Series 90: 42cc Axial Piston Pump

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Parts Manual

Series 90
42cc Axial Piston Pump

F20 D10

D75 D60

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump

2 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump

General information Service parts identification.................................................................................................................. 4

Nameplate................................................................................................................................................. 4
Date code................................................................................................................................................... 5
Service bulletins...................................................................................................................................... 5
Procedure to identify a part................................................................................................................ 5
Abobe Acrobat 2-page viewing......................................................................................................... 6
Order code................................................................................................................................................. 7

Variable displacement
pump Common parts..................................................................................................................................... 8-9
Special hardware............................................................................................................................ 10-23
Displacement limitation.............................................................................................................. 24-33
End cap.............................................................................................................................................. 34-35
Charging system............................................................................................................................. 36-37
Auxiliary mounting........................................................................................................................ 38-41
Charge pressure setting............................................................................................................... 42-43
Shaft.................................................................................................................................................... 42-43
Control............................................................................................................................................... 44-67
Filtration............................................................................................................................................ 68-69
High pressure protection............................................................................................................ 70-73
Orifice................................................................................................................................................. 74-85
Overhaul seal kit....................................................................................................................................86

Service bulletin
SB-1988-023 (piston improvement)...............................................................................................89
SB-1989-002 (incorporation of adjustable charge relief valve)............................................90
SB-1992-008 (pump redesign).................................................................................................. 92-93
SB-1993-002 (HDC gasket change).................................................................................................94
SB-1993-012 (removal of valve plate from cylinder block kit)..............................................95
SB-1993-015 (servo arm/speed ring interference)....................................................................96
SB-1994-018 (side cover washer elimination).............................................................................97
SB-1995-002 (charge pump shaft key change)..........................................................................98
SB-1995-003 (MDC w/electric solenoid override manifold change)..................................99
SB-1995-004 (charge pump design change)................................................................... 100-101
SB-1995-005 (obsolete servo system parts)............................................................................. 102
SB-1995-006 (end cap screw size change)................................................................................ 103
SB-1995-026 ((valve plate part number change).................................................................... 104
SB-1996-004 (side cover design change).................................................................................. 105
SB-1997-014 (charge pump shaft part number change)..................................................... 106
SB-1999-041 (side cover insert material change)................................................................... 107
SB-2002-016 (swashplate change)............................................................................................... 105
SB-2005-011 (auxiliary flange charge pump cover).............................................................. 106
SB-2009-074 (A auxiliary pad)....................................................................................................... 107
SB-2009-075 (B auxiliary pad)........................................................................................................ 108
SB-2009-076 (C auxiliary pad)........................................................................................................ 109
SB-2011-025 (coupling change)................................................................................................... 110
SB-2015--031 (charge pump shaft).............................................................................................. 111

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 3

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump

General information

Service parts The following information and procedure is used to identify the module group, item
indentification number, manufacture date, part number, and part name of the parts included in the Series
90, 42 cc variable displacement pumps.

The parts listed include all parts which may be used when performing either “Minor
Repairs”, “Major Repairs” or “Conversions” on the Series 90, 42 cc pump.

Nameplate Each unit will have a nameplate affixed to

the housing. The nameplate will include the
following information.

Model Number
The Sauer-Danfoss model number is used by
the factory in manufacturing. On repeat orders,
a complete unit can be ordered by the model
Model No./Ident No. 80005948
Model Code Model Code 90R042 MA 5 NN
The Sauer-Danfoss model code completely 80 P 3 C3 B C5
defines the specific unit and must be used GBA 38 38 24
when ordering parts to service this product. Serial No. N-01-16-23456

Serial Number
The Sauer-Danfoss serial number is used to Made in Germany
identify the manufacture date and the unit
sequence in the build. The serial number is also
used to identify the units warranty time period.

The letter code indicates the location of original

manufacture (assembly). “A” indicates the unit
was originally assembled in Ames, Iowa, USA.
“N” indicates the unit was originally assembled
in Neumunster, Germany.

The first number (2 digits) indicates the year of

manufacture. (“01” would indicate the unit was
manufactured in 2001)

The second number (2 digits) indicates the

calendar week of manufacture.

The third number (5 digits) is a sequential

number used to identify a specific unit.

4 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump

General information

Date code The date code is defined as the year and week of manufacture. The same item number
may list more than one part number. This indicates that there is more than one
configuration for that item number. You will see that there are different date codes for the
different part numbers. Find the date code of your unit from the nameplate to determine
which service part number you need to order.

EXAMPLE: The service part desired is Item E10

Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
80 E10 92-19 746107 Side cover 1
G30 89-41 92-18 340133 Side cover (SB-1992-003) 1

All units using this order code with a date code of 89-41 and up to and including 92-18,
must use part number “340133”. All units with a date code of 92-19 and newer must use
part number “746107.”

Service bulletins A Service Bulletin Number (SB-_ _ _ _ - _ _ _) may follow the “Part Name” of the part you
desire. You must read that Service Bulletin prior to ordering that part. The information
contained in these Service Bulletins, as of the print date of this bulletin, are included
at the end of this manual. Service Bulletins contain more detailed information such as
interchangeability, what additional parts are involved, etc. It is suggested that you add
additional Service Bulletins to this manual as you recieve them.

Procedure to identify a General

part The modular design of Series 90 units results in a simplified service parts list and part
number identification procedure.

The same item numbers are used for same part names on all units within a product type.
(Example: The lip seal - Item L40 has the same item number on all pumps.)

A part number that has another number following it in parentheses is done to make this
a world wide manual. The first number is sold in Germany. The number in parentheses
is sold in the United States. (Example: 001149 (9004201-6200), customers would order
9004201-6200 if ordering the part in the United States.)

Example of a Part Identification

The nameplate on a Series 90 pump has an Order Code of 90R042 MA 5 NN 80 P 3 C3 B C5
GBA 38 38 24. Use the following procedures to determine the part number of the drive
shaft used on this pump.

1) Referring to the input shaft module in the Order Code (see page 7), the input shaft
option for this pump is identified by the code “C3”. (90R042 MA 5 NN 80 P 3 C3 B C5 GBA
38 38 24)

2) Referring to the Service Parts List, find the shaft group. Next find the order code that
relates to this unit, which is “C3”. The shaft is found to be item L100 and part number

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 5

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Adobe Acrobat 2-page viewing

Abobe Acrobat 2-page

viewing While viewing manual in Adobe Acrobat, the following settings need to be applied to
ensure proper page display.

1. Select “View” --> “Page Display” --> “Two Page View”

2. Select “View” --> “Page Display” --> “Show Cover Page in Two Page View”

6 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump

Order Code
Series Displacement
9 0 R 0 4 2 MA 5 NN 8 0 P 3 C 3 B C 5 G B A 3 8 3 8 2 4


Pressure regulation

Auxiliary mounting pad

End cap


Displacement limitation


Charging system

Control orifice

Special hardware features

High pressure setting port A

High pressure setting port B

Charge pressure setting

P100 678E

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 7

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump
Seal design
prior to 92-16 L60



L50 B80
B72 B70

D55 B50


D95 D60 E30
D85 E20




E70 *E40
E100 686E

Enlarged bold type item

* = included in overhaul seal kit Q210 numbers are recommended
part to stock for servicing.

8 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Common parts
Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
B30 87-42 345124 Bearing assembly 1
B50 87-42 9004800-3708 Pin 2
B70 87-42 140644 Plug assembly 1
B72 87-42 140644 Plug assembly 1
B80 87-42 315325 (9005110-8700) Plug assembly 1
B90 87-42 9803390 Control filter screen 3
D10 87-42 502976 Servo arm assembly (SB-2003-015) 1
D50 87-42 516199 Swashplate (SB-2002-016) 1
D55 87-42 648436 Screw 1
D60 87-42 766014 Swashplate guide 1
D65 87-42 354373 Fillister head screw 1
D70 87-42 9009625-0146 Washer 1
D75 87-42 326637 Spiral head pin 1
D80 87-42 648402 Cage locator 1
D85 87-42 509527 Screw 1
D95 87-42 648675 Spring 1
E10 96-03 501570 Side cover 1
E10 92-16 96-02 506380 Side cover kit (SB-1992-008 & SB-1996-004) 1
E20 87-42 731984 Leveler 1
E22 87-42 720920 Spring seat 2
E24 87-42 359034 Shim 2
E30 96-07 11056529 Guide post 2
E30 87-42 96-07 344465 Guide post (SB-1996-004) 2
E40 87-42 517862 (9003509-0006) Seal nut 2
E50 87-42 517376 O-ring 1
E60 87-42 517229 Screw (SB-1994-018) 6
E70 87-42 315325 (9005110-8700) Plug assembly 1
E80 87-42 332684 Spring 2
E90 96-02 513885 Insert assembly (SB-1996-004 & SB-1999-041) 1
F20 87-42 11116314 Slider block 1
L10 92-16 11018482 Bearing 1
L10 87-42 92-15 690305 Bearing (SB-1992-008) 1
L20 92-16 9006300-0137 Retaining ring 1
L20 87-42 92-15 392134 Retaining ring (SB-1992-008) 1
L25 92-16 11060010 Seal carrier assembly 1
L35 87-42 92-15 689521 Seal carrier (SB-1992-008) 1
L40 10-33 11013519 Lip seal 1
L40 92-16 10-32 9008000-0118 Lip seal 1
L40 87-42 92-15 510390 Lip seal (SB-1992-008) 1
L50 92-16 780247 O-ring 1
L50 87-42 92-15 552224 (9004104-0360) O-ring (SB-1992-008) 1
L60 92-16 516763 Retainer plate (SB-1992-008) 1
L70 92-16 745208 Screw 3
L70 87-42 92-15 672493 (9007210-0604) Screw (SB-1992-008) 3
QD50 87-42 365957 Swashplate kit 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 9

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump



A generic speed sensor is shown. B82

QB800 B10


QC04 C20







E101 851E

Enlarged bold type item

* = included in overhaul seal kit Q210 numbers are recommended
part to stock for servicing.

10 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Special hardware
Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
EBA B10 06-24 510143 Housing 1
B82 06-24 140644 Plug assembly 1
B83 06-24 KPPG13408 Speed sensor 1
B800 06-24 519414 Reducer plug assembly 1
C06 06-24 11094174 Cylinder block assembly with speed ring 1
C20 06-24 706101 Piston assembly 9
C30 06-24 11067347 Slipper guide 1
C40 06-24 321612 Slipper guide bearing 2
C50 06-24 367631 Spacer 4
C70 06-24 648477 Screw 4
C80 06-24 11015183 Valve plate 1
QB83 06-24 085043 (9004201-3700) O-ring 1
QB800 06-24 012567 O-ring 1
QC04 06-24 11097869 Cylinder block kit with speed ring 1

EDI B10 00-29 510143 Housing 1

B82 00-29 140644 Plug assembly 1
B83 00-29 KPPG15408 Speed sensor 1
B800 00-29 519414 Reducer plug assembly 1
C06 00-29 11094174 Cylinder block assembly with speed ring 1
C20 00-29 706101 Piston assembly 9
C30 00-29 11067347 Slipper guide 1
C40 00-29 321612 Slipper guide bearing 2
C50 00-29 367631 Spacer 4
C70 00-29 648477 Screw 4
C80 00-29 11018107 Valve plate, CW 1
C80 00-29 11018106 Valve plate, CCW 1
QB83 00-29 085043 (9004201-3700) O-ring 1
QB800 00-29 012567 O-ring 1
QC04 00-29 11097869 Cylinder block kit with speed ring 1

EEG B10 00-13 510143 Housing 1

B82 00-13 140644 Plug assembly 1
B83 00-13 140644 Plug assembly 1
B800 00-13 519414 Reducer plug assembly 1
C06 00-13 11094174 Cylinder block assembly with speed ring 1
C20 00-13 706101 Piston assembly 9
C30 00-13 11067347 Slipper guide 1
C40 00-13 321612 Slipper guide bearing 2
C50 00-13 367631 Spacer 4
C70 00-13 648477 Screw 4
C80 00-13 11018107 Valve plate, CW 1
C80 00-13 11018106 Valve plate, CCW 1
QB800 00-13 012567 O-ring 1
QC04 00-13 11097869 Cylinder block kit with speed ring 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 11

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump


A generic speed sensor is shown.

QB800 B10

QC04 C20







E101 850E

Enlarged bold type item

* = included in overhaul seal kit Q210 numbers are recommended
part to stock for servicing.

12 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Special hardware
Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
EFC B10 04-14 510143 Housing 1
B82 04-14 140644 Plug assembly 1
B83 04-14 KPPG156 Speed sensor 1
B800 04-14 519414 Reducer plug assembly 1
C06 04-14 11094174 Cylinder block assembly with speed ring 1
C20 04-14 706101 Piston assembly 9
C30 04-14 11067347 Slipper guide 1
C40 04-14 321612 Slipper guide bearing 2
C50 04-14 367631 Spacer 4
C70 04-14 648477 Screw 4
C80 04-14 11015183 Valve plate 1
QB83 04-14 085043 (9004201-3700) O-ring 1
QB800 04-14 012567 O-ring 1
QC04 04-14 11097869 Cylinder block kit with speed ring 1

EFD B10 97-30 12-36 510143 Housing 1

B82 97-30 12-36 140644 Plug assembly 1
B83 97-30 12-36 KPPG156 Speed sensor 1
B800 97-30 12-36 519414 Reducer plug assembly 1
C06 97-30 12-36 11094174 Cylinder block assembly with speed ring 1
C20 97-30 12-36 706101 Piston assembly 9
C30 97-30 12-36 11067347 Slipper guide 1
C40 97-30 12-36 321612 Slipper guide bearing 2
C50 97-30 12-36 367631 Spacer 4
C70 97-30 12-36 648477 Screw 4
C80 97-30 12-36 11015184 Valve plate 1
E82 97-30 12-36 706853 Spring 1
QB83 97-30 12-36 085043 (9004201-3700) O-ring 1
QB800 97-30 12-36 012567 O-ring 1
QC04 97-30 12-36 11097869 Cylinder block kit with speed ring 1

EFI B10 98-12 510143 Housing 1

B82 98-12 140644 Plug assembly 1
B83 98-12 KPPG156 Speed sensor 1
B800 98-12 519414 Reducer plug assembly 1
C06 98-12 11094174 Cylinder block assembly with speed ring 1
C20 98-12 706101 Piston assembly 9
C30 98-12 11067347 Slipper guide 1
C40 98-12 321612 Slipper guide bearing 2
C50 98-12 367631 Spacer 4
C70 98-12 648477 Screw 4
C80 98-12 11018107 Valve plate, CW 1
C80 98-12 11018106 Valve plate, CCW 1
QB83 98-12 085043 (9004201-3700) O-ring 1
QB800 98-12 012567 O-ring 1
QC04 98-12 11097869 Cylinder block kit with speed ring 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 13

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

A generic speed sensor is shown.

QB800 B10

QC04 C20







QC04 C20







C80 E82
E100 687E

Enlarged bold type item

* = included in overhaul seal kit Q210 numbers are recommended
part to stock for servicing.

