Structural Design (Type B) : Building Elements As Per Submitted Design Remark

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Building Elements As Per Submitted Design Remark


Building Structure Type  Frame Structure

Number of storeys applied for permit (in Nos.) 2 and half

Number of storeys considered in structural design (in Nos.) 2 and half

If Computer Aided Design (CAD) is used, please State the ETABS 2016
name of the software package

Number of storeys considered in the design provision for  No

further extension

Total height (h) of structure with extension(in m) 10.36


Materials to be used in structure(tick the listed materials that  Brick Masonry

will be used in structure element)  RCC(Reinforcement Bar)
NBC 102-1994 Unit Weight of Materials

Specify the design unit weight of materials: RCC (in kN/m3) 25

Specify the design unit weight of materials: Brick Masonry (in 19.2

NBC 103-1994 Occupancy Load (Imposed Load)

For Residential buildings

Occupancy Load (Uniformly Distributed load in kN/m2) for 2


Occupancy Load (Uniformly Distributed load in kN/m2) for 3

Corridors, Staircase

NBC 104-1994 Wind load

Wind Zone 1

Basic wind speed (in m/s) 47

NBC 105-1994 Seismic Design of Buildings in Nepal

 Seismic Coefficient
Method adopted for earthquake resistant design Approach
Adopted Code for Seismic Design  IS 1893
 Type II
Seismic Weight (W) (in kN) 3284.10 KN
Fundamental Time Period of the building along X (Tx)(in 0.275

Fundamental Time Period of the building along Y(Ty)(in 0.28


Seismic zoning factor (Z) 0.36

Importance Factor (I) 1

Response reduction factor (R) 5

Spectral acceleration coefficient (Sa/g) along X 2.5

Spectral acceleration coefficient (Sa/g) along Y 2.5

Design Horizontal Seismic Coefficient Along X (Ah) 0.09

Design Horizontal Seismic Coefficient Along Y (Ah) 0.09

Base Shear(VB) for Seismic Coefficient Along X 295.57 KN

Base Shear(VB) for Seismic Coefficient Along Y 295.57 KN

Maximum Inter-storey Drift 0.00228

Corresponding Storey height for Maximum Inter- Storey Drift 2.84

(h) (in m)

NBC 106-1994 Snow Load

Snowfall type or condition  No snowfall

NBC 107-1994 Provisional Recommendation on Fire Safety

Have you considered fire safety requirement?  Yes

NBC 108-1994 Site Consideration for Seismic Hazards

Whether Distance of construction site from  No

toe/beginning of downward slope is within 50m?

Whether Distance of construction site from river bank is  No

within 50m?

Availability of soil test report  No

NBC 114-1994 Construction Safety

Are you sure that all safety measures will be fulfilled in the  Yes
construction site as per this code?

 Safety hard hat

 Safety goggles
Safety wares used  Safety boots
 Safety belts
 First aid facility

Structural Data for Framed RCC Structure

NBC 110-1994 Plain and Reinforced Concrete

Concrete grade in structure  M20

Reinforcement Steel Grade  Fe-500

Slab design

 short edge
Effective Thickness of slab (d) (in mm) 100

Short span of Critical slab panel (L) (in mm) 4190

Calculated short span to effective depth ratio (L/d) for the 41.90
corresponding slab

Basic (L/d) ratio 23

Required Tension reinforcement(Ast) 0.3

Percentage(%) for short span bottom reinforcement

Provided Tension reinforcement(Ast) Percentage (%) for short 0.418

span bottom reinforcement

Actual Modification factor for tension reinforcement 1.78

Check for Critical beam

Effective depth of beam (d) (in mm) 317

Critical span (L) (in mm) 4540

 One side continuous
Basic (L/d) ratio 20

Calculated critical span to effective depth ratio (L/d) for 14.32

corresponding slab

Check for Critical Column

Critical column height 2.84

Minimum size of column (mm x mm) 300x300

Short column effect considered or not  Yes

 No

Minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement provided (%) 1.79

Design Philosophy Limit state method

Load Combinations

1: DL 1.5

1: LL 1.5

2: DL 1.2

2: LL 1.2

2: EQ 1.2

3: DL 1.5

3: EQ 1.5

4: DL 0.9

4: EQ 1.5

Whether sample design calculations of foundations, columns,  Yes

beams and slabsare submitted

 Isolated,combined,Strap
Type of Foundations

Depth of foundation from ground level to the bottom of 1.5

footing (in m)

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