EK220 Manual en
EK220 Manual en
EK220 Manual en
2 © Elster GmbH
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
Passing this manual to third parties and its duplication, in full or in part, are only allowed with
written permission from Elster GmbH.
The guarantee becomes invalid if the product described here is not handled properly, re-
paired or modified by unauthorised persons or if replacement parts which are not genuine
parts from Elster GmbH are used.
© Elster GmbH 3
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
I Safety information ..................................................................................................................... 6
II Items supplied and accessories ................................................................................................ 7
1 Brief description ........................................................................................................................ 8
2 Operation ................................................................................................................................ 10
2.1 Front panel ....................................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Display.............................................................................................................................. 11
2.2.1 Line 1 = Labels .............................................................................................................................11
2.2.2 Line 2 = Value with name and unit ...............................................................................................13
2.3 Keypad ............................................................................................................................. 13
2.3.1 Changing values ...........................................................................................................................14
2.3.2 Entering "sources" ........................................................................................................................15
2.3.3 Entry errors ...................................................................................................................................15
2.4 Access rights .................................................................................................................... 16
2.4.1 Calibration lock .............................................................................................................................16
2.4.2 Certification data log.....................................................................................................................16
2.4.3 Supplier's lock and customer's lock .............................................................................................17
2.5 Formation of the list structure ........................................................................................... 17
3 Functional description ............................................................................................................. 22
3.1 User list ............................................................................................................................ 23
3.2 Standard volume (volume at base conditions) list ............................................................. 25
3.3 Actual volume (volume at measurement conditions) list ..................................................... 26
3.4 Pressure list ...................................................................................................................... 27
3.4.1 Submenu pressure sensor 2 "SMenu Press. 2" ...........................................................................30
3.4.2 Submenu pressure coefficients ....................................................................................................32
3.5 Temperature list ................................................................................................................ 34
3.5.1 Submenu temperature coefficients ..............................................................................................35
3.6 Volume corrector list ......................................................................................................... 37
3.6.1 Submenu gas data for Detailed Characterization ........................................................................40
3.7 Archive list ........................................................................................................................ 42
3.7.1 Find function for checking the archive entries ..............................................................................45
3.7.2 Measurement period archive 2 .....................................................................................................45
3.7.3 Flexible archives 1 to 4.................................................................................................................45
3.8 Status list .......................................................................................................................... 46
3.8.1 List of status messages ................................................................................................................49
3.8.2 Status register addresses ............................................................................................................54
3.9 System list ........................................................................................................................ 55
3.10 Service list ........................................................................................................................ 57
3.10.1 Submenu ambient temperature “SMenu Amb. temp.” .................................................................61
3.10.2 Submenu revisal “SMenu Revisal” ...............................................................................................61
3.11 Input list ............................................................................................................................ 62
3.12 Output list ......................................................................................................................... 67
3.12.1 Brief summary of output parameterisation ...................................................................................71
3.13 Interface list ...................................................................................................................... 72
3.13.1 Submenu „GSM & SMS“ ..............................................................................................................78
3.13.2 Submenu "IDOM protocol" ...........................................................................................................80
3.13.3 Submenu “MODBUS parameters” ...............................................................................................81
3.14 Energy list ......................................................................................................................... 84
4 Applications ............................................................................................................................ 85
4.1 Application in areas subject to explosion hazards ............................................................. 85
4.1.1 Applications in Zone 1 ..................................................................................................................85
4.1.2 Applications in Zone 2 ..................................................................................................................85
4.1.3 Ex identification label....................................................................................................................85
4.2 Rated operating conditions for the various conversion methods ....................................... 86
4.3 Connection of a counter with LF pulse transmitter ............................................................ 88
4.4 Applications for Interface 2 as RS485 ............................................................................... 89
4.4.1 FE260 Function Expansion ..........................................................................................................89
4 © Elster GmbH
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
4.4.2 Devices with RS485 interface (also FE260), without modem ...................................................... 89
4.4.3 FE230 Function Expansion with modem ..................................................................................... 90
4.4.4 EK220 connected to RS485-Bus (real RS485) ............................................................................ 90
4.5 Applications for Interface 2 as RS232 ............................................................................... 91
4.5.1 Modem without control signals ..................................................................................................... 91
4.5.2 Interface isolator MTL5051 .......................................................................................................... 91
4.5.3 Other devices with RS232 interface (no modem) ........................................................................ 92
4.5.4 Sending short messages by SMS. ............................................................................................... 92
4.5.5 Standard output data records for process data ........................................................................... 92
4.6 Interface protocols ............................................................................................................ 93
4.6.1 Modbus ........................................................................................................................................ 93
4.6.2 Idom protocol ............................................................................................................................... 93
5 Installation and maintenance .................................................................................................. 94
5.1 Installation procedure ....................................................................................................... 94
5.2 Three-way valve ............................................................................................................... 95
5.3 Cable connection and earthing ......................................................................................... 96
5.4 Checking the pressure sensor .......................................................................................... 96
5.5 Terminal layout ................................................................................................................. 97
5.6 Connection of a low-frequency pulse generator (reed contacts) ....................................... 99
5.7 Connection of the serial interface RS485 .......................................................................... 99
5.7.1 FE260 Function Expansion (with or without modem) .................................................................. 99
5.7.2 FE230 Function Expansion ........................................................................................................ 100
5.7.3 Other devices with RS485 interface (no modem) ...................................................................... 100
5.7.4 EK220 connected to RS485-Bus (real RS485) .......................................................................... 101
5.8 Connection of the serial interface RS232 ........................................................................ 101
5.8.1 Industrial modem EM260 or Modem without control signals ..................................................... 102
5.8.2 Interface isolator MTL5051 ........................................................................................................ 102
5.8.3 Other devices with RS232 interface, EK220 battery powered ................................................... 103
5.8.4 Other devices with RS232 interface, EK220 with ext. power supply ......................................... 103
5.9 Seals .............................................................................................................................. 104
5.9.1 Seal layout of basic device ........................................................................................................ 105
5.9.2 Seal layout of temperature sensor ............................................................................................. 107
5.9.3 Sealing layout of pressure sensor -Type CT30 ......................................................................... 108
5.9.4 Sealing layout of pressure sensor type 17002 ........................................................................... 109
5.10 Battery replacement........................................................................................................ 110
A Approvals .............................................................................................................................. 112
A-1 EC Declaration of Conformance ..................................................................................... 112
A-2 Approval for Ex Zone ...................................................................................................... 113
B Technical data ...................................................................................................................... 118
B-1 General data (mechanical).............................................................................................. 118
B-2 Batteries ......................................................................................................................... 118
B-3 External power supply .................................................................................................... 119
B-4 Pulse and status inputs................................................................................................... 119
B-5 Signal and pulse outputs ................................................................................................ 120
B-5.1 Connection of an EK220 to a PLC or external switching amplifier ............................................ 120
B-6 Optical serial interface ............................................................................................................... 122
B-7 Electrical serial interface (internal) .................................................................................. 122
B-8 Pressure sensor ............................................................................................................ 123
B-8.1 Type CT30 ..................................................................................................................................... 123
B-8.2 Type 17002 .................................................................................................................................... 123
B-8.3 Installation information ................................................................................................................... 124
B-9 Temperature sensor ....................................................................................................... 124
B-10 Measurement uncertainty ............................................................................................... 124
C Index ..................................................................................................................................... 125
© Elster GmbH 5
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
I Safety information
The connections of the EK220 are freely accessible during setting up. Therefore, make
sure that no electrostatic discharge (ESD) can occur in order to avoid damage to the
components. The person carrying out the installation can, for example, discharge him-
self/herself by touching the potential equalisation line.
To avoid erroneous operation and problems, the operating manual must be read before
putting the EK220 into operation.
