United States Patent (10) Patent No.: Us 7,806,624 B2: Mclean Et Al. (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 5, 2010

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,806,624 B2

McLean et al. (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 5, 2010
(54) PAVEMENT JOINT 2,228,052 A 1/1941 Gardner ......................... 94/18
2,352,673 A 7/1944 Westcott ........................ 94/17
(75) Inventors: Peter Charles McLean, Micham (AU). 2,716,373 A * 8, 1955 Chollar et al. ................ 404.50
Christopher Raymond McClelland, 2,759,403 A 8/1956 Kelley ........................... 94/17
Pearcedale (AU) 3,023,681 A 3/1962 Worson ......................... 94/18
(73) Assignee: Tripstop Technologies Pty Ltd, Surrey 3,061,895 A * 1 1/1962 Kleinhans ................... 277/642
Hills, Victoria (AU) 3.099,110 A * 7/1963 Spaight ................... 52,396.09
3,951.562 A 4, 1976 Fyfe ............................ 404/68
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 3,968,611 A * 7/1976 de Munck ................ 52,396.02
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 3,994,609 A 1 1/1976 Puccio ........................ 404f69
U.S.C. 154(b) by 335 days. 4,041,665 A 8, 1977 De Munck ................... 52,396
(21) Appl. No.: 11/132,563
(22) Filed: May 19, 2005 (Continued)
(65) Prior Publication Data FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
US 2005/0276660A1 Dec. 15, 2005 CA 2O85066 6, 1993
Related U.S. Application Data
(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 10/381,289.
filed as application No. PCT/AU01/01233 on Sep. 28, (Continued)
2001, now abandoned. Primary Examiner Gary S Hartmann
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Baker & Daniels LLP
Sep. 29, 2000 (AU) ..................................... PRO454 (57) ABSTRACT
(51) Int. Cl.
EOIC II/04 (2006.01) A pavement joint 101,102 disposed between two contiguous
(52) U.S. Cl. ...................................... 404/47: 52/396.04 pavement slabs 103, 104 and 105 incorporating a shear key
(58) Field of Classification Search ................... 404/38, (12, 13, 22 and 23) and at least one hinge (37,38.39 and 40).
404/39, 47,49, 50: 52/396.02, 396.04 The shearkey and the at least one hinge are operative when at
See application file for complete search history. least one of the slabs is subjected to out-of-plane action P with
(56) References Cited the shear key transferring shear between the slabs, and the at
least one hinge accommodating angular displacement of the
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS slabs relative to the joint axis in at least one direction. In one
form, a joint member 10, 20, 40, 50 and 60 is disposed
1401,590 A * 12, 1921 Del Turco .................... 404.50 between the slabs to provide the shear key and hinge. A joint
1,568,012 A * 12, 1925 Walsh ... 404/47 member and pavement slab for use in the joint is also
1,655,835 A * 1/1928 Fischer ........................ 404.50 described.
1,723,306 A 8/1929 Sipe
1,762,682 A * 6, 1930 Fischer ........................ 404.50
RE18, 188 E * 9, 1931 Benedict et al. ............... 404.50 23 Claims, 11 Drawing Sheets
US 7,806,624 B2
Page 2

U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 2003. O190190 A1 10, 2003 McLean

4,080,086 A 3/1978 Watson ........................ 404f69 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
4,098,047 A 7, 1978 Weber ..... ... 52,741
4,453,360 A 6/1984 Barenberg .. 52,396.04 DE 25 42.357 3/1977
4,599,841 A * 7/1986 Haid .......... 52,396.04 DE 299 06 093 7, 1999
4,622,784. A 1 1/1986 Black et al. ...................... 52.2 DE 299 06 093 9, 1999
4,740.404 A 4, 1988 Otsugu et al. .. ... 428/44 DE 25 42.357 5, 2008
4,752,153 A 6, 1988 Miller ........ ... 404/59 EP O 553 723 8, 1993
4,916,878 A 4, 1990 Nichols ... ... 52,396 FR 26O2 253 2, 1988
5,088,256 A 2/1992 Face, Jr. .. 52,396 JP 10-80230 3, 1998
5,910,087 A 6, 1999 Carter ..... ... 52,371 JP 10-183.505 7, 1998
6,014,849 A * 1/2000 Yonemura ... 52/586.1 WO WO 94,11579 5, 1994
6,052,960 A * 4/2000 Yonemura .................... 52,393 WO 99.31329 6, 1999
6,276,106 B1* 8/2001 Shotton et al. . 52,396.02
6,471.441 B1 10/2002 Muller ........................ 404/62 * cited by examiner
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0.25 15th 15 m 1ST O25

US 7,806,624 B2
1. 2
PAVEMENT JOINT Commonly, provision for contraction of concrete pave
ments is made by incorporating contraction joints at relatively
RELATED APPLICATION close intervals effectively dividing the pavement into a series
of contiguous slabs. In the case of an un-reinforced concrete
The present application is a continuation in part application 5 pavement such as a footpath, for example, contraction joints
of U.S. application Ser. No. 10/381,289 filed 22 Apr. 2003 are commonly spaced at between 15 and 20 times the thick
now abandoned, which is related to and claims the benefit ness of the pavement. For a 75 mm thick pavement, this
under 35 U.S.C. S 119 and 35 U.S.C. S365 of International implies joints at 1000 to 1500 mm. Provision for the expan
Application No. PCT/AU2001/01233, filed Sep. 28, 2001, sion of concrete pavements, which are Subjected to Solar
the contents of which are herein incorporated by cross refer 10 heating. Such as roads and footpaths, is made by incorporat
CCC. ing expansion joints, also known as isolation joints, at rela
tively wide intervals, commonly 4 to 5 meters. Thus external
FIELD OF THE INVENTION pavements commonly take the form of a series of contiguous
slabs, both separated and linked by a combination of contrac
The present invention relates generally to the construction 15 tion and expansion joints.
of pavements and to jointing systems for use in Such pave For reasons of economy, contraction joints are commonly
ments. The invention has particular application to pavements formed by creating a plane of weakness in the top surface of
that are susceptible to differential movement by out-of-plane the concrete, by trowelling grooves in the fresh concrete or
action Such as for example by tree root invasion, or soil cutting grooves in the partially or fully hardened concrete.
movement, and which usually bear traffic that can accept This encourages cracking to occurat Such grooves rather than
Some irregularity in the pavement Surface and the invention is in a random fashion, which would be unsightly, and helps to
herein described in that context. create many narrow cracks rather than few large cracks,
which would be detrimental. In practice, the effectiveness of
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION this method is subject to variations in the concrete, in the
25 friction between the pavement and the Soil or subgrade upon
which it rests, workmanship, climatic conditions and other
Pavements are used to facilitate the passage of wheeled or factors, and contraction often accumulates over two or more
pedestrian traffic along or over roads, footpaths (sidewalks), slabs so that cracks do not occur at Some planes of weakness
playgrounds, and areas used for storage or parking. To do its and relatively wide cracks occur at others.
