United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,794,651 B2

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,794,651 B2

Serkh et al. 45) Date of Patent: Aug. 5,9 2014


ach et al. ...................... 475/56
TRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT 5,083,991 A * 1/1992 Yang ............................. 475/259
5,154,676 A 10, 1992 Kim
(75) Inventors: Alexander Serkh, Troy, MI (US); Dean 5.342,258 A * 8/1994 Egyed ........................... 475,281
Schneider, Washington, MI (US) 5,924.950 A * 7/1999 Pusic ......... 475/2O7
5,964,679 A * 10/1999 Matsuo et al. . 475/.297
6,468,178 B1 10/2002 Mohtasham ... 475/277
(73) Assignee: The Gates Corporation, Denver, CO 6,533,700 B2 3/2003 Shoge ........ 475/275
(US) 6,729.995 B1 5/2004 Bayer . ... 475,348
6,852,060 B1* 2/2005 Ash ............ ... 475,296
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 7,192,379 B2 3/2007 Steuer et al. 475/.297
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 200467. R. 3. 2. C
U.S.C. 154(b) by 1095 days. 2007/0275811 A1* 11/2007 Stark ............ 475/259
2008.0113845 A1 5/2008 Kamada et al. 475/277
(21) Appl. No.: 12/798,499 2009/0023542 A1 1/2009 Hino ............................. 475,318
(22) Filed: Apr. 6, 2010 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
(65) Prior Publication Data EP 1132287 A2 9, 2001
GB 658966 A 10, 1951
US 2011 FO241.306A1 Oct. 6, 2011 GB 2355.772 A 5, 2001
B62M I/06 (2006.01) As n - a . Y .
FI6H3/70 (2006.01) no Specification; Nexus 8 Speed Internal Hub; SG-8R36; 1
FI6H 3/44 (2006.01) Rohloff, Planetary Gear Transmission Drawing, 1 page.
B62M II/4 (2006.01)
FI6H 3/66 (2006.01) * cited by examiner
(52) U.S. Cl.
CPC ...... B62M 11/145 (2013.01); FI6H 2200/2041 Primary Examiner — Joseph M. Rocca
(2013.01); F16H 2.200/003 (2013.01); FI6H Assistant Examiner — Daniel Yeagley
2200/2007 (2013.01); F16H 3/663 (2013.01) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Jeffrey A. Thurnau, Esq.;
USPC ............................ 280/261; 475/276; 475/281 Paul N. Dunlap, Esq.
(58) Field of Classification Search
USPC .......... 280/260,261,238; 475/276, 277,278, (57) ABSTRACT
475/280, 281, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 292, A bicycle comprising a frame and at least one wheel attached
475/312. 318, 324 to the frame, the frame further comprising a receiver, a first
See application file for complete search history. planetary gear transmission disposed in the receiver, the
wheel having a hub, a second planetary gear transmission
(56) References Cited disposed in the hub, and an endless member for transmitting
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS a torque trained between the first planetary gear transmission
M and the second planetary gear transmission.
2,899,030 A * 8/1959 Douglas et al. ... 192/217.4
3,536,171 A * 10/1970 Bergles ...................... 192.217.4 11 Claims, 23 Drawing Sheets

44 -

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GER BE BE2c1 c2
-x I ...- --X xx
3 -- I -- x x .
4 x ... -- Tx
| 5 | -- I -- x x .
6 x -- I - X
7 -- x x --
8 x x -- --
9 -- x x --
10 x x - - --
11 -- x x - - - UNLOCKED
12 x x - - - X LOCKED

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720, 820

720, 820
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US 8,794,651 B2
1. 2
BICYCLE PLANETARY GEAR Other aspects of the invention will be pointed out or made
TRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT obvious by the following description of the invention and the
accompanying drawings.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION The invention comprises a bicycle comprising a frame and
at least one wheel attached to the frame, the frame further
The invention relates to a planetary gear mechanism for a comprising a receiver, a first planetary gear transmission dis
bicycle, and more particularly to a bicycle having a first posed in the receiver, the wheel having a hub, a second plan
planetary gear transmission disposed in a frame and a second etary gear transmission disposed in the hub, and an endless
planetary gear transmission disposed in a wheel hub. member for transmitting a torque trained between the first
planetary gear transmission and the second planetary gear
It is known that bicycles may have internal geared trans BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
missions located in rear hubs. For example, the Shimano
Company provides a Shimano NeXUSTM eight speed trans 15
The accompanying drawings, which are incorporated in
mission. The transmission comprises an internal geared plan and form a part of the specification, illustrate preferred
etary transmission which is located in a bicycle rear wheel embodiments of the present invention, and together with a
hub. Rohloff GmbH of Germany provides a fourteen speed description, serve to explain the principles of the invention.