14 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Special hardware
Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
EFU B10 13-40 510143 Housing 1
B82 13-40 140644 Plug assembly 1
B83 13-40 KPPG156 Speed sensor 1
B800 13-40 519414 Reducer plug assembly 1
C06 13-40 11094174 Cylinder block assembly with speed ring 1
C20 13-40 706101 Piston assembly 9
C30 13-40 11067347 Slipper guide 1
C40 13-40 321612 Slipper guide bearing 2
C50 13-40 367631 Spacer 4
C70 13-40 648477 Screw 4
C80 13-40 11018107 Valve plate, CW 1
QB83 13-40 085043 (9004201-3700) O-ring 1
QB800 13-40 012567 O-ring 1
QC04 13-40 11097869 Cylinder block kit with speed ring 1

FAB B10 95-15 510142 Housing 1

C05 87-42 763920 Cylinder block assembly without speed ring 1
C20 87-42 706101 Piston assembly (SB1988-023) 9
C30 87-42 11067347 Slipper guide 1
C40 87-42 321612 Slipper guide bearing 2
C50 87-42 367631 Spacer 4
C70 87-42 648477 Screw 4
C80 87-42 11017476 Valve plate 1
E82 87-42 706853 Spring 2
QC04 87-42 510303 (80520S07) Cylinder block kit (SB-1993-012) 1

FAC B10 95-15 510142 Housing (SB-1992-008 and SB-1995-006) 1

C05 87-42 763920 Cylinder block assembly without speed ring 1
C20 87-42 706101 Piston assembly (SB1988-023) 9
C30 87-42 11067347 Slipper guide 1
C40 87-42 321612 Slipper guide bearing 2
C50 87-42 367631 Spacer 4
C70 87-42 648477 Screw 4
C80 87-42 11015184 Valve plate 1
E82 87-42 706853 Spring 2
QC04 87-42 510303 (80520S07) Cylinder block kit (SB-1993-012) 1

FAD B10 95-15 510142 Housing (SB-1992-008 and SB-1995-006) 1

C05 87-42 763920 Cylinder block assembly without speed ring 1
C20 87-42 706101 Piston assembly (SB1988-023) 9
C30 87-42 11067347 Slipper guide 1
C40 87-42 321612 Slipper guide bearing 2
C50 87-42 367631 Spacer 4
C70 87-42 648477 Screw 4
C80 87-42 11015183 Valve plate 1
E82 87-42 706853 Spring 2
QC04 87-42 510303 (80520S07) Cylinder block kit (SB-1993-012) 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 15

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump
B83 B82

QB800 B10


QC04 C20







(FAP, & FAY)

QC04 C20






E100 869E

Enlarged bold type item

* = included in overhaul seal kit Q210 numbers are recommended
part to stock for servicing.

16 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Special hardware
Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
FAL B10 95-15 510143 Housing 1
B82 95-15 140644 Plug assembly 1
B83 95-15 140644 Plug assembly 1
B800 95-15 519414 Reducer plug assembly 1
C05 95-15 763920 Cylinder block assembly without speed ring 1
C20 95-15 706101 Piston assembly 9
C30 95-15 11067347 Slipper guide 1
C40 95-15 321612 Slipper guide bearing 2
C50 95-15 367631 Spacer 4
C70 95-15 648477 Screw 4
C80 95-15 11017476 Valve plate 1
E82 95-15 706853 Spring 2
QB800 95-15 012567 O-ring 1
QC04 95-15 510303 (80520S07) Cylinder block kit 1

FAP B10 98-03 510142 Housing 1

C05 98-03 763920 Cylinder block assembly without speed ring 1
C20 98-03 706101 Piston assembly 9
C30 98-03 11067347 Slipper guide 1
C40 98-03 321612 Slipper guide bearing 2
C50 98-03 367631 Spacer 4
C70 98-03 648477 Screw 4
C80 98-03 11018107 Valve plate, CW 1
E82 98-03 706853 Spring 2
QC04 98-03 510303 (80520S07) Cylinder block kit 1

FAY B10 06-03 510142 Housing 1

C05 06-03 763920 Cylinder block assembly without speed ring 1
C20 06-03 706101 Piston assembly 9
C30 06-03 11067347 Slipper guide 1
C40 06-03 321612 Slipper guide bearing 2
C50 06-03 367631 Spacer 4
C70 06-03 648477 Screw 4
C80 06-03 11015183 Valve plate 1
E82 06-03 706853 Spring 2
QC04 06-03 510303 (80520S07) Cylinder block kit 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 17

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump



QC04 C20









QC04 C20






E101 853E

C80 Enlarged bold type item

* = included in overhaul seal kit Q210 numbers are recommended
part to stock for servicing.

18 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Special hardware
Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
FAZ B10 07-27 510143 Housing 1
B2CN 07-27 775312 Set screw 1
B83 07-27 140644 Plug assembly 1
B800 07-27 519414 Reducer plug assembly 1
C05 07-27 763920 Cylinder block assembly without speed ring 1
C20 07-27 706101 Piston assembly 9
C30 07-27 11067347 Slipper guide 1
C40 07-27 321612 Slipper guide bearing 2
C50 07-27 367631 Spacer 4
C70 07-27 648477 Screw 4
C80 07-27 11015184 Valve plate 1
E82 07-27 706853 Spring 2
QB800 07-27 012567 O-ring 1
QC04 07-27 510303 (80520S07) Cylinder block kit 1
W1CN 07-27 723726 Connector 1
W3CN 07-27 574095 Cap 1

GAA B10 87-42 510142 Housing (SB-1992-008 and SB-1995-006) 1

C05 87-42 763920 Cylinder block assembly without speed ring 1
C20 87-42 706101 Piston assembly 9
C30 87-42 11067347 Slipper guide 1
C40 87-42 321612 Slipper guide bearing 2
C50 87-42 367631 Spacer 4
C70 87-42 648477 Screw 4
C80 87-42 11017474 Valve plate 1
QC04 87-42 510303 (80520S07) Cylinder block kit (SB-1993-012) 1

GBA B10 87-42 510142 Housing (SB-1992-008 and SB-1995-006) 1

C05 87-42 763920 Cylinder block assembly without speed ring 1
C20 87-42 706101 Piston assembly 9
C30 87-42 11067347 Slipper guide 1
C40 87-42 321612 Slipper guide bearing 2
C50 87-42 367631 Spacer 4
C70 87-42 648477 Screw 4
C80 87-42 11015183 Valve plate 1
QC04 87-42 510303 (80520S07) Cylinder block kit (SB-1993-012) 1

GBE B10 94-45 510142 Housing (SB-1992-008 and SB-1995-006) 1

C05 94-45 763920 Cylinder block assembly without speed ring 1
C20 94-45 706101 Piston assembly 9
C30 94-45 11067347 Slipper guide 1
C40 94-45 321612 Slipper guide bearing 2
C50 94-45 367631 Spacer 4
C70 94-45 648477 Screw 4
C80 94-45 11015183 Valve plate 1
QC04 94-45 510303 (80520S07) Cylinder block kit (SB-1993-012) 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 19

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump


QC04 C20







E100 870E

Enlarged bold type item

* = included in overhaul seal kit Q210 numbers are recommended
part to stock for servicing.

20 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Special hardware
Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
GBH B10 97-44 510144 Housing 1
C05 97-44 763920 Cylinder block assembly without speed ring 1
C20 97-44 706101 Piston assembly 9
C30 97-44 11067347 Slipper guide 1
C40 97-44 321612 Slipper guide bearing 2
C50 97-44 367631 Spacer 4
C70 97-44 648477 Screw 4
C80 97-44 11015183 Valve plate 1
QC04 97-44 510303 (80520S07) Cylinder block kit 1

GBV B10 00-13 510142 Housing 1

C05 00-13 763920 Cylinder block assembly without speed ring 1
C20 00-13 706101 Piston assembly 9
C30 00-13 11067347 Slipper guide 1
C40 00-13 321612 Slipper guide bearing 2
C50 00-13 367631 Spacer 4
C70 00-13 648477 Screw 4
C80 00-13 11015183 Valve plate 1
QC04 00-13 510303 (80520S07) Cylinder block kit 1

GCA B10 95-14 510142 Housing (SB-1992-008 and SB-1995-006) 1

C05 87-42 763920 Cylinder block assembly without speed ring 1
C20 87-42 706101 Piston assembly 9
C30 87-42 11067347 Slipper guide 1
C40 87-42 321612 Slipper guide bearing 2
C50 87-42 367631 Spacer 4
C70 87-42 648477 Screw 4
C80 87-42 11015184 Valve plate 1
QC04 87-42 510303 (80520S07) Cylinder block kit (SB-1993-012) 1

GCP B10 95-14 510142 Housing 1

C05 95-14 763920 Cylinder block assembly without speed ring 1
C20 95-14 706101 Piston assembly 9
C30 95-14 11067347 Slipper guide 1
C40 95-14 321612 Slipper guide bearing 2
C50 95-14 367631 Spacer 4
C70 95-14 648477 Screw 4
C80 95-14 11015184 Valve plate 1
QC04 95-14 510303 (80520S07) Cylinder block kit 1

GLA B10 98-04 510142 Housing 1

C05 98-04 763920 Cylinder block assembly without speed ring 1
C20 98-04 706101 Piston assembly 9
C30 98-04 11067347 Slipper guide 1
C40 98-04 321612 Slipper guide bearing 2
C50 98-04 367631 Spacer 4
C70 98-04 648477 Screw 4
C80 98-04 11018107 Valve plate, CW 1
C80 98-04 11018106 Valve plate, CCW 1
QC04 98-04 510303 (80520S07) Cylinder block kit 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 21

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump


QC04 C20







E100 870E

Enlarged bold type item

* = included in overhaul seal kit Q210 numbers are recommended
part to stock for servicing.

22 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Special hardware
Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
JCA B10 08-12 510142 Housing 1
C05 08-12 763920 Cylinder block assembly without speed ring 1
C20 08-12 706101 Piston assembly 9
C30 08-12 11067347 Slipper guide 1
C40 08-12 321612 Slipper guide bearing 2
C50 08-12 367631 Spacer 4
C70 08-12 648477 Screw 4
C80 08-12 11015183 Valve plate 1
QC04 08-12 510303 (80520S07) Cylinder block kit 1

JCB B10 09-14 510142 Housing 1

C05 09-14 763920 Cylinder block assembly without speed ring 1
C20 09-14 706101 Piston assembly 9
C30 09-14 11067347 Slipper guide 1
C40 09-14 321612 Slipper guide bearing 2
C50 09-14 367631 Spacer 4
C70 09-14 648477 Screw 4
C80 09-14 11015183 Valve plate 1
QC04 09-14 510303 (80520S07) Cylinder block kit 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 23

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

(1 & 4)








(*F50) (1 & 3)


E100 688E

* = included in overhaul seal kit Q210 Enlarged bold type item

numbers are recommended
( ) = not available individually part to stock for servicing.

24 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Displacement limitation
Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
1 F10 01-01 11046683 Servo piston assembly 1
F105 01-01 11060702 Servo sleeve kit, adjustable 1
F111 01-01 508438 Screw 3
F112 01-01 505412 (9003509-0008) Seal nut 1
F113 01-01 5000747 Set screw 1
F205 01-01 11059758 Servo sleeve kit, non-adjustable 1
F211 01-01 508438 Screw 3

3 87-42 90-50 8510089 Servo sleeve/piston replacement kit (SB-1995-005) 1

F10 90-51 11046683 Servo piston assembly 1
F105 90-51 11059758 Servo sleeve assembly, non-adjustable 1
F111 87-42 508438 Screw 3
F205 90-51 11059758 Servo sleeve assembly, non-adjustable 1
F211 87-42 508438 Screw 3

4 87-42 90-50 8510090 Servo sleeve/piston replacement kit (SB-1995-005) 1

F10 90-51 11046683 Servo piston assembly 1
F105 90-51 11060702 Servo sleeve assembly, adjustable 1
F111 87-42 508438 Screw 3
F112 87-42 505412 (9003509-0008) Seal nut 1
F113 87-42 5000747 Set screw 1
F205 90-51 11060702 Servo sleeve assembly, adjustable 1
F211 87-42 508438 Screw 3
F212 87-42 505412 (9003509-0008) Seal nut 1
F213 87-42 5000747 Set screw 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 25

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump




(*F40) F020
(*F50) F019 F100








E101 854E

* = included in overhaul seal kit Q210 Enlarged bold type item

numbers are recommended
( ) = not available individually part to stock for servicing.

26 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Displacement limitation
Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
7 F10 96-20 11046684 Servo piston assembly 1
F015 96-20 345496 Screw 1
F016 96-20 507098 Spring guide 1
F017 96-20 345413 Spring housing 1
F018 96-20 351791 Spring 1
F019 96-20 507097 Spring guide 1
F020 96-20 070169 Retaining ring 1
F021 96-20 507044 Castle nut 1
F022 96-20 345470 Hex nut 1
F023 96-20 11140219 Adjust screw 1
F100 96-20 513979 Servo assembly 1
F105 96-20 11060671 Servo cylinder assembly, NFPE 1
F111 96-20 503674 Screw 3
F124 96-20 612291 Seal nut, M12 1
F205 96-20 11059758 Servo cylinder assembly, non-adjustable 1
F211 96-20 508438 Screw 3

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 27

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump




(*F40) F020
(*F50) F019 F100






(*F40) F213


E101 855E

* = included in overhaul seal kit Q210 Enlarged bold type item

numbers are recommended
( ) = not available individually part to stock for servicing.

28 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Displacement limitation
Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
D F10 02-51 11046684 Servo piston assembly 1
F015 02-51 345496 Screw 1
F016 02-51 507098 Spring guide 1
F017 02-51 345413 Spring housing 1
F018 02-51 351791 Spring 1
F019 02-51 507097 Spring guide 1
F020 02-51 070169 Retaining ring 1
F021 02-51 507044 Castle nut 1
F022 02-51 345470 Hex nut 1
F023 02-51 11140219 Adjust screw 1
F100 02-51 513979 Servo assembly 1
F105 02-51 11060671 Servo cylinder assembly, NFPE 1
F111 02-51 503674 Screw 3
F124 02-51 612291 Seal nut, M12 1
F205 02-51 11060702 Servo cylinder assembly, non-adjustable 1
F211 02-51 508438 Screw 3
F212 02-51 505412 Seal nut 1
F213 02-51 5000747 Set screw, M8 x 45 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 29

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

F113 F105



(*F11) F10







F205 F021




E101 856E

* = included in overhaul seal kit Q210 Enlarged bold type item

numbers are recommended
( ) = not available individually part to stock for servicing.

30 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Displacement limitation
Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
H F10 98-18 11046684 Servo piston assembly 1
F015 98-18 345496 Screw 1
F016 98-18 507098 Spring guide 1
F017 98-18 345413 Spring housing 1
F018 98-18 351791 Spring 1
F019 98-18 507097 Spring guide 1
F020 98-18 070169 Retaining ring 1
F021 98-18 507044 Castle nut 1
F022 98-18 345470 Hex nut 1
F023 98-18 11140219 Adjust screw 1
F105 98-18 11060702 Servo cylinder assembly, non-adjustable 1
F111 98-18 508438 Screw 3
F112 98-18 505412 Seal nut 1
F113 98-18 5000747 Set screw, M8 x 45 1
F200 98-18 513979 Servo assembly 1
F205 98-18 11060671 Servo cylinder assembly, NFPE 1
F211 98-18 503674 Screw 3
F224 98-18 612291 Seal nut, M12 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 31

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump









E101 857E

* = included in overhaul seal kit Q210 Enlarged bold type item

numbers are recommended
( ) = not available individually part to stock for servicing.