job well, such a pavement should be relatively smooth and 30 Localised direct actions such as uplifting caused by tree
flat. For reasons of economy, Such pavements are often cast in roots or soil heave cause flexural stresses in the pavement. In
Substantial lengths, with construction joints between them. the case of un-reinforced concrete footpaths for example,
However, in Some forms, pavements may be formed from which have relatively closely spaced contraction joints, the
preformed slabs made from a settable material. Such as con uplifting action of a tree root will typically lead to the opening
crete, or formed from other rigid material Such as steel or 35 or creation of a crack emanating from the top surface of the
wood. Footpaths are pavements that carry relatively light, low footpath at a contraction joint adjacent to the point of uplift
speed traffic Such as pedestrians and pedestrian vehicles Such ing. However, the cracking of this construction joint only
as wheelchairs, strollers and bicycles. Other categories of reduces the flexural strength of a slab significantly in one
light duty pavement include cycle ways, domestic driveways, direction and the aforementioned lifting may lead to the Sud
playgrounds and the like. These pavements generally do not 40 den, uncontrolled fracture of the footpath at distances from
need to be as Smooth or flat as those used to carry heavy or the point of lifting corresponding to the flexural strength of
high speed traffic. the concrete. Further, if a crack is relatively wide, a lifted slab
A pavement is subject to both direct and indirect actions. may not engage its neighbour with the result that a vertical
Direct actions include traffic loads and forces deriving from discontinuity or step will be created in the pavement. In the
soil or foundation movement, and tree roots. In the case of 45 case of footpaths this often leads to steps of sufficient height
footpaths, cycle ways and domestic driveways for example, to impair the passage of pedestrian vehicles and to cause
which are frequently built alongside trees, uplifting actions pedestrians to trip or fall.
caused by tree roots are common. Uplifting or depressing Expansion joints usually consist of a sheet of compressible
actions can be seen as out-of-plane, relative to that of the material extending the full thickness of a pavement so as to
pavement. 50 allow the pavement to expand without inducing excessive
Indirect actions include drying (moisture) and temperature compressive stresses in the concrete from which the pave
change. When a pavement is made from concrete, these ment is made, which could lead to crushing or spalling of the
actions cause both temporary and permanent Volumetric concrete or warping or buckling of the pavement. Such joints
changes that manifest in the form of expansion and contrac have no ability to transfer loador to limit differential displace
tion. Shrinkage, which is caused by drying, can be seen in this 55 ment within a pavement.
sense as a form of permanent contraction. The effect of these
actions is most significant in the plane of the pavement. For SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
example, the unrestrained drying shrinkage of concrete is
commonly in the order of 800 micro strain or 1.2 mm for a In a first aspect the present invention provides a pavement
slab 1500 mm long. The coefficient of thermal expansion of 60 joint disposed between two contiguous pavement slabs, the
concrete is commonly in the order of 12 micro strain per joint being elongate and extending along a joint axis and
degree Celsius or approximately 0.4 mm in a slab 1500 mm incorporating a shearkey and at least one hinge, the shearkey
long Subjected to a temperature change of 20 deg. C. If con and the at least one hinge being operative when at least one of
traction is restrained, it may lead to cracking of the concrete. the slabs is subjected to out-of-plane action with the shear key
If expansion is restrained it may lead to any or all of spalling 65 transferring shear between the slabs, and the at least one hinge
and crushing of the concrete and buckling and warping of the accommodating angular displacement of the slabs relative to
pavement. the joint axis in at least one direction.
US 7,806,624 B2
3 4
In the context of the specification, the term "pavement” In one form, one bearing surface may be able to slide within
relates to any hard Surface especially of a public area or another bearing Surface so that the hinge action is by sliding
thoroughfare that will bear travel. Further, the pavement slabs rotation.
may beformed from any suitable material and may beformed In another form, the ends of the slab may have a cross
as precast units or cast in-situ. Examples of pavement slabs section akin to that of gear teeth, so as to enable shear to be
include, concrete slabs, hard and rigid materials like concrete, transferred in the manner of gear teeth, and rotation to be
slabs formed from timber, or metal. Such as expanded metal accommodated by rolling, in the manner of a gear wheel.
mesh, or from any combination of those materials. When a slab of finite thickness rotates, say from a horizon
tal plane, it initially lengthens in plan. This means that when
In accordance with the invention, the joint provides a load 10 a slab is lifted close to one end and lifts its adjacent slab, the
transfer mechanism that inhibits differential vertical move
ment of the slabs when at least one of those slabs is affected
joint between the slabs opens at the top and closes at the
bottom, and the joint between the slabs and their non-lifted
by an out-of-plane action Such as by tree root invasion or by adjacent slab close at the top and open at the bottom.
soil movement. By reducing the differential vertical move Typically in use, the lifted slabs are prevented from moving
ment of the contiguous slabs, potential tripping hazards to 15 horizontally by their non-lifted adjacent slabs. As such,
pedestrians are reduced. Along with this, as pavements are because of this lengthening effect compressive stresses may
less likely to require repair or replacement, there is a future be induced in both the lifted and the non-lifted slabs unless
cost saving to users and a reduction in waste of resources. there is some facility to accommodate this lengthening or at
In general, this load transfer mechanism is provided by the least minimising its affect. Typically, the result of this length
shear key. The shear key provides a means of transferring or ening is that a pinching effect may occur between the slabs as
equalising vertical displacement between the slabs and may they are angularly displaced. This effect may be offset by
take many different forms to affect that transfer. The at least shrinkage in certain circumstances where the slabs are
the one hinge provides a means of accommodating angular formed from concrete or similar material. In other circum
displacement relative to the joint axis so as to provide a stances, the joint between the slabs needs to accommodate the
mechanism whereby the pavement may articulate to relieve 25 lengthening effect so that there is not undue stress occurring
stress induced by the out-of-plane action. at the joint which would cause failure of at least one or more
The inventors have found that the magnitude of angular of the slabs.
displacement that needs to be accommodated in pavements In the arrangement as described above where the slabs may
that are subjected to localised actions from tree roots and the be akin to gear wheels, if the radii of the slab ends are estab
like and which are comprised of relatively short slabs, is an 30 lished to equal the distance from the contacting Surface to the
order of magnitude greater than that required in other pave fulcrum about which the slabs rotate, the pinching effect
ments such as roads. For example, a tree root may lift one end described above is obviated.
of a footpath slab by 25 mm to 50 mm which implies, for a In one form, the joint may include at least two hinges, with
1500 mm long slab, a rotation of 1° to 2°. This level of rotation one hinge allowing angular displacement about the joint axis
may be accommodated by the joint according to the present 35 in one direction whereas the other hinge allowing angular
invention through the at least one hinge whereas such rotation displacement of the joint axis in an opposite direction. In one
could not be accommodated by a conventional contraction form, these hinges are displaced towards a respective outer
joint. However, it is to be appreciated that the out-of-plane Surface the slabs. In one form, each of these hinges use a hinge
action may result from other than specific localised action. action of sliding rotation with each hinge being formed from
For example, this action may result from ground Subsidence, 40 cooperating arcuate bearing Surfaces that slide one within the
or even from more violent action Such as earth tremors and the other.
like. In one form, the joint includes only a single hinge which is
In a particular embodiment, the joint may be formed disposed located in
on or about the neutral axis of the slabs. When
that position, the relative lengthening of the slabs
through interengagement of the respective edge Surfaces of 45
the slabs. In that arrangement, the edges are profiled to form, that occurs during rotation needs to be accommodated. In one
by the interengagement, the shear key and the at least one form this may be accommodated by incorporating suffi
ciently sized gaps within the joint at the outer margins of the
In one form, the shear key is provided by at least one through slab so as to allow adequate clearance for the slab to rotate
a predetermined angular displacement (typically less
portion of the edge Surface of one slab locating withina recess 50 than 5° and more typically less than 3). However depending
formed in the other edge surface so that shear is able to be
transferred across that connection. In one form, a tongue and on the thickness of the slab, the gap required may be excessive
and may in fact cause a tripping hazard to the pavement. As
groove connection is formed between the contiguous slabs. Such, in another form, the joint may include a compressible
In the arrangement where the joint is formed at least Sub member disposed between the contiguous slabs and arranged
stantially from the profile of the edge surfaces of those slabs, 55 to accommodate the lengthening of the slabs under the angu
the mechanism used in the hinge to enable angular displace lar displacement.
ment may take various forms. In one embodiment, each slab In a particular embodiment, the pavement slabs may be
may have a bearing Surface along its edge Surface with the pre-formed and the compressible members may be fixed to
interengagement of those bearing Surfaces providing a hinge one or both of the slabs prior to installation or located within
of the joint. 60 the joint on interconnection of the respective slabs.
