Wind Tesla Turbine

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,695.242 B2

Fuller (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 13, 2010
(54) WINDTURBINE FOR GENERATION OF 4,025,225 A 5, 1977 Durant
ELECTRIC POWER 4,140,433 A 2, 1979 Eckel
4.253.798. A * 3/1981 Sugiura ....................... 415.98
(76) Inventor: Howard J. Fuller, 880 Clark La., Fallon, t 3.
- - W
A & E. Shige ISO .......
- ---
- -- -

NV (US) 894O6 4,531,890 A * 7/1985 Stokes ........................ 416,187

4,545,726 A 10, 1985 Holli
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 5,088,892 A 2, 1992 WAid et al.
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 5, 186,604. A 2, 1993 Iorio et al. .................... 415.90
U.S.C. 154(b) by 555 days. 6,210,116 B1* 4/2001 Kuczaj et al. ............... 416,185
6,239,506 B1 5/2001 Roskey
(21) Appl. No.: 11/566,790 6,375,412 B1 4/2002 Dial
6,632,071 B2 * 10/2003 Pauly ......................... 416,185
(22) Filed: Dec. 5, 2006 6,692,232 B1 2/2004 Letourneau
6,726,442 B2 4/2004 Letourneau
(65) Prior Publication Data 6,779,964 B2 8, 2004 Dial
6,786,697 B2 9, 2004 O'Connor
US 2008/O131273 A1 Jun. 5, 2008 6,866,477 B2 3/2005 Arness
6,870,280 B2 3, 2005 Pechler
(51) Int. Cl. 6,887,041 B2 5/2005 Coke
FO3D 3/6 (2006.01) 7,062,900 B1* 6/2006 Brun ......................... 60/39.35
(52) U.S. Cl. ........................... 415/2.1; 41.5/4.1; 415/90; 2003.0053909 A1 3, 2003 O’Hearen
415/203: 415/204; 416/185; 416/186 R: 416/200 A; k .
416/223 B: 416/243 cited by examiner
(58) Field of Classification Search .................. 415/2.1, Primary Examiner Igor Kershteyn
415/4.1, 90, 203, 204; 416/185, 186 R, 200 A, (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm William H. Eilberg
416/223 B, 243
See application file for complete search history. (57) ABSTRACT
(56) References Cited
A turbine includes a stack of substantially parallel disks, the
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS rotation of which causes rotation of a shaft. The disks are
separated by peripheral spacers, each peripheral spacer hav
699,636 A 5/1902 Thrupp ing the shape of an airfoil. Each peripheral spacer defines a
963,277 A 7, 1910 Clifford ................... 415,198.1
1,013,248 A 1/1912 Wilkinson ................... 415.90 chord which is angled radially inward, towards the axis of
1,061,142 A 5, 1913 Tesla rotation of the disk. The peripheral spacers are located only in
1,061206 A * 5, 1913 Tesla ........................... 415.90 the vicinity of the periphery of the disk. Air, or other fluid,
1,323,542 A 12/1919 Naylor entering the turbine engages the airfoil shaped peripheral
1,383,937 A 7, 1921 Guthrie spacers, and the flow of air generates lift, and associated drag,
1402,053 A 1/1922 Dake causing the energy of the fluid to be more efficiently con
1429,570 A 9, 1922 Dake verted into mechanical, and ultimately, electrical power. The
1,489,930 A * 4, 1924 Clary .......................... 415.60 turbine is especially useful in harnessing wind energy for the
2,036,018 A 3, 1936 Caldwell generation of electric power.
2,640,678 A 6, 1953 Andresen
3,404,867 A 10, 1968 Williams
3,923,416 A 12/1975 Frey 19 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Apr. 13, 2010 Sheet 1 of 4 US 7,695.242 B2

FIG. 1
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U.S. Patent Apr. 13, 2010 Sheet 3 of 4 US 7,695.242 B2

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U.S. Patent Apr. 13, 2010 Sheet 4 of 4 US 7,695.242 B2
US 7,695,242 B2
1. 2
WIND TURBINE FOR GENERATION OF airfoil shaped peripheral spacers, the turbine generates more
ELECTRIC POWER mechanical power, for a given flow of air, than would be
produced by a prior art turbine. The turbine of the present
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION invention is especially Suitable for use in wind or geothermal
power plants, but it can also be used in other applications.
