Structural Analysis of Residential Building
Structural Analysis of Residential Building
Structural Analysis of Residential Building
Residential Building
Structural Analysis By: Owner Name:
NEC Reg:
BM Reg: Location:
April , 2019
Table of Content
1. INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................1
2. BUILDING DETAILS...................................................................................................................1
3. MATERIALS..................................................................................................................................1
3.1 Concrete 1
3.2 Steel 1
3.3 Non-Structural Components 1
4. DESIGN PARAMETERS..............................................................................................................2
4.1 Unit Weight2
4.2 Live Load 2
4.3 Seismic Parameters 2
5. RELEVANT CODES FOLLOWED.............................................................................................2
6. LOAD ON STRUCTURES............................................................................................................2
6.1 Dead Load 2
6.2 Live Loads or Imposed Loads 2
6.3 Seismic Load 3
7. LOAD COMBINATION................................................................................................................3
8. STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS..........................................................................................................3
9. DESIGN METHODS OF STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS............................................................3
10. DETAILING OF THE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS................................................................3
This report summarizes structural analysis and design of a residential building located in
Bhaktapur City. The analysis and design is based on prevailing codes that are practiced
in Nepal, NBC and IS codes.
Building type: Residential Building
Location: Chundevi , Bhaktapur
Plot no.:
Land area: 2053.30 sq.ft
Plinth area: 270sq.ft
Type of structure: RCC framed structure
Storey: storey
Storey height: 2.6 m
Total Height: 2.6 m
Exterior wall: 230 mm
Partition wall: 100 mm
Reinforced cement concrete (RCC) is used as the major structural material. The concrete
grades used are M25 as per Indian standard specification, and steel of grade Fe 500 is
3.1 Concrete
Grade : M20
Characteristic compressive strength : 20 MPa
Unit Wt of RCC : 25 KN/m3
Young’s modulus of Elasticity (E) : 5,000√fck
: 25,000.00 N/mm2 for M25
3.2 Steel
Grade Fe 500 (for both longitudinal and shear reinforcement)
The following Loads were assumed to act on the Structural System.
a. Dead Load (DL)
g. Live Load (LL)
h. Seismic Load (E)
According to IS 1893:2002, the following Load Combinations are used for analysis of
critical conditions.
Load Combination and Load Factors used:
a. 1.5 DL + 1.5 LL
b. 1.2DL + 1.2 LL + 1.2 EX
c. 1.2DL + 1.2 LL - 1.2 EX
d. 1.2DL + 1.2 LL + 1.2 EZ
e. 1.2DL + 1.2 LL - 1.2 EZ
f. 1.5 DL +1.5 EX
g. 1.5 DL -1.5 EX
h. 1.5 DL +1.5 EZ
i. 1.5 DL -1.5 EZ
j. 0.9 DL +1.5 EX
k. 0.9 DL -1.5 EX
l. 0.9 DL +1.5 EZ
m. 0.9 DL -1.5 EZ
The Structure is analyzed and designed using ETABS V15. The structure is modeled as a
three dimensional frame. Elastic analysis has been performed assuming homogenous,
isotropic and linear material properties.
Therefore, V= 14.54 KN
Input Data Figures
3D view
Figure 1: Beam and column A-A labels
Figure 2: Beam and column at B-B levels
Wall Load Assigned (3D View)
Output Data Results
Figure 3: Axial force diagram (DCON 2-2)
Figure 6: Bending moment (3-3 Diagram) due to DCON2
Figure: Detail reinforcement A-A (mm)
Figure: Detail reinforcement B-B (mm)
Figure: Detail reinforcement 1-1 (mm)
Figure: Detail reinforcement 2-2 (mm)
Sample Design of Slab
Design Data
fck = 20 N/mm2
fy = 500 N/mm2
Dimensions of the slab (c/c distance betn supports),
Length of short span, lx = 2.59 m
Length of long span, ly = 3.81 m
Width of the supporting beam, = 230 mm
Clear cover to main reinforcement = 15 mm
Assume dia. of reinforcement steel = 8 mm
Assume the thickness of slab as 125 mm ;
Effective depth, deff = 106 mm
Effective span, Lx = 2.59 m
ly = 3.8
(ly / lx) = 1.47 < 2; Here, (ly / lx) is less than 2
Hence design the slab as two way slab
Load Calculations
Dead Load of slab = 0.125 x 25 = 3.13 KN/m2
Finishes load on slab = 1.00 KN/m2
Total Dead load acting on the slab = 4.13 KN/m2
Live Load on slab = 2.0 KN/m2
Factored Design Load, W = 9.20 KN/m2
Moment Calculation
Max. BM per unit width, Mx = ax w lx2 & My = ay w lx2