PSPAMM MSC Aircraft Maintenance Management

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Programme name Aircraft Maintenance Management

Award MSc
School Science and Technology
Department or equivalent Engineering
Programme code PSPAMM
Type of study Part Time
Total UK credits 180
Total ECTS 90
Partner (partnership
programmes only)
Type of partnership
HECoS Code 100198


MSc Aircraft Maintenance Management is for experienced aviation industry

personnel who wish to enhance their career progression in the maintenance
management field, by improving their knowledge of the complex disciplines required
to enable full understanding of the various technical, operational and financial
pressures impacting on flight operations.
This is a mid-career education for those involved in the air transport industry. It aims
to provide those employed in a professional capacity in aircraft maintenance and
wishing to move into management to enable them to make a greater contribution to
their organisation. A key feature of the course is the development of shared values
since, for many students, it is the first time in their careers that they will meet and
work with other professions within the industry.

Postgraduate Certificate in Aircraft Maintenance Management and Postgraduate

Diploma in Aircraft Maintenance Management
PG Certificate or PG Diploma may be awarded to students who do not wish to
complete the MSc course but have gained sufficient credit as defined by the
Assessment Regulations (see below). This is most usually taken by students who
have completed an MSc in one topic and wish to add a specialisation.

The PG Certificate in Aircraft Maintenance Management gives students a background

to the worldwide air transport industry. PG Diploma gives students an extended
repertoire of skills needed enabling them to move productively and effectively onto the
first steps of commercial or maintenance management.

MSc in Aircraft Maintenance Management

For an MSc, students must pass eight modules and the Induction Workshop over one
to five years. Students are also required to undertake a project in an air transport
related subject as a part of Project module EPM860.

The full MSc in Aircraft Maintenance Management gives students a thorough

background to the worldwide air transport industry providing an opportunity to explore
an aspect of Aircraft Maintenance Management in depth through the literature and
empirical evidence and to make related and well founded recommendations

This MSc course has close links with the MSc Air Safety Management Course, the
MSc in Air Transport Management, the MSc in Airport Management and many
modules are common. Students who have already completed one of the MSc are
eligible to further study for the Postgraduate Diploma by completing 120 credits from
the taught Programme (Modules already taken may not be taken again or counted
towards the second Degree).

• To educate the professional so that you may take managerial responsibility
with confidence and with the ability to succeed.
• To provide employers with suitable talent for managerial positions in aircraft
engineering and related organisations.
• To satisfy the requirements of the Royal Aeronautical Society Approval.


On successful completion of this course, you will be expected to be able to:

Knowledge and understanding:

- Critically evaluate and apply relevant theories within the airline maintenance
- Discuss critically the interaction of all the major components of the airline
maintenance industry (e.g. organisations, governments, airlines, alliances,
manufacturers, staff, unions, regional and national governments)
- Discuss, examine, synthesise and apply conceptual
understanding and knowledge of various processes within the
airline maintenance domain.

- Critically appraise information during the module
- Formulate and test concepts and hypotheses using a range of materials with
limited guidance, on defined problems
- Critically appraise regulatory, economic, professional and political information
from various sources throughout the airline maintenance industry
- Develop and apply various strategies for an airline maintenance operation
- Propose airline maintenance operation and management strategies using
computer simulation tools.
- Assess safety as the over-riding objective within the airline maintenance industry
- Produce reports to a professional standard for readers from a range of
- Conduct academic research
- Apply appropriate academic writing to course papers and a dissertation
- Present information in oral and written form to all levels and
backgrounds throughout an international organisation
- Work both independently and as a member of a team.

Values and attitudes:
- Formulate solutions to problems within a multi-disciplinary and multicultural society
- Value communication as a central requirement for an efficient and safe
- Critically analyse and demonstrate the need to take account of ethical issues
when conducting research within a multi-cultural industry where the
performance must transcend national barriers
- Explore how qualities and knowledge of an airport professional are
readily transferable worldwide
- Value the contribution made by each professional group.

