Ingles 2 Bach Modulo 3
Ingles 2 Bach Modulo 3
Ingles 2 Bach Modulo 3
Pedagogical Module 3
Curricular Threads : Communication and Cultural Awareness,
Oral Communication, Reading, Writing, Language Through the Arts
Used to 5
6 Cultural celebrations
Indefinite pronouns
Ecuadorian artist
Endara Crow
Passive voice with
simple present and past
/y/, /dz/, /k/
and /ch/ sounds
and the
9 The Life of Pi
Traditions, customs,
and festivities
The Galapagos
The Galapagos Islands will inspire you to of volcanoes, biking lava trails, snorkelling
think differently about our world, just as others through lava tunnels, kayaking to view wildlife
have when visiting this fascinating place. Witness and scuba diving – all are possible in this paradise.
a unique abundance of wildlife in a setting
There are a lot of things to do on the islands;
unlike any other on the planet. Truly understand
from kayaking to scuba diving to hiking. The
Charles Darwin’s inspiration when he wrote his
combination of wildlife, nature, and history,
theory of evolution that changed the world.
accompanied by delightful food, will make for
Take the opportunity to visit the Charles an unforgettable trip and an adventure that will
Darwin Research Station. Be part of an remain in your heart forever.
educational and inspirational journey, enjoy
Taken and adapted from: Quito & Ecuador – Destination Guide. (2019, June 27).
the local flavors, discover small towns and Retrieved from
hidden paths. Activities like hiking to the top
• Do you like when tourists visit your hometown? Why or why not?
• Have you ever been to the Galapagos Islands?
• Why do you think the Galapagos Islands have so many tourists? Is it good or bad? Explain.
Lesson A
a biosphere reserve with
the Pululahua volcano The Virgin of Quito
Wikipedia/Lu Latsch
• What is tourism?
Oral Communication
• Do you know where Barcelona is? Sagrada Familia Flamenco
• Do you know what sangria is?
• Emma is calling Matthew from outside the hotel
Spain Sangría
because her room
Social Studies
Discuss the following questions in small groups. Choose the best answer to the questions
according to the reading.
• Which is your favorite Ecuadorian celebration?
Why? 1. When does the Day of the Dead take place?
• What do you like the most about it? a. It takes place on November 3.
• Is there a celebration you don’t like? Why? b. It takes place on November 2.
c. It takes place on November 1.
4. What is a guagua?
a. It is bread shaped and decorated in the
form of a small dog.
Pretend you have the opportunity to visit the Galapagos Islands. Your best friend
lives in Machala. Write him/her a postcard where you tell him/her what you did,
what you ate, and what you plan to do next. Finally, tell your friend what you like
the most of your visit to Galapagos. Use the space provided to write a postcard.
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Language Through the Arts
to the class.
Oral Communication
Interesting Facts
Read the lyrics of the song “All You Need Is Love” These lyrics belong to one of the most famous
by the British band The Beatles. Underline all the songs from the British band The Beatles.
sentences in passive voice you can find. This song was written by John Lennon and
Paul McCartney in 1967.
Source: Lennon, J., McCartney, Mogol. (n.d.).
All You Need Is Love. Retrieved from
Press photo of The Beatles during Magical Mystery Tour. Active My mother bakes a cake.
Lesson B
Can you imagine what Christmas is like in other parts of the world?
Christmas in Brazil On Christmas Eve, families in Brazil eat
a special Christmas menu: turkey (or another
When people who live in the northern
bird), rice, vegetables, and potato salad.
hemisphere think of Christmas, they think of Santa
They always have a special dessert.
Claus, Christmas trees, reindeers and snow. Snow?
There is one thing that is not exactly Brazilian,
Not in Brazil. There, it is summer and it is hot as
but that they love: Christmas bread (or as the
it can be. Poor Santa in his red winter clothes! He
Italian call it: panettoni).
should wear shorts, a t-shirt, and flip flops!
Taken and Adapted from: Christmas in Brazil Worksheet. (n.d.).
But how do families get ready to celebrate Retrieved from
Christmas day? Most of them decorate a fake
Christmas tree. They hang wreaths on doors and put
Christmas lights on windows and balconies. Secret Vocabulary
Santa is also very popular in Brazil. It is a game where reindeer. mammal with antlers similar to a deer,
friends exchange presents anonymously. It is a cheap known for living in cold weather
and fun way to give presents to your loved ones.
wreath. flowers, leaves, or branches in the shape
After dinner, children go to bed and wait for Santa of a circle
Claus, like many other children around the world.
anonymously. without knowing people’s names
Oral Communication
Hardly Ever
When travelling
as a tourist…
Do you travel by bus?
Language Through the Arts
Social Studies
Form small groups of 3-4 students and discuss the following questions. Prepare a group exposition.
