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Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2012 Vol II

WCE 2012, July 4 - 6, 2012, London, U.K.

Cable Heating Effects due to Harmonic Distortion

in Electrical Installations
Kevin O’Connell, Martin Barrett, Jonathan Blackledge and Anthony Sung

Abstract—The increasing use of non-linear loads in elec- In appendix 4 of BS7671, tables of ampacity and the
trical installations has exacerbated the problems of harmonic associated impedance drop of common types of cables can
distortion in industrial and commercial electrical systems. In be found. However, the ampacity published are based on the
the UK the current practice to determine the cable size for
an electric circuit is to use BS7671. However, previously the assumption that there is no harmonics present in the cabling
16th edition IEE Wiring Regulations only dealt with situations system. Clearly the three-phase four wire ampacity rating
where cables attain the conductor temperature generated by column in the tables does not count the neutral conductor as
sinusoidal currents at the fundamental power frequency. This a current carrying conductor hence it has no heat emission.
paper outlines the methods available to determine the minimum The basic method to determine the size of a line conductor
size of line conductors for protection against overload currents,
taking into account the harmonic content of the load current, for protection against overload is given in BS7671 Appendix
and explains the harmonic rating factor Cf introduced in 2008 4, Section 5 and is as follows:
for cables that are under significant harmonic influences. Since
the effect of harmonic currents is to increase the joule losses IZ = It Ca Cg Ci Cc ≥ In ≥ Ib (1)
in a cable, the ampacity of the cable will need to be corrected
to ensure the maximum conductor operating temperature is where IZ is the continuous service ampacity in amperes
not exceeded. An experiment on how cable temperature can be of a cable having taken all the applicable rating factors
measured under harmonic influence is described, and several into account under defined installation conditions; It is the
sets of measurements taken on a typical cable are analysed. The tabulated ampacity in amperes of a cable (BS7671 Table
paper concludes that direct usage of the BS7671 rating factor
4A2, gives a schedule of appropriate ampacity tables in-
for harmonics appears to be rather conservative and could lead
to over-sizing of the line conductors for three-phase circuits, but cluded in BS7671); Ca is the rating factor for ambient
is deemed beneficial in the long run. temperature and is given in BS7671 Tables 4B1 and 4B2;
Index Terms—Non-linear loads, harmonics distortion, har- Cg is the rating factor for conductors that are grouped in
monic contents, triplen harmonics, heat emitter, ampacity, defined installation arrangements (given in BS7671 Tables
cables, correction factors, derating factor, BS7671, IEC, NEC, 4C1, 4C2, 4C3, 4C4 and 4C5); Ci is the rating factor for
skin effect, proximity effect. conductors embedded within thermal insulation, (given in
BS7671 Part 5 Regulation 523.7 and Table 52.2); Cc is
I. I NTRODUCTION the rating factor for the type of protective device or under

H ARMONIC distortion in low voltage electrical in-

stallations is now a common occurrence in the built
environment. It is caused by non-linear loads and historically
defined installation conditions (given in BS7671 appendix 4,
section 5.1 and Tables 4B3); In is the nominal rated current
or current setting in amperes of the over-current device (its
was only associated with industrial power systems that value can be selected from either BS7671 Appendix 3 or
used large static power converters. The increased usage of device manufacturers technical data literatures); Ib is the
information technology equipment and low energy devices design current in amperes of the circuit under normal steady
in buildings over the past twenty years, which result in non- state operating conditions and calculated using the declared
linear electrical loads has introduced a high level of harmonic nominal voltage level.
distortion into the LV electrical system. As a result, it has For single phase loads and for single phase motors
become necessary to establish criteria for limiting problems P Pm
from system quality degradation. E. W. Fuchs et al [1] Ib = and Ib =
U0 cos φ U0 cos φη
reported that the present versions of IEEE519-1992 [2] and
IEC61000-3-2 [3] harmonic standards are too restrictive for respectively, where P is the total active power of the load in
low-frequency voltage and current harmonics, as they apply W, Pm is the total mechanical power of the load in W, U0
to residential power systems. is the nominal a.c. rms line to an earthed neutral voltage in
V, cos φ is the displacement power factor without harmonic
II. BS7671 M ETHOD FOR D ETERMINING C ABLE S IZE contents and η is the mechanical efficiency of the motor.
FOR P ROTECTION AGAINST OVERLOAD Similarly for three phase loads and motors,
In the UK the general method used to determine the size of P Pm
a line conductor is based on the method described in BS7671 Ib = √ and Ib = √
(17th edition IEE Wiring Regulations) [4]. 3U cos φ 3U cos φη
respectively, where U is the line-to-line voltage in V, and

