SETn variable. For example:
A100 BV = 10
SET2 = 20
3. If one operand in an expression is a real number, the other operand must be a point name or
a point name and record field (if no record field is specified, the default record field for that
point type is assumed.) For example:
A200 LL > 100.45
4. Both operands may be point names and/or point names and record fields (if no record field is
specified, the default record field for that point type is assumed.) For example:
A100 <= A100 LL
5. If one operand is a status identifier or a $STATUS variable, the other operand must be a point
name/record field pair, where the record field is of type integer. If no record field is specified,
the Graphics Builder defaults the record field per the point type. If the default chosen is AV or
A2, it is automatically changed to 1W. Specify the record field in expressions to avoid
problems with the Graphics Builder defaulting the record field incorrectly. For example:

TRN350_100 503
33.5 Compound Expression

6. If one operand is a two-character ASCII record field, the other operand must be a point
name/record field pair, where the record field should be the 'RT' record field. Using a two-
character ASCII record field as a conditional operand is specific to expressions of the
following format:
A100 RT = LA
D200 RT = LD
7. If one operand is a set variable or a $SET variable, the other operand must be an integer or a
point name/record field pair where the record field is of type integer or a byte. For example:
Set5 > 50
Set20 = A100 GS
8. The $SET, $CONST, and $STATUS operands are used to pass set variables, integer/real
constants, and status words respectively into expressions in a macro file instead of hard-
coding them. These operands are only valid in macro files. See the following:
(A100 AV > $CONST1)
This could be used to pass 123 (or 34.56,or some other number) for $CONST1 in the
expression above in a macro file.

COLOR FG magenta {(A100 AV > 50) blue (A100 1W = HDWRFAIL)
red} BG white
CIRCLE 7671 6349 2145 3 solid unfilled

In this example:

COLOR command
magenta default_parameter
(A100 AV > 50) simple_expression1
blue conditional_value1
(A100 1W = HDWRFAIL) simple_expression2
red conditional_value2

In this example, if A100 AV > 50, the circle is blue. If the first simple expression conditional
evaluates as false, the second simple expression is evaluated. If A100 1W = HDWRFAIL, the
circle is red. If both expressions evaluate as false, the circle is magenta.

504 TRN350_100
33.6 Case Expression

33.6 Case Expression

Case Expression - conditionals are used as a shorthand method of implementing a compound

expression in which each simple expression compares the same point name and record field pair
to a range of values. The range of values is specified by an initial value and an integer increment.
If the point value falls anywhere between two successive increments, then that is the conditional
value that is used at runtime.

The case conditional is equivalent to the following compound conditional:

{((ptname & recfld >= value) AND (ptname & recfld < value + (1*inc)) )
((ptname & recfld >= value + (1*inc)) AND (ptname & recfld < value +
(2*inc)) ) cond_value2
((ptname & recfld >= value + ((N-1)*inc)) AND (ptname & recfld < value
+ (N*inc)) ) cond_valueN}

(CASE) pt_name rec_fld initial_val increment count cond_val


(CASE) Keyword enclosed in parentheses.

pt_name Process point name, dummy point name, or $pointer variable (OPC points are not
supported here.)
rec_fld Two-character record field name (1W, AV, ID, and so forth) OR $offset identifier ($B0,
$I4, $R0, and so forth.) This cannot be an ASCII type record field.
initial_val Point value that all increments are relative to.
increment Integer to add to initial_value to specify next conditional value.
count Total number of conditional values specified.
cond_value Parameter to use at runtime in place of the default conditional parameter when the point
value is within the range specified by the initial_value and the increment.

1. The CASE keyword must be enclosed in parenthesis.
2. The CASE keyword is not case sensitive. That is, you can enter “Case” or “case.”

TRN350_100 505
33.6 Case Expression

TRIG_ON 1 (CASE) $P5 $I0 1 2 3 2 3 4

In this example:

TRIG_ON command
1 default_value
(CASE) required_keyword
$P5 pt_name
$I0 rec_fld
1 int_val
2 increment
3 count
2, 3, 4 cond_value

In this example, a different trigger executes based on the value for $P5 $I0 as described below:
 If $P5 $I0 < 3, trigger one executes.
With the initial value set at one and the increment value set at two, the first conditional value
(2) is set at 3 (1 + 2 = 3.) However, if $P5 $I0 is less than 3, trigger one (the default_value)
 If $P5 $I0 >= 3 and if $P5 $I0 < 5, trigger two executes.
With the initial value set at one and the increment value set at 2, the first conditional value (2)
is set at 3 (1 + 2 = 3.) The second conditional value (3) is set at 5 (1 +2 + 2 = 5.) Therefore,
$P5 $I0 must be greater than or equal to 3 and less than 5 in order for trigger two to execute.
 If $P5 $I0 >= 5 and if $P5 $I0 < 7, trigger 3 executes.
With the initial value set at one and the increment value set at 2, the second conditional value
(3) is set at 5 (1 + 2 + 2 = 5.) The third conditional value (4) is set at 7 (1 + 2 + 2 +2 = 7.)
Therefore, $P5 $I0 must be greater than or equal to 5 and less than 7 in order for trigger 3 to
 If $P5 $I0 >= 7 and if $P5 $I0 < 9, trigger 4 executes.
With the initial value set at one and the increment value set at two, the third conditional value
(4) is set at 7 (1 + 2+ 2 + 2 = 7.) Since a fourth conditional value is not specified (count = 3),
you must add two (increment value) to 7 to get the upper boundary for the third conditional
value. Therefore, $P5 $I0 must be greater than or equal to 7 and less than 9 in order for
trigger 4 to execute.
 If $P5 $I0 >= 9, trigger one executes.
If $P5 $I0 is greater than or equal to 9, trigger one (the default_value) executes.

506 TRN350_100
33.7 Quality Expression

33.7 Quality Expression

Quality expressions - allow the value of a conditional parameter to change based upon the quality
of a process point variable. The default parameter is displayed when the quality of the input point
is good. You must specify a conditional value for each of the following four qualities: fair, poor,
bad, and timed-out. The input point must be a dummy point, a $D, $G, $H, or $W pointer variable,
or an analog or digital database point. $P and OPC points are not supported. Database points
other than analog or digital points are not supported.

(QUALITY) pt_name fair_quality_cond_value


(QUALITY) Keyword enclosed in parentheses.

pt_name Point name or pointer variable.
fair_quality_cond_value Conditional value which is used if point has fair quality.
poor_quality_cond_value Conditional value which is used if point has poor quality.
bad_quality_cond_value Conditional value which is used if point has bad quality.
timedout_quality_cond_value Conditional value which is used if point has timed-out quality.

1. The QUALITY keyword must be enclosed in parenthesis.
2. The QUALITY keyword is case-insensitive. That is, you can enter “Quality” as well as
3. You must specify all four conditional values (fair quality, poor quality, bad quality, and timed-
out quality.)

COLOR FG cyan (QUALITY) D200 green yellow red blue
RECTANGLE 4543 4543 6591 8343 3 solid unfilled

In this example:

COLOR command

cyan good_cond_value
(QUALITY) required_keyword
D200 pt_name
green fair_quality_cond_value
yellow poor_quality_cond_value
red bad_quality_cond_value
blue timedout_quality_cond_value

TRN350_100 507
33.7 Quality Expression

In this example:
 If D200 has good quality, the foreground color for the rectangle is cyan.
 If D200 has fair quality, the foreground color for the rectangle is green.
 If D200 has poor quality, the foreground color for the rectangle is yellow.
 If D200 has bad quality, the foreground color for the rectangle is red.
 If D200 has timed-out quality, the foreground color for the rectangle is blue.

508 TRN350_100
33.8 Set Expression

33.8 Set Expression

Set Expression - conditionals allow the value of a parameter to change based upon the value of a
set variable (SET1 - SET255.) Set variable values are integers in the range of 0 - 32,767. The
value of the set can be defined by graphics application programs or by the SETVAL command.
Note that sets are global to the current main and window diagrams. Set1 in the main screen is the
same as Set1 in the window.

In this type of conditional, the value of the set variable is compared with consecutive integers
starting at 0 and going up to the number of conditional values passed to this conditional. If the
value of the set variable is 0 (or is greater than the number of conditional values), the default
value is used. If the value of the set variable is 1, the first conditional value is used. If the value of
the set variable is 2, the second conditional value is used, and so on.

(SETx) N conditional_values


(SETx) Set variable enclosed in parenthesis.

$SET variable enclosed in parenthesis (x = 1 through 255.)

N Number of conditional values listed (N>0.)

conditional_values Parameter to use at runtime in place of the default conditional parameter when
the value of SETx >=1 and the value of Setx <= N.

1. The set variable must be used as an operand in a simple expression along with a relative
operator and another operand.
IF (SETx = 2)
The following example of usage of the SET conditional is not supported:
2. The $SET specification is used to pass the set into a macro. If you want to pass the set to be
evaluated in the conditional into the macro instead of hard-coding the set, you specify
“($SETn)” instead of “(SETn)”.
3. The SET keyword must be enclosed in parenthesis.
4. The SET keyword is case-insensitive. That is, you can enter “Set” or “set.”

RECTANGLE 4543 4543 6591 8343 4 solid unfilled

TRN350_100 509
33.8 Set Expression

LINE 3646 3965 9901 3965 4355 9705 10230 9705 3 dashed
COLOR FG red (SET2) 4 green blue black white

In this example:

COLOR command
red non_conditional_value
4 N
green, blue, black, white conditional value

In this example, the SETVAL statement initializes the value of SET 2 to 5. The SET conditional in
the COLOR statement specifies that the foreground color is white. This is determined as follows:
 If the value of SET2 = 1 or > 5, the foreground color is red (default value.)
 If the value of SET2 = 2, the foreground color is green.
 If the value of SET2 = 3, the foreground color is blue.
 If the value of SET2 = 4, the foreground color is black.
 If the value of SET2 = 5, the foreground color is white.

510 TRN350_100
33.9 What are Pointers?

33.9 What are Pointers?

The Graphics Language recognizes the following valid pointers: $P, $G, $H, $W, $D, $O, and $S.
Pointers are used as a means of passing data into a diagram. The $W and $D pointers are used
as parameters to the diagram. Actual process point names are passed for these pointer variables
before the diagram displays at runtime. $G pointers reference points defined externally to the
diagram in the system group library file. $P and $H pointers reference a segment offset in the
computer memory in the Operator Station. Pointers are identified by a dollar sign ($.)

33.9.1 $P pointers (Scratch pad pointer)

The “$P” pointers (valid range = $P1 - $P99) point to locations in memory segments. A maximum
of 99 $P pointer variables can be defined in a graphic. $P pointer variables must be initialized to
an existing segment and offset in memory using the POINTER command or the PTR_EQUAL
command. Data may be passed between graphics using these pointer variables. For example, an
area of computer memory is reserved in the Operator Station to store data received from another
drop (such as general message data.) Using $P pointer variables allows you to access and
display this data by setting a pointer to begin at a specified segment and offset within the
reserved area.

$P variables cannot be combined with the standard two-character ASCII record fields (for
example: AV, RS, 1W, and so forth) in the source syntax since $P pointers do not represent
actual process points in the database. Instead, $P pointer variables have an associated $offset
notation. The valid $offsets for $P pointers are defined as follows:
 $In — represents a 32-bit integer beginning at an offset of n bytes from the associated $P
pointer location initialized by the POINTER or PTR_EQUAL command. The “n” must be a
multiple of 4 (for example: $I0, $I4, $I8, $I12, and so forth.)
 $Rn — represents a 32-bit floating point real number beginning at an offset of n
bytes from the associated $P pointer location initialized by the POINTER or PTR_EQUAL
command. The “n” must be a multiple of 4 (for example: $R0, $R4, $R8, $R12, and so forth.)
 $Bn — represents a byte beginning at an offset of n bytes from the associated $P pointer
location initialized by the POINTER or PTR_EQUAL command (for example, $B0,$B1,$B2,
and so forth).
 $Sn — represents a 16-bit integer beginning at an offset of n bytes from the associated $P
pointer location initialized by the POINTER or PTR_EQUAL command. The “n” must be a
multiple of two (for example: $S0, $S2, $S4, $S6, and so forth.)
 $AnXi — represents an ASCII string of length i beginning at an offset of n bytes from the
associated $P pointer location initialized by the POINTER or PTR_EQUAL command.

n = (0 - 32,767) and i = (0 - 255.)

Sample $P pointer variables and their associated $offsets are: $P1 $I0, $P23 $R24, $P99
$A10X32, and so forth. Note that you must be aware of the size of the segment that you
initialize your $P pointer to using the POINTER or PTR_EQUAL command before attempting
to access data within that segment. For example, if you assign $P1 to a segment that is only
256 bytes long, unpredictable results occur if you try to access $P $B300 because you are
accessing memory beyond the total size of the segment to which you are pointing.

TRN350_100 511
33.9 What are Pointers?

33.9.2 $S pointers (Entry field pointer)

The $S pointers (valid range = $S1 - $S99) are used as placeholders for point names when only a
record field is needed by an application program. They are used with FUNC_KEY, POKE_FIELD
(type 7 and 23), RUN_PROGRAMS, and OL_BUTTON (Poke Type 7 and 23) commands. The
applications programs that typically use $S pointers are SEND_GENMSG (67) and

For example, you define an entry field on the screen. The entry field number (buffer number) is
used as the Select Pointer or type number. If the entry field was defined to use buffer number 5,
then, to pass the value record field (AV) of that point in the entry field to a function key or Poke
Type 7 program, you would write: $S5 AV.

33.9.3 $G pointers (Group pointer)

The “$G” pointers (valid range = $G1 - $G250) are used to reference the group points stored in
the current point group. The Group Builder program in the Ovation Developer Studio is used to
build/modify the system point groups. A given point group can have a maximum of 250 points
associated with it ($G1 represents the first point in the current group, $G2 represents the second
point, and so forth.) The $G1 pointer is reserved for Emerson use; however, you may use $G2 -
$G250 in your graphics. Since $G pointers reference actual database points, use the standard
two-character ASCII point record fields (for example: AV, RS, 1W, and so forth) with them
wherever a point name/record field pair is required in a graphic.

33.9.4 $H pointers (Highway pointer)

The “$H” pointers (valid range = $H1 - $H99) are used to reference database points indirectly by
looking at a system ID stored in computer memory at the Operator Station. It is a precondition of
using $H pointers that when you initialize the $H pointer in memory using the POINTER or
PTR_EQUAL command, you must point it to a system ID stored in computer memory. Make sure
that the $H pointer points to a database point system ID; otherwise, the $H pointer does not
function properly. Since $H pointers reference actual database points, use the standard two-
character ASCII point record fields (for example: AV, RS, 1W, and so forth) with them wherever a
point name/record field pair is required in a graphic.

512 TRN350_100
33.9 What are Pointers?

33.9.5 $W pointers (Window pointer)

The “$W” pointers (valid range = $W1 - $W99) are used in WINDOW diagrams (diag_type
parameter on the DIAGRAM command = WINDOW.) The $W pointers mark generic points which
are replaced with valid process points when the window diagram is displayed. A window diagram
is displayed either as a result of a DIAG_DISP command, a POKE_FLD (type 8) command, or an
OL_BUTTON (poke functionality, type 8) command. Note that all of these commands take a list of
database point names as a parameter in the source syntax.

When the window diagram is displayed, the first point passed in the point names list via any of the
above commands is substituted for all occurrences of $W1 in the window, the second point
passed is substituted for all occurrences of $W2 in the window, and so forth up to $W99. Window
graphics are often implemented as templates so that the same window can be called from
multiple graphics with different sets of points. Since $W pointers are replaced with actual
database points, use the standard two-character ASCII point record fields (for example: AV, RS,
1W, and so forth) with them wherever a point name/record field pair is required in a window
graphic. Note that when accessing a window graphic, you only pass the point name to the window
(not a point name/record field pair.)

The record field is coded into the window graphic and cannot be passed into the window. It is your
responsibility to code the window graphic with the appropriate record field for whatever type of
point ultimately passes to the window to replace the $W pointer. At runtime, on the Operator
Station, if the point passed for any $W pointer in the window is incompatible with the coded record
field for that instance of the $W pointer, an error is sent to the Error Log window, and the gcode
using that $W pointer in the window is skipped (that is, not drawn at runtime).

33.9.6 $D pointers (Macro pointer)

The “$D” pointers (valid range = $D1 - $D99) are used in macro diagrams. The $D pointers mark
generic points that should be replaced with valid process points when the macro (see page 674)
is added to a graphic. Valid database points and record fields, any of the $pointer variables,
dummy points, sysid-type variables, and/or OPC points can be passed to replace $D points in a
macro file.

The MACRO graphics command takes a macro diagram name, and a list of up to 99 process
points as parameters. $D pointers are required because a single macro diagram may be added to
several graphics with different process point parameters. When the macro is added to the
graphic, each process point and/or record field parameter is substituted in the macro gcodes for
all occurrences of the corresponding $D pointer. That is, the first process point is used for $D1,
the second process point is used for $D2, and so forth.

Since database points, $W, $G, $H, or $P pointers can be passed to replace $D pointers in the
macro, $D pointers can be paired with either the standard two-character ASCII point record fields
(for example: AV, RS, 1W, and so forth) OR the $offsets (for example: $I0, $R24, $B3, $A10X16,
and so forth) wherever a point name/record field pair is required. If a record field is passed with a
point name for any $Dn, then both the point name and the record field are replaced in the graphic
for each occurrence of $Dn. The input record field will override any record field associated with
$Dn in the graphic. The input field will be used even if no record field is specified in the graphic for
$Dn. Error checking is performed prior to the substitution to verify that both the point and record
field is valid for each instance of $Dn in the graphic.

TRN350_100 513
33.10 Record fields

33.9.7 $O pointers (On-screen pointer)

The $On pointers (valid range = $O1 - $O99) are used as a programming tool to pass a two-
character ASCII record field to application program SEND_CA (#80) using the POKE_FLD (type 7
or 23), RUN_PROGRAMS, FUNC_KEY, or OL_BUTTON (type 7 or 23) command.

Application program #80 performs a change attributes function on some point in the database.
You must pass the two-character ASCII point record field that you want to change to this program.
The $On pointer is used to do that. Valid application program arguments include strings, integers,
real numbers, set variables, status identifiers, and point name/record field pairs. A stand-alone
record field is not a valid argument to an applicable program; however, a point name/record pair is
a valid argument.

33.10 Record fields

Record fields are predefined in the Ovation system. These record fields vary according to the type
of the process point (analog, digital, device, packed group, and packed digital), and are denoted
by a two-character ASCII name (for example, AV, DS, 1W, LL, ED, and so forth.) A default record
field is defined for each point type. If you do not enter a record field in a graphics command when
a process point/record field is required, the default record field for that type of point is assumed.

Record fields are applicable to database points, dummy points, sysid-type variables, $W, $G, $H,
$O, and $D pointers. The $offsets ($I0, $R4, $S0, $B3, $A0X16, and so forth) are only applicable
to $P (see page 511) and $D (see page 513) pointer variables. OPC points do not have
associated record fields or $offsets.

For the Ovation 3.5 release, the Graphics Builder will allow a drop status point to be paired with
an ID record field. In addition, the runtime graphics.exe program will also programmatically
retrieve the system ID for a drop point.

The following table summarizes the relationship between the type of point and the record field (or
$offset) expected in the Ovation system. (See Ovation Record Types Reference Manual.)

Point types with associated record fields



Database Two-character ASCII record field (for example: AV, 1W, HL, Depends on the type of
point LL, and so forth). point.
Dummy point Two-character ASCII record field (for example: AV, 1W, HL, None
LL, and so forth).
OPC point None. Not Applicable
$P1 - $P99 $Offset (for example: $I0, $R4, $S0, $B3, $A0X16, and so $B0
$G1 - $G250 Two-character ASCII record field (for example: AV, 1W, HL, None
LL, and so forth).
$W1 - $W99 Two-character ASCII record field (for example: AV, 1W, HL, None
LL, and so forth).

514 TRN350_100
33.10 Record fields



$D1 - $D99 Two-character ASCII record field (for example: AV, 1W, HL, None
LL, and so forth).
$Offset (for example: $I0, $R4, $S0, $B3, $A0X16, and so
$O1 - $O99 Two-character ASCII record field (for example: AV, 1W, HL, None
LL, and so forth).
$H1 - $H99 Two-character ASCII record field (for example: AV, 1W, HL, None
LL, and so forth).
$S1 - $S99 Two-character ASCII record field (for example: AV, 1W, HL, None
LL, and so forth).

Note: The Graphics Builder does not check for valid record types on points originating from a
remote network.

TRN350_100 515
S E C T I O N 34

Understanding the Graphics Builder windows and



Graphics Builder window ................................................................................................. 517

Graphics Builder menus .................................................................................................. 518
Graphics Builder toolbars ................................................................................................ 523
Error handling .................................................................................................................. 524
Keyboard shortcuts for the Graphics Builder .................................................................. 524
Set # usage in a graphic ................................................................................................. 526

34.1 Graphics Builder window

When the Graphics Builder is started, the main window displays in the workspace. This window
consists of a base frame with a pull-down menu panel, toolbars, drawing canvas, horizontal and
vertical scrollbars, and a footer for displaying messages.

The Graphics Builder window title bar reads “GBNT” when no graphic is currently loaded. If a
graphic is currently loaded, the loaded filename (less the file path and file extension) is appended
to the window title bar. If a diagram description is defined, it also is appended. The filename and
diagram description are separated by a dash and are in parenthesis. For example, if the currently
loaded graphic is 1800.src and the description is “System Status Diagram,” the window title bar
reads, “GBNT (1800 — System Status Diagram).” If no description for 1800.src was defined,
the window title bar reads, “GBNT (1800).”

Figure 229: Main Graphics Builder window

TRN350_100 517
34.2 Graphics Builder menus

34.2 Graphics Builder menus

The following menus are available at the top of the Graphics Builder window:
 File (see page 518).
 Edit (see page 519).
 View (see page 520).
 Options (see page 521).
 Help (see page 522).

34.2.1 File menu

The File menu is used to load, save, print, and compile graphics.

File menu items


New Erases the graphic currently loaded, thereby clearing the canvas. It also resets the
Graphics Builder window title to reflect that no diagram is currently loaded. This function
is not available in the online version.
Open Open (Offline) -- Access the Open dialog box for loading a new graphic into the main
Graphics Builder window. This function is not available in the online version.
Re-load (Online) -- Replaces the inactive online "Open" button. This allows a re-load of
currently loaded graphics, saving quit and restart time.
Save Saves the currently loaded graphic. Writes both the .src and the .diag format of the

Save As Saves the currently loaded graphic to the file name specified on the Save As window.
The Save As window saves a previously saved graphic to a new directory or file name.
Print Prints the Graphics Builder drawing canvas to the printer. No title/header is appended to
the printout; it is just the canvas drawing area.
Print Preview Allows you to see what will be printed before actually printing.
Print Setup Displays the standard Microsoft Windows Print Setup window which allows you to
specify a printer, paper, size, print mode, and so forth.
Restore Returns the current graphic back to the last version loaded or manually saved.
Batch Compile Displays the Compile window for compiling one or more graphic .src files when running
Offline. The function is not available within the Graphics Builder when Online, use the
Developer Studio compile instead.
Batch Compile Sets the options for the next batch compile.
Create diag Allows the creation of an on-demand image of the currently loaded graphic.
Exit Quits the Graphics Builder.

518 TRN350_100
34.2 Graphics Builder menus

34.2.2 Edit menu

The Edit menu displays the tools that are used to edit graphics.

Edit menu items


Undo Erases the last edit. Only the last edit can be undone. Selecting this option again
after an undo has the effect of toggling or redoing the original operation.
Cut Erases all of the currently selected items on the screen and copies them to an
internal buffer for pasting later.
Copy Copies all the currently selected items on the screen to the internal buffer for
pasting later.
Paste Prompts you to press the left mouse button and drag a "paste" rectangle. The
paste rectangle is sized to what was previously copied to the internal buffer via the
Cut or Copy functions. Release the left mouse button to add (paste) the copied or
cut items to the current graphic.
Delete Erases all of the currently selected items on the screen.

Duplicates Makes multiple copies of a draw item within a graphic.

Properties Displays the current drawing attributes (color, line/fill pattern, and so forth) in the
associated attribute window for the currently selected item.
Draw Attributes Displays a menu that allows you to select one of the drawing attributes: Color,
Blink, Font, Line Width, Fill Pattern, and Line Pattern.
Select Mode Cancels out of any edit in progress and returns you to the default select mode.
Note that this is not an undo, which cancels the previously completed edit. This
cancels the edit currently in progress.
Select All Selects all of the items displayed on the Graphics Builder drawing canvas.

Group Internally combines all of the selected items into a single entity (group) in the
current edit session. Grouping is only effective during the current edit session.
Ungroup Separates a group into individual items which can be edited. Note that this menu
item does not dissociate macros.
Unshape Returns a selected shape into its original, separate parts.
Resize-by-factor Used to resize the selected item or group by the factors on the Scale Factors
Resize-by-itemN Allows resizing of a selected item relative to some other item on the graphic.
Vertex edit Allows you to edit the individual vertices of lines, polygons, rectangles and
rectangular types.
Object-to-object Moves (snaps) one item/group to some point on another item/group.
Snap to grid Snaps all of the selected items to the nearest grid mark.
Align/Equi-space Displays the Align/Equi-space menu which allows you to adjust the alignment and
spacing of selected items on the graphic.
Add Shape Displays the GBNT:Shape Animation window which allows you to add movement to
Animation a selected shape.

TRN350_100 519
34.2 Graphics Builder menus


Test Shape Allows you to test the animation applied to a shape to see if it is moving properly.
Unanimate shape Removes shape animation from the selected shape. Shape will no longer move.

34.2.3 View menu

The View menu is used to access other windows connected to the main Graphics Builder window
and also provides options that deal with the navigation of the graphics.

View menu items


Toolbars Displays a list of the available toolbars.

Diagram Displays the GBNT:Diagram Configuration window, which sets the display parameters for
Configuration the diagram.
Integrated Source Accesses the Integrated Source Editor window which allows you to edit the graphics
source file.
Generic Text Editor Accesses TextEdit, a generic, independent text editor package written specifically to be
used to edit graphic source files. TextEdit provides a means to edit graphic source files in
a more conventional editor package that supports cut and paste and free-form editing.

GBQuickView Allows a view of the graphic currently being edited in a real-time or simulation
Shape Library Accesses the Shape Library window which allows you to display, create, edit, and delete
Editor shapes in the Shape Library.
Variables Displays the dialog box used to view, add, and edit diagram variables (local, global, and

Page Displays the GBNT:Page window which is used to configure the up/down/right/left runtime
paging of the current graphic.

Zoom Changes the magnification of the display so that you can view all or part of a diagram.
Keyboard repaint Specifies the order in which the Keyboard section should be displayed on a refresh of the
order screen in relation to the background, foreground, and trigger diagram sections in the
Graphics Builder edit session.
GB poke_fld display Allows you to change the appearance of poke fields in the Graphics Builder edit session.
Handle/drag color Changes the color of the display handles on selected items and the color used while
dragging items during the draw process.
Coordinate display Defines where the current pointer coordinates should display on the main Graphics
Builder window, or if they should display at all.
Grid Allows you to either display a grid on the screen or leave it off.
Grid options Allows you to choose the display features of a grid.
Save Defaults Saves the current Graphics Builder working environment. This includes the current
windows displayed, the positions of the windows displayed, the parameters on the
Diagram Configuration window, and so forth.

520 TRN350_100
34.2 Graphics Builder menus


Browse Pts Displays the Point Browser dialog box which is used to browse for points in the Oracle
database. This function is only available when running the Graphics Builder online from
the Ovation Developer Studio.
Browse OPC Pts Displays the Browse OPC Pts dialog box which is used to browse the available OPC
servers for OPC points. These points can then be dragged and dropped into any point
entry field on any of the Graphics Builder dialog boxes. This function is only available
when running the Graphics Builder online from the Ovation Developer Studio.
Hide selected items Hides the selected items on the graphic.
Hide non-selected Hides everything but the selected items on the graphic.
Hide current place Hides all items in the current place.
Hide NOT in current Hides all items not in current place.
Show hidden items Shows all hidden graphics.

34.2.4 Options Menu

The windows found under the Options pull-down menu define some of the configurable
parameters for the current edit session.

Options menu items


Resize pin point Displays the resize pin point menu, which specifies what point on an object remains fixed
when you drag a handle for resize.

Resize aspect ratio Determines whether or not the aspect ratio (ratio of width and height) of any display item
or group should be maintained on a resize operation.
Resize scale factors Sets the width and height scale factors which are used in conjunction with the Resize-by-
factor function.
Drag/draw constraint Controls the direction that the mouse pointer can be moved during Move and Duplicate
functions, and/or on line and polygon draw functions.

Multi-draw mode Allows you to draw several items of one type without selecting the button on the
GBNT:Draw toolbar each time.
Unresolved Pts Displays the Unresolved Points window which shows a list of the system IDs used in the
graphic, but are not yet defined in the Ovation database.
Unresolved Pts Allows you to choose if or when to be informed of resolved points in a graphic.

Auto Save Saves all changes to an opened graphic after the number of edits specified in the
AutoSave Frequency window has been met.

Auto Save Specifies how many edit operations must occur before the graphic saves.
Conditional word Provides the ability to control how many characters display per line in any of the
wrap conditional windows when displayed from the Properties function.

TRN350_100 521
34.2 Graphics Builder menus


Macro/Notes Used to interactively create/edit the macro parameter descriptions/labels and to

Parameter Info interactively create/edit macro notes/comments.
Undefined Displays a warning message if you attempt to save a macro graphic when there are
description warnings undefined descriptions/labels for the macro parameters.
Macros w/invalid Displays a dialog box listing all macros having too many or too few parameters passed to
param counts them. Click on any macro in the list to access the GBNT:Macro dialog box and see the
specific errors and then correct the errors.
$D/$T/$Const/$Color Allows you to choose if or when to be informed of macro "$" parameter usage outside of
/etc Warnings a macro graphic. These $ parameters are only meaningful inside macro graphics.
Unmacro Replaces the currently selected macro on a graphic with the individual commands
making up the macro.
Set # usage in Allows you to display a list of all the set numbers used in a graphic and all the set
graphic numbers used in control in a graphic.
Retain Grouping on Maintains the grouping status of items outside of the current edit session.
File Save
Highlight selection in Highlights the selected tab in all tab controls. When set, the currently selected tab will
Tab controls display in blue. Tab controls exist on the following dialog boxes: ShapeEditor, Draw
Shapes, Button, Meter, Analog Indicator, and Text.
Custom Color/$color Used to configure standard colors, aliases, and/or OL colors. Also used to configure the
configuration display colors for items built with $COLORn/$OL_COLORn colors in the current
Graphics Builder edit session.
Convert text to Changes regular text to decorative.
decorative text
Convert text to Changes regular text to a textpolygon.

34.2.5 Help menu

The Help menu displays online help information on the Graphics Builder functions, command
syntax, and application programs.

522 TRN350_100
34.3 Graphics Builder toolbars

34.3 Graphics Builder toolbars

Toolbars provide quick access to the more frequently used Graphics Builder windows and
functions. The main Graphics Builder window supports nine toolbars and the Integrated Source
Editor supports one toolbar.

Each toolbar button has an associated “tooltip” for that button. A tooltip is a short descriptive text
string describing the button function. To see the tooltip for a particular button, pause the mouse
pointer over the toolbar button.

Toolbar buttons, like their associated menu items, can be active or inactive. If a function is
currently not active, the associated toolbar button and menu item are inactive. If a function is
valid, both the toolbar button and the menu item are active. All toolbar button functions can be
accessed via a menu with the exception of the Draw toolbar buttons. Draw functions are only
available through the toolbar.

The display of toolbars can be toggled by pulling down the View menu and then selecting the
Toolbars pull-right menu. This menu contains a menu item for each toolbar. If there is a check to
the left of the menu item, that toolbar is currently displayed. If there is no check beside the menu
item, that toolbar is currently not displayed.

Each of the toolbars is dockable and floatable. A toolbar is docked if it is attached to one of the
sides of the main Graphics Builder window. A toolbar is floating if it is displayed as a pop-up
window with a title and a window close button in the upper right corner. A floating toolbar can
move anywhere on the screen. The Drawing Attributes toolbar can only be docked to the top or
bottom of the main window (left or right docking is not available). The other toolbars can be
docked to the left, right, top, or bottom on the main window.

To move a docked toolbar, grab the toolbar background. Press and hold the left mouse button
with the mouse pointer on the toolbar background. The toolbar outline is highlighted. Drag the
toolbar to the desired place/position. Release the mouse button, and the toolbar is docked to that

To float a toolbar, drag it to the center of the diagram, outside the main window, or anywhere on
the screen that is not along the edge of the main window and release the mouse button. The
toolbar changes to a pop-up window.

Note: When a toolbar is floating, it is resizable. You can grab a side of the floating toolbar with
the mouse and resize the toolbar to change the layout. This configuration is only maintained
while the toolbar is floating. If you dock the toolbar, it is restored to its original layout (a single
row of buttons).

If running the Graphics Builder online from the Ovation Developer Studio, you may notice that
your toolbars are being unexpectedly repositioned when opening graphics. This is because the
default diagram width and height stored as part of the Save Defaults function is smaller than the
graphic you are loading. To correct this, follow these steps:

1. Open the largest graphic (in the width dimension) in the Developer Studio.
2. Place the toolbars where you want them.
3. Execute the Save Defaults function. This stores the current diagram width and height as the
default width and height.
4. Exit the Graphics Builder to re-save the toolbar state.

TRN350_100 523
34.4 Error handling

34.4 Error handling

Errors detected while doing any of the interactive editing functions (that is, draw, rotate, resize,
and so forth) are displayed in pop-up error windows. These error dialog boxes are called
blocking dialog boxes which means that they must be acknowledged before any other actions
can be taken within the Graphics Builder.

Note: They are only blocking to the Graphics Builder process; other applications can be used.
Errors may also be displayed in the footer area of the window.

In addition to the error message, beeps are generated when source editor errors are detected.

34.5 Keyboard shortcuts for the Graphics Builder

Keyboard shortcuts allow the Graphics Builder windows and functions to be accessed by
keystroke combinations instead of selecting the item with the mouse. The main Graphics Builder
window must have the keyboard focus to use the keyboard shortcuts (a window with keyboard
focus is the window that keyboard events go to and is indicated by the top bar of the window
being highlighted). Also, the associated menu item must be active at the time you press the
keyboard shortcut. For example, if no items are currently selected, the Group menu item is not
active. Therefore, the “Group” shortcut key is also inactive.

The following tables list the keyboard shortcuts for functions as they are listed under their pull-
down menu for the main Graphics Builder window.

Keyboard shortcuts for File menu items


New Ctrl + N
Open (offline) Ctrl + O
Reload (online) Alt+R
Save Ctrl + S
Save As Ctrl + A
Print Ctrl + P
Batch - Compile Shift + C
Create image Ctrl + I

Keyboard shortcuts for Edit menu items


Undo Ctrl + Z
Cut Ctrl + X
Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V

524 TRN350_100
34.5 Keyboard shortcuts for the Graphics Builder


Delete Del
Properties Shift + A
Drawing Attributes:
 Color Ctrl + K
 Blink Ctrl + B
 Font Ctrl + T
 Line Width Ctrl + W
 Fill Pattern Ctrl + F
 Line Pattern Ctrl + L
Select Mode Esc
Group Ctrl + G
Ungroup Shift + G
Unshape Ctrl + U
Resize-by-factor Ctrl + R
Vertex edit Shift + V
Object-to-object snap Shift + O
Snap to Grid Ctrl + Y
Unanimate shape Ctrl+Alt+U

Keyboard shortcuts for View menu items


Diagram Configuration Shift + D

Integrated Source Shift + S

Generic Text Editor Shift + T

GBQuickView Shift + Q
Shape Library Editor Shift + H
Variables Ctrl + Alt +V
Page Alt + P
 Full View Shift + F
 Zoom b=By Corners Shift + Z
 Zoom By Box Shift + B
 Zoom In Shift + I
 Zoom Out Shift + U

TRN350_100 525
34.6 Set # usage in a graphic


 Zoom In/Out Factor Shift + P

Hide selected items Ctrl + H

Show hidden items Ctrl + Alt +H

Keyboard shortcuts for Options menu items


Resize scale factors Shift + R

Multi-draw mode Ctrl + M

Unmacro Ctrl+Alt+M

Set # usage in graphic

 List all set #'s used in graphic Ctrl+Alt+S
 Detail set # usage for control in Ctrl_Shift+S
Convert text to decorative text Shift + Alt + T
Convert text to textpolygon(s) Ctrl + Alt + T

34.6 Set # usage in a graphic

You can display a list of all of the set numbers used in a graphic and all of the set numbers used
in control in a graphic. These options are available from the Options menu on the main Graphics
Builder window.

Set and $SET numbers can be used in the following places in a graphic:
 Set number argument to application programs CONTROL_POKE (6) and or
CLEAR_CONTROL (203) in poke fields, buttons, ol_buttons, run_programs, and func_key
commands. See Ovation Graphics Language Reference Manual for more information on
these application programs.
 Set number associated with a poke type 23 (CONTROL) in poke fields, buttons, and
 In any conditional expression in the format:
COLOR FG RED (SETn = 123) GREEN (where n = 1 - 255)
This applies to any type of conditional: color, blink, shape, text, trig_on, process_pt, if/endif,
and so forth.
 In a set conditional of the format:
COLOR FG RED (SETn) 3 GREEN WHITE YELLOW (where n = 1 - 255).
This applies to any type of conditional: color, blink, shape, text, trig_on, process_pt, if/endif,
and so forth.

526 TRN350_100
34.6 Set # usage in a graphic

 As an argument to the IF_CHANGED command.

To access these options:

1. Pull down the Options menu and select Set # usage in graphic.
2. Pull right to display another menu.

Figure 230: Partial view of Options menu showing Set # usage in graphic options

3. Select one of the following options:

 List all set #'s used in graphic (see page 527).
 Detail set # usage for control in graphic (see page 527).

34.6.1 To use the List all set #'s option

If you select the List all set #'s used in graphic option, the Graphics Builder displays a message
box listing all of the set numbers and all of the $SETn parameters currently used in the graphic
(see the following figure). This includes any set numbers passed to macros. The hard-coded set
numbers and the $SETn parameters are listed in separate lists on the message box. The list of
$SETn parameters used only includes those actually used in the graphic.

Figure 231: Example message box showing set numbers used in the graphic

34.6.2 To use the Detail set # usage for control option

The Detail set # usage for control in graphic option directs the Graphics Builder to check if any
set numbers are used in control in the loaded graphic. A set number is used in control if it is used
in the following instances:
 Set number argument to application programs CONTROL_POKE (6) and/or
CLEAR_CONTROL (203) in poke fields, buttons, ol_buttons, run_programs, and func_key
 Set number associated with a poke type 23 (CONTROL) in poke fields, buttons, and
If at least one control set number usage exists, the GBNT:Control Set# Usage window appears,
detailing the control set number usage in the graphic.

See Understanding the GBNT:Control Set# Usage window (see page 528) for more information.

TRN350_100 527
34.6 Set # usage in a graphic

34.6.3 Understanding the GBNT:Control Set# Usage window

The GBNT:Control Set# Usage window provides details on the control set number usage in a
graphic. The window displays a row for each instance of a set number being used in control.
Instances are ordered in the list by set number. All instances associated with a given set number
are listed together. For each instance, the listing shows the following information:
 Set number.
 Whether or not the set number instance exists in a macro.
 Source line number in the loaded file of the command using the given set number.
 Graphics keyword using the set number instance and how it is being used for control within
that command.

Figure 232: GBNT:Control Set# Usage window

528 TRN350_100
34.6 Set # usage in a graphic

You can view the actual source command where the set number instance is used by selecting the
given row in the list. GBNT displays an ellipsis button(“…”) in the command:usage column (and
also in the macro(y/n) column if the set number instance exists in a macro) for the currently
selected set number instance. See the following figure:

Figure 233: GBNT:Control Set # Usage window showing ellipsis buttons

TRN350_100 529
34.6 Set # usage in a graphic

Click an ellipsis(“…”) button to display the source for the associated graphics command and/or for
the associated macro command. The following figure shows an example of a window that may

Figure 234: Message window showing graphics command using a set number in control

If the graphics command exists in a macro, the source for the top-level macro is displayed (this
means the source for the macro command called directly from the currently loaded graphic). Even
if the set number instance exists in a nested macro within the top-level macro, the source
displayed is still that for the top-level macro called from the loaded graphic.