This course has been developed in accordance with the QAA Subject Benchmark for
Generic Masters Level Courses


The course involves a variety of teaching methods including lectures and

tutorials requiring attendance plus breakout sessions. These will involve group
work and presentations. Case studies may be handed out for study in the
evening and discussion the next day. A leading lecturer and a number of
specialist lecturers from the aviation industry teach each module over an
intensive 3-day period. Identical modules with same Lecturer run in London,
Dubai and Frankfurt. During each module, you are required to work in a small
team to examine the relevant issues and to present results. Each module has
been designed to develop a specific skill. There is a significant amount of
independent study within each module for you to read literature related to the
module you are studying. The online module page also provides blogs and
forums, to interact with the Lecturer and other students.

For every Module, there is a University website with many interactivities, blogs and
other communication platforms; you will be given the PowerPoint presentations,
relevant papers, reading lists and other material. Each of the substantial module
webpages contains information relevant to that module and you are expected to use
the material after the module. In all, you will have 8 Module webpages and the
Induction webpage. Our library website provides most of the standard textbooks as e-
books, our large University library in London and Dubai provides thousands of books
as loaners; some text books you might want to buy for your future career.
It is a required that you attend, in full, all hours of each taught module, unless given
specific dispensation by the Course Director.


Assessment of the taught modules is undertaken through a combination of the

following elements:

1. Coursework ''A'' is a 2500 +/- 10% word academic paper on a topic choice
related to the module. You will have to research substantially for the writing of
this coursework. Some Modules have simulations/models which you have to
manage and write about the outcomes you have found.
2. For Elective Modules Only: Coursework ''B'' aims to demonstrate the application
of the work of the specific module to your own organisation (or, if this is not
possible, another organisation with which you are familiar). Your critical abilities
are developed, in particular to understand why organisation may have strengths
and weaknesses and how these can reasonably be improved or strengthened.
Typically, the Lecturer will ask for a presentation, video or podcast to present a
solution or proposal for the topic.
3. For Compulsory Modules Only: Examinations, for each compulsory module,
each lasting 90 minutes, are specifically designed to test:
- The knowledge gained in the module
- Your ability to distil large quantities of information into succinct but correct format
- The ability to produce correct results under time pressure.

This is an - induction workshop, - eight-module and - project course, where you need
to take four compulsory modules (the induction workshop is also compulsory) and
the balance (four modules) coming from an elective module list. The course is
designed to take advantage of the existing MSc Air Safety Management (ASM), Air
Transport Management (ATM) and Airport Management (APM) degrees, both by
following their structure, and by using some of their existing modules.

The Project/Dissertation is undertaken by all students of the MSc Aircraft

Maintenance Management Course and must focus on an Aircraft Maintenance
Management topic. This is a substantial piece of writing deriving from academic
research that you will undertake. The Dissertation is the result of your
independent work, carried out under the guidance of an appointed supervisor.
Non-timetabled supervisor / student contact is encouraged during the project
and it is normal for you to involve your present or possibly future employer.
After a mandatory Project Webinar and a graded 2500 word Project Proposal,
the dissertation of 10-15,000 words is assessed by two Examiners through a
Viva/Defence. It tests your ability to academically research and write, and to
defend your findings to the questioning of the assessors.

Assessment and Assessment Criteria

Assessment Criteria are descriptions, based on the intended learning outcomes,

of the skills, knowledge and attitudes that you need to demonstrate in order to
complete an assessment successfully, providing a mechanism by which the
quality of an assessment can be measured.

Grade-Related Criteria are descriptions of the level of skills, knowledge or attributes

that you need to demonstrate in order achieve a certain grade or mark in an
assessment, providing a mechanism by which the quality of an assessment can
be measured and placed within the overall set of marks. Assessment Criteria and
Grade-Related Criteria will be made available to you to support you in completing
assessments. These may be provided in course handbooks, module
specifications, on the virtual learning environment (e.g. Moodle) or attached to a
specific assessment task.