The present invention relates to the field of wind energy, For the case in which the turbine is used in wind-driven
and provides a turbine which efficiently converts wind energy power plants, the turbine can be mounted within a housing
into mechanical power. The turbine can also be driven by having an elongated, outlet channel having at least one flat
fluids other than wind. Surface. The elongated outlet channel thus comprises a
The invention is an improvement to a Tesla turbine. Tesla 10 weather vane, so as to align the apparatus automatically rela
turbines were first patented by Nikola Tesla in 1913, as exem tive to the wind.
plified by U.S. Pat. Nos. 1,061,142 and 1,061206, the disclo The turbine of the present invention can be housed within
sures of which are incorporated by reference herein. In brief, a container having Vanes or louvers for regulating the flow of
a Tesla turbine includes a plurality of spaced-apart disks, fluid into the turbine.
where a fluid flows in the spaces between the disks, in a 15 The present invention therefore has the primary object of
generally spiral path. providing a turbine having improved efficiency.
An improvement to the Tesla turbine was disclosed in U.S. The invention has the further object of employing aerody
Patent Application Publication No. US 2003/0053909, the namic principles to enhance the efficiency of a wind turbine.
disclosure of which is also incorporated by reference. The The invention has the further object of making it more
cited publication discloses a modified Tesla turbine in which practical to produce electricity using wind or geothermal
the disks are separated by airfoil-shaped members disposed power.
between the disks. The turbine in the cited publication is The invention has the further object of providing a Tesla
intended for use in a turbine engine. Such as in an aircraft. turbine having improved operation.
The present invention provides a further improvement over The invention has the further object of providing a turbine
the basic concept of a Tesla turbine. The turbine of the present 25 which operates efficiently over a wide range of fluid flow
invention is particularly useful as a wind turbine or the like, rates, and which therefore is suitable foruse where the incom
and provides maximum efficiency in converting wind energy ing fluid flow varies randomly.
to mechanical power. It can also be used in geothermal appli The reader skilled in the art will recognize other objects
cations, in which a refrigerant fluid, flowing in a closed loop, and advantages of the present invention, from a reading of the
is used to drive the turbine. 30 following brief description of the drawings, the detailed
description of the invention, and the appended claims.
The turbine of the present invention is a Tesla turbine,
defined by a stack of substantially parallel disks. The stack is 35 FIG.1 provides a perspective view, partly in ellipsis, show
arranged to receive fluid, Such as air, from an inlet conduit, ing the stack of disks defining the essential component of the
and to discharge fluid through an outlet conduit. The disks are turbine of the present invention.
connected to spokes which provide a means for connection of FIG. 2 provides a cross-sectional view of the complete
the disks to a shaft disposed along the axis of the stack, turbine of the present invention, including the inlet ducts and
wherein rotation of the disks causes rotation of the shaft. The 40 outlet ducts for carrying fluid towards and away from the
spokes also serve as central spacers located near the hub of turbine.
each disk. FIG.3 provides a cross-sectional view of the turbine of the
The disks of the stack are held in a spaced-apart arrange present invention, taken along the line 3-3 of FIG. 2.
ment by a set of peripheral spacers, each of the peripheral FIG. 4 provides a perspective view of an alternative
spacers extending from one disk to the next. Each peripheral 45 embodiment of the turbine of the present invention, wherein
spacer has an enlarged, continuously curved leading edge, the outlet conduit of the turbine is elongated to define a
and a relatively thin trailing edge. Thus, each peripheral weather Vane, and wherein the turbine is disposed in a hous
spacer has the shape of an airfoil. The airfoil defines a chord ing having louvers for controlling the flow of fluid into the
which extends radially inward, towards the axis of rotation of turbine.
the disk. The airfoil shaped peripheral spacers are located 50 FIG. 5 provides a cross-sectional view, taken along the line
only in the vicinity of the periphery of the disks. In the S-5 of FIG. 4.
preferred embodiment, the peripheral spacers are positioned
such that the distance between the innermost portion of any of DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION
the peripheral spacers and the center of the disk is at least
about 0.95 times the radius of the disk. 55 The essential component of the turbine of the present
The number of peripheral spacers is preferably at least invention comprises a plurality of spaced-apart disks. FIG. 1
three. In the most preferred embodiments, the peripheral shows a stack of such disks, the figure being drawn in ellipsis,
spacers are separated from each other by approximately one to show part of the assembled Stack, and also showing one
half the radius of the disk. disk 1 in isolation.