planetary gear transmission, also for use in a bicycle rear FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional schematic view of the transmis
wheel hub.
The prior art transmissions have common disadvantages Sion.
including heavy weight and that each is located in the bicycle FIG. 2 is a table of gear ratios.
rear wheel hub. FIG.3 is a table of brake and clutch positions for each gear.
Also representative of the art is U.S. Pat. No. 6,468,178 FIG. 4 is a partial side view of a bicycle.
(2002) to Mohtasham which discloses a rear wheel hub and 25 FIG. 4A is a side view of a belt.
chainless drive train gear assembly for use on a bicycle having FIG. 5 is a cross-sectional view of the transmission.
an axle bracket fixed to the frame of the bicycle, a spindle FIG. 6 is a cross-section at 6-6 in FIG. 5.
extending axially through the axle bracket and left and right FIG. 7 is a cross-section at 7-7 in FIG.S.
pedal crank arms for rotating the spindle upon application of FIG. 8 is a cross-section at 8-8 in FIG. 5.
a pedaling force. A primary drive gear fitted to the spindle 30 FIG. 9 is a cross-section at 9-9 in FIG.S.
drivingly engages carrier gears which operate a planet gear FIG. 10 is an exploded view of the transmission.
cage housing and a multiple planetary gear and Sun gear FIG. 11 is a detail of FIG. 10.
arrangement according to various gear ratios determined by FIG. 12 is a detail of FIG. 10.
selective operation of a clutch assembly. Planetary gear FIG. 13 is a detail of FIG. 10.
groups each include an integral set of planetary gears of 35
FIG. 14 is a detail of FIG. 10.
varying size which mesh with corresponding Sun gear rings. FIG. 15 is a detail of FIG. 10.
Operation of the clutch assembly serves to selectively engage FIG. 16 is a detail of FIG. 10.
pawl stops with a corresponding Sun gearring, thereby engag
ing the corresponding Sun gear ring with one of the planetary FIG. 17 is a perspective view of shift cam ring.
gears of the planetary gear groups according to a selected gear 40 FIG. 18 is an end view of the shift cam ring.
ratio. The planetary gear groups drive an annular gear ring FIG. 19 is a side view of the shift cam ring.
and an associated annular needle bearing which, in a forward FIG. 20 is an end view of the shift cam ring.
clockwise rotation, engages the hub body to rotate the rear FIG. 21 is a plan view of a shift dog.
bicycle wheel. Reverse rotation of the annular gear, in a FIG.22 is a side view of a shift dog.
counter-clockwise rotation, results in a freewheeling of the 45 FIG. 23 is a perspective view of a shift dog.
drive train gear assembly relative to the hub body. FIG. 24 is a perspective view of a shift dog.
Co-pending U.S. non-provisional patent application Ser. FIG.25 is a perspective view of a shift dog.
