Classification Societies - What, Why and How?: Leading The Way: Dedicated To Safe Ships

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Classification societies

– what, why and how?

Leading the way: dedicated to safe ships

and clean seas, IACS Members make a
unique contribution to maritime safety
and regulation through technical
support, compliance verification and
research and development. More than
90% of the world’s cargo carrying
tonnage is covered by the classification
design, construction and through-life
compliance Rules and standards set by
the Member Societies of IACS.
2 Classification societies – What, why and how? IACS Information paper


A1 Classification Societies today 3 DEFINITION 10

A2 Why ‘Classification’? 3 2 CLASSIFICATION NOTATIONS 10

A3 The International Association of Classification 2.1 Class symbol 10

Societies – IACS 4
2.2 Construction mark 10

B CLASSIFICATION 5 2.3 Service notations 10

B1 Scope of classification 5 2.4 Navigation and operating area notations 10

B2 Assignment, maintenance, suspension and 2.5 Additional class notations 11

withdrawal of class 5

B3 Classification surveys 6
3.1 Assignment of class 11
C1 Historical development 7
3.2 Maintenance of class 11
C2 Future development 7
3.3 Suspension of class 11
C3 IACS Resolutions 7
3.4 Withdrawal of class 12
C4 Other Publications 8
3.5 Notification of suspension or withdrawal 12

D1 Qualities and qualifications of Surveyors 8 REQUIREMENTS AND CERTIFICATION 12

4.1 Definitions and procedures related to

classification surveys 12
4.2 Class surveys periodicity and scope 13
E1 Framework 8
4.3 Class certificate 14
E2 Recognised Organizations 9
4.4 Definitions and procedures related to statutory
surveys and inspections 14

4.5 Statutory certificates 15


1 The Members of IACS 16

2 IACS Permanent Secretariat 16

3 Classification societies – What, why and how? IACS Information paper


A1 Classification Societies today Safety of Life at Sea, (SOLAS) and in the 1988 Protocol
to the International Convention on Load Lines. This
The purpose of a Classification Society is to provide statutory role is addressed later in this note.
classification and statutory services and assistance to As an independent, self-regulating, externally audited
the maritime industry and regulatory bodies as regards body, a Classification Society has no commercial
maritime safety and pollution prevention, based on the interests related to ship design, ship building, ship
accumulation of maritime knowledge and technology. ownership, ship operation, ship management, ship
maintenance or repairs, insurance, or chartering. In
The objective of ship classification is to verify the establishing its Rules, each Classification Society may
structural strength and integrity of essential parts of draw upon the advice and review of members of the
the ship’s hull and its appendages, and the reliability industry and academia who are considered to have
and function of the propulsion and steering systems, relevant knowledge or experience.
power generation and those other features and auxiliary
systems which have been built into the ship in order Classification Rules are developed to establish standards
to maintain essential services on board. Classification for the structural strength of the ship’s hull and its
Societies aim to achieve this objective through the appendages, and the suitability of the propulsion and
development and application of their own Rules and by steering systems, power generation and those other
verifying compliance with international and/or national features and auxiliary systems which have been built into
statutory regulations on behalf of flag Administrations. the ship to assist in its operation. Classification Rules
are not intended as a design code and in fact cannot be
The vast majority of commercial ships are built to and used as such.
surveyed for compliance with the standards laid down by
Classification Societies. These standards are issued by A vessel built in accordance with the applicable Rules
the Society as published Rules. of an IACS Member Society may be assigned a class
designation by the Society on satisfactory completion
A vessel that has been designed and built to the of the relevant surveys. For ships in service, the Society
appropriate Rules of a Society may apply for a certificate carries out surveys to verify that the ship remains in
of classification from that Society. compliance with those Rules. Should any defects that
may affect class become apparent, or damages be
However, such a certificate does not imply, and should sustained between the relevant surveys, the owner is
not be construed as, a warranty of safety, fitness for required to inform the Society concerned without delay.
purpose or seaworthiness of the ship. It is an attestation
only that the vessel is in compliance with the Rules The classification of a vessel is based on the
that have been developed and published by the understanding that the vessel is loaded, operated and
Society issuing the classification certificate. Further, maintained in a proper manner by competent and
Classification Societies are not guarantors of safety of qualified crew or operating personnel.
life or property at sea or the seaworthiness of a vessel
because the Classification Society has no control over A vessel may be maintained in class provided that,
how a vessel is manned, operated and maintained in the opinion of the Society concerned, it remains in
between the periodical surveys which it conducts. compliance with the relevant Rules, as ascertained by
periodic or non-periodic survey.
More than 50 organizations worldwide define their
activities as providing some form of marine classification In developing its Rules, a Classification Society typically
services; however, not all meet the definition given in relies on empirical experience gained from classing a
Appendix 1. Some that do (listed in Appendix 2) form wide variety of ship types over many years, coupled
the International Association of Classification Societies with appropriate research that contributes towards the
(IACS). It is estimated that the Members of IACS on-going development of relevant, advanced technical
collectively class over 90 percent of all commercial requirements.
tonnage involved in international trade worldwide.
Classification Societies are often simply referred to as
Classification is one element within the maritime safety ‘Class Societies’ or just ‘Class’ (‘class’).
regime. Others with a responsibility for or interest
in promoting maritime safety include shipowners,
shipbuilders, flag State administrations, port State A2 Why ‘Classification’?
control authorities, underwriters, shipping financiers,
charterers, and, of course, seafarers. In the second half of the 18th century, marine insurers,
based at Lloyd’s coffee house in London, developed a
The role of classification and Classification Societies has system for the independent technical assessment of the
been recognized in the International Convention for the ships presented to them for insurance cover. In 1760
4 Classification societies – What, why and how? IACS Information paper

As the classification profession evolved, the practice of

assigning different classifications has been superseded,
with some exceptions. Today a vessel either meets
the relevant Class Society’s Rules or it does not. As a
consequence it is either ‘in’ or ‘out’ of ‘class’. However,
each of the Classification Societies has developed a
series of notations that may be granted to a vessel to
indicate that it is in compliance with some additional
voluntary criteria that may be either specific to that
vessel type or that are in excess of the standard
classification requirements.

