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Environmental Assessment Document

Initial Environmental Examination

Grant Number: 0093 NEP

April 2011

Nepal: Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation

Sector Development Program

(Upgrading) Karkineta- Lunkhu Road Subproject,

Parbat District

Prepared by the Government of Nepal

The Environmental Assessment is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not
necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Local Development
Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads
Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Sector Development Program
[ADB Grant 0093NEP]

Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Report


(Upgrading) Karkineta- Lunkhu

Road Sub-project, Parbat

Submitted to:
Ministry of Local Development
Government of Nepal

District Development Committee
District Technical Office

April, 2011

Prepared By:
District Implementation Support Team (DIST)
RECON Pvt. Ltd

ABBREVIATIONS.................................................................................................................................. i
NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE PROPONENT ............................................................................... ii
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY IN NEPALI ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.i
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY IN ENGLISH ........................................................................................... vi
1.0 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 The Name and Address of Proposal ............................................................................................ 1
1.3 Need and Objectives of the IEE Study ........................................................................................ 1
1.4 Methodology adopted ................................................................................................................... 1
1.5 Public Consultation ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.6 Information Disclosure ................................................................................................................. 2
2.0 Description of the proposal ................................................................................. 4
2.1 Relevancy of the proposal............................................................................................................. 4
2.2 Construction Approach and activities ......................................................................................... 4
2.3 Proposed Schedule for Implementation of Sub-project ............................................................. 4
3.0 Review of Relevant Acts, Regulations and Guidelines ..................................... 7
4.0 Existing Environmental Condition..................................................................... 9
4.1 Physical Environment ................................................................................................................... 9
4.2 Biological Environment .............................................................................................................. 10
4.3 Socio-economic and Cultural Environment .............................................................................. 11
5.0 Project Alternatives ......................................................................................... 155
5.1 No Action Option ...................................................................................................................... 155
5.2 Proposal Alternatives................................................................................................................ 155
5.3 Alternative Alignment ............................................................................................................. 155
5.4 Alternative Design and Construction Approach .................................................................... 155
5.5 Alternative Schedule and Process ............................................................................................ 155
5. 6 Alternative Resources .............................................................................................................. 155
6.0 Identification and Evaluation of Impacts and Benefit Augmentation of
Mitigation Measures ................................................................................................ 166
6. 1 Beneficial Impacts and Benefit Augmentation Measures ................................................. 166
6. 2 Adverse Impacts and Mitigation Measures ....................................................................... 188
7.0 Environmental Management Plan ............................................................ 244
7.1 Institutions and Their Roles .................................................................................................. 24
7.2. Reporting ............................................................................................................................... 25
7.3. Benefit augmentation measures and mitigation measures implementation strategy . Error!
Bookmark not defined.4
7.4. Mitigation cost ...................................................................................................................... 320
7.5. Implementation of Mitigation Measures ............................................................................ 322
7.6. Environmental Monitoring.................................................................................................. 333
8.0 Conclusion and Recommendation ............................................................... 38
8.1 Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 38
8.2 Recommendation ................................................................................................................... 38
9.0 Miscellaneous................................................................................................. 39
Figure 2.1: Map of Nepal showing Parbat District ............................................................................. 5
Figure 2.2: Topo Map, showing the alignment of Karkineta-Lunkhu road, Parbat District ......... 6
Figure 7.1: Environmental Management Organization Structure ................................................... 25
Table 1.1: Sub-project implementation schedule................................................................................. 3
Table 2.1: Summary of FGD Meeting................................................................................................... 6
Table 3.1: Review of Environmental Acts, Regulations and Guidelines ............................................ 7
Table 4.1: Summary of land use pattern along the road alignment ................................................. 10
Table 4.2: Demographic Profile of VDCs ........................................................................................... 11
Table 4.3: Infrastructure Facilities in the Project Area .................................................................... 13
Table 4.4: Public Services and Infrastructures along the Road Alignment .................................... 13
Table 4.5: Development Potentialities in Various Sectors ................................................................ 14
Table 6.1: Recommended Quarry sites ............................................................................................... 19
Table 6.2: Affected Commmunity Infrastructures and Mitigation Measures ................................ 22
Table 7.1: Institution and their roles .................................................................................................. 24
Table 7.2: Beneficial Impacts and Proposed Enhancement Measures............................................. 26
Table 7.3: Adverse Impacts and Proposed Mitigation Measures ..................................................... 27
Table 7.4: Cost Estimate for Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Measures .................. 32
Table 7.5: Environmental Monitoring Cost ....................................................................................... 33
Table 7.6: Compliance Monitoring for Karkineta-Lunkhu Road Construction Works ................ 34
Table 7.7: Impact / Effect Monitoring for Karkineta-Lunkhu Road Construction Works ........... 36
Annex I: Terms of Reference
Annex II: Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA) Checklist
Annex III: Abstract of Cost
Annex IV: RRRSDP Environmental Checklist
Annex V: Public Notice
Annex VI: Deed of Enquiry (Muchulka )
Annex VII: Name of the Organizations
Annex VIII: List of persons consulted
Annex IX: Summary of meeting minutes with local people
Annex X: Recommendation Letters from VDCs
Annex XI :
XI a. Distribution of households by major occupation
XI b. Summary of public services & infrastructures
XI c. Land holding pattern of settlements within ZoI
XI d. Number of households belonging to different food security category

Annex XII: List of trees to be removed

Annex XIII: Photographs
Annex XIV: Summary of Cross Drainage Structures
Annex XV: Affected Houses and Structures along the Road Alignment
Annex XVI: Structure for Slope Stabilization

ADB Asian Development Bank IUCN International Union for Conservation Nature
amsl Above mean sea level Km Kilometer
AP Affected Person LDO Local Development Officer
BG Building Group LEP Labour based, environment friendly and
Ch Chainage participatory
CBO Community Based Organization LEST Livellhood Enhancement and Skill Training
CDC Compensation Determination Committee LRMP Land Resource Management Project
CDO Chief District Officer M meter
CEA Country Environmental Analysis MoU Memorandum of Understanding
CGI Corrugated Galvanized Iron MoE Ministry of Environment
CF Community Forest MoST Ministry of Science and Technology
CFUG Community Forest Users Group Ml Milliliter
CISC Central Implementation Support Consultant MLD Ministry of Local Development
CITES Convention on International Trade in NGO Non-Governmental Organization
Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna NRs Nepali Rupees
DADO District Agriculture Development Office NTFPs Non timber forest products
DDC District Development Committee OFID OPEC Fund for International Development
DFID Department for International Development OP Operational Plan
DFO District Forest Office/Officer OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting
DG Director General Countries
DIST District Implementation Support Team PAM Project Administrative Memorandum
DIT District Implementation Team PCC Plain Cement Concrete
DoLIDAR Department of Local PCU Project Coordination Unit
Infrastructure Development and Agricultural RBG Road Building Group
Roads RCC Reinforced Cement Concrete
DPO District Project Office RCIW Rural Community Infrastructure Works
DPCC District Project Coordination Committee REA Rapid Environmental Assessment
DRSP District Road Support Programme RES Rapid Environmental Screening
DSCO District Soil Conservation Office RIDP Rural Infrastructure Development Project
DTO District Technical Office RP Resettlement Plan
DTMP District Transport Master Plan RRRSDP Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation
EA Environmental Assistant/Assessment Sector Development Program
EARP Evironmental Assessment and Review RS Resettlement Specialist
Procedures SF Social Funding
ES Environmental Specialist SA Social Appraisal
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment SDC Swiss Agency for Development and
EMP Environmental Management Plan Cooperation
EMS Environmental Management Section SM Social Mobilizer
EPA Environmental Protection Act SMC Social Mobilization Coordinator
EPR Environmental Protection Rules SDS Social Development Specialist
ESD Environment Screening Document TA Technical Assistance
FGD Focus Group Discussion ToR Terms of Reference
GoN Government of Nepal TWS Technical Walkover Survey
GIS Geographical Information System VDC Village Development Committee
Ha Hectare VICCC Village Infrastructure Construction
HH Household Coordination Committee
IEE Initial Environmental Examination ZoI Zone of Influence

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road, i

Parbat District

Name of Proposal
(Upgrading of) Karkineta - Lunkhu Road Subproject, Parbat District

Name and Address of Proponent

District Development Committee (DDC), District Technical Office (DTO), Parbat District
Phone No: 067-421165

Name of Preparer

Mr. Genalal Chaudhary (DIST Team Leader)

Mr. Bishnu Pathak (DIST Deputy Team Leader)
Mr. Santa Kumar Rai (Social Development Specialist)

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road, ii

Parbat District
sfls{g]6f–n'+v' ;8ssf] k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0f k|ltj]bg
sfo{sf/L ;f/f+z
g]kfn ;/sf/n] nfdf] 4Gbn] ubf{ Iflt ePsf u|fdL0f k"jf{wf/x?sf] k'gMlgdf{0f / k'gM:yf{kgf sf] sfo{ PlzofnL
ljsf; a}+s, l:j; ;/sf/ (SDC), la|l6; ;/sf/ (DFID) tyf cf]k]s km08 (OFID)sf] cfly{s ;xof]udf
'u|fdL0f k"jf{wf/ k'gMlgdf{0f / k'gM:yf{kgf cfof]hgf' g]kfnsf] la;j6f lhNnfx?df ;+rfng ul//x]sf] 5 . kj{t
lhNnfdf cjl:yt k|:tfljt sfls{g]6f–n'+v' u|fdL0f ;8ssf] u|fj]n :t/sf] :Q/pGgtL ;f]xL sfo{qmd cGtu{t
;+rfng ug{ nfluPsf] Ps pkcfof]hgf xf] . !)=^^ ls=dL= nfdf] kj{t lhNnfdf kg]{ pQm sRrL ;8sdf xfn ;a}
df};ddf uf8Lx/m rNb5g\ .
k|:tfljt ;8s pk–cfof]hgfsf] k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0fsf] k|:tfjs lhNnf ljsf; ;ldlt / lhNnf k|fljlws
sfof{no, kj{t x'g\ . k|:tfjssf] k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0f l:js[t ug]]{ ;DjlGwt lgsfo :yflgo ljsf;
dGqfno xf] .
k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0f k|ltj]bg cWoogsf] d'Vo p2]Zo k|:tfljt pk cfof]hgf lgdf{0f tyf ;+rfng af6
pQm If]qsf] ef}lts, h}ljs, ;fdflhs, cfly{s tyf ;f+:s[lts jftfj/0fdf kg]{ k|efjx? kQf nufO{ gsf/fTds
k|efjsf] Go"lgs/0f / ;sf/fTds k|efj a9fpg] pkfox? af/] ;'emfj lbg', jftfj/0fLo cg'udg of]hgf agfO{
sfof{Gjog u/fpg', tyf k|:tfljt ;8s cfof]hgfsf] nflu k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo kl/If0f u/] k'U5 eGg] s'/fsf]
olsg ug{' xf] .
k|:tfjsf] ;fGb{lestf
k|:tfljt ;8sn] kj{t lhNnfsf] bÔL0F k"jL{ e]usf jfl;Gbfx/mnfO{ ;b/d'sfd ;+usf] kx'Fr j9fpg]5 eg] :yflgo
:t/df pTkfbg x'g] t/sf/L, b'w nfO{ jhf/ ;+u hf]8L :yflgo cfo cfh{gdf clea[l4 ug]{5 . o; ;8sn] kj{t
lhNnfsf] u|fdL0f a:tLx? nfO{ l;bfy{ /fhdfu{ ;+u Gf}f8f8fdf hf]85 . o; ;8s kj{t lhNnfnfO{ l;bfy{ /fhdfu{
;+u hf]8g] 5f]6f] b\/Lsf] Aff6f] x'g]5 .

cWoog k|s[of
d]÷h'g, @))( df lkmN8 ;j]{If0fjf6 lnOPsf] tYofÍ tyf cGo pknAw tYofÍx?sf] ;fy} k|fljlws 6f]nLjf6
k'gjf{; sfo{sf] ;e]{If0fsf] l;nfl;nfdf ;+sng u/]sf tYofÍx? s]nfP/ / ;DaGwLt uf=lj=;=sf] k|efjLt 3/w'/L
;j{]If0f ,nlIft ;d'x ;u 5nkmn ul/+ k|f/lDes jftfj/0fLo k/LIf0f k|ltj]bg tof/ u/L lgisif{ tyf ;'emfjx?
lbOPsf] 5 .

of] k|f/DeLs jftfa/0fLo kl/If0f k|ltj]bg g]kfn ;/sf/sf] jftfj/0f ;+/If0f P]g @)%#, jftfj/0f ;+/If0f
lgofdfjnL @)%$ cg';f/ tyf :yflgo ljsf; dGqfnoaf6 ldlt @)^^÷)@÷@% df l:js[t ul/Psf] o;}
k|:tfjsf] sfo{;'rL cg';f/ tof/ ul/Psf] 5 . ;fy}, PlzofnL ljsf; a}ssf] Environmental Assessment
Guideline, 2003 tyf Safeguard Policy Statement, 2009 sf] ;d]t cg';/0f u/LPsf] 5 .

cfof]hgf sf] ljj/0f

k|:tfljt ;8sn] kj{t lhNnfsf] bÔL0F k"jL{ e]usf j:tLx?nfO{ lhNnfsf] ;b/d'sfd ;fy} l;¢fy{ /fhdfu{ ;+u
hf]8\b5 . o;sf] s"n nDafO !)=^^ ls=ld= 5 . xfn pQm u|fdL0f ;8ssf] k'/} ;8s v08df uf8L rN5 . of]
;8s tLgj6f ufpF ljsf; ;ldltx¿ qmdz sfls{g]6f, yfkfyfgf / e+uf/f eP/ hfG5 . ;8ssf] s'n rf}8fO % ld=
x'g]5 eg] df]8x¿df cfjZostf cg';f/sf] rf}8fO x'g]5 . of] cfof]hgfsf] s"n cg'dflgt nfut g]?=
*#,($!,((@=)) /x]sf] / k|lt ls=dL cg'dflgt nfut g]?= &,*^&,!)#=)) nfUg] b]lvG5 .
ljBdfg jftfj/0fLo l:ylt
of] pkcfof]hgf sfls{g]6f uf=lj=; sf] lxn]vf]nf glhs, ;d'b|L ;txb]lvsf] !$)( dL= sf] prfO{af6 z'? eP/
;d'b|L ;txb]lvsf] !()& dL= prfO{df k'uL e++uf/f uf=lj=; sf] jong]6fdf uO{ 6'lËG5 . o; ;8s v08df ljleGg
k|sf/sf r§fgx? h:t} Sjf6{hfO6, l;i6 cflb kfO{G5g\\ . k|foM Pn'leon tyf afn'jf / kfFuf] ldl;Psf] df6f]x?
;8s v08df kfOG5g\. ;8s v08df kg]{ kfgLsf d"Vo >f]tx?df lxn]vf]nf / sfx'n]vf]nf kb{5g\. k|:tfljt ;8s

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road, iii

Parbat District
If]qsf] jfo' tyf kfgLsf] :t/ ;kmf /x]sf] b]lvG5 ;fy} Wjlg k|b'if0fsf] ;d:of 5}g . of] ;8s k|foM v]tL ul/Psf]
hdLg, af´f] hdLg, jg / a:tLx? eP/ hfG5 .
o; ;8s v08df kfOg] d"Vo ?vx?sf] k|hfltx?df plQ;, rLnfpg], s6';, ;Nnf, nfnLu'/fF;, don cflb kb{5g\
. of] ;8s v08 sfls{g]6f ;fd'bflos jg eP/ hfG5 . lrt'jf, b'D;L, :ofn, afFb/, jgla/fnf] cflb jGo hGt'sf
;fy} sfu, sflnh, k/]jf, eFu]/f cflb k+IfLx? o; ;8s v08 eP/ hfg] jgdf kfO{G5g\ . of] ;8s v08 ;++/lIft
If]q jf dWojtL{ If]qdf kb}{g of] ;8s v08sf] k|efljt If]q leq sfls{g]6f, yfkfyfgf / e+uf/f uf=lj=;=sf $ j6f
k|d'v j:tLx? kb{5g\ . hDdf 3/w'/L ;+Vof &^) / hg;+Vof $)@# /x]sf] 5 . oxf“ j;f]jf; ug]{ ljleGg hft
hfltsf dflg;x?df d'Vo u/L a|fxd0f, tfdfË, u'?ª, tyf blnt-bdfO{, sfdL / ;fsL{_ kb{5g\.
oxfFsf afl;Gbfx?sf] d'Vo k];f s[lif / kz'kfng xf] . oftfoftsf] /fd|f] ;'ljwf gePsf] tyf kxf8L If]q ePsf]n]
s[lif pAhgLn] dfq kof{Kt gx'g] x'bf oxfsf clwsfz+ dflg;x? >d /f]huf/Lsf cGo k]zfdf sfd ug]{ tyf s]xL
dflg;x? ;/sf/L tyf cGo ;+:yfdf sfd ug]{, yf]/} dflg;x?n] Jofkf/ Joj;fo ug]{ ub{5g\ . ;fy} hg;+Vofsf]
pNn]VfgLo k|ltzt dflg;x? hLljs]fkfh{gsf] l;nl;nfdf lxpFbdf kf]v/f, a'6jn tyf ef/t nufotsf ljleGg
7+fpdf /f]huf/Lsf] nflu hfg] ub{5g\ .
k|d'v jftfj/0fLo k|efjx¿

;sf/fTds k|efj

cfof]hgf af6 tTsfn} x'g] nfedf :yfgLo :t/df /f]huf/Lsf] l;h{gf x'g]5 . cfof]hgf ;+rfngsf] nfuL sl/j
^@(%^ Dfgj lbg j/fj/sf] cbIf / !@%(! dfjg lbg j/fj/sf] bIf >dzQmLsf] cfjZostf kg]{5 . cfof]hgf ;+u
;DjlGwt sfo{df -/f]huf/Ldf_ u/Lj, tyf lk5l8Psf :yfgLo hgtfn] k|fyldstf kfpg]5g\ . o; r/gdf x'g] cGo
nfex/mdf jGb Jofkf/sf] a[l4 x'g] cj;/, cfof]hgfn] k|bfg u/]sf] zLkd'ns tyf hgr]tgfd'ns tflnddf tyf
cfof]hgf lgdf{0f sfo{df ;xefuL eO{ :yfgLo hgtfsf] zLk a[l4 x'g] cj;/ kb{5g\ .
;8s ;~rfngsf r/0fdf ;8sn] k|efljt If]qsf jfl;GbfnfO{ jhf/, ;fdflhs ;]jf k|bfos :yfg tyf b]zsf
cGo efux/m;Dd k'Ug l56f], 5l/tf] tyf ;'ljwfhgs kx'Frsf] cjz/ k|bfg ug]{5 . o; ;8sn] kj{t lhNnfsf]
u|fdL0f a:tLx? nfO{ l;bfy{ /fhdfu{ ;+u Gf}f8f8fdf hf]85 . o; ;8s kj{t lhNnfnfO{ l;bfy{ /fhdfu{ ;+u hf]8g]
5f]6f] b\/Lsf] Aff6f] x'g]5 . o;n] :yfgLo hgtfsf] cfo tyf vfB ;'/Iffdf clea[l4 x'g]5 ;fy} :yfgLo >f]t ;fwgsf]
pkof]u ug]{ ;fgf s[lif pBf]ux/msf] k|jb{g x'g]5 . kx'Fr tyf oftfoftsf] cjz/ ;+u} lzIff, :jf:Yo, ;+rf/, jhf/,
a}lsË tyf cGo cfly{s tyf ;fdflhs If]qx/msf] ljsf; x'g]5 . o;n] o; If]qsf dflg;x/msf] ;du| hLjg:t/
psf:g d2t k'¥ofpg]5 . ;8ssf]] ;~rfngn] :yfgLo hUuf hldgsf] d'No a[l4 ug{ ;xof]u k'¥ofO :yfgLo
hUufwgLnfO{ nfe k'¥ofpg]5 .
cfof]hgf sfo{Gjogaf6 kg{ ;Sg] gsf/fTds k|efjx/mM
;8s lgdf{0fsf] qmddf le/x/m sf6\bf, vGbf lgl:sPsf] df6f] tyf u]u/ y'kfbf{, lgdf{0f ;fdu|L lemSgnfO{ vfgL
;~rfng ubf{ To; If]qsf] le/fnf] 7fFpmx/mdf c;/ kg{ uO{ klx/f] tyf e' –Ifo x'g ;Sg] ;Defjgf /xG5 . kmf]x/
tyf vGbf lgl:sPsf df6f], u]u/ sf] plrt Joj:yfkg x'g ;s]g eg] o;n] e'Ifo j9fpg tyf hn k|b'if0f u/fpg
;S5 . ;8s lgdf{0fsf] bf}/fg af6f] rf}8fO %dL= sfod ug{sf] nfuL )=%! x]S6/ h+un If]q k|of]u x'g]5, tyf
ljleGg hftsf u/L sl/j (! /mvx/m lj/mjfx/m sfl6g]5g. ;8s lgdf{0f lqmofsnfkaf6 hLjhGt'nfO{ c;/ kg]{
tyf ;8s lgdf{0f sfo{df vl6Psf sfdbf/x/mn] jgsf hLjhGt'nfO{ lh:Sofpg] tyf ltgsf] lzsf/ ug{;Sg]
;Defjgf /x]tf klg lt Go'g x'g]5 .
;8s lgdf{0f sfo{sf] bf}/fg )=%^ x]S6/ v]tL ul/Psf] hdLg clwu|x0f ug'{kg]{ x'G5 h;n] ubf{ jflif{s !=# 6g
jfnLsf] pTkfbgdf c;/ k'Ug]5 . ;8s lgdf{0f sfo{sf] bf}/fg !) j6f 3/ (Ch 5+050-5+160) / ! j6f uf=lj=;=
ejg(Ch 5+070) nfO{ Iflt k'Ug] b]lvG5 .;8s lgdf{0f sfo{n] vfg]kfgLsf] kfOk, s'nf], uf]/]6f] af6f], kfgLsf] d'xfg
cflbdf ;d]t c;/ kg{ ;Sg] b]lvG5 . lgdf{0f sfo{sf] qmddf >ldsx/m tyf :yfgLo hgtfnfO{ :jf:Yo ;d:of kg{
;S5 tyf clk|o b'3{6gfx/m 36\g ;S5g\ .
;8s ;~rfngsf] r/0fdf ;jf/L ;fwgsf] cfjudgaf6, jiff{ofdsf] kfgLaf6 tyf :yfgLo le/kx/fx/mdf /mv
lj/mjf sf6\bf le/kx/fx/mdf cl:y/tf a9\g uO{ klx/f] hfg ;S5 . ;8s lsgf/fsf gfnf af6 ju]sf] clgolGqt
kfgLn] ;8s d'lgsf v]tjf/Ldf e'Ifo x'g ;S5 . ;jf/L ;fwgsf] a[l4n] w'nf] tyf WjgL k|b'if0f a9\g]5 . To;}u/L
;8ssf] ;'wf/ ;+u} jg If]q;Dd ePsf] kx'Frsf] a[l4n] jg ;Dkbf tyf cGo hGt'df rfk a9\g uO{ jg ;Dkbfsf]

