Vessel Requirements: Op Notice To Shipping No. N-1-2021
Vessel Requirements: Op Notice To Shipping No. N-1-2021
Vessel Requirements: Op Notice To Shipping No. N-1-2021
Vice Presidency for Operations
Bldg. 729, Balboa-Ancon
Panama, Panama
January 1, 2021
emergency response and recovery, supervision and enforcement of rules and regulations
governing the navigation of the Canal, approval of new construction compliance with chocks
and bitts, boarding facilities, wheelhouse design features and visibility requirements, and for
ensuring that vessels arriving for transit are properly equipped. Additionally, the unit is
responsible for matters involving the safety aspects of vessel traffic flow and control, vessel
material conditions and inspections, hazardous cargo, Canal physical conditions, and
emergency response for fires or oil/chemical spills. The responsibilities of the Transit
Operations Division executive manager are exercised through the Canal port captain on
4. Communication Channels
Direct communication with the Vice Presidency for Transit Business’ units may be
established by the following means:
(Name, position and title)
P.O. Box 526725
Miami FL 33152-6725
b. FACSIMILE: (Name of Unit)
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
Effective February 15, 2020, all transiting vessels over 38.1 meters (125 feet) in LOA
are required to pay a fresh water surcharge composed of a fixed fee of $10.000 a variable
fee ranging from a minimum of 1 percent to a maximum of 10 percent of the vessel’s toll.
The percentage to be applied will depend on Gatun Lake level at the time of transit.
Effective February 15, 2020, a handling service fee will be applied to all visits for
transit that are created for vessels with 38.1 meters (125 feet) LOA or more, as follows:
• For vessels less than 27.74 meters (91 feet) in beam (regulars): $1,500 per
transit itinerary
• For vessels between 27.74 meters (91 feet) and 32.62 meters (107 feet) in
beam (supers, including panamax plus): $5,000 per transit itinerary
• For vessels with beams of more than 32.62 meters (107 feet) in beam
The abovementioned fee will be deducted from the vessel’s tolls invoice once the vessel
transits. If the vessel cancels the transit itinerary, the fee will not be refunded.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
The ACP published revised procedures for the issuance, consolidation, and
deactivation of Customer Codes, which replace the previous version published October 13,
2017. The document containing the revised procedures is available at:
Effective October 1, 2020, a new option of bank guarantee for the payment of
tolls and other maritime services was available for customers through the guarantor banks.
This new option of bank guarantee labeled as “line of credit,” functions as a revolving credit
line, covering all services requested in VUMPA up to an approved maximum amount and
term. The balance of the credit line replenishes itself as invoiced services are paid by the
guarantor bank.
Interested customers should contact their guarantor bank and coordinate the
establishment of this payment option. Please note that this option does not limit the use of
other forms of payment.
Any inquiries regarding this matter may be directed to our Accounts Receivable
Unit at 272-7308 or by email at [email protected].
In addition, the ACP has issued a revised customer code procedure available at the
following link to our webpage:
Ilya R. Espino de Marotta
Deputy Administrator and Vice President for Operations
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
1. Definitions 9
2. Size and Draft Limitations of Vessels 10
a. Vessels Transiting the Panamax Locks .......................................................... 10
b. Vessels Transiting the Neopanamax Locks .................................................... 12
c. Other Draft Considerations .............................................................................. 14
d. Maximum Width .............................................................................................. 16
e. Protrusions...................................................................................................... 16
f. Maximum Height ............................................................................................. 17
g. Release from Liability ..................................................................................... 17
h. Approval of Plans............................................................................................. 18
i. Required Documentation for Initial Transit in Electronic Format ...................... 19
j. Denial of Transit............................................................................................... 20
k. Vessel Should Be Able to Relay at the Locks .................................................. 21
3. Requirement for Pilot Platforms and Shelters on Certain Vessels 21
4. Navigation Bridge Features Required of Transiting Vessels 23
a. Authority........................................................................................................... 23
b. Wheelhouse …….. .......................................................................................... 23
c. Bridge Wings ................................................................................................... 24
d. Normal Conning Positions ............................................................................... 24
e. Panama Canal Minimum Visibility Requirements ............................................ 25
f. Indicators ......................................................................................................... 28
g. Very High Frequency (VHF) Radio .................................................................. 29
h. Whistle Controls .............................................................................................. 30
i. Steering Light................................................................................................... 30
j. Bow/Stern Thrusters ........................................................................................ 30
k. Compass.......................................................................................................... 30
l. Course Recorders............................................................................................ 31
m. Bridge Wing Spotlights .................................................................................... 31
n. Radar ............................................................................................................... 31
o. Main Propulsion Systems ............................................................................... 32
p. Use of Automatic Identification System (AIS) .................................................. 32
q. Steering gear ................................................................................................... 35
5. Requirements for Non-Self-Propelled Vessels 35
6 Vessels Requiring Towing Services 37
7. Deck Load Cargo 37
8 Construction, Number and Location of Chocks and Bitts 39
a. Vessels Transiting the Panamax Locks ........................................................... 39
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
1. Definitions
a. Barge: A flat-bottomed vessel of full body and heavy construction without installed
means of propulsion.
b. Commercial Vessel: A self-propelled vessel other than a naval, military or other public
c. Dangerous Cargo: Any material which is explosive, flammable, radioactive or toxic to
humans or the environment.
d. Full Container Vessel: Vessel specifically designed or converted to transport containers
above the upper deck and that has cellular guides permanently affixed in its holds.
e. Integrated Tug-Barge Combination: A pushing vessel and a non-tank barge pushed
ahead rigidly connected to each other to form a composite unit. A composite unit means a
pushing vessel rigidly connected by "mechanical means" to a barge being pushed, so they
react to the sea and swell as one vessel, and, as such, considered a single power-driven
vessel. "Mechanical means" does not include lines, hawsers, wires or chains. To be
considered an ITB at the Panama Canal, such vessels must meet all current ACP
regulations and requirements for transit and be able to operate in all conditions under which
a ship of equivalent size can operate.
f. Maximum Allowable Response Time: The maximum allowable amount of time that it
takes the main propulsion to respond from stop to ahead or from stop to astern, after a
telegraph order is received, which must be tested before the transit begins.
g. Maximum Authorized Draft: Lesser of the maximum authorized transit draft or the
maximum tropical freshwater draft by Load Line Certificate.
h. Maximum Authorized Transit Draft: Deepest point of immersion in TFW of a particular
vessel permitted at any time, Gatun Lake level and Canal restrictions permitting.
i. Maximum Beam: The maximum breadth (width) of the hull between the outside
surfaces of the shell plating.
j. Maximum Length: The distance between the forward and after extremities of a vessel,
including the bulbous bow and protrusions (also length overall - LOA)
k. Maximum Width: The extreme width of a vessel, including protrusions, at its widest
l. Minimum Full Ahead Speed: The ACP has determined that the minimum full ahead
speed required in order to complete transit in standard times is 8 knots.
m. Neopanamax: All vessels with dimensions greater than Panamax that comply with the
size and draft limitations of the new locks; namely, 367.28 meters (1205 feet) in length by
51.25 meters (168.14 feet) in beam by 15.24 meters (50.00 feet), TFW draft.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
n. Non-Self-Propelled Vessel: A vessel which either does not have installed means of
propulsion, or has installed means of propulsion which does not function during transit. It is
also referred to as dead tow.
o. Panama Canal Universal Measurement System (PC/UMS): The system based on the
Universal Measurement System, 1969, using its parameters for determining the total
volume of a vessel with the additional variations established by the Panama Canal
p. Panamax vessels: Vessels of 30.48 meters (100 feet) in beam or more that comply with
the size and draft limitations of the Panamax locks; namely, 294.13 meters (965 feet) in
length by 32.31 meters (106 feet) in beam by 12.04 meters (39.50 feet), TFW draft.
q. Panamax Plus vessels: All Panamax vessels authorized for TFW drafts greater than
12.04 meters (39.50 feet) up to 15.24 meters (50.00 feet) and approved for transit of the
new locks.
r. Passenger Vessel: A vessel that principally transports passengers and runs on fixed
published schedules. All the spaces that have been identified and certified for the use or
possible use of passengers are to be included in the total volume calculation of the vessel.
s. Protrusion: Anything that extends beyond any portion of the hull of a vessel, whether it
is permanent or temporary, except for the main anchors.
t. Published TFW Maximum Draft: Deepest point of immersion in Gatun Lake waters as
promulgated by the Vice President for Transit Business, taking into account the water level
of Gatun Lake and other limitations deemed necessary because of restrictions in the Canal.
u. Safe Working Load (SWL): The maximum load that can be safely applied to a fitting
used for mooring or towing on a vessel, tug or barge, and normally shown on a label plate
adjacent to the fitting or marked upon it. The SWL should not exceed 80 percent of the
design load.
v. TEU: International measure standard for a container (20-foot equivalent unit), which is
20’ x 8’ x 8.5’.
w . Tropical Fresh Water (TFW): Tropical Fresh Water of Gatun Lake, density 0.9954
tons/m³ at 29.4 ºC. (Note: Transition to fresh water frequently alters the trim of large vessels
7.5 to 10 centimeters (0.24 to 0.325 feet) by the head.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
overall length. Vessels transiting the Canal for the first time at an overall length exceeding
274.32 meters (900 feet), whether newly-constructed or newly-modified are subject to the
requirement of inspection and prior review and approval of vessel plans. Vessels not
receiving advance approval and/or not complying with Canal requirements may be denied
b) The maximum length for integrated tug-barge combination acceptable for regular
transit of the Panamax locks is 274.32 meters (900 feet) overall including the tug. A
tug-barge combination must transit together as one unit with the tug supplying the
propelling power.
c) The maximum aggregate overall length for non-self-propelled vessels acceptable for
transit of the Panamax locks is 259.1 meters (850 feet), including accompanying tugs.
Accompanying tugs must lock through with the non-self-propelled vessel. One-time only
transits that exceed these limitations may be permitted on a case-by-case basis with prior
approval of the Transit Operations Division Manager, and subject to requirements listed in
Paragraph 2.i (9).
(2) Maximum Beam
a) The maximum beam for commercial or non-commercial vessels and the integrated
tug-barge combination acceptable for regular transit of the Panamax locks measured at the
outer surface of the shell plate and all protruding structures below the lock walls is 32.31
meters (106 feet).
b) Wider commercial vessels including integrated tug-barge combination up to a beam
of 32.61 meters (107 feet) may be permitted, with prior approval of the Transit Operations
Division Manager, or his designee, to transit on a one-time delivery basis only if the deepest
point of immersion does not exceed 11.3 meters (37 feet), TFW.
c) The maximum beam for non-self-propelled vessels (other than integrated tug-barge
combinations) acceptable for transit is 30.5 meters (100 feet). One-time transit of wider
vessels may be permitted with prior approval of the Transit Operations Division Manager,
and subject to requirements listed in Paragraph 2.i (9).
d) Vessels that carry cargo within 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) or less of the extreme beam
must have approved provisions, such as rubbing bands; to protect the cargo should the
vessel rest alongside the wall while in the chamber. The maximum beam of 32.31 meters
(106 feet) should not be exceeded by the cargo protection method. This is brought about by
the large number of container vessels that are designed to load containers virtually to the
extreme beam. If the ship lands on the wall in a heeled condition or where the locks wall
fendering or miter gate fendering protrudes, damage may occur.
