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Technical Assistance Consultant’s Report

Project Number: 41598

July 2010

India: Capacity Development of the National Capital

Region Planning Board
(Financed by the TA Special Fund)

Prepared by:
Wilbur Smith Associates, India

For National Capital Region Planning Board

This consultant’s report does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB or the Government concerned, and
ADB and the Government cannot be held liable for its contents.
NCR Planning Board
Asian Development Bank

Capacity Development of the National

Capital Region Planning Board
(NCRPB) – Component B
(TA No. 7055-IND)

Drainage Master Plan of Hapur

January 2009

AD/MM : Average Day/Max month

ADB : Asian Development Bank
Avg : Average
CI : Cast Iron
cms : Cubic Metres per Second
DI : Ductile iron
DMP : Drainage Master Plan
DPRs : Detailed Project Reports
GoI : Government of India
HNNP : Hapur Nagar Palika Parishad
HPDA : Hapur Pilkhuwa Development Authority
HQ : Head Quarters
HUDA : Haryana Urban Development Authority
IDF : Intensity Duration Frequency
Km : Kilometer
lpcd : Litres per capita per day
ML : Million Litres
MSL : Mean Sea Level
NCR : National Capital Region
NCRPB : National Capital Regional Planning Board
NH : National Highway
O&M : Operation & Maintenance
RCC : Reinforced Cement Concrete
SWD : Storm Water Drainage
TA : Technical Assistance
UIDSSMT : Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and Medium
ULB : Urban Local Body
UP : Uttar Pradesh


I. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 4
A. BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................................ 4
B. OVERVIEW OF THIS ADB TA ..................................................................................................................... 4
C. ABOUT THE INTERIM REPORT..................................................................................................................... 5
II. METHODOLOGY FOR PREPARATION OF SWD MASTER PLAN ............................................ 7
A. OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................. 7
B. OBJECTIVE ................................................................................................................................................. 7
C. SCOPE OF WORK ........................................................................................................................................ 7
D. APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................... 8
1. Collection of Secondary Data ............................................................................................................... 8
2. Field Verifications................................................................................................................................. 8
3. Rainfall Analysis ................................................................................................................................... 8
4. Hydraulic Analysis ................................................................................................................................ 9
5. Identification of System Deficiencies .................................................................................................... 9
6. Preparation of Drainage Master Plan .................................................................................................. 9
III. PROFILE OF HAPUR TOWN ............................................................................................................ 10
A. PROJECT AREA PROFILE ........................................................................................................................... 10
Location and Connectivity .................................................................................................................. 10
Climate ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Topography ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Socio-economic Conditions................................................................................................................. 10
History and Culture............................................................................................................................. 11
B. MUNICIPAL SERVICES .............................................................................................................................. 11
1. Water Supply ....................................................................................................................................... 11
2. Sewerage ............................................................................................................................................. 12
3. Solid Waste Management.................................................................................................................... 13
C. MASTER PLAN FOR HAPUR ....................................................................................................................... 13
IV. ASSESSMENT OF EXISTING SYSTEM .......................................................................................... 14
A. OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................... 14
B. MAJOR DRAINS ........................................................................................................................................ 14
1. Drain No. 1 ......................................................................................................................................... 14
2. Drain No. 2 (Choya Nallah)................................................................................................................ 17
3. Circular Road Drain ........................................................................................................................... 19
4. Delhi Garh Road Drain ...................................................................................................................... 19
C. FLOOD PRONE AREAS .............................................................................................................................. 20
D. MAJOR CROSS CONNECTIONS TO SEWERS ............................................................................................... 20
E. EXISTING AND PROPOSED DRAINAGE ZONES ........................................................................................... 20
F. ADMINISTRATIVE AND INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT........................................................................... 23
1. Hapur Municipal Council ................................................................................................................... 23
2. Hapur Pilkhuwa Development Authority (HPDA), ............................................................................. 23
3. Institutional Arrangement ................................................................................................................... 23
V. DRAINAGE PLANNING - DESIGN CRITERIA .................................................................................. 24
A. PLANNING CAPACITY ............................................................................................................................... 24
B. DESIGN PARAMETERS .............................................................................................................................. 24
1. Computation 0f Design Flow .............................................................................................................. 25
2. Coefficient of Runoff ........................................................................................................................... 25
3. Imperviousness.................................................................................................................................... 26
4. Rainfall Intensity and Duration........................................................................................................... 27
5. Rainfall Data Analysis ........................................................................................................................ 28
6. Time of Concentration......................................................................................................................... 31
C. DRAINAGE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY ..................................................................................................... 32

1. Flood Zones......................................................................................................................................... 32
2. Design Criteria ................................................................................................................................... 32
3. Hydrology Model ................................................................................................................................ 32
4. Hydraulic Models................................................................................................................................ 32
5. Hydraulic Analysis Methods ............................................................................................................... 33
6. Flow Rates........................................................................................................................................... 33
D. ADEQUACY OF DRAINS AND DRAINAGE SYSTEM ..................................................................................... 35
VI. RECOMMENDED MASTER PLAN .................................................................................................. 36
A. SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................................ 36
B. STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS RECOMMENDED ............................................................................... 36
1. Elimination of Cross-Connections of Sewers with Drains .................................................................. 37
2. Rehabilitation and Augmentation of Existing Drains ......................................................................... 37
3. New Proposed Drains ......................................................................................................................... 38
C. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................ 40
1. Storm Water Management Policies..................................................................................................... 40
2. Storm Water Management Plan .......................................................................................................... 40
3. Operation and Maintenance................................................................................................................ 40
D. ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................................................... 41
1. Design Criteria ................................................................................................................................... 41
2. Maintenance Schedule ........................................................................................................................ 41
3. Training and Coordination ................................................................................................................. 43
E. IDENTIFICATION OF DRAINAGE PROJECTS TO BE TAKEN UP ...................................................................... 43
F. RECOMMENDED IMMEDIATE PRIORITY PROJECTS .................................................................................... 44
G. COST ESTIMATES ..................................................................................................................................... 44
1. Proposed Subprojects and Costing ..................................................................................................... 45
2. De-silting & Rehabilitation of Existing Drains................................................................................... 45

List of Tables

Table 1: Runoff Coefficients “C”......................................................................................................... 26

Table 2: Guidelines .............................................................................................................................. 27
Table 3: Storm Frequency for Different Areas .................................................................................... 28
Table 4: Sorted Rainfall Occurrences .................................................................................................. 28
Table 5: Cascade for 1 year.................................................................................................................. 29
Table 6: RMSD for 1 Year ................................................................................................................... 29
Table 7: Intensity of Rainfall for Duration........................................................................................... 30
Table 8: Runoff Coefficient for time of Concentration and Imperviousness ....................................... 31
Table 9: Standard Drain Size ............................................................................................................... 34
Table 10: Tentative Size of Drain for Different Basins ....................................................................... 35
Table 15: Proposed Subprojects and Costs of Hapur Drainage ........................................................... 45

List of Maps

Map 1: Existing Drains in Hapur ......................................................................................................... 16

Map 2: Drainage Basin......................................................................................................................... 22
Map 3: Proposed Drains ....................................................................................................................... 39

List of Figures

Figure 1: T Vs C Graph ....................................................................................................................... 27

Figure 2: IDF Curve for One Year....................................................................................................... 30


A. Background

1. The National Capital Region Planning Board, constituted in 1985 under the provisions of
NCRPB Act, 1985, is a statutory body functioning under the Ministry of Urban
Development, Government of India. NCRPB has a mandate to systematically develop the
National Capital Region (NCR) of India. It is one of the functions of the Board to arrange
and oversee the financing of selected development projects in the NCR through Central
and State Plan funds and other sources of revenue.

2. On Government of India’s request, Asian Development Bank (ADB) has formulated the
technical assistance (TA) to enhance the capacities of National Capital Region Planning
Board and its associated implementing agencies. The TA has been designed in three
components: Component A relates to improving the business processes in NCRPB;
Component B relates to improving the capacity of the implementing agencies in project
identification, feasibility studies and preparing detailed engineering design; and
Component C relates to urban planning and other activities.

3. ADB has appointed M/s Wilbur Smith Associates to perform consultancy services
envisaged under Component B. In the context of this contract, the first deliverable –
Inception Report, was submitted in October 2008.

4. This is the Interim Report prepared for the TA Component B, and is the second deliverable
under the Contract. This was prepared by the WSA Team between October 2008 and
January 2009.

B. Overview of this ADB TA

5. Objectives. The objective of this Technical Assistance (TA) is to strengthen the capacity at
NCRPB, state-level NCR cells, and other implementing agencies in the area of planning
for urban infrastructure and to impart necessary skills to conceive, design, develop,
appraise and implement good quality infrastructure projects for planned development of
NCR. The increased institutional capacity of the NCRPB and the implementing agencies
will lead to effective and time scaling-up of urban infrastructure to (i) improve quality of
basic urban services in the NCR; (ii) develop counter magnet towns; (iii) reduce in
migration into Delhi and orderly development of NCR; and (iv) accelerate economic
growth in the NCR.

6. The TA – Capacity Development of the NCRPB, Component B focuses on strengthening

the capacities of NCRPB and implementing agencies relating to project feasibility studies
and preparation, and detailed engineering design in the implementing agencies.
Specifically this component B of the TA will support the project preparation efforts of the
implementing agencies by preparing demonstration feasibility studies that include all due
diligence documentation required for processing of the project in accordance with best
practices, including ADB’s policies and guidelines.

