Electronic Volume Corrector With FL Exible Data Logging Function and Confi Gurable Serial Interface
Electronic Volume Corrector With FL Exible Data Logging Function and Confi Gurable Serial Interface
Electronic Volume Corrector With FL Exible Data Logging Function and Confi Gurable Serial Interface
- Volume correction for billing purposes
- Data logging for different applications
- Monitoring of measurement values und station functions
The EK220 is a battery-operated volume corrector. The device records the low frequen- • System volume corrector
cy operating volume pulses of a gas meter, measures the operating pressure and
• Conforms to
temperature of the gas and calculates the compressibility K as well as the conversion
European standard EN 12405
factor C. The standard volumes, standard flow rates and operating flow rates can be
calculated using this initial data. • MID approval
• Compressibility calculated in
The volume corrector consists of a central unit with either an integrated or external
accordance with different methods
pressure sensor and a temperature sensor. The sensors are permanently connected
to the unit. The compressibility K can be programmed as a constant for all gases or • Flexible, integrated
calculated according to various methods of calculation. data logging function
• High accuracy
The EK220 can be used in many applications in the field of natural gas measurement
and station monitoring thanks to four digital outputs, a flexible data logging function • Mains-free operation
in conjunction with a freely configurable serial interface and different communication • Suitable for use in
protocols. Zone 1 hazardous areas
Additional components for explosion-proof isolation of the interfaces and the intrinsi- • Three digital inputs
cally safe external voltage supply, and for data communication, extend the range of • Four freely programmable,
use of the volume corrector. sealable digital outputs
• Various communication protocols
Station monitoring - IEC 62056-21
- Modbus
In addition to volume correction and data logging, the EK220 may be used for the - IDOM
flexible data recording of different measurements and, in conjunction with either a • Optical interface for parameterisation
modem or RTU, for system monitoring. and readout (IEC 62056-21)
Two additional digital inputs can be used for registering and monitoring the signal sen- • Integrated serial interface can be
sors such as the safety shut-off valves on regulators, the differential pressure switches used as RS232 or RS485
in filters or for a simple door contact. The signals from such sensors can be saved in an • Second pressure sensor for
archive as an event and can also be sent as a spontaneous message by text message monitoring purposes (option)
or by e-mail via a connected modem.
The volume corrector may optionally be fitted with a second external pressure sen-
sor, which allows to record the inlet or outlet pressure of the measuring system, or to
monitor its limit values.
EK220: Electronic volume corrector
Display and operation The unit’s serial interface can be freely outputs, they allow forwarding of the vol-
configured and can be operated in ume pulses determined for a measuring
The current values and parameters can RS232 or RS485 mode. It allows con- cycle in the form of pulse packets. When
be shown on the two-line, alpha-numer- nection to modems and other commu- used as status outputs, messages and
ical display and changed if required. The nication components. In RS485 mode, warnings can be signalled on the basis
use of four arrow keys guarantees sim- bus operation is also possible, in order of different results (e.g. exceeding the
ple navigation of data arranged in lists. to read out two volume correctors via a minimum or maximum consumption val-
Each value is displayed with a clear de- communication module (modem, RTU). ues or measured values, sensor errors,
scription and the relevant unit. In compliance with the specifications laid time synchronisation signals, etc.). The
out in the ATEX approval, the interface outputs can either be secured against
For everyday operation, the most impor- may also be used in hazardous areas in unauthorised changes by supplier lock
tant values are combined in a configura- any configuration. or calibration lock.
ble user list. The display range can be
limited to this list, which will guarantee The volume corrector may also option-
simple operation of the volume corrector Communication protocols ally be fitted with a second pressure
at the metering point. At the touch of a sensor. Depending on the system con-
few buttons, the current meter readings The EK220 supports various communi- figuration, the measuring system’s inlet
and the main operating parameters can cation protocols. Invoice-relevant data or or outlet pressure can thus be registered
be checked. process and operating data for network in one of the flexible archives and the
management can therefore be used si- limit values can also be monitored there.
multaneously in many established cen- The system’s status can also be continu-
Data logging function tral call-up systems and EDM systems. ously monitored when it is connected to
a SCADA system.
