User Guide: Faster, Whole-Home Wi-Fi
User Guide: Faster, Whole-Home Wi-Fi
User Guide: Faster, Whole-Home Wi-Fi
Table of Contents
Chapter 6: System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Router Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
MeshPoint Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Chapter 7: Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Throughput. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
ISP Test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Chapter 8: Guest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Quick Setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Status and Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Chapter 9: Family. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Appendix A: FAQs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Getting Started. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Advanced Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Table of Contents AmpliFi User Guide
AmpliFi User Guide Chapter 1: Getting Started
Mesh Multi-Hop
Extend Wi-Fi coverage in a large home using a Router with
MeshPoints in a multi‑hop configuration.
Chapter 1: Getting Started AmpliFi User Guide
Adjustable Antenna
Signal LEDs
LED States
Ready to Add
The three middle LEDs will continually
flash on and off indicating a MeshPoint
is ready for configuration.
1 2
Booting Up
Once configured, the LEDs will indicate
the device is booting up with a looping
motion of the LEDs lighting up from
3 4 bottom to top.
AmpliFi User Guide Chapter 2: Hardware Install
Chapter 2: Hardware Install 4. Plug the other end of the Power Adapter into a power
Chapter 2: Hardware Install AmpliFi User Guide
AmpliFi User Guide Chapter 3: Using the App for Installation
1. Download and install the AmpliFi app from the App Store
or Google Play™.
Chapter 3: Using the App for Installation AmpliFi User Guide
3. Tap the AmpliFi Router. 5. The Router will emit a sound, indicating that the
configuration is complete.
AmpliFi User Guide Chapter 3: Using the App for Installation
7. To enable Remote Access to your AmpliFi system, sign in Accessing Another AmpliFi Router
with one of your accounts to enable access. Otherwise, The app accesses one AmpliFi Router at a time. If you want
tap Skip. to set up or access a different Router, perform these steps:
1. Tap the Side tab.
8. You will see the status on the System tab. Tap on a device
for configuration options or tabs at the bottom.
2. Tap Switch AmpliFi.
Chapter 3: Using the App for Installation AmpliFi User Guide
3. When the Welcome screen appears, you will see three Set Up AmpliFi Mesh System
This option allows you to set up and configure a new
• Set Up AmpliFi Mesh System AmpliFi Router. Tap Set Up AmpliFi Mesh System and
• Set Up AmpliFi Standalone MeshPoint repeat steps 3-8 from ”Router Installation” on page 5.
• I already have a configured AmpliFi Set Up AmpliFi Standalone MeshPoint
Proceed to the section below that corresponds with your This option allows you to set up a standalone MeshPoint and
selection. add it to an existing Wi-Fi network.
1. Select the device that needs to be configured (if more
than one MeshPoint is being installed).
AmpliFi User Guide Chapter 3: Using the App for Installation
2. The app will display a list of available Wi-Fi networks. 4. An audible tone will indicate successful configuration.
Select the network associated with your Router. The System screen in the app will appear and show the
MeshPoint connected.
Chapter 3: Using the App for Installation AmpliFi User Guide
2. Tap the AmpliFi Router you wish to log in to. Additional MeshPoint Installation
Launch the app and follow the instructions for the Router
you are connecting to.
3. You will see the status on the System tab. Tap on a device
for configuration options or tabs at the bottom.
AmpliFi User Guide Chapter 3: Using the App for Installation
Connecting to an AmpliFi Router 3. After about a minute, the LEDs on the MeshPoint will
reflect signal strength once connected to the Router.
1. If your AmpliFi Router is already up and running, once
The System screen in the app will appear and show the
you launch the app the new MeshPoint should be
MeshPoint connected.
displayed. Tap Add to Network.
Chapter 3: Using the App for Installation AmpliFi User Guide
Connect to a Third-Party Router 3. Enter the password associated with the wireless network
and tap Continue.
1. Select the device that needs to be configured (if more
than one MeshPoint is being installed).
AmpliFi User Guide Chapter 4: Installing Without the App
Chapter 4: Installing Without 4. Enter a new name for your wireless network and create a
wireless password.
the App Note: Your password must be at least eight
characters long.
Installation without the App
1. Tap the screen on the Router to see additional setup
5. By default, the same password you created for your Wi-Fi
network will be used to administer the Router.
6. Click Save & Continue.
7. On your computer, join the wireless network name you
created in step 4.
2. Use a computer to connect to the Wi-Fi network name 1. Open an Internet browser on your computer.
(SSID) displayed on the screen of the AmpliFi Router. 2. When the AmpliFi portal appears, click Settings.