32 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Displacement limitation
Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
P F10 02-06 11046683 Servo piston assembly 1
F105 02-06 11060702 Servo sleeve assembly, adjustable 1
F111 02-06 508438 Screw 3
F112 02-06 505412 (9003509-0008) Seal nut 1
F113 02-06 719401 Set screw, M8 x 50 1
F205 02-06 11060702 Servo sleeve assembly, adjustable 1
F211 02-06 508438 Screw 3
F212 02-06 505412 (9003509-0008) Seal nut 1
F213 02-06 719401 Set screw, M8 x 50 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 33

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump


G93 G04



G46 (84)


G93 G04


G97 G40


E100 689E

* = included in overhaul seal kit Q210

34 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

End cap
Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
80 G04 92-16 506785 End cap, twin ports (SB-1995-006) 1
G20 92-16 343830 Jounal bearing (SB-1992-008) 1
G20 87-42 92-15 648030 Jounal bearing 1
G30 89-17 512833 End cap gasket 1
G40 87-42 648055 Bushing 1
G45 89-17 140644 Plug assembly 1
G46 89-17 140644 Plug assembly 1
G93 89-17 511930 Spacer 1
G94 89-17 8800565 Lifting bracket 1
G95 89-17 086637 Washer 1
G97 92-16 511937 Screw 1
G97 89-17 92-15 508994 Screw 1
G98 89-17 354407 Screw 1\

84 G04 04-48 13-28 506786 End cap, twin ports 1

G20 04-48 13-28 343830 Jounal bearing 1
G30 04-48 13-28 512833 End cap gasket 1
G40 04-48 13-28 648055 Bushing 1
G45 04-48 13-28 140644 Plug assembly 1
G46 04-48 13-28 140644 Plug assembly 1
G93 04-48 13-28 511930 Spacer 1
G94 04-48 13-28 8800565 Lifting bracket 1
G95 04-48 13-28 086637 Washer 1
G96 04-48 13-28 354407 Screw 1
G97 04-48 13-28 511937 Screw 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 35

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump


(N & L)

H25 H90

H40 H50



(B & C)

E100 690E

Enlarged bold type item

numbers are recommended
part to stock for servicing.

36 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Charging system
Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
B H05 92-16 501990 Charge pump set, 11 cc (SB-1995-004) 1
H40 87-42 9004875-0013 Pin 1
H50 92-16 11138376 Charge pump shaft (SB-1995-002,1997-014, 2015-031) 1
H50 87-42 92-15 715243 Charge pump shaft (SB-1992-008) 1
H60 92-16 9003310-1206 Key (SB-1995-002) 1
H70 88-27 516761 Retaining plate 1
H80 88-27 648451 Screw 6

C H05 92-16 501991 Charge pump set, 14 cc (SB-1995-004) 1

H40 87-42 9004875-0013 Pin 1
H50 92-16 11138376 Charge pump shaft (SB-1995-002,1997-014, 2015-031) 1
H50 87-42 92-15 715243 Charge pump shaft (SB-1992-008) 1
H60 92-16 9003310-1206 Key (SB-1995-002) 1
H70 88-27 516761 Retaining plate 1
H80 88-27 648451 Screw 6

L H25 92-16 11077864 Charge pump spacer 1

H40 09-47 9004875-0013 Pin 1
H50 92-16 11138376 Charge pump shaft (SB-1995-002,1997-014, 2015-031) 1
H50 87-42 92-15 715243 Charge pump shaft (SB-1992-008) 1
H70 88-27 516761 Retaining plate 1
H80 88-27 648451 Screw 6
H90 88-27 664524 (9005110-9000) Plug assembly 1

N H25 92-16 11077864 Charge pump spacer 1

H40 09-47 9004875-0013 Pin 1
H70 88-27 516761 Retaining plate 1
H80 88-27 648451 Screw 6
H90 88-27 664524 (9005110-9000) Plug assembly 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 37

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump
(AB & AC)



Design prior to 09-31





J92 J30

Design after to 09-29






E100 691E

Enlarged bold type item

* = included in overhaul seal kit Q210 numbers are recommended
part to stock for servicing.

38 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Auxiliary mounting
Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
AB J10 92-16 11053281 Coupling, 9 tooth (SB-1992-008 & SB-2011-025) 1
J15 92-16 8800832 Cover assembly, CW (SB-1995-004 & SB-2005-011) 1
J15 92-16 8800833 Cover assembly, CCW (SB-1995-004 & SB-2005-011) 1
J30 92-16 664771 (8700008) Bushing (SB-1992-008) 1
J30 87-42 92-15 648055 Bushing 1
J40 87-42 92-15 680892 (9004104-0440) O-ring (SB-1992-008) 1
J50 87-42 056739 (9004104-1580) O-ring 1
J60 87-42 520944 Flange adapter (SB-1995-006 & SB-2009-074) 1
J70 95-15 09-29 506753 Washer (SB-2009-074) 4
J70 87-42 95-14 294462 Washer, hardened (SB-1995-006) 4
J80 95-15 507585 Screw, M12 x 110 4
J80 87-42 95-14 321893 Screw, M10 x 110 4
J90 09-30 4800482 A pad seal (SB-2009-074) 1
J90 87-42 09-29 726950 (9004104-0420) O-ring 1
J92 09-30 4460586 Cover plate 1
J92 87-42 09-29 9802336 Cover plate (SB-2009-074) 1
J95 87-42 9007200-3714 Screw 2

AC J10 91-48 11053277 Coupling, 11 tooth 1

J15 91-48 8800832 Cover assembly, CW (SB-1995-004 & SB-2005-011) 1
J15 91-48 8800833 Cover assembly, CCW (SB-1995-004 & SB-2005-011) 1
J30 91-48 664771 (8700008) Bushing (SB-1992-008) 1
J30 91-48 92-15 648055 Bushing 1
J40 91-48 92-15 680892 (9004104-0440) O-ring (SB-1992-008) 1
J50 91-48 056739 (9004104-1580) O-ring 1
J60 91-48 520944 Flange adapter (SB-1995-006 & SB-2009-074) 1
J70 95-15 09-29 506753 Washer (SB-2009-074) 4
J70 91-48 95-14 294462 Washer, hardened (SB-1995-006) 4
J80 95-15 507585 Screw, M12 x 110 4
J80 91-48 95-14 321893 Screw, M10 x 110 4
J90 09-30 4800482 A pad seal (SB-2009-074) 1
J90 91-48 09-29 726950 (9004104-0420) O-ring 1
J92 09-30 4460586 Cover plate 1
J92 91-48 09-29 9802336 Cover plate (SB-2009-074) 1
J95 91-48 9007200-3714 Screw 2

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 39

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump
(BB & BC) J30


Design prior to 09-30




J90 J30


Design after to 09-29










E100 692E

Enlarged bold type item

* = included in overhaul seal kit Q210 numbers are recommended
part to stock for servicing.

40 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Auxiliary mounting
Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
BB J10 92-16 11053280 Coupling, 15 tooth 1
J15 92-16 8800832 Cover assembly, CW (SB-1995-004 & SB-2005-011) 1
J15 92-16 8800833 Cover assembly, CCW (SB-1995-004 & SB-2005-011) 1
J30 92-16 664771 (8700008) Bushing (SB-1992-008) 1
J30 91-07 92-15 648055 Bushing 1
J40 91-07 92-15 680892 (9004104-0440) O-ring (SB-1992-008) 1
J50 91-07 056739 (9004104-1580) O-ring 1
J60 91-07 520945 Flange adaptor (SB-1995-006 & SB-2009-075) 1
J70 95-15 09-29 506753 Washer 4
J70 91-07 95-14 294462 Washer, hardened (SB-1995-006) 4
J80 95-15 507585 Screw, M12 x 110 4
J80 91-07 95-14 321893 Screw, M10 x 110 4
J90 09-30 8801061 B pad seal (SB-2009-075) 1
J90 91-07 09-29 726935 (9004104-0450) O-ring 1
J92 09-30 8801059 Cover 1
J92 91-07 09-29 4460370 Cover plate 1
J95 91-07 9007200-5021 Screw 2

BC J10 92-16 11053279 Coupling, 13 tooth 1

J15 92-16 8800832 Cover assembly, CW (SB-1995-004 & SB-2005-011) 1
J15 92-16 8800833 Cover assembly, CCW (SB-1995-004 & SB-2005-011) 1
J30 92-16 664771 (8700008) Bushing (SB-1992-008) 1
J30 91-07 92-15 648055 Bushing 1
J40 91-07 92-15 680892 (9004104-0440) O-ring (SB-1992-008) 1
J50 91-07 056739 (9004104-1580) O-ring 1
J60 91-07 520945 Flange adaptor (SB-1995-006 & SB-2009-075) 1
J70 95-15 09-29 506753 Washer 4
J70 91-07 95-14 294462 Washer, hardened (SB-1995-006) 4
J80 95-15 507585 Screw, M12 x 110 4
J80 91-07 95-14 321893 Screw, M10 x 110 4
J90 09-30 8801061 B pad seal (SB-2009-075) 1
J90 91-07 09-29 726935 (9004104-0450) O-ring 1
J92 09-30 8801059 Cover 1
J92 91-07 09-29 4460370 Cover plate 1
J95 91-07 9007200-5021 Screw 2

NN J15 92-16 8800834 Cover assembly, (SB-1995-004) 1

J30 92-16 664771 (8700008) Bushing (SB-1992-008) 1
J30 87-42 92-15 648055 Bushing 1
J40 87-42 680892 (9004104-0440) O-ring (SB-1992-008) 1
J70 87-42 95-14 294462 Washer (SB-1995-006) 4
J80 95-15 506800 Screw, M12 x 90 4
J80 87-42 95-14 321661 Screw, M10 x 90 4

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 41

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump
(10 - 42 & XX)

*K50 QK10

(C3 & C5) (T3) (T8)

L90 L90
L80 L500

key removed 91-39

L100 L100 L61 L100

(TL) (TB) L90



L200 L200
L100 L100

E100 693E

Enlarged bold type item

* = included in overhaul seal kit Q210 numbers are recommended
part to stock for servicing.

42 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Charge pressure relief

Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
10-30 QK10 87-42 8002K000-A Charge relief valve kit, 10-30 bar (SB-1989-002) 1
K50 87-42 001149 (9004201-6200) O-ring (SB-1989-002) 1

32-42 QK10 94-13 8510269 Charge relief valve kit, 30-42 bar 1
K50 94-13 001149 (9004201-6200) O-ring 1

XX QK10 94-13 8510269 Charge relief valve kit, 30-42 bar 1

K50 94-13 001149 (9004201-6200) O-ring 1

C3 L100 92-16 340521 Shaft, 15 tooth spline (SB-1992-008) 1

C5 L100 93-26 742775 Shaft, 19 tooth spline 1

T3 L61 92-16 716761 (9004600-1224) Cotter pin 1

L80 87-42 91-39 9003310-2514 Key 1
L90 87-42 9003575-0071 Slotted nut 1
L100 92-16 342915 Shaft, 15, tapered (SB-1992-008) 1

T8 L90 98-48 512472 Nut 1

L100 98-48 511778 Shaft, tapered without keyway 1
L500 98-48 512473 Washer 1

TB L61 04-50 716761 (9004600-1224) Cotter pin 1

L90 04-50 9003575-0071 Slotted nut 1
L100 04-50 342915 Shaft, tapered 1
L200 04-50 753848 Flange 1

TL L90 98-48 512472 Nut 1

L100 98-48 511778 Shaft, tapered 1
L200 98-48 753848 Flange 1
L500 98-48 512473 Washer 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 43

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

(DC & DD)

M90 M29




View A

*M11 View “A” T50

T70 (drain)
(servo feed)
(servo feed)


Generic swashplate used to T30

M14 T40
show link location only
Possible orifice locations

NOTE: All orifices present in the original control must be

transfered to the replacement control. If replacement
control contains pre-installed orifices, remove and
discard them before transferring existing orifices to
new control.

E100 868E

Enlarged bold type item

* = included in control seal kit QM210 numbers are recommended
part to stock for servicing.

44 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
CA M11 87-42 8800520 Control gasket 1
M87 87-42 592386 Seal washer 1
M90 87-42 693341 (9007314-0606) Screw 6
QM10 87-42 8002M0CA-A Control cover plate kit 1
QM210 87-42 11096319 Control seal kit 1

CB M11 87-42 8800520 Control gasket 1

M14 87-42 11070304 Feedback link 1
M87 87-42 592386 Seal washer 1
M90 87-42 693341 (9007314-0606) Screw 6
QM10 87-42 8002M0CA-A Control cover plate kit 1
QM210 87-42 11096319 Control seal kit 1

DC M11 87-42 8800520 Control gasket 1

M76 87-42 687103/P Solenoid valve, 12v 1
M87 87-42 592386 Seal washer 1
M90 87-42 693341 (9007314-0606) Screw 6
QM10 87-42 8002M0DC-A 3-position control kit, 12 volt 1
QM031 87-42 11099647 Valve seal kit 1
QM210 87-42 11096161 Control seal kit 1

DD M11 87-42 8800520 Control gasket 1

M76 87-42 549907/P Solenoid valve, 24v 1
M87 87-42 592386 Seal washer 1
M90 87-42 693341 (9007314-0606) Screw 6
QM10 87-42 8510314 3-position control kit, 24 volt 1
QM031 87-42 11099647 Valve seal kit 1
QM210 87-42 11096161 Control seal kit 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 45

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump
(EA, EP & EX)

A generic PCP is shown.

M9 M29

M90 *M96


View A


View “A”

T50 (supply) T60
T70 T80
Generic swashplate used to (drain)
(servo feed) (servo feed)
show link location only T30


Possible orifice locations

NOTE: All orifices present in the original control must be
transfered to the replacement control. If replacement
control contains pre-installed orifices, remove and
discard them before transferring existing orifices to E100 694E
new control.
Enlarged bold type item
* = included in control seal kit QM210 numbers are recommended
part to stock for servicing.

46 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
EA M9 87-42 MCV110A1017 PCP, MS connector 1
M11 87-42 8800520 Control gasket 1
M14 87-42 11070304 Feedback link 1
M29 87-42 K07067 Screw 4
M51 87-42 9003509-0008 Seal nut 1
M87 87-42 592386 Seal washer 1
M90 87-42 692889 (9007314-0611) Screw 6
M95 87-42 318337 (9004104-0120) O-ring 2
M96 87-42 011304 (9004104-0140) O-ring 1
M97 87-42 318345 (9004104-0240) O-ring 1
QM10 87-42 8002M0EA-B EDC kit, MS connector 1
QM210 87-42 11096173 Control seal kit 1

EP M9 87-42 MCV110A1058 PCP, Packard connector 1

M11 87-42 8800520 Control gasket 1
M14 87-42 11070304 Feedback link 1
M29 87-42 K07067 Screw 4
M51 87-42 9003509-0008 Seal nut 1
M87 87-42 592386 Seal washer 1
M90 87-42 692889 (9007314-0611) Screw 6
M95 87-42 318337 (9004104-0120) O-ring 2
M96 87-42 011304 (9004104-0140) O-ring 1
M97 87-42 318345 (9004104-0240) O-ring 1
QM10 87-42 8002M0EP-B EDC kit, Packard connector 1
QM210 87-42 11096173 Control seal kit 1

EX M9 87-42 MCV110A1090 PCP, Metri-pack connector 1

M11 87-42 8800520 Control gasket 1
M14 87-42 11070304 Feedback link 1
M29 87-42 K07067 Screw 4
M51 87-42 9003509-0008 Seal nut 1
M87 87-42 592386 Seal washer 1
M90 87-42 692889 (9007314-0611) Screw 6
M95 87-42 318337 (9004104-0120) O-ring 2
M96 87-42 011304 (9004104-0140) O-ring 1
M97 87-42 318345 (9004104-0240) O-ring 1
QM10 87-42 8002M0EX-B EDC kit, Metri-pack connector 1
QM210 87-42 11096173 Control seal kit 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 47

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump
(FA, FB, FC & FD)




M007 M76
View A M29


T70 View “A”



Possible orifice locations

NOTE: All orifices present in the original control must be

transfered to the replacement control. If replacement
control contains pre-installed orifices, remove and
discard them before transferring existing orifices to E101 858E
new control.
Enlarged bold type item
* = included in control seal kit QM210 numbers are recommended
part to stock for servicing.