In a preferred arrangement, the peripheral spacers are 60 The disks are held in a spaced-apart arrangement by
aligned so as to define columns of Such peripheral spacers peripheral spacers 3, disposed along the periphery of the
extending through the entire turbine. But it is also possible to disks, and also by spokes 5. The spokes comprise central
arrange the peripheral spacers in other patterns, or randomly, spacers because they provide Support for the Stack near its
without any particular alignment. hub, near the centers of the disks. The spokes 5 span vent
Air entering the turbine flows over the airfoil shaped 65 openings 6, the vent openings providingapath for fluid to exit
peripheral spacers, and the lift produced thereby enhances the the turbine. The spokes also comprise means for connecting
efficiency of the turbine. As a result of air flowing over these the disks to a shaft, the shaft being symbolized by, and coin
US 7,695,242 B2
3 4
cident with, central axis 7 in FIG.1. Movement of the spokes, entire radius of the disks, and thus allows the surface area of
under the influence of pressure from incoming fluid, causes the disks to continue to be used for boundary layer effects.
the disks to rotate, and to impart motion to the shaft. The shaft The effect of the structure described above is to impart
can be connected to appropriate means (not shown) for per energy, more efficiently, than is possible with prior art tur
forming mechanical work, Such as operating an electric gen bines. This feature is especially important where the disks are
eratOr. rotating under the influence of wind power, and are not
The spokes and peripheral spacers extend, respectively, the rotated by an artificially generated gas stream such as the
entire distance from one disk to the next. The stack is delim stream in a turbine engine.
ited by end disks 2 and 4, shown in FIG. 3, and no spacers are In the stack of disks shown in FIG.1, the peripheral spacers
needed on the outsides of these end disks. 10 are aligned throughout the Stack. The peripheral spacers thus
FIG. 2 shows one of the disks installed in a complete define a column which extends through substantially the
turbine, and FIG. 3 provides a cross-sectional view taken entire stack of disks. Such alignment is not absolutely neces
along the line 3-3 of FIG. 2. FIG. 2 shows disk 1, with sary, but it is desirable because the alignment helps maintain
peripheral spacers 3 and spokes 5, held within housing 9. The the structural integrity of the entire stack.
housing defines an inlet channel 11 and is connected to outlet 15 FIGS. 4 and 5 illustrate additional variations which can be
channel 13. The cross-sectional view of FIG. 3 shows the included in the turbine of the present invention. As shown in
positions of the various disks 1 separated by the peripheral FIG. 4, the turbine is contained in a housing which defines
spacers 3. inlet channel 11. The outlet channel 13, also defined by the
As shown in FIGS. 1 and 2, each of the peripheral spacers housing, is elongated, as compared with what is shown in
3 has the shape of an airfoil. That is, as can be seen clearly FIG. 2. The outlet channel thus functions as a tail that aero
from FIG. 1, for example, each peripheral spacer 3 has an dynamically and automatically aligns the inlet into the rela
enlarged leading edge 15, and a thin trailing edge 17. The tive wind. Such alignment maximizes the efficiency of the
exact shape of the peripheral spacer can be varied, but in the turbine. The entire turbine thus rotates under the influence of
preferred embodiment, the leading edge is wider than the the wind, as indicated by arrow 21. The manner of connection
trailing edge, as illustrated. Also, each peripheral spacer is 25 of the disks of the turbine and the drive shaft 23, not visible in
continuously curved, from the leading edge to the trailing the view of FIG. 4, is the same as shown in the above
edge. The leading edge itself is generally smooth and con described embodiment.
tinuous, as shown. Thus, each peripheral spacer comprises an When the outlet channel is used as a tail or weather vane, it
airfoil, similar to a wing of an aircraft. is preferred that the channel have at least one generally flat
Each airfoil shaped peripheral spacer defines a chord 30 Surface, to enhance its performance as a weather vane. In the
which comprises a line drawn from its leading edge to the embodiment shown in FIGS. 4 and 5, the channel has a
trailing edge. As is shown in FIGS. 1 and 2, the chord of each generally triangular cross-section, as indicated in FIG. 5.
airfoil shaped peripheral spacer is angled slightly inward, Thus, in the arrangement shown, the outlet channel has three
towards the axis of rotation of the turbine. generally flat sides. This cross-section can be varied; instead
In the preferred embodiment, the peripheral spacers 3 are 35 of a triangle, one could use various modified rectangular
located only along, or in the vicinity of the periphery of the structures, or other shapes. It is preferred that the outlet chan
disks, and do not occupy the majority of the area of the disk. nel have at least one generally flat side.
More specifically, if the radius of the disk is denoted by R, it FIG. 4 also shows a plurality of vanes or louvers 25, which
is preferred that the innermost portion of the trailing edge of comprise means for controlling the flow of air into the turbine.
the spacer be positioned at a distance which is at least about 40 The incoming airflows in the direction indicated by arrow 27.
