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ControlST* Software Suite

Installation and Upgrade
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment, nor to provide for every possible
contingency to be met during installation, operation, and maintenance. The information is supplied for informational
purposes only, and GE makes no warranty as to the accuracy of the information included herein. Changes, modifications,
and/or improvements to equipment and specifications are made periodically and these changes may or may not be reflected
herein. It is understood that GE may make changes, modifications, or improvements to the equipment referenced herein or to
the document itself at any time. This document is intended for trained personnel familiar with the GE products referenced
Public – This document is approved for public disclosure.
GE may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter in this document. The furnishing of this
document does not provide any license whatsoever to any of these patents.
GE provides the following document and the information included therein as is and without warranty of any kind,
expressed or implied, including but not limited to any implied statutory warranty of merchantability or fitness for
particular purpose.
For further assistance or technical information, contact the nearest GE Sales or Service Office, or an authorized GE Sales

Revised: Jan 2018

Issued: Apr 2008

© 2008 – 2018 General Electric Company.

* Indicates a trademark of General Electric Company and/or its subsidiaries.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

We would appreciate your feedback about our documentation.

Please send comments or suggestions to [email protected]

For public disclosure

Document Updates
Revision Location Description
Added a row for ControlST V07.02
HMI Compatibility Updated the table with support for Windows 7 Ultimate or Professional for
ControlST releases V05.04 to V07.02
Added an Attention statement that the previous ControlST version must remain
Shared IONet
V installed on the workstation for Shared IONet upgrade
Added an Attention statement to make the user aware that the IS215UCCCS05
platform is no longer supported and the UCCx is installed from the ControlST
Controller Upgrade
Software Suite DVD by selecting the ControlST Supplement Package
installation option
Added this section to provide information that should be considered when
Downgrade Considerations performing a downgrade of a ControlST system or component software or
Added PROFICY Historian V7.00 (only with Windows 10) and Historian 6.0
HMI Compatibility (only with 2012R2) to ControlST V07.00
Added the row for ControlST V07.01
Clarified the upgrade rules for YVIBS1B and YAICSIB, YDIAS1B, and
Upgrade Rules (Version Specific)
Platform Software Upgrade Added information about the new Configuration Tools Documentation install.
To upgrade to a new version of the ControlST
Added instructions for .ISO files.
software suite
Known Issues Added ControlST versions 6.01, 6.02, and 7.00
Updates for ControlST versions 7.00 and 5.04
HMI Compatibility
Added PROFICY Historian Compatibility
Upgrade Rules (Version Specific) Added PVIBH1B, YVIBS1B, YAICS1B, YDIAS1B, and YDOAS1B
ToolboxST Application, WorkstationST
T These sections moved from GEH-6721_Vol_I into this document
Application, Trender Tool, Localization
Added a Note notifying users that if the Proficy Client license installation does
Install Additional Options not occur during ControlST installation setup automatically, the
ProficyClientInstaller. exe can be installed directly from the DVD _files directory
Added this section with upgrade instructions for an EX2100e or LS2100e
EX2100e and LS2100e Control Systems system using Windows 2012R2, which requires that both the new and current
Upgrade with Windows 2012R2 OS (old) version of the runtime be present on the workstation where the upgrade is
being performed
Introduction, Benefits of an Integrated Tools
New sections
R Suite
Multilingual Support Updated DLL folder names

2 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

For public disclosure
1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................................5
2 ToolboxST Application ..................................................................................................................................9
3 WorkstationST Application........................................................................................................................... 10
3.1 WorkstationST Alarm Viewer.................................................................................................................. 10
3.2 WorkstationST Server............................................................................................................................ 10
4 Trender ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
5 Localization - Translation to Native Languages ................................................................................................ 12
6 HMI Compatibility ..................................................................................................................................... 13
7 Installation and Upgrade Prerequisites ............................................................................................................ 16
7.1 Licensing ............................................................................................................................................ 17
7.2 Pre-upgrade System Data Collection......................................................................................................... 18
7.3 Non-CMS System Archive ..................................................................................................................... 21
7.4 CMS System Archive ............................................................................................................................ 22
7.5 Shared IONet ....................................................................................................................................... 22
8 Platform Software Upgrade .......................................................................................................................... 23
8.1 Configuration Tools (ToolboxST Application) ............................................................................................ 26
8.2 Configuration Tools Documentation Install ................................................................................................ 28
8.3 WorkstationST ..................................................................................................................................... 28
8.4 Install Additional Options....................................................................................................................... 30
8.5 CMS Server ......................................................................................................................................... 31
9 System and Component Upgrades .................................................................................................................. 39
9.1 System Upgrade ................................................................................................................................... 39
9.2 EX2100e and LS2100e Control Systems Upgrade with Windows 2012R2 or Windows 10 OS ............................. 41
9.3 Library Upgrade ................................................................................................................................... 42
9.4 Controller Upgrade ............................................................................................................................... 46
9.5 I/O Pack Firmware Upgrade.................................................................................................................... 51
9.6 Controller Download ............................................................................................................................. 51
9.7 WorkstationST Device Upgrade............................................................................................................... 57
9.8 Post Upgrade ....................................................................................................................................... 59
9.9 Remove Previous ControlST Version ........................................................................................................ 59
10 Multilingual Support.................................................................................................................................. 60
10.1 Language Culture Names...................................................................................................................... 62
11 Known Issues (Version-specific Upgrade Requirements)................................................................................... 65
12 Upgrade Rules (Version Specific)................................................................................................................. 76
13 Downgrade Considerations ......................................................................................................................... 76

GEI-100694V 3
For public disclosure
Safety Symbol Legend

Indicates a procedure or condition that, if not strictly observed, could result in

personal injury or death.

Indicates a procedure or condition that, if not strictly observed, could result in damage
to or destruction of equipment.


Indicates a procedure or condition that should be strictly followed to improve these



4 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

For public disclosure
1 Introduction
The ControlST* Software Suite is an integrated suite of Windows®-based applications, tools, and component firmware for the
Mark* Controls products that span a wide variety of power generation plants and other industrial equipment. The
high-performance applications and tools are used by operators and maintenance personnel for communication, monitoring,
and asset management, including:

• WorkstationST* HMI and Historian management application

• ToolboxST* configuration and diagnostics application
• Trender process data (Trends) tool
ControlST is constantly evolving to improve customer experience, network security, enhance plant operation, and keep pace
with advancements in technology. Refer to the following related documents for more information.

ControlST Related Documents

Number Title Description
ControlST* Software Suite V05.00, V05.01, V05.02,
GEZ-S2034 V05.03, and V05.04 Versions Product Life-cycle Older versions of ControlST phased out of production
ControlST Software Suite V04.07 and Earlier Versions
GEZ-S2033 Older versions of ControlST phased out of production
Product Life-cycle Announcement
Application used to configure the control system
GEH-6703 ToolboxST User Guide for Mark Controls Platform hardware, networks, program the controller, and
troubleshoot the system
Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control System Guides:
Volume I System Guide Technical details about the Mark VIe and Mark VIeS
Volume II General-purpose Applications System Guide control system
Volume III GE Industrial Applications System Guide
Information to improve the cyber security of Mark VIe
GEH-6839 Mark VIe Control Systems Secure Deployment Guide
Control systems

Users feel the productivity of the ControlST Software Suite in three design tenets:
• Right mouse button contextual links between the tools (refer to the following figure)
• Common variable database
• Designed, built, tested, and documented as a system

GEI-100694V 5
For public disclosure
Examples of Contextual Links Between ControlST Tools

6 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

For public disclosure
The following table lists the most frequently used ControlST applications and supported contextual links.

ControlST Component Description Contextual Integration With

The variable browser is common across the
ControlST suite of tools. Examples include:
• Assigning a variable to a function block in
ControlST Variable Trender
Browser Watch Window
• Adding a variable to a trend in Trender
Advanced CimEdit
• Creating a variable list in Watch Window
• Animating an object in Advanced CimEdit
ToolboxST application features include:
• Configuration, modification, and monitoring of Mark ControlST variable browser
VIe and Mark VIeS controllers Trender
• Configuration and monitoring WorkstationST* Watch Window
applications and services Advanced CimEdit
• Ethernet Global Data (EGD) editor
Watch Window displays live values for a collection of
variables in a tabular stand-alone window. Features
• Live data from Mark VIe and WorkstationST
ControlST variable browser
• Historical data from Mark VIe capture buffer
Trender • Live data from OPC® DA server
Advanced CimView
• Historical data from Mark VIe Dynamic Data
Alarm View
Recorder (DDR)
• Historical data from Proficy® or PI historian
• Historical data from Mark VIe trip log
• Alarm and event data from Alarm Server
Displays live values for a collection of variables in
tabular stand-alone window, features: ControlST variable browser
Watch Window • Drag-and-drop variables from ToolboxST ToolboxST
• Column configuration across all variable properties Trender
• Variable forcing
The Alarm Viewer application manages live/historical
alarms. Alarm information is displayed in tabular form
with advanced filtering and sorting capabilities.
Common functions include: ToolboxST
Alarm Viewer • Acknowledging Alarms CimView
• Locking Alarms Trender
• Silencing Alarms
• Sequence of Events (SOE)
• Component Diagnostic Alarms
Advanced CIMPLICITY* Edit/View provides a ControlST variable browser
full-featured graphic editor with WorkstationST OPC ToolboxST
DA interface and tight integration with the ControlST Trender
Advanced CimEdit / suite, including: Alarm Viewer
CimView • ControlST variable browser
• Embedded trender option Embedded Integration
• Embedded alarm management option Trending
• Contextual links to other ContolST applications Alarm Management

GEI-100694V 7
For public disclosure
ControlST Component Description Contextual Integration With
The CMS provides configuration revision control and
tracking across the system. It consists of three
Management ToolboxST
• CMS Server
System (CMS)
• Stand-alone Client (from Start menu)
• Integrated Client (from ToolboxST)
Live View is the graphical editor for commissioning
ControlST variable browser
LiveView and maintenance views of control functions and
CSH provides component health status (controllers,
Control System ToolboxST
I/O modules, PC Workstations) across the system in
Health (CSH) Alarm Viewer
an intuitive, animated tree structure.
Network Monitor displays the status of devices
(controllers, computers, network switches) that are ToolboxST
Network Monitor
connected to Ethernet networks (excluding IONet), Alarm Viewer
including network switches and their ports.
The WorkstationST Status Monitor provides status
and control of the WorkstationST features on the
WorkstationST local computer, including:
Status Monitor • Alarm server
• EGD configuration server
• OPC DA server
Mark controller firmware includes the following
• Mark VIe
Mark Controller
• Mark VIeS N/A
• MarkStat
• EX2100e
• LS2100e
Mark VIe I/O module firmware includes:
• Discrete I/O modules
Mark VIe I/O Module
• Analog I/O modules N/A
• Turbine protective I/O modules
• Safety I/O modules

8 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

For public disclosure
2 ToolboxST Application
The ToolboxST application is composed of Windows-based software used to configure, program, and maintain the Mark VIe
and Mark VIeS control systems, and other related products. ToolboxST features include:

• System component layout

• Configure, edit, and view real-time Mark control application code
• EGD editor
• Hardware diagnostic alarm annunciation
• Password protection
• Trending

Note For more information, refer to the ToolboxST User Guide for Mark Controls Platform (GEH-6703).