48 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
FA M11 97-30 8800520 Control gasket 1
M29 97-30 067694 Screw 4
M76 97-30 518080 Solenoid valve, 12v 2
M87 97-30 592386 Seal washer 1
M90 97-30 9007314-0614 Screw, M6 x 65 3
M92 97-30 041160 (9007314-0605) Screw, M6 x 20 3
M005 97-30 11040532 Plug assembly 2
M007 97-30 K00775 Filter screen 1
QM10 97-30 11067537 NFPE control kit, 12v 1
QM034 97-30 11099849 Solenoid valve seal kit 1
QM210 97-30 11100027 Control seal kit 1

FB M11 97-35 8800520 Control gasket 1

M29 97-35 067694 Screw 4
M76 97-35 518081 Solenoid valve, 24v 2
M87 97-35 592386 Seal washer 1
M90 97-35 9007314-0614 Screw, M6 x 65 3
M92 97-35 041160 (9007314-0605) Screw, M6 x 20 3
M005 97-35 11040532 Plug assembly 2
M007 97-35 K00775 Filter screen 1
QM10 97-35 11067538 NFPE control kit, 24v 1
QM034 97-35 11099849 Solenoid valve seal kit 1
QM210 97-35 11100027 Control seal kit 1

FC M11 97-35 8800520 Control gasket 1

M29 97-35 067694 Screw 4
M76 97-35 521709 Solenoid valve, 12v 2
M87 97-35 592386 Seal washer 1
M90 97-35 9007314-0614 Screw, M6 x 65 3
M92 97-35 041160 (9007314-0605) Screw, M6 x 20 3
M005 97-35 11040532 Plug assembly 2
M007 97-35 K00775 Filter screen 1
QM10 97-35 8510220 NFPE control kit, 12v 1
QM034 97-35 11099849 Solenoid valve seal kit 1
QM210 97-35 11100027 Control seal kit 1

FD M11 97-35 8800520 Control gasket 1

M29 97-35 067694 Screw 4
M76 97-35 517214 Solenoid valve, 24v 2
M87 97-35 592386 Seal washer 1
M90 97-35 9007314-0614 Screw, M6 x 65 3
M92 97-35 041160 (9007314-0605) Screw, M6 x 20 3
M005 97-35 11040532 Plug assembly 2
M007 97-35 K00775 Filter screen 1
QM10 97-35 8510380 NFPE control kit, 24v 1
QM034 97-35 11099849 Solenoid valve seal kit 1
QM210 97-35 11100027 Control seal kit 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 49

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

(HF, HK & HM)





View A

* = included in control seal kit QM210

View “A”
Generic swashplate used to
show link location only M14

T50 (supply) T60
T70 T80
(drain) (drain)
(servo feed) (servo feed)


Possible orifice locations

NOTE: All orifices present in the original control must be

transfered to the replacement control. If replacement
control contains pre-installed orifices, remove and
discard them before transferring existing orifices to E101 859E
new control.
Enlarged bold type item
* = included in control seal kit QM210 numbers are recommended
part to stock for servicing.

50 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
HF M11 93-47 K11419 Control gasket (SB-1993-002) 1
M14 93-47 11070304 Feedback link 1
M51 93-47 9003509-0008 Seal nut 1
M87 93-47 592386 Seal washer 1
M90 93-47 692889 (9007314-0611) Screw 6
QM10 93-47 8002M0HF-A HDC kit, 3-11 bar 1
QM210 93-47 11096267 Control seal kit 1

HK M11 93-47 K11419 Control gasket (SB-1993-002) 1

M14 93-47 11070304 Feedback link 1
M51 93-47 9003509-0008 Seal nut 1
M87 93-47 592386 Seal washer 1
M90 93-47 692889 (9007314-0611) Screw 6
QM10 93-47 8002M0HK-A HDC kit, 1-11 bar 1
QM210 93-47 11096267 Control seal kit 1

HM M11 93-47 K11419 Control gasket (SB-1993-002) 1

M14 93-47 11070304 Feedback link 1
M51 93-47 9003509-0008 Seal nut 1
M87 93-47 592386 Seal washer 1
M90 93-47 692889 (9007314-0611) Screw 6
QM10 93-47 8002M0HM-A HDC kit, 1-6.7 bar 1
QM210 93-47 11096267 Control seal kit 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 51

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump
A generic


*M96 *M97

View A

View “A”

Generic swashplate used to

show link location only
T20 T60
T50 (drain)
(drain) T70 (supply) T80
(servo feed) T30 (servo feed)

Possible orifice locations

NOTE: All orifices present in the original control

must be transfered to the replacement
control. If replacement control contains
pre-installed orifices, remove and discard
them before transferring existing orifices to
new control.

E100 695E

Enlarged bold type item

* = included in control seal kit QM210 numbers are recommended
part to stock for servicing.

52 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
KA M9 95-26 MCV116G4201 PCP, MS connector 1
M11 95-26 8800520 Control gasket 1
M14 95-26 11070304 Feedback link 1
M29 95-26 K07067 Screw 4
M51 95-26 9003509-0008 Seal nut 1
M87 95-26 592386 Seal washer 1
M90 95-26 692889 (9007314-0611) Screw 6
M96 95-26 011296 (9004105-0120) O-ring 3
M97 95-26 9004105-0130 O-ring 1
M99 95-26 K08572 Filter assembly 1
QM10 95-26 8510177 EDC3 kit, MS connector, dual coil 1
QM210 95-26 11096131 Control seal kit 1

KN M9 95-51 MCV116A3501 PCP, MS connector 1

M11 95-51 8800520 Control gasket 1
M14 95-51 11070304 Feedback link 1
M29 95-51 K07067 Screw 4
M51 95-51 9003509-0008 Seal nut 1
M87 95-51 592386 Seal washer 1
M90 95-51 692889 (9007314-0611) Screw 6
M96 95-51 011296 (9004105-0120) O-ring 3
M97 95-51 9004105-0130 O-ring 1
M99 95-51 K08572 Filter assembly 1
QM10 95-51 11018295 EDC3 kit, MS connector, single coil 1
QM210 95-51 11096131 Control seal kit 1

KP M9 95-26 MCV116G4204 PCP, Weather-pack connector 1

M11 95-26 8800520 Control gasket 1
M14 95-26 11070304 Feedback link 1
M29 95-26 K07067 Screw 4
M51 95-26 9003509-0008 Seal nut 1
M87 95-26 592386 Seal washer 1
M90 95-26 692889 (9007314-0611) Screw 6
M96 95-26 011296 (9004105-0120) O-ring 3
M97 95-26 9004105-0130 O-ring 1
M99 95-26 K08572 Filter assembly 1
QM10 95-26 8510355 EDC3 kit, Weather-pack connector, dual coil 1
QM210 95-26 11096131 Control seal kit 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 53

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

(MA) (MB)

A generic neutral start

QM10 switch is shown.

*M87 M71 M90
M70 QM89

*M27 *M87
*M83 *M27

View A

View A *M11

View “A”

Generic swashplate used to

show link location only

T50 T20 (drain)
(drain) (supply)
(servo feed) T30 T80
(servo feed)

Possible orifice locations

NOTE: All orifices present in the original control must be

transfered to the replacement control. If replacement
control contains pre-installed orifices, remove and
discard them before transferring existing orifices to E101 860E
new control.
Enlarged bold type item
* = included in control seal kit QM210 numbers are recommended
part to stock for servicing.

54 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
MA M11 87-42 8800520 Control gasket 1
M14 87-42 11070304 Feedback link 1
M26 87-42 144725 (9004105-0110) O-ring 1
M27 87-42 9006300-0044 Retaining ring 1
M70 87-42 9800916 Control handle 1
M72 87-42 040642 (9003513-0800) Nut 1
M87 87-42 592386 Seal washer 1
M90 87-42 692889 (9007314-0611) Screw 6
QM10 87-42 8002M0MA-A MDC kit 1
QM210 87-42 11096275 Control seal kit 1

MB M11 87-42 8800520 Control gasket 1

M14 87-42 11070304 Feedback link 1
M26 87-42 144725 (9004105-0110) O-ring 1
M27 87-42 9006300-0044 Retaining ring 1
M70 87-42 9800916 Control handle 1
M72 87-42 040642 (9003513-0800) Nut 1
M83 87-42 001131 (9004201-5000) O-ring 1
M87 87-42 592386 Seal washer 1
M90 87-42 692889 (9007314-0611) Screw 6
QM10 87-42 8002M0MB-A MDC kit 1
QM89 87-42 80020S40 Neutral start switch kit 1
QM210 87-42 11096275 Control seal kit 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 55

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

(MC & MD)

QM036 A generic neutral start switch is shown.

QM037 M76


M90 *M77
(MD only)
*M87 QM89 M72

*M83 M70


View A


View “A”

Generic swashplate used to

show link location only

T50 T20 (drain)
(drain) (supply)
(servo feed) T30 T80
(servo feed)

Possible orifice locations

NOTE: All orifices present in the original control must be

transfered to the replacement control. If replacement
control contains pre-installed orifices, remove and
discard them before transferring existing orifices to E100 696E
new control.
Enlarged bold type item
* = included in control seal kit QM210 numbers are recommended
part to stock for servicing.

56 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
MC M11 87-42 12-06 8800520 Control gasket 1
M14 87-42 12-06 11070304 Feedback link 1
M26 87-42 12-06 144725 (9004105-0110) O-ring 1
M27 87-42 12-06 9006300-0044 Retaining ring 1
M70 87-42 12-06 9800916 Control handle 1
M71 87-42 12-06 9009660-3100 Toothlock washer 1
M72 87-42 12-06 040642 (9003513-0800) Nut 1
M75 87-42 12-06 505022 Control manifold (SB-1995-003) 1
M76 87-42 12-06 9700803 Solenoid valve, 12 volt, single pole 1
M77 87-42 12-06 8800882 Manifold gasket 1
M78 95-10 12-06 693341 (9007314-0606) Screw (SB-1995-003) 2
M78 87-42 95-09 041160 (9007314-0605) Screw 2
M87 87-42 12-06 592386 Seal washer 1
M90 87-42 12-06 692889 (9007314-0611) Screw 6
QM10 87-42 12-06 8002M0MC-A MDC kit w/12 volt solenoid, single pole 1
QM034 87-42 12-06 11099649 Solenoid valve seal kit 1
QM036 87-42 12-06 11100383 Nut 1
QM037 87-42 12-06 11100388 Coil, 12v 1
QM210 87-42 12-06 11100049 Control seal kit 1

MD M1 87-42 07-19 8002M0MD-A MDC kit w/12 volt solenoid, high force nss 1
M11 87-42 07-19 8800520 Control gasket 1
M14 87-42 07-19 11070304 Feedback link 1
M26 87-42 07-19 144725 (9004105-0110) O-ring 1
M27 87-42 07-19 9006300-0044 Retaining ring 1
M70 87-42 07-19 9800916 Control handle 1
M71 87-42 07-19 9009660-3100 Toothlock washer 1
M72 87-42 07-19 040642 (9003513-0800) Nut 1
M75 87-42 07-19 505022 Control manifold (SB-1995-003) 1
M76 87-42 07-19 326108 (9700886) Solenoid valve, 12 volt, 2 pole 1
M77 87-42 07-19 8800882 Manifold gasket 1
M78 95-10 07-19 693341 (9007314-0606) Screw (SB-1995-003) 2
M78 87-42 95-09 041160 (9007314-0605) Screw 2
M83 87-42 07-19 001131 (9004201-5000) O-ring 1
M87 87-42 07-19 592386 Seal washer 1
M90 87-42 07-19 692889 (9007314-0611) Screw 6
QM10 87-42 07-19 8002M0MD-A MDC kit w/12 volt solenoid, high force nss 1
QM034 87-42 12-06 11099649 Solenoid valve seal kit 1
QM036 87-42 12-06 11100383 Nut 1
QM037 87-42 12-06 11100385 Coil, 12v 1
QM210 87-42 12-06 11100049 Control seal kit 1
QM89 87-42 07-19 8510027 Neutral start switch kit, high force 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 57

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

M76 QM10


*M87 *M95
*M97 M72
*M96 View B


View A


Generic swashplate used to

show link location only
View “A” View “B”

T50 (supply)
(drain) T70
(servo feed) T30
T60 T40
T80 (drain)
(servo feed)

Possible orifice locations

NOTE: All orifices present in the original control must be
transfered to the replacement control. If replacement
control contains pre-installed orifices, remove and
discard them before transferring existing orifices to E101 861E
new control.
Enlarged bold type item
* = included in control seal kit QM210 numbers are recommended
part to stock for servicing.

58 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
ME M11 92-12 8800520 Control gasket 1
M14 92-12 11070304 Feedback link 1
M26 92-12 144725 (9004105-0110) O-ring 1
M27 92-12 9006300-0044 Retaining ring 1
M29 92-12 035592 Screw 4
M70 92-12 9800916 Control handle 1
M72 92-12 040642 (9003513-0800) Nut 1
M76 92-12 519357 Solenoid valve, 12 volt, 2 pole 1
M87 92-12 592386 Seal washer 1
M90 92-12 692889 (9007314-0611) Screw 6
M95 92-12 144725 (9004105-0110) O-ring 1
M96 92-12 056713 (9004105-0140) O-ring 1
M97 92-12 9004105-0180 O-ring 1
M98 92-12 067686 Screw 2
M098 92-12 035592 Screw 2
QM10 92-12 11099385 MDC kit w/24 volt solenoid, 2 pole 1
QM031 92-12 11099647 Seal kit 1
QM210 92-12 11099976 Control seal kit 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 59

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

(MF & MG)

QM036 A generic neutral start switch is shown.

QM037 M76


M90 *M77
(MG only)
*M87 QM89 M72

*M83 M70


View A


View “A”

Generic swashplate used to

show link location only

T50 T20 (drain)
(drain) (supply)
(servo feed) T30 T80
(servo feed)

Possible orifice locations

NOTE: All orifices present in the original control must be

transfered to the replacement control. If replacement
control contains pre-installed orifices, remove and
discard them before transferring existing orifices to E100 696E
new control.
Enlarged bold type item
* = included in control seal kit QM210 numbers are recommended
part to stock for servicing.

60 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
MF M11 87-42 8800520 Control gasket 1
M14 87-42 11070304 Feedback link 1
M26 87-42 144725 (9004105-0110) O-ring 1
M27 87-42 9006300-0044 Retaining ring 1
M70 87-42 9800916 Control handle 1
M72 87-42 040642 (9003513-0800) Nut 1
M75 87-42 505022 Control manifold (SB-1995-003) 1
M76 87-42 711028 (8700087) Solenoid valve, 24 volt, 2 pole 1
M77 87-42 8800882 Manifold gasket 1
M78 95-10 693341 (9007314-0606) Screw (SB-1995-003) 2
M78 87-42 95-09 041160 (9007314-0605) Screw 2
M87 87-42 592386 Seal washer 1
M90 87-42 692889 (9007314-0611) Screw 6
QM10 87-42 8002M0MF-A MDC kit w/24 volt solenoid, 2 pole 1
QM034 87-42 11099649 Solenoid valve seal kit 1
QM036 87-42 11100383 Nut 1
QM037 87-42 11100386 Coil, 12v 1
QM210 87-42 11100049 Control seal kit 1

MG M11 87-42 8800520 Control gasket 1

M14 87-42 11070304 Feedback link 1
M26 87-42 144725 (9004105-0110) O-ring 1
M27 87-42 9006300-0044 Retaining ring 1
M70 87-42 9800916 Control handle 1
M72 87-42 040642 (9003513-0800) Nut 1
M75 87-42 505022 Control manifold (SB-1995-003) 1
M76 87-42 711028 (8700087) Solenoid valve, 24 volt, 2 pole 1
M77 87-42 8800882 Manifold gasket 1
M78 95-10 693341 (9007314-0606) Screw (SB-1995-003) 2
M78 87-42 95-09 041160 (9007314-0605) Screw 2
M83 87-42 001131 (9004201-5000) O-ring 1
M87 87-42 592386 Seal washer 1
M90 87-42 692889 (9007314-0611) Screw 6
QM10 87-42 8002M0MG-A MDC kit w/24 volt solenoid, 2 pole 1
QM034 87-42 11099649 Solenoid valve seal kit 1
QM036 87-42 11100383 Nut 1
QM037 87-42 11100386 Coil, 12v 1
QM89 87-42 80020S40 Neutral start switch kit 1
QM210 87-42 11100049 Control seal kit 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 61

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

(ML & MS) (MR)

QM10 QM037 M76
M70 *QM034

M90 *M77
*M83 *M27
*M26 QM89 M72
*M87 M71
*M83 M70

View A *M11 *M26

View A
A generic neutral start
switch is shown.

