Ow360 30
Ow360 30
Ow360 30
Version 1
May 2016
Copyright Notice
Since the equipment explained in this document has a variety of uses, the user and those
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The text, illustrations, charts, and examples included in this manual are intended solely to explain
the use and application of the OvationTM Unit. Due to the many variables associated with specific
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Copyright © Emerson Process Management Power & Water Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
Emerson Process Management
Power & Water Solutions
200 Beta Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15238
E-Mail: [email protected]
Web site: https://www.ovationusers.com
OW360_30 i
Table of Contents
ii OW360_30
Table of Contents
OW360_30 iii
Table of Contents
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Table of Contents
OW360_30 v
Table of Contents
Index 299
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S E C T I O N 1
Foundation Fieldbus supports up to 16 devices on a single pair of wires - called a segment. For
Ovation applications, however, considerations such as power, process modularity, and loop
execution speed make six to eight devices per segment a typical average. Based on the above
example of a plant with 1000 devices, you would only need to have 125 to 170 homerun wire
pairs in a Fieldbus application.
OW360_30 1
1.1 What is Foundation Fieldbus?
A “homerun” is the wire that goes all the way from the equipment room to the device. This wiring
can be new or you can take advantage of your existing plant wiring. Either way, this translates
into a potential for significant savings in wiring and wiring installation.
Additionally, with Foundation Fieldbus, your field instruments become intelligent data transmitters.
For example, one temperature transmitter might communicate inputs from as many as eight
sensors - still only using one wire pair. In addition, information flow can now be two-way. A valve
Controller can accept a control output from a host system or other source and send back the
actual valve position for more precise control.
Unlike proprietary network protocols, Foundation Fieldbus is neither owned by any individual
company nor regulated by a single nation. (The International Electric Commission, or IEC, is
considered the governing standards body.) The technology is supported by the Fieldbus
Foundation, a not-for-profit organization consisting of more than 150 of the world’s leading
controls and instrumentation suppliers and end users. The objective of the Fieldbus Foundation is
to develop a single, open, interoperable, international Fieldbus, giving users a wide range of
“Fieldbus-compatible” equipment from a large selection of vendors.
For more information about the Fieldbus Foundation, visit their Web site at
2 OW360_30
1.2 Understanding Foundation Fieldbus interoperability
Interoperability between field devices means that field devices from different manufacturers can
work together, sending and receiving information related to their specific function in the process.
The Fieldbus Foundation has established guidelines for interoperability between field devices on
a Fieldbus segment. These guidelines address such aspects as physical characteristics,
communication, and software functionality.
OW360_30 3
1.3 Fieldbus terminology
The following table contains a list of terms used in conjunction with Foundation Fieldbus.
Fieldbus terminology
4 OW360_30
1.3 Fieldbus terminology
OW360_30 5
1.4 Foundation Fieldbus second generation solutions
Ovation 3.5 and later releases support the second generation solution (I/O module) for the
application to interface with Foundation Fieldbus.
Note: Ovation 3.5 and later releases do not support the first generation Fieldbus. It will only
interface with the Fieldbus I/O module.
The following table describes the first and second generation of Foundation Fieldbus solutions.
Second generation The second generation Ovation implementation of Foundation Fieldbus uses
native (integral to Ovation) I/O modules and interfaces to these modules
through the Ovation I/O bus. In the second generation Fieldbus solution, the
Ovation system connects to the Fieldbus segment through a bus module
(also called an H1 card). It streamlines the amount of hardware that you
need by eliminating the use of Ethernet network switches and gateways.
These modules require external power conditioners, where the power is
supplied to the external power conditioners from the standard Ovation power
First generation The first generation Ovation implementation of Foundation Fieldbus uses
hardware and software components to integrate Fieldbus devices with
Ovation technology through a gateway module. The gateway may reside in
an Ovation Controller cabinet or it may be located up to 100 meters from the
Note: To upgrade FET database to the new Ovation 3.5 Fieldbus system, refer to FET Migration
in the Ovation Software Installation Manual.
Note: To upgrade FET database to the new Ovation 3.5 Fieldbus system, refer to FET Migration
in the Ovation Software Installation Manual.
6 OW360_30
1.6 What are the Foundation Fieldbus and Ovation components?
The second generation Ovation implementation of Foundation Fieldbus uses native (integral to
Ovation) I/O modules and interfaces to these modules through the Ovation I/O bus. As the
drawing illustrates, the second generation Ovation solution streamlines the amount of hardware
that you need by eliminating the use of Ethernet network switches and gateways.
OW360_30 7
1.6 What are the Foundation Fieldbus and Ovation components?
On each segment are various Fieldbus devices. Fieldbus devices are intelligent field instruments,
such as transmitters and valves, with processors that monitor device performance and state.
Each segment supports up to 16 Fieldbus devices. However, Emerson typically recommends no
more than 10 to 12 devices per segment.
Field devices are configured and engineered using tools integrated into the Ovation Developer
In addition to the Fieldbus and Ovation components mentioned above, you must use the AMS
Device Manager software package. AMS Device Manager analyzes information received through
the control system from intelligent Fieldbus devices to provide operators and maintenance
personnel with the detailed information necessary to calibrate, configure, and diagnose plant
equipment more efficiently. For more information about AMS Device Manager, refer to the AMS
Device Manager documentation online.
8 OW360_30
1.6 What are the Foundation Fieldbus and Ovation components?
In the second generation Fieldbus solution, the Ovation system connects to the Fieldbus segment
through a bus module (also called an H1 card). Each bus module has two ports and each port can
connect to one Fieldbus segment. Up to 16 devices are supported for each segment. For Ovation,
Emerson recommends a design limit of 10-12 devices per segment. The bus module and the
ports associated with the module manage the Fieldbus device behaviors. Each port requires
12mA of power.
Each port functions as the Link Active Scheduler (LAS) (see page 15) and manages the
transmission of messages across a Fieldbus segment. LEDs on the module display power, errors,
and status for each port.
In the Ovation Developer Studio, the bus modules are displayed under the I/O subsystem for the
Controller associated with the Fieldbus device.
1.6.2 Ports
There are two ports on each bus module: P01 and P02. Each port can connect to one Fieldbus
segment. You can view the ports and their properties in the Developer Studio by using the system
tree to navigate down from the Controller drop that contains your Fieldbus devices.
The ports support configuration parameters for download, these attributes are visible and
editable. For more information on downloading, see To download a Foundation Fieldbus module
port. (see page 115)
As with any I/O module, power for the second generation Foundation Fieldbus modules is
supplied through the Controller.
Second generation Foundation Fieldbus modules require external power conditioners. Power is
supplied to the external power conditioners from the standard Ovation power supplies.
Fieldbus devices are field instruments, such as transmitters and valves, with processors that
monitor device performance and state. Fieldbus devices use a digital, rather than analog,
connection to the Ovation system. These devices notify the control system of standard operating
parameters and are capable of reporting device problems, such as instruments out of calibration.
Using Fieldbus devices that are pre-configured can save valuable time because the physical and
software capabilities are already configured. You only have to install, verify, and upload the
devices. However, you must plan your control strategy to access the field device at a specific tag.
The devices have attributes that hold the commissioning information. These attributes are visible
but not editable.
OW360_30 9
1.6 What are the Foundation Fieldbus and Ovation components?
Function blocks are self-contained software modules that reside in the Fieldbus devices. These
modules enable the I/O to be moved from the Ovation Controller to the field device. Function
blocks perform analog-to-digital conversions with built-in scaling and characterization in the field
device and send the digital signal back to Ovation. Essentially, you use function blocks to provide
your process control information so that you can run your plant as efficiently as possible.
The following function blocks are supported: FFAI, FFAO, FFDI, FFDO, FFISEL, FFMAI, FFMAO,
FFMDI, FFMDO, and FFPID. You can use the Developer Studio to view the function blocks
associated with your Fieldbus devices.
The function blocks support configuration, and these attributes are visible and editable in the
tuning dialog box. See To configure and verify Foundation Fieldbus function block parameters
(Tuning). (see page 135)
PlantWeb Alerts are a special type of alarm generated by Fieldbus devices for the purpose of
providing self-checking, fault diagnostics, and user support. Note that PlantWeb Alerts are
separate and distinct from process alarms.
10 OW360_30
1.6 What are the Foundation Fieldbus and Ovation components?
PlantWeb Alerts are categorized into four alert types: advisory, maintenance, failure, and
Advisory Alerts allow maintenance personnel to address a problem before it impacts
operations. The alerts are presented to maintenance personnel as an aid to maintenance
planning. For example, an intelligent digital valve Controller may generate an advisory alert
when a valve has cycled a certain number of times. Maintenance personnel could then use
this alert to schedule further diagnostics or check the valve for wear.
Maintenance Alerts indicate a malfunction has occurred (or is about to occur), and what the
effects might be. For example, an intelligent pressure transmitter could generate a
maintenance alert, indicating that a valid process variable is no longer available.
Maintenance can use the alert, together with diagnostic and repair data from the AMS Device
Manager to determine corrective actions. Plant operators use this alert to determine the
possible effect on plant process measurement and safety. The operator can assess the
urgency of the repair and allocate priority for maintenance attention. With this information,
maintenance knows the priority requested, the location of the problem equipment, and what
tools or parts are needed. This speeds maintenance response and reduces the cost of repair.
Failure Alerts indicate a failure has occurred that renders the device inoperative.
Maintenance personnel use the AMS Device Manager information screens to show the parts
and procedures required for repairing the failure. Operators use the information to keep the
plant in a safe operating condition.
Communication Alerts indicate that the Ovation system is unable to communicate with the
At the time of configuration, priorities are assigned to each type of PlantWeb Alert. See To
configure a Fieldbus device for PlantWeb Alerts (see page 97).
Other types of intelligent field devices that are not part of the PlantWeb family may also generate
alerts. The Ovation system has the ability to recognize these alarms in the Alarm system as
non-PlantWeb alerts. Non-PlantWeb alerts are categorized into two types: Abnormal alerts and
Communication alerts.
Note: For more information on PlantWeb Alerts, refer to the Ovation PlantWeb Alert User
OW360_30 11
S E C T I O N 2
The Foundation Fieldbus H1 technology is modeled on the Open Systems Interconnect (OSI)
Seven-Layer model and consists of three parts:
Physical Layer
Communication Stack
User Layer
The Foundation Fieldbus communications stack is a single software implementation that performs
functions similar to layers 2 through 7 of the OSI module. The user layer (also called the function
block application process) is unique to Foundation Fieldbus and is not part of the OSI model.
OW360_30 13
2.1 What is the Foundation Fieldbus communications model?
The first function layer of the Foundation Fieldbus communications model is the physical layer.
The physical layer translates messages into physical signals on the wire.
The physical layer also provides the common electrical interface for all Foundation Fieldbus
devices. Foundation Fieldbus H1 segments require 9 - 32 volts DC power and approximately
15-20 mA of current per device.
The Foundation Fieldbus physical layer is defined by approved standards (IEC 61158-2 and
ANSI/ISA 50.02, part 2). It can run on existing field wiring over long distances, supports two-wire
devices, and the standard makes provisions for intrinsically safe wiring practices as defined by the
applicable governing bodies.
The second part of the communications model combines several technologies that together
control transmission of data on the Fieldbus. These layers combined together are referred to as
the communications stack.
The data link and applications layers provide a standard way of “packaging” the data, as well as
managing the schedule for communication and function block execution.
The user layer sits on top of the communications stack, where it enables you to interact with other
layers and with other applications.
The user layer contains resource blocks, transducer blocks, and function blocks that describe and
execute device capabilities such as control and diagnostics.
This release of Ovation software supports the following function block types: FFAI, FFAO, FFDI,
FFDO, FFISEL, FFMAI, FFMAO, FFMDI, FFMDO, and FFPID. Within this group of supported
function block types, Ovation uses device descriptions to configure function blocks and enable the
display of parameters without custom programming.
Device Descriptions (see page 18) enable the Ovation system to interact with and understand
these blocks without custom programming.
14 OW360_30
2.2 What are scheduled communications?
All devices and function blocks on a Foundation Fieldbus segment execute and communicate
process control information on a regular, repeating cycle. You typically use scheduled
communications for the regular, repeating exchange of control loop data between devices on the
Fieldbus segment.
Timing for this type of communication is determined by a master schedule in a Link Active
Scheduler (LAS). The LAS determines which device communicates at what time and in what
order. The H1 card functions as the LAS.
Note: The Ovation System supports one backup Link Master, located in a field device, on each
Fieldbus segment. The terms “Link Master” and “Link Active Scheduler” are used
The LAS function maintains the central, deterministic schedule for communication between
devices on a segment. It improves overall communication reliability by “compelling” each device
to transmit data only when it is scheduled to do so.
The LAS maintains a register, called the Compel Data schedule, which is a list of transmit times
for all the data buffers that need to be transmitted. It is a schedule of which devices are going to
communicate at what time.
With the publisher/subscriber communications method, you can use a specific parameter with as
many different devices or functions as you want, without increasing traffic on the bus or affecting
your control.
OW360_30 15
2.3 What are unscheduled communications?
Unscheduled communications are typically used for user-initiated changes, such as set-point
changes, tuning changes, downloads, and uploads. Other types of unscheduled information
Configuration information.
Alarm, event, and trend data.
Diagnostic and status information.
Even though this type of information is important, typically, it is not time-critical like loop control
information. If it is transmitted a few seconds early or late, there is no impact on the process
control or plant operation.
Fieldbus gives this information a lower priority on the segment than scheduled
control-loop-related communications. However, a certain amount of time in the communications
cycle is reserved for these unscheduled communications to ensure that the segment is not too
loaded to carry the information.
The LAS gives all devices on the Fieldbus a chance to send unscheduled messages between
transmissions of scheduled messages. The LAS grants a device permission to use the Fieldbus
for unscheduled messages by issuing a Pass Token (PT) message to the device. When the
device receives the token from the LAS, it sends unscheduled messages until it finishes or until
the maximum token hold time expires, whichever is shorter. The device can send unscheduled
messages to a single device or it can multicast the message to multiple destinations. The LAS
maintains a Live List of the devices that are properly responding to the PT message.
Essentially, unscheduled communications are used for engineering functions and process data
that are not referenced on a control sheet.
New devices can be added to the Fieldbus at any time. Between the times it sends out Compel
Data messages, the LAS sends out Probe Node (PN) messages to the addresses not in the Live
List. If a new device is present in that address, it receives the PN and answers with a Probe
Response (PR) message. When the LAS receives the PR message from the device, it adds the
device to the Live List. Whenever a device is added or removed from the Live List, the LAS
broadcasts the change to all devices.
16 OW360_30
2.4 Understanding the function block application process
Blocks can be thought of as self-contained algorithms that have defined sets of inputs and/or
outputs for a specific function or type of information.
The resource block deals with the overall device. It contains information, such as manufacturer,
device type, and serial number. Each device has one resource block.
The resource block often provides information about the health or status of the device as a whole.
Access to this additional information may be one of the most important features of Fieldbus
because it enables you to detect device problems before they affect the process.
During project execution, the resource block identifies a device, tags it, and commissions it.
During ongoing operations, maintenance technicians use it to obtain device configuration and
status information and to run some types of device-specific diagnostics.
The transducer block deals with the wetted parts of a device (parts of the device that deal with
voltage). It provides local input/output functions needed to read sensors and to command
actuators, displays, or other output hardware. It is the link between the physical world of sensors
and actuators and the data world of process control.
The transducer block contains information such as calibration data, sensor type, materials of
construction, and in many cases, the operating status of actuators and sensors.
For devices that are not configured, the transducer block in the device must be configured using
the AMS Device Manager software package. For more information on AMS Device Manager,
refer to the AMS Device Manager Online Documentation.
OW360_30 17
2.4 Understanding the function block application process
Function blocks provide control-system behavior within the Fieldbus environment. You can link
analog and discrete input and output blocks and a wide variety of control algorithms, such as PID,
across the Fieldbus to perform process control.
Each device has a predetermined number of function blocks depending on the type of function it
performs. A simple device may only have a single input or output function block. More complex
devices may have several input and output blocks, as well as blocks for monitoring and control.
During project execution, control engineers use function blocks to implement the control strategy.
During ongoing operations, the function blocks provide the process control information and
functions that the operators use to run the plant.
The Fieldbus Foundation has defined standard sets of basic and advanced function blocks.
Manufacturers decide which of these standard blocks, as well as other, non-standard blocks, are
supported in each Fieldbus device. If a device conforms to the Foundation Fieldbus specification
for a function block, that function block is interoperable. This means the inputs and outputs enable
the block to work together with other blocks according to the Foundation Fieldbus specification
regardless of device or host manufacturer.
In this release of the Ovation software, the following function blocks are supported: FFAI, FFAO,
Standard Fieldbus blocks provide the basis for interoperability (see page 3). However, if a
manufacturer extends the capabilities of a standard block, existing control systems need a way to
recognize the new data provided by these blocks without reprogramming or upgrading the
Device description technology answers this problem. A device description is a software file that
provides the information; a host system needs to understand both the meaning of the data and
the capabilities of the device. It serves as a “driver” for a device, much as a printer driver tells your
PC how to access the capabilities of your printer. For Fieldbus devices, the device description
includes the calibration procedures, parameter descriptions, and other information required by the
control system to communicate with the Fieldbus device.
Ovation contains a collection of the device descriptions from all of the Foundation Fieldbus
registered devices. This means that you can use any device on the approved device list without
needing supplemental device description software from the manufacturer.
Device descriptions are written in the Device Description Language (DDL) and the Ovation
system uses software functions, called Device Description Services, to read the device
descriptions and to execute the procedures contained in them.
18 OW360_30
S E C T I O N 3
With Foundation Fieldbus, you have a broad range of options for building a network that meets
your needs. The choices you make depend on the location of each device, the amount of existing
wiring you want to use in the new network, and the wiring practices that are best suited for your
plant or project.
Conventional analog installations have a dedicated pair of wires connecting each field device to a
host system. Foundation Fieldbus installations use a single twisted-pair cable, also called a bus or
a trunk, to connect to multiple devices. The cable, connected devices, and supporting
components are called a segment, and a segment can be designed in various ways.
OW360_30 19
3.1 How can I understand segmentation?
A Fieldbus network should be designed with the location of the field devices in mind. That is
especially true in an existing plant with wiring, conduit, junction boxes, field devices, and related
equipment already installed.
Some devices are located by themselves, others in groups. Foundation Fieldbus accommodates
both situations through branch and tree network layouts, also called topologies.
A branch is a single “limb” or spur off the main trunk of a Fieldbus segment. A branch layout
makes sense when the devices on a segment are geographically separated from each other.
A tree layout has a number of branches or spurs that connect to the main trunk in one
location. This layout works well when several devices are located near each other.
Either of these network layouts can be used with or without wire in conduit, with a combination of
conduit and armored cable, and with existing wiring and junction boxes.
A single segment can have both branches and trees, as long as you meet the following criteria:
Allow up to 16 devices per segment. Emerson recommends up to 10 to 12 devices per
segment depending on functionality.
Ensure typical values for current draw are 15 to 25 mA power consumption for a device, and
350 mA is the typical segment limit.
Ensure voltage range is 9 to 32 VDC per device, with a typical value of 24 VDC. Emerson
recommends to design no lower than 11 VDC to accommodate possible temporary drop when
a new device is added.
20 OW360_30
3.1 How can I understand segmentation?
1 - 12 120 m 90 m 60 m
(394 ft) (295 ft) (197 ft)
13 - 14 90 m 60 m 30 m
(295 ft) (197 ft) (98 ft)
15 - 18 60 m 30 m 1m
(197 ft) (98 ft) (3 ft)
19 - 24 30 m 1m 1m
(98 ft) (3 ft) (3 ft)
25 - 32 1m 1m 1m
(3 ft) (3 ft) (3 ft)
3.1.3 Repeaters
Repeaters are optional components used either to extend the length of a Fieldbus segment or to
increase the number of devices on a segment. They provide power and a clean communication
signal for the extended part of the segment.
A segment can have as many as four repeaters dividing the segment into five pieces. Electrically,
each piece acts as a separate segment - but devices can communicate, even if there are up to
two repeaters between the devices.
Repeaters are typically used for Intrinsically Safe applications to create multiple physical
segments connecting to a single H1 port, so that they appear and function as a single segment.
Typically, Fieldbus segment lengths are long enough that repeaters are not required. If you use
repeaters, you need an additional power source.
OW360_30 21
3.1 How can I understand segmentation?
Terminators help provide a high quality communication signal, and prevent signal reflection on the
bus. They are installed in pairs, with one terminator as close as practical to each end of a
Fieldbus segment.
Power conditioners frequently include a terminator, eliminating the need for a separate external
terminator on that end of the segment. However, terminators are usually NOT built into or
installed in field devices.
Terminators can be attached to the segment inside a junction box or at a multi-port junction
(known as a “brick” or passive field hub).
Note: Place a terminator in the junction box that is closest to the far end of a segment. Even if
there are individual devices farther out, the junction box is usually close enough to the end of
the segment for the terminator to reduce reflections on the segment.
The total length of a Fieldbus segment depends on the type of wire you are using.
For example, the maximum wire length is 1900 meters (6,232 feet) if you use typical instrument
grade wire (Type A individually shielded twisted pairs). This length extends to 9500 meters if you
use repeaters. This maximum length decreases to 200 meters (656 feet) if you use just two wires
that have no shield and are not twisted.
The following table provides examples of wire types and allowable segment lengths.
The total segment length is the sum of the lengths of all the spurs, plus the length of the main
cables, or trunks. The total segment length must be within the maximum allowed for the wire
type(s) used.