A3 The International Association of

Classification Societies - IACS

IACS can trace its origins back to the International Load

Line Convention of 1930 and its recommendations.
The Convention recommended collaboration between
Classification Societies to secure “as much uniformity as
possible in the application of the standards of strength
upon which freeboard is based…”.

Following the Convention, RINA hosted the first

conference of major Societies in 1939 - also attended by
ABS, BV, DNV, GL, LR and NK - which agreed on further
a Committee was formed for this purpose, the earliest cooperation between the Societies.
existing result of their initiative being Lloyd’s Register
Book for the years 1764-65-66. A second major Class Society conference, held in 1955,
led to the creation of Working Parties on specific topics
At that time, an attempt was made to ‘classify’ the and, in 1968, to the formation of IACS by seven leading
condition of each ship on an annual basis. The condition Societies. The value of their combined level of technical
of the hull was classified A, E, I, O or U, according to knowledge and experience was quickly recognised.
the excellence of its construction and its adjudged In 1969, IACS was given consultative status with the
continuing soundness (or otherwise). Equipment was International Maritime Organization (IMO). It remains the
G, M, or B: simply, good, middling or bad. In time, G, M only non-governmental organization with Observer status
and B were replaced by 1, 2 or 3, which is the origin of which is able to develop and apply Rules.
the well-known expression ‘A1’, meaning ‘first or highest
class’. Compliance with the IACS Quality System Certification
Scheme (QSCS) is mandatory for IACS Membership. Full
The concept of classification slowly spread to other details of the scheme are available on the IACS website.
countries and insurance markets. Bureau Veritas (BV)
was founded in Antwerp in 1828, moving to Paris in IACS is governed by a Council, with each Member
1832. ‘Lloyd’s Register of British and Foreign Shipping’ represented by a senior management figure.
was reconstituted as a self-standing ‘Classification
Society’ in 1834; Rules for construction and survey were Under the Council is the General Policy Group (GPG),
published the same year. made up of a senior manager from each Member, which
develops and implements actions giving effect to the
RINA (previously Registro Italiano Navale) dates from policies, directions and long term plans of the Council.
1861; American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) traces its
origins back to 1862. Adoption of common Rules for ship The chair of GPG is taken by the Member holding the
construction by Norwegian insurance societies in the Council chair. IACS’s technical work is undertaken
late 1850s led to the establishment of Det Norske Veritas generally through specialist Working Groups overseen by
(DNV) in 1864. Germanischer Lloyd (GL) was formed in GPG.
1867 and Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) in 1899. The
Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS) was an The Association maintains a Secretariat in London and a
early offshoot of the River Register of 1913. More recent QSCS Operations Centre in Southampton, UK.
foundations have been Polish Register of Shipping (PRS)
in 1936; Yugoslav Register of Shipping (now the Croatian The IACS Charter, Procedures, details of the work
Register of Shipping (CRS)), 1949; China Classification programme, technical Resolutions and other publications
Society (CCS), 1956; Korean Register (Previously Korean are all available on the IACS website.
Register of Shipping) (KR), 1960; and Indian Register of
Shipping (IRS), 1975.
5 Classification societies – What, why and how? IACS Information paper


B1 Scope of classification operational elements. Activities which generally fall

outside the scope of classification include such items
Implementing the published Rules, the classification as: design and manufacturing processes; choice of type
process consists of: and power of machinery and certain equipment (e.g.
winches); number and qualification of crew or operating
• A technical review of the design plans and related personnel; form and cargo carrying capacity of the
documents for a new vessel to verify compliance with ship and manoeuvring performance; hull vibrations;
the applicable Rules; spare parts; life-saving appliances and maintenance
equipment. These matters may however be given
• Attendance at the construction of the vessel in the consideration for classification according to the type of
shipyard by a Classification Society surveyor(s) to ship or class notation(s) assigned.
verify that the vessel is constructed in accordance
with the approved design plans and classification It should be emphasized that it is the shipowner who
Rules; has the overall responsibility for the safety and integrity
of a vessel, including the manner in which it is operated
• Attendance by a Classification Society surveyor(s) and maintained. The effectiveness of classification
at the relevant production facilities that provide key depends upon the shipbuilder, during construction,
components such as the steel, engine, generators and and the shipowner, once the vessel enters service,
castings to verify that the component conforms to the cooperating with the Class Society in an open and
applicable Rule requirements; transparent manner on all issues which may affect its
class status. For the shipowner, this particularly requires
• Attendance by a Classification Society surveyor(s) at acting in good faith by disclosing to the Class Society
the sea trials and other trials relating to the vessel and any damage or deterioration that may affect the vessel’s
its equipment prior to delivery to verify conformance classification status. If there is the least question, the
with the applicable Rule requirements; owner should notify class and schedule a survey to
determine if the vessel is in compliance with the relevant
• Upon satisfactory completion of the above, the class standard.
builder’s/shipowner’s request for the issuance of a
class certificate will be considered by the relevant A Class surveyor may only go on board a vessel once
Classification Society and, if deemed satisfactory, the in a twelve-month period. At that time it is neither
assignment of class may be approved and a certificate possible nor expected that the surveyor scrutinize
of classification issued; the entire structure of the vessel or its machinery. The
survey involves a sampling, for which guidelines exist
• Once in service, the owner must submit the vessel based upon empirical experience and the age of the
to a clearly specified programme of periodical class vessel which may indicate those parts of the vessel or
surveys, carried out onboard the vessel, to verify its machinery that may be subject to corrosion, or are
that the ship continues to meet the relevant Rule exposed to the highest incidence of stress, or may be
requirements for continuation of class. likely to exhibit signs of fatigue or damage.