When a set number instance is called from a macro, the graphics command source displayed is
what the source would be if the macro were "unmacroed" (see Using the Unmacro feature (see
page 694)). Note that the source for the individual commands within a macro does not exist in the
loaded graphic, so a temporary version is created on this dialog box to help you determine where
the set number instance is used (from the button label or poke tag).

Note: The Control Set# Usage dialog box is a modal dialog box, which means that while this
dialog box is displayed, you cannot do anything else in the Graphics Builder. Therefore, you
cannot fix/correct any potential errors from this instance of the Graphics Builder. You can,
however, access another instance of the Graphics Builder to correct errors.

530 TRN350_100
34.6 Set # usage in a graphic

34.6.4 Viewing potential control set number errors

When the Graphics Builder searches for set numbers used in control in a graphic, it also checks
for potential control set number errors.

If any such errors are found, they are listed in the Potential Errors list at the bottom of the
GBNT:Control Set# Usage window and a count displays above the list. If no such errors are
detected, the Potential Errors list does not display on the window.

The Graphics Builder checks for three different potential errors:

 If the loaded graphic is NOT a macro and a given set number is being used by two or more
macros called from the loaded graphic.
 If the loaded graphic is NOT a macro and a given set number is being used directly on the
loaded graphic and is also being used in a macro called from the loaded graphic.
 If the loaded graphic IS a macro and a hard-coded set number is used in the macro
If any of these conditions are found, they are flagged as potential errors. Note that these
instances are only potential errors; you must determine if they are actually errors. Click on any
flagged potential error to highlight in red the associated set number instances in the usage list on
the dialog box.

TRN350_100 531
S E C T I O N 35

Setting drawing attributes in the Graphics Builder


Drawing Attributes toolbar options .................................................................................. 533

Setting Place ................................................................................................................... 534
Setting Color.................................................................................................................... 536
Setting Font Attributes ..................................................................................................... 537
Using the Fill Pattern dialog box ..................................................................................... 539
Understanding the gradient fill pattern ............................................................................ 540
Setting Line Patterns ....................................................................................................... 548
Line Width dialog ............................................................................................................. 548
To Set Blink ..................................................................................................................... 549

35.1 Draw ing Attributes toolbar options

The Drawing Attributes toolbar on the main Graphics Builder window is used to set the attributes
of the display items on the graphic. Default settings exist for all of the attributes.

Figure 235: GBNT:Drawing Attributes Toolbar

Set the following attributes before you draw any items:

 Place (see page 534).
 Color (see page 536).
 Fonts (see page 537).
 Fill Patterns (see page 539).
 Line Patterns (see page 548).
 Line Widths (see page 548).
 Blink (see page 549).

TRN350_100 533
35.2 Setting Place

35.2 Setting Place

The Place of an item in a graphic is defined by the section where the associated command exists
in the source file and/or by the source line number within that section.

There are six different sections which make up graphic files: Diagram, Background, Foreground,
Trigger, Macro_Trigger, and Keyboard. See the following table for a definition of each section.

Place options


Diagram The commands in the diagram section are executed only one time — when the diagram
is initially displayed. Diagram initialization commands, (such as POINTER,
PTR_VALUE,DEF_QUAL, and so forth) are typically in this section. (See Ovation
Graphics Language Reference Manual.) Display items are not allowed in this section,
with the exception of macros. The Macro draw item is the only item that can be used
in the Diagram section. Macro display items are transparently dissociated into the
individual foreground, background, trigger, macro_trigger, and keyboard sections.
Background The commands in the background section are executed when the diagram is first
displayed, and every time a window expose event is generated for the given graphic on
the Ovation Operator Station. Items placed in the background section do not update
periodically. Note that Background is the default place. The following draw items from the
Draw toolbar can be used in the Background section:
 Arc, Rubberband Line/Arc, Line, Rubberband Line, Circle, Ellipse, Polygon, Rectangle,
Dot, OL Rectangle, OL Gauge, OL Cylinder, Bar, Plot, XY Plot, Dynamic Line/Polygon,
Trend, Time, Date, Group Text, Process Point, Text, Shape, Macro.

Foreground The commands in the foreground section of the diagram are executed when the diagram
initially displays and periodically thereafter depending on the setting for Update Rate on
the Diagram Configuration window. Foreground should be selected for items (such as
process point, date, time, and so forth) that should update on a diagram. The following
draw items from the Draw toolbar can be used in the Foreground section:
 Arc, Rubberband Line/Arc, Line, Rubberband Line, Circle, Ellipse, Polygon, Rectangle,
Dot, OL Rectangle, OL Gauge, OL Cylinder, Bar, Plot, XY Plot, Dynamic Line/Polygon,
Trend, Time, Date, Group Text, Process Point, Text, Shape, Macro.

Trigger The commands in a trigger section are executed on demand only. A trigger section can
be invoked from an application program (122 -Exec Trigger), or from the TRIG_ON
command. (See Ovation Graphics Language Reference Manual.) A trigger section is
executed once per demand. If the TRIG_ON command or the call to run program 122 is
in the foreground section of the diagram, then the trigger can be executed periodically
just like the foreground. There can be a maximum of 254 trigger sections (trigger 1 ...
trigger 254). A trigger number is associated with each trigger section, and that number is
a parameter to program 122 and the TRIG_ON command. The following draw items from
the Draw toolbar can be used in the Trigger section:
 Arc, Rubberband Line/Arc, Line, Rubberband Line, Circle, Ellipse, Polygon, Rectangle,
Dot, OL Rectangle, OL Gauge, OL Cylinder, Bar, Plot, XY Plot, Dynamic Line/Polygon,
Trend, Time, Date, Group Text, Process Point, Text, Shape, Macro.

Macro Allows the defining of trigger sections which are local to that macro. This allows the
Trigger creation of a macro (which can be used multiple times on a single graphic) containing an
item such as an OL Slider, without having to manage IF/ENDIF/$SETn logic in the
associated trigger. You will now be able to associate a local macro-trigger in the macro
with the OL Slider, and each instance of that macro will get its own local trigger.

534 TRN350_100
35.2 Setting Place


Keyboard The Keyboard section defines the operator interfaces to the diagram. The following draw
items from the Draw toolbar can be used in the Keyboard section:
 Macro, Poke Field, Entry Field, OL Slider, OL Check Box, OL Choice, OL Button, OL
Event Menu, Function Key

The Display/Set Active Place pull-down menu and the Line entry field are used to set the place for
current and future draw operations.

Figure 236: Display/Set Active Place menu and Line entry field on GBNT:Drawing
Attributes Toolbar

The pull-down menu specifies the section where new items are added to the graphic; the source
line number entry field specifies the line (in the Integrated Source Editor) on which the new
command is added.

The Line entry field updates accordingly when the diagram section/place that is defined in the
drop-down menu changes. The line number automatically updates to the end of the selected
diagram section. The line number must be within the valid range for the selected diagram section.
This field specifies on which line within the given section future draw operations occur. You may
manually insert a draw item at a certain line in the source code by entering the applicable number
in the entry field. However, if the desired line number is within a different section/place, you must
change the place drop-down menu first, and then set the number within that place.

The Change Place button allows you to change the place originally specified for selected draw

35.2.1 To use the Change Place function

1. Access the Graphics Builder.
2. Select the items for which you want to change the place.
3. From the GBNT:Drawing Attributes Toolbar, set the Display/Set Active Place pull-down
menu and/or the Line # entry field to where you want to move the selected items to.
4. Press the Change Place button. The selected items move to that section.

Figure 237: GBNT:Drawing Attributes Toolbar showing Change Place button

TRN350_100 535
35.3 Setting Color

35.3 Setting Color

The GBNT:Color dialog box is used to interactively set or change the current drawing colors for
items on a graphic. The color values and optional conditionals are set/changed from this window.

Figure 238: GBNT:Color window

There are four different types of colors available in graphics:

 (FG) Foreground color — primary color for most items on a graphic. It is used for all solid
line drawings, for all solid fills, for the characters in text, for the set bits (that is, bits = 1) of line
and fill patterns, and to display bar, plot, trend, and so forth, current values.
 (BG) Background color — used for the clear bits (that is, bits = 0) in line and fill patterns and
for the background of each character cell in vector_over and bitmap_over type text. Vector
and bitmap type text does not use BG color.
 (ER) Erase color — used only at runtime to erase dynamic items (bars, shapes, OL Check-
boxes, OL Sliders, and OL Cylinders) since their value changes. It is used to draw the unfilled
(invisible) portion of a bar. It is used to erase the existing shape when a shape changes as a
result of a conditional expression change. It is used to erase the portion of a checkmark which
extends outside of the box for the OL checkbox when you select a new box. It is used to
erase the slider control as you drag/move the control for the OL Slider. It is used to erase
some intermediate drawing for the OL Cylinder. It is never used by the Graphics Builder to
display items.
 OL (3D item) color — used to draw OL Rectangles, OL Cylinders, OL Sliders, OL Check
boxes, OL Event Menus, OL Gauges, OL Choices, and OL Buttons.

Note: The OL color in a graphic is specified by an ordinal index number as defined in the
colors.txt file as opposed to an ASCII name. For example, the syntax for a COLOR command
with an OL color index number would be: COLOR FG RED BG BLACK ER GRAY80 OL 2
(where 2 is the ordinal index as opposed to a color name).

536 TRN350_100
35.4 Setting Font Attributes

35.4 Setting Font Attributes

The GBNT:Font Attributes dialog box is used to set the text/font attributes for the following items:
Text, Time, Date, Multi-Text, Group Library Text, Process Point, Entry Field, OL Event Menu, OL
Choice, and OL Button. Font attributes are only applicable to OL Choice and OL Button items
which have text (as opposed to shape) labels.

Two font types are available for graphics: bitmap and vector text.

Bitmap Text — Bitmap text does not scale on a zoom/resize operation.

The available bitmap text sizes are defined by the eight font sizes found in the fonts.txt file. You
may change the font sizes (valid range for font sizes is 1 pt. to 200 pt. text type) defined in the file.

Bitmap_Over Text — Bitmap_Over text is the same as bitmap text but uses the overstrike option.
This means that both the foreground and background of each character cell making up the text
string are drawn. If the overstrike option is not used, only the foreground of each character cell
making up the text string is drawn on the canvas.

Vector Text — Vector text scales on zoom/resize operations. You specify the font size for vector
text by defining the pixel dimensions (width and height) of the character cells. The valid virtual
pixel range for characters is 3 through 16,383.

Vector_Over Text —Vector_Over text is the same as vector text but uses the overstrike option.
This means that both the foreground and background of each character cell making up the text
string are drawn. If the overstrike option is not used, only the foreground of each character cell
making up the text string is drawn on the canvas.

Note: A special vector font, “Ovation Vector Font (see page 538),” is also discussed.

For both bitmap and vector text, the overstrike option should always be used with changing
characters such as process point values and text conditionals. A conditional may be written to
have text change on the process diagram depending on the conditions in the plant. If the
overstrike option is not used, the new text does not cover the old text. The lines for the old text
can still be seen because only the foreground of the text is drawn. If the overstrike option is used,
the new text covers the old text since it has a background associated with it.

Note: When the Graphics Builder attempts to create/get a font of a particular size in Windows, it
is only a request. The Windows font mapper attempts to find the font in the requested size, but
provides the closest match if the exact font is not found. The font mapper searches by height
first and then by width. If the height exists, the font mapper returns that font whether it matches
the width or not.

Text sizes may change on a zoom/resize operation. This means that if you interactively resize
text, the text drawn after you release the mouse pointer may not represent what the outlining
rectangle handles indicated the size would be while dragging for resize. The Graphics Builder
may have requested a certain size font, but received a different size from the Windows font

In addition, if you draw a box around text and then resize the diagram, zoom the diagram, or
group the box and text and resize the group, the text may not always be within the box after the
resize. During the resize, the Graphics Builder requests a certain font size to keep the text in the
box but may receive another size from the Windows font mapper.

TRN350_100 537
35.4 Setting Font Attributes

The information above does NOT apply to Ovation Vector Font since it is an Ovation font — not
a Windows font. The Ovation Vector Font sizes exactly per the requested size.

35.4.1 To use the Ovation Vector Font

The Ovation Vector Font is a special vector font that is truly resizable and supports line width. It is
an Ovation font as opposed to a Windows font. It sizes exactly per the requested size, as
opposed to the Windows fonts which return the closest match.

Ovation Vector Font cannot be displayed in italic or bold typeface, but it can have an associated
line width of 1 - 16 pixels.

Note: The line width for Ovation Vector Font is independent from that on the Line Widths dialog

1. Access the Graphics Builder.

2. From the Edit drop-down menu, go to the Draw Attributes menu item. Pull right to display
another menu, and select Font. (You can also use the Font icon on the Drawing Attributes
toolbar.) The GBNT:Font Attributes window appears.
3. From the Type drop-down menu, select the type of text used for the graphic. For these
procedures, select Vector.
4. Check the overstrike checkbox if you want both the foreground and background of a character
cell to be drawn when the text is displayed. If this box is not checked, only the foreground
displays. This box should always be used with text conditionals.
5. Pull down the Font menu, and select Ovation Vector Font.

Figure 239: GBNT:Font Attributes window set to Ovation Vector Font

Note: The Ovation Vector Font is a fixed-width font. You should use a fixed-width font for all
conditional text because you want all text to be the same length

538 TRN350_100
35.5 Using the Fill Pattern dialog box

6. From the Size menu, select a number that corresponds to a point size defined in the custom
file, fonts.txt. The menu choices are 1 through 8. If you select one of these options, go to
Step 9.
If one of the eight standard font sizes is not desirable, pull down the Size menu and select
other. This allows you to define the character width and height (see Steps 7 and 8).
7. Enter a width for the text character in the char w entry field. Valid range is 3 - 16,383.
8. Enter a height for the text character in the char h entry field. Valid range is 3 - 16,383.
9. From the Line width menu, select a line width for the font. Valid range is 1 through 16. Unlike
the line widths defined in the Line Width dialog box, the number selected here corresponds to
actual pixels.

Note: The Style menu is grayed out, since Ovation Vector Font does not support bold or italic

10. At the Sample entry field, you can type words or letters to see how the font appears on the
drawing canvas. The sample string may be up to 20 characters. The letters that are typed in
the entry field appear in the Sample Area below it.
11. After all of the choices have been made, select one of the following buttons:
Apply All — Saves all of the selected settings on the Font Attributes window. It also changes
all of the font settings for all currently selected items that use fonts.
Apply Font/Style — Only saves the Font and Style settings on the Font Attributes window. It
also changes those settings for all currently selected items that use vector font.
Reset — Returns the Font Attributes window to its last saved settings (what was saved by the
Save Defaults function).
Cancel — Quits the Font Attributes window without saving any changes.
Help — Displays help information on this topic.

35.5 Using the Fill Pattern dialog box

The GBNT:Fill Patterns dialog box is used to set and/or change the active fill pattern and/or fill
pattern conditionals prior to creating draw items. It also sets/changes the gradient fill options (see
page 540) on existing draw items that are currently selected.

Fill patterns are monochrome patterns. When the Graphics Builder displays a fill pattern, the set
bits of the pattern are displayed in the active FG (foreground) color, and the clear bits are
displayed in the active BG (background) color. The Graphics Builder provides 10 standard fill
patterns: unfilled, solid, solid_bg, back_slash, slash, vert_slash, horz_slash, asterisks, blocks, and
west_logo. In addition, to the nine standard fill patterns, you can create custom fill patterns.

Note: The solid_bg fill pattern displays a solid fill in the current Background color. The solid_bg
fill pattern is the same as the outline custom fill pattern.

TRN350_100 539
35.6 Understanding the gradient fill pattern

35.6 Understanding the gradient fill pattern

Gradient is one of the choices on the GBNT:Fill Patterns dialog (see page 539). The Gradient fill
pattern displays a blending of two colors and shows a transition in shading. The two colors (Clr1
and Clr2) are determined from the "clr1,clr2" setting on the GBNT:Fill Patterns dialog (see page
539) and the FG (and possibly BG) color settings on the GBNT:Colors dialog box. The system
defaults (shown by the dashed line -----------) are set in the GBNT:Gradient Fill System Defaults
dialog. The Gradient Fill System Defaults dialog box is accessed from the system defaults
button on the GBNT:Fill Patterns dialog box.

All items that support fill patterns (except POLYBARs and DYNAMIC_POLYGONs) can be
gradient filled. When you select gradient as the fill pattern, the Fill Pattern dialog box updates to
show the fields that are applicable to gradients.

You can only apply the gradient fill pattern interactively (using the Graphics Builder canvas and
user interface windows) to the respective base items (polygon, circle, ellipse, dynamic polygon,
rectangle, and arc). You cannot specify a gradient fill pattern in the Integrated Source Editor.

In the same way that the Graphics Builder converts an ARC command to an ARCPOLYGON
command when it is rotated by one-degree increments, the Graphics Builder converts an ARC
command to a GRADIENTARC command when gradient is selected as the fill pattern. The
Graphics Builder will automatically convert the following commands to "gradient" commands when
the gradient fill pattern is chosen and the OK/Apply button is selected:
 ARC/ARCPOLYGON commands become GRADIENTARC commands.
 PIE commands become GRADIENTPIE commands.
 POLYGON commands become GRADIENTPOLYGON commands.
Conversely, if a fill pattern other than gradient is selected on the Fill Patterns dialog box when you
press the OK/Apply button, the Graphics Builder will automatically convert any selected gradient
commands to their fully rotatable non-gradient equivalent.

540 TRN350_100
35.6 Understanding the gradient fill pattern

35.6.1 Gradient fill pattern rules

The following rules apply when using the gradient fill pattern:
 All items that support fill patterns (except POLYBARs and DYNAMIC_POLYGONs) can be
 Gradient fills do not use a fill pattern .bmp file.
 The gradient commands are valid in shapes and are fully rotatable.
 A gradient fill cannot be used as a conditional fill pattern for any item (gradient fills are not
conditional), nor can a conditional be defined on the Fill Pattern dialog box when a gradient fill
is selected.
 The gradient fill pattern name is NOT valid in the source syntax for any command that uses a
fill pattern name. In other words, if you are typing the source syntax for the ARC command in
the Integrated Source Editor, you cannot use the word "gradient" as the fill pattern name in
the syntax. See Ovation Graphics Language Reference Manual for more information on
graphic commands and their syntax.
 A gradient fill pattern can only be created by interactively applying it to a respective base item
in the Graphics Builder.
 If you only want to change a single gradient attribute, you can apply any of the gradient
options individually to all currently selected gradient items by pressing the associated gradient
attribute label (such as button) on the GBNT:Fill Patterns dialog box.
 You cannot apply a single gradient option to an item that is not gradient-filled.
 System defaults are defined for the following gradient fill options: Clr1, Clr2 Outline clr, and
Lw. See Gradient System Defaults (see page 546).

TRN350_100 541
35.6 Understanding the gradient fill pattern

35.6.2 Gradient fill pattern window fields

The GBNT:Fill Pattern window displays extra buttons and menus when the Gradient fill option is

Figure 240: GBNT:Fill Patterns window showing the options for the gradient fill pattern

The gradient option labels are buttons that are used to apply the setting from the menu. You
make a selection from one of the gradient menus and then select the button that goes with that
menu. This will apply that menu selection to whatever gradient-filled objects that you have
selected on the Graphics Builder drawing canvas.

For example, to define what two colors will be used in the gradient, select a menu item from the
Clr1, Clr2 menu and then press the Clr1, Clr2 button. At least one gradient-filled item must be
currently selected when you press any of the gradient option label buttons or you will get an error.

If you want to apply all of the gradient menu selections to the selected draw items, press the OK
or Apply button.

The system defaults (shown by the dashed line --------------) are set in the GBNT:Gradient Fill
System Defaults dialog box which is accessed from the system defaults button. See Gradient
System Defaults (see page 546) for information on setting and changing the system defaults.

542 TRN350_100
35.6 Understanding the gradient fill pattern

The following table lists and describes the window buttons and menus.

Window descriptions and Gradient buttons and menus



Clr1, Clr2 Defines what two colors will  ---------- - uses whatever color combinations are
be used in the gradient. defined in the GBNT:Gradient Fill System Defaults
These colors are taken from dialog box.
the GBNT:Color dialog box.  FG, white - for Clr1, uses the foreground color
defined in the GBNT:Color window. For Clr2, it uses
 FG, BG - for Clr1, uses the foreground color defined
in the GBNT:Color window. For Clr2, it uses the
background color defined in the GBNT:Color
 FG(dark 3D, light3D) - uses the foreground color
defined in the GBNT:Color window, but for Clr1, it
uses a dark, three-dimensional version of that color
and for Clr2, it uses a light, three-dimensional
version of that color.
Type Defines how the color shading  clr1->clr2->clr1 - gradient starts with the color that
will progress in the filled item. is defined for clr1, then transitions to the color
defined for clr2, and then transitions back to clr1
 clr1->clr2 - gradient starts with the color that is
defined for clr1 and then transitions to the color that
is defined for clr2.
 clr2->clr1 - gradient starts with the color that is
defined for clr2 and then transitions to the color that
is defined for clr1.
Dir Determines the direction of  horz - the color transitions horizontally.
the gradient. This attribute is  vert - the color transitions vertically.
not used with the
Outline Determines whether or not to  yes - an outline will be drawn around the gradient
draw an outline around the filled object(s).
gradient-filled object(s).  no - an outline will be drawn around the gradient
filled object(s).
Outline clr Only used when Outline is set  ---------- - uses whatever color combinations are
to yes. Defines the color for defined in the GBNT:Gradient Fill System Defaults
the outline. dialog box.
 FG - uses the foreground color that is set in the
GBNT:Color dialog box.
 BG -- uses the background color that is set in the
GBNT:Color dialog box
 black - uses black as the outline color.
 light 3D - uses a light, three-dimensional shade of
the foreground color.
 dark 3D - uses a dark, three-dimensional shade of
the foreground color.
 med 3D - uses a medium, three-dimensional shade
of the foreground color.

TRN350_100 543
35.6 Understanding the gradient fill pattern



Rect outline Only used for rectangles and  all sides - all sides of the rectangle will have an
only used when Outline is set outline drawn in the color defined in the Outline clr
to yes. Defines the type of option.
outline to be used for  as pipe - only the sides of the rectangle
rectangles. perpendicular to the Dir setting will have an outline
drawn in the color defined in the Outline clr. For
example, if Dir = horz, only the vertical sides of the
rectangle will be outlined. If Dir = vert, only the
horizontal sides of the rectangle will be outlined.
The "as pipe" option is used when making gradient-
filled rectangles for pipe drawings.
Lw Only used when Outline is set  ---------- - uses whatever color combinations are
to yes. Determines the width defined in the GBNT:Gradient Fill System Defaults
of the outline. dialog box.
 1 - 16 - choose a number from 1 to 16 that
corresponds to the line width on the GBNT:Line
Width window.
Decorative Text Only used with decorative  overall string -- The gradient definitions apply to the
option text. Determines whether entire text string.
gradient fill should apply to  per character -- The gradient definitions apply to
the overall text string or on an each character individually.
individual character basis.

35.6.3 To set a Gradient fill pattern

1. Display the GBNT:Fill Pattern window.
2. Select an object that takes a fill pattern -- polygon, circle, ellipse, dynamic polygon, rectangle,
arc, variable fill items (arc, circle, ellipse, rectangle, polygon), decorative text, and textpolygon.
3. Scroll down the list of fill patterns and select gradient. The gradient fill options appear and the
fill pattern conditional field disappears.

Figure 241: GBNT:Fill Patterns window showing the options for the gradient fill pattern

544 TRN350_100
35.6 Understanding the gradient fill pattern

Note: Refer to Gradient fill pattern window fields (see page 542) for a complete description of
the gradient buttons and menus.

To apply only one gradient attribute, use the gradient option label button. To apply all of the
gradient attributes, select the OK or Apply button.

4. Pull down the Clr1, Clr2 menu to select the two colors that will be used in the gradient. The
choices are:
 ------------ (system default)
 FG, white
 FG, BG
 FG(dark 3D, light3D)
5. Pull down the Type menu to define how the color shading will progress in the filled item. The
choices are;
 clr1->clr2->clr1
 clr1->clr2
 clr2->clr1
6. Pull down the Dir button determines which direction the gradient will go. This attribute is not
used with the GRADIENTPIE command. The choices are:
 horz (horizontally)
 vert (vertically)
7. From the Outline menu define whether or not to draw an outline around the gradient-filled
object. The choices are yes or no.
8. If you selected yes for Outline, select an option from the Outline clr menu. The choices are:
 ------------ (system default)
 FG (foreground color)
 BG (background color)
 black
 light 3D (light foreground color)
 dark 3D (dark foreground color)
 med 3D -- (medium foreground color)
9. The Rect outline option is only used for rectangles, and it is only used when the Outline
option is set to yes. The choices are:
 all sides
 as pipe
10. Use the Lw menu to determines the width of the outline. This is only used if Outline is set to
yes. The choices are:
 --------- (system default)
 1 - 16 (See GBNT:Line Width window.)

TRN350_100 545
35.6 Understanding the gradient fill pattern

11. If you are specifying a gradient fill pattern for decorative text, select one of the following
 overall string -- applies the gradient rules that you have defined across the entire text
 per character -- applies the gradient rules that you have defined on an individual
character basis.
12. You have the following options when applying gradient fill settings:
 To set only one gradient attribute to existing draw items -- make a menu selection
and then press the gradient option label button that goes with that menu. At least one
gradient-filled draw item must be selected. Only the selection from that menu is applied to
the selected draw item(s)
 To apply all gradient attributes to existing draw items -- make all of the gradient menu
selections and press the OK/Apply button on the GBNT:Fill Pattern dialog box. All of the
selected draw items on the drawing canvas will update with the new gradient selections.
 To apply all gradient attributes to new draw items -- make sure no gradient-filled
items are selected. Make the desired changes to the gradient menus and press the
OK/Apply button. Any new gradient-filled draw items will have the attributes you set.
13. To quit the GBNT:Fill Pattern dialog box, press the Cancel button. To display help information
on the window, press the Help button.

Note: To set or change the system defaults, press the system defaults button.

35.6.4 Gradient system defaults

Gradient fill system defaults are denoted in the pull-down menu on the GBNT:Fill Patterns dialog
box by dashes (------). The gradient fill system defaults are saved/stored in the custom fill
patterns file (fill_patterns.txt). Both the Graphics Builder and the displayer read this file at startup.
Changing the system defaults updates the settings in fill_patterns.txt and updates any gradient
filled items displayed in the current Graphics Builder edit session which use system defaults
(including shapes).

Gradient system defaults are defined and/or changed in the GBNT:Gradient Fill System Defaults
dialog box. In this window, you can define system defaults for the following gradient options: Clr1
Clr2, Outline clr, and Lw.

Using the system defaults can save you time when changing graphics. For example, if you create
graphics with gradient fill options set to the system defaults, you can change the appearance of all
of the gradient-filled items for all of the graphics in your system by simply changing the system
defaults. This is done without editing or recompiling any graphics.

35.6.5 To draw a gradient-filled Pie arc

1. Access the GBNT:Fill Patterns dialog box.
2. Select the gradient fill pattern in the scrolling list.
3. Complete the gradient fill options as desired (see page 544).

546 TRN350_100
35.6 Understanding the gradient fill pattern

Note: Emerson recommends that you select the system defaults (dashed menu items) for the
Clr1,Clr2, Outline Clr, and Lw settings in case you want to change them later.

The Dir and Rect Outline options are not used in conjunction with pies.

4. Select the pie icon on the GBNT:Draw toolbar. The GBNT:Create Pie Arc dialog box displays.
5. Enter the pie arc start and end angles in the entry field provided on the Create Pie Arc dialog
box. See To Draw a Pie Arc (see page 553) for more information.
6. Press the OK/Apply button on the Create Pie Arc window. The <draw pie arc mode>
message appears in the footer of the Graphics Builder window.
7. Drag a rectangle on the Graphics Builder main window to position and size the gradient-filled
pie arc. This rectangle represents the full circle/ellipse the pie arc resides on. The pie arc
outline displays within the rectangle as you drag the rectangle. When you release the mouse
button, a gradient-filled pie arc appears on the Graphics Builder main window.

Note: The Graphics Builder created a GRADIENTPIE command in the Integrated Source Editor
window (as opposed to a PIE command which would be created if a fill pattern other than
gradient was selected.

35.6.6 To draw a gradient-filled rectangle, polygon, arc, or ellipse

1. Access the GBNT:Fill Patterns dialog box.
2. Select the gradient fill pattern in the scrolling list.
3. Complete the gradient fill options as desired (see page 544).

Note: Emerson recommends that you select the system defaults (dashed menu items) for the
Clr1,Clr2, Outline Clr, and Lw settings in case you want to change them later.

4. Select the desired draw icon (for the rectangle, polygon, arc, or ellipse). Drag the shape on
the Graphics Builder main window to desired position and size.
 When you complete the drag, the corresponding gradient-filled item appears on the
Graphics Builder main window.
 The Graphics Builder creates a corresponding GRADIENT command as opposed to the
standard draw item command in the Integrated Source Editor window. For example, the
command in the source editor would be GRADIENTRECTANGLE instead of

TRN350_100 547
35.7 Setting Line Patterns

35.7 Setting Line Patterns

The Line Patterns dialog box allows you to add various line patterns to your graphic. The window
operates in two different modes. In one mode, it is used to edit the system line patterns file (add,
delete, change custom line patterns). In the other mode, it is used to set/change the active line
pattern and line pattern conditional for current and future draw operations.

The mode of operation is determined by the setting for the Line patterns out for edit checkbox
at the top of the window. If this box is checked, the dialog box can only be used to edit the system
custom line pattern file. If this box is not checked, the window can only be used to set/change the
current line pattern and line pattern conditional for items on the graphic.

The draw items that use a line pattern are: line, polygon, rectangle, arc, circle, ellipse, rubberband
arc, rubberband line, dynamic line, and dynamic polygon.

35.8 Line Width dialog

You can choose from 16 line widths in the Graphics Builder. The order of the line widths
corresponds to an array index that is used in the source editor to specify line widths. Neither the
size of the line widths nor the line width array index is configurable. The following table is a list of
the line width array index numbers and their corresponding pixel line width.

Line Width Array Index


1 1
2 2
3 4
4 6
5 8
5 10
7 12
8 14
9 16
10 18
11 20
12 22
13 24
14 26
15 28
16 30

548 TRN350_100
35.9 To Set Blink

35.9 To Set Blink

The GBNT:Blink dialog box allows you to configure draw items to blink under certain conditions.
Blink is only practical in the foreground section of a graphic. However, using blink may adversely
affect the diagram update rate since blink is implemented in software as opposed to hardware.
The use of blink should be minimized in a graphic.

1. Access the Graphics Builder.

2. From the Edit drop-down menu, go to the Draw Attributes menu item. Pull right to display
another menu, and select Blink. The GBNT:Blink window appears.

Note: Blink is not available on the Drawing Attributes toolbar.

Figure 242: GBNT:Blink window

3. To set foreground blink, select the FG check box. A checkmark displays in the box.
To remove the foreground blink, select the FG check box again. The checkmark disappears.
The default for foreground blink is off (no check mark in the box).
4. To set background blink, select the BG check box. A checkmark displays in the box.
To remove the background blink, select the BG check box again. The checkmark disappears.
The default for background blink is off (no checkmark in the box).
5. A conditional statement allows the value of a parameter in a graphics command to change
based upon a specified condition. Conditional statements can be entered for FG and BG blink.
 To define a conditional, place the cursor in the entry field beside the desired blink
placement (FG or BG).
 Enter the conditional statement according to the applicable rules. (See Ovation Graphics
Language Reference Manual.)
 To clear or erase the conditional statement, select the applicable clear button beside the
entry field.

TRN350_100 549
35.9 To Set Blink

6. After the desired blink has been set, and conditional statements have been entered, select
one of the following buttons:
Ok — Saves the selected settings, and quits the Blink window. It also changes the blink
setting for all applicable selected items.
Apply — Saves the selected settings, but the Blink window remains open. It also changes the
blink setting for all applicable selected items.
Cancel — Quits the Blink window without saving any changes.
Help — Displays help information on the Blink window.

550 TRN350_100
S E C T I O N 36

Working with Background, Foreground, Trigger and

Macro Trigger Graphics Builder draw items


What draw items are used in the Background, Foreground, Trigger, and Macro Trigger
sections? ......................................................................................................................... 551
Pie Arc ............................................................................................................................. 553
Frame .............................................................................................................................. 554
Bar, Variable-fill items ..................................................................................................... 558
Plot .................................................................................................................................. 559
Trend, Multi-Trend ........................................................................................................... 559
Meter ............................................................................................................................... 560
Analog Indicator .............................................................................................................. 586

36.1 What draw items are used in the Background, Foreground,

Trigger, and Macro Trigger sections?

The Graphics Builder draw items are valid in certain sections of a diagram. The macro draw item
is the exception since it is valid in all place locations.

The commands in the background section are executed when the diagram is first displayed, and
every time a window expose event is generated for the given graphic on the Ovation Operator
Station. Items placed in the background section do not update periodically.

The commands in the foreground section of the diagram are executed when the diagram initially
displays and periodically thereafter depending on the setting for Update Rate on the Diagram
Configuration window. Foreground should be selected for items (such as process point, date,
time, and so forth) that should update on a diagram.

The commands in a trigger section are executed on demand only. A trigger section can be
invoked from an application program, from the TRIG_ON command, or from a Button, OL_Button,
OL_Choice, OL_Slider, and OL_Checkbox dialog box.

Draw items can only be accessed from the Draw toolbar. The following figure shows the portion of
the GBNT:Draw Toolbar with Background, Foreground, Trigger, and Macro Trigger items.

Figure 243: GBNT:Draw Toolbar showing Background, Foreground, Macro, and Macro
Trigger draw items

TRN350_100 551
36.1 What draw items are used in the Background, Foreground, Trigger, and Macro Trigger sections?

The following items are Graphics Builder draw items that are valid in the background, foreground,
trigger, and macro trigger sections of a diagram. Not all items are described in this manual. Refer
to the Ovation Graphics Builder User Guide for descriptions of all draw items.
 Simple draw items:
 Arc
 PIE Arc (see page 553)
 Rubberband Arc
 Line
 Rubberband Line
 Circle
 Ellipse
 Polygon
 Rectangle
 Dot
 OL Rectangle
 Frame (see page 554)
 Bitmap Image
 OL Gauge
 OL Cylinder
 Bar, Variable-fill items (see page 558)
 Plot (see page 559)
 XY Plot
 Dynamic Line/Polygon
 Trend, Multi-Trend (see page 559)
 Time
 Date
 Point Group Text
 Process Point
 Text
 Shape
 Meter (see page 560)
 Analog Indicator (see page 586)
 Macro (see page 674)
When building graphics offline, use the Import Graphics function to first move the graphic to the
Developer Studio. Make sure you check for errors as the import is processing. Once in the
Developer Studio, perform a download of that graphic. You can then load the updated graphic in a
Graphics Display window.

If creating a graphic online, save the graphic, then perform a download of that graphic in the
Developer Studio. You can then load the updated graphic in a Graphics Display window. (See
Ovation Developer Studio User Guide.)

552 TRN350_100
36.2 Pie Arc

36.2 Pie Arc

As the name implies the Pie Arc looks like a slice of pie. The Pie arc command is valid in a shape
and is always filled. In fact, an error occurs if/when you attempt to create a Pie arc if the current fill
pattern is set to unfilled. A Pie is specified by a start angle and an end angle (in degrees) when it
is created. Unlike the standard arc, Pie arcs are always drawn counterclockwise, so negative arc
angles are not supported. If the start and end angles are the same, a full circle/ellipse is drawn.

When a Pie arc is drawn, the arc outline is drawn using the current line pattern and current line
width. Nothing is drawn from the start angle to the center of the circle/ellipse and/or from the end
angle to the center of the circle/ellipse. The arc outline drawn for the Pie arc resembles the arc
outline drawn for the standard arc. However, the Pie arc is filled differently than the standard arc.
A Pie arc is filled as if an imaginary line was drawn from the start point of the arc to the center of
the circle/ellipse the arc lies on, and then to the end point of the arc.

Coordinates are stored (as opposed to start/end angles and outlining rectangle coordinates) to
support one degree rotation of the Pie arc (similar to what is stored for an ARCPOLYGON as
opposed to an ARC command). The dialog is NOT displayed if/when you do a Properties function
on an existing PIE arc; it is not used to change the properties of existing Pie arcs.

36.2.1 To Draw a Pie Arc

1. Select the Pie Arc icon on the Draw toolbar (this item may be placed in the Background,
Foreground, or Trigger section); the Pie Arc dialog box appears.

Figure 244: GBNT:Create Pie Arc window

2. Select a line and fill pattern for the Pie Arc.

3. Specify the start and end angles on the dialog box. The valid range is 0 through 359 degrees
for both angles. Enter the number in the entry field or use the increment/decrement buttons.

TRN350_100 553
36.3 Frame

Note: As you change start/end angles on this dialog, the Pie that is displayed on the dialog

Once the Pie arc is created, you cannot change the start/end angles, because only coordinates
calculated internally by the Graphics Builder are stored in the source syntax.

4. Press one of the following buttons:

Ok — Saves the selected settings, and quits the Create Pie Arc window.
Apply — Saves the selected settings, but the Create Pie Arc window remains open.
Cancel — Quits the Create Pie Arc window without saving any changes.
Help — Displays help on the Create Pie Arc window.
5. You can now drag the Pie arc on the graphic to position/size it. You will be dragging an
outlining rectangle representing the full circle/ellipse that the Pie arc resides on. The Graphics
Builder shows the outline of the Pie arc inside the outlining rectangle as you drag the mouse.

Note: When you complete the drag, the Pie arc will be drawn using the current line width, line
pattern, and fill pattern.

36.3 Frame

The Frame command draws an enhanced OL Rectangle on a graphic. The frame has no
functionality. Its purpose is to simulate a framed rectangle so that you do not have to manage the
top/left and bottom/right colors and do not have to implement the top/left and bottom/right sides as
polygons and manage the vertices.

The interior of the frame can be filled or unfilled. It can be configured to appear in either the
invoked or raised state, or it can be configured to appear like a rounded picture frame. The frame
is sized by an overall width and height. The frame border dimensions are configurable.

The color(s) for a frame come from the settings on the GBNT:Color window (COLOR command).
The frame always uses the foreground color and can optionally use the background color and/or
the erase color. (OL color is not used with frames.) Frame color(s) can change based on a

All frames use the foreground color to specify the border color. For frames having a button-style
border, the border colors are generated from the foreground color. For frames having a picture
frame border, the foreground color is used along with either a shading color derived from the
foreground color or the background or erase color. The frame interior color (when filled) is
configured independently of the border color. It can be specified by the FG color, a shading color
derived from the FG color, or the BG or ER color.

36.3.1 To draw a frame

1. Select the OL Rectangle/Frame icon on the Draw toolbar.

554 TRN350_100
36.3 Frame

The OL Rectangle/Frame window appears.

Figure 245: GBNT:OL Rectangle/Frame window showing Frame item

2. Pull down the Item menu and select Frame.

3. Set the border dimensions (in virtual pixels) by entering a value in the w' (width) and h'
(height) entry fields. You can also use the increment/decrement buttons.

Note: A preview of the frame appears on the right size of the dialog box so you can see the
various border/background styles using the current colors. The size of the preview does not
change, so it may not reflect the actual size of the finished frame. However, the preview does
reflect the actual coloring.

4. Pull down the border menu to select the appearance of the frame's border. The colors are set
on the GBNT:Color dialog box (see page 536). The choices are:
 button-like (normal) -- looks like a three-dimensional raised button. Uses the foreground
 button-like (invoked) -- looks like a three-dimensional invoked (pressed in) button. Uses
the foreground color.

Note: For all gradient borders, the "clr1->clr2->clr1" gradient type is used (see page 542). For
this gradient type, clr1 = the first color listed and clr2 = the second color listed. The gradient
starts with clr1, transitions to clr2, and then transitions back to clr1.

 gradient (FG, light FG) -- uses gradient shading of the foreground color and a light
version of the foreground color.
 gradient (FG, dark FG) -- uses gradient shading of the foreground color and a dark
version of the foreground color.
 gradient (med FG, light FG) -- uses gradient shading of a medium version of the
foreground color and a light version of the foreground color.
 gradient (dark FG, med FG) -- uses gradient shading of a dark version of the foreground
color and a medium version of the foreground color.