22 OW360_30
3.1 How can I understand segmentation?
Segment lengths should also be determined by allowable voltage drop across the segment. The
following table shows the maximum segment distances in feet depending on the number of
devices and topology for two typical power conditioners: 19 V dc and 25 V dc.
* Distances in the table are from power conditioner to end of trunk (does not include spur
lengths) and represent the limits due to voltage drop. However, the maximum distance due to
communications limits is 6200 feet, and it is calculated by adding all the wiring, including spurs.
OW360_30 23
3.2 What is good Foundation Fieldbus segmentation design?
For retrofit projects (projects where a plant is running 4-20mA equipment and wants to install
Fieldbus), you can use different wire types on the same Fieldbus segment.
For example, you could re-use all of the wiring between junction boxes and field devices and only
replace cable for longer runs between the junction box and the control room.
Designing a Fieldbus segment that is both reliable and easy to maintain depends to a large
degree on segmentation.
Compared to Ovation’s conventional wiring, the major topological change introduced by Ovation’s
Foundation Fieldbus solution is that Fieldbus segments replace the multi-pair cables — it is not
necessary to change the wiring from the Ovation Controller to the junction boxes. But once the
segments are brought to a junction box, a different type of distribution must be implemented,
either by using a bussed terminal strip or a multi-port junction, known as a “brick” or passive field
hub. Then, just like conventional wiring, individual cables are run to each field instrument. These
individual wire pairs are called spurs and the bussed segment wire running from equipment room
to junction boxes is called a trunk.
There is no rule that requires only one segment trunk be run to a particular junction box;
sometimes it may be necessary to pass a segment through multiple junction boxes.
Wiring is most economical when you can minimize the number of segments that run through a
junction box and put as many devices as possible onto each segment (within design
recommendations). However, there are other considerations beyond economical wiring that you
should factor into the design of your Fieldbus segment.
24 OW360_30
3.2 What is good Foundation Fieldbus segmentation design?
The topology Emerson recommends for Ovation Foundation Fieldbus segments is designed to
provide the greatest degree of flexibility of segment design, ongoing design changes, and future
incremental retrofits. The design tools already exist for wiring conventional I/O, and the
conventional approach is compatible with Ovation Foundation Fieldbus segment design.
First, Emerson recommend that the placement and location of field junction boxes and the
individual wiring from field instruments to the junction boxes be planned in the conventional way
as shown in the following figure:
OW360_30 25
3.2 What is good Foundation Fieldbus segmentation design?
Then, Emerson recommends that running three or more Fieldbus segments through a chain of
junction boxes so that each box has multiple segments to choose from and each segment can
traverse a significant area of the plant. See the following figure:
26 OW360_30
3.2 What is good Foundation Fieldbus segmentation design?
With this layout in place, design work specific to Ovation Foundation Fieldbus is reduced to
assigning instruments already brought to a junction box to specific segments in the junction box,
or creating the spurs:
With this design, it is relatively easy to put redundant transmitters onto separate segments even if
they are in physical proximity to one another and are routed to the same junction box. It is easy to
assign fast loops onto fast segments and slow loops onto slow segments. Then, even if
instruments in the same control loop are separated by some physical distance, there is a greater
probability of being able to assign them to the same segment. By assigning same loop
instruments to same segments, the segment designer still has the ability to implement
control-in-field if desired.
It is important to understand what devices should be Fieldbus and how to segment these devices
before assigning them to specific segments. The following sections attempt to clarify how to
partition for Ovation Foundation Fieldbus.
OW360_30 27
3.2 What is good Foundation Fieldbus segmentation design?
The first step should be to decide which instruments and applications should be implemented with
Ovation Foundation Fieldbus. A modern plant implementation will typically have a mix of
conventional local and remote I/O, Foundation Fieldbus I/O, and I/O that is implemented on other
Temperature measurements
Temperature measurements that employ thermocouples or RTDs are usually a slow process
variable. Typically, it is most economical for Ovation local or remote I/O to acquire these
measurements wherever there are many measurements to be made.
The exceptions that favor the use of Fieldbus include wherever there are very few measurements
in a specific area or wherever a multi-variable Fieldbus device can conveniently provide the
measurement. For example, a pressure transmitter or valve with embedded temperature
measurement could use Fieldbus.
Pressure, level, and flow measurements typically require a pressure transmitter and is best done
with Fieldbus. Also, intelligent transmitters can provide useful diagnostic data in pressure
measurement applications.
Modulating valves
For modulating valves, if the required control loop response is 0.5 second or slower, use
Foundation Fieldbus.
If the required response is faster than 0.5 second, Emerson recommends that you use Ovation
local or remote I/O.
Discrete I/O
Applications that require fast sensing and reaction should use Ovation local or remote I/O. If the
number of I/O points is densely located, it is economical to connect to these points using Ovation
remote I/O.
In instances where the discrete point is embedded in an intelligent instrument or there are only a
few discrete points located near a Fieldbus segment, use Foundation Fieldbus.
You can purchase equipment with bussed communications built in. For motor control centers and
variable frequency drives, use whichever Ovation bus interface is required for communicating to
the equipment – DeviceNet, Profibus DP, or Modbus TCP.
28 OW360_30
3.2 What is good Foundation Fieldbus segmentation design?
Though you have an option to either use an analog-to-Fieldbus converter or connect non-Fieldbus
instruments directly to Ovation local or remote I/O, Emerson recommends that you design a
system with the knowledge that Fieldbus versions may be offered in the future. This means that
you should either use an analog-to-Fieldbus converter now and eliminate it later, or design the
wiring so it is more easily retrofitted to Fieldbus in the future.
After you decide which devices will use Ovation Foundation Fieldbus, determine how to most
effectively and economically group them on a segment. Use the following criteria to help you
determine the best segmentation schemes:
Relatedness of the Loop - As much as possible, group common processes together. This
consideration is paramount when grouping your devices.
Importance of the Loop - Avoid mixing critically important loops and devices onto the same
segment. It is fine to mix a critical device with less critical loops and devices.
Speed of Response - Avoid mixing loops with different response times on the same
segment. Keep fast-function blocks grouped with fast-function blocks and slow-function
blocks grouped with slow-function blocks.
Proximity of the Devices - After the first three criteria are met, segment devices and loops
that are close to each other on the same segment to save wiring costs.
Good segment design ensures optimized cost savings, and also lowers the complexity of
maintenance and installation. To a large extent, the ease of your experience with Fieldbus
technology depends on the insight of your segmentation design.
It is important to categorize all processes at a plant and identify associated devices in order to
design segments that can be placed out of service for routine maintenance or device repair
without affecting multiple processes. Do not mix independent applications onto the same segment
if you want to avoid multi-process interference.
For example, one plant process may be water de-mineralization. For this process, you should
create a list of all devices that function in that process. Using the list, segment loops to include
only the devices for the water de-mineralization process. If you need to place the water
de-mineralization segment out of service, other plant processes remain operational.
By categorizing the devices in this format, you can see which devices should be segmented
together. Besides providing structure for the design task, this approach offers both maintenance
and performance benefits.
Using separate segments for unrelated equipment or process areas does not affect the
operation of other areas during a shutdown for maintenance.
Using separate segments for parallel process streams allows you to shut down one stream
while parallel streams remain online.
Note: You should attempt to place all devices for the same loop on the same segment, including
closely integrated or cascaded loops. Although multi-segment loops work, they increase
maintenance complexity and the number of components required to close a loop. In addition,
timing of control execution and communications becomes a bit less precise, and for fast and
time-critical loops, this can degrade performance.
OW360_30 29
3.2 What is good Foundation Fieldbus segmentation design?
One of the most important criteria for segmentation is determining how much impact a loop failure
would have on a process or on the entire plant. There are three categories of loop importance:
Critical Loops - The loss of a critical loop results in the loss of automatic control that requires
a tremendous effort from operators and plant technicians to sustain operations.
Important Loops - The loss of an important loop results in the loss of automatic control or
operator visibility, which could be tolerated while repairing the problem.
Balance of Plant - The loss of this loop results in the loss of automatic control or an
operator’s ability to view a loop, but it has no detrimental affect on the plant. This includes
view-only and data acquisition.
Be careful not to group critical loops and important loops on the same segment. By partitioning
devices and loops based on importance, you greatly reduce the probability of failures introduced
by inadvertent wiring errors caused by ongoing plant maintenance.
Also, wherever you would plan for redundant instruments with separate wiring in a conventional
system, you should extend the practice of reducing the possibility of single-point failures to
Fieldbus applications.
Note: Do not use redundant terminators on the same segment. If loops also include redundant
field devices and process piping, put these redundant components and loops on separate
segments and bring the two segments into separate H1 modules.
Speed of response
The loop response speed determines how many function blocks can be used on a segment.
Therefore, in order to design an efficient and reliable segment, you must group loops with fast
response times (0.5 seconds) together and loops with slow response times (1.0 second or
greater) together.
To get a fast response (smaller macrocycle period) on a Fieldbus segment, limit the number of
devices on the segment. The way to estimate the required macrocycle before making
assignments is to build a picture of function block execution.
Note: A sample segment is shown. Actual execution times may vary from application to
30 OW360_30
3.2 What is good Foundation Fieldbus segmentation design?
Any sequential execution of blocks takes time equal to the sum of executions plus 25 milliseconds
for each communications link. Independent loops can execute in parallel, but they must alternate
communication. Therefore, to estimate the required macrocycle, use the longest sequential
execution and add 25 milliseconds for each additional loop on the segment, then multiply that
by 2.
In general, loops which require a fast response should be separated from loops which do not
require a fast response. Then the number of instruments which can be placed on a fast or slow
segment depends on the execution times of the function blocks implemented.
Some intelligent devices have many function blocks that are not required for desired
functionality. To reduce the total execution time, only use the function blocks needed.
Ovation has a PID control function available in the Controller; therefore, moving PID to the
Controller might be one way to reduce a segment’s macrocycle time and increase the
number of function blocks per segment.
You may decide to add more devices to a loop in the future. In that case, the extra capacity
you build now helps you keep all devices for the loop on the same segment.
After determining which devices should be grouped together based on relatedness, speed, and
importance, group those that are physically close to each other to reduce wiring costs.
OW360_30 31
3.2 What is good Foundation Fieldbus segmentation design?
When assigning devices based on relatedness, importance, and speed, you may want to develop
a segment assignment table:
Valve A x
Valve B x
Transmitter A x
Transmitter B x
Gauge A x
Gauge B x
Valve C x
Valve D x
Transmitter C x
Transmitter D x
Gauge C x
Gauge D x
Valve E x
Valve F x
Transmitter E x
Transmitter F x
Gauge E x
Gauge F x
Valve G x
Valve H x
Transmitter G x
Transmitter H x
Gauge G x
Gauge H x
Notice the name of the process at the top of the table: Water De-Mineralization.
32 OW360_30
3.2 What is good Foundation Fieldbus segmentation design?
All of the devices involved in Water De-mineralization are listed in the left column, and they are
categorized in the right columns based upon importance and speed. At this point, you must make
assignments based on the appropriate number of devices for the segments response time and
proximity of the devices to each other.
Also keep in mind that different devices require different levels of power. Make sure the total
current draw for all devices on the segment is well within the capacity of the segment power
conditioner — typically about 350 mA.
3.2.5 What are the recommended installation practices for Foundation Fieldbus?
Fieldbus installation differs from a standard installation. Consider the following recommended
Optimize your wiring. To reduce cost and labor, wire the segment to field junction boxes
closer to your field devices. Then, connect the devices using either of the following methods:
Continue running individual wire pairs (using conduit) from the trunk to the individual
devices using terminal blocks.
Run quick-connect, pre-molded cables from the junction box to the individual devices.
Quick-connect, pre-molded cables cost more than twisted pair, but they install faster,
produce fewer wiring errors, and provide some short circuit protection.
When you connect your devices, take time to investigate the features of the terminal blocks
and make them part of your installation plan. They alleviate concerns like identifying trunk
cabling, having extra spurs for future devices, providing segment terminators, and having
built-in short circuit protection.
Select time-saving devices. Devices with quick-disconnect wire connectors are faster and
easier to connect and can reduce wiring errors. Although quick-connect, pre-molded cables
cost more than twisted pair, they install faster and produce fewer wiring errors, which can
justify the added cost.
Observe device polarity. Because most Fieldbus devices are polarity sensitive, inverting the
positive and the negative anywhere on a segment may cause individual devices or parts of
the segment to malfunction. Although this does not happen with polarity-insensitive devices,
observing the polarity of all devices reduces electrical installation problems.
All Fieldbus devices from Emerson are polarity insensitive. They function regardless of the
polarity of the wiring. This reduces design and installation time, commissioning, and
troubleshooting by eliminating polarity considerations.
Anticipate device and segment changes. Define standard methods of attaching and
removing individual devices, without shorting out the segment. Standard wiring practices can
also help technicians avoid mistakes in connecting (or disconnecting) devices and cables.
When using terminal blocks, add spare spurs to use as connector ports for future devices.
Check voltage requirements. Fieldbus devices require between 9 and 32 volts for operation.
Heavily loaded segments with long runs can result in low voltage at devices. From a design
standpoint, make sure the voltage at the farthest point of the segments is no lower than 11
VDC to accommodate a possible temporary drop when a new device is added.
Document everything. To ensure consistent installation and streamline future maintenance,
immediately update your standards and project records to reflect any changes made during
engineering and installation. Instrumentation Data Sheets enhanced with bus requirements
can provide useful documentation. Also, Emerson recommends that multiple drawings be
replaced with a single drawing of each segment. Avoid adding information to the P&ID except
as necessary for logic or control purposes.
OW360_30 33
3.2 What is good Foundation Fieldbus segmentation design?
34 OW360_30
3.2 What is good Foundation Fieldbus segmentation design?
The system tree displays the Controllers, modules, and devices that are currently
Each module contains two ports (P01 (segment 1) and P02 (segment 2)). Under each port
are the Fieldbus devices that you specified.
You can click on items in this tree to view details associated with that item. These details
appear in the right side of the window.
OW360_30 35
S E C T I O N 4
The Ovation Foundation Fieldbus module provides a means to interface the Ovation system to
industry standard Foundation Fieldbus devices. The interface to the module is through the
Ovation I/O bus; therefore, this module is native to Ovation as opposed to an add-on or linking
The Ovation Foundation Fieldbus module interfaces with one or two networks.
There is one Electronics module group for the Foundation Fieldbus module:
The following Personality modules are used for redundant and non-redundant applications:
5X00327 (Personality Module Assembly - Redundant Applications).
1X00458H01 (Personality Module Cavity Insert - Non-redundant Applications).
OW360_30 37
4.1 Foundation Fieldbus module
The following table contains the valid Emod and Pmod combination for Foundation Fieldbus.
Note: Redundant Foundation Fieldbus modules must be physically connected using two NULL
modem serial communication cables (5X00551H01). See Redundant module hardware
placement (see page 208).
The following figure illustrates the architecture of module block for Foundation Fieldbus.
38 OW360_30
4.1 Foundation Fieldbus module
Note: For the Standard I/O Marshalling Base Unit, field terminations are located on the half
shells and connected to the base. See Marshalling Base Unit for more information.
Note: PS+ and PS- are not used. The cross connect redundancy signals are the same that are
accessed with the RS232 redundancy connector on the PMOD. No connections are permitted to
terminals marked RSV.
OW360_30 39
4.1 Foundation Fieldbus module
Diagnostic LED's
P (green) Power OK LED. Lit when the logic board's +5 V and +3.3 V digital supply voltage
level is OK.
C (green) Communication OK LED. Lit when Ovation Controller is communicating with
E, I, 1 - 5 These LED locations are not used for this module.
6 ACT (green) Ethernet activity.
7 FDX (yellow) Full duplex Ethernet communication.
8 - 12 S4 - S1 (red) General purpose red LEDs. Lit under firmware control of the ARM9 processor.
13 through 16 These LED locations are not used for this module.
40 OW360_30
4.1 Foundation Fieldbus module
The specifications for configuring the Foundation Fieldbus are shown in the following table.
OW360_30 41
4.2 Ovation I/O module environmental specifications
Note: For more information on Ovation I/O modules, see Planning I/O modules for your Ovation
42 OW360_30
4.3 Foundation Fieldbus module (2 channels)
OW360_30 43
S E C T I O N 5
Foundation Fieldbus allows you to execute control algorithms in the Controller, in the devices, or
both. However, the key is making a choice that best supports your plant’s needs.
The following sections provide guidelines for using Fieldbus function blocks in Ovation control
Using only the available number of links (see page 45).
Understanding macrocycles (see page 46).
Using valid channel assignments (see page 46).
Fieldbus devices allow a limited number of links between their function block parameters and
parameters in other Fieldbus devices. A subscriber VCR is an input to a function block, and it
receives output from another function block. A publisher VCR is an output from a function block
and it distributes the output to one or more function blocks. Every link requires a publisher VCR
and a subscriber VCR (see page 16).
For example, suppose a device allowed only four links as inputs to their function blocks and only
four links as outputs from their function blocks. This limit is quickly reached if Feed Forward,
Cascade, and Track control methods are used because these types of control require more inputs
and outputs. During application configuration, the Ovation system notifies you if the subscriber or
publisher limit for a device has been reached.
OW360_30 45
5.2 Where should I implement the PID control function?
The macrocycle is the period of time on a segment between repetitions of all the functions on the
segment. Ovation calculates the minimum macrocycle required to execute all of the configured
function blocks, transmit information on the Fieldbus segment, and still leave approximately 50 -
60 percent of the macrocycle available for transmission of unscheduled (non-periodic)
communications. This is called the required macrocycle; you cannot configure the required
However, you can configure the scheduled macrocycle time on your port. Emerson recommends
that you select a scheduled macrocycle that is greater than your required macrocycle.
Fieldbus Analog Input (AI) and Analog Output (AO) function blocks must have valid channel
numbers for device signals. When you configure Fieldbus AI and AO blocks, you must set the
channel parameter to a valid number or the blocks remain in Out of Service (OOS) mode.
Note: The function block must be in the execution order or it will not be possible to set the
channel assignment.
The Ovation Foundation Fieldbus solution provides the option of implementing the PID control
function either in the Ovation Controller or in the field device. Observe the following guidelines to
help you decide what is the best approach for your control strategy.
Advantages of control in the field (see page 46).
Advantages of control in the Controller (see page 47).
Recommendations for control of fast loops or loops with high gain (see page 47).
For simple control loops where all the input and output devices can be located on the same
segment, control in the field can provide tighter regulation for processes which must be held at a
steady set-point and for which the loop gain is very high and the dynamics are fast acting. This is
because the deterministic sampling of process data is tightly synchronized with the execution of
the control algorithm and the output of control command positions to the final control element (for
example, a valve). All the devices on the segment are synchronized to the same application clock
and use peer-to-peer communication to exchange data with one another.
The Ovation control system can still monitor all this data and is capable of sending loop tuning
parameters (such as gain, rate, and reset) to the PID algorithm in the field device, as well as
changing the algorithm from automatic to manual modes, if desired. The programming is done in
the same way conventional control in the Controller is programmed, so it is transparent to the
user as to whether control is being executed in the field device or in the Controller.
A good application for control in the field is an application such as level control of a remote tank,
where the level transmitter and the control valve are both located in close proximity to one
another and the control loop is easily isolated from the rest of the plant.
46 OW360_30
5.2 Where should I implement the PID control function?
An application in which it is difficult or inconvenient to locate all of the instruments on the same
Fieldbus segment cannot effectively use control in the field. Many control applications are
reasonably complex and have a degree of dependence between control loops or are implemented
with complex interlock logic. Many control loops have inputs which are physically distant from the
outputs and cannot be located on the same segment. Control strategies which require redundant
transmitters must place each of those transmitters on different segments. These instances are not
suitable for control in the field.
Utilizing control in the Controller allows great flexibility in segment design (where to run the
segment and what to attach to it), because there is no requirement to place all the instruments in
a control loop onto the same segment. Also, the same familiar control algorithm interfaces,
manual/auto stations, and interlock logic used in conventional control can also be used in
Fieldbus applications when control in the Controller is used.
Another advantage of control in the Controller is that removing the PID control algorithm from the
field device can potentially reduce the time of the segment macrocycle or at least give it more free
time for unscheduled communications. Moving the control algorithm to the Controller has very
little or no impact on the speed of the Controller execution or the amount of memory it consumes.
The number of VCRs consumed on the segment is roughly equivalent in either case because
even if control in the field were used, the PID output data has to be transmitted to the Ovation
Controller for display at the Operator Station.
5.2.3 Recommendations for control of fast loops or loops with high gain
Even if a control loop is fast or has high gain, it can still be controlled in the Controller. The key to
tighter control is to minimize the latency between when information is transferred into and out of
the Controller and to hold that latency constant. Latency is defined as the period of time between
when the process variable is measured and a correction is presented to the process.
To minimize the latency, put the fast, high gain loops onto the same segment with a small number
of devices and with as few function blocks as possible being used on those segments. This
enables the configuration software to reduce the length of time required for the segment
macrocycle (the period of time between successive samples of the same process variable on a
segment). Then set the port macrocycle time to the next higher nominal time period (such as 0.5
second or one second). When this is coupled with a control sheet update rate of 0.5 second or
one second, it establishes that the latency is always constant and is never greater than the period
of the port macrocycle.
For example, if a segment is set to a port macrocycle of 0.5 second and the control sheet update
rate is 1 second, then the latency between a transmitter on that segment and the control algorithm
cannot exceed 0.5 second and will always be constant. Thus, reasonably good regulation can be
established and all the other conveniences of control in the Controller can be preserved.
OW360_30 47
5.2 Where should I implement the PID control function?
Each device has a predetermined number of function blocks depending on the type of function it
is to perform. The following function block types are supported:
FFAI (see page 233) - Foundation Fieldbus Analog Input.