Class Rules do not cover every piece of structure or

item of equipment on board a vessel, nor do they cover B2 Assignment, maintenance, suspension and
withdrawal of class

Class is assigned to a vessel upon the completion of

satisfactory review of the design and surveys during
construction undertaken in order to verify compliance
with the Rules of the Society. For existing vessels,
specific procedures apply when they are being
transferred from one Class Society to another.

Ships are subject to a through-life survey regime if they

are to be retained in class. These surveys include the
class renewal (also called “special survey”), intermediate
survey, annual survey, and bottom/docking surveys of
the hull. They also include tailshaft survey, boiler survey,
machinery surveys and, where applicable, surveys of
items associated with the maintenance of additional
class notations (see Appendix 1).
6 Classification societies – What, why and how? IACS Information paper

The surveys are to be carried out in accordance with the exhibit substantial corrosion, significant deformation,
relevant class requirements to confirm that the condition fractures, damages or other structural deterioration.
of the hull, machinery, equipment and appliances is in
compliance with the applicable Rules. Depending upon the age, size, type and condition of
the vessel, the renewal/special survey may take several
It is the owner’s responsibility to properly maintain the weeks to complete.
ship in the period between surveys. It is the duty of the
owner, or its representative, to inform the Society of any The intermediate survey (held approximately half way
events or circumstances that may affect the continued between special surveys) includes examinations and
conformance of the ship with the Society’s Rules. checks as specified in the Rules to determine whether
the ship remains in a general condition which satisfies
Where the conditions for the maintenance of class are the Rule requirements. According to the type and
not complied with, class may be suspended, withdrawn age of the ship, drydocking may be required and the
or revised to a different notation, as deemed appropriate examinations of the hull may be supplemented by
by the Society when it becomes aware of the condition. ultrasonic thickness measurements as specified in the
Rules and where deemed necessary by the attending
B3 Classification surveys
At the time of annual surveys, the ship is generally
A classification survey is a visual examination that examined. The survey includes an external general
normally consists of: inspection of the hull, equipment and machinery of the
ship and some witnessing of tests, so far as is necessary
• an overall examination of the items identified in the and practical in order to determine whether the ship
Rules for survey; remains in a general condition which satisfies the Rule
requirements. Older ships of certain types may also
• detailed checks of selected parts, on a sampling be subject to a general examination of some specified
basis; internal areas of the hull. Depending upon the age, size,
type and condition of the vessel, an annual survey may
• witnessing tests, measurements and trials where take from several hours to a few days to complete.

When a surveyor identifies corrosion, structural defects

or damage to hull, machinery and/or piece of equipment
which, based on the Society’s Rules and in the opinion of
the surveyor, affects the ship’s class, remedial measures
and/or appropriate recommendations/conditions of class
are specified in order to retain class.

‘Recommendation’ and ‘condition of class’ are different

terms used by IACS Societies for the same thing i.e.
requirements to the effect that specific measures,
repairs, request for surveys etc., are to be carried out
within a specified time limit in order to retain class.

Each classed vessel is subject to a specified programme

of periodic surveys after delivery. These are based on
a five-year cycle and consist of annual surveys, an
intermediate survey and a class renewal/special survey
(held every 5 years). The rigour of each specified survey
increases with the age of the vessel.

The class renewal surveys/special surveys include

extensive in-water and, in most cases, out-of-water
examinations to verify that the structure, main and
essential auxiliary machinery, systems and equipment of
the ship remain in a condition which satisfies the relevant
Rules. The examination of the hull is supplemented,
when specified, by ultrasonic thickness measurements
and the witnessing of tests as specified in the Rules
and as deemed necessary by the attending surveyor.
The survey is intended to assess whether the structural
integrity remains in conformance with the standards
contained in the relevant Rules and to identify areas that
7 Classification societies – What, why and how? IACS Information paper

project and one of the most important single steps in

C DEVELOPMENT OF RULES, the development of maritime Rules that IACS has been

C1 Historical development
C3 IACS Resolutions
Classification Rules have been developed over many
years by each Society through extensive research C3.1 General
and development and service experience. In addition,
certain Unified Requirements have been agreed by IACS In addition to the Common Rules projects, IACS
Members and transposed into the individual Members’ Resolutions on technical or procedural matters may be
Rules. developed, generally through specialist Working Groups
overseen by the General Policy Group (GPG).
As outlined later, ‘statutory’ requirements are developed
at IMO and where necessary, Unified Interpretations of The categories of Resolution are listed below and may
them are adopted by IACS. be found on the IACS website.