The EK220 Volume and Temperature Conversion Device (= Electronic Volume Corrector)
can be used in Ex Zone 1 according VDE 0170 for gases of Temperature Class T4 (ignition
temperature > 135°C, e.g. natural gas). See Appendix A-2 for EC prototype test certificate.
Follow the relevant applicable national regulations and appropriate standards, e.g.
EN 60079-14 and EN 60079-11.
Make sure that the limits quoted in the EC prototype test certificate (see Appendix A-2)
for the devices to be connected are not exceeded.
The housing of the EK220 must be earthed directly to a potential equalisation strip. A
terminal screw is provided for this on the left housing wall.
6 © Elster GmbH
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
© Elster GmbH 7
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
1 Brief description
The EK220 Volume Conversion Device and the Temperature Conversion Device are used
for the conversion of the gas volume measured in the operating state by a gas meter to the
standard state and in the appropriate energy.
The momentary values of pressure and temperature are measured for the determination of
the operating state of Volume Conversion Device EK220. When using the EK220 as a
Temperature Conversion Device, the momentary values of temperature are measured and
the pressure is set as a constant.
The gas law deviation factor (K-value) can be computed alternatively according to S-
GERG-88, AGA 8 GC method 1 or 2, AGA-NX19, AGA-NX19 according Herning and
Wolowsky or compatible with AGA-8 DC92 or it can be entered as a constant. The volume
is converted into energy using the adjustable calorific value.
The integral recording device includes the consumption profile of a number of months for a
measurement period of 60 minutes.
Power supply:
Battery operation with a service life depending on operating mode 5 years.
Battery replacement possible without loss of data and without violation of calibration seals.
Data retention without battery supply due to internal non-volatile memory.
Connection for external power supply unit.
Operator interface:
Alphanumeric display with two lines of 16 characters.
Two user locks (supplier's and customer's locks) with numerical codes.
Access rights for each individual value can be set separately via interface (with appro-
priate rights).
Data interface:
Optical interface according to IEC 62056-21 (replaces IEC 61107 and EN61107).
Programmable standard output data records for process data ("three-minute values").
Various counters for Vb and Vm as well as for each input (main and original counter,
disturbance volumes, totalizer, adjustable counter, measurement period counter).
Each input can be separately sealed and secured under official calibration.
8 © Elster GmbH
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
Pressure sensor 1:
Pressure sensor integrated in device, or externally mounted.
Connection of second pressure sensor possible (option, for non-calibrated recording).
Alternatively absolute or gauge pressure measurement.
Temperature sensor:
Pt500 (option Pt100 or Pt1000) temperature sensor, different length
Monitoring functions
Monitoring of signalling inputs.
Monitoring of any values against programmable limits.
All monitoring can trigger appropriate reactions such as for example, entries in the sta-
tus register, log book, archive or signalling via outputs.
Counter readings and maxima from the last 24 months for Vb and Vm.
Mean values, maxima and minima from the last 24 months for pressure and temperature
as well as partially for the K-value and conversion factor.
Flexible archive for measurement period values (consumption profile) from the last
5 months for Vb, Vm, p, T, K and C (standard structure of archive) for a measurement
period of 60 minutes. The measurement period can be set in the range from one minute
up to one month.
Archive for meas. period values for saving redundant measurement period archive data
from the last approx. 40 days for Vb, V, p, T, K and C for a meas. period of 60 minutes.
Day archive with 600 entries. Measurement period values from the last 20 month for Vb,
Vm, p, T, K and C. Archiving once a day.
Event logbook with 500 entries for events such as for example status changes, signal-
ling inputs, limit violations.
Changes logbook ("audit trail") with entry of the last 200 changes to settings (parame-
terising steps).
Certification data log (as option) with 50 entries for changing of some parameters relevant
to calibration regulations. A data row for the value is entered before and after the change
for each change to such a parameter.
Four freely configurable archives.
Automatic summer time selection can be set.
© Elster GmbH 9
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
2 Operation
2.1 Front panel2
Identification label
2.2 Display
A W B A c t. V. Submenu
V m A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 m 3
Both lines in the display are subdivided into fields which are described below.
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Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
3. Device status
Here a maximum of three of the most important items of status information are continually shown.
A flashing character signifies that the corresponding state is still present and the correspond-
ing message is present in the momentary status.
A non-flashing character signifies that the corresponding state is past, but the message in
the status register has not yet been cleared.
Meaning of the letters:
- A "Alarm"
At least one status message has occurred which has resulted in disturbance vol-
umes being counted. Basically, all messages with numbers "1" or "2" represent
alarms (e.g. "Alarm limits for temperature violated" 3.8).
Alarm messages are copied into the status register and are retained here, even after
rectification of the cause of the error, until they are manually cleared.
- W "Warning"
At least one status message has occurred which is valid as a warning.
Basically, all messages with numbers in the range "3" to "8" represent warnings (e.g.
"Warning limits for temperature violated" or "Error on output" 3.8).
Warning messages are copied into the status register and are retained here, even
after rectification of the cause of the error, until they are manually cleared.
- B "Batteries discharged"
The remaining battery service life is less than 3 months.
This display corresponds to Status Message "Batt. low" ( page 52).
- L3 "Certification data log full"
The certification data log is full; some parameters can now only be changed with the
calibration lock open. (CDL, page 16)
This display corresponds to the status message "CDL full", ( page 52).
- Ifbethe calibration lock is opened with the calibration logbook full, it can only
closed again after clearing the calibration logbook.
- P "Programming mode"
The programming lock (calibration lock) is open.
This display corresponds to Status Message "Calibration lock" ( page 53).
- o "online"
A data transfer via the optical or permanently wired interface is running. In each case
the other interface cannot then be used.
This display corresponds to Status Message "online" ( page 53).
4. Menu
Here is displayed to which list according to Chapter 3 the currently displayed value belongs.
In submenus (indicated by an arrow to the left, see below) its name is displayed which is
identical with the abbreviated designation of the entry point.
5. Submenu
Arrow to the right
indicates that the displayed value is the entry point of a submenu. This can be
called with the key combination <ENTER>.
‹Arrow to the left
indicates that you are located in a submenu which can be quit with the key combi-
nation <ESC>. On pressing <ESC> you are returned to the entry point of the sub-
12 © Elster GmbH
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
2.3 Keypad
In the entry mode the keys change their functions, see Chapter 2.3.1.
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Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
The EK220 differentiates between four access parties. Each access party has a lock and a
corresponding code. The locks have the order of priority
Calibration lock – Manufacturer's lock4 – Supplier's lock – Customer lock.
The access rights apply both for keypad inputs as well as for accesses via the optical or
electrical (permanently wired) interface. If the lock is locked, all attempts to set values are
answered with an appropriate error message (see Chap. 2.3.2).
Also the reading of values via the interfaces is only possible, for reasons of data protection,
when at least one of the locks is open.
Normally, in addition to the access rights assigned to each individual value, values can also
be changed by the access parties with higher priority. A value, which for example has "S"
("Supplier") as access rights, can also be changed by calibration officials and a value subject
to the customer's lock can also be changed by suppliers.
Each party with write access for a value can also change the access rights (write and read
access for each “lower” party) for this value via interface. Therefore, it is possible for the
specifications to deviate from the access rights specified in the lists in the operating instruc-
4 The manufacturer's lock is reserved for Elster GmbH and is not described here.
16 © Elster GmbH
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
The according to factory setting affected parameters (e.g. cp value, measurement period,
meter readings) are identified in the lists in chapter 3 with the access right "CDL". By chang-
ing the access rights as described in 2.4 further parameters may be affected or the affected
parameters may only be subject to the calibration lock.
A data row for the value is entered inside the certification data log before and after the
change of the value for each change to such a parameter with the calibration lock closed.