7. Scope of Work. According to the terms of reference of the TA assignment, the following
activities are envisaged in component B of the TA:

(i) Conduct technical, institutional, economic and financial feasibility analysis of

identified subprojects in the six sample implementing agencies;
(ii) Conduct safeguards due diligence on the subprojects, including environmental
assessment report and resettlement plan for all subprojects covered in the sample
implementing agencies;
(iii) Prepare environmental assessment framework and resettlement framework; and
(iv) Develop a capacity building and policy reform program for the implementing
agencies, including governance strengthening, institutional development and
financial management.

8. Besides, this component of the TA will also:

(i) help in assessing the current practices and procedures of project identification and
preparation of detailed project reports including technical, financial, economic and
social safeguard due diligence;
(ii) support preparation of standard procedure manuals for project identification and
preparation of detailed project reports including technical, financial, economic and
social safeguard due diligence;
(iii) train the implementing agencies in the preparation of detailed project reports by
using the sample subprojects, reports on deficiency of current practices and standard
protocol manuals; and
(iv) help in developing a user-friendly web-page where different manuals and guidelines
for preparation of DPRs will be made available for the implementing agencies.

C. About the Interim Report

9. The Interim Report is the second report/deliverable under the TA Component B, and was
prepared between October 15, 2008 and January 16, 2009. During the Inception Stage,
ADB/NCRPB in consultation with the implementing agencies and WSA Team has
identified and finalized the sample implementing agencies and subprojects for preparation
under this TA. Accordingly, it is proposed to produce model Detail Project Reports (DPR)
in the following sectors: (i) Water Supply; (ii) Sewerage; (iii) Storm Water Drainage; (iv)
Solid Waste Management, and (v) Traffic Planning

10. These model DPRs are proposed to be made available to the implementing agencies of the
state governments so that they may replicate the methodology/approach in the future DPRs
being prepared by them for obtaining finances from financial institutions including
11. It is proposed to produce DPR for water supply for Panipat town, Sewerage for Hapur
town, Storm Water Drainage for Hapur and Sonipat towns, Solid Waste Management for
Ghaziabad town and Traffic Planning for Ghaziabad town.

12. Following the approach developed for the TA assignment as presented in the Inception
Report, the Team at this stage focused on preparation of Master Plan as a base for
preparation of sample DPRs. These Plans are prepared keeping in view of the long terms
requirements of the sample towns. The existing infrastructure systems have been studied
assessed and issues in service delivery have been identified. A long term plan has been
developed with the projected service demands and targets to be achieved; and various
interventions and subprojects required to achieve the sector plan targets have been
identified. In the next phase of this study, DPRs will be prepared for selected subproject
components from the above long-term plans.

13. The Interim Report is organized in Four Volumes:

Volume I is the main Interim Report; summarizes the entire output produced till
date under the TA Component B; provides a brief of all Sector Master Plans;

Volume II. Infrastructure Master Plans: this is compiled in five parts, each dealing
with a separate sector, as given below:

A – Water Supply Master Plan of Panipat

B – Sewerage Master Plan of Hapur
C – Drainage Master Plan of Hapur
D – Solid Waste Management Master Plan of Ghaziabad
E – Existing Traffic & Transport Analysis of Ghaziabad

Volume III presents the results of the socio-economic base line survey conducted in
three sample towns in three parts:

A – Ghaziabad
B – Panipat
C – Hapur

Volume IV. The proceedings of the Introductory Workshop organized on December

10, 2008, as part of training/workshop component of the TA is presented in this

14. This is Volume II C: Storm Water Drainage Master Plan of Hapur, of the Interim
Report. This report is the first step in the direction of producing DPR for sewerage in
Hapur Town. This report is organized into following six (6) sections including this
introductory section: Section 2 describes the methodology used for preparation of this
Master Plan; Section 3 describes the profile of Hapur Town; Section 4 presents the
assessment of existing drainage system in Hapur; Section 5 establishes the design criteria
for development of the Plan, and the last section provides the recommended Master Plan.


A. Overview

15. Current report is study of existing drainage system and its adequacy to meet current and
future requirements. The report also identifies short term and long term measures required
to improve drainage system. Subsequently detailed feasibility with due diligence for
social, environmental, financial and economical safe guards shall be prepared. Finally
detailed project report shall be prepared for identified components of drainage system.

B. Objective

16. This drainage Master Plan takes into account the land use element of the current Town
Development Plan as well as the existing and proposed zoning in developing the storm
water runoff calculations. The objectives of this Drainage Master Plan include:

(i) Providing a comprehensive description and mapping of the Town storm drain
system (trunk and main drains only) including unlined channels and ditches;
(ii) Updating the Town Base Map to show locations of public storm drains and
facilities, including their size, material of construction, and flow directions;
(iii) Analyzing rainfall data collected over a period of 22 years, including development
of IDF curves for different storm frequency periods;
(iv) Doing a critical evaluation of the storm drainage and channel systems in order to
identify existing and future deficiencies;
(v) Evaluating deficiencies in the existing storm drainage maintenance program
including recommendations for improvement of existing drainage infrastructure to
meet future requirements;
(vi) Recommending appropriate O & M practices so that storm water discharges are
managed in accordance with Town Development Plans, and in conformity with the
regulations of various agencies, such as the State Pollution Control Board, Water
Supply & Sanitation Department etc.

C. Scope of Work

17. The Scope of Work for the Drainage Master Plan includes the following tasks:

(i) Collection and review of existing information as available with the nodal agencies;
(ii) Identification of areas/zones where storm drainage system is cross-connected with
the sewerage system;
(iii) Identification of other local conditions that may impact the ability of the storm

drainage system to avoid flooding;
(iv) Field investigations to verify existing storm drainage system, typical cross-sections
of storm water channels, roadside drains and culverts;
(v) Collection and analysis of rainfall data and plotting the rainfall intensity duration
curve for the city;
(vi) Calculation of design flows based on the hydraulic analysis carried out as part of the
Drainage Master Plan;
(vii) Identification of System Deficiencies;
(viii) Based on above preparation of drainage master plan with Identification of all
required improvement projects, prioritization of projects and probable construction

D. Approach and Methodology

1. Collection of Secondary Data

18. The project team collected the secondary data available from different nodal agencies. The
available reports, as-built records, and O & M practices were reviewed. Town Land Use
Plan prepared from the Town Development Plan 2005 was collected. Historical rainfall
information, existing drainage information, flood prone areas were collected. For
information about the city and drainage conditions, interaction was made with Chief
Engineer HPDA, Executive Officer HMC, City Engineer, HMC, Engineer HMC, Health
Officer, HMC, public representatives and local residents.

2. Field Verifications

19. The Project Team conducted field investigations to verify existing storm drainage system,
typical cross-sections of storm water channels, roadside drains and culverts. Flow
directions of channels and surface runoff were verified.

3. Rainfall Analysis

20. For drainage, intensity of the rain is required for analysis. As such hourly rainfall data is
required for discharge measurement and hydraulic analysis. Since hourly rainfall data of
Hapur is not available, the Project Team plan to utilise the rainfall data of Delhi which is
about 65 Km. The monthly rainfall data of two nearby station of Hapur i.e Dehra and
Dasna were compared with the data of Delhi and as such hourly data of Delhi was used for
calculating the intensity of rainfall for the study. The rainfall data is available from
‘Report on rainfall data of New Delhi (Year 198-2006) of UP Jal Nigam for Yamuna
Action Plan’ of UP Jal Nigam. Subsequently, design intensities were estimated and
intensity duration frequency (IDF) curves were plotted.

4. Hydraulic Analysis

21. The Project Team calculated the design flows based on the hydraulic analysis carried out
as part of the Drainage Master Plan. The Town’s storm drainage system was analyzed
using In-House-Built Excel Software for open channels.

5. Identification of System Deficiencies

22. Hydraulic structures are sized to convey the maximum anticipated runoff of an area, which
occurs when the building density of upstream areas reaches its saturation i.e. the maximum
development allowable within the zoning under consideration. In this study, the design
flow calculations are based upon the assumption that the upstream drainage area has
reached maximum allowable development.

23. Hydraulic capacity of the drains was analyzed using Excel Software. Deficiencies within
the storm drainage system were identified. For drainage facilities identified as undersized,
the drainage area upstream of the structure was evaluated to determine whether “build-
out” capacity for the town has been attained. Undersized structures located in areas that
have reached “build-out” capacity for the town are given a higher priority for
improvement than those located in areas where more development is anticipated.

6. Preparation of Drainage Master Plan

24. The Project Team prepared a Drainage Master Plan (DMP) based on recommended system
improvements identified during field investigations and hydraulic analysis. The DMP
identified improvement of existing drainage facilities, and need of additional drainage
facilities to minimize cross connection problems in the town to meet the growth related
needs, and included a prioritized listing of each of the projects. Improvement projects are
considered those located in areas with little or no anticipated future development. Growth
related projects considered are those resulting from the increased runoff associated with
future development. The DMP should become a tool that is used by the town to plan
subsequent work. The following key elements are included:

(i) Identification of all required improvement projects;

(ii) Prioritization of projects;
(iii) Our opinion of probable construction costs;

25. All above evaluations, analyses, and recommendations performed by the Project Team are
used in designing, and subsequently drawing the costs in a phased manner, and
documented in the Drainage Master Plan. Based upon the findings, and after review of the
available data, the Project Team performed a preliminary delineation of sub-watersheds
and finalized the critical basins for hydraulic analysis purposes.


A. Project Area Profile

1. Location and Connectivity

26. It is situated in Ghaziabad district at 280 44’ N latitude and 770 47’ Longitude. The city is
well connected with important cities of country. National Highway-24, Delhi-Lukhnau-
Muradabad passes through Hapur. National Highway -18, Merath-Bulandsahar also passes
through Hapur city. The main Rail Line Delhi- Lukhnau-Hawra also passes through Hapur
city. Hapur is also connected with rail to Merath and Bulandsahar. Hapur city is 54 Km
from Delhi, 32 Km from Merath, 39 Km from Bulandsahar and 432 Km from Lukhnau.