No. 12/637,461 filed Jan. 20, 2010 discloses a planetary gear FIG. 26 is a perspective view of a shift dog.
mechanism for a bicycle, and more particularly to a planetary FIG. 27 is a perspective view of a shift dog.
gear mechanism comprising a first planetary mechanism con 50 FIG. 28 is a perspective view of a clutch.
nected coaxially in series to a second planetary mechanism, FIG. 29 is a perspective view of a clutch.
which second planetary mechanism is connected coaxially in FIG. 30 is a perspective view of a clutch.
series to a third planetary mechanism, the second planetary
mechanism output is a step up in speed from the first planetary DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
mechanism output, the third planetary mechanism output is a 55 EMBODIMENT
step up in speed from the second planetary mechanism output
What is needed is a bicycle having a first planetary gear FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional schematic view of the transmis
transmission disposed in a frame bottom bracket and a second Sion. The invention generally comprises a planetary gear
planetary gear transmission disposed in a wheel hub. The transmission disposed in a bicycle bottom bracket. A second
present invention meets this need. 60 planetary gear transmission is located in the rear hub. The
bottom bracket transmission comprises four gear ratios. The
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION rear hub transmission comprises three gears.
The transmission which is located in a bicycle bottom
The primary aspect of the invention is to provide a bicycle bracket, see FIG. 4 comprises crank arms (see FIG. 4) which
having a first planetary gear transmission disposed in a frame 65 are attached to each end of the input member 22. Member 100
bottom bracket and a second planetary gear transmission is rigidly connected to the member 22, and thereby rotates
disposed in a wheel hub. with member 22.
US 8,794,651 B2
3 4
Ring gear member 400 comprises a first ring gear R1 and a (R4), ring gear (R4) engaged with a second brake (brake 2), a
second ring gear R2. R1 is in meshing connection with mem second one-way clutch (CL2) disposed between the ring gear
ber 100. R2 is in meshing engagement pinion P1. (R4) and the ring gear (R3), the fourth pinion (P4) in meshing
Brake 1 and brake 2 are connected to a bicycle frame (see engagement with an output sprocket (S3), the wheel having a
FIG. 4). The rotational speed of pinion P1 is a function of 5 hub, a second planetary gear transmission disposed in the
whether brake 1 or brake 2 is engaged or disengaged, see FIG. hub, and an endless member for transmitting a torque trained
3. between the first planetary gear transmission output sprocket
Second planetary mechanism has two pinion gears P1 and and the second planetary gear transmission.
P2 fixedly connected to a carrier shaft 201, and therefore FIG. 2 is a table of gear ratios. Planetary mechanism 200
gears P1 and P2 rotate together with shaft 201. Ring gear R2 10
has gear ratios 1 and 1.15. Planetary mechanism 300 has gear
is in meshing engagement with pinion gear P1. Carrier shaft ratios 1 and 2.30. The combined overall gear ratio is noted in
201 is journalled to carrier 200. Carrier 200 is a reaction columni.
member with and is engaged with brake 1. The inventive transmission results in very linear steps
A third ring gear R3 is fixedly attached to the input member between each gear ratio averaging approximately 15%. This
of the third planetary mechanism which is carrier 300. The 15
allows predictable power requirements for each shift as a
third planetary mechanism pinion gear P3 is in meshing
engagement with fourth ring gear R4. Ring gear R4 is rider shifts up and down through the gears.
engaged with brake 2 and one-way clutch CL2. One-way Since the inventive transmission increases the speed of the
clutch CL2 is engaged with carrier 300 and ring gear R3. output member front sprocket 44 compared to the speed of
Pinion gear P3 and P4 are each journalled to carrier pin input member 22, the ratio between the front sprocket 44 and
301, and therefore rotate together. Pinion gears P3 and P4 a rear sprocket 36 installed on the rear wheel 34 is adjusted
preferably comprise a single gear component having two accordingly. Hence, for example, front sprocket 44 has 32
different diameters and hence define gears P3 and P4. Pinion teeth and the rear sprocket has 42 teeth. The number of teeth
gear P4 is in meshing engagement with output Sun gear S3. on the front sprocket and rear sprocket may be adjusted as
Output sun gear S3 is fixedly attached to output sprocket 44. 25 may be required by a user.