(3) Panamax Locks Maximum Draft
a) The maximum permissible draft for Canal transits using the Panamax Locks has
been set at 12.04 meters (39 feet 6 inches) Tropical Fresh Water (TFW) at a Gatun Lake
level of 24.01 meters (78.8 feet) or higher. [Gatun Lake density is 0.9954 gms/cc at 29.4o C
(85o F).] This provides a safe navigational margin of at least 1.52 meters (5 feet) over
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
critical elevations in the Canal and a clearance over the south sill of Pedro Miguel Locks of
1 foot 8 inches (0.50 meters) at a Miraflores Lake Level of 16.61 meters (54 feet 6 inches).
b) Prior to the initial transit of a vessel whose transit draft will exceed 10.82 meters (35
feet 6 inches), owners, operators or agents must supply in full the information required in
the Regulation on Navigation in Panama Canal Waters (ACP Navigation Regulations,
Article 52), and request the maximum authorized transit draft for the vessel (deepest point
of immersion TFW) from the Transit Operations Division Manager, not later than two weeks
prior to the loading of the vessel. This request will be returned with the approved maximum
authorized transit draft stamped thereon.
c) The initial transit is permitted at or under the approved maximum authorized transit
draft. After the initial transit, unless the vessel's agent or owner is notified of any restrictions
imposed by the Canal Authority, this maximum authorized transit draft will remain in effect.
d) Figure 1 (p. 13) indicates the limiting drafts due to bilge radius. On an off center
lockage with the vessel touching the lock wall, the turn of the bilge will clear the locks wall
batters at the most critical point as shown in the table.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
c) Vessels that carry cargo within 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) or less of the extreme beam
must have approved provisions, such as rubbing bands to protect the cargo, should the
vessel rest alongside the wall while in the chamber. The maximum beam of 51.25 meters
(168.14 feet) must not be exceeded by the cargo protection method.
(3) Neopanamax Locks Maximum Draft
The maximum allowable draft for Canal transits using the Neopanamax locks has been
set at 15.24 meters (50.00 feet) Tropical Fresh Water (TFW) at a Gatun Lake level of 25.91
meters (85.0 feet) or higher. [Gatun Lake density is 0.9954 gms/cc at 29.4o C (85o F).] This
provides a safe navigational margin of at least 1.52 meters (5 feet) over critical elevations in
the Canal.
c. Other Draft Considerations
(1) All vessels transiting the Canal should have sufficient ballast to permit safe handling
during transit.
(2) A vessel whose ballast draft does not meet the minimum draft requirements established
by this section may be accepted for transit on a regular basis, provided the vessel operator
is granted permission after submitting the following information to the Transit Operations
Division Manager:
(a) Principal dimensions of the vessel.
(b) Deepest attainable minimum draft (fore and aft).
(c) Limitations on visibility fore and aft from the navigation bridge.
(d) Necessary excerpts from the vessel's plans, drawings and maneuvering data that
relate to the vessel's suitability for transit. The information submitted should include the
proposed Panama Canal ballast condition detailed output, showing the status of all ballast
and consumable tanks, plus the maneuvering data in accordance with IMO Resolution
A.601 (15), Appendices 1, 2 and 3.
(3) Table I, on the next page, provides the minimum saltwater drafts for vessels
anticipating transit. Drag (trim by the stern) must not adversely affect maneuverability. Any
drag beyond 1.83 meters (6 feet) or one (1) percent of its LOA, whichever is greater, is
considered adverse drag in the Panama Canal and adjacent waters.
(4) Figure 1 (p. 15) provides the limiting drafts due to bilge radius. On an off-center
lockage with the vessel touching the lock wall, the turn of the bilge will clear the locks wall
batters at the most critical point as shown in the table.
(5) A vessel having received permission to transit at less than the minimum required draft
will be inspected by the Authority upon its first visit under ballast conditions. If the vessel is
acceptable for transit at less than the prescribed minimum draft, the operator will be notified
that transit on a regular basis is authorized provided the vessel meets the special minimum
draft specified in that notification and that the master signs a form releasing the Authority
from liability.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
(6) If the vessel is found not to be acceptable for transit on a regular basis, a single transit
may be authorized, at the discretion of the Transit Operations Division Manager, subject to
imposition of special conditions that may be required for reasons of safety or continuance of
regular Canal operations.
(7) Vessels are expected to arrive at the Canal properly trimmed and with a draft which,
when in fresh water, its deepest point of immersion will not exceed either the published
TFW Draft, the Maximum Authorized Transit Draft established by the Canal for that
particular vessel, or the maximum allowable draft as a mean established by the
classification society, whichever is less.
(8) Vessels when transiting the Panamax locks with drafts exceeding these figures, when in
Miraflores Lake, are subject to denial of transit. Northbound vessels found by actual reading
to be overdraft would be required to turn around and proceed back to sea, and the transit
would be considered completed. Southbound vessels will be held in the Gatun Anchorage.
The transit will be reinitiated only after the Transit Operations Division Manager, considers
that it is safe to proceed.
(9) Masters of vessels are reminded that personnel from transiting vessels are not permitted
to climb or hang over the side of the vessel from ladders or boatswain's chairs while the
vessel is in the lock chamber. Personnel are prohibited from disembarking onto the lock
walls at any time for any purpose, except when expressly authorized by the Canal Port
Captain office. Draft readings are obtained from locks personnel through the pilot.
(10) Potential Seasonal Draft Restrictions:
(a) In the event of lower than normal Gatun Lake levels, draft restrictions might
become necessary.
(b) During the rainy season (from May to December), Gatun Lake and Madden Lake,
the upstream reservoir for the Canal and the municipal water supply of Panama City, are
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
expected to be filled to capacity. During the dry season (from December to May), the
Madden Lake reserve is drawn off to keep Gatun Lake at an optimum level. As the Gatun
Lake level falls below 25.91 meters (85 feet) it becomes necessary to reduce the maximum
allowable draft in the Neopanamax locks, and if the Lake level falls below 24.09 meters (79
feet), it becomes necessary to reduce the maximum allowable draft in the Panamax locks to
preserve the safe navigation margin. The reductions are made in 15.24 cm (6 inch)
decrements, with three week advance notice when possible, based on computer assisted
lake level and precipitation forecasts made by the Authority's hydrologists and
meteorologists. Ships already loaded to a prevailing draft limitation at the time of
promulgation of a new draft restriction are waived for transit, subject to overriding safety
considerations. Ships loading after promulgation of a new draft restriction are held to a
tolerance of not more than 15.24 cm (6 inches) above that restriction and may be required
to trim or off-load the ship to achieve a safe transit draft.
d. Maximum Width
Vessels with a maximum width exceeding its maximum beam may not transit the Canal
without prior review and approval of vessel plans. Vessels not receiving advance approval
and/or not complying with Canal requirements may be denied transit.
e. Protrusions
(1) Anything which extends beyond a vessel's hull, except for the main anchors, shall be
considered a protrusion and subject to all applicable laws and limitations.
(2) The Authority is not responsible for damages to protrusions whether permanent or
(3) Vessels with protrusions may be permitted to transit provided that such protrusions will
not interfere with the safe transit of the vessel or present a hazard to Canal structures, as
determined by the Transit Operations Division Manager. In either case, before transit is
permitted, masters of vessels will be required to execute a form undertaking to release the
Authority from liability in case of accident and to indemnify the Authority for damages
sustained to or as a result of protrusions.
(4) Vessels with permanent protrusions must, prior to proceeding to the Canal, furnish
detailed information about the protrusion(s), including plans and request authorization for
transit. Advance information will minimize the possibility that transit may be delayed or
denied. For detailed information, contact the Transit Operations Division Manager.
(5) Vessels with protrusions extending beyond the maximum length and beam limitations
specified in paragraphs 2.a and 2.b of this Notice, may, on a case-by-case basis, be
permitted to transit, provided that approval is obtained in advance from the Transit
Operations Division Manager and that protrusions do not present a hazard or interfere with
lock structures, equipment and/or operation, and the master executes a form releasing the
Authority from liability (see Subsection 2.g).
(6) In the Neopanamax Locks protrusions, cargo or extensions beyond the ship’s side
located 16.85 meters (55.268 feet) or less above the waterline are not acceptable; however,
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
extensions up to 4 meters (13.12 feet) beyond the hull and higher than 16.85 meters
(55.268 feet) from the waterline will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to verify the
minimum clearance of 1000 mm (3.33 feet) from all equipment above the lock walls (such
as valve stems, bitts, etc.). Protrusions of up to 5 meters located higher than 22.87 meters
(75.01 feet) or up to 6.5 meters (21.32 feet) and located higher than 25.44 meters (83.44
feet) over the waterline, will also be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to verify the
minimum clearance is provided from all equipment (such as light posts, valve stems). See
Annexes 2 and 3.
f. Maximum Height
The allowable height for any vessel transiting the Canal or entering the Port of Balboa
at any state of the tide is 57.91 meters (190 feet) measured from the waterline to its highest
point. With prior permission from the Transit Operations Division Executive Manager, height
may be permitted to 62.5 meters (205 feet) on a case-by-case basis, with passage at low
water (MLWS) at Balboa. Maximum Height Restrictions are due to the tide and the
unpredictable upward movement of water from swells, surges, waves, etc., and
maintenance equipment suspended beneath the bridge at Balboa.
g. Release from Liability
(1) Masters of vessels will, prior to transit, be required to execute a form undertaking to
release the Authority from liability in case of accident and to indemnify the Authority for
damages sustained in the following instances:
(a) When a vessel transits at less than the minimum drafts established in paragraph 2.c,
has a list in excess of three degrees, or is so loaded or trimmed that maneuverability is
adversely affected.
(b) When a vessel has protrusions.
(c) When visibility from the vessel’s navigation bridge presents a hazard, as determined
by the Transit Operations Division Manager. (See Section 4 of this Notice.)
(d) When the vessel's chocks, bitts or other equipment does not meet Canal
requirements as determined by the Transit Operations Division Manager. (See Section 8 of
this Notice.)
(e) When the length overall of the vessel, including bulbous bow, exceeds the length
stated in Sections 2.a or 2.b.
(f) When the maximum width or extreme beam exceeds the width stated in Sections 2.a
or 2.b by any amount.
(2) Pilots or boarding officers are requested to have the master of the vessel sign Form
4323, “Undertaking to Release and Indemnify”, prior to docking vessels in Balboa, Cristobal
and Rodman Piers when such vessels are exceeding the allowable drafts or when a vessel
is to be berthed on a pier that has inadequate or absent fendering and/or lighting.
(3) A refusal to sign such release may result in a delay of transit.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
h. Approval of Plans
(1) The plans for new construction or modification for each vessel or class of vessels should
be submitted to the Transit Operations Division for review prior to modification or
construction. A minimum of two and a maximum of four sets of copies of each drawing
should be submitted. The ACP will retain for its records and files a single set of the
drawings submitted and will return only up to three sets of copies of the principal drawings
submitted. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in delay or denial of transit
because of unsuitable or unsafe arrangements.
(2) The numerous constraints affecting the transit schedules of vessels and tows make it
important that information provided in advance of the initial transit include the following
documents for approval (a minimum of two copies of each drawing must be submitted):
• General Arrangement (indicating deployed boarding facilities, blue steering light and pilot
• Mooring Arrangement (indicating chock/bitt sizes and safe working load capacities)
• Wheelhouse Arrangement (showing required aids to navigation, such as indicators,
wipers, horn controls, radar and others)
• Visibility Calculations (indicating compliance with ACP visibility requirements of
Paragraph 4.e of this Notice)
• Section Views showing the vessel inside the lock chamber pressed against both center
and side walls, indicating clearances of protrusions from lock structures and equipment (for
vessels with protrusions – the locks chamber drawings are in Annexes 1, 2 and 3).
For reference (one copy of each drawing retained for our records):
• Midship Section (or Shell Expansion and bilge radius information, if the Midship Section is
not available)
• Engine room plans
• International Tonnage Certificate
• International Load Line Certificate
• Detailed drawings of chocks and bitts showing sizes and maximum strain capacities, if not
indicated in the mooring arrangement.
This advance information will minimize the possibility that transit might be denied due to
noncompliance with Canal regulations. For detailed information, contact the Transit
Operations Division Canal Port Captain South Section Manager (OPTS).
(3) Vessels that have had the appropriate plans approved will normally retain such approval
unless it is determined by the Transit Operations Division Manager that modifications are
necessary to ensure safe transit.
(4) The Transit Operations Division accepts electronic drawing submittals via e-mail to
[email protected]
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
(5) The drawings are to be saved in PDF or AUTOCAD formats. All drawings and
documents may be compressed together into zip/7z/rar files. Files exceeding 10MB must
not be included within compressed files, instead they must be sent in their original formats.