If the certification data log has been written full, it can be cleared with the calibration lock
open using the command ClrPL ( chapter 3.8).
If the calibration lock is opened with the certification data log full, it can only be closed
again after clearing the certification data log.
The certification data log is activated by default, but can also be deactivated option-
ally (see chapter 3.10; parameter “Addr”). The affected parameters are then subject
to the calibration lock.
The data display in the EK220 is structured in a tabular form. The individual columns in the
table each contain associated values.
Values identified with S and Arc are submenus or archives which you can view by entering
<ENTER> and leaving again with <ESC>. They each have, subordinate to the main menu,
a dedicated list structure, which is written in the corresponding list ( 3).
The archives are subdivided into a number of data rows (also termed "data records" ). All
values in the same data row are saved ("archived") at the same point in time.
The maximum number of data rows and the number of values in a data row depends on the
relevant archive. Within an archive the number of values and their meaning are the same
for each data row.
Switching to another archive data row occurs with the keys (for "younger" data rows)
and (for "older" data rows). After the last data row, the first follows again and vice versa.
Switching to another value within a data row occurs with the keys and . After the last
value, the first follows again and vice versa.
A summary of the standard main menu (list structure) is shown on the following pages. By
changing the value Menu (see chapter 3.1 ), a minimum main menu can be selected.
© Elster GmbH 17
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
Vb Vb Vm p
Vol. at base cond. Vol. at base cond.
Actual volume Pressure
(pre-dec. places) (post-dec. places)
VmA Qb Qm pMin
Actual vol. adjust. Flow at base cond. Actual flow Lower alarm limit
p VbD VmD pMax
Pressure Disturbance quant. Disturbance quant. Upper alarm limit
Temperature Total quantity Total quantity Meas. range bottom
z VbA VmA MRU.p
Compressibility fac-
Adjustable counter Adjustable counter Meas. range top
zb VbME VmME p.F
Compressibility fac-
Month end value Month end value Substitute value
tor at base cond.
C Time Time pb
Conversion factor Time of VbME Time of VmME Press. at base cond.
K.F Md.p
K subst. value Pressure mode
VbME Typ.p
Month end value Press. sensor type
Time SNp
Time of VbME Serial no. of sensor
VmME SMenu p coeff. S
Month end value Submenu p coeff.
Time pAdj1
Time of VmME Adjustment val. 1
Menu pAdj2
Dislpay menu Adjustment val. 2
Accept adjust.
Amb. press. fixed
Pressure meas
Absolute press.
SMenu Press.2 S
Submenu p-sens. 2
(acc. to Selp2)
Pres. meas p-sens.2
(acc. to Selp2)
18 © Elster GmbH
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Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
3 Functional description
The data display is structured in tabular form (list structure) ( 2.5). The individual columns
in the table each contain associated values. The following functional description is orientated
to this list structure.
Here, the following abbreviations are used:
- AD Abbreviated designation
Designation of the value in the display
- Access Write access
Indicates which lock must be opened to change the value ( 2.4.1, 16):
- C = Calibration lock
- CDL = Certification data log
- M = Manufacturer's lock
- S = Supplier's lock
- Cu = Customer's lock
- C / S = Calibration lock or supplier's lock, depending on national regulations
In case of verification of device under calibration regulations (e.g.
acc. MID) the write access C must be used.
If the letter is located in brackets, the value can only be changed via the inter-
face and not via the keypad.
- Address Address of the value.
This is required especially for data transmission via the serial interface. The ad-
dress can be displayed by pressing the keys + simultaneously.
- DC Data class
The data class shows, amongst other properties, whether and how the value
can be changed. ( 2.3.1)
5 If the device does not have a calibration logbook, then the affected values are subject to the calibration lock.
22 © Elster GmbH
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Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
C Conversion factor
K.F K-value, substitute value
VbME Vb month end value
Time Date and time of Vb month end value
VmME Vm month end value
Time Date and time of Vm month end value
These values are also displayed in other lists and are described in the appropriate
Menu Selection display menu
With Menu the complete display structure of the EK220 can be switched between
"complete" and "simple".
Menu = Meaning
1 Complete display structure
2 Only "User" column
3 Complete display structure without “Energy” column
Menu = 1 corresponds to the standard setting which is described in this manual.
With the setting Menu = 2, the display is limited to the column "User" described here.
All other columns cannot be called.
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Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
The values displayed in this list depend on whether a second pressure sensor
is connected to the EK220 and is activated via Sel.p2 (see Chapter 3.10 ).
© Elster GmbH 27
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
The unit of the various pressure displays can vary depending on the device setting. The
setting of the unit takes place via the WinPADS parameterisation software with the aid of
parameter files. To do this the appropriate lock must be open. Possible units are: bar, kPa,
psi and MPa.
Furthermore, representation as overpressure or absolute pressure is possible. Exceptions
here are the adjustment values for the pressure (pAdj1, pAdj2, p2Ad1 and p2Ad2) and the
atmospheric pressure (p.atm) which are always displayed as absolute pressure.
p Pressure
pMin Lower alarm limit pressure8
pMax Upper alarm limit pressure8
p is the pressure which is used for computing the conversion factor ( 3.6) and
hence the volume at base conditions ( 3.2).
If the measured pressure p.Abs (see below) is within the alarm limits pMin and
pMax, it is used as p: p = p.Abs..
If p.Abs is located outside the alarm limits, the substitute value p.F (see below)
is used: p = p.F. In addition, disturbance quantities are then counted ( 3.2,
3.3) and the message "p Alarm Lim." displayed ( page 50).
7 For EK220 as Volume Conversion Device is only possible to connect two pressure sensors of type CT30!
8 These values are not required when designed as a temperature conversion device!
28 © Elster GmbH
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
9 These values are not required when designed as a Temperature Conversion Device!
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Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
10 These values are not required in the performance as temperature conversion device!
30 © Elster GmbH
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
For reasons that are inherent in the system, further values are offered after entry
of the key combination ENTER, but which are not sensibly applicable here.
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32 © Elster GmbH
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
When the EK220 determines the coefficients, it uses the value for Eq3p available at
the time of entering Prog (see below) and it calculates the corresponding Eq1p and
Eq2p for this. The standard value for Eq3p is "0".
The coefficients are used to calculate the pressure pMes from the pressure raw
value Bin.p ( 3.10).
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Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
The values shown in this list depend on the set computation method Md.K (see below) for
the K-value (gas law deviation factor):
The rated operating conditions applying to the various conversion methods are described in
Chapter 4.1.
C Conversion factor
The conversion factor is calculated according to the following formula:
1 p Tb
C (p, pn: 3.4, T, Tn 3.5, K: see below)
K pb T
38 © Elster GmbH
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
The computation of z and zb takes place according to the set computation method,
depending on the setting of Md.K. The gas analysis values Ho.b, CO2, H2 and
Rhob (Md.K = 1), resp. N2 and dr (Md.K = 2, 3 and 4) need to be included in the
entries for this ( 3.6).
If the K-value mode Md.K (see below) is set to "fixed value" (= "0"), K is not com-
puted, but the substitute value K.F (see below) is used instead.
pbX Pressure at base conditions for gas analysis input
TbX Temperature at base conditions for gas analysis input
The base condition described by pbX and TbX is valid for the gas analysis input
(Ho.b, CO2, … dr, see below) only. By contrast, the conversion factor C ( 3.6) and
the volume at base conditions Vb ( 3.2) will be computed using the base condition
described by pb and Tb ( 3.4 resp. 3.5).
Any change of pb or Tb will change pbX resp. TbX to the same value. To get different
values, change pbX or TbX after pb or Tb.