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road, iv

Parbat District
Ifo / hLjhGt'nfO{ c;/ kg{ ;S5 . ;8ssf] ;'wf/ ;+u} a:tL / jhf/sf] cJojl:yt lj:tf/ x'g] ;Defjgf / ;8s
If]q ldRg] k|j[lt b]lvg ;S5 .
k|efj Golgs/0fsf pkfox/mM
o; cfof]hgfx/mnfO{ jftfj/0f d}qL jgfpgsf nfuL ;sf/fTds k|efjnfO{ j9fjf ug]{ tyf gsf/fTds k|efjx/mnfO{
lgoGq0f of Go'lgs/0f ug]{ y'k|} pkfox/m o; k|ltj]bgdf k|:tfljt ul/Psf] 5 . hgtfn] /fhL v'zLn] jf6f]sf] nfuL
lbPsf] jfx]s cfof]hgfn] ul/jLsf /]vfd'lg k/]sf kl/jf/x/msf] clwu|x0f ug]{ ;j} hUufsf] k|rlnt d'No cg';f/
Ifltk'lt{ lbg]5 . ;Dej eP ;Dd ;8s dfgj >d k|ljlwdf cfwfl/t x'g]5 tyf LEP ->d d'ns jftfj/0f d}qL
;xefuLtf d'ns_ 9+un] lgdf{0f ul/g] 5 . cfof]hgfn] k|efljt hgtfnfO{ lgdf{0f sfo{df /f]huf/Ldf tyf lzkd'ns
tflnddf k|yldstf lbg]5 . cfof]hgf lgdf{0fsf] qmddf hUuf kmF8fgL ubf{, hldg sf6\bf, vfgL ;~rfng ubf,{
vGbf lgl:sPsf df6f], u]u/ y'kfbf{ tyf cGo ;+j]bgzLn sfo{ ubf{ To; If]qsf] jftfj/0fnfO{ ;'/lIft /fVg ljz]if
Wofg lbg]5 . lgdf{0f sfo{sf] qmddf >ldsx/msf] ladf ul/g] 5 tyf ;'/Iffsf ;Dk"0f{ ;fdu|L >ldsx/mnfO{ k|of]udf
Nofpg lbOg] 5 . jg, hLjhGt'sf] ;+/If0f ug{ tyf ;fdflhs cIf'0ftfnfO{ sfod /fVg o; r/0fdf hgr]tgfd'ns
sfo{qmdx/m tyf tflndx/m ;~rfng ul/g]5 .lgdf{0f sfo{sf] s|ddf >ldsX?sf] ladf ul/g] 5 tyf ;/Iffsf
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ef}lts, h}ljs, ;fdflhs–cfly{s tyf ;fF:s[lts jftfj/0fsf ljleGg cg'udg ;'rfÍx/msf] klg klxrfg ul/Psf]
5 . jftfj/0f Joj:yfkg of]hgf sfo{Gjog ug{ lgDgfg';f/ vr{ x'g] cg'dfg ul/Psf] 5 .

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jftfj/0fLo k|efj d'NofÍg :t/df cWoog ug{ cfjZos g/x]sf] l;kmfl/z ;d]t ul/G5 .

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road, v

Parbat District

Government of Nepal has received financial assistance from ADB, SDC, DFID and OFID for implementation
of the Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Sector Development Program (RRRSDP). The RRRSDP aims
for reconstruction and rehabilitation of rural infrastructures damaged in the twenty conflict affected districts of
the country. The Proposed Karkineta- Lunkhu Rural Road is one of the Sub Projects under RRRSDP, which is
proposed by Parbat district for upgrading into gravel standard. At present, the road is earthen all weather and
total length of the road is 10.66 km.

Project Proponent
The proponent and executing agencies of the proposed road Subproject for Initial Environmental Examination
(IEE) is District Development Committee (DDC)/District Technical Office (DTO) at the district level. Ministry
of Local Development (MoLD) is the authorized body for approving the IEE of the proposed Subproject.

Objectives of the IEE Study

The main objective of the IEE study is to identify the impacts from the construction and operation of the
proposed Subproject on the physical, biological, socio-economic and cultural environment of the Subproject
area. The objective of IEE study is to recommend site specific environmental mitigation measures for adverse
impacts, benefit augmentation measures for beneficial impacts, prepare and implement environmental
monitoring plan and make sure that IEE is sufficient for the proposed road sub-project.

Relevancy of the Proposal

The proposed Subproject will provide access to district headquarter, living in rural area of Parbat district. As a
result socio-economic condition of people living in that area will enhance as local products like vegetables,
fruits will get access to market.This road helps to links rural areas of Parbat district with Siddhartha highway at
Naudada. This is shorter route to reach Siddhartha Highway from Parbat district (only 20 KM from Karkineta).

Study Methodology
The IEE study has been conducted through review of secondary information collected from relevant agencies,
and primary information collected from the field survey in May/June 2009. The survey methods included walk-
through survey along the proposed alignment with checklists, conduction of sample household survey,
organizing focus group discussions (FGD) in the related VDCs, and information supplemented by the
resettlement and technical team of the Subproject.

The IEE report has been prepared following the Environmental Protection Act, 2053 BS (1997 AD) and
Environmental Protection Rules, 2054 BS (1997 AD) (second amendment 2007) of the Government of Nepal
(GoN); and Environmental Assessment Guidelines, 2003 and Safeguard Policy Statement, 2009 of ADB. The
report follows the Terms of Reference for IEE Study approved by MoLD on 25/02/2066 BS.

Project Description
The proposed road links with South-Eastern part of the remote community of Parbat district with the district
headquarter and joins the Siddhartha Highway at Naudada. The total length of the road is 10.66 Km. The road
alignment is already opened and motorable. The road passes three village development committees namely
Karkineta, Thapathana and Bhangara. The average width of the road is 5 m and geometry will be improved as
per design required. The total project cost is NRs 83,941,992.00 and per km cost is NRs. 7,867,103.00.

Existing Environmental Condition

The road starts near Hilekhola of Karkineta VDC at 1409 m amsl and ends at Bayalneta of Bhangara VDC at
1907m amsl. Various kind of rock such as quartzite, schist etc. were observed along the road alignment.
Various types of soil such as boulder mixed soil and alluvial soil are found along the road alignment. Main
water bodies found across the road alignment are Hilekhola and Kahulekhola. Ambient air and water quality of
the proposed project area is observed to be good and there is no noise pollution. The road mainly passes through
cultivated land, forest, barren land and settlements.

The dominant forest species found in the road alignment are Uttis ( Alnus nepalensi), Chilaune (Schima
wallichii), Katus (Castanopsis indica ), Salla (Pinus roxburghii), Laligurans (Rhodendron arboretum) and
Mayal (Pyrus pashia ). The road passes through Karkineta Community Forest. Syaal (Canis aurieus), Monkey

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road, vi

Parbat District
(Macaca mulatta ), Jungle Cat (Felis chaus), Fox (Vulpes vulpes), Dumsi (Hystrix indica) and Chituwa
(Panthera pardus) are the wild animals reported in the forests area. Similarly birds like Crow (Corvus
splendens), Dove (Zenaida macroura), Sparrow (Passer domesticus), Kalij (Lophura lencomelana), and Pigeon
(Columba livia) are found in the project area. The road does not fall under any protected.

There are 4 major settlements along the ZoI of the proposed road alignment in Karkineta, Thapathana and
Bhangar VDCs with total population of 4023 persons (760 households). Diverse ethnic groups such as Brahmin,
Tamang, Gurung and occupational caste (Damai, Kami, and Sarki) live along the ZoI of road alignment.

Subsistence agriculture and livestock farming are the main occupation. Due to limited transportation facilities
and high altitude, agriculture farming is not enough for subsistence level due to small landholding size and lack
of irrigation facilities. Therefore people are involved in government and non government servicesout and few
are involved in business.Moreover, significant percentage of the economically active male population also
migrates to various places including Pokhara, Butwal and India seasonally during slack farming season for

Major Environmental Impacts

Beneficial Impacts
The immediate benefit from this road Subproject is employment opportunities. The implementation of
Subproject require about 62956 person days of unskilled and 12591 person days of skilled manpower. The
project will give priority to the poor, ethnic minorities and disadvantaged local people for employment
opportunity. Other beneficial impacts include enhancement of local business, development in skills of local
people from skill developing training, awareness raising training and involvement in the construction of the

During operation stage of road, the people from the ZoI will get easy and fast accessibility to markets, social
services and other regions of the country. This road helps to links rural areas of Parbat district with Siddhartha
highway at Naudada. This is shorter route to reach Siddhartha Highway from Parbat district (only 20 KM from
Karkineta). This will ensure better economic condition and food security of the people living in the ZoI of the
project area. Moreover this will promote the small agro based industries that uses local resources. Easy access
and opportunity of better transportation system will develop other sectors like education, health,
communication, market, banking and other socio-economic sectors. This will increase the overall living
condition of the people living in ZoI of project area. The better land network will result in increased land price
which will be beneficial for land owners.

Adverse Impacts
During the road construction, the cutting of slopes and consequently disposal of soil and earth material,
operation of quarryies might result in on erosion and landslide during construction and operation. Futhermore,
spoils generated during construction can create the water pollution to the nearby water sources.
During road widening and construction required 0.51 Ha of forest area and different type of tree total 91 nos.
will have to be cleared. Also during construction of road there might be possible impacts on wildlife as workers
might harass/ hunt the wildlife in the nearby forests, however, such effects are very minimum.
During construction stage, there will be loss 0.56 Ha of agricultural land which results in annual reduction of
more than 1.3 Metric Tons of agricultural production. 10 residential houses (Ch 5+050- Ch 5+160) and 1 VDC
building (Ch 5+070) will be affected. Also water supply lines, irrigation and water sources, foottrail will be
affected during construction of road. Labours and local people are prone to health effects and accidents relating
to construction activities.
During operation stage, vehicular movement, monsoon rain, cutting of trees on the unstable slopes might result
in slope instability and hence erosion and landslides might occur. The flowing water on the side drain of the
road might cause erosion of soil on adjacent agricultural land. Vehicular emissions will result in air and noise
pollution. Because of easy accessibility to the forest areas will deplete forest resources and wildlife. New
settlement, bazaar area will be expanse and this may increase encroachment of the RoW.

Mitigation measures
The various benefit augmentation measures and adverse impact mitigation measures have been proposed in the
report to make this project environment friendly. Other than land donated by local people for the projects,
adequate compensation will be provided to affected poor and marginalize household for all the lands that need

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road, vii

Parbat District
to acquire. The construction of road will be based on Labour-based, Environment friendly and Participatory
(LEP) Approach to extend feasible. Affected families will be given high priority for employment and skill
development trainings. Necessary measures will be taken to reduce the adverse effects that might arise from site
clearance, cutting of slopes, disposal of spoils and quarrying activities. Necessary trainings and awareness
programs will be conducted. Necessary measures will be adopted for protection of flora and fauna. At
construction site, the workers will be provided insurance, first aid facilities and safety equipments. Loss of trees
will be compensated by planting 2503 numbers of trees in the ratio of 1:25 and additional 10 percent for the
numbers of trees that need to be cut down. Proper maintenance and proper drain system will be provided to
prevent accumulation of water on the nearby agricultural lands during operation. Adequate road safety measures
will be provided to minimize road accident.

Environmental Management Plan

Environmental management plan is prepared to ensure the implementation and monitoring of mitigation
measures for minimizing adverse impacts and maximizing the beneficial impacts. The necessary mitigation
measures together with environmental monitoring process and responsible bodies for environmental monitoring
have been identified. Similarly, for environmental monitoring various sections of physical, biological, socio-
economic and cultural environment have been identified to generate useful information and improves the
quality of implementation of mitigation measures.
The cost for implementing environmental management plan has been identified as follows:

SN. Description Amount (NRs.) Remarks

1 Awareness raising training and other training 300,000.00 To be included in project
2 Insurance of workers 400,000.00 To be included in BoQ
3 Bio-engineering/ Roadside Plantation 609,105.00 To be included in BoQ

4 Ressetlement Cost (Compensatory for 4,813,164.00 To be included in

properties) Resettlement plan
5 Restoration or relocation of affected 500,000.00 To be included in BoQ
infrastructures, Spoil management, Reinstate
of quarry, stockpiling etc.
6 Compensatory Plantation cost 150,180.00 To be included in project
7 Social Cost 453,000.00 To be included in Social
plan, project cost
8 Occupational health and safety, Health 650,000.00 To be included in BoQ
awareness, Information signboard
9 Monitoring 200,000.00 To be included in project
Total 8,075,449.00

Conclusion and Recommendation

The the identified environment impacts will be seen in limited small areas and mainly during construction
period. The implementation of proposed mitigation measures for identified adverse impacts will minimize as
well as mitigate the adverse impacts on environment. The Resettlement Plan and compensation to the affected
households should be ensured. The implementation of measures as described in environmental management
plan will mitigate the negative impacts on physical, biological, socio-economic and cultural environment.
Therefore, this IEE is sufficient for approval of the proposed sub-project, and recommended for implementation
with incorporation of mitigation measures and environmental management plan. Therefore, the proposed
Subproject does not require Environmental Impact Assessment.

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road, viii

Parbat District
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background

1. The Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Sector Development Program (RRRSDP) focuses on
immediate post conflict development priorities for accelerated poverty reduction and inclusive development,
thereby enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of the delivery of public services, and improving access of
rural people to economic opportunities and social services. The Program is financed by the Government of
Nepal (GoN), Asian Development Bank (ADB), Department for International Development (DFID), Swiss
Development Cooperation (SDC), Nepal and OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID). The Program
covers twenty districts spread over the country. Department of Local Infrastructure Development and
Agricultural Roads (DoLIDAR) under the Ministry of Local Development (MLD) is the executing agency (EA).
The District Development Committees (DDCs) / District Technical Office (DTO) are the Project Implementing
Agencies. The DDC, DTO are supported by District Implementation Support Team (DIST) with engineering,
safeguards and social mobilization responsibilities.

2. Parbat District is one of the project districts under RRRSDP. This Proposal is for upgrading in gravel
standard of the 10.66 km long Karkineta- Lunkhu district road in Parbat District

1.2 The Name and Address of Proposal

Name of Proposal: (Upgrading of ) Karkineta- Lunkhu District Road, Parbat District, Nepal
Name of Proponent: District Development Committee, District Technical Office,Parbat
Address of Proponent: Kushma,Parbat
Phone No: 067-420151

1.3 Need and Objectives of the IEE Study

3. Need: IEE study of the Proposal is a legal necessity according to Environment Protection Act, 2053 BS
(1997 AD); and Environment Protection Rule, 2054 BS (1997 AD) of GON. Similarly, an IEE study is required
according to provision of Environmental Assessment Guidelines, 2003; and Safeguard Policy Statement, 2009
of ADB.

4. Objectives: The main objective of the IEE study is to identify the impacts from the implementation
and operation of the Proposal on the physical, biological, socio-economic and cultural environment of the sub-
project area. The IEE study recommends practical and site specific environmental mitigation and enhancement
measures, prepare and implement environmental monitoring plan and make sure that IEE is sufficient for the
proposed road sub-project.

1.4 Methodology adopted

5. The IEE study has followed the provisions of the EPA, 2053 BS (1997 AD) and EPR, 2054 BS (1997
AD), and the provisions of ADB. It follows methodology suggested in the approved Terms of Reference for IEE
Study (please refer Annex 1). For the collection of environmental features related to bio physical environment,
maximum 100 meter distance observable from the centre of the road alignment was taken as an influence area
and socio-economic and cultural environment was taken of ZoI (one and half hour walking distance from the
centre line of the road) information of the Subproject area. Data collection on physical, biological, socio-
economic and cultural environment of the Subproject area was done in May/June 2009. Field survey, sample
household survey, organization of Focus Group Discussions in the related VDCs was carried out and necessary
information was collected. The DDCs officials, VDC and Community Groups were also contacted to verify
information to solicit their concerns. Based on the analysis of information the impacts have been predicted,
mitigation measures prepared and monitoring plan has been developed.

1.5 Public Consultation

6. In order to ensure the public involvement, the following procedures were followed during IEE report

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road, 1

Parbat District
 Publication of notice- a 15 days public notice was published on Shrawan 10, 2066 in the Naya Patrika, a
national daily newspaper (see Annex V) seeking written opinion from concerned VDCs, DDC, schools,
health posts and related local organizations. A copy of the public notice was also affixed in the above
mentioned organizations and deed of enquiry (muchulka ) was collected (see Annex VI for deed of inquiry
and Annex VII for the names of organizations).
 IEE team also carried out interaction with local communities and related stakeholders like District Forest
Office, District Soil Conservation Office, District Agricultural Development Office and others during field
survey to collect the public concerns and suggestions (see Annex VIII for the list of persons consulted).
Moreover, Focus Group Discussions were conducted to collect and solicit information regarding the bio-
physical and socio-economic and cultural aspects of the road. Summary of minutes of meeting with local
people is given in Annex IX and following Table 2.1. The FGDs were held at three different VDCs in the
ZoI of the road. Existing environmental conditions and socio-economic data are tabulated in Annex XI a,

b, c and d.
Draft IEE report will be sent to Karkineta, Thapathana and Bhangara VDCs for Public disclosure.
Recommendation letters were also obtained from above mentioned VDCs as given in Annex X. A copy of
draft IEE will also be kept in information center of DDC, Parbat for Public disclosure. After reviewing draft
IEE report and incorporating the suggestions from the concerned stakeholders, final IEE report will be
prepared and sent to PCU for approval from MLD and ADB.

Table 1.1: Summary of FGD Meeting

No. of
Location Date Participants Issues and Suggestions Decision
Male Female
Bhangara 2066 /05/05 8 3 1. There will not be adverse 1. Adequate benefit
impacts on the environment augmentation and mitigation
due to implementation of this measures will be taken to
project. enhance the benefial impacts and
Karkineta 2066 /05/27 8 3 2. Water supply project was mitigate adverse impacts.
requested in ward no 1 & 2 of 2. Water supply projects will be
Bhangara VDC. included in supplementary
3. Construction of Mule track projects of RRRSDP.
Thapathana 2066 /05/10 7 4 road in ward no.6, Suntole in 3. Construction of Mule Track
Karkineta VDC. road is not within the scope of
this subproject thus, it will not be
included in this subproject.

