Speedtronic™ Mark Vi TMR: GE Industrial Systems

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GE Industrial Systems


Feed Pump Turbine Control
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment, nor to
provide for every possible contingency to be met during installation, operation, and
maintenance. If further information is desired or if particular problems arise that are not
covered sufficiently for the purchaser’s purpose, the matter should be referred to GE
Industrial Systems.
This document contains proprietary information of General Electric Company, USA, and is
furnished to its customer solely to assist that customer in the installation, testing, operation,
and/or maintenance of the equipment described. This document shall not be reproduced in
whole or in part, nor shall its contents be disclosed to any third party without the written
approval of GE Industrial Systems.

Section Page
Architecture .................................................................................................................2
Inputs and Outputs .......................................................................................................5
Control and Protection Functions ................................................................................6
Application Software Arrangement ......................................................................6
Speed Control .......................................................................................................6
Valve Control .......................................................................................................8
Trip Protection......................................................................................................9
Contact Input Trips .............................................................................................10
Overspeed Protection..........................................................................................11
Thrust Wear Protection.......................................................................................13
Vibration Protection............................................................................................14
Eccentricity Monitor ...........................................................................................14
Power .........................................................................................................................16
Operator Screens........................................................................................................17

CIMPLICITY is a registered trademark of GE Fanuc Automation North America, Inc.

Ethernet is a trademark of Xerox Corporation.
SPEEDTRONIC is a trademark of General Electric Company, USA.
Windows NT is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
The feed pump turbine control is part of the SPEEDTRONICTM Mark VI family of
turbine controls which are available for all GE turbines. The control is designed to
provide a small core of basic control functions that can be expanded in small
increments for various levels of control, protection, and monitoring for the turbine,
the auxiliary systems, and the pump.
Feed pump turbines are commonly applied in pairs with both pumps required for full
load on the main unit. The typical Mark VI control for this application is a triple
redundant control system (TMR), which contains the control and protection for both
turbines. Each turbine can be operated independently, and separate field terminations
are provided to facilitate maintenance of one turbine while the other turbine is
running. Individual TMR or Simplex controls can be supplied for each turbine, if
Several levels of operator interface are available. These include an operator interface
through a communication link from a plant distributed control system (DCS), a local
or remote operator interface from a PC, or a hardwired interface. In addition, a
common PC based operator/maintenance interface and common software
maintenance tools can be provided for a Mark VI feed pump turbine control, a Mark
VI reheat steam turbine control, and an EX2000 generator excitation control with
peer-to-peer communications on an Ethernet network.

Three control modules are supplied with identical hardware and software for the
critical control and protection functions. Each module consists of a card rack with
either a 13 slot or 21 slot VME back-plane with a processor card, communication
card, and I/O cards. An example analog I/O is the automatic speed/flow reference
from the feedwater control system. The signal for turbine A (typically 4-20 mA) is
connected to a terminal board, which is separate from the terminal board for turbine
B. The signal is conditioned with passive circuits on the terminal board and then
connected internally to the three control modules. An analog I/O card in each module
converts the signal from analog to digital for transmission to the communication card
that selects the median value of the turbine A speed/flow reference from the three
analog I/O cards. The voted value is then sent to the processor card in each module
where the application software is executed. The elapsed time to read every input,
vote the data, execute the application software, and output to the control valves is 20
ms (the frame rate). Diagnostics continuously run during this time to determine any
discrepancies in the voted data. If a fault is detected, the defective card can be
replaced while the turbine is running.

2 • Mark VI TMR Feed Pump Turbine Control GEI-100474 Application Overview

To Mark VI
Reheat Steam Turbine Control
Operator / Maintenance
To EX2000
Generator Excitation Control
Communications To DCS
1. RS232 Modbus Slave/Master
2. Ethernet TCP-IP Modbus Slave
CIMPLICITY R Display System 3. Ethernet TCP-IP GSM
Windows NT TM Operating System

Unit Data Highway Controllers

1. Control Emergency Overspeed
2. Protection Protection Modules
3. Monitoring
<P.A> <P.B>
Control Module
P.S. P.S.

Ethernet - IONet

Control Module
Software Voting

P.S. P.S.

Ethernet - IONet

Control Module

P.S. P.S.