All planetary carrier mechanisms are numbered as a func For the preferred embodiment, the difference in ratio
tion of increasing speed of their respective output members, between the 4 speed transmission in the bottom bracket (20)
that is, the third planetary mechanism causes rotation of and the 3 speed rear hub transmission 36 is compensated by
sprocket 44, which in turn rotates faster than the relative reducing the size of the rear sprocket by approximately x0.75.
rotation of the second planetary mechanism, which in turn 30 A 42 tooth sprocket is replaced by a 32 tooth sprocket in the
rotates faster than the relative rotation of the first planetary rear. The front sprocket 44 is a 32 tooth sprocket. The belt
ratio can be 1:1.
mechanism when each planetary mechanism is operating FIG.3 is a table of brake and clutch positions for each gear.
with all one-way clutches (CL1 and CL2) disengaged, see For example, first gear, the slowest gear, has all planetary
FIG. 3 gear 4. Further, each planetary carrier mechanism is
coaxial with the others about shaft 22 and each of the plan 35 mechanisms 200, 300 at gear ratio 1:1 and all clutches CL1,
etary carrier mechanisms are connected in series. CL2 are locked. In first gear all brakes 1, 2 are disengaged.
Each planetary mechanism further comprises a one-way The inventive transmission is about 20% to 30% lighter
clutch, namely, CL1, CL2. When engaged each one-way than prior art transmissions. Another advantage of the trans
clutch locks each respective planetary carrier mechanism mission is better clearance in a bicycle frame since front
with a gear ratio of 1:1. 40 sprocket is much Smaller.
A low-friction bushing 52 is disposed between sun gear S3 The following is provided as an example and is not
and input member 22. intended to limit the design parameters which may be used for
For ease of reference, the following assemblies may also be each component. The diameters are in mm.
generally referred to as the first planetary mechanism, second
planetary mechanism and third planetary mechanism. 45
Pinion Gear Ring Gear Diameter No. of Teeth
First input portion: member 100 is connected to the shaft
22. P1 NA 11.2 14
Second planetary mechanism: carrier 200; pinion gears P1, P2 NA 13.6 17
P3 NA 16 2O
P2; shaft 201: one-way clutch CL1 ring gear R2; ring P4 NA 10.4 13
gear R3. 50 NA R1 57.6 72
Third planetary mechanism: carrier 300; pinion gears P3, NA R2 45.6 57
P4; shaft 301; one-way clutch CL2; ring gear R4. NA R3 48 60
NA R4 52.8 66
Hence, the inventive device comprises a bicycle compris
ing a frame and at least one wheel attached to the frame, the
frame further comprising a receiver, a first planetary gear 55 FIG. 4 is a partial side view of a bicycle. The inventive
transmission disposed in the receiver, the first planetary gear transmission will be preferably installed in bottom bracket
transmission comprising, an input member (100) connected 20. Crank arms 41 are connected to input member 22. A
to a ring gear (R1), the ring gear (400) comprising a ring gear rider's feet engage pedals 42. A flexible drive member 50 is
(R1) and a ring gear (R2), ring gear (400) in meshing engage engaged between front sprocket 44 and rear hub 36. Wheel34
ment to a pinion gear (P1), pinion gear (P1) and a pinion gear 60 comprises a rear hub 36. A rider (not shown) sits on seat 24.
(P2) journalled to a first carrier (201), the first carrier engaged Wheel 34, crank arms 41, bottom bracket 20, seat 24 are
with a first brake (brake 1), a one-way clutch (CL1) disposed connected to bicycle frame 30, known in the art. Flexible
between the first carrier and the ring gear (400), pinion gear drive member 50 may comprise a belt or chain.
(P2) in meshing engagement with a ring gear (R3), ring gear The rear hub 36 may comprise any three speed planetary
(R3) connected to a second carrier (301), a third pinion (P3) 65 gear transmission known in the art. For example, a Sturmey
and a fourth pinion (P4) journalled to the second carrier, the Archer three speed hub gear Type S-RF3 is suited for the
third pinion (P3) in meshing engagement with a ring gear instant application and is known in the art. Another known
US 8,794,651 B2
5 6
suitable rear hub 36 is the Shimano SG-3C41 and the Shi momentarily approaches or reaches Zero, the force on the
mano SG-3R40. Another suitable rear hub transmission shift dog/tooth interface also drops to Zero or near Zero, it is at
includes the SRAM i-MotionTM3 speed. this moment that the shift dog will rotate out of engagement
FIG. 4A is a side view of a belt. Belt 50 comprises a body due to the resilient member's desire to return to a relaxed
98. Teeth99 extend from belt body 98. Teeth99 extend across state. This gives the rider the impression of being able to shift
the width of the belt and normal to a longitudinal or endless under load while in actuality the shift occurs under near no
direction. This style of belt is also referred to as a toothed, load conditions.