1.6 Information Disclosure

7. Draft IEE was kept at information center of DDC Parbat for public disclosure. Information was also
disseminated through person to person contacts and interviews and group discussions. However, available
institutions at the local level were informed through notice distribution or pasting at concerned VDCs, school,
health posts and public places within the road alignment corridors. The approved IEE report will be accessible
to interested parties and general public through websites of ADB, DoLIDAR and RRRSDP. Following offices
will get the IEE report:
1. District Development Committee, Parbat
2. District Technical Office, Parbat
3. District Project Office,Parbat
4. District Implementation Support Team, Parbat
5. Karkineta, Thapathana and Bhangara VDCs
6. Ministry of Local Development, Environment Management Section
7. Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads
8. Project Coordination Unit, RRRSDP
9. Asian Development Bank, Nepal Resident Mission

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road, 2

Parbat District
2.0 Description of the Proposal

8. The proposed 10.66 km long earthen Karkineta- Lunkhu road Subproject lies in the South- Eastern part of
Parbat district in Western Development Region of Nepal. This road helps to links rural areas of Parbat district
with Siddhartha highway at Naudada. This is shorter route to reach Siddhartha Highway from Parbat district
(only 20 KM from Karkineta). This road starts from Karkineta (Hilekhola) VDC and ends at Bhangara
(Bayalneta) VDC. In between, the road passes through Karkineta, Thapathana and Bhangara VDCs.The road
was opened in 2001 and vehicles ply during dry and rainy season. The alignment requires widening, geometrical
correction in bends, and grade improvements. Activities included during the road construction are: Site
clearance, Pavement work, Structures work (toe wall, retaining wall, breast wall, river training etc.), Earthwork,
Bio-engineering, Cross drainage works and Side drain works and Bridge workThe location and alignment of the
road is given in Figure 1.1 and 1.2. The total project cost is NRs. 83,941,992.00 and per km cost is NRs.
7,867,103.00 as shown in Annex III.

9. Salient features of the Road Subproject

1. Name of the Project : Karkineta- Lunkhu Road

Project Components : Road
Project Activities : Construction Stage
Site clearance, Pavement work, Structures work (toe
wall, retaining wall, breast wall,), Earthwork, Bio-
engineering, Cross drainage works and Side drain
Operation Stage
Maintenance Works
2. Location
2.1Geographical Locations
2.1.1 Start Point : Hilekhola of Karkineta VDC
2.1.2 End Point : Bayalneta of Bhangara VDC
2.2 Geographical Feature
2.2.1 Terrain : Mid Hill
2.2.2 Alignment : Ridge/Upper valley
2.2.3 Altitude : 1409 m amsl at Hilekhola and 1907 m amsl at Bayalneta
2.2.4 Climate : Sub-Tropical, Temperate
2.2.5 Soil : Boulder mixed, alluvial soil and clay mixed soil.
2.2.6 Landuse Pattern : Cultivated Land, Barren Land, Forest and Built up Area.
The Road alignment does not pass through any national
Park, conservation area hunting reserve, wetland and their
Buffer zone or through any archeological/historical
important place.
3. Classification of Road : District Road (Rural Road Class A)
4. Length of Road : 10.66 km
5. Standard of Pavement : Gravelled
6. Design speed : 20 km/hr
7. Major Settlements:
7.1 Major Settlements : Aahal Gairo, Rata Mata, Karkineta Bazaar and Bayalneta
7.2 No. of Household : 659HHs
7.3 VDCs along the Road : Karkineta, Thapathana and Bhangara.
8. Right of way : 5m each side (center line)
9. Formation width : 5m
10. Carriageway width : 3m
11. Lane : Single
12. Existing Traffic : 4 bus, 12 mini truck/pick up ply daily during dry
13. Structures
13.1 Dry Stone Masonry : 1276 Cum
13.2 Cement concrete work : 27.58 Cum
13.3 Dry Stone wall : 1,276.6 Cum
13.4 Gabion Wall : 2,113.50 Cum
IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road, 3
Parbat District
13.5 Stone Pitching : 3,084.75 Cum
14. Bio-Engineering : 1% to total cost (NRs. 609,105.00)
15. Earth Work
15.1 Cutting : 38,908.38 Cum
15.2 Filling : 10,499.500 Cum
16. Project cost
16.1 Total Cost (NRs) : NRs. 83,941,992.00
16.2 Costs per km (NRs.) : NRs 7,867,103.00
17. Employment generartion:
17.1 Total employment : 75547
17.1.1 Skilled : 12591
17.1.2 Unskilled : 62956
18. Gradient : Max. 12%
19. Radius : Min. 10

2.1 Relevancy of the proposal

10. Despite the project area being within Parbat District, it lies in South-eastern part of the district. The area
has high potential in production of vegetable and fruits. This road helps to links rural areas of Parbat district
with Siddhartha highway at Naudada. This is shorter route to reach Siddhartha Highway from Parbat district
(only 20 KM from Karkineta). This road helps to reduce travel time and cost of local people to access other part
of the country. The proposed road will enhance access to market and social services to the people of the area,
and will significantly contribute in their socio-economic development. Better access will also open door to new
development opportunities.

2.2 Construction Approach and Activities

11. The construction approach will be labour-based, environment-friendly and participatory (LEP) ensuring
minimum damage to local environment and Contractor approach where manual works are not possible.

12. Activities included during the road construction are: Site clearance, Pavement work, Structures work (toe
wall, retaining wall, breast wall, river training etc.), Earthwork, Bio-engineering, Cross drainage works and Side
drain works and Bridge work.

2.3 Proposed Schedule for Implementation of Sub-project

13. Following table shows the proposed implementation schedule for Karkineta-Lunkhu road sub-project:

Table 2.1: Sub-project implementation schedule

SN Activity 2008 2009 2010 2011
1 Detailed survey, design and estimate
2 Preparation of resettlement plan
2.1 Life skill and income generation training
3 Environment Assessment and
3.1 IEE report preparation and approval
from MoLD
3.2 Implementation of EMP
3.3 Environmental monitoring
4 Work implementation
4.1 Civil construction work by contractors
4.2 Civil construction work by RBGs

I - January, February, March
II - April, May, June
III - July, August, September
IV - October, November, December

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road, 4

Parbat District
Figure 2.1 Map of Nepal showing Parbat District

Starting point at Hilekhola

of Karkineta VDC

End point at Bayalneta of

Bhangara VDC

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road, 5

Parbat District
Figure 2.2. Topo Map, showing the alignment of Karkineta-Lunkhu road

Starting point at Hilekhola of Karkineta VDC

End point at Bayalneta of Bhangara VDC

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road, 6

Parbat District
3.0 Review of Relevant Acts, Regulations and Guidelines

14. The IEE study has followed the provisions of following acts, regulations and guidelines of Government of
Nepal and ADB to ensure development and conservation of environment.

Table 3.1: Review of Environmental Acts, Regulations and Guidelines

Environmental Acts,
SN Description of Requirements
Regulations and Guidelines
1 Three Years Interim Plan, Requires all projects will be formulated and constructed based on methods
2007/08-2009/10, GoN that optimally utilize the local skill and resources and generate
employment opportunities.
2 Environmental Protection Act, Any development project, before implementation, shall pass through
2053 BS (1997 AD), GoN environmental assessment, which will be either IEE or an EIA depending
upon the location, type and size of the projects.
3 Environmental Protection Rule The EPR and its schedules clearly provide various step-wise requirements
2054 BS (1997 AD) to be followed while conducting the IEE study. It also obliges the
(amendment, 2007), GoN Proponent to timely consult and inform the public on the contents of the
proposal and IEE study.
4 Forest Act, 2049 BS (1993 AD) Requires decision makers to take account of all forest values, including
(amendment, 2007), GoN environmental services and biodiversity, not just the production of timber
and other commodities. It includes several provisions to ensure
development, conservation, management, and sustainable use of forest
resources based on approved work plan.
5 Forest Rules, 2051 BS (1995 Elaborates legal measures for the conservation of forests and wildlife.
AD), GoN Expenses incurred for cutting trees and transportation shall be borne by
6 Batabaraniya Nirdesika The directive is focused in the practical implementation of small rural
(Nepal; MLD), 2057, GoN infrastructures through the minimization of environmental impacts. This
directive includes the simple methods of environmental management in
the different phases of the project cycle.
7 National Park and Wildlife Addresses for conservation of ecologically valuable areas and indigenous
Conservation Act, 2029 BS wildlife. The Act prohibits trespassing in park areas, prohibits wildlife
(1973 AD), GoN hunting, construction works in park area, damage to plant and animal,
construction of huts and house in park area without permission of
authorized person. It lists 26 species of mammals, 9 species of birds, and 3
species of reptile as protected wildlife.
8 Local Self Governance Act Empowers the local bodies for the conservation of soil, forest and other
2055 BS (1999 AD) natural resources and implements environmental conservation activities
(1999) and Regulation 2055
BS (1999 AD), GoN
9 Land Acquisition Act, 2034 BS Specifies procedural matters on land acquisition and compensation
(1977 AD) and Land
Acquisition Rules, 2026 BS
(1969 AD), GoN
10 National Environmental Impact Provides guidance to project proponent on integrating environmental
Assessment Guidelines, 1993 mitigation measures, particularly on the management of quarries, borrow
(2050 BS), GoN pits, stockpiling of materials and spoil disposal, operation of the work
camps, earthworks and slope stabilization, location of stone crushing
plants etc.
11 APPROACH for the Emphasizes labor based technology and environmental friendly, local
Development of Agricultural resource oriented construction methods to be incorporated actively in rural
and Rural Roads, 1999 (2055 infrastructure process.
BS), GoN
12 RRRSDP Environmental For preparation of environmental assessments of future subprojects under
Assessment & Review Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Sector Development Program
Procedures (EARP), 2007, (RRRSDP), this EARP includes: i) The process to be adopted while
GoN preparing environmental reports, ii) the potential environmental impacts
that could result from undertaking the Project based on the Initial
Environmental Examinations (IEEs) of sample core subprojects; iii) the

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road, 7

Parbat District
proposed mitigation measures to avoid the identified impacts; iv)
institutional capacity assessment and strengthening arrangements; v) legal
framework for environmental assessment, domestic and the Asian
Development Bank (ADB) environmental assessment and review
procedures; and finally vi) the approaches to be adopted during
implementation of the Project in order to ensure that environmental
aspects are dealt with in a comprehensive manner.
13 Reference Manual for Suggests stepwise process of addressing environmental and social issues
Environmental and Social alongside the technical, financial and others
Aspects of Integrated Road
Development, 2003 (2060 BS),
14 Green Roads in Nepal, Best Focuses on participatory, labor based and environment friendly technology
Practices Report: An with proper alignment selection, mass balancing, proper water
Innovative Approach for Rural management, bioengineering and phased construction
Infrastructure Development in
the Himalayas and Other
Mountainous Regions, 1999
(2055 BS), GoN
15 Environmental Assessment Requires that environmental considerations be incorporated into ADB
Guidelines, 2003, ADB operations where environmental assessment is the primary administrative
tool to integrate environmental considerations into decision-making of all
types of development initiatives
16 Safeguard Policy Statement, ADB’s Safeguard Policy Framework consists of three operational policies
2009, ADB. on the Environment, Indigenous people and Involuntary resettlement. It
requires that (i) impacts are identified and assessed early in the project
cycle, (ii) plans to avoid, minimize, mitigate or compensate for the
potential adverse impacts are developed and implemented and (iii)
affected people are informed and consulted during project preparation and
17 The Interim Constitution of Has provision of right regarding environment - Every person shall have
Nepal, 2063 (2007). the right to live in clean environment.

18 The Labor Act, 2048 BS (1992 Regulates the working environment and deals with occupational health
AD) and safety.

19 Child Labor (Prohibition and No child having not attained the age of 14 years shall be engaged in works
Regulation) Act, 2056 (2000) as a laborer.

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Parbat District
4.0 Existing Environmental Condition

15. Baseline information on the existing physical, biological as well as socio-economic and cultural
environment of the proposed Subproject is described in this chapter.

4.1 Physical Environment

16. This section describes the physical condition of the area that comes under the ZoI of the road section.

4.1.1 Topography
17. The proposed road lies in mountain region. The elevation of the proposed road at Hile khola is 1409 m amsl
and at Karkineta is 1907 m amsl. Karkineta-Lunkhu road alignment passes through ridge. The road ascends up to
end point of the road. The slope varies from 10° to 50°. Major portion of the road passes along the south and east
facing slope.

4.1.2 Geology and Soil Type

18. The road section comprises of sedimented highly wethered types of rocks. The road corridor falls in the
Lesser Himalayan Sediments zone that comprises rocks such as quartzite and schists. Generally, boulder mixed,
alluvial soil and clay mixed soil are found along the road alignment.

4.1.3 Climate
19. The road lies in the Sub Tropical and temperate region. Generally, rainy season starts from June and ends in
September. The meteorological record shows unevenly distributed monsoon rain in the project area with the total
average annual rainfall of 1532 mm. Average minimum temperature of 5° C and average maximum temperature of
25°C is observed in the area. (Source: District Profile of Parbat,2058)

4.1.4 Hydrology and Drainage System

20. There are many natural drainage along the alignment. Many dry streams are across the road alignment. Main
water bodies found across the road alignment are Hile Kholsi and Kahule kholsi. No wetlands and river are found
within the vicinity of the road.The summary of the cross drainage works along the road alignment is given in
Annex XIV.

4.1.5 Soil Erosion and Sedimentation

21. Proposed alignment does not pass through major landslides or erosion prone area.Small slide has been
observed at Ch 1+700, 6+800 and 9+860.

4.1.6 Existing Road Condition

22. The maximum and the minimum gradient
along the road alignment is 12% and 6%
respectively. The whole length of the road alignment
is motorable with earthern surface. The width of the
road alignment in average is about 4.5 m. The road is
operable in all season.

Existing Road

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Parbat District
4.1.7 Existing Traffic Situation
23. Four regular passenger buses and 12 mini
truck/pick up ply on the road. In rainy season,
vehicles operation reduces by half.

Passenger bush daily plys on the road

4.1.8 Land Use

24. Land use pattern of the area through which the road passes have been classified into four types: cultivated
land, forest, built up area and barren as shown in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1: Summary of land use pattern along the road alignment
Chainage Length Existing width Additional Additional
Land use
From To (m) (m) Width (m) Area (ha)
0+150 1+100 950 3.5 1.5 0.1425
Cultivated 1+100 1+450 350 4 1 0.035
land 1+450 5+050 3600 4 1 0.36
5+250 5+500 250 4 1 0.025
Total cultivated land 0.5625
Barren land 0+000 0+150 150 3.5 1.5 0.0225
Total Barren land 0.0225
Forest 5+500 10+600 5100 4 1 0.51
Total Forest land 0.51
5+050 5+250 200 3.5 1.5 0.03
Built up area 5+300 5+400 100 3.8 1.2 0.012
10+600 10+660 75 5 0 0
Total Built up area 0.042
Source: Field Survey, May/June, 2009

4.1.9 Air, Noise and Water Quality

25. The air, noise and water quality are not tested, but are observed to be within acceptable limit.Dust emission
during vehicle operation has become common phenomena in the existing road and it is more significant during dry
and winter season.

4.2 Biological Environment

26. This alignment does not pass through any protected area.

4.2.1 Vegetation
27. The dominant forest and fodder species reported in the road alignment are Uttis (Alnus nepalensis), Chilaune
(Schima wallichii), Salla (Pinus roxburghii), Laligurans (Rhodendron arboretum), Mayal (Pyrus pashia ) and Katus
(Castanopsis indica). Other plant species found within ZoI of the sub-project are Bhimsen pati (Buddleja asiatica),
Kutmiro (Litsea monopelata), Khanyu (Ficus semicordata), Siltimur (Lindera neesiana), Lankuri (Fraxinus
floribunda), Painyu (Prunus cerasoides), Pipal (Ficus religiosa), Lapsi (Choerospondias axillaris), Tanki(Bahunia
purpurea), Koiralo (Bahunia variegate ), Sirish (Albizia labbeck), Bhorla (Bauhinia vahilii), Mauwa (Bassia
latifolia), Amba (Pisidium guyava), (Gogan) Sauravia nepauensis, Nigalo (Drepanostachyum intermedium), Bans
(Dendrocalamus strictus), Bilaune (Maesa chisia), Sisnoo (Urtica dioca), Simali(Vitex negudo), Angeri (Lyonia
ovaliforiya ), Dhangeri (Woodfodia fruticosa), Mauwa (Bassia latifolia ) and Nilkada, Khirro (Sapium insigne).

28. Siltimur (Lindera neesiana) is major NTFPs found along the road alignment.

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29. The road alignment passes through a Karkinta Community Forest (Ch 5+500- 10+600).

4.2.2 Wildlife
30. Jackal (Canis aurieus), Monkey (Macaca mulatta ), Jungle Cat (Felis chaus), Fox (Vulpes vulpes), Dumsi
(Hystrix indica ) and and are the wild animals found in the forests. Similarly birds like Crow (Corvus splendens) ,
Dove (Zenaida macroura ), Sparrow (Passer domesticus), Kalij (Lophura lencomelana ) , Pigeon (Columba livia )
are found in the surrounding forest along the road alignment.

4.2.3 Endangered and protected species

31. Faunal species: Among the fauna present in the forest area along the road alignment Chituwa (Panthera
pardus) is listed in CITES Appendix I. Monkey (Macaca mulatta) is listed in CITES Appendix-II. Jackal (Canis
aurieus) is listed in CITES Appendix III.

32. Floral Species: Lapsi (Choerospondias axillaris) is listed IUCN categories as rare.

4.2.3 Aquatic Life

33. There is no major river crossing and no major aquatic life is found.

4.3 Socio-economic and Cultural Environment

4.3.1 Population, Household and Ethnicity
34. The demographic profile of the concerned VDCs is presented in following Table 4.2. Major castes in the
area are Chhetri, Brahman, Tamang, Gurung, Damai, Kami and Sarki.
Table 4.2: Demographic Profile of VDCs
SN Influenced VDCs/MC Total HHs Population distribution by sex
Male Female Total
1 Karkineta 362 876 1093 1969
2 Thapathana 177 456 465 921
3 Bhangara 221 598 535 1133
Total 760 1930 2093 4023

4.3.2 Main Occupation

35. The main occupation of all people residing
within the ZoI of the proposed road alignment is
agriculture and livestock (73.29 percent). However,
agriculture farming is not enough for subsistence
level due to small landholding size and lack of
irrigation facilities.People are carrying out other
economic activities like labour and porters (13.96%),
working in government and non government
organizations (5.31%), cottage industry (2.28 %) and
business (5.16%). Details of occupations of the
people according to the settlements are shown in Source: Field Survey 2009
Annex XI a.

4.3.3 Market Centres and Business Facilities

36. Major settlements along the road alignment are Aahal Gairo, Rata Mata, Karkineta Bazaar and Bayalneta.
There are grocery shops and tea stalls available in the almost all settlements. Karkineta and Bayalneta have also
some hotels and restaurants. Other smaller market centres with shops of daily commodities are also found along the
road alignment.

4.3.4 Local Economy

37. The economy of the area is predominantly agriculture based. Local people are gradually attracted towards
cultivation of cash crops such as orange, potato, ginger. With growing closeness of the project area with Siddhartha
highway due to transportaion facility, cultivation of fruits, vegetables in a commercial scale seems to gain
momentum. Diversity in employment pattern has been also observed in recent years. Local people have
increasingly engaged in business activities of different areas.

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Parbat District
4.3.5 Agriculture Pattern
38. Major crops that are cultivated in the project area are rice, wheat, maize, millet, potato and beans. Local
peoples are also found to be encouraged in cash crops in recent days. Major cash crops that are grown in the
project area are mustard, vegetables, potato and fruits.

4.3.6 Livestock
39. Due to availability of good number of fodder trees, the project area has also immense potentiality of cow and
buffalo farming for dairy and goat farming for meat.

4.3.7 Industry
40. Some local people are engaged in weaving of
bamboo products, making of furniture, mills and
tailoring. The area has the potentiality of agro-based
industries such as dairy, juice production, food
processing as well as furniture, bamboo products.

Furniture industries at Ch 1+950

4.3.8 Trade and Commerce
41. Goods of daily commodities are major imports in the project area, which includes salt, sugar, packed food
items, spices, clothes and other items of daily uses. Similarly, major items exported from the project area are
vegetables, fruits and timber.

