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Section 3

Part A


A = maximum expected acceleration of bedrock at the site

a = length of short span of slab (Article 3.24.6)

B = buoyancy (Article 3.22)

b = width of pier or diameter of pile (Article

b = length of long span of slab (Article 3.24.6)

C = combined response coefficient

C = stiffness parameter = K(W/L) (Article

C =centrifugal force in percent of live load (Article 3.10.1)

CF = centrifugal force (Article 3.22)

C, = coefficient for nose inclination (Atticle

CM = steel bending stress coefficient (Article 3.25. l.5)

( CR = steel shear stress coefficient (Article

D = parameter used in determination of load fraction of wheel load (Article

D =degree of curve (Article 3.10.1)

D = dead load (Atticle 3.22)

D.F.=fraction of wheel load applied to beam (Article 3.28.l)

DL = contributing dead load
E = width of slab over which a wheel load is distributed (Article 3.24.3)
E = emth pressure (Article 3.22)
EQ = equivalent static horizontal force applied at the center of gravity of the structure
E, = modulus of elasticity of concrete (Article 3.26.3)
E., = modulus of elasticity of steel (Article 3.26.3)
Ew = modulus of elasticity of wood (Article 3.26.3)
F =horizontal ice force on pier (At·ticle
Fb =allowable bending stress (A1ticle
F, = allowable shear stress (Article
g = 32.2 ft./sec. 2
I = impact fraction (Article 3.8.2)
I = gross flexural moment of inertia of the precast member (A1ticle
ICE = ice pressme (Article 3.22)
J = gross Saint-Venant torsional constant of the precast member (Article
K =stream flow force constant (Article 3.18.1)
K = stiffness constant (Article 3.23.4)
K =wheel load distribution constant for timber flooring (Article
k =live load distribution constant for spread box girders (Article 3.28.1)
L = loaded length of span (Article 3.8.2)
L =loaded length of sidewalk (Article

L = li ve load (Article 3.22)

L = span length (Articl e 3.23.4)
LF = longitudinal force from live load (Article 3.22)
M0 = moment capacity of dowel (Article 3.25.1 .4)
M, = primary bending moment (Article
My = total transferred secondary mome nt (Article 3.25. 1.4)
N8 = number of beams (A rticle 3.28.1)
NL = number of traffic la nes (Article 3.23.4)

n = numberof dowels(Article3.25.l.4)

P = li ve load on sidewalk (Article 3.14.1 . 1)

P = stream flow pressu re (Article 3. 18. 1)

P = total uniform force required to cause unit horizontal deflection of whole structure

P = load on one rear wheel of truck (Article 3.24.3)

P = wheel load (Article 3.24.5)

P = design wheel load (Article 3.25. 1.3)

P 15 = 12,000 pounds (A rticle 3 .24.3)

P20 = 16,000 pounds (Article 3.24.3)

p = effective ice strength (Article l )

p = proportion of load canied by short spa n (Article 3.24.6. l)

R = radius of curve (Article 3.10. 1)

R = normalized rock response

R = rib shortening (Article 3.22)

R 0 =shear capacity of dowel (Article 3.25. l.4)

R, = primary shear (Article 3.25.l.3)

Ry = total secondary shear transferred (Article 3.25. 1.4)

S = design speed (Article 3.10. 1)

S = soil amplificati on spectral ratio

S = shrinkage (Article 3 .22)

S = average stringer spacing (Article l )

S = spacing of beams (Article 3.23.3)

S = width of precast me mber (Article 3.23.4. 3)

S =effective span length (Article 3.24.1 )

S = span length (Article 3.24.8 .2)

S = beam spacing (Article 3.28.J )

s = effective deck span (Article 3 .25.1.3)

SF = stream flo w (Article 3.22)

T = period of vibration

T = temperature (Article 3 .22)

= thickness of ice (A rticle 3.
t = deck thickness (Article
V =vari able spacing of truck axles (Figure 3.7.7A)
V = velocity of water (Article 3.18. l )
W = combined weight on the first two axles of a standard HS Truck (Figure 3.7.7 A)
W = width of sidewalk (Article 3. 14. 1. 1)
W = wind load on structure (Article 3.22)
W = total dead weight of the structure
w. = width of exterior girder (Article .2)

W = overall width of bridge (Article

W =roadway width between curbs (Article 3.28. 1)

WL = wind load on live load (Article 3.22)

w = width of pier or diame ter of circular-shaft pier at the level of ice action (Article 3. 18.2.2. 1)

X = di stance from load to point of support (Ar ticle 3.24.5. 1)

x = subscript denoting d irection pe rpendicular to longitudinal stringers (Article 3.25. 1.3)


z = reduction for ductility and risk assessment

13 = (with appropriate script) coefficient applied to actual loads for service load and load factor designs (Article 3.22)
'Y = load factor (Article 3.22)
O'pL =proportional limit stress perpendicular to grain (Article
13n =load combination coefficient for buoyancy (Article 3.22.1)
13c =load combination coefficient for centrifugal force (Article 3.22.1)
130 =load combination coefficient for dead load (Article 3.22.1)
13n = load combination coefficient for earth pressure (Article 3.22.1)
13EQ =load combination coefficient for earthquake (Article 3.22.1)
l31cE =load combination coefficient for ice (Article 3.22.1)
13L =load combination coefficient for live load (Article 3.22.1)
13. =load combination coefficient for rib shortening, shrinkage, and temperature (Article 3.22.1)

13s =load combination coefficient for stream flow (Article 3.22.1)

13w =load combination coefficient for wind (Article 3.22.1)

13wL =load combination coefficient for wind on live load (Article 3.22.1)

µ = Poisson's ratio (Article

3.2 GENERAL 3.2.5 The loading combinations shall be in accordance

with Article 3.22.
3.2.1 Structures shall be designed to carry the following
loads and forces: 3.2.6 When a bridge is skewed, the loads and forces car­
ried by the bddge through the deck system to pin connec­
Dead load.
tions and hangers should be resolved into vertical, lateral,
Live load.
and longitudinal force components to be considered in the
Impact or dynamic effect of the live load.
Wind loads.

Other forces, when they exist, as follows:

Longitudinal forces; centrifugal force; thermal forces;

earth pressure; buoyancy; shrinkage stresses; rib short­
ening; erection stresses; ice and current pressure; and 3.3.1 The dead load shall consist of the weight of the
earthquake stresses. entire structure, including the roadway, sidewalks, car
tracks, pipes, conduits, cables, and other public utility
Provision shall be made for the transfer of forces be­ services.
tween the superstructure and substructure to reflect the ef­
fect of friction at expansion bearings or shear resistance at 3.3.2 The snow and ice load is considered to be offset
elastomeric bearings. by an accompanying decrease in live load and impact and
shall not be included except under special conditions.

3.2.2 Members shall be proportioned either with refer­ If differential settlement is anticipated in a
ence to service loads and allowable stresses as provided
structure, consideration should be given to stresses result­
in Service Load Design (Allowable Stress Design) or, al­
ing from this settlement.
ternatively, with reference to load factors and factored
strength as provided in Strength Design (Load Factor De­
sign). 3.3.3 If a separate wearing surface is to be placed when
the bridge is constructed, or is expected to be placed in the
future, adequate allowance shall be made for its weight in
3.2.3 When stress sheets are required, a diagram or no­ the design dead load. Otherwise, provision for a future
tation of the assumed loads shall be shown and the wearing surface is not required.
stresses due to the various loads shall be shown separately.
3.3.4 Special consideration shall be given to the neces­
3.2.4 Where required by design conditions, the concrete sity for a separate wearing surface for those regions where
placing sequence shall be indicated on the plans or in the the use of chains on tires or studded snow tires can be
special provisions. anticipated.

3.3.5 Where the abrasion of concrete is not expected, traffic lanes, spaced across the e ntire bridge roadway
the traffic may bear dirnctly on the concrete slab. If con­ width measured between curbs.
s idered -Oesirable, J;. inch or morn may be added to the
slab for a wearing surface. 3.6.3 Fractional parts of design lanes shall not be used,
but roadway widths from 20 to 24 feet shall have two de­
3.3.6 The followi ng weig hts are to be used in comput­ sign lanes each equal to one-half the roadway width.
ing the dead load:
3.6.4 The traffic lanes shall be placed in such numbers
#/cu.ft. and positions on the roadway, a nd the loads shall be
Steel or cast steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490 placed in such positions with in their indi vidual traffic
Cast iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 lanes, so as to produce the max imum stress in the mem­
Aluminum alloys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 ber under consideration.
Timber (treated or u ntreated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Concrete, plain or reinforced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Compacted sand, earth, gravel, or ballast . . . . . 120 3.7 HIGHWAY LOADS
Loose sand, earth, and gravel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Macadam or gravel, rolled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 3.7.1 Standard Truck and Lane Loads*
Ci nder fill ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Pavement, other than wood block . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Railway rails, guardrails, and fastenings The highway live loadings on the roadways
of bridges or incidenta l structures shall consist of standard
(per linear foot of track) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
trucks or lane loads that are equivalent to truck trains. Two
Stone masonry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
systems of loading are provided, the H loadings and the
Asphalt plank, l in. thic k . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 lb. sq. ft.
HS loadings-the HS loadings being heavier than the cor­
responding H loadings.
3.4 LIVE LOAD Each lane load shall consist of a uniform load
The li ve load shall consist of the weight of the applied per linear foot o f traffic lane combi ned with a single co n­
movi ng load of vehicles, cars, and pedestrians. centrated load (o r two concentrated loads in the case of
continuous spans-see Article 3.11 .3), so placed on the
span as to produce maximum stress. The concentrated
load and uniform load shall be considered as uniformly
di stributed over a 10-foot width on a line normal to the
3.5.1 For al l loadings less than H 20, provision shall be
center line of the lane.
made for an infreq uent heavy load by applyi ng Loading
Combination IA (see Article 3.22), with the li ve load as­
sumed to be H or HS truck and to occupy a single lane For the computation of moments and shears,
w ithout concu rrent loading in any other lane. The over­ different concentrated loads shall be used as indicated in
load shall apply to all parts of the structure affected, ex­ Figure 3.7.6B. The lighter concentrated loads shall be
cept the roadway deck, or roadway deck plates and stiff­ used when the stresses are primari ly b ending stresses, a nd
en ing ribs in the case of orthotropic bridge super­ the heavier concentrated loads shall be used when the
structures. stresses are primari ly shearing stresses.