Prepare a PPT or a paper
1. Describe the pictures above. What do you see? poster exposition where
you are going to talk about:
3. How do you celebrate New Year’s Eve in your hometown? Make b. Describe what people
a list of all the activities you do from you wake up until you go to bed. do and eat on New
Year’s Eve.
c. Include pictures
or drawings
of this celebration.
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Oral Communication
How would you feel if you returned to your hometown after being away for many years?
Grammar Notes
A sentence generally begins with the performer of the action
(subject), then the verb, then the object or person that the action
Not all verbs in English take
is performed on. This is called an active sentence.
an object; some sentences are
Subject + verb + object complete without them.
John cleaned the room Example: John lives in Cuenca.
He sleeps a lot.
If we begin the sentence with the object or person that the action These types of sentences
is performed on, we form a passive sentence. Notice that the tense cannot be changed into the
(past, present, future) doesn’t change. passive voice.
The Plot
The book starts with Pi’s childhood in Pondicherry,
India. His father owns the city zoo and the family lives
in the zoo. Pi is very interested in religion. His family
is Hindu, but he is curious about Christianity and
Islam too and decides to believe in all three religions.
Choose a book that you have read that has left an impression on you.
Think about the story and write each of the following parts:
When you have filled in each one of these sections, write the book
review as a complete paragraph in your notebook. Then exchange
Graded activities
2 Look at the text. What does it say? Circle the correct answer.
1. Use these doors only in an emergency
a. Only some people can use these doors.
b. You must never leave through these doors.
c. The doors can be used if necessary.
2. No dogs allowed anywhere on the beach between May and September
a. Dogs are welcome at certain times of the year.
b. Dog owners must avoid certain areas of the beach.
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Why should we travel?
I do it I can’t do it
Topics I do it very well I can improve
somewhat well without help
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Write a postcard
Project 1
• Destinations
• Accommodation
Final product:
Tour package document,
including pictures
Quito’s Downtown
(125-150 words).
Be prepared to present
it in front of the class.
Wikimedia/Diego Delso
Get in groups of 4-5 students. Pretend you run a travel agency and
you have to prepare a tour package for a group of 15 tourists from
the United Kingdom who are going to visit Ecuador next year. Design
a 6-days 5-nights package where you have to show them the most
beautiful places in your country.
Step 1:
Brainstorm ideas about where you would send tourists. Write them here.
Step 2:
Decide on a logical order in which the tourists could visit the places
you propose.
Step 3:
Think of the details for each stop. Where will the tourists stay?
Step 4:
Let's Review
Active Passive
Reading Vocabulary
After learning about the Galápagos, Barcelona, Choose five vocabulary words from the first half of
Christmas in Brazil, the Day of the Dead the module and write a question with each of them.
and New Year’s Eve in Ecuador, answer Then, ask the questions to a classmate and write
the following questions. down their answers.
1. Which celebration do you like the most 1. Question
and why? Answer
2. Question
3. Question
Lesson C
Festivals in Cuenca
Cuenca’s Christmas Eve Pase del Niño parade, or the Procession of the
Child, is a colorful mixture of the religious and the profane. It is a festival
of thanksgiving that combines Catholic and indigenous traditions.
The procession usually lasts more than eight hours, and it includes
floats and cars decorated with flowers, fruits and vegetables. Bands,
dancers, street performers, and various Biblical characters participate,
and the infant Jesus is carried through towns and villages. The parade
takes place on Christmas Eve but the Pase del Niño celebration begins
the first Sunday after Advent and continues until Carnival in March.
Besides this celebration, Christmas in Cuenca also means nightly
Interview Questions
Pase del Niño.
a. Have you ever been to Cuenca?
The Pase del Niño, or the b. Is Procession of the Child a tradition in your hometown?
Procession of the Child,
was introduced to Latin
c. What other Ecuadorian festival do you know?
America by the Spaniards
almost 500 years ago; it is
a Christmas celebration in d.
which statue of the infant
Jesus is carried through
towns. Joseph and Mary, e.
with the child in their arms,
walk through the streets,
and people accompany them f.
with prayers and songs.
In Ecuador, the tradition
remains the strongest g.
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Oral Communication
Match the words with the pictures.
canyoning - white water rafting - hiking - tubing The words nothing, anything,
something, and everything are
indefinite pronouns for things.
These are singular words, used
with a singular verb.
We can use it at the beginning
of a sentence as the subject
or as the object of a sentence.
• Nothing was done.
in the land of the living with the help of the dead, 4. What Mexican tradition did the film
and the way he does so will make anyone cry. review mention?
After having read Coco´s Film Review, rate the review. Tip
Color your answers .
Would you recommend watching this movie? YES NO Why? When writing a book review,
we usually use the present
tenses (The main character
is a boy. When the family
Fantastic! Really good! OK Bad Terrible! is traveling to the coast, the
children play with their cousins.)
