Ingles - 1 - Bach - Modulo - 2 (20 - 21)
Ingles - 1 - Bach - Modulo - 2 (20 - 21)
Ingles - 1 - Bach - Modulo - 2 (20 - 21)
Past perfect 5
Scientific inventions and
6 their impact on humanity
Present perfect 4
History of
Simple past
Analyzing short
Past and present
2 Technology 8 non-fiction pieces
perfect expressions
and Beyond
Vocabulary about
technology and 1
10 Healthcare 9 of immunization
Incredible Inventions
Have you ever imagined a world without we have created powerful devices that allow
cars or television? Imagine waiting for months us see the vast universe.
to hear from your loved ones. Imagine getting
sick and having no medicine. We are going Nowadays it is possible to video chat with
to travel through history and observe human’s anyone anywhere for free. We have access
infinite curiosity and inventions that have to infinite amounts of information and we can post
changed the world. Discover creations that our own thoughts and opinions. Technology
have shaped culture and lifestyle. Our brains has developed a lot during the last hundred years
have even taken our people to the moon and and will continue to develop in the future.
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Lesson A
Concrete: About 2,100 years ago, Romans created
The Mayas used cacao a really hard material by mixing rocks with volcanic Concrete
beans to make a special ash. It was used to build the famous Coliseum
beverage with cornmeal and in Rome.
pepper. They had a writing
Wikimedia / Kowloonese
system called glyphs and Earthquake detector: The Chinese invented
most of these symbols are the first seismograph 2,000 years ago. It was made
still understood. The Incas of bronze and was very accurate in detecting
performed brain surgery, earth movements. Earthquake Detector
which was first used to
Paper: Around 3,000 BC, Egyptians made the
reduce inflammation. They
first paper from the fiber of the papyrus plant and
used coca as an anesthetic.
also invented a special pen to write on it. The quality
They also built rope bridges
was so good that Egyptian papyrus remains intact.
and huge highway systems.
Telescope: The Assyrians could see the stars and
Egiptian Papyrus
the sky 3,000 years ago because they created a special
Vocabulary lens that could have been the first telescope.
beverage. a liquid you The number zero: This number is somewhat
Wikimedia / Geni
can drink, like coffee, soda,
or juice
new in human history. Both the Mayans and the
Babylonians had the idea of zero; not as a number,
cornmeal. flour made from but as a replacement for other numbers. The Egiptian Papyrus
crushed corn
Mayans used it to make their calendars. A Hindu
rope. a strong, thick string astronomer introduced the concept of zero as an
Wikimedia / Alvaro qc
that is made by twisting many independent number.
thin strings or fibers together
nowadays. at the
Mayans zero
present time
replacement. something
that takes the place
of something else
Oral Communication
Have you ever thought about the things we use daily? Where do they Interesting Facts
come from? Who invented them? When were they invented? Listen to the
following news reports and complete the activities. Gasoline
It is a transparent liquid
derived from petroleum
that powers cars. It was
discovered by accident.
It was thrown away at
first, but its potential was
recognized by the end
of the XIX century. Since
then it has been essential
to our transportation.
The wheel Fire Steam engine train
Mark the incorrect statements with an X and write the correct ones
on the line below.
c. The first humans discovered fire but could not control it.
e. The steam engine was not useful and did not improve people’s lives.
Petrol pump
• List 4 inventions that you consider important for everyday life. steam. the hot gas that is
created when water is boiled
• Compare your list with your classmates and talk about the importance or find (something, such
of each one. Do you agree? as a reason or a solution)
by thinking
Interesting Facts
to transmit the infection
to the colony. This makes
all ants in the colony Edward Jenner inoculating babies Vaccine
Read the following text about printing presses. Choose the correct verb Grammar Note
from the box and conjugate it in the present perfect or the past perfect,
depending on the context. Present perfect
Have / has +
become work be able have write buy study past participle of verb
Printed materials are part of our daily life; newspapers, magazines, and a. Actions started in the
books are just some examples. The printing press is a machine used for past and continuing
mass production of these printed elements. in the present
This machine one of the most significant inventions. b. Unfinished period
Before it appeared, monks books by hand so just a few of time
people to access information. Only very rich families were c. Unspecified period
lucky enough to have a book, which was usually the Bible. of time
The ancient Chinese used pieces of wood with symbols and drawings to
make books. Around the beginning of 1440, a German man called Gutenberg,
d. Experiences.