FFAO (see page 236) - Foundation Fieldbus Analog Output.
FFDI (see page 239) - Foundation Fieldbus Discrete Input.
FFDO (see page 242) - Foundation Fieldbus Discrete Output.
FFISEL (see page 245) - Foundation Fieldbus Input Selector.
FFMAI (see page 253) - Foundation Fieldbus Multiple Analog Input.
FFMAO (see page 257) - Foundation Fieldbus Multiple Analog Output.
FFMDI (see page 260) - Foundation Fieldbus Multiple Digital Input.
FFMDO (see page 264) - Foundation Fieldbus Multiple Digital Output.
FFPID (see page 268) - Foundation Fieldbus Proportional, Integral, Derivative.
To view function block details in the Developer Studio, right-click a function block and select
Open. In addition to viewing details, you can rename any function block that is not already being
used in control.
48 OW360_30
5.2 Where should I implement the PID control function?
5. If the system-generated, default function block name is not satisfactory, enter a name for the
function block in the Function Block Name entry field. This field will be grayed out if the
function block is used in control. This name must be unique in your entire database, so every
function block name for every device is different regardless of where it is located in your plant.
Note: You cannot change the name of a function block after it is used in control.
6. Click OK or Apply. The new name for the function block appears in the WorkPad area of the
Developer Studio.
For examples and descriptions of the function block dialogs, refer to the following topics:
FFAI function block dialog description (see page 50).
FFAO function block dialog description (see page 52).
FFDI function block dialog description (see page 54).
FFDO function block dialog description (see page 56).
FFISEL function block dialog description (see page 58).
FFMAI function block dialog description (see page 61).
FFMAO function block dialog description (see page 63).
FFMDI function block dialog description (see page 65).
FFMDO function block dialog description (see page 67).
FFPID Function block dialog description (see page 70).
Note: As a general rule, you should not edit or change any field that is assigned by the Ovation
Control Builder.
OW360_30 49
5.2 Where should I implement the PID control function?
If you open an FFAI function block from the Workpad window on the Developer Studio, the
following dialog box appears. Notice that there are two tabs on the window: Config and
Input/Output Parameters.
From this dialog box, you can modify the function block name only if it is not being used in
control. Once it is used in control, this field grays out. You can modify the remaining parameters
on this dialog box through the Control Builder. For more information, refer to Ovation Control
Builder User Guide.
50 OW360_30
5.2 Where should I implement the PID control function?
The following tables describe the fields on the Config tab and the Input/Output Parameters tab.
The Function Block Parameters and Function Block Outputs fields are discussed in greater detail
in the FFAI algorithm description.
Identification Function Block Name Name of the function block (for example,
Function Block Type Type of function block (FFAI)
Function Block Index Unique numerical identifier for the function
block. This is obtained from the device
Execution Time (ms) Defines how many milliseconds it takes to
run this function block. This is obtained from
the device manufacturer.
Ovation Algorithm Ovation algorithm that has been assigned to
Name the function block. This is assigned by the
Ovation Control Builder.
Execution Order Beginning of If this field has a value of 1, then this
Sequence function block is the first to execute in a
particular control strategy. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder and should
not be modified in this window by the user.
Next Block in If this field contains a value, it indicates the
Sequence next function block that will execute after this
one. This is assigned by the Ovation Control
Builder and should not be modified in this
window by the user.
Function Block MODE.Normal Normal mode for function block. The choices
Parameters are: MANUAL and AUTO. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
MODE.Permitted Permitted mode for the function block. The
choices are: MANUAL, AUTO, and OUT OF
SERVICE. This is assigned by the Ovation
Control Builder.
OW360_30 51
5.2 Where should I implement the PID control function?
If you open an FFAO function block from the Workpad window on the Developer Studio, the
following dialog box appears. Notice that there are two tabs on the window: Config and
Input/Output Parameters.
From this dialog box, you can modify the function block name only if it is not being used in
control. Once it is used in control, this field grays out. You can modify the remaining parameters
on this dialog box through the Control Builder. For more information, refer to the Ovation Control
Builder User Guide.
52 OW360_30
5.2 Where should I implement the PID control function?
The following tables describe the fields on the Config tab and the Input/Output Parameters tab.
The Function Block Parameters, Function Block Inputs, and Function Block Outputs fields are
discussed in greater detail in the FFAO algorithm description.
Identification Function Block Name Name of the function block (for example,
Function Block Type Type of function block (FFAO).
Function Block Index Unique numerical identifier for the function
block. This is obtained from the device
Execution Time Defines how many milliseconds it takes to
(msec) run this function block. This is obtained from
the device manufacturer.
Ovation Algorithm Ovation algorithm that has been assigned to
Name the function block. This is the assigned by
the Ovation Control Builder.
Execution Order Beginning of If this field has a value of 1, then this
Sequence function block is the first to execute in a
particular control strategy. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder and should
not be modified in this window by the user.
Next Block in If this field contains a value, it indicates the
Sequence next function block that will execute after this
one. This is assigned by the Ovation Control
Builder and should not be modified in this
window by the user.
Function Block MODE.Normal Normal mode for function block. The choices
Parameters are: MANUAL, AUTO, and CASCADE. This
is the assigned by the Ovation Control
MODE.Permitted Permitted mode for the function block. The
choices are: MANUAL, AUTO, CASCADE.
and OUT OF SERVICE. This is the assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
Function Block Inputs CAS_IN Required analog input point or function block
parameter reference. This is assigned by the
Ovation Control Builder.
Function Block Outputs BKCAL_OUT Required mode and tracking signals. This is
assigned by the Ovation Control Builder.
OW360_30 53
5.2 Where should I implement the PID control function?
If you open an FFDI function block from the Workpad window on the Developer Studio, the
following dialog box appears. Notice that there are two tabs on the window: Config and
Input/Output Parameters.
From this dialog box, you can modify the function block name only if it is not being used in
control. Once it is used in control, this field grays out. You can modify the remaining parameters
on this dialog box through the Control Builder. For more information, refer to Ovation Control
Builder User Guide.
54 OW360_30
5.2 Where should I implement the PID control function?
The following tables describe the fields on the Config tab and the Input/Output Parameters tab.
The Function Block Parameters and Function Block Outputs fields are discussed in greater detail
in the FFDI algorithm description.
Identification Function Block Name Name of the function block (for example,
Function Block Type Type of function block (FFDI)
Function Block Index Unique numerical identifier for the function
block. This is obtained from the device
Execution Time Defines how many milliseconds it takes to
(msec) run this function block. This is obtained from
the device manufacturer.
Ovation Algorithm Ovation algorithm that has been assigned to
Name the function block. This is assigned by the
Ovation Control Builder.
Execution Order Beginning of If this field has a value of 1, then this
Sequence function block is the first to execute in a
particular control strategy. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder and should
not be modified in this window by the user.
Next Block in If this field contains a value, it indicates the
Sequence next function block that will execute after this
one. This is assigned by the Ovation Control
Builder and should not be modified in this
window by the user.
Function Block MODE.Normal Normal mode for function block. The choices
Parameters are: MANUAL, and AUTO. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
MODE.Permitted Permitted mode for the function block. The
choices are: MANUAL, AUTO, and OUT OF
SERVICE. This is assigned by the Ovation
Control Builder.
Function Block Outputs OUT_D Optional digital output point. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
OW360_30 55
5.2 Where should I implement the PID control function?
If you open an FFDO function block from the Workpad window on the Developer Studio, the
following dialog box appears. Notice that there are two tabs on the window: Config and
Input/Output Parameters.
From this dialog box, you can modify the function block name only if it is not being used in
control. Once it is used in control, this field grays out. You can modify the remaining parameters
on this dialog box through the Control Builder. (Refer to the Ovation Control Builder User Guide.)
56 OW360_30
5.2 Where should I implement the PID control function?
The following tables describe the fields on the Config tab and the Input/Output Parameters tab.
The Function Block Parameters, Function Block Inputs, and Function Block Outputs fields are
discussed in greater detail in the FFDO algorithm description.
Identification Function Block Name Name of the function block (for example,
Function Block Type Type of function block (FFDO)
Function Block Index Unique numerical identifier for the function
block. This is obtained from the device
Execution Time Defines how many milliseconds it takes to
(msec) run this function block. This is obtained from
the device manufacturer.
Ovation Algorithm Ovation algorithm name that has been
Name assigned to the function block. This is
assigned by the Ovation Control Builder.
Execution Order Beginning of If this field has a value of 1, then this
Sequence function block is the first to execute in a
particular control strategy. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder and should
not be modified in this window by the user.
Next Block in If this field contains a value, it indicates the
Sequence next function block that will execute after this
one. This is assigned by the Ovation Control
Builder and should not be modified in this
window by the user.
Function Block MODE.Normal Normal mode for function block. The choices
Parameters are: MANUAL, AUTO, and CASCADE. This
is assigned by the Ovation Control Builder.
MODE.Permitted Permitted mode for the function block. The
choices are: MANUAL, AUTO, and OUT OF
SERVICE. This is assigned by the Ovation
Control Builder.
Function Block Inputs CAS_IN_D Optional digital input point or function block
parameter reference. This is assigned by the
Ovation Control Builder.
Function Block Outputs BKCAL_OUT_D Required digital track out value. This is
assigned by the Ovation Control Builder.
OW360_30 57
5.2 Where should I implement the PID control function?
If you open an FFISEL function block from the Workpad window on the Developer Studio, the
following dialog appears. Notice that there are two tabs on the window: Config and Input/Output
From this dialog, you can modify the function block name only if it is not being used in control.
Once it is used in control, this field grays out. You can modify the remaining parameters on this
dialog through the Control Builder. (Refer to Ovation Control Builder User Guide.)
The following tables describe the fields on the Config tab and the Input/Output Parameters tab.
The Function Block Parameters and Function Block Outputs fields are discussed in greater detail
in the FFISEL (see page 245) algorithm description.
Identification Function Block Name Name of the function block (for example,
Function Block Type Type of function block (FFISEL)
Function Block Index Unique numerical identifier for the function
block. This is obtained from the device
Execution Time Defines how many milliseconds it takes to
(msec) run this function block. This is obtained from
the device manufacturer.
Ovation Algorithm Ovation algorithm that has been assigned to
Name the function block. This is assigned by the
Ovation Control Builder.
58 OW360_30
5.2 Where should I implement the PID control function?
Function Block Inputs IN_1 Optional analog input point. This is assigned by
the Ovation Control Builder.
IN_2 Optional analog input point. This is assigned by
the Ovation Control Builder.
IN_3 Optional analog input point. This is assigned by
the Ovation Control Builder.
IN_4 Optional analog input point. This is assigned by
the Ovation Control Builder.
IN_5 Optional analog input point. Used with FFISELX.
This is assigned by the Ovation Control Builder.
IN_6 Optional analog input point. Used with FFISELX.
This is assigned by the Ovation Control Builder.
IN_7 Optional analog input point. Used with FFISELX.
This is assigned by the Ovation Control Builder.
IN_8 Optional analog input point. Used with FFISELX.
This is assigned by the Ovation Control Builder.
DIS1 Optional digital input point disables
corresponding input:
0 = Use
1 = Disable
This is assigned by the Ovation Control Builder.
OW360_30 59
5.2 Where should I implement the PID control function?
60 OW360_30
5.2 Where should I implement the PID control function?
Function Block Outputs OUT Required analog output point. This is assigned by
the Ovation Control Builder.
SEL Optional analog output indicates which input is
selected. This is assigned by the Ovation Control
OUT_D Optional packed output point indicates alarm
condition. This is assigned by the Ovation Control
If you open an FFMAI function block from the Workpad window on the Developer Studio, the
following dialog box appears. Notice that there are two tabs on the window: Config and
Input/Output Parameters.
From this dialog box, you can modify the function block name only if it is not being used in
control. Once it is used in control, this field grays out. You can modify the remaining parameters
on this dialog box through the Control Builder. For more information, refer to the Ovation Control
Builder User Guide.
OW360_30 61
5.2 Where should I implement the PID control function?
The following tables describe the fields on the Config tab and the Input/Output Parameters tab.
The Function Block Parameters and Function Block Outputs fields are discussed in greater detail
in the FFMAI algorithm description.
Identification Function Block Name Name of the function block (for example,
Function Block Type Type of function block (FFMAI)
Function Block Index Unique numerical identifier for the function
block. This is obtained from the device
Execution Time Defines how many milliseconds it takes to
(msec) run this function block. This is obtained from
the device manufacturer.
Ovation Algorithm Ovation algorithm that has been assigned to
Name the function block. This is assigned by the
Ovation Control Builder.
Execution Order Beginning of If this field has a value of 1, then this
Sequence function block is the first to execute in a
particular control strategy. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder and should
not be modified in this window by the user.
Next Block in If this field contains a value, it indicates the
Sequence next function block that will execute after this
one. This is assigned by the Ovation Control
Builder and should not be modified in this
window by the user.
Function Block MODE.Normal Normal mode for function block. The choices
Parameters are: MANUAL and AUTO. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
MODE.Permitted Permitted mode for the function block. The
choices are: MANUAL, AUTO, and OUT OF
SERVICE. This is assigned by the Ovation
Control Builder.
62 OW360_30
5.2 Where should I implement the PID control function?
If you open an FFMAO function block from the Workpad window on the Developer Studio, the
following dialog appears. Notice that there are two tabs on the window: Config and Input/Output
OW360_30 63
5.2 Where should I implement the PID control function?
From this dialog, you can modify the function block name only if it is not being used in control.
Once it is used in control, this field grays out. You can modify the remaining parameters on this
dialog through the Control Builder. (Refer to Ovation Control Builder User Guide.)
The following tables describe the fields on the Config tab and the Input/Output Parameters tab.
The Function Block Parameters and Function Block Outputs fields are discussed in greater detail
in the FFMAO (see page 257) algorithm description.
Identification Function Block Name Name of the function block (for example,
Function Block Type Type of function block (FFMAO)
Function Block Index Unique numerical identifier for the function
block. This is obtained from the device
Execution Time Defines how many milliseconds it takes to
(msec) run this function block. This is obtained from
the device manufacturer.
Ovation Algorithm Ovation algorithm that has been assigned to
Name the function block. This is assigned by the
Ovation Control Builder.
Execution Order Beginning of If this field has a value of 1, then this
Sequence function block is the first to execute in a
particular control strategy. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder and should
not be modified in this window by the user.
Next Block in If this field contains a value, it indicates the
Sequence next function block that will execute after this
one. This is assigned by the Ovation Control
Builder and should not be modified in this
window by the user.
Function Block MODE.Normal Normal mode for function block. The choices
Parameters are: MANUAL and AUTO. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
MODE.Permitted Permitted mode for the function block. The
choices are: MANUAL, AUTO, and OUT OF
SERVICE. This is assigned by the Ovation
Control Builder.
64 OW360_30
5.2 Where should I implement the PID control function?
Function Block Outputs IN_1 Optional analog input point. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
IN_2 Optional analog input point. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
IN_3 Optional analog input point. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
IN_4 Optional analog input point. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
IN_5 Optional analog input point. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
IN_6 Optional analog input point. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
IN_7 Optional analog input point. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
IN_8 Optional analog input point. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
If you open an FFMDI function block from the Workpad window on the Developer Studio, the
following dialog appears. Notice that there are two tabs on the window: Config and Input/Output
OW360_30 65
5.2 Where should I implement the PID control function?
From this dialog, you can modify the function block name only if it is not being used in control.
Once it is used in control, this field grays out. You can modify the remaining parameters on this
dialog through the Control Builder. (Refer to Ovation Control Builder User Guide.)
The following tables describe the fields on the Config tab and the Input/Output Parameters tab.
The Function Block Parameters and Function Block Outputs fields are discussed in greater detail
in the FFMDI (see page 260) algorithm description.
Identification Function Block Name Name of the function block (for example,
Function Block Type Type of function block (FFMDI)
Function Block Index Unique numerical identifier for the function
block. This is obtained from the device
Execution Time Defines how many milliseconds it takes to
(msec) run this function block. This is obtained from
the device manufacturer.
Ovation Algorithm Ovation algorithm that has been assigned to
Name the function block. This is assigned by the
Ovation Control Builder.
Execution Order Beginning of If this field has a value of 1, then this
Sequence function block is the first to execute in a
particular control strategy. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder and should
not be modified in this window by the user.
Next Block in If this field contains a value, it indicates the
Sequence next function block that will execute after this
one. This is assigned by the Ovation Control
Builder and should not be modified in this
window by the user.
Function Block MODE.Normal Normal mode for function block. The choices
Parameters are: MANUAL, AUTO, and CASCADE. This
is assigned by the Ovation Control Builder.
MODE.Permitted Permitted mode for the function block. The
choices are: MANUAL, AUTO, and OUT OF
SERVICE. This is assigned by the Ovation
Control Builder.
66 OW360_30
5.2 Where should I implement the PID control function?
Function Block Outputs OUT_D1 Optional digital output point. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
OUT_D2 Optional digital output point. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
OUT_D3 Optional digital output point. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
OUT_D4 Optional digital output point. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
OUT_D5 Optional digital output point. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
OUT_D6 Optional digital output point. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
OUT_D7 Optional digital output point. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
OUT_D8 Optional digital output point. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
If you open an FFMDO function block from the Workpad window on the Developer Studio, the
following dialog appears. Notice that there are two tabs on the window: Config and Input/Output
OW360_30 67
5.2 Where should I implement the PID control function?
From this dialog, you can modify the function block name only if it is not being used in control.
Once it is used in control, this field grays out. You can modify the remaining parameters on this
dialog through the Control Builder. (Refer to Ovation Control Builder User Guide.)
The following tables describe the fields on the Config tab and the Input/Output Parameters tab.
The Function Block Parameters, Function Block Inputs, and Function Block Outputs fields are
discussed in greater detail in the FFMDO (see page 264) algorithm description.
Identification Function Block Name Name of the function block (for example,
Function Block Type Type of function block (FFMDO)
Function Block Index Unique numerical identifier for the function
block. This is obtained from the device
Execution Time Defines how many milliseconds it takes to
(msec) run this function block. This is obtained from
the device manufacturer.
Ovation Algorithm Ovation algorithm name that has been
Name assigned to the function block. This is
assigned by the Ovation Control Builder.
Execution Order Beginning of If this field has a value of 1, then this
Sequence function block is the first to execute in a
particular control strategy. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder and should
not be modified in this window by the user.
Next Block in If this field contains a value, it indicates the
Sequence next function block that will execute after this
one. This is assigned by the Ovation Control
Builder and should not be modified in this
window by the user.
Function Block MODE.Normal Normal mode for function block. The choices
Parameters are: MANUAL and AUTO. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
MODE.Permitted Permitted mode for the function block. The
choices are: MANUAL, AUTO, and OUT OF
SERVICE. This is assigned by the Ovation
Control Builder.
68 OW360_30
5.2 Where should I implement the PID control function?
Function Block Inputs IN_D1 Optional digital input point. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
IN_D2 Optional digital input point. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
IN_D3 Optional digital input point. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
IN_D4 Optional digital input point. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
IN_D5 Optional digital input point. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
IN_D6 Optional digital input point. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
IN_D7 Optional digital input point. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
IN_D8 Optional digital input point. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
OW360_30 69
5.2 Where should I implement the PID control function?
If you open an FFPID function block from the Workpad window on the Developer Studio, the
following dialog box appears. Notice that there are two tabs on the window: Config and
Input/Output Parameters.
From this dialog box, you can modify the function block name only if it is not being used in
control. Once it is used in control, this field grays out. You can modify the remaining parameters
on this dialog box through the Control Builder. For more information, refer to the Ovation Control
Builder User Guide.
70 OW360_30
5.2 Where should I implement the PID control function?
The following tables describe the fields on the Config tab and the Input/Output Parameters tab.
The Function Block Parameters, Function Block Inputs, and Function Block Outputs fields are
discussed in greater detail in the FFPID algorithm description.
Identification Function Block Name Name of the function block (for example, FFPID1)
Function Block Type Type of function block (FFPID)
Function Block Index Unique numerical identifier for the function block.
This is obtained from the device manufacturer.
Execution Time Defines how many milliseconds it takes to run this
(msec) function block. This is obtained from the device
Ovation Algorithm Ovation algorithm that has been assigned to the
Name function block. This is assigned by the Ovation
Control Builder.
Execution Order Beginning of If this field has a value of 1, then this function block
Sequence is the first to execute in a particular control strategy.
This is assigned by the Ovation Control Builder and
should not be modified in this window by the user.
Next Block in If this field contains a value, it indicates the next
Sequence function block that will execute after this one. This
is assigned by the Ovation Control Builder and
should not be modified in this window by the user.
Function Block MODE.Normal Normal mode for function block. The choices are:
Parameters MANUAL, AUTO, and CASCADE. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
MODE.Permitted Permitted mode for the function block. The choices
SERVICE. This is assigned by the Ovation Control
FF_GAIN Required feed forward gain. This is assigned by the
Ovation Control Builder.
GAIN Required device gain. This is assigned by the
Ovation Control Builder.
RATE Required derivative action. This is assigned by the
Ovation Control Builder.
RESET Required derivative time (seconds). This is
assigned by the Ovation Control Builder.
OUT_HI_LIM Required maximum output value. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
OUT_LO_LIM Required minimum output value. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
SP_HI_LIM Required maximum setpoint value. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
SP_LO_LIM Required minimum setpoint value. This is assigned
by the Ovation Control Builder.
OW360_30 71
5.3 What are Ovation Fieldbus algorithms?
Fieldbus devices are digital field instruments containing processors that monitor the performance
and state of the device. Self-contained software modules known as function blocks (see page 10)
reside in the Fieldbus devices.