Ethernet - IONet

Typical Control System Architecture

GEI-100474 Application Overview Mark VI TMR Feed Pump Turbine Control • 3

An Ethernet based IONet is used to transmit data between the control modules and
the emergency overspeed modules that are used on turbines that do not have a
mechanical overspeed bolt. In these applications, the median value of three passive,
magnetic pickups provide speed feedback from each turbine to the control modules,
which perform speed control and the primary overspeed protection. Three additional
speed sensors are used for an independent emergency overspeed signal to the
corresponding emergency overspeed module for that turbine. Two out of three
magnetic relays vote the resultant primary and emergency overspeed trip outputs to
the hydraulic trip solenoids. In addition, triple redundant trip solenoids are supplied
on each turbine to maximize the system fault tolerance.
For retrofit applications, an emergency overspeed module is not needed because the
turbine already has a mechanical overspeed bolt. The two existing speed sensors are
used for speed control and primary overspeed protection. The third speed sensor is
already connected to a tachometer, and this instrumentation is normally retained. A
modification kit is available to replace an existing mechanical overspeed bolt with an
emergency overspeed module. This modification also requires that the existing
single, energize-to-trip solenoid be replaced with a new triple redundant, de-energize
to trip solenoid system for reliability.
The processor card in each control module has an Ethernet port for communication
to a PC based operator / maintenance interface with a GE CIMPLICITY graphics
display system and a Windows NToperating system. The PC is commonly referred
to as the Human Machine Interface (HMI). One PC can be used for both turbines if
desirable, and it can be used for a variety of communication links to the plant DCS.
This Ethernet network is called the Unit Data Highway (UDH), and it can also be
used for peer-to-peer communications with a Mark VI for the reheat steam turbine
and associated controls such as the EX2000 generator excitation system for the main
The HMI has full operator capability to issue any command or monitor any data
point from either turbine with the local high resolution time tags for alarms (20 ms)
and Sequence of Events (SOE) (1 ms). It can be connected on the UDH to
simultaneously monitor the Mark VI control for the feed pump turbines, the reheat
steam turbine, and the EX2000 generator excitation system on one or dual redundant
highways. Redundancy is implemented by connecting each highway to a separate
Ethernet driver in a separate control module. Other available features in the HMI
include trending at 20ms, logic and analog forcing, and time synchronization either
to a time source from the Plant DCS or directly to a global positioning satellite
Operator displays normally show turbine A on the left side and turbine B on the right
side to allow operators to monitor both turbines simultaneously. Names of
application software data points have a suffix _A and _B to clearly distinguish the
turbine to which they are being applied.

4 • Mark VI TMR Feed Pump Turbine Control GEI-100474 Application Overview

Inputs and Outputs
I/O circuitry is designed for direct interface to the sensors and actuators on the
turbine to eliminate the need for interposing equipment with its resultant single point
failures, maintenance, and spare parts.

Typical I/O Allocations in TMR Control Systems

I/O Category “A” Turbine “B” Turbine Additional I/O Blocks Notes
Contact Inputs 24 24 24 125 V dc from Mark VI
Optical isolation, 1 ms SOE
Relay Outputs 12 12 12 Magnetic relays with form C contact
Trip Solenoids 1/2/3 1/2/3 As required
Speed Inputs
• Primary 2 or 3 2 or 3 2 retrofit, 3 new units
• Emergency 3 3 In place of mechanical OS bolt
Servo Outputs 2 2 2 Only 1 needed per turbine
LVDR Inputs 6 6 Only 4 needed per turbine
4-20ma Inputs 10 10 10
4-20/0-200 Out 2 2 2 (1) 4-20 mA and (1) selectable
4-20ma Outputs 0 0 16 Option for monitoring
Proximitors Includes: 1X, 2X vibration, phase angle,
buffered outputs with BNC connectors
• Vibration 8 8 8
for remote monitoring.
• Position 4 4 4
• Reference 1 1 1
RTD Inputs 0 0 16 Option: software linearization
Grounded or ungrounded
10 ohm copper, 100/200 ohm platinum,
120 ohm nickel
Thermocouples 0 0 24 Option: software linearization
Grounded or ungrounded
Types E, K, J, T

GEI-100474 Application Overview Mark VI TMR Feed Pump Turbine Control • 5

Control and Protection Functions
The following control and protection functions are supplied with most control
systems and implemented similar to the following descriptions. Many other features
are available as required for the application.
• Speed Control
• Valve Control
• Trip Protection
• Contact Input Trips
• Overspeed Protection
• Thrust Wear Protection
• Vibration Monitor
• Eccentricity Monitor

Application Software Arrangement

There are four software segments in the Mark VI that contain application software.
They are designed for independent operation of each turbine. These segments are
executed sequentially in the order shown.
• SEQ_T1A Speed Control and Valve Control Turbine A
• SEQ_T2A All Other Control and Protection Turbine A
• SEQ_T1B Speed Control and Valve Control Turbine B
• SEQ_T2B All Other Control and Protection Turbine B
Application software for turbine A has an _A suffix, and application software for
turbine B has a _B suffix. This enables operator and maintenance personnel to
quickly identify which turbine the software applies to regardless of whether it is
being monitored on an operator/maintenance interface PC or read in the
documentation. There is a very small amount of software that is generic to the Mark
VI system, which has no suffix such as the common alarm management system,
power supply diagnostics, and the like. Although the alarm management software is
generic, the application software that initiates these alarms is turbine specific with
the _A and _B suffix, and the alarm messages which appear on the monitor contain a
(A) and (B) designation. All software documentation includes the (A) and (B)
designation including the 1 ms SOE log on the printer.