who in basic forms of printing, started experimenting with Gasoline has been
improving the process and finally discovered that using metal instead of essential to our
wood and blocks with many words could allow people to reproduce texts transportation.
in great quantity. The printing press is one of the inventions that Many diseases have not
great impact in the world. After books could be printed in mass quantities,
knowledge became available for most people and the first libraries were been eradicated yet.
Wikimedia / Londinos
Language Through the Arts
Interesting Facts
3. List the materials you need. Are they available around you?
Oral Communication
Social Studies
Useful Inventions
Wikimedia / Marbregal
around 1050 B.C. weapons more powerful.
Alphabet Gunpowder
Communication Warfare
Compass Navigation Inventions Communication Telephone
Nails Radio
Lesson B
Latin American civilizations
like the Mayas had vast
knowledge about the stars
and planets. They created
a special accessory to help
observe the sky and develop
the calendar. The Incas,
on the other hand, were
a horizon-based culture.
Their temples pointed to
specific astronomical points. View of the Milky Way
This was very important
for Incan agriculture. Beyond Our World
From our planet, outer space starts about 100 km above the surface.
Farther away, there are only isolated particles of gas and dust in the
emptiness of the universe. Some regions have planets and galaxies.
Some scientists say that there is radiation all around space, but we
cannot see it. Now, we have some powerful devices that help us see
what is out there. Humans have been curious about outer space since
they noticed there was something beyond our Earth.
Pixabay / PublicDomainImages
The study of the stars was the foundation of past cultures and
civilizations. Since the sky was always changing, it caused fascination
and curiosity. People noticed patterns in the sun and moon, also in
the stars and planets. Astronomy shaped their beliefs and mindsets.
Mayan calendar The Babylonians were one of the first civilizations to register the
movements of the moon and sun. A brilliant Persian astronomer
Vocabulary invented a giant device that accurately calculated the Earth’s axis.
isolated. separate from others Source:
mindsets. a particular way • Investigate another culture’s relationship with the stars, planets, sun,
of thinking, a person’s attitude and moon. Write two interesting facts. Use your own words and
or set of opinions about
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complete sentences.
Oral Communication
Do you know what we can use to see what is in outer space? Listen to the Interesting Facts
teacher’s lecture and complete the following activities.
Hubble Telescope
This telescope was named
in honor of Edward Hubble
who discovered thousands
of galaxies from an
observatory in California.
It is located 547 km from
the planet’s surface and can
travel the complete orbit
in 95 minutes. Since 1990,
Hubble has made more than
The Butterfly Nebula Hubble Space Telescope 1.3 million observations.
Home Telescope
f. Isaac Newton invented a smaller, portable telescope.
Social Studies
Interesting Facts
Space Race
It began in 1955 with the
USA and USSR after World
War II. It was the Cold War,
which meant competition
in every area, including Laika, Russian cosmonaut dog, 1957
space. Soviets launched
the first artificial satellite,
Sputnik I in 1957, Sputnik What do you know about the first astronaut?