0.95 R from the center of the disk. That is, the distance The setting of the vanes or louvers 25 thus controls the speed
between any point on one of the peripheral spacers, and the of the turbine, by varying the effective size of the inlet open
center of the disk, is greater than or equal to about 0.95 R. ing, and thus controlling the mass flow of fluid through the
While the latter feature is the preferred construction, it should turbine. In particular, since the Voltage produced by a genera
not be deemed to limit the invention. It is still possible to 45 tor will be related to the speed of rotation of the shaft, the
provide peripheral spacers which are somewhat closer to the setting of the louvers effectively controls the voltage pro
center of the disk than 0.95 R. duced by the turbine.
Also, the peripheral spacers are preferably spaced from When the turbine of the present invention is used to gen
each other such that the distance between adjacent peripheral erate power from wind, the turbine can be mounted on a pole
spacers is approximately one-half the radius of the disk. This 50 or tower sufficiently high to clear any local obstacles to the
spacing can be varied somewhat, according to the number of natural wind flow. However, when the embodiment of FIG. 4
peripheral spacers used. is used, the tower can typically be shorter than that used by
The minimum number of peripheral spacers, in the pre conventional horizontal axis wind turbines because the tur
ferred embodiment, is three, but there is no maximum num bine blades are all contained within a housing. Thus, there are
ber, Subject to limitations of space, and Subject to the spacing 55 no external blades that require additional ground clearance.
recommendation given above. The present invention therefore has the additional benefit of
The purpose of the peripheral spacers is to impart inward providing a completely enclosed turbine which can be
momentum to the fluid, such as air, entering the turbine. screened to prevent injury to birds, and to prevent interference
Through the development of lift, from fluid flow along the with nearby defense surveillance radar facilities. Proper con
peripheral spacers, and through development of concomitant 60 struction materials and techniques will enable this turbine to
induced drag, the incoming fluid more efficiently imparts achieve near transparency to radar microwave emissions.
motion to the disks. The use of the described airfoil-shaped The turbine of the present invention can also be used in
peripheral spacers minimizes turbulence and profile drag, geothermal applications. In a geothermal power generation
while retaining the boundary layer effect of the closely system, the temperature differential between a geothermal
spaced adjacent disks. The present arrangement therefore 65 Source and ambient air is used to heat and cool a fluid
differs from structures of the prior art, insofar as it does not medium, Such as a refrigerant fluid, in a closed loop. At one
employ large airfoil sections, occupying Substantially the stage in the process, the fluid medium is made to pass through
US 7,695,242 B2
5 6
a turbine to produce power. The present invention is particu wherein the chord of each peripheral spacer is angled slightly
larly useful where the geothermal source does not have inward, towards the axis of rotation.
enough heat to produce the Superheated Steam needed to drive 8. The improvement of claim 1, wherein the outlet com
a conventional steam turbine. In other words, the efficiency of prises an elongated structure having a generally flat surface.
the present turbine enables it to work even where the geother 5 9. The improvement of claim 1, further comprising a plu
mal source is relatively cool. rality of louvers, disposed in a vicinity of the inlet, for con
The turbine of the present invention has the advantage that trolling a flow of fluid into the turbine.
it is efficient over a wider range of fluid flow rates, as com 10. A turbine for converting energy of a moving fluid into
pared with turbines of the prior art, due to the airfoil-shaped mechanical power, comprising:
spacers. This feature makes the present turbine especially 10
a) a stack of Substantially parallel disks, the disks being
useful for generating power from wind, which is inherently held in spaced-apart relation by a plurality of peripheral
random and variable. It also makes the turbine useful for spacers, the disks being connected to means for engag
generating power from relatively low-temperature geother ing a shaft,
mal sources, as mentioned above. b) an inlet conduit for conveying fluid towards the stack,
The features illustrated in FIG. 4, namely the use of the 15
extended outlet as a weather vane, and the use of louvers to c) an outlet conduit for conveying fluid away from the
control air flow into the turbine, can be provided together or Stack,
separately. That is, it is possible to provide the turbine of the d) wherein each of the peripheral spacers has a leading
present invention with inlet louvers, but without an elongated edge and a trailing edge, the leading edge having a
outlet, or with an elongated outlet and without the inlet lou thickness greater than a thickness of the trailing edged,
vers. Thus, either or both or neither of these features can be
provided in the turbine of the present invention. wherein each of the peripheral spacers is continuously
The invention can be modified in various ways. The exact curved from the leading edge to the trailing edge, the
shape of the peripheral spacers, and their positions can be leading edge being generally smooth and continuous,
varied, as has been explained above. The Vanes or louvers, 25 wherein the leading edges of the spacers are positioned
used to control the flow of fluid into the turbine, could be closer to a periphery of the disks than the trailing edges,
replaced by equivalent structures. Such modifications, and and
others which will be apparent to those skilled in the art, wherein each disk has a central opening, wherein the cen
should be considered within the spirit and scope of the fol tral openings of the disks together define a path for fluid
lowing claims. 30 to exit the turbine.