4.3.9 Tourism Related Services

42. Some hotel, lodges are in operation in
Karkineta Bazar and Bayalneta. Since the ZoI of the
project and its surrounding area has potentiality of
various types of tourism promotion, more lodge,
restaurant and resorts are expected to be established
in the area. From end point of the road Sirubari is
only 20 KM far which is famous tourist place.

Way to Sirubari which is tourism place

4.3.10 Health and Sanitation
43. People use piped water with source at high altitude springs. Sanitation awareness among local people is
increasing and many of them have toilets in their home, but there is no public sewerage system. There are toilets in
few (more than 50%) Karkineta and Bayalneta settlements. Major health problems observed in the area are gastric,
water borne diseases, gout, respiratory diseases, and skin disease. There are 6 health posts/sub health post in the
project areas.

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Parbat District
4.3.11 Public Services and Infrastructures

Table 4.3: Infrastructure Facilities in the Project Area

Education 9 educational institutions ranging from primary level to college level exists in the area. Most
of the families send their children to school. Female enrollment in schools is lower than that
of male students. Literacy rate in the project area has been estimated around 70 percent.
Health 3 health posts/sub- health posts.
Communication All of the settlements have telephone facilities mostly with Cell phone and wireless phone.
Electricity Almost all settlements in ZoI are connected with national grid transmission line.
Water Supply Generally, piped Drinking water supply facility is available to all settlements from the
sources to the public taps through gravity flow. These taps are located in common places so
that each serves a few households
Other Infrastructures There are some rice and flour mills in various settlements. Agricultural Service Sub-Centre,
and Veterinary Service Sub Centres are also available in the project area.
Financial Institutions There are six saving and credit cooperatives in ZoI.
Community Center 2 nos. in all settlements.

Table 4.4: Public Services and Infrastructures along the Road Alignment
Type of Public Service Distance from the
Chainage/ Location
and Infrastructure Road
Irrigation Crossing 4+075, 3+900, 2+412, 1+980 and 0+800 Across the road
Water Supply Pipe 4+050, 2+500, 1+100 and 5+500 Across the road
Foot Trail 3+650, 2+650, 2+370, 1+900, 1+980, 1+200 and 5+212
School 2+650 and 5+212 ROW
Wood Mill 1+950 ROW
Water Source 1+700 and 1+650 (tap) Below the road
Access road 1+000, 5+212

4.3.11 Land Holding Pattern

44. Land holding pattern within the ZoI of the
road project demonstrates that 25.34% households
have 1-5 ropani (approximately 1 ha = 20 ropani)
land while 23.82% households fall under 5-10 ropani
land holding category.Very few households (0.61%)
are landless and 18.97% households have less than
one ropani land. While 19.12 % of the households
have more than 10 ropani land and 12.14%
households have land holding between 20 to 50
ropani. Detail about land holding pattern is given in
Annex XI c.
Source: Field Survey 2009

4.3.12 Food Security

45. About half of the households (42.2%) have
enough food for only for three to nine months.
23.7% households have enough food for three
months; where as 10.4 % HHs have enough food for
less than three months, 9.3 percent of the households
of the project area have food sufficiency for whole
year and 14.4 percent households are reported as
food surplus ones who are in the well off category of
selling their surplus farm products. This shows the
poverty situation within the ZoI of the project area.
The detail is given in Annex XI d.

Source: Field Survey 2009

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Parbat District
4.3.13 Migration Pattern
46. Permanent migration takes place in limited scale towards Syanja and Pokhara. Similalry, seasonal migration
also takes place from all the settlements. Majority of them migrate during slack farming season from Mangsir to
Poush mainly in Pokhara, Butwal and various parts of India to work as a labourer. This could be reduced by
providing employment opportunities at the local level.

4.3.14 Settlement Pattern

Most of the settlements within ZoI of the project are scattered type. Housing pattern of these settlements are mostly
one or two storied, CGI sheet roofed buildings. Some of them are also thatch roofed buildings. RCC buildings have
been started to appear in market centres such as Karkineta and Bayalneta.
4.3.15 Potential for Development
47. Many of the places, areas and settlements within ZoI of the project have the potentialities in various sectors.
These sectors and their potentialities have been mentioned in Table 4.5 below.

Table 4.5: Development Potentialities in Various Sectors

SN Sector Development potentiality
1 Agriculture Wheat, potato, beans farming, within the whole ZoI
2 Tourism Promotion This road helps to enhance tourism promotion for Sirubari which is 20
KM far from end point of the road.
3 Small and Cottage Industry bamboo products, furniture, mills
4 Trade and business Development several rural market centres at various places along the
road alignment and main market centres at Karkineta bazar and
Bayalneta bazaar.
Source: Field Survey, May/June, 2009

4.3. 16 Religious, Cultural and Historical Sites

48. There are no Religious, Cultural and Historical Sites along the road alignment.

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5.0 Project Alternatives

49. The various alternatives to achieve the project objectives with minimum environmental impacts are
discussed as in the following subsections.

5.1 No Action Option

50. This alternative does not allow the implementation of the Proposal. An earthen road currently exists, which
is all weather road. As the road connects major settlements with high potential in vegetables, fruits products, the no
action option will increase the transportation time and cost for the local people to the district headquarter and
Siddhartha highway for markets and vice versa resulting into low level of productivity and prevalence of poverty.
The no action option will conserve some of the environmental adverse impacts at the cost of poverty and hardship
of the people.

5.2 Proposal Alternatives

51. Construction of other supporting roads could be the options for achieving the transportation and access.
Considering other project alternatives, the proposed road project can be the best option to serve the home to home
services. Upgrading of Karkineta-Lunkhu road links Parbat district with Siddhartha highway at Naudada. This is
shorter route to reach Siddhartha Highway from Parbat district (only 20 KM from Karkineta). The proposed road
project is the best alternative for cheap and efficient transportation.

5.3 Alternative Alignment

52. Alignment of the Karkineta-Lunkhu road is an existing earthen road and proposed for the upgrading as a
graveled standard, in which requirement to acquire land and cutting trees will be minimum than in new alignment
opening. Hence, new alternative alignment is not studied and the proposed road can be the best option.

5.4 Alternative Design and Construction Approach

53. The proposed road has been designed considering the both LEP and Contractor based approach. The
construction work will not be carried by only using the labours but equipment and machineries will also be used
where manual work is not possible.

5.5 Alternative Schedule and Process

54. During the rainy season, the construction work is stopped to allow the natural compaction of the road.
Construction work will be carried out during the remaining months. The construction period is more appropriate
from October to June as the local people are generally free from farming activities.

5. 6 Alternative Resources
55. The physical resources consumed for the construction of the proposed road will mainly include boulders for
gabions and stone for dry masonry wall. Stones are easily available in nearby areas of various sections of the road
whereas fine aggregates and sand has to be transported from Andhi Khola 22 KM far from the road. The proposed
construction will optimally use the local labour force and local materials.

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Parbat District
6.0 Identification and Evaluation of Impacts, Benefit Augmentation of Mitigation

56. The identification, evaluation and assessment of impacts has been carried out by considering the proposed
proposal activities examined in terms of its current condition and impacts during construction and subsequent
operation phases. Several such impacts have been identified based on site observation, field survey, and
information obtained from the stakeholders and few were identified on value judgment. Impacts from the proposed
road sub-project can be both beneficial as well as adverse. Most of the identified impacts have been quantified to
the extent possible. The impacts have been predicted in terms of their magnitude, extent and duration. The possible
impacts (positive and negative) in construction and operation phase are presented in the following sub-sections.

57. An effective implementation of benefit maximization measures and adverse impacts mitigation measures are
also suggested hereunder. (See also Table 7.2).

6. 1 Beneficial Impacts and Benefit Augmentation Measures

6. 1.1 Construction Stage

Employment Generation and Increase in Income

58. Impacts: One of the major direct beneficial impacts of the road during construction stage is the creation of
employment opportunity to the local community. Total employment during construction of this road alignment is
75547 person days in which 12591 person days as skilled and 62956 person days as unskilled. Employment
generation for the local people will minimize seasonal migration through for a short period. The amount of money
that is earned by the wages will directly enhance various economic activities and enterprise development with
multiplier effect. This is one of the direct and significant impacts of the project but it is of short-term and local in

59. Measures: Benefit augmentation measures will be implementing the work as much as possible through the
local Road Building Groups (RBGs) the local people particularly poor; dalit (occupational caste), ethnic minority
and women will be given priority for employment. Proponent will conduct Livelihood Enhancement Skills
Training (LEST) program (which include Horticulture (Orange Plantation), Organic/pesticides making training,
Lapsi Pickle Production, Bamboo goods, Woolen goods) and awareness programs. The costs of these training are
included in cost of Social Action Plan.

Skill Enhancement
60. Impacts: Working in construction of the road is likely to enhance skills of local people in construction
works. Trainings on construction and maintenance of structures will further enhance their skill. The skill and
knowledge thus acquired will make them find employment opportunities in future projects. This impact is direct,
medium, local and for long-term.

61. Measures: Road Building group members will be given on the job training on masonry, gabion wires,
construction of dry and foundation walls, slope cutting and stabilization, bio-engineering works.

Enterprise Development and Business Promotion

62. Impacts: During construction period, different types of commercial activities will come into operation in
order to meet the demand of workers. Since the workers will have good purchasing power due to money earned
from wages, they will regularly demand for different types of food, beverage and other daily necessary items. More
local shops and restaurants will be opened to meet these demands around the vicinity of the construction sites at
Aahal Gairo, Rata Mata, Karkineta Bazaar. This impact is also direct, low significance, local and short terms in

63. Measures: Proponent will conduct Livelihood Enhancement Skills Training (LEST) program (which include
Horticulture (Orange Plantation), Organic/pesticides making training, Lapsi Pickle Production, Bamboo goods,
Woolen goods) and awareness programs. The costs of these training are included in cost of Social Action Plan.

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Parbat District
Community Empowerment and Ownership
64. Impacts: During construction period, various road construction coordination committees and road building
groups will be constituted in order to proceed and implement the road construction activities. In this process, they
will be oriented and trained to build and safeguard community infrastructures which will result in community
empowerment and feeling of ownership among them. This impact is also indirect, low, local and short terms in

65. Measures: The coordination committees will be constituted and training will be given to them. Training such
as Advocacy Training, Leadership Training under Empowerment related Training of LEST program will be given
by proponent. The costs of these training are included in cost of Social Action Plan.

6.1.2 Operation Stage

Improvement in Accessibility and Saving of Time and Transportation Cost

66. Impacts: After upgrading to gravel standard, it helps to reduce travel time by 1 hour now it takes 2 hour to
reach Bayalneta and travel cost also reduce by half. Once the road project is completed, the people living within
the road corridor will have easy access to cities and markets. This road helps to links rural areas of Parbat district
with Siddhartha highway at Naudada. This is shorter route to reach Siddhartha Highway from Parbat district (only
20 KM from Karkineta). This will enhance the transaction of goods and access to social services. Access to input
and services will increase, which will be cheaper due to transportation facility. This impact is direct, high, regional
and for long term.

67. Measures: Regular maintenance of the road will be done by the Proponent.

Increase in Trade, Commerce and Development of Market centers

Impact: There is a possibility of increased economic opportunities and significant growth and extension of
the minor local markets along the road like in Karkineta Bazaar and Bayalneta. The farmers will be more interested
to increase agricultural production due to market accessibility. Similarly, there will be diversification in
occupational pattern of local people and non-farm employment will grow to those who are till now mainly
dependent on subsistence farming. This will lessen pressure on local natural resources. The impact will be indirect,
low, local and long term in nature.

68. Measures: DDC/VDCs shall manage planned growth with required infrastructure facilities in the market
areas. . Agriculture extension services, market linkages and networking for better market price.

Appreciation of Land Value

69. Impacts: The construction of road leads to appreciation of land values particularly near the market and
settlement areas. The land price would increase due to the availability of reliable transportation facilities. This
would uplift the economic condition of the local people. The impact is indirect, medium, local and long term in

70. Measures: Promotion of land development activities and control of encroachment within RoW. The local
people will be made aware that high value lands are acceptable to the banks and microfinance institutions to
provide loans for them to start their own economic/social ventures.

Increased Crop Productivity and Sale of Farm Products

71. Impacts: Due to easy and cheaper availability of agricultural inputs and technologies, productivity will be
increased along the road. Sale of farm and livestock products will be increased in the settlements along the road
corridor like Aahal Gairo, Rata Mata, Karkineta Bazaar and Bayalneta settlements which are potential areas for the
production of vegetables, fruits and cash crops such as ginger, Orange, Vegetables etc. Operation of road will
further commercialize the subsistence agriculture of rural area. The economy of rural area will be further monetized
and it will help the rural economy. This is the indirect, significant, local and long term impacts from the proposed

72. Measures: Promotion of market linkages and networking for better market price.

Enhancement of Community Development Services

73. Impacts: Due to increase in employment opportunities, trade, business and income, it is expected that there
will be improvement in social service such as education, health, government offices, saving and credits. The
improvement can also be expected with more frequent visit of extension workers, longer stay of professionals such

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Parbat District
as teacher, doctors to their rural duty areas. Similarly, enhanced income level will encourage local people to spend
more on health and sanitation, development of education facilities by employing qualified and professional teachers
and upgrading the existing health posts. Production of educated manpower will also help to increase the number of
employees in government/non government services. This is direct, significant, local and long-term impact of the
proposed project.

74. Measures: The access will be kept maintained so that other development and services will follow in the
project area.

Women and Indigenous People Enhancement

75. Impacts: Women and disadvantages people in particular may be benefited more from improved access to the
market centers and various service providing agencies like health centers, banks, training institutions, women
development office etc. Frequency of visit to such agencies will increase awareness level and empower the women
and indigenous people. Thus, the project will have indirect, significant, local and long-term impact in ZoI.

Measures: During the road construction and rehabilitation, more emphasis will be given to women, dalit and
vulnerable workers. Various training programs will be conducted under Gender Action Plan (GAP) of the project.
Trainings programs include Legal and women human right literacy classes, Reproductive cum maternity health
care orientation classes, Gender sensitization and social inclusion training and Trimester GAP implementation
review workshops will be conducted as per GAP of social plan. Total budget for GAP is NRs. 76500.

6. 2 Adverse Impacts and Mitigation Measures

6. 2.1 Construction Stage
76. The proposed road will be constructed according to LEP where manual works are possible; and contractor
approach where the work cannot be done manually. The impacts on physical, biological, socio-economic and
cultural resources of the proposed road area and respective mitigation measures are presented hereunder.

Physical Impacts

Change in Land Use

77. Impacts: Construction of road will convert 0.563 ha. of cultivated land, 0.022 ha.of barren land, 0.51 ha.of
forest and 0.042 ha.of settlement areas into built-up area. This may reduce product of 1.3 MT of wheat, maize and
millet annually. The impact from changes in land use will be high, direct, local and long term in nature.

78. Measures: The mitigation measures will be compensatory. Proponent will assist the farmers in coordination
with district agriculture office for better agriculture extension services. Plantation of trees at the ratio of 1:25 +
10% for each cleared plant.

Spoil Disposal
79. Impacts: The common likely problems from the inappropriate disposal of spoils are: gullying and erosion
of spoil tips especially when combined with unmanaged surface water runoff, damage to farm lands, and
destruction of vegetation, crops and property at downhill through direct deposition or indirectly as result of mass
flow. The impact from spoil disposal will be direct, medium, site specific and short term in nature.

80. Measures: Spoil will be safely disposed and managed at designated site with minimum environmental
damage. Engineer will give approval for disposal site of spoil. Proposed Safe spoil disposal sites are Ch 0+150,
0+350, 2+700, 4+250, 6+250 and 8+600. Balanced cut and fill and re-use of excavated materials will be given
emphasis. Spoil will be used to reclaim land or eroded areas. Disposal site will be provided with proper toe wall,
drainage, vegetation and adequate protection against erosion.

Slope Instability
81. Impacts: Small slide has been observed at Ch 1+700, 6+800 and 9+860. Removal of vegetation and open
cuts with exposed soil to rain may cause soil erosion as well as landslide. As the road is an existing corridor, hill
slopes will not be disturbed by new cuttings of slope. Majority of work will be done manually under LEP approach
by RBGs, which is an environment friendly method. The impact of slope instability and soil erosion is indirect,
medium, site specific and mid-term nature.

82. The mitigation measures will be balance cut and fill; ensuring minimum cut slope depending upon the soil
type; Re-vegetation of exposed areas; adoption of bio-engineering techniques at Ch. 1+700 and 6+700 (Grass

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road, 18

Parbat District
plantation, Brush layering, Palisades, Shrub/Tree plantation), at Ch. 9+860 bioengineering measures together with
gabion breast wall is proposed; no construction work during rainy season; and use of soft engineering structures
(dry wall, check dams) before disposing spoil. Soil conservation will be done by providing cross drainage
structures with protection works at outlet for safe discharge of drain water on eroded roadside slopes.
Recommended engineering structures necessary at various chainages for slope stabilization have been given in
Annex XVI.

Drainage Management
83. Impacts: The concentrated water from the road outlet causes erosion and landslide eventually affecting the
stability of the road itself. The impact will be indirect, medium, site specific and medium term.

84. Measures: The mitigation measures will be to provide adequate numbers of drainage structures in order to
have minimum interference with natural drainage pattern of the area; channelize surface water discharge from side
drains with outlet management. Details about necessary structures required to mitigate the water induced adverse
impacts are as given in Annex XIV.

Air Dust, Noise and Water Pollution

85. Impacts: Although the air quality of the project area is not measured, the air does not appear to be polluted.
During the construction of the road, there is a strong possibility of dust emission. This may affect the local people
and workers, agricultural crops, markets, schools and health posts. Contractor may use heavy equipment during
surfacing works, which might be source of dust nuisance. Impact on air quality will be direct, low, local and short
term in nature. The project area at present does not experience high levels of noise. However, during construction,
the increased construction activities may increase the noise level to some extent. The impact of road construction
on the noise level will be direct, low, local, reversible and short term in nature.

86. The water quality data within the project area is not tested. Nevertheless the quality of water in the water
bodies, within the project area appears to be good, as they are widely utilized households for drinking. During
construction these water bodies may be polluted by spoil and construction wastes. The impact will be direct, low,
local, short term and reversible in nature.

87. Measures: The mitigation measures will include use of face mask by the workers working in the areas of
high dust generation; avoid disposal of excavated materials in the water bodies; cover dry material or make it wet
during transportation. Both sides of the road will be planted with trees, as far as possible which will act as sound
and noise barrier.

Quarry Operation
88. Impacts: The extraction of materials from inappropriate places or in excessive amount can damage the local
environment. The potential adverse impacts of quarrying are accelerated erosion, landslides, disturbance in natural
drainage patterns, water logging and water pollution and vector proliferation. The impact from the operation of
quarry sites will be direct, low in magnitude, local nature and short term in duration.

89. Measures: Quarry and borrow operation sites will be identified and approved by Engineer; unstable sites,
erosion prone area, forest area, settlements, fertile farm land will be avoided for quarry / borrow operation; quarry
sites will be rehabilitated by providing appropriate civil engineering structures and bioengineering measures after
the extraction is complete. Recommended quarry sites in the area are given in Table 6.2.

Table 6.1: Recommended Quarry sites

SN Chainages Places of recommended quarry sites
1 Andhi Khola Sand and Aggregates 22 KM from the proposed road
2 5+800
Source: Field SurveyMay/June, 2009

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road, 19

Parbat District
Location of Camp Sites, Storage Depots
90. Impacts: The siting of labor camp/ storage depts by contractors for carrying out contractor-based works may
cause encroachment of forest, agriculture land, alteration of drainage, disposal of solid waste, and waste water etc.
which may cause degradation in the environment. Impact will be direct, medium significance, local and for short-

91. Measures: The mitigation measures will be use of local labors as far as possible; siting camp away from
productive lands; pay compensation for using private farm or lands for storage or camp; electricity and first aid
facilities will be provided in camp sites; provision of soak pit and pit latrine will be made. For waste water and
solid waste management, soak pit will be made and proper management will be done. Appropriate camp site should
be at 5+600, 6+750, 8+600 and 9+200.

Decline in Aesthetic Value

92. Impact: Landscape degradation relates particularly to poorly designed or monitored activities resulting from
quarrying operations and from indiscriminate dumping of spoil material. Road may create scars on the landscape.
The impact will be direct, low in magnitude, local nature and short term in duration

93. The following mitigation measures will be adopted:

 Indiscriminate dumping of spoil material will be discouraged.
 After the extraction is completed, the quarry site will be rehabilitated to suit the local landscape.
 Plantation of local species along the roadside to cover the scar by greenery.