SAMA-type Logic

GEI-100694V 9
For public disclosure
3 WorkstationST Application
The WorkstationST application is used to manage the HMI, Historian, and Alarm Viewer, as well as provide an interface to
third-party devices. It provides the following functions:

• Alarm displays
• Process variable trending
• Point control panel right-click menu add-on for CIMPLICITY screens is normally used during troubleshooting to access
variables for trends and watch windows
• HMI access security
• Server to provide data to OPC, Modbus, and other clients

3.1 WorkstationST Alarm Viewer

Alarm Viewer aids in the analysis of the system, especially after an upset. It displays and manages live and historical alarm
and event information from a computer configured with the WorkstationST application running the Alarm Server. Alarm and
event information is displayed using advanced filtering and sorting capabilities, and functions such as Acknowledging,
Locking, and Silencing are available. The following information can be generated:

• Alarms
• Events
• Holds
• Sequence of Events (SOE)
• Diagnostics
The Alarm Viewer also provides alarm management functions, such as sorting and filtering by priority, unit, time, or source
device. Also supported are configurable alarm field displays and embedding of dynamically updated objects into the
CIMPLICITY CimView screens.

Note For more information, refer to the WorkstationST Alarm Viewer Instruction Guide (GEI-100620).

3.2 WorkstationST Server

The WorkstatationST server provides an interface for Modbus (Serial or Ethernet), GE Standard Messaging (GSM), or OPC
UA, DA, AE communications. These third-party interfaces allow the HMI to exchange data with DCS systems, PLCs, I/O
devices, and other computers.
The WorkstationST OPC server provides a standards-based interface to the runtime database or third-party interfaces. The
OPC server conforms to the 2.0 data access standards. Fundamentally, the OPC standard defines two software roles, OPC
clients and OPC servers. In general, clients are consumers of automation information and servers are producers of the same
information. OPC is a technology standard initially developed by a group of automation industry companies and now
managed by the not-for-profit organization called the OPC Foundation. The standard was developed to provide a common
de-coupling mechanism for automation system software components. OPC provides for simpler integration of automation
software components from multiple vendors.

10 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

For public disclosure
4 Trender
Trender is the graphical interface used for trending analog or digital points to collect process data (Trends), including
real-time and Historical data. It is fully configurable and can auto-range the scales or set fixed indexes. For accurate read out,
the trend cursor displays the exact value of all points trended at a given point in time. It can be set up to mimic strip chart
recorders, analyze the performance of particular parameters over time, or help troubleshoot root causes of issues. Trender can
be launched from the TooboxST application or from the right-click menu on the CIMPLICITY screen with the WorkstationST
Trender is based on ActiveX® technology to give users data analysis capabilities. Trender uses data collected by the HMI, or
data from other third-party software packages or interfaces. Trending includes multiple trending charts per graphic screen
with unlimited pens per chart, and the operator can resize or move trend windows to convenient locations on the display.

Example Trend

Note For more information refer to the Trender Instruction Guide (GEI-100795).

GEI-100694V 11
For public disclosure
5 Localization - Translation to Native Languages
ControlST software tools provide several ways to support requirements for local languages. For both diagnostic and process
alarm descriptions, the ToolboxST application provides a way to export text strings to and import from a .csv file. The
resource translation manager tool enables Windows-based applications to have embedded text displayed in a native language
(for example, menu bars). The Alarm Viewer and CIMPLICITY also support second language options. Refer to the following
table for user documents that provide information on how to configure the HMI and tools for local languages.

Document Number Title Section(s) within Document

How to Configure a Second Language for ControlST HMI
GEH-6808 ControlST Software Suite How-to Guides

ToolboxST User Guide for Mark Controls System Editor, Diagnostic Translations
Platform Component Editor, Second Language Report

GEI-100793 Resource Translation Manager User Guide

WorkstationST Alarm Viewer Instruction

GEI-100620 Multi-language Support

12 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

For public disclosure
6 HMI Compatibility
ControlST HMI Compatibility — Active Releases

Release Microsoft® Windows PROFICY Historian

Version Project Adv. Viewer
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit version 1607 (Anniversary V4.5 (only with
V8.2 (only with V8.2 (only with
Edition) Windows 7),
Windows 7), Windows 7),
64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate or Professional V6.0 (only with
V9.0 (only with V9.0 (only with
Dec 64-bit Windows Server 2008R2, single-user Windows Server
V07.02 Windows Server Windows Server
2017 configuration, Service Pack 1 and the latest 2012R),
2012R), and 2012R), and
Microsoft updates V6.1, and
V9.5 (only with V9.5 (only with
64-bit Windows Server 2012R2, single-user V7.0 (only with
Windows 10) Windows 10)
configuration Windows 10)
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit version 1607 (Anniversary V4.5 (only with
V8.2 (only with V8.2 (only with
Edition) Windows 7),
Windows 7), Windows 7),
64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate or Professional V6.0 (only with
V9.0 (only with V9.0 (only with
July 64-bit Windows Server 2008R2, single-user Windows Server
V07.01 Windows Server Windows Server
2017 configuration, Service Pack 1 and the latest 2012R),
2012R), and 2012R), and
Microsoft updates V6.1, and
V9.5 (only with V9.5 (only with
64-bit Windows Server 2012R2, single-user V7.0 (only with
Windows 10) Windows 10)
configuration Windows 10)
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit version 1607 (Anniversary V4.5 (only with
V8.2 (only with V8.2 (only with
Edition) Windows 7),
Windows 7), Windows 7),
64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate or Professional V6.0 (only with
V9.0 (only with V9.0 (only with
Dec 64-bit Windows Server 2008R2, single-user Windows Server
V07.00 Windows Server Windows Server
2016 configuration, Service Pack 1 and the latest 2012R),
2012R), and 2012R), and
Microsoft updates V6.1, and
V9.5 (only with V9.5 (only with
64-bit Windows Server 2012R2, single-user V7.0 (only with
Windows 10) Windows 10)
configuration Windows 10)
64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate or Professional
V8.2 (only with V8.2 (only with
64-bit Windows Server 2008R2, single-user
Windows 7), and Windows 7), and V4.5 (only with
Sept configuration, Service Pack 1 and the latest
V06.02 V9.0 (only with V9.0 (only with Windows 7), and
2016 Microsoft updates
Windows Server Windows Server V6.1
64-bit Windows Server 2012R2, single-user
2012R) 2012R)
32-bit Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 3
32-bit Windows Server 2003, single-user
March configuration
V05.04 V6.1, V7.5, and V8.2 V7.5 and V8.2 V4.5
2015 64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate or Professional
64-bit Windows Server 2008R2, single-user
configuration, Service Pack 1

Note For more details related to HMI computer hardware, refer to the ToolboxST User Guide for Mark Controls Platform

GEI-100694V 13
For public disclosure
ControlST HMI Compatibility — Legacy Releases
Microsoft® Windows
Version Release Date Project Adv. Viewer
V3.01 May-07 Windows 2000 V6.1 —
V3.02 May-08 Windows 2000 V6.1 —
V3.03 Oct-08 Windows 2000 V6.1 and V7.5 V7.5
V3.04 Dec-08 Windows 2000 V6.1 and V7.5 V7.5
V3.05 Jun-09 Windows XP Professional V6.1 and V7.5 V7.5
V3.06 Mar-10 Windows XP Professional V6.1 and V7.5 V7.5
V4.00 Jun-10 Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 3 V6.1 and V7.5 V7.5
V4.01 Aug-10 Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 3 V6.1 and V7.5 V7.5
32-bit Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 3
32-bit Windows Server 2003, single-user configuration
V6.1, V7.5, and
V4.02 Jan-11 32-bit Windows 7 Professional V7.5 and V8.2
64-bit Windows 7 Professional
64-bit Windows Server® 2008 R2, single-user configuration
32-bit Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 3
32-bit Windows Server 2003, single-user configuration
V6.1, V7.5, and
V4.03 Sep-11 32-bit Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1 V7.5 and V8.2
64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1
64-bit Windows Server 2008R2, single-user config, Service Pack 1
32-bit Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 3
32-bit Windows Server 2003, single-user configuration
V6.1, V7.5, and
V4.04 May-12 32-bit Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1 V7.5 and V8.2
64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1
64-bit Windows Server 2008R2, single-user config, Service Pack 1
32-bit Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 3
32-bit Windows Server 2003, single-user configuration
V6.1, V7.5, and
V4.05 Jun-12 32-bit Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1 V7.5 and V8.2
64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1
64-bit Windows Server 2008R2, single-user config, Service Pack 1
32-bit Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 3
32-bit Windows Server 2003, single-user configuration
V6.1, V7.5, and
V4.06 Nov-12 32-bit Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1 V7.5 and V8.2
64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1
64-bit Windows Server 2008R2, single-user config, Service Pack 1
32-bit Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 3
32-bit Windows Server 2003, single-user configuration
V6.1, V7.5, and
V4.07 Jun-13 32-bit Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1 V7.5 and V8.2
64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1
64-bit Windows Server 2008R2, single-user config, Service Pack 1
32-bit Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 3
32-bit Windows Server 2003, single-user configuration
32-bit Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1 V6.1, V7.5, and
V5.00 Nov-13 V7.5 and V8.2
64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1 V8.2
64-bit Windows Server 2008R2, single-user configuration, Service
Pack 1
32-bit Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 3
32-bit Windows Server 2003, single-user configuration
V6.1, V7.5, and
V5.01 Mar-14 32-bit Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1 V7.5 and V8.2
64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1
64-bit Windows Server 2008R2, single-user config, Service Pack 1

14 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

For public disclosure
ControlST HMI Compatibility — Legacy Releases (continued)
Microsoft® Windows
Version Release Date Project Adv. Viewer
32-bit Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 3
32-bit Windows Server 2003, single-user configuration
V6.1, V7.5, and
V5.02 Sep-14 32-bit Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1 V7.5 and V8.2
64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1
64-bit Windows Server 2008R2, single-user config, Service Pack 1
32-bit Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 3
32-bit Windows Server 2003, single-user configuration
V6.1, V7.5, and
V5.03 Dec-14 32-bit Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1 V7.5 and V8.2
64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1
64-bit Windows Server 2008R2, single-user config, Service Pack 1
32-bit Windows 7
64-bit Windows 7
V6.00 Nov-15 V8.2 V8.2
64-bit Windows Server 2008R2, single-user configuration, Service
Pack 1 and the latest Microsoft updates
32-bit Windows 7
64-bit Windows 7
V6.01 June-16 V8.2 V8.2
64-bit Windows Server 2008R2, single-user configuration, Service
Pack 1 and the latest Microsoft updates

GEI-100694V 15
For public disclosure
7 Installation and Upgrade Prerequisites
This document provides instructions and procedures to upgrade the ControlST Software Suite and its associated applications
and components. The following procedures must be performed in the order listed:

• Complete all prerequisites prior to beginning installation and upgrade

• ControlST Software Suite installation from the ControlST DVD or an .iso file
• System Upgrade (non-CMS and CMS)
• Library Upgrade
• Controller Upgrade
• WorkstationST Device Upgrade

Refer to the section Known Issues (Version-specific Upgrade Requirements) for

version-specific upgrade requirements. Failure to follow these requirements can result
in upgrade delays or other plant operation problems.
The requirements and procedures in this document assume a complete plant shutdown prior to installing the new ControlST
Software Suite. If a complete plant shutdown is not feasible, it is possible for two versions of ControlST to coexist in a single
plant. During a partial shutdown transition period, the plant can be operational with the following limitations:

• Online value changes are not recommended during this period; changes will be temporary and not retained after the
• Additional logic forcing is not recommended during this period unless it is temporary and documented by the site.
• Maintenance limitations for multi-unit workstations and Mark VIe controllers are affected during partial upgrades. The
pairing of workstations with controllers is required to prevent other devices from modifying or downloading the
inappropriate software to a controller. Refer to the table Sample ControlST Upgrade Pairing for an example of such
pairing in a multi-unit plant. This process may prevent a user from performing a download to a controller using a
workstation that has not been upgraded.
• An upgrade matrix identifying the scheduled unit availability should be discussed, generated, and approved by the
customer. Refer to the table Sample ControlST Upgrade Matrix Checklist for an example of an upgrade matrix checklist
used in a multi-unit plant.