II with the first living thing
in space, and then Sputnik
III. Even though the US Laika
was trying to send a rocket
During the era of the Space Race between the USA and USSR, the
with a man to orbit the
Soviet Union launched the first living thing into space. It was a dog
planet quickly, the Soviets
named Laika. The objective of the trip was to prove that space travel
had already done it in 1961,
for humans was safe but technology hadn’t advanced enough to bring
sending Yuri Gagarin,
ships back yet. Laika was a street dog that became an astronaut because
the first man to enter
of her size and calmness. After some training, she was ready to go into
the Earth’s orbit.
space. Her ship called Sputnik 2 was launched on November 3, 1957. Laika was supposed to orbit the planet some days and the first reports
from Russian space programs said so. However, in 1993, some Russian
space program scientists revealed that Laika died soon after leaving the
Vocabulary planet’s atmosphere because of stress and overheating. Many people
race. a contest or competition in the world were in great sorrow because of her death. Since then, her
in which different people story has spread around the world and has inspired many tales, songs,
or teams try to win something and poems. Some of them say that Laika became a star in the sky.
or to do something first
launch. to send or shoot
(something, such as a rocket)
into the air or water or into
outer space Answer the following questions based on what you read.
overheating. to cause • Why has Laika’s story been so famous around the world?
(something) to become
too hot
• Why did the Soviet Union and the United States want to get
sorrow. a feeling of sadness to space first?
or grief caused especially
by the loss of someone
or something • How many ships had the Soviets sent to space before the first
man went?
tale. an exciting story that
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• Choose any of the topics we have studied during lessons A and B
and summarize it.
Writing Process
• Work on the writing process in your notebook and write the final
product here. Summarizing is analyzing
information and determining
what is important to mention
First and what is not.
Main idea It reduces the original
text to a few sentences
Next or a short paragraph
Four important details in your own words.
Steps to summarize:
1. Read the passage.
Finally 2. Determine the most
important idea
of the passage.
3. Highlight important
4. Find keywords and
use them to write
the topic sentence.
It is also a good idea
to answer some questions
in order to complete
the idea:
“Who did what, where,
and when?”
“What is the main idea
of the text?”
Answer the following questions “What are the
supporting points?”
1. Why did you choose that topic? I chose that topic because...
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2. What is summarizing?
Language Through the Arts
People write poems to express their feelings about an experience, Vocabulary
to communicate to the reader, and to get an emotional response.
utter. to say something
Language used in poems is a bit different from the language we use or make a sound, usually
with difficulty
to talk about facts and scientific information.
no matter. short form
of “it doesn’t matter”,
it’s not important
perish. die
Analyze the phrases of the poem and discuss their meanings with
your class. In this poem, there may be a lot of words you don’t
recognize. Underline them. First, try to use context to help you
understand them. If the context doesn’t help, use a dictionary.
Write down their meaning in the margin.
by: Adnana Zeljkovic
Oral Communication
The Moon
concern. a feeling
of worry usually shared
by many people
step. a movement
made by lifting your
foot and putting it down
in a different place
Interesting Facts
Listen to a person talk about space travel. Complete the timeline with The Dark Side of the Moon
all the events and years until man stepped on the moon.
Have you ever looked at the
moon? Did you know there
is one side that we cannot
see? People call this the “dark
side of the moon” or the “far
side of the moon”. It is the
part that is not lit by the sun.
In 1959, a small spaceship
called Luna 3 brought pictures
of it to Earth. In 1968, the
astronauts of Apollo 8 were
the first humans to see it.
China is now investigating
this part of the moon.
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The Moon
on the moon in 1969, were both and preparing the next generation
from Ohio, too. Jim Lovell, another of scientists and explorers.
Assessment How much have we advanced?
I do it I can’t do it
Topics I do it very well I can improve
somewhat well without help
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Project 1
Wikimedia / NASA
• A paper napkin
• Tape
8. Watch it launch!
Let's Review
We have learned about inventions in ancient We have read information and academic texts.
cultures and their influence in later creations.
We can find specific information and recognize
What ancient invention do you think influenced when events happened. We can understand some
modern inventions the most? Why? words in context.
How are academic texts different from blogs
or social media posts?
We have learned how to summarize. We can order We have used our imagination to draw future
and structure sentences in present, past, present inventions. We learned how great inventors
perfect, and past perfect. drew their ideas before they became real.