Ho.b Calorific value
CO2 Carbon dioxide content
H2 Hydrogen content (only for Md.K = 1)
Rhob Density gas at base conditions (only for Md.K = 1)
N2 Nitrogen content (only for Md.K = 2 and 4)
dr Density ratio (only for Md.K = 2, 3 and 4)
Depending on the set K-value mode these four gas analysis values must be entered
so that the K-value K can be computed.
For computations according to S-Gerg-88 (Md.K = 1) and AGA-NX19 (Md.K = 2 and
5) only, the range of validity is:
Ho.b 6.0 ...13.0 kWh/m3
CO2 0.0 ...30.0 mol %
H2 0.0 ...10.0 mol % (only for Md.K = 1)
Rhob0.71 ...1.16 kg/m 3
(only for Md.K = 1)
N2 0.0 ...30.0 mol % (only for Md.K = 2)
dr 0.554 ... 0.900 (only for Md.K = 2)
Furthermore, the following limits must be ensured by the gas supplier:
Methane CH4 50 – 100% Propane C3H8 0 – 5% Ethane C2H6 0 - 20%
Nitrogen N2 0 – 50% Butane C4H10 0 – 1% Pentane C5H12 0 – 0,5%
The respective new value is determined from the value entered during entry of the
density gas at base conditions Rhob or of the density ratio dr!
K.F K-value substitute value
If the K-value mode Md.K (see below) is set to "fixed value" (= "0"), the constant K.F
is used instead of the calculated K-value K for the computation of the conversion
factor C (see above).
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Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
Device number: 1438004 Channel number = 3 VmT (Actual volume, total)
Device number: 1479321 Channel number = 7 p (Gas pressure)
42 © Elster GmbH
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
With deviations of the archive structure from standard the read-out data can-
not be used by the software from Elster GmbH for processing.
© Elster GmbH 43
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
Each archive data row has the following entries for standard parameterisation:
ABNo Time Vb Vb VbT VbT Vm
Volume at Counter Totaliser Counter Actual vol-
"Check" Block no. Saving time
base cond. progress Vb progress ume
44 © Elster GmbH
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
Processing of the read-out data by software from Elster GmbH is not possible!
The flexible archives 1 to 4 are not displayed on the device and can be read out with the aid
of the "WinPADS" parameterisation software.
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Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
- S.Reg and Stat initially show all existing messages as numbers. With the entry of <EN-
TER> they can be recalled individually as short texts: First the most important message
(with the lowest number) is displayed. With the keys and you can change to the
next, respectively the previous message.
In addition to the short text the display also shows
- in the upper row to the right the associated status register name and
- in the lower row to the left the message number (prefixed with "#"').
You need the status register name and the message number, for example, for entering
a "status pointer" for the outputs (SpO1 ... SpO4, page 69).
All status messages are listed in Chapter 3.8.1 (from page 49).
Deleting messages:
After entering <ENTER> the messages in SReg (not in Stat) can be cleared (acknowl-
edged) singly by pressing the key combination + . With the command Clr (see
below) all messages in "SReg" can be cleared simultaneously.
Clr Clear status register
This enables you to clear all the status register contents, i.e. "S.Reg" and its com-
plete submenu: By pressing <ENTER> a “0” appears right justified on the display. By
switching to “1” and finish with <ENTER> all status registers were cleared. If the
alarm or warning states are however still present, they are again directly entered as
messages. The messages in SReg can also be cleared singly: see SReg.
Logb. Logbook (event logbook)
Entry addresses for the logbook in which the last 500 status changes are archived.
Each archive data row has the following entries:
ABNo Time Er Check
to "Check" Block number Saving time Trigger event Checksum to "ABNo"
© Elster GmbH 47
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
The affected values are subjected to the calibration lock when the calibration log-
book is deactivated. (see Addr, Page 60)
The data rows of the certification data log have the following entries:
ABNo Time Addr o n
to "Check" Block number Saving time Address changed val. Old value New value
48 © Elster GmbH
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
11 Alarm: Instead of the relevant measurement the substitute value is used; quantities are counted in disturbance
quantity counters.
12 Warning: The message is retained in the status register until it is manually deleted.
13 Report: The message is not retained in the status register.
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50 © Elster GmbH
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
In this case the substitute temperature T.F ( 3.5) is used for volume correction and
disturbance quantities are counted for Vb and Vm ( 3.2, 3.3).
p Inp. error No usable input values for pressure Message 2 in St.6
The signal, Bin.p ( 3.10 Service list), measured on the pressure input is outside the
valid range. Perhaps the sensor is not correctly connected.
In this case the substitute pressure p.F ( 3.4) is used for volume correction and dis-
turbance quantities are counted for Vb and Vm ( 3.2, 3.3).
Dat. restore Data has been restored Message 3 in StSy
The device was temporarily without any power supply. Possibly during battery replace-
ment, the battery was removed before the new one was connected. Data has been
retrieved from the non-volatile memory (EEPROM).
The retrieved counter readings and the clock values are possibly out of date:
If a manual data backup was carried out with the command "Save" before the voltage
failure ( 3.10), the counter readings and clock values correspond to the state at the
time of the data backup.
Without manual data backup, the counter readings and clock values are retrieved with
the state at the end of the last day before the voltage failure.
Outp.1 error Error on Output 1 Message 4 in St.1
Outp.2 error Error on Output 2 Message 4 in St.2
Outp.3 error Error on Output 3 Message 4 in St.3
Outp.4 error Error on Output 4 Message 4 in St.4
The volume pulses to be passed through an output are temporarily saved in a pulse
buffer. The buffer can accommodate 65535 pulses. If the volume to be output is con-
tinuously greater than that which can be output in the form of pulses, the pulse buffer
continually fills and will eventually reach its maximum state. If then further pulses ar-
rive, these can no longer be temporarily saved and are lost. The pulse buffer remains
at its maximum state in this case.
If the pulse buffer drops below the level of 65000 pulses, the message is cleared again.
To rectify the cause of this problem, the cp value of the output ( 3.12, Output list) can
be reduced or the output frequency (address 1:617) increased with an AS-200 Read-
out Device or the WinPADS Parameterization Software.
With a change of the output cp value, the corresponding input buffer is cleared.
I2 Pulse cmp Error during pulse comparison on Input 2 Message 5 in St.2
Input 2 (I2) can be parameterised for monitoring as a pulse or signal input. When used
as a pulse input, the pulses arriving on I2 can, for example, be compared with those
on Input 1. With a deviation which is too large, this message is displayed.
Settings for the pulse comparison can be made with MdMI2, SC.I2, L1.I2, G3.I2 and
SpI2. Further explanation for this: 3.11.
T Warn Lim. Warning limits for temperature violated Message 6 in St.6
The measured temperature T.Mes is located outside of the set warning limits. The
limits can be set with WinPADS. Supplier’s lock must be open.
p Warn Lim. Warning limits for pressure violated Message 6 in St.7
The measured gas pressure p.Mes is located outside of the set warning limits. The
limits can be set with WinPADS. Supplier’s lock must be open.
z Warn Lim. Total amount of gas analysis values 100% Message 6 in St.9
The sum over the gas data (SumGC) in K. Mod = 6 ( 3.6.1) is greater or less than
100%. Thus, no calculation of the K-value is possible.
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The settings of the measurement cycle MCyc ( 3.9), operating cycle OCyc
( 3.9), input mode Md.I1 ( 3.11) and display switch-off Disp ( 3.9) are taken
into account during the computation of the remaining battery service life. Future op-
erating conditions, e.g. changing the settings, duration of readouts or frequency of
key operations cannot be foreseen however. For data readouts, a mean future du-
ration of 15 minutes per month is estimate.
To increase the service life two batteries instead of one can be used. In this case
double the value (e.g. 26.0 Ah) must be entered for Bat.C (see below) after inserting
the batteries.