Manuscript submitted on 1 March, 2012.
K. O’Connell, School of Electrical Engineering Systems, Dublin Institute 3U0 = U .
of Technology Depending on the actual installation circuit arrangement,
M. Barrett, School of Electrical Engineering Systems, Dublin Institute of not all rating factors Ca , Cg , Ci or Cc need to be applied.
J. Blackledge, Stokes Professor, Dublin Institute of Technology For example, if the circuit is not buried and an approved
A. Sung, Director of Research of N. G. Bailey Ltd type of circuit breaker (BS EN 60898) is being used, which

ISBN: 978-988-19252-1-3 WCE 2012

ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2012 Vol II
WCE 2012, July 4 - 6, 2012, London, U.K.

Fig. 2. Schematic for an Electric Cable.

current carrying conductor. As a result, it is an additional

heat-emitting source in the group of four conductors.
In view of the fact that the neutral conductor is now a
current carrying conductor, hence a heat emitter, steps need
to be taken to take account of the extra heat that is produced
by the neutral conductor in a three phase circuit. The update
published by the IEE (now the IET) [13] states that for every
8o C increase above the maximum core conductor continuous
Fig. 1. Current Waveforms of (a) linear load vs (b) non-linear load for a
operating temperature the life of the cable will be halved (e.g.
sinusoidal ac supply at fundamental frequency of 50 or 60 Hz. 25 years reduced to 12.5 years). A method is thus required
to size the cable accordingly to dissipate the extra heat that
is being generated within a group of three-phase four-wire
is usually the case, Cc should be omitted from the equation conductors to ensure that the group of four conductors does
(1). Further, if the cable is not totally surrounded by thermal not overheat
insulations equation (1) can be reduced to
The ampacity tables found in BS7671 and other international
A comprehensive review and research on the heat transfer
standards such as the ET 101 [5] and IEC 60364 [6] generally
mechanisms of electrical cables, which focused mainly on
assume a balanced three-phase linear load when the current
overhead line cables is given in [8]. In general, the heat
in the neutral conductor of a three-phase four-wire circuit
balance of any cable can be considered by the law of
will be negligible.
conservation of energy and on a rate basis, we have
Most commercial and industrial establishments tend to
employ balanced three-phase four-wire distribution systems ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
qin + qgen = qstored + qout
with a reduced size neutral conductor. However, with the ∂t ∂t ∂t ∂t
proliferation of non-linear loads in this type of electrical de- where ∂q/∂t is the rate of heat energy per unit volume, qin
sign, the triplen (multiples of 3rd order harmonics) harmonic is the heat input, qgen is heat generated internally, qstored
current from each phase sums in the neutral. P. Cook et. al. is heat stored by the medium and qout is heat loss to the
[7] report that neutral currents can be higher than the phase external environment.
currents where high harmonic distortion exists. The line and In [8] it is shown that the heat transfer mechanisms
neutral currents that were taken by two separate but balanced associated with an electric cable immersed in air can be
three-phase four-wire linear loads and non-linear loads are approximated using the following assumptions: (i) using
shown in Figure 1(a) and Figure 1(b), respectively. cylindrical coordinates, it is a one-dimensional radial conduc-
In Figure 1(a), with a linear load, all three phases draw per- tion, convection and radiation system; (ii) it has uniform vol-
fect sinusoidal current waves. Since they are balanced they umetric heat generation; (iii) the thermal contact resistance
cancel out in the neutral, thus the neutral conductor carries between the conductor material and electrical insulation ma-
negligible current. Although in practice, even where load terial is negligible; (iv) the electrical and thermal properties
currents are at the standard fundamental power frequency of the conductor and insulation materials are constant (i.e.
of 50Hz or 60Hz there is rarely zero current in the neutral. homogeneous); (v)the surroundings are large compared to
Any value of current that exists in the neutral simply reflects the cable; (vi)the analysis is for steady state conditions.
an out-of-balance in the three-phase load. Assuming that no An energy balance rate basis analytic technique can be
phase is overloaded and the cable was sized using the basic applied to an electrical cable (see Figure 2) to evaluate the
method outlined above. The effect of an out of balance three surface temperature of the conductor or the cable. For the
phase load causing the neutral conductor to become a heat control surface (see Figure 3) placed around the inner and
emitter should not cause any overheating to the group of outer surfaces of the insulation material:
three-phase four-wire cable. However, when harmonics are
0 0
present as shown in Figure 1(b), the line current in the three Ein − Eout =0
phases are no longer balanced sine waves and if they are in since energy in is taken to be equal to energy out,
triplen order (i.e. 3n), they will be additive in the neutral.
0 0
Now the neutral conductor becomes a fourth and additional Ein = Eout = qr0 = q 0 πr12 (2)