Construction Equipment Vehicles

94. Impacts: The contractor based construction will use machineries and tools. During construction vehicles
such as roller, spreader, tipper, loader will be in use which increase in air pollution due to emission of smoke and
dust, and increase in vibration due to vehicular movement. Impact will be direct, high significance, site specific and

95. Measures: All equipment/vehicles deployed for construction activities shall be regularly maintained. All the
vehicles deployed for material movement shall be spill proof to the extent possible. In any case all material
movement routes shall be inspected daily twice to clear off any accidental spills.

Chemical Issues
96. Impacts: Petrol, diesel and grease required for vehicle to operate and kerosene to workers to cook meals.
Spillage of these chemicals also damage soil productivity. Storage of fuels and chemicals and operation of vehicles
and machineries result in the spillage of hazardous chemicals that can pollute nearby water sources and soil; and
affects health of the workers.

97. Measures: The mitigation measures will be to store fuels and chemicals on paved surface with surrounding
catch drain to protect soil from leakage. Proper storage of hazardous chemicals and providing information
signboards. Use of safety gears to workers during handling of chemicals and fuels. Close monitoring during
operation of machineries.

Biological Impacts

Loss or Degradation of Forests and Vegetation

98. Impacts: Total of 0.51 ha of forest will be permanently lost due to road construction work. 91 numbers of
trees of various species will be removed from forest and private land during road construction (See Annex XII).
The impacts on vegetation/forest resources have been considered to be high in magnitude, local in extent and long
term in duration.

99. Measures: Proponent will manage a nursery to grow tree sapling and plant them in 1:25 + additional 10 %
ratio. Total compensatory plantation will be 2503 numbers of trees. Roadside tree plantation will be done along the

Impact on Wildlife Due To Loss of Habitat and Hunting

100. Impacts: The road passes through one community forest from Ch 5+500- 10+600. The construction of road
might disturb wildlife and bird species present in surrounding forests along the road corridor. The impact will be
indirect, low, local and long term in nature.

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road, 20

Parbat District
101. Measures: Site clearance for construction shall be limited to the minimum width. No tree or vegetation shall
be cut unless absolutely necessary; The construction activities near forest area will be appropriately managed so
that there will be least disturbance to the wildlife and birds; Workers shall be actively discouraged from collecting
fuel wood from forest or hunting/harassing of birds or animals; Coordination with DFO to control the activities like
illegal poaching by enforcing acts and regulations strictly.

Impacts on Flora and Fauna (as listed in CITES and IUCN Red Data Book)
102. Impacts: Protected wildlife species such as Chituwa (Panthera pardus), Monkey (Macaca mulatta ) and
Jackal (Canis aurieus) are found in the surrounding forests within ZoI. However, activities involved in
construction will not affect these species as road alignment doesn’t passes through major forest areas and habitat of
these wildlife. Similarly, protected floral species of Lapsi (Choerospondias axaillaries) is found but will not be
affected by construction activites.

103. Measures: As there are no major impacts. However, the measures as no vegetation shall be cut unless
absolutely necessary and minimum site clearance, discouraging workers for collecting fuel wood from forest or
hunting/harassing faunas; shall be followed.

Socio-economic Impacts

Loss or Degradation of Farm Land and Productivity

104. Impacts: There will be permanent loss of 0.56 ha of agricultural land due to road rehabilitation. This will
lead to annual loss of 1.3 Metric Tons of food grain production among the families losing lands to the project.
Moreover, spoils on farm land will also affect the production of agricultural crops. This impact is expected to be of
high in magnitude, local in extent and of long term in duration

105. Measures: Compensation for the loss of property will be provided to the affected people. A separate
Resettlement Plan will address land acquisition and compensation issues. Camp sites and spoil sites shall away
from productive agricultural land.

Loss of Private Properties

106. Impacts: 10 numbers of residential houses will be affected during construction of road. Affected household
will suffer from their property losses and hardship during road construction. The impact will be direct, significant,
long term and local. Details about property loss and damage will be described in Resettlement Plan Report (See
Annex XV).

107. Measures: Compensation and resettlement measures will be dealt as per decision made by Compensation
Determination Committee (CDC). The total resettlement and rehabilitation cost is NRs. 4813164.00.

Impact on Community Infrastructure

108. Impacts: The community infrastructure that requires reconstruction / rehabilitation during construction
works, and the mitigation measures are as presented in following Table 6.2. The impact due to loss of community
infrastructure will be direct, site specific, short term and medium in magnitude

Table 6.2: Affected Commmunity Infrastructures and Mitigation Measures

Type of Public Service
Chainage/ Location Potential Impact Mitigation measures
and Infrastructure
Irrigation Crossing 4+075, 3+900, 2+412, Damaged during road Will be reinstated and 30 dia. HP
1+980 and 0+800 construction will be provided for water
Water Supply Pipe 4+050, 2+500, 1+100 Damaged during road Will be reinstated
and 5+500 construction
Foot Trail 3+650, 2+650, 2+370, Damaged Will be reinstated by providing
1+900, 1+980, 1+200 drain cover and damage foot
and 5+212 steps
School 2+650 and 5+212 Noise pollution Information signboard will be
Water Source 1+700 and 1+650 (tap) Construction Strickly prohibited spoil disposal
materials will below the road.

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Parbat District
Access road 1+000, 5+212 Damaged Will be reinstated
Building of V.D.C. office 5+070 Damaged Will be compensated

Impacts on Cultural, Religious and Archeological Sites

109. Impacts: There are no any cultural, religious and archeological sites along the road alignment.

Impacts on Health and Safety Matters

110. Impacts: During construction, workers will be exposed to various risks and hazards. Potential impacts to
health are respiration and eye diseases due to exposure to dust, risk of accident during work. The lack of proper
sanitary measures and increase in waste and water pollution can lead to an outbreak of epidemics and diseases. This
impact is considered to be of the direct, high in magnitude, for short term and localized.

111. Measures: The workers shall be provided and made mandatory the use of helmets, safety belts, masks,
gloves and boot depending on nature of work; provide clean drinking water at sites and camp; pit toilets at sites and
camp; first aid facilities at sites and camp with training to use them; provide group accidental insurance for
workers. Awareness generation to local people and workers on HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases.

6. 3.2 Operation Stage

Physical Environment

Road Slope Instability and Management

112. Impacts: The destabilization of slope may also be expedited due to human activities in the road
neighborhood such as quarrying stones or soil, irrigated cultivation, opening of branch roads that will connect the
road with other village settlements. This may cause damage to road section, disruption to transportation and other
social impacts in the nearby areas. The inadequate maintenance of the road, blockage of drains, damages the road
surface can lead to slides and slope failure. Major area of concern is at Ch. 9+860. The impact will be direct,
medium local and long term nature.

113. Measures: The mitigation measures to be adopted include immediate clearance of slides and restoration of
slopes; regular maintenance of bio-engineering and civil structures for slope protection; restoration of rill and gully
formation; and conservation of soil.

Impact Due to Air, Noise and Water Pollution

114. Impacts: During operation period, vehicles will ply along the road and will emit gaseous pollutants. This
will increase the pollution level of ambient air along the road corridor due to emission of gaseous pollutants.
However, air pollution due to dust will be minimized to greater extent after upgrading of earthern road to the gravel
standard. As the road is of district road category and the vehicular movement is not expected to be very high, the
overall impact of air pollution will, thus, be direct, low, local and medium term. Noise level during the operation
period will increase due to the movement of vehicles and other activities. However, due to low traffic volume, the
impact due to noise pollution will be direct, low, local and short term. The disposal of spoil and other construction
materials and wastes, washing of vehicles in water bodies may degrade the water quality. The impact of this kind
will be direct, low, local and long term.

115. Measures: Plantation of trees on both sides of the road as far as possible; Use of horns should be restricted
near forest area, health posts, schools and settlements; for control of dust nuisance, speed limit of vehicle and
vegetative barrier by planting trees along roadsides will be designed.

Biological Environment

Depletion of Forest Resources

116. Impacts: The forest resources depletion may occur due to ineffective drainage works, inappropriate spoil
disposal and construction practices. The development of market centers may exert pressure on forest and eventually
deplete the forest resources. To meet the increasing needs of the forest products, illegal felling/cutting of poles and
trees may occur. Operation of road may increase in timber smuggling due to easy access and easy transportation
facilities. The impact will be indirect, medium, local and long term in nature.

117. Measures: CFUGs will be supported to conserve and manage their CFs according to operational plans;
encourage and support local community for controlling illegal harvesting of forest resources; awareness
programmes shall be organized to educate local people on the conservation of forest.

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Parbat District
Disturbance to the Wildlife and Illegal Hunting
118. Impacts: Although the wildlife population is reported low, they may be disturbed due to the frequent
movement of the vehicles. Vehicular movement, blowing of horn near the forest area will have adverse impact on
the wildlife and bird species. There may occur illegal hunting during operation period by the people from outside
due to easy accessibility. The impact will be indirect, low, local and long term in nature.

119. Measures: Erect appropriate sign boards informing drivers about prohibition of blowing horns in the dense
forest areas; potential areas for wildlife crossing.

Socio-economic and Cultural Impacts

Unplanned Settlement and Market Center Development

120. Impacts: The existing trend is to settle along the road side for the economic activities through the
establishment of shops, restaurants, stalls and hotels. Expansion of settlement area and market can be observed in
Aahal Gairo, Ratamata and Karkineta Bazar. This may trigger the practice of encroaching right of way (RoW).
Consequently, this will reduce road capacity and increase road accidents. The increasing trend of roadside
settlement is likely to increase household waste as well as wastewater on the road. The impact will be direct,
medium, local and long term in nature.

121. Measures: Awareness raising program through local organizations for planned settlements; include
regulation of settlement with proper planning; plantations of trees in the RoW so that it is not encroached; provide
sewerage in market areas. Authorities and VDCs will control encroachment of road.

Change in Social behavior

122. Impacts: Access facilities will bring social nuisance like increase in alcohol consumption, gambling,
prostitution, and will increase girl trafficking. The impact will be indirect, medium, local and short term in nature.

123. Measures: The mitigation measures recommended will be facilitating awareness raising programs to the
communities about negative social behavior like gambling, excess use of alcohol.

Road Safety Measures

124. Impacts: Movement of vehicles in the road will invite accidents. Inadequate provisions of road safety
measures like no provisions of signals and lack of enforcement of traffic rules during operation period may invite
accidents. The impact will be direct, medium, local and long term in nature.

125. Measures: The mitigation measures to be adopted will be applying appropriate road safety measures with the
help of 3-Es i.e. Engineering, Enforcement and Education; and required safety signs will be used along the road.
Information sign boards will be used such as Traffic Signs at (Ch: 3+150, 3+200, 3+620, 3+680, 5+000, 5+100,
6+050, 6+100, 8+900, 8+950, 9+850 and 9+950), sign boards for school area (Ch: 5+220, 5+260, 2+800, 2+880)
and for market areas (at Ch: 5+050,5+200).

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road, 23

Parbat District
7.0 Environmental Management Plan

126. The EMP is prepared to guide implementation of mitigation measures and monitoring requirements.

7.1 Institutions and Their Roles

Table 7.1: Institution and their roles
Institution Role Responsibility in the Project Remark
Ministry of Mandated to formulate and Facilitate when needed on No direct
Environment implement environmental policies, environmental safeguards responsibility
plans and programs at national in the project
Ministry of Local It is concerned line ministry,  To review IEE ToR and Report, and
Development executive agency and concerned give approval.
(MLD) agency as per EPA/EPR.  Coordinate with project on safeguard
Environment Management Section issues
is responsible to look into  Conduct environmental monitoring
safeguard matters for the ministry. from central level.
Department of Local Department under MLD RRRSDP is being executed under
Infrastructure responsible to execute overall coordination and supervision of
Development and infrastructure projects under MLD. the Department for the Ministry. It is
Agricultural Roads Provides back-up support to DDCs also supporting DDCs through DTOs to
(DoLIDAR) in technical matters through DTO. implement the project.
RRRSDP- Project Project specific unit. Technical Unit to support and coordinate First Class
Coordination Unit all activities for implementation of Officer / DDG
Review, comment, and forward IEE ToR have been
and Report for review to ADB and for heading the
approval to MLD PCU.
District DDC/DTO is Project  Prepare IEE ToR and submit for District
Development Implementing Agency. approval to PCU/MLD Technical
Committee / District  Conduct IEE Study, Public Officer is the

 Receive
Technical Office Consultation, and prepare IEE Report Project
comments from Manager
PCU/ADB/MLD and modify
accordingly. Get final approval from
 Conduct environmental safeguard

 Reporting

District Project Project implementation office Responsible for overall activities related
Office working directly under DDC/DTO. to implementation of the works at field
Central Support consultants at central level Technical and management support to
Implementation PCU
Support Consultant
District Support consultants at district level Technical and management support to
Implementation DPO
Support Team (DIST)

127. To support for smooth implementation of the project, there are various district level committees and groups
including District Project Coordination Committee (a sub- committee of DDC), Village Infrastructure Construction
Coordination Committee (to coordinate at VDC level). Road Building Groups are formed under participation of
local people from ZoI. They carryout the construction works tat can be conducted manually. Contractor will be
appointed for works requiring higher skill and mechanized support.

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road, 24

Parbat District
7.2. Reporting

128. Monitoring checklist will be developed as per the Environment Management Action Plan (EMP). The
checklist will be used for regular monitoring. Trimerserly EMP compliance report will be prepared and submitted to
the DDC, and DDC will forward it to PCU / DoLIDAR.

129. The monthly reports will be based on recurrent site inspections and will report on the effectiveness of the
mitigation measures; the contractor's compliance with the environmental specifications; measures recommended in
the events of non-compliance, and recommendations for any other corrective plan.

130. The trimester environment monitoring report will be submitted for the first year of operation of the road by
the Proponent (DDC/DTO) to Executing Agency (PCU/DoLIDAR), who will forward the report to ADB. This is to
ensure that post project monitoring is also carried out at least for one year.

Fig. 7.1: Environmental Management Organization Structure

Government of Nepal ADB and Donor
Ministry of Local Development (MoLD)- Agencies
Env. Management Section


Monitoring Environment &

Technology Section RRRSDP - PCU
DDC Assisted by: CISC
Environment Specialist


Safeguard Unit
Env + Resettlement + Social

Line of Command
Road Building Groups
Line of Coordination Contractors

7.3. Benefit augmentation measures and mitigation measures implementation strategy

131. The DDC/DTO with support of DPO/DIST at local level and PCU/CISC at central level will be responsible
for conducting careful and routine monitoring of environmental safeguard and ensure the implementation of
mitigation measures and according to EMAP. Overall implementation of the EMP will become proponent’s
responsibility. Framework for implementing environmental management plan is shown by Table 7.2.

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road, 25

Parbat District
Table 7.2: Beneficial Impacts and Proposed Enhancement Measures
Type of Impact *) Responsible Agencies
Activity Effect Related Beneficial Impacts Benefit Augmentation Measures
Ma Executing Supporting
Nat Ext Dur
g Agency Agency
Construction Stage
Construction of road Employment Generation Increase in income level D H L ST Maximize manual work through local, poor, vulnerable and DDC/DTO/ DPCC / VICCC /
and Increase in Income Employment generation of Skilled women. Proponent will conduct Livelihood Enhancement Skills DIST CISC/PCU
12591 person days and unskilled Training (LEST) program
62956 person days.
Construction of road Skill Enhancement Increase in income generating D M L LT Priority to Affected Peoples (APs) and vulnerable groups, job DPO/DIST DDC/DTO /
activities, employment training on various constructions works. CISC/PCU
Construction of road Enterprise development Enhancement in local economy D M L ST Proponent will conduct Livelihood Enhancement Skills Training DPO/DIST DDC/DTO /
and commercialization (LEST) program CISC/PCU
Construction Community Empowerment Increase in income and ownership. IN L L ST Coordination committees will be constituted and training will be DPO/DIST DDC/DTO /
coordination committee and Ownership given to them. Training such as Advocacy Training, Leadership CISC/PCU
and RBG program Training under Empowerment related Training of LEST program
will be given by proponent.
Operation Stage
Operation of Road Improvement in Saving in travel time and travel D H R LT Proper maintenance (regular, emergency) , continuation of DTO/DDC DoLIDAR
Accessibility and Saving of cost. This road helps to links rural bioengineering
Time and Transportation areas of Parbat district with
Cost Siddhartha highway at Naudada.
This is shorter route to reach
Siddhartha Highway from Parbat
district (only 20 KM from
Karkineta). This road helps to
reduce travel time and cost of local
people to access other part of the
Operation of Road Increase in Trade, Shifts towards improved and IN L L LT Manage planned growth with required infrastructure facilities in DPO DDC/VDC
Commerce and commercial agriculture. Growth the market areas. Agriculture extension services, market linkages
Development of Market and extension of the minor local and networking for better market price.
centers markets along the road like in
Karkineta Bazaar and Bayalneta.
Operation of Road Appreciation of Land Improvement in local economic IN M L LT Promotion of land development activities and control of DDC/DPO DDC/VDC
Value condition encroachment within RoW. Awareness program shall be
organized on use of high value land to get bank loans for setting
up enterprise ventures.
Operation of Road Increased Crop Socioeconomic development and IN H L LT Promotion of market linkages and networking for better market DDC, VDC DDC, VDC

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road, 26

Parbat District
Type of Impact *) Responsible Agencies
Activity Effect Related Beneficial Impacts Benefit Augmentation Measures
Ma Executing Supporting
Nat Ext Dur
g Agency Agency
Productivity and Sale of
raise in quality service. Sale of farm price.
Farm Products and livestock products will increase
in Aahal Gairo, Rata Mata,
Karkineta Bazaar and Bayalneta
settlements which are potential
areas for the production of
vegetables, fruits and cash crops
such as ginger, Orange, Vegetables
Operation of Road Enhancement of Ease of access to social service and D H L LT Keep road maintained to ensure access facility that will attract Local DDC, VDC
Community Development raise in quality service development of other social services facilities people,
Services DDC, VDC
Operation of Road Women and Indigenous Poor, disadvantaged groups and IN H L LT Trainings under GAP will be provided which include programs VDC / DDC VDC / DDC
People Enhancement women will have easy and frequent like Legal and women human right literacy classes, Reproductive
access to social services (education, cum maternity health care orientation classes, Gender sensitization
health, community development, and social inclusion training and Trimester GAP implementation
bank,training, CBOs and review workshops will be conducted as per GAP of social plan.
networking) Total budget for GAP is NRs. 76500.