We have learned that language changes
Can you write a sentence about inventions using in poetry and how it touches our heart
each one of the tenses above? by understanding someone else’s feelings.
Why do you think poems could be considered “art”?
We are learning to understand what others say in We learned how to make a rocket with similar
every day conversations as well as scientific facts. principles to real rockets.
We have learned to identify specific information
when people speak. Did you like your project? Did it work? What did
you enjoy the most about the project?
Talk to your classmates about why you think some
inventions are successful and others are not.
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Lesson C
Culture Language has shaped cultures around the world. Since spoken
messages do not stay the same when they are transmitted through many
Many ancient civilizations
people, written language was created so that messages arrived the way
such as Egypt, Assyria,
they were sent.
Persia, Rome, and China
had postal systems that were Written language also served as a means to transport messages
used to deliver messages in an easy way. As we know, Egyptians first created papyrus which
to part of their empires; was light, so messages could travel much faster. The Persian Empire
and Incas used special had a successful mail system which permitted them to take messages
roads to deliver packages as far as 3,200 km in only ten days.
and information. Ancient
written communications At the beginning, the speed of communication only depended
found by archeologists on the speed of people. Some animals were used to help speed
allowed us to know a lot up communication such as horses and then domesticated pigeons
about those times. in the 11th century.
Source: |
Adapted from:
Vocabulary Freepik
Oral Communication
Interesting Facts
As a class, think of all of the forms of communication that exist. During World War II,
Which are the most effective? the United States Marines
used the Navajo language,
one of the most difficult
languages in the world,
Listen to facts about other means of communication. Circle the to codify communication
correct answers. among military units. It was
Mazateco whistle language very hard for the enemies
to understand messages.
1. What is true about the Mazateco whistle language?
d. Blankets covered the fire to produce smoke.
Native American’s smoking signals
among. in or through
• Can you think of a new and creative way to communicate? (a group of people or things)
Interesting Facts
The U.S. postal service Have you ever heard about letters and post cards?
delivers more that 44% What do you know about them?
of the world’s cards
and letters. The service
Evolution of the Postal Service and Courier
delivers about 212 billion
(212,000,000,000) pieces The postal service has made the exchange of letters possible
of mail each year. There for years. It has helped people communicate around the world.
are over 40,000 post
offices in the country and The history of postal service goes back to the invention of writing
its territories. The postal and the need for communication. Some evidence shows that an
service delivers the mail organized postal service existed in Egypt with papyrus from 255 B.C.
rain or shine, using different It seems that pharaohs had used some kind of courier system to send
methods of transport from a decree throughout the empire by 2400 B.C. Some ancient cultures
planes to mules. such as Persia, China, India, and Rome had created postal systems
before we thought.
The letters we know are sent in an envelope, but at the beginning
there were no envelopes at all to protect the letters. Paper envelopes
were first invented in China, but before then Babylonians had already
invented something to protect messages: hollow, clay spheres.
Stamps have been an important part of the postal service; they were
created in 1837 by an English man named Rowland Hill. They established
the first systematic prices based on weight. Now we continue to use the
system, but the prices have definitely increased!
pharaoh. a ruler
of ancient Egypt
decree. an official order For each of the sentences below, decide which happened first and
given by a person with which happened second. Write “first” and “second”. Pay attention
power or by a government to the verb forms to help you.
throughout. in or to every 1. Ancient cultures had invented writing before the first postal service.
part of (something)
a. The postal system was invented.
hollow. having nothing
inside, not solid b. Ancient cultures invented writing.
clay. a heavy, sticky material 2. Before Egyptians had an organized postal system, pharaohs had
from the earth that is made used a kind of courier system.
into different shapes and
a. Pharaohs used a kind of courier.
that becomes hard when
it is baked or dried b. Egyptians had an organized postal service.
spheres. a round, 3D object 3. Persia, China, and Rome had created a postal system. We started
using a more modern postal system.