Speed Control
The Mark VI determines that the unit is stopped by monitoring the median value of
the three passive speed pickups and the key phasor. A zero speed indication from
both signals is required to initiate the zero speed logic (L14HR_A/B). A zero speed
permissive is provided to the turning gear based on this logic. These are dry, form C
contacts from magnetic relays on the TRLY terminal board. Separate relay terminal
boards are provided for the contact outputs to turbine A and turbine B.
Any significant discrepancy between the three speed signals initiates a diagnostic
alarm which specifies the specific speed signal that is in disagreement, but the
application software for all three control modules <R><S><T> continues to run on
the median value (TNH_A/B). Any one of the three controllers can be de-energized

6 • Mark VI TMR Feed Pump Turbine Control GEI-100474 Application Overview

for maintenance while the turbine(s) are running. The PC based
operator/maintenance interface contains no control or protection software; therefore,
maintenance of this equipment does not jeopardize either the speed control or the
overspeed protection system.
When power is applied, the system initializes in manual control and in the tripped
condition. The system can be operated in manual control (L43MAN_A/B) or
automatic control (L43AUTO_A/B). The L prefix in these logic signals is used for
all logic signals in the system.
The unit can be manually started from either a hardwired interface in the main
control room or an operator/maintenance interface PC located local or remote. Some
installations have a technicians interface \module on the control cabinet door that is
used for tuning, trending, or editing application software, but not for operator
A contact from the main control room provides a momentary closed logic to the
control system that selects manual control. Raise and lower contacts can now be
given to the control system. Independent raise/lower slow contacts will initiate a
control response at the manual slow ramp rate (KTNHR_RMS) and raise/lower fast
contacts will initiate a control response at the manual fast ramp rate
(KTNHR_RMF). A K prefix is used for all tuning constant signal names. Constants
can be changed while the unit is running. The unit will continue to ramp at these
rates as long as these contacts are closed. Contact outputs are provided to the main
control room for indication of the control mode and the current running speed.

Note Operators and maintenance personnel are provided speed indication in rpm for
convenience, but the control system is calibrated in percent to facilitate fast and
accurate calibration. A single control constant (KTNH_GAIN_A/B) is used to scale
from rpm to percent speed.

Manual control from the operator/maintenance interface PC works in a similar

manner. Operator commands are initiated with a mouse or trackball. Selection of
control modes must be followed by a confirming EXECUTE command to prevent an
accidental change in control modes. Raise/lower commands are initiated from a
mouse or trackball, which is designed to initiate a single, incremental change in
speed with each click to eliminate any significant, accidental speed changes. A
raise/lower slow click will initiate a 1-2 rpm change, and a raise/lower fast click will
initiate about a 20 rpm change (adjustable). Significant speed changes can be made
by typing in the desired speed such as 5,000, which will cause the turbine to ramp to
5,000 rpm. The control will not ramp to a speed setpoint that is above the speed
governor limits.
While in manual control, a momentary automatic start command can be given to
initiate an automatic start sequence (L43ASTART_A/B). The speed will increase at
the manual fast ramp rate (K14TNHR_RMF_A/B) to a predefined threshold
(K14H_ASTRT_A/B). Permissives for the start sequence are that the turbine is reset,
in manual control, and that the speed is below the threshold limit. Once the
automatic start sequence is in progress, it can be stopped only by a manual or
automatic trip prior to reaching the speed limit. Any time the turbine trips, it can be
reset while coasting down. This causes the speed reference to be preset slightly
(about 100 rpm) below the current running speed. The adjustable offset
(KTNH_POFF_A/B) eliminates overshoot due to the difference in speed between the
time that the reset command is given and the time that the system actually resets.
The operator should manually raise the turbine speed to match the speed reference of
the feedwater control system prior to selecting automatic control. If the operator does
not match speed, the control system will go into automatic control (L43AUTO_A/B).

GEI-100474 Application Overview Mark VI TMR Feed Pump Turbine Control • 7

If the speed is above the low speed stop (L14LS_A/B), the speed will automatically
ramp to match the feedwater control system reference at the manual slow ramp rate
(K14TNHR_RMS_A/B). When a null is reached (K14HNULL_A/B), the ramp rate
will change to the auto ramp rate (KTNHR_RA_A/B).
Diagnostics continuously monitor the feedwater control system reference
(PREF_A/B) to alarm if the reference is above the high limit, below the low limit or
if the rate of change is excessive. An excessive rate of change, will alarm and cause
an automatic transfer to manual control, but out of limits diagnostics will alarm only.
A gross failure in the feedwater reference, such as disconnecting the field wire, will
result in a transfer to manual control. Implementation of this function should account
for the maximum normal rate of change of the reference from the feedwater control
Any control location can transfer the system from automatic to manual control with
no change in the speed reference. If the main control room originally selects
automatic control through contact inputs, then only the main control room can
initiate a transfer to manual control. If automatic control is selected from the
operator/maintenance interface PC, then any control location can transfer the system
back to manual control.
The speed control algorithm (XTNCB03) is configured to run as an isochronous
governor with no speed droop. The speed feedback (TNH_A/B) is subtracted from
the speed reference (TNR_A/B), which results in the speed error (TNHE_A/B). If
the deviation between the reference and the feedback exceeds a predefined limit
(KTNHDEV_A/B), then an alarm message is generated. This proportional plus
integral control is calibrated by the following tuning constants:
• KTNE_G_A/B Speed Error Gain Constant (%/%)
• KTNE_I_TC_A/B Integrator Time Constant (s)
• KTNE_DB_A/B Speed Error Deadband Hold Constant (%)
The final output of the speed control algorithm is the total power reference
(TPWR_A/B), which provides a reference to the valve control.