Bat.C Battery capacity
Here, the original capacity and not the residual capacity of the batteries last used is
displayed. After a battery replacement the capacity of the battery used must be en-
tered here so that recalculation of the remaining battery service life is initiated.
The capacity to be entered don’t correspond to the capacity quoted by the battery
manufacturer because the capacity depends on the application conditions such as
ambient temperature and the device current consumption.
With the use of the size "D" battery obtainable from Elster GmbH, the value 13.0 Ah
should be entered for Bat.C and 26.0 Ah when two cells are used.
Contr Display contrast
Setting the contrast of the display. Changes only become effective after confirmation
of entry with <ENTER>. Valid range: 0 bis 255.
For changes to the contrast "Contr" greater than the standard value of 100,
the device display does not display any more digits!
In this case, the value must be reset using the WinPADS software.
St.SL Supplier's lock (status / close)
Cod.S Supplier's combination (enter / change)
St.CL Customer's lock (status / close)
Cod.C Customer's combination (enter / change)
Basic principle of operation of lock and combination: 2.4.3.
Open lock: Enter the correct combination (numerical code)
Close lock: Clear St.SL resp. St.CL. ( + in the entry mode,
2.3.1, Data Class 6).
Change combination: Entry of a new combination (code) with lock open.
(irrespective of the above mentioned access rights)
The individual characters of the combination code in hexadecimal notation, i.e. they
take on values from 0 to 9 and from A to F. "A" follows "9" and "F" is followed again
by "0", i.e. the key changes "9" to "A" and "F" to "0".
St.PL Calibration lock (status / close)
Basic principle of operation of the calibration lock: 2.4.1.
Opening the calibration lock: Only with the sealed pushbutton ( 5.9.1).
Closing the calibration lock: Either by pressing the pushbutton again or by clearing
St.PL via the interface or keypad ( + in the entry mode, 2.3.1).
Adj.T Clock adjustment factor
Adj.T is the deviation of the running accuracy of the clock at room temperature in
per mil (10-3). The EK220 uses Adj.T to optimise the running accuracy of the clock.
The adjustment of the clock is carried out in the factory.
58 © Elster GmbH
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
To ensure that this function cannot be executed with the calibration lock open, the
following safety mechanism is included: Clr.X can only be executed after the clock
( 3.9, Time) has been set (initialised) to its starting value with the key combina-
tion + . Otherwise, an attempt to execute Clr.X results in the error message
"13" appearing in the display.
Bin.T Temperature binary value
Bin.p Pressure binary value
Bin2p Pressure 2 binary value
These are the raw values measured directly on the respective input and which are
converted to the corresponding measurement quantities with the adjustments made
( 3.4, 3.5).
Sel.T Temperature sensor selection
With this value the EK220 is informed of which temperature sensor is installed:
0: No temperature sensor
1: Pt500
2: Pt100
3: Pt1000
4 to 6: No function.
On changing this value the designation of the temperature sensor Typ.T ( 3.5) is
appropriately changed automatically.
Sel.p Pressure sensor selection
With this value the EK220 is informed of which pressure sensor is installed:
0: No pressure sensor
1: CT30
4: 17002 2, 3, 5 and 6: no function
On changing this value the designation of the pressure sensor type ( 3.4) is ap-
propriately changed automatically.
© Elster GmbH 59
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
K C Qb Qm Check
Inv. compr. Conversion Flow at
Actual flow Checksum to "ABNo"
ratio factor factor base cond.
- Display test
The display flashes to test all segments.
60 © Elster GmbH
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62 © Elster GmbH
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
For MdMI2 only enter one of the values described here: "2", "3", "5" or "17".
Depending on the system and after entering the key combination ENTER, other
values are offered which are however not meaningfully applicable here.
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- Changes to the settings possible subject to the supplier's and calibration locks.
- Changes to the settings possible subject to the customer's, supplier's and calibration locks.
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There are two basic ways of selecting status messages with SpO...:
- Selection of a single message.
- Selection of a message group.
Example of a "message group":
"Messages 1 to 8" signify that the output is switched while ever one or more of
the messages with the number "1" to "8" is present in the momentary status.
"Message groups" always start with the message "1" ("any of the messages 1 to
..."). It is not possible, for example, to select the messages "3 to 5".
All the possible settings for SpO... are described in the following. Here, "mm" signi-
fies the message, i.e. one of the messages "1" to "16" can be selected with "mm"
and "s" the status numbers, i.e. one of the number "1" to "9" can be selected with
a) A message in a status St.1 to St.9
SpO... = „mm_0s:1.1“ where s = 1 to 9 for St.1 to St.9
"0.08_03:1.1“ signifies message 8 in Status St.3 ("I3 Warn.sig.“ page 52).
b) A message in the system status St.Sy
SpO... = "mm_02:2.1"
"0.03_02:2.1" signifies: Message 3 in the system status St.Sy ("Data restore"
page 51)
c) A message in the system status Stat
Since Stat combines the messages of all statues, this setting means that the output
is switched while ever the message "mm" is present in any of the statuses St.Sy or
St.1 to St.9. SpO... = "mm_01:2.1"
"0.08_01:2.1" signifies: Message 8 in any status St.Sy or St.1 to St.9.
(After the entry "Message 8 “ is displayed.)
d) Message group in a status St.1 to St.9
SpO... = "1.mm_0s:1.1" where s = 1 to 9 for St.1 to St.9
"1.06_04:1.1" means: Any of the messages 1 to 6 in the status St.4.
(After the entry "St.4:M1-6 “ is displayed.)
e) Message group in the system status St.Sy
SpO... = "1.mm_02:2.1"
"1.03_02:2.1" signifies: Any of the messages 1 to 3 in the system status St.Sy.
(After the entry "StSy:M1-3 “ is displayed.)
f) Message group in the total status Stat
The output is switched while ever one of the messages 1 to mm is present in any of
the statuses St.Sy or St.1 to St.9.
SpO... = "1.mm_01:2.1"
"1.08_01:2.1" signifies: Any of the messages 1 to 2 in any status St.Sy or St.1 to
St.9, i.e. any alarm or any warning. (After the entry "Stat:M1-8 “ is displayed.)
70 © Elster GmbH
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The values shown in this list depend on the set interface mode Md.S2 (see below):
a) All modes except "IDOM protocol" and "MODBUS" (Md.S2 11, Md.S2 13):
AD Designation / value Unit Access Address DC
Md.S2 Mode Interface 2 - S 2:705 7
DF.S2 Data format, Interface 2 - S 2:707 7
Bd.S2 Baud rate, Interface 2 Bd S 2:708 7
TypS2 Type Interface 2 - S 2:70A 7
BusS2 Bus mode RS485 on / off - S 2:704 7
Num.T Number of ringing tones before accepting call. - S 2:720 8
M.INI Initialise modem - S 2:728 2
SMenu Submenu GSM & SMS - (C) 5:1C1 8
72 © Elster GmbH
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
Md.S2 =
1 "With control line"
Modem RS232 Battery Baud rate
control control lines operation selection
no yes yes yes
Suitable for the connection of a device with RS232 interface which does not
need modem control, e.g. PC, PLC or also a modem with automatic call ac-
© Elster GmbH 73
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Md.S2 =
3 " Modem with return messages"
Modem RS232 Battery Baud rate
control control lines operation selection
yes no no no
Suitable for the connection of an FE260 Function Expansion, an industrial
modem EM26014 or a modem and an external power supply.
The EK220 controls the modem via the data lines using "return messages".
The activation of the return messages occurs with the modem command
"ATQ0V1". Num.T (see below) is activated.
5 "Without control lines"
Modem RS232 Battery Baud rate
control control lines operation selection
no no no yes
Suitable for the connection of an external modem with integral call ac-
ceptance. The start and switching baud rates of the two devices must be iden-
tically adjusted. Num.T (see below) is not effective; communication is only
established when the call window is open.