Table 7.3: Adverse Impacts and Proposed Mitigation Measures

Responsibility for Mitigation
Type of Impact *)
Activity Potential Negative Effects Related Adverse Impacts Mitigation Measures Responsible Relevant
Nat Mag Ext Dur Rev Executing Supporting
Agency Agency
Construction Stage
Physical Environment
Construction of Change in land use - Loss of Reduce product of 1.3 MT of Compensation will be given for loss of private
Road, site clearance 0.563 ha. of cultivated land, wheat, maize and millet annually. properties. Proponent will assist the farmers in
0.022 ha.of barren land, 0.51 D H L LT IR coordination with district agriculture office for better DDC/DTO DIST
ha.of forest and 0.042 ha.of agriculture extension services.
settlement areas .
Construction of Spoil Disposal and imposed Gully erosion, landslide, disruption Proper site selection and management of spoil at
Road, earth weight of spoil on fragile slopes of road, damage to farmland, water D M SS ST Re designated areas approved by Engineer; provision of DDC/DTO
excavation pollution etc. proper drainages, toe walls; Proposed Safe spoil

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road, 27

Parbat District
Responsibility for Mitigation
Type of Impact *)
Activity Potential Negative Effects Related Adverse Impacts Mitigation Measures Responsible Relevant
Nat Mag Ext Dur Rev Executing Supporting
Agency Agency
disposal sites are Ch 0+150, 0+350, 2+700, 4+250,
6+250and 8+600
Site clearance, Slope Instability Erosion, landslide, loss of property. Re-vegetation of exposed areas; adoption of bio-
excavation Areas of concern are at Ch 1+700, engineering techniques at Ch. 1+700 and 6+700
6+800 and 9+860 (Grass plantation, Brush layering, Palisades,
Shrub/Tree plantation), at Ch. 9+860 bioengineering
measures together with gabion breast wall is
IN M SS MT Re proposed; no construction work during rainy season; DDC/DTO DIST
and use of soft engineering structures. Soil
conservation will be done by providing cross
drainage structures with protection works at outlet
for safe discharge of drain water on eroded roadside
Construction of Drainage Management, Erosion, landslide, damage to Proper drainage structures and proper spoil disposal,
Road generation of large volume of farmland Avoid blockage or diversion of natural channels due
surface runoff IN M SS MT IR to construction of road and disposal of spoils, DDC/DTO DIST
channelize surface water discharge from side drains
with outlet management
Operation of quarry River bank cutting and erosion, Damage to farmland, water Proper selection and management of quarry sites,
change in river regime, pollution etc. rehabilitation of quarry sites after completion of DDC/DTO/
instability, land slide, work. Recommended quarry sites are at Ch. 5+800 Contractor/ PCU/CISC/
D L L ST Re and Andhi Khola, for Sand and Aggregates 22 KM RBGs DIST/VICCC
from the proposed road.
Construction works, Dust from exposed surface,
Use of face mask while working on dust prone DDC/DTO /
operation of from construction equipments Air pollution, public health risks D L L ST Re areas, covering of dust sources DIST
construction and vehicles
vehicles, material
hauling and Increase in level of noise around Noise pollution, disturbance and DDC/DTO /
unloading etc school, forest areas annoyance. D L L ST Re Restrict horn near school and forest etc. Contractor DIST

Slope cutting, spoil

Increase in sediment level, spills DDC/DTO/
and waste disposal Water pollution and impact on Proper spoil management, avoid disposal of
and leakage of oils and D L L ST Re excavated materials in the water bodies areas. Contractor/RBG DIST/VICCC
during road users
chemicals to water bodies s

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road, 28

Parbat District
Responsibility for Mitigation
Type of Impact *)
Activity Potential Negative Effects Related Adverse Impacts Mitigation Measures Responsible Relevant
Nat Mag Ext Dur Rev Executing Supporting
Agency Agency
Construction of road Location of Camp Sites, Storage Encroachment of forest, agriculture Use of local labours; Siting camp away from
Depots land, solid waste,and waste water productive lands; pay compensation for using
may cause pollution private farm or lands for storage or camp; electricity DPO assisted by
D M L ST Re and first aid facilities will be provided in camp sites; DIST/ DIST/VICCC
provision of soak pit and pit latrine will be made. Contractor
Appropriate camp site should be at 5+600, 6+750,
8+600 and 9+200.
Operation of Construction equipment Air pollution due to emission of Equipment/vehicles deployed for construction
DPO assisted by
construction vehicles (Rollers, tippers, smoke, increase in vibration and activities shall be regularly maintained. All the DIST/CISC/PC
equipments spreader, water tanker etc.) noise pollution vehicles deployed for material movement shall be U
spill proof to the extent possible
Construction of Decrease in aesthetic value Disturbances in working areas and Cover the road alignment by planting tree on both DPO in PCU / CISC /
Road scar on topography sides; manage working areas. assistance by Users
DIST / Committee /
Contractors VDC
Operation of Storage of Petrol, diesel and Water sources and soil are Store fuels and chemicals on paved surface with
construction grease for vehicles. Kerosene polluated. Affects health of the surrounding catch drain to protect soil from leakage.
vehicles fuel, for workers to used for light. workers. Proper storage of hazardous chemicals and
Kerosene and spoil IN L SS ST IR providing information signboards. Use of safety DIST/Contractor
productivity. gears to workers during handling of chemicals and
fuels. Close monitoring during operation of
Biological Environment
Clearance of Loss or Degradation of Forests Loss of green cover; loss of Cutting of tree only in formation width,
vegetation necessary (0.51 Ha) and Vegetation/trees environmental benefits from compensatory plantation of local species of tree at
for road formation (91 numbers) vegetation, disturbance in D H L LT Re 1:25 ratio + 10 percent in forest land . Total DDC/DTO/DFO
ecological function (dust and noise compensatory plantation will be 2503 numbers of
absorbance, aesthetic value etc trees.
Construction Impact on Wildlife Due To Loss Killing and harrasing of wildlife; Work only in day time, do not disturb wildlife,
activity of Habitat and Hunting Loss of biodiversity and valuable IN L L ST Re aware workers DDC/DTO/DFO DFO/CFUGs/
species of wildlife DIST
Construction Impacts on Flora and Fauna Loss of biodiversity Minimum site clearance, discouraging workers for
IN L L MT IR collecting fuel wood from forest or DDC/DTO/DFO
activity DF/CFUGs/DI

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road, 29

Parbat District
Responsibility for Mitigation
Type of Impact *)
Activity Potential Negative Effects Related Adverse Impacts Mitigation Measures Responsible Relevant
Nat Mag Ext Dur Rev Executing Supporting
Agency Agency
hunting/harassing faunas ST
Social-economic Environment
Loss or Degradation of Farm Reduced production, hardship, food Compensation for affected people. A separate
Acquisition of land Land and Productivity (0.56 shortage Resettlement Plan will be prepared to address land
for maintaining road Ha), annual loss of 1.3 Metric acquisition and compensation issues. Camp sites and DDC/DTO CFC1
width Tons of food grain production spoil sites shall away from productive agricultural
Acquisition of land Loss of Private Properties Compensation and resettlement measures will be
and property for dealt as per decision made by Compensation
maintaining road Displacement of people, hardship D H L LT IR Determination Committee (CDC). The total DTO / DIST CFC
width resettlement and rehabilitation cost is NRs.
Demolition of Impact on Community Loss of services (see table 6.2) Restoration or relocation of affected infrastructures:
structures along road Infrastructure Irrigation Crossing (4+075, 3+900, 2+412, 1+980
alignment and 0+800), Water Supply Pipe (4+050, 2+500,
1+100 and 5+500), Foot Trail (3+650, 2+650, PCU
D H L MT Re 2+370, 1+900, 1+980, 1+200 and 5+212), Access DDC/DTO DIST/CISC/VI
road (1+000, 5+212). prohibited spoil disposal near CCC/VDC
Water Source (1+700 and 1+650 (tap)). Information
signboard will be placed in School area (2+650 and
Occupational health Health and safety matters Injury, fatal accidents, outbreak of Occupational health and safety regulations, first aid
and safety aspects epidemics and diseases, decline in facility at sites with health treatment arrangements, DDC/DTO /
capacity to work contingency planning; Proper drinking water and Contractors
toilet facility for construction crew
Operation Stage
Physical Environment
Quarrying, operation Road Slope Stability and Slides and slope failure, Major area of concern is at Ch. 9+860. include DoLIDAR ,
of road Management Disturbance to traffic flow, Immediate clearance of slides and restoration of DFO, District
pollution of water bodies, impacts D M L LT Re slopes; regular maintenance of bio-engineering and DDC/DTO/VDC Watershed and
on agriculture land, loss of civil structures for slope protection; restoration of Soil

The Land Acquisition Guidelines, 1991 specify the establishment of an Acquisition and Rehabilitation Committee (also known as Compensation Fixation Committee, “CFC”)
for fixing the rate of compensation of private properties to be acquired, consisting of the concerned Chief District Officer (Chair), Land Revenue Officer, representative of the
DDC and the Project Manager and others as deemed necessary.
IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road, 30
Parbat District
Responsibility for Mitigation
Type of Impact *)
Activity Potential Negative Effects Related Adverse Impacts Mitigation Measures Responsible Relevant
Nat Mag Ext Dur Rev Executing Supporting
Agency Agency
vegetation. rill and gully formation; and conservation of soil. Conservation
Operation of Air, Noise and Water Pollution Disturbance to students, patients, Speed limit for vehicles, no horn signs, use DoLIDAR/
vehicles, Inadequate wildlife, effect to nearby agriculture D L L LT Re vegetation barrier; Regular maintenance of drainage. DDC/DTO Local
drainage land and crops administration
Biological Environment
Road operation Depletion of Forest Resources Loss of timber, forest resources. Enforcement of law, vigilance and monitoring, DFO/
IN M L LT IR participation of community. CFUGs/VDCs DDC/CDO

Road operation Disturbance to the Wildlife and Affect wildlife and bird species Prohibition of blowing horns near the forest areas.
Illegal Hunting from vehicular movement, blowing DTO/ CFUGs DDC/CDO /
of horn near the forest area. Illegal IN L L LT IR DFO
Social-economic Environment
Easy Access by road Unplanned New Settlement and Encroachment of RoW, increased Awareness program, enforcement of law, planning
operation Market Center Development accidents, delay in traffic of land development, plantation of trees.
movement, depletion of local
resources, water pollution
Operation of Road Change in Social behavior Social and cultural conflicts Awareness, Enforcement of law and order, DDC/
Provision of training for skill DoLIDAR
Operation of Road Road Safety Measures Increase in accidents Appropriate road safety measures, Safety signs DDC/
along the road. DoLIDAR
* Legend Value in parenthesis is level of significance:
Nature- IN= Indirect; D= Direct
Magnitude- L= Low; M= Medium; H= High
Extent- SS= Site Specific; L= Local; R= Regional; N= National; CB= Cross-boundary
Duration- ST= Short Term; MT= Medium Term; LT= Long term
Re= Reversible; IR= Irreversible

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road, 31

Parbat District
7.4. Mitigation cost
132. The estimated cost for beneficial augmentation measures like awareness raising program, skill training,
promotion of small scale industries, and income generation activities will be covered by the Community
Empowerment Component and Livelihood Enhancement Skills Training (LEST) program of the RRRSDP. Costs for
income generation and awareness program activities for Affected Persons (APs) are included in Social Action Plan.
The design and cost estimate for most of the suggested mitigation measures such as slope stabilization, quarry site
management, spoil disposal, supply of face masks, helmets, muffles, accidental insurance, bioengineering measures,
plantation, land slide rehabilitation shall be incorporated in the design and cost estimates. Therefore, most of the
mitigation measures suggested would be a part of main project cost. All proposed mitigation measures will be
integrated in the project design so that these measures may automatically form part of the construction and
operational phases of the project. The indicative cost for environmental enhancement and mitigation is presented in
the Table 7.4.

Table 7.4: Cost Estimate for Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Measures
SN. Environmental Protection Measures Estimated Budget (NRs.) Remarks
1. Benefits Augmentation Measures
1.1 Training to DDC/DTO/DPO/DIST to 50,000.00 To be included in project cost
conduct environmental monitoring and
1.2 Training to Naike of RBGs 50,000.00 To be included in project cost

1.3 Enhancement in Technical Skills 200,000.00 To be included in project cost

Sub-Total (1) 300,000.00
2. Adverse Impacts Mitigation Measures
2.1 Bio-engineering work/Road side 609,105.00 To be included in BoQ
2.2 RBG Insurance 400,000.00 To be included in project cost
2.3 Information Signboard 100,000.00 To be included in BoQ
2.4 Ressetlement Cost (Compensation for 4,813,164.00 T o be included in
properties) Resettlement plan
2.5 Restoration or relocation of affected 500,000.00 To be included in BoQ
infrastructures, spoils disposal site
management and rehabilitation, reinstate
of quarry etc.
2.6 Compensatory plantation 150,180.00 To be included in project cost
Re-plantation / Re-forestation
2.7 Social Cost 453,000.00 To be included in Social plan,
project cost
2.8 Occupational health and safety; First aid 550,000.00 To be included in BoQ
boxes, campsite sanitation (Pit latrine);
solid waste management, Safety measures
for workers (Helmets, gloves, masks,
boots, etc,)
Sub-Total (2) 7,575,449.00
Total 7,875,449.00

7.5. Implementation of Mitigation Measures

133. The mitigation measures will be integrated into project design and tender documents. Using this approach,
the mitigation measures will automatically become part of the project construction and operation phase. By
including mitigation measures in the contract or in specific items in the Bill of Quantities, monitoring and
supervision of mitigation implementation could be covered under the normal engineering supervision provisions of
the contract. The project contractor will be bound by the parameters identified in the environmental assessment
pertaining to specific mitigation measures in the contract. The final acceptance of the completed works should not
occur until the environmental clauses have been satisfactorily implemented.
134. The tender instruction to bidders will explicitly mention the site-specific mitigation measures to be
performed, the materials to be used, labor camp arrangements, and waste disposal areas, as well as other site specific

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road,

Parbat District 32
environmental requirements. Action to be taken against failure to comply with EMAP requirements will also be
clearly agreed in the contract agreement document.

7.6. Environmental Monitoring

135. The IEE prescribes the mitigation measures in order to minimize adverse impacts and to enhance beneficial
impacts. Environmental monitoring plan is an important tool to ensure the implementation of mitigation measures.

7.6.1 Monitoring Responsibility

136. Monitoring is an integral part of the project proponent. The Proponent, DDC/DTO Parbat will develop in-
built monitoring mechanism to safeguard environment construction and operational stages. DDC/DTO will be
supported by District Implementation Team (DPO and DIST) team in the district and Environmental Management
Specialist from the CISC will ensure meaningful monitoring and undertaking corrective actions.

137. According to EPR, 1997, the MLD/DoLIDAR is responsible for monitoring and evaluation of the impact of
the implementation of the project. The MLD/DoLIDAR checks whether the DDC/DTO is carrying out monitoring
activities as per the IEE, and if the prescribed mitigation measures are being implemented. Total cost estimated for
central level environmental monitoring is NRs. 50,000.

138. DDC/DTO with support from PCU/CISC will make arrangements for sub-project level monitoring. It will
constitute a monitoring team. Project's district management team should be responsible for forming the monitoring
team, financing the monitoring works, providing logistics and other necessary support. Thus, it is recommended that
an external team hired by DDC/DTO take responsibility for periodic monitoring of the environmental performance,
in addition to the regular supervision and guidance provided by the DIST at the site. The sub-project specific
monitoring plan as given in Table 7.4 and 7.5 shall be followed. At least one monitoring in each construction
season is necessary.

139. The sub-project level monitoring team should submit its report to RRRSDP district management, which
should forward a copy to the RRRSDP-PCU. Total cost of environmental monitoring (field visits, observation,
review of reports and report preparation) is estimated NRs.200, 000.00 as given in Table 7.5.

Table 7.5: Environmental Monitoring Cost

S. No. Detail Unit Quantity Rate Total (NRs.)
Environmental Management Man-month Included in the Cost of
1 Specialist DIST
Sociologist / Public Relation Man-month Included in the Cost of
2 Expert DIST
3 Report Preparation LS 100,000.00
4 Transportation LS 50,000.00
Cost for Monitoring by LS 50,000.00
TOTAL 200,000.00

Thus, total environmental monitoring and management cost is NRs. 8,075,449.00

7.6.2 Types of Monitoring and Monitoring Parameters

140. Monitoring is an on going component of the environmental assessment process and subsequent environmental
management and mitigation activities. There are basically three types of monitoring: baseline monitoring,
Compliance Monitoring and Impact Monitoring.

141. Environmental Monitoringfor this sub project are:

a. Compliance Monitoring - It verifies whether contract environmental clauses and the mitigation measures
are properly implemented in the field. The frame work for compliance monitoring is given in the Table 7.6.

b. Impact Monitoring - It confirms whether the environmental mitigation measures specified in the project
design and contract are correctly formulated. The frame work for impact monitoring is given in the Table

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road,

Parbat District 33
Table 7.6: Compliance Monitoring for Karkineta-Lunkhu Road Construction Works
Responsible Responsible
Verifiable Verification
Implementing Monitoring
Parameters & Indicators Schedule
Agency Indicators Methods Agency
Final alignment selection as per DIST Incorporation of IEE / EMP recommendations into Walkthrough along final road alignment, Initial stage Proponent through
IEE /EMP recommendation alignment selection process and design document verifying sensitive areas preconstruction CISC; DoLIDAR
Land and property acquisition and Proponent with Cadastral records, Land and properties acquisition Public consultation, photos; geo- Initial stage pre- CFC / PCU (CISC)
compensation assistance of DIST procedures; referencing; construction / DOLIDAR /
phase - well MoLD
Procedures followed during voluntary donation of Check inventory against cadastral records
ahead of
Land; Preparation of inventory of infrastructures and discuss with people
likely to be affected
Resettlement, assistance and Proponent / DIST Legal provisions by GoN; Check compliance to legal procedures Well ahead of CFC / PCU (CISC)
compensation construction / DOLIDAR /
Compensations paid
Site selection and preparation of Proponent / VICCC Project’s arrangement for materials storage, and Site observation, geo-referencing and Beginning of DIST/ DPO
construction logistics construction activities photographic documentation construction
Use of local labour, particularly DPCC / VICCC / Specifications which obligate the contractors/BG to Records of the that facilitates and During the entire Proponent / DPO
vulnerable groups and women DIST observe certain quotas for employing local labour, coordinates the process for local people’s period where
specially vulnerable groups and women, prohibition employment, interviews labour work is
of child labour contracted,
Awareness and orientation Proponent in Training programmes for skill development, Specifications; Training records, check Beginning of DIST / Proponent
training on road construction to assistance of DIST occupational safety and environmental protection training programme reports, assess construction and (DTO)
technicians, and locally employed associated with road construction works feedback from participants during
labourers construction
DIST / Contractor Health and safety regulations, first aid and medical Spot checks at work sites, photos, throughout Proponent / DPO
(if involved) arrangements, contingency plan, number and type of accident records, interviews construction
Compliance to Occupational
safety equipments such as mask, helmet, glove, safety activities,
health and safety matters
belt, First Aid, Emergency Rescue trimester
Compliance to Environmental Arrangement specified in the Code of Practice and in Site inspection, DISTussion with Project Before and during DPO/Proponent
Protection Measures, including Manuals relating to environmental protection; EMP management, consultants, and local construction
pollution prevention, water and detail in IEE Document; records and observations on people. Quantifying site-specific impacts, period

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road,

Parbat District 34
Responsible Responsible
Verifiable Verification
Implementing Monitoring
Parameters & Indicators Schedule
Agency Indicators Methods Agency
soil management, slope Contractor /RBG/ pollution, waste management, spoil deposit. Training photos, laboratory tests where required.
stabilisation, cut and fill, waste DIST programmes for labourers to prevent impacts on
Existing patrol, control and enforcement
management, spoils, sensitive wildlife sensitive habitats, forests and fuel wood use.
mechanisms, enforcement records
habitats and critical sites,
protection of fauna and flora
Vegetation clearance Contractor / RBG / Actual number of trees felled during construction Record, inspection and interview with After detail DPO
DIST works; Location (in Formation Width or RoW local people and CFUGs design and before
construction work
Measures to avoid pressure on Contractor / RBG / Use of firewood or fossil fuel by construction crew, Inspection, interview with local people Once a month DPO / CFUGs /
forest and wildlife DIST events of hunting and poaching of wildlife and CFUGs during Proponent
Measures to protect environment Contractor / RBG / Dust level and noise level at work sites, major Visual observation, Observation of good Once in a month Proponent / DPO
from air & noise pollution DIST settlements and sensitive spots like health centres and construction practices and during
schools construction
DISTussion with residents and
Measures to protect water bodies Contractor / RBG / Visual observation, observation of open Site inspection, test of site-selected Once in a month Proponent / DPO
from pollution DIST defecation/waste/spoil disposal around water sources samples of local streams water using during
near construction sites . standard field kit, interview construction;
Upon demand for
testing with field
Restoration, rehabilitation, Contractor / RBG / Continued services by the facilities and functional Site observation; VDC records; Public Once in 15 days Proponent / DPO
reconstruction of all infrastructure DIST public life Consultation Meetings; Photos during
services disrupted or damaged by construction
the proposal activities
Adequate technical and DIST Adequate number of technicians regularly at site Check number and type of technicians Twice a month DPO , Proponent
environmental supervision available at site; during
Ability to implement labour based road construction
concept Skill of work carried out;

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road,

Parbat District 35
Responsible Responsible
Verifiable Verification
Implementing Monitoring
Parameters & Indicators Schedule
Agency Indicators Methods Agency
Clean up and reinstatement of the Contractor / RBG / Decommissioned sites indicate no adverse/residual Site observation; Comparing photos; At end of Proponent / DPO
construction sites (camps, DIST environmental impacts, and are rehabilitated to the Consultation with land owners and CBOs construction
quarries, borrow pits) satisfaction of the supervisor and land owners period

