Lennard Jones Param
Lennard Jones Param
Lennard Jones Param
Appendix A
Conversion Factors
The following table expresses the definitions of miscellaneous units of
measure as exact numerical multiples of coherent SI units, and provides
multiplying factors for converting numbers and miscellaneous units to
corresponding new numbers and SI units.
The digits of each numerical entry following E represent a power of 10.
An asterisk preceding each number expresses an exact definition. For
example, the entry "*2.54E-2" expresses the fact that 1 inch=2.54x 10- 2
meter, exactly, by definition. Most of the definitions are extracted from
National Bureau of Standards documents. Numbers not preceded by an
asterisk are only approximate representations of definitions, or are the results
of physical measurements.
This appendix was abstracted from The International Systems of Units-Physical Constants
and Conversion Factors. E.A. Mechtly, Second Revision. NASA SP-7012, Washington, D.C.
(1973). Permission to use this material was obtained from the Scientific and Technical Informa-
tion Office, NASA, Washington, D.C.
Table A.l
To convert from: to: multiply by:
300 Appendix A
Table B.l. Intermolecular Force Parameters and Critical Properties, p. 301
Table B.2. Leonard-Jones Patentials as Determined from Viscosity Data,
p. 303
Table B.3. Stockmayer-Potential Parameters, p. 305
Table B.4. Values of the Collision Integral Q v for Viscosity Based on the
Leonard-Jones Potential, p. 306
Table B.S. Values of the Collision Integral !lv Based on the Leonard-
Jones Potential, p. 307
Table B.6. Collision Integrals Q. for Viscosity as Calculated by Use of
the Stockmayer Potential, p. 308
Notation for the Tables, p. 309
References for the Tables, p. 309
parametersb Critical constants'
weight (5 e/K I; p, V, X 10 3
Substance M (A) (K) (K) (atm) (m 3 kmol- 1 )
Light elements
H2 2.016 2.915 38.0 33.3 12.80 65.0
He 4.003 2.576 10.2 5.26 2.26 57.8
continued overleaf"
302 Appendix B
parameters• Critical constants'
Molecular ------ ---~---·--
weight (J e/K I; p, V, X 10 3
Substance M (Al (K) (K) (atm) (m 3 kmol- 1)
Noble gases
Ne 20.183 2.789 35.7 44.5 26.9 41.7
Ar 39.944 3.418 124. 151. 48.0 75.2
Kr 83.80 3.498 225. 209.4 54.3 92.2
Xe 131.3 4.055 229. 289.8 58.0 118.8
CH 4 16.04 3.822 137. 190.7 45.8 99.3
CzHz 26.04 4.221 185. 309.5 61.6 113.
CzH• 28.05 4.232 205. 282.4 50.0 124.
CzH6 30.07 4.418 230. 305.4 48.2 148.
C3H6 42.08 365.0 45.5 181.
C3H 8 44.09 5.061 254. 370.0 42.0 200.
n-C.H,o 58.12 425.2 37.5 255.
i-C 4 H, 0 58.12 5.341 313. 408.1 36.0 263.
n-C 5 H,z 72.15 5.769 345. 469.8 33.3 311.
IJ-C6H14 86.17 5.909 413. 507.9 29.9 368.
n-C7H, 6 100.20 540.2 27.0 426.
n-C 8 H, 8 114.22 7.451 320. 569.4 24.6 485.
n-C 9 Hzo 128.25 595.0 22.5 543.
Cyclohexane 84.16 6.093 324. 553. 40.0 308.
C6 H 6 78.11 5.270 440. 562.6 48.6 260.
Appendix B 303
parameters• Critical constants'
weight (J B/K 7;, p, J!; X 10 3
Substance M (AJ (K) (K) (atm) (m 3 kmol- 1 )
b0 x 10 3
Molecule Compound (m 3 kmol- 1 ) a(A) B/k (K)
b0 x 10 3
Molecule Compound (m 3 kmol- 1 ) a(A) ejk (K)
b 0 x 10 3
Molecule Compound (m 3 kmol-I) u(A) o/k (K)
"R. A. Svehla. NASA Techmcal Report R-132, Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio (1962); table used
with permissiOn from Reid and Sherwood.' 21
'b 0 =~nN 0 a 3 , where N 0 is Avogadro's number.
'The potential a was determined by quantum mechanical formulas.
moment <T o/k b0 x 10 3
Molecule 11 (debyes) (A) (K) (m 3 kmoJ-I) bmax
movement () &/k b0 x 10 3
Molecule J1 (debyes) (Al (K) (m 3 kmo1- 1 ) <}max
"L. Monchick and E. A. Mason. J. Chern. Phys. 35. 1676 (1961); table used with
permission from Reid and Sherwood.<2>
"From G. A. Bottomley and T. H. Spurling. Austral. J. Chern. 16. I (1963). Monchick
and Mason show that a=4.50 A; r.fk=549 K.
kT/e kT/e
Table B.6. Collision Integrals D.vfor Viscosity as Calculated by Use of the Stockmayer
"L. Monchick and E. A. Mason. J. Chern. Phys. 35, 1676 (1961); table used with permission from Re1d and
Sherwood. 121
'T*=kT/a.li=(dipole moment) 2/2a 0 a 3
'The values offl, m this column differ slightly from values in Table B.1 at low values ofT*.