C2 Future development C3.2 Unified Requirements

Rules and Regulations are subject to constant refinement As defined in Annex 4 of the IACS Charter, Unified
based upon additional research or practical experience. Requirements (UR) are minimum technical requirements
adopted by the IACS Members which, subject to
Ultimately it is up to the international community, as ratification by the governing body of each Member, are
expressed through their governmental representation to be incorporated in their Rules and practices. URs
at the IMO, to determine the acceptable level of risk set forth minimum requirements; each IACS Member
associated with the conduct of marine transport. These remains free to adopt more stringent requirements.
standards may be prescriptive or goal-based. In the
former case, the Class Societies may develop Unified URs are relevant to matters directly connected to or
Interpretations, under the aegis of IACS, which clarify covered by specific Rule requirements and practices of
the intent and application of the international standards. Classification Societies and the general philosophy on
In the latter case of goal-based standards, the IMO may which the Rules and practices of Classification Societies
establish broad requirements and then leave it to the are established.
Classification Societies to develop the detailed Rules
that will allow industry to meet those targets. The current The existence of a UR does not oblige a Member Society
focus of the IMO is a new and transparent goal-based to issue respective Rules if it chooses not to have Rules
regulatory framework for hull structures of oil tankers and for the type of ship or maritime structure concerned.
bulk carriers. This represents a significant change to the
current complex system of largely prescriptive statutory Reservations: Since each Member has its own
international and national regulations, classification rules Governing Body, a situation may arise where certain
and industry standards. aspects not foreseen during the draft UR development
process, or external review, are found unsuitable to the
The basic principle is to establish clear, demonstrable Governing Body of a Member Society. In such a case,
and verifiable goals to the effect that a properly built, that Society is obliged to notify the others of the situation
operated and maintained ship should provide minimal by declaring a reservation to all or part of the UR and
risk to its cargo and crew and to the environment for a provide technical reasons for the reservation. The status
specified operational life. This goal-based approach aims of each UR is posted on the IACS website.
at moving the regulatory framework from a culture of
compliance, governed by prescriptive Rules, to a culture
of benchmarking, backed by functional risk-based C3.3 Common Rules
requirements. It is intended that those goals may be
achieved by alternative designs that offer an equivalent Common Rules are IACS URs covering broad areas of
level of safety, while promoting new technology and classification requirements which, once adopted by IACS
greater innovation within the shipping industry. Council, shall be applied by all Members without the
possibility of reservations.
Within the framework set at the IMO, it is the role of
IACS Members to develop the specific Rule criteria to As defined in Annex 4 of the IACS Charter, IACS
support the goals. It is intended that these Rules will be Common Structural Rules (CSR) are a comprehensive
“common” to all IACS Societies. set of minimum requirements for the classification of
the hull structures of bulk carriers and double-hull oil
Existing Common Rules for hull structures of oil tankers tankers, in relation to which the contract for construction
and bulk carriers were adopted in December 2005 for was signed on or after 1 April 2006.
implementation on 1 April 2006. This was an ambitious
8 Classification societies – What, why and how? IACS Information paper

C3.4 Unified Interpretations The training, qualification and monitoring of surveyors

and auditors is governed by the relevant IACS
As defined in Annex 4 of the IACS Charter, Unified Procedural Requirements.
Interpretations (UIs) are Resolutions on matters arising
from implementing the requirements of IMO instruments.
They provide uniform interpretations of Convention
Regulations or IMO Resolutions on those matters which
in the Convention are left to the satisfaction of the flag
Administration or where more precise wording is found OF SHIPS
to be necessary.

UIs are circulated to the flag Administrations concerned, E1 Framework

as appropriate, and submitted to IMO for information
and any follow-up action. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
(UNCLOS) is an umbrella convention concerned with
UIs shall be applied by Member Societies to ships whose many aspects of the sea and its uses, including the
flag Administration has not issued definite instructions granting of registration of a ship by a State. Once a ship
on the interpretation of the Regulations concerned. is registered, the flag State has certain duties laid out in
UNCLOS. In particular, under Article 94, the flag State
must “effectively exercise its jurisdiction and control in
C3.5 Procedural Requirements administrative, technical and social matters over ships
flying its flag” and take “such measures for ships flying
As defined in Annex 4 of the IACS Charter, IACS its flag as are necessary to ensure safety at sea…..”
Procedural Requirements (PRs) are Resolutions on
technical matters of procedure. Under the auspices of the IMO, International
Conventions have been agreed which set out uniform
Requirements under this category are to be followed requirements in order to facilitate the acceptance of a
by Members and, for parts of some PRs, by the IACS ship registered in one country in the waters and ports
Permanent Secretariat. of another and in the general furtherance of safety
at sea and the protection of the environment. These
PRs adopted shall be incorporated in the practices and requirements are commonly referred to as ‘statutory’
procedures of the Members within the periods agreed. requirements. Broadly, they cover four distinct areas:

1) Aspects of the ship’s design and its structural integrity

C4 Other Publications – load line and stability in the intact and damaged
condition, essential propulsion, steering equipment,
IACS also produces Guidelines and Recommendations, etc.;
not necessarily on matters of class, on issues which
IACS Members consider advice or guidance may be 2) Pollution control with regard to normal ship operation;
beneficial to the industry.
3) Accident prevention, including navigational aids and
pollution and fire prevention;

4) The situation after an accident (fire, flooding) including

D SURVEYORS containment and escape.

Some or all of these may also be covered in a particular

D1 Qualities and qualifications of Surveyors Class Society’s Rules.

SOLAS Ch II-1, Reg 3-1 states that, in addition to

A memorandum of 1834 has not been bettered: the requirements of the other (SOLAS) regulations,
ships shall be designed, constructed and maintained
“The utmost care and discrimination have been exercised in compliance with the structural, mechanical and
by the Committee in the selection of men of talent, electrical requirements of a Classification Society which
integrity, and firmness as Surveyors, on whom the is recognised by the Administration in accordance with
practical efficacy of the system and the contemplated the provisions of regulation XI/1 (see E2 below), or with
advantages must so materially depend; the Committee applicable national standards of the Administration
have in their judgement appointed those persons which provide an equivalent level of safety.
only…who appeared to them to be most competent to
discharge the important duties of their situations with Where the result of the classification survey is taken as
fidelity and ability, and to ensure strict and impartial evidence of compliance with the corresponding statutory
justice to all parties whose property shall come under requirement, e.g. load line or safety construction (hull,
their supervision.” machinery, boilers, electrical equipment, etc.), this survey
9 Classification societies – What, why and how? IACS Information paper

is de facto given the status of a statutory survey on is to be subject to the certification of its quality system
behalf of the flag Administration, if the Society is acting by an independent body of auditors accepted by the
as its recognised organization in this respect. Administration.