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Informational Paragraph
Grammar Note
Rewrite the following sentences to form one sentence using past Past perfect
perfect and simple past. Use words such as after or before.
The past perfect is used
1. Samuel F.B. Morse transmitted his first message in 1844. to talk about an action that
2. Long before transmission, people used signal systems such happened in the past before
as flags or lights.
another action that
• is normally expressed using
the simple past.
3. Morse created the system of dots and dashes (Morse Code) in 1835. Some inventors had created
4. Morse first demonstrated the use of telegraph to his friends in 1837. visual telegraphs before
Morse invented the
• electrical telegraph.
Some inventors
5. In 1849, Reuters started using a telegraphic press service. had not (hadn’t) created
6. In 1856, Western Union became the dominant telegraph company visual telegraphs before
in the United States. Morse invented the
• electrical telegraph.
Had some inventors created
visual telegraphs before
Morse invented the
electrical telegraph?
Step 1. Ask your parents, grandparents, or an older person how they
communicated before. Take notes on what they say.
Step 2. Write a paragraph (50-60 words) about how things were
different before compared to now. Be sure to use at least three
different verbs in the past perfect.
Language Through the Arts
Morse Code
Vocabulary Samuel Morse invented the Morse Code. It is a code that has dashes
complex. not easy and dots. Letters commonly used such as “E” have a simple code, and
to understand or explain, those that were not frequently used, for example “Q”, have longer and
not simple more complex codes. |
3. To my classmates:
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Oral Communication
Social Studies
Interesting Facts
The New York Telephone
Company had 6,000 female
telephone operators by 1910.
When Alexander Graham
Bell died in 1922, all
telephones stopped ringing
for one full minute
as a tribute to the creator.
Telephone’s evolution. The first transatlantic
telephone cable was used
in 1956. The cable runs
across the Atlantic Ocean
Listen to the story about the invention of the telephone. Decide if each
from Canada to Scotland.
sentence is True (T) or False (F). If it is false, correct it to make it true.
1. Alexander Graham Bell did not invent the telephone. There are about 150 million
telephone lines in the world
and the number increases
2. The telephone had been invented before the telegraph. by thousands daily.
The phone continues
3. The telephone turns electricity into voice.
to evolve today. Now we
have much more advanced
features like caller ID,
4. The first phone call was from Graham Bell to the Queen. texting, mobile video, safe
caller ID, internet, and
many more features. Phones
5. Most operators were young boys. connect people, facilitate
business, and even save lives.
features. an interesting
or important part, quality,
Ask your classmates how they communicate. Do they use a landline ability, etc.
phone? Talk to at least three classmates and write their answers here.
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Communcation and Cultural Awareness
Discuss in class.
Oral Communication
Social Studies
Young girl watching TV
Listen again and circle or highlight all the correct
statements according to the story.
Invention of Television • The first televisions were mechanical.
Listen to the conversation between a teenager and • The first TV transmission was the image of the
an elder who talks about the invention of television. dollar sign.
For each year you see, write what happened.
• WRGB TV station has been operating
continuously since 1926.
• At the beginning, programs were commercial-free.
1926 • Remote controls were invented before color TVs.
• By the time color TVs were sold, all programs
were recorded in color, too.
• The first 3D flat screen appeared in 2005.
Have you ever seen a very old TV? Does your family
1941 have a TV? Do you think TVs are common in most
homes in your country? Discuss these questions
in groups of three and take notes on what it is said.
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Interesting Facts
Bardeen, Brattain, and Do you know what a transistor is? Have you ever heard about its use?
Shockley won the Nobel Discuss it as a class.
Prize for Chemistry in 1956
for inventing the transistor.