cogged or synchronous belt as is known in the automotive FIG. 10 is an exploded view of the transmission. Axis A-A
artS. is the axis of rotation. FIG. 11 is a detail of FIG. 10. A belt
FIG. 5 is a cross-sectional view of the transmission. First 10 engages sprocket 44 and a rear hub 36, see FIG. 4. The rear
carrier 200 is shown connected in series within a bottom three speed planetary gear transmission is disposed in the rear
bracket or a transmission housing 20. Member 100 is fixedly hub 36.
connected to input member 22. Carrier 200 is rotatable about The transmission may be inserted into a bottom bracket 20
member 22 on bearings 1002, 1003. Second carrier 300 is in a cartridge manner. Namely, the transmission is inserted
rotatable about member 22 on bearings 1003, 1004, 1005. 15 into a cylindrical receiver, the cylindrical receiver comprising
Member 22 rotates within bottom bracket 20 22 on bearing the bottom bracket 20. In an alternate embodiment, a seat stay,
1001. Member 22 may be hollow to reduce weight of the seat tube and chain stays can be attached directly to bracket
transmission. 20, for example by welding, thereby making a transmission
FIG. 6 is a cross-sectional view at 6-6 in FIG. 5. The figure case of the bottom bracket. The internals for the transmission
shows Sun gear S3. Brake 2 engages ring gear R4. Pinion P4 would not be changed for either embodiment.
has a meshing engagement with Sun gear S3. Referring to FIG. 11 through FIG. 30. Sprocket 44 com
The brake mechanisms for shifting the planetary transmis prises holes 440 which receive belt teeth (not shown). Further,
sion ensures that a compound planetary set cannot engage two holes 440 allow dirt and debris thrown up by the wheels to
gear sets at once and thus become locked. The proposed drop through the sprocket, thereby allowing the sprocket 44 to
mechanism is located in the proximity of the Sun gears of a 25 be self cleaning. This prevents debris from accumulating
compound planetary gear set but could easily be applied to between the belt and the sprocket which would otherwise
breaking or shifting of a compound planetary gear set with hinder performance. Bushing 1007 engages bearings 1005.
multiple ring gears. FIG. 12 is a detail of FIG. 10. Shift cables 1,2(known in the
The mechanism comprises two levers (721.722) (821,822) art) are connected to the transmission through adjusting
configured in a manner Such that one physically interferes or 30 grommets 81 and 82 respectively. Shift cables 1, 2 are typi
prohibits the other lever from engaging its Sun gear while the cally connected to shift mechanisms on a bicycle handlebar
other is engaged with its respective sun gear. When one sun for example (not shown). Grommets 81, 82 are threadably
gear is stopped by a brake, the other Sun gear will be forced to engaged with bracket 20 at hole 21, 22 respectively. Searing
rotate relative to the stopped Sun gear. In the case of a com 1006 is disposed between sun gear S3 and bracket 20.
pound set with more than two Sun gears, each Sun gear will 35 Spacer 800 is disposed between bearing 1004 and bearing
rotate at a different speed than the others. However, if each 1003. Spacer 801 is disposed between bearing 1003 and
brake is applied to each Sun at the same time the transmission bearing 1002. Nuts 42 attach sprocket 44 to a spider 51 on sun
would lock and not rotate. Each lever limits the rotation or gear S3.
stops their respective Sun gear by engaging with a stepped FIG. 13 is a detail of FIG. 10. FIG. 14 is a detail of FIG. 10.