The characters in the network name represent the MAC
address of the Router.
3. Once connected, open an Internet browser and wait for
the AmpliFi portal to appear.
Chapter 4: Installing Without the App AmpliFi User Guide
The AmpliFi Router will emit a sound indicating that it has WAN IP
been configured. ROUTER IP
Configuration is complete.
Configuration is complete.
AmpliFi User Guide Chapter 4: Installing Without the App
Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) is a virtual
private and secure connection between two systems that
enables encapsulated data transport.
1. Enter the Username and Password given to you by your
Internet Service Provider (ISP).
2. Click Save & Continue.
Configuration is complete.
Chapter 4: Installing Without the App AmpliFi User Guide
AmpliFi User Guide Chapter 5: Router Touchscreen
Router Display
The Router provides the following information as you tap
the front display:
• Time and Date
JUL 15 — NOW
• Usage
• Information
• Speed
Total MB
• Port Status
For configuration, refer to the AmpliFi app.
Time and Date
Chapter 5: Router Touchscreen AmpliFi User Guide
AmpliFi User Guide Chapter 6: System
Chapter 6: System AmpliFi User Guide
• Device Name Displays the name of the AmpliFi Router. To
change it, tap the name and type in a new name.
• Network Type Select the type of Internet connection you
Time use: Static, DHCP, or PPPoE.
• Time Zone Select the appropriate time zone for your
• 24-Hour Time Select this option to display the time in
24‑hour format, rather than 12-hour format.
Sound Effects
• Volume The Router emits a sound as you adjust the
volume using the slider control.
• Locate The Router will emit a sound. The LED in the base
of the Router will also flash several times to help you
identify the device. This is helpful if you have more than
one AmpliFi Router in a single location.
• Change Password You can change the administrator or
device password.
-- Password Enter the new password.
-- Verify Password Enter the new password again.
-- Show Password Disabled by default. Select this option
to display the password in plain text.
Tap to save your changes.
AmpliFi User Guide Chapter 6: System
Chapter 6: System AmpliFi User Guide
Here are a few of the most common applications for This may be helpful if your service provider registered
bridge mode: the MAC address of the computer you had previously
• Connect two routers to share network resources. connected to the modem. MAC address cloning allows the
Router to be recognized instead.
• Use the Router as an additional access point on an
existing network. • VLAN ID Disabled by default. Enable this option to
display a field that allows you to enter a VLAN ID.
• Use the Router with a fiber service.
• IPv6 Disabled by default. Select this option to use the
PPPoE new IPv6 protocol.
Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) is a virtual • Network Type Select a network type: DHCP6 or 6to4.
private and secure connection between two systems that
enables encapsulated data transport. • Bridge Mode Disabled by default, bridge mode can
help you grow your network and/or separate multiple
networks. It allows you to use more than one router on the
same network by placing one router in bridge mode and
connecting it to the client port on another.
Here are a few of the most common applications for
bridge mode:
• Connect two routers to share network resources.
• Use the Router as an additional access point on an
existing network.
• Use the Router with a fiber service.
The Wireless screen for the Router allows you to access
wireless network settings. Tap to save your changes.
• Verify Password To change the password, enter the new • Separate Wi-Fi SSID Disabled by default. Select this
password again. option to create separate wireless networks for the
• Show Password Disabled by default. Select this option to 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio bands.
display the password in plain text. This may be helpful if you want more control over which
• Security Select the type of wireless security you use: radio band a client device uses. For example, if your device
None, WPA PSK, or WPA2 PSK (recommended). WPA2 PSK can use the 5 GHz radio band and it is within range, then
is the default. the best option is to connect to the 5 GHz network.
• Hidden SSID Disabled by default. Select this option if Tap to save your changes.
you don’t want the wireless network name or SSID to be • Advanced Select this option to customize the wireless
broadcast. settings for the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio bands.
Guest Brightness
• SSID Name The name of the guest wireless network is LCD Move the slider control left or right to adjust the
displayed. Tap to change it. brightness of the touchscreen display.
• Security Select the type of wireless security you use: LED Move the slider control left or right to adjust the
None, WPA PSK, or WPA2 PSK. None is the default. brightness of the LED that illuminates the base of the Router.
• Hidden SSID Disabled by default. Select this option if you Night Mode Toggle the switch on or off to enable or
don’t want the wireless network name or SSID to be visible disable power-saving mode for the touchscreen display. This
to any users within range of the Router. option is enabled by default.