3.5.2 Structures may be analyzed for an overload that is

selected by the operating agency in accordance with
Loading Combination Group IB in Article 3.22.

*Note: The system of Jane loads defi ned here (and illustrated in Figure
3.6 TRAFFIC LANES 3. 7.6.B) was developed in order to give a simpler method of calculating
moments and shears than that based on wheel loads of the truck.
3.6.1 The lane loading or standard truck shall be as­ Appendix B shows the truck train loadings of the 1935 Specifications
of AASHO and the corresponding Jane loadings.
sumed to occupy a width of l 0 feet. In 1944, the HS series of trucks was developed. These approximate the
effect of the corresponding 1935 truck preceded and fo llowed by a train
3.6.2 These loads shall be placed in 12-foot wide design of truc ks weighing three-fourths as much as the basic truck.

3.7.2 Classes of Loading gross weight in tons of the tr·actor truck. The variable axle
spacing has been introduced in order that the spacing of
There are four standard classes of highway loading: axles may approximate more closely the tractor trailers
H 20, H 15, HS 20, and HS 15. Loading H 15 is 75% of now in use. The variable spacing also provides a more sat­
Loading H 20. Loading HS 15 is 75% of Loading HS 20. isfactory loading for continuous spans, in that heavy axle
If loadings other than those designated are desired, they loads may be so placed on adjoining spans as to produce
shall be obtained by proportionately changing the weights maximum negative moments.
shown for both the standard truck and the corresponding
lane loads.
3.7.3 Designation of Loadings
3.8.1 Application
The policy of affixing the year to loadings to identify
Highway Live Loads shall be increased for those struc­
them was instituted with the publication of the 1944 Edi­
tural elements in Group A, below, to allow for dynamic,
tion in the following manner:
vibratory and impact effects. Impact allowances shall not
be applied to items in Group B. It is intended that impact
H 15 Loading, 1944 Edition shall be
be included as part of the loads transferred from super­
designated................................................. H 15-44
H 20 Loading, 1944 Edition shall be structure to substructure, but shall not be included in loads
designated................................................. H 20-44 transferred to footings nor to those parts of piles or
H 15-S 12 Loading, 1944 Edition shall be columns that are below ground.
designated................................................. HS 15-44
H 20-S 16 Loading, 1944 Edition shall be Group A-Impact shall be included.
designated................................................. HS 20-44
(1) Superstructure, including legs of dgid frames.
The affix shall remain unchanged until such time as the (2) Piers, (with or without bearings regardless of type)
loading specification is revised. The same policy for iden­ excluding footings and those portions below the
\ tification shall be applied, for future reference, to loadings ground line.
previously adopted by AASHTO. (3) The portions above the ground line of concrete or
steel piles that support the superstructure.
3.7.4 Minimum Loading Group B-Impact shall not be included.
Bridges supporting Interstate highways or other high­
ways which carry, or which may carry, heavy truck traf­ (1) Abutments, retaining walls, piles except as speci­
fic, shall be designed for HS 20-44 Loading or an Alter­ fied in Article (3).
nate Military Loading of two axles four feet apart with (2) Foundation pressures and footings.
each axle weighing 24,000 pounds, whichever produces (3) Timber structures.
the greatest stress. (4) Sidewalk loads.
(5) Culverts and structures having 3 feet or more
3.7.5 H Loading cover.

The H loadings consist of a two-axle truck or the cor­ 3.8.2 Impact Formula
responding lane loading as illustrated in Figures 3.7.6A
and 3.7.6B. The H loadings are designated H followed by The amount of the impact allowance or in­
a number indicating the gross weight in tons of the stan­ crement is expressed as a fraction of the live load stress,
dard truck. and shall be determined by the formula:

3.7.6 HS Loading
I= L+l25 ( 3 -l)
The HS loadings consist of a tractor truck with semi­
trailer or the corresponding lane load as illustrated in Fig­ in which,
ures 3.7.7A and 3.7.6B. The HS loadings are designated
by the letters HS followed by a number indicating the I = impact fraction (maximum 30 percent);

H 20-44 8,000 LBS . 32,000 LBS .•

H 15-44 6,000 LBS . 24,000 LBS.



~- ---· 0.4W

. I.

~- $­

U~I.! cu~

L2'-0"J. 6'-0"

FIGURE 3.7.6A Standa rd H Trucks

*In the design of timbe r Roors and orthotropic steel decks (excluding transverse beams) for H 20 Loading, one
axle load of 24,000 pounds or two axle loads of 16,000 po unds each spaced 4 feet apart may be used, whicheve r
produces the greater stress, ins tead of the 32,000-pound axle shown.

**For slab design, the center line of wheels s hall be assumed to be I foot from face of c urb. (See Article 3.24.2.)
3.8.2.l DIVISION le-DESIGN 23


( 26,000 LBS. FOR SHEAR







FIGURE 3.7.6B Lane Loading

*For the loading of continuous spans involving lane loading refer to Article 3.11.3 which provides for an
additional concentrated load.

L = length in feet of the portion of the span that is For culverts with cover
loaded to produce the maximum stress in the 0'011 to 1'-0" inc. I = 30%
member. 1'-1 11 to 2 1-011 inc. I= 20o/o
2'-1" to 2'-11" inc. I= 10% For uniformity of application, in this formula,
the loaded length, L, shall be as follows:

(a) For roadway floors: the design span length. 3.9 LONGITUDINAL FORCES
(b) For transverse members, such as floor beams: the
span length of member center to center of supports. Provision shall be made for the effect of a longitudinal
(c) For computing truck load moments: the span force of 5% of the live load in all lanes carrying traffic
length, or for cantilever arms the length from the mo­ headed in the same direction. All lanes shall be loaded for
ment center to the farthermost axle. bridges likely to become one directional in the future. The
(d) For shear due to truck loads: the length of the
load used, without impact, shall be the lane load plus the
loaded portion of span from the point under consider­ concentrated load for moment specified in Article 3.7,

ation to the far reaction; except, for cantilever arms, with reduction for multiple-loaded lanes as specified in

use a 30% impact factor. Article 3.12. The center of gravity of the longitudinal

(e) For continuous spans: the length of span under force shall be assumed to be located 6 feet above the floor

consideration for positive moment, and the average of slab and to be transmitted to the substructure through the

two adjacent loaded spans for negative moment. superstructure.


HS20-44 8 ,000 LBS. 32,000 LBS.• 32,000 LBS:f'

HS15-44 6.000 LBS. 24 ,000 LBS . 24,000 LBS .






,___....____...__....1 ·~
2'-0" 6' -0" 2'-0"

FIGURE 3.7.7A Standard HS Trucks

*In the design ol" timber fl oors and orthotropic stee l decks (excluding transverse beams) for H 20 Loading, one
axle load o f 24,000 pounds or two axle loads of 16,000 po unds each, spaced 4 feet apart may be used, whichever
produces the greater s tress. instead of the 32,000-pound axle s hown.