View “A”

Generic swashplate used to

show link location only

T50 T20 (drain)
(drain) (supply)
(servo feed) T30 T80
(servo feed)

Possible orifice locations

NOTE: All orifices present in the original control must be

transfered to the replacement control. If replacement
control contains pre-installed orifices, remove and
discard them before transferring existing orifices to E101 862E
new control.
Enlarged bold type item
* = included in control seal kit QM210 numbers are recommended
part to stock for servicing.

62 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
ML M11 87-42 8800520 Control gasket 1
M14 87-42 11070304 Feedback link 1
M26 87-42 144725 (9004105-0110) O-ring 1
M27 87-42 9006300-0044 Retaining ring 1
M70 87-42 9800916 Control handle 1
M72 87-42 040642 (9003513-0800) Nut 1
M83 87-42 001131 (9004201-5000) O-ring 1
M87 87-42 592386 Seal washer 1
M90 87-42 692889 (9007314-0611) Screw 6
QM10 87-42 8510356 MDC kit w/wide deadband, high force nss 1
QM89 87-42 8510027 Neutral start switch kit 1
QM210 87-42 11096275 Control seal kit 1

MR M11 87-42 8800520 Control gasket 1

M14 87-42 11070304 Feedback link 1
M26 87-42 144725 (9004105-0110) O-ring 1
M27 87-42 9006300-0044 Retaining ring 1
M70 87-42 9800916 Control handle 1
M72 87-42 040642 (9003513-0800) Nut 1
M75 87-42 505022 Control manifold (SB-1995-003) 1
M76 87-42 711028 (8700087) Solenoid valve, 24 volt, 2 pole 1
M77 87-42 8800882 Manifold gasket 1
M78 95-10 693341 (9007314-0606) Screw (SB-1995-003) 2
M78 87-42 95-09 041160 (9007314-0605) Screw 2
M83 87-42 001131 (9004201-5000) O-ring 1
M87 87-42 592386 Seal washer 1
M90 87-42 692889 (9007314-0611) Screw 6
QM10 87-42 8002M0MR-A MDC kit w/24 volt solenoid, 2 pole, high force nss 1
QM034 87-42 11099649 Solenoid valve seal kit 1
QM036 87-42 11100383 Nut 1
QM037 87-42 11100386 Coil, 12v 1
QM89 87-42 8510027 Neutral start switch kit, high force 1
QM210 87-42 11100049 Control seal kit 1

MS M11 87-42 8800520 Control gasket 1

M14 87-42 11070304 Feedback link 1
M26 87-42 144725 (9004105-0110) O-ring 1
M27 87-42 9006300-0044 Retaining ring 1
M70 87-42 9800916 Control handle 1
M72 87-42 040642 (9003513-0800) Nut 1
M83 87-42 001131 (9004201-5000) O-ring 1
M87 87-42 592386 Seal washer 1
M90 87-42 692889 (9007314-0611) Screw 6
QM10 87-42 8510127 MDC kit w/wide deadband, high force nss 1
QM89 87-42 8510027 Neutral start switch kit 1
QM210 87-42 11096275 Control seal kit 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 63

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump




View A


Generic swashplate used to

show link location only

T70 (supply) T80
(servo feed) (servo feed)


NOTE: All orifices present in the original control must be Possible orifice locations
transfered to the replacement control. If replacement
control contains pre-installed orifices, remove and
discard them before transferring existing orifices to E101 863E
new control.
Enlarged bold type item
* = included in control seal kit QM210 numbers are recommended
part to stock for servicing.

64 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
NA M11 95-45 502386 Control gasket 1
M14 95-45 11070304 Feedback link 1
M26 95-45 144725 (9004105-0110) O-ring 1
M27 95-45 9006300-0044 Retaining ring 1
M51 95-45 345462 Nut 1
M70 95-45 769075 Control handle 1
M72 95-45 040642 (9003513-0800) Nut 1
M87 95-45 592386 Seal washer 1
M90 95-45 9007314-0614 Screw 6
QM10 95-45 11098770 MDC kit 1
QM210 95-45 11096272 Control seal kit 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 65

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump
(PA & PB)


M90 *M97
*M96 M29




Generic swashplate used to M14 View “A”

show link location only

T50 T20
(drain) (supply) T60
T70 T30 (drain)
(servo feed) (servo feed)
Possible orifice locations

NOTE: All orifices present in the original control must

be transfered to the replacement control. If
replacement control contains pre-installed
orifices, remove and discard them before
transferring existing orifices to new control.
E101 864E

Enlarged bold type item

* = included in control seal kit QM210 numbers are recommended
part to stock for servicing.

66 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
PA M9 99-20 782037 PDC, 12v 1
M11 99-20 K11419 Control gasket 1
M14 99-20 11070304 Feedback link 1
M29 99-20 035592 Screw 4
M51 99-20 9003509-0008 Seal nut 1
M76 99-20 11001795 Solenoid valve, 12v 1
M87 99-20 592386 Seal washer 1
M90 99-20 500812 Screw 6
M95 99-20 011296 (9004105-0120) O-ring 2
M96 99-20 688721 (9004104-0170) O-ring 1
M97 99-20 314534 (9004104-0310) O-ring 1
M658 99-20 635938 (9004100-0210) O-ring 2
QM10 99-20 8510165 HDC kit w/PDC, 12v 1
QM210 99-20 11096250 Control seal kit 1

PB M9 94-15 782045 PDC, 24v 1

M11 94-15 K11419 Control gasket 1
M14 94-15 11070304 Feedback link 1
M29 94-15 035592 Screw 4
M51 94-15 9003509-0008 Seal nut 1
M76 94-15 11001794 Solenoid valve, 24v 1
M87 94-15 592386 Seal washer 1
M90 94-15 500812 Screw 6
M95 94-15 011296 (9004105-0120) O-ring 2
M96 94-15 688721 (9004104-0170) O-ring 1
M97 94-15 314534 (9004104-0310) O-ring 1
M658 94-15 635938 (9004100-0210) O-ring 2
QM10 94-15 11034081 HDC kit w/PDC, 24v 1
QM210 94-15 11096250 Control seal kit 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 67

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

(1) (2)

N004 N006
N003 N003


N002 N002





N35 (P)

*N15 Generic end cap used to
part location only.

N37 N10


N36 N20 *N15



E100 697E

Enlarged bold type item

* = included in overhaul seal kit Q210 numbers are recommended
part to stock for servicing.

68 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
1 N001 94-43 12-36 504096 Filter manifold 1
N002 94-43 12-36 9004104-0320 O-ring 1
N003 94-43 12-36 002311 (9009610-3459) Washer 4
N004 94-43 12-36 505442 Screw 4
N005 94-43 12-36 140644 Plug assembly 2
N006 94-43 12-36 320002 (9005110-9200) Plug assembly 1

2 N001 94-43 12-36 505414 Filter manifold 1

N002 94-43 12-36 9004104-0320 O-ring 1
N003 94-43 12-36 002311 (9009610-3459) Washer 4
N004 94-43 12-36 713594 Screw 4
N005 94-43 12-36 140644 Plug assembly 2
N006 94-43 12-36 320002 (9005110-9200) Plug assembly 1

D None

L N15 87-42 001156 (9004201-7500) O-ring 1

N20 87-42 11049921 Nut 1
N35 87-42 140644 Plug assembly 1
N36 87-42 140644 Plug assembly 1
QN01 87-42 11145248 Filter manifold kit 1
QN40 87-42 11004919 Filter, long 1

M N10 87-42 12-36 140644 Plug assembly 1

P N15 87-42 001156 (9004201-7500) O-ring 1

N20 87-42 11049921 Nut 1
N35 87-42 140644 Plug assembly 1
N36 87-42 140644 Plug assembly 1
QN01 87-42 11145248 Filter manifold kit 1
QN40 87-42 11004917 Filter, short 1

R N01 87-42 11060426 Filter manifold assembly, remote 1

N15 87-42 001156 (9004201-7500) O-ring 1
N20 87-42 11049921 Nut 1
N36 87-42 140644 Plug assembly 1

S N10 87-42 671990 (9002842-1206) Reducer assembly 1

N15 87-42 001156 (9004201-7500) O-ring 1
N37 87-42 140644 Plug assembly 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 69

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

(1, 5 & 6)
Generic end caps used to P80
show valve location only P70

QPA2A *P02
View “A” P70

*P06 P80
P70 VIEW “A”

*P02 (2 & 7)
View “A”
*P06 P80

*P13 P80

View “A”
*P06 P80
*P13 P70

*P06 P80
*P13 VIEW “A”

E100 698E

Enlarged bold type item

* = included in overhaul seal kit Q210 numbers are recommended
part to stock for servicing.

70 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

High pressure regulation

Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
1 P02 87-42 688721 O-ring 2
P06 87-42 071811 O-ring 2
P13 87-42 544742 (9004105-0190) O-ring 2
P70 87-42 8800188 Check valve assembly 2
P80 87-42 9005475-0004 Special pipe plug 2
QPA2A 87-42 8510022-1 Multi-function valve kit 1
QPA2B 87-42 8510022-1 Multi-function valve kit 1

2 P02 87-42 688721 O-ring 2

P06 87-42 071811 O-ring 2
P13 87-42 544742 (9004105-0190) O-ring 2
P70 87-42 327007 (9005110-4400) Plug assembly 1
P80 87-42 9005475-0004 Special pipe plug 3
QPA2A 87-42 8510022-2 Multi-function valve kit 1
QPA2B 87-42 8510022-2 Multi-function valve kit 1

5 P02 87-42 688721 O-ring 2

P06 87-42 071811 O-ring 2
P13 87-42 544742 (9004105-0190) O-ring 2
P70 87-42 8800188 Check valve assembly 2
P80 87-42 9005475-0004 Special pipe plug 2
QPA2A 87-42 8510240 Multi-function valve kit 1
QPA2B 87-42 8510240 Multi-function valve kit 1

6 P02 87-42 688721 O-ring 2

P06 87-42 071811 O-ring 2
P13 87-42 544742 (9004105-0190) O-ring 2
P70 87-42 8800188 Check valve assembly 2
P80 87-42 9005475-0004 Special pipe plug 2
QPA2A 87-42 8510022-6 Multi-function valve kit 1
QPA2B 87-42 8510022-6 Multi-function valve kit 1

7 P02 87-42 688721 O-ring 2

P16 87-42 071811 O-ring 2
P13 87-42 544742 (9004105-0190) O-ring 2
P70 87-42 327007 (9005110-4400) Plug assembly 1
P80 87-42 9005475-0004 Special pipe plug 3
QPA2A 87-42 8510022-7 Multi-function valve kit 1
QPA2B 87-42 8510022-7 Multi-function valve kit 1

B P02 87-42 688721 O-ring 2

P06 87-42 071811 O-ring 2
P13 87-42 544742 (9004105-0190) O-ring 2
P70 87-42 8800188 Check valve assembly 1
P80 87-42 9005475-0004 Special pipe plug 3
QPA2A 87-42 8510022-1 Multi-function valve kit 1
QPA2B 87-42 8510022-7 Multi-function valve kit 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 71

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump


*P13 Generic end caps used to
show valve location only



(N) P70N

*P02 View “A” P80


*P06 P70
*P13 VIEW “A”
*P06 P70


QPA2B (P) P70

*P02 View “A” P80

*P13 VIEW “A”

*P06 P70

P70 VIEW “A”

E101 865E
Enlarged bold type item
numbers are recommended * = included in overhaul seal kit Q210
part to stock for servicing.

72 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

High pressure regulation

Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
D P02 87-42 688721 O-ring 2
P06 87-42 071811 O-ring 2
P13 87-42 544742 (9004105-0190) O-ring 2
QPA2A 87-42 8510388 Multi-function valve kit 1
QPA2B 87-42 8510388 Multi-function valve kit 1

N P02 87-42 688721 O-ring 1

P06 87-42 071811 O-ring 2
P13 87-42 544742 (9004105-0190) O-ring 2
P70 87-42 8800188 Check valve assembly 1
P70N 87-42 327007 (9005110-4400) Plug assembly 1
P80 87-42 9005475-0004 Special pipe plug 3
PA2A 87-42 781971 Plug assembly 1
QPA2B 87-42 8510022-1 Multi-function valve kit 1

P P02 87-42 688721 O-ring 1

P06 87-42 071811 O-ring 2
P13 87-42 544742 (9004105-0190) O-ring 2
P70 87-42 8800188 Check valve assembly 2
P80 87-42 9005475-0004 Special pipe plug 2
QPA2A 87-42 8510389 Multi-function valve kit 1
QPA2B 87-42 8510389 Multi-function valve kit 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 73

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

(01, 02, 03, 04, 05, (21)

06, 09 & 22)
T70 T80
T20 T20

T30 T30

T40 T40

See control drawing See control drawing

for orifice location for orifice location


T50 T60



See control drawing

for orifice location

E100 103E

74 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
00 None

01 T20 87-42 8801136 Orificed check valve, .018” 1

T30 87-42 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 87-42 8801303 Spring retainer 1

02 T20 87-42 8801139 Orificed check valve, .026” 1

T30 87-42 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 87-42 8801303 Spring retainer 1

03 T20 87-42 11061958 Orificed check valve, .81mm 1

T30 87-42 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 87-42 8801303 Spring retainer 1

04 T20 87-42 11061970 Orificed check valve, 1.02mm 1

T30 87-42 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 87-42 8801303 Spring retainer 1

05 T20 87-42 11061981 Orificed check valve, 1.37mm 1

T30 87-42 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 87-42 8801303 Spring retainer 1

06 T20 87-42 11061993 Orificed check valve, 1.57mm 1

T30 87-42 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 87-42 8801303 Spring retainer 1

09 T20 87-42 11062006 Orificed check valve, 2.34mm 1

T30 87-42 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 87-42 8801303 Spring retainer 1

21 T20 87-42 11061970 Orificed check valve, 1.02mm 1

T30 87-42 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 87-42 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T70 87-42 714477 Orifice plug, 0.8mm, M8 x 8 1
T80 87-42 714477 Orifice plug, 0.8mm, M8 x 8 1

22 T20 87-42 8801137 Orificed check valve, .022” 1

T30 87-42 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 87-42 8801303 Spring retainer 1

23 T20 87-42 11061958 Orificed check valve, 0.81mm 1

T30 87-42 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 87-42 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T50 87-42 639153 Orifice plug, 1.3mm, M5 x 6 1
T60 87-42 639153 Orifice plug, 1.3mm, M5 x 6 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 75

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

(25, 28 & 30)

T50 T70 T80 T60




See control drawing

for orifice location

(26 & 29)

T50 T60



See control drawing

for orifice location

(32) (34)

T50 T60 T70 T80

See control drawing See control drawing

for orifice location for orifice location

E100 933E

76 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
25 T20 87-42 8801139 Orificed check valve, .026” 1
T30 87-42 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 87-42 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T50 87-42 606657 Orifice plug, 0.5mm, M5 x 6 1
T60 87-42 606657 Orifice plug, 0.5mm, M5 x 6 1
T70 87-42 716837 Orifice plug, 0.6mm, M8 x 8 1
T80 87-42 716837 Orifice plug, 0.6mm, M8 x 8 1

26 T20 87-42 11061958 Orificed check valve, .81mm 1

T30 87-42 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 87-42 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T50 87-42 598292 Orifice plug, 0.8mm, M5 x 6 1
T60 87-42 598292 Orifice plug, 0.8mm, M5 x 6 1