The Transistor: A New Era
A transistor is like a
The transistor is an underappreciated invention that changed
miniature on-off switch
the world forever. Believe it or not, it is the crucial component of an
that allows a computer
electronic device. Our televisions, radios, cell phones, and computers
to process information.
work with them. Televisions used to work with some tubes that were
A computer can’t operate slow and used a lot of energy before transistors were used.
without an integrated
Three people invented the transistor: William Shockley, John
circuit (chip), and a chip
Bardeen and Walter Brattain. Shockley started working in 1936
can’t operate without
on the transistor. Although he could successfully work out the
a transistor.
theory, he could not build a working model in eight years. Bardeen
The first Intel computer and Brattain helped him develop the model. Sometime later, Texas
chip had 2,300 transistors, Instruments of Dallas first started commercial production of some
while the latest one has transistors for portable radios in 1954. The Sony Company of Japan
820 million. soon acquired the right to produce transistors and dominated the
market. In the 1960’s, Sony began to manufacture television sets using
transistors instead of tubes. Afterwards, vacuum tube technology
became obsolete.
underappreciated. not 3. William Shockley invented a working transistor.
appreciated or valued enough
How has our society changed due to the inventions that we Tip
have studied?
A cause and effect paragraph
explains the consequences
You are going to write a cause and effect paragraph about the effects of an action, event, decision,
technology has had on society. These can be positive and negative effects.
etc. A cause and effect
First, brainstorm some ideas. In what aspects of society has technology paragraph can be organized
changed the way we do things? in different ways. It can be
Next, write some ideas in the graphic organizer below. Determine what the organized chronologically
cause is and what effect is the result. or based on the importance
of the events. It is useful
Then, put your paragraph together. Start with a topic sentence to introduce the
main idea. Then present your information from the graphic organizer. to complete the entire writing
process in order to write
Finally, finish with a concluding sentence that is similar to your topic sentence. a correct paragraph.
Your paragraph should be 50-60 words.
Cause Effect
Grammar Note
Language Through the Arts
• Paintings
• Carboard of many different colors
Modern television
• Cut the carboard box in the shape • Describe the television according to its
you want your television to have. characteristics. (flat screen, old television, etc.)
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Cardboard televisions
Oral Communication
What do you think about the latest electronic devices? • Discuss the positive and
Are they useful? Do you like them? negative aspects of the use
of technology with the class.
Is it affecting you? How?
Dr. Lisa P. Wayne is going to tell some students about changes
due to technological advances and how they have affected our society
positively and negatively. Listen to the class and complete the activities.
3 Write a short cause and effect paragraph (60-70 words) about changes
in society because of computers. Use your notebook for the writing process.
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Assessment How much¿Xxxxxxx?
have we advanced?
Social networking is a topic that divides opinion - some people think it’s an
amazing tool but others are worried about the impact it has on people’s lives.
Some people decided to find out the benefits - and potential risks - of using
social networks. Here are some of their conclusions as to the main benefits
and drawbacks of social media.
Not everyone may think about the negative effects of having social
networking accounts - but simple things like not setting your privacy properly
or liking someone’s photo can have bad results.
Social networking has a lot of good points. You can express yourself, post
your favorite songs or your latest picture with friends. It is a lot easier to do it
over the internet than in person. You can keep in touch with your friends and
relatives around the world.
Taken and adapted from:
c. List the positive points that you consider the most important
about social networks.
I do it I can’t do it
Topics I do it very well I can improve
somewhat well without help
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Project 2
Research Project
This is a research project and through it you are going to practice and keep
Objectives learning. You are going to apply some basic statistics and share the results
with classmates.
• To find out how students
of BGU are using
social networks.
• To establish if their
“friends” or “followers”
are people students know
or are strangers.
• To guide students
in the correct and safe
use of social networks.
Social networks
Step 1
Step 2
Using the objectives listed on the left side of the page, create 5-6 questions
to ask your classmates. You should mix yes/no questions and wh- questions
to get the most information. When your survey is ready, ask all of your
classmates, and if possible, students from 2nd and 3rd BGU, too.
Step 3
Present the results using percentages when you can. Did the results
surprise you?
Step 4
Step 5