TRN350_100 555
36.3 Frame

 gradient (dark FG, light FG) -- uses gradient shading of a dark version of the foreground
color and a light version of the foreground color.
 gradient (FG, BG) -- uses gradient shading of the foreground color and the background
 gradient (BG, FG) -- uses gradient shading of the background color and the foreground
 gradient (FG, ER) -- uses gradient shading of the foreground color and the erase color.
 gradient (ER, FG) -- uses gradient shading of the erase color and the foreground color.
5. Pull down the background menu to set the appearance of the frame's background. The
colors are set on the GBNT:Color dialog box (see page 536). The choices are:
 unfilled/hollow -- no fill color is used..
 solid FG color -- uses the solid (no gradient) foreground color.
 solid light FG color -- uses the solid (no gradient) light version of the foreground color.
 solid med FG color -- uses the solid (no gradient) medium version of the foreground
 solid dark FG color -- uses the solid (no gradient) dark version of the foreground color.
 solid BG color -- uses the solid (no gradient) background color.
 solid ER color -- uses the solid (no gradient) erase color.
6. Select the preview conditionals button (see page 556) to preview any conditional color
values set on the GBNT:Color dialog box.
7. Select one of the following buttons:
Ok — Saves the selected settings, and quits the OL Rectangle/Frame window.
Apply — Saves the selected settings, but the OL Rectangle/Frame window remains open.
Cancel — Quits the OL Rectangle/Frame window without saving any changes.
Help — Displays help on the OL Rectangle/Frame window.
8. Move the pointer onto the drawing canvas. Press and hold the left mouse button, and drag
the pointer to mark the lower right corner of the OL rectangle. Do not release the mouse
button while drawing the OL rectangle.
9. Release the mouse button to complete the draw operation.

556 TRN350_100
36.3 Frame

36.3.2 To view the preview conditionals window

The preview conditionals window allows you to preview any color conditionals that were defined
on the GBNT:Color dialog box that are applicable to the OL Rectangle/Frame window.

1. Access the OL Rectangle/Frame window (see page 554).

2. Select the preview conditionals button. The following window appears if conditionals were
defined on the GBNT:Color window.

Figure 246: View conditionals window for a frame

3. Find a defined conditional (conditionals that are not defined are grayed out). Pull down the
Conditional ldx menu to select the different conditional options.
4. Notice how the frame appearance changes on the GBNT: OL Rectangle/Frame window as
you select the different conditional settings.
5. Select the Close button to quit the window. Select the Help button to display online help on
the window.

Note: The view conditionals window is a modal window. That means that while it is displayed,
you cannot do anything in any other window in the Graphics Builder until you close this window.
You cannot edit the graphic and/or settings on the OL Rectangle/Frame window while this
window is displayed.

TRN350_100 557
36.4 Bar, Variable-fill items

36.4 Bar, Variable-fill items

The Bar, Variable-fill items icon displays the GBNT:Bar, Variable-fill items window. This window
offers several draw item choices: bar_graph, variable-fill arc, variable-fill circle, variable-fill ellipse,
variable-fill polygon, and variable-fill rectangle.

Note: Like the bar, the variable-fill items cannot be rotated or inverted, and they cannot be used
in shapes.

The bar_graph is a rectangle on a diagram that is partially filled based upon a process point
value. The bar is always filled with the solid FG color, and the maximum fill area is not outlined at
runtime. The bar can be filled bottom up, top down, right to left, left to right, or up or down from
the 0 value (bias). The actual process point value is scaled between the low and high scales of
the bar. The bar is filled from the low limit end in the direction specified, up to the scaled process
point value on the process diagram. The bias bar is filled from the position/value 0 up or down to
the scaled process point value.

The variable-fill commands do a variable/percentage fill based on an analog value. These items
can be filled with any fill pattern -- including the gradient fill. They can also be configured to show
the maximum fill area at runtime using any line width and line pattern. The unfilled portion of each
of the variable-fill items is filled with the solid erase (ER) color (like the bar_graph).

When a variable-fill item is selected on the GBNT:Bar, Variable-fill items window, you specify
whether or not you want the runtime displayer to outline the maximum fill area (maximum fill area
= filled area + unfilled area). This option only applies to the runtime displayer. The Graphics
Builder always shows the maximum fill area outline.

If you choose to have the runtime displayer outline the maximum fill area, the current line width
and line pattern on the GBNT:Line Width and GBNT:Line Pattern dialog boxes respectively are
used to outline the max fill area. Both the line pattern and the fill pattern can be specified as
conditions, provided that the gradient fill (see page 540) is not used. Also note that variable-fill
items that use a gradient fill use the outline option on the GBNT:Fill Patterns dialog box instead of
the outline option on the GBNT:Bar, Variable-fill items dialog box.

When you place a variable-fill item on the Graphics Builder drawing canvas, you use the same
procedure as you would for its non-variable-fill counterpart. For example, if you are drawing a
variable-fill arc, you would select the arc start point, then the arc end point, and then drag a point
on the arc to complete the arc (see the procedures to draw an arc). In the same manner, to draw
a variable-fill polygon, you would click the first vertex, click the second vertex, and so forth until
you Ctrl + click on the last vertex to complete the polygon.

When deciding whether to use a bar_graph or a variable_fill_rectangle, consider the following

 A variable-fill rectangle can be filled with any fill pattern (not just a solid fill pattern).
 A variable-fill rectangle fill pattern can change based on a conditional.
 A variable-fill rectangle can show an outline of the maximum fill area at runtime.

Note: The POLYBAR command that was used in previous Ovation releases is still supported in
release 3.5. However, it will be automatically converted to an equivalent
VARIABLE_FILL_POLYGON command upon the first edit to the command within the Graphics
Builder. If a POLYBAR command is never edited, it will remain a POLYBAR command and will
function normally.

558 TRN350_100
36.5 Plot

36.5 Plot

The Plot icon shows the current value of a process point plotted over time and scaled between a
low and high value on the process diagram. The process point value is always plotted along a
straight line. The orientation of the line may be up, down, left, or right. You may also specify a plot
character for each value and how to join successive values plotted over time.

36.6 Trend, Multi-Trend

The Trend/Multi-Trend icon displays the GBNT:Trend, Multi-Trend window. Through this window,
you can create either a single-point graph or a multiple-point graph that shows the current value
of the process point(s) sampled over time on a process diagram..

For (single point) trends, the process point value is scaled between low and high limits. You
define the number of values to display and the time interval between successive values. You may
trend the point showing time along the x or the y axis (horizontal or vertical orientation). The trend
area is defined by an outlining rectangle, and the spacing between successive values is
determined by dividing the length of the x or y axis by the number of values to trend. Multiple
trends may exist in the same area of the diagram but with undesirable interaction.

The Multi-Trend option allows you to trend multiple points on the same region of the graphic. A
maximum of 10 points may be trended at once. Each point is configurable with its own color,
low/high limits, line width, and line pattern. The color for each point may be specified by its own
color conditional. However, the same orientation options, trend interval, and number of sample
settings are used for all of the points of a multi-trend.

The Multi-Trend allows you to configure a unique line pattern for each point. You can choose from
any line pattern on the GBNT:Line Patterns dialog box, except solid_bg. When a line pattern is
specified, only the applicable color is used to draw the set (1) bits in the pattern. The unset (0) bits
in the pattern are skipped, so the multi-trend background shows through. This is in contrast to
how the line patterns are drawn for other display items, where the unset (0) bits are drawn in the
current BG color.

The background of the multi-trend region, which is configured independently of the

MULTI_TREND command, is maintained at runtime, meaning that you can have any static
background pattern you desire (a bitmap, a grid pattern, a solid colored background and so forth).
At initial display time, a snapshot is taken of the multi-trend background region before the multi-
trend point values are displayed. This snapshot is used to restore the trend background as the
multi-trend updates. Thus, this background will always be displayed behind the trended values. In
contrast, a regular trend must be on a solid color background and the applicable ER color must be
set to this solid color. Use a multi-trend with only one point if you want a non-solid background for
your trend.

At initial display time, the history data will be retrieved from the console trend collection buffer or,
if not available, a request will be made to the Historian, if available, to retrieve the appropriate

The quality for the trended points will be shown using the colors defined by the DEF_QUAL
statement when the point quality is not good. See Ovation Graphics Language Reference Manual
for more information on the DEF_QUAL statement.

TRN350_100 559
36.7 Meter

36.7 Meter

The METER command displays a process point value, scaled between low and high limits, on a
static meter background. The entire meter background is static – no colors or anything on it will
change based on a conditional. The only dynamic part of the meter is the meter value itself.

The meter background includes the meter face, the meter border, the tic marks, the tic mark
labels, an optional color range bar, the meter needle/pointer, and optional meter decoration/add-
ons (text/multi-text, bitmaps, shapes). All of the properties for the Meter are included on the Meter
window as opposed to being read from the common attribute dialogs (color, font, line/fill pattern,
and so forth). A meter preview dialog box is also provided.

The Meter window has six tabs:

 Base -- sets the meter dimensions, border color, and face color.
 Tic marks -- defines the look of the major and minor tic marks.
 Value/limits -- assigns a point to the meter, defines the GB runtime values, and defines the
tic mark labels.
 Needle -- sets the style and color of the needle on the meter.
 Color band -- configures an optional color band around the meter.
 Add-ons -- configures optional text, bitmap images, and/or shapes displayed on the meter
and what they will look like.

36.7.1 To create a meter

1. Select the Meter icon on the Draw toolbar.

Figure 247: Meter icon on the Draw toolbar

560 TRN350_100
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The GBNT:Meter window appears.

Figure 248: GBNT: Meter window

Note: By default, the GBNT:Meter window displays with the Meter preview window beside it
(which can also be accessed from the magnifying glass icon at the bottom of the window).

2. Complete the information on the base tab (see page 563).

3. Complete the information on the tic marks tab (see page 567).
4. Complete the information on the value/limits tab (see page 570).
5. Complete the information on the needle tab (see page 573).
6. Complete the information on the color band tab (see page 577).
7. Complete the information on the add-ons tab (see page 581).
8. The three icons on the bottom right-hand corner of the Meter window appear on all the tabs.

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Displays the GBNT:Meter Preview window.

Saves the settings that you have defined on the tab to the Windows
Registry so the next time you open the Graphics Builder, these settings
will be displayed on the Meter dialog box.
Restores the settings on the tab to the last saved settings from the
Windows Registry.

9. Select one of the following buttons:

Ok — Saves the selected settings, and quits the Meter window.
Apply — Saves the selected settings, but the Meter window remains open.
Cancel — Quits the Meter window without saving any changes.
Help — Provides help information on the Meter window.
10. Move the pointer to the drawing canvas. Press and hold the left mouse button, and move the
pointer to the desired location. As soon as the move operation begins, a rectangle
representing the outlining rectangle of the meter appears on the diagram. As you move the
mouse, the rectangle moves along with it. Do not release the mouse button while moving the
11. Release the mouse button, and the meter appears.

562 TRN350_100
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36.7.2 To configure the Meter window base tab

The base tab on the GBNT:Meter window defines the dimensions of the meter along with the
border color and face color. Use the following procedure to set the parameters on the base tab.

1. Access the GBNT:Meter window and select the base tab (if not already selected).

Figure 249: GBNT:Meter window showing base tab

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2. Note that the base tab parameters are grouped into three sections that define different
aspects of the meter base appearance.
 Meter dimensions
 Meter border
 Meter Face

Meter draw item -- base tab fields and descriptions


Meter dimensions (in virtual pixels)

w Width of the meter base
h Height of the meter base
h' Height of the meter's border
show only meter Determines whether or not the parameters defined on the other tabs display on
base on preview the Meter Preview window. If this box is checked, only the base of the meter, not
check box the tic marks, tic mark labels, needle, color band, and/or meter add-ons will show
on the Meter Preview window
Meter border
style Determines color and shading of the meter border. You can choose a solid color,
various gradient options (gradient displays a blending of colors and shows a
transition in shading), or use a defined fill pattern as a design for the meter
border. The choices are:
 solid color -- uses the color defined in the FG color field with no gradient
 gradient 1 -- uses the color defined in the FG color field and applies gradient
 gradient 2 -- uses the colors defined in the FG color and BG color fields, and
applies gradient shading.
 gradient 3 (FG: light 3D -> med3D) -- uses the color defined in the FG color
field and transitions the shading from a light three-dimension version of the
color to a medium three-dimensional version of the color.
 gradient 3 (FG: light3D -> dark3D) -- uses the color defined in the FG color
field and transitions the shading from a light three-dimension version of the
color to a dark three-dimensional version of the color.
 gradient 3 (FG -> BG) -- uses the colors defined in the FG color and BG color
fields and transitions the color and shading from the foreground color to the
background color.
 gradient 4 (FG: dark3D -> light3D -> dark3D) -- uses the color defined in the
FG color field and transitions the shading from a dark three-dimension version
of the color to a light three-dimensional version of the color, and then back to
the dark three-dimensional version of the color.
 gradient 4 (FG: med3D -> light3D -> med3D) -- uses the color defined in the
FG color field and transitions the shading from a medium three-dimension
version of the color to a light three-dimensional version of the color, and then
back to the medium three-dimensional version of the color.
 gradient 4 (FG -> BG -> FG) -- uses the colors defined in the FG color and BG
color fields and transitions the color and shading from the foreground color to
the background color and then back to the foreground color.
 fill pattern -- allows you to select a fill pattern for the border. The fill pattern
displays in the colors defined in the FG color and BG color fields.

564 TRN350_100
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FG color and color Defines the color options for the foreground color:
selection menu  standards -- user-defined subset of colors in the Windows Registry that is
stored in the system colors.txt file.
 $COLORn -- only applicable when editing a macro graphic and when passing
color into the macro from the parent graphic.
 aliases -- user-defined set of color references. These color references
associate a user-defined alias name with a display color (a color name in the
Windows Registry).
 All colors -- alphabetical list of all graphic colors in the Windows Registry
when the Graphics Builder starts up.
 recently used -- list of the last 10 colors selected on any of the dialogs that
support the enhanced color selection.
After you select a color type, pull down the menu next to the FG color menu to
select a color. As you change the color type (standard, aliases, etc.) the colors in
the pull-down list change as well.
BG color and color Defines the color options for the background color:
selection menu  standards -- user-defined subset of colors in the Windows Registry that is
stored in the system colors.txt file.
 $COLORn -- only applicable when editing a macro graphic and when passing
color into the macro from the parent graphic.
 aliases -- user-defined set of color references. These color references
associate a user-defined alias name with a display color (a color name in the
Windows Registry).
 All colors -- alphabetical list of all graphic colors in the Windows Registry
when the Graphics Builder starts up.
 recently used -- list of the last 10 colors selected on any of the dialogs that
support the enhanced color selection.
 derived/shading -- displays a light, medium, and dark version of the selected
FG color plus three other colors that would complement the FG color.
After you select a color type, pull down the menu next to the BG color menu to
select a color. As you change the color type (standard, aliases, etc.) the colors in
the pull-down list change as well.
fill pattern Defines a fill pattern for the border. The FG and BG colors will be used with this
fill pattern.
outline color options Defines an outline color for the border, based on the border style. The number of
(* = default) choices varies based on the border style, as well as the default option for that
style. The default option is denoted by an asterisk (*).
Meter face

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style Determines color and shading of the meter face. You can choose a solid color,
various gradient options (gradient displays a blending of colors and shows a
transition in shading), a bitmap image, or use a defined fill pattern as a design for
the meter face. The choices are:
 solid color -- uses the color defined in the FG color field with no gradient
 vert gradient (FG:dark3D -> light3D) -- uses the color defined in the FG color
field and transitions the shading from the top of the face to the bottom of the
face from a dark version of the FG color to a light version of the FG color.
 vert gradient (FG:med3D -> light3D) -- uses the color defined in the FG color
field and transitions the shading from the top of the face to the bottom of the
face from a medium version of the FG color to a light version of the FG color.
 vert gradient (FG -> BG) -- uses the color defined in the FG color and BG
color fields and transitions the shading from the top of the face to the bottom of
the face from the FG color to the BG color.
 radial gradient (FG:light3D -> dark3D) -- uses the color defined in the FG
color field and transitions the shading from the center of the face out to the
edge of the face from a light version of the FG color to a dark version of the FG
 radial gradient (FG:light3D -> med3D) -- uses the color defined in the FG
color field and transitions the shading from the center of the face out to the
edge of the face from a light version of the FG color to a medium version of the
FG color.
 radial gradient (FG -> BG) -- uses the colors defined in the FG color and BG
color fields and transitions the shading from the center of the face out to the
edge of the face from the FG color to the BG color.
 bitmap image -- uses a bitmap image for the face of the meter.
 fill_pattern -- allows you to select a fill pattern for the face. The fill pattern
displays in the colors defined in the FG color and BG color fields.
FG color and color Defines the color options for the foreground color for the meter face. See the FG
selection menu color description for meter border for a description of the options.
BG color and color Defines the color options for the background color for the meter face. See BG
selection menu color description for meter border for a description of the options.
bitmap image Defines a bitmap image for the face of the meter. The other color options will be
grayed out for the meter face if bitmap image is chosen.
fill pattern Defines a fill pattern for the face of the meter. The FG and BG colors will be used
with this fill pattern.

566 TRN350_100
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36.7.3 To configure the Meter window tic marks tab

The tic marks tab on the GBNT:Meter window defines the appearance and quantity of tic marks
on the meter. Use the following procedure to set the parameters on the tic marks tab.

1. Access the GBNT:Meter window and select the tic marks tab.

Figure 250: GBNT:Meter window showing tic marks tab

2. Note that general tic mark parameters are shown in a group at the top of the window. The
remainder of the window is divided into three sections to configure major tics, minor tics, and
intermediate tics.

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Meter draw item -- tic marks tab fields and descriptions


offset (from meter Determines how far from the inside border the meter tic marks should start.
label (start/end tics Adds the words "start" and "end" to indicate the beginning and ending of the tic
on preview) marks on the Meter Preview dialog box. This is specific to the Graphics Builder
dir (direction) Direction of the tic marks. The choices are clockwise and counter-clockwise.
start angle Defines where on the meter face you want to start the tic marks. The numbers in
the list represent the degrees of an angle. The picture to the left of this parameter
shows the position of 0, 90, 180, and 270.
end angle Defines where on the meter face you want to end the tic marks. The numbers in
the list represent the degrees of an angle. The picture to the left of this parameter
shows the position of 0, 90, 180, and 270.
reverse tics Toggle button that reverses the position of the start and ending points of the tic
# major tics Defines the number of major tic marks that will appear in the space that was
determined from the start and end angles.
sub-tics Determines if and how sub-tic marks will display. This can be a combination of
minor and intermediate tic marks. Sub-tic marks are displayed between major tic
marks. The number of sub-tic marks is determined from the "N" pull-down menu.
The choices are:
 none -- no sub-tic marks will display. Only major tic marks will be used.
 N minor tics -- minor tics will display between major tic marks. Valid values
are 1 - 9.
 N alternating minors/intermediates -- Minor and intermediate tic marks will
alternate (minor tic mark, intermediate tic mark, minor tic mark, and so forth).
Valid values are 3, 5, 7, and 9.
 N minors, 1 intermediate, N minors -- The defined number of minor tic marks
will display followed by one intermediate tic mark and then the defined number
of minor tic marks again.
N Defines the number of sub-tic marks based on the option you selected. This is
grayed out is none is selected.
major tic setup (also used for minor tic setup and intermediate tic setup)
display Defines the shape of the tic mark. You can select from lines, dots, and
h* Determines the height of the tic mark. (Minor and intermediate tic mark height is
a percentage of the major tic mark height.)
w Defines the width of the tic mark.

568 TRN350_100
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color and color Defines the color options for the tic marks (major, minor, and intermediate):
selection menu  standards -- user-defined subset of colors in the Windows Registry that is
stored in the system colors.txt file.
 $COLORn -- only applicable when editing a macro graphic and when passing
color into the macro from the parent graphic.
 aliases -- user-defined set of color references. These color references
associate a user-defined alias name with a display color (a color name in the
Windows Registry).
 All colors -- alphabetical list of all graphic colors in the Windows Registry
when the Graphics Builder starts up.
 recently used -- list of the last 10 colors selected on any of the dialogs that
support the enhanced color selection.
After you select a color type, pull down the menu next to the color menu to select
a color. As you change the color type (standard, aliases, and so forth) the colors
in the pull-down list change as well.
hilite color and color Defines a highlight color for the tic mark (major, minor, and intermediate). See
selection menu the color parameter for a list of valid options.

Note: The parameter "h (% of major)" is used for minor tic setup and intermediate tic setup. This is
because the height of a minor or intermediate tic mark would only be a percentage of a major tic mark.

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36.7.4 To configure the Meter window value/limits tab

The value/limits tab on the GBNT:Meter window defines the runtime and test values for the
meter as well as the labels for the tic marks. Use the following procedure to set the parameters on
the value/limits tab.

1. Access the GBNT:Meter window and select the value/limits tab (if not already selected).

Figure 251: GBNT:Meter window showing value/limits tab

2. Note that the value/limits tab parameters are grouped into three sections that define the
meter's value and tic labels.
 runtime value/limits
 test value/limits
 tic label attributes

570 TRN350_100
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Meter draw item -- value/limits tab fields and descriptions


runtime value/limits
PtName/RecFld Point name and record field associated with the meter that will be tracked at
runtime (in the Graphics (process diagram) system on the Operator Station).
Low Limit Low limit for the process point. Valid values are point names/record fields,
pointers/offsets, real constants, and integers in the full range of [-2,147,483,647
through 2,147,483,647]. This limit is used at runtime in the Graphics (process
diagram) system on the Operator Station.
High Limit High limit for the process point. Valid values are point names/record fields,
pointers/offsets, real constants, and integers in the full range of [-2,147,483,647
through 2,147,483,647].
test value/limits (GB only)
val Value used for testing purposes in the Graphics Builder.
ll (low limit) Low limit used for testing purposes in the Graphics Builder.
hl (high limit) High limit used for testing purposes in the Graphics Builder.
tic label attributes
position Defines where the tic mark labels appear on the meter face relative to the tic
marks. The choices are:
 inside tic marks
 outside tic marks
offset from tics Determines how far the labels will be set from the tic marks.
font Select a font from the pull-down list.
The Graphics Builder allows you to use any font available on the computer where
it is running. All the available fonts are listed. The Graphics Builder appends a “*”
to the name of any font that is a fixed-width font.
style Select a style from the pull-down list. The choices are: regular, italic, bold, and
char w Enter a width for the text character in the char w entry field. Valid range is 3 -
char h Enter a height for the text character in the char h entry field. Valid range is 3 -
lw Only used with Ovation Vector font. Select a line width for the font. Valid range is
1 through 16. Unlike the line widths defined in the Line Width dialog box, the
number selected here corresponds to actual pixels.

TRN350_100 571
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color and color Defines the color options for the labels. The choices are:
selection menu
standards -- user-defined subset of colors in the Windows Registry that is stored
in the system colors.txt file.
$COLORn -- only applicable when editing a macro graphic and when passing
color into the macro from the parent graphic.
aliases -- user-defined set of color references. These color references associate
a user-defined alias name with a display color (a color name in the Windows
All colors -- alphabetical list of all graphic colors in the Windows Registry when
the Graphics Builder starts up.
recently used -- list of the last 10 colors selected on any of the dialogs that
support the enhanced color selection.
After you select a color type, pull down the menu next to the color menu to select
a color. As you change the color type (standard, aliases, etc.) the colors in the
pull-down list change as well.

572 TRN350_100
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36.7.5 To configure the Meter window needle tab

The needle tab on the GBNT:Meter window defines the appearance of the meter needle. Use the
following procedure to set the parameters on the needle tab.

1. Access the GBNT:Meter window and select the needle tab.

Figure 252: GBNT: Meter window showing needle tab

2. Note that the needle tab parameters are grouped into two sections that define different
aspects of the needle appearance. In addition, the picture at the top of the window defines the
dimensions of the two sections:
 needle arm
 pin point cap.

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Meter draw item -- needle tab fields and descriptions


needle arm
style Defines the style of the needle arm. The choices are: triangular and straight.
tip offset (from meter Defines how far the needle tip will be set (offset) from the border (just outside
border) the meter face).
ext len (as % of arm len) Determines how far the extended length of the arm (see picture at the top of
the window) will extend from the pin point cap. This length is shown as a
percentage of the total length of the arm.
height (h) Sets the height (thickness) of the needle arm. See the picture at the top of the
fill Defines the fill color for the needle arm. You can choose a solid color or
various gradient options (see page 540). The choices are:
 solid FG -- uses the color defined in the FG color field with no gradient
 FG gradient (color -> light -> color) -- uses the color defined in the FG
color field and transitions the shading from the selected color to a light
version of the color, and then back to the selected color.
 FG gradient (med -> light -> med) -- uses the color defined in the FG color
field and transitions the shading from a medium version of the color to a
light version of the color, and then back to the medium version of the color.
 FG gradient (dark -> light -> dark) -- uses the color defined in the FG
color field and transitions the shading from a dark version of the color to a
light version of the color, and then back to the dark version of the color.
 gradient (FG -> BG -> FG) -- starts with the color defined in the FG color
field and transitions to the BG color and then back to the FG color.
FG Color and color Defines the color options for the foreground color:
selection menu
standards -- user-defined subset of colors in the Windows Registry that is
stored in the system colors.txt file.
$COLORn -- only applicable when editing a macro graphic and when passing
color into the macro from the parent graphic.
aliases -- user-defined set of color references. These color references
associate a user-defined alias name with a display color (a color name in the
Windows Registry).
All colors -- alphabetical list of all graphic colors in the Windows Registry
when the Graphics Builder starts up.
recently used -- list of the last 10 colors selected on any of the dialogs that
support the enhanced color selection.
After you select a color type, pull down the menu next to the FG color menu
to select a color. As you change the color type (standard, aliases, and so
forth) the colors in the pull-down list change as well.
BG Color and color Defines the color options for the background color. The same color options
selection menu that are available for foreground color are also available for background color.

574 TRN350_100
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outline color (* default) Sets the outline color for the needle arm. An asterisk "*" beside the color
name indicates the default color. The choices are:
 Color defined for the foreground color.
 Light, medium, and dark versions of the foreground color.
 Color defined for the background color.
 Light, medium, and dark version of the background color.
 Foreground color defined for the pin point cap.
 Background color defined for the pin point cap.
outline lw Determines the line width of the outline for the arm. Note that the value
defined here does not correspond to the line widths on the GBNT:Line Width
dialog box.
pin point cap
diameter (d) Sets the diameter of the pin point cap.
fill Determines the fill color for the pin point cap. The choices are:
 solid FG -- uses the color defined in the FG color field with no gradient
 FG gradient (color -> light -> color) -- uses the color defined in the FG
color field and transitions the shading (left to right) from the selected color
to a light version of the color, and then back to the selected color.
 FG gradient (med -> light -> med) -- uses the color defined in the FG color
field and transitions the shading (left to right) from a medium version of the
color to a light version of the color, and then back to the medium version of
the color.
 FG gradient (dark -> light -> dark) -- uses the color defined in the FG
color field and transitions the shading (left to right) from a dark version of
the color to a light version of the color, and then back to the dark version of
the color.
 gradient (FG -> BG -> FG) -- starts with the color defined in the FG color
field and transitions to the BG color and then back to the FG color.
 radial FG gradient (color -> light) -- uses the color defined in the FG color
field and transitions the shading from the edge of the cap in to the center of
the cap from the FG color to a light version of the FG color.
 radial FG gradient (med -> light) -- uses the color defined in the FG color
field and transitions the shading from the edge of the cap in to the center of
the cap from a medium version of the FG color to a light version of the FG
 radial FG gradient (dark -> light) -- uses the colors defined in the FG color
field and transitions the shading from the edge of the cap in to the center of
the cap from a dark version of the FG color to a light version of the FG
 radial gradient (FG -> BG) -- uses the colors defined in the FG color and
BG color fields and transitions the shading from the edge of the cap in to
the center of the cap from the FG color to the BG color.

TRN350_100 575
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FG Color and color Defines the color options for the foreground color:
selection menu
standards -- user-defined subset of colors in the Windows Registry that is
stored in the system colors.txt file.
$COLORn -- only applicable when editing a macro graphic and when passing
color into the macro from the parent graphic.
aliases -- user-defined set of color references. These color references
associate a user-defined alias name with a display color (a color name in the
Windows Registry).
All colors -- alphabetical list of all graphic colors in the Windows Registry
when the Graphics Builder starts up.
recently used -- list of the last 10 colors selected on any of the dialog boxes
that support the enhanced color selection.
After you select a color type, pull down the menu next to the FG color menu
to select a color. As you change the color type (standard, aliases, and so
forth) the colors in the pull-down list change as well.
BG Color and color Defines the color options for the background color. The same color options
selection menu that are available for foreground color are also available for background color.
outline color (* default) Sets the outline color for the pin point cap. An asterisk "*" beside the color
name indicates the default color. The choices are:
 Color defined for the foreground color.
 Light, medium, and dark versions of the foreground color.
 Color defined for the background color.
 Light, medium, and dark version of the background color.
 Foreground color defined for the needle arm.
 Background color defined for the needle arm.
outline lw Determines the line width of the outline of the pin point cap. Note that the
value defined here does not correspond to the line widths on the GBNT:Line
Width dialog box.
show pin point Determines whether or not you want to show the pin point (dot) in the center
of the cap. The choices are: yes and no.
pin point color Determines the color of the pin point (dot), if you choose to display it. The
choices are:
 Color defined for the cap foreground color.
 Light, medium, and dark versions of the cap foreground color.
 Color defined for the cap background color.
 Light, medium, and dark version of the cap background color.
 Foreground color defined for the needle arm.
 Background color defined for the needle arm.
 Black.
 White.

576 TRN350_100
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36.7.6 To configure the Meter window color band tab

The color band tab on the GBNT:Meter window defines whether or not you want to display a
color range/band indicator on the meter, and if so, the appearance of the color band. A color band
section allows you to associate a color with a contiguous range of values on the meter (for
example, green = 0 - 10, red = 90 - 100, yellow = 80 - 90). You can define up to 10 such sections.
These are visual indicators to the user that the meter value is in a good, bad, fair, or warning

Use the following procedure to set the parameters on the color band tab.

1. Access the GBNT:Meter window and select the color band tab.

Figure 253: GBNT:Meter window showing color band tab

2. Note that the color band tab parameters are grouped into general parameters and those
parameters that deal with a color section/range configuration.

TRN350_100 577
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Meter draw item -- color band tab fields and descriptions


optional color band Determines whether or not a color band appears on the meter. The choices are:
yes and no. If no is selected, all of the other fields on this tab disappear.
offset (from meter Defines how far the color band will be set (offset) from the border.
thickness of band Defines the width (thickness) of the color band.
color section configuration
start value Start value of a color band section.
end value End value of a color band section.
fill style Defines how the color will appear in the defined section of the band. The choices
are: solid and gradient.
color 1 and color Defines the color of the color band. It is the only color used if solid is selected for
selection menu fill style, and it is color 1 if gradient is selected for fill style.
 standards -- user-defined subset of colors in the Windows Registry that is
stored in the system colors.txt file.
 $COLORn -- only applicable when editing a macro graphic and when passing
color into the macro from the parent graphic.
 aliases -- user-defined set of color references. These color references
associate a user-defined alias name with a display color (a color name in the
Windows Registry).
 All colors -- alphabetical list of all graphic colors in the Windows Registry
when the Graphics Builder starts up.
 recently used -- list of the last 10 colors selected on any of the dialogs that
support the enhanced color selection.
After you select a color type, pull down the menu next to the color1 menu to
select a color. As you change the color type (standard, aliases, etc.) the colors in
the pull-down list change as well.
color 2 and color Only used if the fill type is gradient. The same color options that are available
selection menu for color 1 are also available for color 2.
Add new section Allows you to add a new section of the color band to the meter.
Update selected Allows you to modify an existing section of the color band.
section button

578 TRN350_100
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36.7.7 To define sections of the color band

The color band tab allows you to define up to 10 different colors for different sections of the band.
For example, if you define high and low limits (on the value/limits tab) to be 0 to 100, you could
define a separate color for 0 - 10, 10 - 20, 20 - 30, and so forth.

Use the following procedure to define the sections of the color band:

1. Access the color band tab (see page 577) on the GBNT:Meter window.
2. Enter the start value of where you want to start a section of the color band.
3. Enter the end value of where you want to end a section of the color band.
4. Pull down the fill style menu and select either solid or gradient.
5. If you selected a solid fill style, pull down the color1 menu and select a color type (standards,
$COLORn, aliases, All colors, or recently used) and a corresponding color from the color
selection menu.
6. If you selected a gradient fill style, choose a color type and color for color2 as well.
7. Click the Add new section button. The new definition appears in Defined Sections of Color
Band area of the Meter window.

Figure 254: Color defined for section of color band

8. Repeat Steps 2 through 7 for every section for which you want to define a color. Remember,
you can only define colors for 10 sections.
9. To modify a section you have already defined, select the section in the Defined Sections of
Color Band area.
10. Change the desired attribute (color, fill style, or values).
11. Click the Update selection section button.

TRN350_100 579
36.7 Meter

36.7.8 Using the right-click menu in the Defined Sections of the Color Band area

The right-click menu that is accessed from the Defined Sections of Color Band area allows you to
modify the color band selections. The "get sample" menu items are internal Graphics Builder
templates. These templates can be used to create your color band or just provide an example of
how a certain color band would look.

The following menu options are available:

 delete selected section -- deletes the color band section you have selected (highlighted).
 delete all sections -- deletes all of the color bands in the list.
 get sample 1 (3 sections) -- applies template 1 with three color band sections defined.
 get sample 2 (10 sections) -- applies template 2 with 10 color band sections defined.
 get sample 3 (1 big section) -- applies template 3 with one big color band section defined.
 get sample 4 (disjoint sections) -- applies template 4 with disjointed color band sections

580 TRN350_100
36.7 Meter

36.7.9 To configure the Meter window add-ons tab

The add-ons tab on the GBNT:Meter window allows you to add various text, pictures (bmp
images), and/or shapes to the meter. Use the following procedure to set the parameters on the
add-ons tab.

1. Access the GBNT:Meter window and select the add-ons tab.

Figure 255: GBNT:Meter window showing add-ons tab

2. The add-on tab parameters change depending on which add-on item is selected. The item
choices are: text/multi-text, bmp, and shape. Refer to the following table.

TRN350_100 581
36.7 Meter

Meter draw item -- add-ons tab fields and descriptions


position (0-100) Allows you to move the item (text, image, shape) to any area on the meter. This
function is inactive (grayed out) until you select the add new item button. Once
the new item is added to preview window, you can use the scroll bars to position
the item or enter a value in the vert pos and horz pos entry fields. Valid values
are 0 - 100.
When a new item is added to a meter, it is always added at position (0, 0), which
is the upper left corner of the Preview dialog box.
item Defines the item you want to add to the meter. The choices are;
 text/multi-text
 bmp_image
 shape

Note: You can add as many of each item as you wish.

text/multi-text params
multitext Select this check box to add more than one line of text.
text Enter the desired text in the entry field.
overstrike Check this box if you want both the foreground and background of a character
cell to be drawn when the text is displayed. If this box is not checked, only the
foreground displays.
dir (direction) Direction for the text. The choices are horz (horizontal) and vert (vertical).
font Select a font from the pull-down list.
The Graphics Builder allows you to use any font available on the computer where
it is running. All the available fonts are listed. The Graphics Builder appends a “*”
to the name of any font that is a fixed-width font.
style Select a style from the pull-down list. The choices are: regular, italic, bold, and
char w Enter a width for the text character in the char w entry field. Valid range is 3 -
char h Enter a height for the text character in the char h entry field. Valid range is 3 -
lw Only used with Ovation Vector font. Select a line width for the font. Valid range is
1 through 16. Unlike the line widths defined in the Line Width dialog box, the
number selected here corresponds to actual pixels.

582 TRN350_100
36.7 Meter


FG Color and color Defines the color options for the foreground color:
selection menu
standards -- user-defined subset of colors in the Windows Registry that is stored
in the system colors.txt file.
$COLORn -- only applicable when editing a macro graphic and when passing
color into the macro from the parent graphic.
aliases -- user-defined set of color references. These color references associate
a user-defined alias name with a display color (a color name in the Windows
All colors -- alphabetical list of all graphic colors in the Windows Registry when
the Graphics Builder starts up.
recently used -- list of the last 10 colors selected on any of the dialogs that
support the enhanced color selection.
After you select a color type, pull down the menu next to the FG color menu to
select a color. As you change the color type (standard, aliases, and so forth) the
colors in the pull-down list change as well.
BG Color and color Defines the color options for the background color. These parameters are only
selection menu active if the overstrike option is selected. The same color options that are
available for foreground color are also available for background color.
bmp_image params
bmp Lists the available bitmap images in the
[InstallationPath]/mmi/graphics/cstfiles] directory.
transparent Check this box if you want one color to not display when the image displays. This
background clr allows the background of a bitmap image to be transparent when the image is
display if the background is a solid color. The color at (0, 0) in the bmp file will be
the transparent color. This is the color in the upper left corner of the bitmap.
w Width of the bitmap image.
h Height of the bitmap image.
get actual bmp size Displays the image in its actual size (the size in which the picture was taken).
shape params
shape Shape name from the Shape Library. You must enter the name exactly as it is
spelled in the Shape Library file (see page 697).
rot Rotation for the shape. Select one of the 90 degree increment rotations, or you
may also specify anything other than 90 degree increments by typing in the entry
field. Valid range is -360 through 360. Negative degrees represent clockwise
rotation. Positive degrees represent counterclockwise rotation.
w Width of the shape.
h Height of the shape.
inv Inversion for the shape. Select either NONE (no inversion), TTB (top to bottom),
RTL (right to left), or BOTH (top to bottom and right to left).

TRN350_100 583
36.7 Meter


** FG color and color Defines the color options for the foreground color:
selection menu
standards -- user-defined subset of colors in the Windows Registry that is stored
in the system colors.txt file.
$COLORn -- only applicable when editing a macro graphic and when passing
color into the macro from the parent graphic.
aliases -- user-defined set of color references. These color references associate
a user-defined alias name with a display color (a color name in the Windows
All colors -- alphabetical list of all graphic colors in the Windows Registry when
the Graphics Builder starts up.
recently used -- list of the last 10 colors selected on any of the dialogs that
support the enhanced color selection.
After you select a color type, pull down the menu next to the FG color menu to
select a color. As you change the color type (standard, aliases, and so forth) the
colors in the pull-down list change as well.
** BG color and color Defines the color options for the background color if the shape requires a
selection menu background color (if the shape uses a line/fill pattern other than solid).
** Colored shapes (shapes that store their color internally in the shape library) do not use either FG color or
BG color. The color parameters listed for FG and BG color will be inactive on the dialog box if a colored
shape is specified.

36.7.10 To modify an existing meter add-on

All editing of existing meter add-ons should be initiated via the GBNT:Meter Preview dialog box.
Consider the following before editing add-ons:
 You cannot change one type of add-on into another type (such as changing text into a shape
or a bitmap or vice versa). In order to replace one type of add-on with another, you must
delete the unwanted add-on and then add the new add-on.
 Only one add-on can be selected at a time on the Preview dialog box.
 You cannot resize or move an add-on from the Preview dialog box – you can only
resize/move add-ons from the add-on tab of the GBNT:Meter dialog box. That is, you cannot
"click and drag" the add-on to move it on the Preview dialog box.
Use the following procedure to edit/move/delete a meter add-on:

1. Select the meter on the Graphics Builder drawing canvas, and perform a Properties function
(by pulling down the Edit menu and selecting Properties) to update the GBNT:Meter dialog
box (and the GBNT:Meter preview dialog box).
2. Click the add-on that you want to edit on the GBNT:Meter Preview dialog box.
Clicking the add-on on the Preview dialog box automatically switches to the add-ons tab on
the GBNT:Meter dialog box (if not already displayed) and updates the tab per the selected
add-on. A dashed rectangle displays around the selected add-on on the Preview dialog box to
indicate which add-on is currently selected. The add new item button will be grayed-out. The
delete item button will be active.
3. Change whatever parameters you wish on the add-on tab – including the horz and vert
position sliders and any entry fields. The Meter Preview dialog box immediately updates to
reflect the change.

584 TRN350_100
36.7 Meter

Note: To delete the add-on, click the delete item button. To move the add-on, use the horz/vert
position widgets.

4. Press the OK or Apply button on the GBNT:Meter dialog box to save the changes on the
preview dialog box to the actual selected meter on the Graphics Builder canvas if an existing
meter is being changed as opposed to a new meter being created.

TRN350_100 585
36.8 Analog Indicator

36.8 Analog Indicator

The Analog Indicator command displays the status of an analog point that can be quickly
interpreted by the user. The indicator displays the current value of the point, the desirable
operating range, the alarm ranges, the current alarm status, and optionally, a past values
variability measurement. The past values variability measurement shows the range of the past
values (minimum through maximum) over a user-defined time period (for example, the last hour).

