Revised Project Proposal and Project Monitoring Report
Revised Project Proposal and Project Monitoring Report
Revised Project Proposal and Project Monitoring Report
I. Background Information
Describe the contribution to the 1. People will benefit from the clean river water
improvement of the area situation system around their surroundings.
(Bagmati River Basin)/people’s lives
of the project. 2. The surrounding environment will be plastic-free
and the aquatic biodiversity of the river will be
Session 1:
Identify the corresponding activities
that will be done to achieve the 1. Ice breaker & Introduction
objectives and the expected
outputs. 2. Introduction of Bagmati River Basin and SDGs
Session 2:
1. Introduction to 3R, composting, and
redecoration of the house with waste
2. Introduce them “The Safa Ghar Challenge”
3. Explain the judging criteria of the
4. Conduct interactive activities with
5. Introduce global goals through video
6. Further showcasing videos and content on
3R and composting
Medium: Online( Zoom/Google Meet)
Time: 50/55mins
Tools: Presentation and Video
Session 3:
Time: 50/55mins
Tools: Presentation and Video
Describe how you will monitor and 1. By monitoring the number of participants in the
evaluate the progress of project challenge we can evaluate the progress of the
implementation and achievement of project.
outputs/contribution of your project
to the Bagmati River Basin. 2. With the active participation of the students, we
can measure the output and its contribution to the
Bagmati River Basin.
Local Participation
State whether the local government 1. If the funding isn’t enough we will provide
or other line agencies will be winners with gift hampers and goodies
involved in project implementation. vouchers instead of cash.
In what way will they be involved
(eg. provision of cash or in-kind 2. The content of the project could be
contribution, technical assistance.)? published in different social media sites of the
non-profit organization.
Participation of Young Women and Men and Vulnerable Youth and Children [1]
Describe how young women and 1. Young women will be the ones who will be
men and vulnerable youth and participating with their children. So the main role to
children will share the be played while participating in completion will be of
responsibilities of and the benefits women.
from the project.
2. Vulnerable youth will be given full priority and
the program will be designed as per their comfort
and mobility will be done as per need.
How will the project result in 1. When everyone will be given equal opportunity
gender-related or vulnerable-related none will feel left out and gender-related issues will
changes such as access to and be solved. Even the women can lead will be
control of resources and benefits, something our participants might feel.
division of workloads and time-use,
etc.? 2. When the whole liberty is given to them their
power and creativity will be determined by their task
which will bring some positive behavioural changes.
Identify the external factors that 1. A public health situation would limit the mobility of
could influence people (i.e. COVD-19)
success or cause failure of the 2.Schools and colleges might back down to let us
project. conduct classes.
How will you ensure that 000youth Virtually and with proper counselling to the students,
and children participate in a safe training can be conducted. Furthermore, children below
space and manner throughout the 12 years of age can be trained along with their parent's
project? presence in the virtual meeting. This way, both children
and their parents can be a part of the change.
Furthermore, virtual training is the best we can do this
time which will surely create a safe space for the
implementation of our project idea.
Sustainability/Phase-out Mechanism
Describe how this structure intends This project can be a small step towards the change. If
to sustain/continue the project the implementation of this project is successful, we can
benefits? run such projects in the long run with the help of students
we trained. Implementation is only possible with a
behavioural change and so is the change possible when
we start analyzing things differently. This project can set
an example for other schools and suburbs.
Miscellaneous 5,000
Vulnerable youth and children are defined as but not limited to:
a. Youth/Children from poor and socially excluded groups (Dalits, Janajatis, Muslims, Marginalized groups)
b. Young people/Children who identify as LGBTIQ or as being of a sexual minority, located across the Kathmandu,
e. Young people/children who have migrated to Kathmandu for higher education and are studying in government
f. Out-of-school /drop out young women who are engaged in informal urban employment
1. Youth project team will accomplish the form beforehand: Activity, Description and
Target, Person Responsible, Planned Start and End Dates, and Monthly
Remarksregarding the challenges that they have encountered and Accomplishments
they have delivered in their project implementation.
2. Youth project coordinator will schedule a monthly check-in with the team to check
the progress of their activities.
Clean Campaign Challenge”(SAFA GHAR CHALLENGE) Project Monitoring
Finding Approaching Aakansha 5th Jan 7th 25th Jan - As schools
Schools schools for Sharma Jan are planning to
conducting run their
virtual classes classes
from students of physically,
grade 7-10 conducting
classes in a
virtual platform
is a bit
Proposal Writing Punam 2nd Jan 2nd 3rd Jan 3rd There were no Proposals
writing proposal letter Tamang Jan Jan problems while are ready.
to approach writing the
schools and proposal.
Finding Exploring Bibhuti 2nd Jan 5th 30th Jan Since the
sponsors potential Jan schools are not
sustainable Thapa confirmed yet.
companies that Approaching
are willing to sponsors has
sponsor. Ex: been put on
Bamboo straws,
brush, utensils. hold.
basket, earrings.
Jute bags. Etc
Note: This document should be shared between and among the youth project team and youth
project coordinator for monitoring.
Supplementary Questions:
1. On support needed from YfA: What support do you need from YfA to implement
your project better?
b. YFA can help us with the provision of zoom account or any other virtual means of
c. In case of sponsors denying our proposal, YFA can donate us some seed money.
2. On project budget: Is your budget utilized according to plan and efficiently? Why/why not?
3. On participation of young women and men and vulnerable youth and children: Have you
reached out to young women and men and vulnerable youth and children to participate in
your project?
Ans. As the project aims to educate the school children about the basics of 3R principles and
sustainability, the majority of our participants will be children and vulnerable youths
They haven’t yet engaged but they will be participating in the challenge which will have a
positive impact on the environment.
4. On safeguarding:
Ans: Since the sessions are planned to be virtual there are chances of cyberbullying And
humiliating the host or co-participants if that’s the case we will be taking acting wisely on that