area of the Sun gear Such that the lever engages the face of a 40 Each cable 1, 2 is fastened to receiver 206. Receiver 206 is
step and limits the rotation of the sun in one direction. The fixed to an end of shift cam ring 600. By extending or retract
mechanism could engage the Sun gears from radially outside ing each cable 1, 2 the shift cam ring is thereby rotated within
or radially inside depending on the configuration required. the transmission. The range of rotational movement of shift
The shift levers are actuated by a roller 601 that engages a cam ring 600 is approximately 130°.
profiled surface 601B. As the profile changes, the levers are 45 Shift dog 820 is pivotally mounted to a dog mount 840.
moved to either engage as a brake or open and allow free Dog mount 840 is fastened to case 20 (not shown). A roller
movement of the respective Sun gear. Shift cam 600 engages 603 is disposed between surface 601B and member 601.
shift rollers 601. Each shift roller 601 engages a compliant Spring 8001A biases shift dog 820 toward teeth 213.
pad or member 602. Shift dog 720 is pivotally mounted to dog mount 740.
FIG. 7 is a cross-section at 7-7 in FIG.5. Pinion gear P3 has 50 Spring 8001A biases shift dog 720 toward teeth 212. A roller
a meshing engagement with ring gear R4. 603 is disposed between a surface 602A and a member 601.
FIG. 8 is a cross-section at 8-8 in FIG. 5. Pinion gear P2 is Surface 602A engages roller 603 which engages compliant
journalled to shaft 201. Pinion gear P2 has a meshing engage member 601 and thereby shift dog 720, 721. Surface 601B
ment with ring gear R3. Brake 1 comprises shift member 901 engages roller 603 which engages shift dogs 820, 821.
which engages teeth 212. Teeth 212 are disposed on an outer 55 Shift dogs 720 and 721 engage teeth 212. Shift dogs 820,
perimeter of carrier 200. 821 engage teeth 213.
FIG.9 is a cross-section at 9-9 in FIG.5. Pinion gear P1 has Springs 8001A, 8001B, 8001C,8001D bias each shift dog
a meshing engagement with ring gear R2. Use of resilient 720, 721, 820, 821 into engagement with teeth 212, 213
member 602 allows the shift cams to rotate while the shift dog respectively. Biasing the shift dogs causes the rollers 603 to
is still engaged with the teeth. The cams can rotate and com 60 maintain contact with cam surfaces 602A and 601B.
press the resilient member while the dog is engaged with the FIG. 15 is a detail of FIG. 10. Bushing 1010 engages
teeth and compressively loaded. When a bicycle rider pedals bearing 1002. Member 100 engages shaft 22.
a bicycle, the torque input into the transmission is cyclic as the FIG.16 is a detail of FIG.10. Threaded ring 23 attaches end
input shifts from one pedal to the other. Even for the very best 205 to bracket 20. Bushing 1009 engages bearing 1001. Cap
cyclists, the input torque drops to Zero or near Zero during this 65 43 retains crank arms (not shown) to shaft 22.
transfer of input from one pedal the other. Due to the cyclic FIG. 17 is a perspective view of shift cam ring 600. Shift
input loading of a pedaling bicycle rider, when the torque cam ring 600 comprises member 600A and 600B for ease of
US 8,794,651 B2
7 8
manufacture and assembly. Member 600A is cylindrical. clutch dog is disposed opposite that shown in FIG.38, thereby
Shift cam ring 600 is disposed in the transmission and is forming a pair of one way clutch shift dogs.
radially outermost from the member 100 and carrier 200 and FIG.30 is a detail of a one-way clutch dog. One way clutch
within the bracket 20, see FIG. 5. dog 901 is pivotally mounted to carrier 100. Spring 902 biases
FIG. 18 is an end view of the shift cam ring 600. Shift cam one way clutch dog 901 against teeth 401 of ring gear R1. One
ring 600 is rotatable within bracket 20. way clutch dog 901 allows forward rotational movement of
FIG. 19 is an end view of shift cam ring 600. ring gear R1 relative to carrier 100 by disengaging teeth 401.