The bearing Surface may be formed from an exposed edge In a particular embodiment, the pavement joint incorpo
Surface of the slabs. Alternatively a covering Such as a metal rates a joint member.
or polymeric skin, film or the like may extend over that edge In one form, where the contiguous slabs are cast in-situ,
Surface to form the bearing Surface. The advantage of using this joint member may act as formwork for both of the pave
Such a covering may be to improve the Surface properties of 65 ment slabs. In one form, the joint member may be formed
the bearing Surface, or to increase the joint strength or to from a sheet material Such as sheet steel and if necessary may
facilitate manufacture of the joint. include other elements such as the one or more compressible
US 7,806,624 B2
5 6
members mounted thereon. The joint member in this form is sliding or rolling rotation between a bearing Surface of the
may be fixed to one of the slabs so that the joint hinge is joint member and a corresponding bearing Surface formed on
formed through engagement of a Surface of the joint member the edge of abutting slab.
and the other slab to which that joint member is connected. In a particular embodiment of the above form of joint
In one form, the shear key of the joint is provided by member, the joint member is formed with a plurality of bear
interengagement of the contiguous slabs with the joint mem ing Surfaces, each of which cooperate with a corresponding
ber. In a particular embodiment, the joint member incorpo bearing Surface on its opposing slab so as to form a plurality
rates opposite lateral portions that extend into respective ones of hinges within the pavement joint.
of the slabs so as to locate the jointing member within the slab In one form, at least one face of the joint member includes
sufficiently to enable shear to be transferred across the con 10 two hinge bearing Surfaces, these bearing Surfaces extending
tiguous slabs through said jointing member. from a distal end of the lateral portion of the joint member to
In one form, at least one of the lateral portions is profiled to a respective distal end of the spacers. In a particular form,
incorporate an arcuate Surface. In this arrangement, the at these bearing Surfaces are concave.
least one lateral portion forms part of the hinge that operates 15
In one form, the joint member includes a pair of hinges of
by sliding rotation with the arcuate Surface forming a bearing the above type on each of its opposite faces. Therefore in this
Surface of that hinge. arrangement, the joint member incorporates four (4) concave
In the arrangement where the joint includes a joint member, bearing Surfaces each of which are part of a hinge of the joint.
in that particular embodiment, the joint member may be In a particular embodiment, the joint member is elongate
formed of a suitable material that allows it to deform or flex having a constant cross-section. In a particular form, the joint
with the hinge action of the at least one hinge of the joint being member is formed in continuous lengths typically by an
through this deformation or flexing of the joint member. In extrusion process.
this way, a live hinge is formed in the joint. In one form, the joint member is formed from a polymeric
In one form, the joint member, whilst being able to deform material, such as PVC, HDPE, EPDM, or a high hardness
or flex, maintains sufficient rigidity and is secured within the 25 rubber. In an alternative embodiment, the joint member from
slabs so that the joint member is still able to act as a shear key metal such as aluminum or made of composite construction,
to transfer shearthrough the joint. Such as a steel reinforced polymeric material.
In a particular embodiment, the lateral portions are able to In a further aspect, the invention relates to a joint member
be angularly displaced relative to the joint axis so as to pro for a pavement joint, the joint member having a joint axis and
vide the joint hinge. 30 being arranged to be disposed between contiguous pavement
In a particular embodiment, the joint member includes a slabs, the joint member comprising opposite first and second
core and the lateral portions extend outwardly from the core faces that in use oppose respective ones of the edge surfaces
and are spaced apart about the joint axis through approxi of the slabs, the first face incorporating a lateral portion that
mately 180°. With this arrangement, one lateral portion projects outwardly from the face and is arranged to inter
projects into one slab, whilst the other lateral portion projects 35 engage with an edge Surface of its opposing slabs So as to
into the other slab. enable shear to be transferred from that slab to the joint
In one arrangement, the joint member also includes at least member, and a hinging portion that forms at least part of the
at least one hinge of the pavement joint for accommodating
one spacer that projects from the core. The at least one spacer angular displacement of the slabs relative to the joint axis in
locates between the contiguous slabs and is angularly spaced at least one direction.
about the joint axis from the lateral portions. 40
In one form, the hinging portion comprises at least one
In a particular embodiment, the joint member includes two bearing Surface that engages with a bearing Surface of its
spacers which are angularly spaced apart about the joint axis opposing slab and wherein the inter-engagement of those
through approximately 180°. In a particular embodiment, the bearing Surfaces provides the at least one hinge of the joint.
joint member is configured so that the spacers extend gener 45 In a particular embodiment, the second face also incorpo
ally in a direction which is substantially perpendicular to the rates a lateral portion that projects from that face and is able
lateral portions. However, it is to be appreciated that the to inter-engage with an edge Surface of its opposing slab so as
configuration of the joint member may vary so that the spac to enable shear to be transferred between that slab and the
ers are not at right-angles to the lateral portions. joint member. In one form, both the first and second faces
The spacers of the joint member may be incorporated to 50 incorporate two bearing Surfaces disposed on respective
accommodate the effects of lengthening of the at least one opposite sides of the lateral portions disposed on that face, the
slab on angular displacement of the slabs about the at least bearing Surfaces being arranged to engage with respective
one hinge. In this way, the spacers may be made from a bearing Surfaces of the edge Surfaces of the opposing slabs to
material which is able to be compressed to at least some form four hinges of the joint.
extent to accommodate this lengthening effect. 55 In yet a further aspect, the present invention provides a
In a furtherform, the joint member may be arranged so that method of inhibiting differential out-of-plane movement of
it completely separates and links the contiguous slabs. In this contiguous slabs in a pavement under an out-of-plane action
arrangement, the joint member includes two spacers that applied to at least one of the slabs by incorporating pavement
project from the core and extend to a respective one of the joints between the contiguous slabs, the joints being elongate
outer Surfaces of the slabs. In this arrangement, the spacers 60 and each extending along a joint axis and being capable of
may be sufficiently compressible so as to provide an expan transferring shear between the slabs and accommodating
sion joint for the pavement to accommodate in-plane expan angular displacement of the slabs relative to the joint axis in
sion of the slabs. at least one direction.
