R Bragos 1994 Physiol. Meas. 15 A91
R Bragos 1994 Physiol. Meas. 15 A91
R Bragos 1994 Physiol. Meas. 15 A91
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- Current approaches to analogue
A wide-band AC-coupled current source for instrumentation design in electrical
impedance tomography
electrical impedance tomography K G Boone and D S Holder
Recent citations
- Hanen Nouri et al
Abstract. A current source suitable for application in electrical impedance tomography (UT)
is described. The fim stage of the commercially available current-feedback amplifier AD844
constitutes a current-conveyor implementation and allows the consmction of wide-bandwidth
current sources, thus avoiding the mismatching and temperahire-induced problem that arise in
discrete realizations. The lack in gain accuracy of this circuit is avercome by the inclusion of
ill input buffer in an operational amplifier (op amp) feedback loop. Saturation problems that
appear when placing a oc-blocking capacitor between the source and the electrode are solved by
a DC feedback that maintains oc voltage at the output near to 0 V without reducing the output
impedance of the source. Two Ac-coupled current sources, in both inverting and non-inverting
configurations, are described and their possible applications to EX are listed.
1. Introduction
Multifrequency BIT needs high-quality controlled current sources, able to maintain 0.1%
accuracy in the output current over a wide bandwidth (10 kHZ-1 MHz), even with large
variations of the electrode contact impedances.
In the last four years, some implementations based on current sensing at the supply
terminals of an amplifier have been published (Lidgey et nl 1990, h u n g et nl 1990). The
amplifier is usually an open-loop AB-class buffer or an op amp-based voltage follower.
In both cases, current mirrors are used to copy the supply currents from the amplifier and
drive them to the load, as shown in figure l(u). That structure constitutes an implementation
of a second-generation current conveyor (CCII), a powerful building block for current-mode
design whose symbol and hybrid parameters are shown in figure l(b) and whose principles
and applications have been widely described (Toumazou et nl 1990%b).
The advantages of these circuits are inherent stability, high output impedance and
wide-band operation. The drawbacks arise from the non-idealities of current mirrors and
The main problem of the mirror implementation is that arrays of complementary
transistors are not easily available. Non-complementary transistors produce harmonic
distortion and matched discrete transistors result in a high temperature coefficient, a long
warm-up time and a laborious device substitution during repair. On the other hand, AB-class
open-loop amplifiers do not allow accurate setting of output current, while op amp-based
amplifiers provide both output and quiescent currents to the mirrors, therefore reducing the
output impedance of the current source and increasing its current noise.
The current-feedback amplifier (CFA) AD844 (Analog Devices), whose internal structure is
shown in figure 2 (dotted zone), has accessible an internal high-impedance node (2)for
external frequency compensation. This feature permits its use as a current conveyor. In
fact, some papers have referred to it as a ‘commercially available current-conveyor’ (Bruun
and Haxtausen 1991, Lee and Tsao 1992).
Fiyre 2. An equivalent schematic diagram of the AD844 CFA and ifs connection as a vccs,
3. Circuit description
:......................................................... :
AD844 i
.................................... :
4. Circuit performance
The following results have been obtained using an LT1220 as a buffer and a E O 8 1 in the DC
feedback loop. An adder based on an EL2044 has also been included in both configurations
in order to incorporate its effects in the circuit performance. The following parameters have
been measured distortion, noise, frequency reponse, output impedance, voltage and current
operation margins and DC feedback performance.
In current-sensing-based vccs. the main cause of distortion is the mismatch between
source and sink current mirrors, because each one copies approximately a half period of
the reference current to the output. Therefore, if their gains are not equal, the reconstructed
output current will present harmonic distortion. The advantage of using the AD844 is
that npn and pnp transistors have similar cment gains (they are built using a bipolar
complementary (BC) process) and temperature matching is ensured by the integration. The
residual mismatch together with the non-linearities of buffers and amplifiers yield the
following total harmonic distortion (m)results (second and third harmonic), expressed
in decibels with respect to a 1 mA carrier: maximum, -47 dB over 5 kQ at 1 MHz;
minimum, -61 dE3 over 100 Q at 100 kHz. Similar results have been obtained for both
When using coherent demodulation, the noise bandwidth is reduced to that of the output
filter. The system is thus relatively robust to the noise. Nevertheless, given the number of
parts in the measurement chain, the noise of each part should be minimized. The noise output
current has been measured over 50 ki2 and with grounded inputs. For the inverting source,
A96 R Bragds et a1
we have obtained 290 PA Hz-'/' at 10 kHz, 100 pA Hz-'/' at 100 kHz,50 PA Hz-'/'
at 500 kHz and 50 pA Hz-'12 at 1 MHz. For the non-inverting source, we have obtained
410 pA &-'Iat' 10 kHz, 140 pA Hz-'' at 100 kHz, 80 pA &-'/2 at 500 kHz and
80 PA HZ-'/'at 1 MHz.
As stated above, the magnitude and phase variations that are independent of the load
can be calibrated out. Those variations that are load dependent can be characterized by the
output impedance. However, the differences between inverting and non-inverting frequency
responses will induce common-mode problems in floating output sources built with two
single sources as we will discuss in section 5. The measured frequency responses are shown
in figure 4. The maximum values for the magnitude variation and the corresponding phase
shift from 10 kHz to 1 M H z are as follows: for the non-inverting circuit and RL = 50 Q;
1.1%14.4'; RL = 1 kc, 1.1%18.4'; RL = 5 kQ; 4.3%123". For the inverting circuit and
RL = 50 Q; 0.1%16.3"; RL = 1 kQ; 0.1%[9.6"; RL = 5 k@ 3.5%123".There is an initial
phase shift of 4" (6") at 1MHz for the non-inverting (inverting) source due to the amplifiers,
which can be calibrated and does not depend on the value for RL. The high magnitude
variation in the non-inverting source is due to its peaking response and will probably be
cancelled when adding more stray capacitances at the output i n the whole EIT system.