Table 7.7: Impact / Effect Monitoring for Karkineta-Lunkhu Road Construction Works
Verification Responsible
Parameters &
Verifiable Indicators Methods Location Schedule Implementation and
Monitoring Agency
Slope stability and Inclination, slope failures causes; Drainage facilities such as Site observation, photos Near steep slopes and Continuously DIST during
erosion catch drain, side drains and functionality of cross drainage DISTussion with people and at landslide areas and during construction construction;
structures; Fresh gullies and erosion; technicians sites where bio- and operation Proponent / DPO / Soil
Success/failure of bio-engineering solutions engineering Conservation Office
failed during operation
Bio-engineering of Re-vegetation through bio-engineering application on Site observation; Cut slope area, where During and at end DIST/ Proponent
disturbed slopes disturbed slope; Inspection of nursery and its vegetation is cleared; of Project
Establishment of nursery production rate, Nursery construction
photos, measurements
Disposal of Spoils Affected aesthetic value, affected forest and agriculture, Site observation and interviews, At specific locations During DIST/ Proponent
and construction initiated land erosion by local blocked drainage, hazard to photos, geo-referencing sites where such sites occur construction
wastes downhill slope residents and agricultural lands
Quarrying of Initiated erosion, changes in river regime, erosion by river Site observation, photos, Quarry site areas During DIST/ Proponent
construction systems, landslide due to quarrying, degradation of records from local health centres construction
materials vegetation, water logging, waterborne diseases
Disruption of Status of rehabilitation Observation and interviews, Disrupted aquatic During DIST / Proponent
drainage system Service status of irrigation and water supply system; photos, system, irrigation construction
Operation and maintenance requirement fisheries data, wildlife records schemes
Loss or Status of road side land; Observation, data collection and Road side land and During Proponent / DIST/
degradation of Production / yield; analysis and interview with houses construction VICCC
farmland , houses Status of road side houses; stakeholders
and properties Status of standing crop along alignment
Water quality observation of open defecation and waste disposal around Visual observation, measurement local streams During DIST / Proponent
water sources near construction sites ; Parameters like pH, of water sample using standard construction; Upon
hardness, DO etc. field kit demand for testing

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road,

Parbat District 36
Verification Responsible
Parameters &
Verifiable Indicators Methods Location Schedule Implementation and
Monitoring Agency
with field kit
Air quality Dust level in ambient air Visual inspection At construction sites During DIST / Proponent
and comparison with baseline and at sensitive spots construction and
condition (schools, health spots, operation
major settlements)
Forest and Numbers of trees, presence of ground vegetation, signs of Observations, DFO records, In and around the During DIST/ CFUGs/DFO
vegetation illicit logging and extraction of NTFPs photos; interview with CFUGs construction sites, construction and during construction;
members markets, operation CFUGs / DFO during
Wildlife Wildlife hunting trapping and poaching by work force, trade Interview with local people / Forest areas at roadside Twice a year DIST during
of wildlife, DFO/ CFUGs members, photos, during construction construction;
biological survey on selected biota, road accidents inflicting observations and routine during CFUGs/DFO during
wildlife operation operation
Change in Numbers of people employed by the Project during Records kept by the Project Project Area Trimester during DIST /Proponent
economy construction management, DISTussion with construction phase
Numbers of women in work forces stakeholders
Trade and Numbers of shops increased or decreased, rental of houses Records, interviews, Project Area Throughout Proponent / VDC
commerce and land spaces observations, photos Project, once in a
Cottage industries Establishment of industries in the vicinity of Project Area Records and interviews, photos Project Area/ zone of Throughout Project Proponent / VDC
Occupational Type and number of accident occurred during construction; Observations, photos, spot Project Area During DIST/Proponent
safety and hazard Adequacy of occupational safety measured provided; checks, contractors’ and health construction
Compensation provided in case of fatal accidents or invalidity centre records interview with
Change in socio- No and extent of new settlements / types and ethnic groups; Observations, interview with Project Area During operation Proponent / VDC
economic structure Nos and extent of new businesses; Nos and extent of new local people, DDC Police and
services and utilities, social conflicts VDC records
Ribbon settlement Congestions to road users Records, observations Project Area During operation DDC/CDO
Nos. of accidents, RoW encroachment

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road,

Parbat District 37
8.0 Conclusion and Recommendations

8.1 Conclusion
142. The IEE study of the proposed Karkineta-Lunkhu road sub-project does not pass through any
environmentally sensitive area and have minimal detrimental effects associated with loss of forest and agricultural
land. This This road helps to links rural areas of Parbat district with Siddhartha highway at Naudada. This is shorter
route to reach Siddhartha Highway from Parbat district (only 20 KM from Karkineta). Most of the adverse impacts
predicted are of low significance and short term as well as of reversible nature. The beneficial impacts with the
facility of access to market centers and location of social services will enhance productivity in rural area and
improve the quality of life of the people. In addition, local people will get direct employment as workers which will
contribute significantly in improving their livelihood. These benefits from the implementation of the proposed road
project are more significant and long term in nature against the adverse impacts most of which could be mitigated or

143. The IEE has shown that none of the anticipated environmental impacts of constructing the proposed road is
significant enough to need a detailed follow-up EIA or special environmental study. Therefore, this IEE is sufficient
for approval of the sub-project.

8.2 Recommendation
144. A key consideration in selecting the road alignment is to minimize the acquisition of valuable agricultural and
forest land. However, some agricultural and forest land and possibly some built areas will have to be acquired for
construction of the proposed road. A Resettlement Plan will be required to ensure that the persons affected by these
losses are properly compensated.

145. The proposed road project is recommended for implementation with incorporation of mitigation measures and
environmental management plan.

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road,

Parbat District 38
9.0 Miscellaneous


ADB, 2003 Environmental Assessment Guidelines. Asian Development Bank, Manila, The Philippines
ADB, 2007, Summary Initial Environmental Examination, RRRSDP Project, ADB TA 4919 NEP, Final Draft

Center I, 1997 “Environmental Impact assessment, Mac-Grw Hill Inc. USA”

DDC Profile of Parbat District
Department of Roads, 1998 “Nepal Road Statistics”

Department of Roads, 2002, Reference Manual for Roadside Bioengineering

Department of Roads, 2002, Site Handbook for Roadside Bioengineering
Department of Roads, 2003, Reference Manual for Environmental and Social Aspects of Integrated Road

Department of Roads, 2003, Reference Manual for Environmental and Social Aspects of Integrated Road

Department of Roads, GEU. 1996 “Bio-Engineering Information”
 Department of Roads, GEU. 1997 “Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines for the Road Sectors”
 DoLIDAR 1999 APPROACH for the Development of Agricultural and Rural Roads. Department of Local

Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads, 1999

DoLIDAR Green Road Approach Manual
DRILP 2006 Environmental Guidelines (Draft), Decentralized rural Infrastructure and Livelihood Project,

GoN 2006 Environmental and Social Management Framework. Road maintenance and Development

Project, Department of Roads, Ministry of Physical Planning and Works, November 2006

GoN/DoLIDAR, 2007 Environmental Assessment and Review Procedures for RRRSDP (Draft)
GTZ, SDC, 1999 Green Roads in Nepal, Best Practices Report – An Innovative Approach for Rural

Infrastructure Development in the Himalayas and Other Mountainous Regions.

GTZ/SDC, 2000 Green Road: Best Practices

HMG/N 1973 National Park and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1973

HMG/N 1993 Forest Act, 1993

HMG/N 1995 Forest Rules, 1995

HMG/N 1996 Environment Protection Act, 1997, Ministry of Law and Justice, GoN, Kathmandu

HMG/N 1997 Environment Protection Rules, 1997, Ministry of Law and Justice, GoN, Kathmandu

HMG/N 1998 Environment Guide for Small Rural Infrastructure Projects.

HMG/N 1999 Local Self Governance Act, 1999 and Land Acquisition Act, 1977

HMG/N 2000 Local Self Governance Rules, 2000
HMG/N 2003 REFERENCE MANUAL for Environmental and Social Aspects of Integrated Road

Development, Ministry of Physical Planning and Works
ICIMOD, 1998 Access Improvement and Sustainable Development, Rural Road Development in Nepal, Durga

P. Poudyal
IUCN, 1996 “ EIA Training Manual for Professional and Managers”
 PROJECT GRANT AGREEMENT (GRANT NUMBER 0093-NEP (SF)) (Special Operations) for (Rural
Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Sector Development Program) between NEPAL and ASIAN

RAP 2001 Initial Environmental Examination Guidelines (Draft). Department for International

Development (UK) Rural Access Programme Nepal
RAP, 2000 “ Brief Paper on Environmental Guidelines For Road Corridor Alignment, WSP, GOECE and
 RAP, 2001 “Initial Environmental Examination Guidelines , WSP, GOECE, and ODG”
 Uprety B K 2003 Safeguarding the Resources ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Process and

RRRSDP, 2008 Project Administrative Memorandum

IEE Report of Karkineta-Lunkhu Road,

Parbat District 39
Annex I: Terms of Reference
Annex II: Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA) Checklist

Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA) Checklist


 This checklist is to be prepared to support the environmental classification of a project. It is to be attached

to the environmental categorization form that is to be prepared and submitted to the Chief Compliance
Officer of the Regional and Sustainable Development Department.

 This checklist is to be completed with the assistance of an Environment Specialist in a Regional


 This checklist focuses on environmental issues and concerns. To ensure that social dimensions are
adequately considered, refer also to ADB checklists and handbooks on (i) involuntary resettlement, (ii)
indigenous peoples planning, (iii) poverty reduction, (iv) participation, and (v) gender and development.

 Answer the questions assuming the “without mitigation” case. The purpose is to identify potential impacts.
Use the “remarks” section to discuss any anticipated mitigation measures.

Country/Project Title: Nepal / RRRSDP

Name of the sub Project: Karkineta-Lunkhu


A. Project Sitting

Is the Project area adjacent to or within any of the

following environmentally sensitive areas?
 Cultural heritage site

Protected Area

 Wetland 



Buffer zone of protected area

Special area for protecting biodiversity

B. Potential Environmental Impacts

Will the Project cause…

 Encroachment on historical/cultural areas;

disfiguration of landscape by road
embankments, cuts, fills, and quarries?

 Encroachment on precious ecology (e.g.

sensitive or protected areas)? 
 Alteration of surface water hydrology of
waterways crossed by roads, resulting in
increased sediment in streams affected by 
increased soil erosion at construction site?

 Deterioration of surface water quality due to silt

runoff and sanitary wastes from worker-based
camps and chemicals used in construction?

 Increased local air pollution due to rock During road construction there will be

crushing, cutting and filling works, and increase in human and different
chemicals from asphalt processing? construction activities that may cause
the air pollution.
 Noise and vibration due to blasting and other
civil works?

 dislocation or involuntary resettlement of people

 Other social concerns relating to inconveniences

in living conditions in the project areas that may
trigger cases of upper respiratory problems and 

 Hazardous driving conditions where

construction interferes with pre-existing roads? 

 Poor sanitation and solid waste disposal in

construction camps and work sites, and possible
transmission of communicable diseases from 
workers to local populations?

 Creation of temporary breeding habitats for

mosquito vectors of disease? 

 Dislocation and compulsory resettlement of

people living in right-of-way? 

 Accident risks associated with increased

vehicular traffic, leading to accidental spills of
toxic materials and loss of life?

 Increased noise and air pollution resulting from

traffic volume? 

 Increased risk of water pollution from oil, grease

and fuel spills, and other materials from vehicles
using the road?

Source: field survey,MayJune, 2009

Annex III: Abstract of Cost

Estimated Rate(NRs) Amount

SN Description of works Unit
Quantity In Figure (NRs)
A General
Insurance of works, Plants and
materials, construction equipments
1 and against Lump Sum 300,000.00 300,000.00
accident to workmen including
third party insurance.
Carry out additional tests for
2 material and works as required and Lump Sum 150,000.00 150,000.00
instructed by the Engineer.
Providing Site Office for
3 Lump Sum 36,000.00 36,000.00
Supervision team
Providing motorbike for
4 Lump Sum 150,000.00 150,000.00
supervision team
Relocation of public utilities
5 structures ( Irrigation canal, Water Lump Sum 100,000.00 100,000.00
supply pipelines etc)
Sub-Total (A) 736,000.00
B. Roadway Works
1 Site clearance work
Sq.m 5,337.50 12.00 64,050.00
Sub-Total (B) 64,050.00
Excavation in roadway, drain and
foundation for gabion, dry and
cement masonary retaining wall
structures including removal and
satisfactory disposal and stacking
or hauling (to sites of embankment
construction) of suitable cut
materials as required (Respective
clause of specifications 2-1.2.2,2-
1.8 and 2-1.9)
2.1 a) ordinary soil Cum. 12,959.060 150.00 1,943,859.00
2.2 b) hard soil Cum. 23,136.460 180.00 4,164,562.80
2.3 c) Ordinary Rock Cum. 1,191.440 600.00 714,864.00
2.4 d) Medium rock Cum. 1,011.410 1,200.00 1,213,692.00
2.5 e) hard Rock Cum. 610.010 5,100.00 3,111,051.00
Sub-Total (C ) 11,148,028.80
Construction of roadway in
embankment and miscellaneous
backfilling areas with approved
material obtained from roadway
excavation including average
transportation distance up to 50 m
along the lead route, spreading in
layers, watering and compaction;
(Respective clause of
specifications 2-5)
3.1 a) ordinary soil Cum. 10,499.500 75.00 787,462.50
Sub Total (D) 787,462.50
C. Structure Works
Stone Masonry work in (1:4) in
Drain work along the
road(Respective clause of
specifications 8 A d) Cum. 4,567.085 4,714.91 21,533,393.79
2 Cement Concrete works: It
includes all labour and material
required for mixing, placing in
position, vibrating, compacting,
finishing, curing and all other
incidentals required to produce
concrete of specific strength as per
the specification. The rate includes
the work of making, fixing and
removing of all centres and forms
required for the work.(Respective
clause of specifications 11 A a)
2.1 Cement concrete work (1:3:6) Cum. 3.580 8,253.39 29,547.14
2.2 Cement Concrete work(1:2:4) Cum. 24.000 9,858.30 236,599.20
3 Dry Stone wall Cum 1,276.660 1,496.35 1,910,330.19
Sub-Total (E) 23,709,870.32
Supply and laying RCC Hume pipe
(NP3). It includes all operations
required to complete the work upto
a trench depth below the ground
5 level and jointing of pipes with 1:2
cement sand mortar.For ever
subsequent pipe having a length of
minimum 1 m. (Respective clause
of specifications 15-5 and 15-6 )
5.1 30cm Dia Rm. 187.500 2,741.28 513,990.00
Sub-Total (F) 513,990.00
Assembling,Stone Packing and
Febrication of gabion baskets
(including rolling, cutting, weaving
and supply to the site, Hexagonal
Mesh Size: 100mm*120mm,
selvedge wire-7swg, mesh wire-10
swg & binding wire-12 swg, all
heavy coated,placing them in
position including stretching,
binding them together and tying
down lids,quarrying and
transportation)(Respective clause
of specifications 17-1.4,17-5 and
Gabion Boxes of sizes (2mx1mx1
6.1 Cum. 1,374.000 2,587.69 3,555,479.19
Gabion Boxes of sizes
6.2 Cum. 739.500 2,544.63 1,881,751.42
(1.5mx1mx1 m)
Sub-Total (G) 5,437,230.61
20 cm thick stone pitching on the
prepared bedding including supply
7 Cum. 2,452.800 1,383.02 3,392,271.46
of stone and river spalls for sealing
of voids
5cm thick beddig for stone pitching
with screened Granular material Cum. 631.950 1,738.05 1,098,360.70
Sub total (H) 4,490,632.16
D. Pavement work
Subgrade preparation
work(Loosing and recompacting at
subgrade level including
1 breaking of clods, spreading in Sq.m 42,700.000 38.50 1,643,950.00
layers,watering and compaction)
Respective clause of
1.9 a
15 cm thick gravelling work
(63mm down) Lead average 21km Cum. 4,569.000 2,707.68 12,371,389.92
Sub total ( I ) 14,015,339.92
Cutting of trees having girth of
above 30 cm when measured at 1m
above the ground including the
removal of trunk, branches and
E stumps up to a lead of 100m along Nos. 91.000 87.00 7,917.00
the lead route for trees of
size:(Respective clause of
specifications 1-1.5(a), 1-1.5(b)
and 1-1.6)
Sum Total (J ) 7,917.00
( K) Total of Sub-Total
A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I and J 60,910,521.31
Bio-Engineering 1% of Total cost 609,105.21
(A) Total 61,519,626.52
15% OVERHEAD 9,227,943.98
(B) Total 70,747,570.50
13% VAT 9,197,184.17
(C)Total 79,944,754.67
Contigency@5% of total 3,997,237.73
Grand total 83,941,992.40
Cost Per KM 7,867,103.32
Annex IV: RRRSDP Environmental Checklist
1. Overview of settlements in the zone of influence (ZoI) area

VDC Name of Household Caste/ethnic distribution General

Settlement and Comment

* Use the same codes as in strip map and topographical map.

2. Economic activities/main occupation

VDC Settlement Number of HH and Percentage of Population engaged in

Agriculture Labor & Business/ Cottage GO/NGO Others
& Livestock Porter Commerce Industry Employees (specify)

3. Existing services and infrastructures

SN Service/Infrastructure Settlement Code

Category A B C D E F G H I
1.1 Campus (no.)/Higher
Students (no.)
1.2 High School (no.)/
Lower secondary
Students (no.)
1.3 Primary School (no.)
Students (no.)
2.1 Hospital/health centre
(no)Capacity (beds)
SN Service/Infrastructure Settlement Code
Category A B C D E F G H I
2.2 Health Post (no.)
Sub-Health Post (no.)
3.1 Telephone/fax
3.2 Mobile/CDMA
3.3 Post Office
4.1 from Micro-hydro
4.2 from Mini-hydro
4.3 from National Grid
4.4 from Solar System
4.5 from Diesel Generator
5.1 Hotels & Lodges (no.)
5.2 Restaurant & Tea Stall
5.3 Grocery Shops (no.)
5.4 Other Shops (no.)
(e.g. stationery,
medicine, tailoring, etc.)
6.1 Gravity-Flow Scheme
6.2 Tube-wells (no.)
6.3 Spring/Dug-wells (no.)
7.1 Surface Irrigation (ha.)
7.2 Groundwater (ha.)
8.1 Micro-hydro scheme (no.
& capacity......kw)
8.2 Water Mill (no.)
8.3 Suspension Bridges (no.)
8.4 Wooden Bridges (no.)
8.5 Other Bridges (specify)
9.1 Weaving Industry (no.)
9.2 Rice & flour Mills (no.)
9.3 Other Industries

10.1 Bank (no.)
10.2 Cooperative
11.1 Ghat (no.)
11.2 Hatia/Bazaar (no.)
11.3 Playground (no.)
11.4 Community Centre (no.)
11.5 Others (specify)

A. B. C.

4. Land holding pattern

Land Settlement Code (HH No.)

less than 1
1 to 5 ropani
5 to 10
10 to 20
20-50 ropani
> 50 ropani

A. B. C.


4. Food grain availability

Number of HHs having food sufficiency for

S Surplus Total
VDC Settlement Sufficient Sufficient Sufficient Hand to
N (Sufficient HHs
for whole for 6 for mouth
for > 12
years months 3 months existence

Source: field survey, May/June, 2009

5. Major existing agriculture production (denotes the most dominant by 1, second dominant by 2 and so

S. Type of Settlements
No. Agriculture
1.1 Rice
1.2 Wheat
1.3 Maize
1.4 Millet
1.5 Junelo
1.6 Phaper
1.7 Others (list)
2.1 Oil Seeds
2.2 Beans/Dal
2.3 Tobacco
2.4 Potato
2.5 Vegetables
2.6 Fruits
2.7 Tea/Coffee
2.8 Amliso
2.9 Sericulture
2.10 Others (list)
3.1 Cattle (cows &
3.2 Horses, Mules
3.3 Yak
3.4 Goat
3.5 Sheep
3.6 Rabbit
3.7 Pig
3.8 Fisheries
3.9 Poultry
3.10 Bee-keeping
3.11 Others
A. B. C.
D. Bayaleneta

7. Migration for employment

(a) No. of HHs from where at least one person (may be HH head) is away from home for more than
6 months. Also mention the place.
Settlement (No. of HH)

Name of settlement:
(b) Seasonal migration in search of work.
Month No. of Destination Purpose
Total HH
8. Dominant off-farm occupation in the settlement in descending order


B.1. Areas which have significant potential for development, for instance, high agricultural
production, tourism development, local mines, etc. (indicate these areas in map/sketch).