The integrated, event-triggered data log- Using the communication protocol in ac-
ger supports different archive and log- cordance with IEC 62056-21, all param-
book functions. eters can be read and changed and the Power supply
archives can be read out. All protocol
Six archives can be freely configured, i.e. information is disclosed and is available The power supply for the unit is provided
the values that are to be recorded, the on request for the development of own by a lithium battery. In standard opera-
events triggering registration, as well as applications and call-up systems. tion, the service life of the battery is 5
the recording interval (measuring pe- years. An optional additional battery can
riod), can be selected as required. De- As an alternative to the protocol in ac- be used to double the battery life. The
pending on an archive’s configuration, cordance with IEC 62056-21, the Mod- current operating status of the volume
the data can be saved for up to one year, bus protocol can also be used for data corrector is taken into account when
or longer. communication via the internal interface, calculating the remaining battery capac-
which allows connection to SCADA sys- ity. If the battery life is 3 months or less,
Along with the data logging archives, the tems. Modbus/RTU and Modbus/ASCII the corresponding indication appears
volume corrector offers three logbooks, operating modes are supported. in the display. In addition, this informa-
with which the volume corrector’s op- tion can also be called up via the volume
eration can be monitored constantly. The In order to guarantee the greatest flex- corrector status register. The battery can
event logbook saves the last 500 mes- ibility as regards different requirements be replaced without damaging the inter-
sages for events and status changes. In and applications, the data elements, as- nal seals. All parameters are saved in a
the change logbook the last 200 setting sociated Modbus addresses and data non-volatile memory.
changes are registered and up to 50 formats can thus be freely configured.
changes to parameters and values re- In addition, it is also possible to use an
quiring official calibration are document- external power supply. In this case, the
ed in the calibration archive (Certification Additional functions battery remains in the unit and guaran-
data log). tees the unit functions, including if there
Two additional digital inputs can be used is a failure of the external power source.
either as pulse inputs or status inputs
Communication interface for various applications, such as station
monitoring and pulse comparisons, for Version
The programming or readout of the de- example.
vice at the station is performed via the For wall mounting, the housing of the
optical interface (IEC 62056-21) on the Four freely programmable digital out- EK220 is equipped with boreholes. It can
front panel. puts enable a range of information to be also be fitted directly to the meter or gas
transmitted. When programmed as pulse pipe using an attachment bracket.
Second pressure sensor for station monitoring (option)
Daily Date, time, Vb, VbT, Vm, VmT, pØ, TØ, k value Ø, C factor Ø, status daily 18 months - x
Measurement 1 Date, time, Vb, VbT, Vm, VmT, pØ, TØ, k value Ø, C factor Ø, status 1 minute - 1 month 1 month - x
Measurement 2 Date, time, Vb, VbT, Vm, VmT, pØ, TØ, k value Ø, C factor Ø, status 1 minute - 1 month *3 6 months x x *2
Process data Date, time, Vb, VbT, Vm, VmT, pØ, TØ, k value Ø, C factor Ø, status 1 minute - 1 hour *3 *1 x -
Additional 1 - 4 Flexible 1 minute - 1 month *3 *1 x -
Event Date, time, event every event 500 records - x
Audit trail Date, time, parameter address, old value, new value, information on all locks every change 200 records - x
Certification data log Date, time, parameter address, old value, new value, information on all locks (every change) *4 50 records - x
FE260 function extension unit – a flexible interface between EK220 and energy data management
EK220 FE260 Modem Telecommunications Data recall
in hazardous area in safe area connection network from utility or
service provider
Serial interface
Outputs PSTN
Power supply GPRS
The Ex-barrier of the serial interface and FE260. In addition, the intrinsically safe cept allows the use of a modem for data
the pulse outputs of the volume correc- power supply of the volume corrector communication or an interface for con-
tor is provided by function extension unit is guaranteed. The unit’s modular con- nection to other devices.
