Best Simulation of Classes

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque

Office of the Principal

on Class
Dry Run

Butansapa, Mogpog, Marinduque
Email: [email protected] , contact no. 0956 512 5353
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque

Office of the Principal


Learning is indispensable, thus, amidst the threat of Pandemic COVIC -19, learning must not
stop and must receive by the students in any available means and modality. In this regard, Butansapa
National High School joint hand in hand to prepare for the “New Normal” set up of education.

As part of the “New Normal” the Department of Education mandated the public and private
schools nationwide to choose the most appropriate Alternative Delivery Modalities for their school,
with much consideration to the preferences of the parents and learners as well as the preparation of the
school to safely deliver basic if not quality education to ensure that learning shall take place.

In this regard, Dry Run was set of and scheduled on August 10-14 by the Department of
Education. Prior to the week’s Dry Run, preparations of Self-Learning Materials (SLM) were made and
done by the teachers under the supervision of the School Principal.

Below are the documentations of Butansapa National High School for the Dry Run which were
based on the checklist issued by the Schools Division of Marinduque.

“What we are waiting for is not as important as what

happens to us while we are waiting. Trust the process.”
― Mandy Hale

Butansapa, Mogpog, Marinduque
Email: [email protected] , contact no. 0956 512 5353
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque

Office of the Principal

Preparation of
Learning Materials

One For All… All for One. Teachers of Butansapa National High School joint
effort during the preparation of Self- Learning Materials (SLMs).

“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best

― H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Butansapa, Mogpog, Marinduque
Email: [email protected] , contact no. 0956 512 5353
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque

Office of the Principal

Collaborative Efforts: Teachers of Butansapa National High School

work collaboratively in counting and checking of Self-Learning

Butansapa, Mogpog, Marinduque
Email: [email protected] , contact no. 0956 512 5353
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque

Office of the Principal

All things are ready, if our

mind be so.”
― William
Shakespeare, Henry V

Butansapa, Mogpog, Marinduque
Email: [email protected] , contact no. 0956 512 5353
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque

Office of the Principal

Actual Dry Run

“You can teach people everything. The best you can do is to position them where they can find what they
need to know when they need to know” Seymour Papert, MIT

Ma’am Josenia Constantino as she talks and hand-over the SLK to the Knowledge Source Ms.
Chinee Marciano

Butansapa, Mogpog, Marinduque
Email: [email protected] , contact no. 0956 512 5353
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque

Office of the Principal

Distribution of Self-Learning Materials at

Lamesa Learning Resource Center

Courtesy Call! Ma’am Josenia & Ma’am Clarissa with PB Joselito Ravanera of Barangay
Lamesa, Santa Cruz, Marinduque. Distribution of Self-Learning Materials at
Bocboc Learning Resource Center #2

Butansapa, Mogpog, Marinduque
Email: [email protected] , contact no. 0956 512 5353
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque

Office of the Principal

Mrs. Mariel Logatoc conducts brief orientation with the parents and LGU before the
distribution of Self-Learning Materials

Distribution of Self-Learning Materials at Learning Resource Centers

Barangays Malayak & Magapua

Butansapa, Mogpog, Marinduque
Email: [email protected] , contact no. 0956 512 5353
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque

Office of the Principal

Ma’am Elma and Ma’am Cynthia on

a separate distribution of SLM to the
parents of students in Barangay
Magapua & Malayak

Distribution of Self-Learning Materials at Learning

Resource Centers
Barangay Pili & Mendez

Distribution of Self-Learning Materials at

Learning Resource Centers 7
Sir Jho, Sir Vanni, and Ma’am Eleanor on their
Barangays Tarug
separate distribution of SLM to the parents of
students in Barangay Pili & Mendez.

Butansapa, Mogpog, Marinduque
Email: [email protected] , contact no. 0956 512 5353
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque

Office of the Principal

Ma’am Thet and Ma’am Maryjune on

their separate distribution of SLM to the
parents of students in Barangay Pili & Distribution of Self-Learning Materials at
Mendez. Learning Resource Centers # 8 & 9
Barangay Banto


Name: Rowena M. Loto Position: Principal I Gender: Female

School: Butansapa NHS Class: Grade 9 No. of Students: 29
Areas What went well What did not go so well What could be improved
Best Practices Challenge Gaps/Bottlenecks Recommended Action
Employed Encountered
1. Preparation of Collaborative Incomplete No modules School’s Initiated learning
Learning Effort of Teachers modules for some prepared for Grade materials Grade 9 English
Package subjects 9 –English and TLE and TLE Specialization
specialization courses
Using of Checklist (Electricity and
as guide in the Dress Making and
preparation of Tailoring)
learning package
2. Printing of Work station Troubleshooting Technical problem Early preparation
Learning during printing of during printing of Power Interruptions Home-based printing of
Materials learning modules. learning materials learning modules
(paper jams and
sudden power