FIG. 20 is an end view of shift cam ring 600. Each shift One way clutch dog 901 prevents a reverse rotational move
circumferential surface 601A and 602A is disposed at oppo 10
ment of ring gear R1 by engaging teeth 401. Depending upon
site ends of member 600A. Each surface 601A and 602A the particular gear that is engaged, the one way clutch is the
comprises a radially inward surface of the shift cam ring 600. “free wheel' feature of the transmission which allows a rider
Circumferential surface 602A comprises a plurality offea to stop pedaling and coast. A second, identical one way clutch
tures each having a differing slope or radius. A radial position dog is disposed opposite that shown in FIG. 39, thereby
of rollers 603 engaging compliant member 601 and thereby 15 forming a pair of one way clutch shift dogs.
shift dog 720 and 721 is each determined according to which Although a form of the invention has been described
surface of 602A is engaging rollers 603. herein, it will be obvious to those skilled in the art that
Circumferential surface 601B comprises a plurality offea variations may be made in the construction and relation of
tures each having a differing slope or radius. A radial position parts without departing from the spirit and scope of the inven
of rollers 603 engaging compliant member 601 and thereby tion described herein.
shift dog 820 and 821 is each determined according to which
surface of 601B is engaging rollers 603. 602. Each surface We claim:
603A and 601B comprises a radially inward surface of the 1. A bicycle comprising:
shift cam ring 600. a frame and at least one wheel attached to the frame;
Member 600B is cylindrical. 25
the frame further comprising a receiver;
FIG. 21 is a plan view of a shift dog. Receiving portion 760 a first planetary gear transmission disposed in the receiver,
receives a member 601. Each shift dog 720, 820, 721,821 is the first planetary gear transmission comprising:
identical to the others. For each shift dog 720, 820, 721 and an input member (100) connected to a ring gear (400);
821 a member 601 is fixed to portion 760. the ring gear (400) comprisingaring gear (R1) and a ring
FIG.22 is a side view of a shift dog. Receiving portion 760 30
gear (R2), ring gear (400) in meshing engagement to
receives a member 601.
FIG. 23 is a perspective view of a shift dog. Shift dog 820 a pinion gear (P1);
is pivotally mounted to a dog mount 840. Dog mount 840 is pinion gear (P1) and a pinion gear (P2) journalled to a
fastened to bracket 20 (not shown). A roller 603 is disposed first carrier shaft (201), a first carrier (200) engaged
between Surface 601B and member 601. 35 with a first brake (brake 1), a one-way clutch (CL1)
FIG. 24 is a perspective view of a shift dog. Spring 8001A disposed between the first carrier (200) and the ring
biases shift dog 820 toward teeth 213. gear (400);
FIG. 24 is a perspective view of a shift dog. Shift dog 840 a pinion gear (P2) in meshing engagement with a ring
is fastened to bracket 20. gear (R3);
FIG. 25 is a perspective view of a shift dog. Shift dog 820 40 a ring gear (R3) connected to a second carrier (300);
is pivotally mounted to dog mount 840. Shift dog 820 engages a third pinion (P3) and a fourth pinion (P4) journalled to
teeth 213. the second carrier (300);
FIG. 26 is a perspective view of a shift dog. Shift dog 720 the third pinion (P3) in meshing engagement with a ring
is pivotally mounted to dog mount 740. Shift dog 720 engages gear (R4), ring gear (R4) engaged with a second brake
teeth 212. Dog mount 740 is fastened to bracket 20. Spring 45 (brake 2), a second one-way clutch (CL2) disposed
8001B biases shift dog 720 against teeth 212. between the ring gear (R4) and the ring gear (R3);
FIG. 27 is a perspective view of a shift dog. the fourth pinion (P4) in meshing engagement with an
FIG. 28 is a detail of a one-way clutch dog. One way clutch output sprocket (S3);
dog 920 is pivotally mounted to carrier 300. Spring 921 biases the wheel having a hub:
one way clutch dog 920 against teeth of ring gear R4. One 50 a second planetary gear transmission disposed in the hub;
way clutch dog 920 allows a reverse rotational movement of and
ring gear R4 by disengaging ring gear teeth. Depending upon a belt for transmitting a torque trained between the first
the particular gear that is engaged, the one way clutch is the planetary gear transmission output sprocket and the sec
“free wheel' feature of the transmission which allows a rider ond planetary gear transmission.