2. Climate

27. Generally the climate is like plain areas of UP. Like north India hot summer season
prevails in the month of May and June. Winters are from November to February. The
average temperature is 1.80C to 44.90C. The wind in 40% days is from north, north-west
and west direction: on 20% days the wind blows in east and south-east direction

3. Topography

28. The town has almost flat topography except a small portion in the South, which is a little
higher than the general ground level. The general slope of the town is from North to South.
The difference between the maximum and minimum ground levels is about 3.0m. Reduced
level varies from 213 to 210 m above mean sea level. The depth of sub – soil water in the
town varies from 9.0m to 12 m during different seasons. There is no perennial surface
source in and near the town except River Ganga which is 30 KMS from Hapur towards
east. The city drains through two natural drains generally flowing north to south and
named Chaua drain which is situated toeards west of Hapur city. These drains converge
and finally drain in Kali River. The general nature of the soil is sand mixed with clay.

4. Socio-economic Conditions

29. Hapur is an important commercial centre. It is an important town in NCR area, which is
being developed to decongest National Capital Delhi by improving infrastructure in NCR
towns with the aim of shifting some of the offices and establishments of Government of
India. It is a big mandi of Grains, Gur, and Potato etc. Six big silos of grains owned by the
Ministry of Food and Agriculture of the Government of India, exist in the town. Small to
medium industries manufacturing sewing machines, motor spare parts, all type of
agricultural machinery & equipments, oil expellers etc. have already developed in the
town. Due to enormous growth of potatoes in the area around, there are many cold

storages in the town. The town has all modern amenities like transportation, electricity,
telephone – landline as well as mobile, water supply, sewerage etc. the town has many
technical institutions, degree colleges, intermediate colleges, tehsil office, post office, fire
station etc. For all the above-mentioned reasons and its strategically important location,
Hapur is a fast developing town.

30. The main occupation of inhabitants is agriculture and agro based trade and business.
Therefore, the people, specially farmers and traders are generally well to do. The
importance of this town is steadily increasing. Economic conditions of the people are
similar to those of any average Indian small town. There are double storied houses also in
the town apart from single storied pucca & kuchcha houses. The affairs of the town are
managed by the local body, Hapur Nagar Palika Parishad.

5. History and Culture

31. Many stories are prevalent for birth of city such as, i) it was established by King
Harischandra, ii) Shree Haridutt of Merath/Bulandsahar established it and bave name of
Haripar, iii) The word Hapar means garden and so the name of city is Hapur

32. In 19th century a French General name Pairan appointed by Marathas started distribution
of financial assistance to retired and incapacitated persons. Britishers used this city
traditionally for many years to provide land to retired and incapacitated persons after
cleaning forest bushes. In the year 1805 tehsildar of Hapur Ibrahim Ali saved and
protected the city from an attack by Aamir Khan Pindary and his 500 soldiers. During
1985 at the time of India’s struggle for independence Walidad Khan of Malagarh planned
invasion of this city but because of resistance of jats of Bhadhona it was not successful.

33. The city was surrounded all around by wall and had 5 gates- Dehli, Merath, Garh
Mukteshwar, Kothy and Sikandra. However, now none of these exists except some
remnants. Jama Masjid was constructed in the year 1670 during rule of Orangjeb. In year
1982 Municipal Corporation was established. Power supply stared in year 1932, water
supply in year 1957 and sewerage system in year 1974.

B. Municipal Services

1. Water Supply

34. Ground water is available in sufficient quantity at shallow depth and as such is source of
water supply. The existing water supply in Hapur Town was first introduced in the year
1955 on the basis of the scheme prepared in the year 1952-53 at an estimated cost of Rs.
11.53 Lakhs. The scheme had been designed for design population of 5,500 at the rate of
water supply of 135 lpcd. In this scheme, one no. overhead tank 675 Kl capacity on 19 m
staging and 4 no. tube wells along with distribution system had been proposed.

35. With the increase in population and consequently greater demand of water, the water
supply arrangements fell short of the requirements. Therefore, a water supply
reorganization scheme was prepared by the Executive Engineer, II Project Division,

36. EE Project Division, UP Jal Nigam is incharge of all Water Supply and Sewerage works of
Hapur and Buland Sahar towns. A project estimated to cost Rs. 32.35 Crores has been
sanctioned by the government under UIDSSMT for reorganisation of Water System of
Hapur town. The present rate of water supply in the town is around 100 lpcd. There are 18
tube wells for water supply which are directly connected to distribution system except in
three areas, where water is supplied through over head reservoirs. There are 5 overhead
tanks (storage capacity 3675 KL) spread in 5 water supply zones. All water connections
are un-metered including commercial and industrial connections. The tariff is based on
rentable value and area of plot and is different for domestic, commercial and industrial

37. The project proposes to provide water supply to the designed population of 425,331 for the
year 2034 by constructing new tube wells, over head tanks and pumping stations.
Construction of new tube wells will be staggered in three stages; In first phase requirement
of year 2009 will be met; In phase II, requirement of year 2024 will be met and in the 3rd
phase ultimate requirement of the year 2034 will be met. It is proposed to supply water
@135 lpcd and additional provision of 15% for losses in the system has been accounted.
The project has been approved by GOI under UIDSSMT and is waiting for release of
funds for start of works.

2. Sewerage

38. Sewerage system in city was laid by UP Jal Nigam in year 1974. There is one sewage
pumping Station near Bulandsahar road and no sewage treatment plant. The sewage was
used for agriculture purpose. However now the cultivable land has come under
urbanization/ houses are built. The sewage had large number of takers earlier but due to
urbanization farming has greatly reduced in the nearby areas and as such now no takers for
sewage. Sewerage system is maintained by Municipal Corporation. The present sewerage
system exists in about 30% area of the old town but is almost defunct. Municipal
authorities maintaining the sewerage system informed that the existing sewers are choked
and over-flowing in number of areas. The sewage flow is so less that at present pumping is
done for 2 hours a day and that too with one pump operating against installation of four
pumps. This also indicates that most of the sewers are choked or connected to drains.

39. Earlier it was proposed to prepare sewerage scheme for Hapur under UIDSSMT, but
subsequently the state government took a decision to have sewerage schemes for District
Head Quarter towns only in the first instance and accordingly the work of preparation of
sewerage project was dropped by UP Jal Nigam. HPDA informed that they will take up
the matter with the state government for giving relaxation in this regard looking to the fact
that Hapur is under NCR and probably the only Non District HQ Town which has a
Development Authority.

3. Solid Waste Management

40. Solid waste management is looked by Municipal Corporation. Proper land fill site does not
exist and the waste is disposed improperly. UP Jal Nigam is preparing DPR for Solid
Waste Management.

C. Master Plan for Hapur

41. Master plan for Hapur for year 1979-2001 was prepared for population of 2 lac in year
2001. In the year 1985 NCRPB came in existence which formulated regional plan 2001 in
which it was envisaged to develop Hapur as regional magnate city with assigned
population of 4.5 lac in year 2001. Keeping this fast required growth in mind the Master
Plan of hapur was revised and prepared for target year 2005 with population as 4.5 lac.
The aims of Master Plan 2005 were i) To stop unplanned and uncontrolled growth of areas
in the city and adjoining areas and make guidance for planned development, ii) Adjust
planned population in city area on rational and scientific basis of assigned densities for
different areas, iii) Provide utilities, services and social services for balanced development
of city, iv) To control population of Delhi, develop Hapur city as regional magnate city to
increase economic activity and attract jobs. Now new Master Plan is under preparation
with UP NCR Cell for next 20 years.


A. Overview

42. The existing municipal boundary of Hapur Town encompasses about 3.34 Sq. Km. area,
whereas the Master Plan area is about 53.01 Sq. Km. The average elevation of the Town is
213 m above the Mean Sea Level (MSL). The general topography of the town is flat
having slopes towards North-West to South-East.

B. Major Drains

43. There are four major drains flowing through the master plan area of the Hapur viz Drain
No1, Drian No 2 (Choya nallah, Circular road drain and Delhi Garh road drain. Out of
these three drains flow through the municipal boundary of the town. The part of the Delhi
garh drain flows in Choya nallah.

44. All the drains ultimately flow into the Kali river, which is at the south of the town. Drain
No 1 and Choya Nallah converge at Rampur road near Haddi meel and flow in to the Kali
river. Map 1 shows the existing drains on the Hapur map. The details of these drains are
as follows:

1. Drain No. 1

45. This drain flows outside the municipal boundary of the town. The drain enters into the
master plan area from Badnauli and flows to Sabli village converging with choya nallah
and draining into the kali river beyond the Hapur Bypass. The length of the drain is about
8.7 Km (within the master plan area)

(i) Upto the Delhi

Moradabad Railway
Crossing: The drain
flows through the
agriculture fields and is
kuthca taking the
natural course. The
photo attached shows
the drain just at the u/s
of railway crossing. Drain 1: Photo 1

(ii) From Railway Crossing to
Crossing at NH24: This
section is pucca trapezoidal
section. The section reduces
from about 35m at railway
crossing to 14m at culvert
near to the railway crossing.
Though the section is pucca
but is full of weeds, which
Drain 1: Photo 2
interrupts the free flow the
drain. The photo attached
shows the bushes at the base of the drain.