Other Begins Set the time you would like the touchscreen display
to turn off. This setting is only available when Night Mode is
Ends Set the time you would like the touchscreen display to
turn back on. This setting is only available when Night Mode
is enabled.
Note: Scroll down on the Settings screen to view
additional configuration options.
Additional Settings
The range of available IP addresses is displayed. The DHCP
server assigns IP addresses from the pool (or group) of IP
DHCP Settings To map a static IP address to a specific MAC address, tap +.
• Range The current range is displayed. Select the range
you want to use.
• Subnet The current subnet is displayed. Select the subnet
you want to use.
• Start The current starting IP address of the range is
displayed. Select the starting IP address you want to use.
• End The current ending IP address of the range is
displayed. Select the ending IP address you want to use.
AmpliFi User Guide Chapter 6: System
Port Forwarding
Tap this option to create a virtual port that allows you to
forward traffic from one port to another. Typically you
configure a port forwarding rule so a host on the external
network can access a server on the internal network by
using the public IP address (or hostname) of the Router.
Chapter 6: System AmpliFi User Guide
The About screen for the Router displays the model name
and version numbers of the device and software, as well as
the MAC addresses of the hardware interfaces.
AmpliFi User Guide Chapter 6: System
MAC Addresses
• WAN Network Displays the MAC address of the WAN
(Internet or public) interface.
• LAN Network Displays the MAC address of the LAN
(local) interface.
• Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz Displays the MAC address of the 2.4 GHz
wireless interface.
• Wi-Fi 5 GHz Displays the MAC address of the 5 GHz
wireless interface.
• Guest Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz Displays the MAC address of the
guest 2.4 GHz wireless interface.
• Guest Wi-Fi 5 GHz Displays the MAC address of the guest
5 GHz wireless interface.
• Bluetooth Displays the MAC address of the Bluetooth
• Version Displays the version number of the AmpliFi app.
Chapter 6: System AmpliFi User Guide
AmpliFi User Guide Chapter 6: System
When the file is ready to transmit, tap Send. If you want to Signal Quality
discard the file, tap Cancel.
• Signal Strength Displays the percentage of signal
• MeshPoint Band Displays the radio band used by the
• Device Name Displays the descriptive name of the
MeshPoint. Tap to change it.
• System Sound Enabled by default. Tap the toggle switch
to turn off sound alerts from the MeshPoint.
• LED Enabled by default. Tap the toggle switch to turn off
the LEDs on the MeshPoint.
• Pause Mesh Point Tap the toggle switch to pause the
• About Select this option for more information about the
• General
-- Model Name Displays the model of the MeshPoint.
-- Hardware ID Displays the revision number of the
MeshPoint hardware.
• Software
-- Version Displays the version number of the MeshPoint
-- Revision Displays the revision number of the
MeshPoint software.
MeshPoint Settings
The General screen for the MeshPoint allows you to access
device settings. Tap to save your changes.
Chapter 6: System AmpliFi User Guide
• MAC Addresses When the file is ready to transmit, tap Send. If you want to
-- Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz Displays the MAC address of the 2.4 GHz discard the file, tap Cancel.
wireless interface.
-- Wi-Fi 5 GHz Displays the MAC address of the 5 GHz
wireless interface.
-- Guest Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz Displays the MAC address of the
guest 2.4 GHz wireless interface.
-- Guest Wi-Fi 5 GHz Displays the MAC address of the
guest 5 GHz wireless interface.
-- Bluetooth Displays the MAC address of the Bluetooth
• Locate The MeshPoint emits a sound beacon for several
• Reboot Restarts the MeshPoint.
• Support Info The Support Info option generates an
encrypted file to send to our support team. This file
contains AmpliFi configuration and runtime information
that can be used to answer any questions or troubleshoot
an issue.
AmpliFi User Guide Chapter 7: Performance
Chapter 7: Performance Swipe the bar graph to the left to display the Throughput
pie chart. It shows the percentages of current download and
The Performance screen allows you to access the upload data usage. The Total Usage column displays the total
throughput statistics and run a speed test. You can examine amount of data uploaded and downloaded.
up‑to‑date, second‑by‑second performance so you know
how the Router and MeshPoints are communicating with
your devices.
The initial view displays the Throughput bar graph. It shows
a recent history of upload and download throughput. The
maximum upload and download values are labeled in the
graph, and the current upload and download values are
displayed on the right.
