Ingles 2 Bach Modulo 3

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English Why should we travel?

Pedagogical Module 3
Curricular Threads : Communication and Cultural Awareness,
Oral Communication, Reading, Writing, Language Through the Arts

Second Course BGU

Used to 5
6 Cultural celebrations


Indefinite pronouns

Ecuadorian artist

Endara Crow

Passive voice with

simple present and past


Touring 8 The Beatles




/y/, /dz/, /k/

and /ch/ sounds
and the
9 The Life of Pi


Traditions, customs,


and festivities


Social Human beings and Peoples, nationalities,

12 awareness 11 the environment 10 and cultural identity

The Galapagos
The Galapagos Islands will inspire you to of volcanoes, biking lava trails, snorkelling
think differently about our world, just as others through lava tunnels, kayaking to view wildlife
have when visiting this fascinating place. Witness and scuba diving – all are possible in this paradise.
a unique abundance of wildlife in a setting
There are a lot of things to do on the islands;
unlike any other on the planet. Truly understand
from kayaking to scuba diving to hiking. The
Charles Darwin’s inspiration when he wrote his
combination of wildlife, nature, and history,
theory of evolution that changed the world.
accompanied by delightful food, will make for
Take the opportunity to visit the Charles an unforgettable trip and an adventure that will
Darwin Research Station. Be part of an remain in your heart forever.
educational and inspirational journey, enjoy
Taken and adapted from: Quito & Ecuador – Destination Guide. (2019, June 27).
the local flavors, discover small towns and Retrieved from
hidden paths. Activities like hiking to the top

• Do you like to be a tourist? Why or why not?

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• Do you like when tourists visit your hometown? Why or why not?
• Have you ever been to the Galapagos Islands?
• Why do you think the Galapagos Islands have so many tourists? Is it good or bad? Explain.

Lesson A

Communication and Cultural Awareness

What do you know about the province of Pichincha?

Quito: South America’s Cultural Capital

Culture Ecuador’s capital, Quito –the first city to be given the status
What can you find of a UNESCO World Heritage Site– is known as the Cultural Capital
in Pichincha? of South America. Situated high in the Andean mountains, at an altitude
of 2,850m, Quito was built on the foundations of an ancient Incan city,
Refugio Paz de Las Aves: with a colonial center that reflects European and indigenous roots. Among
a private nature reserve its most outstanding sights are Santo Domingo Church and el Panecillo.
in the Andes In the southern part of the Old Town, Santo Domingo Church stands
in the Plaza; its sculptures and paintings are by celebrated Dominican
artists, representing fascinating periods in Quito’s religious history.
Wikipedia/Vince Smith

The Panecillo provides a panoramic view of the entire city of Quito,

and also a statue of the only winged virgin in the world – the Virgin
of Quito. From the Panecillo the visitor can see some of the volcanoes
of the Andes mountains.
Orquideológica Pahuma Taken and adapted from: Quito & Ecuador – Destination Guide. (2019, June 27).
Reserve: a cloud forest with Retrieved from
orchids and hummingbirds
José Valencia

The Andean Chocó:

a biosphere reserve with
the Pululahua volcano The Virgin of Quito
Wikipedia/Lu Latsch

Discuss the following questions with a partner.

• What is tourism?

• Do you think tourism is important? Why?

Yunguilla: a mestizo • Have you ever been to the Pichincha province?

community of 50 families, • Where have you been in Ecuador?
an example of community
tourism with a variety of
birds and native plants
Think of the most beautiful place in your hometown. In three lines,
describe it so that others will want to visit.
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José Valencia

Oral Communication

What is the most beautiful building you have visited?

Sagrada Familia Church

Discuss the following questions with a partner.

• Do you know where Spain is?

• Have you ever been to Spain or do you know

anyone who has been there?


• Do you know where Barcelona is? Sagrada Familia Flamenco
• Do you know what sangria is?

Listen to Emma and Matthew talking on the phone

and fill in the blanks with the missing information.


• Emma is calling Matthew from outside the hotel
Spain Sangría
because her room

• What is the Sagrada Familia?


• Who did Emma meet? Passive verb forms

A passive verb is a form of be + a past participle.
• How is sangria made? Some past participles are irregular.
Ceviche is made with shrimp.

• What has been made in Park Güell?

The Sagrada Familia Church was designed
by Gaudi.
It was being built when Gaudi died.
Ecuador has been visited by many tourists.

Read the word aloud with your teacher, listen

carefully, and place them in the correct column.
fly - cry - happy - fancy - lady - smelly - sticky Grammar Notes
baggy - why - my - pretty - messy - lucky - windy
daisy - skinny - spy - rely - worry - rainy
Pronunciation: /y/
The consonant sound of “y” is /y/
“Y” says “i” “Y” says “e” as in the word “yellow”.
At the beginning of the word, the “y” makes
the consonant /y/ sound. The “y” also has
two vowel sounds.
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In a one syllable word, the “y” at the end of the

word makes the long “i” /ai/ sound as in cry, fry.
In a two syllable word, the “y” at the end of the
word makes a long “e” /i/ sound as in baby and city.

Social Studies

What is your favorite tradition?

Discuss the following questions in small groups. Choose the best answer to the questions
according to the reading.
• Which is your favorite Ecuadorian celebration?
Why? 1. When does the Day of the Dead take place?
• What do you like the most about it? a. It takes place on November 3.
• Is there a celebration you don’t like? Why? b. It takes place on November 2.
c. It takes place on November 1.

A Traditional Festival in Ecuador: 2. How is colada morada made?

Day of the Dead a. It is made from black flour and citric fruits.
b. It is made from black oatmeal and fruits.
c. It is made from black corn flour and fruits.

3. What is the Day of Dead?

a. It is a memorial to loved ones who have
gone to another country.
b. It is a memorial to loved ones who have
gone to heaven.
c. It is a celebration for loved ones who
have gone to “the beyond”.