(iii) From Crossing at NH24 to

Rampur Road via Sabli
Village: The section
(attached photo) is kutcha
with width ranging from
17m to to 15m with an
average depth as 1.5m
passing through the
agriculture field. Drain 1: Photo 3

46. As the drain is not flowing mainly through the city area, there are no problematic areas
nearby this drain.

2. Drain No. 2 (Choya Nallah)

47. This is the main drain of the Hapur city and most important drain of the city. The drain
enters the master plan area at Hasoda village and flows to Kali river passing through
Jasroop Nagar, Adarsh Nagar, New Ganesh nagar, Lajja puri, Ramgarhi village and Shiv
garhi village of the town. The length of the drain within the master plan area is about
4Km. For study purpose, the drain has been divided in following seven sections and the
details of each section are mentioned below:

(i) Hasoda to Dastoi

Road. This is a pucca
rectangular channel
with dimensions of
3mx1.4m. The drain
carries the sewerage of
dheerukheda industrial
area and other areas
upstream of the drain.
The photograph 4.4
shows this section of Hasoda to Dastoi Road Drain
the drain.

(ii) Dastoi Road to

Modinagar Crossing.
In this portion the drain
is almost nonexistent
and all the water flows
in the field and take a
course from the
habitation. The area is
not densely populated Dastoi to Modinagar Crossing Drain
and many fields filled
up with water can be

(iii) Modinagar Crossing

to Delhi Moradabad
Railway Crossing. At
Modinagar road
crossing, the drain is
presently dry as the
black water is not
finding path from the Modinagar Crossing to Delhi Moradabad
field. There is no Railway Crossing Drain Photo 1
defined path of water
in this section also

and colony Adarsh Nagar has come up in this section. The drain is only defined at
railway crossing where width is 12m.

Modinagar Crossing to Delhi Moradabad Railway Crossing Drain Photo 2 and 3

(iv) Railway Crossing to Chamri

Road Crossing. This is the
densely populated area through
which the drain passes. In this
section the drain takes path
between the houses of colony
New Ganesh Nagar. At Chamri
road crossing the section is about
2mx1.5m. The pipe culvert is Railway Crossing to Chamri Road
blocked and garbage dumping Crossing Drain Photo 1
place is also at the drain, thereby making path for entry of solid waste into the drain.

Railway Crossing to Chamri Road Crossing Drain Photo 2 and 3

(v) Chamri Road Crossing to Delhi Garh Road Crossing. The drain passes through Lajja
puri colony and at Tirupati gardens at Delhi Garh road the section is 12m with water
depth of 1.5m. The major flow from the drain on Delhi Garh road meets at this
junction. The section of the delhi Garh road at this junction is 2.2m X3m depth.

Chamri Road Crossing to Delhi Garh Road Crossing Drain

(vi) Delhi Garh Road
Crossing to Ramgarhi
Village. The drain is
also kutcha in this area
and the section at
Ramgarhi village is
7.4m x 1m. The area is
relatively less dense.
Delhi Garh Road Crossing to
Ramgarhi Village Drain
(vii) Ramgarhi Village to
Rampur Road and to
Kali River. The section is kutch and flows through Idgah road and further through
agricultural area to Rampur road where it converges with the flow coming from
Drain No 1 and ultimately flows into the Kali river.

48. This is the major drain which has most problematic areas and particularly in absence of the
sewerage system the drain acts as sewer line.

3. Circular Road Drain

49. This is a channelled drain along with the circular road of the town and flows from near
shastri nagar at Delhi Garh road to sikander gate to Kali river. The drain passes through
Shastri nagar, Minakhshi Chowk, Ayodhya puri, Qila Kona, harijan basti, Kabristan and
Moti colony. The section at the start is almost a small drain with 0.3m width which
increases from 0.8mx0.45m at Garh ghati chowki to 3mX2.8m at Sikander gate. Here also
the drain takes the waste water of all the habitations in course of this drain. The length of
the drain is about 2.1 Km.

Circular Road Drain

4. Delhi Garh Road Drain

50. The part of the drain from Khurja Delhi railway crossing flows westwards and flows
ultimately to the Kali river. The major part of the other portion flows towards the choya
nallah. The drains are at both sides of the road with a width ranging from 1.5m to 2.5m.
The length of the drain is about 2 Km However this drain is not on full stretch and breaks

near the town hall up to the Merrut road junction.

C. Flood Prone Areas

51. The information about the flood prone area was gathered from public representatives,
municipal corporation officials and local public and following areas were identified. The
area was physically inspected and problems were discussed with local residents. The
details of the problematic areas are as follows;

(i) Adarsh Nagar. This is the area in the basin of Choya nallah and in this area the
choya nallah disappears and the water spreads in to the field and the colony. In
absence of any course for the drain the problem acute during the rain. The habitation
has been settled on the bed of choya nallah and due to house construction and other
residential activities the area has become flood prone.

(ii) Ganesh Nagar. This area is also on the basin of Choya nallah and the drain passes
through the area. As the area is densly populated the course of the nallha has been
restricted to about 2m width and flows in between the houses. In absence of
sewerage and proper solid waste management system, the drain acts as sewer and is
blocked by solid waste.

(iii) Lajja Puri. The area’s problem is similar to that of Ganesh nagar and the small
drains also are full of waste water and do not take path into the drain due to
inadequate size of the main drain, inadequate slope of the drain and blockage of
drains due to solid waste.

(iv) Gol Market. The area is just at the Delhi Garh road. The section at this area is small
and the drain flows below the shops. Due to break in the Delhi Garh drain, the water
from this road takes path into this area and causes flooding.

D. Major Cross Connections to Sewers

52. In absence of the sewerage system in most part of the city, the drains act as carrier of
waste water. The Choya nallah and Circular drain takes sewer of Jasroop Nagar, Adarsh
Nagar, New Ganesh nagar, Lajja puri, Ramgarhi village, Shiv garhi village.

E. Existing and Proposed Drainage Zones

53. For drainage planning, the town has been divided into various zones. The nomenclatures
of the zones have been made as per the Drain. The first number indicates the drain and
second to the number assigned to the zone. The basin has been marked based on the
proposed and existing drains. The drainage basin in Hapur is shown in Map 2.

(i) Drain Basin 2-1. The basin contributes to the section Hasoda to Delhi Moradabad
railway crossing. The area consists of Dheerkhera Industrial area, Hasoda,
Panchsheel colony, Jasroop nagar and Adarsh nagar and nearby areas. At present the
Hasoda area is mostly agricultural. The most part of this basin has been indicated as
Industrial area in the master plan. The total area of this catchment is 4.79 SqKm.

(ii) Drain Basin 2-2. The basin contributes to the section Delhi Moradabad railway
crossing to Garh Delhi road. The contributory areas are colonies of municipal ward
no 2. The area is residential. The total area of this catchment is 3.5 Sq Km.

(iii) Drain Basin 2-4. The basin flows into the section Garh Delhi road to Ramgarhi
Village. The contributory areas are colonies of municipal ward no 11. The area is
residential. The total area of this catchment is 3.07 Sq Km.

(iv) Drainage Basin 2-5. The basin contributes to the section Ramgarhi Village to Kali
river. The contributory areas are outskirts of the Hapur city. The area is agricultural
and most area has been assigned as green belt area in the master plan. The total area
of this catchment is 4.31 Sq Km.

(v) Drainage Basin 4-1. The basin contributes to the Delhi garh Road drain. The
contributory areas are colonies of municipal ward no 10, 12, 13, 18, 23 and 25. The
area is residential. The total area of this catchment is 7.76 Sq Km.

(vi) Drainage Basin 5-1. The basin contributes to the Delhi garh Road drain beyond the
Khura railway line. The contributory areas are colonies of municipal ward no 1. The
area is residential. The total area of this catchment is 7.8 Sq Km.

(vii) Drainage Basin 3-1. The basin contributes to the circular drain. The contributory
areas are colonies of municipal ward no 3, 5, 8, 14, 15, 20, 21 and 27. The area is
residential. The total area of this catchment is 6.59 Sq Km.

(viii) Drainage Basin 6-1 and 6-2. The basin will be contributing to the new proposed
drain at Merrut road. The contributory areas are colonies of municipal ward no 16,
17, 19 and 26. The area is residential. The total area of this catchment is 1.26 (6-1)
Sq. Km. and 2.21 (6-2) Sq Km.

F. Administrative and Institutional Arrangement

54. The major institutions that provide and maintain Storm Water Drainage services in Hapur
are Hapur Municipal Council (HMC) and Hapur Pilkhuwa Development Authority
(HPDA), Hapur.

1. Hapur Municipal Council

55. The HMC is the main administrative body responsible for solid waste management, water
and wastewater management, and maintenance of roads, storm water disposal, street
lighting and slum improvements.

2. Hapur Pilkhuwa Development Authority (HPDA),

56. Modern and planned development of Hapur is necessary in view of the geographical,
historical, commercial industrial importance and planned development of NCR. As such
Hapur Pilakhua Development Authority (HPDA) was established as a second and an
independent authority from GDA by U.P. Administration during 1996-97. Since its
inception, the HPDA has acted as the nodal agency for all major urban development
activities. These include developing housing colonies, providing social infrastructure
facilities like parks, playgrounds as well as improvement of the environment, roads, drains
and sanitation facilities.

3. Institutional Arrangement

57. Though there is no marked administrative responsibility for construction of new drains in
Hapur city, but by an large the construction of drains within the municipal area is taken
care by Hapur municipal council and outside this taken care by HPDA. The construction
of the new drains by HMC is under the works department of HMC, whereas cleaning of
drains is taken care by Health department of HMC.