Valve Control
The following control description assumes a GE 200# oil gear system.
The total power reference from the speed control algorithm determines the valve
stroke reference (V1_STROKE_A/B). This calculation is performed by a Linear
Interpolator algorithm (ALIP00), which characterizes the flow versus the stroke
relationship with 10 points using constants (KV1_FLOW#_A/B) and
(KV1_STR#_A/B). Normally, the valve stroke reference and the output to the valve
regulator (V1_OUT_A/B) are the same unless the valve is being calibrated.
Calibration is permitted if the turbine is tripped (L4_A/B = 0) and the speed is zero
(L14HR_A/B = 1). Since there are two turbines, each V1 actuator is calibrated
independent of the other turbine’s V1 actuator including calibrating one turbine,
which is stopped while the other turbine is running. Selection of the turbine-specific
calibration data is performed by selecting the appropriate turbine valve on the
display. Each half of this display will initiate a unique number to be generated in the
data base for (JADJ), which will force the output to the valve regulator
(V1_OUT_A/B) to track the manual V1 calibration reference (GSADJ) instead of the
normal valve stroke reference (V1_STROKE_A/B).

8 • Mark VI TMR Feed Pump Turbine Control GEI-100474 Application Overview

All of the application software that has been discussed so far has been executed in
the main processor card (UCV_) and is completely configurable. Actual, closed-loop
regulation of the V1 valve is performed in a dedicated algorithm in the servo card
(VSVO) and run at 5 ms. The error between the output to the valve regulator
(V1_OUT_A/B) and the position feedback from the main cylinder (the outer loop) is
calculated, and that error is compared to the pilot valve position (the inner loop). A
pair of redundant LVDRs is used to provide feedback for the main cylinder position
and the pilot valve position with a high-select function for each LVDR pair.
Flow Reference Linear Interpolator Servo Valve Output
Stroke Reference
V1_FLO_R Input
Out V1_STROKE Input Output V1_OUT
KV1_FLOW0 Args x
"10" Size
KV1_STR0 Function JADJ Select
ID # ID Code A=B
JADJ - Valve calibration selection
Turbine is reset Enable
from maintenance display
GSADJ Calibrate reference
Permissive Servo Reference
Turbine stopped L43ADJ
Forcing In
Progress Valve Regulator - Type 2
L43MAINT Gain - pilot feedback
ARAMP Bias - cylinder feedback
Up Alarm - Maintenance Gain - cylinder feedback
A<X forcing mode enabled +
Down Reference + + + + D/A
GSADJ_REF Input Out x x
KGSADJ_RR Rate LVDR #1 - - +
A/D + x Cylinder position V1_POS
Not used Reset Main cylinder position Converter
Offset #1 F( )
feedback inputs from
LVDRs. The second Gain #1 Cylinder LVDR #1 position V1_POS1
LVDR is optional for LVDR #2 Cylinder LVDR #2 position V1_POS2
A/D + x
redundancy. Converter
Offset #2 - Type Position Detection
Gain #2 2D First assigned LVDR
2E Max of (2) assigned LVDRs
A/D LVDR #1 + x Pilot position V1_PIL
Pilot valve position Converter
Offset #1 F( )
feedback inputs from
LVDRs. The second Gain #1 Pilot LVDR #1 position V1_PIL1
LVDR is optional for LVDR #2 Pilot LVDR #2 position V1_PIL2
A/D + x
redundancy. Converter
Offset #2 -
Copy Gain #2
L4 Turbine is reset
Enable High limit
L14HP At overspeed OR V1 In Calibrate Mode
Converg. gain
JADJ + Integrator
"0" A L83JADJ_V1 Calibrate Mode Off Conv. ref. +- - +- Output
A=B x
L83JADJ_V3 No valve in Low limit
calibration mode

SVR_CONVG_1 -TMR systems only SVR_INTGRT_1

Converge outputs of <R><S><T> to median

GE 200# Oil Gear System Valve Control

Trip Protection
All trip protection is imbedded in the triple redundant control modules. The trip
software is contained near the end of software segments SEQ_T2A and SEQ_T2B.
All trip logic is OR’ed in software rung L4T_A/B and its two auxiliaries
L4TX1_A/B and L4TX2_A/B. A logic 1 indicates a trip condition.