28 T20 87-42 8801139 Orificed check valve, .026” 1

T30 87-42 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 87-42 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T50 87-42 639104 Orifice plug, 0.7mm, M5 x 6 1
T60 87-42 639104 Orifice plug, 0.7mm, M5 x 6 1
T70 87-42 704650 Orifice plug, 0.7mm, M8 x 8 1
T80 87-42 704650 Orifice plug, 0.7mm, M8 x 8 1

29 T20 87-42 11061958 Orificed check valve, .81mm 1

T30 87-42 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 87-42 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T50 87-42 639104 Orifice plug, 0.7mm, M5 x 6 1
T60 87-42 639104 Orifice plug, 0.7mm, M5 x 6 1

30 T20 87-42 8801139 Orificed check valve, .026” 1

T30 87-42 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 87-42 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T50 87-42 639153 Orifice plug, 1.3mm, M5 x 6 1
T60 87-42 639153 Orifice plug, 1.3mm, M5 x 6 1
T70 87-42 704650 Orifice plug, 0.7mm, M8 x 8 1
T80 87-42 704650 Orifice plug, 0.7mm, M8 x 8 1

32 T50 87-42 639120 Orifice plug, 1.0mm, M5 x 6 1

T60 87-42 639153 Orifice plug, 1.3mm, M5 x 6 1

33 None

34 T70 87-42 755793 Orifice plug, 1.0mm, M8 x 8 1

T80 87-42 755793 Orifice plug, 1.0mm, M8 x 8 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 77

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

T50 T70 T80 T60



See control drawing

for orifice location

(37, 45, 46 & 49) (50)

T50 T50 T70 T80

T20 T20

T30 T30

T40 T40

See control drawing See control drawing

for orifice location for orifice location

(59 & 74)

T70 T80



See control drawing

for orifice location

E100 699E

78 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
35 T20 87-42 11061958 Orificed check valve, 0.81mm 1
T30 87-42 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 87-42 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T50 87-42 598292 Orifice plug, 0.8mm, M5 x 6 1
T60 87-42 598292 Orifice plug, 0.8mm, M5 x 6 1
T70 87-42 714477 Orifice plug, 0.8mm, M8 x 8 1
T80 87-42 714477 Orifice plug, 0.8mm, M8 x 8 1

37 T20 87-42 11061981 Orificed check valve, 1.37mm 1

T30 87-42 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 87-42 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T50 87-42 639120 Orifice plug, 1.0mm, M5 x 6 1
T60 87-42 639120 Orifice plug, 1.0mm, M5 x 6 1

45 T20 87-42 11061958 Orificed check valve, 0.81mm 1

T30 87-42 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 87-42 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T50 87-42 639153 Orifice plug, 1.3mm, M5 x 6 1
T60 87-42 598292 Orifice plug, 0.8mm, M5 x 6 1

46 T20 87-42 8801139 Orificed check valve, .026” 1

T30 87-42 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 87-42 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T50 87-42 598292 Orifice plug, 0.8mm, M5 x 6 1
T60 87-42 598292 Orifice plug, 0.8mm, M5 x 6 1

49 T20 87-42 11061958 Orificed check valve, 0.81mm 1

T30 87-42 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 87-42 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T50 87-42 639120 Orifice plug, 1.0mm, M5 x 6 1
T60 87-42 639120 Orifice plug, 1.0mm, M5 x 6 1

50 T20 87-42 8801139 Orificed check valve, .026” 1

T30 87-42 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 87-42 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T50 87-42 310771 Orifice plug, 1.2mm, M6 x 6 1
T70 87-42 517571 Orifice plug, 0.9mm, M6 x 6 1
T80 87-42 517571 Orifice plug, 0.9mm, M6 x 6 1

59 T20 87-42 8801139 Orificed check valve, 0.026 1

T30 87-42 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 87-42 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T70 87-42 739144 Orifice plug, 0.8mm, M6 x 6 1
T80 87-42 739144 Orifice plug, 0.8mm, M6 x 6 1

74 T20 89-41 11061958 Orificed check valve, .026” 1

T30 89-41 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 89-41 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T70 89-41 755793 Orifice plug, 1.0mm, M8 x 8 1
T80 89-41 755793 Orifice plug, 1.0mm, M8 x 8 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 79

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

(76, 99 & A5)

T70 T80



See control drawing

for orifice location

T50 T70 T80 T60



See control drawing

for orifice location

(82, B3 & B4) (84, A4 & B2)

T50 T70 T80 T70 T80

See control drawing See control drawing

for orifice location for orifice location

E100 700E

80 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
76 T20 89-41 8801139 Orificed check valve, .026” 1
T30 89-41 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 89-41 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T70 89-41 578542 Orifice plug, 0.8mm, M6 x 8 1
T80 89-41 578542 Orifice plug, 0.8mm, M6 x 8 1

78 T20 87-42 8801139 Orificed check valve, 0.81mm 1

T30 87-42 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 87-42 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T50 87-42 513026 Orifice plug, 1.3mm, M6 x 8 1
T60 87-42 513026 Orifice plug, 1.3mm, M6 x 8 1
T70 87-42 578542 Orifice plug, 0.8mm, M6 x 8 1
T80 87-42 578542 Orifice plug, 0.8mm, M6 x 8 1

82 T50 89-41 310771 Orifice plug, 1.2mm, M6 x 6 1

T70 89-41 310771 Orifice plug, 1.2mm, M6 x 6 1
T80 89-41 310771 Orifice plug, 1.2mm, M6 x 6 1

84 T70 89-41 310771 Orifice plug, 1.2mm, M6 x 6 1

T80 89-41 310771 Orifice plug, 1.2mm, M6 x 6 1

99 T20 89-41 8801301 Orificed check valve, .047” 1

T30 89-41 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 89-41 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T70 89-41 517572 Orifice plug, 1.5mm, M6 x 6 1
T80 89-41 517572 Orifice plug, 1.5mm, M6 x 6 1

A4 T70 89-41 578542 Orifice plug, 0.8mm, M6 x 8 1

T80 89-41 578542 Orifice plug, 0.8mm, M6 x 8 1

A5 T20 89-41 11061970 Control orifice kit, 1.02mm 1

T30 89-41 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 89-41 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T70 89-41 578542 Orifice plug, 0.8mm, M6 x 8 1
T80 89-41 578542 Orifice plug, 0.8mm, M6 x 8 1

B1 T50 89-41 507042 Orifice plug, 1.5mm, M6 x 8 1

B2 T70 89-41 310771 Orifice plug, 1.2mm, M6 x 6 1

T80 89-41 310771 Orifice plug, 1.2mm, M6 x 6 1

B3 T50 89-41 507042 Orifice plug, 1.5mm, M6 x 8 1

T70 89-41 739144 Orifice plug, 0.8mm, M6 x 6 1
T80 89-41 739144 Orifice plug, 0.8mm, M6 x 6 1

B4 T50 89-41 507042 Orifice plug, 1.5mm, M6 x 8 1

T70 89-41 310771 Orifice plug, 1.2mm, M6 x 6 1
T80 89-41 310771 Orifice plug, 1.2mm, M6 x 6 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 81

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

(C4) (C5, C6 & C7)

T50 T60 T50 T20 T60

See control drawing

for orifice location


See control drawing

for orifice location

(G1) (G4, G8, GB, GD & GF)

T50 T50 T20

See control drawing

for orifice location


See control drawing

for orifice location

E100 936E

82 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
C4 T50 89-41 639161 Orifice plug, 1.4 mm, M5 x 6 1
T60 89-41 639161 Orifice plug, 1.4 mm, M5 x 6 1

C5 T20 89-41 11061958 Orificed check valve, 0.81mm 1

T30 89-41 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 89-41 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T50 89-41 639161 Orifice plug, 1.4 mm, M5 x 6 1
T60 89-41 639161 Orifice plug, 1.4 mm, M5 x 6 1

C6 T20 89-41 11061970 Control orifice kit, 1.02mm 1

T30 89-41 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 89-41 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T50 89-41 639161 Orifice plug, 1.4 mm, M5 x 6 1
T60 89-41 639161 Orifice plug, 1.4 mm, M5 x 6 1

C7 T20 89-41 11061981 Control orifice kit, 1.37mm 1

T30 89-41 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 89-41 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T50 89-41 639161 Orifice plug, 1.4 mm, M5 x 6 1
T60 89-41 639161 Orifice plug, 1.4 mm, M5 x 6 1

G1 T50 89-41 310771 Orifice plug, 1.2 mm, M6 x 6 1

G4 T20 89-41 8801136 Control orifice kit, .018” 1

T30 89-41 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 89-41 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T50 89-41 310771 Orifice plug, 1.2 mm, M6 x 6 1

G8 T20 89-41 8801139 Orificed check valve, .026” 1

T30 89-41 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 89-41 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T50 89-41 310771 Orifice plug, 1.2 mm, M6 x 6 1

GB T20 89-41 11061958 Orificed check valve, 0.81mm 1

T30 89-41 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 89-41 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T50 89-41 310771 Orifice plug, 1.2 mm, M6 x 6 1

GD T20 89-41 11061993 Orificed check valve, 1.57mm 1

T30 89-41 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 89-41 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T50 89-41 310771 Orifice plug, 1.2 mm, M6 x 6 1

GF T20 89-41 11061970 Control orifice kit, 1.02mm 1

T30 89-41 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 89-41 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T50 89-41 310771 Orifice plug, 1.2 mm, M6 x 6 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 83

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

(GJ & Z2) (K1)

T20 T20

T30 T30


See control drawing See control drawing

for orifice location for orifice location

T70 T80

See control drawing

for orifice location

(Z1) (Z3)

T50 T60 T70 T50 T60

T20 T20

T30 T30

T40 T40

See control drawing See control drawing

for orifice location for orifice location

E100 937E

84 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
GJ T20 89-41 11061981 Control orifice kit, 1.37mm 1
T30 89-41 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 89-41 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T50 89-41 310771 Orifice plug, 1.2 mm, M6 x 6 1

K1 T20 89-41 11061981 Control orifice kit, 1.37mm 1

T30 89-41 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 89-41 8801303 Spring retainer 1

P1 T70 11-40 508014 Orifice plug, 1.0mm, M6 x 6 1

T80 11-40 508014 Orifice plug, 1.0mm, M6 x 6 1

Z1 T20 89-41 11061958 Control orifice kit, 0.81mm 1

T30 89-41 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 89-41 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T50 89-41 519659 Orifice plug, 1.0mm, M6 x 6 1
T60 89-41 519659 Orifice plug, 1.0mm, M6 x 6 1
T70 89-41 519659 Orifice plug, 1.0mm, M6 x 6 1

Z2 T20 89-41 11061958 Control orifice kit, 0.81mm 1

T30 89-41 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 89-41 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T50 89-41 739144 Orifice plug, 0.8mm, M6 x 6 1

Z3 T20 89-41 11061970 Control orifice kit, 1.02mm 1

T30 89-41 679506 (8700007) Spring 1
T40 89-41 8801303 Spring retainer 1
T50 89-41 519659 Orifice plug, 1.0mm, M6 x 6 1
T60 89-41 519659 Orifice plug, 1.0mm, M6 x 6 1

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 85

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Variable displacement pump

Overhaul seal kit

Order Date Date Qty. per
Code Item Begin End Part Number Part Name Model/Kit
Q210 87-42 11095646 Seal kit, base pump, 42cc 1
B90 87-42 9803390 Filter screen 3
C70 87-42 648477 Screw 4
E40 87-42 517862 (9003509-0006) Seal nut, M6 2
E50 87-42 517376 O-ring 1
E60 87-42 517229 Screw 6
F11 87-42 not sold separately O-ring 2
F12 87-42 not sold separately Piston ring 2
F40 87-42 not sold separately O-ring 2
F50 87-42 not sold separately O-ring 2
F112 87-42 505412 (9003509-0008) Seal nut, M8 1
F124 87-42 612291 (9003508-0008) Seal nut, M8 1
F212 87-42 505412 (9003509-0008) Seal nut, M8 1
F224 87-42 612291 (9003508-0008) Seal nut, M8 1
G30 87-42 512833 End cap gasket 1
J40 87-42 680892 (9004104-0440) O-ring 1
J50 87-42 056739 (9004104-1580) O-ring 1
K50 87-42 001149 (9004201-6200) O-ring 1
L25 87-42 11060010 Seal carrier assembly 1
N15 87-42 001156 (9004201-7500) O-ring 1
P02 87-42 688721 O-ring 2
P06 87-42 071811 O-ring 2
P13 87-42 544742 (9004105-0190) O-ring 2

86 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Service Bulletin: SB-1988-023

Products affected Series 90 pumps and motors

Subject Piston improvement

Description Product Information Bulletin PIB-8801 (March, 1988) announced the incorporation of
fabricated (welded) piston assemblies, replacing non-fabricated (hollow) piston assemblies,
in the cylinder blocks of all Series 90 pumps and motors. This change increases the overall
efficiency of the Series 90 product line.

To simplify service parts inventory for all Series 90 units, only individual welded piston
assemblies will be available as spare parts. The hollow pistons will be obsoleted. Part
numbers for individual welded piston assemblies are listed in this bulletin.

Since all Series 90 pumps and motors have nine (9) pistons, welded pistons being used to
replace hollow pistons during repair MUST be install in the cylinder block symmetrically, in
multiples of three (3).

Welded Piston Hollow Piston

Assembly Assembly

When replacing hollow pistons with

welded pistons, it is mandatory that
the welded pistons be incorporated
symmetrically in multiples of three.

Models affected All series 90 pumps and motors: 93-xxxx, 94-xxxx, 95-xxxx, and 96-xxxx pumps

Serial numbers Welded pistons will be incorporated into all series 90 pumps and motors by the end of
the first quarter of 1998.

Part numbers affected Part number Description

706101 Piston assembly, welded - 42 cc
367672 Piston assembly, welded - 55 cc
708230 Piston assembly, welded - 75 cc
364000 Piston assembly, welded - 100 cc

Parts disposition Interchangeable

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 87

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Service Bulletin: SB-1989-002

Products affected Series 90 pumps

Subject Incorporation of adjustable charge relief valve

Description As a product improvement Sauer-Danfoss is incorporating an adjustable charge relief

valve on all series 90 variable displacement pumps. This design replaces the previous
shim adjustable charge relief valve. The new design valve provides a range of pressure
adjustment which covers the available charge pressure options of 290, 348, and 406 psi [20,
24, and 28 bar].

Note: This improvement changes the design of the charge relief valve poppet and plug.
The new style charge relief may protrude from the pump end cap approximately
0.27 in [6.9 mm] farther than the shim adjustable design.

To adjust the new design valve, first install a gauge to measure charge pressure as described
in the series 90 service manual. Loosen the adjustment lock nut with a 1-1/16 in hex wrench.
Operate the pump at an input speed of 1700 to 2000 rpm and turn the adjustment plug
with a large screwdriver while observing the charge pressure. Clockwise rotation of the
plug increases the setting, while counterclockwise rotation decreases the setting at a rate of
approximately 50 psi [3.4 bar] per turn. Once the desired setting is achieved, torque the lock
nut to 34-41 lbf·ft [46-55 Nm], and remove the charge pressure gauge.

Sauer-Danfoss will offer an adjustable charge relief valve kit for sale as a service part. This
kit can be used to service any vintage series 90 variable pump. Since the new and old style
charge relief valves are interchangeable as an assembly, the old style parts will no longer be
available as service parts.

Adjustable Charge
Charge Pressure Pressure Relief Valve Poppet
Gauge Connection
(Typical) O-ring

Lock Nut



Adjusting Charge Relief Valve Charge Relief Valve Assembly

Models affected All 93-2xxx, 94-2xxx, 95-2xxx, and 96-2xxx pumps

Serial numbers Due to the interchangeability of the charge relief valve assemblies, this is a running change.
It will be incorporated into all series 90 variable pumps by March of 1989.