Feedback on assessment

Feedback is provided on all coursework to help you improve your marks on later

Feedback will be provided in line with our Assessment and Feedback Policy. In
particular, you will normally be provided with feedback within three weeks of the
submission deadline or assessment date. This would normally include a provisional
grade or mark. For end of module examinations or an equivalent significant task (e.g.
an end of module project), feedback will normally be provided within four weeks. The
timescale for feedback on projects or dissertations may be longer. The full policy can
be found at: data/assets/pdf_file/0008/68921/assessment_and_feedback_

Assessment Regulations

In order to pass the Course, the student should complete successfully or be exempted
from the relevant modules and assessments and will therefore acquire the required
number of credits.

The pass mark for each module is 50%.

If you fail an assessment component or a module, the following will apply:

1. Compensation: where you fail up to a total of 15 credits at first or resit attempt, you
may be allowed compensation if:
• Compensation is permitted for the module involved (see the What will I Study
section of the programme specification), and
• It can be demonstrated that you have satisfied all the Learning Outcomes of
the modules in the Course, and
• A minimum overall mark of no more than 10% below the module pass mark
has been achieved in the module to be compensated, and
• An aggregate mark of 50% has been achieved overall.

Where you are eligible for compensation at the first attempt, this will be applied in the
first instance rather than offering a resit opportunity.

If you receive a compensated pass in a module you will be awarded the credit for that
module. The original component marks will be retained in the record of marks and
your original module mark will be used for the purpose of your Award calculation.

2. Resit: Where you are not eligible for compensation at the first attempt, you will be
offered one resit attempt.

If you are successful in the resit, you will be awarded the credit for that module. The
mark for each assessment component that is subject to a resit will be capped at the
pass for the module. This capped mark will be used in the calculation of the final
module mark together with the original marks for the components that you passed at
first attempt.

If you do not meet the pass requirements for a module and do not complete your resit
by the date specified you will not progress and the Assessment Board will require that
you be withdrawn from the Programme.

If you fail to meet the requirements for the Programme, the Assessment Board will
consider whether you are eligible for an Exit Award, as per the table below.

If you would like to know more about the way in which assessment works at City,
please see the full version of the Assessment Regulations at: data/assets/word_doc/0003/69249/s19.doc


Master’s Degree:

HE Credits Weighting Class % required

Level (%)
Taught 7 120 66.7 With Distinction 70
Dissertation 7 60 33.3 With Merit 60
Without 50

Postgraduate Diploma:

Part HE Credits Weighting Class % required

Level (%)
Taught 7 120 100 With Distinction 70
With Merit 60
Without 50
Postgraduate Certificate:

Part HE Credits Weighting Class % required

Level (%)
Taught 7 60 100



You must pass an Induction Workshop, then pass the 4 core modules of 15
credits each and choose 4 electives of 15 credits each to the total required
credit of 120 for the taught modules.

All modules listed below have their own specification which you will find in
the Course Handbook.

This structure ensures that you achieve the required credit, depth and breadth of
knowledge and understanding but provides you with a flexibility to deepen your
knowledge in areas most suitable to your needs.

You must have passed 6 of the 8 modules before progressing to the dissertation (i.e.
Project Module) with the mandatory Project Workshop/Project Webinar and the Project
Proposal. You must attend the Project Workshop/Project Webinar and finish the Project
Proposal latest in your fourth year of study. All Modules must be completed latest
before the Viva. The Project module accounts for 60 credits to reflect the development
of the dissertation topic which must be about an aircraft maintenance related subject.

Module Title SITS Module Compul Can be Level

Code Credits sory/ Compen-
Elective sated?
Induction Workshop EPM977 0 C N 7
Project EPM860 60 C N 7
Airline Operational EPM825 15 C Y 7
Regulatory Compliance
Airworthiness EPM897 15 C Y 7
Airline Maintenance EPM906 15 C Y 7
Airline Operations EPM820 15 C Y 7
Airline Commercial EPM821 15 E Y 7
Human Resource EPM822 15 E Y 7
Air Transport Economics EPM823 15 E Y 7
Airline Finance EPM824 15 E Y 7
Crisis Management EPM828 15 E Y 7
Fleet Planning EPM829 15 E Y 7
Active Safety Management EPM836 15 E Y 7
Psychology in Aviation EPM966 15 E Y 7
Airline Strategy and EPM969 15 E Y 7
Business Planning
Air Accident Investigation EPM970 15 E Y 7
Leadership in Organisations EPM971 15 E Y 7
Safety Risk Management EPM973 15 E Y 7