(6) Upon review, the submittals will be stamped electronically and returned via e-mail. In
this manner, the recipient has control of printing any number of copies of the stamped
drawings needed to meet distribution requirements.
i. Required Documentation for Initial Transit in Electronic Format
All vessels transiting the Panama Canal for the first time must provide the following
documents in electronic format utilizing WORD, EXCEL, PDF, TIFF, JPEG or similar format:
• International Tonnage Certificate (ITC-69)
• PC/UMS Documentation of Total Volume or suitable substitute
• Volume calculations (If available)
• Suez Canal Certificate (If available)
• Load Line Certificate (If multiple Load Lines exist, provide the one with least
• Pilot Card (Vessels speed and general information)
• Ship Particulars
• Certificate of Registry
• Ship Classification Certificate
• Minimum Crew Safe Manning Certificate
• International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate
• Passenger Ship Safety Certificate – Form P (for passenger vessels)
• Certificate of Fitness (for Chemical Tanker and Gas Carriers)
• Certificate of International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate (with the supplement)
The following drawings (plans) shall be provided in PDF or AUTOCAD format only, in
one plan (not sections), in order to allow for precise calculations:
• General Arrangement Plan
• Capacity Plan with deadweight scale
• Midship Section Plan
• Lines Plan (if available)
• Shell Expansion Plan
• Docking Plan
• Visibility Plan
• Trim and stability booklet or hydrostatic information (summer loaded figures at zero
trim for extreme draft, displacement, deadweight and tons of immersion)
• Lightship Test Report or Result Deadweight Measurement Report (for Dry bulkers)
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
• Container Loading or Stowage Plan when fully loaded (full container vessels only)
• Cargo Securing Manual (full container vessels only - All pages regarding container
information above and below deck and all combinations available)
• Cargo Tank Calibration or Cargo Tank Gauging Table (only the cover page and the
pages containing the Cargo Tank Capacity Summary) - only for Gas Carriers
The documents must be legible, of good quality, and shall include all pages. Please
specify in the subject of the message, the vessel’s current name, IMO number, and, if
available, the vessel´s SIN (Panama Canal Ship Identification Number).
The above-mentioned documentation must be submitted to Arqueadores@ and [email protected] at least 96 hours prior to arrival at
Panama Canal waters.
Receiving this information in advance will expedite the vessel’s scheduling process, the
calculations required for the proper assessment of tolls, and facilitate the inspection
process on arrival.
j. Denial of Transit
Any vessel may be denied passage through the Canal when the character or condition
of the cargo, hull or machinery is such as to endanger Canal structures, or which might
render the vessel liable to obstruct the waterway, or whose draft at any part of the vessel
exceeds the maximum allowable draft as designated from time to time by the Canal
Authority. Other specific circumstances under which a vessel may be denied transit are:
(1) When the vessel's maximum point of immersion exceeds its maximum authorized draft
as determined by its bilge keel radius.
(2) When the vessel's maximum point of immersion exceeds the published TFW maximum
draft then in effect.
(3) When the vessel’s mean draft exceeds the maximum allowable mean draft as provided
by the most current Load Line Certificate.
(4) When the length overall, including bulbous bow, exceeds the length stated in Sections
2.a or 2.b.
(5) When the maximum width or extreme beam exceeds the width stated in Sections 2.a or
2.b by any amount unless the vessel was approved for regular transit prior to March 10,
(6) When a vessel has protrusions, which will interfere with the safe transit of the vessel or
present a hazard to Canal structures as determined by the Transit Operations Division
(7) When the vessel has a list of ten degrees or more.
(8) When visibility from the navigation bridge of a vessel does not meet minimum
requirements as stated in Section 4.d and/or when in the judgment of the Transit
Operations Division Manager transit would present an extreme hazard.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
(9) Vessels whose list, trim or handling characteristics are such as to endanger themselves,
ACP appurtenances and/or a third party, may have such further limitations placed on them
as the Canal Authority deems necessary to insure reasonable safety.
k. Vessel Should Be Able to Relay at the Locks
Due to the increase in numbers and size of transiting vessels, relay lockage procedures
have become the norm. This lockage procedure involves mooring to the lock wall inside the
lock chamber; casting off all locks locomotives and receiving a different set of locks
locomotives to continue the lockage. During this process, the affected vessel is subject to
the vagaries of the wind and any associated lockage currents, and may contact the lock
wall. Such contact may involve heeling of the vessel, which would bring the hull shell plating
and any protrusions thereto, closer to the locomotives at the very time the locomotive must
pass down the length of the vessel. Measures must be taken to ensure the safety of the
vessel, locks equipment and their operators. To that end, all new vessels must maintain a
minimum clearance of 1 meter (3.3 feet) between any locks equipment and any protrusions
extending beyond the vertical plane of the hull shell plating at the waterline. Additionally,
any vessel with windows, port lights, doors, side ports or other critical appurtenances below
a level of 12.9 meters (42.2 feet) above the waterline at transit draft must take measures to
ensure its protection in case the vessel contacts the lock wall.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
c. Bridge Wings - Bridge wings shall provide a clear, unobstructed passageway of at least
1.0 meters (3.28 feet) in width along their forward portions from the wheelhouse doors to
the extreme ends of the bridge wings. If it is impossible to extend these bridge wings the full
breadth of the vessel, they shall extend as far as possible and swing-out or portable
platforms shall be provided as follows:
(1) Extending to the maximum beam of the vessel.
(2) Of adequate size, strength and rigidity to hold two persons.
(3) Equipped with horizontal safety handrails and a toe board around the deck, 4-inches
high minimum.
(4) Platforms shall be safe and secure and maintained in good condition.
d. Normal Conning Positions (see Figure 4 on the following page).
(1) Conning Position 1 is located directly behind and close to the forward center
wheelhouse window.
(2) Conning Position 2 is located to port of Conning Position 1 directly behind and close to
the nearest window thereto that provides a clear unobstructed view ahead.
(3) Conning Position 3 is located to starboard of Conning Position 1, directly behind and
close to the nearest window thereto that provides a clear unobstructed view ahead.
(4) Conning Position 4 is located at the extreme end of the port bridge wing and must
provide a clear and unobstructed view fore and aft of the vessel's port side.
(5) Conning Position 5 is located at the extreme end of the starboard bridge wing and must
provide a clear and unobstructed view fore and aft of the vessel's starboard side.
(6) No equipment or instrumentation shall block the close approach to the forward windows
at Conning Positions 1, 2 and 3 and from the forward to after portions of the bridge wing
ends at Conning Positions 4 and 5. A minimum of 1.0 meters (3.28 feet) clearance from
consoles or obstructions should be provided in these areas. Special requests for relaxation
of this requirement may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Inset navigation lights
fitted on the bridge wing ends are unacceptable, as they block the pilot’s close approach to
these areas. Bridge wing controls shall be so positioned that neither the controls nor the
operator interfere with the pilot's functions.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
Note: Vessels with enclosed bridge wings must provide a means for the pilot to have a
clear and unobstructed view of the vessel sides as required by paragraphs 4.d (4) and (5)
above. This may require an opening type window to be fitted on the outboard bulkhead of
each bridge wing to allow the pilot to view the waterline all along the side of the vessel; or,
when catwalks are fitted that extend to the maximum beam of the vessel, a 2.134 meters (7
feet) high by 0.915 meters (3 feet) wide door should be provided on the outboard bulkhead
of each bridge wing in order to allow the pilot to step out onto the catwalk and look over the
railing to view the waterline all along the side of the vessel.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
(a) If the visibility from normal conning positions is obscured by cargo gear or other
permanent obstructions forward of the beam, the total arc of obstructed visibility shall not
exceed 10 degrees.
(b) The side hull plating at the vessel's waterline, fore and aft, shall be visible from
bridge wing conning positions.
(c) Vessels shall be required to execute an Undertaking and Release if visibility from
the bridge is considered by the Canal Authority to present a hazard.
(d) Vessels that do not comply with these visibility requirements due to cargo, cargo
gear, structures, or any other reason, shall correct the deficiency in order to transit. If the
deficiency cannot be corrected, the vessel shall inform the ACP at least 48 hours prior to
arrival in order to take the necessary actions and minimize the possibility of transit delays.
This notification shall be made through the ACP’s Maritime Service Portal or any other
means acceptable by the ACP. If information regarding deficiencies is not received prior to
arrival, the vessel will be considered in compliance; however, if deficiencies are detected
upon arrival, the vessel may experience transiting or docking delays, and may also be
subject to additional charges.
(e) Vessels failing to meet ACP visibility requirements, for which notification was not
received as required in Paragraph (e) above, may be subject to delays and charges above
the regular service charge.
(f) The ACP will determine the conditions under which non-compliant vessels may be
allowed to transit or dock. Vessels that require additional resources due to their visibility
condition, will be assessed the corresponding charges.
(2) Notwithstanding the visibility requirements established herein, full container vessels of 700
feet or over in length overall and 100 feet or over in beam transiting in laden condition with a
blind distance that exceeds 1 ship length will be assessed fees based on vessel dimensions, in
accordance with official ACP tariff items #1065.0001 or #1065.0002.
Upon arrival at Canal waters, the “Blind Distance Declaration,” Form 1746 (OPTC-A),
available at shall be completed
by the master and presented to the ACP Boarding Officer. Please be advised that the “Pre-
Arrival Vessel Information,” Form 1743 (OPT), and the detailed Visibility Declaration
required in the Maritime Service Portal are no longer required.
(3) All vessels that arrive for transit not in compliance with the Panama Canal visibility
requirements as outlined above are subject to the conditions and service charges. Any
denial of transit or transit delays experienced due to non-compliance of the above or any
other non-compliance will not be considered as an acceptable justification for claims from
vessels for delays in navigation, in accordance with Article 6 of the “Maritime Regulations
for the Operations of the Panama Canal.”
Note: Vessel owners are encouraged to raise the height of the navigation bridge of their
existing vessels and to have new vessels designed and built with higher navigation bridges
so as to provide navigators the best possible visibility.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
VL = Visibility in ship Length
BD = Blind Distance
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
Note: The longitudinal pilot position and pilot’s height of eye used in the above calculations
conform to Regulation 22.1.8 of SOLAS 2009 Chapter V, which states “The upper edge of
the navigation bridge front windows shall allow a forward of the horizon, for a person with a
height of eye of 1,800mm above the bridge deck at the conning position”. The longitudinal
distance of the pilot position for use in the above is clarified as 0.75m aft from the
wheelhouse front bulkhead. Metric units shall be used in the above formulas.
(f) To facilitate the pre-arrival process and provide for expeditious scheduling of vessels,
a copy of the General Arrangement Plan must be sent to [email protected] or
[email protected], in PDF or AutoCAD format, at least 96 hours prior to the
vessel´s ETA.
f. Indicators - All vessels over 45.72 meters (150 feet) in length shall be provided with:
(1) Rudder angle indicators as follows:
(a) On vessels less than 24.38 meters (80 feet) in beam, at least one of such design and
placement that it can be easily read by day or night from all normal conning positions and
from the steering station.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
(b) On vessels 24.38 meters (80 feet) or more in beam, at least one inside the
wheelhouse and one on each bridge wing, of such design and placement so that at least
one can be easily read by day or night from each conning position and from the steering
(c) They shall show in degrees clearly and accurately the position and direction of the
rudder or rudders. It shall be noted that indicators located aft of the conning positions will
not be considered as meeting this requirement. Overhead rudder angle indicators located
behind the pilot’s conning positions are not acceptable. Rudder angle indicators mounted on
overhead panels should be located as close to the forward bulkhead as possible for most
efficient viewing by the pilot.
(2) Propeller revolution tachometer indicators as follows:
(a) On vessels less than 24.38 meters (80 feet) in beam, at least one for each propeller,
of such design as to be easily read by day or night from all normal conning positions.