ISBN: 978-988-19252-1-3 WCE 2012

ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2012 Vol II
WCE 2012, July 4 - 6, 2012, London, U.K.

 2 "   2 #
Dc 1.18 Dc
Ycp = xp + 0.312
S xp + 0.27 S

xp = p at 60Hz
rdc /kp
where f is the frequency in Hz, Dc is the conductors outer
diameter (in inches), S is the axial spacing between cables
(in inches) and ks and kp are the skin and proximity effect
factor respectively (with recommended values of 60Hz [9]).
The NM method does not cater for the inclusion of a range
Fig. 3. Energy exchanged at the inner and outer surfaces of the electrical of harmonic components in the generalised equation (4). The
insulation of a conductor.
NM equation is very similar to the IEC60287 method [15]
as they are both based on the same principle.
qr0 − qcv
0 0
− qrad =0 (3)
B. The Meliopoulos and Martin Method
hence, from equation (2) and (3), at the outer surface
The Meliopoulos and Martin method [10] provides an
πq 0 r12 − h(2πr2 )(Ts,2 − T∞ − (2πr2 )σ(Ts,2
4 4
− Tsur )=0 extension of the Neher-McGrath equation using power losses
in the cable under harmonic conditions to derive a derating
This general equation can be used to determine the surface factor for cables given in the NEC [11]. For single phase
temperature Ts,2 of a cable in terms of q 0 , r1 , r2 , h, T and circuits
 where h is the convection coefficient in W/m2 K and  is
α12 IB2 rac (1)
the dimensionless emissivity of the cable surface. κ=

α12 IB2 [rac,A (1) + rac,B (1) + rac,C (1)]
A. The Neher-McGrath Method κ=
In 1957 Neher and McGrath [9] derived a set of Neher
where κ is the desired harmonic derating factor
and McGrath (NM) cable rating equations to predict the
rac,A (1),rac,B (1) and rac,C (1) are the ac resistance of
resulting ampacity of a group of four single core cables.
phase A, B and C conductors at fundamental frequency,
They are a more complex version of the Fourier heat transfer
Ploss is the total ohmic losses of the cable including
equations. There are many variables in the 66 equations used
harmonic effects, IB is the base RMS value of the design
to account for the number of conductors, number and size of
current and α1 is the p.u. value of the fundamental with
adjacent conduits, number and size of adjacent duct banks,
respect to the base IB . For harmonics at a frequency of
coefficient of surface emissivity, number of cables, axial
h ∗ ffundamental , additional values can be found by the
spacing between cables, extraneous heat sources, and wind
equations for xs (h), xsp (h) and xcp (h) as given below:
velocity. All these factors and more, effect the calculation
of ampacity. Two of the factors affecting the final ampacity
ka M0 (ka)
value of a cable under harmonic conditions are the ’skin and xs (h) = sin[θ1 (ka) − θ0 (ka) − π/4] − 1
2 M1 (ka)
proximity’ effects. The NM equation is given by (5)