**For slab design, the center line of wheels shall be assumed to be 1 foo t from face ofcurb. (See Article 3.24.2.)

3.10 CENTRIFUGAL FORCES 3.11.3 Lane Loads on Continuous Spans

3.10.1 Structures on curves shall be designed for a hor­ For the determination of inaximum negative moment
izontal radial force equal to the following percentage of in the design of continuous spans, the lane load shown in
the live load, without impact, in all traffic lanes: Figure 3.7.6B shall be modified by the addition of a sec­
ond, equal weight concentrated load placed in one other
6 88 2 span in the series in such position to produce the maxi­
C = O.OOl 17S 2 D = ·~ (3-2) mum effect. For maximum positive moment, only one
concentrated load shall be used per lane, combined with
where, as many spans loaded uniformly as are required to pro­
duce maximum moment.
C = the centrifugal force in percent of the live load,
without impact;
S = the design speed in miles per hour; 3.11.4 Loading for Maximum Stress
D = the degree of curve;
R = the radius of the curve in feet. On both simple and continuous spans, the
type of loading, whether lane load or truck load, to be
3.10.2 The effects of superelevation shall be taken into used shall be the loading which produces the maximum
account. stress. The inoment and shear tables given in Appendix
A show which types of loading controls for simple
3.10.3 The centrifugal force shall be applied 6 feet spans.
above the roadway surface, measured along the center line
of the roadway. The design speed shall be determined with For continuous spans, the lane loading shall
regard to the amount of superelevation provided in the
be continuous or discontinuous; only one standard H or
roadway. The traffic lanes shall be loaded in accordance.
with the provisions of Article 3.7 with one standard truck HS truck per lane shall be considered on the strncture.
( on each design traffic lane placed in position for maxi­
mum loading.
3.10.4 Lane loads shall not be used in the computation
of centrifugal forces. 3.12.1 Where maximum stresses are produced in any
member by loading a number of traffic lanes simultane­
3.10.5 When a reinforced concrete floor slab or a steel ously, the following percentages of the live loads may be
grid deck is keyed to or attached to its supporting mem­ used in view of the iinprobability of coincident maximum
bers, it may be assumed that the deck resists, within its loading:
plane, the shear resulting from the centrifugal forces act­
ing on the live load. Percent
One or two lanes .......................... 100
Three lanes .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 90
Four lanes or more . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

3.11.1 Traffic Lane Units

3.12.2 The reduction in load intensity specified in Arti­
In computing stresses, each 10-foot lane load or single cle 3.12. l shall not be applicable when distribution factors
standard truck shall be considered as a unit, and fractions from Table 3.23. l are used to determine moments in lon­
of load lane widths or trucks shall not be used. gitudinal beams.

3.11.2 Number and Position of Traffic Lane Units 3.12.3 The reduction in intensity of loads on transverse
members such as floor beams shall be determined as
The number and position of the lane load or truck loads in the case of main trusses or girders, using the number
shall be as specified in Article 3.7 and, whether lane or of traffic lanes across the width of roadway that must
truck loads, shall be such as to produce maximum stress, be loaded to produce maximum stresses in the floor
( subject to the reduction specified in Article 3.12. beam.

3.13 ELECTRIC RAILWAY LOADS Where sidewalk, curb, and traffic rail form
an integral syste111, the traffic railing loading shall be ap­
If highway bridges carry electric railway traffic, the plied and stresses in curbs computed accordingly.
railway loads shall be determined from the class of traffic
which the bridge may be expected to carry. The possibil­ 3.14.3 Railing Loading
ity that the bridge may be required to carry railroad freight
cars shall be given consideration. For Railing Loads, see Article 2.7. 1.3.


The wind load shall consist of moving uniformly dis­
3.14.1 Sidewalk Loading tributed loads applied to the exposed area of the structure.
The exposed area shall be the sum of the areas of all mem­ Sidewalk floors, stringers, and their imme­ bers, including floor system and railing , as seen in eleva­
diate supports shall be designed for a live load of 85 tion at 90 degrees to the longitudinal axis of the structure.
pounds per square foot of sidewalk area. Girders, trusses, The forces and loads given herein are fo r a base wind ve­
arches, and other members shall be designed for the fol­ locity of 100 miles per hour. For Group II and Group V
lowing sidewalk live loads: loadings, but not for Group III and Group VI loadings,
they may be reduced or increased in the ratio of the square
Spans 0 to 25 feet in length .......... . . .85 lb./ft. 2 of the design wind velocity to the square of the base wind
Spans 26 to 100 feet in length ..... . .....60 lb./ft. 2 velocity provided that the maximum probable wind ve­
Spans over 100 feet in length according to the formula locity can be ascertained w ith reasonable accuracy, or
provided that there are permanent features of the terrain
which make such changes safe and advisable. If a change
in the design wind velocity is made, the des ign wind ve­

in whic h
locity shall be shown on the plans.
3.15.1 Superstructure Design
P = li ve load per square foot, max. 60-lb. per sq. ft.

L = loaded length of sidewalk in feet. Group II and Group V Loadings

W = width of sidewalk in feet.

3.15.1. I.I A wind . load of the following intensity In calculating stresses in structures that sup­ shall be applied hori zontally at right angles to the longi­
port cantilevered sidewalks, the sidewalk shall be fully tudinal axis of the structure:
loaded on on ly one side of the structure if this condition
produces maximum stress. For trusses and arches ........ 75 pounds per square foot

For girders and beams .... .... 50 pounds per square foot Bridges for pedestrian and/or bicycle traffic The total force shall not be less than 300
shall be designed for a live load of 85 PSF.
pounds per linear foo t in the plane of the windward chord
and 150 pounds per linear foot in the plane of the leeward Where bicycle or pedestrian bridges are ex­ chord on truss spans, and not less than 300 pounds per lin­
pected to be used by maintenance vehicles, special design ear foot on girder spans.
consideration should be made for these loads. Group III and Group VI Loadings
3.14.2 Curb Loading
Group III and Group VI loadings shall comprise the Curbs shall be designed to resist a lateral loads used for Group II and Group V loadings reduced by
fo rce of not less than 500 pounds per linear foot of curb, 70% and a load of 100 pounds per linear foot applied at
applied at the top of the curb, or at an elevation 10 inches right angles to the longitudinal axis of the structure a nd
above the floor if the curb is higher than I 0 inches. 6 feet above the deck as a wind load on a moving live load.

When a reinforced concrete floor slab or a steel grid This load shall be applied at a point 6 feet above the
( deck is keyed to or attached to its supporting members, deck.
it may be assumed that the deck resists, within its plane,
the shear resulting from the wind load on the moving For the usual girder and slab bridges hav­
live load. ing maximum span lengths of 125 feet, the following
wind loading may be used in lieu of the more precise load­
3.15.2 Substructure Design ing specified above:

Forces transmitted to the substructure by the super­ W (wind load on structure)

structure and forces applied directly to the substructure by 50 pounds per square foot, transverse
wind loads shall be as follows: 12 pounds per square foot, longitudinal
Both forces shall be applied simultaneously. Forces from Superstructure
WL (wind load on live load) The transverse and longitudinal forces 100 pounds per linear foot, transverse
transmitted by the superstructure to the substructure for 40 pounds per linear foot, longitudinal
various angles of wind direction shall be as set forth in the Both forces shall be applied simultaneously.
following table. The skew angle is measured from the per­
pendicular to the longitudinal axis and the assumed wind
direction shall be that which produces the maximum Forces Applied Directly
stress in the substructure. The transverse and longitudinal to the Substructure
forces shall be applied simultaneously at the elevation of
the center of gravity of the exposed area of the super­ The transverse and longitudinal forces to be applied di­
structure. rectly to the substructure for a 100-mile per hour wind
shall be calculated from an assumed wind force of 40
pounds per square foot. For wind directions assumed
Trusses Girders
skewed to the substructure, this force shall be resolved
Skew Angle Lateral Longitudinal Lateral Longitudinal
of Wind Load Load Load Load into components perpendicular to the end and front ele­
Degrees PSF PSF PSF PSF vations of the substructure. The component perpendicular
75 0 50 0 to the end elevation shall act on the exposed substructure
15 70 12 44 6 area as seen in end elevation and the component perpen­
30 65 28 41 12 dicular to the front elevation shall act on the exposed areas
45 47 41 33 16
60 24 50 17 19 and shall be applied simultaneously with the wind loads
from the superstructure. The above loads are for Group II
and Group V loadings and may be reduced by 70%
The loads listed above shall be used in Group II and for Group III and Group VI loadings, as indicated in Arti­
Group V loadings as given in Article 3.22. cle 3.22. For Group III and Group VI loadings,

these loads may be reduced by 70% and a load per linear 3.15.3 Overturning Forces
foot added as a wind load on a moving live load, as given
in the following table: The effect of forces tending to overturn structures
shall be calculated under Groups II, III, V, and VI of
Article 3.22 assuming that the wind direction is at right
Skew Angle
of Wind Lateral Load Longitudinal Load angles to the longitudinal axis of the structure. In addition,
Degrees lb.lft. lb.lft. an upward force shall be applied at the windward quarter
point of the transverse superstructure width. This force
0 100 0
15 88 12 shall be 20 pounds per square foot of deck and sidewalk
30 82 24 plan area for Group II and Group V combinations and
45 66 32 6 pounds per square foot for Group III and Group VI
60 34 38

3.16 THERMAL FORCES ity distribution and thus a triangular press ure distribution,
shall be calculated by the formula:
Provision shaJll:Je m ade for stresses or movements re­
sulting from variations in temperature. The rise and fall in (3-4)
te mperature shall be fixed for the locality in which the
structure is to be constructed and shall be computed from where,
an assumed temperature at the time of erection. Due con­ Pavg = average stream pressure, in pounds per square
side ration shall be given to the lag between air tempera­ foo t,
ture and the interior tempera ture of massive concrete Yavg = average ve locity of water in feet per second,
me mbers or structures.
co mputed by dividi ng the flo w rate by the flo w
T he range of temperature shall generally be as follows:
Metal structures: K = a constant, being 1.4 for all piers subjected to
Moderate climate, from 0 to 120°E drift build-up and square-ended piers, 0 .7 for
Cold climate, from - 30 to l 20°E
circular piers, and 0.5 for angle -ended piers
Temperature Temperature where the angle is 30 degrees or less.
R ise Fall

Concrete structures: The maximum stream flow pressure, P 111ax, shall be

Moderate climate .... ..... . 30°F 40°F equal to twice the average stream flow pressure, Pavg, com­
Cold climate . . ... .. . .... . 35°F 45°F
puted by Equation 3-4. Stream flow press ure shall be a tri­
angular distribution with Pmax located at the top of water
3.17 UPLIFT elevation and a zero pressure located at the flow line.