While function blocks reside in a device, the Ovation control system uses algorithms on control
sheets that mimic the function blocks. Therefore, Fieldbus devices can be controlled by Ovation
Fieldbus algorithms and can be part of an Ovation control scheme.
Algorithms are mathematical formulas that define a specific control strategy. The Ovation Control
Builder allows you to add algorithms to a control sheet. Multiple algorithms and even multiple
control sheets can be combined through the Control Builder to create an entire control strategy for
a system process. For more information, refer to the Ovation Control Builder User Guide.
When you add an algorithm to a control sheet, Ovation automatically creates an output point
containing an LC (algorithm) point record. This LC record stores tuning or data configuration for
the algorithm. Information is different for each algorithm type. For more information, refer to the
Ovation Record Types Reference Manual.
The output point that is created is automatically added to the system database and its name is
based on the algorithm name (typically, a default name is used).
The Ovation Fieldbus algorithms mirror the functions blocks that are available in this release of
the Ovation software. The Fieldbus algorithms are: FFAI, FFAO, FFDI, FFDO, FFISEL, FFMAI,
72 OW360_30
S E C T I O N 6
You can add device definition kit(s) for Foundation Fieldbus devices that are not supported by the
currently installed Ovation version and/or the currently installed AMS Device Manager version
using the AMS Device Manager's Add Device Type application. For more information, refer to the
AMS Device Manager documentation online.
Note: If you wish to install the Ovation Network in the AMS Device Manager Network
Configuration Utility on an Ovation Drop that is not the Ovation Database Server, then you will
have to run the InstallHSEServer.bat file found in Ovation\OvationBase... and correct syntax is
InstallHSEServer.bat –i.
OW360_30 73
S E C T I O N 7
The Ovation Developer Studio is a comprehensive software application that manages the
configuration of the entire Ovation system. As a fully integrated advanced software program, the
Developer Studio creates and maintains Ovation drop types, control strategies, process graphics,
point records, and system-wide configurations, including security. Within the Developer Studio,
you can configure all of the Operator Station functions.
Using the Developer Studio, you are able to view and establish parameters and settings at the
System, Network, Unit, Drop, and Point level. Ovation configuration settings made at the system
level default down through the System Tree, but many settings can be adjusted at each
subsequent level. All configurations defined at the lower levels override what has been defined at
the higher levels. Ovation configuration information is specified at appropriate levels of the
system hierarchy. Refer to the Ovation Developer Studio User Guide.
When your Ovation system is loaded, the Developer Studio icon appears on your desktop.
Double-click the icon and the Developer Studio window appears. Refer to the Ovation Developer
Studio User Guide.
You can also access the Developer Studio from the context menu of the Operator Station
applications, such as Point Information. For more information, refer to the Ovation Operator
Station User Guide.
Note: Much of the setup and configuration of the Developer Studio contents and hierarchy is
performed by an Emerson representative before the system is installed in your plant.
OW360_30 75
7.3 Developer Studio components
The Developer Studio main window consists of a base frame with a pull-down menu panel,
various view bars and toolbars, subwindows, workspace, horizontal and vertical scrollbars, and a
footer for displaying messages.
The following figure shows an example of the Ovation Developer Studio with various window
components labeled.
76 OW360_30
7.3 Developer Studio components
OW360_30 77
S E C T I O N 8
The following steps provide an overview of adding a new Fieldbus module to an Ovation system.
Refer to the specific topics for detailed instructions.
Note: For information on adding redundant Foundation Fieldbus modules, see Using Redundant
Foundation Fieldbus modules (see page 207).
OW360_30 79
8.2 Prerequisites before adding a new Foundation Fieldbus module to an Ovation system
Ensure that the following prerequisites are met before you add a new Fieldbus module:
Make sure you have the appropriate engineering privileges that are needed to add a Fieldbus
module to the Ovation system.
You should be familiar with point naming conventions for module records and node records.
Refer to Ovation Developer Studio User Guide for more information.
You should know how to use the Controller Diagnostics tool to download firmware to the
Fieldbus module. Refer to the applicable Ovation Controller User Guide.
The Ovation system contains a mixture of various types of Input/Output (I/O) modules that
communicate over the Ovation network from the I/O devices to the Ovation Controller. One of
these types of I/O modules is an Ovation Fieldbus module. This module provides an interface
between the Ovation Controller and Fieldbus devices in the field.
Before you can add and use a Fieldbus device in an Ovation system, you must first add an
Ovation Fieldbus module and configure it so Ovation recognizes the Fieldbus module and the
Fieldbus device.
8.3.1 To add an I/O device number for a Fieldbus module to the Controller
Note: Only perform this if the Controller has not been previously configured for Fieldbus.
Note: If you add, change, or delete device drivers, perform a clear/load function on the
Controller. Refer to Ovation Developer Studio User Guide for more information.
5. From the Device Number drop-down menu, select an unused number (for example, you
might start with 2, and continue numbering successive devices sequentially).
80 OW360_30
8.3 Adding and configuring a Foundation Fieldbus module
7. Select FIELDBUS MODULE from the I/O Driver Type drop-down menu.
8. Click OK.
OW360_30 81
8.3 Adding and configuring a Foundation Fieldbus module
Note: You only have to perform this task once for each Controller that utilizes Foundation
8.3.2 To insert a Foundation Fieldbus module into the Developer Studio system
1. Access the Ovation Developer Studio (see page 75).
2. Use the system tree to navigate to an empty slot under your Ovation IOIC branch:
I/O Devices
IO Interfaces
3. Select the Ovation module in that empty slot.
82 OW360_30
8.3 Adding and configuring a Foundation Fieldbus module
4. Right-click on the Ovation Module and select Insert New. The Insert New Ovation Module
wizard appears.
5. Select Foundation Fieldbus BusModule from the Module Type drop-down menu.
6. Click Finish. The New Ovation Module window appears.
7. Enter the desired module record point name in the Module Record Point Name field. (Refer
to point naming guidelines in Ovation Developer Studio User Guide.)
8. Click OK. Two ports (P01 (segment 1) and P02 (segment 2)) are automatically created in the
Note: You must perform this task for each Foundation Fieldbus I/O module that you add.
OW360_30 83
8.3 Adding and configuring a Foundation Fieldbus module
84 OW360_30
8.3 Adding and configuring a Foundation Fieldbus module
9. Click OK. If you navigate to your card and Open/Refresh, you will see the fully qualified
module record point name (for example, TEST.UNIT@FB).
Note: You must perform this task for each Foundation Fieldbus I/O module that you add.
8.3.4 To assign a node record to each port of the Foundation Fieldbus module
Note: For each port that you want to use on the Fieldbus module, you must open the port and
assign it a node record.
CAUTION! Do not use a fully-qualified point name (for example, type "TESTNAME", not
"TESTNAME.UNIT@FB"). If this name currently does not exist in your system, it will be added
when you click OK. For more information, Refer to point naming guidelines in Ovation
Developer Studio User Guide.)
OW360_30 85
8.3 Adding and configuring a Foundation Fieldbus module
5. Click OK.
Note: You must perform this task for each Foundation Fieldbus I/O module that you add.
After you have added and configured a new Fieldbus module, you must load the changes to the
appropriate Controller.
Note: The Load function is necessary any time a Fieldbus module is added.
Note: Since it is not in control, if there are any problems when you load the Secondary
Controller, no system disruption will occur.
7. Repeat the Load procedure for the Primary drop, if you are using a redundant Controller.
86 OW360_30
8.3 Adding and configuring a Foundation Fieldbus module
After you have added the Fieldbus I/O module, you must download the firmware to the module
before communication on the bus can begin.
7. Compare the firmware in the Controller Version field to the firmware in the Module Version
field, to determine if you have the latest firmware on your Fieldbus I/O module. If you do not
have the latest firmware on the module, you can download the latest firmware to the module,
if desired.
8. Check the files you want to download (typically all the files).
Select Download Available Firmware to load the latest firmware onto your Fieldbus I/O
module. After you have successfully downloaded firmware to the Fieldbus module, you
typically need to reboot the Fieldbus module.
OW360_30 87
8.3 Adding and configuring a Foundation Fieldbus module
9. Click Reboot Module on the Module Firmware Download window to remotely reboot the
Fieldbus module. If you receive a fault message, you may need to manually remove and
re-install the module to reboot it.
10. After you have successfully added the Fieldbus I/O module to your system, you can now
engineer your Fieldbus segments, as required.
88 OW360_30
8.4 Checklist for adding a new Foundation Fieldbus module to an Ovation system
Ensure that you have appropriate engineering privileges. Task (see page 80)
Be aware of point naming conventions for module records and node records. Task (see page 80)
Be familiar with the Controller Diagnostics tool in order to download firmware Task (see page 80)
to the Fieldbus module.
Use the Studio to add the I/O device number to the Controller
Navigate to the Device Number to select a device number and a driver type. Task (see page 80)
Navigate to the I/O Devices to select a device number and a driver type. Task (see page 80)
Navigate to an empty Slot item under the Ovation IOIC branch to insert a Task (see page 82)
new module. Enter the desired module record point name.
Use the Studio to add a point name for the Fieldbus module.
Navigate to the Module Points item to insert a point name and scanning Task (see page 84)
frequency for the module.
Use the Studio to assign a node record to each Fieldbus module port.
Navigate to the Port item, open it and enter a point name (not a Task (see page 85)
fully-qualified point name) for the port.
Use the Studio to load the Controller. Task (see page 86)
Navigate to the Drop item, select the Controller that you want to load and Task (see page 85)
select Load.
Download firmware to the Fieldbus I/O module.
Access the Controller Diagnostics utility. Task (see page 87)
Select the desired firmware and download it. Task (see page 87)
OW360_30 89
S E C T I O N 9
Overview of adding and configuring a new Foundation Fieldbus device on a segment ... 91
Prerequisites before installing a new Foundation Fieldbus device ................................... 92
Adding a Foundation Fieldbus device to the Ovation system ........................................... 92
Adding a Foundation Fieldbus control strategy to your control process ........................... 99
Understanding segment lockout in Developer Studio ..................................................... 106
The following steps provide an overview of adding and configuring a new Fieldbus device on a
segment. Refer to the specific topics for detailed instructions.
1. Ensure that you meet the prerequisites before you begin installation. (see page 92)
2. Add the Fieldbus device to the Ovation system. (see page 92)
Add the device to Ovation.
Configure a Fieldbus device for PlantWeb Alerts (where applicable).
3. Add the Fieldbus control strategy (see page 99).
Edit the function block name.
Add the function block to a control sheet.
Load the Controller.
Download changes to appropriate the appropriate drop(s).
4. Use the Developer Studio Tuning window to configure the Foundation Fieldbus device.
(see page 109)
Access Developer Studio.
Navigate to the Fieldbus port.
Edit the requested macrocycle time for each port.
Download ports.
Commission the new Fieldbus device.
Configure function block parameters (Tuning).
OW360_30 91
9.2 Prerequisites before installing a new Foundation Fieldbus device
5. Use the AMS Device Manager to engineer the Foundation Fieldbus device.
(see page 145)
Access the AMS Device Manager.
Configure the new Fieldbus device.
Calibrate new Fieldbus device.
6. Verify that the new Fieldbus device is communicating. (see page 153)
Ensure that the following prerequisites are met before you begin to install a Fieldbus device:
Identify the device that you are adding, by verifying the following:
Model number.
Revision number.
Identify the segment where you want to add the device.
Make sure you have the appropriate engineering privileges that are needed for configuring
the Ovation system.
Make sure AMS Client is installed on the Ovation Database Server.
Before you can configure the Fieldbus device for use on the segment, it must first be added to the
Ovation system. This is a two-step process which involves the following:
1. Use the Developer Studio to add the Fieldbus device to the Ovation system.
2. Use the Developer Studio to configure the device for PlantWeb Alerts (where applicable).
92 OW360_30
9.3 Adding a Foundation Fieldbus device to the Ovation system
Note: If you do not see your device in the drop-down list, you will need to gather the Device
Install Kit from the Device Install Kit search page
search.aspx) or the www.fieldbus.org website. You will then need to perform an AMS Device
Manager -> Add Device Type operation to make this device visible to Ovation 3.5 or later
releases, even if the device is already supported by your installed version of AMS Device
OW360_30 93
9.3 Adding a Foundation Fieldbus device to the Ovation system
3. Right-click Fieldbus Devices and select Insert New. The Insert New Fieldbus Devices
wizard appears.
4. Enter a unique device name that is not used anywhere else in your system in the Device
Name field. For more information, refer to the Ovation Developer Studio User Guide for point
naming rules, such as, do not use spaces in the device name.
Note: Make sure you use an appropriate name for the new device since you cannot change the
name of a device after it has been added to the system.
5. Use the drop-down menus to identify the manufacturer, type, and revision of your device.
The manufacturer, device type, and device revision information is typically listed on a tag that
is attached to the device, or the information is provided by the manufacturer.
If you cannot find your device in the drop-down menu, check to ensure that your version
of Ovation supports the device. The only way to add Foundation Fieldbus device definition
kits to the Ovation system is through the AMS Device Manager's Add Device Type
application. For more information, refer to AMS Device Manager documentation online.
6. Click Finish.
94 OW360_30
9.3 Adding a Foundation Fieldbus device to the Ovation system
7. The New Fieldbus Devices window appears. Enter the Diagnostics/Status point name (this
is used for device alarms) in the Ovation Point Name field.
Note: Do not use a fully-qualified point name (for example, enter "TEST", not
"TEST.UNIT@FB"). If this name currently does not exist in your system, it will be added as a
node record point when you click OK.
8. If you are using a device that does not support PlantWeb Alerts, you must navigate to the
PlantWeb Alerts tab.
OW360_30 95
9.3 Adding a Foundation Fieldbus device to the Ovation system
9. Clear the Enable PlantWeb Alerts check box and click OK. You have now added a Fieldbus
device to the Ovation system that does not support PlantWeb Alerts to the Ovation system.
Figure 36: New Fieldbus Devices window (Plant Web Alerts tab with no PlantWeb Alerts)
Note: If you are using a device that does support PlantWeb alerts, the system will by default
select the Device Supports Alarms check box. Proceed to the task To configure a Foundation
Fieldbus device for PlantWeb Alerts (see page 97) and continue the configuration for PlantWeb
96 OW360_30
9.3 Adding a Foundation Fieldbus device to the Ovation system
If you are using a Fieldbus device that supports PlantWeb Alerts, and you want to use the
PlantWeb Alerts in your system, follow this procedure to configure the alerts for this Fieldbus
1. After you have added your Fieldbus device to the Ovation system (as a placeholder), select
the PlantWeb Alerts tab on the New Fieldbus Devices window.
If you are starting this task without having just added the device to the Ovation system, you
will need to access the Developer Studio and then navigate to your Foundation Fieldbus
device (found under I/O Devices IOIC).
2. The information for PlantWeb Alerts displays for the Fieldbus device. Note that the window
displays the name of the device at the top of the window after the information has been saved
Note: You may notice that some entry fields are grayed out. This indicates that the information
for that field cannot be modified by the user.
OW360_30 97
9.3 Adding a Foundation Fieldbus device to the Ovation system
3. Device Supports Alarms field: The state of the check-box indicates if the device you are
configuring, supports alarm functionality. This field applies to both PlantWeb Alerts and
non-PlantWeb Alerts.
If it is checked, it supports alarms.
If it is not checked, it does not support alarms.
4. Enable PlantWeb Alerts field: Select this check-box if you want your Ovation system to
recognize the PlantWeb alerts from the device. Note that this does not affect the device's
ability to generate PlantWeb alerts.
Note: Under each alarm section, if the first check-box is not checked, the Enable check-box and
the priority choices will not appear.
98 OW360_30
9.4 Adding a Foundation Fieldbus control strategy to your control process
At this point in the configuration process, it is important that you understand how to add your
Fieldbus control strategy using the Control Builder. You will need to use the Control Builder to add
function blocks to your control sheet to reference your Fieldbus implementation. Function blocks
are self-contained software modules that reside in the Fieldbus devices. These blocks enable the
I/O information to move from the Controller to the field devices. For more information, refer to the
Ovation Control Builder User Guide and Using the Fieldbus algorithms (see page 231).
The process for adding your Fieldbus control strategy is outlined below:
1. Use the Developer Studio to edit the function block name (see page 99).
2. Use the Control Builder to add the function block to your control sheet (see page 101).
3. Use the Developer Studio to load the Controller (see page 103).
4. Use the Developer Studio to perform a download function (see page 104).
OW360_30 99
9.4 Adding a Foundation Fieldbus control strategy to your control process
CAUTION! You cannot change the name of a function block after it is used in control. So, it is
important that you name your function block correctly before using it in control.
100 OW360_30
9.4 Adding a Foundation Fieldbus control strategy to your control process
5. If the default Function Block Name that appears is not satisfactory, you can enter a new
name if the function block is not used in control. If the function block is used in control, this
field will be grayed out and you cannot change the function block name. This name must be
unique in your entire database, so every function block name for every device is different
regardless of where it is located in your plant.
6. It is not necessary to edit the Execution Order fields since these fields are automatically filled
in by the Control Builder when a function block is placed on a control sheet.
7. Click OK or Apply to save your changes and close the window. The new name for the
function block appears in the WorkPad area of the Developer Studio.
As a general rule, you should not edit or change any fields that are assigned by the Ovation
Control Builder.
The function block name that you assigned in this task will be used throughout the system,
and will also be downloaded to the device.
Note: You can also add algorithms to a control sheet using the Symbol Browser and the
Favorites Folder.
OW360_30 101
9.4 Adding a Foundation Fieldbus control strategy to your control process
8. Select the desired Fieldbus algorithm from the list. The algorithm symbols that are currently
in the library display on the right side of the dialog box.
9. Select the symbol that best fits your needs (symbols may vary depending on the number of
pins needed).
10. Click OK on the Add Algorithm dialog box.
11. Move the cursor, which has changed to an arrow, to the drawing canvas. Move the algorithm
to the desired location and left-click to position the algorithm on the canvas. Notice that a
full-screen cross-hair icon appears that aligns items on the screen. While moving the
algorithm across the canvas, you can toggle the full-screen cross-hair cursor by pressing the
<Shift> key on the keyboard. This is useful for aligning items on the canvas.
Note: When adding an algorithm, notice the algorithm anchor, shown in yellow. Once the
algorithm is added to the canvas, the anchor can be used to align and space the algorithm on
the sheet. If you hover the mouse over the anchor, the icon changes to a hand. If you left-click
the mouse button, the hand "closes" as though it is gripping the anchor. You can then move the
algorithm to the desired location.
102 OW360_30
9.4 Adding a Foundation Fieldbus control strategy to your control process
12. After adding the algorithm using the Add Algorithm window, the algorithm appears in the
Algorithms container in the Control Builder Object Browser window. The algorithm also
appears in the Control Builder Property Editor where you can edit the algorithm parameters.
Typically, you should make the following edits to the algorithm in the Property Editor:
Set the Normal Mode of the Device to the desired mode.
Assign tag names as required for the function block properties.
Select the appropriate value for the Foundation Fieldbus Device field from the
drop-down menu.
13. For more information on editing function blocks and control sheets, refer to the Ovation
Control Builder User Guide.
14. Save your changes to the Control Sheet.
OW360_30 103
9.4 Adding a Foundation Fieldbus control strategy to your control process
After you have added and configured a new Fieldbus device and edited the Control Sheet, you
must load the changes to the appropriate Controller.
Note: The Load function is necessary any time changes have been made relating to points or
Note: Since the Secondary Controller is not in control, loading it first ensures that no system
disruptions will occur if there are problems with the load..
7. Repeat the Load procedure for the Primary drop if you are using a redundant Controller.
When changes are made to configuration diagrams, audio files, bitmap files, and/or Controller
software, you must download these changes to the applicable drop(s) using the Download
104 OW360_30
9.4 Adding a Foundation Fieldbus control strategy to your control process
5. The Download Preview window appears. The Download Preview window lists all items that
may have been altered during configuration. You can select the files you would like to include
in the download process by selecting the check box next to the file.
Select All/ Load All Use the check box to the left of Query Results to select all or load all.
Download When checked, the download action downloads all of the selected previewed
files after clicking Ok.
Reboot When checked, the reboot action shuts down the drop and then restarts it
after clicking Ok.
Abort Aborts the download process and returns to the Ovation Developer Studio
without executing any commands.
Skip to Next Drop Advances to the next drop for file preview. (The current drop is not
6. If the information in the Download Preview dialog box is acceptable, select the Download
check box.
7. Click OK to download the changes.
Note: If you select both Download and Reboot, the drop downloads the changes and the
machine restarts.
OW360_30 105
9.5 Understanding segment lockout in Developer Studio
The Developer Studio supports multiple users; however, the window only allows one user to
configure a particular segment at a time. This allows other segments to be configured
simultaneously while preventing multiple users from overwriting each other.
For concurrency control, it is important to limit only one engineering operation to a segment at a
time to a segment. As a result, the port will only be locked when specific operations are being
performed on the segment. The following operations will lock the port and will lock out each other
on a segment:
Downloading the port.
Commissioning the device.
Decommissioning the device.
Commit tuning changes.
The new Fieldbus Engineering port lockout has a chance to occur as each Fieldbus Operation will
lock the port only when needed, and when completed it will free the lock. There is a timer involved
such that after 20 seconds, if the subsequent Fieldbus Operation was not granted the port lock,
then and only then will they receive this port lock alert message.
Note that there is no indication on the Developer Studio tree that a segment is locked. However,
you can check whether a segment is locked by another user. For more information, see To check
if a segment is locked by another user (see page 106).
