Quality Assurance and The Philippine Education Sys
Quality Assurance and The Philippine Education Sys
Quality Assurance and The Philippine Education Sys
Inero V. Ancho
Philippine Normal University – Manila
[email protected]
Quality Assurance And The Philippine Education System: Inputs From Future Filipino 198
School Leaders │ Inero V. Ancho
D.If you were to craft a policy on quality The table above sequences words frequently
assurance mechanisms in order to uplift the identified with quality. The top response is
academic achievement level of Filipino “standard”, followed by “excellent” and “value.”
students, what policy would you develop? It could be gleaned that these words can be
categorized as end product, process, or
The following table presents a summary of characteristics.
respondents: The following words, clustered as end results,
Qualitative replies were then collected, are related to quality according to the
tabulated, and tallied. Responses were coded to respondents: product-centered, beneficial,
highlight emerging themes, which were contentment, best, above average, worth,
eventually interpreted. effective, satisfaction, standard, excellent, value,
For the ethical conduct of research, efficiency, and best. Also, the following words
respondents were asked to sign an informed were clustered as process in relation to quality:
consent form in relation to their participation of status, functional, aim, and evident.
the study. Before each respondent signed the
informed consent form, they were given an Quality assurance as a concept
overview of the nature of the study, its purpose
and protocol for the use of collected data. They The respondents were also asked about their
were also given an assurance that responses conceptual understanding of quality assurance.
gathered would be for the sole use of this study Analysis of the responses showed that there are
only. tw o classifications on the conceptual
There were 16 female and 2 male respondents‟ conceptual understanding of quality
respondents with an average of 5.11 years in the assurance: as a process and as a measure.
teaching profession. All of them are enrolled in a Quality assurance as a process presents
master‟s level in educational leadership and practices and performance indicators that reflect
management in a teacher education institution the achievement of desired outcomes. Monitoring
based in Manila, Philippines. is also mentioned by respondents under this
category along with maintaining what has been
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION identified to be “at par with standards”.
This section presents the results and
discussion of the study. Each response has been The following are the specific responses under
carefully tabulated an analysed to provide this category:
thorough investigation of identified research
making sure results are best, excellent, or high
Quality and related words level
There were 42 unique words that respondents being confident about the output
identify with the word “quality”. Respondents
were asked to write down four words and a bulk giving a definite standard
of responses relates quality with the following
ideas: ensuring the system passed the standard
Table 1. Ranking of words mostly identified
with quality.
performing beyond the standard
Concept Rank
standard 1 making sure of the production of desired
excellent 2 outcome
value 3
efficiency 4 making sure to put the best you can provide; at
effective 4 par with standards
best 4
ensuring that set of goals is being carried in
accordance with stands
Above-mentioned concepts are those that The last portion of the study captures
embody quality practices and treated as evidence perspectives of future educational leaders and
when it comes to concrete exhibits of quality. managers regarding crafting of policies in order
to uplift the academic achievement level of
Quality Assurance Mechanisms and the Filipino learners. Respondents were asked on any
Philippine Department of Education policy recommendations they would like to craft.
This inquiry is done in order to provide avenues
The mandate of the Department of Education for ideas on policy making that would possible
is successfully achieved given the quality contribute to increased achievement level of the
assurance mechanisms being observed. These students.
measures are consistently made consistent of the Inquiring about possible policy ideas in
system, thus a culture of quality is practiced. anchored on pressing issues that need solutions.
Respondents were also asked to list down quality By coming with an attempt to create a policy, an
assurance mechanisms they know that are being emerging problem is being recognized, thus
implemented by the Department of Education. policies are crafted to address these issues.
Respondents were able to identify measures Among quality related policy ideas proposed
being implemented and these could be by the respondents are the following:
categorized as those that involve either internal
or external participation of persons involved like strict implementation of strict implementation of
students, teachers, etc. the 10-point Agenda of the Goals for Education
External measures include quality
certifications like ISO, certification and raise teacher standards
assessment procedures, and accreditation. These
mechanisms are in place to subject an institution support on education research and development
Quality Assurance And The Philippine Education System: Inputs From Future Filipino 200
School Leaders │ Inero V. Ancho
teacher training and strategies This would give them an advantage to fully
realize the role of quality mechanisms in
student promotion based on performance achieving the ultimate goal of teaching and
learning: student achievement.
authentic assessment While future educational leaders and
managers are exposed to quality assurance
strengthening QA office mechanisms in the Philippine education system,
particularly those implemented by the
boosting teacher performance Department of Education, they also possess
promising ideas to contribute to the success of
the education process. These ideas may be
teacher development
implemented at the institutional level, while
some are deemed considerable in the district,
catering multiple intelligences regional, and national levels.
The dawn of K-12 implementation years ago
medium of instruction has created an impact on the way future
educational leaders and managers view quality.
Efforts of the Philippine government in
With the above-mentioned proposed policy improving quality standards of education in the
ideas, issues and concerns related to quality country have been fruitful as it creates positive
assurance in the context of education were also consciousness among stakeholders that processes
uncovered. These include classroom assessment, involving teachers, parents, students, and others
language use, teacher and student competencies, are central to ensure success of teaching and
performance assessment, and others. learning.
Issues and challenges that confront the Future research could explore how current
education sector require proactive solutions and educational leaders and managers view quality
evidence-based approaches. As these problems and quality assurance matters in the Philippine
were recognized, educational leaders and education landscape. This could bring
managers are being invited to showcase skills opportunities and reflections on the gap with the
and competence in providing solutions to these way key persons address issues on education
issues. quality. Perspectives of these individuals would
It is a must for an educational leader and bring concrete understanding on mechanisms
manager to be equipped with quality concepts being put into place and establish rationale on
and competencies, thus, it becomes a habit and a future directions.
way of life. Quality is central to successful Eventually, marrying the viewpoints of
achievement of goals, whether in or out of the current and future educational leaders about
classroom. The ideas possessed by future quality efforts would shed light on the gap when
educational leaders and managers exhibit it comes to leadership transition, especially in
prospects for the future: grounded on present crafting long term quality standards in the
issues and established by past experiences. context of Philippine education system. These
inputs once weaved could pave way to a more
IV. CONCLUSION sustainable, responsive, and evidence- based
As future educational leaders and managers quality efforts.
pursue higher level of education, they carry with
them their own conceptual understanding of
quality and quality assurance. These ideas would
eventually shape and bring form to the kind of
leadership they would exhibit in the future. It is
high time that these individuals be provided with
theoretical and research-based foundation on
quality and quality assurance mechanism to back
up with professional practices.
There is a need to familiarize and eventually
help students be adept at trends and issues on
quality-related concerns in the field of education.
Quality Assurance And The Philippine Education System: Inputs From Future Filipino 202
School Leaders │ Inero V. Ancho