If a complete plant shutdown is not planned, contact your GE representative as

required for additional requirements and planning.

Sample ControlST Upgrade Pairing
Mark VIe Controller HMI Workstation Pairings Non-Paired HMI Workstations

In preparation for the upgrade, identify a backup storage device. Select a network
drive or server to save the backup information prior to the upgrade. It is
recommended the storage device is not a device included in the upgrade process.

16 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

For public disclosure
Sample ControlST Upgrade Matrix Checklist
Item Alarms and Reports Archives ControlST Upgrade
Diagnostic Non--
No alarm Forced Control Install Up-
Controller / alarm volatile Historian System Download
hardware history points Constant new grade
HMI Pairs history for RAM archive archive devices
alarms for 30 report report ControlST devices
30 days report

Users should not make application code changes during the upgrade process. These
changes should be made before the start of the upgrade process or after it is complete.


7.1 Licensing
ControlST V05.04 and above requires a new software license. ControlST V04.07 or an earlier hardware dongle is not
compatible with ControlST V05.04.00C and later versions. The ToolboxST and WorkstationST* applications only function if
the license key is programmed to allow access. If the customer site has more than one product the license key must be
programmed to allow access to each product. Refer to the following documents for more information on ControlST licensing.

Document Number Title

GHT-200048 How to Order ControlST Software and License Keys
GHT-200049 How to Install, Activate, Update, and Troubleshoot ControlST Licenses
GHT-200060 ControlST Software Suite License Key Ordering Flow Diagram

GEI-100694V 17
For public disclosure
7.2 Pre-upgrade System Data Collection
Verify there is a minimum of 10 GB of system disk space for each version of ControlST installed, in addition to operating
system requirements. System information must be collected from all controllers.

➢ To collect system data

1. Close all programs currently open.
2. From the ToolboxST Component InfoView, select the Status tab and verify the controllers are in an Equal state.

3. Verify no outstanding diagnostic or process alarms, such as defective I/O packs or network hardware, are present that will
interfere with the site upgrade.
4. Generate a Forced Points report:
a. Open the project *.tcw file.
b. From the Tree View, double-click the controller to display the Component Editor.
c. From the toolbar, click the Go On/Offline to connect the controller online.
d. From the View menu, click Forced Variables.
e. From the Forced Variables dialog box File menu, select Print Preview, and click the disk icon to save a .pdf file of
the forced variable list for archiving to the network drive or server previously selected.
f. Repeat for all controllers.

18 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

For public disclosure
5. Generate a Control Constants report:
a. Open the project .tcw file.
b. From the Tree View, double-click the controller to display the Component Editor.
c. From the toolbar, click the Go On/Offline to connect the controller online.
d. From the View menu, click Control Constants.
e. From the Control Constants dialog box File menu, click Reconcile Differences.
f. If there are differences between the initial and live values of the control constants, a Difference Report displays.
From the Control Constants dialog box File menu, click Export to CSV and save the file to the selected backup
storage device. Determine the best course of action to address these discrepancies.
g. After all the differences are reconciled, from the Control Constants dialog box File menu, click Export to CSV and
save the file to the selected backup storage device.
h. If you require time to address these, click Print Preview and the disk icon to save a .pdf file of the Control
Constants report (includes the live and initial values of the control constants).
i. Save the file to the selected backup storage device.
j. Repeat for all the controllers.
6. Generate a Nonvolatile RAM Report:
a. Open the project .tcw file.
b. From the Tree View, double-click the controller to display the Component Editor.
c. From the toolbar, click the Go On/Offline to connect the controller online.
d. From the View menu, click Global Variables.
e. From the Global Variables dialog box, right-click on one of the displayed column names and select Organize
f. From the Organize Columns dialog box, verify that Nonvolatile displays in the Shown list and not in the Hidden
g. Sort on the Nonvolatile column (click on the column name to sort) until all cells that are True are grouped together.
h. Capture screen copies of all variables Nonvolatile and their current value and save to a file.
• Select the window you want to copy and press the
[Alt] + [Print Scrn] keys to capture the screen.
• Open WordPad® and paste the screen to the page.
• Save to the selected storage device.
i. Repeat for all the controllers.
7. Generate an Alarm and Events Report.

Note The Totalizer data does not change during a controller firmware download or restart.

a. Beginning with ControlST V04.04, controller configurations must not exceed the following limits:
i. Configured Process Alarms and Holds limit = 4,096 maximum
ii. Configured Holds limit = 512 maximum
iii. Configured Events limit = 2,048 maximum
b. If these limits are exceeded, reduce the number of configured Process Alarms, Events, and Holds.

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Do not proceed with the upgrade until the limits are met.

8. Capture Totalizer data.
a. Open the project .tcw file to display the System Editor.
b. From the Tree View, double-click the controller to display the Component Editor.
c. From the toolbar, click Go On/Offline to connect the controller online.
d. From the Device menu, click Administer and Totalizers.
e. Select the designated processor and click OK.
The Totalizers dialog box displays.

f. Record the Totalizer data for each controller by taking a screen copy of the values. (The Save selection from the
dialogue box does not capture the actual values. It records the Identifier number only.) The Totalizer data can also be
recorded by taking a screen copy of each controller using the HMI screens.
g. Repeat this procedure for all controllers.

20 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

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7.3 Non-CMS System Archive
After all other preparations are complete, archive the master .tcw system file that was determined to be equal in the section
Pre-upgrade System Data Collection, step 2.

➢ To archive the .tcw system file

1. Identify the master workstation where the Mark VIe .tcw file is stored.
2. Open the running software from the master workstation device.
3. Ensure all the system components are saved.
4. From the File menu, select Archive System.

5. From the Archive System dialog box, click All, then click OK.
6. Save the zipped file to a storage device.
7. From the master workstation, back up the Master folder.
8. From the Historian* workstation device (if a GE-supplied Historian exists), archive the Historian data to the selected
backup storage device.
9. If the WorkstationST* Status Monitor, WorkstationST Alarm Viewer, and Trender features are currently configured to
display non-English text, prior to uninstalling or installing ControlST, create a backup copy of the folders containing
translated Resource DLLs. Refer to the section Multilingual Support.

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7.4 CMS System Archive
➢ To archive the .tcw system file
1. Identify the Master Server where the .tcw software is installed.
2. Open the running software from the Master Server Workstation where the .tcw system file is stored (E:\Site\local_
3. Ensure all the system components are saved.
4. Ensure all the system components are checked in to Configuration Management System (CMS).
5. Perform a recursive GET from all Workstations to verify all components are at the Equal state.

− From the System Editor Tree View, right-click the system icon (the top item in the tree), select CMS, and
click Get Latest Version.
6. From the File menu, select Archive System.
7. From the Archive System dialog box, click All, then click OK.
8. From the Save As dialog box, save the .zip file to a separate storage device, then save it to an HMI that is not affected by
the current upgrade.
9. From the Historian workstation device (if a GE-supplied Historian exists), archive the Historian data to the selected
backup storage device.
10. If the WorkstationST Status Monitor, WorkstationST Alarm Viewer, and Trender features are currently configured to
display non-English text, prior to uninstalling or installing ControlST, create a backup copy of the folders containing
translated Resource DLLs. Refer to the section Multi-language Support.

7.5 Shared IONet

Beginning with ControlST V04.06, the Shared IONet feature allows two controllers to share inputs from I/O modules. If this
feature is desired, the following items must be considered before performing an upgrade:

• If a Mark VIeS Safety controller is configured, perform an upgrade on this controller first.
• If present, the Mark VIeS Safety controller becomes the new grand master for NTP time synchronization. Verify that the
NTP settings are identical for each controller.
• Identify I/O modules that are not supported for the Shared IONet feature.
• Controller IONet IP addresses (third octet) may need to be modified.
• The I/O may need to be compressed and the controller restarted. Further troubleshooting may be required.

For Shared IONet upgrade you must have the previous release still installed on the


Note Refer to the Mark Controllers Shared IONet User Guide (GEH-6812) for more information.

22 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

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8 Platform Software Upgrade
This chapter describes how to upgrade the ControlST Software Suite using the ControlST DVD or .iso file. The upgrade
process requires that the procedures be performed in the order listed. These instructions have been prepared to assist a
qualified GE Field Engineer implementing a site software upgrade.

Starting with ControlST V05.00, a new GE PROFICY license is required for the
ToolboxST and WorkstationST applications. You must have the new license installed to
open or create .tcw files.

Install the appropriate options from the GE ControlST DVD or .iso file on all
workstations, HMIs, and computers. Do not install the CMS server application on any
other computer except the HMI that is currently used as the CMS server.

Note If working in a CMS environment, the upgrade process requires coordination with, and the cooperation of, other clients
and users on the system. A system administrator should upgrade the master workstation (master copy) first. This requires that
all master system files under CMS control be checked out of the repository for the update and checked back in after the
update. Build changes and downloads to devices, libraries, or workstations made by other users while the master system files
are checked out will be lost since their access is limited to a read-only copy of the data.

These procedures assume that the user is upgrading their existing ControlST Software Suite and have (in their possession) the
GE ControlST DVD, hardware key, access level privileges, and required system passwords.

Note The release and version numbers displayed in the following dialog boxes may differ from those displayed during
actual installation. The content of the dialog boxes may also differ based upon the actual version being installed.