A. Planning Capacity

58. The need for future drainage infrastructure improvement and the expansion of the Town
depends on actual Town development, rainfall intensity, and storm recurrence period
(storm frequency). Planning Capacity refers to maintaining proper infrastructure of the
Town for projected loadings. Development planning for the town serves three purposes:

(i) It allows the system to remain effective over the required period to implement
capital improvement projects (typically 2 to 5 years). Planning gives the town a
mechanism to initiate master planning updates and staged improvements over the
planning horizon. This should allow the Town to stay ahead of system needs.

(ii) It allows the system to accommodate unplanned or unforeseen developments and

consequent storm water loads over short time periods without unduly overtaxing the
system, thereby allowing the town to adjust infrastructure upgrade schedules to
encounter the deviations.

(iii) It is necessary to address flow variations. Storm water flow can vary considerably
from projected flows depending on actual land uses, growth trends and seasonal

B. Design Parameters

59. The guidelines of CPHEEO manual on Sewerage have been followed for drainage system
design. Based on the guidelines, the discharge that the system will require to drain off has
been calculated. The discharge is dependent upon intensity and duration of precipitation
characteristic of the area and the time required for such flow to reach the drain. The storm
water flow for this purpose has been determined by using the rational method.

60. As part of planning, design and project formulation process, the basic design parameters
have to be predetermined so as to analyse the carrying capacity of existing drains and also
for the design of new drains. These parameters are as follows:

(i) Frequency of storm / return period

(ii) Depth –duration of storm
(iii) Time of concentration
(iv) Run off coefficient for the project area
(v) Method of computing flow in the channels

61. Based on the above parameters, the pattern of rainfall, runoff and time of concentration for
the flood to occur, time acceptable to allow for draining have been decided. This is
particularly essential as the rate of urbanisation is very high. Analysis of the existing
drains carrying capacity has been arrived at based on the finalized design parameters.

1. Computation 0f Design Flow

62. The entire storm water would not reach the Storm Water Drainage (SWD). Fraction of it
would flow to SWD, which depends on the imperviousness, topography, shape of the
drainage basin and duration of the storm. This imperviousness is quantified by a
coefficient of runoff, which needs to be determined for each sub-catchment of the drain.
The peak runoff at any given point is calculated using the following rational formula.

Qp = Cs CIA/360

Qp - peak flow in m3 /sec
C – Runoff coefficient
I – design rainfall intensity mm/hr
A – Contributory area in hectares
Cs – storage coefficient

2. Coefficient of Runoff

63. Because runoff is directly proportional to the value assigned to “C”, the proper selection of
this value is critical for storm water runoff calculations. Care has to be exercised in
selecting this value as it incorporates all of the hydrological extractions, surface
imperviousness and antecedent conditions.

64. As development increases, the amount of runoff also increases. Runoff coefficient “C”
values selected for this report are based on the land use pattern described in the Hapur
Master Plan 2005, and are listed in Table 1 given below. The values of the runoff
coefficient “C” for each land use type have been selected to reflect the most recently
approved land use zoning.

65. The land use zoning used in this study is assumed to be the most dense that could occur in
the future under the Development Plan. It is important that during the actual design stage,
the then current land use zoning for the specific site in question be evaluated.

Table 1: Runoff Coefficients “C”
10 20 30 45 60 75 90 100 120 135 150 180
t, minutes
Weighted Average Coefficients
1) Sector concentrating in stated time
0.525 0.588 0.642 0.7 0.74 0.771 0.795 0.813 0.828 0.84 0.85 0.865
(b) 60%
0.365 0.427 0.477 0.531 0.569 0.598 0.622 0.641 0.656 0.67 0.682 0.701
(c) 40%
0.285 0.346 0.395 0.446 0.482 0.512 0.535 0.554 0.571 0.585 0.597 0.618
0.125 0.185 0.23 0.277 0.312 0.33 0.362 0.382 0.399 0.414 0.429 0.454
2) Rectangle (length = 4 x width) concentrating in stated time
0.55 0.648 0.711 0.768 0.808 0.837 0.856 0.869 0.879 0.887 0.892 0.903
(b) 50%
0.35 0.442 0.499 0.551 0.59 0.618 0.639 0.657 0.671 0.683 0.694 0.713
(c) 30%
0.269 0.36 0.414 0.464 0.502 0.53 0.552 0.572 0.588 0.601 0.614 0.636
0.149 0.236 0.287 0.334 0.371 0.398 0.422 0.445 0.463 0.479 0.495 0.522
Note: Values obtained from interpolation
Source: Analysis from Rainfall Data

66. The values for “C” have been followed as listed in the Table 3 of Manual for Sewerage
and Sewage Treatment, CPHEEO (ref. Table 1). Finally adopted values have been
presented in Table 8, at the end of this chapter. The values are somewhat conservative
because they assume maximum build-out in the associated zone. Some portions of rural
and low-density areas may or may not develop to full potential. Because the costs of storm
water drainage systems are expensive, it is generally preferable to size the system for the
maximum development rather than upsizing later at additional cost as upsizing always
requires some unnecessary expenditures. It may be better to plan for 80% development
rather than for maximum development, as this would have a relatively minor effect in
overall storm flow.

3. Imperviousness

67. The impervious cover percentage of the drainage area can generally be obtained from the
records of a particular district. In the absence of such data, Table 2 may serve as the guide
(CPHEEO Manual on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment):

Table 2: Guidelines
Sl. No. Type of area % of impervious cover
1 Commercial & Industrial area 70 to 90
2 Residential area
i) High Density 60 to 75
ii) Low Density 35 to 60
3 Parks & Underdeveloped areas 10 to 20
Source: CPHEEO Manual on Sewerage

68. The town area is mainly residential with high density to low density, imperviousness cover
of 60% has been considered at master plan stage. For 60% imperviousness, the
corresponding runoff coefficient for respective time of concentration has been plotted

Figure 1: T Vs C Graph

4. Rainfall Intensity and Duration

69. It has been observed that shorter the duration of critical rainfall, the greater would be the
expected average intensity during the period. The critical duration of rainfall will be which
produces maximum runoff. The duration will be equal to the time of concentration.

70. Return period or frequency of storm for which the storm drains are designed depends on
the importance of the area to be drained. Storm Frequency criterion has been adopted as
per CPHEEO Manual for Sewerage and sewage Treatment, Table 3 below:

Table 3: Storm Frequency for Different Areas
Sl No. Type of area Storm frequency
1 Residential areas
i) Peripheral area Twice a year
ii) Central and comparatively high priced area Once a year
2 Commercial and high priced area Once in two years
Source: CPHEEO Manual on Sewerage

71. As the Hapur Town has predominantly residential wards and sectors with a few pockets of
mixed-land pattern, the storm frequency has been adopted as once in a year.

72. For determining the appropriate rainfall intensity, historical rainfall data have to be
collected and accordingly the rainfall intensity duration curve have to be developed. The
best possible estimation of peak run off rate is possible where the gauge records of rainfall
are available from automatic rain gauge recorder. If only maximum day rainfall is
available, the intensity of rainfall can be calculated as follows (IRC:SP-13-2004)

Ic = F/T (T+1/t+1)
Where; F= Total precipitation and T= duration of rainfall

5. Rainfall Data Analysis

73. As indicated, the best possible estimation of peak run off rate is possible where the gauge
records of rainfall are available from automatic rain gauge recorder. As such the nearest
rain gauge station with short duration rainfall data is Delhi. As such rainfall data of New
Delhi (65 Km from Hapur) for year 1984 to 2006, as available, were used for rainfall data
analysis. The isohytel map of the NCR indicates that the rainfall analysis of Delhi may be
used for Hapur.

(i) Frequency of Storm. The amount of precipitation obtained from the rainfall data for
15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 minutes are sorted in number of occurrences with 10mm,
15mm, 20mm, 25mm, 30mm, 35 mm, 40mm, 45mm, 50mm, 55mm, 60mm, 75mm,
100mm, 125mm.. Table 4 presents the total counts of such occurrences over a
period of 24 years obtained by summation of the corresponding values.

Table 4: Sorted Rainfall Occurrences

Precipitation 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 60 75 100 125
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
15 346 346 344 319 265 229 177 162 79 72 66 63 46
30 256 252 206 151 73 44 44 37 18 17 10 10 7
45 128 95 37 24 24 18 12 8 4 2 2 2 0
60 58 31 16 15 13 13 12 8 7 7 3 3 2
75 38 13 13 12 11 9 6 5 0 0 0 0 0
90 12 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
Source: Report on rainfall data of New Delhi (Year 198-2006), UPJN

(ii) Rainfall Intensity from Occurrences. From the sorted rainfall occurrences, the
cascades for 1 year (24 occurrences), 2 year (12 occurrences) and storm frequency
for different return period may be developed by interpolating the higher and lower
numbers of occurrences with corresponding maximum and minimum amount of
precipitation, the precipitation along the cascade line is obtained. Once the intensity
of rainfall is obtained, RMSD calculation for the respective storm return period is
carried out to obtain the values of the constants of the empirical expression given by
Metcalf and Eddy. Table 5 presents the cascade for 1 year storm frequency

i = a/ tm
Where :
i = Intensity of rainfall (mm/hr)
a,m = Constant
t = Duration (min.)
Table 5: Cascade for 1 year
Intensity (mm/hr) Intensity (mm/hr)
Duration Higher No. Lower No. Intensity
Corresponding to Corresponding to
(t) of of (i)
Higher No. of Lower No. of
(min.) Occurrences Occurrences (mm/hr)
Occurrence Occurrence
15 46 17 75 100 79.31
30 37 18 40 45 41.05
45 37 24 15 20 14.23
60 31 16 10 15 12.00
75 38 13 5 10 6.80
Source: Analysis

Sample calculation of intensity corresponding to rainfall duration of 30 minutes:

40 + (45-40)*(22-18) / (37-18) = 41.05 mm/hr

Table 6: RMSD for 1 Year

X =log t Y =log i X^2 XY I = a/t^m
(t) (min)
15 1.176 1.981 1.383 2.330 m =1.50564 110.054
30 1.477 1.643 2.182 2.427 Log a = 3.812 38.758
45 1.653 1.426 2.733 2.357 a =6492 21.049
60 1.778 1.114 3.162 1.981 13.650
75 1.875 0.914 3.516 1.713 9.755
∑X= ∑Y ∑ X2 ∑ XY
7.95964 =7.07752 =12.9759 =10.8081
Source: Analysis

74. Based on above, Intensity Duration Frequency curve has been plotted as below:

Figure 2: IDF Curve for One Year

Based on the curve, the equation for IDF curves is:

I = 6492/(t )1.5
Where I = intensity of rainfall in mm/hr; and t = Duration of rainfall

Table 7: Intensity of Rainfall for Duration

Duration (t) in min Intensity (i) in mm/hour (For 1 year freq)
2 2286
3 1242
4 805
5 575
10 203
15 110
20 71
25 51
30 39
35 31
40 25
45 21
50 18
55 16
60 14
70 11
80 9
90 7
100 6
110 5
120 5
150 3
180 3
Source: Rainfall Data and Analysis

6. Time of Concentration

75. Time of concentration is the longest time required for a particle to travel from the
watershed divide to the watershed outlet. The remotest point in each zone is found out and
then the level difference between the remote point and the point of discharge is calculated.
As per IRC: SP:13-2004.

⎛ 0.87 × L3 ⎞
t c = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟

⎝ H ⎠

L= the distance from the critical point to the point at which discharge is to be estimated in
H = the fall in level from the critical point to the point at which discharge is to be
estimated in metres.

76. Inlet time for improved areas can vary widely and accurate values are difficult to obtain.
Values between 5 and 30 minutes are used for developed areas with steep slopes or closely
spaced inlets. Since the area has closely spaced inlets and ecomnomical viability with
flood accepatability, time of concentration of 25 minutes have been kept at master plan
stage level. The coefficient of runoff for 60% imperviousness and 20% imperviousness as
calculated is in Table 8.

Table 8: Runoff Coefficient for time of Concentration and Imperviousness

Run-off Coeff. C for imperviousness
Duration T (Min.)
20% 60%
10 0.125 0.365
20 0.185 0.427
30 0.23 0.477
45 0.277 0.531
60 0.312 0.569
75 0.33 0.598
90 0.362 0.622
100 0.382 0.641
120 0.399 0.656
135 0.414 0.67
150 0.429 0.682
180 0.454 0.701
Source: Analysis

C. Drainage Development Strategy

1. Flood Zones

77. There are areas like Adarsh Nagar, Lajja puri, Ganesh nagar within the town that are
subject to flooding during severe storm events. They are either low lying areas or
wetland/ponds. Areas that are being developed at present have large vacant spaces, which
are prone to flooding as construction surrounding them does not give way to over land

78. Since the terrain of hapur is generally flat, a heavy storm may exceed the capacity of the
town’s storm drainage system. Such an event may result in localized flooding and standing
water in low areas.

2. Design Criteria

79. The design of the storm water facilities is planned to withstand a 1-year design storm
while maintaining full flow in the channels. A 1-year design storm means a minimum
average recurrence interval of one year. This design criterion has been used throughout the
Drainage Master Plan.

3. Hydrology Model

80. The hydrology model predicts the volume of flow generated at any point of the catchment
basin based on the approved rainfall data. Nodes were located at critical drainage facilities.
A node represents a location where runoff rates are calculated. All nodes are designated
based on the drainage sub-basins contributing to them. Each drainage basin in the study
area was divided at nodes into sub-basins. The drainage basin boundaries are presented in
Map 2.

4. Hydraulic Models

81. The purpose of the hydraulic analysis was to evaluate the adequacy of the existing storm
drainage system (major drains only) and to determine design options for inadequately
sized channels. Channels and storm drains were simulated using the flow data generated in
the hydrology model. Storm drains were simulated using Manning’s equation as below:

V = 1/n x R2/3 x S1/2

V = Velocity (m/s); n = Friction Factor; R = Hydraulic Radius (m); and S = Channel Slope

5. Hydraulic Analysis Methods

82. The hydraulic models utilize Manning’s equation to relate depth of flow in the channel to
the flow rate (Q), cross sectional area of the channel (A), slope of the channel (S), and
roughness of the structure (Manning’s roughness coefficient, ‘n’).

6. Flow Rates

83. In the hydrology model, runoff flow rates were computed at each node for the appropriate
design storms. Runoff is assumed to enter the drainage channels at node locations. Within
the hydraulic model, the flow that enters at each node location is assumed to be flowing
through the entire upstream length of the channel.

84. For this study, the following Manning’s roughness coefficients were used (Manual on
Sewerage and Sewage Treatment, CPHEEO):

Cement Concrete with Good finish = 0.013

Concrete channel, wood troweled = 0.015
Earth channel, ordinary condition = 0.025
Earth channel, poor condition = 0.035
Earth channel, partially obstructed with debris or weeds = 0.050

(i) Methodology for Hydraulic Modeling. The channels to be modeled were assigned
node numbers based on the sub-catchment basins (one node for each sub-basin).
Using the hydrologic information of catchment basin, such as surface permeability,
designed rainfall intensity and coefficient of run-off; and other relevant design
parameters, such as time of concentration, catchment area etc., run-off discharges
were estimated. These estimated discharges were compared with the carrying
capacity of the existing drains. In case the existing sections were found inadequate,
sections were adopted from the Standard Table (ref. Table 9) for the particular
discharge. In a similar manner, the sections of the proposed new drains are also

Table 9: Standard Drain Size
Size (m x m) Wetted Hydraullic Slope Velocity Capacity
Manning's X-
Perimeter Radius 'R'
Coefficient Sextion
Width Depth (mtr) (mtr) 1 in Mtr (m/s) (cum/sec)
1 0.5 0.013 0.50 2.0 0.25 1000 0.97 0.48
1.5 0.75 0.013 1.13 3.0 0.38 1500 1.03 1.16
2 1 0.013 2.00 4.0 0.50 2000 1.08 2.17
2.5 1.25 0.013 3.13 5.0 0.63 3000 1.03 3.21
3 1.5 0.013 4.50 6.0 0.75 3500 1.07 4.83
3.5 1.75 0.013 6.13 7.0 0.88 4500 1.05 6.43
4 2 0.013 8.00 8.0 1.00 5000 1.09 8.70
4.5 2.25 0.013 10.13 9.0 1.13 6000 1.07 10.88
5 2.5 0.013 12.50 10.0 1.25 7000 1.07 13.34
5.5 2.75 0.013 15.13 11.0 1.38 8000 1.06 16.08
6 3 0.013 18.00 12.0 1.50 9000 1.06 19.13
6.5 3.25 0.013 21.13 13.0 1.63 10000 1.06 22.46
7 3.5 0.013 24.50 14.0 1.75 11000 1.07 26.09
7.5 3.75 0.013 28.13 15.0 1.88 12000 1.07 30.03
8 4 0.013 32.00 16.0 2.00 13000 1.07 34.27
8.5 4.25 0.013 36.13 17.0 2.13 14000 1.07 38.82
9 4.5 0.013 40.50 18.0 2.25 15000 1.08 43.68
9.5 4.75 0.013 45.13 19.0 2.38 16000 1.08 48.85
10 5 0.013 50.00 20.0 2.50 17000 1.09 54.34
10.5 5 0.013 52.50 20.5 2.56 18000 1.07 56.34
11 5 0.013 55.00 21.0 2.62 19000 1.06 58.32
11.5 5 0.013 57.50 21.5 2.67 20000 1.05 60.26
12 5 0.013 60.00 22.0 2.73 21000 1.04 62.17
12.5 5 0.013 62.50 22.5 2.78 22000 1.02 64.05
13 5 0.013 65.00 23.0 2.83 23000 1.01 65.90
13.5 5 0.013 67.50 23.5 2.87 24000 1.00 67.72
14 5 0.013 70.00 24.0 2.92 24000 1.01 70.95
14.5 5 0.013 72.50 24.5 2.96 25000 1.00 72.70
15 5 0.013 75.00 25.0 3.00 25000 1.01 75.90
15.5 5 0.013 77.50 25.5 3.04 25000 1.02 79.11
16 5 0.013 80.00 26.0 3.08 25000 1.03 82.34
16.5 5 0.013 82.50 26.5 3.11 25000 1.04 85.57
17 5 0.013 85.00 27.0 3.15 25000 1.05 88.83
17.5 5 0.013 87.50 27.5 3.18 25000 1.05 92.09
18 5 0.013 90.00 28.0 3.21 25000 1.06 95.36
18.5 5 0.013 92.50 28.5 3.25 25000 1.07 98.65
19 5 0.013 95.00 29.0 3.28 25000 1.07 101.94
19.5 5 0.013 97.50 29.5 3.31 25000 1.08 105.25
20 5 0.013 100.00 30.0 3.33 25000 1.09 108.56
20.5 5 0.013 102.50 30.5 3.36 25000 1.09 111.88
21 5 0.013 105.00 31.0 3.39 25000 1.10 115.21
21.5 5 0.013 107.50 31.5 3.41 25000 1.10 118.55
22 5 0.013 110.00 32.0 3.44 25000 1.11 121.89
22.5 5 0.013 112.50 32.5 3.46 25000 1.11 125.24
23 5 0.013 115.00 33.0 3.48 25000 1.12 128.60
23.5 5 0.013 117.50 33.5 3.51 27500 1.07 125.82
24 5 0.013 120.00 34.0 3.53 27500 1.08 129.03
24.5 5 0.013 122.50 34.5 3.55 27500 1.08 132.25