For Retrofit Applications

The final logic state which determines whether the Mark VI will tell the trip solenoid
to trip is L20PTR1_A or L20PTR2_B. This logic drives output ports in the three
VCRC cards which simultaneously drive relay drivers on the TRLY Terminal
Boards. One relay on each of two TRLYs is driven by the L20PTR#_ logic. These
relays are energized when the turbine is running, and diagnostics monitor the current
through the relay coils to verify that the relays have actually energized. A single

GEI-100474 Application Overview Mark VI TMR Feed Pump Turbine Control • 9

normally open contact from each relay drives an interposing HGA relay with a high
contact output rating for interface to the trip solenoid. The HGA relays are mounted
in the turbine control cabinet, and the 125 V dc coils are suppressed. Both HGA
relays are energized when the turbine is running, and a contact from each relay is fed
back to provide confirmation that the relays have energized. Normally-closed
contacts from the HGA relays are connected in series on the high side of the SV12
solenoid circuit to energize the solenoid if both HGA relays simultaneously de-
energize. Connecting both relay contacts on the high side of the solenoid circuit
allows a lamp circuit to be used to verify the solenoid coil condition since it is
energize to trip.

For Triple Redundant Applications

These applications have three control modules and three sections of the emergency
overspeed module driving three hydraulic trip solenoids that are de-energized to trip.
Each solenoid is connected between the terminal board from the control modules
which supplies –125 V dc and the terminal board from the emergency overspeed
module which supplies +125 V dc from separately fused feeders. Diagnostics
monitor a contact feedback from each relay each terminal board and the voltage
across each solenoid. A trip from one control module will de-energize one trip
solenoid and not trip the turbine. A trip from two or three control modules will trip
the turbine. The solenoids can be tested on-line by tripping one solenoid at a time.

Contact Input Trips

All contact inputs are dry contacts that close if an alarm or trip condition occurs.
Contact inputs are connected in a 125 V dc circuit that is powered from the Mark VI.
Each contact input terminates on a single TBCI terminal board where it is internally
fanned to three separate VCRC cards in the control modules. Each card optically
isolates each input and provides a 1 ms SOE time stamp.
Software in the control modules can be categorized as operating system software and
application software. The operating system reads each contact input and exchanges
the data between the VCMI cards in each control module. Each VCMI calculates the
logical vote and passes the voted data to the application software to execute. As an
example, if the pump bearing oil pressure is low, the field contact closes which
results in a logic 1 condition in all three modules. If an internal electronic component
fails in the <R> module, <R> could see a logic 0 when <S> and <T> see a logic 1.
Since the data is exchanged between the VCMI’s, they will alarm a failure in the
contact input circuit in <R> while the correct logic 1 state is passed from <R>'s
operating system software to its application software. Diagnostics are able to
distinguish an internal logic failure from an external failure because a single field
contact that terminates on a single screw can produce a logic discrepancy only for an
internal failure.
External failures in the field switches and wiring are more likely to occur than
internal failures; therefore, three field switches are normally used in trip circuits such
as the pump bearing oil pressure. One switch is set to close when the pressure drops
below the alarm level. Two additional switches are set at the trip level. Application
software will trip the unit if it sees two of these switches close. Diagnostics will
alarm if there is a discrepancy between the three field switches or if a trip switch
closes prior to the alarm switch closing.

10 • Mark VI TMR Feed Pump Turbine Control GEI-100474 Application Overview

Typical redundant trip switches include:
• Header Pressure Trip
• Turbine Bearing Oil Pressure Low Trip
• Pump Bearing Oil Pressure Low Trip
• Vacuum Low Trip
• Pump Suction Low Trip

Overspeed Protection
There are two levels of overspeed protection excluding the normal speed control
function of the governor. The speed control algorithm (XTNCB03) will initiate an
overspeed trip command if the speed (TNH_A/B) reaches the primary overspeed
limit (KTNHOS_A/B). The mechanical overspeed bolt provides another level of
overspeed trip protection. If the turbine does not have a mechanical overspeed bolt,
then a triple redundant emergency overspeed (EOS) Module is used for each turbine
to replace the mechanical overspeed bolt. In some retrofit applications, there is a
mechanical overspeed bolt and the EOS module as a customer requirement.
A test of the primary overspeed trip system can be initiated from the overspeed test
display when the pump is uncoupled and reset, and the speed is above the low speed
stop and below the high-speed stop.

