COT LP Decentralization
COT LP Decentralization
COT LP Decentralization
Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to explain the roles of different political institutions.
Learning Competencies: The learners are expected to examine how decentralization affects
Objective: At the end of the lesson, the students are able to identify and discuss the four (4) benefits
of Decentralization to governance.
Subject Matter
Topic: The 4 Benefits of Decentralization to Governance
Reference: Learner’s Materials, Politics and Governance by Dionisio C. Rivas
Materials : power point slides, tv monitor, laptop, manila paper, meta cards , pentel pen
Skills Integration: Identifying and performing skills, reporting(communicational skills), ICT
Values: Participation and cooperation
Subject Integration: English (sentence construction and comprehension)
I. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities ( 3 minutes)
Greetings /Checking of Attendance
Classroom Management
B. Review (3 minutes)
Name it! – Let the students identify the basic programs and services in the Local
Government Unit that is shown in the picture.
C. Motivation ( 3 minutes)
Let the students answer the following questions.
1. Are the basic programs and services you have identified, had helped you during
this time of pandemic? In what way?
2. Follow-up question, arrange the entangled letters – ETBNFSI ?
E. Application : (5 minutes)
Group Activity: Scavenger Hunt
Maintain Groupings
Go back to your first activity. Write down your answers in 4 columns
according to the four benefits of decentralization to governance.
Use the manila paper you prepared in the first activity.
Group Presentations: The teacher will give feedback after every presentation.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
F. Generalization (3 minutes)
Call students to pick paper with corresponding color. In the paper is the topic that
they are going to give an insight (What is it? What they have learned?)
Color blue– Better delivery of services
Color red – Fosters state-citizen relationship
Color yellow – Promotes democratization
Color white – Shapes local development
III. EVALUATION:(5 minutes)
Prepare ¼ sheet of prepare. Identify what benefit of decentralization to governance:
Better delivery of services
Fosters state-citizen relationship
Promotes Democratization
Shapes Local Development
Key to Answer:
Group Activity – #BenefitsofDecentralization
Maintain groupings.
Using your laptops, create a blog to showcase the benefits of decentralization.
Prepared by:
Checked and observed by:
Teacher I
Master Teacher I