EK220: Electronic volume corrector
Technical data
Order number 83462550
Housing Cast aluminium, wall or meter mounting
Dimensions H 126 mm x W 120 mm x D 90 mm (not including connections)
Weight Approx. 1.5 kg (including batteries)
Metrological approval Conforms to the European standard EN 12405-1:2005 +A1:2006
MID DE-08-MI 002-PTB 001 volume conversion device for gas (PTZ-conversion)
ATEX approval Zone 1, EEx ia IIC T4
Protection class IP 66 (suitable for outdoor installation)
Ambient conditions Temperature: -25 to +55 °C
Battery power supply 1 lithium battery module (service life > 5 years under standard operating conditions)
Optional additional battery to double the service life
External power supply 5 – 10 V DC, I < 30 mA mains power supply unit (in conjunction with a serial interface)
Control panel Keypad with 4 buttons
Display 2-line dot-matrix display with plain-text description of the values displayed.
All parameters, settings and archived values can be displayed.
Inputs 3 digital inputs for connecting LF pulse generators and message signals (e.g. manipulation contact)
Pressure sensor Absolute sensor, Type ENVEC CT30*, integrated in housing or, as an option, provided as an external sensor
for volume correction (if two pressure sensors will be used, then one as internal and one as external version), connection for precision steel
pipe (Ermeto 6L) or flexible pressure tube, M12 x 1.5 thread
Pressure ranges 0.7 - 2 bar / 0.8 - 5 bar / 1.4 - 7 bar / 2 - 10 bar / 2.4 - 12 bar / 4 - 20 bar / 6 - 30 bar /
8 - 40 bar / 14 - 70 bar / 16 - 80 bar
* Other sensors and pressure ranges on request
Pressure sensor Absolute or gauge sensor, Type ENVEC CT30, provided as an external sensor,
for monitoring purposes fixed connection to the central unit, 10 metres fixed cable length
(option) connection for precision steel pipe (Ermeto 6L) or flexible pressure tube, M12 x 1.5 thread
Absolute pressure ranges between 0.7 - 80 bar (see above)
Gauge pressure ranges: 1.4 - 7 bar / 4 - 20 bar / 16 - 80 bar
Temperature sensor Pt-500 (or Pt-100 as an option) resistance thermometer to DIN 60751 with protective tube, for use with thermowell.
- Fitting length 50 mm Ø 6 mm, length of supply cable 2.5 m
Compressibility Calculation in accordance with S-GERG 88, AGA 8 (GC1 or GC2), AGA NX-19,
AGA-NX19 following Herning & Wolowsky or fixed
Archives 2 monthly archives, 1 daily archive, 1 measurement archive (content and recording interval are fixed)
1 process data archive, 1 measurement archive, 4 additional flexible archives
(content, recording interval and additional events which cause a record can be selected)
Logbooks Event logbook
- Recording of non-periodic events (e.g. time changes with time stamp)
- Storage capacity 500 records
Change logbook (audit trail)
- Recording of all parameter and value changes (time stamp, old and new values)
- Storage capacity 200 records
Certification data log
- Recording of changes of certain parameters and values (time stamp, old and new values)
which are normally under the access rights of the calibration lock
- Storage capacity 50 records
All rights reserved
Signal outputs 4 digital transistor outputs, freely programmable and protectable via calibration lock as
- Pulse output for all operating or standard volume meters
- Signal output for alarm and/or warning status information
Data interface Optical interface in accordance with IEC 62056-21
Internal serial interface usable as RS232 or RS485
Subject to change without prior notice
Your contacts
Germany Belgium Singapore
Elster GmbH Elster-Instromet N.V. Elster-Instromet
Steinern Str. 19 - 21 Rijkmakerlaan 9 Singapore Representative Office
55252 Mainz-Kastel 2910 Essen 80 Marine Parade Road
T +49 6134 605 0 T +32 3 670 0700 09-04 Parkway Parade
F +49 6134 605 223 F +32 3 667 6940 Singapore 449269
www.elster-instromet.com www.elster-instromet.com T +65 6247 7728
[email protected] [email protected] F +65 6247 7729
EK220 EN02