The configuration of the joint member with the core, lateral In yet a further aspect, the invention relates to a pavement
portions, and two spacers may incorporate a hinge action that 65 slab that incorporates at least one profiled end surfaces which
operates either through deformation or flexing of the joint in use form a part of a joint with a contiguous pavement slab
member or alternatively through an arrangement where there to allow shear to be transferred across the joint and angular
US 7,806,624 B2
7 8
displacement of the slabs is accommodated. In one form, a FIGS. 2 and 3 illustrate a concrete pavement 100 formed
joint member is disposed between the slabs. from contiguous slabs 103, 104, 105 and having pavement
joints 101,102. The pavement joints 101 and 102 incorporate
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS joint members 10. For convenience, references to these joint
5 members are given the SuperScript 1, or 2, with features of
It is convenient to hereinafter describe embodiments of the those joint members given similar designations. Also, the
present invention with reference to the accompanying draw joint members 101, and 102 disclosed in FIGS. 2 and 3
ings. It is to be appreciated that the particularity of the draw incorporate a modified profile to better illustrate the prin
ings and the related description does not Supersede the gen ciples of operation of the pavement joints 101, and 102.
erality of the preceding broad description of the invention. 10 In the illustrated form, the pavement 100 is formed by
In the drawings: casting the slabs 103, 104, 105 over the joint members 10",
FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a joint member according to 10°. In this way, the joint members both link and separate the
a first embodiment; slabs 103, 104 and 105. Specifically, the lateral portions 12",
FIG. 2 is a schematic elevation view of a pavement having 13, 12° and 13° are embedded into the edge surface 106, 107,
joints incorporating the joint member of FIG. 1; 15 108 and 109 of respective slabs 103, 104 and 105 whilst the
FIG. 3 is the pavement of FIG. 2 when subjected to an spacers 14, 15' and 14, 15° separates the slabs 103,104 and
out-of-plane action; 105, with the spacers of the respective slabs extending to the
FIG. 4 is a perspective view of a joint member according to outer surfaces of the pavement 110, 111.
a second embodiment; In general, a pavement is subject to both direct and indirect
FIG. 5 is a schematic elevation view of a pavement having actions. Direct actions include traffic loads and forces deriv
joints incorporating the joint member of FIG. 4; ing from soil or foundation movement, and tree roots. In the
FIG. 6 is the pavement of FIG. 5 when subjected to an case of footpaths, cycle ways and domestic driveways for
out-of-plane action; example, which are frequently built alongside trees, uplifting
FIG. 7 is a schematic view to an enlarged scale of a con 25
actions caused by tree roots are common. Uplifting or
nection detail of the joint member of FIG. 4; depressing actions can be seen as out-of-plane, relative to that
FIG. 8 is a variation of the joint member of FIG. 4; of the pavement.
FIG. 9 is a further variation of the joint member of FIG. 4; Indirect actions include drying (moisture) and temperature
FIG. 10 is a sectional view of an expansion joint for use in change. When a pavement is made from concrete, these
the pavement of FIG. 3; 30 actions cause both temporary and permanent Volumetric
FIG. 11 is a modified version of the expansion joint of FIG. changes that manifest in the form of expansion and contrac
10: tion. Shrinkage, which is caused by drying, can be seen in this
FIG. 12 is a sectional elevation view of a pavement joint sense as a form of permanent contraction. The effect of these
incorporating a joint according to a third embodiment; actions is most significant in the plane of the pavement. For
FIG. 13 is a sectional elevation view of a pavement joint 35 example, the unrestrained drying shrinkage of concrete is
according to a further embodiment; commonly in the order of 800 micro strain or 1.2 mm for a
FIG. 14 is a variation of the joint of FIG. 13: slab 1500 mm long. The coefficient of thermal expansion of
FIG. 15 is an schematic elevation view of a pavement joint concrete is commonly in the order of 12 micro strain per
according to a further embodiment; degree Celsius or approximately 0.4 mm in a slab 1500 mm
FIG. 16 is a variation of the pavement joint of FIG. 15: 40 long Subjected to a temperature change of 20 deg. C. If con
FIG. 17 is a schematic plan view of a pavement testing rig: traction is restrained, it may lead to cracking of the concrete.
and If expansion is restrained it may lead to any or all of spalling
FIG. 18 is a schematic plan view of another pavement and crushing of the concrete and buckling and warping of the
testing rig. pavement.
45 Commonly, provision for contraction of concrete pave
DETAILED DESCRIPTION ments is made by incorporating contraction joints at relatively
close intervals effectively dividing the pavement into a series
FIG. 1 illustrates a joint member 10 for use in the joints of contiguous slabs. In the case of an un-reinforced concrete
101,102 of apavement 100 (see FIG. 2). The joint member 10 pavement such as a footpath, for example, contraction joints
is elongate and extends along a joint axis CA. The member is 50 are commonly spaced at between 15 and 20 times the thick
formed from a polymeric material such as EPDM (Ethylene ness of the pavement. For a 75 mm thick pavement, for
Propylene Dieme Monomer), typically from an extrusion example this implies joints at 1000 to 1500 mm. Provision for
process. the expansion of concrete pavements, which are subjected to
The joint member 10 incorporates a core 11, lateral por Solar heating, such as roads and footpaths, is made by incor
tions 12 and 13 which extend outwardly from the core and 55 porating expansion joints, also known as isolation joints, at
which are angularly spaced apart about the axis CA by about relatively wide intervals, commonly 4 to 5 meters. Thus exter
180° so is to extend on opposite sides of the core. The joint nal pavements commonly take the form of a series of con
member also include spacers 14 and 15 that project from the tiguous slabs, both separated and linked by a combination of
core. These spacers 14 and 15 are also spaced apart approxi contraction and expansion joints.
mately through 180° about the core and are also generally at 60 In the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 2, the joints 101, and
right angles to the lateral portions 12, 13, giving the joint 102 form the contraction joints for the pavement 100. How
member a cross-section that is similar to a crucifix. In the ever, unlike conventional contraction joints, the joints 101
illustrated form, the spacers are thinner than the lateral por and 102 are able to accommodate out-of-plane action, typi
tions 12 and 13 and also incorporate cavities 16 and 17 that cally by tree root invasion or by soil heave so as to inhibit
extend along the joint. The purpose of these cavities is to 65 differential vertical movement of the slabs. The mechanism
increase the ability of the spacers 14, 15 to be able to com by which the joints accommodate this action is best explained
press. with reference to FIG. 3.
US 7,806,624 B2
9 10
FIG. 3 illustrates the pavement 100 displaced after the also generally are at right angles to the lateral portions 22, 23
application of an out-of-plane action P. Such as may occur again giving the joint member 20 across-section that is some
through tree root invasion under slab 104. what akin to a crucifix.
Following, the application of the force P to the slab 104, the In a similar manner to the earlier embodiment, the joint
load in that slab is transferred both to slab 103 and to slab 105 member 10 is elongate and typically formed from an extru
through their respective joints 101, 102. In particular, in rela sion process. However in contrast to the earlier embodiment
tion to the joint 101, the slab 104 applies loading to the lateral where the joint member was made from a deformable mate
portion 13 as represented by the arrow p' and areaction force rial (such as EPDM), the joint member 20 is of rigid construc
p is induced in the other slab 103 at the top of the lateral tion and is formed from a suitable material such as PVC. In
portion 12'. As such, the core 11' and the lateral portions 12' 10 addition, in the illustrated form, the joint member includes a
and 13 of the joint member 10' form a shear means that central cavity 26 which facilitates extrusion and which may
transfers shear between the slabs 103, 104 across the joint be filled by another extrusion if required with the joint mem
101. ber being made by a co-extrusion process.
