7. Enrichment activities
i. Read the CLSU philosophy, vision, mission and objectives, as
well, as that of the Open University
ii. Compare these statement of purposes and direction vis-a-vis your
own school
B. Course Objectives and Contents
Part I
1. Part 1 of this module covers the basic concept of development, dimension
of development and revisiting the Philippine development experience
2. Time allocation
24 hours
3. Instructional goals:
This portion of this module aims to provide learners a better
understandings and clearer ideas concerning the basic concept, dimension
and the stages of development the Philippine has experienced from prehispanic period up to the present. It will likewise point out the interrelation
of development to education and vice versa.
30 hours
6. Teaching Strategies
i. Group discussion
ii. Oral and written report
iii. Brain storming
7. Evaluation Procedure
i. Oral question and answer period
ii. Self- activity output assessment
iii. Final examination
8. Enrichment activities
i. inviting resource speaker to reinforce the oral report of each
students assigned problem(s)
9. References Used
Aquino, G. V. 1985. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice.
Manila: Rex Printing Press.
Aquino, G. V. 1974. Fundamentals of Effective Teaching. Metro Manila:
Navotas Press.