Chapter 7: Performance AmpliFi User Guide
ISP Test
You can run a speed test that will provide your download
speed, upload speed, and connection ping time. A history of
recent tests is displayed at the bottom.
Tap Start Test to run the ISP test. When the test is complete,
the following results will be displayed:
Time Displays the date and time of the speed test.
Download Displays the download speed.
Upload Displays the upload speed.
Ping Displays the duration of the average Ping round-trip
time in milliseconds.
AmpliFi User Guide Chapter 8: Guest
Chapter 8: Guest AmpliFi User Guide
Share Tap to share the guest network name or SSID. Tap Start Tap to enable the guest network.
the appropriate option, or tap Cancel to exit. Stop Tap to disable the guest network.
Settings Tap to access the wireless settings for more
configuration options, including wireless security options.
Indefinitely Tap to remove the time limit for guest
access. If the guest network was inactive, you can tap this
option to immediately enable the guest network.
AmpliFi User Guide Chapter 9: Family
Chapter 9: Family
The Family screen displays the list of clients currently
connected to the Router and MeshPoints. This section of the
app allows you to define user profiles, customize Internet
access schedules, and pause Internet access at any time.
Chapter 9: Family AmpliFi User Guide
Client Details
• Device Name Displays the device name of the client
currently connected to your AmpliFi network.
• MAC Address Displays the MAC address of the client
currently connected to your AmpliFi network.
-- Hostname Displays the descriptive name of the client
-- Manufacturer Displays the name of the client device
-- Access Point Displays the name and icon of the Router
or MeshPoint, depending on which is connected to the
client device.
-- Signal Displays the percentage of signal strength
between the client device and its access point (Router
or MeshPoint), as well as signal strength bars.
-- Band Displays the radio band being used.
-- RX Bitrate Displays the amount of receive (RX) data
transmitted per second.
-- TX Bitrate Displays the amount of transmit (TX) data
transmitted per second.
-- MIMO Displays the number of TX and RX MIMO
(Multiple Input, Multiple Output) streams used by the
-- IP Address Displays the IP address assigned to the
client device.
AmpliFi User Guide Chapter 9: Family
Chapter 9: Family AmpliFi User Guide
AmpliFi User Guide Chapter 10: Diagnose
Chapter 10: Diagnose AmpliFi User Guide
AmpliFi User Guide Chapter 11: Side Menu
Chapter 11: Side Menu A slide-out menu appears with the following options:
Remote Access, Visit Homepage, Terms of Service, Help Center,
Live Support, and Switch AmpliFi.
App Features
From the main app screen, tap the menu icon in the
upper left corner to reveal additional app functions.
Chapter 11: Side Menu AmpliFi User Guide
Live Support Starts a Chat window within the app. Live Set Up AmpliFi Standalone MeshPoint
chat support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This option allows you to set up a standalone MeshPoint and
add it to an existing Wi-Fi network. Tap Set Up Standalone
MeshPoint and repeat steps 1-4 from “Set Up AmpliFi
Standalone MeshPoint” on page 8.
I Already Have a Configured AmpliFi
This option allows you to log into an existing AmpliFi Router.
Tap I already have a configured AmpliFi and repeat
steps 2-3 from “I Already Have Configured AmpliFi” on
page 9.
AmpliFi User Guide Appendix A: FAQs
Appendix A: FAQs AmpliFi User Guide
Can I use my current Internet service 6. If there is no Internet connection, contact your ISP
(Internet Service Provider) to find out if there are any
provider? outages on their end or if your account information has
Yes, the Router works with most ISPs (Internet Service changed.
Providers) because it connects directly to the modem you
If the issue still persists, please click Chat with us at the
already have.
bottom of the screen for help.
Does AmpliFi support fiber services, such The Router display doesn’t respond; what
as Google Fiber or Fios? do I do?
Yes, you can use AmpliFi with a fiber service if you set up
The Router features a smart LCD touchscreen display.
the Router to use bridge mode. See the FAQ below: “Does
AmpliFi support bridge mode?” If the display becomes unresponsive or freezes in any way,
follow these steps:
Does AmpliFi have a web interface? 1. Disconnect power from the Router.
Yes, you will be able to monitor and configure your AmpliFi
2. Wait 10 seconds.
network using a web browser on your PC or Mac, as well as
any iOS or Android device. 3. Connect power to the Router.
If the issue still persists, please click Chat with us at the
Does AmpliFi support bridge mode? bottom of the screen for help.
Yes, AmpliFi supports bridge mode. Bridge mode is a
useful feature that can help you grow your network and/or The Router display has a lighting issue;
separate networks. Bridge mode allows you to use multiple what do I do?
