Why Facebook Is Evil

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This is not Facebook. Here is why? Because Facebook is simply a corrupt organization. Why? First,
here is what Paul Tassi from Games said about Facebook: “The past few years, it’s been nearly
impossible to go a month without some major news story breaking about Facebook, always painting
the social media network, its employees or its executives in a negative light.

Facebook has been a villain for many reasons, many well-deserved, like its role in disseminating
misinformation and propaganda around elections in the US and elsewhere. Or because of its invasions
of privacy doling out user data to third parties all around the globe.
These are serious issues, but I think it’s important to keep sight of why Facebook is increasingly hated,
abandoned and irrelevant in today’s internet landscape.
It’s just…bad.
It’s a bad social network, and it’s only gotten worse over time. Through all these stories, we’re
fundamentally ignoring a basic tenet of why people aren’t using Facebook anymore. It’s just a very,
very exhausting and irritating platform to consume and utilize, especially compared to Instagram or
Twitter, which have their own problems, sure, but nothing like we see with Facebook in its current
form. All these stories about Facebook’s great sins ignore its lesser ones, namely that it’s increasingly
useless for what it was originally intended to be.
One of the core problems with Facebook is its age. As in, I have had Facebook since I was heading off
to college in 2004, and here, 15 years later, I have amassed a collection of hundreds of “friends” that
are now almost unrecognizable. While I’ve done some pruning over the years, my feed is still full of so
much random pointlessness it’s made my profile unusable and my newsfeed nothing but updates from
people I haven’t talked to in a decade, mixed in with targeted ads.
I’m going to do an experiment and open up Facebook right this second, and post the first 15 or so
things that show up in my news feed. No skipping. No cherrypicking. This is the kind of thing that
greets me on a daily basis.
• An entire post dedicated to the fact that my mom commented on a meme about a pending snow
storm from the “The Great Lakes, Michigan” page
• A “Page stories you may like” banner which suggests I might like a story from a page called
“Tertium Quid” which features a meme that says “Life after 40” next to a picture of a decaying
• A post showing that my cousin is selling her used boots in the marketplace for $200
• An ad that wants my next date night to be with “Hunt a Killer,” where apparently my wife and I
are supposed to catch a fake serial killer in some sort of by-mail activity
• A post from the little brother of a girl from my high school saying “unfriend me if you want,” as
he shares a pro-vaccination article from Newsweek
• A text-image post from someone I don’t know about feeling good after a workout that has
tagged a girl I knew in high school
• A photo of the child of the older brother of a guy I knew in high school eating ice cream
• An ad for Into the Spider-Verse, a movie I’ve seen twice already
• The page for NBC’s Heroes doing a Ten Year Challenge with Milo Ventimiglia because
apparently I still like that page from when I first made my account
• My friend’s mom sharing an image about turning 65 from the page “Homestead & Survival”
• A video of a kitten from a cosplayer reader who friended me years ago
• A girl I worked with at college sharing a “memories” FB post from six years ago, which is still
five years after I’d last spoken with her
• The older sister of a girl I knew from my old church sharing captioned images from a Chris
Farley SNL skit turned into a meme
• My friend’s ex-wife doing a Seven Year Challenge with cat photos
• An ad for Chipotle
• A text post from a guy in my dorm hall freshman year extoling the virtues of Reese’s Minis
None of these are in chronological order, naturally, as well.
My news feed is a mess, constantly, both in terms of the content contained there and how it’s presented.
I’m not just seeing posts these people make, I’m seeing notifications that they’ve responded to
comments on meme pages, or are being tagged in photos by people I’ve literally never heard of.
Compare that to Instagram’s simple photo stream or Twitter’s text/photo/video/retweet chronological
layout. Facebook itself, as a product to get use out of, is just a disaster, and it doesn’t require any
political propaganda showing up on my newsfeed for me to declare that.
I could put a lot of work on to “fix it,” I suppose. I could do some massive purge of everyone I don’t
currently talk to, which would leave me with uh, what, like thirty people left out of 500 “friends?” I
could follow the sorts of celebrities and journalists whose content I enjoy on Twitter and Instagram on
Facebook to try and make my news feed more relevant, but because of all the problems I’ve mentioned,
Facebook is not the primary posting platform for really any public figure I like at this point. And even
if I do “like” their page, there’s no guarantee I’ll even see the content they post when they post it
because of Facebook’s sphinxlike algorithms. I would delete my account entirely, were it not for the
8,000 Facebook fans I myself have that I share my content with daily, and yet I’m lucky if an article is
“exposed” to 10% of them, because Facebook is constantly asking me to cough up cash to reach the
people that have already voluntarily liked my page.
Facebook is just not a relevant part of my life anymore, and I don’t think it ever can be again. It exists
as a weird kind of social museum, where I exist as an observer watching people I knew 5, 10, 15 years
ago grow up, get married, have children, all the while saying nothing in the silence. Intersperse the
family announcements with memes and ads and other nonsense, and my newsfeed is nothing but a
wasteland, a place I’ll find maybe one relevant, engaging update from someone I know for every fifty I
couldn’t care less about. Part of this is Facebook’s fault for its bad algorithms and horrible UI, but
part of this is just the nature of what Facebook has been, a friend “collector” where even casual
relationships tie you to that person online until the end of time, unless you chose to sever the bond.
Facebook should be held to account for its role in weakening democracy and threatening privacy, but
these huge scale issues miss the smaller point that Facebook is just...terrible, all on its own when you
strip all that other stuff away. The entire site needs a massive overhaul, but if it hasn’t happened by
now, I’m not sure it ever will. Until then, the confusing mish-mash of memes, baby photos and ads will
stay, and I’ll only be looking at it when I absolutely have to...”
Others say:

1. It does nothing but incite envy.  There will always be people with more good times in their
photo albums, more smiling beer-holding friends in their pictures, and more exciting sh*t going
on in their lives.
2. It does nothing but incite fake-ness.  You invest hours concocting the perfect online persona,
with carefully selected pictures and quotes and descriptions to make yourself appear happier,
cooler, hotter, smarter, funnier, and more interesting than you really are.
3. It does nothing but incite impulsivity.  In a split second you tell 375 people something you
reeeeallly should’ve kept to yourself. 
4. It does nothing but incite over-disclosure.  You broadcast your least intelligent thoughts to the
world.  For some of us, this reveals that we are illiterate backwoods dingdongs who can’t spell
or string together a coherent sentence (and by this I mean family).  And I quote: “It is better to
keep your mouth shut and let people think you’re stupid, than to open it and remove all doubt."
5. It does nothing but incite jealousy.  You now have the ultimate spy tool to track every fool your
friends and (ex)boyfriends are in contact with and how much more attention they pay to them
than you. 
6. It does nothing but incite rage.  Seriously, that bitch does something every other week with so-
and-so but never has time for ME?  Screw her.  “Unfriend.”     
7. It does nothing but incite picture-taking. I swear to GOD I cannot figure out how a camera is
present in every conceivable life situation and WHO the hell is spending every waking moment
taking pictures of the dumbest stuff imaginable. 
8. It does nothing but incite loneliness.  Despite hundreds of connections, you couldn’t possibly
feel more alone.  
9. It does nothing but incite hatred.  I fucking hate Facebook, don’t YOU?
10. It does nothing but incite desperation. 
11. Facebook executives and investors engage in sex trafficking and sex abuse as the news
stories widely report. Facebook staff, including their VR boss, have been arrested for running
sex scams involving under-age girls.
12. Facebook executives and investors bribe thousands of politicians. They put their staff in The
White House and government agencies in order to control government policy to ONLY
BENEFIT FACEBOOK while harming American Citizens. Facebook get’s it’s executive in the
U.S. Patent Office in order to keep inventors from getting patents that Facebook has to pay for
because Facebook copied their IP from others.

Congressional investigations, lawsuits and, generally everybody with a brain, have deeply documented
the fact that Facebook, like Google and Youtube, are contrived, fake news creating, spying cesspools of
dirty deeds and corruption that stain the internet.
So, you see, there are plenty of reasons to not use the actual Facebook...

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