If the load P is of significant magnitude, the slab 104 will Because of its rigid construction, the joint member is not
lift. This lifting action will reduce the magnitude of the load 15 able to accommodate angular displacement of the slabs about
and as Such, the slab will continue to lift until Such time as an the joint axis CA by flexing or deformation of the joint mem
equilibrium position is reached. The ability for the slab to lift ber which would otherwise enable the lateral portions 22 and
is provided by the hinge mechanisms incorporated in the 23 to be angularly displaced relative to one another. In con
joints 101, 102. As such, the threshold load under which the trast, in joint member 20 this angular displacement is accom
slab 104 will lift is in parta function of the resistance provided modated by relative movement of the pavement slabs about
to rotating through the joints 101, 102, particularly as shear is the joint member.
able to be transferred to adjoining slabs so that individual To allow this movement, the joint member 20 incorporates
slabs are not free to lift independently of one another. a plurality of bearing surfaces 27, 28, 29 and 30 forming
To enable the slabs of the pavement 100 to rotate, the lateral hinging means. Two of the bearing Surfaces 27, 28 are dis
portions of both joint members 101, 102 are able to flex 25 posed on one face 31 of the joint member 20 whereas the other
thereby constituting hinging means so that those portions are two bearing surfaces 29 and 30 are disposed on the opposite
angularly displaced about their respective joint axes CA', face 32 of the joint member. Furthermore, the bearing sur
CA. This rotation causes a closing up of the gap between the faces are arranged so that on any one face, those bearing
slabs 103,104 at the lower edge of the joint 101 and a closing Surfaces are disposed on opposite sides of the lateral portions
up of the gap between the slabs 104, 105 at the upper end of 30 22 and 23. With this arrangement, the bearing surfaces of one
the joint 102. Conversely, the gap at the upper end of the joint face are arranged to inter-engage with corresponding bearing
101 opens up whereas the gap at the lower end of the joint 102 surfaces disposed on the edge surface of its opposing slab.
opens up. These respective inter-engaging Surfaces each provide the
The joint member spacers 14, 15 are designed to accom hinging means (37.38, 39, 40) in the pavement joint 101 and
35 102.
modate the closing up of the gap. Specifically, as mentioned Asbest illustrated in FIG.4, the respective bearing surfaces
above these spacers are compressible to Some extent so that as extend substantially from a distal end 33, 34 of the respective
the gap closes up at the respective joints 101,102 this length lateral portions 22, 23 to a respective one of the distal ends 35,
ening effect of the slab 102 is accommodated by compression 36 of the spacers 24 and 25. Furthermore, each of the bearing
of the spacers 151 and 142. 40 Surfaces are arcuate (being concave). In particular, the arcuate
Accordingly, under this operation the pavement 100 Surfaces are shaped so that the action of the respective hinges
through the action of the hinging means effectively articulates (37.38, 39, 40) formed by inter-engagement of the bearing
about its respective joints so as to accommodate the out-of Surfaces with corresponding bearing Surfaces in the pavement
plane action. Through this articulation movement there is slabs is one of sliding rotation. This will be discussed in more
effectively no vertical movement experienced at the joints 45 detail below with reference FIGS. 5 and 6.
101, 102 between the adjoining slabs other than that due to In a similar arrangement to the earlier embodiment, FIG. 5
shear deflection of the lateral portions of both joint members. illustrates a concrete pavement 100 formed from contiguous
Also there is no damage to the slabs because the joints 101 slabs 103,104,105 and having pavement joints 101,102. The
and 102 are able to accommodate the rotation which effec pavement joints 101 and 102 incorporate joint members 20.
tively relieves the stress induced by out-of-plane action P. 50 For convenience, reference to these joint members are given
FIG. 4 illustrates a variation of the joint member 10. The the superscript 1, or 2, with the features of those joint mem
joint member 20 disclosed in FIG. 4 is arranged to be used in bers given similar designations.
pavement joints 101,102 (see FIG. 5 and FIG. 6) in a similar In the illustrated form, the pavement 100 is formed by
way to that of joint member 10. In particular, the joint member casting of the slabs 103,104 and 105 across the joint members
20 allows shear to be transferred through the joints 101,102 55 20', 20°. In this way, the joint members both link and separate
to the adjoining slabs and to accommodate angular displace the slabs 103, 104 and 105. Specifically, the lateral portions
ment of those slabs about the joint axes CA' and CA. How 22, 23, 22°, 23° are embedded into the edge surface of
ever, a different mechanism is used to accommodate the angu respective slabs 103,104 and 105 whilst the spacers 24, 25,
lar displacement as it is described in more detail below. 24° and 25° separates the slabs 103, 104 and 105 with the
In a similar manner to the earlier embodiment, the joint 60 spacers extending to the respective slab surfaces 110, 111 of
member 20 incorporates a core 21, and lateral portions 22 and the pavement 100.
23 forming shear means, the lateral portions 22 and 23 extend As illustrated in FIG. 5, the end surfaces of the slabs 103,
outwardly from the core and are angularly spaced apart about 104 and 105 are cast onto respective ones of the faces and as
the axis CA by about 180° so as to extend on opposite sides of a result, each of those end Surfaces are formed with arcuate
the core. The joint member also includes spacers 24 and 25 65 bearing surfaces 112, 113 which correspond to respective
that project from the core. These spacers 24 and 25 are also ones of the bearing surfaces 27, 28, 29 and 30 of the joint
spaced apart approximately through 180° about the core and member 20 (FIG. 4).
US 7,806,624 B2
11 12
The bearing surfaces of the joint member 20 are designed by the radius of curvature provided in the respective bearing
to be smoothly curved and in one form, the curve has a Surfaces. In general, the pinching force is designed so that it is
constant radius So as to form a hinge which operates by not greater than that which would cause damage to the slab or
sliding rotation of the inter-engaging Surfaces. This Surface the joint member.
profile allows good even respective load distribution across 5 Accordingly, under this operation the pavement 100 again
the hinges. In one form, the shape of the bearing Surfaces on effectively articulates about its respective joints so as to
the joint member is such that there is a change in radius. The accommodate the out-of-plane action. Through this articula
purpose of this change of curvature enables the effective point tion movement, there is minimal vertical differential move
at which the pinching force is applied to one lifted slab to the ment at the joints 101, 102 between the adjoining slabs. The
joint member to be raised or lowered along that surface. For 10 likelihood of damage to the slabs is greatly reduced as the
example, the curvature of these surfaces may be other than joints 101 and 102 are able to accommodate the rotation
circular Such as elliptical and change over the length. In one which effectively relieves the stress induced by this out-of
form, there is a gradual increase in the radius from the respec plane action P.
tive distal ends 33 and 34 of the lateral portions 22, 23 towards It is to be appreciated that whilst the above embodiments
the distal end of the spacers 24 and 25. 15 illustrate the pavement slabs 103, 104 and 105 of the pave
Turning to FIG. 6, the pavement 100 is shown displaced ment being cast in-situ, it will be appreciated that those slabs
after the application of an out-of-plane action P. Such as may could be provided as pre-formed elements.
occur through tree root invasion under slab 104. FIG. 7 shows a side view of the joint member 20 during
Following the application of the force P to the slab 104, the installation. The joint member 20 incorporates voids 37 and
load in that slab is transferred both to the slab 103 and to slab 20 bears against a face of the formwork 500 such that voids 37 of
105 through the respective joints 101, 102. In particular, in the joint member 20 align with the voids 501, 502 in the
relation to joint 101, the slab 103 applies loading to the joint formwork 500. A peg 90 is then able to be inserted into the
member 20' through the bearing surface 27' as represented by aligned holes. The peg 90 includes prongs 91.92 that locate in
the arrow p' and a reaction forcep' is induced in its diagonally aligned formwork Voids and joint member Voids. The pegs
opposite bearing surface 29" by the other slab 103. As such, 25 stabilise and Support the joint member to inhibit it moving
the shear means formed by the core 21 and lateral portions 22 during a concrete pour. On curing of the concrete, the pegs are
and 23 of joint member 20' transfers shear between the slabs removed, and the formwork Stripped leaving the contiguous
103 and 104 across the joint 101. slabs linked and separated by the joint members.