106 OW360_30
9.5 Understanding segment lockout in Developer Studio
To check whether a segment is locked by another user, perform the following steps:
Note: The segment does not unlock until the user, who has the segment open for engineering,
closes the window. Note that there is no indication on the Developer Studio tree that a segment
is locked.
OW360_30 107
S E C T I O N 10
After you have added the Fieldbus device to the Ovation system, you need to configure the
device using the Developer Studio. Prior to configuring the device, make sure that the actual
device has been physically connected to the segment.
For concurrency control, it is important to limit only one engineering operation at a time to a
segment. As a result the port will only be locked when specific operations are being performed on
the segment. The following operations will lock the port and will lock out each other on a segment:
Downloading the port.
Commissioning the device.
Decommissioning the device.
Commit tuning changes.
Live List Viewer (click refresh button or auto refresh).
Uploading Function Block parameters.
Downloading Function Block parameters.
The following steps provide an overview of configuring the Fieldbus device. Refer to the specific
topic for detailed instructions.
OW360_30 109
10.2 To navigate to the Fieldbus port
110 OW360_30
10.2 To navigate to the Fieldbus port
The system tree displays the Controllers, modules, and devices that are currently
Each module contains two ports (P01 (segment 1) and P02 (segment 2)). Under each port
are the Fieldbus devices that you have specified.
You can click on items in this tree to view details associated with that item. The details
appear in the right side of the window.
OW360_30 111
10.3 To check the requested macrocycle
Macrocycles determine how often the Fieldbus function blocks on the segment execute. The
requested macrocycle is the execution time that you specify for all the Fieldbus function blocks on
the segment. For more information, see Understanding macrocycles (see page 46).
As you increase the number of devices or function blocks on a segment, you may want to change
the requested macrocycle time. To avoid system disruptions, your Requested Macrocycle time
should be greater than your Required Macrocycle time.
To see whether a time change is required, compare the required time to the requested time:
5. Ensure that your Requested Macrocycle time is greater than your Required Macrocycle
time. If this is not the case, you should edit the Requested Macrocycle.
If you want to change the Requested Macrocycle, see To edit the requested macrocycle.
(see page 113)
If you do not want to change the Requested Macrocycle, see To download a Foundation
Fieldbus module port. (see page 115)
112 OW360_30
10.4 To edit the requested macrocycle
OW360_30 113
10.4 To edit the requested macrocycle
4. Click on Requested Macrocycle drop-down and select the desired macrocycle time from the
drop-down list. The choices are:
1 sec
2 sec
5 sec
The Required Macrocycle field displays the minimum time that is required based on the
number of links required on the segment.
CAUTION! Select a Requested Macrocycle time that is greater than your Required
Macrocycle time to avoid system disruptions. If the requested macrocycle is smaller than the
required macrocycle time, the software will default to using the required macrocycle time.
5. Scroll down to the Advanced Port Properties section. Note that by default, the Port
Enabled check box is checked when there is a device connected to that port. If there are no
devices on a particular port, disable this port by clearing this box to avoid status errors on the
port node records.
6. Click OK to save the changes. You are now ready to download the configuration changes to
the port.
114 OW360_30
10.5 To download a Foundation Fieldbus module port
A port download updates the Link Active Scheduler (see page 15) with the new configuration. The
Link Active Scheduler (LAS, and sometimes called the 'link master') determines which device
communicates at what time and in what order. The Ovation module functions as the LAS.
When a port is downloaded, all the scripts for the port and all the devices under it will be
generated. Any script that is different from the last one sent to the port of the device will be
Apart from the Clear operation, the you cannot control which scripts are sent.
Downloading the port will download and modify the port and devices as necessary.
The port download stops and restarts the communications on the segment.
OW360_30 115
10.5 To download a Foundation Fieldbus module port
The system tree displays the Controllers, modules, and devices that are currently
Each module contains two ports (P01 (segment 1) and P02 (segment 2)). Under each port
are the Fieldbus devices that you specified.
You can click items in this tree to view details associated with that item. These details
appear on the right side of the window.
116 OW360_30
10.5 To download a Foundation Fieldbus module port
OW360_30 117
10.6 Foundation Fieldbus device states
When a device is commissioned, its serial number is communicated to itself and to Ovation.
Commissioning a Fieldbus device assigns it an address on the segment, associates it to the
device tag name defined in Ovation, and makes the device available to the Ovation system.
Before you commission devices, it is important to understand the possible Fieldbus device states:
CAUTION! If you intend to keep a Fieldbus device in the offline or spare states for any length
of time, you should remove the device from the segment. A decommissioned Fieldbus device
is given a temporary address, and failure to remove it from the segment could prevent normal
commissioning on the segment.
2. Offline - State of a Fieldbus device when you want to disconnect it for maintenance and then
return it to the segment at the same address. For example, you would take a device offline to
recalibrate it. If you reconnect an offline device, it automatically uses a standby address (uses
addresses 248 - 251). You must commission the standby device by right-clicking on the
device and selecting Commission from the pop-up menu. After the device is commissioned,
download the device in order to make it function as it did prior to being decommissioned.
3. Spare - State of a Fieldbus device when you want to disconnect it and no longer use it in your
Ovation system. Each device has a device tag that designates the role the device performs in
the Ovation system. If you decide that you no longer want to use the device, you should clear
its tag. To clear the tag, make the device spare (uses addresses 248 - 251). A spare device is
part of your inventory of spare devices, not an instrument with a specific purpose. If, at some
time, you decide to put a spare device back into service, move it to standby when you attach
the device to the segment.
4. Standby - This state is a safety feature for Fieldbus devices. The device is moved to a
standby address until it is commissioned (uses addresses 232 - 244). A device goes to
standby from the offline and spare states.
5. Unrecognized - The Fieldbus device was commissioned on another segment and then
connected to an Ovation system. When the H1 card finds a device in the assigned address
range that has not been commissioned for this particular segment, it designates it as an
unrecognized device. If you want to commission it, right-click the desired device placeholder
and select Commission from the pop-up menu. The Ovation system allows the device to
remain where it is unless you choose to move it.
6. Device Class Mismatch - The attached field device is not the same class for which the
device was commissioned.
7. Schedule Download Failed - The LAS Schedule could not be downloaded to this field
118 OW360_30
10.7 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
Fieldbus devices can also go through transitional states, such as com initializing, meaning that
the H1 card is establishing communications with the field device. Typically, a device is in a
transitional state for only a few seconds. If a device remains in a transitional state or if a device
goes into the com fail state, it indicates a problem.
If a device remains in the com initializing state, cycle the device power. If a device is in the
unrecognized state, it either has not been commissioned or has been attached to the wrong
segment. If a device is in the schedule download failed state, then the segment currently does not
have a functional backup LAS. If a device shows a device class mismatch, there is something
wrong with the device.
Each Fieldbus device must have a unique physical device tag and a corresponding network
address. The device tag is assigned to the device when it is commissioned and (for most device
states) the device retains the tag in its memory when it is disconnected. The device does not
retain the tag when the device is made spare. When the device is made spare, the tag information
is lost. The network address is the current address that the Fieldbus is using for the device.
Commissioning of a device performs two distinct tasks, first, a logical device is associated with a
physical device and second, the physical device is made operational.
When a device is commissioned, its serial number is communicated to itself and to Ovation, as a
type of introduction. Commissioning a Fieldbus device assigns it an address on the segment,
associates it to the device tag name defined in Ovation, and makes the device available to the
Ovation system.
For each port, devices that have not been previously commissioned should appear under View
Live Devices window. When you first connect a device to a segment, it may take some time for
the device to appear in the list. The device is going through its initialization period during this time.
Several factors contribute to the time it takes to commission the device. Among these are the
number of function blocks and devices and the time it takes for devices to move through the
various device states.
You may wish to commission one device at a time, and configure its function block parameters.
Alternatively, you may wish to commission more than one Fieldbus device and then go to each
device and configure its function block parameters.
OW360_30 119
10.7 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
120 OW360_30
10.7 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
The system tree displays the Controllers, modules, and devices currently configured.
Each module contains two ports (P01 (segment 1) and P02 (segment 2)). Under each port
are the Fieldbus devices that you specified.
You can click on items in this tree to view details associated with that item. These display in
the right side of the window.
OW360_30 121
10.7 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
122 OW360_30
10.7 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
OW360_30 123
10.7 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
3. Click OK.
124 OW360_30
10.7 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
OW360_30 125
10.7 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
Note: Clicking No will not close out the Commission Device dialog box but you will still not be
able to select a device to commission, so click Yes.
126 OW360_30
10.7 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
7. After the processing completes, the window will re-populate with any physical devices found
on the Fieldbus segment that are attached to the port that meet the configuration in Studio
and now are in a Standby state.
OW360_30 127
10.7 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
128 OW360_30
10.7 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
OW360_30 129
10.7 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
130 OW360_30
10.7 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
3. Based on the device history, one of the following windows will appear when you click
Previous device available, If the device was previously commissioned but now in standby
recommission device?
a window appears.
Click Yes to re-establish previous relationship.
Click No to establish a new relationship.
The device state transition window will automatically close once the
commissioning processes completes.
Optionally, you may click Don't Wait to close the device state
transition window.
Previous device is not in a If the device is not in a commissionable state, a window appears,
commissionable state, perform the following step to acclimate the non-commissioned
consider preparing the device(s).
1. Click OK.
2. Click Acclimate Non-Commissioned Devices.
3. Click Yes.
Note: After you replace a Fieldbus device in the plant, it is added automatically to the AMS
Device Manager. For more information, refer to the AMS Device Manager documentation online.
OW360_30 131
10.7 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
10.7.5 To commission new Fieldbus device that has never been commissioned
If the device is new and has never been commissioned before, perform the following steps:
Note: Simply clicking OK without selecting the device to be commissioned, will result in an error
Note: The backup link master window will only appear if a device has not yet been defined as a
backup link master and this current device has the capability to be a backup link master.
132 OW360_30
10.7 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
A Device Status window appears showing the transition from the decommissioned to
commissioned state. While the device is going through the commissioning process, you will
see changes in the window.
You also have the option of selecting Don't Wait, which continues the commissioning
process but allows you to do other tasks while the device cycles.
OW360_30 133
10.7 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
Note: After you replace a Fieldbus device in the plant, it is added automatically to the AMS
Device Manager. For more information, refer to the AMS Device Manager documentation online.
134 OW360_30
10.8 To configure and verify Foundation Fieldbus function block parameters (Tuning)
If you are using devices that are not pre-configured, you must use the following procedures to
define function block parameters. You may wish to modify function block parameters even if you
are using pre-configured devices.
Note: Emerson recommends using pre-configured devices when available. Devices that are not
configured also require configuration of the resource and transducer blocks using the AMS
Device Manager. You should upload pre-configured devices before you continue with any
engineering tasks.
From the Tuning window, you can adjust the value of tunable function block parameter in the
Fieldbus device. Any writable parameter can be changed, but some parameters require that the
target mode be Out of Service (OOS) in order for the for the update in the device to be
OW360_30 135
10.8 To configure and verify Foundation Fieldbus function block parameters (Tuning)
4. Right-click on the function block that you want to configure and click Tuning from the menu
that appears.
5. A table appears in the right pane showing the parameters and their actual and configured
values. An example of this type of table is shown in the following figure.
136 OW360_30
10.8 To configure and verify Foundation Fieldbus function block parameters (Tuning)
6. The Tuning window has the following three check-boxes on the bottom left corner. You can
show/hide columns as desired, and if the check-box is checked, the desired column is shown
and when un-checked the column is hidden.
a) Parameter
b) Database Value
c) Device Value
7. Before changing any parameters, you must put the function block out of service:
a) Click on the drop-down menu in the Tune Device column for the MODE_BLK_Target
parameter and select Out of Service option.
b) Click Commit to save your changes
8. To change a parameter, click inside the configurable parameter value under the Tune
Device column.
9. Make the desired changes and click Commit to save all your changes.
10. Click Refresh to update all column values.
11. After making your changes, put the block back in service by returning the function block to the
desired target mode.
OW360_30 137
10.8 To configure and verify Foundation Fieldbus function block parameters (Tuning)
Perform the following steps to upload function block values into the database:
138 OW360_30
10.8 To configure and verify Foundation Fieldbus function block parameters (Tuning)
5. The system takes a few minutes to process the request. Click Refresh within the tuning
window, to see the changes.
OW360_30 139
10.8 To configure and verify Foundation Fieldbus function block parameters (Tuning)
6. After the upload is complete, notice in the example given below, the LOW CUT value of the
device under the Database Value column after upload corresponds with the current device
140 OW360_30
10.8 To configure and verify Foundation Fieldbus function block parameters (Tuning)
OW360_30 141
10.8 To configure and verify Foundation Fieldbus function block parameters (Tuning)
6. The system takes a few minutes to process the request. Click Refresh within the tuning
window, to see the changes.
142 OW360_30
10.8 To configure and verify Foundation Fieldbus function block parameters (Tuning)
7. After the download is complete, notice in the example given below, that the LOW CUT value
of the device under the Device Value column after download corresponds with the database
OW360_30 143
S E C T I O N 11
Once you have added the device to the Ovation system, configured and commissioned it using
the Developer Studio window, it is ready to be engineered in the AMS Device Manager system.
The following steps provide an overview of using the Device Manager to configure the resource
and transducer blocks.
1. Access the Asset Management System (AMS) Device Manager (see page 145).
2. Use the AMS Device Manager to configure the new device (see page 147).
3. Use the AMS Device Manager to calibrate the device (see page 150).
11.2 What is the AMS Device Manager and how does it relate to
Foundation Fieldbus?
The AMS (Asset Management System) Device Manager is a comprehensive and integrated
family of applications from Emerson, developed for predictive maintenance, performance
monitoring, and economic optimization. AMS Device Manager applications are industry-leading
applications that optimize economic performance and enable predictive and proactive
maintenance of a plant’s production assets.
OW360_30 145
11.3 To access the AMS Device Manager (Tag Search view)
146 OW360_30
11.3 To access the AMS Device Manager (Tag Search view)
Note: Refer to the AMS Device Manager documentation for information on using this window.
OW360_30 147
11.4 To configure the device
This window appears differently for different devices and manufacturers. Refer to your
specific device's manufacturer information for the meanings of parameters.
Fields in this window are grayed out if you cannot write to those parameters.
148 OW360_30
11.4 To configure the device
4. Select Resource in the hierarchy tree on the left side of the window to configure parameters
for the device's resource block. The resource block deals with the overall device. It contains
information such as manufacturer, device type, and serial number. Each device has only one
resource block.
OW360_30 149
11.4 To configure the device
5. Click Transducer in the hierarchy tree on the left side of the window to configure parameters
for the device's transducer block(s). The transducer block deals with the wetted parts of a
device (parts of the device with voltage). It provides local input/output functions needed to
read sensors and to command actuators, displays, or other output hardware. It is the link
between the sensors and actuators and the process control system.
Note: When you modify a device parameter, a yellow highlight appears to indicate that a
change has been made but has not been applied. The yellow highlights disappear after you
confirm the changes. This indicates that the system sent the information to the device.
6. If desired, make any further required changes to your device. Your changes may include
sensor types, sensor limits, or conversions. This information differs based on a device's
manufacturer and revision. For further information, refer to the device manufacturer.
7. Select Apply to save the changes or select OK to save the changes and close the window.
Note: Refer to the AMS Device Manager documentation for information on using this window.
150 OW360_30
11.5 To calibrate the device
A device calibration can be beneficial but is not required. Calibration configuration settings differ
based on manufacturer and revision. For further information on device calibration, refer to the
device manufacturer.
Note: Refer to the AMS Device Manager documentation for information on using this window.
OW360_30 151
S E C T I O N 12
After completing configuration in Ovation and AMS Device Manager, the final step is to verify
accurate communication to the device.
Note: The following procedure describes how to verify values using the Tuning window and an
Ovation Signal Diagram. You can also verify by retrieving values using a handheld or physical
OW360_30 153
12.2 To use Signal Diagrams to verify that your Foundation Fieldbus device is communicating
3. Right-click on the function block and click Tuning. A table appears in the right pane showing
the parameters and their actual and configured values.
Note: Be sure to note the current value of the OUT parameter for the selected function block.
This value should approximate the value in the corresponding Ovation Signal Diagram.
154 OW360_30
S E C T I O N 13
A trend displays data samples collected for live points on the Ovation Network in graphical or
tabular trends. The trend continuously updates with live information at a pre-determined rate. You
specify trend data such as point names, scale limits, and collection intervals.
After completing Fieldbus configuration in Ovation and AMS Device Manager, if desired, you can
display current Fieldbus function block values in a trend. This provides a convenient method to
display and compare function block values
Note: The following procedure describes how to verify values using the Developer Studio
Tuning window and an Ovation Trend. You can also verify by retrieving values using a handheld
or physical display.
OW360_30 155
13.2 To use Trends to verify that your Foundation Fieldbus device is communicating
3. Right-click on the function block and click Tuning. A table appears in the right pane showing
the parameters and their actual and configured values.
Note: Be sure to note the current value of the OUT parameter for the selected function block.
This value should approximate the value in the corresponding Ovation Signal Diagram.
156 OW360_30
13.2 To use Trends to verify that your Foundation Fieldbus device is communicating
6. Click on the Fieldbus sheet, and then click OK. The sheet appears on the Signal Diagram
display canvas.
7. Click on a Fieldbus algorithm on the display canvas. Access the Algorithm Summary
window and notice the information that displays for the algorithm.
Note: The status bar contains data, and when you hover over the algorithm, it decodes the
value of the status for the block.
8. Right-click on the field in the Value column and select Point Info from the menu.
The Point Information menu appears for that point value.
If you select Trend from the menu, the point appears in a trend.
9. If desired, repeat previous steps for other values that are displayed and the multiple points will
also appear in the trend. This provides a convenient method to display and compare function
block values.
OW360_30 157
13.2 To use Trends to verify that your Foundation Fieldbus device is communicating
158 OW360_30
S E C T I O N 14
The View Live Devices window provides information about the device such as the Node address,
Device tag, Device Id, Device state, Manufacturer, Device type and so forth. The View Live
Devices window has the following three options:
Auto Refresh (15 seconds)
OW360_30 159
14.2 To access and use the View Live Devices window
160 OW360_30
14.2 To access and use the View Live Devices window
4. The View Live Devices window appears, it displays the following information about the device:
Node address
Device tag
Device Id
Device state
Device type
Device revision
Backup link master
5. The View Live Devices window has the following three features:
Refresh: When you click on Refresh, the view live devices window talks to the port and
updates the window with anything that has changed at the device level from the last time
the window was refreshed.
Auto Refresh (15 seconds): When you select the Auto Refresh check box, the window
automatically talks to the port and updates with anything that has changed every 15
Close: When you click Close, the View Live Devices window closes.
OW360_30 161
14.3 Additional Operation - Decommission 'physical' device from the View Live Devices window
CAUTION!! Emerson does not recommend the decommission of a physical device directly
from the View Live Devices window. Decommission using this window by-passes the database
update and directly communicates to the port to decommission the physical device. However,
if it is necessary, perform the following steps with extreme caution.
1. Right-click the device you want to decommission and click Decommission Physical Device.
Figure 83: Decommission device from the View Live Devices window
162 OW360_30
14.3 Additional Operation - Decommission 'physical' device from the View Live Devices window
3. Click Yes to communicate directly with the physical device and issue a decommission
command to it. Remember that you should not configure the device in the Ovation Developer
Studio because when the device is configured in developer studio, the physical device may
reflect commissioned without having a logical association for the given port and the view live
devices window would display that the device is Commissioned.
CAUTION ! Clicking YES will bypass all database processes and should be used as a last
resort to get the device ready to be commissioned when using the Hardware Hierarchy in the
Developer Studio.
OW360_30 163
14.4 Checklist for configuring a new Foundation Fieldbus device on a segment
Gather information about the Fieldbus device that you want to add and the Task (see page 92)
segment you want to use.
Ensure that you have appropriate engineering privileges. Task (see page 92)
Verify that any required points for the device exist. Task (see page 92)
Physically connect the device to the segment. Task (see page 92)
Navigate to the Fieldbus Devices item and insert a new Fieldbus device. Task (see page 92)
Configure the device to use PlantWeb Alerts (where applicable). Task (see page 97)
Use the Studio to navigate to the Function Blocks item and edit the Task (see page 99)
Function Block name.
Use the Control Builder to add the function block to a control sheet. Task (see page 101)
Use the Studio to load the Fieldbus control strategy to the Controller. Task (see page 103)
Download the Fieldbus changes to the appropriate drop(s). Task (see page 104)
Use the Studio to navigate to the Fieldbus port Task (see page 110)
Confirm that the macrocycle time is appropriate. Task (see page 112)
Download the Fieldbus configuration to the ports. Task (see page 115)
Configure Fieldbus function block parameters (Tuning). Task (see page 135)
Upload the function block parameters to the database. Task (see page 138)
Download the function block parameters from the database into the Task (see page 140)
Fieldbus device.
Use the AMS Device Manager to engineer the device.
Access the AMS Device Manager. Task (see page 145)
Configure the Fieldbus device. Task (see page 147)
164 OW360_30
14.4 Checklist for configuring a new Foundation Fieldbus device on a segment
OW360_30 165
S E C T I O N 15
After you have identified a segment that contains a Fieldbus device that needs to be replaced (by
verifying the field wiring), you will need to install a spare Fieldbus device. Emerson recommends
that you keep a few spare devices in your inventory so that you can install a spare in the event
that a device fails, or that a device is sent out for routine maintenance.
The following steps provide an overview of replacing a Fieldbus device. Refer to the specific
topics for detailed instructions.
1. Ensure that you meet the prerequisites before you begin installation. (see page 168)
2. Decommission the device you are replacing. (see page 168)
Access the Developer Studio window.