to stop pedaling and coast. A second identical one way clutch 55 2. The bicycle as in claim 1, wherein the first planetary gear
dog is disposed opposite that shown in FIG. 28, thereby transmission comprises four speeds.
forming a pair of one way clutch shift dogs. 3. The bicycle as in claim 1, wherein the second planetary
FIG. 29 is a detail of a one-way clutch dog. One way clutch gear transmission comprises three speeds.
dog 930 is pivotally mounted to carrier 200. Spring 931 biases 4. The bicycle as in claim 1, wherein the endless member
one way clutch dog 930 against teeth 401 of ring gear R1. One 60 comprises a chain.
way clutch dog 930 prevents a reverse rotational movement of 5. The bicycle as in claim 1, wherein the receiver is dis
ring gear R1 by engaging teeth 401. One way clutch dog 930 posed in a frame bottom bracket.
allows a forward rotational movement of ring gear R1 relative 6. A belt drive system for a bicycle comprising:
to carrier 200 by disengaging from teeth 401. Depending a frame comprising a receiver;
upon the particular gear that is engaged, the one way clutch is 65 a first planetary gear transmission disposable in the
the “free wheel' feature of the transmission which allows a receiver, the first planetary gear transmission compris
rider to stop pedaling and coast. A second identical one way 1ng
US 8,794,651 B2
an input member (100) connected to a ring gear (400); 9. A belt drive system comprising:
the ring gear (400) comprising a ring gear (R1) and a ring a first planetary gear transmission mountable in a first
gear (R2), ring gear (400) in meshing engagement to receiver comprising:
a pinion gear (P1); an input member (100) connected to a ring gear (400);
pinion gear (P1) and a pinion gear (P2) journalled to a the ring gear (400) comprisingaring gear (R1) and a ring
first carrier shaft (201), a first carrier (200) engaged gear (R2), ring gear (R2) in meshing engagement to a
pinion gear (P1);
with a first brake (brake 1), a one-way clutch (CL1) pinion gear (P1) and a pinion gear (P2) journalled to a
disposed between the first carrier (200) and the ring first carrier shaft (201), a first carrier (200) engaged
gear (400); 10 with a first brake (brake 1), a one-way clutch (CL1)
a pinion gear (P2) in meshing engagement with a ring disposed between the first carrier (200) and the ring
gear (R3); gear (400);
a ring gear (R3) connected to a second carrier shaft a pinion gear (P2) in meshing engagement with a ring
(301); gear (R3);
a third pinion (P3) and a fourth pinion (P4) journalled to 15
a ring gear (R3) connected to a second carrier (300);
a second carrier (300); a third pinion (P3) and a fourth pinion (P4) journalled to
the third pinion (P3) in meshing engagement with a ring the second carrier (300);
the third pinion (P3) in meshing engagement with a ring
gear (R4), ring gear (R4) engaged with a second brake gear (R4), ring gear (R4) engaged with a second brake
(brake 2), a second one-way clutch (CL2) disposed (brake 2), a second one-way clutch (CL2) disposed
between the ring gear (R4) and the ring gear (R3); between the ring gear (R4) and the ring gear (R3);
the fourth pinion (P4) in meshing engagement with an the fourth pinion (P4) in meshing engagement with an
output sprocket (S3); output sprocket (S3);
a wheel engagable with the frame, the wheel having a hub; a second planetary gear transmission mountable in a sec
a second planetary gear transmission disposed in the hub; ond receiver, and
and 25 an endless belt member for transmitting a torque trainable
an endless member for transmitting a torque trainable between the first planetary gear transmission output
between the first planetary gear transmission output sprocket and the second planetary gear transmission.
sprocket and the second planetary gear transmission. 10. The system as in claim 9, wherein the first planetary
7. The system as in claim 6, wherein the first planetary gear gear transmission comprises four speeds.
transmission comprises four speeds. 30 11. The system as in claim 10, wherein the second plan
8. The system as in claim 6, wherein the second planetary etary gear transmission comprises three speeds.
gear transmission comprises three speeds. k k k k k

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