Again, if the load P is of sufficient magnitude, the slab 104 As will be appreciated, other methods can be utilised to
will lift. This lifting action will reduce the magnitude of the 30 Support the joint member during casting. For example:
load and as such, this slab will continue to lift until such time Steel pegs are used and driven through near Vertical pre
as an equilibrium position is reached. This lifting action is not drilled holes in the joint member. The joint member may be
planar but rather is accommodated through the hinge mecha laid in an
nisms incorporated in the joints 101 and 102 that result in holding theexcavated trench and pegs are driven into the earth
joint member in place;
rotation of the slab 104. As such, again the threshold loading 35 A “notched inserter tool is used which goes over the top of
under which the slab 104 will lift is in part a function of the the joint member and drives the joint member into the wet
resistance provided to rotation through the joints 101 and 102 concrete; or
particularly as shearis able to be transferred to adjoining slabs An “inserting tool is used which captures the top of the
so that individual slabs are not free to lift independently of
one another. 40 joint member by means of a number of "cams' that are tuned
To enable the slab 104 to lift through rotation (in a clock and locked on to the joint member holding the joint member
wise direction as illustrated in FIG. 6) the hinges 39' and 39° in place.
become activated with the bearing surfaces 113' and 112 of TheFIG.8 shows a further embodiment of the joint member 20.
joint member 45 shown in FIG. 8 shares many of the
the slab 104 moving across the bearing surfaces 27' and 29.
With this movement, there is also a corresponding movement 45 features of the joint member 20 and like features have been
of the bearing surface 112' of slab 103 moving acrossbearing given like reference numerals.
surface 29'. The joint member 45 incorporates soft end portions 41, 42.
With this movement, as illustrated in FIG. 6, there is a These may be soft enough to accommodate compression on
tendency for the bearing surfaces 112' and 29' to come apart. installation, such that the formulation of a gap may lead to the
The inventors have found that under increased angular dis so soft end portion expanding with the formation of the gap, and
placement the joint member 20 may actually “flip' whereby so maintaining a seal. In this way the ingress of detritus into
in the context of the embodiment of FIG. 6, the bearing the gap is reduced. Further, at the lower portion, the soft end
surface 27 moves out of contact with the bearing surface portions provide a compressive membrane which enables the
113 of slab 104 and moves so that the bearing surface 29" joint member to better accommodate the lengthening effect of
moves into contact with the bearing surface 112' of slab 103. 55 the slabs as they angularly displace about the joint axis.
With the action, the joint member 20 acts as a rocker. These end portions 41, 42 may be fitted using a mechanical
Under this angular rotation, there is effective lengthening engagement, like a clip 43.44. Alternatively, the end portions
of the slab 104. This rotation causes a closing up of the gap may be bonded to the joint member 45 using adhesive or
between the slabs 103 and 104 at the lower end of the joint 101 welding. In one embodiment, the endportions and joint mem
and a closing up of the gap between the slabs 104 and 105 of 60 ber may be co-extruded, providing a seamless join between
the upper end of the joint 102. Conversely, the gap at the upper the differing materials of the joint member and the end por
end of the joint 101 opens up whereas the gap at the lower end tions.
of the joint 102 closes. FIG.9 shows a further embodiment of the joint member 50,
This change in the gap distance between the slabs can be whereby, to add further rigidity, the joint member has a rigid
used to assist shear transfer across the joint 101 and 102 as the core 51, surrounded by a softer coating 52. The rigid core 51,
slabs are caused to pinch the joint member. Furthermore the such as uPVC, steel etc provides the required rigidity for
amount and position of this "pinching force' can be modified installation and shear force resistance, and the outer coating
US 7,806,624 B2
13 14
of rubber, polypropylene, HDPE etc provides a positive grip are provided between the slabs and extend from the tongue
with the concrete, when the joint member transfers the dis and groove connection to the outer Surfaces of the pavement
placement. 110, 111. The tongue and groove provide arcuate engaging
FIGS. 10 and 11 show alternative embodiments of the joint surfaces that allow rotation of the slabs about the connection.
member 20 that are modified for providing expansion joints 5 FIG. 14 shows a similar embodiment to that disclosed in
and construction joints between the contiguous slabs of the FIG. 13. Again the joints 101 include a tongue and groove
pavement. As indicated above, to permit a concrete slab to connection 75 and 76, compressible material 71 and 72 are
expand and contract thermally, it is common practice to provided between adjoining slabs 103, 104 and 105. In the
include expansion joints at predetermined intervals in the embodiment in FIG. 14, at least one of those edge surfaces of
pavement. To ensure a gap does not appear through move- 10 the slab is provided with a sheet covering. In the embodiment
ment in the horizontal plane, expansion joints have the effect of FIG. 14 that sheet covering is formed from steel which
of a gasket between the slabs, for movement within the plane provides permanent formwork for casting of one edge Surface
of the slabs. The joint members 60 and 65 shown in FIGS. 10 of the slabs. Further, this sheet covering 77 is embedded
and 11 have been modified over the joint member 20 to within the cast slab so that it is secured in place. In addition,
provide this function. Nevertheless, the members 60 and 65 15 ifrequired the compressible members 71, 72 can be applied to
include many of the features of the earlier embodiment 20, the outer surface of the sheet covering 77. It is to be appreci
and like features have been given like reference numerals. ated that the arrangement of FIG. 14 could be further modi
Specifically, the joint members 60 an 65 include the lateral fied so that both surfaces incorporate a sheet covering so that
portions 22 and bearing surfaces 27, 28 on one face 32 of the bearing Surfaces within the tongue and groove connection
those members. 2O are provided by inter-engagement of the Surfaces of the sheet
The joint members 60 and 65 include a second face 62, 67 coverings.
that is generally planar so that those members may further act FIG. 15 illustrates a simplified version of the joints 101,
as partial stops for temporary cessation of construction. In 102 as disclosed in FIGS. 13 and 14. Specifically, in the
conducting a partial pour of a pavement, it is beneficial to arrangement of FIG. 15, the joints 101 and 102 are formed
seamlessly continue the construction at a later time, either the 25 from solely from a tongue and groove connection 75, 76.
following day, or months into the future. To ensure the pro Furthermore, in the embodiment of FIG. 15 the members
cess can continue Smoothly, it is useful to form the desired include a gap 78 which allows for limited angular displace
shape in the free end of the slab, so that the new joint member ment of the respective slabs.
can be fitted.