Perform an upload of all active function blocks prior to decommissioning the device that
will be replaced.
Decommission the Fieldbus device.
3. Physically connect the new device to the segment. (see page 174)
4. Use the Developer Studio window to set up the replacement device. (see page 175)
Commission the device.
Download the device and parameters.
5. Commission or Decommission multiple devices. (see page 190)
6. Verify that the new Fieldbus device is communicating. (see page 193)
OW360_30 167
15.2 Prerequisites before installing a spare Foundation Fieldbus device
Ensure that the following prerequisites are met before you begin to install a spare Fieldbus
Gather the information for the spare device, including its:
Model number
Revision number
Identify the segment that you want to add the device to.
Make sure you have the appropriate engineering privileges that are needed for configuring
the Ovation system.
168 OW360_30
15.3 Decommissioning Foundation Fieldbus devices
The system tree displays the Controllers, modules, and devices currently configured.
Each module contains two ports, P01 (segment 1) and P02 (segment 2). Under each port
are the Fieldbus devices that you specified.
You can click on items in this tree to view details associated with that item. These items
appear in the right side of the window.
OW360_30 169
15.3 Decommissioning Foundation Fieldbus devices
Perform the following steps to upload function block values into the database.
170 OW360_30
15.3 Decommissioning Foundation Fieldbus devices
5. The system takes a few minutes to process the request. Click Refresh within the tuning
window, to see the changes.
OW360_30 171
15.3 Decommissioning Foundation Fieldbus devices
6. After the upload is complete, notice in the example given below, the Low Cut value of the
device under database value column after download corresponds with the current device
172 OW360_30
15.3 Decommissioning Foundation Fieldbus devices
OW360_30 173
15.4 Physically connecting the new Foundation Fieldbus device to the segment using appropriate wiring
3. If the device is being used in Control, a confirmation window appears asking you to confirm
the decommissioning. Click Yes.
4. Note that after a device is decommissioned, it automatically goes to the Offline state.
The next step is to wire your new device. For more information on planning your segments and
wiring layouts, see Planning segment and wiring layouts (see page 19) and the device's
installation manual.
Note: Once the device has been connected, allow a few minutes for it to power up, and
initialize. Use the Developer Studio window to view the state of the device in the
decommissioned devices list under the Drop/Module/Port where you connected the device.
174 OW360_30
15.5 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
For each Fieldbus port in the Ovation System, devices that have not been previously
commissioned should appear under View Live Devices window. When you first connect a device
to a segment, it may take some time for the device to appear in the list. The device is going
through its initialization period during this time.
Several factors contribute to the time it takes to commission the device. Among these are the
number of function blocks and devices and the time it takes for devices to move through the
various device states.
You may wish to commission one device at a time, and configure its function block parameters.
Alternatively, you may wish to commission more than one Fieldbus device and then go back to
each device and configure its function block parameters.
OW360_30 175
15.5 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
176 OW360_30
15.5 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
The system tree displays the Controllers, modules, and devices currently configured.
Each module contains two ports (P01 (segment 1) and P02 (segment 2)). Under each port
are the Fieldbus devices that you specified.
You can click on items in this tree to view details associated with that item. These details
appear in the right side of the window.
OW360_30 177
15.5 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
178 OW360_30
15.5 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
OW360_30 179
15.5 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
3. Click OK.
180 OW360_30
15.5 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
OW360_30 181
15.5 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
Note: Clicking No will not close out the Commission Device dialog box but you will still not be
able to select a device to commission, so click Yes.
182 OW360_30
15.5 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
7. After the processing completes, the window will display any physical devices found on the
Fieldbus segment that are attached to the port and that meets the configuration criteria in the
Studio and now are in a Standby state.
OW360_30 183
15.5 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
184 OW360_30
15.5 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
OW360_30 185
15.5 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
186 OW360_30
15.5 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
3. Based on the device history, one of the following windows will appear when you click
Previous device available, If the device was previously commissioned but is now
recommission device?
in standby, a window appears.
Click Yes to re-establish the previous relationship. OR
Click No to establish a new relationship.
OW360_30 187
15.5 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
15.5.5 To commission a new device that has never been commissio ned before
If the device is new and has never been commissioned before, perform the following steps:
Note: Simply clicking OK without selecting the device to be commissioned, will result in an error
Note: The backup link master window will only appear if a device has not yet been defined as a
backup link master and this current device has the capability to be a backup link master.
188 OW360_30
15.5 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
A Device Status window appears showing the transition from the decommissioned to the
commissioned state. While the device is going through the commissioning process, you will
see changes in the window.
You also have the option of selecting Don't Wait, which continues the commissioning
process but allows you to do other tasks while the device cycles.
OW360_30 189
15.5 Commissioning a Foundation Fieldbus device
Note: After you replace a Fieldbus device in the plant, it is added automatically to the AMS
Device Manager. For more information, refer to the AMS Device Manager documentation online.
15.5.6 To download function block parameters for the Foundation Fieldbus device
Note: This download procedure assumes that you have uploaded parameters from the old
device and you want to retain these same parameters in the new device.
For information on how to download function block parameters for the Foundation Fieldbus
device, see To download function block parameters (see page 140).
190 OW360_30
15.6 To commission or decommission multiple devices
You can also commission or decommission multiples devices at the same time. Perform the
following steps:
OW360_30 191
15.6 To commission or decommission multiple devices
192 OW360_30
15.7 Verifying that your device is communicating (using Signal Diagrams)
After completing configuration in Ovation and AMS Device Manager, the final step is to verify
accurate communication to the device.
To verify that your device is communicating, you must compare the values being reported by that
device in the Tuning window (accessed through the Ovation Developer Studio) to the values
being reported by Ovation. You can use Signal Diagrams to verify the point values.
15.7.1 To use Signal Diagrams to verify that your Foundation Fieldbus device is
See To use Signal Diagrams to verify that your Foundation Fieldbus device is communicating.
(see page 153)
A trend displays data samples collected for live points on the Ovation Network in graphical or
tabular trends. The trend continuously updates with live information at a pre-determined rate. You
specify trend data such as point names, scale limits, and collection intervals.
After completing Fieldbus configuration in Ovation and AMS Device Manager, if desired, you can
display current Fieldbus function block values in a trend. This provides a convenient method to
display and compare function block values.
See To use Trends to verify that your Foundation Fieldbus device is communicating. (see page
OW360_30 193
15.9 Checklist for replacing a Foundation Fieldbus device on an existing segment
Gather information about the spare device you want to add and the Task (see page 168)
segment you want to use.
Ensure that you have appropriate engineering privileges. Task (see page 168)
Physically connect the spare Fieldbus device to the segment Task (see page 174)
Use the Developer Studio window to set up the spare Fieldbus device
in Ovation
Commission the device. Task (see page 175)
Verify that the new Fieldbus device is communicating Task (see page 193)
194 OW360_30
S E C T I O N 16
16.1 Prerequisites
Ensure that the following prerequisites are met before you add a replace a failed Fieldbus
You should have a functional/new Foundation Fieldbus module to replace the failed module.
Make sure you have the appropriate engineering privileges that are needed to replace a
Fieldbus module on the Ovation system.
You should know how to use the Controller Diagnostics tool to download firmware to the
Fieldbus module. For more information, refer to the applicable Ovation Controller User Guide.
A failed Foundation Fieldbus module does not allow communication between the Ovation
Controller and Fieldbus devices in the field. Perform the following steps to replace the failed
Foundation Fieldbus module:
1. Physically remove the failed Foundation Fieldbus module from the appropriate branch->slot.
2. Add the functional/new module to the slot.
3. Download the change. See To download changes to the appropriate drop(s) (see page 104).
4. Load the Controller. See To load the Controller (see page 197).
5. Download firmware and reboot the replacement Foundation Fieldbus I/O module using the
Control Diagnostic utility. See To download firmware to the redundant Foundation Fieldbus
I/O modules (see page 226).
6. Clear the associated ports for the replacement module in the Developer Studio. See To clear
Foundation Fieldbus module port (see page 200).
7. Download each port for the Foundation Fieldbus I/O module. See To download a Foundation
Fieldbus module port (see page 115).
OW360_30 195
16.3 To download changes to the appropriate drop(s)
When changes are made to configuration diagrams, audio files, bitmap files, and/or Controller
software, you must download these changes to the applicable drop(s) using the Download
196 OW360_30
16.4 To load the Controller
Select All/ Load All Use the check box to the left of Query Results to select all or load all.
Download When checked, the download action downloads all of the selected previewed
files after clicking Ok.
Reboot When checked, the reboot action shuts down the drop and then restarts it
after clicking Ok.
Abort Aborts the download process and returns to the Ovation Developer Studio
without executing any commands.
Skip to Next Drop Advances to the next drop for file preview. (The current drop is not
6. If the information in the Download Preview dialog box is acceptable, select the Download
check box.
7. Click OK to download the changes.
Note: If you select both Download and Reboot, the drop downloads the changes and the
machine restarts.
After you have replaced the failed Fieldbus module with the functional/new Fieldbus module, you
must load the changes to the appropriate Controller.
Note: The Load function is necessary any time changes have been made relating to points or
Note: Since the Secondary Controller is not in control, loading it first ensures that no system
disruptions will occur if there are problems with the load.
7. Repeat the Load procedure for the Primary drop if you are using a redundant Controller.
OW360_30 197
16.5 To download firmware to the Foundation Fieldbus I/O modules
16.5 To dow nload firmware to the Foundation Field bus I/O modules
After you have added the Fieldbus I/O module, you must download the firmware to the Primary
and Secondary modules before communication on the bus can begin.
For redundant modules, ensure that the firmware is downloaded to each half of the
redundant pair.
The firmware for a Fieldbus module cannot be updated unless power is applied to both of
the module's Fieldbus segments.
1. Access an Ovation workstation.
2. From the workstation, use the system tree to navigate to the Diagnostics:
Ovation Utilities
3. The Controller Diagnostics window appears. Select the Controller drop where the Primary
module was added.
4. Select the I/O Information tab.
5. Navigate to the appropriate Primary Fieldbus module location and select the Primary module
you want to download.
6. Click Download Available Firmware.
198 OW360_30
16.5 To download firmware to the Foundation Fieldbus I/O modules
7. The Module Firmware Download window appears. Compare the firmware in the Controller
Version field to the firmware in the Module Version field to determine if you have the latest
firmware on your Primary Fieldbus I/O module.
Note: If you do not have the latest firmware on the module, you can download the latest
firmware to the module, if desired using the Download Available Firmware button.
OW360_30 199
16.6 To clear Foundation Fieldbus module port
You must perform a port clear operation on the associated ports for the replacement module in
the Developer Studio, prior to performing a port download (see page 115).
CAUTION! Failing to clear a port may prevent communications between Ovation and the
Foundation Fieldbus devices.
The port clear operation ensures that on the next port download operation, all necessary Fieldbus
scripts are sent to the Fieldbus I/O module. This allows communication to continue between the
Ovation Controller and Fieldbus devices as it did prior to the Foundation Fieldbus module failing.
It does not affect the communication between he devices on the segment.
200 OW360_30
16.6 To clear Foundation Fieldbus module port
The system tree displays the Controllers, modules, and devices that are currently
Each module contains two ports (P01 (segment 1) and P02 (segment 2)). Under each port
are the Fieldbus devices that you specified.
You can click items in this tree to view details associated with that item. These details
appear on the right side of the window.
OW360_30 201
16.6 To clear Foundation Fieldbus module port
202 OW360_30
16.7 To download a Foundation Fieldbus module port
A port download updates the Link Active Scheduler (see page 15) with the new configuration. The
Link Active Scheduler (LAS, and sometimes called the 'link master') determines which device
communicates at what time and in what order. The Ovation module functions as the LAS.
When a port is downloaded, all the scripts for the port and all the devices under it will be
generated. Any script that is different from the last one sent to the port of the device will be
Apart from the Clear operation, the you cannot control which scripts are sent.
Downloading the port will download and modify the port and devices as necessary.
The port download stops and restarts the communications on the segment.
OW360_30 203
16.7 To download a Foundation Fieldbus module port
The system tree displays the Controllers, modules, and devices that are currently
Each module contains two ports (P01 (segment 1) and P02 (segment 2)). Under each port
are the Fieldbus devices that you specified.
You can click items in this tree to view details associated with that item. These details
appear on the right side of the window.
204 OW360_30
16.7 To download a Foundation Fieldbus module port
OW360_30 205
S E C T I O N 17
Redundant Fieldbus modules allow the Ovation system to continue to communicate with the
Foundation Fieldbus H1 segments in the event that one of the I/O modules fails. These two
redundant I/O modules are referred to as the primary module and the secondary module.
The module that is currently exchanging process point information between the Fieldbus devices
and the Ovation Controller is referred to as the active module. The module that is waiting to take
control is the standby module. Note that the active module is not always the primary module,
see Redundancy example.
Each Foundation Fieldbus module supports two H1 segments. Both H1 ports on the active
module are the Link Active Scheduler (LAS) (see page 15) and manage communication on the
segment. The H1 ports on the standby module are alive on the segment but are not used to
exchange link data.
The Ovation Controller acts as a linking device between the Ovation Developer Studio window
and the Fieldbus devices on the H1 segment. As a linking device, the Controller routes the HSE
communication to the Foundation Fieldbus module across the I/O bus.
OW360_30 207
17.2 Redundant module hardware placement
Redundant Foundation Fieldbus modules must be physically located on adjacent branches. The
primary module must be located on an odd branch with the lower hardware address. The
corresponding secondary module is located on the next higher even branch. The modules will
always use Foundation Fieldbus mode addresses 16 and 17. The redundant modules can be
located in any slot on the adjacent branches, but are normally located directly across from each
other. Since Fieldbus modules are not supported on remote I/O, redundant modules can be
located only on local I/O branches.
Redundant Foundation Fieldbus modules must be physically connected using two NULL modem
serial communication cables. These are used by the modules to exchange redundancy status
information. Each redundant module has an associated Foundation Fieldbus Interface personality
module (5X00327). The NULL modem cable (5X00551H01) has a male 9-pin D connector on
each end. The Diag Port 1 of the primary module is connected to the Diag Port 1 of the secondary
module, and Diag Port 2 of the primary module is attached to Diag Port 2 of the secondary.
208 OW360_30
17.3 Redundant Fieldbus module operation
The procedures for adding and configuring redundant Fieldbus modules are similar to adding and
configuring single Fieldbus modules, with a few differences. For more information, see Adding
and configuring redundant Foundation Fieldbus modules (see page 213).
A Foundation Fieldbus module will stay off the H1 segment until it has received its network
configuration and it is instructed to go to the active or standby state by the Ovation Controller.
A module performs self-diagnostics to determine if it is able to go to the active state. The status is
reported to the Controller. The Controller then commands the module to become active or
standby after it has given it a network configuration and checked the status.
A Foundation Fieldbus module monitors its health and reports its status to the Controller. The
status information includes its state and the state of its H1 ports and also the perceived health of
its partner's ports. The serial communication status between the modules is also reported. This
status information is used by the Ovation Controller to determine when to trigger a failover.
OW360_30 209
17.3 Redundant Fieldbus module operation
The Ovation Controller monitors the status of the active and standby Foundation Fieldbus
modules to determine when to trigger a failover. A failover is triggered if the active module fails
and the standby module is able to take control. The following conditions will cause a module to
Loss of communication on a segment.
Module hardware failure.
Rebooting the module.
You can manually trigger a failover by pulling the active module from the backplane or by
rebooting the module using the Reboot Module button in the Controller Diagnostic Tool. Refer to
the applicable Ovation Controller User Guide for more information on the Controller Diagnostic
The Ovation Controller triggers a failover by commanding the active module to go to standby
mode, and then commanding the standby module to go to active mode. The standby module will
remain in standby mode until the fault condition is cleared and it is commanded to go active. The
primary module does not automatically re-assume the active mode. In some cases, it may be
necessary to reboot the module to clear the fault condition.
Note: If a device on a segment fails, it will not cause a failover of the Fieldbus module.
The redundancy configuration information is contained in the WP field of the module record point.
Bit 3 is set for a redundant module.
Bits 0, 1, and 2 contain the slot number of the redundant partner module on the adjacent
Bit 5 is set if the card is on the partner side.
Bit 15 is set if it is a new card it is capable of redundancy.
The bit definitions for the A2 field of the module record are shown in the following table:
210 OW360_30
17.3 Redundant Fieldbus module operation
The status of each H1 port on the Foundation Fieldbus module is maintained in a node record
point. The bit definitions of the A2 field are shown in the following table:
OW360_30 211
17.4 Overview of adding redundant Foundation Fieldbus modules to an Ovation system
The following steps provide an overview of adding redundant Foundation Fieldbus modules to an
Ovation system. Refer to the specific topics for detailed instructions.
Ensure that the following prerequisites are met before you add redundant Fieldbus modules:
Make sure you have the appropriate engineering privileges that are needed to add Fieldbus
modules to the Ovation system.
Make sure the redundant modules are located in the correct slots in the correct branches (see
page 208).
You should be familiar with point naming conventions for module records and node records.
Refer to Ovation Developer Studio User Guide for more information.
You should know how to use the Controller Diagnostic Tool to download firmware to the
Fieldbus modules. Refer to the applicable Ovation Controller User Guide.
CAUTION! The Ovation Controller has a limit of 32 for the number of bus modules that may be
used. If more than 32 bus modules are used, the Controller will fail. Bus modules include
Fieldbus, Profibus, DeviceNet, and Ethernet Link Controller modules. Therefore, if only
redundant Fieldbus modules are used in a Controller, a maximum of 16 pairs can be used.
212 OW360_30
17.6 Adding and configuring redundant Foundation Fieldbus modules
The Ovation Developer Studio is used to insert and configure the Foundation Fieldbus modules
into the Ovation system.
Note: Only perform this if the Controller has not been previously configured for Fieldbus. You
only have to perform this task once for each Controller that utilizes Foundation Fieldbus.
Note: If you add, change, or delete device drivers, perform a clear/load function on the
Controller. For more information, refer to the Ovation Developer Studio User Guide.
5. From the Device Number drop-down menu, select an unused number (for example, you
might start with 2, and continue numbering successive devices sequentially).
OW360_30 213
17.6 Adding and configuring redundant Foundation Fieldbus modules
6. Click Finish.
7. The New Device Numbers window appears. Select FIELDBUS MODULE from the I/O Driver
Type drop-down menu.
8. Click OK.
214 OW360_30
17.6 Adding and configuring redundant Foundation Fieldbus modules
14. The New [I/O Devices] window appears showing the selection that you made. Click OK.
OW360_30 215
17.6 Adding and configuring redundant Foundation Fieldbus modules
17.6.2 To insert the Primary Foundation Fieldbus module into the Developer
Studio system tree
Note: Make sure that the Primary module is located on an odd branch with the lower hardware
address. The corresponding secondary module must be located on the next higher even branch.
216 OW360_30
17.6 Adding and configuring redundant Foundation Fieldbus modules
OW360_30 217
17.6 Adding and configuring redundant Foundation Fieldbus modules
5. The Insert New Ovation Module Wizard appears. Select Foundation Fieldbus BusModule
(Redundant) from the Module Type pull-down menu.
6. Select Finish.
7. The New Ovation Module window appears. Select the Redundant radio button as the
Redundancy attribute and click OK.
8. Once you have configured the Primary module, you must configure the secondary module
(see page 219).
218 OW360_30
17.6 Adding and configuring redundant Foundation Fieldbus modules
17.6.3 To insert the Secondary Foundation Fieldbus module into the Developer
Studio system tree
Note: Make sure that the Primary module is located on an odd branch with the lower hardware
address. The corresponding secondary module must be located on the next higher even branch.
OW360_30 219
17.6 Adding and configuring redundant Foundation Fieldbus modules
4. The Foundation Fieldbus Module (Redundant) window appears, select the Module tab.
5. Click on Redundant Partner drop-down menu, and select the module that you configured as
the Secondary module in Branch 2. This list will only show the Foundation Fieldbus modules
in the next higher even branch that are configured to be redundant.
220 OW360_30
17.6 Adding and configuring redundant Foundation Fieldbus modules
6. Click OK.
OW360_30 221
17.6 Adding and configuring redundant Foundation Fieldbus modules
7. You can verify that the Secondary module is linked to the Primary module. To do this:
a) Use the system tree to navigate to the Secondary redundant Foundation Fieldbus
I/O Devices
I/O Device 0 IOIC
IO Interfaces
Branch 2 (for Secondary module)
Foundation Fieldbus module
b) Right-click the Foundation Fieldbus module, and select Open.
c) The Foundation Fieldbus BusModule (Redundant) window appears.Select the Module
d) Notice that the Redundant Partner menu is grayed out and lists the Primary Foundation
Fieldbus module.
Figure 121: Foundation Fieldbus BusModule (Redundant) window showing linked modules
222 OW360_30
17.6 Adding and configuring redundant Foundation Fieldbus modules
17.6.5 To add a point name to the Primary and Secondary Foundation Fieldbus
Note: These procedures must be performed for both the Primary and Secondary Fieldbus
OW360_30 223
17.6 Adding and configuring redundant Foundation Fieldbus modules
8. The New Module Points window appears. Navigate to the Hardware tab.
9. Choose the I/O module from the I/O module drop-down.
10. Click OK.
Note: If you navigate to your card and Open/Refresh, you will see the fully qualified module
record point name (for example, TEST.UNIT@FB).
17.6.6 To assign a node record to each port of the Primary and Secondary
Foundation Fieldbus modules
Note: For each port that you want to use on the Fieldbus module, you must open the port and
assign it a node record. These procedures must be performed for both the Primary and
Secondary Fieldbus modules.