Note The control system has no automatic way of knowing whether the pump is
coupled or not coupled. Pushing the test button on the display will cause the speed
reference to be ramped to 1% (KOS_BIAS_A/B) above the Primary overspeed trip
setpoint (KTNHOS_A/B) at a ramp rate determined by time constant

GEI-100474 Application Overview Mark VI TMR Feed Pump Turbine Control • 11

<R> 24 or 125vdc
Termination Board Turbine Card Termination Board J1
JR5 Card
41 Shown for <R>
IS200UCV_ J4 JR1
#1 Primary Filter
Clamp Median Select
Magnetic Suppr.
f( ) Pr/D
& OS Algorithm Buffer
Speed PU 42 Coupling

4 Circuits J4 JS1
Shown for <R>
JS5 Same for <S>
#2 Primary Filter
J4 JT1
Magnetic Suppr.
Same for <S>
Speed PU 34 Coupling Same for <T>

4 Circuits
25 Connectors at Power
#3 Primary Filter bottom of
Clamp VME racks J2
Magnetic Suppr. Same for <T>
AC -
Speed PU Coupling
Hydraulic Trip Solenoids
4 Circuits

0 to 14 k Hz -
Termination Board J2
<P> Protection Module (EOS) - Section X
JX5 J5 <R>
31 Commun.
#1 Emerg. Filter
Magnetic Suppr.
f( ) Pr/D OS Algorithm Buffer
Speed PU 32 Coupling
J7 <PDM>
3 Circuits IS200VPRO 125vdc
37 <P> Protection Module (EOS) - Section Y Termination Board
#2 Emerg. Filter IS200TREG
Magnetic Suppr.
Same for Section Y
Speed PU 38 Coupling
3 Circuits Trip signal to
JZ5 servo TB
43 TSVO (JD1)
<P> Protection Module (EOS) - Section Z JZ1
#3 Emerg. Filter
Magnetic Suppr.
Same for Section Z
Speed PU 44 Coupling
3 Circuits

Primary and Emergency Overspeed System

A test of the mechanical overspeed bolt can be initiated from the same display when
the turbine is uncoupled and reset, and the speed is above the low speed stop and
below the high speed stop. This will cause the primary overspeed trip setpoint
(KTNHOS_A/B) to be automatically moved above the mechanical bolt setpoint
(KTNHMOS_A/B), and the turbine will accelerate to the trip limit.
An EOS module monitors a separate set of three passive, magnetic speed sensors
which are terminated on the TPRO terminal board and connected internally to the
three VPRO cards with independent power supplies, processors, and I/O. Each
section monitors the speed and calculates:
• Excessive overspeed (L12H)
• Fast overspeed detection - interrupt driven every 8 pulses (L12H_TP0)
• Excessive rate of change ±100 %/s (L12H_TP2)
• Turbine below 10% speed (L14H_ZE)
• Turbine above adjustable setpoint (L14H_MN)
The EOS module will trip independent of the control modules, and diagnostic data is
communicated back to the VCMI cards in the control modules for alarming and/or
cross-tripping. For example, the control modules expect to see a 10% speed signal
(L14H_ZE) from the EOS module when there is a 10% signal from the primary
speed sensors. If this does not occur, the turbine trips.

12 • Mark VI TMR Feed Pump Turbine Control GEI-100474 Application Overview

A test of the EOS module can be initiated from the overspeed test display when the
turbine is uncoupled and reset, and the speed is above the low speed stop and below
the high-speed stop. This will cause the EOS trip setpoint to be reduced below the
primary overspeed trip setpoint (KTNHOS_A/B), and the turbine will accelerate to
the trip limit.

Thrust Wear Protection

Termination Board Proximitor Processor
IS200TVIB Card Card

L39AF1 Probe #1 Fault Alarm - 1 sec TD L39AXA1

Buffered Ouputs L39AXA
L39AF2 Probe #2 Fault Alarm - 1 sec TD L39AXA2 Any Probe At
To Bently Nevada JD1 OR T
L39AF3 Probe #3 Fault Alarm - 1 sec TD L39AXA3 Alarm Level
3500 Monitor 1 sec

L39AF1 L39AXT1
JC1: Circuits 9-12 Position Connectors at L39AXFT L39AXT
JD1: Circuits 13, 14 KP bottom of L39AF2 2/3 Probe L39AXT2 2/3 Probes At
2/3 T 2/3 T
VME racks L39AF3 Fault Trip L39AXT3 Trip Level
1 sec 1 sec
Probe Proximitor Shown for <R>
-24vdc CL
JR1 J3/4 -28vdc

XAXPO01 - Axial Position Monitor

Noise AXIAL1 input
A/D Alarm L39AXA1
Suppression OR
K39AAA active alarm A Not Used
Sampling Type B
Probe Proximitor CL
-24vdc A/D (16 bit)
JS1 J3/4 K39AIA inactive alarm A Not Used

Noise Same for <S> A Not Used

K39AAT active trip A>=B
Suppression B
Not Used
K39AIT inactive trip A
Probe Proximitor A<=B
-24vdc CL B Trip L39AXT1
JT1 J3/4 OR
L39AF1 probe fault

Range = -0.5 to -20 vdc Suppression
Same for <T> AXIAL2 L39AXA2
Accuracy = 1% of full scale
Resolution = 14 Bits Same as above for thrust input #2
L39AF2 L39AXT2

Input Terminations Same as above for thrust input #3
L39AF3 L39AXT3

Three redundant axial position probes are used to monitor the turbine thrust and the
median value is displayed on the main display. Axial positions for each probe are
displayed in bar chart format on the proximitor display. Positions are displayed in
green if the vibration is below the high alarm level and no fault is detected. An
abnormal condition will cause the specific bar to turn red.