FIG. 10 shows the joint member 60 having an expansion 30 102. FIG.16 discloses yet a further arrangement of joint 101 and
In the embodiment of the FIG.16 the end surfaces of the
portion 61 for bearing against an adjacent slab, or compli respective slabs 103, 104 and 105 are shaped as gear teeth
mentary expansion joint. The expansion portion may be of which enable shear to be transferred in the manner of gear
rigid construction for acting as an end stop, or a softer mate teeth, and rotation to be accommodated by rolling, in the
rial Such as EPDM, to act as an expandable joint against the manner of a gear wheel. As the amount of rotation that needs
adjacent slab. 35 to accommodate a relatively small angle (typically less than
FIG. 11 shows a similar joint member 65 with expansion 5°) in the embodiment of FIG.16
joint characteristics. In this embodiment an expansion portion of one slab 104 includes a singleat joint gear
101, the end surface
tooth 79 whilst the
66 is bonded to the second face. In one form, the expansion
portion is made from an expanded foam. Again, the expansion opposing end surface of the slab 103 is profiled to include
opposite shoulders 80, 81 which allow the gear tooth 79 to roll
portion acts by bearing against an adjacent slab, or against a 40 between the shoulders 80 and 81 through the limited angular
complimentary expansion joint. displacement.
Further, variations of the joints 101,102 and corresponding
joint members are illustrated in FIGS. 12 to 16. As the pave EXAMPLES
ment construction shown in these drawings include many of
the features of the earlier embodiments like features have 45
been given like reference numerals. It is convenient to illustrate the operation of various
In the embodiment as illustrated in FIG. 12, the joints 101 embodiments of the pavement joint with reference to the
and 102 incorporate a generally cylindrical joint member 70 following non-limiting examples.
which is embedded in the end surfaces of the slabs opposing Example 1 (Rigid)
the respective joints. The respective joints also include com- 50
pressible members 71, 72 which extend from the cylindrical
joint member 70 to the outer surfaces 110, 111 of the pave A full scale prototype concrete footpath was constructed at
ment 100. RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. The prototype was 5
In the embodiment of FIG. 12, the shear is able to be m long, 1.5 m wide and 75 mm thick. It was cast on a steel
transferred through the joints 101,102 through the cylindrical 55 frame, designed in Such a way that the formwork could be
joint member 70',70°. In addition, the joint members are able removed from underneath and so that the prototype could be
to rotate about both joints with the outer surface 73' and 73° jacked up from virtually any point— to simulate various
acting as bearing Surfaces for the joint. Effective lengthening scenarios of tree root invasion and soil expansion/movement.
of the rotated slabs is accommodated by the compressible Four joint members made from rigid PVC were installed in
material 71 and 72. 60 the footpath. They were 1.5 m apart from each other thus
In the embodiment of FIG. 13 a somewhat similar arrange dividing the footpath into three 1.5 m long slabs, plus two 250
ment is disclosed as to FIG. 12 except that rather than includ mm long end slabs. The ends of the footpath were restrained
ing a specific joint member 70, a tongue and groove arrange by Steel angles. The cross-sectional shape of the joint member
ment 75, 76 is provided at the joints 101 and 102. With this was substantially as the same as shown in FIG. 4.
arrangement, one end surface of the slabs 103, 104 and 105 65 The prototype was cast using concrete with a nominal
incorporate a groove 75 whereas the other end surface incor strength of 40 MPa. Prior to casting, the slump of the concrete
porates the tongue 76. Again compressible materials 71, 72 was measured at 90 mm. All tests were conducted after the
US 7,806,624 B2
15 16
cylinder strength of concrete of slabs exceeded 20 MPa. The provide a means of accommodating angular displacement
7 day mean compressive strength of the concrete was found to relative to the joint axis so as to provide a mechanism
be 22.9 MPa. whereby the pavement may articulate to relieve stress
A series of tests was conducted on the prototype, with both induced by the out-of-plane action. The joints may incorpo
concentrated and distributed loads ranging from 0 to 490 kg, rate joint members which locate between contiguous slabs or
applied at different locations, to assess differential displace may be formed from a profile of the slabs themselves.
ment between slabs. The joint has widespread application for pavements of
First, the slabs were pushed up from underneath using a different types. These pavements may be formed from slabs
long piece of Solid timber, a timber packer and a hydraulic which are cast in-situ or may be constructed using preformed
jack. The slabs were jacked up to a maximum of approxi 10 components or by a combination of both. The pavements may
mately 50 mm, measured at the central joint. No additional be used for light traffic such as footpaths or sidewalks or may
load was applied to the slabs at this point. The self-weight of find application in heavier traffic environments such as on
each slab was about 400 kg. Then, uniformly distributed loads roadways or the like.
of 200 kg, 400 kg and 490kg were added to Slab 1. The layout In the claims which follow and in the preceding description
of the test is shown in FIG. 17. 15 of the invention, except where the context requires otherwise
As the slabs were jacked up, the displacements at the due to express language or necessary implication, the word
locations G3 to G6 were recorded by LVDT’s. The displace “comprise' or variations such as “comprises” or “compris
ments at the locations G1, G2, G7 and G8 were negligible. ing is used in an inclusive sense, i.e. to specify the presence
The maximum differential displacement without additional of the stated features but not to preclude the presence or
load on the slabs was 0.73 mm. The maximum displacement addition of further features in various embodiments of the
when 490 kg of distributed load was put on Slab 1, as shown invention.
in FIG. 3, was 2.03 mm. Variations and modifications may be made to the parts
In a worst case scenario slab 2 was jacked up close to previously described without departing from the spirit or
point G6 while a 200 kg concentrated load was applied to slab ambit of the invention.
1 close to point G4. The maximum differential displacement 25 The invention claimed is:
at point G6 was 2.49 mm. 1. A pavement joint disposed between two adjacent pave
When a slab was jacked up and no additional load was ment slabs having respective edge Surfaces facing each other,
applied to the pavement, the joint member acted as if attached the joint further comprising:
to jacked slab. As load was added, at a certain point, the an elongate joint member disposed between the facing
member flicked across to the other slab. It is felt that this 30 edge Surfaces of the pavement slabs and extending along
indicates that the member acts as a rocker, a double hinge a joint axis, the member comprising:
having a short range of rotation and which acts so as to a core;
distribute localised stresses favourably. first and second lateral portions that project laterally from
No distress was observed in the concrete in any of the the core and interengage with the edge Surfaces of the
above tests. 35 respective slabs, the core and the lateral portions being
sufficiently unyielding in the vertical direction to form a
Example 2 (Flexible) shear key so that when at least one of the slabs is sub
jected to vertical out-of-plane action, the shear key
A full scale prototype concrete footpath similar to that transfers shear load from the one slab to the other slab to
described in Example 1 was constructed at RMIT University, 40 cause the slabs to move vertically together, the lateral
Melbourne, Australia. Four joint members made from EPDM portions being rotatably flexible about the joint axis to
(Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer) rubber were installed form a hinge between the slabs so that when at least one
at the same spacings as Example 1. Their shape was Substan of the slabs is subjected to out-of-plane movement the
tially as shown in FIG. 1. All tests were conducted after the hinge accommodates angular displacement of the slabs
concrete had been cured for more than 28 days. The 28 day 45 relative to the joint axis; and
mean compressive strength of the concrete was 21.2 MPa. spacers extending from the core and disposed between the
A series of tests similar to those described in Example 1 edge Surfaces of the slabs, the spacers extending toward
was carried out. In the first, the concrete slabs were jacked up upper and lower Surfaces of the slabs, the spacers being
from the bottom of Slab 2 along line AB (refer to FIG. 18). No deformable so as to accommodate movement of the edge
additional load was applied to any of the slabs. The maximum 50 Surfaces toward each other under angular displacement
average differential displacement on joint 3 was 3 mm. of the slabs to thereby avoid pinching of the edge sur
At a maximum distributed load on slab 3 of 490 kg, the faces of the slabs.
maximum average differential displacementatjoint 3 was 3.5 2. The pavement joint of claim 1, wherein the spacers
mm. In the worst case scenario, with slab 1 jacked up at point extend substantially to the upper and lower surfaces of the
C and a point load of 200 kg applied at point D, the differential 55 slabs.
displacement at joint 2, measured close to point G8, was 5.8 3. A pavement joint according to claim 1, wherein the joint
. member is formed from polymeric material.