3.17.1 Provision shall be made for adequate attachment 3. 18. 1.1.2 The stream flo w fo rces shall be computed
of the superstructure to the substructure by ensuring that by the product of the stream flow pressure, taking into ac­
the calculated uplift at any support is resisted by tension count the pressure di stributi on, and the e xposed pier are a.
members engaging a mass of masonry eq ual to the largest In cases where the cotTesponding top of water elevation is
fo rce obtained under o ne of the following conditions : above the low beam elevation, stream flow loading on the (
superstructure shall be in vestigated. The stream fl ow pres­
(a) 100% of the calculated uplift caused by any load­ sure acting on the superstructure may be taken as P 111, , with
ing or combination of loadings in w hic h the live plus a uniform distribution.
impact loading is increased by 100% .
(b) 150% of the calcul ated uplift at working load Pressure Components

3.17.2 Anchor bolts s ubject to tension or other elements When the dii-ec tion of stream flow is o ther than norma l
of the structure stressed under the above conditions shall to the exposed surface area, or when bank mi gration or a
be desig ned at 150% of the allowable basic stress. c hange of stream bed meande r is anticipated, the effects
of the directional components of stream fl ow pressure
sha ll be investigated.
All piers and other portio ns of struc tures that are sub­
ject to the fo rce of flowing water, floating ice, or drift shall Where a significant amount of drift lodged against a
be designed to resist the maximum stre sses induced pie r is anticipated, the effects of this drift buildup shall be
thereby. considered in the design of the bridge opening and the
bridge components. T he overall dimensions of the dri ft
3.18.1 Force of Stream Current on Piers buildup shall reflect the selected pier locations, site con­
ditions, and known drift supply upstream. When it is an­ Stream Pressure ticipated that the flow area will be significantly blocked
by dri ft buildup, increases in high water elevations, l The effect of flowing water o n piers and stream velocities, stream flow pressures, and the potential
dtift bui ld-up, assuming a second-degree parabolic veloc­ increases in scour depths shall be investigated.

3.18.2 Force of Ice on Piers The following values of effective ice
( strength appropriate to various situations may be used as General a guide.

Ice forces on piers shall be selected, having regard (a) In the order of 100 psi where breakup occurs
to site conditions and the mode of ice action to be ex­ at melting temperatures and where the ice runs as
pected. Consideration shall be given to the following small "calces" and is substantially disintegrated in its
modes: structure.
(b) In the order of 200 psi where breakup occurs at
(a) Dynamic ice pressure due to moving ice-sheets melting temperatures, but the ice moves in large pieces
and ice-floes carried by strearnflow, wind, or currents. and is internally sound.
(b) Static ice pressure due to thermal movements of (c) In the orderof 300 psi where at brealrnp there is an
continuous stationary ice-sheets on large bodies of initial movement of the ice sheet as a whole or where
water. large sheets of sound ice may strike the piers.
(c) Static pressure resulting from ice-jams. (d) In the order of 400 psi where breakup or major ice
(d) Static uplift or vertical loads resulting from adher­ movement may occur with ice temperatures signifi­
ing ice in waters of fluctuating level. cantly below the melting point. Dynamic Ice Force The preceding values for effective ice
strength are intended for use with piers of substantial mass Horizontal forces resulting from the pres­ and dimensions. The values shall be modified as neces­
sure of moving ice shall be calculated by the formula: sary for variations in pier width or pile diameter, and de­
sign ice thickness by multiplying by the appropriate coef­
F=C,p·t·w (3-5) ficient obtained from the following table:

where, b/t Coefficient

( F horizontal ice force on pier in pounds;
= 0.5 1.8
en coefficient for nose inclination from table;
= 1.0 1.3
p = effective ice strength in pounds per square inch; 1.5 1.1
= thickness of ice in contact with pier in inches; 2.0 1.0
w = width of pier or diarneterof circular-shaft pier at 3.0 0.9
the level of ice action in inches. 4.0 or greater 0.8

Inclination of Nose to vertical Cn where,

b = width of pier or diameter of pile;
0° to 15° 1.00 t = design ice thickness.
15° to 30° 0.75
30° to 45° 0.50 Piers should be placed with their longitu­ The effective ice strength p shall normally dinal axis parallel to the principal direction of ice action.
be taken in the range of 100 to 400 pounds per square inch The force calculated by the formula shall then be talcen to
on the assumption that crushing or splitting of the ice act along the direction of the longitudinal axis. A force
takes place on contact with the pier. The value used shall transverse to the longitudinal axis and amounting to not
be based on an assessment of the probable condition of the less than 15% of the longitudinal force shall be considered
ice at time of movement, on pi;evious local experience, to act simultaneously.
and on assessment of existing structure performance. Rel­
evant ice conditions include the expected te1nperature of Where the longitudinal axis of a pier can­
the ice at time of movement, the size of moving sheets and not be placed parallel to the principal direction of ice ac­
floes, and the velocity at contact. Due consideration shall tion, or where the direction of ice action may shift, the
be given to the probability of extreme rather than average total force on the pier shall be computed by the formula
conditions at the site in question. and resolved into vector components. In such conditions,

forces transverse to the longitudinal axis shall in no case holes and crushed rock, p ipe drains or gravel drains , or by
be taken as less than 20% of the total force. perforated drains. In the case of slender and flexible piers, 3.21 EARTHQUAKES

consideration should be given to the vibrating....nature of_
dynamic ice forces and to the possibility of high momen­ In regions where earthquakes may be anticipated,
tary pressures and structural resonance. structures shall be designed to resist eaithquake moti ons
by considering the relationship of the site to acti ve faults,
the seismic response of the soils at the site, and the dy­ Static Ice Pressure
namic response characteristics of the total structure in ac­
cordance with Division I-A-Seismic Design.
Ice pressure on piers frozen into ice sheets on large
bodies of water shall receive s pec ial consideratio n where
there is reason to believe that the ice sheets are subject to
significant thermal movements relative to the piers.


Buoyancy shall be considered where it affects the de­

3.22.1 The fo llowing Groups represent various combi­
sig n of e ither substructure, including piling, or the super­
nations of loads and forces to which a structure may be
s ubjected. Each component of the structure, or the foun­
dation on which it rests, shall be proportioned to with­
3.20 EARTH PRESSURE stand safely all group combinations of these forces that
are applicable to the particular site or type. Group loading
combinations for Service Load Design and Load Factor
3.20.1 Structures which retain fill s shall be proportioned Design are given by:
to withstand pressure a s given by Coulo mb 's Equation or (
by other expressions given in Section 5, " Retai ning Group (N) = 'Y[i3 0 · + i3L (L + I) + f3cCF + f3EE
Walls"; provided, however, that no structure shall be de­ + 13sB + f3sSF + f3wW + f3wLWL
signed for less than an equivalent fluid weight (mass) of + f3L · LF + f3R (R + S + T)
30 pounds per cubic foot. + f3EQEQ + l31cEICEJ (3- 10)

3.20.2 For rigid frames a maximum of one-half of the
N = group number;
moment caused by earth pressure (lateral) may be used to
')' =load factor, see Table 3.22. lA;
reduce the positive moment in the beams, in the top slab,
f3 = coefficient, see Table 3.22.lA;
o r in the top and bottom slab, as the case may be. D =dead load;
L = live load;
3.20.3 When highway traffic can come with in a hori­ I = live load impact;
zontal d istance from the top of the structure equal to one­
E = earth pressure;
B = buoyancy;
half its height, the pressure shall have added to it a live
load surcharge pressure equal to not less than 2 feet of
w = wind load on structure;
WL =wind load on live load- 100 pounds per lineai·
LF = longitudinal force from live load;
3.20.4 Where an adequately designed reinforced con­ CF = centrifugal force;
crete approach slab supported at one e nd by the bridge is R = rib shortening;
provided, no live load surcharge need be considered. s = slu·inkage;
T = temperature;
EQ = earthquake;
3.20.5 All designs shall provide for the thorough SF = stream flow press ure;
drainage of the back- filling material by means of weep ICE = ice pressure.