When a ship is suspended or withdrawn from class, A.739(18), together with Resolution A.789(19), which
the IACS Member concerned notifies the relevant flag presents specifications on the survey and certification
Administration and publishes the information e.g. on functions of ROs, provides the criteria and framework
its website and on Equasis . As a consequence, the which a flag must be satisfied is met by their ROs.
flag Administration generally invalidates the statutory IACS Members have been found to meet Resolutions
certificates concerning construction and equipment. A.739(18) and A.789(19) by all of the Administrations
(approximately 100) that are Parties to SOLAS.

E2 Recognised Organizations The RO is responsible and accountable to the flag

Administration for the work that it carries out on its
SOLAS and the other International Conventions permit behalf. The principles of the inspection and survey
the flag Administration to delegate the inspection work are to a very large extent the same as in respect
and survey of ships to a Recognised Organization of classification surveys, that is, the verification by
(RO). This is in recognition of the fact that many flag the RO that a ship is in compliance with applicable
Administrations do not have adequate technical requirements at the time of the survey or inspection. The
experience, manpower or global coverage to undertake scopes of these inspections and surveys are laid down
all the necessary statutory inspections and surveys by the relevant national laws based on International
using its own staff. The degree to which a flag State may Conventions to which the Government is a signatory,
choose to delegate authority to a RO (Class Society) is together with additional instructions that may be issued
for each flag State to decide, with the authority granted by the flag Administration.
being clearly identified in the relevant memoranda of IACS Members generally do not undertake ‘statutory’
understanding agreed between the Class Society and work on ships that they do not themselves class. The
the Administration. In most cases the RO is empowered significant exceptions to this policy are International
to require repairs or other corrective action to a ship and Safety Management (ISM) Code and International Ship
to withdraw or invalidate the relevant certificate if the and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code certification
necessary action is not taken (e.g. SOLAS Chapter I, where it may be efficient for a Company to implement
Reg 6). a common Safety Management System (SMS) or Ship
Security Plan (SSP) on a fleet basis as that fleet may be
IMO Resolution A.739(18) lays down mandatory classed by more than one Society. However, systems
minimum requirements for ROs. are in place for the classing Society to inform the owner,
the ISM certifying Society and/or the flag Administration
Fundamentally it requires the organization to in cases where there is reason to doubt the continuing
demonstrate its technical competence and to be effectiveness of the SMS or SSP.
governed by the principles of ethical behaviour. The RO
10 Classification societies – What, why and how? IACS Information paper

• navigation notations;
CLASSIFICATION AND SURVEYS • geographic notations;

• additional class notations.


The following definition applies in respect of the 2.1 Class symbol

membership of IACS.
The main class symbol indicates the compliance of
A Classification Society is an organisation which: the ship with specific Rule requirements regarding its
(i) publishes its own classification Rules (including
technical requirements) in relation to the design,
construction and survey of ships , and has the 2.2 Construction mark
capacity to (a) apply, (b) maintain and (c) update those
Rules and Regulations with its own resources on a The construction mark, when assigned, identifies the
regular basis; procedure under which the ship and its main equipment
or arrangements have been surveyed for initial
(ii) verifies compliance with these Rules during assignment of the class.
construction and periodically during a classed ship’s
service life;
2.3 Service notations
(iii) publishes a register of classed ships;
The service notations, when assigned, define the type
(iv) is not controlled by, and does not have interests and/or service of the ship which has been considered for
in, ship-owners, shipbuilders or others engaged its classification.
commercially in the manufacture, equipping, repair or
operation of ships; and A ship may be assigned several different service
notations. In such case, the specific Rule requirements
(v) is authorised by a Flag Administration as defined applicable to each service notation will have been
in SOLAS Chapter XI-1, Regulation 1 and listed complied with.
accordingly in the IMO database, Global Integrated
Shipping Information System (GISIS).
2.4 Navigation and operating area notations

Navigation notations
Some Classification Societies define limiting areas for
Classification notations are indicative of the specific Rule navigation (e.g. coastal waters, and sheltered waters),
requirements which have been met. Additional voluntary and/or limiting environmental conditions for certain types
notations are offered by individual Societies and may be of ships and marine structures.
selected by an owner wishing to demonstrate that the
vessel conforms to a particular standard that may be in The assignment of restricted navigation notations
excess of that required for classification. Depending on may include the reduction of scantlings or specific
the Classification Society, the classification notations arrangements.
are assigned to the ship according to ship type, service,
navigation and/or other criteria which have been provided The assignment of a navigation notation by Classification
by the owner and/or builder, when requesting classification. Societies does not absolve the owner from compliance
with any applicable international and/or national
Classification notations assigned to a ship are indicated regulations established by the Administrations for ships
on the certificate of classification as well as in the Register operating in national waters, or a specific area, or a
of Ships published by the Society. These notations can be navigation zone.
generalized by the following types which may be used in
combination: Operating or service area notations

• main class symbol; The operating area notation specifies the service area
where the ship (e.g. dredgers, crane pontoons, port tugs)
• construction marks; can operate as regards its assigned class.