s where k = 2πf hµσ, a is the conductor radius in me-
Tc − (Ta − ∆Td ) tres, f is the fundamental power frequency in Hz, µ is
I= (4)
rdc (1 + Yc )r¯ca
the relative permittivity of the conductor, σ is the con-
ductivity (of the conductor), h is the harmonic order and
where I is the conductor current in kA, Tc is the conductor M0 (ka), M1 (ka), θ0 (ka) and θ1 (ka) are Bessel functions
temperature in degree o C, Ta is the ambient temperature obtained from [10].
in degree o C, ∆Td is the temperature difference due to  2
dielectric loss in degree o C, rdc is the direct current resis- Dc
xsp (h) = F (xp )
tance of the conductors in Ω at the conductors operating S
temperature per unit length, r¯ca
0 is the effective resistance
"  2 #

between the conductor and ambient for a conductor loss in 1.18 Dc
× + 0.312 h (6)
Ω at the conductors operating temperature per unit length. F (xp ) + 0.27 S
The parameter Yc is the increment of ac/dc ratio in p.u. due p
to losses originating in the conductor, having components where xp = k kp /(πσrdc ) at the hth harmonic and kp is
Ycs (the skin effect) and Ycp (the proximity effect) where the empirical factor at fundamental power frequency from
Yc = 1 + Ycs + Ycp  
xp M0 (xp )
r F (xp ) = sin[θ1 (xp ) − θ0 (xp ) − π/4] − 1
f ks 2 M1 (xp )
Ycs = 0.875 (7)

ISBN: 978-988-19252-1-3 WCE 2012

ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2012 Vol II
WCE 2012, July 4 - 6, 2012, London, U.K.

The contribution to the increase of conductor ac resistance R ATING FACTORS FOR TRIPLE HARMONIC CURRENTS IN FOUR - AND
due to proximity to a steel pipe or magnetic conduit is given FIVE - CORE CABLES (S OURCE : BS7671). ∗ T HE 3 RD HARMONIC
by the following expressions: For a trefoil arrangement

0.89S − 0.115Dp
xcp (h) = α n × 0.3048 × 106 (8) 3rd harmonic
rdc content of line Rating Factor Rating Factor
current∗ (%)
and for a flat cradled arrangement Size selection based Size selection based