The analog indicator dynamically adjusts as the value changes. As the value enters the
predefined alarm limits, the color of the analog indicator updates per the configured alarm colors.

There are 10 possible alarm ranges for the process point:

 High user alarm.
 High priority 1 alarm.
 High priority 2 alarm.
 High priority 3 alarm.
 High priority 4 alarm.
 Low user alarm.
 Low priority 1 alarm.
 Low priority 2 alarm.
 Low priority 3 alarm.
 Low priority 4 alarm.
You can specify default colors for each of the 10 alarm ranges, as well as the desirable operating
range color and outline color. At runtime if the current process point value is within any of the 10
alarm ranges, the range on the bar changes from the default color to the corresponding system
alarm color to indicate that the point is in alarm. If a given process point does not support all 10
alarm ranges, only the applicable ranges are shown at runtime. All 10 ranges must be specified at
build-time and all 10 ranges are shown by the Graphics Builder during the graphic edit session.

The point value is displayed as a filled triangle along the analog indicator bar. You specify the
color of the triangle and the triangle dimensions. The tip of the triangle maps to the current point
value along the analog indicator bar.

You can display an optional past values variability bar on the analog indicator to show the range
of the past values of the process point over a user-defined time (for example, the past hour). In
order to use this option, you must provide two process points -- one that holds the minimum value
of the analog indicator process point over the given time period and another that holds the
maximum value of the analog indicator process point over the time period. The Analog Indicator
does not set or fill the minimum/maximum point values -- this must be done external to the
graphic such as by a Controller algorithm. The color for the past values variability bar is
configurable as well as the width of the past values variability bar. The width is defined as a
percentage of the overall analog indicator width (2% - 50%).

The bar may be oriented Up, Down, Left, or Right. For vertical analog indicators, the current value
triangle and the optional past values variability bar always display on the left of the analog
indicator. For horizontal analog indicators, the current value triangle and the optional past values
variability bar always display at the bottom of the analog indicator.

586 TRN350_100
36.8 Analog Indicator

Support also exists for specifying system alarm color overrides in the event that you do not want
to use the system alarm colors to show when the analog indicator point is within an alarm range.
If you elect to override the system alarm colors, you must specify an alarm color to use for each of
the 10 possible alarm ranges. You cannot use the system alarm colors for some of the alarms
and override colors for others. You must either use the system alarm colors or you must specify
all 10 alarm override colors.

36.8.1 Analog Indicator examples

The following figures depict the parts of a vertical and a horizontal analog indicator.

Figure 256: Analog Indicator example with vertical display

TRN350_100 587
36.8 Analog Indicator

Figure 257: Analog Indicator example with horizontal display

588 TRN350_100
36.8 Analog Indicator

Figure 258: Typical use of the Analog Indicator

TRN350_100 589
36.8 Analog Indicator

36.8.2 To add an analog indicator to a diagram

1. Select the Analog Indicator icon on the Draw toolbar.

Figure 259: Analog Indicator icon on the Draw toolbar

The GBNT:Analog Indicator window appears.

Figure 260: GBNT: Analog Indicator window

Note: By default, the GBNT:Analog Indicator window displays with the Analog Indicator preview
window beside it (which can also be accessed from the magnifying glass icon at the bottom of
the window).

590 TRN350_100
36.8 Analog Indicator

2. Complete the information on the base tab (see page 592).

3. Complete the information on the default colors tab (see page 594).
4. Complete the information on the alarm color overrides tab (see page 596).
5. Complete the information on the past values variability tab (see page 598).
6. The three icons on the bottom right-hand corner of the Analog Indicator window appear on all
the tabs.


Displays the GBNT:Analog Indicator Preview window.

Saves the settings that you have defined on the tab.

Restores the settings on the tab to its last saved settings.

7. Select one of the following buttons:

Ok — Saves the selected settings, and quits the Analog Indicator window.
Apply — Saves the selected settings, but the Analog Indicator window remains open.
Cancel — Quits the Analog Indicator window without saving any changes.
Help — Provides help information on the Analog Indicator window.
8. Move the pointer to the drawing canvas. Press and hold the left mouse button, and move the
pointer to the desired location. As soon as the move operation begins, a rectangle
representing the outlining rectangle of the analog indicator appears on the diagram. As you
move the mouse, the rectangle moves along with it. Do not release the mouse button while
moving the rectangle.

Note: This outlining rectangle includes the current value triangle reserved area, which is the
area required for the triangle at all possible positions (minimum value ... maximum value).

9. Release the mouse button, and the Analog Indicator displays.

TRN350_100 591
36.8 Analog Indicator

36.8.3 To configure the Analog Indicator window base tab

The base tab on the GBNT:Analog Indicator window defines the dimensions of the indicator
triangle that will be used to show the current value. Use the following procedure to set the
parameters on the base tab.

1. Access the GBNT:Analog Indicator window and select the base tab (if not already selected).

Figure 261: GBNT:Analog Indicator window showing base tab

2. Note that the base tab parameters are grouped into three sections that define different
aspects of the analog indicator base appearance.
 dimensions
 current value
 current value indicator

592 TRN350_100
36.8 Analog Indicator

Analog Indicator draw item -- base tab fields and descriptions


dir Direction of the analog indicator bar. The choices are: up, down, left, right.
w Width of the analog indicator bar.
h Height of the analog indicator bar.
current value
Pt. Name/Rec Fld Point name and record field that will be tracked by the indicator
Low Limit Low limit for the process point value. Valid values are point names/record fields,
pointers/offsets, real constants, and integers in the full range of [-2,147,483,647
through 2,147,483,647].
High Limit High limit for the process point value. Valid values are point names/record fields,
pointers/offsets, real constants, and integers in the full range of [-2,147,483,647
through 2,147,483,647].
current value indicator (triangle)
w Width of the triangle.
h Height of the triangle.
Color and color Defines the color options for the triangle's color:
selection menu  standards -- user-defined subset of colors in the Windows Registry that is
stored in the system colors.txt file.
 $COLORn -- only applicable when editing a macro graphic and when passing
color into the macro from the parent graphic.
 aliases -- user-defined set of color references. These color references
associate a user-defined alias name with a display color (a color name in the
Windows Registry).
 All colors -- alphabetical list of all graphic colors in the Windows Registry
when the Graphics Builder starts up.
 recently used -- list of the last 10 colors selected on any of the dialogs that
support the enhanced color selection.
After you select a color type, pull down the menu next to the color menu to select
a color. As you change the color type (standard, aliases, etc.) the colors in the
pull-down list change as well.

TRN350_100 593
36.8 Analog Indicator

36.8.4 To configure the Analog Indicator window default colors tab

The default colors tab on the GBNT:Analog Indicator window defines the default colors for the
desirable value range, the outlining and dividing lines of the indicator, and the alarm colors when
the point is NOT in alarm.

Note: If the point is in alarm, it will use the system alarm colors or the colors defined on the
alarm color overrides tab (see page 596).

Use the following procedure to set the parameters on the default colors tab.

1. Access the GBNT:Analog Indicator window and select the default colors tab.

Figure 262: GBNT:Analog Indicator window showing default colors tab

594 TRN350_100
36.8 Analog Indicator

The following table lists and describes the fields on the default colors tab.

Analog Indicator draw item -- default colors tab fields and descriptions


desirable range (clr 1) Color for the desirable operating range of the point.
outline and dividing lines Color for the line around the analog indicator and lines between the cells.
high priority 4 alarm (clr 11) Color for high priority 4 alarm.
high priority 3 alarm (clr 10) Color for high priority 3 alarm.
high priority 2 alarm (clr 9) Color for high priority 2 alarm.
high priority 1 alarm (clr 8) Color for high priority 1 alarm.
high user alarm (clr 7) Color for high user alarm.
low user alarm (clr 2) Color for low user alarm.
low priority 1 alarm (clr 3) Color for low priority 1 alarm.
low priority 2 alarm (clr 4) Color for low priority 2 alarm.
low priority 3 alarm (clr 5) Color for low priority 3 alarm.
low priority 4 alarm (clr 6) Color for low priority 4 alarm.

TRN350_100 595
36.8 Analog Indicator

36.8.5 To configure the Analog Indicator window alarm color overrides tab

The alarm color overrides tab on the GBNT:Analog Indicator window defines the colors that will
be used when the point is in alarm instead of using the system alarm colors that are defined in the
Ovation Developer Studio. Use the following procedure to set the parameters on the this tab.

1. Access the GBNT:Analog Indicator window and select the alarm color overrides tab.

Figure 263: GBNT:Analog Indicator window showing alarm color overrides tab

596 TRN350_100
36.8 Analog Indicator

The following table lists and describes the fields on the alarm color overrides tab.

Analog Indicator draw item -- alarm color overrides tab fields and descriptions


alarm color configuration Determines which colors are going to be displayed when the point is in
alarm. The choices are:
 Use system/standard alarm colors -- no color entry fields will be
shown on the alarm color overrides tab. The alarm colors defined in the
Ovation Developer Studio will be used. Refer to Ovation Operator
Station Configuration Guide for more information.
 Specify custom alarm colors -- use the colors defined on the alarm
color overrides tab to indicator an alarm state for the point.
high priority 4 alarm (clr 11) Override color for high priority 4 alarm.
high priority 3 alarm (clr 10) Override color for high priority 3 alarm.
high priority 2 alarm (clr 9) Override color for high priority 2 alarm.
high priority 1 alarm (clr 8) Override color for high priority 1 alarm.
high user alarm (clr 7) Override color for high user alarm.
low user alarm (clr 2) Override color for low user alarm.
low priority 1 alarm (clr 3) Override color for low priority 1 alarm.
low priority 2 alarm (clr 4) Override color for low priority 2 alarm.
low priority 3 alarm (clr 5) Override color for low priority 3 alarm.
low priority 4 alarm (clr 6) Override color for low priority 4 alarm.

TRN350_100 597
36.8 Analog Indicator

36.8.6 To configure the Analog Indicator window past values variability tab

The past values variability tab on the GBNT:Analog Indicator window defines the range of the
past values of the process point over a user-defined time period.

In order to use this option, you must provide two process points -- one that holds the minimum
value of the analog indicator process point over the given time period and another that holds the
maximum value of the analog indicator process point over the time period. The minimum and
maximum point values are determined by an external program, such as an algorithm.

The color and width of the past values variability bar is configurable. The width is defined as a
percentage of the overall analog indicator width (2% - 50%).

For vertical analog indicators, the past values variability bar always displays on the left of the
analog indicator. For horizontal analog indicators, the past values variability bar displays at the
bottom of the analog indicator

Use the following procedure to set the parameters on this tab.

1. Access the GBNT:Analog Indicator window and select the past values variability tab.

Figure 264: GBNT:Analog Indicator window showing past values variability tab

598 TRN350_100
36.8 Analog Indicator

The following table lists and describes the fields on the past values variability tab.

Analog Indicator draw item -- past values variability tab fields and descriptions


show past values Determines whether or not to show a past values variability bar. The choices are:
variability yes and no.
color Defines the color of the bar. The choices are:
 standards -- user-defined subset of colors in the Windows Registry that is
stored in the system colors.txt file.
 $COLORn -- only applicable when editing a macro graphic and when passing
color into the macro from the parent graphic.
 aliases -- user-defined set of color references. These color references
associate a user-defined alias name with a display color (a color name in the
Windows Registry).
 All colors -- alphabetical list of all graphic colors in the Windows Registry
when the Graphics Builder starts up.
 recently used -- list of the last 10 colors selected on any of the dialogs that
support the enhanced color selection.
After you select a color type, pull down the menu next to the color menu to select
a color. As you change the color type (standard, aliases, and so forth) the colors
in the pull-down list change as well.
thickness (1 - 50% of Defines how thick the indicator bar will be.
analog indicator
min past value pt. Point that holds the minimum value of the analog indicator over the given time
max past value pt. Point that holds the maximum value of the analog indicator over the given time

TRN350_100 599
S E C T I O N 37

Working with Graphics Builder Keyboard draw Items


What draw items are used in the Keyboard section?...................................................... 601

Poke Field ....................................................................................................................... 602
Entry Field ....................................................................................................................... 615
OL Button ........................................................................................................................ 620
Button .............................................................................................................................. 623

37.1 What draw items are used in the Keyboard section?

The Keyboard section defines the operator interfaces to the diagram.

Draw items can only be accessed from the Draw toolbar. The following figure shows the portion of
the GBNT:Draw Toolbar with Keyboard items.

Figure 265: GBNT: Draw Toolbar showing Keyboard draw items

The following sections discuss some of the Graphics Builder draw items that are valid in the
keyboard section of a graphic. Refer to the Ovation Graphics Builder User Guide for additional
information about draw items.
 Poke Field (see page 602)
 Entry Field (see page 615)
 OL Slider
 OL Checkbox
 OL Choice
 OL Button (see page 620)
 Button (see page 623)
 OL Event Menu
 Function Key
 Page
 Macro (see page 673)
When building graphics offline, use the Import Graphics function to first move the graphic to the
Developer Studio. Make sure you check for errors as the import is processing. Once in the
Developer Studio, perform a download of that graphic. You can then load the updated graphic in a
Graphics Display window.

TRN350_100 601
37.2 Poke Field

If creating a graphic online, save the graphic, then perform a download of that graphics in the
Developer Studio. You can then load the updated graphic in a Graphics Display window. (See
Ovation Developer Studio User Guide.)

For information on what draw items are available in the Background, Foreground, Trigger, or
Macro Trigger sections, see Background, Foreground, Trigger and Macro Trigger draw items (see
page 551).

37.2 Poke Field

The Poke Field icon defines an invisible rectangular area (poke field) on a process diagram that is
activated when selected with the mouse. A poke field can be configured to show a highlighted box
around itself when you move the mouse pointer into its rectangular area at runtime. Various
functions can be performed, depending on the type of poke field selected. A poke field can be
turned on or off. If a poke field is off, a box is not displayed around the poke field area on the
Ovation Operator Station, and the operator cannot activate the poke by selecting it.

A poke can have an optional tag name associated with it. The external tag can be used to
enable/disable the poke at runtime using the POKE_STATE command. (See Ovation Graphics
Language Reference Manual for more information on POKE_STATE.) The tag instance ID is
applicable if a poke is in a macro and that macro is used multiple times on a graphic and you want
to enable/disable particular instances of the poke at runtime. In that case, you give each poke
instance a unique instance ID. See the POKE_STATE documentation for examples of how to use
the external tag parameters to enable/disable individual pokes or groups of pokes.

37.2.1 To enter general poke field information

The top portion of the GBNT:Poke window defines general information that applies to all poke
field types. Once you select a type of poke field, the GBNT:Poke window changes to display
applicable fields for the poke type selected.

Use the following procedure to enter general poke information:

1. Select the Poke Field icon on the Draw toolbar. The Poke window displays, (common display
shown below).

Figure 266: GBNT:Poke window

602 TRN350_100
37.2 Poke Field

2. External Tag - Enter a user-defined name in the label entry field. The label (and possibly the
instance id) are used in conjunction with the POKE_STATE command to identify a poke field.
(See Ovation Graphics Language Reference Manual for more information on POKE_STATE.)
The name can contain any characters and must be less than or equal to 30 characters in
3. instance id - Enter a unique number associated with the external tag (in case multiple
buttons/pokes with the same external tag exist on a graphic. This is used if a button/poke is in
a macro and the macro is used multiple times on the same graphic.) Select one of the
following choices:
 none (-1) -- instance id is not used/needed.
 hard-coded -- user-specified integer.
 $SET -- instance id will be passed into the macro as a $SET.
 $CONST -- instance id will be passed into the macro as a $CONST.
 $Pn $Im -- instance id will be read from a $P pointer at runtime.
 variable (type int) -- instance id will be read from a variable.
If a choice other than none (-1) is chosen, the entry field to the right becomes active, and you
can enter the applicable instance id (must resolve to an integer). See the POKE_STATE
command documentation for examples of how to use the external tag parameters to
enable/disable individual pokes or groups of pokes.
4. Select a State for the poke field. The choices are:
on — Activates the poke field when the diagram displays at the Ovation Operator Station.
off — Deactivates the poke field when the diagram displays at the Ovation Operator Station.
5. For the HiLite option, select one of the following options:
on — At the Operator Station, display a highlighted rectangle around the poke when the
mouse pointer is within the poke area on the graphic.
off — No highlighted rectangle displays around the poke when the mouse pointer is within the
poke area.
6. From the Type drop-down menu, select the poke type. The choices are:

Note: The Poke window changes depending on the type of poke field selected. The procedures
for using the following poke field types are discussed in the applicable topics.

 Poke Type 0 (Process Point) (see page 604) - Displays information for a specified
process point. When you select this poke field, the Point Menu pop-up window displays
with the point name given at the top of the window. From the Point Menu, you can access
the Ovation Point Information program for the given point. (See Ovation Graphics
Language Reference Manual.)
 Poke Type 1 (Multi Process Points) (see page 605) - Operates similar to Poke Type 0,
but you can pass it up to 99 points. When you select this poke field, a menu displays
listing all of the points. When you select one point from this menu, the Point Menu window
displays with the given point name at the top of the window. From the Point Menu, you
can access the Ovation Point Information program for the given point.
 Poke Type 2 (Diagram & group) (see page 606) - Displays a specified process diagram
with a specified group of points.
 Poke Type 3 (Program) (see page 607) - Used to run an application program which does
not take any arguments. This poke only runs one such application program.

TRN350_100 603
37.2 Poke Field

 Poke Type 7 (Options) (see page 608) - Runs one or more application programs. Each
program has a predefined set of parameters. You specify the parameters required for
each application program.
 Poke Type 8 (Window) (see page 609) - Displays a specified window diagram with a
point group and a list of points to substitute for $W points.
 Poke Type 9 (Operating System Command) (see page 610) - Allows you to launch an
external program from within the Graphics subsystem.
 Poke Type 20 (Help) (see page 611) - Displays help on a defined item.
 Poke Type 23 (Control) (see page 611) - Poke Type 23 is similar to the Poke Type 7,
except that you are required to specify a set number and set value. (See Ovation
Graphics Language Reference Manual.)

37.2.2 To Create a Process Point (0) Poke Field

1. Access the GBNT:Poke window and enter all of the general poke information (see page 602).
2. From the Type drop-down menu, select Process Pt (0).

Figure 267: GBNT:Poke window showing Process Pt (0) poke type

3. Enter the process point name and record field in the Pt Name entry field. (See Ovation
Record Types Reference Manual.)

Note: To see a list of points, select Browse Pts from the View menu on the main Graphics
Builder window.

4. Select one of the following buttons:

Ok — Saves the selected settings, and quits the GBNT:Poke window.
Apply — Saves the selected settings, but the GBNT:Poke window remains open.
Cancel — Quits the GBNT:Poke window without saving any changes.
Help — Provides help information on the GBNT:Poke window.
5. Move the pointer to the drawing canvas.

604 TRN350_100
37.2 Poke Field

6. Press and hold the left mouse button to mark the upper left corner of the poke field, and drag
a rectangle to the desired dimension.

Note: Do not release the mouse button while drawing the poke field.

7. Release the mouse button, and the poke field displays. (You can configure how the poke field
displays in the Graphics Builder edit session (see page 613).)

37.2.3 To Create a Multi Process (1) Point Poke Field

1. Access the GBNT:Poke window and enter all of the general poke information (see page 602).
2. From the Type drop-down menu, select Multi Process Pt (1).

Figure 268: GBNT:Poke window showing Multi Process Pt (1) poke type

3. Enter all of the process point names in the Points entry field. (One point name per line.)

Note: To see a list of points, select Browse Pts from the View menu on the main Graphics
Builder window.

4. Select one of the following buttons:

Ok — Saves the selected settings, and quits the GBNT:Poke window.
Apply — Saves the selected settings, but the GBNT:Poke window remains open.
Cancel — Quits the GBNT:Poke window without saving any changes.
Help — Provides help information on the GBNT:Poke window.
5. Move the pointer to the drawing canvas.
6. Press and hold the left mouse button to mark the upper left corner of the poke field, and drag
a rectangle to the desired dimension.

TRN350_100 605
37.2 Poke Field

Note: Do not release the mouse button while drawing the poke field.

7. Release the mouse button, and the poke field displays. (You can configure how the poke field
displays in the Graphics Builder edit session (see page 613).)

37.2.4 To Create a Diagram/Group (2) Poke Field

1. Access the GBNT:Poke window and enter all of the general poke information (see page 602).
2. From the Type drop-down menu, select Diagram/Group (2).

Figure 269: GBNT:Poke window showing Diagram/Group (2) poke type

3. Enter the diagram name/number in the Diag entry field. Use the browse button to search for
a diagram, if needed.
4. Enter the group number in the Group # entry field. Use the increment/decrement buttons to
adjust the value, if needed. Valid range is 0 through 5,000.
5. Select one of the following buttons:
Ok — Saves the selected settings, and quits the GBNT:Poke window.
Apply — Saves the selected settings, but the GBNT:Poke window remains open.
Cancel — Quits the GBNT:Poke window without saving any changes.
Help — Provides help information on the GBNT:Poke window.
6. Move the pointer to the drawing canvas.
7. Press and hold the left mouse button to mark the upper left corner of the poke field, and drag
a rectangle to the desired dimension.

Note: Do not release the mouse button while drawing the poke field.

8. Release the mouse button, and the poke field displays. (You can configure how the poke field
displays in the Graphics Builder edit session (see page 613).)

606 TRN350_100
37.2 Poke Field

37.2.5 To Create an Application Program (3) Poke Field

1. Access the GBNT:Poke window and enter all of the general poke information (see page 602).
2. From the Type drop-down menu, select Program (3).

Figure 270: GBNT:Poke window showing Program (3) poke type

3. Pull down the Program menu and select the desired application program. Refer to Ovation
Graphics Language Reference Manual for more information on application programs.

Figure 271: GBNT:Poke window showing application program choices

TRN350_100 607
37.2 Poke Field

4. Select one of the following buttons:

Ok — Saves the selected settings, and quits the GBNT:Poke window.
Apply — Saves the selected settings, but the GBNT:Poke window remains open.
Cancel — Quits the GBNT:Poke window without saving any changes.
Help — Provides help information on the GBNT:Poke window.
5. Move the pointer to the drawing canvas.
6. Press and hold the left mouse button to mark the upper left corner of the poke field, and drag
a rectangle to the desired dimension.

Note: Do not release the mouse button while drawing the poke field.

7. Release the mouse button, and the poke field displays. (You can configure how the poke field
displays in the Graphics Builder edit session (see page 613).)

37.2.6 To Create an Options (7) Poke Field

1. Access the GBNT:Poke window and enter all of the general poke information (see page 602).
2. From the Type drop-down menu, select Options (7).

Figure 272: GBNT:Poke window showing Options (7) poke type

Note: This type of poke field deals with graphics application programs. (See Ovation Graphics
Language Reference Manual for more information.)

3. To add, modify, delete, or copy application programs, follow the instructions in Adding
Application Programs to Graphics Builder windows (see page 655).

608 TRN350_100
37.2 Poke Field

4. Select one of the following buttons:

Ok — Saves the selected settings, and quits the GBNT:Poke window.
Apply — Saves the selected settings, but the GBNT:Poke window remains open.
Cancel — Quits the GBNT:Poke window without saving any changes.
Help — Provides help information on the GBNT:Poke window.
5. Move the pointer to the drawing canvas.
6. Press and hold the left mouse button to mark the upper left corner of the poke field, and drag
a rectangle to the desired dimension. Do not release the mouse button while drawing the poke
7. Release the mouse button, and the poke field displays. (You can configure how the poke field
displays in the Graphics Builder edit session (see page 613).)

Note: You can use application program EXECUTE_PROCESS (202) to launch an external
program from the Graphics subsystem. If you have created a file association for the extension,
the graphics subsystem will check for an associated executable and start the program. For
example, if you enter a file name with a .doc extension, when you click on the poke field, the
Microsoft Word program will be launched and will display the specified Word document. For
more information on the EXECUTE_PROCESS (202) command, see Ovation Graphics
Language Reference Manual.

37.2.7 To Create a Window (8) Poke Field

1. Access the GBNT:Poke window and enter all of the general poke information (see page 602).
2. From the Type drop-down menu, select Window (8).

Figure 273: GBNT:Poke window showing Window (8) poke type

TRN350_100 609
37.2 Poke Field

3. Enter the diagram name/number in the Diag entry field. Use browse button search for a
diagram, if necessary.
4. Enter the group number in the Group # entry field. Use the increment/decrement buttons to
adjust the value, if needed. Valid range is -1 through 5,000. A group number of -1 means that
the active group for the main screen diagram should be used with this window.
5. Enter the point name(s) to substitute for the $W pointer(s) in the Points scrolling list. (See
Ovation Graphics Language Reference Manual for information on $W pointers.)

Note: To see a list of points, select Browse Pts from the View menu on the main Graphics
Builder window.

6. Select one of the following buttons:

Ok — Saves the selected settings, and quits the GBNT:Poke window.
Apply — Saves the selected settings, but the GBNT:Poke window remains open.
Cancel — Quits the GBNT:Poke window without saving any changes.
Help — Provides help information on the GBNT:Poke window.
7. Move the pointer to the drawing canvas.
8. Press and hold the left mouse button to mark the upper left corner of the poke field, and drag
a rectangle to the desired dimension.

Note: Do not release the mouse button while drawing the poke field.

9. Release the mouse button, and the poke field displays. (You can configure how the poke field
displays in the Graphics Builder edit session (see page 613).)

37.2.8 To Create an Application (9) Poke Field

1. Access the GBNT:Poke window and enter all of the general poke information (see page 602).
2. From the Type drop-down menu, select Application (9).

Figure 274: GBNT:Poke window showing Application (9) poke type

610 TRN350_100
37.2 Poke Field

3. Enter an ASCII command string or the complete path of a file name with its extension in the
Cmd Line entry field. Do not enclose the string in quotes. The command line is limited to 130
If you have created a file association for the extension, the graphics subsystem will check for
an associated executable and start the program. For example, if you enter a file name with a
.doc extension, when you click on the poke field defined as type 9, the Microsoft Word
program will be launched and will display the Word document that you specified in the Cmd
Line entry field. If no file association has been defined an error message will be generated.

Note: You are responsible for creating the file association using the standard "Open With"
option as part of Windows Explorer.

4. Select one of the following buttons:

Ok — Saves the selected settings, and quits the GBNT:Poke window.
Apply — Saves the selected settings, but the GBNT:Poke window remains open.
Cancel — Quits the GBNT:Poke window without saving any changes.
Help — Provides help information on the GBNT:Poke window.
5. Move the pointer to the drawing canvas.
6. Press and hold the left mouse button to mark the upper left corner of the poke field, and drag
a rectangle to the desired dimension.

Note: Do not release the mouse button while drawing the poke field.

7. Release the mouse button, and the poke field displays. (You can configure how the poke field
displays in the Graphics Builder edit session (see page 613).)

37.2.9 To Create a Help (20) Poke Field

Help poke fields are not supported in the current release of the Ovation Windows software.

TRN350_100 611
37.2 Poke Field

37.2.10 To Create a Control (23) Poke Field

1. Access the GBNT:Poke window and enter all of the general poke information (see page 602).
2. From the Type drop-down menu, select Control (23).

Figure 275: GBNT:Poke window showing Control (23) poke type

Note: This type of poke field deals with graphics application programs. (See Ovation Graphics
Language Reference Manual for more information on application programs.)

3. You may hard code the set number, or you may specify the set number as a $SETn argument
if the poke field is to be part of a macro file and the set number is to be a parameter to the
a) To hard code the set number, enter the set number in the Set Num entry field. Use the
increment/decrement buttons to adjust the value, if needed. Valid range is 1 through
255. (See Ovation Graphics Language Reference Manual.)
b) To specify the set number as a $SETn argument, select the $SET choice button and then
enter the “n” index in the Set Num entry field to the right of the $SET choice button. For
example, for $SET2, select the $SET choice button and enter a “2” in the entry field
beside it.
4. Enter the set value in the Set Value entry field. Valid range is 0 through 32,767. (See Ovation
Graphics Language Reference Manual.)
5. To add, modify, delete, or copy application programs, follow the instructions in Adding
Application Programs to Graphics Builder windows (see page 655).

612 TRN350_100
37.2 Poke Field

6. Select one of the following buttons:

Ok — Saves the selected settings, and quits the GBNT:Poke window.
Apply — Saves the selected settings, but the GBNT:Poke window remains open.
Cancel — Quits the GBNT:Poke window without saving any changes.
Help — Provides help information on the GBNT:Poke window.
7. Move the pointer to the drawing canvas.
8. Press and hold the left mouse button to mark the upper left corner of the poke field, and drag
a rectangle to the desired dimension. Do not release the mouse button while drawing the poke
9. Release the mouse button, and the poke field displays. (You can configure how the poke field
displays in the Graphics Builder edit session (see page 613).)

You can use application program EXECUTE_PROCESS (202) to launch an external program
from the Graphics subsystem. If you have created a file association for the extension, the
graphics subsystem will check for an associated executable and start the program. For
example, if you enter a file name with a .doc extension, when you click on the poke field, the
Microsoft Word program will be launched and will display the specified Word document. For
more information on the EXECUTE_PROCESS (202) command, see Ovation Graphics
Language Reference Manual.

37.2.11 To configure the poke field display in an edit session

You can configure how poke fields display in a Graphics Builder edit session.

1. From the main Graphics Builder window, select the View pull-down menu. Select GB
poke_fld display. Pull right to display another menu.

Figure 276: GB poke_fld display menu

2. Select one of the following menu items:

 default (standard display) -- poke field displays as a filled rectangle with a defined fill
 unfilled, lp=DASHED -- poke field displays as an unfilled rectangle. A dashed line is
used for the rectangle line pattern.
 unfilled, lp=SM_DASH -- poke field displays as an unfilled rectangle. A (small) dashed
line is used for the rectangle line pattern.
 unfilled, lp=BIG_DOTS -- poke field displays as an unfilled rectangle. A (big) dotted line
is used for the rectangle line pattern.

TRN350_100 613
37.2 Poke Field

 unfilled, lp=DOTTED -- poke field displays as an unfilled rectangle. A dotted line is used
for the rectangle line pattern.
The color for the poke_fld is picked up from the applicable COLOR statement in the source
file. Only the FG color is used in the line pattern The underlying background pixels on the
graphic are maintained in the line pattern instead of the BG Color.

Note: The choice made for the poke field display only applies to the current Graphics Builder
edit session.

614 TRN350_100
37.3 Entry Field

37.3 Entr y Field

The Entry Field icon defines an area of the process diagram for displaying information that is
entered by an operator or obtained from an Ovation Operator Station application program. There
can be a maximum of 254 entry fields per diagram. You may select the size of the text characters
used to display the string. You many also display the text in either a vector or bitmap font (see
page 537).

You can choose between two different types of entry fields: a two-dimensional version (old-style)
and a three-dimensional version (enhanced). Both types offer the same basic functionality;
however, the enhanced entry field has an updated look and offers some additional features:
 The enhanced entry field works in conjunction with the keyboard arrow keys, Backspace,
Enter, Home, and Delete keys.
 A trigger or macro_trigger function can be associated with the enhanced entry field.
 You have the option to highlight an enhanced entry field at runtime when the cursor is moved
over the field.
 The enhanced entry field has a spin control option for integer and real format types. The spin
control can be used to increment and decrement the entered value.
The following figure shows examples of the old-style and enhanced entry fields.

Figure 277: Example of old-style and enhanced entry fields

TRN350_100 615
37.3 Entry Field

37.3.1 To create an old-style entry field

1. Select the Entry Field icon on the Draw toolbar.

The Entry Field window appears.

Figure 278: GBNT:Entry Field window

2. The Entry Fld # drop-down menu is used to specify whether the entry fld # is to be specified
as an integer (that is, hard-coded) or specified as a $CONSTn or macro_entryfld_n
argument. Use the increment/decrement buttons to adjust the value, if needed.
 If integer is selected, enter a (hard-coded) positive whole number representing a
standard entry field. Valid range = 1 through 254.
 The $CONSTn format is used if the entry is on a macro file and the entry field number is a
parameter passed into the macro. If $CONSTn is selected from the drop-down menu,
enter the associated index for the $CONSTn nomenclature in the entry field to the right of
the menu. For example, for $CONST2, enter a “2” in the entry field after selecting
$CONSTn from the drop-down menu, where n = 1 through 256
 The macro_entryfld_n format is used if the entry is on a macro file and a local entry field
is used (as opposed to a standard entry field). If macro_entryfld_n is selected from the
drop-down menu, enter the associated index for the macro_entryfld_n nomenclature in
the entry field to the right of the menu. For example, for macro_entryfld_3, enter a “3” in
the entry field after selecting macro_entryfld_n from the drop-down menu, where n = 1
through 254.
3. Pull down the Appearance/functionality menu to select the type of entry field to draw. The
choices are old-style and enhanced.

616 TRN350_100
37.3 Entry Field

4. From the Type choice buttons, select the entry field type. The choices are:
Operator — allows the operator to enter data into this entry field, but not a graphics
application program.
Program — allows a graphics application program to enter data into this entry field, but not
an operator.
Both — allows an operator and a graphics application program to write to the entry field.
5. From the Format drop-down menu, select how the data entered in the entry field is
interpreted. The choices are ASCII, integer, real, byte, hex (hexadecimal), and
6. Define the length of the entry field (number of characters) in the Field Width (# of Chars)
entry field. Use the increment/decrement buttons to adjust the value, if needed. Valid range =
1 through 80.
7. From the Initial runtime state choice buttons, select the state of the entry field at runtime. The
choices are:
On — activates the entry field when the diagram displays on the Ovation Operator Station.
Off — deactivates the entry field when the diagram displays on the Ovation Operator Station.
8. Select one of the following buttons:
Ok — Saves the selected settings, and quits the Entry Field window.
Apply — Saves the selected settings, but the Entry Field window remains open.
Cancel — Quits the Entry Field window without saving any changes.
Help — Provides help information on the Entry Field window.
9. Move the pointer onto the drawing canvas. Press and hold the left mouse button to display
the entry field string on the canvas. Move the pointer to the desired location. Do not release
the mouse button while moving the string.
10. Release the mouse button to position the entry field string. The entry field string displays as a
series of E’s on the drawing canvas.

Note: On the process diagram, the entry field typically displays as a rectangle. You can type as
many characters into the rectangle (entry field) as are specified at the Field Width (# of Chars)
option on the GBNT:Entry Field window.

37.3.2 To create an enhanced entry field

1. Select the Entry Field icon on the Draw toolbar.

TRN350_100 617
37.3 Entry Field

The Entry Field window appears.

Figure 279: GBNT:Entry Field window showing enhanced option

2. The Entry Fld # drop-down menu is used to specify whether the entry fld # is to be specified
as an integer (that is, hard-coded) or specified as a $CONSTn or macro_entryfld_n
argument. Use the increment/decrement buttons to adjust the value, if needed.
 If integer is selected, enter a (hard-coded) positive whole number representing a
standard entry field. Valid range = 1 through 254.
 The $CONSTn format is used if the entry is on a macro file and the entry field number is a
parameter passed into the macro. If $CONSTn is selected from the drop-down menu,
enter the associated index for the $CONSTn nomenclature in the entry field to the right of
the menu. For example, for $CONST2, enter a “2” in the entry field after selecting
$CONSTn from the drop-down menu, where n = 1 through 256
 The macro_entryfld_n format is used if the entry is on a macro file and a local entry field
is used (as opposed to a standard entry field). If macro_entryfld_n is selected from the
drop-down menu, enter the associated index for the macro_entryfld_n nomenclature in
the entry field to the right of the menu. For example, for macro_entryfld_3, enter a “3” in
the entry field after selecting macro_entryfld_n from the drop-down menu, where n = 1
through 254.
3. Pull down the Appearance/functionality menu to select the type of entry field to draw. The
choices are old-style and enhanced.

Note: The enhanced entry field looks like a 3D entry field. The background of the entry field is
drawn in the current BG color. The shading lines around the entry field are derived from the
background color. The entry field data is displayed in the current FG color.

618 TRN350_100
37.3 Entry Field

4. From the Type choice buttons, select the entry field type. The choices are:
Operator — allows the operator to enter data into this entry field, but not a graphics
application program.
Program — allows a graphics application program to enter data into this entry field, but not
an operator.
Both — allows an operator and a graphics application program to write to the entry field.
5. From the Format drop-down menu, select how the data entered in the entry field is
interpreted. The choices are ASCII, integer, real, byte, hex (hexadecimal), and
6. Pull down the Spin Ctrl menu and select whether or not you want to add
increment/decrement buttons (arrows) to your entry field. This option is only active when the
Format is set to integer or real.
The size of the spin control is based on the height of the entry field and the width of one
character ("E") for the particular entry field font. The spin control does not take up one of the
characters specified for the field width.
7. Define the length of the entry field (number of characters) in the Field Width (# of Chars)
entry field. Use the increment/decrement buttons to adjust the value, if needed. Valid range =
1 through 80.
8. From the Initial runtime state choice buttons, select the state of the entry field at runtime. The
choices are:
On — activates the entry field when the diagram displays on the Ovation Operator Station.
Off — deactivates the entry field when the diagram displays on the Ovation Operator Station.
9. If you want the entry field to be highlighted at runtime when the mouse is moved over the
field, pull down the Runtime hilite option and choose yes. If you do not want the field to
highlight, select no.
The highlight color is defined in the Ovation Developers Studio under the Graphics (Process
Diagrams) configuration. It is the same highlight color used to highlight poke fields at runtime
when the mouse hovers over a poke field. A perimeter rectangle is drawn around the entry
field to highlight it.
10. If you want to associate the entry field with a trigger or macro_trigger, pull down the Runtime
trigger menu and one of the following options: integer, $CONSTn, or macro_trigger_n.
The trigger will be executed when you press the <Enter> key on the keyboard while the
cursor is within the entry field. In turn, the trigger can execute a RUN_PROGRAMS command
to write the entry field value to a point, a variable, or whatever action you wish to perform.
11. Select one of the following buttons:
Ok — Saves the selected settings, and quits the Entry Field window.
Apply — Saves the selected settings, but the Entry Field window remains open.
Cancel — Quits the Entry Field window without saving any changes.
Help — Provides help information on the Entry Field window.
12. Move the pointer onto the drawing canvas. Press and hold the left mouse button to display
the entry field string on the canvas. Move the pointer to the desired location. Do not release
the mouse button while moving the string.

TRN350_100 619
37.4 OL Button

13. Release the mouse button to position the entry field string. The entry field string displays as a
series of E’s on the drawing canvas.

Note: On the process diagram, the entry field typically displays as a rectangle. You can type as
many characters into the rectangle (entry field) as are specified at the Field Width (# of Chars)
option on the GBNT:Entry Field window.

The enhanced entry field is sized based on the number of characters multiplied by the width of the
"E" character for the selected font. If the data string in the entry field contains several "M" or "W"
characters, the entire string may not be visible at once.

37.4 OL Button

The OL Button icon defines a button on a process diagram that is activated when selected with
the mouse. This button appears depressed when you select it with the mouse at runtime, and
appears raised when you release the mouse. This button may have a trigger or a poke
functionality. The button may have a text or a shape label. The label (text or shape) can change
based on a conditional.

37.4.1 To create an OL Button

1. Select the OL Button icon on the Draw toolbar.

620 TRN350_100
37.4 OL Button

The OL Button window appears.

Figure 280: GBNT:OL Button window

2. From the Orientation choice buttons, select one of the following:

Horz — button endcaps are on the left and right sides. Text labels display with horizontal text.
Vert — button endcaps are on the top and bottom. Text labels display with vertical text.
3. Select the button endcap style from the Endcap Style choice buttons:
Rounded — endcaps are rounded.
Squared — endcaps are squared (like brackets).

Note: This is only obvious when the button dimensions (w and h) are larger than the default
button size. For the default button size, the squared and rounded endcap styles are identical
(they appear rounded).

4. From the Label Type choice buttons, select one of the following options:
Shape — the button has a shape from the Shape Library (see page 695) as a label. Step 5
discusses the next procedure to be performed if Shape is selected.
Text — the button has a text string as a label. The button is sized to the text label. See Step
Depending on the selection made for Label Type, the OL Button window appears different.
Additional entry items may be required.