➢ To upgrade to a new version of the ControlST Software Suite

1. Verify the C:\ hard drive has a minimum of 10 GB available disk space for installing the new ControlST version. Free up
adequate space if necessary before proceeding with the installation.
2. If upgrading from a version prior to V05.00, remove the hardware key.
3. If installing from a .iso file, use one of the following methods to run the installation program:

• If installing onto a Windows 8 or Server 2012 R2 or newer operating system, this is available directly from
Windows®. Click the .iso file to mount it to a drive letter and run the setup.exe program from there.
• If installing onto a Windows 7 operating system, first install a freely distributed mounting software, for example
Virtual Clone Drive or use 7-zip to extract the contents from the .iso into a folder or burn the .iso to a physical DVD.
Run the setup.exe program.

Note Detailed procedures for all of the above methods for installation from .iso images are available on the internet.

4. If using a DVD, place the new ControlST DVD into the CD/DVD drive. The installation starts automatically. If the
installation does not start automatically, use Windows Explorer to navigate to the CD-ROM drive and double-click on
setup.exe program. The Read Me First message box displays.

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5. Click Continue (or OK).
6. Select the appropriate option(s) and click Install.

24 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

For public disclosure
Configuration Tools Package This is the distribution of the ToolboxST application and its packages for configuration
of the various controller types that it supports. The Configuration Tools Package is required on each HMI that will be
involved in the site configuration - it is typically installed on all HMIs.

Configuration Tools Documentation Provides the .pdf files for the Mark controls products.

WorkstationST This is the runtime portion of the HMI or Historian, which communicates with controllers to collect
real-time data and alarm information for the HMI. It includes the EGD Configuration Server which is the real-time server of
the configuration information. The WorkstationST application must be installed on each HMI and Historian.

CMS-SVN Server This is the Configuration Management Server. This package should only be installed on one HMI, the
one designated as the site's CMS Server (if used) [S-CMS = Server].

Hart® Message Server This is a special package that operates as a Hart Message Server for Emerson® AMS® support. It
is typically installed on only one HMI at the site (if used).

Simulink™ Block Lib This is a special block library used for MATLAB™ configuration and simulation. It is only
installed if this HMI requires that support (most don't).

Historian Reports This is a Historian Reports package that is only installed on site Historians, not on HMIs.

ControlST Supplement Package Beginning with ConstrolST V07.02, the UCCx controller is installed by selecting this

GEI-100694V 25
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8.1 Configuration Tools (ToolboxST Application)
If the Configuration Tools Package installation option was selected during ControlST Software Suite installation, installation
automatically begins. Beginning with V06.00, the ControlST Support Package is installed first (and Product Def interfaces),
then the Configuration Tools installation begins.

➢ To upgrade the configuration tools (ToolboxST application)

1. From the Setup dialog box, click Install.
2. From the Welcome dialog box, click Next.
3. From the License Agreement dialog box, select Agree. To continue the installation you must accept the agreement.
4. Click Next.
5. From the Destination Folder dialog box, click Next. The Custom Setup (or Select Features) dialog box displays.

For a complete
installation , click
Next and go to step

For a single-feature
installation , go to
step 6 .

26 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

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6. For a single-feature installation, perform the following:

Click the icon

next to GE
Tools Package
and select
Entire feature
will be
(red X) to
disable all

Click the icon

next to the
desired feature
and select
Entire feature
will be
installed on
local hard

Click Next and

go to step 7.

Note This example would be used if only installing the firmware for a BPPC-based PAIC I/O module. Refer to the Mark VIe
and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I System Guide (GEH-6721_Vol_I), the section Mark VIe BPPC I/O Migration
Guidelines for more information on upgrading from BPPB to BPPC.

7. From the Ready to Install window, click Install. A progress window displays. When the installation is complete, click

GEI-100694V 27
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8.2 Configuration Tools Documentation Install
If this installation choice was checked, the Mark controls product documentation .pdf files are installed onto the HMI
computer at the location specified.

8.3 WorkstationST
➢ To upgrade the WorkstationST Application
1. If WorkstationST is selected as a ControlST installation option, when the Configuration Tools (ToolboxST application)
installation is complete, the Setup dialog box displays asking the user if they want to install WorkstationST.

Click Yes to install.

The Welcome dialog

box displays.

1. Click Next.
2. From the License Agreement dialog box, select Agree. To continue the installation you must accept the agreement.
3. Click Next.
4. From the User Information dialog box, enter the Full Name of the computer and the Organization name, and select
the allowed user(s).
5. Click Next.
6. From the Destination Folder dialog box, click Next. The Custom Setup (or Select Features) dialog box displays.

Note The Alarm Viewer can be installed by itself for use on a remote computer.

28 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

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To select a
component not
to be installed ,
click the icon
next to the
component and
select the red X.

Click Next .

7. A progress window displays. When the installation is complete, click Finish.

GEI-100694V 29
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8.4 Install Additional Options
➢ To install additional options
1. Click Yes and follow the installation dialog boxes to install selected additional ControlST options. When complete, the
following message box displays. Any updates for the Proficy client licensing are installed after all products installations
(and before the Exit Setup dialog box displays).

Note If the Proficy License Client does not automatically install during ControlST installation, the following Security
Warning dialog box displays. You must exit setup and manually run ProficyClientInstaller.exe from the DVD _files
directory to install it.Without the Proficy License Client installed, you will not be able to open the installed ControlST

Exit Setup Dialog Box

2. Click Yes to exit setup.

Note Before exiting setup, the installation program also installs Support files, such as those required for the new GE
licensing. These files only need to be installed one time and will not be re-installed if additional products are selected.

3. After the Support files are installed, install the new GE license key. Wait at least one minute before continuing.
4. From the Start menu, select All Programs, Proficy Common, and License Viewer. Verify the correct ControlST
software suite options are enabled.

30 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

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8.5 CMS Server

If you are upgrading to ControlST V06.00 or later, refer to the section Upgrade from
CMS to CMS-SVN. All others refer to the section Upgrade the CMS Server.


8.5.1 Upgrade from CMS to CMS-SVN

Beginning with ControlST V06.00, the CMS Server has been updated to improve its responsiveness and reliability. This
change is not backwards compatible; systems must be moved into a new CMS-SVN repository. These systems will not
include the history from the previous repository; it will use only the latest version from the previous repository.
Perform the following procedures to upgrade:

• Get a copy of the system from the current repository

• Configure the new repository
• Add a system to the new repository

➢ To get a copy of the system from the current repository

1. Make sure no files are checked out.
2. Use the current ToolboxST version (prior to V06.00) to get the latest version of files from the CMS repository.
To configure the new repository, add the system to the CMS Server.

➢ To add a system to a repository

This operation is performed only once for a system, at initial use.

1. Open the ToolboxST application system .tcw file.
2. Log in to the CMS Client.

GEI-100694V 31
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From the CMS menu, select Login.

Enter the Repository URL in the Server URL field,

enter your username and password, then click OK.

The Repository URL address is

available from the CMS
Administrator Tool configuration
and can be provided to site users.


32 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

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3. If the CMS Server was configured with a self-signed certificate, users are prompted to save and accept the certificate.

Select Save certificate and click Accept.

Note: If you do not select Save certificate , you

will be asked to accept this certificate each time
you log on to the CMS server.

4. Add the system to the repository.

From the CMS menu , select Add System to Repository...

GEI-100694V 33
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➢ To get a Working Copy from the CMS Server to other computers

This operation only needs to be performed one time for each computer to get a local
Working Copy of the system on each computer.


1. From the ToolboxST application, get the system from the CMS Server.

From the CMS menu, select

Get System from Repository...

Enter the Repository URL in the Server URL field,

enter your username and password, then click OK.


34 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

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2. If the CMS server has been configured with a self-signed certificate, users are prompted to save and accept the certificate.

Select Save certificate and click Accept.

Note: If you do not select Save certificate , you

will be asked to accept this certificate each time
you log on to the CMS server.

3. Save the Working Copy of the system to a designated location on the computer.

From the drop-down menu, select the system. Enter the folder path or
click Browse and select a location to save the system folder, then click OK.

Note Even if the folder path requires a new folder, the system will automatically create the new folder.

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➢ To open a system from the CMS Client
1. From the ToolboxST application, open a system.

From the File menu , select Open System...

2. Log on and connect to the CMS Server.

Note You must connect to the correct CMS Server to log on.

Verify that the Repository server URL is correct .

Enter your username and password and click OK.


36 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

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Example System Open in ToolboxST Application

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8.5.2 Procedure to Upgrade Legacy CMS Server (If Not Upgrading to ControlST V06.00
or Later)
➢ To upgrade the Legacy CMS Server
1. When the WorkstationST application installation is complete, the Setup dialog box for the CMS Server displays.

Click Yes to install.

The Welcome dialog

box displays.

2. Click Next.
3. From theLicense Agreement dialog box, select Agree. To continue the installation you must accept the agreement.
4. Click Next.
5. From the Destination Folder dialog box displays, click Next.
6. From the Ready to Install dialog box, click Install. A progress window displays.
7. When the installation is complete, click Finish.

38 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

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9 System and Component Upgrades
ControlST supports a variety of control equipment. These products include updated firmware for the equipment and
configuration tools that are available as component editors in the ToolboxST application. When a new version is installed,
newer versions of some components may be installed as well. To use the new versions, you must upgrade each component.

9.1 System Upgrade

➢ To upgrade the .tcw system file in a CMS environment
1. Open the running software from the Master Server Workstation device where the .tcw system file is stored (E:\Site\local_
checkout). The following message may display.

2. Click No to upgrade the system to the new version. The system displays in the System Editor.
Click Yes to keep the system in the old version.

Note Once the selection is made to keep the old version, upgrade prompts do not display when opening the system file in the
future, unless the Maintain Compatibility property of the system is turned off. This option allows the use of different
ToolboxST versions for different devices in the same system. If an attempt is made to use a feature incompatible with the file
version the system is in (such as Shared IONet between V04.05 and V04.06), a warning displays and gives the option to

3. If CMS server is used to manage the .tcw system file, from the Tree View, right-click the system icon (the top item in
the tree), select CMS and click Check Out. If a CMS server is not used, go to step 5.

GEI-100694V 39
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From the System
Editor, double -click
the system icon to
display the System

A message box
explaining the
changes may

4. If the message box displays, click OK.

5. From the File menu, click Save.

Click OK .

6. Close the System Information Editor.

7. From the System Editor File menu, click Save System.
8. If the message box displays, click OK.
9. If a LiveView is included in the system, perform the following, if not, go to step 10.
a. Using the new version, open the LiveView screen in edit mode.
b. Save and close the LiveView.
c. Reopen the LiveView screen to display LiveView in the new version.
10. For CMS systems, from the Tree View, right-click the system icon (the top item in the tree), select CMS and click
Check In.

40 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

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9.2 EX2100e and LS2100e Control Systems Upgrade with Windows 2012R2
or Windows 10 OS
The upgrade of an EX2100e or LS2100e control system requires that both the new and current (previous) version of the
runtime be present on the workstation where the upgrade is performed. However, ControlST versions prior to V06.00.xx
(with older runtimes required for upgrade) will not install on workstations with a Windows 2012R2 operating system.
Upgrade instructions for this issue are provided in this section.