Part numbers affected Part number Description

8002K000-A Adjustable charge relief valve kit - new style
(includes poppet, spring, plug, O-ring, and nut)

Parts disposition Interchangeable (as an assembly)

88 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Service Bulletin: SB-1992-008

Products affected Series 90 pumps

Subject Block point change: components redesign

Description As part of our overall series 90 product improvement program, numerous components
are being redesigned. This redesign is referred to as a “block point” change. The objective
of the block point change is to minimize the number of times we change the units while
we convert to high volume tooling at various plant sites. These design improvements will
provide increased reliability and more application flexibility. The nature of these changes
makes customer requalification unnecessary. Old style (pre-block point) variable housings
and end caps will no longer be available as spare parts.

Models affected All 93-2xxx pumps

Serial numbers N/A

Part numbers affected Refer to next page of this bulletin for specific part numbers
Housing: Thickness adjacent to the side cover has been increased
Side cover: Thickness increased to match change in housing.
End cap: Match housing change.
Input shaft: A 19 tooth option, thus a larger shaft roller bearing. Shaft seal hardware
changed to accommodate new bearing and commonize the design with
larger displacement units.
Charge pump: Charge pump shaft and cover changed for commonality with the larger
displacement units
SAE “B” pad New charge pump shaft accommodates revised auxiliary pad drive

Parts disposition Not Applicable

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 89

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump

Service Bulletin: SB-1992-008

Frame size: 042 - parts affected

Pre-block point New part number
Item Description part number 92-12 & later
Common parts group, 42 cc
B10 Variable housing 325050 (O) 503422
E10 Side cover 671602 (I & O) 751305
E20 Leveler 673897 731984
L10 Bearing 690305 357616
L20 Retaining ring 392134 9006300-0137
L30 Seal carrier N/A 340356
L35 Seal carrier 689521 Deleted
L40 Lip seal 656280 9008000-0118
L50 O-ring 9004104-0360 780247
L60 Retainer plate N/A 340349
L70 Screw 9007210-0604 746208
End cap group: G
G048 End cap, twin ports 333179 (O) 769562
G20 Journal bearing 648030 343830
G958 Screw 508994 500641
G968 Screw 36178 (I) 354407
Charging system group: H (affects options B, C, and L)
H50 Charge pump shaft 715243 340364
Auxiliary mounting, ‘A’ flange, 9 tooth
J10 Coupling 323972 341016
J15 Cover assembly 347542 347567
J30 Bushing 648055 8700008
Auxiliary mounting, ‘B’ flange, 13 tooth
J10 Coupling 324228 341024
J15 Cover assembly 347542 347567
J30 Bushing 648055 8700008
J60 Flange adapter 664094 340539
Auxiliary mounting,none
J15N Cover assembly 717264 347559
J30 Bushing 648055 8700008
Auxiliary mounting, ‘B-B’ flange, 15 tooth
J10 Coupling 664060 342907
J15 Cover assembly 347542 347567
J30 Bushing 648055 8700008
J60 Flange adapter 664094 340539
Input shaft: L
L1C3 Shaft, 15T 16.32 689414 340521
L1T3 Shaft, 1.0 taper 753855 342915
Special hardware: W
B83 Speed pickup plug N/A 9005110-5600

(I) Interchageable
(O) Obsolete

90 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Service Bulletin: SB-1993-002

Products affected Series 90 pump: All frame sizes

Subject Control gasket changes for MCV115 hydraulic displacement control

Description In October of 1992, Sauer-Danfoss began offering a new style hydraulic displacement
control (MCV115) that is a direct replacement for the MCV112,

The control gasket also changed, and the new style gasket must be used with the MCV115
control. The old style gasket is to be used with the MCV112 control, all manual displacement
controls, and MCV111 electric displacement controls.

Failure to use the appropriate gasket may result in uncontrolled pump displacement

30cc/42cc/55cc 75cc/100cc/130cc

8800520 8800521
Do NOT use Do NOT use
with MCV115 with MCV115

K11419 K11420
Use ONLY with Use ONLY with
MCV115 MCV115

Models affected All 93-2xxx, 94-2xxx, 95-2xxx, 96-2xxx, and 97-2xxx pumps

Serial numbers October 1992 and beyond

Part numbers affected Control gasket for Control gasket for HDC Control gasket for
Frame size EDC (MCV111) (MCV112) (MCV115) MDC (8x02M0Mx)
30/42/55 cc 8800520 8800520 K11419 8800520
75/100/130 cc 8800521 8800521 K11420 8800521

Parts disposition Non-interchangeable

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 91

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump

Service Bulletin: SB-1993-012

Products affected All Series 90 pumps

Subject Removeal of valve plate from cylinder block kit

Description Due to the increasing number of valve plate options, the valve plate (item C80) will be no
longer included in the cylinder block kit (item S07) on all series 90 variable pumps. Valve
plates must be ordered separately for service parts. See special hardware features group
in your Service Parts Manual for the appropriate valve plate number.



Models affected All 93-2xxx, 94-2xxx, 95-2xxx, 96-2xxx, 97-2xxx variable pumps

Serial numbers Not applicable

Part numbers affected Frame size Cylinder block kit

42 cc 80520S07
55 cc 80020S07
75 cc 81020S07
100 cc 82020S07
130 cc 83020S07

Parts disposition Not Applicable

92 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Service Bulletin: SB-1993-015A

Products affected Series 90 pump: All frame sizes

Subject Servo arm interference with speed sensor ring

Description Note: This service bulletin revision adds the 42 cc frame size and the incorporation
date of 55 thru 100 cc.

A potential interference problem has been identified in series 90 42, 55, 75, and 100 cc
frame size pumps built since early 1992. Interference may occur between the swashplate
hold down bracket on the servo arm and the speed sensor ring, which may be installed on
the cylinder block as an option.

A new hold down bracket has been designed to provide clearance for the speed sensor ring.

If a cylinder block with speed ring must be installed in one of the subject pumps, a servo
arm assembly with the new hold down will also be required.

Sometime during the first quarter of 1994, all 55, 75, and 100 cc pumps will be equipped
with the new design hold down bracket. The 42 cc pumps will implement the new design
hold down bracket in the second quarter of 1994.

Servo Arm Assembly

Clearance Slot for

Speed Sensor Ring


Models affected All 93-2xxx, 94-2xxx, 95-2xxx, and 96-2xxx variable pumps

Serial numbers 42 cc at serial number 92-16-xxxxx

55 cc at serial number 92-06-xxxxx
75 cc at serial number 92-17-xxxxx
1000 cc at serial number 92-12-xxxxx

Part numbers affected All 55, 75 and 100 cc pumps built in Ames beginning with s/n A-94-11-xxxxx will have the
new servo arm assembly installed. 100 cc pumps built in Neumunster will also incorporate
on this date. The75 cc pumps built in Neummunster will incorporate on N-94-14-xxxxx 42 cc
pumps will incorporate on N-94-36-xxxxx.

Old servo arm New servo arm

Frame size (no slot in bracket) (with slot in bracket)
42 cc 354282 502976
55 cc 8000191 8000318
75 cc 8100366 8100499
100 cc 8200182 8200268

Parts disposition Non-interchangeable - Pumps with speed sensor ring must use the new servo arm.

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 93

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump

Service Bulletin: SB-1994-018

Products affected Series 90 variable pumps

Subject Side cover washer elimination

Description The washers located under the side cover screws have been removed on all series 90 42
thru 130 cc variable pumps.

As before, the side cover screws must be replaced if they are removed for any reason.
The special coating, which seals and retains the screws, wears off when the screws are

The screw length changed on 55 thru 100 cc pumps, so it is important that the washers
are discarded during repair. The proper screw is included in the overhaul seal kits.

Washer - No Longer Used

New Special Screw

Models affected All 93-2xxx, 94-2xxx, 95-2xxx, 96-2xxx, and 97-2xxx variable pumps

Serial numbers Change took place during the 2nd and 3rd quarter of 1994

Part numbers affected Pump size Old screw New screw

42 cc 648477 Same part number
55-100 cc 9007276-0115 5000206
130 cc 308700 Same part number

Parts disposition Interchangeable

94 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Service Bulletin: SB-1995-002

Products affected Series 90 42 cc variable pumps

Subject Charge pump shaft key change

Description As a product improvement, Sauer-Danfoss has made a design change to the charge pump
shaft and woodruff key used on 42 cc variable pumps

The new key is smaller to eliminate a potential interference problem. The old charge pump
shaft will be obsoleted and no longer available as a service part.

This is an interchangeable change within the affected serial number range, if the charge
pump shaft and key are replaced together.

Width “A” Length “B”

mm (in) mm (in)
Old key 3.14 (0.1235) 12.70 (0.500)
New key 3.09 (0.1215) 9.53 (0.375)


Woodru key

Charge pump shaft

Models affected All 42 cc variable pumps

Serial numbers Serial number N-92-16-xxxxx and beyond

Part numbers affected Description Old part number New part number
Woodruff key 9003310-1208 9003310-1206
Charge pump shaft 340364 505202

Parts disposition Interchangeable if BOTH charge pump shaft and woodruff key are changed

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 95

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump

Service Bulletin: SB-1995-003

Products affected Series 90 variable pumps - all frame sizes

Subject Manual displacement control (MDC) with DC electric solenoid override

Description In order to accommodate our European customers, the manifold which attaches to the front
of the manual displacement control (MDC) housing is being changed.

The European solenoid valve requires a thicker manifold to provide clearance between the
solenoid and the front of the MDC housing. The revised manifold will protrude closer to the
mounting flange of the pump, reducing dimension “A” shown in the accompanying drawing
by approximately 5 mm [0.2 in]. Please see chart below for specific clearances.

The thicker manifold requires longer screws and may be used with either the U.S. or
European sourced solenoid.

This change will become effective during March of 1995. The old manifold will be obsoleted
and no longer available as a service part.
Solenoid valve


Neutral Start
Switch (NSS)

Top view Series 90 Front view

Manual displacement control View in "X" direction
with DC solenoid override

Frame size 42 55 75 100 130

Dimension Current 39.9 55.9 54.1 60.2 74.4
“A” [1.57] [2.20] [2.13] [2.37] [2.93]
mm Future 34.9 50.9 49.1 55.2 69.4
[in] [1.37] [2.0] [1.93] [2.17] [2.73]

Models affected All series 90 variable pumps using MDC with DC electric solenoid override.

Serial numbers Change will take place in March 1995.

Part numbers affected Description Current part number New part number Quantity
Manifold 8800365 505022 1
Screw 9007314-0605 9007314-0606 2

Parts disposition Interchangeable (new manifold requires longer screws)

96 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Service Bulletin: SB-1995-004

Products affected Series 90 42 cc variable pumps

Subject Charge pump design change

Description To improve efficiency and reliability, the number of charge pump parts in the series 90 42cc
pump is being replaced. The charge pump design is being changed to make the otter port
plate an integral part of the charge pump cover and to eliminate the distance plates.

For auxiliary pad options, the new charge pump cover is rotation dependent. The cover will
be marked either left hand (L) or right hand (R). The non-auxiliary pad cover is not rotation

The complete charge pump assembly can be interchanged with corresponding hardware
from 92-16 and beyond. However, piece parts are not interchangeable. For units prior to
95-16, consult Sauer-Danfoss.

Gear Set
Gear Set

Old Charge
Pump Configuration

New Charge
Pump Configuration

New charge pump cover for

pumps without auxiliary pads
(same cover for left hand or
right hand rotation)
Both left hand and right hand charge pump covers for
pumps with auxiliary pads are included in auxiliary pad kits

The new charge pump covers have an 'L' or

'R' stamped on them for easy identification

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 97

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Service Bulletin: SB-1995-004

Models affected All 42 cc variable pumps

Serial numbers Units built between N-92-16-xxxxx and N-94-12-xxxxx

Part numbers affected The following information must be known to determine the correct charge pump
replacement kit:
1. Charge pump displacement (11 or 14 cc)
2. Auxiliary pad (yes or no)
3. Rotation (LH or RH)

Chg. pump Replacement

Obsolete charge pump parts displacement Auxiliary pad Rotation kit
Gear set Cover
347559 No LH or RH 8510078
8052043 347567 11 cc Yes LH 8510079
347567 Yes RH 8510080
347559 No LH or RH 8510081
8052044 347567 14 cc Yes LH 8510082
347567 Yes RH 8510083

The following information pertains to “L” charge pump option only:

Old cover Auxiliary Replacement

(92-16 to 94-12) pad Rotation cover
347559 No LH or RH 8800834
347567 Yes LH 8800833
347567 Yes RH 8800832

Parts disposition Interchangeable for manufacture date 92-16 and beyond. Piece parts are not

98 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Service Bulletin: SB-1995-005

Products affected Series 90 42 cc variable pumps

Subject Obsolete servo system parts

Description The servo piston diameter was increased on series 90 42 cc pumps in 1990. The old style
parts are being obsoleted and will no longer be available as service parts. A kit containing
the necessary replacement parts has been created. Refer to page two of this bulletin for the
appropriate kit part number.

Servo cylinder

Servo cylinder
(no limitation)

Servo piston

Servo cylinder
(no limitation)

Servo cylinder

Models affected All 42 cc variable pumps

Serial numbers Units built prior to serial number N-90-51-xxxxx

Part numbers affected Description Old style p/n Replacement p/n

Servo sleeve kit - No limitation 8052F003-A 8510089
Servo sleeve kit - adjustable 8052F004-A 8510090
Servo piston kit 80520S10 8510089* or 8510090*

* The new servo piston hardware is included in these kits and must be used with the new
servo cylinders. If a servo piston is required, the appropiate displacement limiter must be

Parts disposition Non-interchangeable

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 99

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump

Service Bulletin: SB-1995-006

Products affected Series 90 42 cc variable pumps

Subject End cap bolt size change

Description As a product improvement, Sauer-Danfoss is changing the screws that fasten the end cap to
the pump housing from M10 to M12.

This change will require a new housing, end cap gasket, end cap, auxiliary mounting pad
flange, and screws.

The new end cap and gasket can be used the old housing if hardened washers are used with
the M10 end cap screws.

The new auxiliary mounting pad flange can be used with the old end cap and housing if
hardened washers are used with the M10 end cap screws. The auxiliary mounting pad kits
will include both the new washers and hardened washers for the M10 screws.

The new housing can only be used with all new style parts.

The old style housing will remain available as a service part as long as inventory lasts. All
other parts will be obsoleted and no longer available.
Pump Housing

Auxiliary Pad

End Cap Gasket

Screw End Cap

Washer Washer

Models affected All 42 cc variable pumps

Serial numbers Units built between serial number N-92-16-xxxxx and N-95-14-xxxxx.

Part numbers affected Description Old style p/n New style p/n
End cap 769562 506785
End cap gasket 792937 506698
Screws (with auxiliary mounting pad) 321893 913590
Screws (without auxiliary mounting pad) 321661 506800
Washer 294462 506753
Hardened washer for M10 screws N/A 294462
Pump housing 792705 506740

Note: Auxiliary mounting pad kit part numbers will not change.

100 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Service Bulletin: SB-1995-026

Products affected Series 90 42 cc - 130 cc variable pumps

Subject Standard valve plate part number change

Description As a product improvement, Sauer-Danfoss is changing the standard valve plate used in
series 90 42 thru 130 cc variable pumps. (refer to PIB-9507)

The purpose of this bulletin is notification of part number changes for the order codes
affected. During unit repair, do not replace the new style valve plate with an old style valve
plate. However, the old style may be replace with a new style valve plate.

The old style valve plates will be obsoleted and no longer available as a service part.