TABLE 3.22.lA Table of Coefficients "I and f3

( Col. No. 1 2 3 3A 4· 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

GROUP 'Y D (L+l)n (LH)p CF E B SF w WL LF R+s+T EQ ICE 'll>
I 1.0 1 1 0 1 PE 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 100
IA 1.0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 160

IB 1.0 1 0 1 I fJE 1 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 ••
< II
1.0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 125

VIII 1.0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 o· 0 0 1 140
IX 1.0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 I 160
x 1.0 1 1 0 0 fJE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 Culvert
I 1.3 PD 1.67 0 1.0 fJE 1 1 0 0 1l 0 0 0
IA 1.3 IJc 2.20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0
0 IB 1.3 fJD 0 1 1.0 f1E 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
f1D 1
0 0 0
fJE 1
0 fJE
Ill IV 1.3 PD 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.
0 fJE 0.
v 1.25 fJc 0 0 0 fJE 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 <

< VI 1.25 ~D 1 0 1 fJE 1 1 o.a 1 1 1 0 0 0

VII 1.3 ~D
0 0 0 fJE 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
< VIII 1.3 1 0 1 fJE 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
....0 IX 1.20 fJc 0 0 0 f1E 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
( x 1,80 1 1.67 0 0 f1E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Culvert

(L + I)n - Live load plus impact for AASHTO Highway H or HS loading

(L + I)p - Live load plus impact consistent with the overload criteria of the operation

* 1.25 may be used for design of outside roadway beam when com­ For culvert loading specifications, see Article 6.2.
bination of sidewalk live load as well as traffic live load plus impact
governs the design, but the capacity of the section should not be less i3E = 1.0 and 0.5 for lateral loads on rigid frames (check both load­
than required for highway traffic live load only using a beta factor of ings to see which one governs). See Article 3.20.
1.67. 1.00 may be used for design of deck slab with combination of For Load Factor Design
loads as described in Article
i3B = 1.3 for lateral earth pressure for retaining walls and rigid
frames excluding rigid culverts. For lateral at-rest earth
pressures, f3B = 1.15
** Percenta e = Maximum Unit Stres~ (Op:rating Rating) x 100 f3E 0.5 for lateral earth pressure when checking positive
g Allowable Basic Unit Stress moments in rigid frames. This complies with Article 3.20.
i3E 1.0 for vertical earth pressure
!3n 0.75 when checking member for minimum axial load and
For Service Load Design maximum moment or maximum eccentricity ..... For
!3n 1.0 when checking member for maximum axial Column
load and minimum moment ................... Design
% (Column 14) Percentage of Basic Unit Stress
!3n 1.0 for flexural and tension members
No increase in allowable unit stresses shall be permitted for members i3E l .O for Rigid Culverts
or connections carrying wind loads only. i3E 1.5 for Flexible Culverts

For Group X loading (culverts) the i3E factor shall be applied to verti­
i3E = 1.00 for vertical and lateral loads on all other structures. cal and horizontal loads.

3.22.2 For servi ce load design, the percentage of the culations of horizontal shear in rectangular timber beams
basic unit stress for the various groups is given in Table shall be in accordance with Article 13.3.
The loads and forces in each group shall be taken as ap­ 3.23.2 Bending Moments in Stringers and
propriate from Articles 3.3 to 3.21. The maximum section Longitudinal Beams•:•*
cequired slrnll be used. General
3.22.3 For load factor des ign, the gamma and beta fac­
tors given in Table 3.22.lA shall be used for designing In calculating bending moments in longitud inal beams
structural members and foundations by the load factor or stringers, no longitudi nal distribution of the wheel
concept. loads shall be assumed. The lateral distribution shall be
determined as follows.
3.22.4 When long span structures are bei ng designed by
load factor design, the gamma and beta factors specified Interior Stringers and Beams
fo r Load Factor Design represe nt general conditions and
should be increased if, in the Engineer's judgment, The li ve load bending moment for each interior
expected loads, service conditions, or materials of stringer shall be determined by apply ing to the stringer the
construction are different from those anticipated by the fraction of a wheel load (both front and rear) determined
specifications. in Table 3.23.1.

3.22.5 Structures may be analyzed for an overload that Outside Roadway Stringers and Beams
is selected by the operating agency. Size and configuration
of the overload, loading combinations, and load distribu­ 1 Steel-Timber-Concrete T-Beams
tion will be consistent with procedures defined in permit
policy of that agency. T he load shall be applied in Group The dead load supported by the outside
IB as defined in Table 3.22.lA. For all loadings less than roadway stringer or beam shall be that portion of the floor
H 20, Group IA loading combination shall be used (see slab can-ied by the stringer or beam . Curbs, railings, and
Article 3.5). wearing surface, if placed after the slab has cured, may be (
distributed equally to all roadway stringers or beams.

PartC 2 The li ve load bending moment for out­
side roadway stringers or beams shall be determined by
applying to the stringer or beam the reaction of the wheel
load obtained by assuming the flooring to act as a simple
3.23 DISTRIBUTION OF LOADS TO span between stringers or beams.
AND FLOOR BEAMS* When the outside road way beam or
sttinger supports the sidewalk live load as well as traffic
3.23.1 Position of Loads for Shear live load and impact and the structure is to be designed by
the service load method, the allowable stress in the beam In calculating end shear s and end reactions or stringer may be increased by 25% for the combination
in transverse floor beams and longitudinal beams and of dead load, sidewalk live load, traffic live load, and im­
stringers, no longitudinal distribution of the wheel load pact, providing the beam is of no less cmTying capacity
shall be assumed for the wheel or axle load adjacent to the tha n would be required if there were no sidewalks. When
transverse floor beam or the e nd of the longitudinal beam the combination of sidewalk li ve load and tt·affic li ve load
or stringer at which the stress is being determined. plus impact governs the design and the structure is to be
designed by the load fac tor method, 1.25 may be used as Lateral distribution of the wheel loads at
the beta fac tor in place of 1.67.
ends of the beams or stringers shall be that produced by
ass uming the flooring to act as a simple span between In no case shall an exte rior stringer have
stringers or beams . For wheels or axles i n other positions
less carrying capacity than an interior stringer.
on the span, the distribu tion for shear shall be determined
by the method prescribed for mo ment, except that the cal­
**In view of the complexity of the theoretical analysis involved in the
distribution of wheel loads to stringers, the empirical method herein de­
*Provis ions in this Article shall not apply to orthotropic deck bridges. scribed is authorized for the desig n of normal highway bridges. DIVISION I-DESIGN 33

TABLE 3.23.1 Distribution of Wheel Loads in me111bers with the narrow edges of the laminations bearing on the sup­
Longitudinal Beams ports (seeAlticle 16.3.13-Division II).
IJn this case the load on each stringer shall be the reaction of the
wheel loads, assuming the flooring between the stringers to act as a sim­
Bridge Designed ple bemn.
Bridge Designed for for Two or more g"Design of 1-Bemn Bridges" by N. M. Newmark-Proceedings,
I<.:ind of Floor One Traffic Lane Traffic Lanes ASCE, March 1948.
11 The sidewalk Jive load (see Alticle 3.14) shall be omitted for inte­

Timber:n rior and exterior box girders designed in accordance with the wheel load
Plankh S/4.0 S/3.75 distribution indicated herein.
Nail laminated" iDistribution factors for Steel Bridge Corrugated Plank set forth
4" thick or multiple above are based substantially on the following reference:
laye1~ 1 floors over 5"
thick S/4.5 S/4.0 Journal ofWashington Academy of Sciences, Vol. 67, No. 2, 1977
Nail laminated0 "Wheel Load Distribution of Steel Bridge Plank," by Conrad P. Heins,
6" or 1nore thick S/5.0 S/4.25 Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Maryland.
If S exceeds 5' If S exceeds 6.5 1 These distribution factors were developed based on studies using
use footnote f. use footnote f. 6" X 2" steel conugated plank. The factors should yield safe results for
Glued laminated" other corrugated configurations provided primary bending stiffness is
Panels on glued the same as or greater than the 6" X 2" corrugated plank used in the stud­
laminated stringers ies.
4" thick S/4.5 S/4.0
6" or more thick S/6.0 S/5.0 3. 23. 2. 3.1.5 In the case of a span with concrete floor
If S exceeds 6' lfS exceeds 7.5' supported by 4 or more steel stringers, the fraction of the
use footnote f. use footnote f.
On steel stringers wheel load shall not be less than:
4" thick S/4.5 S/4.0
6" or tnore thick S/5.25 S/4.5
If S exceeds 5.5' If S exceeds 7' s
use footnote f. use footnote f. 5.5
On steel 1-Beain
stringersg and where, S = 6 feet or less and is the distance in feet be­
pres tressed tween outside and adjacent interior stringers, and
concrete girders sn.o S/5.5
( If S exceeds 10' If S exceeds 14'
use footnote f, use footnote f. s
On concrete
T~Beams S/6.5 S/6.0 4.0+0.25S
If S exceeds 6' If S exceeds 10'
use footnote f. use footnote f.
On timber where, S is more than 6 feet and less than 14 feet. When
stringers S/6.0 S/5.0 Sis 14 feet or more, use footnote f, Table 3.23.1.
If S exceeds 6' lfS exceeds 10'
use footnote f. use footnote f.
Concrete box Concrete Box Girders
girdersh S/8.0 sn.o
If S exceeds 12 1 If S exceeds 16'
use footnote f. use foolnote f. The dead load supported by the exterior
On steel box girders See Article 10.39.2. girder shall be determined in the same manner as for steel,
On prestressed con­ timber, or concrete T-beams, as given in Article
crete spread box
Beams See A1ticle 3.28.
Steel grid:
(Less than 4" thick) S/4.5 S/4.0 The factor for the wheel load distribu­
(4" or more) S/6.0 S/5.0 tion to the exterior girder shall be WJ7, where W, is the
If S exceeds 6' If S exceeds 10.5 1
use footnote f. use footnote f.
width of exterior girder which shall be taken as the top
Steel bridge slab width, measured from the midpoint between girders
Corrugated plank' to the outside edge of the slab. The cantilever dimension
(2" min. depth) S/5.5 S/4.5
of any slab extending beyond the exterior girder shall
S = average stringer spacing in feet.
preferably not exceed half the girder spacing.
aTimber dimensions shown are for nominal thickness.

bpJank floors consist of pieces of lumber laid edge to edge with the

wide faces bearing on the suppo1ts (see Article 16.3.11-Division II).

