SOW Y9 - ICT For Cambridge IGCSE 2019
SOW Y9 - ICT For Cambridge IGCSE 2019
SOW Y9 - ICT For Cambridge IGCSE 2019
1 week Be able to identify what is ICT. DISCUSSION ON: To define what is ICT Demo using projector
What is ICT? Group work:
02th Jan – Be able to identify the ICT -Trouble shooting when To identify ICT problems and errors in Lesson Notes
05th Jan problems and errors. computer cannot re-boot, trouble shooting when computer
printing problems, cannot re-boot, printing problems, http://
Be able to identify the impact of storage full, storage full,
ICT to our life. internet problem internet problem schools/gcsebitesize/
ict/ and
- Political and ethical impact of ICT To identify impact of ICT to our life; http://www.teach-
technology Political and ethical impact of ICT
- Environmental and ICT technology, Environmental and ICT,
- Work employment and ICT Work employment and ICT
(teleworking) (teleworking)
Hands-on work
Show the examples of data and
information in the computer.
- Net Research – group work for
students (assigned a weblink)
ICT for Cambridge IGCSE, 2019 Year 9
1 week What is computer? Be able to explain what is DISCUSSION ON: Explain what is computer?
computer? What is computer?
14th Jan – Explain what is the function of
19th Jan Be able to explain what is the computer and the example of the
function of computer and the function like; spreadsheet
example of the function? Hands-on work Explain what the function of computer
CAN do and CANNOT DO on the dumb is and Understand the example of the
machine, how software helps to work function?
Be able to state what computer done in computer, no software no
CAN do and CANNOT do. hardware can function, languages Differentiated what computer CAN do Demo using projector
used in software
Net Research – group work Lesson Notes
Advantages and disadvantages of
using computer in daily activities
Three stages of systems; explain the http://www.teach-
What is System? Be able to state the three stages diagram
of systems
To state the three stages of systems
Be able to manage files and
folders Hands-on work: To manage files and folders
Be able to make back-ups Manage files and folders; Software To make back-ups and CANNOT do.
Icons, Identifying File Information,
File extensions & folders, Create
shortcuts and setting up folders, file
path names, sorting files, file
properties, sensible file names.
Make back-ups; Backups and uses,
making them and ways that data can
be lost, auto-recovery, comparing
backup media, removing external
media safely and setting up automated
ICT for Cambridge IGCSE, 2019 Year 9
Demonstrate the use of an operating word processing, spreadsheet, Cambridge IGCSE ICT
system to create folders, save work, database management systems, Course book
sort files. control software, measuring software, (Leadbetter and
applets and apps, photo-editing Wainwright) page 2
Demonstrate different types of software, video-editing software,
application software such as word- graphics manipulation software)
processor, database, spreadsheet and
DTP. Define system software (e.g.
compilers, linkers, device drivers,
operating systems and utilities)
1 week The main Ask learners to produce a Describe the central processing unit Textbooks:
components of Be able to : diagrammatic representation of the (CPU) including its role Complete ICT for
04th Feb – computer systems identify the main components; workings of a computer. They must Cambridge IGCSE
09th Feb -central processing unit (CPU), research the roles of the CPU, ROM, Describe internal memory, i.e. ROM (Stephen Doyle)
-main/internal memory RAM and represent how data is and RAM and the differences between
*CNY on (including -ROM and RAM), processed and stored. (I) them IGCSE Information and
05th Feb -input devices, Communication
-output devices, Give learners a list of statements Define input and output devices and (Brown and Watson)
-secondary/backing storage about the main components of a describe the difference between them page 3
computing system. The learners have
to identify if the facts are true or false. Define secondary/backing storage Cambridge IGCSE ICT
(I) Course book
(Leadbetter and
Wainwright) pages 4–
Operating systems Be able to define what is the OS? Using two simple tasks that can be Define and describe operating Textbooks:
1 week
done on a computer every day, e.g. systems which contain a Command Complete ICT for
Be able to identify different opening a document and saving a Line Interface (CLI) Cambridge IGCSE
11th Feb –
examples of OS document. Compare carrying out (Stephen Doyle)
16th Feb
these tasks on GUI to carrying them Define and describe operating