(b) On vessels 24.38 meters (80 feet) or more in beam, at least one for each propeller
located inside the wheelhouse and one for each propeller located on each bridge wing, of
such design and placement so that at least one can be easily read by day or night from
each conning position.
(c) Indicators shall show revolutions per minute clearly and shall accurately indicate the
direction of the propeller or propellers. It shall be noted that indicators located aft of the
conning positions will not be considered as meeting this requirement.
(d) All vessels with variable pitch control indicators will have them so located as required
in (a) and (b) of this subsection.
(3) Controllable pitch propeller indicators as follows:
(a) On vessels less than 24.38 meters (80 feet) in beam, at least one for each propeller,
of such design as to be easily read by day or night from all normal conning positions.
(b) On vessels 24.38 meters (80 feet) or more in beam, at least one for each propeller
located inside the wheelhouse and one for each propeller located on each bridge wing, of
such design and placement so that at least one can be easily read by day or night from
each conning position.
(4) Indicators must be operational: Vessels with missing or broken indicators may expect
transit delays.
g. Very High Frequency (VHF) Radio - Every power-driven vessel of 300 gross tons or
over, every power-driven vessel of 100 gross tons or over carrying one or more passengers
for hire, and every commercial towing vessel of 7.92 meters (26 feet) in length or over shall
be equipped with at least one VHF transceiver as follows:
(1) Must be operable from the navigational bridge and located near Conning Position 1.
(2) Must be equipped with International Channels 12 (156.00 MHz), 13 (156.650 MHz) and
16 (156.800 MHz).
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
Ships of less than 150 gross tonnage shall be fitted with a steering compass and have
means for taking bearings.
(2) Ships of 500 gross tons (ITC69) and over shall be fitted with a gyro compass. The
master gyro compass or a gyro repeater shall be clearly readable by the helmsman from
the main conning position. On ships of 1,600 gross tonnage (ITC69) and over, a gyro
repeater or gyro repeaters shall be provided and shall be suitably placed for taking bearings
as nearly as practicable over an arc of the horizon of 360o. A gyro repeater shall be
provided which shall be readily visible and useable by the pilot from Conning Position 1.
Maximum residual steady state gyro error shall not exceed 2o. The maximum divergence in
reading between the master compass and repeaters under all operational conditions should
not exceed plus or minus 0.5o.
(3) Vessels not in full compliance with these requirements should expect transit delays
during periods of fog or inclement weather, a common occurrence in the Republic of
Panama coincidental with the rainy season (May to December).
Note: The ACP now requires that whenever a magnetic compass is calibrated or repaired
in Panama Canal waters, the vessel’s master must sign the ACP boarding officer’s
inspection checklist, corroborating that the magnetic compass was serviced using the
appropriate procedures and that the equipment is in proper working order for the transit. A
compass deviation card issued in Panama Canal waters without the corroborating signature
of the master will not be accepted as valid and will be considered as a vessel deficiency.
l. Course Recorders - Vessels fitted with devices for recording engine orders and
responses, movement of the rudders and changes in the ship's heading shall have them
operating while navigating in Canal waters.
m. Bridge Wing Spotlights - A spotlight or searchlight capable of illuminating the side of the
vessel at the waterline is required to be fitted at the extreme end of each bridge wing on all
vessels whose maximum beam is 30 meters (98.4 feet) and over. For all vessels, such
lights should be of the hinged type and located on the after portion of the bridge wing to
allow them to be swung out of the way behind the bridge wing when not in use, or mounted
below the bulwark if fitted forward. The normal work position of the pilot on the bridge wing
is at the forward outboard corner where he can look forward and down, as well as over the
side and aft. Lights, bearing repeaters and other equipment must not interfere with the
pilot's ability to do that.
n. Radar
(1) Ships of 500 gross tonnage (ITC69) and over shall be fitted with a properly functioning
radar installation.
(2) Ships of 10,000 gross tonnage (ITC69) and over shall be fitted with two properly
functioning radar installations, each capable of being operated simultaneously with and
independently of the other.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
AIS transponder that meets the standards set by the International Maritime Organization
(IMO). With regard to combined and multiple units (tug-and-tows), only the tug will be
required to be equipped with an AIS transponder.
Shipboard AIS transponders shall comply with the following requirements:
(1) The AIS system installed onboard vessels shall be Class A AIS ship borne equipment
according to IMO MSC 74 (69) Annex 3, “Recommendation on Performance Standards for
a Universal Ship borne Automatic Identification Systems (AIS)”, as amended.
(2) The AIS equipment shall be type-approved according to standard IEC 61993-2. The
Panama Canal Authority may require presentation of the type approval document. Some
transponders have old firmware versions, which will not function properly. The make and
model of these units, however, may be the same as those of the newer type-approved
version. Normally, this condition can be corrected by installation of a newer firmware
version in the AIS equipment and obtaining the type approval papers.
(3) The AIS equipment shall be installed according to IMO "Guidelines for Installation of
Ship borne Automatic Identification System (AIS)", including the installation of a Pilot Plug.
The Pilot Plug shall be close to conning position No. 1 on the navigation bridge. This plug
shall be labeled "AIS PILOT PLUG", and shall have nearby a USA standard (NEMA 5-15R)
120V, AC, 3-prong power receptacle, to provide power to the pilot's laptop computer. This
receptacle shall be connected to emergency power.
The IMO "Guidelines for Installation of Shipborne Automatic Identification System (AIS)"
are available on the web page of the IMO at the following address:
The ACP has been monitoring the signals sent by ships already fitted with AIS. Some of
these signals reveal deficiencies, which would make them unusable for transiting the
Panama Canal. The most common deficiencies found so far are:
(1) Ship's static data is loaded incorrectly or not present at all. For example, we have seen
ships reporting dimensions that are, obviously, incorrect.
(2) Some ships are not transmitting heading information. The connection of the ship's gyro
to the AIS is required.
(3) On some ships, although the AIS system seems to be connected to the gyro compass,
the heading information we are receiving shows the vessel with a different heading than the
actual heading of the vessel.
(4) Some ship borne AIS stations do not respond to shore station commands, especially
AIS Message 16, which is the "Assigned Mode" command, and AIS Message 17, which is
“DGNSS broadcast binary message”. The cause is probably outdated firmware. All AIS
ship borne units shall use Message 17 data when received to correct the internal GPS
position and use it to broadcast its position.
(5) Incorrect location of the Pilot Plug on the bridge and/or the installation not following
IMO’s "Guidelines for Installation of Shipborne Automatic Identification System (AIS)".
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
(6) The vessel may have incorrect offsets entered for its AIS-GPS antenna which can result
in position errors.
Experience has shown that harnessing today's leading-edge maritime technology reaps
a rich harvest of benefits. The Panama Canal Authority has participated extensively in AIS
discussions at the IMO, as well as in the technical meetings at IEC and IALA. Shore side
AIS stations have been in place for testing since May 2002. The benefits of this satellite-
based vessel navigation aid for commercial vessels will apply to all Panama Canal users.
Reduced delays, improved safety, increased security and better logistical management of
ship, canal, and dock assets are just some of the benefits of this system, which will
generate improvements in efficiency in an increasingly cost-conscious world.
The amendments to Regulation 19, Chapter V, of the International Convention for the
Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS 74) replaced the existing subparagraphs .4, .5 and .6 of
paragraphs 2.4.2 with a new subparagraph .4 that requires all vessels, other than
passenger ships and tankers, of 300 gross tonnage and upwards, but less than 50,000
gross tonnage, to have AIS installed not later than their first safety equipment survey
conducted between the dates of July 1 and December 31, 2004. Subparagraphs .1, .2, and
.3 of paragraph 2.4.2 of this same regulation remain in effect. Passenger ships and
Tankers are covered by subparagraphs .1 and .2, respectively. However, the Panama
Canal recognizes that not all vessels will have their permanent AIS systems installed until
December 31, 2004; therefore, vessels will have the choice of a rental AIS ready vessel
tracking portable unit from the ACP.
In addition, the Panama Canal will make an exception with older ships that only have
100VAC to 110VAC electrical service available on the bridge, instead of the required
120VAC, as well as with those vessels that have a 2-prong USA standard electrical outlet,
instead of the required 3-prong outlet. This lower voltage and type of outlet (NEMA 1-15R)
will be acceptable; however, the Canal will not accept vessels with 220-240 VAC electrical
All Neopanamax vessels intending to transit the Panama Canal must install a USA
standard (NEMA5-5-15R) 120V, AC, 3-prong power receptacle close to the designated
location of the RTK antenna, which is part of the Pilot Portable Unit (PPU) utilized by
Panama Canal pilots.
We are hereby establishing the date for the installation of the power receptacle shall be
no later than February 28, 2017.
Vessels that cannot comply with the installation of the required power receptacle
outside the wheelhouse due to the nature of their cargo are exempt from this compliance;
however, these vessels must provide an extension cord and an alternate access to route
the extension cord from a power receptacle inside the wheelhouse to the PPU antenna on
the bridge wing. This will prevent the antenna power cable from being slashed and/or
ruptured by the bridge wing doors.
Finally, vessels equipped with an AIS system that is not working properly, or it is not
programmed properly, may be provided with a rental portable AIS-ready vessel tracking unit
for the transit, which will be charged to the vessel.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
q. Steering Gear
(1) All crew members working on the bridge must be familiar with the steering gear switch-
over procedures and with the use of emergency steering device.
(2) Steering gear controls at the wheelhouse shall provide for the expedite change-over
from steering Follow-Up mode to Non Follow-Up mode, within the helmsperson position at
the bridge.
(3) In the event of a power failure to any one of the steering gear power units, an audible
and visual alarm shall be given on the navigation bridge.
(4) The main steering gear and rudder stock shall be capable of putting the rudder over
from 35o on one side to 35 o on the other side with the ship at its deepest seagoing draught
and running ahead at maximum ahead service speed and, under the same conditions, from
35 o on either side to 30 o on the other side in not more than 28 seconds.
(5) The auxiliary steering gear should be capable of putting the rudder from 15o on one side
to 15 o on the other side in not more than 60 seconds.
(6) Where the auxiliary steering is not provided and the main steering gear comprises of two
or more identical power units, for a:
(a) Passenger ship, the main steering gear shall be capable of operating the rudder to
the requirements of Paragraph (4), above, while any one of the power units is out of
(b) Cargo ship, the main steering gear shall be capable of operating the rudder to the
requirements of Paragraph (4), while all of the power units are in operation.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
f. Agents, operators and/or owners will be responsible to make any required alterations or
additions to equipment or stowage.
g. Boarding facilities will comply with Regulation No. 17, Chapter V, International
Convention for Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). For tows with freeboards of 9 meters (30
feet) or more, this also includes provisions for a nine-meter rig as described in paragraph
10.f (2) of this Notice.
h. There must be a clear passage free of obstructions from the boarding facility to all
working areas; otherwise, catwalks with handrails and steps must be provided. Figure 5 (p.
42) is a sketch of a catwalk and ladder acceptable to the Authority.
i. The working area near chocks and bitts on all dead tows must be clear of obstructions
and fitted with safety rails or lines at the vessel's sides.
j. Tows must provide a pilot shelter with a clear view forward on the center line, about
midway between the bow and stern. This shelter may be permanent or portable, but must
protect the pilot from the elements. All tows with beam in excess of 24.38 meters (80 feet)
shall provide pilot shelters at the extreme beams from which the pilots may readily view the
vessel's sides.
k. Dead tows must be equipped with the chocks and bitts as set forth in the ACP
Navigation Regulations, Articles 59 and 60.
l. Tows must provide mooring and heaving lines in good condition, and have mooring
arrangements and bitts or cleats for securing tugs that do not interfere with those chocks
and bitts required for locomotive wires.
m. All barges will be fitted so that a pusher tug can be secured with its stem held firmly to
the centerline of the barge. Pushing tugs are to be equipped with wire cable snubbers and
n. Barges with poor visibility forward will be assigned additional tug assistance for their
transit. The commercial tug may be placed in the notch or on a hawser at the discretion of
the Transit Operations Division Manager. The determination of what constitutes poor
visibility will be made by the Transit Operations Division Manager. The suitability of
additional commercial tugs used in the transit will also be determined by the Transit
Operations Division Manager.
o. Riding crews must be provided in sufficient numbers, as required by the Transit
Operations Division Manager, to safely handle tugboat lines and boarding ladders, and to
assist in mooring. While underway in Canal waters, anchors shall be manned and ready to
be dropped in case of emergency.
p. Agents, operators and owners of dead tows are urged to contact the Transit Operations
Division Manager, as early as possible, but not later than 48 hours prior to ETA, so that
particular requirements essential to planned transits can be met without delay.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
22.86 meters (75 feet) in beam two double chocks may be substituted. If such substitution
is made, the chocks shall be placed port and starboard not more than 2.5 meters (8 feet)
abaft the stem or 3 meters (10 feet) forward of the stern, provided that these chocks are not
more than 3 meters (10 feet) from the center line of the vessel (See Figure 6).