4. What is a guagua?
a. It is bread shaped and decorated in the
form of a small dog.

b. It is bread shaped and decorated in the

Guagua de pan form of a small child.
c. It is a cupcake shaped and decorated
Ecuador is famous for its colorful festivals and in the form of a small bear.
every town in the country has their own traditional 5. What do Ecuadorians do in cemeteries
celebrations and events throughout the year. One on the Day of Dead?
of them is on November 2. It is the celebration a. Colada morada and guaguas are shared
of the Day of the Dead, a memorial for loved ones at home. People go to clean and decorate
who have gone to “the beyond”. Families in urban the graves of their loved ones.
and rural areas still prepare the traditional colada b. Colada morada is shared in cemeteries.
People go to clean and decorate the graves
morada, which is made from black corn flour and
of their loved ones.
fruits, and guaguas, which is bread shaped and
c. Colada morada and guaguas are shared
decorated in the form of a small child. These delicious in parks and streets. People go to clean and
treats are shared in the cemeteries as a tribute to the decorate the graves of their loved ones.
life and death of those who are on Earth and those
who have departed. In rural areas, this ritual is still
celebrated as part of religious traditions of mestizo
and indigenous people. In urban areas, thousands
Wikipedia / Diego Delso

of people gather in cemeteries to clean and decorate

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the graves of their loved ones. It is a national holiday.

Businesses and schools are closed and vendors line
the streets that lead to the cemeteries, selling flowers,
candles, candy, and food. Tulcán Cemetery


Do you ever write a letter by hand?


As well as emails or letters, postcards have a greeting,

a closing, a message, a stamp and an address.
For example:





Brainstorm some ideas about postcards. Steps to write a postcard:

• Do you know what a postcard is? 1. Greet the recipient on the left side.
• Have you ever sent one?
2. Write your message on the left side and sign it.
3. Write the address of the recipient on the
• Have you ever received one? right side.
• Would you like to write one? 4. Place the stamp on the top right of the postcard.

Pretend you have the opportunity to visit the Galapagos Islands. Your best friend
lives in Machala. Write him/her a postcard where you tell him/her what you did,
what you ate, and what you plan to do next. Finally, tell your friend what you like
the most of your visit to Galapagos. Use the space provided to write a postcard.
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Language Through the Arts

Do you have a favorite Ecuadorian artist?

Interesting Facts Gonzalo Endara Crow (1936-1996)

was born in Bucay, Ecuador. He became
Endara Crow was a fan interested in sculpture and folk art from
of fantastic realism, an early age. His work incorporated
which corresponded Ecuadorian geography and the bright
in Latin American visual colors used by indigenous artisans.
art to magical realism They were two major sources of
in literature. influence that influenced his work for
his entire career.
His most famous works are shown below.


Wikipedia / Gonzalo Endara Crow

José Valencia

Corn Monument, Sangolquí Raining Bells

In groups of 3-4 students, prepare a presentation

about Gonzalo Endara Crow and his work.

Each group should research about:

1. Endara Crow´s biography

2. Endara Crow´s most important works

including a short description of each one
Wikipedia /

3. Choose one of Endara Crow´s works you like

the most and draw it. Present your drawing
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to the class.

Circasiana Horses, Quito

Oral Communication

What song do you associate with Ecuador?

Interesting Facts

Read the lyrics of the song “All You Need Is Love” These lyrics belong to one of the most famous
by the British band The Beatles. Underline all the songs from the British band The Beatles.
sentences in passive voice you can find. This song was written by John Lennon and
Paul McCartney in 1967.
Source: Lennon, J., McCartney, Mogol. (n.d.).
All You Need Is Love. Retrieved from

Wikimedia / Parlophone Music Sweden Grammar Notes

When do we use the passive voice?
We use the passive in both speech and writing,
but it is more common in writing. We use
it especially in textbooks and reports.

Press photo of The Beatles during Magical Mystery Tour. Active My mother bakes a cake.

Love, love, love Passive A cake is baked by my mother.

Love, love, love
Love, love, love In the active voice, we focus on WHO does the
There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done
action (in this case, my mother). In the passive
Nothing you can sing that can’t be sung voice, the focus is more on the action done than
Nothing you can say, but you can learn how the person doing it.
to play the game
It’s easy We can also use be + past participle after modal
Nothing you can make that can’t be made
auxiliary verbs like: can, will, must, should, have
No one you can save that can’t be saved to, etc. When the sentence is negative, place not
Nothing you can do, but you can learn how next to the modal.
to be you in time
It’s easy The problem will be solved.
All you need is love
This can’t be done easily.
All you need is love
All you need is love, love
Love is all you need
All you need is love
All you need is love
In each sentence underline who or what is doing
All you need is love, love
the action (the agent).
Love is all you need
There’s nothing you can know that isn’t known Example: The photograph was taken by my mother.
Nothing you can see that isn’t shown
There’s nowhere you can be that isn’t where 1. A policeman was murdered by terrorists.
you’re meant to be 2. My family was woken by the alarm.
It’s easy 3. The tour guide led the group of tourists inside
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All you need is love San Francisco Church.

All you need is love 4. The dog has bitten several people on the street.
All you need is love, love 5. The telephone was invented by Alexander
Love is… Graham Bell.

Lesson B

Communication and Cultural Awareness

Can you imagine what Christmas is like in other parts of the world?

• What’s the weather like in your hometown

during Christmas time?

• Do you have any special tradition?

• What kind of food do you have on Christmas?