6 "Modem with return messages, battery mode"
Modem RS232 Battery Baud rate
control control lines operation selection
yes no yes no
In the mode Md.S2 = 6 the EK220 handles, as with Md.S2 = 3 (see above),
the control of the modem via the data lines using "return messages". The
modem is not parameterised for automatic call acceptance. Num.T (see be-
low) is activated.
Important: higher power requirement of the EK220 during the call ac-
ceptance time window!
The time windows should therefore be limited as much as possible.
74 © Elster GmbH
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
Md.S2 =
9 "Without control lines, battery operation"
Modem RS-232 Battery Baud rate
control control lines operation selection
no no yes yes
Md.S2 = 9 works like Md.S2 = 5 but can also be used in battery operation.
Important: higher power requirement of the EK220 during the call acceptance
time window!
The time windows should therefore be limited as much as possible.
11 "IDOM protocol"
Modem RS-232 Battery Baud rate
control control lines operation selection
no no yes no
In the mode Md.S2 = 11 the IDOM protocol is available via the permanently
wired interface. Further details 3.13.2, page 80.
Important: higher power requirement of the EK220 during the call acceptance
time window!
The time windows should therefore be limited as much as possible.
Modem RS-232 Battery Baud rate
control control lines operation selection
no no no no
In the mode Md.S2 = 13 MODBUS protocol is available over the permanently
wired serial interface. Further details 3.13.3, page 81
14 „Modbus in battery mode“
Modem RS-232 Battery Baud rate
control control lines operation selection
no no yes no
In the mode Md.S2 = 13 MODBUS protocol is available over the perma-
nently wired serial interface also in battery operating mode.
Further details 3.13.3, page 81
Important: higher power requirement of the EK220 during the call acceptance
time window!
15 "GSM modem without control lines with call acceptance"
Modem RS-232 Battery Baud rate
control control lines operation selection
no no no yes
Md.S2 = 15 corresponds to Md.S2 = 5 (see above), but also makes available
the GSM parameters such as Reception Level and Network Operator.
Suitable for connection of following devices:
- GSM modem with automatic call acceptance without control lines.
However, Mode 3 (see above) is recommended for a GSM modem in or on an
© Elster GmbH 75
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Md.S2 =
17 "GSM modem with control lines with call acceptance"
Modem control RS-232 Battery Baud rate
control lines operation selection
no yes yes yes
Md.S2 = 17 corresponds to Md.S2 = 1 (see above), but also makes available
the GSM network parameters such as Reception Level and Network Operator.
With this setting the battery lifetime will be greatly reduced in some applica-
tions as e.g. for FE230 operation. But it is possible to set Md.S2=17 for several
minutes during the installation of the FE230 to check the GSM-level.
Important: higher power requirement of the EK220 during the call acceptance
time window!
The time windows should therefore be limited as much as possible.
19 "GSM modem without control lines, call acceptance, battery mode"
Modem control RS-232 Battery Baud rate
control lines operation selection
no no yes yes
Md.S2 = 19 corresponds to Md.S2 = 9 (see above), but also makes available
the GSM parameters such as Reception Level and Network Operator.
Important: higher power requirement of the EK220 during the call acceptance
time window!
The time windows should therefore be limited as much as possible.
DF.S2 Data format, Interface 2
Here, the number of data bits, parity bit usage and number of stop bits are set for
the data interchange between the EK220 and a device connected to the interface
For this, there are three possible settings:
- "0" = 7e1 = 7 data bits, even parity, 1 stop bit
- "1" = 7o1 = 7 data bits, odd parity, 1 stop bit
- „2“ = 8n1 = 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit
"0" (7e1) is the basic setting which is described in the applicable IEC 62056-21 in-
terface standard.
Bd.S2 Baud rate, Interface 2
Here, the baud rate (speed) for the data transmission between the EK220 and a
device connected to the interface terminals can be set.
Possible settings: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200
With the application of baud rate selection the baud rate is generally set according
to IEC 62056-21 to "300". It is then only used briefly for initiating and terminating the
data interchange. The actual baud rate for transferring the useful data is automati-
cally increased.
With a modem connected (also within an FE260 Function Expansion) normally no
automatic baud rate selection occurs. Bd.S2 should then be set to "19200".
76 © Elster GmbH
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When the message "PIN ERROR" occurs, a new or identical PIN MUST be
entered again, even if the PIN on the SIM card has been deactivated.
Resp1 Reply to short message 1
Resp2 Reply to short message 2
SEND Send short message (SMS)
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Changes can be made to the Modbus register assignment via the optical interface using
the “WinPADS” parameterisation software.
Definition of formats:
Format Definition Format Definition
3 Ushort, 16 Bit 16 Array6, BCD, 12 Bit
4 Ulong, 32 Bit 17 Array8, BCD, 16 Bit
9 Zaehler6 32 IEEEfloat, 32 Bit
12 Array2, BCD, 4 Bit
© Elster GmbH 83
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4 Applications
4.1 Application in areas subject to explosion hazards
Correct wiring, in particular no active outputs switching one against the other.
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AGA-NX19 and AGA-NX19 according to Herning and Wolowsky (Md.K = 2 and 5, see Chap-
ter 3.6)
This methods are compatible and suitable for applications for which it has been shown by a
comparative calculation with the reference method AGA8-DC92 or (in its application range)
S-Gerg 88 that no deviations of more than 0.1% occur.
© Elster GmbH 87
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
- The amount of substance of the propane xC3 [in mol%] must lie within the limits given by
the following equation in relationship to the amount of substance of the ethane xC2 [in
0.3 . xC2 – 1.0 < xC3 < 0.3 . xC2 + 1.0
- The sum of the amounts of substance of n-butane, isobutane and higher hydrocarbons xC4
[in mol%] must lie within the limits given by the following equation in relationship to the
amount of substance of the ethane xC2 [in mol%].
0.1 . xC2 – 0.3 < xC4+ < 0.1 . xC2 + 0.3
5.) For other gas compositions (e.g. processed biogas), temperature ranges and pres-
sure ranges, when it is proven through comparative calculations using the AGA8-DC92
method for the expected pressure and temperature ranges, which are safeguarded by
alarms, as well as the present gas composition, that no deviations of more than 0.1% occur.
Ex-works the maximum counting frequency of the EK220 Volume Conversion Device is pa-
rameterised to 2 Hz. Re-parameterizing to a maximum of 10 Hz is possible by trained spe-
cialist personnel with the calibration lock open. Changes to the input frequency must be
noted in the operational and rating data book on the page "Proof of measures carried out".
88 © Elster GmbH
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
15 The
set baud rate is only used briefly for initiating the data interchange. The actual baud rate for transmitting the
useful data is increased automatically to 9600 Bd.
© Elster GmbH 89
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The internal interface mode (Md.S2) must be temporarily (!) set to "6", so that
the reception level can be checked during installation.
After the parameterisation process particularly the settings for the readout time window
must be adjusted under the interface list ( 3.13), because the battery service life of the
FE230 crucially depends on them.
90 © Elster GmbH
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
For this application it is necessary to send the wake-up call (NULL character string) accord-
ing to IEC 62056-21.
The following settings should be made:
- Md.S2 = 5
- Bd.S2 = 19200 (Starting baud rate)
- 2:0709 = 19200 (Changeover baud rate)
If a PC with the WinPADS parameterisation software is connected to the MTL5051, the
following settings are to be carried out under WinPADS:
Settings > Interface > Start connection via > ..........Local connection
Settings > Interface > Options local connection
> Baud rate local connection > ............... 19200
Settings > Interface > Options local connection > Extended
> Baud rate switching > ....................... without
16Normally, modems do not execute any baud rate selection so that with Md.S2 = "5" the values under the
addresses 02:708 (Bd.S2) and 02:709 must be equal. For the special case of a modem with baud rate se-
lection, the starting baud rate (e.g. 300 Bd) must be set under the Bd.S2 (address 02:708) and the baud
rate identification (e.g. 19200 Bd) under address 02:709. The ex-works setting is: 02:708 = 19200 Bd and
02:709 = 19200 Bd.
