I Owe You Thanks
I Owe You Thanks
I Owe You Thanks
Written by Optimus
Today, I owe you thanks.
I realize that I’m all over the place here, but just bear with me.
As I’ve chased this wild and lucrative career path, I’ve realized quite a
lot about myself. A lot of people always thought that I was lazy
growing up because of many reasons. For instance, my grades went
from stellar in elementary school (to the point I should’ve graduated
at the age of 16 had my family agreed to let me skip grades) to subpar
in middle and high school. It was always looked at as laziness, but it
wasn’t. I wasn’t interested.
I was different than most people, I think. I didn’t want to run off
to college or the military. I didn’t want to work a dead-end job that
would make me blow my brains out. I didn’t want to sit around and
be a bum, though. I wanted to make something. Not only of myself,
but I literally wanted to make something. YouTube was such a good
outlet for that.
The things that I’ve been able to do with my life because of you
all have been incredible. The situations that I was able to fix. The
change that came from me as a person. The amount of creative output
I’ve been able to make in such a short period of time.
Thank you.