• service notations with additional service features, as

11 Classification societies – What, why and how? IACS Information paper

2.5 Additional class notations 3.3 Suspension of class

Each of the Classification Societies has developed a Class may be suspended following a decision made by
series of notations that may be granted to a vessel to the Society when one or more of the following occurs:
indicate that it is in compliance with some additional
voluntary criteria that may be either specific to that • when a ship is not operated in compliance with the
vessel type or that are in excess of the standard Rule requirements;
classification requirements.
• when a ship proceeds to sea with less freeboard than
that assigned;

3 ASSIGNMENT, MAINTENANCE, SUSPENSION • when the owner fails to request a survey after having
AND WITHDRAWAL OF CLASS detected defects or damages affecting the class;

• when repairs, alterations or conversions affecting

3.1 Assignment of class the class are carried out without requesting the
attendance of a surveyor.
Class is assigned to a ship upon the completion of
satisfactory surveys, held to verify that the vessel is in In addition, class is automatically suspended:
compliance with the relevant Rules of the Society. This
assignment may be given in the following cases: • when the class renewal/special survey has not been
completed by its due date or within the time granted
• on completion of the new building, after satisfactory in special circumstances for the completion of the
surveys have been performed; survey, unless the ship is under attendance by the
Society’s surveyor(s) with a view to completion prior to
• on completion of a satisfactory survey of an existing resuming trading;
ship carried out in accordance with the agreement
developed by the IACS Member Societies for ships • when the annual or intermediate surveys have not
transferring class between Members; or been completed by the end of the corresponding
survey time windows.
• on completion of a satisfactory specific class survey
of an existing ship not classed with an IACS Society, Suspension of class with respect to the above cases will
or not classed at all. remain in effect until such time as the due surveys and
any other survey deemed appropriate by the Society
have been completed.
3.2 Maintenance of class
In addition to the circumstances for which automatic
Classed ships are subject to surveys for maintenance suspension may apply, the class of a ship will be
of class. These surveys include the class renewal subject to suspension procedures following a decision
(also called “special survey”), intermediate, annual, of the Society:
and bottom/docking surveys (either a survey in dry
dock or an in-water survey) of the hull, tailshaft survey, • when a recommendation/condition of class is not
boiler survey, machinery surveys and surveys for the dealt with within the time limit specified, unless it is
maintenance of additional class notations, where postponed before the due date by agreement with the
applicable. Such surveys are carried out at the intervals Society;
and under the conditions given below.
• when one or more other surveys are not held by their
The surveys are to be carried out in accordance with due dates - or the dates stipulated by the Society also
the relevant requirements in order to confirm that taking into account any extensions granted;
the condition of the hull, machinery, equipment and
appliances comply with the applicable Rules. It is the • when, due to the nature of reported defects, the
owner’s duty to ensure that the ship’s maintenance Society considers that a ship is not entitled to
is kept at a satisfactory level in order to maintain the retain its class even on a temporary basis (pending
condition between surveys. necessary repairs or renewals, etc.);

The extent of any survey depends upon the condition of • in other circumstances where the owner fails to submit
the ship and its equipment. In addition to the minimum the ship to a survey in accordance with a special
required extent of surveys specified in the Rules, should requirement.
the surveyor have a doubt as to the maintenance or
condition of the ship or its equipment, or be informed by In all cases suspension will remain in effect until such
the owner of any deficiency or damage which may affect time as matters are rectified and the class is reinstated or
class, further examination and testing may be conducted class is withdrawn.
as considered necessary.
12 Classification societies – What, why and how? IACS Information paper

3.5 Notification of suspension or withdrawal

When class is suspended or withdrawn, the Society will

at the same time:

• inform the owner, flag Administration and underwriters

(the latter at their request);

• publish the information on its website and convey the

information to appropriate databases (Equasis, etc.).


4.1 Definitions and procedures related to

classification surveys

Period of certificate of class

The period of the certificate of class starts either from

the date of initial classification or from the credited date
of the last class renewal/special survey, and expires at
the due date assigned for the next class renewal/special

The due date is the end of the time window for that
Depending on the Society’s procedures, the suspensions
of class which are not automatic may take effect either Anniversary date
when they are decided by the Society or from the date
when the conditions for suspension occurred. However The anniversary date is the day and the month given in
once the conditions for class suspension/withdrawal the certificate of class which corresponds to the expiry
are met and before any decision by the Society can be date of the certificate.
taken, either because the Society is not aware of the
circumstances (surveys dates, etc. are recorded but not Survey time window
systematically monitored) or because the decision is
not yet taken, maintenance of class cannot generally be The survey time window is the fixed period during which
confirmed by the Society during this period. the annual and intermediate surveys are to be carried

3.4 Withdrawal of class Overdue surveys

The Society will withdraw the class of a ship when: Each periodical survey is assigned a due date specified
by the relevant Rules by which it is to be completed.
• requested by the owner;
A survey becomes overdue when it has not been
• the class has been suspended for more than six completed by its due date. For example, with an
months; anniversary date of 15th April, the annual survey can
be validly carried out from 16th January to 15th July. If
• the ship is reported as a constructive total loss and not completed by 15th July, the annual survey becomes
the owner does not advise his intention to repair the overdue and class will be suspended automatically.
ship for re-instatement of class;
Recommendations/Conditions of Class
• the ship is reported lost;
‘Recommendation’ and ‘Condition of Class’ are different
• the ship will not trade further as declared by its owner. terms used by IACS Societies for the same thing, i.e.
requirements to the effect that specific measures,
Withdrawal of class takes effect from the date on which repairs, surveys etc. are to be carried out within a
the circumstances causing such withdrawal occur or specific time limit in order to retain class.
when it is decided.
13 Classification societies – What, why and how? IACS Information paper