TRN350_100 621
37.4 OL Button

5. If Label Type is set to Shape — enter the following parameters:

 Enter the shape name in the Label entry field.
 A conditional statement allows the value of a parameter in a graphics command to
change based upon a specified condition. To create a conditional, place the cursor in the
Conditional entry field. Enter the conditional statement according to the applicable rules.
(See Ovation Graphics Language Reference Manual.)
To clear or erase the conditional statement, press the clear button above the entry field.
 For shape rotation, pull down the Shape rotation menu and select one of the 90 degree
increment rotations, or you may also specify anything other than 90 degree increments by
typing in the entry field. Valid range is -360 through 360. Negative degrees represent
clockwise rotation. Positive degrees represent counterclockwise rotation.
 From the Shape inversion drop-down menu, select an inversion: NONE (no inversion),
TTB (top to bottom), RTL (right to left), BOTH (top to bottom and right to left).
 Enter the button dimensions in the Button Dimensions (w) and (h) entry fields. Use the
increment/decrement buttons to adjust the value, if needed. Valid range is 1 through
16,383 for both dimensions.
 Enter the shape dimensions in the Shape Dimensions (w) and (h) entry fields. Use the
increment/decrement buttons, if needed. The shape dimensions must be less than the
button dimensions. Valid range is 1 through 16,383 for both dimensions.
6. If Label type is set to Text:
 Enter the appropriate information in the Label entry field. The required format is listed as
<quoted strings>. Text labels can be a maximum of 30 characters and must be enclosed
in either single or double quotes.
 A conditional statement allows the value of a parameter in a graphics command to
change based upon a specified condition. To create a conditional, place the cursor in the
Conditional entry field. Enter the conditional statement according to the applicable rules.
(See Ovation Graphics Language Reference Manual.)
To erase the conditional statement, press the clear button above the entry field.
7. From the Functionality choice buttons, select a function for the button:
Trigger — a trigger executes when this button is selected (pressed). Step 8 discusses the
next procedure to be performed if Trigger is selected.
Poke — a poke function (any of the standard types defined for the poke field, except Poke
Type 1) occurs when this button is selected (pressed). Step 9 discusses the next procedure to
be performed if Poke is selected.
8. If Functionality is set to Trigger — The Control Trigger drop-down menu is used to specify
whether the trigger number is to be specified as an integer (that is, hard-coded) or specified
as a $CONSTn or macro_trigger_n argument. Use the increment/decrement buttons to
adjust the value, if needed.
 If integer is selected, enter a (hard-coded) positive whole number representing a
standard entry field. Valid range = 1 through 255.
 The $CONSTn format is used if the button is on a macro file and the trigger number is a
parameter passed into the macro. If $CONSTn is selected from the drop-down menu,
enter the associated index for the “$CONSTn” nomenclature in the entry field to the right
of the menu. For example, for $CONST2, enter a “2” in the entry field after selecting
$CONSTn from the drop-down menu, where n = 1 through 256

622 TRN350_100
37.5 Button

 The macro_trigger_n format is used if the button is on a macro file and a local trigger
number is used (as opposed to a standard trigger). If macro_trigger_n is selected from the
drop-down menu, enter the associated index for the “macro_trigger_n” nomenclature in
the entry field to the right of the menu. For example, for macro_trigger_3, enter a “3” in
the entry field after selecting macro_trigger_n from the drop-down menu, where n = 1
through 255.
9. If Functionality is set to Poke — From the Poke Type drop-down menu, select the desired
type of poke. As different types are selected, the OL Button window changes to include the
necessary parameters for the poke type selected. Enter the required information for the
chosen Poke Type (see page 602).

Note: If Functionality is set to Poke and Poke #7 or #23 are selected for Poke Type, follow
the instructions in Adding Application Programs to Graphics Builder windows (see page 655) to
add, modify, delete, and copy application programs.

10. Select one of the following buttons:

Ok — Saves the selected settings, and quits the OL Button window.
Apply — Saves the selected settings, but the OL Button window remains open.
Cancel — Quits the OL Button window without saving any changes.
Help — Provides help information on the OL Button window.
11. Move the pointer to the drawing canvas. Press and hold the left mouse button, and move the
pointer to the desired location. As soon as the move operation begins, a rectangle
representing the outlining rectangle of the OL Button appears on the diagram. As you move
the mouse, the rectangle moves along with it. Do not release the mouse button while moving
the rectangle.
12. Release the mouse button, and the OL Button displays.

Note: The font size for OL Button is defined by the current font attributes on the Font Attributes
window. The overstrike option is not applicable to this item.

37.5 Button

The BUTTON icon defines an enhanced push-button on a process diagram. The appearance of
this button is highly configurable (in contrast to the OL_BUTTON.) This button executes either a
trigger or a poke functionality when pressed (exactly the same as the OL_BUTTON.) It
encapsulates the appearance and functionality of the buttons in the smart-ma macros.

The Button window has three tabs:

 Appearance -- used to set the look and feel of the button.
 Function -- used to specify poke vs. trigger functionality.
 State/tag -- used to enable or disable the button, and to set the disabled button's

Note: On the Draw toolbar, the Button icon follows the OL_Button icon. The OL_Button icon has
"OL" on the icon, where the “OL” refers to the open look style button which is still available.

TRN350_100 623
37.5 Button

37.5.1 Button features

The following list discusses various features of the Button draw item and the GBNT:Button
 Buttons can be rectangular or rounded. You can choose from three different styles of rounded
 Buttons are sized by an overall width and height (similar to how the OL buttons with shape
labels are sized); they are not sized by button label configuration.
 The width/height of the button border lines are configurable and scale on resize/zoom
operations proportionally to the overall button.
 For rounded buttons, the w' entry field is not used. Only a single border size parameter (h') is
needed since rounded buttons have a uniform border.
 Two types of buttons can be defined: normal or toggle.
 Labels can be specified as text (including multi-text), as a shape, as a combo (both shape
and text), or can be omitted entirely.
 You can pass in text/multi-text labels to buttons in macros via $T strings.
 Labels can be positioned anywhere within the button. They do not have to be centered.
 Any named color can be selected for the button. However, OL colors are not used in
conjunction with this button.
 The Graphics Builder derives the shading colors automatically from the named color.
 Labels, label colors, label sizes, and label positions are all completely configurable from the
GBNT:Button window. The text and shape parts of combination labels are configured
independently of one another.
 An optional bitmap image may be used as the button background. Labels are displayed on
top of the image.
 Options are provided (on a per button basis) for showing the button in a disabled state,
including hiding the button altogether.
 There is an optional tag label so that the state of a button (or a set of buttons) can be
externally changed programmatically in a graphic via the POKE_STATE command.
 A preview dialog box is available to view the appearance of the button as it is created/edited.
It also allows the preview of conditional attributes (if any are defined).
 All associated conditionals have their own dialog box.
 The attributes that can change based on a user-defined conditional are:
 Primary button color.
 Text/multi-text label (including support for not displaying any text if a certain condition is
 Text/multi-text label FG color.
 Text/multi-text label BG color.
 Shape label (including support for not displaying a shape if a certain condition is met).
 Shape label FG color.
 Shape label BG color.
 Button state (enabled/disabled).
 Disabled color.
 Disabled display option.

624 TRN350_100
37.5 Button

 The following features pertain to the GBNT:Button window:

 The Button window only prompts for colors that are required to be defined for the button.
 Colors that are not needed are grayed out (for example: the shape label colors will be
grayed out if a colored shape is selected, or the BG text label color will be unavailable if
the overstrike option is not selected).
 The window provides support for saving the current appearance settings in the Windows
registry (independent from the standard Graphics Builder Save Defaults feature) so that
basic button features can be configured one time only.
 Conditionals are not saved in the registry.
 Reserved word, NULL_SHAPE, can be used in conjunction with shape labels on buttons.
The reserved word is used in a shape label conditional if no shape is to be displayed
when a certain condition is met. See Ovation Graphics Language Reference Manual for
more information on reserved words.
 For text labels, the empty string, “ ”, is used to erase text if a certain condition is met.
 A Combo label can be defined, where the text is always displayed, and a shape only
displays if a certain error condition is met, or vice versa. In addition, both text and shape
can exist on the label.

37.5.2 To create a Button

1. Select the Button icon on the Draw toolbar.

The GBNT:Button window appears.

TRN350_100 625
37.5 Button

Figure 281: GBNT:Button window -- appearance tab

Note: By default, the GBNT:Button window displays with the Button Preview (see page 639)
window beside it (which can also be accessed from the magnifying glass icon on the
appearance tab).

2. Fill in the Button appearance tab information (see page 628).

626 TRN350_100
37.5 Button

3. Fill in the Button function tab information (see page 634).

4. Fill in the Button state/tag tab information (see page 636).
5. Select one of the following buttons:
Ok — Saves the selected settings, and quits the Button window.
Apply — Saves the selected settings, but the Button window remains open.
Cancel — Quits the Button window without saving any changes.
Help — Provides help information on the Button window.
6. Move the pointer to the drawing canvas. Press and hold the left mouse button, and move the
pointer to the desired location. As soon as the move operation begins, a rectangle
representing the outlining rectangle of the button appears on the diagram. As you move the
mouse, the rectangle moves along with it. Do not release the mouse button while moving the
7. Release the mouse button, and the button displays.

TRN350_100 627
37.5 Button

37.5.3 To configure the Button appearance tab

1. Access the GBNT:Button window (see page 625) and select the appearance tab (if not
already selected).

Figure 282: GBNT:Button window -- appearance tab

628 TRN350_100
37.5 Button

Note: By default, the GBNT:Button window displays with the Button Preview (see page 639)
window beside it (which can also be accessed from the magnifying glass icon on the
appearance tab).

The appearance tab can be divided into three parts: the top portion of the window is for
setting colors and dimensions; the middle part of the window is for configuring text labels; and
the bottom part of the window is for defining shape label parameters.
2. The apply/change individual attr mode check box is used to change select appearance
attributes on all currently selected buttons. Refer to Understanding the apply/change
individual attr mode checkbox on the appearance tab (see page 633) for more information.
3. The icons at the top of the window (beside the apply/change individual attr mode check box)
are used for the following functions (shown left to right):
 Preview icon (magnifying glass) -- displays the GBNT:Button Preview window.
 Save appearance settings icon (floppy disk) -- saves the settings on the appearance tab
to the Windows Registry. Conditionals are not saved.
 Restore appearance settings icon (curved arrow) -- returns the settings on the
appearance tab to what is stored in the Windows Registry.
4. At the button color pull-down menu, select one of the following color options:
 standards -- user-defined subset of colors in the Windows Registry that is stored in the
system colors.txt file.
 $COLORn -- only applicable when editing a macro graphic and when passing color into
the macro from the parent graphic.
 aliases -- user-defined set of color references. These color references associate a user-
defined alias name with a display color (a color name in the Windows Registry).
 All colors -- alphabetical list of all graphic colors in the Windows Registry when the
Graphics Builder starts up.
 recently used -- list of the last 10 colors selected on any of the dialogs that support the
enhanced color selection.
5. After you select a color type in Step 4, pull down the menu next to the button color menu to
select a color. Note that as you change the color type (standard, aliases, etc.) the colors in
the pull-down list change as well.
6. Select the conditional (ellipsis) button to display a dialog box to view/enter/edit a conditional
for the button color.

See To Specify a Conditionals (see page 498) for information on using the Conditional dialog
box. Refer to Ovation Graphics Language Reference Manual for the rules on entering
7. An optional bitmap image may be used as the button background. To do this, pull down the
button image menu and select a bitmap image to use. None is the default.
8. Pull down the button style menu and select the shape of the button. The choices are:
 Rectangular
 Rounded1
 Rounded2
 Rounded3

TRN350_100 629
37.5 Button

Note: Rounded buttons can be circular or elliptical, depending on how you size the graphic.

9. Configure the dimensions of the button in the section called dimensions (in virtual pixels).
Set the following parameters:
 w - Virtual width of the button (independent of label). Use the increment/decrement
buttons to adjust the value, if needed. Valid range is 1 through 16,383.
 h - Virtual height of the button (independent of label). Use the increment/decrement
buttons to adjust the value, if needed. Valid range is 1 through 16,383.
 w' - Virtual width of the left/right border lines of the button. Use the increment/decrement
buttons to adjust the value, if needed.

Note: The w' field disappears if you choose one of the rounded button styles.

 h' - Virtual height of the top/bottom border lines of the button when the button style =
rectangular. It is the virtual length of the button border if button style = rounded1,
rounded2, or rounded3. Use the increment/decrement buttons to adjust the value, if
10. Next to the dimensions section is the adjust label pos (position) section. These parameters
allow you to adjust the positioning of the label on a button. Set the following parameters:
 text / shape radio buttons -- select one of the options to position either the text label or
the shape label when the label option equals combo. If label option is not combo, these
buttons are inactive.
 vert pos and horz pos (adjusted by horizontal and vertical slide bars) -- move the slide
bars to adjust the vertical and horizontal positioning of the label on the button. It is
recommended that you have the GBNT:Button Preview window open while you adjust the
slide bars to see the positioning of the label. You are positioning the center of the label.
11. From the label options drop-down menu, select what type of label you want on the button.
The choices are;
 text -- user-defined text/multitext appears as the button label.
 shape -- a user-selected shape appears as the button label.
 combo -- uses both text and a shape for the label. In addition, this option allows one label
type to display under normal conditions and the other type to display only if there is an
error (via definition of both text label and shape label conditionals). For example, text can
regularly display and the shape would only display if a certain error condition is met.
Conversely, a shape label can indicate normal operation and text can indicate errors.
 none -- no label appears on the button.
12. If label options is set to text or combo, configure the following fields:
 multitext -- if this option is checked, you can enter multiple lines of text.
 overstrike -- if this option is checked, the overstrike option is used. Overstrike means that
both the foreground and background of each character cell making up the text string are
 text (entry field) -- enter the text you want to use as the button label.
 conditional (ellipsis) button (for text) -- select the conditional (ellipsis) button to display
a dialog box to view/enter/edit a conditional for the text label. See To Specify a
Conditional (see page 498) for information on using the Conditional dialog box. Refer to
Ovation Graphics Language Reference Manual for the rules on entering conditionals.
 font -- pull down the Font menu, and select a font from the list.

630 TRN350_100
37.5 Button

The Graphics Builder allows you to use any font available on the computer where it is
running. All the available fonts are listed. The Graphics Builder appends a “*” to the name
of any font that is a fixed-width font.

Note: Different fonts may be available on different computers. Third-party packages installed on
a computer often install their own fonts. If building a graphic on one computer, the fonts used to
build the graphic must also be available on the computer where the graphic executes at runtime.

 style -- pull down the Style menu, and select a style from the list (the choices are:
regular, italic, bold, and bold_italic).
 char w -- enter a width for the text character in the char w entry field. Valid range is 3 -
 char h -- enter a height for the text character in the char h entry field. Valid range is 3 -
 lw -- only used with Ovation Vector font (see page 538). Select a line width for the font.
Valid range is 1 through 16. Unlike the line widths defined in the Line Width dialog box,
the number selected here corresponds to actual pixels.
 FG color -- At the FG color pull-down menu, select one of the following color options:
standards, $COLORn, aliases, All colors, recently used.
 color drop-down menu -- select a color that corresponds to the color type that you
selected for FG color.
 conditional button (for foreground color) -- select the conditional (ellipsis) button to
display a dialog box to view/enter/edit a conditional for the FG color. See To Specify a
Conditional (see page 498) for information on using the Conditional dialog box. Refer to
Ovation Graphics Language Reference Manual for the rules on entering conditionals.
 BG color -- At the BG color pull-down menu, select one of the following color options:
standards, $COLORn, aliases, All colors, recently used. Note that this is grayed out if the
overstrike box is not checked.
 color drop-down menu -- select a color that corresponds to the color type that you
selected for BG color.
 conditional button (for background color) -- select the conditional (ellipsis) button to
display a dialog box to view/enter/edit a conditional for the BG color. See To Specify a
Conditional (see page 498) for information on using the Conditional dialog box. Refer to
Ovation Graphics Language Reference Manual for the rules on entering conditionals.
13. If label options is set to shape or combo, configure the following fields:
 shape -- enter the name of the shape from the Shape Library.
 conditional (ellipsis) button (for text) -- select the conditional (ellipsis) button to display
a dialog box to view/enter/edit a conditional for the shape label. See To Specify a
Conditional (see page 498) for information on using the Conditional dialog box. Refer to
Ovation Graphics Language Reference Manual for the rules on entering conditionals.
 w -- enter the width of the shape. Use the increment/decrement buttons, if needed. The
shape dimensions must be less than the button dimensions. Valid range is 1 through
16,383 for both dimensions.
 h -- enter the height of the shape. Use the increment/decrement buttons, if needed. The
shape dimensions must be less than the button dimensions. Valid range is 1 through
16,383 for both dimensions.

TRN350_100 631
37.5 Button

 rot -- select one of the 90 degree increment rotations, or you may also specify anything
other than 90 degree increments by typing in the entry field. Valid range is -360 through
360. Negative degrees represent clockwise rotation. Positive degrees represent
counterclockwise rotation.
 inv -- select an inversion: NONE (no inversion), TTB (top to bottom), RTL (right to left),
BOTH (top to bottom and right to left).
 FG color -- At the FG color pull-down menu, select one of the following color options:
standards, $COLORn, aliases, All colors, recently used. Note that this is grayed out if the
shape (and all conditional shapes) are colored.
 color drop-down menu -- select a color that corresponds to the color type that you
selected for FG color.
 conditional button (for foreground color) -- select the conditional (ellipsis) button to
display a dialog box to view/enter/edit a conditional for the FG color. See To Specify a
Conditional (see page 498) for information on using the Conditional dialog box. Refer to
Ovation Graphics Language Reference Manual for the rules on entering conditionals.
 BG color -- At the BG color pull-down menu, select one of the following color options:
standards, $COLORn, aliases, All colors, recently used. Note that this is grayed out if the
shape (and all conditional shapes) are colored or do not use line/fill patterns other than
 color drop-down menu -- select a color that corresponds to the color type that you
selected for BG color.
 conditional button (for background color) -- select the conditional (ellipsis) button to
display a dialog box to view/enter/edit a conditional for the BG color. See To Specify a
Conditional (see page 498) for information on using the Conditional dialog box. Refer to
Ovation Graphics Language Reference Manual for the rules on entering conditionals.

632 TRN350_100
37.5 Button

37.5.4 Understanding the apply/change individual attr mode checkbox on the

appearance tab

The apply/change individual attr mode checkbox is used to change certain appearance
attributes (color, font, size) on all currently selected buttons on a graphic without changing any
other button attributes. Use this checkbox if you want to change the select attributes on more than
one button at a time.

For most display items (other than buttons), you would use the GBNT:Color window to change the
color for the item. However, since buttons get their color from the GBNT:Button dialog box and do
not use the color settings on the GBNT:Color dialog box, there would be no way to change only
the color of the selected buttons without the apply/change individual attr mode feature.

You would not want to select a new color on the Button dialog box without selecting the
apply/change individual attr mode checkbox. If the checkbox is not checked, you will change
all of the attributes for the selected buttons. That means that every attribute on the appearance,
function, and state/tag tabs will be applied to those buttons. Make sure that you check the
apply/change individual attr mode checkbox before making changes to color, font, or size.

Check this box to enter a mode for changing individual appearance attributes for all currently
selected buttons on your graphic. Uncheck this box to exit the mode for changing individual
appearance attributes and to return to normal mode for the Button dialog box.

When this box is checked, the OK/Apply buttons at the bottom of the dialog box are inactive, you
cannot switch tabs on the Button dialog box, the preview window is closed and cannot be
accessed, you cannot store/retrieve setting to/from the Windows Registry, and only the attributes
which you are allowed to apply/change individually are active. If an attribute is disabled/grayed-
out, you cannot change that attribute using this mode. You must uncheck this box to return to
normal mode for this dialog box.

Since the OK/Apply buttons are grayed out when the box is checked, any changes made to the
enabled parameters take effect immediately to the selected buttons. This includes the color
conditionals. As soon as you create/clear a color conditional while in this mode, all of the selected
buttons are updated. Note that if no buttons are currently selected, nothing happens as you
change appearance selections.

In addition to the color and font attributes, this feature also allows you to change the dimensions
for all selected buttons and the shape dimensions for all the selected buttons having shape labels.

TRN350_100 633
37.5 Button

37.5.5 To configure the Button function tab

1. Access the GBNT:Button window (see page 625) and select the function tab.

Figure 283: GBNT:Button window -- function tab

634 TRN350_100
37.5 Button

2. Select a button type. The choices are: Normal and Toggle. If Normal is selected, the toggle-
specific parameters are grayed out. If Toggle is selected, the toggle parameters are active. A
toggle button looks like a normal button, but it stays pressed in when you click on it. It stays
pressed in until you click it again and it pops out.
3. Enter the integer value (location) associated with the toggle button (0 = raised, 1 =
depressed). The toggle button value is stored in a $P pointer paired with a $I offset (or in a
local/global variable of type INT or INT_ARRAY). The toggle button value can also be
specified as a $CONST/$D pointer if it must be passed into a macro.
4. From the toggle type choice buttons, select whether the button should be exclusive or non-
Exclusive — select this option if the toggle button will function as part of a group. Only one
button in the group may be selected at a time. Clicking a new button with the mouse
deselects the currently selected button first, and then selects the current button. Only the
functionality associated with the toggle button that is clicked executes.
For this option, you must define a button tag on the state/tag tab (see page 636). Toggle
buttons designed to function as a group are linked together by the external tag field on
the state/tag tab. All toggle buttons having the same external tag (both the tag label and
instance id) are considered to be in the same group.
Non-Exclusive — select this option if the toggle button will function independently. Multiple
buttons may be selected at a time. Selecting a new button with the mouse toggles the state of
that button (if the button is selected, it becomes deselected and vice versa). For an individual
toggle button, its functionality executes each time it is clicked (when it is pressed in and when
it is popped out).
5. Select either Trigger or Poke functionally.
6. If Trigger is chosen, pull down the Control Trigger menu and select one of the following:.
 integer -- enter a (hard-coded) positive whole number representing a standard trigger
number. Valid range = 1 - 255.
 $CONSTn -- used if the button is on a macro file and the trigger number is a parameter
passed into the macro. If $CONSTn is selected from the drop-down menu, enter the
associated index for the “$CONSTn” nomenclature in the entry field to the right of the
menu. For example, for $CONST2, enter a “2” in the entry field after selecting $CONSTn
from the drop-down menu, where n = 1 through 256
 macro_trigger_n -- used if the button is on a macro file and a macro trigger is used (as
opposed to a standard trigger). If macro_trigger_n is selected from the drop-down menu,
enter the associated index for the “macro_trigger_n” nomenclature in the entry field to the
right of the menu. For example, for macro_trigger_3, enter a “3” in the entry field after
selecting macro_trigger_n from the drop-down menu, where n = 1 through 255.
7. If Functionality is set to Poke — From the Poke Type drop-down menu, select the desired
type of poke. As different types are selected, the Button window changes to include the
necessary parameters for the poke type selected. Enter the required information for the
chosen Poke Type (see page 602).

Note: If Functionality is set to Poke and Poke #7 or #23 are selected for Poke Type, follow
the instructions in Adding Application Programs to Graphics Builder windows (see page 655) to
add, modify, delete, and copy application programs.

TRN350_100 635
37.5 Button

37.5.6 To configure the Button state/tag tab

1. Access the GBNT:Button window (see page 625) and select the state/tag tab.

Figure 284: GBNT:Button window -- state/tag tab

636 TRN350_100
37.5 Button

2. Select the initial runtime state of the Button.

 ON (enabled) – Button will be enabled when the graphic displays at runtime.
 OFF (disabled) – Button will be disabled when the graphic displays at runtime.
3. If desired, select the conditional (ellipsis) button to display a dialog box to view/enter/edit a
conditional for the runtime state of the button. See To Specify a Conditionals (see page 498)
for information on using the Conditional dialog box. Refer to Ovation Graphics Language
Reference Manual for the rules on entering conditionals.
4. The Disabled Button Configuration section allows you to configure the appearance of disabled
buttons. Each button can have its own disabled configuration. Use Steps 5 through 9 to
configure disabled buttons.

Note: If desired, use the Button Preview window (see page 639) to view the button with the
available disabled display options (make sure that the display state is set to "disabled" on the
Button Preview window.

5. At the disabled color drop-down menu, select a color type for the disabled button. The
choices are:
 standards -- user-defined subset of colors in the Windows Registry that is stored in the
system colors.txt file.
 $COLORn -- only applicable when editing a macro graphic and when passing color into
the macro from the parent graphic.
 aliases -- user-defined set of color references. These color references associate a user-
defined alias name with a display color (a color name in the Windows Registry).
 All colors -- alphabetical list of all graphic colors in the Windows Registry when the
Graphics Builder starts up.
 recently used -- list of the last 10 colors selected on any of the dialogs that support the
enhanced color selection.
6. After you select a color type in Step 5, pull down the menu next to the disabled color menu to
select a color. Note that as you change the color type (standard, aliases, and so forth) the
colors in the pull-down list change as well.
7. Select the conditional (ellipsis) button to display a dialog box to view/enter/edit a conditional
for the disabled button color.

See To Specify a Conditionals (see page 498) for information on using the Conditional dialog
box. Refer to Ovation Graphics Language Reference Manual for the rules on entering
8. Pull down the display options menu to define how you want to display a disabled button.
The choices are:
 0: set label color = disabled.
 1: set label color and overlay medium pattern.
 2: overlay heavy pattern.
 3: overlay medium pattern.
 4: overlay light pattern.
 5: overlay lightest pattern.

TRN350_100 637
37.5 Button

 6: hide button.
9. Select the conditional (ellipsis) button to display a dialog box to view/enter/edit a conditional
for the display options..

See To Specify a Conditionals (see page 498) for information on using the Conditional dialog
box. Refer to Ovation Graphics Language Reference Manual for the rules on entering
10. The Apply configuration to selected buttons is used to change the disabled button
configuration on all currently selected buttons. Refer to Understanding the Apply configuration
to selected buttons option on the state/tag tab (see page 639) for more information.
11. To save the disabled button configuration settings to the Windows Registry, press the Save
icon (floppy disk icon). To return the disabled button configuration to its last saved settings,
click the Restore icon (curved arrow icon).

Note: If desired, use the Button Preview window (see page 639) to view the button with the
available disabled display options (make sure that the display state is set to "disabled" on the
Button Preview window).

12. An optional external tag can be associated with the button to support programmatically
enabling/disabling the button at runtime by the way of the existing POKE_STATE command
(refer to Ovation Graphics Language Reference Manual for more information on commands).
To do this, enter a string in the label entry field. The label is not case-sensitive and does not
need to be enclosed in quotes.
13. Select an instance id from the drop-down menu. The instance ID is a unique number used in
conjunction with the label to search for buttons at runtime using the POKE_STATE command:
 None (-1) = no tag defined or no instance ID defined with tag.
 hard coded = user-specified integer if button is NOT part of a macro.
 $SET = if instance ID will be passed in to the macro.
 $CONST = if instance ID will be passed in to the macro.
 $Pn $Im = if instance ID will be read from a $P pointer at runtime.
 variable (int) = named variable of type INT (integer) if instance ID stored in a variable.
14. If you select an instance id other than "None (-1)," you must enter an applicable value in the
entry field beside the instance id field. This value must correspond to the instance id selected.
15. Check the display warning on OK/Apply if button tag is not specified checkbox if you
want the Graphics Builder to warn you anytime you create a button without defining a tag for
it. This option is only used by the Graphics Builder during an edit session. If this box is not
checked, the Graphics Builder will not warn you if you leave the tag blank.

638 TRN350_100
37.5 Button

37.5.7 Understanding the Apply configuration to selected buttons option on the

state/tag tab

The Apply configuration to selected buttons option is used to change the disabled button
configuration (including the disabled color and the display option) on all currently selected buttons
on a graphic without changing any other button attributes. This option is used when you want to
change the disabled button configuration for more than one button at a time.

When specifying new disabled button configuration parameters, if you do not select the Apply
configuration to selected buttons button, you will change all the other button attributes on the
entire dialog box (those on the appearance tab, function tab, and state/tag tab) as well as for the
selected buttons. Press the Apply configuration button to change only the disabled button
configuration parameters for all currently selected buttons on your graphic. Note that if no buttons
are currently selected, nothing happens when you press the Apply configuration button because
no buttons are selected to apply the changes to.

There is no support for changing only the disabled color (and not the display option) for all
selected buttons or vice versa. Pressing the Apply configuration button changes all of the
disabled button configuration parameters.

37.5.8 To use the Button Preview window

You can access the GBNT:Button Preview window from the preview button on the appearance
tab. The Button Preview window allows you to see the button before adding it to the Graphics
Builder canvas.

1. Select the Button icon on the Draw toolbar. The GBNT:Button window displays along with the
GBNT:Button Preview window.

Figure 285: GBNT:Button Preview window

2. Pull down the display state menu to preview how the button will appear in that state. The
choices are: normal, invoked (appears depressed), and disabled. (See To configure the
Button state/tag tab (see page 636) for information on disabled buttons.)
3. To preview any conditionals defined for the button, select the preview conditionals button
(see page 640).

Note: You can also access the Button Preview window by clicking the Button Preview icon
(magnifying glass icon) on the appearance tab of the GBNT:Button window.

TRN350_100 639
37.5 Button

37.5.9 To use the Button Preview Conditional window

The preview conditionals window allows you to preview all the conditionals that were defined on
the Button window.

1. Access the Button Preview window (see page 639).

2. Select the preview conditionals button.

Figure 286: Preview conditionals window

3. Find a defined conditional (conditionals that are not defined are grayed out). Pull down the
Conditional ldx menu to select the different conditional options.
4. Notice how the button appearance changes on the GBNT: Button Preview window as you
select the different conditional settings.
5. Select the Close button to quit the window. Select the Help button to display online help on
the preview conditionals window.

Note: The preview conditionals window is a modal window. That means that while it is
displayed, you cannot do anything on any other window in the Graphics Builder until you close
this window. You cannot edit the graphic and/or settings on the Button window while this window
is displayed.

640 TRN350_100
S E C T I O N 38

What are Application Programs?

Application programs are internal programming routines that perform common control and
interactive functions from poke fields, from the RUN_PROGRAMS command, or from the Control
Panel window. (See Ovation Operator Station User Guide.)

Being able to successfully use the application programs requires that you fully understand
Graphics Language commands, point and algorithm record types, and control algorithms.
Application programs implement control by changing the contents of record fields in the algorithm.
Often, specific record fields need to be defined in the POKE_FLD (type 7) command or the
RUN_PROGRAMS command that is using the application programs.

For these reasons, you must have a good understanding of the control logic and drop functions
being implemented in a system before building custom control diagrams. (See Ovation Record
Types Reference Manual and Ovation Algorithms Reference Manual.)


Application program reference list................................................................................... 641

CNTRL_POKE (6) (Select Algorithm for Control) ........................................................... 646
DISP_EFDATA (66) (Write entry field in Main and Subscreen) ...................................... 649
XPID_DIGITAL (121) ...................................................................................................... 651

38.1 Application program reference list

The following table provides a quick reference list to the application programs. Several application
programs are discussed in this section. In addition, the table shows (by the use of “x”) which
programs can be locked out of the various Security functions. The table also shows which
application programs generate Operator Event Messages. For complete descriptions of all
application programs, refer to the Ovation Graphics Language Reference Manual.

Note: In the table, if an application program does not have any of the security functions marked
(that is, there is no “x” in the row), then it is not affected by any of the Security lockout
parameters (see page 645). These parameters are listed in the Point Security Group tab of the
Ovation Session Manager utility.

TRN350_100 641
38.1 Application program reference list

Application Program Listing



START/OPEN 28 x x x
STOP/CLOSE 29 x x x
UPSET 30 x x x
DOWNSET 31 x x x
MANUAL 32 x x x
AUTO 33 x x x
RAISEOUT 34 x x x
LOWEROUT 35 x x x
SEND_CA 80 x
DDC_MODE 100 x x x
SUPV_MODE 101 x x x
CASC_MODE 102 x x x
SEND_CA_EV 105 x x
SEND_CA_EV_ 106 x x

642 TRN350_100
38.1 Application program reference list




XPID_DIGITAL 121 x x x
CNTRLBITS 124 x x x
SEND_CA_CTL_ 180 x

SEND_CA_EV_ 205 x x

ALARM_ 214 x

TRN350_100 643
38.1 Application program reference list



READ_ENTRY_ 223 or 224



644 TRN350_100
38.1 Application program reference list

38.1.1 Implementing security

The ability to access secure Ovation functions and data is dictated by the security session to
which the software belongs. A session is defined by the currently logged-in user, the roles to
which that user belongs, the particular drop on which the software is operating, and the applicable
display (that is, the drop console or a specified remote drop.)

For example, MMI applications displayed on the drop console(s) have access to Ovation system
functions and data as dictated by the currently logged-in user and the particular drop. An Ovation
user who remotely logs into the drop (as well as remotely displayed MMI applications) has a
separate security session with a potentially different level of access to Ovation system functions
and data.

Certain application programs are affected by security functions. These functions are described
 Control Function Enabled - in order for you to perform control functions for a particular
algorithm (such as Auto, Manual, Raise, Lower, and so forth), the Control Functions option
must be enabled. Refer to the System Functions tab of the Security item on the Ovation
Developer Studio.
 Tuning Function Enabled - in order for you to perform tuning functions for a particular
algorithm (such as change the value of a particular tuning variable), the Tuning Functions
option must be enabled. Refer to the System Functions tab of the Security item on the
Ovation Developer Studio.
 Algorithm Point Access Enabled - in order for you to perform control, tuning, or alarm
acknowledge functions on a particular algorithm or point, the point must have Point Access
Security Group enabled. Refer to the Point Access tab of the Security item on the Ovation
Developer Studio
 Alarm Acknowledge Enabled - In order for you to perform an Alarm Acknowledgment for a
particular point, the Alarm Acknowledge Function option must be enabled. Refer to the
System Functions tab of the Security item on the Ovation Developer Studio.

Note: Refer to Ovation Developer Studio User Guide for information on security items.

TRN350_100 645
38.2 CNTRL_POKE (6) (Select Algorithm for Control)

38.2 CNTRL_POKE (6) (Select Algorithm for Control)

CNTRL_POKE is used to define the way control selections are made from an Operator Station
process diagram. It defines the way the system IDs and algorithm records are interfaced to the
Control Panel window. (See Ovation Operator Station User Guide.)

By clicking on a poke field, in addition to setting the control system ID's, you also initiate the
actions defined by the specified TRIGGER.

By including a value of 2 in the SETVAL argument of the program and setting the trigger number
to 1, CNTRL_POKE clears previous trigger actions, and the new TRIGGER commands are

Note: When a trigger number other than 1 is used, the old set value is not cleared. Therefore, if
a trigger number other than 1 or set value number other than 2 is used, you must reset the set
value with a SETVAL command.

Function Lockout



Refer to Implementing Security (see page 645) for an explanation of the above functions.

POKE_FLD x y w h state poke_type num_of_progs prog_num
diag_name num_of_args point1 point2 trig_num set_num setval


x, y, w, h, state Standard POKE_FLD parameters. See the POKE_FLD command.

poke_type Poke type (7 is required for application program.)
num_of_progs Number of programs to be executed (usually 1, unless additional application programs
are linked to this poke field.)
prog_num Application program number. For this application program, enter 6 on the command
diag_name Name of the diagram to display. Valid entries include: alphanumeric, numeric,
variables, $P pointer or $T pointer if used in a macro. (0 is required if no other diagram
is called.) For this application program, enter 0 on the command line.
num_of_args Number of arguments. For this application program, enter 5 on the command line.
point1 Algorithm point name and ID record field for programmable key functions 1 - 4, RAISE
point2 Algorithm point name and ID record field for programmable key functions 5 - 8, AUTO

646 TRN350_100
38.2 CNTRL_POKE (6) (Select Algorithm for Control)

trig_num 1. Trigger to execute when CNTRL_POKE executes. (0 means do not execute a

trigger.) Valid range = 1 - 254,
2. $Const1 - Const255, if trigger # to be passed into a macro.
3. macro_trigger_1 - macro_trigger_255, if a macro trigger is to be executed.

Note: Items 2 and 3 are only valid if CNTRL_POKE is in a macro diagram.

set_num Set variable number (used in the trigger.) Valid range = 1 - 255.
setval Integer value to be assigned to the set variable in the trigger.
Valid range = 0 - 32,767. If 2 is selected, the previous set is reset to 1.

Note: Emerson recommends that trigger 1 and set value 2 be used in the CNTRL_POKE
program if the previous trigger items selected are to be deselected.


Example 1

POKE_FLD 965 14447 869 1389 ON 7 1 6 0 5 \001-00123\ ID \001-

00124\ ID 1 9 2

In this example:

965 x
14447 y
869 w
1389 h
ON state
7 poke_type
1 num_of_progs
6 prog_num
0 diag_name
5 num_of_args
\001-00123\ ID point1
\001-00124\ ID point2
1 trig_num
9 set_num
2 setval

When you click on the poke field (specified as type 7, program), program 6 (CNTRL_POKE)
executes. If any diagram changes are described in trigger 1, the last set executed clears and Set9
is given a value of 2. Then, trigger 1 executes. See the TRIGGER keyword for more information.
The \001-00123\ and \001-00124\ algorithm points are activated for control.

TRN350_100 647
38.2 CNTRL_POKE (6) (Select Algorithm for Control)

Example 2

TEXT 7912 6000 “Main Screen Active” HORZ VECTOR 161 336 3

POKE_FLD 965 14447 869 1389 ON 7 2 6 0 5 \001-00123\ ID
\001-00124\ ID 1 9 2 122 0 2 1 4

In this example:

965 x
14447 y
869 w
1389 h
ON state
7 poke_type
2 num_of_progs
6 prog_num
0 diag_name
5 num_of_args
\001-00123\ ID point1
\001-00124\ ID point2
1 trig_num
9 set_num
2 setval
122 prog_num
0 diag_name
2 num_of_args
1 si
4 trig_num

In this example, a single poke field executes two triggers. Trigger 1 is set by program 6
(CNTRL_POKE) and trigger 4 is set by program 122 (see EXEC_TRIGGER for more information.)
In this case, trigger 4 displays a message indicating that control is active in the main screen.

648 TRN350_100
38.3 DISP_EFDATA (66) (Write entry field in Main and Subscreen)

38.3 DISP_EFDATA (66) (Write entr y field in Main and Subscreen)

DISP_EFDATA displays data in entry fields in either a main screen or subscreen. The data to be
written to the field could come from another entry field on the diagram, a specific point name, a
variable point name defined by the POINTER command, or a constant number or text string.

Note: To write to a window, use program 119 and in place of argument “main,” substitute

Function Lockout




Refer to Implementing Security (see page 645) for an explanation of the above functions.

POKE_FLD x y w h state poke_type num_of_progs prog_num
diag_name num_of_args main sub ef data


x. y, w, h, state Standard POKE_FLD parameters. See the POKE_FLD command.

poke_type Poke type (7 is required for this application program.)
num_of_progs Number of programs to be executed (usually 1, unless additional application
programs are linked to this poke field.)
prog_num Application program number. For this program, enter 66 on the command line.
diag_name Name of the diagram to display. Valid entries include: alphanumeric, numeric,
variables, $P pointer or $T pointer if used in a macro. (0 is required if no other
diagram is called.)
num_of_args Number of arguments.
main Number of entry fields to write to in the main screen (or window if program 119 is
sub Number of entry fields to write to on the subscreen.
ef Entry field buffer number. This number should correspond to the entry field buffer
number in the ENTRY_FLD command. Valid range = 1 - 254.

data Data to display in the entry field. The data to be written to the field could come from
another entry field on the diagram, a specific point name, a variable point name
defined by the POINTER command, or a constant number or text string. A point
name and record field (such as A100 AV) are considered one argument.

Repeat “ef” and “data” fields for the number of entry fields specified in “main” then repeat “ef” and
“data” for the number of entry fields specified in “sub”.

TRN350_100 649
38.3 DISP_EFDATA (66) (Write entry field in Main and Subscreen)

POKE_FLD 483 14400 546 904 ON 7 1 66 0 8 2 1 16 “ENTER ALARM
STATUS” 17 A100 AV 2 1234

In this example:

483 x
14400 y
546 w
904 h
ON state
7 poke_type
1 num_of_progs
66 prog_num
0 diag_name
8 num_of_args
2 main
1 sub
16 ef
17 ef
A100 AV data
2 ef
1234 data

When you click on the poke field, (specified as type 7), program 66 (DISP_EFDATA) executes.
No new diagram displays. Eight arguments follow. The arguments indicate that data is entered
into two entry field on the main screen. The first data item is written to entry field number 16 on
the main screen. The data is a fixed text string, “ENTER ALARM STATUS”. The second data item
is written to entry field number 17 on the main screen. The data is the value of the point A100.
The third data item is written to entry field number 2 on the subscreen. The data is a fixed
constant 1234.

650 TRN350_100
38.4 XPID_DIGITAL (121)

38.4 XPID_DIGITAL (121)

XPID_DIGITAL allows you to change the setpoint or output fields of an XPID-type algorithm.

Note: The XPID_DIGITAL application program generates Operator Event Messages.