Size (m x m) Wetted Hydraullic Slope Velocity Capacity
Manning's X-
Perimeter Radius 'R'
Coefficient Sextion
Width Depth (mtr) (mtr) 1 in Mtr (m/s) (cum/sec)
25 5 0.013 125.00 35.0 3.57 27500 1.08 135.48
25.5 5 0.013 127.50 35.5 3.59 27500 1.09 138.70
26 5 0.013 130.00 36.0 3.61 27500 1.09 141.94
26.5 5 0.013 132.50 36.5 3.63 27500 1.10 145.17
27 5 0.013 135.00 37.0 3.65 27500 1.10 148.42
27.5 5 0.013 137.50 37.5 3.67 27500 1.10 151.66
28 5 0.013 140.00 38.0 3.68 27500 1.11 154.91
28.5 5 0.013 142.50 38.5 3.70 27500 1.11 158.16
29 5 0.013 145.00 39.0 3.72 30000 1.07 154.55
29.5 5 0.013 147.50 39.5 3.73 30000 1.07 157.67
30 5 0.013 150.00 40.0 3.75 30000 1.07 160.80
Source: Analysis

D. Adequacy of Drains and Drainage System

85. According to the basin characteristics, coefficient of runoff, intensity of rainfall

corresponding to the time of concentration, the discharge at each section has been
calculated. Accordingly, the adequacies of the size of existing drains have been
determined. Table 10 shows the discharge from each basin and tentative size of the drain

Table 10: Tentative Size of Drain for Different Basins

Section Area of Type of Impervio Runoff Discharge Cum Tentative
catchment area -usness coefficient discharge size
basin required
1-1 1153.00 Agriculture 20% 0.221 36.10 36.10 8x4
2-1 479.00 Agriculture/ 20% 0.221 15.00 15.00 5x3
2-2 351.30 Residential 60% 0.467 23.24 38.24 8x4
2-3 306.70 Residential 60% 0.467 20.29 58.53 11 x 5
2-4 431.20 Residential 60% 0.467 28.53 87.06 17 x 5
3-1 659.60 Residential 60% 0.467 43.64 43.64 9 x 4.5
4-1 776.70 Residential 60% 0.467 51.39 51.39 10 x 5
5-1 786.40 Residential 60% 0.467 52.03 52.03 10.5 x 5
6-1 126.80 Residential 60% 0.467 8.39 8.39 4x2
6-2 221.20 Residential 60% 0.467 14.63 23.02 5 X 2.5
Source: Analysis

86. These are tentative size of the drains. However, exact size will have to be calculated
during detail designing. Also in case the drains are proposed on both side of the drain, the
size of each drain will be reduced relatively.


A. Summary

87. Recommendation on Storm Drainage Improvement includes i) remodeling and

channelization of drains (9.0 Km) ii) providing drain covers (2.5 km) iii) construction of
new drains (9.5 Km).

B. Storm Drainage Improvements Recommended

88. The recommended projects includes

(i) Elimination of cross sewer connections;

(ii) Rehabilitation and desiltilng of existing drains;
(iii) Augmentation and rectifying the missing links of existing drains and
(iv) Provision of new drains.

89. . The essential components of the improvement project include repair of the existing major
drains, resizing/augmentation of the existing major drains based on the hydrologic and
hydraulic calculations, proposal of new major drains in areas having no existing drainage
facilities, and elimination of cross-connections with sewers.

90. Elevations presented in this section are preliminary based on existing topography and may
be subject to change on account of development that may take place in the future.

91. The hydraulic capacities of the existing and proposed major drains have been calculated
with the hydraulic models for 1-year design storm. This chapter presents and discusses the
capacities of existing major drains, the hydraulically deficient drain-sections, 1-year
design flows, and problem areas for each drainage basin. Hydraulically deficient drains are
those that are undersized for the 1-year design flow. Estimated peak flows generated from
a 1-year storm event at maximum build-out are used as a basis for sizing the drainage

92. Major emphasis was placed on developing a plan that would minimize costs and solve all
known existing drainage problems. Recommendations have also been made to upgrade
existing drains that have been found to be under-sized by hydraulic modeling for the
design conditions. Because this plan is intended as a guide for the development of future
drainage facilities, it does not attempt to present detailed drainage designs for individual
areas. Rather, it determines peak flows for individual drainage systems and appropriate
sizes to serve these areas. It should be noted that detailed designs and construction plans
would be required before individual proposed projects are constructed. Recommended

drainage improvement projects are as follows.

1. Elimination of Cross-Connections of Sewers with Drains

93. By cross-connection between sewer and drain, it is meant any physical interconnection
existing between the two owing to a deliberate construction, illegal practice, or by chance
happening. All the drains of the city are acting as sewer line. Basic reason for this
happening is lack of sewerage/drainage facilities in the town. Further there is no recourse
but to dispose of the wastewater of unsewered areas into drains and vise versa. Major areas
identified as unsewered are Jasrrop Nagar, Adarsh nagar, New Ganesh nagar, Lajja puri,
Arjun nagar, prem nagar, Rafiq nagar, ram garhi village, Shiv garhi village, Moti colony,
Harijan basti, Ayodhya puri etc.

94. Apart from domestic wastewater, certain industrial effluent is also being disposed of in the
drains. A major industrial waste of Dheerkhera Industrial area also discharges into u/s of
Choya nallah. Effluent, treated or untreated, from all these industries, is disposed of
directly or indirectly into the drains. This need to be rectified and the areas required to be

2. Rehabilitation and Augmentation of Existing Drains

95. The Drain no 1 and Drain No 2 (choya nallah) are earthen drains and needs to be desilted
and needs to be channeled with regular shape and size as per the estimated discharge. The
sectionwise recommendations for rehabilitation and augmentation are as follows:

(i) Drain No 1.
a. From railway crossing to crossing at NH24. Though the section is
channelized, but weeds have grown, thereby blocking the flow. This needs to
be rehabilitated.
b. From Crossing at NH24 to Rampur road via Sabli village. As the drain is
kutcha in this area, the drain needs to be channelized and made pucca. The
tentative size required for this section is 32 Sqm.

(ii) Drain No 2 (Choya Nallah). This need to be linked with Drain No 1 for distributing
of excess flow from upstream of this drain to Drain no 1. Presently, Hapur Pilukhwa
Development authority is planning for a byepass from drain near Dastoi road to
Drain No 1 through a chak road. As link in drain no 2 breaks at this section, this will
divert the flow from Dheerukhera industrial area to Drain No 1. The section wise
recommendations are as follows:

(a). Hasoda to Dastoi road. As the drain carries the waste water, the arrangement
for diverting this waste water to sewerage system is the prime necessity. As
this is pucca, the drain required to be provided with cover.

(b). Dastoi Road to Modinagar road crossing and further to Delhi Moradabad

railway crossing. The drain has to be constructed in this portion. As the
residential area has come up in this portion, the option for alignment either
through existing roads or alignment available between the residential
available has to be checked during detailed designing. The pond near
Modinagar road crosssing needs to be revamped, as it will prevent flooding.
The tentative size of the drain required is 5m x 3m.

(c). Railway crossing to chamri road crossing and further to Delhi Garh road. As
the drain passes through the populated area and sewerage makes way into the
drain. It is recommended to eliminate the sewerage from the existing drain
through sewerage system in adjoining colonies. The option of taking drain
along the Chamri road may be explored or augmentation of existing drain
may be checked, if land available. Presently, as the solid waste is dumped
near the drain at chamri road crossing, the solid waste enters into the drain. It
is recommended to provide a waste bin at this location. At crossing, the pipe
culverts need to be redesigned as they have been blocked due to insufficient
size. The tentative size of the drain required is 8m x 4m.

(d). Delhi Garh road crossing to Ramgarhi village and further to kali river. As
the drain is kutcha in this area, the drain needs to be remodeled and
channelized and made pucca.

(iii) Circular Road Drain. As the drain takes the waste water of all the habitations in
course of this drain, sewerage system of the adjacent colonies is the prime
requirement. The drain requires desilting and cleaning to take care of storm water
flow. The drain requires to be covered.

(iv) Delhi Garh Road Drain. The drain from Khurja railway line to Tirupati garden is the
main secondary drain of Choya nallah and need to be augmented. The missing link
from town hall to Merrut road is to be provided. The discharge has been checked for
drains on both sides. The elimination of sewerage from this drain is also required.

3. New Proposed Drains

96. A drain along with the Merrut-Gulavati road has been proposed with a branch along the
Idgah road to meet at Choya nallha. The proposed drains are shown in Map 3.

97. Secondary and Tertiary Drains. In addition to the main drains, all the roads should have
secondary drains and colonies road should have tertiary drains. The tertiary drains may be
integrated along with the roads and proper slope should be provided as to drain out the
storm water. During construction of roads, proper camber should be provided and
sufficient longitudinal slope need to be designed and accordingly the road should be drain.

C. Operation and Maintenance Recommendations

98. Following are the recommendations regarding proposed operation and maintenance
polices to be adopted by nodal agencies responsible for stormwater management based on
the key subject areas:

1. Storm Water Management Policies

(i) Control flows from developed areas by proper storm water management (storage in
storm water ponds, wetlands, dry ponds) to prevent increasing flooding and erosion
problems downstream;
(ii) Preserve and protect any existing wetlands and develop them as necessary to
manage storm water runoff;
(iii) Encourage the use of Best Management Practices to control runoff rates and
improve water quality including the use of wetlands in preference to dry ponds.