Memoranda surveyor(s) the ship is in a general condition which

satisfies the Rule requirements.
Other information of assistance to the surveyor and
owners may be recorded as ‘memoranda’ or a similar Intermediate survey
term. They may, for example, include notes concerning
materials and other constructional information. A An intermediate survey is to be carried out within the
memorandum may also define a condition which, though window from three months before the second to three
deviating from the technical standard, does not affect the months after the third anniversary date.
class (e.g. slight indents in the shell which do not have
an effect upon the overall strength of the hull or minor The intermediate survey includes examinations and
deficiencies, which do not affect the operational safety of checks on the structure as specified in the Rules to verify
the machinery). that the vessel is in compliance with the applicable Rule
requirements. The Rule criteria become more stringent
In addition, memoranda could define recurring survey with age.
requirements, such as annual survey of specified spaces,
or retrofit requirements, which have the de-facto effect of According to the type and age of the ship the
conditions of class. examinations of the hull may be supplemented by
thickness measurements as specified in the Rules and
Specific questions in relation to the meaning of where deemed necessary by the attending surveyor.
memoranda / recommendations / conditions of class are
to be addressed to the Classification Society concerned Bottom / Docking survey
though the owner of the ship.
A bottom/docking survey is the examination of the
outside of the ship’s hull and related items.
4.2 Class surveys periodicity and scope
This examination may be carried out with the ship either
Class renewal survey / special survey in dry dock (or on a slipway) or afloat: in the former case
the survey will be referred to as dry-docking survey,
Class renewal surveys/special surveys are carried out at while in the latter case as in-water survey. The conditions
five-year intervals. However, consideration may be given for acceptance of an in-water survey in lieu of a dry-
by the Society, in exceptional circumstances, to granting docking survey will depend on the type and age of the
an extension for a maximum period of three months after ship and the previous history.
the due date. In such cases the next period of class will
start from the due date for the previous class renewal The outside of the ship’s hull and related items are to
survey before the extension was granted. be examined on two occasions in the five-year period
of the certificate of class with a maximum of 36 months
The special survey may be commenced at the 4th annual between surveys.
survey and be progressed with a view to completion by
the 5th anniversary date. One of the two bottom/docking surveys to be performed
in the five-year period is to be concurrent with the class
The class renewal surveys/special surveys include renewal/special survey.
extensive examinations to verify that the structure,
main and essential auxiliary machinery, systems and For ships subject to the Enhanced Survey Programme
equipment of the ship are in a condition which satisfies (ESP) and 15 years of age and above, the intermediate
the relevant Rules. The examinations of the hull are bottom/docking survey is to be carried out in a dry-dock.
generally supplemented by thickness measurements
and witnessing of tests as specified in the Rules, and as Tailshaft survey
deemed necessary by the attending surveyor, to assess
that the structural condition remains effective and to help A tailshaft survey is the survey of screwshafts and tube
identify substantial corrosion, significant deformation, shafts (hereafter referred to as tailshafts) and the stern
fractures, damages or other structural deterioration. bearing.

Annual survey The different types of surveys to which tailshafts may be

subjected and the intervals are:
Annual surveys are to be carried out within a window
from three months before to three months after each • complete survey;
anniversary date.
• modified survey;
At the time of annual surveys, the ship is generally
examined. The survey includes an inspection of the • partial survey.
hull, equipment and machinery of the ship and some
witnessing of tests, so far as is necessary and practical
in order to verify that, in the opinion of the attending
14 Classification societies – What, why and how? IACS Information paper

Tailshaft complete survey detachment or fracture), or extensive areas of wastage

over the allowable limits, which affects or, in the opinion
Tailshafts are to be submitted to complete examination of the surveyor, will affect the vessel’s structural,
at a periodicity based on the type of shaft and its watertight or weathertight integrity, is to be promptly and
design. “Complete” means that the shaft is drawn thoroughly repaired thereby removing the need for the
up for examination or that other equivalent means of imposition of any associated condition of classification.
examination are provided. Otherwise, damages and partial or temporary repairs
considered acceptable by the surveyor for a limited
Tailshaft modified survey period of time are covered by the issuance of an
appropriate recommendation/condition of class.
A modified survey of the tailshaft is an examination
which may be accepted at alternate five-yearly surveys Damages or repairs required by the surveyor to be re-
for tailshafts provided that the shaft arrangement is in examined after a certain period of time are also covered
accordance with specific requirements. by an appropriate recommendation/condition of class.

Tailshaft partial survey

4.3 Class certificate
A partial survey allows a postponement of the complete
survey, having a periodicity of 5 years, for 2.5 years. Issue of the certificate of classification

Boiler surveys A certificate of classification, bearing the class notations

assigned to the ship and an expiry date, is issued to
Boilers and thermal oil heaters are to be surveyed twice all classed ships. This certificate may also be provided
in every five-year period. The periodicity of the boiler with annexes supplying information sufficient for the
survey is normally 2.5 years. management of the certificate, for determining the class
surveys date and for immediate assessment of possible
Steam boilers, superheaters and economisers are irregularities (overdue recommendations, etc.).
examined internally and externally. To this end,
boilers are to be drained and suitably prepared for the An interim/provisional certificate of classification may
examination of the water-steam side and the fire side. serve as a certificate of classification in certain situations
Where necessary, the external surfaces are to be made when deemed necessary by the Society.
accessible for inspection by removal of insulation and
lining. Validity of the certificate of classification

Non-periodical surveys A certificate of classification, properly endorsed, is valid

until the expiry date unless advised otherwise by the
Such surveys are carried out for example: Society or provided there are no grounds for suspension
or withdrawal of class.
• to update classification documents (e.g. change of
owner, name of the ship, change of flag); Endorsement of the certificate of classification

• to deal with damage or suspected damage, When annual and intermediate surveys are satisfactorily
repair or renewal work, alterations or conversion, completed, the certificate of classification is:
postponement of surveys or outstanding
recommendations/conditions of class; • endorsed for the periodical surveys;

• At the time of port State control inspections. • according to the practice of some Societies, endorsed
accordingly with the relevant entries in the appropriate
In the event of damage which affects or may affect the annexes attached to the certificate concerning the
class of the ship, the owner is to advise the Society outstanding recommendations/conditions of class, if
without delay. any, and/or the surveys held.