Christmas in Brazil On Christmas Eve, families in Brazil eat
a special Christmas menu: turkey (or another
When people who live in the northern
bird), rice, vegetables, and potato salad.
hemisphere think of Christmas, they think of Santa
They always have a special dessert.
Claus, Christmas trees, reindeers and snow. Snow?
There is one thing that is not exactly Brazilian,
Not in Brazil. There, it is summer and it is hot as
but that they love: Christmas bread (or as the
it can be. Poor Santa in his red winter clothes! He
Italian call it: panettoni).
should wear shorts, a t-shirt, and flip flops!
Taken and Adapted from: Christmas in Brazil Worksheet. (n.d.).
But how do families get ready to celebrate Retrieved from
Christmas day? Most of them decorate a fake
Christmas tree. They hang wreaths on doors and put
Christmas lights on windows and balconies. Secret Vocabulary
Santa is also very popular in Brazil. It is a game where reindeer. mammal with antlers similar to a deer,
friends exchange presents anonymously. It is a cheap known for living in cold weather
and fun way to give presents to your loved ones.
wreath. flowers, leaves, or branches in the shape
After dinner, children go to bed and wait for Santa of a circle
Claus, like many other children around the world.
anonymously. without knowing people’s names

How many Christmas words can you remember?

Find them in the reading and use them in your
own original sentence.
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Oral Communication

Have you ever missed a bus?

Martina Missed Her Bus

“Take nothing but photos, leave nothing

but footprints.” – Chief Seattle
Talk to a partner close to you and ask him or her
the following questions. Record his/her answers
in the chart. Mark the answer with an X. Then
compare all of your answers as a class. Do you
have a lot in common?

Hardly Ever

When travelling
as a tourist…

Do you travel by bus?

Do you travel by car? In pairs, copy the following questions on small

pieces of paper. Fold them and put them inside
Do you travel by boat? a box. Sit facing your partner and take turns
choosing and answering the questions.

a. How often do you go on vacation?

Where have you been?
b. What museums have you visited?
You are going to listen to Martina talking with Which did you enjoy most? Why?
a bus station manager. Answer the following
c. What are possible disadvantages
questions. Circle the best option.
of tourism for a country?
1. Martina missed her bus because: d. For tourists, what is the most convenient
way to get around in your country?
a. She was lost in the bus station.
e. What kind of jobs are there
b. She took another bus by mistake. in the tourism industry?
c. It was not said in the conversation. f. Have you flown? Was it short or long trip?
2. Martina is going to: Did you suffer from jet lag?
g. Which places are the most popular
a. Nanegalito. destinations in Ecuador?
b. Guayaquil. h. Which cities or countries have you visited?
c. Montañita. What is your favorite?
i. Does your country benefit from tourism?
3. The bus station manager told Martina that
In what way?
she cannot use the same ticket because:
j. Name some landmarks from your city.
a. This ticket is valid on buses before 5:00. Describe them.
Night tickets are more expensive.
b. This ticket is valid on buses before 5:00.
Night tickets are cheaper.
c. This ticket is valid on buses before 9:00.
Morning tickets are more expensive.
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Language Through the Arts
Social Studies

What is New Year’s Eve like in your home town?

New Year's Eve Celebration in Ecuador

Ecuador celebrates New Year’s Eve as a unique ritual where elaborate Vocabulary
effigies filed with gunpowder and fireworks representing bad vibes
effigies. dolls made of paper,
from the departing year are displayed throughout cities and towns cloth, and other materials that
before being burned at midnight with fireworks and music. resemble people from real life

gunpowder. the fine material

used in guns to produce
an explosion
Flickr/Medios Públicos César Muño

Flickr/Medios Públicos César Muño

Wikipedia/Agencia ANDES

New Year’s Eve traditions


Form small groups of 3-4 students and discuss the following questions. Prepare a group exposition.
Prepare a PPT or a paper
1. Describe the pictures above. What do you see? poster exposition where
you are going to talk about:

a. New Year’s Eve

2. Do you celebrate New Year’s Eve?
celebration in your

3. How do you celebrate New Year’s Eve in your hometown? Make b. Describe what people
a list of all the activities you do from you wake up until you go to bed. do and eat on New
Year’s Eve.

c. Include pictures
or drawings
of this celebration.
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d. Build a small effigy and

bring it to your class.

Oral Communication

How would you feel if you returned to your hometown after being away for many years?

Grammar Notes
A sentence generally begins with the performer of the action
(subject), then the verb, then the object or person that the action
Not all verbs in English take
is performed on. This is called an active sentence.
an object; some sentences are
Subject + verb + object complete without them.
John cleaned the room Example: John lives in Cuenca.
He sleeps a lot.
If we begin the sentence with the object or person that the action These types of sentences
is performed on, we form a passive sentence. Notice that the tense cannot be changed into the
(past, present, future) doesn’t change. passive voice.

Object + verb + by subject

The room was cleaned by John
Grammar Notes

Notice the use of the passive

How do you change a passive sentence to an active one?
voice in the dialogue. The
Write the process here:
emphasis is on the things that
have been done in the town,
not who has done them.
Think about your own
city or town. Have things
changed in the past years?
Use the passive voice to
write three sentences about
what is different.
New streetlights were installed
a year ago.
Listen to the conversation between two friends who have returned
to their hometown after several years of being away. Fill in the blanks
with ONE word based on the information from their conversation.

1. There is now a new in the main park.

2. The has been repaired.

3. Several new have been constructed and the


old ones have been .

4. The school is now bright .

5. The residents have cleaned the and .

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What makes a book good?

The Life of Pi: Book Review

Interesting Facts

The Life of Pi is the third

book by the Canadian
author Yann Martel, and
was published in 2001.
It has sold seven million
copies worldwide, won

Flickr / Shane Lin

several prizes and been
translated into 41 languages.
Yann Martel is the son
of a diplomat and spent his
childhood in Costa Rica,
Match the vocabulary with the correct definition. Write a-d next Canada, France, and Mexico.
to the numbers 1-4. After finishing the university
1. a storm a.  to go down in water in Canada, he spent two
years traveling around India
2. childhood b.  the part of your life when you are a child
and then decided to be
3. lonely c.  very bad weather with strong winds and rain a writer.
4. to sink d.  being on your own and missing the
company of other people

The Plot
The book starts with Pi’s childhood in Pondicherry,
India. His father owns the city zoo and the family lives
in the zoo. Pi is very interested in religion. His family
is Hindu, but he is curious about Christianity and
Islam too and decides to believe in all three religions.