Be able to identify the common out on a CLI. It would be best to systems which contain a Graphical IGCSE Information and
functionality that OS do to represent this through the use of User Interface (GUI) Communication
develop a computer Windows for a GUI and the command (Brown and Watson)
line in Windows for CLI. (W) Describe the differences, including the pages 3–5
ICT for Cambridge IGCSE, 2019 Year 9
1 week Impact of emerging Be able to describe how Give learners a case study about the Online:
technologies emerging technologies are benefits and drawbacks of 3D Describe how emerging technologies Developing 3D printed
25th Feb – having on everyday life. printing and discuss as a whole class, are having an impact on everyday life artificial limbs. These
02th Mar e.g. prosthetic/artificial limbs. (W) (e.g. artificial intelligence biometrics, are for war veterans
vision enhancement, robotics, that have lost limbs in
Ask learners to research the Edward quantum cryptography, computer- combat:
Snowdon case and the exposure of assisted translation, 3D and
encryption keys being forced to be holographic imaging, virtual reality) 2014/03/next-big-
revealed. Ask them to discuss in thing-missed-bionic-
groups how they feel about this and limbs-3d-printed-
do they agree with it. (G) worlds-war-wounded/
1 week Direct data entry Be able to describe direct data Ask learners to discuss why the speed Describe direct data entry and Textbooks:
and associated entry and associated devices of data entry is important and how associated devices, e.g. magnetic IGCSE Information and
01st Apr – devices each of the given devices improves stripe readers, chip and PIN readers, Communication
06th Apr Be able to Identify the data entry. Ask learners to think about Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) (Brown and Watson)
advantages and disadvantages what would be the alternative if that readers, Magnetic Ink Character pages 8–26
*Isra’ & of any of the above devices in device did not exist. (P) Reader (MICR), Optical Mark Reader
Mi’raj on comparison with others Learners report back their findings to (OMR), Optical Character Reader Cambridge IGCSE ICT
3rd Apr the rest of the class. (W) (OCR), bar code reader Course book
(Leadbetter and
Identify the advantages and Wainwright) pages
disadvantages of any of the above 22–25
devices in comparison with others
1 week 3 Storage devices Be able to identify storage Give learners a table with storage Identify storage devices and their Textbooks:
and media devices and their uses devices in and ask them to compare uses, e.g. Complete ICT for
08th Apr – them for use, size, advantages and magnetic backing storage Cambridge IGCSE
13th Apr disadvantages. (I) media: fixed hard disks, (Stephen Doyle)
Be able to explain advantages portable hard disks, magnetic
and disadvantages of using Group learners together and give each tapes IGCSE Information and
different backing storage group a description of some data that optical backing storage media Communication
a person needs to store. Ask learners (CD/DVD/blu-ray): CD (Brown and Watson)
to pick two suitable storage devices ROM/DVD ROM, CD R/DVD R, pages 28–29
and justify their choice. (G) CD RW/DVD RW, DVD RAM,
blu-ray discs Cambridge IGCSE ICT
solid state backing storage: Course book
solid state drives, memory (Leadbetter and
sticks/pen drives, flash Wainwright) pages
Describe the advantages and
disadvantages of the above devices
1 week Effects of IT on Be able to describe how there Produce a poster. • describe how there has been a Complete ICT for
employment has been a reduction of Divide students into 4 groups. Each reduction of employment in offices, as Cambridge IGCSE
employment in offices, as group will be given a topic. Ask them workers’ jobs have been replaced by Teacher Resource
17th June– workers’ jobs have been to discuss and create a poster using computers in a number of fields (e.g. Pack
22nd June replaced by computers in a MS Word. payroll workers, typing pools, car Worksheet 6.1, 6.2, 6.3,
number of fields production workers) 6.4
Share and present the poster with • describe how there has been an
Be able to describe how there their classmates. increase in employment in other fields
has been an increase in (e.g. website designers, computer
employment in other fields programmers, delivery drivers in
retail stores)
Effects of IT on Be able to describe how the use • describe how the use of computers
working patterns of computers has led to a has led to a number of employees
within number of employees changing changing their working patterns (e.g.