General Principles of Human EPM974 15 E Y 7
Sustainable Aviation EPM975 15 E Y 7
Aviation Law EPM978 15 E Y 7
Future Aviation Challenges – EPM980 15 E Y 7
from Unmanned to
Spaceflight Vehicles
Airport Strategy Management EPM981 15 E Y 7

Airline Training Management EPM982 15 E Y 7

Business Aviation EPM983 15 E Y 7


Graduate Destinations
• Licensed Engineer, Emiri Flight Abu Dhabi
• Project Superintendent, Kuwait Airways
• Engineering Manager, Air Canada
• Performance Engineer, Air Botnia, Finland
• Chief Engineer, Flying Wing, Bahrain
• Dept. Head Eng Licensing, CAA, Gatwick
• Engineer, Air Zimbabwe
• Shift Manager, BA, Gatwick
• Quality Engineering Manager, Shannon Aerospace
• De-icing Superintendent, Finnair
• Dept Head, Uganda CAA
• Chief Engineer, United Eagle Airways, Shuangliu, China
• Senior Investigator, Airclaims, LHR
• Superintendent Engineer, Tanzania Airways
• SVP Tech. Ops, GE Commercial Finance Aviation, Asia
• Engineering Manager, Precisionair, Tanzania
• Dept Head of Safety, Tanzania CAA
• Engineering Consultant, Portugal
• Head Engineering Licensing CAA, Gatwick
• Service Engineer Rolls Royce Commercial Engines
• Chief Engineer, Cyprus Police Air Wing
• Airbus Manager, Emirates
• Inspector, Tanzanian CAA
• Manager Quality and Standards, CAA
• Engineer, Kenya Airways, Amsterdam
• Engineering Consultant, Nigeria
• Licensed Engineer, Cyprus Airways
• Engineering Manager Cathay Pacific Express , Hong Kong
• Safety Engineer, RAF
• Powerplant Engineer, Thomas Cook Airlines , Manchester
• Engineering Analyst, Boeing, Seattle, USA
• Air Safety Inspector, BA
• Engineering Manager, Netherlands
• Chief Engineer, Brunei Shell

If you would like more information on the Careers support available at City, please go
Modules are delivered in London, Dubai and Frankfurt. Delivery of all Modules is
identical where-ever they are delivered and students can attend at different locations
should they so wish.

Approving Body: Royal Aeronautical Society

Nature of Accreditation:

Continuous and detailed review is by the Royal Aeronautical Society.


Relevant degree 2:2 or above (normally) or a professional qualification such as Air

Transport Pilots Licence (ATPL) or Engineer license or Air Traffic Control Licences.
Other academic qualifications will be considered. In all cases, it is a normal
requirement of entry that you are currently employed in the aviation industry (e.g.
airlines, maintenance organisations, regulators ATC, air forces, airports etc).
Exceptions can be made: for example where you have relevant experience but have
lost your licence for medical reasons.

You will start the Course with an Induction Workshop (EPM977), available 4 times per
calendar year. Every candidate must pass the IW so that the Course Director can
assess your suitability and whether you will be able to devote enough effort to
complete the course. The assessment is by attendance of the Induction Workshop
(EPM977) and completion of one Coursework on a general aviation topic. The marks
from this coursework do not count towards the final award.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL): Students who have pursued appropriate studies
in this or another institution or who possess appropriate qualifications and experience
may be exempted from a part of the period of academic study. RPL can be awarded
for up to 30 credits in total for a Postgraduate programme. RPL will also exempt
students from taking the IW. Decisions concerning RPL are decisions of academic
judgement; they depend on an assurance that the previous learning (experiential
and/or certificated) is equivalent to the learning that would be gained if students
followed the normal programme of study. Please get in touch for further information.

Version: 6.1 7.0
Version date: July 2022
For use from: 2022/23


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