When Pi is 16, his parents decide to close the

zoo and move to Canada. The family travels by ship Decide if each sentence is True (T) or False (F)
to Canada taking the animals with them. On the way, based on the reading.
there is a terrible storm and the ship sinks. Sadly,
1. Pi’s father owns the city zoo
Pi’s family and the sailors all die in the storm, but in Pondicherry. T F
Pi lives and finds himself in a lifeboat with a hyena,
a zebra, an orangutan and an enormous tiger. One 2. Pi likes learning about
different religions. T F
by one, the animals, in the lifeboat kill and eat each
other, till only Pi and the tiger are left alive. Pi and 3. Pi and the tiger spend 150 days
the tiger spend 227 days in the lifeboat. They live in the lifeboat. T F
through terrible storms and the burning heat of the
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4. Pi sometimes feels very happy

Pacific sun. Pi finds comfort in his three religions, and excited. T F
but sometimes he feels sad and lonely. Finally, they
5. Pi and the tiger arrived at the
arrive at the coast of Mexico, but you will have cost of Mexico. T F
to read the book to find out what happens in the end!
A Book Review

Why write a book review?

• It helps a person to make an informed choice.

• It is a way to share a book you have read.

• It lets others know what you have enjoyed and not.

How to write a book review:

To begin writing a review, think about the following questions:
• Who was your favorite character, and why?
• What was your favorite part of the book, and why?
• What was difficult about reading the book?
• What was your general opinion, and why should others read
(or not read) the book?

Choose a book that you have read that has left an impression on you.
Think about the story and write each of the following parts:

• Introduction (20-30 words) Background Name of the author and

where the story takes place Thesis: the main argument of the book..

• Evaluation (30-40 words) Short summary of the book with

its strengths and weaknesses.

• Conclusion (10-20 words) What is your general opinion?

When you have filled in each one of these sections, write the book
review as a complete paragraph in your notebook. Then exchange

your book review with a partner. Was your review convincing?

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Was your partner’s review convincing? Do you have any questions

for your partner?

Graded activities

Achievement Level - Writing

Individual activity

1 Pretend you had the opportunity to visit Puyo in Pastaza-Rainforest

during a holiday.
Your best friend lives in Guaranda. Write him/her a postcard where you
tell him/her what you did, what you ate, and what you saw. Finally, tell
your friend what you liked the most about your visit to the rainforest.
Use the space provided to write a postcard. (50-70 words)

Achievement Level - Reading

Individual activity

2 Look at the text. What does it say? Circle the correct answer.
1. Use these doors only in an emergency
a. Only some people can use these doors.
b. You must never leave through these doors.
c. The doors can be used if necessary.
2. No dogs allowed anywhere on the beach between May and September
a. Dogs are welcome at certain times of the year.
b. Dog owners must avoid certain areas of the beach.
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c. You can never take your dog to the beach.

Why should we travel?

Achievement Level - Speaking in Pairs

Group activity

3 Simulated Situation (2-3 minutes)

You are planning a weekend at a campsite on the beach with two
other classmates.
Look at these pictures and talk about the different camping options
in Ecuador and then decide on the best option.




I’m completing this self-evaluation based on what I learned in the module.

Self-evaluation I check (√) the box that most applies to me

I do it I can’t do it
Topics I do it very well I can improve
somewhat well without help
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Talk about traveling to different places

Understand and use the passive voice

Write a postcard

Project 1

Prepare a Tour Package!

Prepare a tour package

that includes:

• Destinations
• Accommodation

Wikimedia/Dr. Carlos Costales Terán

• Transportation
Quilotoa. • Tour guides
• Budget
• Dates

Final product:
Tour package document,
including pictures
Quito’s Downtown
(125-150 words).

Be prepared to present
it in front of the class.
Wikimedia/Diego Delso


The Middle of the World Ingapirca Ruins

Get in groups of 4-5 students. Pretend you run a travel agency and
you have to prepare a tour package for a group of 15 tourists from
the United Kingdom who are going to visit Ecuador next year. Design
a 6-days 5-nights package where you have to show them the most
beautiful places in your country.

Step 1:

Brainstorm ideas about where you would send tourists. Write them here.

Step 2:

Decide on a logical order in which the tourists could visit the places
you propose.

Step 3:

Think of the details for each stop. Where will the tourists stay?

How will they get from one place to another?

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Step 4:

Start developing your package to present. Choose pictures

to go with the text.

Let's Review


Change the sentences in the active voice to the passive voice.

If it is not possible, write NP.

Active Passive

1. Ecuadorians make ceviche with shrimp.

2. Last night, my Ecuadorian friends made

ceviche with shrimp.
3. Ecuadorians eat colada morada and
guaguas de pan for the Day of the Dead.
4. Endara Crow became interested in
sculpture and folk art from an early age.
5. Most Brazilians decorate a fake
Christmas tree.

Reading Vocabulary

After learning about the Galápagos, Barcelona, Choose five vocabulary words from the first half of
Christmas in Brazil, the Day of the Dead the module and write a question with each of them.
and New Year’s Eve in Ecuador, answer Then, ask the questions to a classmate and write
the following questions. down their answers.
1. Which celebration do you like the most 1. Question
and why? Answer
2. Question
3. Question

2. Would you like to visit Galapagos Answer

or Barcelona? Why? 4. Question
5. Question
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Lesson C

Communication and Cultural Awareness

Social Studies

What do you do on Christmas Eve?

Festivals in Cuenca
Cuenca’s Christmas Eve Pase del Niño parade, or the Procession of the
Child, is a colorful mixture of the religious and the profane. It is a festival
of thanksgiving that combines Catholic and indigenous traditions.