(9) Vessels under 60.96 meters (200 feet) in length and less than 15.24 meters (50 feet) in
beam shall have a double chock or two single chocks at the stem and stern. If the vessel is
equipped with the two single chocks they shall be placed, port and starboard, not more than
2.5 meters (8 feet) abaft the stem or 3 meters (10 feet) forward of the stern, and not more
than 3 meters (10 feet) off the center line (see Figure 6).
(10) Vessels from 60.96 meters to 121.92 meters (200 up to 400 feet) in length and not
exceeding 22.86 meters (75 feet) in beam shall have a double chock at the stem and at the
stern or two single chocks at the bow and stern, port and starboard, not more than 2.5
meters (8 feet) abaft the stem or 10 feet (3 meters) forward of the stern and not more than
3 meters (10 feet) off the center line and shall have two additional single chocks, port and
starboard, 9 to 16 meters (30 to 50 feet) abaft the stem and 9 to 16 meters (30 to 50 feet)
forward of the stern (see Figure 6 on p. 46).
(11) Vessels from 121.92 meters to 173.74 meters (400 up to 570 feet) long and not more
than 22.86 meters (75 feet) in beam shall have a double chock at the stem and stern or two
single chocks at the bow and stern, port and starboard, not more than 2.5 meters (8 feet)
abaft the stem or 3 meters (10 feet) forward of the stern and not more than 3 meters (10
feet) off the center line. In addition, these vessels shall have a double chock, port and
starboard, 12 meters to 16 meters (40 to 50 feet) abaft the stem, a single chock port and
starboard, 24 meters to 28 meters (80 to 90 feet) abaft the stem, and a single chock, port
and starboard, 12 meters to 16 meters (40 to 50 feet) forward of the stern (see Figure 6).
(12) Vessels over 173.74 meters (570 feet) long or 22.86 meters (75 feet) in beam or over
shall have a double chock at the stem and stern or two double chocks at the bow and stern,
port and starboard, not more than 2.5 meters (8 feet) abaft the stem or 3 meters (10 feet)
forward of the stern and not more than 3 meters (10 feet) off the center line. In addition,
these vessels shall have a double chock, port and starboard, 12 to 16 meters (40 to 50 feet)
abaft the stem; a single chock, port and starboard, 24 to 28 meters (80 to 90 feet) abaft the
stem; a double chock, port and starboard, 12 to 16 meters (40 to 50 feet) forward of the
stern and a single chock, port and starboard, 24 meters to 28 meters (80 to 90 feet) forward
of the stern. On vessels over 274.32 meters (900 feet) in length with maximum beam of
27.73 meters (91 feet) or more extending to the stern, the double chocks required on port
and starboard, 12 to 16 meters (40 to 50 feet) forward of the stern, shall be located no less
than 13 meters (42.65 feet) above the waterline at the maximum Panama Canal fresh water
draft of the vessel.
(13) All vessels with a maximum beam of 27.73 meters (91 feet) or more, in addition to
the double chock at the stern, which is required by Paragraph 8.a (12), above, shall have
two single chocks on the stern. One chock shall be to port of the centerline and one chock
shall be to starboard of the centerline. The single chocks shall be symmetrically spaced not
less than 3 meters (10 feet) nor more than 6 meters (20 feet) from the centerline.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
(14) Vessels with large flared bows, pronounced counters astern or unusually high
freeboard, such as container vessels or vehicle carriers, will be required to provide single
closed chocks located further aft/forward, respectively, than those required for SET2/SET3
in Figure 6 and in Paragraph 8.a (12) for correct positioning of assisting tugs, or may be
required to fit recessed tug bollards into the hull so that tugs can work without coming in
contact with the bow flare or without requiring extra- long lines and/or inefficient leads (see
Figure 6).
(15) Where recessed hull bitts are installed in the hull, they shall be installed not less than
3.7 meters (12 feet) and not more than 4.6 meters (15 feet) above the vessel's waterline.
Vessels that have an appreciable variation in draft may be required to install two sets of
recessed hull bitts so that one bitt is located over the other bitt. Also, the recessed hull bitts
are to be installed in the hull as far forward as possible, both port and starboard sides,
where the bow flare does not exceed 25 degrees as measured from the vertical line of the
vessel's side. This position may require locating the chocks and bitts further aft than the 24
to 28 meters (80 to 90 feet) abaft the stem as in paragraph 8.a (11). This position will allow
ACP tugboats to work safely under the bow flare without the tugboats’ mast or pilothouse
coming in contact with the vessel's hull.
(16) A vessel not requiring locomotives shall have a chock arrangement similar to that
described in paragraph 8.a (9), except that the chocks need only be single chocks or, if
approved by the Canal Authority, of lesser strength.
(17) Any vessel that fails to meet these requirements may be denied transit. If the Vice
President for Transit Business or his representative decides that the vessel can be handled
without undue danger to equipment or to personnel, notwithstanding her failure to comply
with other requirements of this section, the vessel may be allowed to transit after executing
a release. The master of the vessel must sign an undertaking for the vessel, her owners,
operators or any other persons having any interest in her, and for himself, releasing the
Authority from and indemnifying it against any loss, damage or liability incurred by the Canal
Authority to the extent and in the proportion that such failure to meet the requirements of
this section proximately causes or contributes to the casualty and resulting damages.
(18) All new vessels are expected to comply with all current vessel requirements.
Pre-existing vessels are granted a waiver for one round trip or for one year from the date of
the waiver, whichever comes first. Certain tank vessels, and other vessels that prove to the
satisfaction of the Authority that the work necessary to fit the chocks on the stern cannot be
safely performed while at dockside, will be provided with a waiver extending until the next
yard overhaul. Vessels with ACP approved recessed bitt on the stern may, upon written
application, be exempted from this requirement.
(19) Adequate working space shall be provided on deck areas adjacent to winches,
capstans, chocks, bitts and fairleads and along the path of mooring lines at least 91.5 cm (3
feet) in width. This space shall be unencumbered by trash, shoring, lashings or other
obstacles deemed hazardous to normal passage or work by line handlers. Height over
these areas may not be less than 2.134 meters (7 feet). The working space provided along
the path of the mooring lines and beside the bitts must be sufficient so that three
linehandlers can pull the lines aboard without using winches or capstans.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
(20) Access to/from the mooring/conning stations for Panama Canal personnel via
vertical ladders, the climb shall not exceed a continuous height of 9.1 meters (30 feet),
otherwise, staggered ladders with intermediate platforms shall be provided. Ladder rungs
shall have efficient non-slip surface, a minimum stepping width of 406 mm (16 inches) and
be equally spaced apart not less than 275 mm (11 inches) nor more than 305 mm (12
inches). Ladder stringers should be provided on both sides of the ladder shall be
constructed of pipes with preferred nominal diameter of 40 mm (1.5 inches). Flat bar
stringers should be avoided. For several runs of vertical ladders, the stringers shall extend
1.07 meters (42 inches) above landings or intermediate platforms. Top rung of ladders used
to access a deck, work platform, building roof, or top of a tank by stepping through the
ladder to a walking or standing surface, should be flush with that surface. Rungs shall be
round - 25 mm (1 inch) diameter; or square bar oriented edge up - 25 mm (1 inch) x 25 mm
(1 inch).
(21) Handles shall be provided where a vertical ladder comes up to a manhole/hatch
opening from the deck below where the ladder does not extend through the platform/hatch.
Handles should be also be accessibly located at all stages during climbing or traversing
through access hatches. Horizontal separation from stringer shall be 225 mm (9 inches)
minimum up to 450 mm (18 inches) maximum. Handles or handgrabs shall be suitably
located to provide for safe ascending and descending, while stepping onto or from ladders,
individual ladder rungs or steps and through hatches or lightening holes. Handles or
handgrabs should be provided for ladder not extending through Platforms to a height of
handles 1000 mm (39.5 inches), Round Bar Diameter 25 mm (1 inch).
(22) For further information contact the Transit Operations Division Manager.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
MAX 10’
SET4 (SINGLE 30’ TO 50’ forward OF STERN)
SET4 (SINGLE 40’ TO 50’ forward OF STERN)
NOTE: Vessels of 91’ beam of more without a Centerline Stern double c hoc k
will require two single alternate c hocks and two additional single tugboat c hoc ks SET3 (SINGLE 80’ TO 90’ FORWARD OF STERN)
MAX 3.0 m
TUG CHOCK 3.0 - 6.0 m
9 - 16 m
12 - 16 m
24 - 28 m 24 - 28 m
SET4 (SINGLE 9 to 16 m forward OF STERN)
SET4 (SINGLE 12 to 16 m forward OF STERN)
NOTE: Vessels of 27.73 m beam of more without a Centerline Stern double choc k SET1 (DOUBLE 12 to 16 m ABAFTOF STEM)
will require two single alternate c hocks and two additional single tugboat c hoc ks SET3 (SINGLE 24 to 28 m FORWARD OF STERN)
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
(2) All chocks for the Panamax Plus and Neopanamax vessels shall be double chocks and
shall have a throat opening area of not less than 900 square centimeters (preferred
dimensions are 355 x 255 millimeters / 1.18 x 0.85 feet) and shall be capable of
withstanding a SWL of 90 tons (883kN) in towing operations and a minimum SWL of 64
tons (628 kN) in mooring operations from any direction, in accordance with Paragraph 8.a
(5) of this Notice.
(3) Neopanamax and Panamax Plus vessels shall have additional tugboat chocks fitted
symmetrically at the bow and stern about 3.0 - 14.0 meters (9.84 - 45.92 feet) off centerline,
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
port and starboard sides. In the bow these chocks are to be placed inboard or just above
the anchors for safe tug assist operations. Each of these double chocks shall be served by
one pair of accompanying heavy bitts with a preferred diameter of 500 mm (19.685 inches),
and each bitt shall be capable of withstanding the stress caused by a SWL of 90 tons
(883kN). All other towing chock locations, namely SET2 and SET3, will also require one
pair of heavy bitts with each bitt capable of withstanding a SWL of 90 tons (883kN). The
rest of the chock locations for use in mooring operations shall be accompanied by one pair
of heavy bitts meeting the minimum SWL of 64 tons (628 kN).
(4) Vessels with large flared bows, pronounced counters or unusually high freeboards, such
as LNG carriers, container vessels, cruise vessels or vehicle carriers, will be required to
provide closed chocks located further aft/forward, respectively, than those required for
SET2/SET3 above and in Paragraph 8.a.(14) of this Notice, for correct positioning of
assisting tugs. These vessels may be required to fit recessed tug bollards into the hull in
lieu of the chocks detailed in this paragraph so that tugs can work without coming in contact
with the flare or counter and without requiring extra-long lines and/or inefficient leads.
Recessed bitts shall meet the 90 tons (883kN) SWL required above.