9.2.1 Upgrade System on Existing Windows 7 Workstation

➢ To upgrade the system with Windows 7
1. Verify the current GE Configuration Tools Package version (with the current EX2100e and LS2100e runtime versions) is
installed on the workstation.
2. Install the new GE Configuration Tools Package on the workstation. The new ToolboxST and EX2100e/LS2100e
runtimes will be installed in parallel with the old versions.
3. Open the ToolboxST system, and upgrade the system including EX2100e and/or LS2100e.
4. Perform a Build and download all components.
5. After successful upgrade, uninstall the previous version of the GE Configuration Tools Package.

9.2.2 Upgrade System on Windows 2012R2 or Windows 10

Note This procedure involves manually copying the current EX2100e and LS2100e runtime files from a Windows 7
workstation to the Windows 2012R2 workstation.

1. Install the new GE Configuration Tools Package on the Windows 2012R2 workstation.
2. Install the current GE Configuration Tools Package version (with the correct current EX2100e and LS2100e runtime
versions) onto a Windows 7 workstation (laptop). Verify that this version matches what is currently being used in the
3. Copy the Vxx.xx.xxC folders in each of the following folders on the Windows 7 workstation to the corresponding folder
on the Windows 2012R2 workstation:

C:\Program Files (x86)\GE Energy\EX2100e Excitation Control\EX2100e

C:\Program Files (x86)\GE Energy\EX2100e Excitation Control\EX2100e_Reg
C:\Program Files (x86)\GE Energy\EX2100e Excitation Control\EX2100e_TSR
C:\Program Files (x86)\GE Energy\Static Starter Control\LS2100e

Note There will be a newer Vxx.xx.xxC folder in each of the folders on the 2012R2 workstation. Do not delete these folders.
After the copy is completed there should be both an older and newer Vxx.xx.xxC folders in each of the folders listed here.

4. Open the ToolboxST system, and upgrade the system including EX2100e and LS2100e.
5. Perform a Build and download all components.
6. Leave the older version files in place after the upgrade is completed.

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9.3 Library Upgrade

Libraries must be upgraded before controllers can be upgraded.

➢ To upgrade the libraries
1. If CMS server is used to manage the .tcw system file, from the System Editor Tree View, right-click a library
container, select CMS and click Check Out. If a CMS server is not used, go to step 2.
2. From the System Editor Tree View, double-click a library container to display the Component Editor.

Click OK .

A message box
explaining the
changes displays.

Click OK .

42 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

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From the Component
Editor, select Libraries.

From the File menu,

select Upgrade.

The Library Upgrade

Wizard welcome screen

Click Next .

The following
Wizard screen

GEI-100694V 43
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Click Finish.

3. From the Component Editor’s Summary View, check the Directory and verify the BlockLibs are upgraded by
reviewing their version references.
4. Click Save.

Click OK .

From the toolbar, click the Validate icon

to validate the changes .

44 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

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From the Component InfoView Log tab,
check for and correct any errors.

5. If errors were corrected, from the toolbar, click Save , then click Validate.

Note Instance All is not recommended.

6. Close the library.

7. For CMS systems, from the Tree View, right-click the library container, select CMS and click Check In.
8. Repeat this procedure for the remaining library containers displayed in the Tree View.

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9.4 Controller Upgrade
The procedure for upgrading controller components is similar to that for the libraries. Some components have optional
libraries referenced that do not automatically get upgraded. The following procedure explains how to upgrade a component
with or without optional library references.

As of Mark VIeS V06.00.00C, the IS215UCCCS05 platform is no longer supported.

Mark VIeS V05.03 is the most current firmware version that still supports the UCCx
platform. Beginning with ConstrolST V07.02, the UCCx is installed from the
ControlST Software Suite DVD by selecting the ControlST Supplement Package
installation option. For more information refer to the procedure To upgrade to a new
Attention version of the ControlST Software Suite.

➢ To upgrade configured controller components

1. If a CMS server is used to manage the .tcw system file, from the System Editor Tree View, right-click a controller
component, select CMS and click Check Out. If a CMS server is not used, go to step 2.
2. From the System Editor Tree View, double-click a controller component to display the Component Editor.

Click OK .

The following message

box displays.

Click OK .

The following message box displays .

46 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

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3. Click OK.
4. When a Watch Window exists in a component, a Watch Window upgrade message box displays. Click OK.
5. From the File menu, select Upgrade. If prompted, enter the required password.

6. Click OK. The LAN modules display as Warnings in the Log tab.
7. When a newer version of a referenced external block library is available in the new installation, an Upgrade External
Block Library dialog box displays. Select the latest version and click OK.

GEI-100694V 47
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8. From the Component Info View, select the Log tab and check for and correct any errors from the upgrade. Also,
review all warnings and correct if necessary.

Note Instance All is not recommended.

For versions 03.06.xx and

higher, from the controller
Component Editor,
select Enable Auto-
Reconfiguration and set
to False .

The following message

box displays.

48 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

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9. From the toolbar, click the Build button.
10. From the Component Info View, select the Log tab. Check for and correct any errors from the build. Also, review all
warnings and correct if necessary.

Note The Warning displays because the I/O packs in V04.06 are enabled to use multicast IP addressing on the outputs from
the controller. The Warning is issued to ensure that during this transition all I/O packs and the associated controller are
downloaded and restarted. The download and restart are forced to ensure that communications between the controller and the
I/O packs are updated to the new multicast addressing scheme.

From the Device

menu, click

GEI-100694V 49
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Click to select
Distributed I/O .

Click OK .

When this message box displays, click Yes .

11. If errors (or warnings) were corrected, click the Build button, then click OK.
12. Save and Close the component.
13. Repeat this procedure for the remaining Mark VIe components.

50 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

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9.5 I/O Pack Firmware Upgrade

Note Refer to Service with Updated Technology Mark VIe I/O Packs Extended Product Life Cycle Support Notice
(GEZ-S2026) for more detail.

As part of the ongoing support for the Mark VIe controls platform, the processor board in many I/O packs has been migrated
from a BPPB to a BPPC. There are two requirements to utilize the new BPPC based I/O packs:

• The Mark VIe system must be at ControlST V04.04.xx or later.

• The I/O pack(s) firmware must be upgraded using BPPC I/O Upgrade V05.01.05 or later. Refer to the Mark VIe and
Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I System Guide (GEH-6721_Vol_I), the section Mark VIe BPPC I/O Migration
Guidelines for a detailed description of this upgrade procedure.
For I/O packs that are not yet part of the migration to BPPC form factor, refer to the ToolboxST User Guide for Mark Controls
Platform (GEH-6703) , the section Upgrade Component and I/O Modules.

9.6 Controller Download

Download the controller components.

➢ To download to the controllers

1. If using a Shared IONet group, verify that all ToolboxST Component Editors have been saved and closed. It is
recommended that controller downloads be performed from the System Editor. Refer to the Mark Controllers Shared
IONet User Guide (GEH-6812) for further details.
2. If not using a Shared IONet group, double-click the controller to display the Component Editor.
3. From the Component InfoView, select the Log tab. Check for and correct any errors. Also, review all warnings and
correct if necessary.
4. If errors were corrected, click the Build button and return to step 2 until there are no errors or warnings.
5. Go online with the controller

From the toolbar, click Download

to download to the controller .

When the Welcome page displays,

click Next .

GEI-100694V 51
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Note When performing a first-time download for an upgrade or initial power sequence, do not manually check or uncheck
any I/O packs or controllers during the download Wizard.

Each controller (R, S, and T) requires a restart with a Base Load, Firmware, or
Application Code download. The amount of time required for this varies by site and
configuration. Allow adequate time for the controller to restart.
While the controllers are downloading, the following status window displays.

Do not restart the controllers or I/O packs during the download; the ToolboxST
application does this automatically. This could lead to failed I/O packs.


52 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

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When the controller restart is complete,
from the Component InfoView, verify
Controller Equallity is Equal.

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6. From the toolbar, click Download to download to the I/O packs.

Click to select
Scan I /O .

Click Scan to
rescan and
include I /O.

Click Next .

Allow adequate
time for
downloading to
the packs.

Note Do not restart the controllers or I/O packs during the download. The ToolboxST application does this automatically.
This could lead to the failure of I/O packs.

While the I/O packs are downloading, the status window displays.

7. From the Component InfoView, select the Log tab. Check for and correct any errors from the download. Also, review
all warnings and correct if necessary.

Note Do not restart the controller while fixing errors.

54 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

For public disclosure
The I/O pack will have a red X as shown in the following figure if it is not communicating with the controller.

When the download is complete ,

verify the controller and all I/O
packs are equal.

From the Component Infoview

Status tab, the following should
Control State – Controlling
Ccntroller Equality – Equal
IO Equality - Equal

GEI-100694V 55
For public disclosure
For versions .03.06.xx and higher,
if the site (customer) wants the
Auto-Reconfiguration feature , from
the Property Editor, select
Enable Auto-Reconfiguration
and set to True.

When this step is performed,

restart the controller to perform an
offline download of the
configuration to all I/O packs in the

8. After the controller has restarted, from the toolbar, click Build. Resolve any errors prior to download.
9. From the toolbar, click Download.
10. Refer to the section Post Upgrade and perform the controller related checks (first four) in the list.
11. For CMS systems, from the System Editor Tree View, right-click the controller component, select CMS and click
Check In.
12. Repeat this download procedure for all controllers.

56 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

For public disclosure
9.7 WorkstationST Device Upgrade
After all libraries and controller components have been upgraded, use the following procedure to upgrade the WorkstationST
Devices in the ToolboxST system.

➢ To upgrade WorkstationST Devices

1. If the WorkstationST Status Monitor, WorkstationST Alarm Viewer, and Trender features are currently configured to
display non-English text, refer to the section Multi-language Support. If not, proceed to step 2.
2. If a CMS server is used to manage the .tcw system file, from the System Editor Tree View, right-click the
WorkstationST Device, select CMS , and click Check Out.
3. From the ToolboxST System Editor Tree View, double-click the WorkstationST Device to display the Component
4. From the Component Editor toolbar, click Download. If any modification exists since the last download, click OK to
perform a Build.

Click Next .

GEI-100694V 57
For public disclosure
Click Next .

Click Next .

5. Click Finish.
6. When the download is complete, click the Go Online icon.
7. If CIMPLICITY project is used, perform steps 7 and 8. If not, go to step 9. After the HMI Device is online, the HMI
importer runs to populate and/or update the CIMPLICITY project. From the InfoView Status tab, the HMI item
displays HMI Importer is Running.
8. After the HMI Importer is complete, a time stamp is recorded. From the InfoView Status tab, the HMI item displays
HMI Importer is Ready to Import.

58 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

For public disclosure
9. If a backup copy of the Status Monitor, Alarm Viewer, and Trender translated Resource DLL folders was created in step
1, refer to the section Multi-language Support to restore the folders. If not, go to step 2.
10. For CMS systems, from the System Editor Tree View, right-click the HMI component, select CMS and click Check
11. Repeat this procedure for all WorkstationST devices (HMIs and Historians) applicable to the upgrade.