The procession usually lasts more than eight hours, and it includes
floats and cars decorated with flowers, fruits and vegetables. Bands,
dancers, street performers, and various Biblical characters participate,
and the infant Jesus is carried through towns and villages. The parade
takes place on Christmas Eve but the Pase del Niño celebration begins
the first Sunday after Advent and continues until Carnival in March.
Besides this celebration, Christmas in Cuenca also means nightly

firework shows, concerts, and craft sales.

Taken and adapted from: Five Great Traditional Festivals in Ecuador. (2019, June 26).
Retrieved from

After reading about Cuenca’s festivals, you are going to interview

a classmate about their experience with Ecuadorian celebrations.
Use the questions below to start, then create four more of your own

related to the topic. Take notes of their answers and be prepared

to share them with the class.

Interview Questions
Pase del Niño.
a. Have you ever been to Cuenca?

The Pase del Niño, or the b. Is Procession of the Child a tradition in your hometown?
Procession of the Child,
was introduced to Latin
c. What other Ecuadorian festival do you know?
America by the Spaniards
almost 500 years ago; it is
a Christmas celebration in d.
which statue of the infant
Jesus is carried through
towns. Joseph and Mary, e.
with the child in their arms,
walk through the streets,
and people accompany them f.
with prayers and songs.
In Ecuador, the tradition
remains the strongest g.
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in the Andean region.

Communities plan it for
the entire year.

Oral Communication

Do you enjoy extreme sports?

Match the words with the pictures.

canyoning - white water rafting - hiking - tubing The words nothing, anything,
something, and everything are
indefinite pronouns for things.
These are singular words, used
with a singular verb.


We can use it at the beginning

of a sentence as the subject
or as the object of a sentence.
• Nothing was done.

Wikimedia/Adn Montalvo Estrada

• They did nothing.
We use anything in positive

sentences, questions, and

with sentences that have
a negative feeling.
Ambato Carnival Parade Ambato Carnival Parade • Is there anything in the purse?
• She ate hardly anything.
We often use anything after if,
Listen to a conversation between two friends and answer the meaning “it doesn’t matter what”.
questions that follow.
• If anything is wrong, you need
1. Which six activities do the speakers say they are going to do? to call the reception.
Mark each one with an X.
• She is so hungry that she
canyoning snowboarding play soccer will eat anything.
white water rafting hiking tubing
We use something mainly
see a beautiful parade eat delicious food and drinks
in positive sentences, as well
2. What is canyoning? as in questions when they are
a. That’s when you jump in a canyon. offers or requests or when we
b. That’s when you jump and swim down a river canyon. think the answer is yes.
c. That’s when you swim down a river canyon in a tube. • There’s something
3. Ambato has a festival where … in the backpack.
• Would you like something
a. people enjoy a parade full of floats decorated with balloons.
to eat?
b. people enjoy throwing water, eggs and flour at each other.
c. people enjoy a parade full of floats decorated with fruits Everything means all things.
and flowers. This can be used in positive/
negative sentences and questions.
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4. Listen again and identify at least three indefinite pronouns that

were used in the listening:
• He doesn’t know everything.
• Everything is so confusing.


Have you seen the movie Coco?


Skimming and scanning are two very different

strategies for speed reading. They each have
a different purpose, and they are not meant
to be used all of the time.
Skimming is used to quickly identify the main ideas
of a text and is done at a speed three to four times
faster than normal reading.
Mexican Day of the Dead
Scanning is a technique you often use when
searching for key words or ideas. In most cases, you
know what you’re looking for, so you concentrate
Look at the film review Coco. Answer these on finding a particular answer. Scanning involves
two questions. You have ten seconds! moving your eyes quickly down the page looking
for specific words and phrases. Remember that it is
a. What’s the name of the film?
b. What’s the main character´s name? usually not necessary to read and understand every
word in a text to find the answers to questions.
Which reading skill or skills did you use?
Did you read every word in the text?
Did you read quickly or slowly?

In groups of three, answer the following questions.

A young boy called Miguel dreams of singing and
playing guitar just like his movie-star hero, Ernesto 1.  Deduce the meaning of the following
De La Cruz. But there’s a problem; generations words from the context.
Write an X in the correct space.
before, his great-great-grandmother’s heart (Coco)
was broken when her musician husband abandoned Forbid to accept to prohibit to sell
her. Since then, she has forbidden the family from Bear animal to accept
playing music. Miguel can’t bear the restriction,
to give birth to
but when he steals a guitar from his idol’s tomb,
he finds himself transported to the Land of the Dead. Steal to smile to extract
He discovers he cannot get home unless he finds to take without permission
a deceased family member to give him a blessing. 2.  Why do you think Miguel can’t bear the
To do that, he teams up with the dead man Hector. restriction of playing music imposed by
his great-great-grandmother?
It was very hard to establish the rules of the
Land Of The Dead, when the deceased can visit the
living, but once that’s done, the film races towards 3.  Make a list of 5 adjectives you can
a touching finale through spectacular musical identify in the review:
numbers. Local Mexican foods and traditions
such as alebrijes (folk-art sculptures of fantastical
creatures) are everywhere. Miguel has to find peace
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in the land of the living with the help of the dead, 4.  What Mexican tradition did the film
and the way he does so will make anyone cry. review mention?

Taken and adapted from: O’Hara, H. (2018, January 11). Coco.

Retrieved from


Have you ever shared your opinion about a book?

After having read Coco´s Film Review, rate the review. Tip
Color your answers .
Would you recommend watching this movie? YES NO Why? When writing a book review,
we usually use the present
tenses (The main character
is a boy. When the family
Fantastic! Really good! OK Bad Terrible! is traveling to the coast, the
children play with their cousins.)
Now you are going to write a book review. This is similar to a film to write about the plot. We
review. A book review is a synthesis of your personal opinion about also use adjectives – descriptive
the movie and a critical analysis of its content.
words – to talk about the scenery
You are going to write a first draft of your book review on your and background. (The boy was
favorite book of all time. First, fill out this chart with your main ideas. very timid, thin, and weak).