(5) All vessels wishing to transit the new locks will be required to have mooring winches in
operation and fitted with manila or synthetic mooring lines before every transit to be used
during mooring operations at the new locks. Noting that “Wire ropes and ropes composed
of both wire and fiber or filaments, are not acceptable for Canal operations and shall not be
used,” as indicated in the last sentence of Paragraph 9.a; and that, similar to the ACP
current practice for temporarily mooring of vessels inside the chambers during relay
operations in the actual locks, the normal procedure in the new locks will be to use the
manila or synthetic mooring lines from the vessel’s winch drums. The mooring fittings that
will be used for headlines when mooring at the locks will be the centerline or alternate
chocks at the bow, and the centerline or alternates on the stern for the stern lines. During
these mooring procedures the spring lines will use SET1 chocks on the bow and SET4 on
the stern.
(6) The use of existing roller chocks (open type) on vessels will be evaluated for approval
during transit, upon request, on a case-by-case basis, provided they are located not less
than 16.24 meters (53.267 feet) above the waterline at the vessel's maximum Panama
Canal draft, are in good condition, meet all requirements for closed chocks, as specified
above, and are fitted so that the transition from the rollers to the body of the chock prevents
damage to the mooring lines. The equivalency of the proposed closed roller chocks shall be
submitted for review and acceptance by the ACP.
(7) Similar equivalency may be requested for existing universal roller fairleads (closed type)
located below the 16.24 meters (53.267 feet) height, providing the transition from the rollers
to the outer frame of the fairlead at side is shown to prevent damage to the mooring lines in
upward directions, as well as downward, with structure built at the top similar to that at the
bottom, giving the ropes a safe surface on which to chafe and grind under all directions of
load. The universal roller fairlead/supporting structure as a unit are to be certified as
complying with 64 tons (628 kN) SWL in all directions.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
(8) Alternatively, mooring arrangements have been found acceptable showing the use of
stand rollers and/or double bollards to redirect the lines from the winch drums to the double
chocks (mooring).
(9) Neopanamax vessels with maximum beams greater than 37.1m will be required to tie up
at the chamber walls with a total of eight (8) mooring lines, four (4) forward and four (4) aft,
distributed as two (2) headlines forward, two (2) forward spring lines, two (2) stern lines, and
two (2) aft spring lines.
Vessels not in compliance with the requirements established in this Notice to Shipping
shall be evaluated in order to determine under what conditions, if any, they may be allowed
to transit or dock. Vessels that require additional resources due to non-compliance or other
deficiencies will be assessed the corresponding charges.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
g. Capstans or mooring winches’ warping heads used to assist in heaving mooring lines,
shall be capable of pulling these lines at a rate of 37 meters (120 feet) per minute. This
requirement is applicable to all transiting vessels. The master shall inform the ACP
Boarding Officer whether or not the vessel complies with this requirement. Additional Canal
deckhands or other resources may be assigned in those cases where the capstans or
winches are not working or are with limited capabilities.
h. Anchors shall be retrieved at a rate of not less than 0.15 m/sec (3 minutes per shot).
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
(3) Reference in this regulation to an accommodation ladder includes a sloping ladder used
as part of the pilot transfer arrangement.
e. Transfer Arrangements
(1) Arrangements shall be provided to enable ACP personnel or others to embark and
disembark safely on either side of the ship. All vessels shall have, weather permitting, both
an accommodation ladder and a pilot ladder rigged and ready for use upon arrival in Canal
(2) When it is intended to embark and disembark ACP personnel or others by means of the
accommodation ladder or other equally safe and convenient means in conjunction with a
pilot ladder, the ship shall carry such equipment on each side, unless the equipment is
capable of being transferred for use on either side.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
f. Safe and convenient access to, and egress from, the ship shall be provided by both a
pilot ladder and an accommodation ladder. Mechanical pilot hoists are not accepted. Other
boarding devices must be approved by the Authority and may be used at the option of the
pilot or line handlers.
(1) Pilot ladders
(a) The pilot ladder shall be certified by the manufacturer as complying with this
regulation or with an international standard acceptable to the ACP. Ladders shall be
inspected in accordance with SOLAS regulations I/6, 7 and 8.
(b) All pilot ladders used for pilot transfer shall be clearly identified with tags or other
permanent marking so as to enable identification of each appliance for the purposes of
survey, inspection and record keeping. A record shall be kept on the ship as to the date the
identified ladder is placed into service and any repairs effected.
(c) The ladder shall be safe, convenient and efficient for the purpose of enabling the
pilots to embark and disembark safely, kept clean and in good order and may be used by
officials and other persons while a ship is arriving or leaving a port.
(d) The ladder shall require a climb of not less than 1.5 meters (5 feet) and not more than
9 meters (30 feet) above the surface of the water.
(e) The ladder shall be so positioned that it is clear from any possible discharges from
the ship, that it is within the parallel mid-body length of the ship and, as far as is practicable,
within the mid-ship half-length of the ship.
(f) Each step shall rest firmly against the ship's side; where constructional features, such
as rubbing bands, would prevent the implementation of this provision, special arrangements
shall be made to the satisfaction of the Authority to ensure that persons are able to embark
and disembark safely.
(g) A single length of ladder shall be used capable of reaching the water from the point of
access to, or egress from, the ship; in providing for this, due allowance shall be made for all
conditions of loading and trim of the ship and for an adverse list of 15 degrees. Whenever
the distance from sea level to the point of access to the ship is more than 9 meters (30
feet), access from the pilot ladder to the ship shall be by means of an accommodation
ladder or other equally safe and convenient means.
(h) The securing strong points, shackles and securing ropes shall be at least as strong as
the side ropes.
(i) The steps of the pilot ladder shall comply with the following requirements:
• If made of hardwood, they should be made in one piece, free of knots or other
defects. If made of material other than hardwood, they should be of equivalent strength,
stiffness and durability to the satisfaction of the Authority.
• The four lowest steps may be made of rubber of sufficient strength and stiffness
or other material to the satisfaction of the Authority.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
• Steps shall have an efficient non-slip surface, and shall not be painted with an
opaque color or high gloss paint. The grain and character of the step shall be visible in
order that any cracks or defects may be readily visible to the person using the ladder.
• Should have not less than 406 mm (16 inches) between the inside surfaces of the
side ropes. Steps should be not less than 115 mm (4-1/2 inches) wide, and 25 mm (1 inch)
in depth, excluding any non-slip device or grooving.
• Should be equally spaced not less than 305 mm (12 inches) nor more than 380
mm (15 inches) apart and be secured in such a manner that each will remain horizontal.
(j) No pilot ladder shall have more than two replacement steps which are secured in
position by a method different from that used in the original construction of the ladder, and
any steps so secured shall be replaced as soon as reasonably practicable by steps secured
at position by the method used in the original construction of the ladder. When any
replacement step secured to the side ropes of the ladder by means of grooves in the sides
of the steps, such grooves shall be in the longer sides of the steps.
(k) Pilot ladders with more than five steps should have spreader steps not less than 1.8
meters (6 feet) long provided at such intervals as will prevent the pilot ladder from twisting.
Such spreader steps or battens shall be made of the same material and construction as the
other ladders steps. The lowest spreader step shall be on the fifth step from the bottom of
the ladder and the interval between any spreader step and the next shall not exceed nine
(l) The side ropes of the ladder shall consist of two uncovered ropes not less than 20
mm (3/4 inch) in diameter on each side. Each rope shall be continuous with no joints below
the top step. Two manropes properly secured to the ship and between 28 mm (1 inch) and
32 mm (1.3 inch) in diameter shall be ready for immediate use if required by the pilot.
(m) Man-ropes shall be fixed at the rope end to the ring plate fixed on deck and shall be
ready for use when the pilot disembarks, or upon request from the pilot approaching to
board (the manropes shall reach the height of the stanchions or bulwarks at the point of
access to the deck before terminating at the ring plate on deck).
(n) Side ropes shall be made of manila or other material of equivalent strength, durability
and grip that has been protected against actinic degradation and is satisfactory to the
(o) A life buoy equipped with a self-igniting light should be kept at hand ready for use, as
should a heaving line. Life buoys should not be attached to the ship.
(p) Lighting should be provided such that both the pilot ladder over side and the position
where any person embarks or disembarks on the ship are adequately lit.
(2) Accommodation ladders
(a) Accommodation ladders should be sited leading aft, that is, with the lower platform at
the after end. Means shall be provided to secure the lower platform of the accommodation
ladder to the ship’s side, so as to ensure that the lower end of the accommodation ladder
and the lower platform are held firmly against the ship’s side. A pilot ladder complying with
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
the provisions of Paragraph 10.f (1) shall always be kept on deck adjacent to the
accommodation ladder and available for immediate use.
(b) The lower platform of the accommodation ladder shall be kept in a horizontal
position when in use, with the boat spar extended, and it should be held at the same height
above the water as the deck of the pilot boat. Intermediate platforms, if so fitted, shall be
self-leveling. Treads and steps of the accommodation ladder should be so designed that
an adequate a safe foothold is provided at all operating angles.
(c) The ladder and platforms shall have vertical safety stanchions and rails or lines
equipped and rigged on both sides. If hand ropes are used, they should be tight and
properly secured. The vertical space between the handrail or hand rope and the stringers
of the ladder should be securely fenced.
(d) The length of an accommodation ladder used in combination with a pilot ladder as a
nine-meter rig should be sufficient to ensure that its angle of slope doesn't exceed 55
degrees. The pilot ladder should be rigged immediately adjacent to the lower platform of
the accommodation ladder and be secured at the edge of the lower platform with the pilot
ladder hanging vertically. The pilot ladder should extend at least 2 meters (6 feet 8 inches)
above the lower platform and shall rest firmly against the ship's side within the parallel mid-
body of the ship and, as far as is practicable, within the mid-ship half-length and clear of all
discharges. The lower platform must be held at a level to allow for the height of the launch
deck, plus the height of a person standing on the deck, plus the rise and fall due to swell;
normally, 7 meters (23 feet) above the water is sufficient.
(e) Lighting shall be provided at night such that the full length of the ladder is adequately
(f) If a trap door is fitted in the lower platform of a combination ladder arrangement to
allow access from and to the pilot ladder, the aperture should not be less than 750 mm x
750 mm (30 inches x 30 inches) and of a design approved by the Authority. In this case the
after part of the lower platform should also be fenced as specified in Paragraph 10.f (2) (c),
and the pilot ladder should extend above the lower platform at least 2 meters (6 feet 8
inches). The aperture on the lower platform must be open to the side of the vessel's hull to
allow the pilot ladder to lay flat against the hull.
(g) Accommodation ladders, together with any suspension arrangements or attachments
fitted and intended for use in the Canal, must be arranged to the satisfaction of the
Authority. Note: Subsection 10.f.(3), Mechanical pilot hoists, was eliminated in compliance
with changes made to Regulation 23, Chapter V, International Convention for Safety of Life
at Sea (SOLAS).
Ship side doors used for pilot transfer shall not open outward. The point of ingress or
egress must be no less than 1.5 meters (5 feet) above the surface of the water. The
opening used for embarking or disembarking shall not be less than 1.5 meters (5 feet) wide
and 2.2 meters (7.2 feet) tall.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
(a) Means shall be provided to ensure safe and convenient and unobstructed passage
for any person embarking or disembarking, between the head of the pilot ladder, or of any
accommodation ladder or other appliance provided, and the vessel's deck.
(b) Where such passage is by means of a gateway in the rail or bulwark, adequate
handholds or stanchions shall be provided.
(c) If passage is over the bulwark, a bulwark ladder shall be provided. The bulwark
ladder shall be securely attached to the deck or bulwark to prevent overturning. Two
handhold stanchions shall be fitted at the point of embarking or disembarking from the ship
on each side.
(d) Handholds and handhold stanchions should not extend beyond the hull of the ship
and should be free of protrusions such as loops, welded bars or pad eyes, and should be
designed to allow the human hand to grasp any portion and slide up and down, as
necessary, without removing the hand or releasing the grip. Handholds and stanchions
should be not less than 70 cm (2 feet 3 inches) and no more than 80 cm (2 feet 7 inches)
apart. Each stanchion shall be rigidly secured to the ship's structure at or near its base and
also at a higher point. Handholds and stanchions shall not be less than 32 mm (1-1/4
inches) and no more than 50 mm (2 inches) in diameter, and shall extend not less than1.2
meters (4 feet) above the top of the bulwarks or point of ingress. Stanchions or handrails
should not be attached to the bulwark ladder.