Two formats exist for this program. The simple format requires one argument and allows you to
move the setpoint/output to a predefined value immediately or to slew the setpoint/output to the
value over a period of 20 seconds.

If you want to change the setpoint, the new value must be read from entry field 1 on the
currently displayed window. If you want to change the output, the new value must be read from
entry field 2 on the currently displayed window.

The enhanced format uses five parameters. The function number indicates either a setpoint or an
output change. Both the new set value and the slew rate can be entered from entry fields, or the
data can be specified in an additional parameter. A screen index is used to define the window
from which the entry fields are read. The value and slew rate parameters can be a constant, a
point name and record field, or be defined using pointers ($P, $H, and so forth.)

Note: Use the CNTRL_POKE (6) program to activate the algorithm(s) for this application
program. The first system ID specified (sysid1) is used for all SETPOINT functions. The second
system ID specified (sysid2) is used for all OUTPUT functions.

Function Lockout



x x
Refer to Implementing Security (see page 645) for an explanation of the above functions.

POKE_FLD x y w h state poke_type num_of_progs prog_num
diag_name num_of_args function [ef_value si_value|value ef_slew


x, y, w, h, state Standard POKE_FLD parameters. See the POKE_FLD command.

poke_type Poke type (7 or 23 may be used for this application program.)
num_of_progs Number of programs to be executed (usually 1, unless additional application
programs are linked to this poke field. Otherwise, the number of application programs
being executed is entered.)
prog_num Application program number. For this program, enter 121 on the command line.
diag_name Name of the diagram to display. Valid entries include: alphanumeric, numeric,
variables, $P pointer or $T pointer if used in a macro. (0 is required if no other
diagram is called.) For this application program, enter 0 on the command line.
num_of_args Number of arguments for this application program.
Valid values are 1 or 5.

TRN350_100 651
38.4 XPID_DIGITAL (121)

function If num_of_args = 1, valid values are:

 1 = change setpoint with no slew (read value from window entry field 1.)
 2 = change output with no slew (read value from window entry field 2.)
 3 = change setpoint with 20 second slew rate (read value from window entry field
 4 = change output with 20 second slew rate (read value from window entry field 2.)

If num_of_args = 5, valid values are:
 1 = change setpoint
 2 = change output

If num_of_args = 5, enter a value for ef_value, si_value, ef_slew, and si_slew.

ef_value Entry field number for value (enter 0 if using parameter list)

si_value Entry field screen index for value (enter if ef_value > 0.) Valid entries are:
 1 = Entry field in main screen.

 2 = Entry field in subscreen.

 7 = Entry field in window.
 S:current_screen_index

User_defined: Variable, Pointer, $constn (n = 1:256) $setn (n= 1:256)

value New set value (enter if ef_value = 0)
ef_slew Entry field number for slew rate (enter 0 if using parameter list)
si_slew Entry field screen index for slew rate (enter if ef_slew > 0.) Valid entries are:
 1 = Entry field in main screen.

 2 = Entry field in subscreen.

 7 = Entry field in window.
 S:current_screen_index

User_defined: Variable, Pointer, $constn (n = 1:256) $setn (n= 1:256)

slew Slew rate in seconds (enter if ef_slew = 0)
Valid range = 1 - 255.


Example 1

POKE_FLD 274 2911 989 1081 ON 7 2 6 0 5 \001-00123\ ID \001-00123\

ID 1 9 2 121 0 1 1


274 x
2911 y

652 TRN350_100
38.4 XPID_DIGITAL (121)

989 w
1081 h
ON state
7 poke_type
2 num_of_progs
6 prog_num
0 diag_name
5 num_of_args
\001-00123\ ID point1
\001-00123\ ID point2
1 trig_num
9 set_num
2 setval
121 prog_num
0 diag_name
1 num_of_args
1 = change setpoint with no slew. function

In Example 1, the setpoint of \001-00123\ changes with no slew. When the poke field is selected,
application program number 6, CNTRL_POKE, is executed to select point \001-00123\ for control.
Then XPID_DIGITAL is executed to perform the control action. The control action is specified by
the function parameter which indicates change setpoint with no slew. The new setpoint is read
from entry field number one of the window, and the necessary point attributes are changed by the
program to change the set point.

Example 2

For windows with multiple MA Stations, Emerson recommends that both Poke Type 7 and 23 be
used for control, as shown below:

POKE_FLD 274 2911 989 1081 ON 7 2 6 0 5 \001-00123\ ID \001-

000123\ ID 1 9 2
POKE_FLD 419 10111 412 322 ON 23 1 2 1 121 0 5 1 0 $P3 $S0 0 30


x 274
y 2911
w 989
h 1081
state ON
poke_type 7
num_of_progs 2

TRN350_100 653
38.4 XPID_DIGITAL (121)

prog_num 6
diag_name 0
num_of_args 5
point1 \001-00123\ ID
point2 \001-00123\ ID
trig_num 1
set_num 9
setval 2
x 419
y 10111
w 412
h 322
state ON
poke_type 23
set_num 1
set_val 2
num_of_progs 1
prog_num 121
diag_name 0
num_of_args 5
function 1 = change setpoint
ef_value 0
value new set value = $P3 $S0
ef_slew 0
slew slew rate = 5 seconds

In Example 2, the setpoint of \001-00123\ changes using a slew rate. The program
CNTRL_POKE is used to select the point for control as in the first example (this is defined by
poke type 7.) Poke type 23 is used to execute the XPID_DIGITAL program. The entry field
number for the setpoint is zero which means that the new setpoint is defined in the next
parameter. The setpoint value is obtained from the memory location defined by the $P3 $S0
parameter. The entry field for the slew rate is also zero so the slew rate is defined by the next
parameter which is five seconds.

Note: Make sure that the set numbers and set values defined for Poke Type 7 are the same as
those defined for Poke Type 23.

654 TRN350_100
S E C T I O N 39

Adding Application Programs to Graphics Builder



What is the GBNT:Application Programs window? ......................................................... 655

To add application programs to Graphics Builder windows ............................................ 658
To edit application program parameters ......................................................................... 660
To remove an application program ................................................................................. 662
To re-order programs in the Selected Programs List ...................................................... 662
What is the RUN_PROGRAMS command? ................................................................... 663

39.1 What is the GBNT:Application Programs w indow ?

The GBNT:Application Programs window provides a user friendly way to add/edit application
programs used on the following Graphics Builder windows:
 Poke Field (poke type 7 and 23).
 OL Button (when using poke type 7 and 23 functionality).
 Button (when using poke type 7 and 23 functionality).
 Function key.
 Run Programs.
Application programs are selected from a defined list. Once you select a program, you define the
parameter values for the selected program. Note that you must use the graphical user interface to
add/change programs. You cannot manually enter application programs in the windows listed
above. Of course, you still have the option to type commands into the source file via the
Integrated Source Editor or the generic text editor.

For more information on application programs, refer to Ovation Graphics Language Reference

39.1.1 To access the GBNT:Application Programs window

Follow the steps below to access the GBNT:Application Programs window.

1. Access one of the following windows:

 Poke (Options 7) (see page 608).
 Poke (Control 23) (see page 611).
 OL_Button (see page 620).
 Button (see page 623).
 Function Key.

TRN350_100 655
39.1 What is the GBNT:Application Programs window?

 Run_Programs (see page 663).

Note: For example purposes, these procedures use the Run_Programs window. The window
works the same way for the other commands as well.

2. Select the application programs icon (bottom icon under the "X").

Figure 287: GBNT:Add new RUN_PROGRAMS cmd window showing application programs

The GBNT:Application Programs window appears.

Figure 288: GBNT:Application Programs window

656 TRN350_100
39.1 What is the GBNT:Application Programs window?

39.1.2 Application Programs window fields and descriptions

The GBNT:Application Programs window comprises four display areas, two checkboxes, and
several buttons.


Application Program Displays the list of available application programs. Select one of the
List (display area) checkboxes below the scrolling list to determine how you want to display the
application programs:
 Display Program by Group -- Application programs are grouped by
function and the groups are listed in the scrolling list. Expand and collapse
the folders (+/- icons) to see which programs belong to certain groups.
 Display Program by Number -- Lists the applications numerically by
program number.
Associated Diagram Defines the diagram name for the selected application program (if a diagram
Name name is required for that program). The browse button (...) beside the entry
field is used to search for diagram names.
The diagram name entry field and browse button are disabled when no
diagram is required for the selected application program.
Application Program Middle display area that shows the diagram name (that is associated with the
Parameter List selected application program) and the parameters that must be defined for
(display area) the selected application program.
Selected Program List Displays the list of application programs that are to be added to the Poke,
(display area) OL_Button, Button, Function Key or Run Programs window.
Browse: PTS button Displays the Application Program: Point Browser window which allows you to
search for points when using the Application Program GUI.
Browse: VAR button Displays the Application Program: Variable Browser window which allows you
to search for variables when using the Application Program GUI.
Add button Moves the selected application program from the Application Program
Parameter List to the Selected Programs List. All parameter information must
be accurate and complete before application programs can be moved.
Note that the Add button becomes a Modify button when editing programs
that have already been added to the Selected Programs List.
Remove button Deletes the highlighted application program from the Selected Programs List.
Program Order Changes the execution order of the application programs in the Selected
buttons Programs List. Highlight a program and use the up or down arrow keys to
move the program up or down.
Help text display area After an application program is selected from the list, help text displays which
(rectangular display describes the function of the program.
area at the bottom of
the window)
Continue Quits the GBNT:Application Programs window and adds the selected
application programs to the originating window (Poke, OL_Button, Button,
Function Key, Run_Programs). The Continue button is only active when you
make a change to the Selected Programs List.
Cancel Quits the GBNT:Application Programs window without adding any application
programs to the originating window (Poke, OL_Button, Button, Function Key,
Help Provides online help for the GBNT:Application Programs window.

TRN350_100 657
39.2 To add application programs to Graphics Builder windows

39.2 To add application programs to Graphics Builder w indow s

1. Access the GBNT:Application Programs window (see page 655).
2. When the window appears, determine how you want the available application programs to be
listed. Place a checkmark in one of the following boxes:
 Display Programs by Group -- Application programs are grouped by function and the
groups are listed in the scrolling list. Expand and collapse the folders (+/- icons) to see
which programs belong to certain groups.
 Display Programs by Number -- Lists the applications numerically by program number.
3. After you make a selection in Step 2, select an application program from the Application
Program List window pane.

Note: Help information for the selected application program appears in the area under the

4. When you select an application program, the parameters that must be defined for that
program appear in the Application Program Parameter List (middle section). See the following

Figure 289: GBNT:Application Programs window showing parameter to be defined

Some parameter entry fields will appear with values when default values are available. (Note
that you can change these values by clicking in the entry field and making the change.) Other
entry fields will be blank, and you must supply the necessary information (for example, a point
name). You will not be able to add the application program to the Selected Programs List until
all the parameter information is accurate and complete.

658 TRN350_100
39.2 To add application programs to Graphics Builder windows

Notes: Select the Browse PTS or the Browse VAR buttons to access the Applications Program
Point Browser and Variable Browser windows respectively. These windows allow you to easily
search for points and variables.

Certain application programs require a diagram name as a parameter. To search for diagram
names, use the ... button to access the GBNT:Diagram Browser. Note that the diagram name
entry field and browse button are disabled when no diagram is required for the selected
application program.

5. Enter all of the required parameter information. When finished, select the Add button. The
application program is added to the Selected Programs List if there are no errors in the
6. Repeat Steps 3 through 5 for every application program that you want to add to the Selected
Programs List. From the Selected Programs List, you may also:
 Select the Remove button to delete application programs from the list.
 Use the Program Order buttons to reorder the execution of the application programs.
Highlight the application program and use the up or down arrow buttons to move the
program higher or lower in the list.
7. Select one of the following buttons:
 Continue -- Quits the GBNT:Application Programs window and adds the selected
application programs to the originating window (Poke type 7 or 23, OL_Button, Button,
Function Key, Run_Programs). The Continue button is only active when you make a
change to the Selected Programs List (add a program in the list, modify a program in the
list, remove a program in the list, or change the program order in the list.
 Cancel -- Quits the GBNT:Application Programs window without adding any application
programs to the originating window (Poke type 7 or 23, OL_Button, Button, Function Key,
 Help -- Provides online help for the GBNT:Application Programs window.
8. Return to the destination window (Poke type 7 or 23, OL_Button, Button, Function Key, or
Run Programs. Notice that the application program name appears on the window.

Figure 290: GBNT:Add new RUN_PROGRAMS cmd window showing application program

TRN350_100 659
39.3 To edit application program parameters

39.3 To edit application program parameters

Follow the steps below to edit the parameters for application programs:

1. From any dialog box that supports application programs (Poke type 7 or 23, OL_Button,
Button, Function Key, Add new Run_Programs, and Edit Run_Programs), double-click on an
application program to edit.

Figure 291: Application Programs portion of window

Note: Only a single application program in the list can be selected at a time.

660 TRN350_100
39.3 To edit application program parameters

2. The GBNT:Application Programs window displays showing the parameters for the selected
program. Notice that the Add button becomes a Modify button.

Figure 292: GBNT:Application Programs window showing parameters to edit

3. Make the desired changes to the program parameters, and select the Modify button. The
parameter changes are saved.
4. Select the Continue button to complete the editing process and return to the original window.

TRN350_100 661
39.4 To remove an application program

39.4 To remove an application program

There are two ways to remove application programs:

From a dialog box that supports application programs

1. From any dialog box that supports application programs (Poke type 7 or 23, OL_Button,
Button, Function Key, Add new Run_Programs, and Edit Run_Programs), select (highlight)
the application program to delete in the list of Application Programs.

Figure 293: Application Programs portion of window

Note: Only a single application program in the list can be selected at a time.

2. Click the X icon to delete the selected application program.

3. Select the OK/Apply button to save the changes.

From the GBNT:Application Programs window

1. Access the GBNT:Application Programs window (see page 655).
2. Select the program that you want to delete from the Selected Programs List (right-most
3. Once an application program is selected, the buttons at the bottom of the list become active
4. Select the Remove button. The program is deleted.
5. Press the Continue button to save the changes and return to the originating dialog box.

39.5 To re-order programs in the Selected Programs List

The order that application programs are placed in the Selected Programs List determines their
order of execution on a diagram. To change the order, follow the steps below:

1. Access the GBNT:Application Programs window (see page 655).

2. Select an application program in the Selected Programs List (right-most section).
3. Once an application program is selected, the buttons at the bottom of the list become active.
4. Use the up and down Program Order buttons to move the selected program up/down in
position respectively. Repeat this step for every program you want to move.
5. Press the Continue button to save the changes and return to the originating window.

662 TRN350_100
39.6 What is the RUN_PROGRAMS command?

39.6 What is the RUN_PROGRAMS command?

The RUN_PROGRAMS command is used to run one or more application programs during
graphic execution. Like a poke field or button, the RUN_PROGRAMS command uses a list of
application programs as parameters. However, unlike a poke field or button, a RUN_PROGRAMS
command has no associated display item in the Graphics Builder edit session.

In previous versions of Ovation, the only way to add/edit a RUN_PROGRAMS command was by
typing the syntax into the integrated source editor or the generic text editor. The Graphics Builder
now offers user friendly windows that allow you to add and edit RUN_PROGRAMS commands
and to easily specify application program parameters.

The GBNT:Add new RUN_PROGRAMS cmd window can be accessed from the Draw toolbar or
from the Edit menu on the Integrated Source Editor window (see page 699).

Refer to Ovation Graphics Language Manual for more information on application programs and
the RUN_PROGRAMS command.

39.6.1 To add RUN_PROGRAMS commands

1. Access the Graphics Builder.
2. Select the Run_Programs icon at the end of the Draw toolbar. The GBNT:Add new
RUN_PROGRAMS cmd window displays.

Figure 294: GBNT:Add new RUN_PROGRAMS cmd window

3. Pull down the section menu and select where in the graphic (place (see page 534)) to put the
RUN_PROGRAMS command. The valid choices are: background, foreground, trigger (1 -
255), and macro_trigger (1 - 255).

TRN350_100 663
39.6 What is the RUN_PROGRAMS command?

Note: The RUN_PROGRAMS command cannot be used in the diagram or keyboard section.

4. Enter the source line number in the line# entry field. The RUN_PROGRAMS command will
be placed at this exact line number in the source file. Note that this field is pre-initialized for
you based on the next available line in the Source Editor. The window will not allow you to
select a line number that is not in a valid section.

Note: You can only make changes to the section and line number before pressing the
OK/Apply button.

5. To add, modify, delete, or copy application programs, follow the instructions in Adding
Application Programs to Graphics Builder windows (see page 655).
6. Select one of the following buttons:
Ok — Saves the selected settings, and quits the Add new RUN_PROGRAMS cmd window.
Apply — Saves the selected settings, but the Add new RUN_PROGRAMS cmd window
remains open.
Cancel — Quits the Add new RUN_PROGRAMS cmd window without saving any changes.
Help — Provides help information on the Add new RUN_PROGRAMS cmd window.

Note: There is no display item associated with the RUN_PROGRAMS command. You do not
drag/position anything, and you do not see anything on the graphic to represent it.

664 TRN350_100
S E C T I O N 40

Editing graphics


Working with selected items and groups ........................................................................ 665

40.1 Working w ith selected items and groups

After you draw an item on the main Graphics Builder drawing canvas, it may be necessary to
make changes. Before you can edit items, you must have an understanding of how "selecting"
works in the Graphics Builder. Also, it is sometimes necessary to treat a set of items as a single
entity. The grouping mechanism allows you to do this. Once a group is defined, it is
selected/deselected in the same manner as a single item.

Note: Some procedures call for pressing down on the Control key on the keyboard at the same
time you left-click the mouse. Throughout this section, this is referred to as Ctrl + left-click.

40.1.1 To select overlaid item(s)/group(s)

Use the following steps to select overlaid items and groups.

 To select an item underneath another item on the graphic, first click in the item with the
left mouse button. The Graphics Builder will select the first item it finds that is within the
tolerance (approximately five pixels) for selection.
 If the item selected (marked by the selection handles) is not the item you want to select,
press the Enter key on the keyboard to go to the next item under the mouse pointer.
 If that is still not the desired item, press the Enter key again and again until the desired
item is selected. The Enter key will move through a circular list of all possible items within
the tolerance under the mouse pointer.

The Enter key only selects the next item in the list of all possible items under the mouse pointer
— it does not also move that item to the front.

TRN350_100 665
40.1 Working with selected items and groups

If desired, use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + H) to hide selected items before successively
pressing the Enter key to get the undesirable items out of view and essentially move the desired
item to the front (see Temporarily hiding item(s)/group(s) in the Graphics Builder (see page 669)
for more information).

If you have two overlaid filled rectangles or poke fields that are exactly the same size and the
handles for both items are in the exact same places, it appears that nothing is happening
when you press the Enter key. To check if the selection is changing, access the Integrated
Source Editor window and see if the cursor in the source editor window moves to a different
line when you press the Enter key.
If nothing is happening after you press the Enter key, make sure that you are not pressing
any other key or mouse button in combination with the Enter key. Also, make sure that you
did the initial select of the item with the left mouse button prior to pressing the Enter key.

40.1.2 Jog mode

Jog mode allows you to move a selected item/group by one pixel at a time in any direction. This
function is used when precise positioning of an item is desired. Jog mode can be used in
conjunction with move or resize operations. It can also be used in vertex edit mode to move the
vertex of a line, polygon, rectangle, bar, trend, xy plot, poke field, or plot. While in jog mode, the
arrow keys on the right keypad on the keyboard are used to manipulate the display item.
 To use jog mode to move all currently selected items, press the arrow keys on the keyboard.
 To use jog mode to move a handle (for resize), do the following:
 Select the item/group to resize.
 Start the resize process by positioning the mouse pointer on a resize handle and holding
down the left mouse button.
 While holding down the left mouse button on the handle (for resize), use your other hand
to press down on one of the arrow keys on the keyboard (up, down, left, or right) to
implement jog mode.
 Release the mouse button to terminate the resize process.
 To use jog mode to move a vertex (in vertex edit mode), do the following:
 Select the item for vertex edit. Only certain items support vertex edit. (See Editing
Vertices in the Graphics Builder Edit Menu.)
 Select the vertex edit menu item on the Edit menu (or select the corresponding vertex
edit mode toolbar button on the align/space toolbar). Vertex edit handles (“x”) appear on
the vertices of the selected item.
 Start the vertex move process by positioning the mouse pointer on a vertex edit handle
and press and hold down the left mouse button.
 While holding down the left mouse button on the vertex edit handle, use your other hand
to press any of the arrow keys on the keyboard (up, down , left, or right) to implement jog
mode. Repeat pressing arrow keys until the vertex is at the desired location.
 Release the mouse button to terminate the vertex edit move function.

666 TRN350_100
40.1 Working with selected items and groups

Note: The arrow keys do not override the setting for drag/draw constraint. If the drag/draw
constraint is set to vert (you can only move up and down), you cannot use the left or right arrow
keys in jog mode. Similarly, if the drag/draw constraint is set to horz (you can only move left and
right), you cannot use the up or down arrow keys in jog mode.

Jog mode moves the pointer by one screen pixel — not by one virtual pixel. Depending on the
current zoom level, one screen pixel may not correspond to one virtual pixel. This is important if
you want to abut lines (make them touch). You must zoom in to the lowest level (where one
screen pixel corresponds to one virtual pixel) and then use jog mode to abut the lines. This
guarantees that the lines touch at all zoom levels.

40.1.3 To resize an item or group proportional to itemN

The Resize-to-itemN menu option allows resizing of a selected item/group relative to some other
item on the drawing canvas. With this option, you are setting the width and/or height of a selected
item/group to the width and/or height of some other display item on the graphic (itemN) multiplied
by a width and/or height scale factor set on the GBNT:Resize Scale Factors window.

Only one item/group can be resized-proportional-to-itemN at a time. The resize-to-itemN menu

item is not active if more than one item/group is currently selected. There is no corresponding
toolbar button or keyboard accelerator key for this function.

1. Access the Graphics Builder.

2. Set the scale factors on the GBNT:Resize Scale Factors window, as desired.
3. Select the item/group to be resized.

TRN350_100 667
40.1 Working with selected items and groups

4. Pull down the Edit menu and select Resize-to-itemN. Pull right to display another menu of

Figure 295: Resize-to-itemN menu

5. Select one of the four menu items from the Resize-to-itemN pull-right menu:
 Make same size as itemN - makes the selected item/group the same width and height
as itemN.
 Make same width as itemN - makes the selected item/group the same width as itemN.
The height of the selected item/group does not change.
 Make same height as itemN - makes the selected item/group the same height as itemN.
The width of the selected item/group does not change.
 Make proportional to itemN - makes selected item/group proportional to itemN
according to the width and height scale factors set on the GBNT:Resize Scale Factors
dialog box.

Note: If you select Make proportional to itemN, make sure you have defined the appropriate
scale factors on the GBNT:Resize Scale Factors window.

6. Once you make a menu selection, a message displays at the lower left-hand corner of the
Graphics Builder window stating <Drag mouse & left click to select target item [use ENTER for
overlaid items]>.

668 TRN350_100
40.1 Working with selected items and groups

7. Hover the mouse pointer over the desired itemN. As the mouse pointer moves on the
canvas, hollow handles display around other items on the display canvas. When the hollow
handles are around the desired itemN, left-click to select it. The original item will be resized
proportional to itemN.

Note: In the case of overlaid items, pressing the ENTER key repeatedly without moving the
mouse will circulate through a list of all of the possible items under the mouse.

40.1.4 Temporarily hiding item(s)/group(s) in the Graphics Builder

You can temporarily hide certain display items during a Graphics Builder edit session. Hiding
display items helps when you want to view or edit overlaid items on a graphic which are obscured
by other item(s). Items are only hidden during the current edit session; all display items are
automatically shown the next time the graphic is opened. The source for items is always visible in
both the integrated source editor and the generic text editor (even if the display of the item on the
graphic is hidden).

You can perform the following hide/show actions:

 Hide all selected items.
 Hide all non-selected items.
 Hide all items in the current place.
 Hide all items not in the current place.
 Show all previously hidden items (see page 670).
The hide/show menu items are accessed from the Graphics Builder View menu. You can also
access these functions from the GBNT:Show/hide toolbar.

Note: There are keyboard accelerators (shortcuts) for hiding selected items and for showing all
hidden items. The keyboard accelerator Ctrl + H can be used in conjunction with the Enter key
to hide overlaid items (see page 665) when moving through the list of all possible items. This will
essentially move the desired item to the front.

40.1.5 Rules pertaining to the hide/show functionality

Adhere to the following rules when using the hide/show functionality:

 When an item is hidden, it cannot be selected on the drawing canvas (even by dragging a
 If the source for a hidden item is selected in the Integrated Source Editor, that item (and only
that item) is automatically shown on the graphic.
 If an item is grouped, the entire group is hidden or shown. It is not possible to hide part of a
 Use the place drop-down menu on the GBNT:Drawing Attrs toolbar to set the current place for
the Hide current place and Hide NOT in current place functions.
 Macros, like groups, cannot be partially hidden. For example: if a macro command exists in
the DIAGRAM section, and it contains display items in the BACKGROUND section, if you
execute the Hide current place function when the current place is set to background, the
entire macro is hidden.
 The Show hidden items function shows all currently hidden items. It is not possible to only
show a subset of the hidden items. Even if you hide items in multiple steps, when you select
the Show hidden items function, all of the hidden items will be shown.

TRN350_100 669
40.1 Working with selected items and groups

40.1.6 To show all temporarily hidden item(s)/group(s)

1. Access the Graphics Builder and open a graphic that has draw items that are hidden.
2. Pull down the View menu and select Show hidden items.
All items that were hidden are now visible.

40.1.7 To work on items made accessible by hiding other items

1. Access the Graphics Builder and open a graphic that you want to work on.
2. Temporarily hide (see page 670) the items or groups that you do not want to work on.
3. If necessary, ungroup any groups that you want to work on.
4. Make any desired changes to the visible items.
5. Re-group any items if necessary.
6. Pull down the View menu and select Show hidden items to return the graphic to its original

40.1.8 To edit grouped items

The Graphics Builder does NOT allow you to edit grouped items – you must ungroup first to edit
the individual items making up a group. Be careful when editing the individual items and/or re-
grouping afterwards if there are overlaid items on the graphic, or if there are many display items
on the graphic around the group to be edited.

1. Access the Graphics Builder and open a graphic with grouped items.
2. Select the group to edit.
3. Pull down the View menu and select Hide non-selected items.
Everything but the group to edit on the graphic will be hidden.
4. Ungroup the group.
5. Make the desired changes to the individual items.
6. Drag a rectangle on the graphic to select all the items (only the items that make up the group
should be visible).
7. Group the items.
8. Pull down the View menu and select Show hidden items to return the graphic to its original

40.1.9 Copying and Pasting item(s) or group(s) using the Duplicates function

You can make multiple copies of an item within a graphic using the Duplicates item on the Edit

To copy an item/group using the Duplicates function

Use the following procedures to make copies of a single item or group using the Duplicates

1. Access the Graphics Builder and open a graphic.

2. Select the item or group to be copied.

670 TRN350_100
40.1 Working with selected items and groups

3. Pull down the Edit menu and select Duplicates. Pull right to display another menu of numbers
between 1 and 10.
4. Select the desired number of duplicates from the pull-right menu.

Note: The Duplicates function is only valid when a single item/group is selected.

A duplicate mode message displays in the left footer of the Graphics Builder window after
selecting the count. The outlining rectangles of the copies are initially displayed overlaid on
top of the original item, and the mouse pointer is positioned at the upper left corner of the
item/group to copy.

Figure 296: Example of the Duplicates function

5. Without pressing any mouse buttons, begin moving the pointer. As the pointer moves, the
spacing between successive copies is calculated. The outlining rectangles for the copies drag
as the mouse pointer moves.
6. Click to mark the final position of the copies.

TRN350_100 671
40.1 Working with selected items and groups

40.1.10 Copying and pasting item(s) or group(s) from one graphic to another

The Graphics Builder supports an interactive copy and paste function which can be used to copy
selected items/groups from one graphic to another. These functions are implemented via the
Copy and Paste menu items found on the Edit menu on the main Graphics Builder window. The
items/groups are stored in an internal buffer.

Only the selected items/groups and their attributes (color, conditionals, line width, and so forth)
are copied to the internal buffer. The overall diagram background color is not copied. You cannot
use these functions to copy and paste to and from the source editor window or the interactive
conditional pop-up windows.

If the aspect ratio of the copied items is to be maintained during the paste, it is necessary that the
width/height of the diagram the items were copied from is the same as the width/height of the
diagram the items are pasted into. If the dimensions of the diagram copied from are different than
the dimensions of the diagram to paste into, aspect ratio will not be maintained. It is your
responsibility to be aware of this and manage this if required.

To copy items/groups to the internal buffer:

1. Access the Graphics Builder and open a graphic.
2. Select the items/groups to be copied.
3. Pull down the Edit menu and select Copy. (Copy is also available from the right-click menu, a
keyboard shortcut and the GBNT:Edit toolbar.)
4. All of the items/groups selected will be copied. No processing message displays during the
copy since it is almost instantaneous.

To paste from the internal buffer:

1. Open the graphic that is to receive the copied item/group.
2. Pull down the Edit menu and select Paste. (Paste is also available from the right-click menu,
a keyboard shortcut, and the GBNT:Edit toolbar.)
3. Press and hold the left mouse button with the mouse pointer on the canvas. An outlining
rectangle will appear at the location of the mouse pointer. This rectangle represents the
dimensions of the items/groups being pasted.
4. Move the rectangle to the desired location and release the mouse button. The rectangle will
be erased and the items/groups will be displayed.
After the paste operation, whatever was pasted is selected on the graphic. Also, if more than
one item was pasted, the items are grouped together. Ungroup them by selecting Ungroup
from the Edit menu, if desired.

672 TRN350_100
S E C T I O N 41

Understanding Macros


Macro Overview .............................................................................................................. 674

Naming macros ............................................................................................................... 675
Creating macros .............................................................................................................. 676
What is the Macro dialog box? ........................................................................................ 679
Inverting and rotating Macros .......................................................................................... 685
What is the Macro Explorer dialog box? ......................................................................... 687
Macro support files .......................................................................................................... 689
What is the Macros w/invalid param counts dialog box? ................................................ 689
Understanding how macros are merged into a parent graphic ....................................... 693
Using the Unmacro feature ............................................................................................. 694

TRN350_100 673
41.1 Macro Overview

41.1 Macro Overview

Macros are graphic files built within the Graphics Builder which are used to integrate a set of
graphics commands into another diagram. Logic, conditionals, pointer commands, as well as
display items, can be used to create macros. (See the Ovation Graphics Language Reference

Macros automate the tedious and repetitive tasks that would otherwise require you to repeatedly
draw the same diagram or diagram section. After macros are created and integrated into a parent
diagram, they function as a single entity within the parent diagram. They can be moved, copied,
grouped, resized, rotated, inverted, and erased within a diagram.

Macros can be created with tagout (substitution) parameters for certain types of data (such as
process points) so that you can pass such data into the macro when you add the macro to a
parent graphic. The draw attributes for the items in the macro that have no tagout parameters
(such line pattern, fill pattern, line width and so forth) cannot be changed.

The Graphics Builder provides several dialogs for working with macros:
 GBNT:Macro dialog box -- used to add a macro to a graphic and/or to edit the tagout
parameters for an existing macro on a graphic.
 GBNT:Macro Explorer dialog box -- used to browse for all available macros in your system.
From the Macro Explorer dialog box, you can search for macros pictorially, by whole or partial
macro name, or by some string within the macro description. The Macro Explorer dialog box
is accessed from the Macro dialog box.
 GBNT:Macro Notes & Parameter Info dialog box -- allows you to define custom notes,
custom tagout parameter labels, and default tagout parameter values for a macro.
 GBNT:Macros w/invalid param counts dialog box -- shows all instances of macros in the
loaded graphic which are passing an invalid number of tagout parameters to the macro. This
dialog box is useful in the event that an existing macro graphic changes in your system and
now requires a different number of parameters. When you open graphics containing such
macros in the Graphics Builder, this dialog box points you immediately to the erroneous
macros so that you can correct their parameter lists.
 GBNT:Multiply Defined Macros dialog box -- shows all macros that exist in your system in
more than one folder. Macros are global to your system, and any given macro should only
exist once in the macro hierarchy.
Like other graphics, the Graphics Builder creates a source (macro*.src) version of the macro and
an object (macro*.diag) version of the macro when it saves a macro graphic. The .diag version of
the macro (as opposed to the .src version) is merged into the parent diagram. When you modify a
macro graphic in your system, or when you upgrade to new Ovation software, it is imperative that
you compile macros before the other graphics in your system. If the .diag version of the macro
being used by the parent graphic is not up to date, the parent graphic becomes corrupted.

674 TRN350_100
41.2 Naming macros

41.2 Naming macros

Macro diagrams must be named according to a predefined naming convention. It is your

responsibility to follow this convention. Macros are named in the following way:

macroN.diag, macroN.src

where: N = the user-defined portion of the macro name.

The first five characters of the actual macro filename on disk are always "macro." The "N" is the
user-defined part of the name and can be comprised of alphanumeric (0-9, a-z, A-Z), dash, and
underscore characters only. Blanks are not supported. The "N" portion of the macro name can be
a maximum of 35 characters long. The complete macro name ("macro" + user-defined name (N))
can be a maximum of 40 characters long. The 40 character limit does not include the file
extension (.src or .diag).

An example of just the "N" portion of the macro name could be "Pump." When you add the
"Macro" portion and the file extension (.src or .diag), the complete macro name would be

Note: When specifying a macro name, sometimes you must include the "macro" part and
sometimes you only include the user-defined name (N) part. Refer to Rules for specifying macro
names (see page 675) for more information.

The entire macro filename (macro + N + file extension) is NOT case- sensitive. This means that
"macro1.src" is the same as "MACRO1.SRC."

41.2.1 Rules for specifying macro names

The rules for specifying macro names vary depending on where you are entering the name.
Macro names have three parts:

"macro" + a user-defined name (N) + extension (.src or .diag).

For example, in some instances you do not have to enter the word "macro" when specifying the
macro name. This is because the word "macro" is implicit (or implied) in a particular instance.
Some instances do not require the file extension (.src or .diag), while other instances require that
you enter the complete macro name along with its full directory path.

The following table lists the possible locations for entering a macro and what part of the macro
name should be entered by the user.

Rules for specifying macro names


MACRO command syntax (enter via the Enter only the user-defined name (N).
Source Editor or generic text editor)
GBNT:Macro dialog box Enter only the user-defined name (N) in the Name field.
GBNT:Macro Explorer dialog box Enter only the user-defined name (N) in the Name field.
Only the user-defined name (N) shows in both the tree
view (left pane) and the thumbnail view (right pane) of
the GBNT:Macro Explorer dialog box.

TRN350_100 675
41.3 Creating macros


Loading, saving, and compiling a macro in the Specified like any other file name, typically in a Browse
Graphics Builder dialog box.
Importing graphic
Performing a global replace
Ovation Developer Studio Specify the name as "MacroN"
For instance, to create the macro PUMP, you must enter
MACROPUMP in the entry field.

41.3 Creating macros

Macros are created in the same way that other graphics are created. The difference between
creating a regular diagram and a macro is that macros must follow a specific naming convention
(see page 675) and be placed in a specific folder hierarchy.

In the online version of the Graphics Builder, new macros are first created from within the Ovation
Developer Studio. In the Studio, you define the macro name and the Macro folder in the
Developer Studio system tree (see Rules for specifying macro names (see page 675) for more
information). Once you insert the macro name in the Developer Studio (see page 676), a blank
Graphics Builder display canvas appears ready for you to create the macro.

In the offline version of the Graphics Builder, the New function (accessed from the File menu or
the Main toolbar) is used to access a blank Graphics Builder drawing canvas for you to create the
macro. Macros built in the offline Graphics Builder must still follow the macro naming convention.
When saving the macro, you specify a macro folder and give it a macro name. When building
macros offline, you must use the Import Graphics function to move the graphic to the Developer
Studio, then perform a download of that macro. You can then load the updated graphic in a
Graphics Display (process diagram) window.

Once you create a macro (either online or offline), you can view or edit it using the GBNT:Macro
dialog (see page 679).

41.3.1 To insert a macro in the Ovation Developer Studio

Use the following procedure to insert a macro in the Developer Studio.

1. Launch the Developer Studio.

2. Use the system tree (in the Hardware view bar) to navigate to the Macros folder:
3. Right-click on Macros.

676 TRN350_100
41.3 Creating macros

4. Select Insert New. The Insert New Macros Wizard appears.

Figure 297: Insert New Macros Wizard

5. Enter the desired macro name. Refer to Naming Macros (see page 675) for more information.

Note: When entering the macro name in the Ovation Developer Studio, you must enter the word
"Macro" followed by the user-defined part of the name. Refer to Rules for specifying macro
names (see page 675) for more information.

6. Select Finish. The New Macros window appears.

7. Enter a description for the diagram in the Description entry field. The description is limited to
60 characters and can include blanks. This parameter is optional and may be left blank.
 The Name entry field is pre-filled from the name that you entered in the Insert New
Macros Wizard (Step 5).
 The Type pull-down menu is read-only and is defined by the Developer Studio hierarchy
node that initiated the Insert New process. Since you invoked this function from the
Macros node in the Studio hierarchy, then the diagram type is set to Macro. You cannot
change from type Normal to type Macro or vice versa.
8. After entering the required data in the New Macros window, press the Ok or Apply button to
create the new graphic in the database and invoke the online Graphics Builder with the new,
empty graphic .src file loaded. The corresponding .diag file is not created until a Save function
is performed.

TRN350_100 677
41.3 Creating macros

41.3.2 To create a macro (online or offline Graphics Builder)

Use the following procedure to create a macro.

1. Access the Graphics Builder with a blank drawing canvas using one of the following methods:
2. If you are using the online Graphics Builder -- insert a new macro name in the Ovation
Developer Studio. See To insert a macro in the Ovation Developer Studio (see page 676) for
more information.
If you are using the offline Graphics Builder -- open the Graphics Builder, pull down the
File menu, and select New.
3. Once a blank Graphics Builder drawing canvas displays, create the macro. Use display items,
logic, conditionals, tagout parameters (where applicable), and so forth.
4. Save the macro file. If you are using the offline Graphics Builder, make sure you save it to the
macro directory and name it according to the macro naming conventions. If you are using the
online Graphics Builder, the name and folder were determined in the Developer Studio at
5. Once the macro file is saved, you can access the GBNT:Macro Notes & Parameter Info
dialog. All of the tagout parameters that were specified in the macro appear in the dialog box
(for example, it lists the number of $Dn parameters, $Tn (bg) parameters, $SETn parameters,
and so forth).
Make any desired changes to the tagout labels. If you do not make any customized labels, the
defaults are used (the defaults are the actual parameter names such as $D, $T, and so forth).
Select the OK button to save any changes.
6. Press the browse button on the GBNT:Macro dialog box to access the GBNT:Macro Explorer
dialog (see page 687). Notice that the macro that was saved now appears in the Macro
Explorer dialog box.

Note: The Graphics Builder only refreshes the tree on the GBNT:Macro Explorer dialog box at
start-up. To display a macro in the tree that was created in the current edit session, pull down
the View menu and select Refresh.

7. To add or edit parameters, see What is the Macro dialog box? (see page 679).

678 TRN350_100
41.4 What is the Macro dialog box?

41.4 What is the Macro dialog box?

The GBNT:Macro dialog box is used to interactively add a macro to a graphic and to change the
parameters being passed to an existing macro on a graphic. It is accessed from the GBNT:Draw
toolbar. From this dialog box, you can do the following:
 Preview the macro.
 Check the number of macro parameters.
 Specify/change the parameters passed to a macro.
 Set/change the scale factors for a macro.
 View user notes/comments for the macro.
 Add the macro to the currently loaded graphic.
 Edit the macro in a separate Graphics Builder edit session.
The Macro dialog box also provides a browse button to access the GBNT:Macro Explorer dialog
(see page 687) which allows you to view all available macros in your system.

The Macro dialog box appears as in the following figure when a macro is NOT currently selected
on the drawing canvas.

Figure 298: GBNT:Macro dialog box -- no macro selected

TRN350_100 679
41.4 What is the Macro dialog box?

The following table gives an overview of the Macro dialog box.