No distress was observed in the concrete in any of the 4. A pavement joint according to claim 1, joint member
above tests. permits a shear load of 400 kg to be transferred between the
Accordingly, the present invention provides pavement 60 slabs under rotation of each slab of up to at least 1 whilst
joints, joint members and profiled slabs that allow a load limiting the relative vertical displacement of the slabs to 6 mm
transfer mechanism that inhibits differential vertical move or less.
ment of slabs when at least one of those slabs is affected by an 5. A pavement joint according to claim 1, wherein the joint
out-of-plane action. This load transfer mechanism is provided member permits a shear load of 400 kg to be transferred
by the shear key which provides a means for transferring or 65 between the slabs under rotation of each slab of up to at least
equalising vertical displacement between the slabs. In addi 2 whilst limiting the relative vertical displacement of the
tion one or multiple hinges are provided within the joint to slabs to 6 mm or less.
US 7,806,624 B2
17 18
6. A pavement joint disposed between two adjacent pave portions being Sufficiently unyielding in the vertical
ment slabs having respective edge Surfaces facing each other, direction to form a shear key so that when one of the
the joint further comprising: slabs is subjected to vertical out-of-plane action the
an elongate joint member disposed between the facing shear key transfers shear load from the one slab to the
edge Surfaces of the pavement slabs and extending along other slab to cause the slabs to move vertically together;
a joint axis, the member comprising: each of the elongate member faces further including arcu
a core; ate bearing Surfaces that extend from the lateral portion
first and second lateral portions that project laterally from of that face towards respective upper and lower ends of
the core and interengage with the edge Surfaces of the the joint member;
respective slabs, the core and the lateral portions being 10 the joint member being engaged with the edges of the
sufficiently unyielding in the vertical direction to form a adjacent slabs with interengagement of the lateral por
shear key so that when at least one of the slabs is sub tions with the edges of the slabs and the arcuate bearing
jected to vertical out-of-plane action, the shear key Surfaces slidably engaging with the respective arcuate
transfers shear load from the one slab to the other slab to edge Surfaces of the slabs thereby forming upper and
cause the slabs to move vertically together, thereby 15 lower hinges disposed respectively above and below the
inhibiting differential vertical movement of the slabs shear key and operative to accommodate angular dis
wherein the lateral portions are arcuate and slidingly placement of the slabs relative to the joint axis with one
engage with respective arcuate edge Surfaces of the slabs hinge accommodating angular displacement of the slabs
to form a hinge between the slabs so that when at least about the joint axis in one direction and the other hinge
one of the slabs is Subjected to out-of-plane movement accommodating angular displacement of the slabs about
the hinge accommodates angular displacement of the the joint axis in the opposite direction.
slabs relative to the joint axis; and 13. A pavement joint according to claim 12, wherein the
spacers extending from the core and disposed between the joint member separates the adjacent slabs with the upper end
edge Surfaces of the slabs, the spacers extending toward of the joint member disposed at an upper Surface of the slabs
upper and lower Surfaces of the slabs, the spacers being 25 and the lower end disposed at a lower surface of the slabs.
deformable so as to accommodate movement of the edge 14. A pavement joint according to claim 12, wherein the
Surfaces toward each other under angular displacement joint member permits a shear load of 400 kg to be transferred
of the slabs to thereby avoid pinching of the edge sur between the slabs under rotation of each slab of up to at least
faces of the slabs. 1 whilst limiting the relative vertical displacement of the
7. A pavement joint according to claim 6, wherein the joint 30 slabs to 6 mm or less.
member separates the adjacent slabs with the upper end of the 15. A pavement joint according to claim 12, wherein the
joint member disposed at an upper surface of the slabs and the joint member permits a shear load of 400 kg to be transferred
lower end disposed at a lower surface of the slabs. between the slabs under rotation of each slab of up to at least
8. A pavement joint according to claim 6, wherein the joint 2 whilst limiting the relative vertical displacement of the
member permits a shear load of 400 kg to be transferred 35 slabs to 6 mm or less.
between the slabs under rotation of each slab of up to at least 16. A pavement joint according to claim 12, wherein the
1 whilst limiting the relative vertical displacement of the joint member is sufficiently rigid so as not to deform on
slabs to 6 mm or less. transferring shear load from the one slab to the other slab or
9. A pavement joint according to claim 6, wherein the joint on accommodating angular displacement of the slabs about
member permits a shear load of 400 kg to be transferred 40 the joint axis.
between the slabs under rotation of each slab of up to at least 17. A pavement joint according to claim 12, wherein the
2 whilst limiting the relative vertical displacement of the bearing Surfaces are concavely arcuate in cross-section for
slabs to 6 mm or less. permitting relative angular displacement by sliding rotation.
10. A pavement joint according to claim 6, wherein the 18. A pavement joint according to claim 12, wherein the
joint member permits a shear load of 400 kg to be transferred 45 bearing Surfaces have a constant radius.
between the slabs under rotation of each slab of up to at least 19. A pavement joint according to claim 12, wherein the
1 whilst limiting the relative vertical displacement of the radius of curvature varies across the bearing Surfaces.
slabs to 6 mm or less. 20. A pavement joint according to claim 19, wherein the
11. A pavement joint according to claim 6, wherein the radius of curvature of the bearing Surfaces increases from the
joint member permits a shear load of 400 kg to be transferred 50 distal end of the lateral portions towards the upper and lower
between the slabs under rotation of each slab of up to at least ends of the joint member.
2 whilst limiting the relative vertical displacement of the 21. A pavement joint according to claim 12, wherein the
slabs to 6 mm or less. joint member is formed from polymeric material.
12. A pavement joint disposed between two adjacent pave 22. A pavement joint according to claim 12, wherein the
ment slabs having respective edges facing each other, each of 55 pavement joint has a neutral axis and the lateral portions are
the edges including arcuate edge Surfaces, the joint further disposed on the neutral axis and the upper and lower hinges
comprising: are spaced from, and disposed on opposite sides of the neu
an elongate joint member disposed between the adjacent tral axis.
slab edges and extending along a joint axis, the joint 23. A pavement joint according to claim 19, wherein the
member having upper and lower ends and opposite first 60 radius of curvature of the bearing Surfaces increases from the
and second faces that face toward respective edges of the distal end of the lateral portions towards the upper and lower
slabs and extend between said ends; ends of the joint member.
each said face incorporating an outwardly extending lateral
portion, the joint member in the region of the lateral k k k k k

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