Physical Counting
and Checking of
learning module.
3. Organizing Minimum Health None None
Learning Standards (using
Materials, gloves, disinfecting
Schools Supplies of the printed
and Hygiene Kits learning modules.

disinfected boxes
for the printed
learning materials
4. Lesson School’s Initiated
Preparation Worksheet (as

Butansapa, Mogpog, Marinduque
Email: [email protected] , contact no. 0956 512 5353
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque

Office of the Principal

additional activities
for the lesson)
6. Packaging and Safe packaging of
Storage of learning materials.
Learning Adherence to
Materials Minimum Health
7. Meeting Orientation with Some parents Distance of house Follow up and open
Conferences and the parents on were not able to from school communication with the
Orientation with scheduled dates attend the parents.
the focal person meetings, Threat of COVID 19
Social Distancing conferences, and
and Health orientation Some protocols to
Protocols were scheduled by the follows
followed during school and the
orientation teacher.
8. Distribution Assigned teachers Some parents did Distance of home Partnership with the
and delivery of to deliver the not come on time. from the designated Barangay Officials
Bila-Bila Box learning materials pick up areas. (Committee on Education)
in designated pick
up area (Barangay Some parents did Busy work schedule Coordination with the
Hall) not come to pick Knowledge Source
up the learning
modules for their Hatid Module Operation
children. (Minimum Health
Standards follow)
9. Retrieval and Assigned teachers
collection of to deliver the
modules learning materials
in designated pick
area (Barangay
10. Parents Parents served as Some parents Working parents Follow learning
Instruction learning buddy of were not able to (mothers) Home Visitation
Support their children. guide their children Asynchronous teaching

11. Learning Parents served as Some parents Working parents Follow learning
Tutors/Knowledg the Learning were not able to (mothers) Home Visitation
e Source Tutors/Knowledge guide their children Asynchronous teaching
12. Stakeholders’ Received supports Tap stakeholders for more
Support (LGU, from stakeholders support
PTA, and others) (printing materials)
13. Hatid-Aral Hatid-Aral Module
Module Couriers (Teachers)
followed Minimum
Health Standards
14. Teaching Done through Difficulty to answer Distance Learning Follow up learning
Learning Process Distance Learning some learning seemed hard for
(printed module) materials independent Home Visitation
learning especially
Use tracking of for learners with Track learners’ progress
learners tool special needs
15. Key teachers Joint efforts of the

Butansapa, Mogpog, Marinduque
Email: [email protected] , contact no. 0956 512 5353
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque

Office of the Principal

involved in the Teachers in the
Run actual dry run and
in all the
16. Provision of School Principal
Technical provided technical
Assistance assistance during
the writing of
school’s initiated
learning materials
for Grade 9
English and
17. Monitoring of All Grade 9 subject
the Teaching and teachers did the
Learning Process actual monitoring
of teaching and

Use of tools
(tracking tools)

18. Assessment Assessment of

of Learners’ learners per
Output subjects were

Checking and
recording were
19.Monitoring of School Principal
the Dry Run monitored the
entire dry run.

Use of checklist
and evaluation tool
during monitoring

Butansapa, Mogpog, Marinduque
Email: [email protected] , contact no. 0956 512 5353
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque

Office of the Principal

Feedback from Parents Feedback Mechanisms/ Plan Adjustment

1. Too many activities in the a. Communicate with the parents.
learning module. b. Motivate them to guide their children in answering the learning
c. Follow up learning (through any means of platforms)
2. Lack of time to finish all the a. Guide learners
learning module based on the b. Advise them to follow Home-Based Schedule
Home-Based Schedule c. Home Visitation to address difficulty encountered
3. Their children are not capable a. Motivate both parents and children.
of independent learning, b. Advise parents and children that they may seek the assistance of
particularly in Mathematics and Knowledge Source
Science c. Home Visitation to address difficulty encountered.
4. Some missing links in the a. Follow and monitoring while answering learning modules to address
activities typo errors and other inconsistencies that brought confusion to the
5. Unclear directions learners.

Butansapa, Mogpog, Marinduque
Email: [email protected] , contact no. 0956 512 5353

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