Step 1
Start with the
Now write a draft of your
book’s title
review in your notebook.
It should be 80-100 words.
Be sure to organize it starting
with the book’s title and
author, then with the details
Step 2 you have in your chart.
Use adjectives Make sure you leave a space
and descriptive between each line so that
phrases. you can exchange it with
a classmate and they
can make comments
or corrections.
Step 3 Taking into consideration
Explain the story your classmate’s comments,
but don’t tell write a clean version of your
the end! book review to turn into
your teacher.

Step 4
Your opinion Tip
of the book.
It is not necessary to always
use “I think” to express your
opinion. As you have observed
Step 5
in the examples, you can just
Why should state your opinion by saying it.
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people read the

book? “The movie is entertaining from
the beginning to the end.”

Language Through the Arts

How can we use codes to communicate?

Interesting Facts In the film Coco, we can see Mexican culture and traditions. Among
The alebrije was created by Mexican traditions are alebrijes, one of the most popular and the
Pedro Linares in the 1930’s. magical crafts.
He was a papier-mâché
crafter in Mexico City. Culture

The alebrijes are imaginary creatures that have elements from

different animals such as dragon bodies, bat wings, wolf teeth, and
dog eyes. Colorfully painted, they were originally made with papier-
mâché but nowadays they are also carved from wood.

How to make papier-mâché:

Form small groups of 3-4 students and using papier-mâché design,

Wikimedia/ Rvalette

make an alebrije.

Wikimedia/ Rvalette

1. Get all the material:

A bowl or large container, white glue, water, your base
structure, a paintbrush, and newspaper.

2. Tear the newspaper into long strips.

3. Glue mixture: Pour 2 parts white glue and 1 part water

into a mixing bowl.

4. Blend mixture with paint brush until it forms

a smooth consistency.

5. Find a surface you want to papier-mâché.

Examples include a balloon, cardboard or a molded figure.

6. Dip a strip of newspaper into the mixture and remove

any excess.
Wikimedia/ Thelmadatter

7. Lay the strip over the surface and repeat.

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8. Place the object on a covered surface to dry.

9. Start coloring.

Oral Communication

How popular do you think Ecuador is as a tourist destination?

Grammar Notes

Stand up and interview 3 classmates. Ask them the following “Used to” is used to talk about
questions. Take notes on their answers. habits or repeated actions in
the past which are not done
• Have you ever heard of the tourist campaign
“All You Need is Ecuador”? in the present anymore. It is
also used to talk about states
YES NO If yes, what do you know about it? in the past which are no
• Have you ever heard of the World Travel Awards? longer true. For example:
YES NO If yes, what do you know about them? • I used to have short hair.
(but now I have long hair)
• He used to smoke.
(but now he doesn’t smoke)
• They used to live in Colombia.
Wikimedia/David Torres Costales

(but now they live in Chile)

With the negative and

Wikimedia / Annom

the question it is ‘use’

and not ‘used’:
• Did you use to be a doctor?
Chimborazo Volcano Quilotoa Galapagos
• Did he use to study Biology?
• She didn’t use to like coffee,
but she does now.
Listen to a radio host talking to the audience about how Ecuador
has become a major tourist destination. Take notes on the top three
destinations mentioned. Which do you prefer?

Wikimedia/Francesco Bailo
Destination #3: Details:

Destination #2: Details:

Destination #1: Details:

Isla de La Plata

In pairs, pretend one of you is a 70-year-old senior tourist from

Canada (Student A) and the other one is a high school student
(Student B). You meet on Isla de La Plata on the Ecuadorian coast

in Puerto Lopez (Manabí). The high school student wants to learn

more about tourist habits in the past and tourist habits today, Senior Tourists
so he/she interviews the senior tourist.

Remember to talk about habits, repeated actions or states in the past

that do not happen today, use the expression “used to”. Example:

Student A: Sir, did Canadians Student B: No, Ecuador was

use to visit Ecuador when you not a known destination for
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were young? Canadians in the 60’s.

Think of 5 questions for the high school student to ask, then think
of 5 answers.
Ecuatorian youtuber

Lesson D

Communication and Cultural Awareness

Social Studies

Do you celebrate Carnival?

Around the world there are plenty of celebrations we can learn

about. This time we will be learning about Notting Hill Carnival
in London, England and Mardi Gras in New Orleans, USA.
Wikimedia / David Sedlecky

Notting Hill Carnival

It is a yearly celebration of London’s Caribbean culture and traditions
since 1966. It takes place over two days and features a parade and
fantastic live music, including reggae, dub, and salsa. There are also
Notting Hill Carnival. 36 sound systems, floats, bands, and a lot of delicious Caribbean food.
Two million people attended last year. It is considered Europe’s
biggest street festival. The annual event is a vivid and thrilling spectacle
that celebrates London’s beautiful multicultural past and present.

Mardi Gras
In the USA, Mardi Gras is an official holiday in the state of Louisiana.
Pixabay / Skeeze

To most people, the day is just a good reason to have a big party, especially
in New Orleans, where people dress up in bright and crazy costumes.
The parades have colorful floats and marching bands. There are also
Mardi Gras.
dances called masquerade balls, where people wear costumes and masks
to hide their identity. During the parade people on the floats throw items
into the crowd; these are usually strings of colorful beads or toy coins.

This Venn Diagram has three

circles. Each circle meets with Get in pairs. Discuss the following questions.
the two other circles. When • Are there similar celebrations in Ecuador to Notting Hill Carnival
they meet, you have to write in London and Mardi Gras in New Orleans? If your answer is yes,
what they have in common. describe the celebrations.
In the central part, write what • How are these celebrations different from or similar to Notting Hill
the three celebrations have in Carnival and Mardi Gras?
common. In the parts where Use your answers to these questions to complete the
circles don’t match, write down Venn Diagram below.
what is exclusive for each one.
Notting Hill
Vocabulary Celebration

vivid. bright

thrilling. exciting
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spectacle. show

beads. small, usually round

pieces of plastic or glass
used to make jewelry Mardi Gras

Oral Communication

What do you think is the best way to learn idioms in a language?