According to the equivalent schematic supplied by Analog Devices, the output
impedance of the AD844 should be the transimpedance of the CFA. Therefore, it can
theoretically be modelled by the parallel connection of a resistor and a capacitor. The
method used for the measurement of this impedance is explained by Webster (1990), and
is based on the load commutation between two values. The inverse of the real part of the
measured admittance is assigned to the resistor value and its imaginary part is assigned to
the capacitor susceptance. When IO = 150 $A and RL is switched between 50 Q and 50 kQ
we have measured for the non-inverting source; CO= 10.7 pF and RO = 7.6 MQ at 10 kHz,
6.9 MQ at 100 kHz,2.7 MS2 at 500 kHz and 0.7 MQ at 1 MHz.; for the inverting source:
CO= 11.5 pF and Ro = 5.5 MR at 10 kHz, 4.1 MR at 100 IcHz,0.8 M R at 500 kHz and
0.3 MQ at 1 MHz. The real part of the admittance does not remain constant with frequency
and therefore it can not be modelled with the usual resistor-capacitor circuit.
The extreme operation margins are determined by the saturation of either the first stage
or the current mirrors of the AD844, depending on the values for R and RL. The measured
values are: IO,, N 10 mA; V, N 8 V (V, = f 1 5 V)
With the DC feedback connected, the measured DC voltage before the capacitor reduces to
1 mV.
5. Applications
The circuit in figure 3 can be directly used as a single earth-referred current source in both
inverting and non-inverting configurations; also, afloating-load current source could be built
by placing the load between the outputs of two single sources, one of each configuration
(Haslett and Rao 1979), as shown in figure 5. Both sources have the same reference current
and no adjustments of the transconductance determining resistors are needed. If there were
any difference between the two output currents, it would flow through the output impedance
of the single sources, thus inducing a large common-mode voltage that would be transferred
to the load, and affecting the voltage detecting amplifier. Even if both currents are equal at
Wide-bandAC-coupled current source for Err A97
-12 3 4 5
Normalized out~utcurrent
6 loslfl 7 - 1 2 j , ,
3 4
, ,
Normalizedoutput current
1.01 {
3 4 5 6 7
Transconductance phase (degrees) Transmnductance phase (degrees)
1 0
- 40
3 4 5
1 kn 0 5kP
Figure 4. The frequency responses for RL = 50 S l , 1 kS2 and 5 kS2: ( a ) non-inverting Current
source: (b) inverting current source.
low frequencies, the mismatch between the frequency responses of the two single sources
will produce a common mode degeneration at high frequencies.
When connecting as in figure 5, the interaction between the two DC feedback circuits
drives the outputs to saturation. This is because they modify both reference and output
currents, thus allowing a positive feedback path in the whole circuit. One solution, tested in
a discrete component version of the circuit, is to apply the DC feedback outputs to the low-
A98 R Bragds et a1
=L Y1
CCll z """"
X 1.3 X
impedance side of current mirrors, thus modifying the output current but not the reference
current. These nodes are not accessible in the AD844, hence the solution is not useful in this
case. With BC analogue design tools as described by Gallant (1992), an integrated version
of the floating-load, Ac-coupled current source could be built. If two resistors are placed in
parallel with the DC-blocking capacitors, the system remains stable. We can determine the
mismatch between output currents by measuring the common-mode voltage over a known
resistor pair. We have obtained 0.1% at 10 H z , 0.2% at 100 Wz, 0.5% at 500 lcHz
and 0.6% at 1 MHz. Depending on the value for load and common-mode impedances,
the ratio between common-mode and differential voltage may be excessive, even for these
low mismatches between sources. The common mode voltage could be reduced by some
additional circuitry.
Other possible applications in EIT of the circuits in figure 3 acting as a current conveyor
are as follows.
(i) A current-mode front end measured voltages are converted to currents in active
electrodes, thus allowing a single cable fransmission and avoiding large input voltage
excursions in switches. In addition, a voltage-driving structure can be built by applying
the voltage to the electrode through the input buffer of the current conveyor, so making the
output current at the Z node a replication of the electrode current.
(ii) A current-mode inshunentation amplifier (IA) (Toumazou et al 199Ob). If the
AD844 is used as a current conveyor in the implementation of the current-mode (IA), the
input feedback loop will reduce the common mode rejection ratio ( C m ) degeneration due
to the gain inaccuracy of the input stage.
(iii) Current outputs of D/A convertors in direct digital synthesizers could be directly
applied to the electrode through a current conveyor, thus avoiding the phase shifts in
successive I l V and V I I conversions.
6. Conclusions
The AD844 is a commercially available current conveyor, the use of which overcomes the
problems related to the symmetry of current mirrors and their thermal behaviour. It is
possible to build a current source suitable for EIT based on this device but its gain accuracy
is very limited. Furthermore, its DC output current will drive the output to saturation if a
Dc-blocking capacitor is used.
The circuits in figure 3 solve both problems by using feedback loops. The DC feedback
does not reduce the output impedance of the source.
Wide-band AC-coupled current source for EIT A99
We have built an inverting and a non-inverting current source thus allowing the building
of a floating load current source.
The measurements show that EIT specifications (0.1%accuracy, Ro > 1 Ma)are nearly
accomplished between 10 lcHz and 500 kHz. The output capacitance is however greater
than the desirable 5 pF.
The circuit proposed can be used not only as a current injector but also as a precision
voltage-to-current convertor and as a current amplifier in analogue front-end architecture
and in signal conditioning applications.
This work was supported by grant PB89-0505 from the Spanish DGICYT.
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