9.8 Post Upgrade

After the installation is complete and the upgrade process has been performed on all libraries, controllers, I/O packs, and
HMIs, perform the following checks:

• Forced Variable checks: Generate a forced variable report as performed in the section Pre-upgrade System Data
Collection. Compare both reports. Restore any necessary forces that were initially identified if necessary.
• Non-volatile RAM checks: Generate a Non-volatile RAM report as performed in the section Pre-upgrade System Data
Collection. Verify the values are retained.
• Control Constant reports: Generate a new control constant report as performed in the section Pre-upgrade System Data
Collection. Check for differences with the previous report (before upgrade). Correct any differences if necessary.
• Capture Totalizer Data checks: Generate Totalizer data as performed in the section Pre-upgrade System Data Collection.
Check for differences with the data (before upgrade). Correct any differences if necessary.
• If a GE Historian exists, ensure it is collecting data from the upgraded controllers.
• Verify the reference HMI components are exchanging data.
• Verify any third-party communication such as GSM, Modbus, and OPC devices.

9.9 Remove Previous ControlST Version

When a system has a new EX2100e or LS2100e controller, you must have the old
version runtime software present with the new version runtime software for an
upgrade to be performed. Once upgrade is completed the old software can be
➢ To remove the previous (older) version of the ControlST Software Suite

Note Before continuing, refer to section Known Issues (Version-specific Upgrade Requirements), item D, regarding ARES

1. From the Start menu, select Settings, click Control Panel, and double-click Add or Remove Programs or
Uninstall a Program (depends on the Windows OS).
2. Select GE Configuration Tools Package (or in older versions GE ControlST Package) and click Remove.
3. When the removal is complete, close the Add or Remove Programs window.
4. When backups were made of translated Resource DLL folders, after completing ControlST installation, refer to the
section Multi-language Support to restore the translated Resource DLLs prior to continuing with the upgrade process.
5. Repeat the installation and removal for all HMIs that require a ControlST upgrade.

Note Remember to install the Hart Message Server and CMS Server on appropriate computers as you continue the upgrade

GEI-100694V 59
For public disclosure
10 Multilingual Support

This process must be done on each HMI that uses non-English displays before
beginning the upgrade process.


Note The folder name containing the translated resource DLLs is based on the Language Culture Name. For example, for
resource DLLs translated into French (Luxembourg) the folder name is fr-LU , and for resource DLLs translated into
Spanish (Peru) the folder name is es-PE.

Note The ControlST Software Suite features are installed in the following location:C:\Program Files (x86)\GE Energy.

➢ To back up the translated Resource DLL folders for multi-language display

Each language folder contains several files that end with .resources.dll extension. It may also contain the <application
name>Dictionary.txt file, a tab-separated value file that contains the string translations used to create the .resource.dll files. It
may also contain a translated online help manual that has a .chm extension.
1. For the WorkstationST Status Monitor create a backup of the folder:
Program Files (x86)\GE Energy\WorkstationST Features\<language culture name>
Program Files (x86)\GE Energy\WorkstationST Features\<language culture name>
2. For the WorkstationST Alarm Viewer create a backup of the folder:
Program Files (x86)\GE Energy\WorkstationST Alarm Viewer\<language culture name>
Program Files\GE Energy (x86)\WorkstationST Alarm Viewer\<language culture name>

60 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

For public disclosure
3. For the Trender create a backup of the folder:

Note For ControlST versions prior to V06.02, the Trender files were located in the following location: Program Files
(x86)\GE Energy\ToolboxST\Vxx.xx.xxC\OperatorTools\<language culture name>

Program Files (x86)\GE Energy\TrenderST\<language culture name>

Program Files (x86)\GE Energy (x86)\TrenderST\<language culture name>
4. Install the ControlST Software Suite. Refer to the section Platform Software Upgrade for further details on upgrade
After installation is complete, perform the following procedure to restore the translated Resource DLL folders before
continuing with the upgrade process.

This process must be done on each HMI that uses non-English displays.

➢ To restore the translated Resource DLL folders from the backup location for Multi-language display
1. Restore the WorkstationST Status Monitor Resource DLLs from the backup folder to:
Program Files (x86)\GE Energy\WorkstationST Features\<language culture name>
Program Files (x86)\GE Energy (x86)\WorkstationST Features\<language culture name>
2. Restore the WorkstationST Alarm Viewer Resource DLLs from the backup folder to:
Program Files (x86)\GE Energy\WorkstationST Alarm Viewer\<language culture name>
Program Files\GE Energy (x86)\WorkstationST Alarm Viewer\<language culture name>
3. Restore the Trender Resource DLLs from the backup folder to:
Program Files (x86)\GE Energy\TrenderST\<language culture name>
Program Files (x86)\GE Energy\TrenderST\<language culture name> where Vxx.xx.xxC is the version of the
application just installed.
After restoring the Resource DLLs the user may see non-translated strings in the WorkstationST Status Monitor,
WorkstationST Alarm Viewer, or Trender if these strings were added or changed in the application in a software release that
occurred after the Resource DLLs were created.

GEI-100694V 61
For public disclosure
10.1 Language Culture Names
The following table lists the available cultures and subcultures. The Name column contains names used as the Language
component of all file names and used as directory names that contain resource files for that culture.

Note Right-to-left languages are not supported.

Display Name Name Display Name Name

Afrikaans af Lao (Lao P.D.R.) lo-LA
Afrikaans (South Africa) af-ZA Latvian lv
Albanian sq Latvian (Latvia) lv-LV
Albanian (Albania) sq-AL Lithuanian lt
Alsatian (France) gsw-FR Lithuanian (Lithuania) lt-LT
Amharic (Ethiopia) am-ET Lower Sorbian (Germany) dsb-DE
Armenian hy Luxembourgish (Luxembourg) lb-LU
Armenian (Armenia) hy-AM Macedonian mk
Macedonian (Former Yugoslav
Assamese (India) as-IN mk-MK
Republic of Macedonia)
Azeri az Malay ms
Azeri (Cyrillic, Azerbaijan) az-Cyrl-AZ Malay (Brunei Darussalam) ms-BN
Azeri (Latin, Azerbaijan) az-Latn-AZ Malay (Malaysia) ms-MY
Bashkir (Russia) ba-RU Malayalam (India) ml-IN
Basque eu Maltese (Malta) mt-MT
Basque (Basque) eu-ES Maori (New Zealand) mi-NZ
Belarusian be Mapudungun (Chile) arn-CL
Belarusian (Belarus) be-BY Marathi mr
Bengali (Bangladesh) bn-BD Marathi (India) mr-IN
Bengali (India) bn-IN Mohawk (Mohawk) moh-CA
Bosnian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and
bs-Cyrl-BA Mongolian mn
Bosnian (Latin, Bosnia and
bs-Latn-BA Mongolian (Cyrillic, Mongolia) mn-MN
Mongolian (Traditional Mongolian,
Breton (France) br-FR mn-Mong-CN
Bulgarian bg Nepali (Nepal) ne-NP
Bulgarian (Bulgaria) bg-BG Norwegian no
Catalan ca Norwegian, Bokmål (Norway) nb-NO
Catalan (Catalan) ca-ES Norwegian, Nynorsk (Norway) nn-NO
Chinese (Hong Kong S.A.R.) zh-HK Occitan (France) oc-FR
Chinese (Macao S.A.R.) zh-MO Oriya (India) or-IN
Chinese (People's Republic of China) zh-CN Pashto (Afghanistan) ps-AF
Chinese (Simplified) zh-CHS Polish pl
Chinese (Singapore) zh-SG Polish (Poland) pl-PL
Chinese (Taiwan) zh-TW Portuguese pt
Chinese (Traditional) zh-CHT Portuguese (Brazil) pt-BR
Corsican (France) co-FR Portuguese (Portugal) pt-PT
Croatian hr Punjabi pa
Croatian (Croatia) hr-HR Punjabi (India) pa-IN
Croatian (Latin, Bosnia and hr-BA Quechua (Bolivia) quz-BO
Czech cs Quechua (Ecuador) quz-EC
Czech (Czech Republic) cs-CZ Quechua (Peru) quz-PE

62 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

For public disclosure
Display Name Name Display Name Name
Danish da Romanian ro
Danish (Denmark) da-DK Romanian (Romania) ro-RO
Dari (Afghanistan) prs-AF Romansh (Switzerland) rm-CH
Dutch nl Russian ru
Dutch (Belgium) nl-BE Russian (Russia) ru-RU
Dutch (Netherlands) nl-NL Sami, Inari (Finland) smn-FI
English en Sami, Lule (Norway) smj-NO
English (Australia) en-AU Sami, Lule (Sweden) smj-SE
English (Belize) en-BZ Sami, Northern (Finland) se-FI
English (Canada) en-CA Sami, Northern (Norway) se-NO
English (Caribbean) en-029 Sami, Northern (Sweden) se-SE
English (India) en-IN Sami, Skolt (Finland) sms-FI
English (Ireland) en-IE Sami, Southern (Norway) sma-NO
English (Jamaica) en-JM Sami, Southern (Sweden) sma-SE
English (Malaysia) en-MY Sanskrit sa
English (New Zealand) en-NZ Sanskrit (India) sa-IN
English (Republic of the Philippines) en-PH Scottish Gaelic (United Kingdom) gd-GB
English (Singapore) en-SG Serbian sr
Serbian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and
English (South Africa) en-ZA sr-Cyrl-BA
English (Trinidad and Tobago) en-TT Serbian (Cyrillic, Montenegro) sr-Cyrl-ME
Serbian (Cyrillic, Serbia and
English (United Kingdom) en-GB sr-Cyrl-CS
Montenegro (Former))
English (United States) en-US Serbian (Cyrillic, Serbia) sr-Cyrl-RS
Serbian (Latin, Bosnia and
English (Zimbabwe) en-ZW sr-Latn-BA
Estonian et Serbian (Latin, Montenegro) sr-Latn-ME
Serbian (Latin, Serbia and Montenegro
Estonian (Estonia) et-EE sr-Latn-CS
Faroese fo Serbian (Latin, Serbia) sr-Latn-RS
Faroese (Faroe Islands) fo-FO Sesotho sa Leboa (South Africa) nso-ZA
Filipino (Philippines) fil-PH Setswana (South Africa) tn-ZA
Finnish fi Sinhala (Sri Lanka) si-LK
Finnish (Finland) fi-FI Slovak sk
French fr Slovak (Slovakia) sk-SK
French (Belgium) fr-BE Slovenian sl
French (Canada) fr-CA Slovenian (Slovenia) sl-SI
French (France) fr-FR Spanish es
French (Luxembourg) fr-LU Spanish (Argentina) es-AR
French (Principality of Monaco) fr-MC Spanish (Bolivia) es-BO
French (Switzerland) fr-CH Spanish (Chile) es-CL
Frisian (Netherlands) fy-NL Spanish (Colombia) es-CO
Galician gl Spanish (Costa Rica) es-CR
Galician (Galician) gl-ES Spanish (Dominican Republic) es-DO
Georgian ka Spanish (Ecuador) es-EC
Georgian (Georgia) ka-GE Spanish (El Salvador) es-SV
German de Spanish (Guatemala) es-GT
German (Austria) de-AT Spanish (Honduras) es-HN
German (Germany) de-DE Spanish (Mexico) es-MX
German (Liechtenstein) de-LI Spanish (Nicaragua) es-NI
German (Luxembourg) de-LU Spanish (Panama) es-PA