224 OW360_30
17.6 Adding and configuring redundant Foundation Fieldbus modules
4. A port configuration window appears. Enter an Ovation point name in the Ovation Point
Name field.
CAUTION! Do not use a fully-qualified point name (for example, type "TESTNAME", not
"TESTNAME.UNIT@FB"). If this name currently does not exist in your system, it will be added
when you click OK. Refer to point naming guidelines in the Ovation Developer Studio User
5. Click OK.
6. Repeat the steps for the Secondary Fieldbus module (found on the next higher even branch).
After you have added and configured the Primary and Secondary Fieldbus modules, you must
load the changes to the appropriate Controller.
Note: The Load function is necessary any time a Fieldbus module is added.
OW360_30 225
17.6 Adding and configuring redundant Foundation Fieldbus modules
6. Click Finish.
Note: Since it is not in control, if there are any problems when you load the Secondary
Controller, no system disruption will occur.
7. Repeat the Load procedure for the Primary Controller drop, if you are using a redundant
After you have added the Fieldbus I/O module, you must download the firmware to the Primary
and Secondary modules before communication on the bus can begin. For redundant modules,
ensure that the firmware is downloaded to each half of the redundant pair.
Note: The firmware for a Fieldbus module cannot be updated unless power is applied to both of
the module's Fieldbus segments.
226 OW360_30
17.6 Adding and configuring redundant Foundation Fieldbus modules
7. The Module Firmware Download window appears. Compare the firmware in the Controller
Version field to the firmware in the Module Version field to determine if you have the latest
firmware on your Primary Fieldbus I/O module.
Note: If you do not have the latest firmware on the module, you can download the latest
firmware to the module, if desired using the Download Available Firmware button.
OW360_30 227
17.6 Adding and configuring redundant Foundation Fieldbus modules
8. Check the files you want to download (typically all the files).
Click Download to load the latest firmware onto your Primary Fieldbus I/O module. After
you have successfully downloaded firmware to the Primary Fieldbus module, reboot the
Fieldbus module.
Click Reboot Module on the Module Firmware Download window to remotely reboot the
Primary Fieldbus module. If you receive a fault message, you may need to manually
remove and re-install the module to reboot it.
228 OW360_30
17.7 Checklist for adding redundant Foundation Fieldbus modules to an Ovation system
Ensure that you have appropriate engineering privileges. Task (see page 212)
Make sure the redundant modules are located in the correct slots in the Task (see page 212)
correct branches.
Be aware of point naming conventions for module records and node records. Task (see page 212)
Be familiar with the Controller Diagnostics tool in order to download firmware Task (see page 212)
to the Fieldbus module.
Use the Studio to add the I/O device number to the Controller
Navigate to the Device Number to select a device number and a driver type. Task (see page 213)
Navigate to the I/O Devices to select a device number and a driver type. Task (see page 213)
Navigate to an empty odd-numbered slot item to insert the Primary module. Task (see page 215)
Navigate to next higher even-numbered branch to insert the Secondary Task (see page 219)
Use the Studio to link the Primary and Secondary Fieldbus modules.
Navigate to the Primary redundant Foundation Fieldbus module and link it to Task (see page 219)
the Secondary module.
Use the Studio to add a point name for the Primary and Secondary
Fieldbus modules.
Navigate to the Module Points item to insert a point name and scanning Task (see page 222)
frequency. Do this for both the Primary and Secondary modules.
Use the Studio to assign a node record to each port of the Primary and
Secondary modules.
Navigate to the Port item, open it and enter a point name for the port. Do this Task (see page 224)
for both the Primary and Secondary module
Use the Studio to load the Controller. Task (see page 225)
Select the desired firmware and download it. Task (see page 226)
Reboot the module if necessary. Task (see page 226)
OW360_30 229
S E C T I O N 18
Fieldbus devices are digital field instruments containing processors that monitor the performance
and state of the device. Self-contained software modules known as function blocks, reside in the
Fieldbus devices.
While function blocks reside in a device, the Ovation control system uses algorithms on control
sheets that mimic the function blocks. Therefore, Fieldbus devices can be controlled by Ovation
Fieldbus algorithms and can be part of an Ovation control scheme.
Foundation Fieldbus allows you to execute control algorithms in the Controller, in the Fieldbus
devices, or in both. However, the key to successful control is making an algorithm choice that best
supports your plant’s needs.
OW360_30 231
18.1 Ovation Fieldbus algorithms and function blocks
The Ovation Controller can handle Fieldbus function block to Fieldbus function block or Ovation
Algorithm to Fieldbus function block control schemes. For example:
Scenario 1
Scenario 2
The STAT point can be used to indicate problems with a function block.
232 OW360_30
18.2 Ovation Fieldbus algorithm descriptions
18.3 FFAI
The FFAI algorithm is used to interface to a Fieldbus Analog Input function block. The FFAI
algorithm shadows a single measurement value and status from a Fieldbus device to an Ovation
point (Out).
The STAT point indicates status and error information of the function block. See the STAT bits
table (see page 232) for bit definitions.
The PV point displays the Process Variable value and status from the function block. The TOUT
point displays the algorithm’s mode and tracking signals.
The FFAI algorithm supports Manual and Auto modes. These modes are tunable from both the
Ovation tuning graphic as well as the Fieldbus Module Engineering window in the Developer
All Fieldbus algorithms shadow the actual Fieldbus function block quality unless a communication
error occurs. In the case of a communication error, the output quality will be defined by the FERR
parameter. If the actual Fieldbus function block output quality is BAD or the FERR parameter is
set to BAD and a communication error occurs, the output quality will be marked as BAD and the
output value will latch at the last known GOOD quality value. The AMODE parameter will display
an unknown mode or no mode in this scenario.
Functional Symbol
OW360_30 233
18.3 FFAI
Tracking Signals
The high and low limits flags and tracking signals from the algorithm are output to TOUT, and are
to be used for display and by an upstream algorithm. All Fieldbus function blocks support different
modes, which is also reflected in the TOUT point. The following information is TOUT’s output
associated with the algorithm.
234 OW360_30
18.3 FFAI
Algorithm Definitions
OW360_30 235
18.4 FFAO
18.4 FFAO
The FFAO algorithm is used to interface to a Fieldbus Analog Output function block. The FFAO
algorithm shadows a single measurement value and status from a Fieldbus device to the Ovation
point (Out).
The STAT point indicates status and error information of the function block. See the STAT bits
table (see page 232) for bit definitions.
The FFAO algorithm supports Manual, Auto and Cascade modes. These modes are tunable from
both the Ovation tuning graphic as well as the Fieldbus Module Engineering window in the
Developer Studio.
All Fieldbus algorithms shadow the actual Fieldbus function block quality unless a communication
error occurs. In the case of a communication error, the output quality will be defined by the FERR
parameter. If the actual Fieldbus function block output quality is BAD or the FERR parameter is
set to BAD and a communication error occurs, the output quality will be marked as BAD and the
output value will latch at the last known GOOD quality value. The AMODE parameter will display
an unknown mode or no mode in this scenario.
Functional Symbol
236 OW360_30
18.4 FFAO
Tracking Signals
The high and low limits flags and tracking signals from the algorithm are output to TOUT, and are
to be used for display and by an upstream algorithm.
Algorithm Definitions
OW360_30 237
18.4 FFAO
238 OW360_30
18.5 FFDI
18.5 FFDI
The FFDI algorithm is used to interface to a Fieldbus Discrete Input function block. The FFDI
algorithm shadows a single discrete input and status from a two-state field to an Ovation point
The STAT point indicates status and error information of the function block. See the STAT bits
table (see page 232) for bit definitions.
The PV point displays the Process Variable value and status from the function block. The TOUT
point displays the algorithms mode and tracking signals.
The FFDI algorithm supports Manual and Auto modes. These modes are tunable from both the
Ovation tuning graphic as well as the Fieldbus Module Engineering window in the Developer
Some Fieldbus device manufacturers put additional information in bits 1 through 7 of the
value/status register. To access these bits, select "octet" in the Type parameter field (see the
Algorithm Definitions table).
All Fieldbus algorithms shadow the actual Fieldbus function block quality unless a communication
error occurs. In the case of a communication error, the output quality will be defined by the FERR
parameter. If the actual Fieldbus function block output quality is BAD or the FERR parameter is
set to BAD and a communication error occurs, the output quality will be marked as BAD and the
output value will latch at the last known GOOD quality value. The AMODE parameter will display
an unknown mode or no mode in this scenario.
Functional Symbol
Tracking Signals
The high and low limits flags and tracking signals from the algorithm are output to TOUT, and are
to be used for display and by an upstream algorithm. All Fieldbus function blocks support different
modes, which is also reflected in the TOUT point. The following information is TOUT’s output
associated with the algorithm.
OW360_30 239
18.5 FFDI
Algorithm Definitions
240 OW360_30
18.5 FFDI
OW360_30 241
18.6 FFDO
18.6 FFDO
The FFDO algorithm is used to interface to a Fieldbus Discrete Output function block. The FFDO
algorithm shadows a discrete value and status from a fieldbus device to an Ovation point (OUT).
The STAT point indicates status and error information of the function block. See the STAT bits
table (see page 232) for bit definitions.
The FFDO algorithm supports Manual, Auto, and Cascade modes. These modes are tunable from
both the Ovation tuning graphic as well as the Fieldbus Module Engineering window in the
Developer Studio.
Some Fieldbus device manufacturers put additional information in bits 1 through 7 of the
value/status register. To access these bits, select "octet" in the Type parameter field (see the
Algorithm Definitions table).
All Fieldbus algorithms shadow the actual Fieldbus function block quality unless a communication
error occurs. In the case of a communication error, the output quality will be defined by the FERR
parameter. If the actual Fieldbus function block output quality is BAD or the FERR parameter is
set to BAD and a communication error occurs, the output quality will be marked as BAD and the
output value will latch at the last known GOOD quality value. The AMODE parameter will display
an unknown mode or no mode in this scenario.
Functional Symbol
Tracking Signals
The high and low limits flags and tracking signals from the algorithm are output to TOUT, and are
to be used for display and by an upstream algorithm. All fieldbus function blocks support different
modes, which is also reflected in the TOUT point. The following information is TOUT’s output
associated with the algorithm.
242 OW360_30
18.6 FFDO
Algorithm Definitions
OW360_30 243
18.6 FFDO
244 OW360_30
The FFISEL algorithm interfaces to a Foundation Fieldbus Input Selector function block. The Input
Selector function block generates an output selected from up to four inputs based on a configured
selection type. The following selection types are used:
First GOOD (first input with GOOD quality).
The FFISEL algorithm shadows the Input Selector function block input and output values. The
Input Selector function block does not support back calculation so Ovation tracking is not
The STAT point indicates status and error information of the function block. See the STAT bits
table (see page 232) for bit definitions.
The FFISEL algorithm also supports the Extended Input Selector function block, as implemented
in Rosemount field devices. The extended function block is often referred to as ISELX. The
extended function block adds four additional inputs for a total of eight.
All Fieldbus algorithms shadow the actual Fieldbus function block quality unless a communication
error occurs. In the case of a communication error, the output quality will be defined by the FERR
parameter. If the actual Fieldbus function block output quality is BAD or the FERR parameter is
set to BAD and a communication error occurs, the output quality will be marked as BAD and the
output value will latch at the last known GOOD quality value. The AMODE parameter will display
an unknown mode or no mode in this scenario.
OW360_30 245
The FFISEL algorithm supports Direct Entered Output functionality for the OUT parameter, but
only in Manual mode.
The FFISEL algorithm supports the capability to change the Fieldbus mode between MAN and
AUTO from an Ovation Signal Diagram. A mode indication displays on the Signal Diagram. The
Signal Diagram provides an entry field for the Direct Entered Output of the OUT parameter.
During Controller failover and also during Fieldbus port download, it may not be possible to get
GOOD values from the device. The FFISEL algorithm supports failover and port download by
using the last GOOD values and quality during this time.
246 OW360_30
The SELECT_TYPE parameter configures the type of selection the Input Selector function block
performs. It is a contained parameter; and therefore, is not available as an input to the FFISEL
algorithm. Selection processing takes place after input processing. Inputs with corresponding
Disable inputs set to TRUE are discarded. Inputs whose status is BAD are discarded. If no inputs
or fewer than those defined in MIN_GOOD remain, selection does not take place.
The SELECT_TYPE parameter must be entered through the Control Builder Properties Editor
(see Ovation Control Builder User Guide for more information on the Property Editor).
The following table shows the select types and corresponding values:
1 First Good -- transfer the first remaining input to the output of the function block.
2 Minimum -- transfer the lowest remaining input value to the output of the function block.
3 Maximum -- transfer the highest remaining input value to the output of the function block.
4 Middle -- transfer the middle value to the output. If two inputs are in the middle, transfer
the average of the two.
5 Average -- transfer the average of the remaining inputs to the output of the function
Tracking Signals
The Foundation Fieldbus Input Selector function block does not support back calculation so
Ovation tracking is not supported. However, the TOUT parameter is still used to indicate the
mode of the underlying function block.
OW360_30 247
The FFISEL algorithm also supports the Extended Input Selector function block as implemented
in Rosemount field devices. The extended function block is often referred to as ISELX, and adds
four additional inputs IN5 through IN8. It also adds four disable inputs, DIS5 through DIS8. An
additional output, DOUT, indicates an alarm state for the function block's analog output.
Two functional symbols are defined for the FFISEL algorithm. One symbol supports the Input
Selector function block and has four analog inputs. The second symbol supports the extended
Input Selector function block (ISELX) and has eight analog inputs, eight digital inputs, and the
additional digital output, DOUT. Both symbols display in the Control Builder's Add Algorithm
dialog box (see Ovation Control Builder User Guide for more information on the Add Algorithm
dialog box).
Note: The Developer Studio view of the FFISEL algorithm will show all of the possible
parameters (IN1-IN8 and DIS1-DIS8) whether it is extended or not.
Algorithm Definitions
248 OW360_30
OW360_30 249
250 OW360_30
OW360_30 251
252 OW360_30
18.8 FFMAI
18.8 FFMAI
The FFMAI algorithm is used to interface to a Fieldbus Multiple Analog Input function block. The
FFMAI algorithm shadows up to eight measurement values and statuses from a fieldbus device to
Ovation output points.
The STAT point indicates status and error information of the function block. See the STAT bits
table (see page 232) for bit definitions.
The FFMAI algorithm supports Manual and Auto modes. These modes are tunable from both the
Ovation tuning graphic as well as the Fieldbus Module Engineering window in the Developer
Note: The FFMAI algorithm also supports the FFMAI_RMT function block.
All Fieldbus algorithms shadow the actual Fieldbus function block quality unless a communication
error occurs. In the case of a communication error, the output quality will be defined by the FERR
parameter. If the actual Fieldbus function block output quality is BAD or the FERR parameter is
set to BAD and a communication error occurs, the output quality will be marked as BAD and the
output value will latch at the last known GOOD quality value. The AMODE parameter will display
an unknown mode or no mode in this scenario.
Functional Symbol
OW360_30 253
18.8 FFMAI
Tracking Signals
The high and low limits flags and tracking signals from the algorithm are output to TOUT, and are
to be used for display and by an upstream algorithm. All Fieldbus function blocks support different
modes, which is also reflected in the TOUT point. The following information is TOUT’s output
associated with the algorithm.
254 OW360_30
18.8 FFMAI
Algorithm Definitions
OW360_30 255
18.8 FFMAI
256 OW360_30
18.9 FFMAO
18.9 FFMAO
The FFMAO algorithm is used to interface to a Foundation Fieldbus Multiple Analog Output
function block. The FFMAO algorithm shadows up to eight measurement values and statuses
from Ovation analog process points to a Fieldbus device.
The STAT point indicates status and error information of the function block. See the STAT bits
table (see page 232) for bit definitions.
All Fieldbus algorithms shadow the actual Fieldbus function block quality unless a communication
error occurs. In the case of a communication error, the output quality will be defined by the FERR
parameter. If the actual Fieldbus function block output quality is BAD or the FERR parameter is
set to BAD and a communication error occurs, the output quality will be marked as BAD and the
output value will latch at the last known GOOD quality value. The AMODE parameter will display
an unknown mode or no mode in this scenario.
Functional Symbol
OW360_30 257
18.9 FFMAO
Algorithm Definitions
258 OW360_30
18.9 FFMAO
OW360_30 259
18.10 FFMDI
18.10 FFMDI
The FFMDI algorithm is used to interface to a Foundation Fieldbus Multiple Digital Input function
block. The FFMDI algorithm shadows up to eight digital states and statuses from a Fieldbus
device to Ovation digital process points.
The STAT point indicates status and error information of the function block. See the STAT bits
table (see page 232) for bit definitions.
All Fieldbus algorithms shadow the actual Fieldbus function block quality unless a communication
error occurs. In the case of a communication error, the output quality will be defined by the FERR
parameter. If the actual Fieldbus function block output quality is BAD or the FERR parameter is
set to BAD and a communication error occurs, the output quality will be marked as BAD and the
output value will latch at the last known GOOD quality value. The AMODE parameter will display
an unknown mode or no mode in this scenario.
Functional Symbol
260 OW360_30
18.10 FFMDI
Tracking Signals
The FFMDI function block, as an input, does not support back calculation or the Cas mode, and
so Ovation tracking is not supported. However the TOUT parameter is still used to indicate the
mode of the underlying function block.
Algorithm Definitions
OW360_30 261
18.10 FFMDI
262 OW360_30
18.10 FFMDI
OW360_30 263
18.11 FFMDO
18.11 FFMDO
The FFMDO algorithm is used to interface to a Foundation Fieldbus Multiple Digital Output
function block. The FFMDO algorithm shadows up to eight digital states and statuses from
Ovation digital process points to a Fieldbus device.
The STAT point indicates status and error information of the function block. See the STAT bits
table (see page 232) for bit definitions.
All Fieldbus algorithms shadow the actual Fieldbus function block quality unless a communication
error occurs. In the case of a communication error, the output quality will be defined by the FERR
parameter. If the actual Fieldbus function block output quality is BAD or the FERR parameter is
set to BAD and a communication error occurs, the output quality will be marked as BAD and the
output value will latch at the last known GOOD quality value. The AMODE parameter will display
an unknown mode or no mode in this scenario.
Functional Symbol
264 OW360_30
18.11 FFMDO
Tracking Signals
The FFMDO function block does not support back calculation or the Cas mode, and so Ovation
tracking is not supported. However the TOUT parameter is still used to indicate the mode of the
underlying function block.
Algorithm Definitions
OW360_30 265
18.11 FFMDO
266 OW360_30
18.11 FFMDO
OW360_30 267
18.12 FFPID
18.12 FFPID
The FFPID algorithm shadows the Fieldbus FFPID function block input and output values. It also
maps the Fieldbus back-calculation points to Ovation tracking points.
The STAT point indicates status and error information of the function block. See the STAT bits
table (see page 232) for bit definitions.
The FFPID algorithm supports Manual, Auto, and Cascade modes. These modes are tunable
from both the Ovation tuning graphic as well as the Fieldbus Module Engineering window in the
Developer Studio.
All Fieldbus algorithms shadow the actual Fieldbus function block quality unless a communication
error occurs. In the case of a communication error, the output quality will be defined by the FERR
parameter. If the actual Fieldbus function block output quality is BAD or the FERR parameter is
set to BAD and a communication error occurs, the output quality will be marked as BAD and the
output value will latch at the last known GOOD quality value. The AMODE parameter will display
an unknown mode or no mode in this scenario.
Functional Symbol
268 OW360_30
18.12 FFPID
Tracking Signals
External tracking and limiting are done through signals passed in the upper 16 bits of the third
status word of the analog track points. This algorithm takes the following action in response to
information found in the third status word of the analog input signal TRIN:
The High and Low limit flags, the mode and the tracking signals from the algorithms are output to
TOUT to be used for display and by upstream algorithms.
OW360_30 269
18.12 FFPID
Algorithm Definitions
270 OW360_30
18.12 FFPID
OW360_30 271
S E C T I O N 19
A wiring check involves checking resistance and capacitance for the following:
Conductor to conductor
Conductor to shield
Conductor to ground
Shield to ground
Before you begin, make sure all the parts of the segment are connected. That includes all wiring,
terminators, and field devices. DO NOT connect the segment power connector during the
wiring check.
OW360_30 273
19.1 How do I perform a Fieldbus system checkout?
3. Check the capacitance wherever you have long wire runs or where Fieldbus is installed on old
wiring. Capacitance values should be:
+ Signal to - signal ~ 1 F
+ Signal to shield < 300 nF
- Signal to shield < 300 nF
+ Signal to instrument ground < 300 nF
- Signal to instrument ground < 300 nF
Shield to instrument ground < 300 nF
If everything checks out to be within these limits, the basic wiring for your segment is good.
Note: Remember that the power connector was disconnected for the wiring check. Re-attach it
for the voltage check.
2. Check voltage at the power supply, the H1 interface card, and the individual field devices. The
voltage level between all the positive (+) and negative (-) signal wires must be between 9 and
32 V dc.
Note: Emerson recommends that the lowest voltage on the segment be at least 1 - 2 V dc
higher than the minimum 9 V dc. This gives some buffer for low voltage conditions.
Generally, as the distance increases between devices on the segment and the power supply,
the voltage on the bus drops. Any device whose voltage varies significantly from other
devices and any significant voltage drop that is not associated specifically with the distance to
the power supply indicates a possible wiring problem.
If you anticipate a segment extending long distances beyond the current end point, you
should either plan for a higher level of power at the current end point or make provisions for a
powered repeater.
274 OW360_30
19.1 How do I perform a Fieldbus system checkout?
The Developer Studio system tree provides diagnostic information about your Fieldbus devices.