0.89S − 0.175Dp
 on the line current on the neutral current
xcp (h) = α n × 0.3048 × 106 (9) 0-15 1.0 -
rdc 15-33 0.86 -
33-45 - 0.86
where α=1.7 for a steel pipe and 0.8 for an iron conduit, Dp >45 - 1.0
is the inside diameter of the pipe or conduit in metres and
rac (h) = rdc [1 + xs (h) + xsp (h) + xcp (h)] (10)
Two examples were given by Meliopoulos and Martin [10] 3. The derating factor for line and neutral conductors
to illustrate the full computation procedures to use the above in the presence of harmonics can be evaluated using
equations. It will not be repeated here and readers who wish equation (12):
to consider these equations should refer to the original paper !− 12
[10]. X
HDF = 1 + αh βh (12)
However, if the designer finds that the Meliopoulos and
Martin approximation derates the cable leading to an inac-
curacy or when significant zero sequence harmonic currents where αh is the harmonic distribution factor per unit har-
are present in the neutral, then the Neher-McGrath equation monic content due to each harmonic with respect to base load
should be used to re-rate the cable. current (i.e. αh = Ih /I1 ) and βh is the normalized harmonic
ac resistance factor, i.e. the ratio of conductor resistance at
nth harmonic frequency to resistance at fundamental power
C. The AH Generalised Ampacity Model
frequency - βh = rac (h)/rac (1).
Hiranandani [12] develops a simple general equation Similar to the approach proposed by Meliopoulos and Martin,
that can be used to evaluate separate harmonic derating it is necessary to assume a certain cable size and derate it by
factors for line and neutral conductors. The AH method for the factor HDF accordingly. Hiranandani presents a worked
calculating a cables ampacity in the presence of harmonics example similar to the one given by Meliopoulos and Martin
for NEC cables can be summarized as follows: but giving a different set of results for the derived derating
1. Determine the harmonic signature of the line and
neutral conductors by either calculation or measurement.
D. The BS7671 Appendix 11 Method
The Harmonic Signature (HS) is then determined by the
equation In 2004 the International Electrotechnical Commission
  (IEC) published a set of harmonic rating factors so that
Iy Iy+1 Iy+2
HS = I1 , αy = , αy+1 = , αy+2 = , ... allowance can be made for 3rd harmonic currents in 4 and 5
I1 I1 I1 core cables, where all the cores have the same conductor size.
It is now included in BS7671 Appendix 11 as informative
where y = 2. For example, a three-phase distribution circuit
guidance - see Table I.
with a THD=41.9% has a phase current Irms = 99.12A;
Cook and Coate [7] explained the guidance given by the
I50Hz = I1 = 90A; I150Hz = I3 =35A; I250Hz = I5 =20A;
IEC such that if the third harmonic content of the current in
I350Hz = I7 =10A and a neutral current I150Hz = I3 = 3×35
each phase is between 33% and 45%, i.e. the neutral current
= 105A. Hence from equation (11), the harmonic signatures
is greater than the fundamental phase current, then selection
are: Line HS=(90, α3 =0.39, α5 =0.222, α7 =0.111) and
of the conductor size should be based on the current in the
Neutral HS= (90, α3 =1.17).
neutral conductor divided by the given factor. If the harmonic
content is greater than 45% then the size of the line conductor
2. Determine the total ac resistance (rac ) of the line
chosen is based on the neutral conductor current. In this case
and neutral conductors including skin effect and proximity
the line conductors will be larger than that required to carry
effect using equation (10).
the line current and this ‘spare’ capacity allows the factor of
where h is the order of the harmonic, rdc is the dc
0.86 to be omitted.
resistance of the conductor in Ω at the conductors operating
Three examples are given in BS7671 Appendix 11 illus-
temperature per unit length, xs is the contribution factor to
trating how to apply the rating factor in practice. It will not
ac resistance due to skin effect, xsp is the contribution factor
be repeated here and readers who wish to consider the rating
to ac resistance due to proximity effects of neighbouring
factor should refer BS7671.
conductors, xcp is the contribution factor to ac resistance
due to proximity effect of a metallic pipe or conduit,
rac (h) is the ac resistance, and xs (h), xsp (h) and xcp (h) V. E XPERIMENTAL D ETERMINATION
are skin effect and proximity effect factors calculated for An experiment was set up to inject discrete harmonic
each harmonic order h as given in [10] from equations (5)-(9) currents into a 185 sq.mm solid core aluminum cable. A

ISBN: 978-988-19252-1-3 WCE 2012

ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2012 Vol II
WCE 2012, July 4 - 6, 2012, London, U.K.