Nail laminated floors consist of pieces of lnmber laid face to face Total Capacity ofStringers and Beams
with the narrow edges bearing on the supports, each piece being nailed
to the preceding piece (see Atticle 16.3.12-Division II). The combined design load capacity of all the beams
( dMultiple layer floors consist of two or more layers of planks, each
layer being laid at an angle to the other (see Article 16.3.11-Division II). and stringers in a span shall not be less than required to
eotued laminated panel floors consist of vertically glued laminated suppmt the total live and dead load in the span.

3.23.3 Bending Moments in Floor Beams TABLE Distribution of Wheel Loads
(Transverse) in Transverse Beams ca lculating bending m oments in floor Fraction of

Wheel Load to
beam~ no transverse distribution of the wheel loads shall
Each Floor
be assumed. Kind of Floor Beam If long itudinal stringers are omitted and the s

floor is su pported d irectly on fl oor beams, the beams sha ll
be desig ned for loads determined in accordance with Nail laminatedc or glued laminated•, s
Table 4 inches in thickness, or multiple layer<I 4.5
floors more than 5 inches thick
3.23.4 Precast Concrete Beams Used sr
Nail laminatedc or glued laminated•,
in Multi-Beam Decks 6 inches or more in thickness 5 A mu lti-beam bridge is constructed with Concrete sr
precast reinforced or prestressed conc rete beams that are 6
placed side by s ide on the s upports. The interaction be­
tween the beams is develope d by continuous longitudinal
Steel grid (less than 4 inches thick) s
shear keys used in combination with transverse tie a s­
semblies which may, or may not, be prestressed , such as Steel grid (4 inches or more) sr
bolts, rods, or prestressi ng s trands, or other mechanical 6
means. Full-depth rigid end diaphragms are needed to en­
s ure proper load di stri bution for chan nel, s ingle- and
Steel bridge corrugated plank (2 inches s
minimum depth) 5.5
multi-ste mmed tee beams.

S = spacing of floor beams in feet. In calculating bending moments in multi­

•-•For foot notes a through e, see Table 3.23. 1.
beam precast concrete bridges, con ventional o r pre­
stressed , no longitudinal dis tribution of wheel load shall 'If S exceeds denominator, the load on the beam shall be the
be assumed. reac1ion of !he wheels loads assuming !he flooring be1ween beams 10
ac! as a simple beam. The live load bending mome nt for each sec­

tion s ha ll be determined by a pplying to the beam the frac­
L = span
length meas ured parallel to longitudinal

tion of a wheel load (both front and rear) determined by

girders in feet; for g irders with cast-in-place end

the following equation:

diaphragms, use the length between end dia­


K = (( 1 + µ) IIJ} "2
Load Fraction = ! (3 -11 )
If the value of vmexceeds 5.0, or the skew exceeds
45 degrees, the live load dis tribu tion s ho uld be deter­
mined using a more precise method, such as the Articulate
Plate Theory or Grill age Analysis. The Load Fraction,
S = w idth of precast member;

SID , need not be greater than J.

D = (5.75 - 0.5NL) + 0.7NL( l - 0.2C)2 (3-12)

NL = number of traffic lanes from Artic le 3.6;

C = K(W/L) fow W/L < l

= K fo r W/L ~ 1 (3- 13) r = moment of inertia;

J = Sain t-Venan t torsion constant ;

where, µ = Poisson's ratio for g irders.

W = overall width of bridge measured perpendicular In lieu of more exact methods, "J" m ay be estimated using
to the longitudinal g irders in feet; the fo llowing equations: DIVISION I- DESIGN 35

For Non-voided Rectangular Beams, Channels, Tee The following effecti ve span lengths shall
Beams: be used in calculating the di stribution of loads and bend­
ing moments for slabs continuous over more than two
J = 1-(( l /3)bt3( 1 - 0.630t/b)} supports:

where, (a) Slabs monoli thic with beams or slabs monolithic

with wal ls without haunches and ri gid top flange pre­
b = the le ngth of each rectangular component within
the section, stressed beams with top flange width to mi nimum
t = the thickness of each rectangular component thickness ratio less than 4.0. "S" shall be the clear span.
within the section. (b) Slabs supported on steel stringers, or slabs sup­
ported on thin top flange prestressed beams with top
fl ange width to min imum thickness ratio equal to or
The flanges and stems of stemmed or channel secti ons are
greater than 4.0 . "S" shall be the distance be tween
considered as separate rectangular components whose
edges of top flange plus one-half of stringer top flange
values are summed together to calcul ate 'T '. Note that for
width .
" Rectangul ar Beams with Circular Voids" the value of"J"
(c) Slabs supported on timber sLtingers. S shall be the
can usually be approx imated by using the equation above
clear span plus one-half thickness of stringer.
for rectang ular sections and neglecting the voids.

For Box-Section Beams: 3.24.2 Edge Distance of Wheel Loads In designing slabs, the center li ne of the

wheel load shall be I foot from the face of the curb. If
curbs or sidewalks are not used, the wheel load shall be 1
where foot from the face of the rail.

b = the overall width of the box,

d = the overall depth of the box, ln designi ng sidewalks, slabs and support­

ing members, a wheel load located on the sidewalk shall
= the thickness of either web,

tr = the thickness of either fla nge.

be I foot from the face of the rail. In service load design,
the combined dead, live, and impact stresses for this load­
ing shall be not greater than 150% of the allowable
The formul a assumes that both flanges are the same thick­
stresses. In load factor design, 1.0 may be used as the beta
ness a nd uses the thickness of only one flange. The same
factor in place of 1.67 fo r the design of deck slabs. Wheel
is true of the webs.
loads shall not be applied on sidewalks protected by a
For preliminary design, the following values of K may
traffic baiTier.
be used:

3.24.3 Bending Moment

Bridge T)'pe Beam T)'pe K
Multi-beam Non-voided rectangular beams 0. 7 The bending moment per foot width of slab shall be
Rectangular beams with circular voids 0 .8 calculated accordi ng to methods given under Cases A and
Box section beams 1.0
C hannel, single- and multi-stemmed tee beams 2.2

*The slab distribution set fo rth herein is based substantially on the

"Westergaard" theory. The following references are furnished concern­
3.24 DISTRIBUTION OF LOADS AND DESIGN ing the subject of slab design.
OF CONCRETE SLABS* Public Roads, March 1930 , "Computation of Stresses in Bridge Slabs
Due to Wheel Loads," by H. M. Westergaard.
University of Illinois, Bulletin No. 303, "Solutions for Certain Rec­
3.24.1 Span Lengths (See Article 8.8) tangular Slabs Continuous over Flexible Supports," by Vernon P. Jensen;
Bulletin 304, "A Distribution Procedure for the Analysis o f Slabs Con­ For simple spans the span le ngth shall be the tinuous over Flexible Beams," by Nathan M. Newmark; Bulletin 315,
"Moments in Simple Span Bridge Slabs with Stiffe ned Edges,"' by Ver­
di stance center to center of supports but need not exceed non P. Jensen; and Bulletin 346, "Highway Slab Bridges with C urbs;
clear span plus th ickness of slab. Laboratory Tests and Proposed Design Method."