(e) Adequate lighting shall be provided to illuminate the position on deck where a person
embarks or disembarks.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
Any container whose size is not listed in the preceding table shall obtain its equivalence
using the same method of calculation.
ACP considers containers as cargo regardless of their contents or lack thereof.
Containers that are used to transport generators, lashing gears, or that have been modified,
will continue to be classified as containers and will be charged as such. A container utilized
to fulfill certain tasks, other than carrying cargo, will be considered as part of the vessel’s
superstructure if the following criteria are met:
• Be securely welded or connected to the deck or to the vessel’s structure.
• Provide ACP Admeasurement Unit with a copy of an International Tonnage Certificate
(ITC 69) or PC/UMS documentation of total volume (SS) that includes this container as part
of the superstructure of the vessel.
If container is securely welded or connected to the deck or to the vessel´s structure and
the volume of the container is not included in the ITC-69 or SS, the volume of the container
will be included as part of the superstructure of the vessel to be reflected in the PC/UMS
Otherwise, the established Tolls rate is applied, in addition to the applicable per TEU
charge. All containers are subject to an inspection and verification by the ACP
Admeasurement Unit.
When transported, “Flat Racks” will be considered equivalent to an NTT (Number of
TEU Transported) as follows:
• 20’ in length is equivalent to a container 20’ x 8’ x 8.5’
• 40’ in length is equivalent to a container 40’ x 8’ x .5’
• 45’ in length is equivalent to a container 45’ x 8’ x 9.5’
In case where “Flat Racks” exceed the dimensions established above, the length and
width will be determined and a height of 9.5 feet will be applied. “Flat Racks” will be
considered independently, whether loaded or empty. If empty “Flat Rack are stacked on
top of each other, the ACP will only charge for one “Flat Rack”, provided the height of the
stack does not exceed 8.5 feet for a 20’ Flat Rack or 9.5 feet for a 40’ or 45’ Flat Rack,
otherwise, additional “Flat Racks” will be charged. On the other hand, when “Flat Racks” are
loaded, and its cargo exceeds 8.5 or 9.5 feet respectively, it will not count as another
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
If bins (standard- size open top containers) are carried on deck to store equipment,
each bin will be considered as a container.
When carrying windmill vanes in modified containers, each one of these containers
must be declared separately.
Those vessels not classified as container vessels, but that during the transit have
containers above the deck, the tolls shall be the product of multiplying its unit of
measurement by the corresponding rate established by the Authority plus the NTT (Number
of TEUs carried on or above the deck during a transit) multiplied by the corresponding rate
per TEU established by the Authority.
It should be noted that information regarding the actual number and size of containers
carried on board is critical for the correct application of toll charges to such vessels.
Therefore, it is imperative that the information provided to the ACP regarding the actual
number and size of containers carried on or above deck is accurate.
As part of routine inspections, ACP boarding officers will review the information
provided by the vessel and, if discrepancies concerning the number and/or size of
containers on board are detected, a further detailed inspection may be conducted to
thoroughly verify the information. Such discrepancies could result in one or more of the
• Delay of transit.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
break-bulk, liquid or dry-bulk carriers. When such a ship carries deck-loaded containers well
forward or aft of the bridge, the pilot's view can be obstructed, tug and locomotive sound
signals can be blanketed, and risk of damage to the ship and Canal structures and
equipment is increased. Failure to meet minimum visibility requirements can disrupt overall
Canal operations, and can delay the vessel's transit by a day or more.
b. Approval for Transits
In some cases, vessels not meeting minimum visibility requirements may, at the
discretion of the Authority, be allowed the instant transit after execution of a proper release
that relieves the Authority from liability and indemnifies the Authority for damage or
expenses incurred in case of damage of any sort immediately resulting from noncompliance
with the visibility requirements. Additional towboats may also be assigned at the vessel's
expense. Permanent waivers cannot be granted, and any future transits are expected to be
in compliance with visibility requirements.
c. Advance Notice and Inspection
Vessels not container-designed but carrying deck-loaded containers are requested to
include in their Canal ETA messages information on the number and location of
deck-loaded containers. As a minimum, ships should provide location of deck-loaded
containers by hatch or tank; the numbers of containers loaded abeam, fore and aft, and
how high they are stacked; and whether containers are oriented athwartships or
Such vessels transiting for the first time, or that only transit occasionally with
deck-loaded containers, will be checked by boarding officers or port captains or both to
determine the need for visibility waivers.
Such vessels transiting regularly with deck-loaded containers will be advised of any
limitations on the number and configuration of deck-loaded containers necessary to satisfy
minimum shipboard visibility requirements.
The International Tonnage Certificate 1969 certifying this change must be sent to the
Admeasurement Office.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
ACP/TOLL BASIS Certificate and, as a consequence, the Panama Canal Authority must
issue a new certificate at the standard re-issue charge (Tariff No. 1040.0200).
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
were conducted and that the systems were found in proper working condition or, if not in
proper order, a detailed listing of discrepancies shall be included within the log.
c. Holding Due to Non-Compliance
Vessels are also reminded that a dangerous cargo hold ("H") will be imposed on vessels
not providing the required advance dangerous cargo information, and that continuing
noncompliance will result in not scheduling the vessels for transit. This can result in a delay to
the ship.
d. Reporting Dangerous Cargo in Bulk
(1) It is an ACP requirement that all cargo in bulk, either liquefied-gas, liquid or solid be
reported in detail via VUMPA no later than 96 hours before ETA. Timely, complete, and
accurate information pertaining to the dangerous cargo transported in bulk is of paramount
importance to ensure safe operations and efficient vessel scheduling.
(2) Tankers and Liquid Gas Carriers shall submit their stowage plans as well as declare the
cargo loading condition of each tank separately, including slop tanks. Specific information
required includes the following:
(a) For tanks with cargo (includes slop tanks): Proper shipping name, IMO class, and
UN Number of cargo; amount of cargo in metric tons; flashpoint in ºC, if applicable; and the
condition of the vapor space (inert or not inert).
(b) For empty tanks or tanks containing slops (or residues): Proper shipping name, IMO
class, and UN Number of last cargo or residue; amount of residue or slops; flashpoint in ºC
of last cargo or residue, if applicable; and atmospheric condition of tanks (inert and not gas
free; not inert and not gas free; not inert and gas free).
(c) Declarations in 2a and 2b (above) shall be made even if current cargo or last cargo
is not listed as dangerous cargo. In such case, the information on proper shipping name,
IMO Class, and UN number may be replaced by the Harmonized Commodity Description
and Coding System (HS Code) as established by the World Customs Organization (WCO).
(3) All solid bulk cargo carried aboard dry-bulk carriers or general cargo carriers shall also
be reported via the Maritime Service Portal. The report shall provide the technical names of
the cargo in accordance with the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargo Code (IMSBC
e. Tankers Claiming Cargo Tanks as "Gas Free"
(1) At the Panama Canal, a vessel’s cargo or slop tank is considered to be clean and free of
residues or vapors if it meets the following criteria:
a. It has been stripped of flammable liquid residues
b. Its concentration of flammable vapors or gases is less than 10% of the Lower
Explosive Limit (LEL).
(2) In order to claim empty tanks, which last cargo was a flammable gas or liquid (i.e. IMO
Class 2.1 or IMO Class 3), as free of residues and vapors, a note from the Master shall be
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
(1) In the IMBSC Code, DRI has been classified as Materials Hazardous only in Bulk (MHB)
because it is a solid liable to selfheat and/or to emit flammable gas if transported above a
moisture limit.
(2) Vessels transporting Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) in any of its forms, hot molded
briquettes, cold molded briquettes, lumps, pellets, or by-product fines are required to report
the shipment by its Bulk Cargo Shipping Name (BCSN).
(3) When transporting DRI, vessels may be subject to inspection to verify logged and actual
temperature, oxygen, and hydrogen readings upon arrival in Canal waters. Furthermore,
they shall provide the following information in advance of ETA to [email protected]:
(a) Solid Bulk Cargo Declaration Form.
(b) Test results confirming weathertightness of hatch covers and closing arrangements.
(c) Certificate stating that cargo, at the time of loading, met requirements for shipment.
(d) Certificate stating that, after loading, the fines and small particles throughout the
whole consignment are less than 5% by weight.
(e) Statement from the Master indicating that the provisions of the IMSBC Code
regarding ventilation, routine checks, and monitoring of the cargo will be exercised during
the voyage.
(f) Procedures to be implemented by the ship’s crew if the cargo temperature rises
above 65°C.
(g) Vessels transporting DRI-C, with an exemption certificate due to moisture content
higher than 0.3% and lower than12%, shall submit a P&I Certificate from a member of the
International Club. This certificate must be specific to the voyage and cargo.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
Panama Canal Authority, and/or any other agency, including coverage to persons, lives and
(2) The aforementioned insurance policies must include the Panama Canal Authority (ACP)
as an Additional Named Assured. Considering that these insurance policies are for liability
coverage, ACP may be regarded as a third party with a right to claim under that policy. As a
result, the terms and conditions of the policy must clearly establish that including ACP as an
Additional Named Assured does not preclude the ACP from presenting a claim under such
policy, and does not curtail, in any way, the right of the ACP to be indemnified for any
damages that may be suffered.
This requirement is not applicable to insurance policies issued by Protection & Indemnity
(P&I) Clubs with respect to excepted materials.
(3) The following requirements of coverage from transiting vessels carrying specific
radioactive cargo will apply:
(a) For all radioactive material in excepted packages and non-fissile radioactive material
in industrial packages, transiting vessels must provide either:
• A “coverage in full” certificate issued by any P & I Club part of the International
Group, including the following provisions:
- Four-fourths (4/4) of the assured (s) liability arising out of collision with another
ship, and
- Liability for loss or damage to any fixed or floating object (FFO)
(If the “Hull & Machinery” Policy covers the above, the same must be provided), or
• A minimum amount of US$20,000,000.00 (twenty million dollars) of liability
insurance per TEU container. The Panama Canal Authority may request an increase in the
amount of insurance as a result of risk evaluation made by ACP officials.
(b) For fissile radioactive material in industrial packages, and for all fissile and non-fissile
radioactive material in Type A, Type B(U), and Type B(M) packages, transiting vessels must
provide either:
• A “coverage in full” certificate issued by any P&I Club part of the International
Group, including the following provisions:
- Four-fourths (4/4) of the assured (s) liability arising out of collision with another
ship, and
- Liability for loss or damage to any fixed or floating object (FFO)
(If the “Hull & Machinery” Policy covers the above, the same must be provided), or
• A minimum amount of US$30,000,000.00 (thirty million dollars) of liability
insurance per TEU container. The Panama Canal Authority may request an increase in the
amount of insurance as a result of risk evaluation made by ACP officials.
(c) For radioactive cargo under special arrangement or not consolidated in freight
containers or any other radioactive cargo not specifically identified in this Notice, please
send note to [email protected]
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
The aforementioned cooling of the main deck shall be performed between 1000 and 1600
hours while the vessel is underway. However, cooling must be stopped during lockage
procedures or if Panama Canal deckhands are on board.
If this procedure fails to significantly lower the pressure within the cargo tanks, it may be
necessary to manually operate the pressure relief devices in order to reduce pressure
before entering the locks. This shall be done only after the master has ascertained the
• The situation has been reported to the ACP’s Canal Port Captain on duty
through the pilot on board, or to the Signal Stations at Flamenco or Cristobal when
there is no pilot on board.
• All necessary actions have been implemented to prevent exposing ACP
personnel to vapors.
• Shipboard and nearby ignition sources have been controlled.
These tankers may also cool their main decks while awaiting transit at a Panama Canal
Compliance with measures described above will enhance the safety of Canal operations, as
well as Canal customers, and reduce or eliminate possible disruptions to scheduled transits.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
• Bins (standard-size open top containers) or any other receptacles (not containers)
that are carried on deck to store equipment that is not welded or spot welded. The vessel’s
master must declare the information regarding these items to ACP boarding officers upon
arrival at Panama Canal waters.
