Kalaignan 2010
Kalaignan 2010
Kalaignan 2010
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2 authors, including:
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Abstract -This paper deals with an innovating Shunt active II. MODELLING OF STANDARD ACTIVE FILTER
filter with PI controller for harmonic elimination . Active filter
provide a viable solution to mitigating harmonic issues caused by Harmonics provide main problems in network like
the non linear loads .The active filter compensates the reactive and power losses and excess heat. Thus, harmonic elimination
harmonic currents drawn by the non-linear loads besides power seems to be vital. Nowadays, active power filters (APF)
factor correction .The objective is to study different control play effective role in distortion recognition and elimination
strategies for real time compensating current. PI controller reduces
[3]. These filters are classified with respect to distortion
the ripple voltage of DC capacitor of Pulse width modulated
voltage source inverter. The switching angles can be determined
determination strategy, inverter control techniques, inverter
using PI controller to suppress the harmonics. It is shown through topologies and their connection types to the grid. The active
simulation that the proposed active filter can achieve high overall filter compensates the harmonics generated by nonlinear
system performance. loads by generating the same harmonic components in the
Keywords – Shunt active filter , PI controller Harmonics, opposite phase. External active filters are most suited to
Hysterisis Current controller. multiple small drives.[4]
AC part of d axis and whole current in q axis are used for currents) is controlled in hypothetical control band
harmonics elimination and VAR compensation. Zero current surrounding reference current [10],[11].
is produced due to a three-phase voltage imbalance or
waveform distortions which have not been considered in IV . HYSTERESIS CURRENT CONTROL BASED ON
this paper. Finally, compensated currents are determined by UNIPOLAR PWM
adverse park application on d and q axis to be injected to the In Fig.3.hysteresis current control based on unipolar
network Discrete virtual PLL (phase locked loop) [7] loop PWM, there are two upper bands and lower bands in order
has no input signal. This block simulates the outputs of an to change the slope of inverter output current based on their
actual PLL by using the parameters specified like frequency, level voltages, +Vo, 0 and -Vo. The idea is to keep the
speed. Reference frame rotates synchronous with current within the main area but the second upper and lower
fundamental currents. Therefore, time variant currents with bands are to change the voltage level in order to increase or
fundamental frequencies would be constant after decrease the di,/dt of inverter output current.
transformation. However, harmonics with different speeds In hysteresis-band current control the actual current
remain time variant in this frame. Finally, compensated tracks the command current within a hysteresis band. In this
currents are determined by adverse park application on d approach a sine reference current wave is compared to the
and q axis to be injected to the network. Thus the new actual phase current wave. As the current exceeds a
currents id, iq and i0 can be expressed in terms actual three- prescribed hysteresis band, the upper switch in the half-
phase currents ia , ib , ic [12] [13] . bridge is turned off and the lower switch is turned on. As
Zero sequence quantities are not transformed and thus the current goes below the hysteresis band, the opposite
the required transformation is only from D, E to d-q axes. As switching takes place.[16]
the rotor moves, the axes (i.e.D, E windings) also revolve
along with it. By the revolving axes on the rotor, it is meant V. IMPLEMENTATION OF ACTIVE FILTER MODEL
that these axes are moving with respect to the stator. WITH CONTROL TECHNIQUE
III. PI CONTROLLER Fig. 2 shows the open loop configuration of active filter
In control engineering, a PI Controller (proportional- model. The overall model is without control technique for
integral controller) is a feedback controller which drives the harmonics reduction and it’s a uncompensated system as
plant to be controlled with a weighted sum of the error shown below.
(difference between the output and desired set point) and the
integral of that value.[15]
Reference currents are generated by DC to AC
converters using a current control technique such as a
hysteresis control. The hysteresis band is used to control
load currents and determine switching signals for inverters
gates. [8],[9],[10].Suitable stability, fast response, high
accuracy, simple operation, inherent current peak limitation
and load parameters variation independency make the
hysteresis current control as one of the best current control
methods of voltage source inverters. In this approach the
current error, (difference between the reference and inverter
currents) is controlled in hypothetical control band
surrounding reference current .
When the load current exceeds the upper band, the
comparator output activated so the output voltage is
changed in such a way to decrease the load current and keep
it between the bands and deactivated at lower limit.
Switching frequency varies with respect to distance between
upper and lower band. The other parameters like inverter-
network inductance and DC link voltage affect significantly
on the switching frequency. The inverter can be controlled
in unipolar or bipolar PWM method. In this approach the
current error, (difference between the reference and inverter Fig. 2. Simulink model of open loop active filter configuration
Fig. 3 Hysteresis current control based on unipolar PWM. Fig. 5. Active Filter Configuration using hysteresis current
control based unipolar PWM.
Subsystem 2
Fig. 4 Active filter with voltage source inverter Fig. 6. Active and Reactive Power Harmonics waveforms
Fig. 7 .Closed Loop Active and Reactive Power Fig.10FFT waveforms analysis before compensation
Fig. 8. Generation of Pulse by using Hysteresis Current Fig. 11 FFT waveforms analysis after compensation
Control based on Unipolar PWM technique
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