B , un less more exact methods are used considering tire HS 15 Loading:

contact area. The tire contact area needed for exact meth­
Use.3/ 4 of the va lues obtained from the formulas for
ods is given in Artlcle-:3:30.
HS 20 Loading
In Cases A and B:
S =effective span length, in feet, as definea under
Moments in continuous spans shall be--Oetermined by
"Span Lengths" Articles 3.24. l and 8.8;
suitable analysis usi ng the truck or appropriate lane
E = width of slab in feet over which a wheel load is
P = load on o ne rear wheel of truck (P 15 or P20) ; 3.24.4 Shear and Bond
P 15 = 12,000 pounds for H 15 loading;
P20 = 16,000 pounds for H 20 loading. Slabs designed for bend ing moment in accordance
with Article 3.24.3 shall be considered satisfactory in Case A-Main Reinforcement bond and shear.
Perpendicular to Traffic (Spans 2 to 24
Feet Inclusive) 3.24.S Cantilever Slabs

The li ve load moment for simple spans shall be deter­ Thuck Loads
mined by the following formulas (impact not included):
Under the following form ulas for di stribution of loads
HS 20 Loading:
on cantilever slabs, the slab is designed to support the load

( S+
)P =Moment in foot-pounds
20 (3- 15) independently of the effects of any edge support along the
end of the cantilever. The distribution g iven includes the
32 per foot - w idth of slab
effect of wheels on parallel elemen ts.
HS I 5 Loading: Case A- Reinforcement

2 Pe1pendicular to Traffic

( S + ) P15 = Moment in foot - pounds (3 ­ J 6)

32 per foo t - w idth of slab Each wheel on the element perpendicular to traffic
shall be distributed over a width according to the follow­
In slabs continuous over three or more supports, a conti­ ing formu la:
nuity facto r of 0.8 shall be applied to the above formulas E = 0.8X + 3.75 (3-17)
for both positive and negative momen t.
The moment per foot of slab shall be (PIE) X foot­ Case B-Main Reinforcement Parallel pounds, in which X is the distance in feet from load to
to Thaffic point of support.

For wheel loads, the distributi on width, E, shall be .2 Case B-Reinforcement

(4 + 0.06S) but shall not exceed 7.0 feet. Lane loads are Parallel to Traffic

distributed over a width of 2E. Longitudinall y reinforced The distribution w idth fo r each wheel load on the ele­
slabs shall be designed for the appropriate HS loading. ment para llel to traffic shall be as follows:
For simple spans, the maximum live load moment per
foot width of slab, without impact, is closely approxi­ E = 0.35X + 3.2, but shall not exceed 7 .0 feet (3-1 8)
mated by the following form ulas:
The moment per foot of slab shall be (P/E) X foot­
HS 20 Loading:
Spans up to and including 50 feet: LLM = 900S 3.24.S.2 Railing Loads
Spans 50 feel to 100 feet: LLM = 1,000 Railing loads shall be applied in accordance with Arti ­
( l.30S-20.0) cle 2.7. The effecti ve length of slab resisting post loadings
foot-pounds shall be equal to E = 0.8X + 3.75 feet where no parapet DIVISION I-DESIGN 37

is used and equal to E = 0.8X + 5.0 feet where a parapet beam integral with and deeper than the slab, or an integral
( is used, where X is the distance in feet fron1 the center of reinforced section of slab and curb.
the post to the point under investigation. Railing and
wheel loads shall not be applied simultaneously. The edge beam of a simple span shall be de­
signed to resist a live load moment of 0.10 PS, where,
3.24.6 Slabs Supported ou Four Sides
P = wheel load in pounds P 15 or P20; For slabs supported along four edges and re­ S = span length in feet.
inforced in both directions, the proportion of the load car­
ried by the short span of the slab shall be given by the fol­ For continuous spans, the moment may be
lowing equations: reduced by 20% unless a greater reduction results from a
4 1nore exact analysis.
For uniformly distributed load, p = 4b (3 -19)
a +b 4
3.24.9 Unsupported Transverse Edges
For concentrated load at center, p = - 3 - -
(3-20) The design assumptions of this article do not provide for
a +b
the effect ofloads near unsupported edges. Therefore, at the
where, ends of the bridge and at intermediate points where the con­
tinuity of the slab is broken, the edges shall be supported by
p = proportion of load carried by short span;
diaphragms or other suitable means. The diaphragms shall
a = length of short span of slab;
be designed to resist the full moment and shear produced
h = length of long span of slab.
by the wheel loads which can come on them. Where the length of the slab exceeds I y, 3.24.10 Distribution Reinforcement
times its width, the entire load shall be carried by the
transverse reinforce1nent.
( 3.24.10.l To provide for the lateral distribution of the
concentrated live loads, reinforcement shall be placed The distribution width, E, for the load taken transverse to the main steel reinforcement in the bottoms
by either span shall he determined as provided for other of all slabs except culvert or bridge slabs where the depth
slabs. The moments obtained shall be used in designing of fill over the slab exceeds 2 feet.
the center half of the short and long slabs. The reinforce­
ment steel in the outer q11arters of both short and long The amount of distribution reinforcement
spans may be reduced by 50%. In the design of the sup­
shall be the percentage of the main reinforcement steel
porting beams, consideration shall be given to the fact that
required for positive moment as given by the following
the loads delivered to the supporting beams are not uni­
formly distributed along the beams.

For main reinforcement parallel to traffic,

3.24.7 Median Slabs
Percentage=~~ Maximum 50% (3-21)
Raised median slabs shall be designed in accordance
with the provisions of this article with truck loadings so For main reinforce1nent perpendicular to traffic,
placed as to produce maximum stresses. Combined dead,
live, and impact stresses shall not be greater than 150% of Percentage= ~ Maximum 67% (3 - 22)
the allowable stresses. Flush median slabs shall be de­
signed without overstress. where, S = the effective span length in feet.

3.24.8 Longitudinal Edge Beams For main reinforcement perpendicular to

traffic, the specified amount of distribution reinforcement Edge beams shall be provided for all slabs shall be used in the middle half of the slab span, and not
having main reinforcement parallel to traffic. The beam less than 50% of the specified amount shall be used in the
may consist of a slab section additionally reinforced, a outer quarters of the slab span.

3.25 DISTRIBUTION OF WHEEL LOADS ON support. The maximum moment is for a w heel position as­
TIMBER FLOORING sumed to be centered between the supports .

For the calculation of bendi ng moments in ti mber M x = P(.51 logio s - K ) (3 - 23)

fl ooring eac1Lwbee1 load shall be distributed as fo llows.
Rx = .034P (3- 24)

3.25.1 Transverse Flooring Thus, t =~6Mx (3 - 25)

Fb In the direction of flooring span, the wheel
load shall be distributed over the width of tire as given in
Artic le 3.30. t
3Rx w I11c
=-- . I1ever ts
. greater (3- 26)
Normal to the direction of fl ooring span, the wheel load 2F"
sha ll be distributed as follows:
Plank floor: the wid th of plank, but not less than 10 where,
Non-in terconnected* nail laminated panel floor: 15
M, = primary bending moment in inch-pounds pe r

inches, but not to exceed panel width.

R, = primary shear in pounds per inch;

Non-interconnected g lued laminated panel floor: 15

x = denotes direction perpendicular to longitudina l

inches plus thickness of floor, but not to exceed panel


width. Continuous nail laminated fl oor and interconnected

na il laminated panel floor, with ad eq uate shear transfer
P = design wheel load in pounds;

s = e ffective deck span in inches:

between panels**: 15 inches plus thic kness of floor, but

not to exceed panel width.
= deck thickness, in inches, based on
moment or

shear, whichever controls;

Inte rconnected* glued laminated panel floor, with ad­

K = des ign constant depending on design load as

equate shear transfer between panels**, not less than 6

inches thick: 15 inches plus twice thickness of floor, but
fo llows:

not to exceed panel width. H 15 K = 0.47

H 20 K = 0.51 For transverse flooring the span shall be
taken as the c lear distance between stringers plus one-half Fb = allowablebending stress, in pounds per square

the width of one stringer, but shall not exceed the clear inch, based on load applied parallel to the wide

span plus the floo r thickness. face of the laminations (see Tables l 3.2.2Aand B);

Fv = allowable shear stress, in pounds per square inch, One design method for interconnected based on load applied parallel to the wide face of

glued laminated panel floors is as follows: For glued lam­ the lam inations (see Tables 13.2.2A and B).

inated panel decks using vertically laminated lumber with

the panel placed in a transverse direction to the stringers The determination of the minimum size and
and with panels interconnected using steel dowels, the de­ spacing required of the steel dowels required to tran sfer
termination of the deck thickness shall be based on the fol­ the load between panels shall be based on the following

lowi ng equations for maximum unit primary moment and
shear. t The maximum shear is for a wheel position as­
sumed to be 15 inches or less from the center line of the 1,000
n= - - X
- + -M
-y (3 - 27)
O" pL Ro Mo

*The terms interconnected and non-interconnected refer 10 lhe joints n = number of steel dowe ls required for the given

between the individual nail laminated or glued laminated panels.