Routers on the same network by placing one of the Perform these steps:
Routers in bridge mode and connecting it to a port on the
other Router. 1. Check the lighting settings and your brightness level in
your AmpliFi app.
Here are a few of the most common uses for bridge mode:
2. If the lighting issue persists, reset your Router to its
• Connect two Routers/AmpliFi to share network resources. factory default settings. See the FAQ below: “How do I
• Use AmpliFi as an additional access point on an existing reset my Router to the factory default settings?”
network. If the issue still persists, please click Chat with us at the
• Use AmpliFi with a fiber service. bottom of the screen for help.
To set up bridge mode, perform these steps: What do I do if I can’t see the Router in the
1. Open the AmpliFi app. AmpliFi app?
2. Tap the picture of the Router. Ensure that your device is connected to the correct Wi-Fi
3. Tap Internet. network.
4. Tap Bridge Mode to enable it. How do I retrieve my password if I forgot it?
5. Confirm the use of bridge mode. Currently there is no way to retrieve a custom password. You
The Router will restart and apply the updated settings. can reset the password to the default by resetting the Router
The Router is now in bridge mode. to the factory default settings. See the FAQ below: “How do I
reset my Router to the factory default settings?”
Troubleshooting How do I reset my Router to the factory
My Internet is down; what do I do? default settings?
Follow these steps: Use the AmpliFi app on your smartphone or tablet device to
1. Ensure that the Router is properly plugged into a power perform the following steps:
source. 1. Open the AmpliFi app.
2. Ensure that the modem and the Router are both 2. Tap the picture of the Router.
connected to each other via an Ethernet cable.
3. Tap General.
3. Disconnect power from the modem and Router.
4. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and tap
4. Wait one minute and then connect power to the modem. Factory Reset.
5. Wait one more minute and then connect power to The AmpliFi app resets the Router and all online MeshPoints.
the Router.
AmpliFi User Guide Appendix A: FAQs
Alternative method: You can manually reset each device to Data Monitoring and Performance
factory defaults.
Use the AmpliFi app to examine up-to-date,
1. On the Router, use a straightened paperclip or similar second‑by‑second performance so you know how your
object to press the Reset button for approximately Router and MeshPoints are communicating with your
10 seconds until the LED turns off. devices.
2. On each MeshPoint, use a straightened paperclip or Data monitoring is the ability to keep track of the statistics
similar object to press the Reset button for approximately of your Router, moment by moment. The Router never stops
10 seconds until you hear a long beep. Repeat this with conveying this data unless it is interrupted by a reset or if
each device, one by one. the Router is unplugged. You will be able to view how your
Note: If you manually reset the Router, then you must Router is currently performing.
reset the MeshPoints, too. Having access to your Router’s data is useful if your network
has issues or if you make changes to your network.
Advanced Features There are two ways to access your Router’s data.
Band and Channel Selection Once your Router has been set up, use its touchscreen
As the number of devices in the connected home continues display to view the following:
to grow, understanding band and channel selection can • Download and upload speeds
help you maximize your connected experience. To learn how
• Daily data download and upload totals
to set up your network to provide each device with the best
signal, you need to know how band and channel selection • Internet (WAN or Wide Area Network) and Router IP
works and how your Wi-Fi signal operates. addresses
Band and channel selection are important when you want to • Date and time
have the most efficient network possible. Your wireless data You can also view this data using the AmpliFi app on your
communicates using a band of frequencies. Frequency is smartphone or tablet. Perform these steps:
measured in Hertz (Hz). 1. Open the AmpliFi app.
Our Routers and MeshPoints use two of these frequencies; 2. Tap Performance at the bottom of the screen.
2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. Most devices can use either 2.4 GHz
or 5 GHz. The difference between these frequencies varies 3. The following are displayed:
depending on your location and distance to the Router. The • Throughput The dynamic graphs convey the
2.4 GHz frequency has a longer range but slower speeds; download and upload speeds.
its signal can penetrate many walls. The 5 GHz has a shorter • Speed Test You can click Start Test to initiate a speed
range but faster speeds; its signal is strong but is better test that will analyze download and upload speeds and
suited to open spaces. ping test results. Every time you initiate a speed test, it
Here are a couple of examples: will record the date, time, and results for your network.