organisations their working patterns part-time working, flexible hours, job
sharing, compressed hours)
Be able to describe what is • describe what is meant by part-time
meant by part-time working, working, flexible hours, job sharing,
flexible hours, job sharing, compressed hours
compressed hours
1 week Microprocessor- Be able to describe the positive • describe the positive effects
controlled devices effects microprocessors have on microprocessors have on aspects of
24th June– in the home aspects of lifestyle lifestyle (e.g. the amount and use of
29th June leisure time, the degree of social
Be able to describe the negative interaction, the ability to leave the
effects microprocessors have on home)
aspects of lifestyle • describe the negative effects
microprocessors have on aspects of
lifestyle (e.g. lack of exercise)
Potential health Be able to describe and identify • describe repetitive strain injury
problems related to health issues. (RSI) and what causes it
the prolonged use of • identify other health issues (e.g. back
IT equipment Be able to describe on how to problems, eye problems, headaches)
ICT for Cambridge IGCSE, 2019 Year 9
1 week Layout Be able to use software tools to Using a previously prepared excerpt Use software tools to prepare a basic Textbook:
prepare a basic document to of text (which is two or three A4 pages document to match the purpose and IGCSE Information and
22nd Jul – match the purpose and target in length) saved as a .TXT file and target audience Communication
27th Jul audience image file, it would be best if this were create a new document or, (Brown and Watson)
based around a topic such as the solar where appropriate, open an pages 130–150
system, ask the learners to:(I) existing document
enter text and numbers
open a word processor and use editing techniques to
import the text manipulate text and numbers,
identify the main title and including: highlight, delete,
make it bold and size 14 move, cut, copy, paste, drag
identify the subtitles and and drop
make them bold and size 12 place objects into the
make sure the main body of document from a variety of
text is size 11 sources, including: text,
all text should be Arial image, screen shot,
move the second paragraph spreadsheet extract, database
of text to the end of the extract, clip art or chart
document create a table with a specified
convert a section e.g. a list of number of rows and columns
facts about the solar system, format a table and its
into a table with the correct contents
about of columns and rows place text or objects in a table
make sure the table column wrap text around a table,
headings are bold chart or image, including:
insert the image into the text above, below, square and
and warp a section of text tight
around it
1 week Layout Be able to apply header and Using the document created above, Use software tools to use headers and Textbook:
footer ask learners to: footers appropriately within a range IGCSE Information and
29th Jul – set the top and bottom of software packages Communication
ICT for Cambridge IGCSE, 2019 Year 9
03rd Aug Header & Footers margins to 2.5 cm and the left (Brown and Watson)
and right margins to 4 cm Create headers and footers pages 130–150
insert a header of ‘The Solar
System’, your name and Align consistently within a document
todays date the contents of the header and footer
your name should be left including: to left margin, right margin
aligned, The Solar System and centre of the page
should be centre-aligned and
the date should be right Place automated objects in headers
aligned. The date should set and footers, including: automated file
automatically information, automated page
insert a footer that numbering, text, date, time
automatically assigns page
numbers. (I) Explain why headers and footers are
1 week Styles Be able to consistency of Ask learners to design a house style Apply styles to ensure consistency of Textbook:
presentation for a given organisation. A presentation IGCSE Information and
05th Aug– background description should be explain why consistent styles Communication
10th Aug provided of the organisation and are required (Brown and Watson)
learners should provide an evaluation apply consistent styles using pages 130–150
to show how their house style is a variety of application
appropriate for the company. The packages
house style should cover all aspects of ensure that page/slide layout
style and formatting including font is consistent, including: font
type, font style, point size, font colour. styles, text alignment, spacing
(I) between lines, spacing
between paragraphs, spacing
before and after headings
create and apply an
appropriate style, including:
font type (serif, sans-serif),
point size, font colour,
alignment, line spacing, style
ICT for Cambridge IGCSE, 2019 Year 9
notes as appropriate
1 week Presentations Be able to use presentation Learners should then create the rest Use suitable software tools to create Textbook:
package to make slide show of the pages for the presentation using presentation slides to meet the needs IGCSE Information and
26th Aug– the master slide. (I) of the audience Communication
31st Aug insert a new slide, when (Brown and Watson)
Learners should look to insert required, selecting the pages 269–288
appropriate images, health and safety appropriate slide type for the
videos, charts if appropriate. purpose Complete ICT for
place text on the slides Cambridge IGCSE
Learners should look to add slide including: headings, Teacher Resource
transitions between each slide and subheadings, bulleted lists Pack
animated elements where appropriate where appropriate Activity 6.3, 6.4 (page
on the slides. Learners should take apply consistent styles using 48, 49)
care when adding animations, these available software tools,
should only be used where including: select from the
information to is be withheld at first presentation colour scheme,
to be revealed little by little or where the use of text enhancement
there is a need to emphasise an place appropriate images on
element. the slides, including: still
images, video clips, animated
place sound within a slide
place charts imported from a
place other objects including:
symbols, lines, arrows, call
out boxes
create consistent transitions
between pages
create consistent animation
facilities on text, images and
other objects
ICT for Cambridge IGCSE, 2019 Year 9