Macro Dialog box Fields and Descriptions



Name entry field Shows the macro name. The name does not include the first five characters
and drop-down (macro) of the associated file name or the .src/.diag file extension or the folder
menu path. This field is updated automatically when you select a macro on the
GBNT:Macro Explorer dialog box. You can manually type into this field. As you
type into the field, the dialog box updates based on what you type. Use the pull-
down arrow to select from the most recently used macros in the current edit
session. A macro is added to the most recently used list when you press
OK/Apply from the Macro dialog box and no errors are found.
Browse button Invokes the GBNT:Macro Explorer dialog box (see page 687) to view all
available macros in your system.
Preview/thumbnail Allows you to see a “preview” of the selected macro (if an associated preview
window bitmap file exists). This is a scaled version of the macro if the macro image is
larger than the preview box. If the macro does not contain any display items (for
example, if it only contains a color conditional), the preview will be blank. If no
macro is selected or an invalid macro name is entered in the Name field, it will
be blank.
You can preview a macro in its actual size using the Microsoft PAINT program
by left-clicking within the preview box or by pressing the view macro (in paint)
button. If a preview bitmap file does not exist for the selected macro, the
preview box is blank and the preview button is inactive. Note that you cannot
edit a macro image from the PAINT preview window.
Desc read-only text Displays the optional macro description, if defined; otherwise, this field is blank.
view macro (in Displays the full-size macro bitmap image in the Microsoft PAINT program. Use
paint) button this to view the macro when the thumbnail preview does not show enough
edit macro (in Pressing this button invokes a new instance of the Graphics Builder with the
GBNT) button given macro graphic loaded and ready for editing. Once the changes are saved
in the new instance of the Graphics Builder, you must re-select the macro on
the GBNT:Macro Explorer dialog box or re-enter the macro name on the
GBNT:Macro dialog box to see the changes reflected on the Macro dialog box.
view macro notes Allows you to see the associated notes/comments for the selected macro (if an
button associated notes file exists). If a macro notes/comments file does not exist, this
button is inactive. This button displays the macro notes/comments in a read-
only pop-up dialog box. Use the GBNT:Macro Notes & Parameter Info dialog
box to create/edit macro notes and comments.
Scale factors (w), Scales the selected macro. Macros can be scaled as long as they do not
(h) text fields contain bitmap text. If the selected macro contains at least one item created
with bitmap text, the macro cannot be scaled and the scale factor fields are
grayed out.
To draw a macro in its as built size, set the scale factors to 1.0 (to size the
macro larger than its as-built size, enter a value greater than 1.0; to size it
smaller, enter a value less than 1.0). Valid scale factors are positive integer/real
numbers. The Graphics Builder checks that no individual item making up the
macro is scaled too large or too small when the overall macro is scaled by the
specified factors.

680 TRN350_100
41.4 What is the Macro dialog box?



Parameters (read- This is a row of eight parameter type labels and a row of associated counts.
only count fields) Every time a new macro is selected from the GBNT:Macro Explorer dialog box
(or typed into the Name field on the Macro dialog box), the type labels and
counts are activated accordingly. This immediately tells you how many (and
what kind of) parameters must be passed to the macro. They are read-only
Parameters Displays the labels and values for the tagout parameters. If default values are
scrolling list defined for any parameters, they will be displayed in the table when the table is
created; otherwise, the value fields will be blank. If custom labels are defined for
any parameters, they are displayed instead of the default parameter labels.

load history Fills the parameter values list with the last displayed values in the current edit
values button session. If there is at least one applicable history value for the selected macro,
this button is active. Note that the Graphics Builder only stores history values
throughout the current edit session. Each instance of the Graphics Builder
maintains its own history list, and when that instance of the Graphics Builder is
closed, its history list is lost.
Global Only displays on the window when global substitution parameters are
substitution applicable. This field provides for the entry of the substitution replacement string
parameter (%S%) for any default values containing %S%. See Specifying Default Values for
entry field Macro $D Parameters using a %s% substitution string for a description of how
to use this entry field. Note that if a macro only uses %s3% and %s6%, then
only entry fields for those parameters will be displayed on the window.
Saves the current Global substitution parameter(%S%) setting in the
Windows Registry so that the setting will be restored on this dialog box every
time the Graphics Builder starts up. This button is only active when default
OR values are defined which contain %S% for one or more macro parameters.
The button appears blank (no disk icon) when it is inactive (when no default
values for macro parameters are defined which contain %S%).
OK Button If one or more macros are currently selected on the graphic, this button updates
the selected macros per the current settings on this dialog box. If no macros are
currently selected on the graphic, you are prompted to draw the new macro
onto the graphic. Pressing this button also closes the Macro window if no errors
are found.
Apply Button Performs the same actions as for the OK button, except that the Macro window
is not closed afterwards. The Macro window remains open.
Cancel Button Quits the Macro window without saving any changes to the currently selected
macro or drawing a new macro.

Help Button Displays help for the Macro dialog box

Note: The dividing line between the parameter label and the parameter value column is
movable. To move the dividing line, position the mouse pointer over the dividing line until the
pointer turns into a double-headed arrow, and then drag the dividing line to the desired position.
Move the line to adjust the column sizes as needed to view longer parameter labels.

TRN350_100 681
41.4 What is the Macro dialog box?

41.4.1 To specify a macro on the Macro dialog box

Use the following procedure to select a macro on the GBNT:Macro dialog box.

1. Access the Graphics Builder.

2. Select the Macro button on the GBNT:Draw toolbar. A blank GBNT:Macro dialog box
3. Select the macro that you want to add to the current graphic by one of the following methods:
a) Press the browse button to access the GBNT:Macro Explorer dialog box. From the
Macro Explorer dialog box, select the desired macro (see Using the Macro Explorer
dialog box (see page 687)). The GBNT:Macro dialog box updates immediately each
time you select a macro on the Macro Explorer dialog box.
b) Type the macro name (without the word "macro" and without the file extension (.src or
.diag)) in the Name entry field on the GBNT:Macro dialog box. The GBNT:Macro dialog
box updates as you type the characters into the name field. With each character you
enter, the Graphics Builder searches the macro hierarchy for a macro matching the text in
the Name entry field. As soon as one is found, the dialog box is updated.
c) Pull down the menu at the Name entry field to select a macro that you have recently used
in the current edit session. This pull-down menu functions as a "most recently used"
Once you select a macro by any of the means above, the GBNT:Macro dialog box updates
with the parameters for the selected macro.

41.4.2 To add a macro to a diagram

Macros can be placed in the diagram, background, foreground, keyboard, and trigger sections of
a graphic.

1. Access the Graphics Builder.

2. Select the Macro button on the GBNT:Draw toolbar. The GBNT:Macro dialog box displays.
3. From the Macro dialog box, select the macro that you want to add to the current graphic. See
To specify a macro on the Macro dialog box (see page 682) for more information.
Once you select a macro, the GBNT:Macro dialog box updates with the settings for the
selected macro (see the following figure for an example). The view macro notes button is
enabled or disabled based on whether or not any optional notes/comments are defined for the
selected macro.

682 TRN350_100
41.4 What is the Macro dialog box?

4. Select the desired scale factors for the macro. Enter a floating point number greater than 0.0
for the (w) and (h) scale factors. A scale factor of 1.0 is the as-built size of the macro. A scale
factor less than 1.0 is smaller than the as-built size; a scale factor greater than 1.0 is larger
than the as-built size of the macro. For example, if you want the macro to be half the width of
the as-built macro and twice the height of the as-built macro, you would enter 0.5 in the (w)
field and 2.0 in the (h) field.

Note: If the macro contains bitmap text, it cannot be scaled. The (w) and (h) fields will be
inactive and a ”** non-scalable **” message will appear beside the entry fields in red.

5. If applicable, enter the required macro parameter values in the parameter list. If default values
are shown for all of the parameters, and you wish to keep the default values you have nothing
to enter here. Otherwise, use the procedures in Adding/Editing Macro Parameter Values to
define each of the macro parameters.

TRN350_100 683
41.4 What is the Macro dialog box?

6. Select one of the following buttons:

Ok — Saves the selected settings, and quits the Macro window.
Apply — Saves the selected settings, but the Macro window remains open.
Cancel — Quits the Macro window without saving any changes.
Help — Provides help information on the Macro window
If errors are detected in the parameter list, the value columns of the erroneous parameters
are highlighted in red, a pop-up error dialog box displays, and the OK/Apply operation is
aborted. If no errors are found in the macro parameters (and the scale factors are valid), you
will be prompted to draw the macro outlining rectangle onto the graphic.
7. Draw the macro onto the graphic. The macro outlining rectangle appears under the mouse
pointer as soon as you press and hold the left mouse button on the graphic. As soon as you
move the mouse (still holding down the left mouse button), the macro outlining rectangle
drags to mark the position of the macro. Release the left mouse button to mark the final
desired position. The macro outlining rectangle is erased and the actual macro is drawn on
the graphic.

41.4.3 To display macro notes

The view macro notes button on the GBNT:Macro dialog box is used to display notes and
comments about a macro. This button is only active if notes or comments were defined for that
macro on the GBNT:Macro Notes & Parameter Info dialog box at a prior time. If no comments
were defined, this button is grayed-out.

1. Access the Graphics Builder and open a graphic that has a macro loaded on it.
2. Select the Macro button on the GBNT:Draw toolbar. The GBNT:Macro dialog box displays.
3. From the Macro dialog box, select the macro that you want to display. See To specify a
macro on the Macro dialog box (see page 682) for more information.
Once you select a macro, the GBNT:Macro dialog box updates with the settings for the
selected macro.
4. Press the view macro notes button to display a pop-up window showing the macro
notes/comments for the macro shown in the Name: entry field.
The title of this popup dialog box is MacroN notes, where N is the name of the macro. The
macro notes pop-up dialog box is implemented as a text field. The dialog box is realizable.
You cannot edit the notes/comments from this pop-up. They are read-only. If you want to edit
the notes, you must open the macro graphic in a separate Graphics Builder edit session and
bring up the GBNT:Macro Notes & Parameter Info dialog box and edit the notes from there.

Note: No error/spell checking is performed on the notes/comments that are entered on the
Macro Notes & Parameter Info dialog box. Whatever you enter in the text entry field when
defining the notes/comments is displayed exactly.

684 TRN350_100
41.5 Inverting and rotating Macros

41.5 Inverting and rotating Macros

Macros can be rotated and/or inverted using the GBNT:Invert/Rotate toolbar. However, if a macro
contains a non-rotatable item (such as text, process points, bars, and so forth), it cannot be
rotated. If you select a macro containing invalid items for rotation, an error displays.

When a macro is rotated or inverted in the Graphics Builder, the source syntax automatically
updates in the Integrated Source Editor. The new source syntax for the macro contains four
additional parameters to support the enhanced rotation/inversion. These additional parameters
are only present if a macro is rotated/inverted. These parameters function as a set, so either all
four parameters are present or none of them are present.

The four parameters represent the rotation (-360 through 360), inversion (NONE, RTL, TTB, or
BOTH), a post-rotate width scale factor, and a post-rotate height scale factor. You should never
add or modify these parameter via the source or text editor. They are automatically added or
modified by the Graphics Builder during an invert, rotate, and resize operation.

Notice in the following examples how rotation and inversion change the macro source syntax:

Source syntax for Macro1640 when it is not rotated and not inverted:

Macro 1640 4124 4629 1.000000 1.000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Source syntax for Macro1640 when it is rotated by 45 degrees and inverted RTL:

Macro 1640 4124 4629 1.000000 1.000000 RTL 45 1.000000 1.000000 0 0 0


41.5.1 Macro rotation restrictions

The following restrictions apply when rotating macros:

 Do not put rotated shapes in macros which you intend to rotate. For example, consider
macroNNN which contains a shape which is rotated by 45 degrees and is then sized to half its
width and two times its height. When macroNNN is used in a graphic, macroNNN cannot be
rotated because it contains a shape which is rotated by a non-90 degree increment and has
been sized after it was rotated.
 Macros that have been rotated and then resized after they were rotated cannot be rotated
again. You should resize macros before you rotate them. This restriction applies to macros
rotated by any number of degrees.
 If a macro contains a non-rotatable item (such as text, process points, bars, and so forth), it
cannot be rotated.

TRN350_100 685
41.5 Inverting and rotating Macros

41.5.2 To invert and rotate macros

Use the following procedure to invert and rotate macros.

1. Access the Graphics Builder and open a graphic that has a macro loaded on it.
2. Select the macro that you want to rotate/invert on the drawing canvas of the loaded diagram.
Handles appear around the macro as a visual clue that it is selected.
3. Access the GBNT:Invert/Rotate toolbar.

Figure 299: GBNT:Invert/rotate toolbar

4. To invert the macro, use the first and second toolbar buttons. The buttons are (from left to
right): invert horizontally and invert vertically.
5. To rotate the macro, do the following:
a) Select the last button on the toolbar to display the Rotation Increment window. From this
window set the desired degree of rotation. The default is 90 degrees. Select the OK
b) Use the third and fourth toolbar buttons to rotate the macro. The buttons are (from left to
right): rotate clockwise and rotate counterclockwise. The macro rotates the number of
degrees that was specified on the Rotation Increment window.

686 TRN350_100
41.6 What is the Macro Explorer dialog box?

41.6 What is the Macro Explorer dialog box?

The GBNT:Macro Explorer dialog box allows you to browse the available macros in your system.
This window can only be accessed by pressing the browse button on the GBNT:Macro dialog box
(see page 679).

Figure 300: GBNT:Macro Explorer dialog box

Even though selecting a macro from the Macro Explorer window updates the GBNT:Macro dialog
box, it does not initiate a draw operation or the change macro function. The Macro Explorer
window does not update the recently used list of macros (in the Name combo box) on the
GBNT:Macro dialog box, and you cannot drag-n-drop a macro from this window directly onto your
graphic. The Macro Explorer window is used solely to select a macro to use on the GBNT:Macro
dialog box.

TRN350_100 687
41.6 What is the Macro Explorer dialog box?

41.6.1 Understanding the Macro Explorer tree and folder structure

The GBNT:Macro Explorer window is comprised of two panes. The left panel contains a tree
representing your macro folder hierarchy. The right pane shows a thumbnail view of the current
folder. A splitter control exists between the left and right panes so that you can adjust the width of
the panes. The splitter control can be moved completely to the right so that only the tree hierarchy
view is visible and it can be moved completely to the left so that only the thumbnail view is visible.
The entire GBNT:Macro Explorer window is resizable, so you can opt to view a larger or smaller
number of thumbnails at a time. The size of the thumbnails is not configurable.

The root macro folder is always displayed as “System Macros” in the hierarchy tree. The full path
of the current folder appears at the top of the window in the ‘folder =’ field. Each time you select
a new folder on this dialog box, the actual folder name on disk updates in the folder= field and the
thumbnail view updates to show the contents of the selected folder. All folder and macro names
are shown in all capital letters in the hierarchy tree and in the thumbnail display.

Folders are depicted by yellow folder icons in both the hierarchy tree pane and the thumbnail
pane. Folders can be selected from either the left or the right pane. To open or close a folder in
the tree view, select the +/- icon beside the folder. Click on a folder name in the tree view to select
the folder. Double-click a folder name in the tree view to open or close the folder AND also to
select the folder. Click on a folder in the thumbnail view to select that folder. Selecting a folder
updates the current folder display at the top of the dialog box, shows the contents of the folder in
the thumbnail view, and highlights that folder in the tree view.

Just as you can select a folder from either pane on this window, you can select a macro file from
either pane. When you select a macro from either pane, the other pane automatically updates to
reflect your selection (see the following figure, showing Macro730 selected). When a macro is
selected on the Macro Explorer window, it is highlighted in blue in the tree view and also the
thumbnail view. In the thumbnail view, a blue box is drawn around the macro image, and its name
and description (if defined) are also highlighted. The GBNT:Macro dialog box is also updated to
show the preview image, the description, and the parameters for the selected macro.

Figure 301: Macro selected in tree view and thumbnail view

688 TRN350_100
41.7 Macro support files

41.7 Macro support files

When you save a macro graphic in the Graphics Builder (either online or offline), or when you
compile a macro file, an associated macro preview (thumbnail) file is written. The macro preview
file is an external bitmap file used to preview the macro on the GBNT:Macro dialog box and the
GBNT:Macro Explorer dialog box. The file is created in the system macro directory where the
associated macro graphic files (macroN.src and macroN.diag) reside. If the macro graphic files
reside in a sub-folder beneath the system macro root folder, the macro preview file is saved in the
same sub-folder. It is named the same as the macro graphic file - but with a “.bmp” file extension.
For example, the preview file for macro1.src is macro1.bmp; the preview file for
macropump.src is macropump.bmp.

Note: The associated macro preview files are automatically generated during batch compile
operations from the Ovation Developer Studio.

Similarly, if you define optional macro notes/comments for a macro graphic via the GBNT:Macro
Notes & Parameter Info dialog box, an external text file is created. The macro notes file is used to
view custom notes/comments for the selected macro on the Macro dialog box and/or the Macro
Explorer dialog box. The file is created in the system macro directory where the associated macro
graphic files (macroN.src and macroN.diag) reside. If the macro graphic files reside in a sub-
folder beneath the system macro root folder, the macro notes file is saved in the same sub-folder.
It is named the same as the macro graphic file - but with a “.notes” file extension. For instance,
the notes file for macro1.src is macro1.notes; the notes file for macropump.src is

When importing macros into the Ovation Developer Studio, the associated macro preview files
and/or macro notes files are automatically imported.

41.8 What is the Macros w /invalid param counts dialog box?

When the Graphics Builder opens a graphic containing macros, it checks that the parameters
passed to the macro match the parameters defined in the macro. If there are too many or too few
parameters passed to the macro, a warning dialog box appears stating that one or more macros
with invalid parameter counts exist.

Figure 302: Warning message -- macros with invalid parameter counts

TRN350_100 689
41.8 What is the Macros w/invalid param counts dialog box?

Once you select the OK button on the warning message, the GBNT:Macros w/invalid param
counts dialog box appears.

Figure 303: GBNT:Macros w/invalid param counts dialog box

The GBNT:Macros w/invalid param counts dialog box contains a list of all of the macros on the
current graphic which have one or more invalid parameter counts. This dialog box also shows an
overall count of how many such macros exist on the current graphic. The source syntax for each
invalid macro is displayed in the list. If the source syntax is longer than a single line, the source
syntax is truncated to the length of the dialog box and '...' is appended to end of the line.

Note: If you want to display the GBNT: Macros w/invalid parameter counts dialog box at any
time during an edit session, pull down the Options menu on the Graphics Builder window and
select the Macros w/invalid param counts menu item). This menu item is only active when
one or more macros w/invalid parameter counts exist in the currently loaded graphic.

Typically, if there are any errors found in a graphic, the Graphics Builder will not load the graphic.
However, the Graphics Builder will open a graphic containing macros with an invalid number of
parameters. When the graphic opens, a warning message appears informing you of the error. It is
then your responsibility to identify the errors using the GBNT:Macros w/invalid param counts
dialog box and to correct the errors with the GBNT:Macro dialog box. See To correct the number
of parameters being passed to macros (see page 690).

Note: The only erroneous graphics that will load are those whose only error is that they contain
macros which have the wrong number of parameters being passed. If the graphic has any other
error in it (even if the error is related to macros), that graphic will not load into the Graphics
Builder until the errors are first corrected interactively or in a text editor.

690 TRN350_100
41.8 What is the Macros w/invalid param counts dialog box?

41.8.1 To correct the number of parameters being passed to macros

Use the following procedure to correct macros with invalid parameter counts.

1. Access the Graphics Builder and open a graphic with invalid parameter counts. A warning
message and the GBNT: Macros w/invalid parameter counts dialog box appears.
2. From the GBNT: Macros w/invalid parameter counts dialog box, select an invalid macro
instance from the list (remember that each line in the list represents a macro which is currently
being passed an invalid number of parameters). When you select a macro from the list on the
dialog box, the macro line highlights and the following occurs:
a) The GBNT:Integrated Source Editor window automatically pages to the applicable
MACRO command in the source file to indicate which command you are currently
b) Handles display around the given macro on the drawing canvas to indicate which macro
on the screen you are currently changing.
c) The GBNT: Macro dialog box appears showing the current parameter list for the given
macro. It also shows each invalid parameter count in red directly below the corresponding
required/expected parameter count. It also shows the following:
 The expected parameter counts are labeled "required."
 The invalid parameter counts are labeled "current mismatches" in red.
 The parameter entry fields for any missing parameters are highlighted in red.
 The parameter description/label for any parameters that have been removed from the
macro and are no longer required are shown as "** deleted **" and are also shown in red.

Figure 304: Example of macro with invalid parameter counts

TRN350_100 691
41.8 What is the Macros w/invalid param counts dialog box?

3. Add the missing information in the entry fields provided for any parameters that have been
added to the macro. No action is required to remove or delete parameters.
4. Select one of the following buttons:
Ok — Saves the selected settings, and quits the Macro window.
Apply — Saves the selected settings, but the Macro window remains open.
Cancel — Quits the Macro window without saving any changes.
Help — Provides help information on the Macro window
If no errors are detected in the new parameters entered in Step 3, the macro parameter count
errors for the given macro have been corrected. As result, the GBNT:Macro dialog box
updates to reflect the correction (you should no longer see any current mismatches).

41.8.2 Saving a graphic containing macros with invalid parameter counts

If you attempt to save a parent graphic without correcting all macros with invalid parameter
counts, only the graphic .src file is saved and a pop-up window informs you that the .diag file will
not be saved. When you correct all invalid macros, both the .src and .diag versions are written.
Since the .diag files are downloaded and executed at runtime (not the .src files), graphics with
macros, which are passing an invalid number of parameters, cannot be downloaded. You must
correct these errors if you want to view the graphic at runtime.

41.8.3 Editing a graphic containing macros with invalid parameter counts

After the Graphics Builder loads a graphic with macros with invalid parameter counts, it will not
permit certain edits to the macro until the macro parameter counts are corrected. If you attempt
any of the edits listed below, you will get an error saying the macro parameter count is
mismatched, and the attempted edit will be aborted.

The edits that are not supported when macro parameter mismatches are present in the graphic
 Global replace within the invalid macro commands from the GBNT: Integrated Source Editor.
This also applies to global replace to such commands during import_graphics. Global replace
within any MACRO command having invalid parameter counts will fail. An error message
appears stating that invalid macro parameter counts exist.
 Interactively changing the place of macros with invalid parameter counts. For example, you
cannot move a macro from the background to the foreground via the Change place toolbar
 Interactive copy/paste of any macro with invalid parameter counts will fail. You will not be able
to paste the macro back into any graphic if it has invalid parameter counts.
 Move/copy source commands/blocks from the GBNT: Integrated Source Editor if any invalid
MACRO commands and/or blocks containing any invalid MACRO commands are specified.
 Uncommenting invalid MACRO commands from the GBNT: Integrated Source Editor.

692 TRN350_100
41.9 Understanding how macros are merged into a parent graphic

41.9 Understanding how macros are merged into a parent graphic

The MACRO graphic command is valid in all sections of a parent graphic (Diagram, Background,
Foreground, Keyboard, and Trigger). However, depending on the contents of a particular macro,
some macros are restricted as to where they can be added in the parent graphic.

Refer to the following rules when setting the place for macros:
 All macros are valid in the Diagram section of a parent graphic.
 If a macro contains commands in more than one section (for example, commands in the
Background section and commands in the Foreground section), the macro must be placed in
the Diagram section of the parent graphic.
 If a macro contains only Keyboard data, the macro can go in the Diagram or the Keyboard
section of the parent graphic.
 If a macro contains only Background, or only Foreground, or only Trigger data, the macro can
go in any section of the parent graphic, except the Keyboard section, because the graphic
commands valid in any one of these sections are also valid in the other sections.
When a macro is added to a parent graphic, a MACRO command is added to the parent graphic’s
*.src file, and the macro*.diag version of the macro is merged into the *.diag file of the parent
graphic. The section of the parent graphic where the macro command is placed (Diagram,
Background, Foreground, Keyboard, Trigger 1) determines how the graphic commands of the
macro are merged into the parent graphic’s *.diag file.

If a macro exists in the DIAGRAM section of the parent graphic, all of the graphic commands in
the Background section of the macro are merged before the graphic commands in the
Background section of the parent, all of the graphic commands in the Foreground section of the
macro are merged before the graphic commands in the Foreground section of the parent, and so
forth. The display items making up the macro appear on the screen before (under) items that are
just part of the parent graphic. The position where graphic commands in the Diagram section of
the macro are merged is determined by the position of the MACRO command within the Diagram
section of the parent. The graphic commands in the Diagram section of the macro are merged
into the parent’s Diagram section exactly where the associated MACRO command exists.

When multiple MACRO commands exist in the Diagram section of the parent graphic, the order of
the MACRO commands defines the display order of the items comprising each macro as they are
merged into the parent graphic. The elements of the first macro are displayed before the elements
of the second macro; the elements of the second macro are displayed before the elements of the
third macro; and so on.

If a macro exists in any other section of the parent graphic other than the Diagram section, the
items comprising the macro are merged into that section according to where the MACRO
command is placed in the parent graphic. The graphic commands of the macro are merged into
the parent graphic exactly where the associated MACRO command exists.

Note: If macro5.src contains a process point value in the foreground, and you add macro5 to
the background section of the parent graphic, the process point value merges into the
background section, and it does not update even though it was in the foreground in the actual
macro file.

The place of items within the macro is always maintained if the macro is added to the DIAGRAM
section of the parent graphic.

TRN350_100 693
41.10 Using the Unmacro feature

41.10 Using the Unmacro feature

The Unmacro feature replaces the currently selected macro on a graphic with the individual
commands making up the macro. When you "unmacro" a macro, the MACRO source command is
deleted from the Source Editor (see page 699) and replaced by the graphic commands internal to
the macro file. You can then edit the individual commands as desired. You can interactively paste
pieces of existing graphic code that may need to be modified without having to perform a source
file cut-and-paste operation in an external text editor. However, once you "unmacro" a macro, it is
no longer a macro on the graphic, and it cannot be converted back to a macro.

During the “unmacro” process, the MACRO source command in the loaded graphic source file is
replaced with the individual graphic commands making up the macro source file (for example,
source command exists in the BACKGROUND, FOREGROUND, TRIGGERn,
MACRO_TRIGGERn, or KEYBOARD section of the loaded graphic, the individual graphic
commands making up the macro source file are added to the loaded graphic beginning on the
same line number as the current MACRO command (which will be deleted).

If the MACRO source command being “unmacroed” exists in the DIAGRAM section of the loaded
graphic, only the graphic commands in the DIAGRAM section of the macro source file are added
to the loaded graphic beginning on the same line number as the MACRO command. All other
graphic commands making up the macro are added to the end of the applicable section of the
loaded graphic. For example:

 Any commands in the BACKGROUND section of the macro source file will be added to
the end of BACKGROUND section of the loaded graphic.
 Any commands in the FOREGROUND section of the macro source file will be added to
the end of the FOREGROUND section of the loaded graphic.
 Any commands in TRIGGER 3 of the macro source file will be added to the end of
TRIGGER 3 in the loaded graphic.
 Any commands in the KEYBOARD section of the macro source file will be added to the
end of the KEYBOARD section of the loaded graphic.

For more information on macro commands, see Ovation Graphics Language Reference Manual.

Note: You cannot "unmacro" macros containing macro trigger sections or macro entry fields.

41.10.1 To use the unmacro feature

Use the following procedure to use the macro feature:

1. Access the Graphics Builder (online or offline) and add a macro to the drawing canvas.
2. Select the macro.
3. Pull down the Options menu and select Unmacro. The macro is returned to its individual

Note: You can also invoke the unmacro feature by using the Ctrl+Alt+M keyboard accelerator.

694 TRN350_100
S E C T I O N 42

Using the Shape Library


What is a shape?............................................................................................................. 695

What is the Shape Library file? ....................................................................................... 697
What is the Shape Library Editor window? ..................................................................... 698

42.1 What is a shape?

A shape is defined as a set of simple graphic items that are treated as a single entity within
graphics. The simple graphic items that may be used are: arcs, lines, polygons, rectangles, dots,
circles, ellipses, rubberband arcs, arcpolygons, ellipsepolygons, pie arcs, rectpolygons, gradient
rectangles, gradient arcs, gradient ellipses, gradient polygons, gradient pies, and/or gradient
rubberband arcs.

Shape elements cannot contain any other items such as process points, text, bars, and so forth.
Shapes cannot contain conditionals and can have no logic associated with them. For example, if
a shape contains an item with a line pattern, that item cannot have a conditional expression
determining which line pattern to display. In addition, a shape cannot contain any IF/THEN,
MATH, POINTER, and so forth commands.

Shapes have a name associated with them, and these names must adhere to a defined naming
convention (see Rules for defining a shape name (see page 696)).

Shapes have an implicit width and height. The dimensions of the shape are defined by the simple
items making up the shape. The width and height of the shape is the width and height of the
shape's outlining rectangle.

The origin point (see page 492) on a shape is user-defined. The origin point does not have to be a
point on the shape itself, but it must be a point within the shape's outlining rectangle. The valid
range for the origin is 0 through (width -1) and 0 through (height -1), where width and height are
the dimensions of the shape.

Shapes can be scaled/resized when they are added to a graphic. Shapes can be inverted right-to-
left, top-to-bottom, or both when they are displayed on a graphic. In addition, shapes can be
rotated by 90-degree increments clockwise or counterclockwise when they are displayed. Shapes
are inverted and rotated about their origin point.

Shapes may be colorless or they may have color. If a shape is colored, the color for each element
comprising the shape is stored with the shape in the Shape Library. Since colored shapes are
drawn using the stored colors in the Shape Library, they cannot change color based on a

TRN350_100 695
42.1 What is a shape?

When a colorless shape is displayed on a graphic, the current FG and BG colors (from the last
executed COLOR command in the overall graphic) are used to display each element of the
shape. Since the FG color in the last executed COLOR command in the graphic can change
based on a conditional, colorless shapes can also change color based on a conditional.

Note: The current BG color is only used when a colorless shape contains a line/fill pattern (other
than solid).

42.1.1 Rules for defining a shape name

Shape names must adhere to the following rules:

 Must be limited to 10 characters.
 Must begin with a letter (A-Z, a-z).
 Can only contain letters (A-Z,a-z), digits(0-9), underscores ( _ ), and hyphens ( - ).
 Are case-sensitive (for example: VALVE, Valve, and valve, are three different shape names).
 Cannot be any of the graphics commands (for example: COLOR, color, RECTANGLE,
Rectangle, BAR, bar, PLOT, ARC, and so forth). This restriction applies to commands in
upper case, commands in lower case, and commands in any combination of upper/lower
case. See Ovation Graphics Language Reference Manual for more information on graphics

696 TRN350_100
42.2 What is the Shape Library file?

42.2 What is the Shape Library file?

The Shape Library file is an external file defining a set of shapes that is shared between
graphics in the system. There can be up to 1,000 shapes defined in the Shape Library. Both the
Graphics Builder and the Operator Station Graphics program use this file.

The Graphics Builder supports both a source version of the Shape Library file and an object
version. Both versions reside in the same directory. The source version is named “shapelib.src.” If
running the Graphics Builder offline, these files reside in the
[InstallationPath]\mmi\graphics\cstfiles directory. The [InstallationPath] is the folder where the
Builder was installed on your computer.

If running the Graphics Builder online (from the Ovation Developer Studio), you should never edit
these files on the database server, so their location is not documented. The Import Graphics
program is used to import shapes and compile the Shape Library files when running online.

The source version of the Shape Library is the only format that can be imported into the Ovation
Developer Studio when running online. When importing shapes, a compatible object format is
automatically generated. The object version of the Shape Library is the format that is downloaded
to the Ovation Operator Station. The object version is used by the Operator Station Graphics
program to display graphics at runtime (see Ovation Operator Station User Guide.) The object
version is always used by the online version of the Graphics Builder.

The offline version of the Graphics Builder uses the object version of the Shape Library by default.
However, using a command prompt window, you can start the offline Graphics Builder with a -S
command line option. The -S command indicates that the Graphics Builder should load the source
version of the Shape Library instead of the object version.

The source version of the Shape Library is used to support compatibility between successive
releases of the Graphics Builder software. In the Ovation Developer Studio, both the source and
object formats are provided when the software is installed. When a Shape Library file is imported
into the Studio, the matching object format is automatically generated. In contrast, when running
offline, the Graphics Builder is used to generate a compatible object format of the Shape Library
given a source file after a new release. To do this, simply invoke the offline Graphics Builder with
the “-S” command line option. The offline Graphics Builder automatically generates a compatible
Shape Library object file for the associated source version when it starts.

TRN350_100 697
42.3 What is the Shape Library Editor window?

42.3 What is the Shape Library Editor w indow ?

The GBNT: Shape Library Editor window is used to create and edit shapes in the system Shape
Library file, and to define the shape categories (tabs) used to group shapes. Grouping shapes
makes shape selection easier and faster at draw time.

Note: The Shape Library Editor window is NOT used to draw a shape onto a graphic; the Draw
Shapes window is used to draw a shape onto a graphic.

The following figure shows the GBNT:Shape Library Editor window.

Figure 305: GBNT:Shape Library Editor window

This Shape Library Editor shows the existing shape tabs (groups) at the top of the window. The
All tab always appears on the window and contains all of the shapes defined in the Shape
Library. Left-click on any tab to view the shapes in that tab. The number of shapes in that tab
displays in the upper right-hand corner. A shape can exist in multiple tabs.

42.3.1 To access the Shape Library Editor window

To display the Shape Library Editor window:

1. Access the Graphics Builder.

2. Do one of the following:
 Pull down the View menu and select the Shape Library Editor menu item.
 Select the Shapelib Editor toolbar button on the Main toolbar.
 Press the Shift + H keyboard accelerator keys.

698 TRN350_100
S E C T I O N 43

Using the Integrated Source Editor


Integrated Source Editor ................................................................................................. 699

What are the Integrated Source Editor menus?.............................................................. 700
Integrated Source Editor toolbar ..................................................................................... 702
Keyboard shortcuts for the Integrated Source Editor functions ...................................... 702
Selecting and compiling lines and commands ................................................................ 704
Defining the current line and current command .............................................................. 704
Navigating through the Source Editor File ...................................................................... 704

43.1 Integrated Source Editor

The Integrated Source Editor allows you to edit the graphics source file. Each process diagram is
created in source language form as well as binary object form. The object (.diag) file is used to
display the process diagram. The source code (.src) file is used to create and edit the process
diagram. In particular, “logic” graphics commands (such as IF/ENDIF) which do not have
associated display items, are created using source code.

The Integrated Source Editor and the main Graphics Builder window allow you to modify every
part of a graphic within the same edit session. Both formats are updated after each edit to reflect
the current state of the graphic. The source editor modifies the graphic source format and then
recreates the object. You modify the graphic object format and then recreate the source through
the main Graphics Builder window. The source format is required for all commands which have no
associated display (PAGE, POINTER, IF/ELSE/ENDIF, LOOP, SETVAL, MATH, and so forth).
The source editor may be used to alter any attributes to any of the other commands as well — it is
strictly user preference as to whether changes are made interactively or via the source editor for
display items.

In addition, when you select an item (line, ellipse, arc, and so forth) in the main Graphics Builder
window, the source editor automatically pages to the source line associated with that item. The
selected command is scrolled to the middle of the Source Editor window so that the commands
immediately preceding the selected item are visible without having to manually scroll through the
source editor window.

Similarly, when you select a source command in the source editor, handles appear around the
display item (if an associated display item exists for the given source command) on the graphic.
The handles appear as unfilled/hollow squares. Thus, you can see both the source and object
formats for a given command when editing a graphic.

TRN350_100 699
43.1 Integrated Source Editor

43.1.1 To access the Integrated Source Editor

Use the following procedure to access the Integrated Source Editor:

1. Access the Graphics Builder.

2. Pull down the View menu and select Integrated Source. The GBNT:Integrated Source Editor
window appears. The Integrated Source Editor window consists of a pull-down menu panel, a
toolbar, horizontal and vertical scrollbars, and footer for displaying messages.

Figure 306: GBNT:Integrated Source Editor

Note: The three dots (...) after the name on a button or menu item indicate that another window
displays when that button or menu item is selected. The caret “>” after the name on a menu
indicates that another menu can be accessed from the caret.

The Source Editor can also be accessed from the GBNT:Main toolbar (sixth icon from the left)
and from the <Shift + S> keyboard shortcut combination.

700 TRN350_100
43.2 What are the Integrated Source Editor menus?

43.2 What are the Integrated Source Editor menus?

The following table lists and describes the pull-down menu panel items.

Integrated Source Editor menu panel


File Print — Prints the entire file to the destination specified on the Print Setup window.
Print Page — Prints only the selected page of the file (what is currently displayed on the
source editor window).
Print Setup — Displays the Print Setup window which allows you to specify a printer, paper
size, print mode (portrait versus landscape), and so forth. However, you cannot print from
this window.

Edit Undo — Undoes any changes made to the currently selected command if a command is
selected for edit. If no command is currently selected, this function undoes the last edit
performed in the main Graphics Builder window. Then, the main window and source editor
window are repainted.
Select cmd for edit — Selects a command so that it can be modified. Once selected, the
command displays in reverse video.
Compile selected cmd — Compiles the selected command.
Define Block start/end — Used to define a block (or group) of consecutive commands for
the purpose of doing a block move, copy, and/or delete.
Insert Mode — Allows you to enter characters in the selected command at the cursor
Replace Mode — Allows you to replace characters in the selected command at the cursor
Append Mode — Allows you to enter characters in the selected command at the end of the
current line.
Exit Insert/Append/Replace — Quits Insert, Append, or Replace mode.
Delete Char — Deletes one character at a time.
Del Line/Cmd/Block — Deletes either the line the cursor is on, the entire command the
cursor is on, or the currently defined block of commands.
New line/cmd — Allows you to add a new command (or a new line within the currently
selected command) either above or below the command (or the line) the cursor is on.
Move cmd/block — Used to move a single command or a block of commands to another
location in the file. A command must be selected or a block must be defined when this
function is executed.
Copy cmd/block — Used to copy a single command or a block of commands to another
location in the file. A command must be selected or a block must be defined when this
function is executed.
Find/Replace — Allows you to find text and/or replace text in the loaded source file.
Edit RUN_PROGRAMS cmd (via GUI) — provides a user-friendly window that allow you to
edit RUN_PROGRAMS commands and to easily specify application program parameters.
New RUN_PROGRAMS cmd (via GUI) — provides a user friendly window that allow you to
add RUN_PROGRAMS commands and to easily specify application program parameters.

TRN350_100 701
43.3 Integrated Source Editor toolbar


Show RUN_PROGRAMS cmd in GUI — display the parameters for an existing


View Goto selected line — Brings a selected command to the top of the window page.
Goto line # — Displays the Goto Line # window which allows you to go to a specific line by
entering the line number.
Page Down — Scrolls down through the source file one page at a time.
Page Up — Advances up through the source file one page at a time.
Comment/Uncomment cmd — Used to comment and uncomment commands. If the
command under the cursor is a comment, this function uncomments it. If the command
under the cursor is not a comment, this function converts it to a comment. Asterisks denote
a comment. The display of the graphic on the main window updates after this function
executes to erase an item commented out or to display an item that has been

Help Command Syntax — Displays help for the command syntax for all commands in the
graphics language. (See Ovation Graphics Language Reference Manual.)

43.3 Integrated Source Editor toolbar

Toolbars provide quick access to the more frequently used source editor windows and functions.
The Integrated Source Editor supports the following functions on its toolbar.

The functions are, from left to right:

 Select Command
 Compile Command
 Undo
 Comment/Uncomment
 Find/Replace
 Goto

43.4 Keyboard shortcuts for the Integrated Source Editor functions

Keyboard shortcuts allow the Integrated Source Editor windows and functions to be accessed by
keystroke combinations instead of selecting the item with the mouse. The source editor window
must have the keyboard focus to use the keyboard shortcuts (a window with keyboard focus is the
window that keyboard events go to and is indicated by the top bar of the window being
highlighted). Also, the associated menu item must be active at the time you press the keyboard

702 TRN350_100
43.4 Keyboard shortcuts for the Integrated Source Editor functions

The following tables list the keyboard shortcuts for functions as they are listed under their pull-
down menu.


Print Ctrl + P


Undo Ctrl + Z
Select command for edit F2
Compile selected command F10
Define Block start/end Ctrl + B

Insert Mode Ins

Replace Mode Ctrl + R
Append Mode Ctrl + A
Exit Insert/Append/Replace Esc
Delete Char Del
Delete Line/Cmd/Block Ctrl + D
New line/cmd - above Alt + i
New line/cmd - below Ctrl + i
Move cmd/block - above Alt + M
Move cmd/block - below Ctrl + M
Copy cmd/block - above Alt + C
Copy cmd/block Ctrl + C
Find/Replace Ctrl + F


Goto line # Ctrl + G

Page Down PgDn
Page Up PgUp
Comment/Uncomment F3

TRN350_100 703
43.5 Selecting and compiling lines and commands

43.5 Selecting and compiling lines and commands

When the term “selected” is used for the Integrated Source Editor, as in the example, “select the
line (or command),” it means that you should place the cursor anywhere within the desired
command and perform one of the following steps:
 Pull down the Edit menu, and select Select cmd for edit.
 Press the Select Command button on the toolbar.
Once selected, the entire command displays in reverse video. Only one command can be
selected at a time. Once a command is selected within the Integrated Source Editor, you cannot
select an item in the main Graphics Builder window. Likewise, when a draw item is selected in the
main Graphics Builder window, a command cannot be selected in the source editor.