• Vessels intending to transit transporting fissile radioactive material, as defined in the
IAEA's Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material, shall provide 30 day
advance notification.
ACP boarding officers will verify cargo information submitted in the pre-arrival
notification and discrepancies with the cargo manifest presented by the master will be
reported to the ACP Protection and Emergency Response Division. These discrepancies
will be evaluated and may lead to the application of security control measures as deemed
necessary by the ACP. These control measures may include, but not be limited to one or
more of the following:
• Direct communication with the vessel’s master to clarify any discrepancies or any
other security related issues,
• Delay of transit,
• The assignment of additional resources,
• The escorting of the vessel,
• Fines
All additional resources provided by the Canal on account of discrepancies identified
during the verification of the cargo declaration will be charged to the vessel.
Notwithstanding the above, the discrepancies detected shall be corrected and submitted
through the Maritime Service Portal before the vessel departs to sea. Failure to do so may
result in a notification being sent to the Port Facility Officer of the next port of call, as well as
in an increase to the vessel’s assigned security level the next time the vessel is presented
for transit.
b. The ACP will provide additional security inspection and escort services to vessels that
fail to comply with the 96-hour pre-arrival notice, or that submit their pre-arrival notice with
wrong or missing information. The Canal Protection Inspection and Escort Tariff will be
applied as follows:
• A vessel inspection may be triggered due to:
- 96-hour regulations non-compliance;
- Incorrect or missing information in Ship Due, Crew List or Passenger List; and
- Requirement by Panamanian authorities.
An escort may be triggered at any moment after a Canal Protection Inspection, if the
inspection corroborates the non-compliance with ACP security and protection regulations.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
The ACP will continue to verify the cargo declaration submitted in the Maritime Service
Portal and the cargo manifest provided by the master. If discrepancies are detected, the
vessel’s operator and/or shipping agent will be contacted to coordinate the correction of the
submitted data. This data shall be corrected within 96 hours from the time the
discrepancies are detected and reported. The following information is to be verified:
• The total weight of cargo on board declared on the Ship Information and Quarantine
declaration will be compared with the weight declared on the Maritime Service Portal. A
percentage of tolerance and tare weights will be applied to offset differences due to diverse
information origin (including departure from ports within 96 hours to Panama Canal Waters)
and container weight.
• Total container units on board. For vessels with cargo movements after boarding
inspection, the Master will declare amount of containers to be loaded and discharged.
If the information is not corrected during the provided time period, a report will be filed
to ACP Protection and Emergency Response Division in order to be included in the risk
assessment matrix for that vessel. This could lead into a safety or security inspection and/or
escort of the vessel during her next transit.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
d. In order to ensure safe conditions, before any hot work is performed in fuel tanks, cargo
tanks, void spaces, hydraulic pipes, fuel pipes, accommodations, or any other hollow
structure on board ships in Canal waters that could result in a fire or an explosion due to the
accumulation of flammable gases or vapors, a written request for authorization of the site
where the ship is located, accompanied by a Marine Chemist Certificate approving the
intended hot work, shall be forwarded by email to the Canal Port Captain Office, Balboa at
[email protected], or Cristobal at [email protected], as well as to
[email protected]
e. Notwithstanding the above, the requester may apply for an Exemption Certificate for
following instances:
1. Shipside Spaces // deck of workboats // flat barge:
i. It maintains an oxygen supply between 19.5% and 22.0% by volume.
ii. It is not subject to the presence or accumulation of flammable, combustible, or
toxic liquids, vapors, or gases.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
2. Shipside Structures:
i. The structure is not subject to the accumulation of flammable, combustible, or
toxic liquids, vapors, or gases.
ii. It is not adjacent to spaces or tanks that do require a Marine Chemist’s
This Exemption Certificate shall be issued by a Marine Chemist and forwarded to the email
addresses listed above in paragraph d, and will be valid for 30 days or until the work has
been completed, whichever is less.
f. For the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) to consider requests for authorization of the
worksite, the Marine Chemist Certificate shall be legible and shall include the following as a
1. A unique numeric or alphanumeric identifier for the Certificate.
2. Name, SIN and/or IMO numbers of the vessel.
3. Type of vessel.
4. Vessel’s owner, agent, or responsible party.
5. Requester’s name, telephone number, and email address.
6. Vessel’s actual location. The vessel must not be moved after the inspection.
7. A description or sketch of the scope of work to be performed.
8. Results of tests performed to determine the atmosphere within the relevant void
space, hollow structure, confined space, and/or adjacent space. As a minimum,
measurements of oxygen, combustible, and toxic gases shall be reported for each
9. Date and time inspection was completed.
10. Frequency of required re-inspections by a Competent Person.
11. Conditions under which the Marine Chemist shall be consulted or recalled.
12. Any additional requirements, limitations or restrictions, such as fire watch, ventilation,
or lockout & tag out, if any.
13. The applicable NFPA 306 Standard Safety Designation(s).
14. The Marine Chemist’s name, signature, and license number.
15. Signature for receipt of the Marine Chemist Certificate by the requester or authorized
representative, signifying the understanding of the conditions, and the limitations and
requirements for maintaining conditions under which it is issued.
g. The ACP will reject requests if the Marine Chemist Certificate does not comply with the
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
h. The Marine Chemist Certificate may remain valid until the completion of the work to be
performed or until any of the original conditions changes, whichever occurs first.
i. The Competent Person must re-inspect worksite conditions and report to the Marine
Chemist at a frequency established by the Marine Chemist. The ACP will randomly request
proof of this reporting to either or both parties. If parties fail to provide evidence of
compliance with this requirement, the ACP will void the authorization and the hot work will
be stopped until the deficiencies are corrected to the satisfaction of the ACP.
j. The Marine Chemist Certificate approving the hot work, as well as the authorization of
worksite issued by the ACP, shall be securely posted in a conspicuous location aboard the
vessel prior to the work commencing.
k. The authorization of the worksite shall not be construed as an endorsement by the ACP
of the Marine Chemist Certificate.
l. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in one or more of the following:
1. Invalidation of approved worksites
2. Non-approval of worksites
3. Sanctions
4. Fines
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
essential and a qualified representative remains on the bridge. The master shall remain or
return to the bridge at the pilot's request.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
and equivalent to an officer´s cabin. These cabins should have a private working toilet
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
allowed to discharge ballast water. If the vessel is unable to complete its cargo loading
operations without discharging ballast water, it would be required to cease cargo loading.
e. Ballast water taken up and discharged in the same place is considered low risk,
provided that the water comprises 95 percent or greater of the volume of water in the tank.
At the Pacific side of the Panama Canal, the same place is considered to be the waters
within the Port of Vacamonte, the islands of Melones, Taboga, Taboguilla, the eastern
boundaries of the Pacific Merchant anchorage and the Balboa basin. At the Atlantic side of
the Canal, the same place is considered as waters within the boundaries of the Outer
Atlantic anchorage and the northern ends of Agua Clara and Gatun locks.
f. Vessels that only uptake and discharge ballast water in the same place are not required
to meet the Regulation D2 (Treatment Discharge Standard), and therefore are not required
to have an IMO type-approved BWMS
g. Vessels will only maintain the low-risk ballast water condition if they operate within the
“same place”. However, if these vessels are relocated from the Pacific to the Atlantic side
or from the Atlantic to the Pacific side of the Canal with ballast water within their tanks, the
same place condition for the ballast water is void. Consequently, their ballast water will be
considered high risk to their new location and shall not be discharged until properly
managed as per the vessel’s BWMP.
h. Disposal of tank sediment is strictly prohibited in water bodies under the responsibility of
the Panama Canal. Eductors are not permitted to strip ballast tanks, unless a vessel seeks
permission from the Canal Port Captain to discharge sediment to a reception facility.
i. The Ballast Water Record Book (BWRB) and the Ballast Water Management Plan
(BWMP) shall be available for inspection by the Panama Canal authorities on request.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
(5) Residues from the Exhaust Gas Cleaning System (EGCS) washwater are to be
collected on board. Discharging these residues into the water bodies under the
responsibility of the Panama Canal or incinerating them on board is not permitted.
(6) If a Closed Loop Scrubber system is operated during Canal transit, the cleaned bleed-
off water is to be retained in a holding tank on board.
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
equipment from residual fuels to marine distillate fuels. Changeover must be completed
according to the following:
1. Southbound vessels, at least eight nautical miles from the Breakwater on the Atlantic
2. Northbound vessels, at least three nautical miles from the Sea Buoy at the Pacific
b. Vessels shall record the fuel changeover in their Engine Room Logbook and/or Fuel Oil
Changeover Record Book. The record book entries shall specify the date and time of
commencement and ending of the changeover from marine residual fuel to marine distillate
c. After completion of any changeover to marine distillate fuel, the vessel shall verify that
the main propulsion engine operates properly. If necessary, the vessel shall undertake
appropriate corrective actions to ensure the vessel’s safe and expeditious transit of the
Panama Canal.
d. Vessels may supplement or replace marine distillate fuels with any of the following:
1. LNG fuel (including boil-off gas)
2. Biofuels compliant with MARPOL Annex VI
3. Residual marine fuels with maximum sulfur concentration of 0.5% and not
exceeding a viscosity of 70 centistokes @ 50°C.
4. A closed loop scrubber in zero discharge mode or a hybrid scrubber in closed loop
and zero discharge mode
e. The type of fuel and scrubber combination intended for use in Panama Canal waters
must be uploaded by the vessel’s local agent to the FUEL DECLARATION menu in VUMPA
for all vessels arriving to Panama Canal waters. In turn, this information will be verified on
the BDN or corresponding fuel analysis report by Panama Canal Boarding Officers upon the
vessel's arrival to Canal waters. Additionally, vessels with approved scrubbers, must have
the following information readily available for verification: IAPP Certificate and Supplement
thereof, total volume of effluent holding tanks, and logbook entries confirming that effluent
holding tanks were emptied prior to arriving to Canal waters.
Note: Warships, submarines, dredges, non-self-propelled vessels, and vessels with length
up to 125 ft. are exempted from uploading information to the Fuel Declaration menu.
f. The use of open loop scrubbers or hybrid scrubbers in open loop mode is prohibited in
Panama Canal waters.
g. Vessels making only a local port call and not transiting will not be required to switch
their main propulsion engines, boilers, auxiliary generator engines, and other ancillary
equipment to marine distillate fuel. These vessels may use marine residual fuel with a
maximum sulphur content of 0.5% and viscosity higher than 70 cSt @50 °C or a closed
loop scrubber or hybrid scrubber in closed loop and zero discharge mode.
h. Vessels anchoring prior to transit will be permitted to use marine residual fuel with a
maximum sulphur content of 0.5% and viscosity higher than 70 cSt @50 °C to operate their
auxiliary generator engines, boilers, and other ancillary equipment while at the Pacific or
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
Atlantic Anchorages, only if they are capable of maintaining their main propulsion engines
simultaneously on marine distillate fuel.
i. The vessels described in the preceding paragraph shall switch from the fuel being used
for their auxiliary generators, boilers, and other ancillary equipment to marine distillate fuel
at least two (2) hours prior to the scheduled pilot time for their Canal transit. These vessels
will be deemed ready for transit only after the changeover to marine distillate fuel has been
j. Vessels proceeding to port terminals or anchorages within Canal waters immediately
after completing their transit will be permitted to switch back to residual marine fuel with a
maximum sulphur content of 0.5% and viscosity higher than 70 cSt @50 °C, once the
vessel is moored alongside the dock or is anchored.
k. A quick reference guide, a fuel compliance calculator, and a list of Frequently Asked
Questions are available at: under the heading Fuel
Compliance Support Information.
l. Further inquiries on the subject matter shall be directed to: fuel-
[email protected]
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
Panamax Locks Composite Maximum Clearances
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements
OP Notice to Shipping N-1-2021 Vessel Requirements