Now you are going to write a book review. This is similar to a film to write about the plot. We
review. A book review is a synthesis of your personal opinion about also use adjectives – descriptive
the movie and a critical analysis of its content.
words – to talk about the scenery
You are going to write a first draft of your book review on your and background. (The boy was
favorite book of all time. First, fill out this chart with your main ideas. very timid, thin, and weak).
Step 1
Start with the
Now write a draft of your
book’s title
review in your notebook.
It should be 80-100 words.
Be sure to organize it starting
with the book’s title and
author, then with the details
Step 2 you have in your chart.
Use adjectives Make sure you leave a space
and descriptive between each line so that
phrases. you can exchange it with
a classmate and they
can make comments
or corrections.
Step 3 Taking into consideration
Explain the story your classmate’s comments,
but don’t tell write a clean version of your
the end! book review to turn into
your teacher.
Step 4
Your opinion Tip
of the book.
It is not necessary to always
use “I think” to express your
opinion. As you have observed
Step 5
in the examples, you can just
Why should state your opinion by saying it.
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Language Through the Arts
Interesting Facts In the film Coco, we can see Mexican culture and traditions. Among
The alebrije was created by Mexican traditions are alebrijes, one of the most popular and the
Pedro Linares in the 1930’s. magical crafts.
He was a papier-mâché
crafter in Mexico City. Culture
make an alebrije.
Wikimedia/ Rvalette
9. Start coloring.
Oral Communication
Grammar Notes
Stand up and interview 3 classmates. Ask them the following “Used to” is used to talk about
questions. Take notes on their answers. habits or repeated actions in
the past which are not done
• Have you ever heard of the tourist campaign
“All You Need is Ecuador”? in the present anymore. It is
also used to talk about states
YES NO If yes, what do you know about it? in the past which are no
• Have you ever heard of the World Travel Awards? longer true. For example:
YES NO If yes, what do you know about them? • I used to have short hair.
(but now I have long hair)
• He used to smoke.
(but now he doesn’t smoke)
• They used to live in Colombia.
Wikimedia/David Torres Costales
Wikimedia/Francesco Bailo
Destination #3: Details:
Think of 5 questions for the high school student to ask, then think
of 5 answers.
Ecuatorian youtuber
Lesson D
Mardi Gras
In the USA, Mardi Gras is an official holiday in the state of Louisiana.
Pixabay / Skeeze
To most people, the day is just a good reason to have a big party, especially
in New Orleans, where people dress up in bright and crazy costumes.
The parades have colorful floats and marching bands. There are also
Mardi Gras.
dances called masquerade balls, where people wear costumes and masks
to hide their identity. During the parade people on the floats throw items
into the crowd; these are usually strings of colorful beads or toy coins.
vivid. bright
thrilling. exciting
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spectacle. show
Oral Communication
Wikimedia / M. Latacunga
Here are five common English idioms that you
can use in a variety of situations.
1. Get your act together
(Meaning: You need
to improve your behavior La Mama Negra
Comics as Storyboards
Vocabulary Taken and adapted from: Beautiful Storyboard Examples for Students, for
Kids and General Usage. Retrieved from
rule. govern 1. Why did the woodcutter refuse to take
dove (dive). to jump into water the axes twice?
Form groups of 3-4 students and create a story Brainstorm some ideas about postcards.
of 80-100 words using the storyboard technique.
Criteria 5 points 3 points 1 point
Here there are five steps that can help you learn
how to use storyboards to create your own comic Moral Excellent Acceptable Incomplete
book, stories, or videos.
Step 1. Establish a timeline. Decide when and Story and Fun Boring
where your story takes place, and in which entertaining
order the events of the story happen. Irrelevant
Sequence Relevant and Not well
ideas and
Step 2. Identify the key scenes in your story. of images organized organized
A storyboard is meant to give its viewer
the idea of how the story will translate Consider the other group’s comments and make
to a comic book or video. Brainstorm some changes. When the final draft is ready, your
a list of the key moments that you want teacher will help you to display your work on the
to illustrate on your storyboard. walls of the class so the whole class will enjoy
your art!
Step 3. Write a description of what each box will
show. Write a description of the most
important elements of each box. This
will help you determine exactly what
to draw for your storyboard. Draw a draft of your storyboard here.
Language Through the Arts
Mafalda is a comic book character well
known both by people who speak Spanish and
also other languages. She was created by the
Argentine graphic humorist Quino and first
appeared in a comic strip in 1964 at the age of 6.
Despite her age, she was a child with a big heart
Oral Communication
Giving Directions
Circle the expressions you can use to give directions. Expressions for giving directions
Turn right, Turn left, Take the first/second/third
a. Walk street, Go straight, Go/walk straight down, Walk/
across the down... to…, Walk/go pass, Walk across
Graded activities
girl bought
her mother?
Why should we travel?
I do it I can’t do it
Topics I do it very well I can improve
somewhat well without help
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Project 2
Step 1 Notes
Step 2
Step 3