Fig. 4. Experimental setup for measuring harmonic heating effects in


schematic diagram of the equipment used is as shown in

Figure 4. A signal generator was connected to the input
of a 400W power amplifier, which, in turn, was connected Fig. 5. Temperature rise of cable under harmonic influences.
to a current transformer as shown. The cable under test
was connected to the primary of a current transformer. This
arrangement allowed the full rated current of 400A to be
injected into the cable at discrete frequencies, which could be
set by the signal generator and measured by the grip amme-
ter. Thermo couples embedded in the cable at points B and C
(see Figure 4 accurately measure the conductor temperature.
Thermo couple A measures the ambient air temperature. The
cable was shaped as shown so that thermo couple B would
indicate the temperature of a single conductor suspended in
free air. Thermo couple C would indicate the temperature of
conductors in close proximity running parallel to each other
also suspended in free air. The thermo couples B and C can
thus measure the additional heating effect due to the skin
and proximity effects respectively as the cable is run at full
load at frequencies of n, (50Hz), 3n, 5n, 7n ... up to 20n. Fig. 6. Temperature Vs Harmonics for various cable configurations.
Initially, the cable was fully loaded at 50 Hz and the
result compared with the value of 70o C quoted in BS 7671.
Adjustments to the readings were made to compensate for
the actual ambient temperature in the laboratory at the time
of the test. This test validated the accuracy of the measuring
system used as shown in the graph in Figure 5. Further tests
were carried out by injecting the full rated current value (400
A) at various harmonic frequencies. and the results are shown
in Figure 6. It can be seen that the conductor temperature
at 50Hz is approximately 70o C, which agrees with BS7671.
However as the frequency is increased whilst maintaining
the current at 400A full rated value, it can be seen that
the temperature of the conductor increases significantly. The
temperature of the parallel conductors has increased by a
larger amount reflecting the combined skin and proximity
effects. Fig. 7. Spectral analysis of current.
Load currents that have significant harmonic distortion
such as those supplying personal computers (see Figure 7)
will therefore experience additional heating due to both the without harmonic distortion. If one can predict the degree
skin and proximity effects. Arising from this, cables will of harmonic distortion in the load current then it is possible
operate at a higher temperature than would be the case to determine the degree of additional heating that will occur

ISBN: 978-988-19252-1-3 WCE 2012

ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2012 Vol II
WCE 2012, July 4 - 6, 2012, London, U.K.

