Class - 7 - Acids, Bases N Salt - T - 1 - 1

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 Acids are present in things that we eat such as lemon and orange contains citric acid,
tomato contains oxalic acid, vinegar contains acetic acid, yoghurt contains lactic acid
and frizzy drinks contain carbonic acid. Acids found in foods are mild.
 These substances taste sour because they contain acids. The chemical nature of such
substances is acidic. The word acid comes from the Latin word acre which means sour.
 Some acids present in commonly used substances

Name of Acid Found in

(i) Acetic acid Vinegar

(ii) Formic acid Ant’s sting

Citrus fruits such as oranges,

(iii) Citric acid
lemon, etc.

(iv) Lactic acid Curd

(v) Oxalic acid Spinach

(vi) Ascorbic acid (Vitamin

Amla, Citrus fruits

(vii) Tartaric acid Grapes, Unripe mangoes, etc.

 Our body produces hydrochloric acid in stomach. This acid makes it possible for the
humans as well as animals to digest some strong food contents like meat etc. that
otherwise cannot be digested.

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 Soaps, toothpastes, solution of washing soda, soap solution, slaked lime and whitewash
are some examples of basic substances. Generally, substances like these which are
bitter in taste and feel soapy on touching are known as bases.
The nature of such substances is said to be basic.
 Some Bases Present in Commonly Used Substances

Name of Base Found in

(i) Calcium hydroxide Lime water

(ii) Ammonium hydroxide Window cleaner

(iii) Sodium hydroxide Soap

(iv) Potassium hydroxide Soap

(v) Magnesium hydroxide Milk of Magnesia

 Blood when healthy is basic in nature. Saliva in our mouth is also basic.

Salts are neutral substances found in abundance in the earth's crust. Salts are also dissolved in
water and found in lakes, rivers and sea. Sea water contains salts such as chlorides, bromides,
iodides and sulphates of sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. Salts are also present in
fruits and vegetables.

Testing of Acid and Bases:

Special type of substances is used to test whether a substance is acidic or basic. These
substances are known as indicators. The indicators change their color when added to a solution
containing an acidic or a basic substance. Turmeric, litmus, China rose petals (Gudhal), etc.,
are some of the naturally occurring indicators.

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Types of indicators:
(a) Natural indicators
(b) Olfactory indicators
(c) Synthetic indicators

1. Natural Indicators:
(a) Turmeric:
 Turmeric is the most common indicator available in our homes. It helps in identifying the
nature of a substance. The yellow substance in turmeric is called cur cumin. A basic
substance changes the yellow colour of the turmeric stain to brownish red and an acidic
substance reverses the brownish red stain to its original yellow stain.
Neutral substance for example water does not change the yellow colour of turmeric.

(b) China Rose:

 Light pink coloured water obtained from petals of China rose is used as an indicator.
 It gives dark pink (magenta) colour in acidic solution and green in basic solutions.
 China rose indicator remains light pink in neutral medium.

(c) Litmus:
 It is a natural dye extracted from lichens. It is the most commonly used indicator In
distilled water it has a mauve (purple) colour.
 In acidic solution it gives a red colour.
 In basic solution it gives a blue colour.
 It is available as a solution or in strips of paper, known as litmus paper available mas red
litmus paper or blue litmus paper.

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2. Olfactory Indicators:
 There are some natural substances whose odour changes in acidic or basic medium.
 These are called olfactory indicators, e.g., onion, vanilla and clove oil.
 With olfactory indicators different odour can be detected in bases whereas odour
remains same in acids.

3. Acid-base Synthetic Indicators:

Phenolphthalein and Methyl orange are commonly used synthetic acid base indicators.

Colors of Indicators in Acids and Bases

Color in basic
Indicator Color in acidic medium

Methyl orange Yellow Pink

Phenolphthalein Pink Colorless

If we put a drop of acid into it, the colour of does not change. But if we put a drop of base into it,
the color of indicator turns into pink. Again a drop of acid into the pink colored beaker turns it
colorless- Acid cancels the effect of the basic component. The substance whose colour does
not change in any solution of indicator is called neutral substance.

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