Arrangements are then made at the earliest opportunity Where applicable, memoranda are also endorsed in the
for a surveyor to attend and ascertain the extent of the appropriate annex.
damage and determine if it is such that the vessel no
longer complies with the applicable Rule requirements.
Following repair, the surveyor will again assess the status 4.4 Definitions and procedures related to
of the vessel to determine if it has been returned to a statutory surveys and inspections
condition that is in compliance with the applicable Rule
requirements. General

Any damage in association with wastage over A number of the Conventions require an initial survey
the allowable limits (including buckling, grooving, before a vessel is put in service for the first time and
15 Classification societies – What, why and how? IACS Information paper

receives its first certificate, and a certificate renewal Intermediate statutory survey
survey at one, two or five year intervals thereafter,
depending on the certificate and type of ship. In addition, An intermediate survey is an inspection of specified
for those certificates valid for more than one year, items relevant to the particular certificate to confirm that
surveys at annual intervals are required, one of which, they are in satisfactory condition. Depending on the
at approximately half way and termed ‘intermediate’, certificate concerned and the age of the ship, the scope
may be of greater extent than an ordinary ‘annual’. may range from that of an annual to the equivalent of a
The ‘Harmonised System of Survey and Certification’ renewal survey.
(HSSC) implemented by many Administrations under
IMO resolution A.997(25), as amended, brings all Periodical statutory survey
SOLAS (except for passenger ships), MARPOL and
Load Line Convention surveys into a five-year cycle. Periodical surveys generally take the place of renewal
With respect of safety equipment surveys, HSSC uses surveys for those certificates which previously were
the term ‘periodical’ instead of ‘intermediate’, and for renewed after one or two years. However, in the case of
radio, ‘periodical’ instead of ‘annual’. These latter take a Load Line Certificate which is issued on behalf of, or
the place of the renewal surveys held under the shorter by, flag Administrations that have not implemented the
certificate renewal cycles. harmonised system of survey and certification, the five-
year renewal survey may be referred to as the ‘periodical’
The scope of survey can generally be harmonized with survey.
the extents of the classification surveys detailed above
and, as far as possible, are held concurrently with them.
4.5 Statutory certificates
The scope of each statutory survey or inspection is laid
down by IMO resolutions and generally increases with Authorisation
age. It is to include sufficiently extensive examinations
and checks to verify that the structure, machinery, Statutory certificates are issued by the RO in
systems and relevant equipment such as the life saving, accordance with the terms of its recognition by the flag
fire fighting or pollution prevention equipment are in Administration. Variation of the delegation of statutory
a satisfactory condition and in compliance with the authority or certificates that can be issued by the RO
applicable standards. exists between Administrations. The Administration
should be contacted for specific details of the
Between surveys, the Conventions require the flag authorization.
Administration to make it compulsory for the owner to
maintain the ship in conformance with the regulations Issue, endorsement and withdrawal
so that the ship will remain fit to proceed to sea without
danger to the ship or persons on board or unreasonable A certificate is issued or endorsed after the relevant
threat of harm to the marine environment. surveys are passed. A certificate may be issued, valid
Initial statutory survey for a short time period, listing corrective action to be
rectified for minor deficiencies which do not prevent the
An initial survey is an inspection of the design and issuance of a certificate to the ship.
construction of the relevant structure, machinery and
equipment of the ship to verify that it complies with the For most Conventions, the Administration empowers the
requirements of the applicable regulations. RO to withdraw or invalidate a certificate if the required
corrective action is not taken.
Renewal statutory survey

A renewal survey is an inspection of the structure,

machinery and/or equipment, as applicable, to
verify that their condition is in compliance with the
requirements of the regulations. Modifications to the
ship having a bearing on the conformity of the vessel to
the requirements are to be declared by the owner and

Annual statutory survey

An annual survey, in principle, includes a general

inspection of the relevant structure and equipment
of the ship to confirm that it has been maintained in
accordance with the regulations and is in satisfactory
16 Classification societies – What, why and how? IACS Information paper


1 The Members of IACS

The criteria for membership of IACS are given in the

IACS Charter which can be found on the IACS website
at ‘IACS explained’

The Members are:

ABS American Bureau of Shipping

KR Korean Register

BV Bureau Veritas

LR Lloyd’s Register

CCS China Classification Society

NK Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK)

CRS Croatian Register of Shipping

PRS Polish Register of Shipping



IRS Indian Register of Shipping

RS Russian Maritime Register of Shipping

The current membership of IACS, together with website

links, can be found on the IACS website at ‘IACS
explained > Members’

2 IACS Permanent Secretariat

4 Matthew Parker Street

Westminster, London SW1H 9NP
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 0660
E-mail: [email protected]

© IACS 2020 subject to the terms and conditions shown on the IACS

Corr Aug 2005, Jan 2006, Feb 2007, Sept 2008

Updated March 2011. Additions June 2011 (CRS and PRS).
Updated January 2015. Merger of DNV & GL.
Updated October 2020. Name change for KR.

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