GEI-100694V 63
For public disclosure
Display Name Name Display Name Name
German (Switzerland) de-CH Spanish (Paraguay) es-PY
Greek el Spanish (Peru) es-PE
Greek (Greece) el-GR Spanish (Puerto Rico) es-PR
Greenlandic (Greenland) kl-GL Spanish (Spain) es-ES
Gujarati gu Spanish (United States) es-US
Gujarati (India) gu-IN Spanish (Uruguay) es-UY
Hausa (Latin, Nigeria) ha-Latn-NG Spanish (Venezuela) es-VE
Hindi hi Swedish sv
Hindi (India) hi-IN Swedish (Finland) sv-FI
Hungarian hu Swedish (Sweden) sv-SE
Hungarian (Hungary) hu-HU Tajik (Cyrillic, Tajikistan) tg-Cyrl-TJ
Icelandic is Tamazight (Latin, Algeria) tzm-Latn-DZ
Icelandic (Iceland) is-IS Tamil ta
Igbo (Nigeria) ig-NG Tamil (India) ta-IN
Indonesian id Tatar tt
Indonesian (Indonesia) id-ID Tatar (Russia) tt-RU
Inuktitut (Latin, Canada) iu-Latn-CA Telugu te
Inuktitut (Syllabics, Canada) iu-Cans-CA Telugu (India) te-IN
Irish (Ireland) ga-IE Thai th
isiXhosa (South Africa) xh-ZA Thai (Thailand) th-TH
isiZulu (South Africa) zu-ZA Tibetan (PRC) bo-CN
Italian it Turkish tr
Italian (Italy) it-IT Turkish (Turkey) tr-TR
Italian (Switzerland) it-CH Turkmen (Turkmenistan) tk-TM
Japanese ja Ukrainian uk
Japanese (Japan) ja-JP Ukrainian (Ukraine) uk-UA
Kannada kn Upper Sorbian (Germany) hsb-DE
Kannada (India) kn-IN Uyghur (PRC) ug-CN
Kazakh kk Uzbek uz
Kazakh (Kazakhstan) kk-KZ Uzbek (Cyrillic, Uzbekistan) uz-Cyrl-UZ
Khmer (Cambodia) km-KH Uzbek (Latin, Uzbekistan) uz-Latn-UZ
K'iche (Guatemala) qut-GT Vietnamese vi
Kinyarwanda (Rwanda) rw-RW Vietnamese (Vietnam) vi-VN
Kiswahili sw Welsh (United Kingdom) cy-GB
Kiswahili (Kenya) sw-KE Wolof (Senegal) wo-SN
Konkani kok Yakut (Russia) sah-RU
Konkani (India) kok-IN Yi (PRC) ii-CN
Korean ko Yoruba (Nigeria) yo-NG
Korean (Korea) ko-KR
Kyrgyz ky
Kyrgyz (Kyrgyzstan) ky-KG

64 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

For public disclosure
11 Known Issues (Version-specific Upgrade
Check for the issues with the currently installed version listed in the following table during ControlST upgrade.

Currently Installed Version Known Issue(s)

V03.02 or below A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, O, P, Q, R, S
V03.03 and V03.04 C, E, F, G, I, J, K, M, O, P, Q, R, S
V03.05 C, E, F, G, I, J, K, M, O, P, Q, R, S
V03.06 C, E, F, G, I, J, K, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S
V04.00 and V04.01 C, E, F, I, J, K, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S
V04.02 C, E, F, I, J, K, M, O, P, Q, R, S
V04.03 C, E, F, I, J, M, O, P, Q, R, S
V04.03 R2 C, F, I, J, M, O, P, Q, R, S
V04.04 and V04.05 C, I, P, Q, R, S, T
V04.06, V04.07, V05.00, V05.01, and V05.02 C, I, S, T
V05.04, V06.00, V06.01, V06.02, and V07.00 C, I, S

Known issues:
A. Issue: Signed/Unsigned
Applies to: ControlST V02.01 or below, upgrading to any later version
Description: The ToolboxST application allows connections between INTs and UINTs, LINTs and ULINTs, DINTs
Action: Upgrading a configuration that was saved with ToolboxST application V02.01.13C or earlier might
give build errors because variables of incompatible date types are connected. The configuration will
have to be changed to use variables of the same type, or use MOVE blocks to convert signed variables
to unsigned or vice-versa.
B. Issue: TRAN_DLY block
Applies to: ControlST V03.02 or below, upgrading to V03.03 through 04.03 (fixed in V04.04)
Description: When building an application with a TRN_DLY block where the N_DELAY pin is set to 1 or 0, the
validation may fail with the error Required pin does not have connection LIST.
Action: Create a new variable of type REAL and attach it to the TRN_DLY block’s LIST pin.
C. Issue: I/O pack corruption
Applies to: Any ControlST software suite version being upgraded
Description: If power is turned off to panel while an I/O pack download is in progress, the pack may become
corrupted and require replacement.
Action: Do not turn power off to the panel while performing an I/O pack download. Always check the
ToolboxST application screens to verify the download is complete prior to turning power off.

D. Issue: MPC ARES Block (when to uninstall old version)

Applies to: ControlST V03.01 or below, upgrading to V03.02 (fixed in V03.03)
Description: When upgrading a system to ControlST V03.02, the upgrade might fail because of referenced ARES
and MPC block libraries.
Action: When upgrading a system to ControlST V03.02, leave the old version of the ControlST software suite
installed until AFTER the upgrade is complete.
E. Issue: Installing the WorkstationST application without the ToolboxST application

GEI-100694V 65
For public disclosure
Applies to: Any ControlST version upgrading to V04.03 R2 (fixed in V04.04)
Description: When installing the WorkstationST application without the ToolboxST application from the ControlST
DVD V04.03 R2, the OPC DA Server feature does not work correctly with the Alarm Server.
Action: There are two ways to fix this issue. Either install the ToolboxST application, or run the vcredit_x86.
exe file (provided in the install package). A computer restart is not required.

F. Issue: WorkstationST Web

Applies to: ControlST V04.03 or below, upgrading to V04.04 or later
Description: The WorkstationST Web subsystem uses the Microsoft® ASPX .NET framework to provide web
pages containing real time and historical data. The ControlST V04.04 has switched from using .NET
version 2.0 to using .NET version 4.0. This means it is necessary to tell the Microsoft Web Server to
launch the programs under the .NET 4.0 framework instead of the .NET 2.0 framework.
The WorkstationST Web subsystem is primarily used on the OSM to provide information via web pages, it is
seldom used on an HMI. If you are not using the WorkstationST Web subsystem you do not need to make
this change.

Action: The definition of which .NET version to use is an attribute in the Microsoft Internet Information
Server (IIS) settings. The location of this setting is slightly different for different operating systems.
For full installation details, refer to the WorkstationST Web View Instruction Guide (GEI-100661).
The following summary shows the setting that needs to be changed when updating from versions
prior to V04.04.

Windows XP

• Open the Control Panel, select Administrative Tools and Internet Information Service.
• Select the entry for local computer - Web Sites - Default Web Site - scripts - Wkstn-aspx.
• Right-click on the above entry and select Properties.
• From the ASP.NET tab, set the ASP .NET version to V4.0.30319.
• Click OK and exit the application

Windows Server 2003 R2

• Open the Control Panel, select Administrative Tools and Internet Information Service (IIS)
• Select the entry for local computer - Web Sites - Default Web Site - scripts - Wkstn-aspx.
• Right-click on the above entry and select Properties.
• From the ASP.NET tab, set the ASP .NET version to V4.0.30319.
• Click OK and exit the application.

Windows 7

• Open the Control Panel, select Administrative Tools and Internet Information Service (IIS)
• Select the entry for local computer - Web Sites - Application Pools.
• Right-click on the entry for WorkstationST AppPool and select Basic Settings.
• In the .NET Framework Version entry select .NET Framework V4.0.30319, click OK and exit
the application.

G. Issue: Windows 2000 operating system obsolescence

Applies to: ControlST V03.06 or below, upgrading to V04.00 or later

66 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

For public disclosure
Description: The ControlST Software Suite releases beginning with V04.00.xx will no longer run on the Microsoft
Windows 2000 operating system. The Controls CoE NPI team has determined this step is necessary
to allow future ControlST software suite releases to take advantage of technological improvements in
more recent operating systems. Subsequent attempts to install new releases of the ControlST
Software Suite onto Windows 2000 operating systems will be prevented.
Action: Upgrades to ControlST V04.00 or later require HMI or operating system upgrades on Windows
2000-based HMIs.
H. Issue: Removal of previously installed versions of the WorkstationST application is required prior to
installation of a new version.
Applies to: ControlST V03.02 or below, upgrading to a newer release of V03.02 or below (fixed in V03.03)
Description: For currently installed WorkstationST application V03.02 or below, it is required that the existing
version of the WorkstationST application be removed prior to installing an upgraded version from the
ControlST DVD.
Action: Remove the previously installed version of the WorkstationST application prior to installation of a
new version.

➢ To remove the previous installation of the WorkstationST application

1. From the Start menu select Settings, click Control Panel, and double-click Add or Remove
2. Select GE WorkstationST Package and click Remove.
3. Close the Add or Remove Programs window after completion.
I. Issue: Installing the MATLAB application and the GE Simulink Block Library.
Applies to: Any ControlST version upgrading to V04.00 or later.
Description: When installing ControlST V04.00 or later, the MATLAB application must be installed before
installing the GE Simulink Block Library.
Action: Install the MATLAB application before installing the GE Simulink Block Library.
J. Issue: Control watchdog protection
Applies to: Any ControlST software suite version upgrading to V04.04 or later.
Description: With ControlST V04.04, the controller watchdog (ContWdog) is now always enabled and must be
driven. After upgrading, existing systems that do not drive ContWdog will trip and produce a
diagnostic alarm (Alarm 108: Control Watchdog Protection Activated).
Action: Include a DEVICE_HB block in an application blockware task that is scheduled at frame rate.
Connect the Out signal on the DEVICE_HB block to a DINT variable. Go to the Hardware tab and
select the PPRO module. In the Variables tab, locate the signal ContWdog and connect that signal to
that same variable.
K. Issue: SYS_OUTPUTS block build error
Applies to: ControlST V04.02 (or below) upgrading to V04.03 or later
Description: Prior to ControlST V04.03, a controller configuration could have more than one SYS_OUTPUTS
block. When you upgrade to V04.03 (or later) if a configuration has more than one SYS_OUTPUTS
block, a new build error Only one SYS_OUTPUTS block is allowed in a controller displays.
Action: Remove one of the SYS_OUTPUTS blocks.

