Krisel U

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Krisel U.

Fil Batch 2

Positive Effects Negative Effects

 Keeping in touch with family and  Cyberbullying: On Facebook, it is very easy

friends: Facebook is a great way to keep for cyberbullies to thrive. They can harass
in touch with your family and friends that and/or gang up on one person even easier
live far away. With instant messaging and than they could in a school environment.
even video chat, Facebook is the perfect There aren't moderators that go around
environment to stay connected. With the monitoring what people say to each other.
status updates, photos, and profile Anything can be said. There are also a
information, it can keep you up to date relatively small amount of parents that
on the happenings of all of your close have Facebook accounts and keep up with
ones. their children's. More than once I've
 Making new friends: Facebook makes witnessed this form of bullying, whether it
meeting new people extremely easy due be about race, appearance, intelligence,
to the fact that it allows you to add up to etc.
thousands of friends, and acts as a social  Ruined relationships: Facebook is
melting pot of the internet. If you notorious for causing couples to break up.
comment on a friend's status, and one of Let's face it, no one wants to see their
their friends comments on it, maybe you girlfriend/boyfriend telling other people
two will strike up your own conversation. that they look cute, or liking their pictures,
This can lead to a great friendship down or instant messaging them constantly. It
the road. Most people find it a lot easier builds up jealousy, which causes quite a bit
to start a conversation with someone of tension in a relationship. The fact that
over Facebook than in real life, so a lot of many people try to hook up with others
high-school relationships tend to start over Facebook while not realizing that
there. It's as simple as a "You should text these people are in a relationship doesn't
me sometime." help the issue.
 Expressing yourself: Facebook makes  Distraction: At the end of the day you may
expressing yourself very simple with have seen your cousin's new outfit or
status updates. Between showing off talked to your sister who is in college, but
your favorite song lyrics, to posting you still haven't really accomplished
pictures of your new outfit, Facebook is anything in the hours that you were on.
the most common way that people Critics of Facebook claim that it is a
express themselves these days. It is a lot worldwide distraction and even obsession
harder to feel embarrassment over the that amounts to nothing except for
internet than in person, so people find it significant amounts of time wasted. There
easier to "vent" their feelings on is even a group that is trying to stunt the
Facebook. influence of Facebook called "Facebook

 Increases awareness: Internet  Insecurity: Facebook is a cause for

constitutes numerous news websites and insecurities due to the fact that it makes
the followers are comparatively lower. people compare themselves to others.
These websites use the Facebook How can you not when all you see is
platform to inform and spread everyday pictures of your friends and acquaintances
reporting in the different parts of the on your newsfeed?
world. In this way, Facebook makes every
user a knowledgeable and intellectual

 Brings equality: Facebook provides  Stalker friendly: Facebook is a very stalker

neutral facilities and services to every friendly website. Theoretically, someone
person on this planet. Celebrities, that you don't even know can say that they
national leaders, and wealthy go to your school, add you, and get all of
businessmen don’t own special your information. This may include your
treatment or a classified page or an phone number, house address, and
account that a few people can access. A locations you visit frequently. Not to
common citizen and a high-class person, mention the fact that they will be able to
both access, post, and share in the same go through all of your pictures and get to
way. know you completely without you ever
knowing. This is a scary thought, but it is a
real issue.

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