Jurnal Agroekoteknologi FP Usu E-Issn No. 2337-659 Vol.7.No.2, Maret 2019 (45) : 361-367
Jurnal Agroekoteknologi FP Usu E-Issn No. 2337-659 Vol.7.No.2, Maret 2019 (45) : 361-367
Jurnal Agroekoteknologi FP Usu E-Issn No. 2337-659 Vol.7.No.2, Maret 2019 (45) : 361-367
2337- 659
Vol.7.No.2, Maret 2019 (45): 361-367 https://jurnal.usu.ac.id/agroekoteknologi
Identification of morphological characteristics and phylogenic relationship used to identify the best
coconut characters that can be used as elders and germplasm. The purpose of this research was to
identify the morphological characteristics and phylogenetic relationship of several genotypes of
coconut in Pangkalan Brandan districts, Pangkalan Susu districts and Sei Bingei districts Langkat
regency North Sumatera. The research was conducted from April to Mei 2018 by descriptive survey
method based on coconut descriptor of International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI)
using accidental sampling. This result showed that in research areathere were 13genotypes of
dwarf coconut and 14 genotypes of tall coconut. The morphological characteristics were found for
crown shape viz(spherical, hemispherical, X-shaped ‘silhouette’), flower shape (normal and
additional spathes or bracts), and fruit size (ovoid, almost round, oblate). The closet phylogenetic
relaationship is AP16 and AP2 with coefficient euclidean 3,464 and farthest phylogenetic
relationship is AP20 and AP22 with coefficient euclidean 10,488. Phylogenetic relationship of
between genotypes of coconut in Pankalan Brandan Districts, Pangkalan Susu Districts and Sei
Bingei Districts Langkat regency still have a close level relationship.
Keywords : coconut, morphological characteristics, phylogenic relationship, Langkat regency
Jurnal Agroekoteknologi FP USU E-ISSN No. 2337- 659
Vol.7.No.2, Maret 2019 (45): 361-367 https://jurnal.usu.ac.id/agroekoteknologi
Tabel 3. Hubungan Kekerabatan Genotipe Kelapa di Kabupaten Langkat Sumatera Utara dilihat
dari Euclidean distance
Jurnal Agroekoteknologi FP USU E-ISSN No. 2337- 659
Vol.7.No.2, Maret 2019 (45): 361-367 https://jurnal.usu.ac.id/agroekoteknologi
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