**This shear transfer may be accomplished using mechanical fasten­

ers, splines, or dowels along the panel joint or other suitable means.
aPL = proportional
limit stress perpendicular to grain

(for Douglas fir or Southern pine, use 1,000 psi);

t The equations are developed for deck panel spans equal to or greater
than the width of the tire (as specified in Article 3.30). but 1101 greater Ry = total secondary shear transferred , in pounds, de­

than 200 inches. termined by the re lationship: DIVISION I-DESIGN 39 Normal to the direction of the span the

( Ry = 6Ps /1, 000 for s ,, 50 inches (3 - 28)
wheel load shall be distributed as follows:
Plank floor: 20 inches;
- p Non-interconnected nail laminated floor: width of tire
Ry = s (s - 20) for s > 50 inches (3- 29) plus thickness of floor, but not to exceed panel
width. Continuous nail laminated floor and inter­
M, = total secondary moment transferred, in inch­ connected nail laminated floor, with adequate shear
pound, determined by the relationship, transfer between panels*, not less than 6 inches
thick: width of tire plus twice thickness of floor.
- Ps
My = l, (s -10) for s ,, 50 inches (3 - 30) For longitudinal flooring the span shall be

taken as the clear distance between floor beams plus one­

- Ps(s-30)
half the width of one beam but shall not exceed the clear
My = for s > 50 inches (3-31) span plus the floor thickness.
20 (s-10)

3.25.3 Longitudinal Glued Laminated Timber

Rn and Mn = shear and moment capacities, respec­
lively, as given in the following table: Bending Moment
Shear Moment Steel Stress Dowel
Diameter Capacity Capacity Coefficients Length In calculating bending moments in glued laminated
of Dowel Ro Mo Ca CM Required timber longitudinal decks, no longitudinal distribution of
in. lb. in.-lb. Vin. 2 l/in. 3 in. wheel loads shall be assumed. The lateral distribution
0.5 600 850 36.9 81.5 8.50 shall be determined as follows.
.625 800 1,340 22.3 41.7 10.00 The live load bending moment for each panel shall be
.75 1,020 1,960 14.8 24.l 11.50 determined by applying to the panel the fraction of a
( .875 1,260
10.5 15.2
wheel load determined from the following equations:
1.0 7.75
l.125 1,790 4,680 5.94 7.15 15.50
1.25 2,100 5,950 4.69 5.22 17.00
2,420 7,360 3.78 3.92 18.00
l.5 2,770 8,990 3.11 3.02 19.50
Load Fraction= L or _P_, whichever is
3.75+- 5.00 In addition, the dowels shall be checked to 28
ensure that the allowable stress of the steel is not exceeded
using the following equation: greater.



Load Fraction =
wP L or
_P_, whichever is
where, 4.25+- 5 .so
er = minimum yield point of steel pins in
pounds per square inch (see Table greater.
n, R,, M, = as previously defined; where, W, = Width of Panel; in feet (3.5 '.5 W, '.5 4.5)
CR, CM = steel stress coefficients as given in pre­
ceding table. L = Length of span for simple span bridges and the
length of the shortest span for continuous bridges in
3.25.2 Plank and Nail Laminated Longitudinal feet.
*This shear transfer may be accomplished using mechanical fasteners, In tbe direction of the span, the wheel load
( shall be distributed over 10 inches.
splines, or dowels along the panel joint or spreader beams located at in­
tervals along the panels or other suitable means.
40 HIGHWAY BRIDGES Shear shall be distributed over a transverse width of 5 feet for

bending moment and a width of 4 feet for shear. (
--------when-calcul!lting-theena Slfearsand-ena reac!fonsfor
each panel, no longitudinal distribution of the wheel For composite T-beams of wood and con­
loads shall be assumed. The lateral distribution of the crete, as described in Article 20.19.2, Division II, the ef­
wheel load at the supports shall be that determined by the fective flange width shall not exceed that given in Article
equation: 10.38.3. Shear connectors shall be capable of resisting
Wheel Load Fraction per Panel both vertical and horizontal movement.

3.26.2 Distdbution of Bending Moments in

.00 but not less than I. Continuous Spans Both positive and negative moments shall

For wheel loads in other positions on the span, the lateral be distributed in accordance with the following table:
distribution for shear shall be determined by the method
Maximum Bending Moments-Percent of Simple

prescribed for moment.

Span Moment Deflections Maximum Uniform; Maximum Live

Dead Load Moments Load Moments

Wood Composite Concentrated Uniform

The maximum deflection may be calculated by apply­ Subdeck Slab Load Load
ing to the panel the wheel load fraction determined by the Span Pos. Neg. Pos. Neg. Pos. Neg. Pos. Neg.
method prescribed for moment.
Interior 50 50 55 45 75 25 75 55
End 70 60 70 60 85 30 85 65 Stiffener Arrangement 2-Spana 65 70 60 75 85 30 80 75
acontinuous beam of 2 equal spans.
The transverse stiffeners shall be adequately attached
to each panel, at points near the panel edges, with either
steel plates, thru-bolts, C-clips or aluminum brackets. The
stiffener spacing required will depend upon the spacing Impact should be considered in computing
needed in order to prevent differential panel movement; stresses for concrete and steel, but neglected for wood.
however, a stiffener shall be placed at mid-span with ad­
ditional stiffeners placed at intervals not to exceed 10 feet. 3.26.3 Design
The stiffness factor EI of the stiffener shall not be less than
80,000 kip-in'. The analysis and design of composite wood-concrete
members shall be based on assumptions that account for
3.25.4 Continuous Flooring the different mechanical properties of the components. A
suitable procedure may be based on the elastic properties
If the flooring is continuous over more than two spans, of the materials as follows:
the maximum bending moment shall be assumed as being = 1 for slab in which the net concrete thickness is

80% of that obtained for a simple span. R, less than half the overall depth of the compos­

ite section

3.26 DISTRIBUTION OF WHEEL LOADS AND = 2 for slab in which the net concrete thickness is

DESIGN OF COMPOSITE WOOD­ Ew at least half the overall depth of the composite


3.26.1 Distribution of Concentrated Loads for

~ = 18.75 (for Douglas fir and Southern pine)
Bending Moment and Shear
in which, For freely supported or continuous slab Ee = modulus of elasticity of concrete;

spans of composite wood-concrete construction, as de­ R, = modulus of elasticity of wood;

scribed in Article 16.3.14, Division II, the wheel loads E, = modulus of elasticity of steel.


3.27 DISTRIBUTION OF WHEEL LOADS ON Edges of open grid steel floors shall be sup­
( STEEL GRID FLOORS* ported by suitable means as required. These supports may
be longitudinal or transverse, or both, as may be required
3.27.1 General to support all edges properly. The grid floor shall be designed as continu­ When investigating for fatigue, the mini­
ous, but simple span moments inay be used and reduced
mum cycles of maximum stress shall be used.
as provided in Article 3.24.

3.28 DISTRIBUTION OF LOADS FOR BENDING The following rules for distribution ofloads MOMENT IN SPREAD BOX GIRDERS**
assume that the grid floor is composed of main elements
that span between girders, stringers, or cross beams, and 3.28.1 Interior Beams
secondary elements that are capable of transferring load
between the main elements. The live load bending moment for each interior beam in
a spread box beam superstructure shall be determined by Reinforcement for secondary elements shall applying to the beam the fraction (D.F.) of the wheel load
consist of bars or shapes welded to the main steel. (both front and rear) determined by the following equation:

3.27.2 Floors Filled with Concrete D.F.= 2NL +k~ (3 - 33)

NB L The distribution and bending moment shall where,
be as specified for concrete slabs, Article 3.24. The fol­ Ne= number of design traffic lanes (Article 3.6);
lowing items specified in that article shall also apply to NB= number of beams (4 s NB s IO);
concrete filled steel grid floors: S =beam spacing in feet (6.57 s S s 11.00);
L = span length in feet;
( Longitudinal edge beams k = 0.07 W - NL (0.lONc - 0.26) - 0.20Nn - 0.12;
Unsupported transverse edges (3-34)
Span lengths W = numeric value of the roadway width between
curbs expressed in feet (32 s W s 66). The strength of the composite steel and con­
crete slab shall be determined by means of the "trans­
3.28.2 Exterior Beams
formed area" method. The allowable stresses shall be as
set forth in Articles 8.15.2, 8.16.1, and 10.32.
The live load bending moment in the exterior beams
shall be determined by applying to the beams the reaction
3.27.3 Open Floors of the wheel loads obtained by assuming the flooring to A wheel load shall be distributed, normal to act as a simple span (oflength S) between beams, but shall
the main elements, over a width equal to lY, inches per not be less thru1 2NJN8 •
ton of axle load plus twice the distance center to center of
main elements. The portion of the load assigned to each
main element shall be applied uniformly over a length
Maximum moments, shears, and reactions are given
equal to the reru· tire width (20 inches for H 20, 15 inches
in tables, Appendix A, for H 15, H 20, HS 15, and HS 20
for H 15).
loadings. They are calculated for the standard truck or
the lane loading applied to a single lane on freely sup­ The strength of the section shall be deter­ ported spans. It is indicated in the table whether the
mined by the moment of inertia method. The allowable standard truck or the lane loadings produces the maxi­
stresses shall be as set forth in Article 10.32. mu1n stress.

**The provisions of Article 3.12, Reduction in Load Intensity, were

*Provisions in this article shall not apply to orthotropic bridge super­ not applied in the develop1nent of the provisions presented in Articles

slructurcs. 3.28.1 and 3.28.2.



The tire contact area for the Alternate Military Load­

ing or H S 20-44 shall be assumed as a rectangle with a
length in the direction of traffic of 10 inches, and a width
of tire of 20 inches. For other design vehicles, the ti.re con­
tact should be determined by the engineer.

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