© Elster GmbH 91
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
In order to obtain practicable values, buffer storage of the process data has to be activated.
In this respect
- the value "21" is written to the address "13:0157.0" via the interface and
- the operating cycle OCyc ( 56) is set to an integer divisor of 3 minutes.
Through these measures the battery service life of the EK220 is slightly reduced. The ex-
pected remaining service life is displayed under Bat.R ( page 57).
92 © Elster GmbH
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
4.6.1 Modbus
see Chap. 3.13.3, page 81
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Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
A three-way valve is normally installed when the pressure sensor is fitted in order to be able
to test the pressure sensor while it is installed or to replace defective sensors without having
to shut off the entire gas line every time. The three-way valve available from ELSTER is
configured as follows:
to EK220
“from meter” from gas meter “p-connection”; on the meter inlet side for diaphragm
gas meters;
“to VCD” to the connector on the pressure sensor of the volume conversion de-
“Test connection” point for reading the test pressure or for applying external pressure to
the volume conversion device.
When installing the three-way valve, make sure that the position of the control lever is
checked with the corresponding flows, since the lever can be removed and may be installed
in the wrong position!
The pipe from the pressure sensor to the meter has to be laid sloping, to prevent water
damaging the pressure sensor or influencing the accuracy of the measurement.
© Elster GmbH 95
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
The EK220 housing must always be earthed in order to divert high energy and high voltage
electromagnetic interference. An M6 screw is provided for this on the left-hand side of the
The earthing must be low resistance. The best conditions are obtained when a direct con-
nection is provided to the local potential equalisation strip through a cable which is as short
and as thick (at least 4mm²) as possible.
All permanently connected cables must have a screen which must be earthed at both ends
to prevent interference due to high frequency electromagnetic fields. The screen must be
connected all round, complete and flat. The EK220 has special EMC cable glands for this
With correct connection of the cable screens and correct laying of the cables effects due to
circulation should not be expected. If, however, interference due to earthing points with po-
tential differences occur, potential equalisation lines can be laid in parallel to the cables.
These should then be connected as close as possible to the cable screen connection points.
Additional requirements are placed on the earthing of conducting screens between Ex areas
and non-Ex areas. The relevant installation requirements, e.g. EN 60079-14, must be fol-
The pressure sensor must be checked for leaks during the recurring pressure tests of the
96 © Elster GmbH
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
Connection of the individual cables is made to the corresponding terminals on the circuit
board in the housing cover. When positioning the cables, make sure that no cables are
pinched as the cover is closed.
X87 X92
Druck Temp.
+ - + - + - + - + -
T+ T- R+ R- Uext GND RS485
+ - + - + - DTR TxD DCD RxD RI GND RS232 T+ T- R+ R- Uext GND RS485
K3 DA4 K3
K2 K1
© Elster GmbH 97
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
DE1 Digital Input 1
DE2 Digital Input 2
DE3 Digital Input 3
DA1 Digital Output 1
DA2 Digital Output 2
DA3 Digital Output 3
DA4 Digital Output 4
Serial interface, Version RS485:
GND Signal ground (Ground)
Uext External power supply +
R- Received data -
R+ Received data +
T- Transmitted data -
T+ Transmitted data +
Serial interface, Version RS232:
GND Signal ground (Ground)
RI Control signal / External power supply +
RxD Received data
DCD Control signal
TxD Transmitted data
DTR Control signal
Pressure and temperature sensors (up to circuit board V1.4):
X92 Temperature sensor, four-wire
X87 Pressure sensor (Option: two pressure sensors21)
Pressure and temperature sensors (from circuit board V2.0):
X92 Temperature sensor, four-wire
X87 Pressure sensor type 17002
X1 Pressure sensor type CT30
X2 Option for second pressure sensor type CT3022
X54 Battery 1
X55 Battery 2
X100 If the EK220 is not employed in Ex Zone 1, the jumper X100 should be
plugged onto both pins of the male connector when connecting an exter-
nal power supply or an external Modem.
In this way any interference introduced by the connected device, which
may otherwise cause erroneous measurements, can be led away.
98 © Elster GmbH
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
A pulse generator must always be connected to the terminal "DE1". In addition, a second
pulse generator can be connected to terminal "DE2", e.g. for a pulse comparison
( page 63). Any polarity can be chosen. Connection scheme:
When using the lead available from Elster GmbH with Pulse genera- +
the order no. 73017093 (about 70 cm long), the follow- tor 1 -
ing wires should be connected: Pulse genera-
Terminal DE1: Brown and white +
tor 2
Terminal DE2: Yellow and green (on request) -
If the EK220 is not employed in Ex Zone 1, the supplied jumpers should be plugged
onto both pins of the X100 male connector (position: in front of the terminals) when
connecting a following device (e.g. modem or power supply unit).
In this way any interference introduced by the connected device, which may other-
wise cause erroneous measurements, can be led away.
R+ R+
R- R-
T+ T+
T- T-
Uext U+
© Elster GmbH 99
Volume and Temperature Conversion Device EK220
Ri Ri
DA4 + DA4 +
DA4 - DA4 -
Connection diagram:
External power
If the EK220 is not employed in Ex Zone 1, the X100 jumpers (position: in front of the
terminals, see chapter 5.5) should be plugged onto both pins of the male connector
when connecting a device to the serial interface (e.g. mode, not EM260 or power supply
unit). In this way any interference introduced by the connected device, which may oth-
erwise cause erroneous measurements, can be led away.
Uext +9V
not connected
n.c.* DTR
n.c.* n.c.* DCD
5V/12V Ri / Uext
11 1
(Gnd) Ground Ground GND
14 3
+ n.c.*
13 4
- n.c.*
* n.c. = not connected
1a = OFF
1b = ON
Settings of MTL5051:
2a = OFF
2b = ON
not connected
If the EK220 is not employed in Ex Zone 1, the X100 jumpers (position: in front of the
terminals, see chapter 5.5) should be plugged onto both pins of the male connector
when connecting a device to the serial interface (e.g. mode, not EM260 or power supply
unit). In this way any interference introduced by the connected device, which may oth-
erwise cause erroneous measurements, can be led away.
5.8.4 Other devices with RS232 interface, EK220 with ext. power supply
Connection diagram:
Connected device
DA1...4 - GND
not connected
If the EK220 is not employed in Ex Zone 1, the X100 jumpers (position: in front of the
terminals, see chapter 5.5) should be plugged onto both pins of the male connector
when connecting a device to the serial interface (e.g. mode, not EM260 or power supply
unit). In this way any interference introduced by the connected device, which may oth-
erwise cause erroneous measurements, can be led away.
Since the external power supply is usually separate from the interface, both GND lines
(from the interface and from the power supply) must be connected. However, since only
one GND terminal is available in the EK220, the terminals DA1 - ... DA4 - can be used
as an alternative.
5.9 Seals
Possible sealing
point for securing
the identification
Identification label label.
c) Housing cover (front view), cover sealing using wire seal (optional user sealing)
Wire seal
Possible sealing
point for securing
Identification label the identification
Sealing sleeve
Cable gland for
fixing the tem-
perature sensor
headed screw
Sealing sleeve
Wire seal
Wire seal
Sealing sleeve
Volume Conversion
Pressure connector
Pressure sensor
b) External fitting
Pressure connector
Type identification as Connecting cable
sticker or lasered.