When the term “compile” is used in this section, as in the example, “compile the line (or
command),” it means that you should perform one of the following two steps:
 Select the Edit menu, and select Compile selected cmd.
 Press the Compile Command button on the toolbar.
The new information is checked for errors, and if none are found, the command is compiled and
the change is complete.

43.6 Defining the current line and current command

Commands can consist of one line or they can extend to many lines. When the text in this section
refers to the “current line,” it is describing the line with the cursor in it. When referring to the
“current command,” it is discussing the command with the cursor in it. In some examples, these
terms may be synonymous. However, there are times when the text is referring to a specific line
within a multi-line command. You should not assume that a line and a command are always the
same when using the editing functions.

704 TRN350_100
43.7 Navigating through the Source Editor File

43.7 Navigating through the Source Editor File

The Find/Replace and Goto Line # options allow you to quickly and easily navigate through your
Source Editor file.

43.7.1 To use the Source Editor Goto Line # option

The Goto Line # option allows you to jump to a specific line in your Source Editor file.

1. Access the Integrated Source Editor (see page 699).

2. Pull down the View menu on the Source Editor, and select Goto line#. The Goto Line #
window appears.

Figure 307: GBNT:Goto Line# dialog box (for Integrated Source Editor)

3. Enter a line number in the Line # entry field.

4. Select the Goto button. The cursor on the Source Editor view pane pages jumps to the first
character of the specified line. To quit the Goto Line# window, select the X button at the top
right corner of the window.

The Goto Line# dialog box can be used in conjunction with the Compile Output dialog box to
view/correct errors. Go to the given line of an error, correct the error, repeat for the next error, and
so forth, until all errors are corrected. Then, press the Recompile button on the Compile Output
window to recompile the entire file. All errors have been fixed when only the loaded filename
displays in the compile output list box. The file is automatically saved when the Recompile button
is pressed.

43.7.2 To Use the Find/Replace Function

1. Select the Edit menu on the Integrated Source Editor window, and select Find/Replace.
The Find/Replace window appears.

TRN350_100 705
43.7 Navigating through the Source Editor File

2. Enter the characters or string to search for in the Find what entry field. Quotes should only be
used if replacing with quote characters.
Searching is not case sensitive by default. Select the Match case toggle button to make
searching case sensitive. Once selected, a check-mark appears in the box.
3. Select the Find button. The search process starts at the current cursor position in the file. The
search ends when a match is found or when the search loops back to the original starting
If a match is found, the characters are displayed in reverse video. At this point, you can enter
a replacement string (Step 5), or continue with the Find function.
4. If a replacement is desired for the match, enter the characters or string in the Replace with
entry field.
Select the Confirm first? toggle button if you want to be prompted before the system
performs the replace. Once selected, a check-mark appears in the box.
5. Select the Replace button to replace just the current instance of the match found.
Select Replace All to replace every occurrence of the match in the file.
If the replace is successful, the graphic display updates on the main Graphics Builder window,
and the replaced token is now displayed in reverse video.

Note: The replace does not occur if a syntax error results from the replaced token. An error
appears in a pop-up window stating the error that resulted.

6. To quit the Find/Replace window, press the “x” button in the upper right corner of the

706 TRN350_100
S E C T I O N 44

Using the generic text editor


What is the Generic text editor? ...................................................................................... 707

To access the generic text editor .................................................................................... 708
Differences between the generic text editor and the integrated source editor ............... 710
TextEdit differences ........................................................................................................ 710
Compiling a TextEdit file ................................................................................................. 711

44.1 What is the Generic text editor?

TextEdit is a generic, independent text editor package written to be used specifically to edit
graphic source files. It is invoked solely from the Graphics Builder, but it is not part of the
Graphics Builder. TextEdit is designed to provide a means to edit graphic source files in a more
conventional editor package that supports cut-and-paste and free-form editing.

Note: Integrated Source Editor is a command-based editor that requires inserting/editing a

single command at a time and does not support cut-and-paste of source from other graphics.

TextEdit supports standard Open, Save, and Print functions, as well as Cut, Copy, Paste, and
Undo. The standard Find and Replace functions have been enhanced to search in a circular loop
(that is, it does NOT quit searching at the end of the file). Line number support has been added to
TextEdit, as well as support for viewing graphic compile errors and support for subsequent
recompilation. The following table provides a brief description of the menu options.

TextEdit menu options


File New Erases the currently loaded text file, thereby clearing the canvas in
preparation for a new file.
Open Displays a window for loading an existing text file into the main
Save Saves the currently loaded text file.
Save As Saves the currently loaded text file under a new name.
Print Sends the text file displayed on the window to a printer.
Print Preview Allows you to see what will be printed before actually printing.
Print Setup Allows you to specify printer, paper size, print mode, and so forth.
Exit Quits the TextEdit window.
Edit Undo Undoes the last edit.

TRN350_100 707
44.1 What is the Generic text editor?


Cut Erases all of the currently selected items on the screen and sends
them to the internal buffer for pasting later.
Copy Copies all of the currently selected items on the screen to the internal
buffer for pasting later.
Paste Adds the copied or cut item to the new location in the text file.
Search Goto line# Display a window that allows you to jump to a specific line by entering
the line number.
Find Allows you to search for and find text.
Replace Allows you to insert new text in place of other text found in the file.
View Compile Output Compiles the text file.

Toolbar Toggle option that allows you to either show or hide the toolbar.
Status Bar Toggle option that allows you to either show or hide the status bar.
Help About TextEdit Displays the version of TextEdit that is running.

Note: TextEdit is NOT part of the Graphics Builder; it is only invoked by the Graphics Builder.
Once it is invoked, the Graphics Builder and TextEdit do not communicate again. When
changes are made in TextEdit, the Graphics Builder main window and the Integrated Source
Editor do not update accordingly. To view the changes in the Graphics Builder, the graphics
source file must be reloaded. Recompiling the file from within TextEdit does NOT update a
version of the file currently displayed/loaded in the Graphics Builder.
TextEdit is designed to work only with graphic source files. Graphic Source files have a “.src” file
extension. If you attempt to open or save a file which does not have a “.src” file extension, an
error generates and the open/save aborts.

In the Ovation Developer Studio environment, TextEdit gives you the ability to edit the graphic
source files in the database without having to know where the files reside on disk. TextEdit can
only be invoked from a graphic in the database. It is not possible to access TextEdit with no
graphic loaded, nor is it possible to create/open a new graphic or switch to another graphic from
within the TextEdit (online). Once TextEdit is running in the Ovation Developer Studio, you only
have access to the graphic from which it was invoked. When running the Graphics Builder offline,
you can open/create new graphics and/or switch to other graphics from within TextEdit.

In a multi-network system, if the Generic Text Editor is invoked from a graphic on a read-only
system, the Save and Compile options within the text editor are disabled.

Note: When the Graphics Builder displays a graphic on a read-only system, the title bar shows
“Read Only GBNT.” This serves as a visual clue that you are viewing a remote graphic in a
read-only system.

708 TRN350_100
44.2 To access the generic text editor

44.2 To access the generic text editor

Use the following procedure to access the generic text editor.

1. Access the Graphics Builder.

2. Pull down the View menu, and select Generic Text Editor. The TextEdit window appears.

Figure 308: TextEdit window

TRN350_100 709
44.3 Differences between the generic text editor and the integrated source editor

44.3 Differences betw een the generic text editor and the integrated
source editor

The following differences are:

 Once the generic text editor is invoked, it never communicates with the instance of GBNT that
invoked it again. That is, after you save changes to the graphic .src file in the generic text
editor (and they compile with no errors), the user will NOT see any of those changes reflected
in the instance of GBNT from which it was invoked. The user must re-load the graphic into
that instance of GBNT to see changes made. The online GBNT has a Re-load button on the
File menu for this purpose. There is NO hand-shaking between the generic text editor and the
GBNT screen like there is with the integrated source editor.
 The integrated source editor is very restrictive on how you can edit the source commands.
You must edit a single command at a time. You cannot edit a command if it is currently
grouped. You cannot do global replace within commands that are grouped. You cannot edit
the DEF_VARIABLE commands, you cannot block a set of commands that extend across
multiple sections, and so forth. Using the generic text editor, you can do whatever you want. It
is like a normal text editor.
 Using the integrated source editor, each command is compiled as soon as you change it;
using the generic text editor, the entire graphic is compiled when you save your changes (and
not until).
 Global replace doesn’t work within currently grouped commands in the integrated source
editor. Users can maintain grouping outside of the edit session and keep things grouped all
the time. Users should use the generic text editor to do global replace (of colors, line patterns,
fill patterns, and so forth) in the event that they have grouping maintained in their graphic and
the commands that use whatever they are trying to replace are grouped. In the event they
attempt to do a global replace in the integrated source editor and grouped commands are
found, a notice window will pop up for each command where a match is found. The replace
cannot be done because the command is grouped to inform the user that that command will
be skipped. If/when this happens, the user should go to the generic text editor to do the
replace within those commands.

44.4 TextEdit differences

Differences between TextEdit and Integrated Source Editor


Allows you to make as many changes as desired, Forces you to add/edit a single command at a time, and
without having to select/deselect one command at that command is compiled automatically when you
a time. Compilation after making changes in deselect the command. Only the affected command is
TextEdit occurs on demand by pressing the compiled.
Recompile button on the Compile Output window.
At that time, the entire file is compiled.

Supports cut and paste of graphic source code. Does not support cut and paste of graphic source code.

No handshaking occurs between the Graphics Constant handshaking occurs between the main
Builder and TextEdit. In fact, there is no way to Graphics Builder window and the Integrated Source
have any Graphics Builder window update after Editor. When a change is made in the Integrated Source
making changes in TextEdit other than by saving Editor, the Graphics Builder updates as soon as the
the file in TextEdit and then re-opening the updated command is deselected and compiled. When a
file in the Graphics Builder. command is selected in the Integrated Source Editor,
special handles are displayed around the associated
item (if applicable) in the Graphics Builder.

710 TRN350_100
44.5 Compiling a TextEdit file


The Replace function does not prompt you before The Replace function gives you the choice to be
making the replace. prompted at each occurrence before making the
Does not display line numbers in the view pane. Displays line numbers in the view pane.
TextEdit does not contain an auto-save feature. The Graphics Builder (and therefore the Integrated
Source Editor) contains an auto-save feature. This may
prevent you from losing hours of changes if the program
were to exit ungracefully.

44.5 Compiling a TextEdit file

Compiling a file translates the source version (*.src) to the object version (*.diag). There are
several times when a file is compiled in TextEdit:
 If a graphic is currently loaded in the Graphics Builder when TextEdit is invoked, the graphic
source file will be automatically compiled and then loaded into TextEdit.
 When a file is saved in TextEdit, it will also be automatically compiled.
 At any time, you may choose to pull down the View menu on the TextEdit window and select
Compile Output.
Any errors in the file are displayed in the TextEdit's Compile Output window. From this window,
you may view the errors, and then select the Recompile button when corrections are made.

TRN350_100 711
S E C T I O N 45

Using the QuickView program


What is the QuickView program? .................................................................................... 713

To access the QuickView program ................................................................................. 714

45.1 What is the QuickView program?

The QuickView program is a separate application from the Graphics Builder that allows you to
view the graphic currently being edited in a real-time or simulation environment. QuickView is a
scaled-down version of the Graphics displayer (also called process diagram system) , that runs
on the Ovation Operator Station. QuickView has the additional ability to inject data and set
operational breakpoints. See the Ovation Operator Station User Guide for more information.

The QuickView simulation mode is available in both the online and offline Graphics Builder, and
has the ability to inject values for all points referenced on the displayed graphic. The QuickView
has two modes of operation:

Real-time mode

Real-time mode allows you to retrieve live data from the Ovation Network.

Simulation mode

Simulation mode allows you to inject values for all points referenced on the displayed graphic.

You have the ability to inject data into the graphic for each referenced point. The data will be
generated from one of the following sources:
 Constant data.
 Ramp.
 Random number.
 Random wave.
 Sawtooth wave.
 Sine wave.
 Step.
 Square wave.
Paging and display pokes are disabled; however, you can simulate values applicable to Main,
Windows, and Sub-windows for:
 Process points.
 Local variables.
 Pointer values.

TRN350_100 713
45.2 To access the QuickView program

Control actions can be performed, if you wish, to test the poke functionality. A status indication will
be displayed showing the intent of the operation.

Note: The ability to perform control actions is not in either mode of operation. However, for
testing the poke functionality, a status indication will be displayed showing the intent of the

Paging and displaying pokes will be disabled -- however you will have the ability to display pop-up
windows and sub-screens. You can retrieve these windows and sub-screens from the same
location as the graphic currently being edited, if they exist.

45.2 To access the QuickView program

Use the following procedure to access the QuickView program.

1. Access the Graphics Builder.

2. Select the Shift+Q keyboard shortcut,

Select the GBQuickView item in the View menu drop-down list,

Select the QuickView Icon from the View toolbar.

Note that the graphics screen appears and includes an "S Simulated Values" notice.

714 TRN350_100

Algorithms - deleting • 395

$ Algorithms that support tracking • 452
$D pointers (Macro pointer) • 513 Analog Indicator • 586
$G pointers (Group pointer) • 512 Analog Indicator examples • 587
$H pointers (Highway pointer) • 512 Analog Input module (13-Bit) - (AI-13) • 247
$O pointers (On-screen pointer) • 514 Analog Input module configuration • 234
$P pointers (Scratch pad pointer) • 511 Analog Output module - (AO) • 297
$S pointers (Entry field pointer) • 512 Analog Output module configuration • 236
$W pointers (Window pointer) • 513 Application program reference list • 641
Application Programs -- adding to Graphics
A Builder windows • 655, 658
Application Programs -- editing parameters •
Accessing Favorites in the Graphics Display
System • 41
Application Programs -- re-order programs •
Accessing functions from the Control Builder
main window • 358
Application Programs window • 655
Accessing the Control Logic Navigator • 141
Application Programs window -- accessing •
Accessing the Error Log window at the
Operator Station • 126
Application Programs window -- window field
Accessing the Graphics window • 36
descriptions • 657
Accessing the Operator Diagram Group
Audit function • 386
Display at an Operator Station • 148
Accessing the Ovation Control Builder B
application • 353
Accessing the Sensor Calibrate function • Background, Foreground, Trigger, and
142 MacroTrigger draw items • 551
Adding a diagram group at an Operator Backup/Restore • 182
Station • 150 Bar, Variable-fill items • 558
Adding Favorites in the Graphics Display Base assemblies - (RO) • 327
System • 40 Base unit layouts - (RO) • 331
Adding I/O modules to the Developer Studio Baseline Comparison function • 195
• 223 Baseline Creation function • 193
Adding points in the Ovation Developer Before you add an I/O module to the
Studio • 201 Developer Studio • 223
Additional Information on Fault Code Best practices for using algorithms • 391
Hardware Address and I/O Status Values Best practices for using control signals • 405
• 137 Best practices for using page connectors •
Additional Reference Documentation • 9 409
Alarm cutout • 30 Blown Fuse Detection Circuit - (DO) • 322
Alarm definition • 19 Blown fuse detection circuit (RO) • 335
Alarm system definition • 18 Browse menu on the Developer Studio
Alarm System terminology • 20 window • 163
Alarm Type column for the Alarm window • Building control sheets • 379
25 Button • 623
Alarm window columns • 25 Button -- appearance tab • 628
Alarm window definition • 22 Button -- apply/change individual attr mode
Alarm window Status bar • 24 checkbox • 633
Algorithm anchors • 395 Button -- Button Preview Conditional window
Algorithm parameters - editing • 393 • 640
Algorithm right-click menu • 394 Button -- Button Preview window • 639
Algorithms • 391 Button -- creating • 625
Algorithms - adding • 392 Button -- features • 624

TRN350_100 715

Button -- function tab • 634 Copy operation (example of copying control)

Button -- state/tag tab • 636 • 437
Copy operation (using) • 433
C Copying an item/group using the Duplicates
Calibrating a point using Sensor Calibration • function • 670
143 Copying and pasting item(s) or group(s)
Case Expression • 505 from one graphic to another graphic • 672
Changing control sheet execution order • Copying and Pasting item(s) or group(s)
388 using the Duplicates function • 670
Changing Place • 535 Copyright Notice • 2
Clear function • 192 Creating a new control sheet • 380
CNTRL_POKE (6) (Select Algorithm for Creating a new control sheet in a Windows-
Control) • 646 based Ovation system • 380
Code column for the Alarm window • 29 Creating a new Favorites folder in the
Coefficient calculation • 189 Graphics Display System • 40
Common Operation menu functions • 169 Creating macros • 676
Compact Contact Digital Input module - Creating Points in the Developer Studio •
(CCDI) • 316 197
Compact Contact Input module configuration
• 236
Compact Digital Input module configuration • Data validation • 166
237 Defaults view bar • 156
Compact Sequence of Events module Defining and configuring Ovation I/O
configuration • 242 modules in the Developer Studio • 233
Compile operation • 430 Delete function • 169
Compile operation (using) • 430 Deleting control sheets in a Windows-based
Components of an Ovation system • 6 Ovation system • 387
Components of the Historical Reviews Developer Studio - Alert window • 164
window • 75 Developer Studio definition • 152
Compound Expression • 503 Diagnostic Logic card LEDs - (AI-13, AI-14 &
Conditional Expressions • 499 HSAI) • 258, 269
Conditional parameters • 499 Diagnostic Logic card LEDs - (AO) • 302
Conditionals • 496 Diagnostic Logic card LEDs - (CCDI) • 320
Configuring information in Control Builder Diagnostic Logic card LEDs - (ContactDI) •
title box fields • 382 314
Configuring Operator Diagram Groups at an Diagnostic Logic card LEDs - (DO) • 325
Operator Station • 149 Diagnostic Logic card LEDs - (HHPAI) • 278
Configuring the appearance of trends • 98 Diagnostic Logic card LEDs - (HHPAO) •
Consistency Checking • 185 308
Contact Digital Input module - (ContactDI) • Diagnostic Logic card LEDs - (RTD-4) • 288
311 Diagnostic Logic card LEDs - (RTD-8) • 296
Contact Input module configuration • 236 Diagnostic Logic card LEDs (RO) • 335
Control Builder Information and error Digital Input module configuration • 237
messages • 459 Digital Output module - (DO) • 321
Control Builder menus • 358 Digital Output module configuration • 237
Control Builder operations • 421 DISP_EFDATA (66) (Write entry field in
Control Builder terminology • 343 Main and Subscreen) • 649
Control design best practices • 348 Displaying a diagram group at the Operator
Control functions (control sheets) • 349 Station • 149
Control library • 417 Displaying poke fields at the Operator
Control library - creating • 417 Station • 39
Control sheet building best practices • 379 Download function definition • 189
Control task area • 350 Draw menu • 361
Control tasks cycle time • 351 Drawing Attributes toolbar options • 533
Control types supported in Ovation • 341 Drawing toolbar • 367
Coordinates • 490 Drop/User tab in the Session Manager
Copy operation • 433 window • 147

716 TRN350_100

Dynamic Status feature • 165 Find function • 180

Find Points function • 415
E Find Points function - using • 415
Edit menu • 359, 519 Format ribbon tab in the Trend window • 91
Edit menu on the Developer Studio window • Frame • 554
159 G
Editing graphics • 665
Editing grouped items • 670 Generic Text Editor • 707
Electronics module (Emod) - (CCDI) • 316 Gradient fill pattern • 540
Electronics module (Emod) - (ContactDI) • Gradient fill pattern -- setting • 544
311 Gradient fill pattern rules • 541
Electronics module (Emod) - (DO) • 321 Gradient fill pattern window fields • 542
Electronics module (Emod) - (RO) • 327 Gradient system defaults • 546
Electronics module fuses • 211 Gradient-filled Pie arc • 546
Electronics modules (Emod) - (AI-13) • 247 Gradient-filled rectangle, polygon, arc, or
Electronics modules (Emod) - (AO) • 298 ellipse • 547
Electronics modules (Emod) - (HHPAI) • 270 Graph view dockable tab • 94
Electronics modules (Emod) - (HHPAO) • Graphics Builder concepts • 488
304 Graphics Builder menus • 518
Electronics modules (Emod) - (HSAI) • 260 Graphics Builder toolbars • 523
Electronics modules (Emod) - (RTD-4) • 280 Graphics Builder window • 517
Electronics modules (Emod) - (RTD-8) • 289 Graphics Display System definition • 35
Elements of a control sheet • 403 Graphics Language Reserved Words • 471
Enhanced Sequence of Events module Graphics Language rules • 466
configuration • 244 Graphics Language Status Words • 476
Entry Field • 615 Graphics window definition • 36
Error handling • 524
Error List window • 459 H
Error Log Window at the Operator Station • Hardware view bar • 155
125 HART Analog High Performance Input
Error Log window columns at the Operator module configuration • 238
Station • 127 HART Analog Input module configuration •
Error message descriptions • 460 238
Execution order • 387 HART Analog Output module configuration •
Export operation • 437 238
Export operation (using) • 437 HART High Performance Analog Input
Exporting control logic to a library • 419 module - (HHPAI) • 270
External power supply information (RO) • HART High Performance Analog Output
328 module - (HHPAO) • 304
Help menu • 364, 522
Help menu on the Developer Studio window
Favorites Folder right-click menu • 400 • 164
Favorites Folder toolbar • 399 Hidden item(s)/group(s) -- show temporarily
Favorites in the Graphics Display System • • 670
39 Hide/show functionality rules • 669
Favorites window • 399 Hiding item(s)/group(s) temporarily • 669
Favorites window - accessing • 399 Hiding items -- work on accessible items •
Favorites window - adding a folder • 402 670
Favorites window - adding symbols • 401 Hierarchy Display Pane • 134
Field Wiring (Pmod 1C31164G02) - (RTD-4) High Side Digital Output 24VDC module
• 284 module configuration • 239
Field wiring diagrams (Pmod 1C31164G02) High Speed Analog Input module (14-Bit) -
(CE Mark) - (RTD-4) • 285 (HSAI) • 260
Fields in the Error List window • 459 Historical Review overview • 73
File menu • 358, 518
File menu on the Developer Studio window •

TRN350_100 717

Macro rotation restrictions • 685

I Macro support files • 689
I/O environmental specifications • 215 Macros -- adding to a diagram • 682
I/O module descriptions (select I/O modules Macros -- creating (online or offline GB) •
only) • 247 678
I/O module features • 209 Macros -- display notes • 684
I/O reference terminology • 206 Macros -- inserting in the Ovation Developer
Implementing security • 645 Studio • 676
Import operation • 439 Macros -- inverting and rotating • 685, 686
Import operation (using) • 439 Macros -- merging into a parent graphic •
Importing a document into a control sheet • 693
418 Macros -- naming • 675
Importing a library into a control sheet • 418 Macros -- naming rules • 675
Importing control logic • 418 Macros w/invalid param counts dialog --
Information tab • 97 correcting the number of parameters
Input address locations (Group 4) - (HSAI) • being passed to macros • 691
267 Macros w/invalid param counts dialog --
Installing Ovation modules • 210 editing a graphic containing macros with
Integrated Source Editor • 699 invalid parameter counts • 692
Interaction among Graph, Radar, and Table Macros w/invalid param counts dialog --
view tabs when Trace Explorer is active • saving a graphic containing macros with
97 invalid parameter counts • 692
Introduction to Core Ovation Training Main commands and section labels • 468
Reference Manual for release 3.5 • 1 Managing Control Builder operations • 421
Introduction to Ovation 3.5 Input/Output (I/O) Marshalling base unit • 219
modules • 205 Meter • 560
Introduction to the Ovation 3.5 Control Module and field connection wiring - (RTD-8)
Builder • 339 • 291
Introduction to the Ovation 3.5 Developer N
Studio • 151
Introduction to the Ovation 3.5 Graphics Navigation menu • 48
Builder • 487 Navigation toolbar • 45
Introduction to the Ovation 3.5 Graphics Numbering control sheets • 352
Language • 465
Introduction to the Ovation 3.5 Operator O
Station • 11 Object Browser • 370
J Object Browser containers • 371
Object Browser toolbar • 372
Jog mode • 666 OL Button • 620
OL Button -- creating • 620
K Online help system • 375
Keyboard draw items • 601 Opening a locked control sheet • 383
Keyboard shortcuts • 368 Opening a recovered version of a file • 384
Keyboard shortcuts for the Graphics Builder Opening a sheet in the Signal Diagram
• 524 window • 44
Opening an existing control sheet • 382
L Operation menu on the Developer Studio
window • 159
Line Width dialog • 548
Operation right-click menu • 162
List of reserved words • 472
Operator Diagram Group Display guidelines
List of Status Words • 477
• 149
Load function definition • 188
Operator Station definition • 11
M Operator Station terminology • 12
Options Menu • 521
Macro Explorer dialog tree and folder Origins of draw items • 492
structure • 688 Outlining rectangle • 489
Macro Overview • 674 Ovation cabinet fuses • 213

718 TRN350_100

Ovation Control Builder definition • 342 Point name understanding • 199

Ovation control definition • 340 Point names (fully qualified) • 199
Ovation Error Log window at the Operator Point Review function definition • 70
Station • 125 Pointers • 511
Ovation Module Configuration and Status • Points - creating in Control Builder • 413
210 Points folder features and functions • 200
Ovation Module Diagnostic LEDs • 211 Poke Field • 602
Ovation Point Browser window in PI • 66 Poke Field -- Application (9) • 610
Ovation system definition • 2 Poke Field -- Application Program (3) • 607
Ovation system terminology • 2 Poke Field -- configuring the poke field
Ovation Utilities • 139 display in an edit session • 613
Ovation utilities definition • 139 Poke Field -- Control (23) • 612
Ovation Vector Font • 538 Poke Field -- Diagram/Group (2) • 606
Overview of adding I/O modules to the Poke Field -- general poke field information •
Developer Studio • 224 602
Overview of building sheets for Ovation Poke Field -- Help (20) • 611
systems • 380 Poke Field -- Multi Process (1) Point • 605
Overview of Core Ovation Training Poke Field -- Options (7) • 608
Reference Manual • 1 Poke Field -- Process Point (0) • 604
Poke Field -- Window (8) • 609
P Poke field definition • 39
Page connector descriptions • 410 Power Checking (ContactDI - CCDI) • 314,
Page connectors • 409 319
Page connectors - determining where to use Power supply information - (HHPAI) • 272
• 411 Priority levels of Error Log messages at the
Page connectors - output connectors • 411 Operator Station • 127
Panel kits - (RO) • 328 Process point names • 495
Performing a Historical Review • 76 Property Editor window • 373
Personality Jumper Information - (HHPAI) • Purge function • 170
Personality Module (Pmod) - (CCDI) • 317
Personality module (Pmod) - (ContactDI) • Quality Expression • 507
311 QuickView • 713
Personality module fuses • 212 QuickView -- accessing • 714
Personality module jumpers • 214
Personality modules (Pmod) - (AO) • 298 R
Personality modules (Pmod) - (DO) • 321 Radar View dockable tab • 96
Personality modules (Pmod) - (HHPAI) • 270 Ranges - (RTD-8) • 293
Personality modules (Pmod) - (HHPAO) • Reboot function • 193
304 Reconcile function • 189
Personality modules (Pmod) - (HSAI) • 261 Reconcile operation • 442
Personality modules (Pmod) - (RTD-4) • 280 Reconcile operation (using) • 442
Personality modules (Pmod) - (RTD-8) • 289 Record fields • 514
Personality modules and jumper settings Recovering multiple files • 385
(Pmod) - (AI-13) • 248 Register configuration/address information -
Pie Arc • 553 (AI-13) • 255
Pins • 403 Register configuration/address information -
Pins - adding • 403 (AO) • 300
Pins - deleting • 405 Register configuration/address information -
Pins - moving • 405 (ContactDI) & (CCDI) • 313, 318
Planning and Designing Ovation Control • Register configuration/address information -
347 (DO) • 324
Planning control best practices • 347 Register configuration/address information -
Plot • 559 (HHPAI) • 274
Point description • 197 Register configuration/address information -
Point Information (PI) window definition • 60 (HHPAO) • 306
Point Information Menu button • 65

TRN350_100 719

Register configuration/address information - Signals - adding • 406

(RO) • 333 Signals - bending • 407
Register configuration/address information - Signals - deleting (breaking) • 407
(RTD-4) • 287 Signals - moving • 408
Register configuration/address information - Signals - tips for adding • 407
(RTD-8) • 294 Simple Expression • 501
Relative coordinates -- rules • 491 Source Editor • 699
Relay module components • 220 Source Editor -- accessing • 700
Relay Output module - (RO) • 327 Source Editor -- defining the current line and
Relay Output module KUEP module current command • 704
configuration • 241 Source Editor -- Find/Replace function • 705
Removing a diagram group from an Source Editor -- navigating file • 705
Operator Station • 150 Source Editor -- selecting and compiling
Reordering diagram groups at an Operator lines and commands • 704
Station • 150 Source Editor -- using the Goto Line # option
Resizing proportional to itemN • 667 • 705
Revert function • 385 Source Editor keyboard shortcuts • 702
Revert function - using • 385 Source Editor menus • 701
Role of the Control Builder in Ovation • 343 Source Editor toolbar • 702
RTD module (4 Channel) - (RTD-4) • 280 Specifications - (AI-13) • 259
RTD module (8-Channel) - (RTD-8) • 289 Specifications - (AO) • 302
RTD module configuration • 239 Specifications - (CCDI) • 320
RTD ranges - (RTD-4) • 286 Specifications - (ContactDI) • 315
Rules for defining a shape name • 696 Specifications - (DO) • 326
Rules for using fully qualified point names • Specifications - (HHPAI) • 278
200 Specifications - (HHPAO) • 309
Run Programs -- adding RUN_PROGRAMS Specifications - (RO) • 335
commands • 663 Specifications - (RTD-4) • 288
Specifications - (RTD-8) • 296
S Standard module components • 216
Saving a control sheet • 386 Standard toolbar • 366
Search function • 170 Status bar • 164
Selecting overlaid item(s)/group(s) • 665 Style Editor window • 374
Sequence of Events module configuration • Style Editor window - using • 374
241 Subsystems - (AO) • 298
Set # usage in a graphic • 526 Subsystems - (CCDI) • 317
Set Expression • 509 Subsystems - (ContactDI) • 312
Setting Blink • 549 Subsystems - (DO) • 322
Setting Color • 536 Subsystems - (HHPAI) • 271
Setting drawing attributes in the Graphics Subsystems - (HHPAO) • 304
Builder • 533 Subsystems - (RTD-4) • 280
Setting Font Attributes • 537 Subsystems - (RTD-8) • 290
Setting Line Patterns • 548 Summary View dockable tab • 95
Setting Place • 534 Symbol Browser window • 396
Setting tracking between algorithms • 408 Symbol Browser window - using • 396
Setting tracking between sheets • 408 System view bar • 154
Setting tracking signals • 455 System Viewer Dockable tabs • 135
Shape definition • 695 System Viewer Menu button • 132
Shape Library • 695 System Viewer Quick Access toolbar • 133
Shape Library Editor window • 698 System Viewer Ribbon tabs • 133
Shape Library Editor window -- accessing • Systems using (Pmod 1C31164G01) -
698 (RTD-4) • 283
Shape Library file • 697 T
Signal Diagram (display canvas colors) • 52
Signal diagrams • 43 Table View dockable tab • 94
Signal Diagrams (display canvas) • 49 Terminal block wiring information - (AI-13) •
Signals • 405 249

720 TRN350_100

Terminal block wiring information - (AO) • To configure the Analog Indicator window
299 base tab • 592
Terminal block wiring information - (CCDI) • To configure the Analog Indicator window
317 default colors tab • 594
Terminal block wiring information - To configure the Analog Indicator window
(ContactDI) • 312 past values variability tab • 598
Terminal block wiring information - (DO) • To configure the Meter window add-ons tab •
323 581
Terminal block wiring information - (HHPAI) • To configure the Meter window base tab •
273 563
Terminal block wiring information - (HHPAO) To configure the Meter window color band
• 305 tab • 577
Terminal block wiring information - (HSAI) • To configure the Meter window needle tab •
266 573
Terminal block wiring information (Pmod To configure the Meter window tic marks tab
1C31164G01) - (RTD-4) • 281 • 567
Terminal block wiring information (Pmod To configure the Meter window value/limits
1C31164G02) - (RTD-4) • 282 tab • 570
Terminal block wiring information (Pmod To Create a Baseline • 194
5X00121G01) - (RTD-8) • 290 To create a meter • 560
Terminal block wiring information (RO) • 330 To create an enhanced entry field • 617
Text Attributes toolbar • 367 To create an old-style entry field • 616
TextEdit • 707 To define sections of the color band • 579
TextEdit -- accessing • 709 To delete a Baseline Comparison entry • 196
TextEdit -- compile a file • 711 To display algorithm and point information
TextEdit -- differences from Source Editor • using the right-click menu • 54
710 To draw a frame • 554
TextEdit differences • 710 To identify different values on a trend graph
Thermocouple Personality module • 120
functionality & coefficients - (AI-13) & To insert a Module point • 231
(HSAI) • 251, 261 To insert an I/O Device in the Developer
To access a signal diagram from the Studio • 226
Operator Station • 43 To insert an I/O Device number in a
To access the Alarm window • 23 Controller • 224
To access the Configure Settings dialog box To insert an Ovation I/O module in the
• 98 Developer Studio • 228
To access the Control Builder • 353 To memorize and recall a time span
To access the Developer Studio • 152 (Historical Trends only) • 105
To access the Historical Review window • 74 To modify an existing meter add-on • 584
To access the Operator Station applications To perform an Operator Event review • 76
• 16 To remove an application program • 662
To access the Point Information window • 62 To run a Baseline Comparison • 195
To access the Point Review window • 71 To run a Coefficient Calculation • 190
To access the Session Manager utility • 146 To run a Consistency Check • 186
To access the System Viewer window • 130 To set Destination Alarm filtering • 33
To access the Trend window • 89 To set Priority Alarm filtering • 32
To add a Compound Trace • 105 To set the Long Date-Time Format in a trend
To add a point in the Developer Studio • 202 • 100
To add an analog indicator to a diagram • To specify a conditional using a conditional
590 dialog box • 498
To add titles to trend layouts • 100 To specify a macro on the Macro dialog box
To begin the Search function • 171 • 682
To clear all tracking on a sheet • 409 To start or stop a trend • 104
To configure scale behavior • 119 To tune algorithm parameters • 57
To configure the Analog Indicator window To use the Choose files window • 426
alarm color overrides tab • 596 To use the Copy operation Find and
Replace function • 436

TRN350_100 721

To use the Detail set # usage for control

option • 527 U
To use the Dynamic Status feature • 165 Undelete function • 170
To use the Find feature • 180 Understanding algorithms and algorithm
To use the List all set #'s option • 527 components • 391
To use the Macro Filter option • 427 Understanding basic Control Builder
To use the Ovation Backup function • 182 concepts • 349
To use the Point Copy function to add points Understanding Control Builder windows,
to the Developer Studio • 202 menus, and toolbars • 353
To use the Restore function • 185 Understanding icons on the Signal Diagram
To use the Search function to add columns • display canvas • 53
176 Understanding Macros • 673
To use the Search function to display results Understanding Operator Event Messages •
• 175 77
To use the Search function to perform a Understanding point record types and sizes •
narrow search • 173 201
To use the Synchronize Online function • Understanding points in the Control Builder •
448 413
To use the unmacro feature • 694 Understanding the Apply configuration to
To use the What's This function • 378 selected buttons option on the state/tag
To use the Where Used function • 178 tag • 639
To view edited historical data from a Understanding the Backup/Restore
Historical Review • 79 Parameters tab • 184
To view the preview conditionals window • Understanding the Control Builder
557 operations window sequence • 422
To view/hide the application panels and Understanding the Developer Studio
trend chart panes • 103 Overview window • 154
Toolbars • 365 Understanding the elements of a control
Tools menu • 363 sheet • 403
Topics covered in the Control Builder section Understanding the GBNT
of this manual • 339 Control Set# Usage window • 528
Topics covered in the Developer Studio Understanding the Graphics Builder
section of this manual • 151 windows and subwindows • 517
Topics covered in the Graphics Builder Understanding the Signal Diagram
section of this manual • 487 Navigation toolbar and menu • 45
Topics covered in the Graphics Language Understanding the Synchronize Online
section of this manual • 465 Directories window • 445
Topics covered in the Input/Output (I/O) Understanding the WorkPad window • 158
section of this manual • 205 Understanding tracking • 449
Topics covered in the Operator Station Understanding when online graphics and
section of this manual • 11 control are mismatched • 51
Tracking • 449 Using bases (RO) • 329
Tracking (best practices) • 451 Using control libraries in the Control Builder •
Tracking (purpose of) • 450 417
Tracking examples • 454 Using Historical Reviews at the Operator
Tracking process • 451 Station • 73
TrashCan view bar • 157 Using Point Review at the Operator Station •
Trend data view (dockable) tabs • 93 69
Trend Display System at the Operator Using process points, conditionals, pointers,
Station • 83 and variables in graphics • 495
Trend Display system definition • 83 Using signal diagrams at the Operator
Trend Display system terminology • 85 Station • 43
Trend ribbon tab in the Trend window • 92 Using the Alarm System at the Ovation
Trend ribbon tabs • 91 Operator Station • 17
Trend, Multi-Trend • 559 Using the Control Builder What's This
Tuning algorithms • 57 function • 378
Using the Fill Pattern dialog box • 539

722 TRN350_100

Using the Graphics Display System at the What is alarm filtering at the Operator
Operator Station • 35 Station? • 30
Using the Point Information (PI) System at What is involved in the replacement of user
the Operator Station • 59 serviceable fuses? • 211
Using the Properties Panel • 117 What is the Control Builder main window
Using the right-click menu in the Defined and drawing canvas? • 355
Sections of the Color Band area • 580 What is the Control Logic Navigator utility? •
Using the Select Priority Level dialog box at 140
the Operator Station • 128 What is the Developer Studio system tree
Using the System Viewer at the Operator structure? • 167
Station • 129 What is the Graphics Language? • 465
Using the Trace Properties window • 106 What is the Macro dialog box? • 679
Using the Unmacro feature • 694 What is the Macro Explorer dialog box? •
V What is the Macros w/invalid param counts
Valid Characters • 471 dialog box? • 689
Value/Quality (Q) columns for the Operator What is the Operator Diagram Group
Station Alarm window • 29 Display utility? • 148
View menu • 361, 520 What is the Ovation Graphics Builder? • 488
View menu on the Developer Studio window What is the Ovation Point Information
• 163 system? • 59
Viewing algorithm information in a Signal What is the Ovation Session Manager
Diagram window • 50 utility? • 146
Viewing potential control set number errors • What is the purpose of Ovation I/O
531 modules? • 206
What is the role of the Graphics Language in
W Ovation? • 466
What is the RUN_PROGRAMS command? •
Warning window at the Operator Station • 42
What are Application Programs? • 641
What is the Sensor Calibration utility? • 142
What are Reserved Words? • 471
What is the Synchronize Online function? •
What are Status Words? • 476
What are the alarm filtering windows? • 31
What is the System Viewer at the Operator
What are the components of the Alarm
Station? • 129
window? • 23
What is the Trend window? • 88
What are the components of the Point
What tools are available for status and error
Information window? • 64
checking on the Developer Studio? • 164
What are the components of the Point
Where Used function • 178
Review window? • 71
Where Used window in PI • 67
What are the components of the Session
Window menu • 364
Manager window? • 147
Working with Background, Foreground,
What are the components of the System
Trigger and Macro Trigger Graphics
Viewer window? • 131
Builder draw items • 551
What are the components of the Trend
Working with common Developer Studio
window? • 90
operations • 169
What are the Developer Studio menus? •
Working with Graphics Builder Keyboard
draw Items • 601
What are the Developer Studio window
Working with live trends • 104
components? • 153
Working with selected items and groups •
What are the Operator Station applications?
• 12
What are the various Signal Diagram X
windows? • 56
What functions are provided by signal XPID_DIGITAL (121) • 651
diagrams? • 43
What is a point record? • 198
What is a record field? • 198

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