Idioms are one of the hardest parts of learning

a language. An idiom is a phrase with a meaning,
but it is not clear from the words themselves. If you
translate an idiom word for word, it sometimes
makes no sense at all. They are like puzzles, and even
native speakers can get confused when someone
uses an idiom that they’ve never heard of.

Wikimedia / M. Latacunga
Here are five common English idioms that you
can use in a variety of situations.
1. Get your act together
(Meaning: You need
to improve your behavior La Mama Negra

work.) For example, if your

friend is not doing his/her
homework or studying for
Listen to a conversation between two university
exams, then you can tell that friends, one from Latacunga and the other from
person that he/she needs Venezuela. Then, answer the questions that follow.
to get his/her act together.
a. In the dialogue between Brittany and Teresa,
2. Pull yourself together what is a piece of cake?
(Meaning: You need
to calm down.) For example,
b. Why did Brittany tell Teresa to pull
if your friend is extremely
herself together?
upset about something, you
can tell that person that
he/she needs to pull him c. Why does Teresa want to go and see
herself together. La Mama Negra?

3. I’m feeling under the weather

(Meaning: I’m sick.) Imagine you were Teresa. What other questions
would you ask Brittany about La Mama Negra?
4. It’s a piece of cake (Meaning:
Write down three questions.
It’s easy.) For example,
if an exam is very easy, you a.
can say that it was a piece b.
of cake.
5. Pull someone’s leg
(Meaning: To joke with
someone.) For example,
if you say to a friend that Pretend student A is a foreign student who came
you saw his or her boyfriend to live in Ecuador and this is his/her first school year.
Student B is an Ecuadorian student.
or girlfriend with someone
else and your friend looks
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Create a conversation where student B shares with

angry and surprised, you student A a traditional celebration from his/her
can say, “I’m just pulling hometown. Incorporate at least two idioms from

this section in a dialogue of 10 lines per speaker.

your leg!”


Do you have a favorite comic?

Comics as Storyboards

Storyboards will help you to make abstract ideas

concrete and accessible. Read this storyboard
and answer the questions below.

Wikipedia / Bud Fisher

Story of an Honest Woodcutter
Once there was a poor woodcutter. He used
to cut trees in the woods. One day he was
cutting wood on the bank of a river.

His axe fell down into the

river. The river was deep.
Form groups of 3-4 students and discuss the He could not take his axe
following questions. Do you like to watch or read out. He sat on the bank
comics? Do you know any famous comics? and began to cry.

Mercury, the goddess

What Are Storyboards? of water, appeared. She
asked why he was crying.
Storyboarding, or picture writing, is the origin
The woodcutter told her the
of all written languages, used by ancient cultures whole story. Mercury dove
before text evolved and as a natural bridge to text. into the water and found
The Chinese language uses pictographs. Egyptians a golden axe. The woodcutter
used storyboards, or hieroglyphics, first in stone refused to take it.
and later written on papyrus, to organize a complex
Mercury dove again and
society and to rule the ancient world. brought up a silver axe.
The woodcutter did not
Look at any comic strip and you’ll see picture in take it either.
action. A storyboard is a writing format, generally
a set of boxes (or rectangles, circles, or other shapes)
Then she brought an iron
placed in an order. Each box or frame is a place for the
axe. The woodcutter happily
writer to put information, pictures, symbols, or text. took it. Mercury was so
pleased. She rewarded the
Taken and adapted from What Are Storyboards? (n.d.).
woodcutter with the other
Retrieved from
two axes.

Vocabulary Taken and adapted from: Beautiful Storyboard Examples for Students, for
Kids and General Usage. Retrieved from
rule. govern 1. Why did the woodcutter refuse to take
dove (dive). to jump into water the axes twice?

rewarded. give something as a reward or prize

iron. type of metal

2. Why did Mercury reward the woodcutter
with the two axes?
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What makes a storyboard fun?


Form groups of 3-4 students and create a story Brainstorm some ideas about postcards.
of 80-100 words using the storyboard technique.
Criteria 5 points 3 points 1 point
Here there are five steps that can help you learn
how to use storyboards to create your own comic Moral Excellent Acceptable Incomplete
book, stories, or videos.
Step 1. Establish a timeline. Decide when and Story and Fun Boring
where your story takes place, and in which entertaining
order the events of the story happen. Irrelevant
Sequence Relevant and Not well
ideas and
Step 2. Identify the key scenes in your story. of images organized organized
A storyboard is meant to give its viewer
the idea of how the story will translate Consider the other group’s comments and make
to a comic book or video. Brainstorm some changes. When the final draft is ready, your
a list of the key moments that you want teacher will help you to display your work on the
to illustrate on your storyboard. walls of the class so the whole class will enjoy
your art!
Step 3. Write a description of what each box will
show. Write a description of the most
important elements of each box. This
will help you determine exactly what
to draw for your storyboard. Draw a draft of your storyboard here.

Step 4. Decide what to use for your template.

You can draw a basic storyboard template
by hand, simply dividing a poster board
into empty frames of the same size using
a pencil and scissors. The setup should
look similar to that of a comic book, with
rows of square cells that show how the
scene will look on a screen.

Step 5. Add other important information. Next

to or below each box, fill in your description
of what’s happening in the scene. Include
the dialogue that will take place.

Step 6. Think in different perspectives.

Use these artists’ tricks to make your
images look more like movie scenes.

Instead of drawing all of your characters

as if they were standing on the same
line, put them in perspective. Have
some standing a little further and some
standing closer. The ones standing
further should appear smaller, with their
feet higher up on the page, and the ones
standing closer should appear larger, with
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their feet lower on the page.