• In-home use If your home has many walls, then you Port Forwarding
should use the 2.4 GHz frequency to cover the entire
Port forwarding allows a device to get through your firewall
to reach a specific port on your computer. This allows a
• Open-office use If you have no walls between the Router device outside your network to connect to a device inside
and your devices, then use the 5 GHz frequency, which your network. For example, port forwarding can be used to
is more efficient and provides a stronger signal with less connect two computers together for gaming or allow you to
range. check on a camera in the home while you are away.
There is no need to select a frequency for your Router in To set up port forwarding, perform these steps:
the AmpliFi app because your Router uses both frequencies
1. Open the AmpliFi app.
automatically. Both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz will be available
for your devices. On each of your devices, access the Wi-Fi 2. Tap the picture of the Router.
settings if you want to select the frequency to use. (This 3. Tap Port Forwarding.
is available only if your device supports both 2.4 GHz and
4. Tap + to create a new service.
5 GHz; some devices may support only one frequency.)
5. Enter a descriptive name for the service.
You can select the frequency used by your MeshPoints in the
AmpliFi app. The MeshPoints use the default frequency, 5 6. Enter the IP address of your gateway device, which can
GHz, but can use 2.4 GHz instead if longer range is needed. be found here: Internet > Gateway Address.
We highly recommend keeping the MeshPoints close 7. Enter the appropriate port number in the Source
enough to the Router so the MeshPoints use the 5 GHz Port field.
frequency with more power. 8. Enter the appropriate port number in the Destination
Port field.
Appendix A: FAQs AmpliFi User Guide
9. Select the appropriate protocol. This is typically TCP 5. The Wireless screen appears. Scroll down to the Guest
(Transmission Control Protocol); however, some services section. You can configure the following:
may require UDP (User Datagram Protocol). • SSID Name You can change the name of your guest
10. Tap to save your settings. network.
Note: You can usually find the port number and • Security Select the type of wireless security you use:
protocol for your service in the device documentation None, WPA PSK, or WPA2 PSK. None is the default.
or via online search. • Password If you selected WPA PSK or WPA2 PSK
DHCP Server security, then you can change the password.
To manage the DHCP server settings, perform these steps: • Verify Password If you change the password, enter it
1. Open the AmpliFi app. again to verify it.
2. Tap the picture of the Router. • Show Password Tap the control to display or hide the
password on this screen.
3. Tap DHCP Server.
• Hidden SSID Tap the control to display or hide the
4. Configure the following: SSID (name of the guest network).
• Range Select the IP address range to use. 6. Tap to save your settings.
• Subnet Select the subnet mask to use.
Band and Router Steering
• Start Enter the starting IP address of the available
range. Understanding band and Router steering may help you
understand how to configure your network for the best
• End Enter the ending IP address of the available possible speeds and connectivity.
Router steering directs devices to connect to the Router
• Lease Validity Select the duration of time for which IP instead of MeshPoints when possible (even if the Router
addresses are valid. signal is weaker). Disabled by default, this feature may
• Static Leases You can assign a fixed IP address to a provide faster speeds when enabled in some instances.
specific device. Select this option and then tap +. To enable or disable band and Router steering on the Router,
• Enter a descriptive name. follow these steps:
• Enter the MAC address of the device. 1. Open the AmpliFi app.
• Select the IP address that you want to assign. 2. Tap the picture of the Router.
• Tap to save your static lease settings. 3. Tap Wireless.
5. Tap Apply to save your settings. 4. Scroll down. You can tap the Band Steering or Router
Steering control to enable or disable the option.
Configuring a Guest Network: Advanced
5. Tap to save your settings.
When you set up your new Router, you may also want to How do I access my Router remotely?
set up a guest network for friends and family. See the FAQ: To enable remote access, follow these steps:
“How do I set up and configure a guest network?” on 1. Open the AmpliFi app.
page 43.
2. Tap the icon in the upper left to reveal the side menu.
If you want to configure advanced settings for your guest
network, then perform these steps: 3. Tap one of the following buttons:
1. Open the AmpliFi app. • if you want to use your Google account
credentials to remotely access the AmpliFi Router
2. Tap Guest at the bottom of the screen.
• if you want to use your Facebook account
3. On the Guest screen, you can configure the following: credentials to remotely access the AmpliFi Router
• Guest Wi-Fi You can enable or disable the guest 4. Once authenticated, your social media account will be
network. linked to the AmpliFi Router and remote access enabled.
• Guest Number You can change the number of guests
to allow at one time.
• Time Limit You can set a time limit for guest access, or
you can tap Indefinitely for no time limit.
4. Tap Settings.
AmpliFi User Guide Appendix B: Contact Information
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