and apply a suitable de-rating correction factor. • larger cross-sectional areas can reduce the voltage drop
The experimental data collected and analysed in the above along the circuit, proving more efficient by delivering
experiment proves that there are indeed significant heating close to the declared voltage to the current using equip-
effects in a conductor carrying harmonic currents as predicted ment.
by Meliopoulos and Martin [10] and in the AH Generalised
Ampacity Model by Hiranandani [12]. Those effects must be VII. C ONCLUSION
taken into consideration and it is likely that the oversizing Harmonic distortion in electrical installations of tomorrow
of conductors by the BS7671 Appendix 11 method can is likely to get worse as the rise in use of low energy
adequately cover the excess heating caused by the harmonic electrical equipment in the built environment increases. Steps
content of the currents. need to be taken by electrical designers and installers to
minimise its detrimental influence on the interconnecting
VI. D ISCUSSION cables, busbars, energy sources and neighbouring equipment.
With the newly published BS7671 (17th edition IEE Wiring
There are a number of ways to reduce and combat the
Regulations) in 2008, at long last designers and installers
detrimental effects of high levels of harmonic distortion in
now have a set of harmonic rating factors which can be
an electrical installation, e.g. by the application of filters
used in the initial design calculations to determine reasonably
etc. Active filters are devices which actively inject opposite
accurately the size of cables to allow for conditions when
harmonics into a system to cancel out the harmonics created
harmonic distortion is present in a system. Alternatively,
by the non-linear loads. Passive filters trap or resist the flow
they can use the other calculation methods given in this
of harmonics through them. They do this through various
paper to calculate the heating effect of harmonic currents
capacitors or reactors. Harmonics rated transformers known
from first principles. Often the BS7671 method may result
as K factor transformers are specifically designed in order to
in an oversized cable, however, it was discussed earlier that
cope with the excess heating problem caused by the presence
this process is only beneficial as it can reduce the operating
of high level circulating harmonic currents. The thermal and
temperature of the cable and as a result the voltage drop
neutral connections are sometimes being sized at around
in the cable is also reduced, thereby decreasing losses and
200% of the size required in order to accommodate the
increasing transmission efficiency.
harmonic loads [3]. Most of the remedial systems that are
put into place do work, but are usually quite costly especially
if they are not initially included at the design stage. Also, ACKNOWLEDGMENT
filters and transformers may require maintenance or could The authors would like to thank Dublin Institute of
suffer failures if not designed and installed properly. The dire Technology, the Science Foundation Ireland and the Dublin
consequence of which will render the system unprotected Energy Laboratory for their continuing support.
and the harmonics present may cause damage in this time
period, especially if there is a failure in the equipment as R EFERENCES
there may be a certain length of time until the fault is found [1] E. F. Fuchs, D. J. Roesler, and M. A. S. Masoum, “Are Harmonic
and rectified. Recommendations According to IEEE and IEC Too Restrictive?”,
Reducing the temperature of the conductors is one of IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Issue: 99 , 2004.
[2] IEEE, IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic
the most important cabling design aspects in an electrical Control, in Electric Power Systems, IEEE-519, 1992.
installation. It is has been clearly demonstrated in this paper, [3] IEC, Consolidated Edition. Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)-Part
that in order to maintain the operating temperature of the 3-2 Limits for Harmonic Current Emissions, IEC 61000-3-2 (2001-10).
[4] IEE/BSI, BS 7671:2008, Requirements For Electrical Installations,
cable within the specified maximum tolerable temperature, IEE Wiring Regulations 17th Edition, 2008.
an increase in the cross-sectional area of the conductor is [5] ETCI, ET101: 2004 - National Rules for Electrical Installations,
required. With a larger cross-sectional area, even if the filter Fourth Edition, 2004, Electro-Technical Council of Ireland.
[6] IEC, IEC60364: 2002-06 - Electrical installations of buildings, 2nd
or the transformer is faulty, the cables will be sized to cope Edition, Geneva, Switzerland.
with the extra currents, reducing the damage that can be [7] P. Cook and M. Coates, “Double Neutrals, The Answer To Triple
caused. Another fact to consider is that these calculations Harmonics?”, International Seminar, Santiago, CHILE 26-28 April
have been carried out on the assumption that the neutral [8] V. T. Morgan, Thermal behaviour of electrical conductors, Wiley,
conductor is carrying 100% third harmonic load. However, (ISBN: 0863801196), 1991.
at certain times of the day, if the equipment that causes [9] J. H. Neher and M. H. McGrath, “The Calculation of the Temperature
Rise and Load Capability of Cable Systems” Vol. 76, pp. 752-772,
harmonic distortion is not operating, the harmonic load will AIEE, March 1957.
be reduced and as a result of this, the voltage drop will reduce [10] A. P. S. Meliopoulos, M. A. Martin, “Calculation of secondary cable
further, making the circuit much more energy efficient. losses and ampacity in the presence of harmonics”, IEEE Transactions
on Power Delivery, Vol. 7, No. 2, April, 1992.
There are several advantages to increasing the cable size [11] NFPA, National Electrical Code 2008, NFPA, 2008.
as a result of harmonic derating, in most cases, only up to [12] A. Hiranandam, “Calculation of Conductor Temperatures and Am-
the next size. They include: pacities of Cable Systems using a Generalised FDM Method”, IEEE
Transactions on Power delivery, Vol. 6, No. 1, Jan. 1991.
• harmonic loads are accounted for and even if preventa- [13] P. Cook, (Update published by the IEE - now the IET), Commentary on
tive measures (e.g. filters, transformers) fail, the cables IEE Wiring Regulations 16th edition BS7671:2001 Peregrinus, ISBN:
0 85296 237 1, April 2004.
are adequately sized to carry the load; [14] F. P. Incropera and D. P. Dewitt, Introduction to Heat Transfer, Wiley,
• temperature rise of the cable is reduced, reducing losses, (4th Edition. ISBN: 0-471-38649-9
maintenance and running costs (increasing the life ex- [15] IEC 60287: Electric cables - Calculation of the current rating, IEC
Central Office, GENEVA 20, Switzerland.
pectancy of the cable);

ISBN: 978-988-19252-1-3 WCE 2012

ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)

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