What is claimed is: 11. The turbine of claim 10, wherein the disks define an
1. In a turbine having a plurality of substantially parallel axis of rotation, wherein each peripheral spacer defines a
chord extending from the leading edge to the trailing edge,
disks, the disks being held in spaced-apart relation by a plu and wherein the chord of each peripheral spacer is angled
rality of peripheral spacers having an airfoil shape including 35 slightly inward, towards the axis of rotation.
an enlarged leading edge and a thin trailing edge, each of the 12. The turbine of claim 11, wherein the peripheral spacers
peripheral spacers being continuously curved from the lead are located only in a vicinity of a periphery of the disks.
ing edge to the trailing edge, the leading edge being generally
Smooth and continuous, the turbine including an inlet for 13. The turbine of claim 12, wherein each of the disks has
directing fluid towards the disks and an outlet for directing a radius denoted by R, and wherein the peripheral spacers are
40 located a distance of at least about 0.95 R from a center of the
fluid away from the disks, the disks being connected to means disk.
for engaging a shaft,
the improvement wherein the peripheral spacers are dis 14. The turbine of claim 10, wherein the outlet conduit
posed only in a vicinity of a periphery of the disks, comprises an elongated structure having a generally flat Sur
wherein the leading edges of the spacers are located face.
closer to the periphery than the trailing edges, and 15. The turbine of claim 10, further comprising a plurality
wherein each disk has a central opening, wherein the cen of louvers, disposed in a vicinity of the inlet conduit, for
tral openings of the disks together define a path for fluid controlling a flow of fluid into the turbine.
to exit the turbine. 16. A turbine for converting energy of a moving fluid into
2. The improvement of claim 1, wherein each of the disks 50
mechanical power, comprising:
has a radius denoted by R, and wherein the peripheral spacers a) a stack of Substantially parallel disks, the disks being
are located a distance of at least about 0.95 R from a center of held in spaced-apart relation by a plurality of peripheral
the disk. spacers, the disks being connected to means for engag
3. The improvement of claim 1, wherein the peripheral ing a shaft,
spacers are spaced apart from each other by approximately 55 b) an inlet conduit for conveying fluid towards the stack,
one-half the radius of the disk. and
4. The improvement of claim 1, wherein there are at least c) an outlet conduit for conveying fluid away from the
three peripheral spacers. Stack,
5. The improvement of claim 1, wherein each disk is con wherein:
nected to a set of spokes, the spokes defining a central spacer 60 d) each of the peripheral spacers has a leading edge and a
located near a hub of the disk. trailing edge, the leading edgehaving a thickness greater
6. The improvement of claim 1, wherein the peripheral thana thickness of the trailing edge, wherein each of the
spacers are aligned so as to define a column of peripheral peripheral spacers is continuously curved from the lead
spacers extending through the turbine. ing edge to the trailing edge, the leading edge being
7. The improvement of claim 1, wherein the disks define an 65 generally smooth and continuous, and wherein the lead
axis of rotation, wherein each peripheral spacer has a chord ing edge of each spacer is positioned closer to a periph
extending from the leading edge to the trailing edge, and ery of the disk than each trailing edge,
US 7,695,242 B2
7 8
e) the disks define an axis of rotation, wherein each periph- 17. The turbine of claim 16, wherein each of the disks has
eral spacer defines a chord extending from the leading a radius denoted by R, and wherein the peripheral spacers are
edge to the trailing edge, and wherein the chord of each located at a distance of at least about 0.95 R from a center of
peripheral spacer is angled inward, towards the axis of the disk.
rotation, 5 18. The turbine of claim 16, wherein the outlet conduit
f) wherein the peripheral spacers are located only in a comprises an elongated structure having a generally flat Sur
vicinity of a periphery of the disks, and face.
19. The turbine of claim 16, further comprising means for
g) wherein each disk has a central opening, wherein the controlling a flow of fluid into the turbine.
central openings of the disks together define a oath for
fluid to exit the turbine. k . . . .

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