GEI-100694V 67
For public disclosure
L. Issue: Logic not visible in device
Applies to: ControlST V03.01 (or below) upgrading to V03.02 or later
Description: When upgrading a library with passwords and then instancing, logic in the device logic is no longer
visible without entering a password.
Action: Contact Controls COE to update library with Inhibit scripts.
M. Issue: Compress EGD pages
Applies to: ControlST V04.03 or below, upgrading to V04.04 or later
Description: Starting in ControlST V04.04, the Removed Unused Variables option during instance will possibly
remove variables that would not be removed during an instance in V04.03 and earlier. When this
Instancing feature is set to True variables will be removed from EGD if they are not used in the
Device on Hardware or Software tabs during the instance. This can cause the need for EGD compress
if instance is performed after upgrade to V04.04.
Action: Compress EGD, build and download, if required.

Other controllers without Dynamic Binding capability may require download because of EGD signature
N. Issue: Alarm Server and Network Monitor incompatibility issues during the upgrade phase
Applies to: ControlST V03.06, V04.00, and V04.01 upgrading to V04.02 or later
Description: The Alarm Server stops working during the upgrade process. Due to communication protocols
established in V03.06, the Network Monitor version installed with V03.06, 04.00, and 04.01 is only
compatible with the same version of the Alarm Server (they use the same alarm message protocol).
The alarm message protocol was changed in V04.02, which causes the Alarm Server to be unable to
decode Network Monitor messages correctly when the Network Monitor and Alarm Server are
running different versions.

This scenario only arises if the Network Monitor and Alarm Server are located on different workstations.

Action: When performing a system upgrade temporarily stop the Network Monitor, or disable the Alarm
Server connection to the Network Monitor, until both the Network Monitor and Alarm Server
workstations have been upgraded.
O. Issue: Build error for intrinsic variables including Alarm.Horn, Hold.Permissive, Alarm.Indicator, Alarm.
Indicator, Alarm.ActiveCount, Alarm.AckCount, Alarm.UnAckCount.
Applies to: Any ControlST version upgrading to V04.04 or later
Description: Prior to ControlST V04.04, the listed variables could be written to. Starting with ControlST V04.04
any attempt to write to the listed variables produces a build error.
Action: Do not write to the listed variables. If this condition already exists, correct it.

P. Issue: Observe the following warning message after all I/O packs have been upgraded: Warning,1:55:06
PM, The IONet is set to Broadcast. To switch to Multicast, perform a Compress Distributed I/O.
Applies to: Any ControlST version upgrading to V04.06 or later.
Description: Prior to ControlST V04.06, the controller’s I/O outputs were broadcast on the IONet. Starting with
ControlST V04.06, the ToolboxST application is able to configure the controller to send multicast
outputs. This can ONLY be done after all I/O packs on the IONet have been upgraded to support
multicast, and a compress I/O (restart required) has been performed. This will ensure that all I/O
packs are capable, and then downloaded and restarted using the multicast address scheme.

68 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

For public disclosure
Action: After receiving this warning, perform the recommended compress I/O when the controllers and I/O
packs can be restarted safely.
Q. Issue: Any Rate of Change analog alarm of data types other than REAL and LREAL will get a build error
when upgraded to ControlST V04.06 or later
Applies to: Any ControlST version upgrading to V04.06 or later.
Description: Prior to ControlST V04.06, the Rate of Change analog alarm was allowed regardless of the data type.
Starting with ControlST V04.06, the Rate of Change analog alarm is only allowed if the alarm
variable type is REAL (single precision floating point) or LREAL (double precision floating point).
This is to prevent possible Alarm Chattering caused by the use of other data types.
Action: Upon receipt of the build error (or prior to upgrading to ControlST V04.06), locate the Rate of
Change analog alarm(s) using data types other than REAL or LREAL and delete or make corrections
as necessary.
R. Issue: N-TRON® 508FX2 IGMP Snooping feature
Applies to: Any ControlST version upgrading to V04.06 or later.
Description: The IONet is an Ethernet communications network used between controllers and distributed I/O
modules. It sends and receives broadcast and/or multicast packets. The N-TRON 508FX2 switch is a
managed switch with an IGMP Snooping feature. If this switch is used with this feature enabled, it
compromises the transmission of multicast packets on the IONet.
Action: Disable the IGMP Snooping feature.

➢ To resolve theIONet switch issue

1. Connect a computer to the serial port on the N-TRON 508FX2 switch.

Model No. 508FXE2-A-SC-40

DB9 socketed connector
Front View Side View

USB connection to computer

Example: Keyspan® by Tripp Lite

USA-19HS Hi-Speed USB Serial
Cat 5e cable
GE Part#: 342A4931ABP3 – Straight-through
GE Part#: 342A4931ABP2 – Straight-through
DB9 pin connector
DB9 socketed connector

GEI-100694V 69
For public disclosure
2. From the Windows HyperTerminal utility, establish a link to the switch using this configuration:

• 9600 baud
• 8 bits
• no parity
• 1 stop bit
3. Apply power to the switch.
4. Verify that the HyperTerminal application displays as follows:

Self Test & System Initialization Complete..... OK!

N-TRON Industrial Ethernet Switch - Model Number: 508FX2-A.

N-Tron firmware version : 9.53 (03)
Copyright (c) 2003-2007 N-TRON
MAC ADDRESS: 00-07-AF-01-8B-67

N-View is ENABLED.
Trunking (Link Aggregation) is DISABLED.
Mirroring is DISABLED.
Tagged QOS is ENABLED.
IGMP Snooping is ENABLED.
Aging is ENABLED.

Managing IGMP Snooping.....................

Exit to return to Management Console Function.

Press [ESC] to Exit >

5. Press Esc to enter the Command Line Interpreter mode.

6. When prompted, enter admin for both the User Name and Password.
7. Enter the following commands:

• Switch
• igmp
• disable
• /

Note The “/” command will take the user back to root.

8. Cycle power to the switch.

70 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

For public disclosure
9. Verify that the configuration of switch is as follows:

Self Test & System Initialization Complete..... OK!

N-TRON Industrial Ethernet Switch - Model Number: 508FX2-A.

N-Tron firmware version : 9.53 (03)
Copyright (c) 2003-2007 N-TRON
MAC ADDRESS: 00-07-AF-01-8B-67

N-View is ENABLED.
Trunking (Link Aggregation) is DISABLED.
Mirroring is DISABLED.
Tagged QOS is ENABLED.
IGMP Snooping is DISABLED.
Aging is ENABLED.

Managing IGMP Snooping.....................

Exit to return to Management Console Function.

Press [ESC] to Exit >

GEI-100694V 71
For public disclosure
S. Issue: The ToolboxST application may stop working while navigating the FOUNDATION fieldbus blocks
on an F809F H1 device (Windows Style 'ToolboxST has Stopped Working' APPCRASH). Exception
Code: 0xC0000005
Applies to: Any ControlST version upgrading to V04.07.03 or later.
Description: Viewing live parameters from the hardware tab for the F809F device can cause the ToolboxST
application to stop working and must be closed. This problem occurs when there are multiple
revisions of the F809F (rev 2) and F809F-Plus (rev 3) device. The following message displays:

An application event will be logged as follows:

Action: Delete one of the revisions of the F809F device. For example, delete all the F809F (rev2) devices and
then unimport the DD files using the following procedure.

72 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

For public disclosure
➢ To delete and unimport the F809F (rev 2) device

From the controller

Hardware tab
View menu, select
Fieldbus DD

From the DD Importer, locate the F809F item, click

to select the Action box, and click Remove.

GEI-100694V 73
For public disclosure
From the DD Importer , the F809F item now
displays as Available , but is no longer Imported.

74 GEI-100694V ControlST* Software Suite Installation and Upgrade

For public disclosure
1. Click the Build icon.
2. Click the Download icon.
3. Click the Save icon.
4. Close and then reopen the ToolboxST application.

T. Issue: Excessive Alarms and Events configurations will not generate a Build error.
Applies to: Any ControlST version upgrading to V04.04 to V05.02.
Description: Beginning in ControlST V04.04 and prior to V05.04.01C, the Process Alarm and Events limits
defined in the controller firmware were not aligned with the ToolboxST build rules and the controller
fails to download considering the limits were exceeded. These limits in runtime were aligned with the
ToolboxST build rules to produce Build errors beginning in V05.04.01C and higher.
Action: When upgrading to ControlST V04.04 to V05.02, verify ToolboxST build rules to ensure the
controller configurations do not exceed the following limits:
• Configured Process Alarms and Holds limit = 4,096 maximum
• Configured Holds limit = 512 maximum
• Configured Events limit = 2,048 maximum
If these limits are exceeded, reduce the number of Process Alarms and Events, Holds, and Events.

GEI-100694V 75
For public disclosure
12 Upgrade Rules (Version Specific)
The following table lists the upgrade rules that apply to specific products during an upgrade to the ControlST Software Suite.
The Product column lists the product that has new upgrade rules. The Product Version column lists the version of the product
that has new upgrade rules. The Upgrade Rule column describes the actions performed during product version upgrade.

Product Product Version Upgrade Rule

PMVP Firmware V04.07.00C The following I/O point changes will occur upon upgrade of the PMVP module:
Previous I/O Point Name New I/O Point Name
L25 BYPASS Sync Bypass1
L25 BYPASSZ Sync Bypass0
The following I/O point changes will occur upon upgrade due to new configuration options available
PPRA Firmware V04.07.00C
for the PPRA module:
Previous I/O Point Name New I/O Point Name
WETA Firmware V04.07.00C AnalogInput01 through AnalogInput12 I/O points have a new default configuration value as follows:
Previous Configuration Value New Configuration Value
Unused 0–20 mA
Manual reconfiguration steps are required by the user during this upgrade. Refer to the Mark VIe and
PVIBH1B Firmware V05.01.00C Mark VIe Control Systems Volume II General-purpose Applications System Guide (GEH-6721_Vol_
II) for detailed upgrade instructions.
Beginning with ControlST V06.01, compatibility for the S1B version of these of these I/O packs
(BPPC versions) is added. However, do not upgrade an S1A (BPPB) version) beyond firmware
YVIBS1B ControlST 6.01 or later Back up the ToolboxST system (.tcw) file prior to any upgrade.
All I/O packs attached to a single terminal board must be the same hardware revision.
Manual reconfiguration steps are required by the user during this upgrade. Refer to GEH-6721_Vol_II
for detailed upgrade instructions.
Beginning with ControlST V06.01, compatibility for the S1B version of these of these I/O packs
YAICSIB, (BPPC versions) is added. However, do not upgrade an S1A (BPPB) version) beyond firmware V04.
YDIAS1B, xx.xxC.
ControlST 6.01 or later
and Back up the ToolboxST system (.twc) file prior to any upgrade.
YDOAS1B All I/O packs attached to a single terminal board must be the same hardware revision.
Refer to GEH-6721_Vol_II for more information.

13 Downgrade Considerations
Consider the following points when downgrading a ControlST system or component software or firmware:

• A project (.tcw file) is tied to a branch of ControlST

• Upgrades of ControlST projects are supported and thoroughly tested
• Downgrades of ControlST projects and/or components are not supported or tested

For public disclosure

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