Source taken and adapted from: WikiHow. (2019, September 05).

How to Create a Storyboard? Retrieved from

Language Through the Arts

Have you heard of Mafalda?

Mafalda, a Little Girl Who Challenged a Nation

Mafalda is a comic book character well
known both by people who speak Spanish and
also other languages. She was created by the
Argentine graphic humorist Quino and first
appeared in a comic strip in 1964 at the age of 6.
Despite her age, she was a child with a big heart

Flickr / Beatrice Murch

and knowledge of the world she lived in.

Mafalda Now draw your own Mafalda comic strip in

English. Your mini story should be original, but go
along with the main themes you have discovered
in your research. You will present your strip to the
Form groups of 3 and look at Mafalda. Share your class. Then as a class, vote on the funniest, most
thoughts with the group members and explore the creative, and best drawn comics.
following questions.

• Have you ever seen or read about Mafalda?

• What do you know about her?

To learn more about this famous 6-year-old

Argentinian girl, each group is going to do
some research. Interview your parents and
grandparents about what they know about
Mafalda. Show them a comic strip and find out
information from them.

Go to libraries, newspaper stands, book stores,

or the internet to find other Mafalda comics. Who
are the main characters? What are the common
themes? Write your observations here.
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Oral Communication

Are you good at giving directions?

Giving Directions

Circle the expressions you can use to give directions. Expressions for giving directions
Turn right, Turn left, Take the first/second/third
a. Walk street, Go straight, Go/walk straight down, Walk/
across the down... to…, Walk/go pass, Walk across

b. Turn right Practice the voiceless /k/ sound

at the next
corner There are six spellings of the /k/ sound: k, ck, c, ch,
x, qu/que.

1. k spelling Examples: kid- kitten- like- bake

c. Buy
groceries 2. ck spelling Examples: back- ducks- sick- truck
at the 3. c spelling – when c is followed by a, o, or u.
market Examples: cart- cup- cat- cool- caught

4. x spelling The x spelling can be pronounced

in two different ways:
d. Go straight /ks/ sound = fix, fox, next, box
down this
road 5. ch spelling In these words, the “ch” spelling
is pronounced with a /k/ sound.
Examples: chorus- character- school

6. qu/que spelling - The qu / que spelling

e. Buy a
is pronounced as a /kw/ sound. Examples:
candle in
quit- quiet- quick- question- queen
the church

When the “-que” spelling is at the end

of the word, it is pronounced /k/.
Examples: antique- unique

Listen to a conversation between a tourist and

a tour guide. Draw the map of the directions
Using the dictionary and your teacher´s help, read
the tourist agent gives to the tourist to get to
the words and place them in the correct column.
the City Museum.
China - chocolate - school - city - queen - black - kid
cat - cup - thinking - kitten - unique - question - black

K sound S sound CH sound

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Graded activities

Achievement Level - Reading

Individual activity

1 Look at the sentences below about a trip to the Andes in Peru.

Read the text and decide if each sentence is Correct (C) or Incorrect (I).
Exploring Peru - Travel Itinerary
Day 1-3:  Mid-morning flight from New York to Lima-Peru. You are met on
arrival at Lima airport and taken your hotel. Just enough time to eat and
sleep, and the next day you can enjoy a sightseeing trip and spend your
time getting to know the capital city.
Day 4-6:  Take an early morning flight to Cusco and explore the magical city.
Day 7-10:  Take an unforgettable train ride through the mountains and visit the
ancient city of Macchu Picchu.
Day 11:  Return to New York - midnight flight.

1. This tour of Peru begins in the capital city.

2. Nobody meets you at the arrival; you will have to a taxi to the hotel.
3. There is no time to enjoy a sightseeing trip in Lima.
4. Take a train ride to Cusco.
5. Four days visiting the ancient city of Macchu Picchu.

Achievement Level - Listening

Individual activity

2 Listen to the recordings. Check the correct picture.

1. How did the

woman travel?

2. Where did the

woman stay?

3. What has the

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girl bought

her mother?

Why should we travel?

Achievement Level - Writing

Individual activity

3 Write a story following the 5 steps presented on page 26.

It should contain a moral (80-100 words).

Achievement Level - Speaking

Group activity

4 Work with a partner. Can you remember ways of giving directions?

Student A: Give directions to your partner on how
to get from your school to the main park.
Student B: Give directions to your partner on how to get
from your school to the nearest market.

Achievement Level - Grammar

Individual activity

5 Think about how things used to be when your parents’ generation

were children. Write three sentences describing how things were
back then using “use(d) to”.



I’m completing this self-evaluation based on what I learned in the module.

Self-evaluation I check the box that most applies to me

I do it I can’t do it
Topics I do it very well I can improve
somewhat well without help
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Understand and use indefinite pronouns

Talk about the past using “used to”

Recognize and produce the /k/ sound

Project 2

Commercial for Ecuador

You have learned that Ecuador is a major tourist destination. Create a new
tourist campaign inspired by the “All You Need Is Ecuador” campaign.
When you think about an
advertisement, you realize that
there is a tendency to use many
verbs in the imperative or the
command form.
Come visit Ecuador,
you will love it!
Discover everything
Ecuador has to offer!
Take the trip of a lifetime…
visit Ecuador!
Use phrases like these in your
commercial. Also, include
descriptive words to make
Ecuador sound more attractive
to potential tourists.

Ecuador’s Tourism Campaign

Step 1 Notes

Form a group of 4-5 students and choose a team leader.

Step 2

Your campaign should think of five destinations any tourist should

not miss when visiting Ecuador. These destinations should be located
in different parts of the country. The group must present destinations
in the coast, highlands, rainforest, and Galapagos.

Step 3

Present a commercial of 5 minutes, either recorded or live in front of the

class. Your classmates will vote on which one was the most convincing.
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