Models affected All 932xxx, 942xxx, 952xxx, 962xxx, and 972xxx variable pumps

Serial numbers This change became effective at serial number N-95-48-xxxxx

Part numbers affected Old order Old valve plate New order New valve plate
Unit code part number code part number
42 cc NNN 500337 GBA 758383
55 cc NNN 8000071 GBA 8000431
75 cc NNN 8100145 GBA 501332
100 cc NNN 8200041 GBA 501327
130 cc NNN 700203 GBA 758425

Parts disposition Interchangeable - do NOT substitute the old valve plate for the new valve plate

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 101

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Service Bulletin: SB-1996-004

Products affected Series 90 42, 130, 180, and 250cc variable pumps

Subject Side cover design change

Description As a product improvement, Sauer-Sundstrand is changing the side cover and swashplate
leveler (T-Bar) guide post design.

The new design side cover will have two hardened inserts in the machined slot which serves
as a guide for the swashplate leveler, and modified guide posts. The swashplate leveler does
not change.

Old guide posts will remain available for service requirements of pumps with the old design
side cover.

The old style side cover will be obsoleted and no longer available as a service part. A service
kit has been created for replacing the old design side cover. The kit includes the new side
cover, guide posts and inserts. Piece parts are not interchangeable..

Guide Post
Guide Post

Swashplate Leveler


Side Cover

Models affected All series 42, 130, 180, and 250cc variable pumps

Serial numbers Change occured at serial number N-96-08-xxxxx.

Part numbers affected Old part numbers New part numbers

Description Guide post Side cover Insert assy. Guide post Replacement kit
42 cc 344465 751305 506916 506369 506380
130 cc 503205 746107 8300004 506368 11027814
180 cc 503205 746404 506914 506368 506290
250 cc 503205 746404 506914 506368 506290

Parts disposition Interchangeable - piece parts are not interchangeable

102 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Service Bulletin: SB-1997-014

Products affected Series 90 42, 130, 180, and 250 cc variable pumps

Subject Charge pump shaft part number change

Description As a product improvement, Sauer-Danfoss has changed the design of the change pump
shaft used in series 90 42, 130, 180, and 250 cc variable pumps.

The new and old shafts are interchangeable.

The old style charge pump shaft will become obsolete and no longer available as a service

Charge Pump Shaft

Models affected All 932xxx, 972xxx, 982xxx, and 992xxx variable pumps

Serial numbers See table below

Part numbers affected Frame Old shaft New shaft Effectivity

size part number part number date
42 505202 509485 97-06
130 501399 509483 97-06
180 503519 509484 97-12
250 504439 509482 97-12

Parts disposition Interchangeable

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 103

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Service Bulletin: SB-1999-041A

Products affected Series 90 variable pumps

Subject Change to side cover insert material

Description As a product improvement, Sauer-Danfoss has changed the side cover insert material to
improve wear characteristics. The new material is more wear resistant than the previous

In order to track this change, new part numbers have been created and the old part
numbers will be obsolete.

Side Cover Insert Kit

Side Cover

Models affected 93-2xxxx, 94-2xxxx, 95-2xxxx, 96-2xxxx, 97-2xxxx, 98-2xxxx, and 99-2xxxx

Serial numbers Frame size NMS effectivity date Ames effectivity date
42 cc N-99-36-xxxxx N/A
55 cc N-00-18-xxxxx A-00-18-xxxxx
75 cc N-99-26-xxxxx A-00-38-xxxxx
100 cc N-99-31-xxxxx A-00-38-xxxxx
130 cc N-99-33-xxxxx N/A
180 cc N-99-36-xxxxx N/A
250 cc N-99-36-xxxxx N/A

Part numbers affected Frame size Old part number New part number
42 cc 506916 513885
55 cc 8000406 513886
75 cc 8000562 513888
100 cc 8200321 513889
130 cc 8300004 513890
180 cc 506914 513891
250 cc 506914 513891

Parts disposition Interchangeable

104 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump
Service Bulletin: SB-2002-016

Products affected Series 90 42 cc variable pumps

Subject Swashplate change in material heat treatment

Description Sauer-Danfoss has changed the heat treatment process of the swashplate in the series 90 42
cc pump. The new swashplate and old swashplate are interchangeable.

Models affected All series 90 42 cc variable pumps

Serial numbers This change became effective at serial number N-01-43-xxxxx.

Part numbers affected Old part number New part number

509630 516199

Parts disposition Interchangeable

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 105

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump

Service Bulletin: SB-2005-011

Products affected Series 90 42 thru 100 cc pumps

Subject Auxiliary flange charge pump cover

Description Sauer-Danfoss will no longer mark auxiliary flange charge pump cover with an “R” for right
hand rotation or an “L” for left hand rotation.

The pilot surface has changed on the covers. The right hand rotation charge pump cover
will have 1 step and the left hand rotation charge pump cover will have 2 steps. Refer to the
drawings below for example.

The part numbers of the charge pump covers will not change.

Right hand Left hand

rotation rotation

Models affected Series 90 42 thru 100 cc pumps withauxiliary pad options.

Serial numbers This change became effective at serial number A-05-17-xxxxx

Part numbers affected None

Parts disposition Interchangeable

106 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump

Service Bulletin: SB-2009-074

Products affected Series 90 42, 130, 180 and 250cc variable pumps

Subject SAE A auxiliary mounting flange, O-ring seal

Description Sauer-Danfoss is pleased to announce a design improvement on the SAE A auxiliary

mounting flange adapter on its series 90 pumps. The frame sizes affected by this change
are 42, 130, 180 and 250cc. All manufacturing locations producing these pumps will be
changed to this configuration.

The improvement comes in the form of a more robust sealing geometry with a larger cross-
section O-ring. The O-ring groove in the flange will now be sized to mate with a 2.62mm
[0.103”] cross-section O-ring rather than the old 1.78mm [0.070”] cross-section O-ring.
The Sauer-Danfoss part number for the new O-ring is 9004104-1520 (2.62mm [0.070”] x
82.22mm [3.237”]). The larger cross-section sealing geometry allows for the use of a donut
style A pad seal and a new flat cover for improved assembly. This new configuration is
qualified as a running cover. When installing an auxiliary pump, the donut style A pad seal
must be discarded and the part number 9004104-1520 O-ring used.

The pumps will now be supplied with the donut style seal and new flat cover, instead of the
small O-ring and stepped cover plate (shown in the drawing below).

1.30 mm 1.96 mm
[0.05] [0.08]

Adapter flange Adapter flange


O-ring A pad seal

Piloted flange cover
Flat flange cover

Old design New design

Models affected All series90 42, 130, 180 and 250cc pumps with an SAE A auxiliary mounting flange.

Serial numbers Change became effective at serial number N-09-30-xxxxx. (20 July 2009)

Part numbers affected Description Old part number New part number Used on
A flange adapter 511040 520944 42cc
A flange adapter 505113 520946 130cc
A flange adapter 505136 520949 180 and 250cc
O-ring 9004104-0420 9004104-1520 all sizes
A pad seal N/A 4800482 all sizes
Flange cover 9802336 4460586 all sizes

Parts disposition Interchangeable if new O-ring or if the pad seal and new cover are used.

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 107

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump

Service Bulletin: SB-2009-075

Products affected Series 90 42, 130, 180 and 250cc variable pumps

Subject SAE B auxiliary mounting flange, O-ring seal

Description Sauer-Danfoss is pleased to announce a design improvement on the SAE B auxiliary

mounting flange adapter on its series 90 pumps. The frame sizes affected by this change
are 42, 130, 180 and 250cc. All manufacturing locations producing these pumps will be
changed to this configuration.

The improvement comes in the form of a more robust sealing geometry with a larger cross-
section O-ring. The O-ring groove in the flange will now be sized to mate with a 2.62mm
[0.103”] cross-section O-ring rather than the old 1.78mm [0.070”] cross-section O-ring.
The Sauer-Danfoss part number for the new O-ring is 9004104-1540 (2.62mm [0.070”] x
94.92mm [3.737”]). The larger cross-section sealing geometry allows for the use of a donut
style B pad seal and a new flat cover for improved assembly. This new configuration is
qualified as a running cover. When installing an auxiliary pump, the donut style B pad seal
must be discarded and the part number 9004104-1540 O-ring used.

The pumps will now be supplied with the donut style seal and new flat cover, instead of the
small O-ring and stepped cover plate (shown in the drawing below).

1.30 mm 1.96 mm
[0.05] [0.08]

Adapter flange Adapter flange


O-ring B pad seal

Flat flange cover

Piloted flange cover

Old design New design

Models affected All series90 42, 130, 180 and 250cc pumps with an SAE B auxiliary mounting flange.

Serial numbers Change became effective at serial number N-09-30-xxxxx. (20 July 2009)

Part numbers affected Description Old part number New part number Used on
B flange adapter 506778 520945 42cc
B flange adapter 503230 520947 130cc
B flange adapter 11000255 11039180 130cc
B flange adapter 505132 520950 180 and 250cc
O-ring 9004104-0450 9004104-1540 all sizes
B pad seal N/A 8801061 all sizes
Flange cover 4460370 8801059 all sizes

Parts disposition Interchangeable if new O-ring or if the pad seal and new cover are used.

108 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump

Service Bulletin: SB-2009-076

Products affected Series 90 130, 180 and 250cc variable pumps

Subject SAE C auxiliary mounting flange, O-ring seal

Description Sauer-Danfoss is pleased to announce a design improvement on the SAE C auxiliary

mounting flange adapter on its series 90 pumps. The frame sizes affected by this change are
130, 180 and 250cc. All manufacturing locations producing these pumps will be changed to
this configuration.

The improvement comes in the form of a more robust sealing geometry with a larger cross-
section O-ring. The O-ring groove in the flange will now be sized to mate with a 2.62mm
[0.103”] cross-section O-ring rather than the old 1.78mm [0.070”] cross-section O-ring.
The Sauer-Danfoss part number for the new O-ring is 9004104-1580 (2.62mm [0.070”] x
120.32mm [4.737”]). The larger cross-section sealing geometry allows for the use of a donut
style C pad seal and a new flat cover for improved assembly. This new configuration is
qualified as a running cover. When installing an auxiliary pump, the donut style C pad seal
must be discarded and the part number 9004104-1580 O-ring used.

The pumps will now be supplied with the donut style seal and new flat cover, instead of the
small O-ring and stepped cover plate (shown in the drawing below).

1.30 mm 1.96 mm
[0.05] [0.08]

Adapter flange
Adapter flange

O-ring C pad seal

Flat flange cover

Piloted flange cover
Old design New design
Models affected All series 90 130, 180 and 250cc pumps with an SAE C auxiliary mounting flange.

Serial numbers Change became effective at serial number N-09-30-xxxxx. (20 July 2009)

Part numbers affected Description Old part number New part number Used on
C Flange adapter 505116 513617 130 cc
C Flange adapter 508407 11039184 130 cc
C Flange adapter 515116 513617 130 cc
C Flange adapter 505139 520951 180cc and 250cc
C Flange adapter 508406 11039178 180cc and 250cc
O-ring 9004100-0480 9004104-1580 All units
C pad seal NA 8801062 All units
Flange cover 8800406 8801060 All units

Parts disposition Interchangeable if new O-ring or if the pad seal and new cover are used.

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 109

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump

Service Bulletin: SB-2011-025

Products affected Series 90 30cc, 42cc, 55cc, 75cc, 100cc, 130cc, 180cc, and 250cc pumps

Subject Supplier change for the auxiliary drive coupling

Description The supplier has changed for the auxiliary drive couplings used in the Series 90 pumps. The
new couplings are completely interchangeable with the old couplings. New part numbers
have been issued for tracking purposes. The old part numbers are obsolete and no longer
available for service.

Models affected All Series 90 pumps with auxiliary drive.

Serial numbers N/A

Part numbers affected Coupling description Old part number New part number
30cc & 42cc 9 tooth coupling 341016 11053281
30cc & 42cc 13 tooth coupling 341024 11053279
30cc & 42cc 15 tooth coupling 342907 11053280
42cc & 55cc 20 tooth coupling 503271 11053273
55cc 11 tooth coupling 8000142 11053344
55cc 15 tooth coupling 8000077 11053340
55cc 15 tooth coupling 8000130 11053343
75cc & 100cc 14 tooth coupling 8801196 11053346
75cc & 100cc 19 tooth coupling 8100407 11053342
75cc & 100cc 25 tooth coupling 503918 11053278
130cc 9 tooth coupling 310466 11053288
130cc 13 tooth coupling 310490 11053283
130cc 14 tooth coupling 310508 11053284
130cc 17 tooth coupling 501386 11053286
130cc 21 tooth coupling 705954 11053287
130cc – 250cc 25 tooth coupling 504517 11053338
180cc 17 tooth coupling 510100 11053337
180cc & 250cc 9 tooth coupling 766964 11053336
180cc & 250cc 27 tooth coupling 751701 11053335

Parts disposition Interchangeable

110 AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

Parts Manual Series 90 42cc Axial Piston Pump

Service Bulletin: SB-2015-031

Products affected Series 90 pumps

Subject Charge pump shaft supplier change

Description The supplier for 42cc, 130cc, 180cc and 250cc charge pump shafts on Series 90 units has
changed. Part numbers have been changed for tracking purposes.

Old and new parts are completely interchangeable. Old part numbers will become obsolete
and no longer available as a service part.

Charge pump shaft

Models affected Series 90 42cc, 130cc, 180cc and 250cc pumps.

Serial numbers See chart below for effective dates of change.

Part numbers affected Description Old part number New part number Implementation Date
Charge pump shaft 90/42 513438 11138376 20-Jul-2015 (15-30)
Charge pump shaft 90/130 513435 11138378 30-Nov-2015 (15-49)
Charge pump shaft 90/130 513436 11138379 11-Aug-2015 (15-33)
Charge pump shaft 90/180 11002443 11138380 N/A
Charge pump shaft 90/250 518691 11138381 N/A

Parts disposition Interchangeable

Use parts in stock
Revise existing part orders

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017 111

Products we offer: Danfoss Power Solutions is a global manufacturer and supplier of high-quality hydraulic and
electronic components. We specialize in providing state-of-the-art technology and solutions that
yy Bent Axis Motors excel in the harsh operating conditions of the mobile off-highway market. Building on our extensive
yy Closed Circuit Axial Piston applications expertise, we work closely with our customers to ensure exceptional performance for a
Pumps and Motors broad range of off-highway vehicles.
yy Displays
yy Electrohydraulic Power We help OEMs around the world speed up system development, reduce costs and bring vehicles to
Steering market faster.
yy Electrohydraulics Danfoss – Your Strongest Partner in Mobile Hydraulics.
yy Hydraulic Power Steering
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yy Joysticks and Control
Handles Wherever off-highway vehicles are at work, so is Danfoss.
yy Microcontrollers and
Software We offer expert worldwide support for our customers, ensuring the best possible solutions for
yy Open Circuit Axial Piston outstanding performance. And with an extensive network of Global Service Partners, we also provide
Pumps comprehensive global service for all of our components.
yy Orbital Motors
Please contact the Danfoss Power Solution representative nearest you.
yy Proportional Valves
yy Sensors
yy Steering
yy Transit Mixer Drives

www.schwarzmueller- Local address:

Danfoss Danfoss Danfoss Power Solutions
Power Solutions US Company Power Solutions GmbH & Co. OHG Power Solutions ApS Building #22, No. 1000 Jin Hai Rd
2800 East 13th Street Krokamp 35 Nordborgvej 81 Jin Qiao, Pudong New District
Ames, IA 50010, USA D-24539 Neumünster, Germany DK-6430 Nordborg, Denmark Shanghai, China 201206
Phone: +1 515 239 6000 Phone: +49 4321 871 0 Phone: +45 7488 4444 Phone: +86 21 3418 5200
Danfoss can accept no responsibility for possible errors in catalogues, brochures and other printed material. Danfoss reserves the right to alter its products without notice. This also applies to products
already on order provided that such alterations can be made without subsequential changes being necessary in specifications already agreed.
All trademarks in this material are property of the respective companies. Danfoss and the Danfoss logotype are trademarks of Danfoss A/S. All rights reserved.

AX00000085en-US | 520L0838 • Rev 0500 • January 2017

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