Click on a Fieldbus device to see its properties displayed in the right side of the window, or use
the right-click menu to interact with the device.
You can see Fieldbus communication information on your H1 module at a glance. The physical
H1 module displays seven LEDs (from left to right):
ACT: lights when the card is on.
FDX: lights when the Ethernet is on.
S4: toggles the light if there is a message from the Controller.
S3: toggles the light if there is a message from the Fieldbus segment.
S2: lights when configuration settings have been loaded.
S1: lights during initialization.
S0: lights during initialization.
If a Fieldbus card has an integrity problem, expand the card to see which port has the problem.
Select each port and look at the port's status. Possible port status values are:
Good: Good basic communications with all devices on this port.
No Termination on Link: This port is not terminated. Check attached cable.
Link Error: PCMCIA Card problem exists. Replace the H1 card.
Duplicate Address on Link: Another device is currently communicating at this port's
H1 Card Problem: Replace the H1 card.
One or more function block problems on link or device problem: Expand the port and
check the state of each Fieldbus device on the port. Any state other than commissioned
indicates a potential problem with that Fieldbus device.
The overall port statistics (see page 278) and detailed port statistics (see page 281) tabs provide
a broad view of communication activity on the port. To access these statistics:
OW360_30 275
19.1 How do I perform a Fieldbus system checkout?
4. Click the Ports tab on the Statistics window to view the overall port and detailed port
276 OW360_30
19.1 How do I perform a Fieldbus system checkout?
5. The Fieldbus Statistics window opens up. Click on Port Statistics tab and notice the
Click Reset to refresh the Port Statistics window.
Select check box: Automatically update every and enter the desired number of
seconds in the seconds field so that the Port Statistics tab refreshes itself automatically
after a defined interval.
Click Close to close the window.
OW360_30 277
19.1 How do I perform a Fieldbus system checkout?
Once you access the Fieldbus Statistics window, click on Port Statistics tab.
278 OW360_30
19.1 How do I perform a Fieldbus system checkout?
Note: If any of the port statistics and communication statistics are continually increasing, a
potential communications problem could exist on this port. To isolate the problem, investigate
the communication statistics on each Fieldbus device.
Total Dll FCS Failures The total number of frames that the H1 card receives with a Frame
Check Sequence (FCS) error. If this statistic is steadily increasing, a
network problem might exist.
Total Dll Fragments Received The total number of frame fragments that the H1 card has received on
this port. Possible causes are that the H1 card received an invalid data
link packet or that the H1card did not have a buffer to receive the packet.
(This could also cause the Total Dll Receive Q Full to increment.) If this
statistic is steadily increasing, a network problem might exist or the H1
card may be operating at capacity.
Total Dll Good PDUs The total number of data link packets that the H1 card has received on
Received this port.
Total Dll PDUs Transmitted The total number of data link packets that the H1 card has sent on this
Total Dll Receive Q Full The total number of data link packets that the H1 card could not receive
because it did not have a buffer to receive the packet. If this statistic is
steadily increasing, the H1 card might be operating at capacity.
Total Dll Retries The total number of data link packets that the H1 card had to retry. If this
statistic is steadily increasing, check the communication statistics for
each device to see which device is causing the problem. To check
communication statistics on a device, right-click the device and select
Display Communication Statistics. The number of retries to a Fieldbus
device generally should be much less than 1 percent of the total requests
sent to the device. If this is not the case, either the device is bad or there
is a network problem.
Total Dll Time Disc Changes The total number of data link time discontinuous changes.
Total Indications The total number of Fieldbus indications received from this port. Data
published by a Fieldbus device causes this statistic to steadily increment.
Total Invalid Response The total number of Fieldbus requests that failed due to a Fieldbus
device returning an error. If the total number of invalid responses is
continually incremented, first check to see if any devices on the port
need to be downloaded. If any devices need to be downloaded, then
download the devices and reset the port statistics.
OW360_30 279
19.1 How do I perform a Fieldbus system checkout?
Total Local Stack Errors The total number of Fieldbus requests that failed because the local
communication stack returned a response that indicated an error. The H1
card might need to be replaced if this statistic is steadily increasing.
Total Publish Errors The total number of publishing updates received from the Controller that
were in error. A steadily increasing number could indicate that either the
Controller or the card needs to be downloaded.
Total Request Sent The total number of Fieldbus requests that have been sent on this port.
Total Request TimeOut The total number of Fieldbus requests that failed because the Fieldbus
device did not return a response. If this statistic is steadily increasing,
check the communication statistics for each device to see which device
is causing the problem. To check communication statistics on a device,
right-click the device and select Display Communication Statistics.
Total Stack Rejected Request The total number of Fieldbus requests that failed because the local
communication stack did not accept the request. The H1 card might need
to be replaced if this statistic is steadily increasing.
Total Subscribe Errors The total number of subscriber updates received from a Fieldbus device
that were in error. A steadily increasing number could indicate that a
device may have a problem.
Total Valid Responses The total number of successful Fieldbus requests that have been sent on
this port.
280 OW360_30
19.1 How do I perform a Fieldbus system checkout?
Once you access the Fieldbus Statistics window, click on Port Statistics tab.
OW360_30 281
19.1 How do I perform a Fieldbus system checkout?
FMS Aborts The number of Fieldbus disconnection requests that were sent on this port. If
this statistic steadily increments after all devices are commissioned and
downloaded, either the Fieldbus network is noisy or a problem exists with a
Fieldbus device. To isolate the problem, check the communication statistics
on each Fieldbus device attached to this port. To check communication
statistics on a device, right-click the device and select Display
Communication Statistics.
FMS AckEvents This message is generated when an event generated by an attached
Fieldbus device is being acknowledged.
FMS Downloads This message is generated when a Fieldbus domain is downloaded either to
the local stack or to an attached Fieldbus device. A Fieldbus domain contains
programs or data. For example, a Fieldbus domain can load the LAS
FMS GetOds The number of Fieldbus get object description requests that were sent on this
FMS Identifies The number of Fieldbus FMS (Fieldbus Message Service) identify requests
that were sent on this port.
FMS InfoReports The number of Fieldbus information reports that were sent on this port. These
requests are sent as the result of data that is published by the H1 Card.
FMS InitDownloads The number of Fieldbus initiate domain download requests that were sent on
this port. These requests are sent whenever the LAS (Link Active Scheduler)
schedule is downloaded to this port. The LAS is a centralized bus scheduler
that manages the communication on the Fieldbus and maintains the live list
(a list of Fieldbus devices that are responding to the LAS). The H1 card
functions as the LAS.
FMS Initiates The number of Fieldbus connection requests that were sent on this port. If
this statistic steadily increments after all devices are commissioned and
downloaded, either the Fieldbus network is noisy or a problem exists with a
Fieldbus device. To isolate the problem, check the communication statistics
on each Fieldbus device attached to this port. To check communication
statistics on a device, right-click the device and select Display
Communication Statistics.
FMS Reads The number of Fieldbus read requests that were sent on this port.
FMS Rejects This message indicates that the H1 card is sending an FMS Reject message.
FMS Statuses The number of Fieldbus status requests that were sent on this port.
FMS TermDownloads This is the number of Fieldbus terminate domain download requests that
were sent on this port. These requests are sent whenever the LAS schedule
is downloaded to this port.
282 OW360_30
19.1 How do I perform a Fieldbus system checkout?
FMS Writes The number of Fieldbus write requests that were sent on this port.
SM ClearAddress The number of Fieldbus requests that were sent to clear the address of a
Fieldbus device.
SM ClearPdTags The number of Fieldbus requests that were sent to clear the tag of a Fieldbus
SM Identifies The number of Fieldbus requests that were sent to identify a field device. This
request is sent whenever a device has either been attached to this port or has
changed addresses. If this statistic is incrementing after all field devices on
this port have been commissioned then this could indicate either a network or
a field device problem. To isolate the problem, view the communication
statistic on each field device on this port.
SM SetAddress The number of Fieldbus requests that were sent to set the address of a
Fieldbus device. This request is sent whenever a Fieldbus device is
commissioned. A network or Fieldbus device problem might exist if this
statistic is incrementing after all Fieldbus devices on the port have been
commissioned. To isolate the problem, check the communication statistics on
each Fieldbus device on this port. To check communication statistics on a
device, right-click the device and select Display Communication Statistics.
SM SetPDTags The number of Fieldbus requests that were sent to the tag of a Fieldbus
The card statistics provide a broad view of communication activity on the device. To access the
device statistics:
OW360_30 283
19.1 How do I perform a Fieldbus system checkout?
4. Once you access the Fieldbus Statistics window, click on the Device Statistics tab.
284 OW360_30
19.1 How do I perform a Fieldbus system checkout?
Rows highlighted in red indicate the errors and retries made on each device, this highlights
those devices that need attention.
Rows that are grayed out display the device information such as device id, device type,
device state, and so forth.
OW360_30 285
19.1 How do I perform a Fieldbus system checkout?
The following table lists error messages and descriptions that appear in the Name column:
Device statistics
RequestsSent The total number of Fieldbus requests that have been sent to the
function blocks in this device.
AbortsRxd The total number of disconnects received from the function blocks in
this device. If this statistic is steadily increasing for this field device
only, the device could have a problem. If this statistic is steadily
increasing with several field devices, a network problem could exist.
InitsSent The total number of connects sent to the function blocks in this
device. If this statistic is steadily increasing for this field device only,
the field device could have a problem. If this statistic is steadily
increasing for several field devices, a network problem could exist.
AbortsSent The total number of disconnects sent to the function blocks in this
device. If this statistic is steadily increasing for this field device only,
the device could have a problem. If this statistic is steadily
increasing for several field devices, a network problem could exist.
PcrTimeoutsRxd The total number of Fieldbus requests sent to the function blocks
that failed because the field device did not return a response. The
device might have a problem if this statistic is steadily increasing.
RejectsRxd The total number of requests that were rejected by this field device.
NumFasAborts The total number of disconnects that have occurred while
communicating with the function blocks in the field device at this
LastAbortLocal The number 255 indicates that the last disconnect was generated by
the H1 card, and 0 indicates that the last disconnect was generated
by the field device.
LastAbortReason Displays the code that shows the reason for the last disconnect.
NumDllDtPdusSent The total number of data link packets that have been sent to the
function block application VCR in the field device.
NumDllDtPdusReceived The total number of data link packets that have been sent from the
function block application VCR to the H1 card.
NumDllDtTransferTimeouts The total number of data link requests that could not be delivered to
the function block application VCR in the field device.
286 OW360_30
19.1 How do I perform a Fieldbus system checkout?
NumStackReceiveQFulls The total number of data link packets that the H1 card could not
receive from this field device because the H1 card did not have a
buffer to receive the packet. The H1 card could be operating at
capacity if this statistic is steadily increasing.
NumDllRetrys The total number of data link packets that had to be retried by the
H1 card while sending the packets to the function block application
VCR in this field device. The number of retries to the field device
should generally be much less than one percent of the total requests
sent to that field device. If this is not the case, either the device is
bad or there is a network problem.
NumDllTokenPassTimeouts One of the following has occurred: the Fieldbus device did not see
the token, the Link Active Scheduler (LAS) did not see the token
return, or the Fieldbus device held the token too long.
NegativeConf The total number of Fieldbus requests that were sent to the function
block application VCR that failed because this field device returned
an error. The device could have a problem if this statistic is steadily
LocalStackErr The total number of Fieldbus requests that were sent to the function
block application VCR in the device that failed because the
communication stack returned a response that indicated an error.
The H1 card might need to be replaced if this statistic is steadily
MissedViewListScan The total number of view list requests for this device that could not
be sent as often as the corresponding module’s execution rates. If
this statistic is incrementing, the H1 card is trying to scan the
function blocks in this device at a rate that is faster than the Fieldbus
can support. Slow down the execution rate of the module that
contains these Fieldbus function blocks to improve this number.
NumLiveListAppearances The number of times the device has started communicating on the
Fieldbus. If this statistic is incrementing, there is either a problem
with this device or a network problem.
Signals have easily recognizable signatures, or waveforms, that you can use to quickly identify
the signal and any problems associated with it.
1. A normal signal has wave shapes that are well formed and defined by the following:
Linear up-slope
Well-defined wave top
Linear down-slope
Well-defined wave bottom
2. The up and down slopes are symmetrical, and the top and bottom are relatively flat and free
from spikes.
3. A good waveform also has a nominal pear-to-peak voltage of 0.8 to 1.2 volts.
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19.1 How do I perform a Fieldbus system checkout?
At first glance, some good waveforms may be perceived as bad. For this reason, Emerson
recommends that both an FBT-3 Fieldbus Monitor and an FBT-5 Fieldbus Wiring Validator be
used when determining the quality of Fieldbus wiring and communications signals.
Foundation Fieldbus is very robust. Many segments can operate despite the presence of
waveform error conditions, but the overall reliability of the segment is reduced. These errors
commonly appear as an excess number of message retries.
Many of these errors can be diagnosed by using a scopemeter to check the communication
waveforms. Some third-party manufacturers also make specialized diagnostic equipment for
Foundation Fieldbus.
Missing terminator
If the waveform shows peak-to-peak signal strength that is twice as large as the normal 0.8 to 1.2
volt, you may be missing a terminator on the segment. There are two common reasons for
missing terminators:
1. Many Fieldbus components such as power conditioners have built-in terminators that can be
switched in or out. Often a terminator that is intended to be switched in, is in fact, switched
out. This frequently happens after a repair or maintenance activity where the component with
the terminator is replaced.
288 OW360_30
19.2 Troubleshooting using the Foundation Fieldbus module and node records
2. A segment is extended beyond its original end point. The terminator at the old end point is
removed, but the terminator is not installed at the new end point.
Note: Less common reasons for missing terminators include failing to terminate after an
isolating safety barrier or failing to secure the terminator sufficiently and having it fall out.
If the waveform peaks are shorter than normal, there may be extra terminators somewhere on the
segment. This problem can occur if a technician does not realize that a Fieldbus component, such
as a power conditioner, has a terminator in it and then adds another terminator. It also happens
when someone extends a segment, adds a terminator at the new segment end, and forgets to
remove the terminator at the old end location.
A waveform with rounded peaks, rather than flat, horizontal areas at the top and bottom, may
indicate that a spur or segment is too long. The most common causes of excessive length are:
1. Using conduit and cable tray routes that are much longer than line of sight.
2. Mixing wire types without considering the different maximum length specifications for different
wire types.
3. Using wire that is very old and in poor condition.
You can examine the physical LED lights on the front of the bus module. The module displays
seven LEDs (on the right side, from top to bottom, position 6-12):
ACT: lights when the card is on.
FDX: lights when the Ethernet is on.
S4: lights when the backup bus module is detecting activity on the bus.
S3: lights when the backup bus module is detecting activity on the bus.
S2: lights when the module is active and running.
S1: lights when the Controller is actively exchanging information with the bus module.
S0: lights when the Controller is actively exchanging information with the bus module.
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19.2 Troubleshooting using the Foundation Fieldbus module and node records
The Fieldbus-related module record values are shown in the following table.
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19.2 Troubleshooting using the Foundation Fieldbus module and node records
You can use segment node records and device node records to troubleshoot. Module bits for
each record type and their descriptions are:
OW360_30 291
19.2 Troubleshooting using the Foundation Fieldbus module and node records
0-0x0001 Value present NORMAL FAILED Set when the Controller is unable to
get the value from the device.
1-0x0002 Value not updated NORMAL FAILED Set when the Controller has not
updated the value for 60 seconds.
2-0x0004 Download in progress NORMAL INPROG Set when a device download is being
3-0x0008 Visitor, Standby, NORMAL FAILED Set when the Foundation Fieldbus
Offline, Unrecognized, device is in one of these states.
Not Attached
4-0x0010 Comm Failed NORMAL FAILED Set when communication has failed
between the device and the Controller.
6-0x0040 Device class mismatch NORMAL FAILED Set when the device class does not
match what is programmed in Ovation.
7-0x0080 Download failed NORMAL FAILED Set when a device download has
10-0x0400 PlantWeb Alert - Failed NORMAL ALERT Set when a Failed Plant Web Alert has
been generated by the device.
11-0x0800 PlantWeb Alert - Maint NORMAL ALERT Set when a Maintenance Plant Web
Alert has been generated by the
12-0x1000 PlantWeb Alert - NORMAL ALERT Set when an Advisory Plant Web Alert
Advise has been generated by the device.
13-0x2000 PlantWeb Alert - NORMAL ALERT Set when a Communication Plant Web
Comms Alert has been generated by the
14-0x4000 <unused> -- -- --
15-0x8000 <unused> -- -- --
292 OW360_30
19.3 Test equipment recommendations
1. The manufacturers of some test equipment recommend that the test equipment not be used
on operating segments. Emerson suggests that you follow the manufacturer's
2. Some test equipment will allow you to set the "node address" of the test equipment. Emerson
recommends that you do not set the node address. The Fieldbus Foundation sets very
specific limits on the addresses that a test device can assume on the segment. Setting the
node address outside of this range can compromise the operation of the segment.
3. Some test equipment will disrupt the operation of the segment if it is powered on when it is
connected to the segment. Emerson recommends that the test equipment not be powered on
until after it is connected to the segment.
The following information provides practical tips on using Fieldbus, based on lessons learned on
various projects.
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19.4 Best practices for using Foundation Fieldbus
3. Device commissioning:
Use the Studio at the device level to commission and configure each device:
Commission the device, which will change the device address to a commissioned
address (20 - 35).
Upload the device parameters (if using pre-configured devices). If not using
pre-configured devices, first make the necessary changes to the configurable
parameters such as scaling, units, channel, and so forth. Then, upload the function
blocks using the function block tuning window.
Perform a port and function block download.
Change the function block to the desired target operating mode.
4. Test the function blocks:
Verify that Ovation is reading the proper/expected values from the device.
Perform valve strokes and valve travel/setup/optimization procedures.
Use AMS Device Manager and the Studio to make any additional configuration or
optimization changes.
5. Post-commissioning measurements: Using a Fieldbus monitor of choice, perform segment
measurements to ensure all key physical parameters are within the required specification:
Bus voltage.
Device signal strengths.
HF, LF, and FF peak and average noise levels.
Grounding checks should be performed.
Resistance and capacitance checks should be performed.
Card, port, and device communication statistics should also be reviewed via the
Developer Studio.
6. Document:
Document all findings. Some hand-held devices provide a means to save the data
electronically for easy storage and printing.
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19.5 Fieldbus troubleshooting scenarios
The following scenarios will help you troubleshoot your Fieldbus system/equipment.
There are no devices appearing in the View Live Devices window OR devices that were
previously commissioned are now showing "Not at Present Address."
This means that the Fieldbus module is not able to communicate with the devices, which could be
the result of one of the following causes:
Module failed or does not have the current required firmware.
Check the LEDs on the module and note the following:
A blinking S4 status indicator denotes R-Line communication.
Channel 9 blinking denotes field side communication.
Channel 10 solid means a configuration is loaded in the module.
Channels 11 and 12 solid means firmware is loaded.
If no LED is on, the module does not have the firmware, or the module could be
faulty. Use the Controller Diagnostics Tool to check module firmware revisions and
download firmware, if necessary. If only 11 and 12 are on, there is no configuration. In
this state, perform a port download. If the port download does not correct the
problem, then the module is probably bad.
There is a break in the segment cable or the segment is not powered.
Use a voltmeter or FBT6 or visual inspection to verify power on the bus.
Do local displays on the devices indicate they are getting 24Vdc? If no power is detected,
visually inspect the segment to find the break. If using an active (powered) field hub,
make sure the field hub is good and is powered (check the LED).
OW360_30 295
19.5 Fieldbus troubleshooting scenarios
Device appears in the View Live Devices window, but when you right-click on the device in
the Studio to commission it, it does not show up in the list of commissionable devices.
1. Make sure the device is in the standby state.
2. Make sure the device make/model/revision match what is configured in the database.
3. Click Refresh in the live list viewer window.
Device function block mode will not transition from Out of Service (OOS) to Auto or
desired mode.
Make sure the port has been downloaded (right-click on the port and select Download).
Make sure that the Resource and Transducer blocks are both in Auto mode (via AMS Device
Manager or a hand-held communicator).
Make sure you are working with the correct function block in the Studio hardware hierarchy.
For example, the Ovation control sheet is referencing FFAI23, but you are working with
Possible bad/failing device. Use AMS Device Manager to check for any device diagnostics.
There is a good measured value and good quality in the Algorithm Tuning window, but
nothing displays in Ovation. For example, Ovation Signal Diagram is displaying a value of
35 GPM but Ovation shows 0B).
Download the port and load the Controller.
296 OW360_30
19.5 Fieldbus troubleshooting scenarios
Segment normally runs fine, but periodically (such as daily or weekly), it will stop
Determine if any field operations can be correlated to the event such as starting of equipment,
welding, and so forth (noise sources).
Make sure there is no water/condensation in the junction boxes.
Make sure there are no loose connections.
Check grounds and noise levels on the segment, as well as the Controller cabinet itself.
Make sure the cable path is clear of voltage cables or other equipment that may interfere with
the Fieldbus cable.
Check segment topology. Determine if the total distance or a single spur distance is in
violation of distance limits.
Be sure that the cable being used is an approved cable. It should be 18 gauge shielded
twisted pair. Take capacitance and resistance measurements.
OW360_30 297
19.5 Fieldbus troubleshooting scenarios
Getting a good quality value coming into Ovation, but it is not the correct value.
For example, you know the measured level is 12 feet based on local instrument display indication
and a physical reading, but a value other than 12 feet is being passed to Ovation.
Make sure the FFAI block is reading the correct sensor channel (for example, distance vs.
See if there is a need to convert/linearize the input from a percentage to units or vice versa.
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