GEI-100474 Application Overview Mark VI TMR Feed Pump Turbine Control • 13

A redundant −23 V dc source is provided from the VVIB cards in the control
modules for the proximitors and the resultant dc input is monitored for the axial
position. An alarm will occur if the position exceeds the alarm limit on any probe in
the active (K39AAA_A/B) direction or in the inactive (K39AIA_A/B) direction. A
trip will occur if the position exceeds the trip limit on two out of three probes in the
active (K39AAT_A/B) direction or in the inactive (K39AIT_A/B) direction. The
diagnostics will alarm a fault condition if they detect a fault on any probe, and an
automatic trip will occur if a fault is detected on two out of three probes. The fault
detection will automatically inhibit a false trip logic in the algorithm. The pump axial
position is monitored with a single probe to alarm an excessive thrust level in the
active (K39AAA_P_A/B) direction or in the inactive (K39AIA_P_A/B) direction,
and diagnostics will alarm a probe fault.

Vibration Protection
The VVIB cards in the control modules directly monitor Bently Nevada vibration
sensors. An X and Y probe is used to monitor vibration on the HP and LP turbine
bearings and the inboard and outboard pump bearings. The main display shows a
turbine-pump diagram with a bearing vibration level determined by the highest
vibration level of each X/Y probe pair. Vibration levels for each probe are displayed
in bar chart format on the proximitor display. Vibration levels are displayed in green
if the vibration is below the high alarm level and no fault is detected. An abnormal
condition will cause the specific bar to turn red.
The ac component of the proximitor input is used to determine the vibration
magnitude, and the dc component is used to monitor the gap for fault detection. A
high or high-high alarm will occur if excessive vibration is detected on either probe.
A fault alarm will occur if a fault is detected on any probe, and it will inhibit a false
alarm message of a high vibration level. Unique control constants are used to set the
high (K39VA#_A/B) and high-high (K39VT#_A/B) alarm levels for each probe. All
turbine trips for the vibration system must be manually initiated.
Vibration data available in the data base and from buffered BNC connectors on the
TVIB terminal boards includes:
• The unfiltered Direct Magnitude of the vibration input in (mils)
• The 1X Magnitude (mils) and Phase Angle (degrees)
• The 2X Magnitude (mils)
• The dc gap voltage (mils)

Eccentricity Monitor
Eccentricity is measured while the turbine is on turning gear. The algorithm
continuously monitors the gap between the probe and the shaft for the time
(K2REV_A/B) required for the shaft to make one revolution. The maximum
deviation in the gap per revolution is shown on the proximitor display bar chart. An
alarm is initiated if the deviation exceeds the high alarm limit (K30EC_H_A/B) or
the high-high alarm limit (K30EC_HH_A/B). A probe fault will cause a separate
fault alarm, and it will inhibit a false alarm message for a high eccentricity level.
manual action is required to trip the turbine for a high or high-high eccentricity

14 • Mark VI TMR Feed Pump Turbine Control GEI-100474 Application Overview


EOS Module
3 Independent Sections

3 Control Modules

Mark VI Electronics

The standard turbine control enclosure consists of a NEMA 1, convection cooled

cabinet with front access and top or bottom cable entrances. It is rated for continuous
operation in a 0 to 45 °C ambient and operation up to 50 °C during maintenance
periods; however, it is recommended that this microprocessor based product be
located in an air-conditioned environment. Other types of enclosures are available
with built-in cooling systems and purification systems as required for the application.

GEI-100474 Application Overview Mark VI TMR Feed Pump Turbine Control • 15

There are various types of cabinet arrangements. The most typical arrangement
consists of a cabinet containing the three control modules and a separate cabinet
containing the terminal boards and power converters/distribution. All of the
electronics are mounted on the back base (nothing on the side-walls). These cabinets
are relatively shallow at 23.6 in. (600 mm) deep and can be mounted either side-by-
side or back-to-back. They are used on most new unit applications and are also
available for retrofit applications if sufficient space is available. A more compact
cabinet is frequently used for retrofit applications and is deeper and narrower. This is
accomplished by mounting the terminal boards on the side walls.