Pressure sensor
b) External fitting
During operation a check must be made from time to time of whether the batteries need to
be replaced. The battery warning "B" in the "Status" field of the display ( 2.2.1) is used for
this as well as the remaining battery life in the service list ( 3.10: Bat.R).
The displayed remaining battery service life applies to the specified standard operating
application ( B-2). The remaining service life is reduced correspondingly quicker due
to changes of the measurement cycle, reading of the values or continuous active dis-
The battery life with one battery in the standard operating mode ( B-2) is at least 5
years. The battery life may be reduced in other operating modes. Further details are
given in 3.10: Bat.R and Bat.K
Battery replacement can be carried out without the presence of a calibration official, be-
cause the housing itself is not officially sealed.
During battery replacement one battery should always remain connected. Before the old
battery is removed, the new battery must be connected. Two plugs are provided for this.
EK220 measurements may be lost due to careless procedures. All the set parameters,
along with the once-daily date, time and counter readings are saved in a non-volatile
memory (EEPROM) and automatically recalled when required.
As an additional backup, all data should be saved in the non-volatile memory (EEPROM)
directly before battery replacement ( 3.10, "Save"). If, due to an operating fault during
battery replacement, data is lost, the EK220 automatically recalls the data from the time
it was previously saved.
Tip: Mark the old battery, e.g. with a felt-tip pen or sticker before you start the battery
replacement. This avoids any later confusion.
4. At least one battery must always be connected to one of the two plugs. If this is not the
case, archives may be deleted, volume pulses may be lost during the battery replace-
ment and the clock may be slow after battery replacement.
5. Insert the new battery and connect to the free plug in parallel to the old battery (both are
electrically isolated). The plugs are polarised against incorrect connection.
6. Pull off the old battery from the plug and remove.
7. Fix the new battery in the holder on the floor of the housing.
8. Reclose the housing (make sure that the cable is not pinched).
9. Under "Service" - "Battery capacity" ( 3.10: BAT.C) the initial capacity must be entered
(essential even with the same capacity value)!
With the use of the size "D" battery obtainable from Elster GmbH, the value 13.0 Ah
should be entered for Bat.C.
10. Check the operating life calculated by the EK220: At least 60 months should be displayed
for Bat.R ( 3.10). If this is not the case, carry out the step again.
11. End of the battery replacement.
A Approvals
A-1 EC Declaration of Conformance
B Technical data
B-2 Batteries
The min. service life of five years is guaranteed for the following standard operating mode:
Ambient temperature Ta = -10...+50°C
Measurement cycle (MCyc) 30 s
Operating cycle (OCyc) 300 s (5 minutes)
K-value mode (Md.K) 1 (acc. S-Gerg-88)
Mode Input 1 (pulse input)
Display active 1 hour per month
Optical interface active 15 minutes per month
Internal interface (terminals) Not used
Nominal data:
Supply voltage: U = 5.0 V ... 9.5 V
Supply current: I 30 mA (Typ.S2 = RS-485)
I 50 mA (Typ.S2 = RS-232)
For impulse-counting at the digital inputs an internal battery is required, although the
external power supply is connected!
It`s only allowed to use an external power supply, which is approved by Elster GmbH.
If the EK220 is not employed in Ex Zone 1, the X100 jumper (position: in front of the
terminals, see Chapter 5.5) should be plugged onto both pins of the male connector
when connecting an external power supply.
In this way any interference introduced by the connected device, which may otherwise
cause erroneous measurements, can be led away.
Nominal data
For data which is not mentioned here, the limits in the certificate of conformance must
be observed when using the EK220 in Ex Zone 1.
Open-circuit voltage U0 2 V
Internal resistance Ri 500 k
Short-circuit current Ik 4 µA
Switching point "on" Re 100 k or Ue < 0.8 V
Switching point "off" Ra 2 M
Pulse duration te 50 ms
Space duration ta 50 ms
Counting frequency f 2 Hz (see chapter 0)
Nominal data:
The limits in the certificate of conformance must be observed when using the EK220 in
Ex Zone 1, also for data which is not mentioned here.
Maximum switching voltage 30 V DC (Ex Zone 1: max 10V DC)
Maximum switching current 100 mA DC
Maximum voltage drop 1V
Maximum residual current 0.001 mA
Pulse duration Min. 125 ms, adjustable on a pitch of 125 ms
Space duration Min. 125 ms, adjustable on a pitch of 125 ms
Output frequency Max. 4 Hz, adjustable
When the EK220 is used in Ex Zone 1, it is essential that the applied switching
voltage on the outputs A1 – A4 does not exceed 10 V, even in the event of a
fault (single fail-safe) – see chapter A-2; Ui = 10V!
In this case, it is recommended that an ex-proof isolating amplifier is used.
Output sheet:
Correct wiring:
Switching amplifier with common ground: Separate Switching amplifier for each output
Interface RS232 or RS485 (via software selectable), e.g. for the connection of an FE260
Function Expansion Unit, a modem or other interfaces with RS-485, RS-232 or RS-422 in-
terface. The RS485 interface can be operated in 4-wire (RS422) or 2-wire (RS485) mode.
Since the interface of the EK220 has been designed for use in the hazardous
area and for a battery device, the correct function when connecting an exter-
nal device with RS232 / RS485 interface cannot always be guaranteed and
must be checked in individual cases!
In most cases an external power supply is required when the internal inter-
face is operated (see chapter: 4.4 and 4.5).
The error limits quoted in the MID and in (DIN) EN 12405 are maintained.
Depending on the ambient temperature and the pressure measurement range, detailed data
is available on request.
C Index
Adjustment · 29, 32, 35, 36, 58, 61 GSM · 74, 89, 91
Alarm · 23, 25, 26, 46, 70
Alarm limits · 12, 50 I
Ambient temperature · 56, 118, 124 IEC 62056-21 · 76, 122
Archive · 42 Interface · 73, 78
Measurement period archive · 42 Interface isolator · 91, 102
Monthly archive · 42
Audit Trail · See Changes logbook L
Logbook · 47
Batteries · 12, 54, 56, 98 M
Battery capacity · 57, 58, 111 Manufacturer's lock · 22
Battery ervice life · 118 Maximum · 11
Battery replacement · 51, 58, 59, 110 Mean · 11
Battery service life · 52, 55, 56, 57, 58, 110 Measurement period · 43, 44, 45, 56, 69
Baud rate · 76 Minimum · 11
Bus · 77 MODBUS · 75, 81
Modem · 54
C Month boundary · see Day boundary
Calibration archive · 60 MTL5051 · 91, 102
Calibration lock · 12, 16, 50, 53, 58, 104
Calibration logbook · 12, 48 O
Calibration switch · See Calibration lock Operating point checks · 60
Certification data log · 16 P
Changes logbook · 47
PIN-Code · 79
Clear output pulse buffer · 51, 69
Pressure sensor · 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 59, 60,
Clock · 50, 52, 58
Running accuracy · 52, 58
Pulse comparison · 63
Data backup · 51
Save data · 59
Data format · 76
Signal input · 52, 64, 65, 66
Data protection · 16
standard operating application · 110
Data record · See Data row
Data row · 17 T
Data transfer · 12 Tamper detection · 52, 64, 65
Day boundary · 25, 26, 42, 43, 69, 84 Temperature Conversion Device · 8
Daylight saving · 54, 55 Temperature sensor · 34, 35, 124
E Time synchronisation · 65
Event logbook · 47 V
Ex Zone 1 · see Zone 1 Voltage failure · 51
FE230 · 53, 54, 65, 78, 90 Warning · 12, 46, 64, 70
FE260 · 89, 99 Warning limit · 51, 52
freeze · 42 Warning limits · 12
Freeze · 44, 57, 60
Zone 1 · 6, 85, 94