Appendix B 309
f = n f +1tj2
P(e) sine de co·s 2 e
= 2n 0
P(e) sin e cos 2 e de (1)
b =n f-"
P(e) sine de cos 2 e
*Sneh Anjali Varma, Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Mechanical and Industrial
Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
312 Appendix C
= 2n f"
P((}) cos 2 (} sin (} d(} (2)
and loss in intensity due to scattering by the matter in the small volume is
The fraction of scattered radiation in the direction of the forward-
directed intensity vector is f K.I: and the rest is scattered in other directions,
and thus considered lost. The net lost scattered radiation is then
-(1-.f)K.J: (7)
Similarly, there will be an addition to the forward-directed intensity by
the backward-scattering component of intensity vector I;, moving in the
opposite direction. This increase is
+bK.I; (8)
The intensities traveling perpendicular to the z-direction will contribute
a fraction of their out-scattered radiation to the positive z-direction, given
Appendix C 313
HR •.fi.)
Figure 1. Volume element for radiative analysis. (a) The angular distribution of intensity.
(b) The distribution of intensity in six discrete components.
in terms of s, as
There will also be a contribution to intensity in the positive z-direction
by the radiation emitted by matter in the small volume. Considering this
emitted radiation to be uniformly distributed in all directions, it may be
represented by six equal, discrete components in the six orthogonal direc-
tions. Thus, the contribution of emitted radiation in the positive z-direction is
Summing up all the above terms, an energy balance for radiative trans-
port in the positive z-direction is given as
dl: /dz= -Kai: -(1-f)K.I: +bK.I; +SK.(I: +I; +Iii +Ii)
+(Ka/6)Ib(T) (11)
314 Appendix C
r: rn s:
dashed lines about the symmetry axis to give
-(8/8r)[rr(84>/8r)]-rS<1>} dx dr d~ 3 =0 (1)
where the third coordinate, ~ 3 , has the integration limits of 0 to 1 radians
for convenience instead of 0 to 2n radians, because of assumed axial sym-
Considering the first convection term in Eq. (1)
f Xe
(8/8xXpur4>) dx dr d~3
and noting that all properties are uniform in the third direction, performing
two formal integrations gives
f rn
[purc/> J: dr
where e and w represent the expression to be evaluated at the east and west
faces, respectively. As with any finite-difference development, the derivation
318 Appendix D
• • •
nw n ne
we :e
L ----- - ---- - - - _J
sw s se
sw • •
5 • SE
is somewhat arbitrary; the following method yields the most accurate results.
From the mean-value theorem:
shown by considering
A,= f rn
rdrdC 3 =(r;-r;)/2
'n 0
A,= (rn -r.)(rn + r.)/2 = rp(rn -r.)
Furthermore, since re = r w• these areas are equal and only one symbol will be
The numerical procedure TEACH< 1 l employs a staggered grid system,< 2 l
where the velocities are stored midway between the grid lines; that is, at
the exact locations which are required. The first convection term [Eq. (3)]
320 Appendix D
f xefrn Jf
Xw rs
(o/or)(pvr¢) dx dr d~ 3
Again, two integrations can be performed formally to give
[pvr¢ ]~ dx
and in this case are different, and hence the convection coefficients are defined
CN = PnVnAn = (PN + pp)VNAn/2
Cs = p,v,A, = (Ps + pp)VpA,/2
Therefore the final form of a second convection term of the ¢-equation
CNfN¢N-Cs(1-fs)¢s + [CN(l-fN)-Csfs]cPP (11)
r: f {
Considering the diffusion terms in Eq. (1) separately
and integrating twice gives
f frn il
Finally, considering the source terms in Eq. (1):
rS<I> dx dr d~ 3
xw r5 0
One of the major techniques responsible for success of the TEACH formulation
f frn il
is to express this source term as linear in the dependent variable. Thus
rS<I> dx dr d~ 3 =St+SicJ>P (14)
Xw rs 0
l. A.D. Gosman and W.M. Pun, Lecture notes for course entitled "Calculation of Recirculating
Flows," Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, Report No. HTS/74/2 (1974).
2. J.J. Wormeck, Computer Modeling of Turbulent Combustion in a Longwell Jet-Stirred
Reactor, Ph.D. Dissertation, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington (1976).
3. P.J. Roache, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Hermosa Publishers, Albuquerque, New
Mexico (1972).
326 Index