S. N. Name of Area Description of Development Potential


B.2. Scope of the proposed linkage in view of promoting socio-economic development

(communication, agricultural production, education and health).
Sectors to get direct benefit Describe how it will benefit


Type of Resource Name/specification Affecting activities Location from project
Annex V: Public Notice
Annex VI: Deed of Enquiry (Muchulka)
Annex VII: Name of the Organizations
Name of the Organizations (notice pasted and deed of inquiry obtained)
SN Name or Organization Address Remarks
1 Office of Village Development Committee, Karkineta, Parbat
2 Office of Village Development Committee, Thapathana, Parbat
3 Office of Village Development Committee, Bhangara, Parbat
Source: Field Survey, , 2009

Annex VIII: List of persons consulted

List of persons consulted

Name Designation Address
Raju Sapkota DWSCC Soil Conservation Officer
Kamal Pokharel DADO Officer
Harischandra Sapkota DFO Forest Officer
Ganesh Lal Koju DTO District Technical Office, Kushma,
Saligram Poudel Engineer DPO, Parbat
Gena Lal Chaudhari Team Leader DIST, Parbat
Binod Shrestha Social Worker Karkineta VDC
Tilakant Sharma Chairman, VICCC Karkineta VDC
Narhari Sharma Poudel Vice-Chairman, VICCC Karkineta VDC
Til Kanta Sharma Secretary, VICCC Karkineta VDC
Nabraj Subedi Treasurer, VICCC Karkineta VDC
Binod Shrestha Member, VICCC Karkineta VDC
Laxmi Poudel Enterprenuer Karkineta VDC
Giri Narayan Shresth Farmer Karkineta VDC
Prem Narayan Shrestha Farmer Karkineta VDC
Rishi Poudel Farmer Karkineta VDC
Megh Lal Bishowakarma Farmer Karkineta VDC
Ubraj Subedi Shopkeeper Bhangara VDC
Jit Bahadur Service Bhangara VDC
Toran Bahadur Gurung Farmer Bhangara VDC
Ujeli Nepali Farmer Bhangara VDC
Narendra Pr.Sharma Farmer Bhangara VDC
Baidhnath Saha Farmer Bhangara VDC
Dipendra Pr.Poudal Farmer Thapana VDC
Mahesh Pr.Sharma Shopkeper Thapana VDC
Tej Bahadur Kuwar Farmer Thapana VDC
Shiv Bhakta Sharma Farmer Thapathana VDC
Man Bahadur Kuwar Farmer Thapana VDC
Padham Pani Updhaya Teacher Thapana VDC

Source: Field Survey, May/June, 2009

Annex IX: Summary of meeting minutes with local people
Annex X: Recommendation Letters from VDC
Annex XI
XI a. Distribution of households by major occupation
XI b. Summary of public services & infrastructures
XI c. Land holding pattern of settlements within ZoI
XI d. Number of households belonging to different food security category

XIa: Distribution of households by major occupation

Settlement Number of HH in (in percentage)
Name Agriculture & Labour & Business/ Cottage Employee Total
Livestock Porter Commerce Industry s
Aahal Gairo 68 10 5 3 2 88
Rata Mata 122 12 6 5 5 150
Karkineta 155 50 15 5 15 240
Bayaleneta 138 20 8 2 13 181
Total 483 92 34 15 19 659
Percentage(%) 73.29 13.96 5.16 2.28 5.31 100
Source: Field survey, 2009

XI b. Summary of public services and infrastructures according to settlement

Community CENTRE

Fin. Institution (no)

Water supply (no)
Hydro power (no)
Settlement Name/

Irrigation (KULO)

organization (no)
Shops/lodge (no)
Health post (no)

Post office (no.)

Industry (no)
Bridge (no)
School (no)

Solar (no)

Mill (no)
Aahal Gairo 2 1 1 310 - - 12 9 2 2 - 2 2 2 1
Rata Mata 2 - 57 - 1 2 3 - 1 - 2 1 -
Karineta Bazar 2 1 - 208 - 2 11 8 2 1 - 2 2 -
Bayaleneta 3 1 - 102 - 2 2 11 2 - 1 1 -
Source: Field survey, 2009

XI c. Land holding pattern of settlements within ZoI

Settlement Number of HH
Name Land <one 1-5 ropani 5-10 10-20 20-50 >50 Total
less ropani ropani ropani ropani ropani
Aahal Gairo - 20 52 5 6 5 - 88
Rata Mata 3 40 30 27 40 10 - 150
Karineta Bazar - 25 25 75 50 65 - 240
Bayaleneta 1 40 60 50 30 - - 181
Total 4 125 167 157 126 80 - 659
Percentage (%) 0.61 18.97 25.34 23.82 19.12 12.14 0
Source: Field survey, 2009

XI d. Number of Households Belonging to Different Food Security Category

Settlement Name Surplus Sufficient Sufficient for Sufficient Less than Total
for whole 3-9 months for three three
year months months
Aahal Gairo 20 6 33 20 9 88
Rata Mata 20 20 60 30 20 150
Karineta Bazar 25 25 110 60 20 240
Bayaleneta 30 10 75 46 20 181
Total 95 61 278 156 69 659
Percentage (%) 14.4 9.3 42.2 23.7 10.4 100
Source: Field survey, 2009
Annex XII: List of trees to be removed
Size (Girth) m
(0.3-0.6)m Total Remarks
0+300 4 4 Uttis (Alnus nepalensi)
0+415 2 2 Uttis (Alnus nepalensi)
0+430 3 3 Uttis (Alnus nepalensi)
0+480 5 5 Uttis (Alnus nepalensi)
0+950 1 1 Uttis (Alnus nepalensi)
1+258 4 4 Chilaune (Schima wallichii)
1+931 6 6 Chilaune (Schima wallichii)
2+600 2 2 Chilaune (Schima wallichii)
2+735 1 1 Chilaune (Schima wallichii)
2+989 1 1 Katus (Castanopsis indica )
3+780 3 3 Katus (Castanopsis indica )
4+049 2 2 Katus (Castanopsis indica )
5+300 8 8 Katus (Castanopsis indica )
5+900 3 3 Chilaune (Schima wallichii)
5+936 3 3 Chilaune (Schima wallichii)
5+998 2 2 Laligurans (Rhodendron arboretum)
Katus (Castanopsis indica ), Laligurans (Rhodendron
6+972 7 7 arboretum)
Katus (Castanopsis indica ), Laligurans (Rhodendron
9+560 5 5 arboretum)
9+960 8 8 Laligurans (Rhodendron arboretum)
10+199 5 5 Katus (Castanopsis indica )
10+460 7 7 Katus (Castanopsis indica )
10+480 9 9 Katus (Castanopsis indica )
Total 91
Source: field survey, July, 2009
Annex XIII: Photographs

Photographs of project Area

Starting Point Road passing through Karkineta bazar

Affected Foot trail during road construction at Affected water supply pipelines along the road at
Ch. 3+650 Ch. 2+500

Water pipe line crossing at Ch. 5+500 Water tap within RoW below the road at Ch.1
School at Ch. 5+ 212 within RoW Existing landslide at Ch.9+860

Irrigation crossing at Ch. 2+412 Access Road at Ch. 5+212

Road Passing through Karkineta Community End Point at Bayalneta Bazar

Annex XIV: Summary of Cross Drainage Structures

Summary of Drainage works along the road alignment

Hume Pipe
Length Dia. Quantity
S.N. Chainage
m m no.
1 0+005 7.5 0.3 3
2 0+603 7.5 0.3 3
3 1+275 7.5 0.3 3
4 1+625 7.5 0.3 3
5 1+736 7.5 0.3 3
6 1+980 7.5 0.3 3
7 2+027 7.5 0.3 3
8 2+412 7.5 0.3 3
9 2+615 7.5 0.3 3
10 2+866 7.5 0.3 3
11 2+926 7.5 0.3 3
12 3+416 7.5 0.3 3
13 3+689 7.5 0.3 3
14 3+900 7.5 0.3 3
15 4+400 7.5 0.3 3
16 4+700 7.5 0.3 3
17 5+000 7.5 0.3 3
18 5+212 7.5 0.3 3
19 6+200 7.5 0.3 3
20 7+120 7.5 0.3 3
21 7+940 7.5 0.3 3
22 8+220 7.5 0.3 3
23 8+980 7.5 0.3 3
24 9+480 7.5 0.3 3
25 10+202 7.5 0.3 3

PCC Causeway
Earthwork Boulder Soling PCC(1:2:4)
SN Chainage Area Quantity Area Quantity Area Quantity
m sq.m. cu.m. sq.m. Cum sq.m. cu.m.

1 3+645 12.0 1.00 12.00 60.00 1 12.0

2 7+707 12.0 1.00 12.00 60.00 1 12.0
Source: Field survey, May2009
Annex XV: Affected Houses and Structures along the Road Alignment

Chainage Name of House Settlement Remarks

From To Owner Name Structure
Residental Fully
5+050 5+060 Pitambar B.K Ratamata Home damage
Padam Kishor Residental Partially
5+060 5+070 Upadhya Ratamata Home damage
5+070 5+080 V.D.C. office Karkineta Official Building damage
Chandra Datta Residensial Fully
5+080 5+090 Padhya Karkineta Home damage
Residensial Fully
5+090 5+100 Harikala Jaisi Karkineta Home damage
Devi Chandra Residensial Fully
5+100 5+110 Padhya Karkineta Home damage
Krishna Prasad Residensial Fully
5+120 5+130 Sharma Karkineta Home damage
Teelak Ram Residensial Fully
5+130 5+140 Poudel Karkineta Home damage
Residensial Fully
5+140 5+150 Tule Damai Karkineta Home damage
Tek Bahadur Residensial Fully
10 5+150 5+160 Kshatri Karkineta Home damage
Residensial Fully
11 5+160 5+170 NawaRaj Subedi Karkineta Home damage

Summary of Cost for RP

Item Unit Total loss Amount (NRs.) Remarks
1.1 Compensation for private land sqm 33211 5865053
1.2 Private Trees No. 0 0
1.3 Public tree No. 0 0
1.4 CFUGs Tree No. 0 0
1.5 Private structure No. 10 2976922.00
1.6 Public Structure No 1 401456.00
Sub Total (A) 3378378.00
2.1 Moved allowance LS 75000.00
2.2 Rental Stipend 2000*9*3 54000.00
2.3 Transportation Allowance LS 100000.00
2.4 Deed Transfer Assistance HHN 115 80000.00
2.5 Official Deed Transfer fees LS 115 100000.00
Sub Total (B) 409000.00
3 Income generation and Livelihood improvement programme 746588.00
4 Appreciation Program for APs LS 50000.00
Sub-Total (C) 796588.00
Total (A+B+C) 4583966.00
5 Provisional Sum (5%) 229198.00
6 Reserve Fund for Absentees HHs 10,00,000.00
Grand Total 4813164.00
Details of Affected Private properties

Chainage From 5+050 to 5+060

House hold No. Distance from Centre Line of the Road 1.5 m
01 Structure No.01 Address of Structure :- Ratamata

Story Total Area Area of Rate Total

(sq.ft) land to be per
acquired ( Sqft.
2 500.52

First 500.52 275 137643.00

Second 500.52 275 137643.00
Total 275286.00

Name of owner : Pitamber B K Type of structure Kacchi

Address:Karkineta 7 Parbat Material used in wall :- Mud, stone.
Citizenship Number: 358 Material used in roof : Jasta
Name of father : Tulke BK Material used in story : wood mud
Map/Sheet No: 093-1061 Plot no: 955 Present use : Residential
Owner's certificate No: No Construction year : 2037

House hold Chainage : From 5+060 to 5+070

No. 02 Structure No.02 Distance from Centre Line of the Road : 1.5 m
Address of Structure :- Karkineta - 6
Story Total Area Area of Rate per Total
(sq.ft) land to be Sqft.
acquired (

2 771.42

First 109.65 325 35636.25

Second 109.65 325 35636.25
Total 71272.50

Name of owner : Padam Kishor poudel Type of structure :- Kachchi

Address: Parbat Material used in wall Mud Wood, Stone
Citizenship Number: Material used in roof : Jasta wood
Name of father / Husband : Devi Lal Poudel Material used in story: 2
Map/Sheet No : 093-1061 Present use : Residential house
Plot No: 1181 Construction year :2037
Land Owner's certificate No: No
House hold Structure No.03 Chainage: From : 5+070 to 5+080
No. 03 Distance from Centre Line of the Road: 1.5 m
Address of Structure :- Karkineta

Story Total Area Area of Rate Total

(sq.ft) land to be per
acquired ( Sqft.
2 729.92

First 729.92 275 200728.00

Second 729.92 275 200728.00
Total 401456.00

Name of owner: VDC Office Type of structure :- Kacchi

Address: Parbat Material used in wall :- Mud, Stone
Citizenship Number : Material used in roof : Khar
Name of father : Material used in story : Wood, Mud
Map/Sheet No: 093-1061 Plot No: Present use : Governmental Building
Land Owner's certificate No: Construction year : 2049

House hold Structure No.04 Chainage From : 5+080 to 5+090

No. 04 Distance from Centre Line of the Road: 1.5 m
Address of Structure :- Karkineta

Story Total Area of Rate Total

Area land to be per
(sq.ft) acquired ( Sqft.
2 514.97

First 514.97 275 141616.00

Second 514.97 275 141616.00

Stall+Averag 514.97 275 141616.00

Top of Home
Total 424850.00

Name of owner : Chandra Datta Upadhya Type of structure :- Kachchi

Address: Parbat Material used in wall :- Stone, Mud
Citizenship Number : Material used in roof : Jasta
Name of father : Kashi Ram Upadhaya Material used in story : Wood Mud
Map/Sheet No: 093-1061 Present use : Residential House
Plot No 269 Construction year : 2040
Land Owner's certificate No:
House hold Structure No.05 Chainage : From : 5+090 to 5+100
No. 05 Distance from Centre Line of the Road: 1.5m
Address of Structure :- Karkineta
Story Total Area Area of Rate Total
(sq.ft) land to be per
acquired ( Sqft.
2 338.62

First 338.62 275 93120.00

Second 338.62 275 93120.00

Other 186241.00
Name of owner : Harikala JaisiS Type of structure :- Kachchi
Address: Durlung 3 Parbat Material used in wall :- Stone, mud
Citizenship Number: Material used in roof : Jasta
Name of father / Husband : Padam Pandi Material used in story : Bamboo, Mud
Map/Sheet No: 093-1061 Plot No: 143 Present use : Residential Home
Land Owner's certificate No: Construction year :2040

House hold No. 06 Structure No.06 Chainage From : 5+100 to 5+110

Distance from Centre Line of the Road: 1.5 m
Address of Structure :- Karkineta
Story Total Area of Rate Total
Area land to be per
(sq.ft) acquired ( Sqft.

2 450.31
First 450.31 123835.00

Second 450.31 275 123835.00

Total 247670.50
Name of owner : Devi Chandra Padhya Type of structure :- Kacchi
Address: Karkineta 7 Parbat Material used in wall :- ,Stone& Mud
Citizenship Number 363 Material used in roof : Jasta
Name of father : Ram Chandra Padhaya Material used in story : Wood
Map/Sheet No: 093-1061 Present use : Residential House
Plot No: 144 Construction year :2036
Land Owner's certificate No:
House hold Structure No.07 Chainage From : 5+120 to 5+130
No. 07 Distance from Centre Line of the Road: 1.5 m
Address of Structure :- Karkineta
Story Total Area Area of Rate per Total
(sq.ft) land to be Sqft.
acquired (
2 725.5

First 725.5 275 199512.00

Second 725.5 275 199512.00
Total 399025.00

Name of owner : Krishna Prasad Sharma Type of structure :- Kacchi

Address: parbat Material used in wall :- Stone, Mud
Citizenship Number: Material used in roof : Jasta
Name of father: Samanta Sharma Material used in story : Wood, Mud
Map/Sheet No: 093-1061 Plot No: 145 Present use : Residential home
Land Owner's certificate No: Construction year :2020

House hold Structure No.08 Chainage From : 5+130 to 5+140

No. 08 Distance from Centre Line of the Road: 1.5 m
Address of Structure :- Karkineta

Story Total Area of Rate Total

Area land to be per
(sq.ft) acquired ( Sqft.
2 412.26
First 412.26 275 113371.00
Second 412.26 275 113371.00
Total 226743.00

Name of owner :Teelak Ram Poudel Type of structure :- Kacchi

Address: Parbat Material used in wall :- Stone, Mud
Citizenship Number: Material used in roof : Jasta
Name of father / Husband : Madhusadan Poudel Material used in story : Wood,Mud
Map/Sheet No: 093-1061 Present use : Residential Home
Plot No 146 Construction year : 2040
Land Owner's certificate No:
House hold No. Structure No.09 Chainage From : 5+140 to 5+150
09 Distance from Centre Line of the Road: 1.5 m
Address of Structure :- Karkineta

Story Total Area Area of Rate Total

(sq.ft) land to be per
acquired ( Sqft.
2 483.75

First 483.75 275 133031.00

Second 483.75 275 133031.00


Total 266062.0

Name of owner : Tule Damai Type of structure :- Kacchi

Address: Parbat Material used in wall :- Stone, Mud
Citizenship Number: Material used in roof : Jasta
Name of father : Jite Damai Material used in story : wood, Mud,
Map/Sheet No: 093-1061 Present use :Residential House
Plot No: 147 Construction year 2032
Land Owner's certificate No:

House hold Structure No.10 Chainage From : 5+150 to 5+160

No. 10 Distance from Centre Line of the Road: 1.5 m
Address of Structure :- Karkineta

Story Total Area Area of Rate Total

(sq.ft) land to be per
acquired ( Sqft.
3 433.43

First 433.43 275 119193.00

Second 433.43 275 119193.00
Third 433.43 275 119193.00
Total 365829.00

Name of owner :Tek Bahadur Kshetri Type of structure :- Kachchi

Address: : Parbat Material used in wall :- Brick, Mud
Citizenship Number: Material used in roof : Jasta
Name of father : Ganga Bahadur Chhetri Material used in story : Wood Mud
Map/Sheet No: 093-1061 Present use : Residential House
Plot No: 148 Construction year : 2038
Land Owner's certificate No:
House hold No. Structure No.11 Chainage From 5+160 To 5+170
11 Distance from Centre Line of the Road: 1.5 m
Address of Structure :- Karkineta

Story Total Area Area of Rate Total

(sq.ft) land to be per
acquired ( Sqft.
3 622.96

First 622.96 275 171314.00

Second 622.96 275 171314.00

Third 622.96 275 171314.00
Total 513942.00

Name of owner : Nawa Raj Subedi Type of structure :- Kacchi

Address: Parbat Material used in wall :- Stone, Mud
Citizenship Number: Material used in roof : Jasta
Name of father : Dilli Ram Subedi Material used in story :
Map/Sheet No: 093-1061 Plot no: 149 Present use : Residential House
Land Owner's certificate No: Construction year 2040
Annex XVI: Structure for Slope Stabilization
Recommended structures necessary for slope stabilization at various places
Length Height Volume
S.NO. Description Chainage
m m m3
1 Gabion Walls 0+240 12 3 54.00
2 Gabion Walls 0+250 13 3 59.50
5 Gabion Walls 1+066 8 3 36.00
7 Gabion Walls 3+112 9 3 41.50
8 Gabion Walls 3+188 11 3 50.50
9 Gabion Walls 3+339 13 3 59.50
10 Gabion Walls 3+607 8 4 56.00
11 Gabion Walls 3+643 10 3 45.00
12 Gabion Walls 4+534 6 3 27.00
13 Gabion Walls 4+765 12 3 54.00
15 Gabion Walls 5+034 8 4 56.00
16 Gabion Walls 5+101 12 3 54.00
17 Gabion Walls 5+235 12 3 54.00
18 Gabion Walls 5+260 15 3 68.50
19 Gabion Walls 5+495 12 3 54.00
20 Gabion Walls 5+686 12 3 54.00
22 Gabion Walls 5+708 10 4 70.00
23 Gabion Walls 5+720 12 4 84.00
24 Gabion Walls 5+820 8 3 36.00
25 Gabion Walls 5+837 5 3 23.50
26 Gabion Walls 6+220 12 3 54.00
27 Gabion Walls 6+299 14 3 63.00
28 Gabion Walls 6+320 10 3 45.00
29 Gabion Walls 7+950 14 3 63.00
30 Gabion Walls 8+193 10 3 45.00
31 Gabion Walls 8+300 13 3 59.50
32 Gabion Walls 8+420 13 3 59.50
33 Gabion Walls 8+440 12 3 54.00
35 Gabion Walls 8+840 10 3 45.00
36 Gabion Walls 9+505 9 3 41.50
37 Gabion Walls 9+595 6 3 27.00
38 Gabion Walls 9+804 10 3 45.00
39 Gabion Walls 10+000 14 4 98.00
40 Gabion Walls 10+020 12 3 54.00
41 Gabion Walls 10+047 10 3 45.00
42 Gabion Walls 10+242 6 3 27.00
43 Gabion Walls 10+374 12 4 84.00
44 Gabion Walls 10+384 8 5 80.00
45 Gabion Walls 10+400 9 4 63.00
Source: Field Survey, July, 2009

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