Escuela de Sophia of Caloocan, Inc.: Learning Plan in Programming - Physical Education 12 4 Quarter

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Escuela De Sophia of Caloocan, Inc.


4th Quarter

WEEK 5 and 6
(DATE: March 15 - 26, 2021)
TOPIC: Indoor Recreational Activities
- Indoor Sports
- Vlogging
- Puzzles


 Recognizes the value of optimizing one’s health through participation in physical activity
 Demonstrates proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and equipment.


 I can identify the different Indoor Recreational Activities

 I can understand the different Benefits of indoor recreational activities on one’s health
 I can perform different indoor recreational activities


 Know the different Indoor Recreational Activities

 Benefits of indoor recreational activities on one’s health
 Perform different indoor recreational activities

Introduction of the Lesson:

A lot of us are even worried about missing our workout sessions, sports classes, etc. and even though it
may sound counterintuitive, there are a lot of sports and activities that can be done indoors. The best
thing to do right now is to keep yourself busy and active to stay cheerful and look after your body at
the same time. While it's normal to start binge-watching shows or sit glued to your laptop during
times like this, we strongly recommend you move around a bit more, play a few sports and you're
bound to feel a lot better physically and mentally. How Indoor activities helps our Holistic Health in this
kind of situation?

Concept Map
This is the conceptual framework off the lesson that we will discuss in this lesson.


Dance Exercise



Instructional Modality Motivational Activity

DAY 1: Synchronous ENGAGE (Day 1 of Asynchronous) EXPLAIN (Day 2 of
Instructions: Recreational Activities Asynchronous)
Students will share their answers Students will follow their teacher to
from pre-synchronous activities. perform the Eye exercises.
And they will do the EXPLORE
activity. Explore
Students should listen actively to Riddle Time!
the important points of the lesson. 1. A cowboy rides into town on
Friday. He stays three days, then ation/d/1dOcG84ZR25IZcXBuU
DAY 2: Synchronous rides out of town on Friday. 3T4l_-
Instructions: How? uLklfwWegPiyR2T9KHt4/edit#s
Students will wrap up of the
lessons and processing of the Exit Guide questions:
Ticket from Day 1 synchronous. 1. How you solved the riddle?
2. What strategy did you use to lide=id.gccf75b376d_0_0
DAY 1: Asynchronous solved your problems in
Instructions: life?
Students will prepare for the week Note: This activity is used the
lessons. Reading and doing of the critical thinking skills that the
Pre-Synchronous Activity same in playing indoor
(ENGAGE & EXPLAIN) recreational activities.
DAY 2: Asynchronous
Students will do their EXTEND
activity and EVALUATE
(Performance Check)


Wired Learning Assessment

EXTEND (Day 2 of Asynchronous)
Formative Assessment: Give one Indoor Sports that you already experienced and tell what is the benefits to
your mental health and physical health.
Guide Question:
1. What kind of Indoor Activities that you experienced?
2. How Indoor Sports affect your mental health and physical health?

Performance Tasks
During your P.E. Class join your teacher to experienced and learned the different Indoor Recreational
Activities. Attendance is a must.
- Indoor Sports
- Vlogging
- Puzzles

Day: Monday,Tuesday,Thursday and Friday


Author/s: Jonald Earvin S. Mamporte

(Motivation) - the learners will become self-motivated individuals who believe in their abilities to achieve their goals.
-The learners will become reflective in assessing their own development needs and become proactive in seeking new
challenges and opportunities to develop.
(Innovation) -The learners will become determined, resilient, and goal-oriented

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