Typical Cabinet Specifications

English Units Metric Units

- Control Cabinet 63.0 in. W x 86.6 in. H x 23.6 in. D 1,600 mmW x 2,200 mmH x 600 mmD
- Termin. Cabinet 63.0 in. W x 86.6 in. H x 23.6 in. D 1,600 mmW x 2,200 mmH x 600 mmD
- Retrofit Cabinet 53.1 in. W x 86.6 in. H x 35.4 in. D 1,350 mmW x 2,200 mmH x 900 mmD
Weight per cabinet 1,000 lbs. (typical) 453.6 kgs. (typical)
Temp. - Operate +32 to +113 °F 0 to +45 °C
- Storage -40 to +158 °F -40 to +70 °C
Heat 1,000 Watts (typical) 1,000 Watts (typical)
Humidity 5 to 95% non-condensing 5 to 95% non-condensing

The turbine control is normally powered from redundant 115/230 V ac power
sources. Provision for a floating 125 V dc source is also available. The ac power
converters include an isolation transformer and a full wave rectifier to produce a 125
V dc output that is high-selected. This redundant, internal 125 V dc bus is isolated
and fed to the various module power supplies through the power distribution module.
Separate 125 V dc feeders are used to distribute the power to each contact input and
relay output terminal board. Each solenoid circuit has additional fuses on the positive
and negative sides. Diagnostics monitor each voltage source and each feeder
including the fuses in each solenoid circuit on the relay terminal board. Interposing
relays are used for retrofit applications with energize-to-trip solenoids.

Control Cabinet Power

Steady-State Voltage Frequency Load Comments
120 V ac (108 to 132 V ac) 47 – 53 Hz 6 A rms Harmonic distortion < 7%
57 – 63 Hz
240 V ac (216 to 264 V ac) 47 – 53 Hz 3 A rms Harmonic distortion < 7 %
57 – 63 Hz
125 V dc (100 to 145 V dc) 6 A dc Ripple <= 5%

* Power source load estimate does not include the load of external solenoids.

16 • Mark VI TMR Feed Pump Turbine Control GEI-100474 Application Overview

Operator Screens
The operator/maintenance interface is commonly referred to as the HMI. It is a PC
with a GE CIMPLICITY graphics user interface, a Microsoft Windows NT
operating system, a Control System Toolbox with editors for the application software
and unit specific screens. It can be applied as:
• The primary operator interface for one or multiple units including the main
reheat steam turbine and its generator excitation system
• A backup operator interface to the plant DCS operator interface
• A gateway for communication links to other control systems
• A permanent or temporary maintenance station
• An engineer’s workstation
All control and protection is resident in the turbine control, which allows the HMI to
be a non-essential component of the control system. It can be reinitialized or
replaced with the turbine running with no impact on the control system. The HMI
communicates with the processor card in the turbine control through the Ethernet
based UDH.
Feed pump turbine control screens show a diagram of the turbine with the primary
control parameters. When two turbines are controlled from a single triple redundant
control system, the screens show turbine A on the left and turbine B on the right with
identical graphics. The basic diagram is repeated on most of the screens to enable
operators to maintain a visual picture of the turbine’s performance while changing
screens. All screens have a menu on the right-hand side of the display which has a
hierarchy of an overview screen (for a multiple unit site), unit selection (feed pump
turbine, main unit, generator excitation), and a menu of all of the feed pump turbine
operator screens.
Typical feed pump turbine screens include:
• BFPT Main Display (Primary Operator Control)
• Offline Tests
• Online Tests
• Valve Calibration
• Proximitors for Turbine A
• Proximitors for Turbine B

GEI-100474 Application Overview Mark VI TMR Feed Pump Turbine Control • 17

Feed Pump Turbine Graphics

The primary screen in the system is the Main screen. This single display can be used
for auto/manual control selection, raise/lower, fast/slow commands, tripping,
accessing alarm messages, and monitoring control parameters from both turbines.
All operator commands can be given through momentary pushbutton commands on
the screen. The command is sent to the Mark VI control where the application
software initiates the requested action assuming that the appropriate permissives are
satisfied. A response to the command can be observed within one second if it does
not involve subsequent system time delays. As an example, if a Select Auto
command is given. A small pop-up window will appear above the Select Auto button
for the operator to verify that he/she really intends to select Automatic Control of the
turbine. Upon verification, the application software checks the permissives and
initiates a transfer to automatic control that results in a Automatic Control message.
If the turbine was not ready for automatic control, then an alarm message would
appear in the bottom left-hand corner of the display identifying the reason.

Note The purpose of the alarm queue is to identify any abnormal condition. Alarm
messages are displayed with 20 ms resolution and SOE are displayed with 1 ms
resolution. An alarm buffer is included with 10 MB or 30 days of storage.

18 • Mark VI TMR Feed Pump Turbine Control GEI-100474 Application Overview

The Trip Status display provides a graphical representation and status of all potential
turbine trips. This graphic also relates to the functional organization of the
application software. If there are latched trips, then the operator must select the
Master Reset button. This references another screen to remind the operator of the
need to investigate and correct the reason for the latched trip prior to issuing a
Master Reset. A trip history log is included for all of the key control parameters and
alarms scanned at 20 ms for 1 minute and at 1 s for 10 hours for each of 10 trips.

GE Industrial Systems
Issue date: 2001-03-01 General Electric Company
 2000 by General Electric Company, USA. 1501 Roanoke Blvd.
All rights reserved.
+ 1 540 387 7000 Salem, VA 24153-6492 USA

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