2. Storm Water Management Plan

(i) Develop the preliminary designs of storm water ponds and trunk facilities through
the development of a basin master plan in each basin; confirm the locations, sizes,
and costs of major storm water management facilities to form the basis for a cost-
sharing formula;
(ii) Encourage the dual use of parks to allow for storm water management where
occasional flooding can be tolerated;
(iii) Plan and design major drainage channels as drainage parkways including walkways
and other recreational features to minimize the maintenance requirements and to
provide an aesthetic and recreation resource;
(iv) Link the proposed storm water management facilities, especially the drainage
parkways, with park spaces;
(v) Look for opportunities to minimize the number of outfalls in future subdivisions and
to reduce the number of outfalls in presently developed areas. Ensure that outfalls
are suitably located and adequately protected from erosion.
(vi) The level of the drain for new colonies to match with the main drain and also ensure
the drainage plan of the colony as per the master drainage plan of the city.

3. Operation and Maintenance

(i) Review the Town operating budget for storm water drainage to provide for
adequate programs of preventative maintenance and routine inspection;
(ii) Inspect the storm drains on a yearly cycle to monitor any deterioration in any
concerned channel that may require repair;
(iii) Conduct a hydrology study to confirm the availability of storage capacity for the

Town in the reservoir;
(iv) Conduct additional monitoring at different sites to enable further calibration of the
runoff model for local conditions.

D. Additional Recommendations

99. This component is applicable to the Town’s departments that operate or maintain a storm
drain system. The storm drain system functions primarily to collect and convey surface
runoff and to receive water during storms to prevent flooding. It is a common activity to
maintain the storm drain system as intended so that it functions hydraulically during
storms. The goal of this program is to reduce the impact of storm drain operation and
maintenance activities on storm water quality.

100. The Town program must meet the requirements of the Bahadurgarh Municipal Storm
water Regulation and implement minimum Best Management Practices to protect water
quality. The following design criteria to be adopted by implementing agency.

1. Design Criteria

(i) The drains should be designed as per the criteria developed in Chapter 4 of this
master plan. The coefficient of runoff and intensity of rainfall for design shall be
considered for time of concentration.

(ii) Design on-site storm water management areas to minimize operation, maintenance,
and flooding problems and to operate only in the less frequent storms.

2. Maintenance Schedule

101. Implement a maintenance schedule for all controls designed to reduce pollutant discharges
in the storm water conveyance system. Thus, it would include:

(i) Inspection & removal of waste before the onset of Monsoon;

(ii) Additional cleaning during the Monsoon;
(iii) Records of cleaning and waste removal quantity;
(iv) Proper waste disposal;
(v) Measures to eliminate discharges during maintenance & cleaning;
(vi) Limit infiltration from sanitary sewer to storm drains through routine maintenance;
(vii) Implement an Educational Program for all pertinent target audiences; and
(viii) Document activities for Urban Runoff Management Program.

(i) Objectives of Maintenance Schedule. Objectives of this program component are to

(a) Inspect and clean catch basins, keeping appropriate records; and (b) Remove

trash and debris from open channels with proper disposal of these materials to
prevent them from being washed into receiving waters.

(ii) Maintenance Schedule Activities. The purpose of this section is to identify activities
required to operate and maintain the storm drain system that may be a potential
source of pollutants to the storm drain conveyance system and receiving waters.
Storm drain O&M activities include the following: (a) Storm Drain Inlet Inspection
and Cleaning – Cleaning timing and frequency and identifying known problem
areas; (b) Storm Drain Cleanout and Structure Inspection – Cleaning timing and
frequency; (c) Management of Storm Drain System Solid Waste – Management of
material removed by storm drain operation and maintenance activities, including
debris capture systems, containment, storage and disposal; (d) Drainage Ditches
Cleaning – Concrete lined and natural open channels; and (e) Emergency Operations
– Plugged lines/flooding.

(iii) Routine Inspection and Cleaning. (a) Inspect, and clean as needed, all inlets/catch
basins at least once every other year (at least 50% of the entire system inspected and
cleaned each year); (b) Inspect, and clean as needed, all inlets/catch basins in known
problem areas at least once a year; (c) Inspect, and clean as needed, all storm drain
lines in known problem areas at least once a year; (d) Inspect, and clean as needed,
sumps and debris racks at detention basins, drainage ditches and debris basins
throughout the year; (e) Cleaning activities may occur on a yearly basis, however,
known problem areas shall be targeted prior to the rainy season; (f) Inspect, and
clean as needed, all storm drain facilities that have been affected by emergency
response activities; and (g) Additional cleanings must be conducted as necessary
during the rainy season.

(iv) Slide and Embankment Repair of Channels. (a) Transport debris or removed
material to an approved dump site as soon as practical. Do not dump material into or
near storm drain inlets, ditches, or watercourses; and (b) Notify proper regulatory
agencies about material that has fallen naturally into a watercourse due to a
substantial slide;

(v) Solid Waste Management. (a) Remove debris, silt, trash and sediment from the
storm drain system when cleaning; debris capture systems should be used to prevent
material from washing into streams or channels; (b) Provide proper containment for
the temporary storage of removal debris during cleaning; (c) The removed solid
waste should not drain again to storm drains or receiving waters; and (d) Identify,
quantify and record waste collected from drain systems.

(vi) Record Keeping and Evaluation. (a) Maintain records tracking all cleaning
activities. The records should show when and which facilities have been inspected
and cleaned; (b) Provide a referral and follow-up process between storm drain
operation and maintenance of illicit connection and illegal dumping investigation
staff for problems found; (c) Document any unusual flows observed during
inspection (particularly dry weather flows) and the follow-up actions/referrals, i.e.
Storm water Program contacted, etc.; (d) Review the records annually to critically

study the effectiveness of storm drain operation and maintenance activities; (e)
Modifications to O&M policies and procedures shall be documented and reported;
and (f) Report modifications and corrective actions identified during self- inspection
to the Storm water Program annually as part of the Program Assessment.

(vii) Operational Improvement, Structural Retrofit and Design Changes. (a) Review the
storm drain operation and maintenance program annually and identify any needed
operational improvements, opportunities for structural retrofit and design changes;
and (b) Include operation and maintenance provisions in planning and design phases
to ensure that storm water quality issues are considered in the design of storm drain

3. Training and Coordination

102. The following trainings are suggested:

(i) Civil works: Detail design of storm water drains including calculation of time of
concentration, rainfall analysis and discharge measurement;

(ii) Operation and Maintenance: Training on controlling storm water pollution through
storm drain operation and maintenance;

(iii) Best Management Practices: Best practices of storm water drainages at other parts of
the country and international practices

E. Identification of Drainage Projects to be taken up

103. The Master Plan has identified three phases of work. These phases are:

(i) Immediate Phase, 2009- 2011: This work will consist of de-silting, minor repairs,
and slab covering wherever it is structurally possible; and

(ii) Phase I, 2011 – 2020: These includes construction of new drains. Channelization of
existing drain.

104. The final projects recommended will take into account important criteria, such as
availability of funds, the need to provide projects in all of the towns, and the need to take
up projects in all the concerned towns. The implementation schedule focuses on the
immediate period (2008-10) and the period of implementation i.e. the year 2010-2013.

F. Recommended Immediate Priority Projects

105. The overall work has to be completed in two phases:

(i) Short Term measures for year 2009- 2011: The works will primarily consist of the
(a) De-silting and garbage removal in all drains;
(b) Removing of weeds form Drain 1 with minor repair, such as repair of
damaged work masonry, coping, plastering etc;
(c) Slab covers to be provided in Industrial Drain i.e for section 1 of choya nallah
containing industrial waste water;
(d) Preparation and implementation of operation and management plan for storm
water drains.

(ii) Long Term measures for year 2011 – 2020: The works will primarily consists of the
(a) Augmentation of existing drains;
(b) Major rehabilitation, such as construction of retaining walls, flooring, and top
(c) Construction of complete new drains as proposed above;
(d) Elimination of cross-connections with sewers and industrial discharges

G. Cost Estimates

106. At the Master Plan (MP) stage, the costs for various project elements have been estimated
for the purpose of fund allocation. The basis for arriving at these cost estimates for the
different elements of the drainage system is presented in subsequent sections.

107. Actual costs include Engineering Cost along with Contractor’s overheads and profit,
physical contingencies and other administrative expenses. All the costs are calculated as of
December 2008.

108. Drains of depth less than 1.5 m are considered made up of brick work, whereas drains of
more than 1.5 m depth are predominantly made of RCC. All the necessary items for
construction of drains, like excavation, PCC, RCC, brickwork, plastering etc., have been
included in the per meter cost of drain.

109. Only main drains have been considered under this project, and their costs have been taken
and lateral drains are not considered as a part of the project.

1. Proposed Subprojects and Costing

110. The following Table 11. shows the proposed subprojects and estimated costs of storm water
drainage system improvement in Hapur. The total cost is estimated as Rs. 605 million.

Table 11: Proposed Subprojects and Costs of Hapur Drainage

S. No Component Length Estimated Cost
Km Rs. Million
1 Remodeling and channelization with construction of 20.0 3,70.00
missing link
2 Provision of drain covers 2.0 25.00
3 Construction a new major drain 2.5 35.00
4 Construction/ remodeling of secondary & tertiary 1,20.00
5 Sub Total 550.00
6 Physical contingencies @10% of sub total 55.00
Total 605.00

2. De-silting & Rehabilitation of Existing Drains

111. Wherever possible, existing drains would be rehabilitated after de-silting. Where the
discharge capacity is not found adequate, they shall be augmented as per the design.
Where the drains are damaged, e.g. damage in the retaining walls; they shall be repaired.


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