Pre-Board Examination in Hematology (Part 1) : Polychromatophilic Normoblast
Pre-Board Examination in Hematology (Part 1) : Polychromatophilic Normoblast
Pre-Board Examination in Hematology (Part 1) : Polychromatophilic Normoblast
48. Which of the following may be seen in the peripheral blood smear of a patient with obstructive liver disease?
a. schistocytes b. macrocytes c. Howell-Jolly bodies d. microcytes
49. The macrocytes typically seen in megaloblastic processes are:
a. creascent-shaped b. teardrop-shaped c. ovalocytic d. pencil-shaped
50. Which inclusions may be seen in leukocytes?
a. Dohle bodies b. basophilic stippling c. malarial parasite d. Howell-Jolly bodies
51. Which of the following is contained in the primary granules of the neutrophil?
a. lactoferrin b. myeloperoxidase c. histamine d. alkaline phosphatase
52. The morphological characteristic associated with Chediak-Higashi syndrome is:
a. pale blue cytoplasmic inclusiosns c. small, dark staining granules and condensed nuclei
b. giant lysosomal granules d. nuclear hyposegmentation
53. Auer rods may be seen in all of the following except:
a. acute myelomonocytic leukemia (M4) c. acute myeloid leukemia without maturation (M1)
b. acute lymphoblastic leukemia d. acute promyelocytic leukemia (M3)
54. Which type of anemia is usually present in a patient with acute leukemia?
a. microcytic, hyperchromic c. normocytic, normochromic
b. microcytic, hypochromic d. macrocytic, normochromic
55. In leukemia, which term describes a peripheral blood finding of leukocytosis with a shift to the left, accompanied by
occasional nucleated red cells?
a. megaloblastosis b. dysplasia c. leukoerythroblastosis d. none of these
56. DIC is most often associated with which of the following types of acute leukemia?
a. acute myeloid leukemia without maturation c. acute myelomonocytic leukemia
b. acute promyelocytic leukemia d. acute monocytic leukemia
57. A peripheral smear shows 75% blasts. These stain positive for both Sudan black B (SBB) and peroxidase (Px). Given
these values, which of the following disorders is most likely?
a. AML b. CML c. AUL d. ALL
58. Sodium fluoride may be added to the naphthyl ASD acetate (NASDA) esterase reaction. The fluoride is added to
inhibit a positive reaction with:
a. megakaryocytes b. monocytes c. erythrocytes d. granulocytes
59. In essential thrombocythemia, the platelets are:
a. increased in number and functionally abnormal c. decreased number and functional
b. normal in number and functionally abnormal d. decreased in number and functionally abnormal
60. Which of the following cells is considered pathognomonic for Hodgkin’s disease?
a. Niemann-Pick cells b. reactive lymphocytes c. flame cells d. Reed-Sternberg cells
61. In myelofibrosis, the characteristic abnormal red blood cell morphology is that of:
a. target cells b. schistocytes c. teardrop cells d. ovalocytes
62. PV is characterized by:
a. increased plasma volume c. decreased oxygen saturation
b. pancytopenia d. absolute increase in total red cell mass
63. The erythrocytosis seen in relative polycythemia occurs because of:
a. decreased arterial oxygen saturation c. increased erythropoietin levels
b. decreased plasma volume of circulating blood d. increased erythropoiesis in the bone marrow
64. The leukocyte alkaline phosphatase stain of a patient gives the following results: 10 (0); 48(1+); 38(2+); 3(3+); 1(4+).
Calculate the LAP score:
a. 100 b. 117 c. 137 d. 252
65. CML is distinguished from leukomoid reaction by which of the following?
a. CML low LAP; leukomoid high LAP c. CML high WBC; leukomoid normal WBC
b. CML high LAP; leukomoid low LAP d. CML high WBC; leukomoid high WBC
66. What influence does the Philadelphia chromosome have on the prognosis of patients with chronic myelocytic
a. it is not predictive c. prognosis is worse is Ph1 is present
b. prognosis is better if Ph is present d. disease usually transforms into AML when Ph 1 is present
67. What is the characteristic finding is seen in the peripheral smear of a patient with multiple myeloma?
a. microcytic hypochrmic cells c. rouleaux
b. intracellular inclusion bodies d. hypersegmented neutrophils
68. In which of the following conditions does LAP show the least activity?
a. leukomoid recations b. idiopathic myelofibrosis c. PV d. CML
69. Cells that exhibit a positive stain with acid phosphatase and are not inhibited with tartaric acid are characteristically
seen in:
a. infectious mononucleosis c. hairy cell leukemia
b. infectious lymphocytosis d. T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
70. The anticoagulant of choice for most routine coagulation studies is:
a. sodium oxalate b. sodium citrate c. EDTA d. heparin
71. Which ratio of anticoagulant to blood is correct for coagulation procedures?
a. 1:4 b. 1:5 c. 1:9 d. 1:10
72. What reagents are used in the PT test?
a. thromboplastin and sodium chloride c. thromboplastin and calcium
b. thromboplastic and potassium chloride d. actin and calcium chloride
73. Which test would be abnormal in a patient with Stuart-Prower factor (factor X) deficiency?
a. PT only b. APTT only c. PT and APTT d. thrombin time
74. Which clotting factor is not measured by PT and APTT tests?
a. factor VIII b. factor IX c. factor V d. factor XIII
75. Which coagulation test(s) would be abnormal in a vitamin K-deficient patient?
a. PT only b. PT and APTT c. fibrinogen level d. thrombin time
76. Which of the following is correct regarding the international normalized ratio (INR)?
a. it uses the international sensitivity ratio(ISR) c. standardizes the APTT results
b. standardizes PT results d. used to monitor heparin therapy
77. Which protein is the primary inhibitor of the fibrinolytic system?
a. protein C b. protein S c. α2 antiplasmin d. α2 macroglobulin
78. A protein that plays a role in both coagulation and platelet aggregation is:
a. factor I b. factor VIII c. factor IX d. factor XI
79. Aspirin prevents platelet aggregation by inhibiting the action of which enzyme?
a. phospholipase b. cyclo-oxygenase c. thromboxane A2 synthetase d. prostacyclin synthetase
80. Bernard-Soulier syndrome is associated with:
a. decreased bleeding time c. thrombocytopenia and giant platelets
b. decreased factor VIII assay d. abnormal platelet aggregation to ADP
81. When performing platelet aggregation studies, which set of platelet aggregation result would most likely be associated
with Bernard-Soulier syndrome?
a. normal platelet aggregation to collagen, ADP and ristocetin
b. normal platelet aggregation to collagen, ADP, epinephrine; decreased aggregation to ristocetin
c. normal platelet aggregation to epinephrine and ristocetin; decreased aggregation to collagen and ADP
d. normal platelet aggregation to epinephrine, ristocetin and collagen; decreased aggregation to ADP
82. Which set or platelet responses would most likely be associated to Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia?
a. normal platelet aggregation to ADP and ristocetin; decreased aggregation to collagen
b. normal platelet aggregation to collagen; decreased aggregation to ADP and ristocetin
c. normal platelet aggregation to ristocetin; decreased aggregation to collagen, ADP and epinephrine
d. normal platelet aggregation to ADP; decreased aggregation to collagen and ristocetin
83. Storage pool deficiencies are defects of:
a. platelet adhesion b. platelet aggregation c. platelet granules d. platelet production
84. Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia is a disorder of:
a. platelets b. clotting proteins c. fibrinolysis d. connective tissue
85. Which defect characterizes Gray’s syndrome?
a. platelet adhesion defect c. alpha granule defect
b. dense granule defect d. coagulation defect
86. Normal serum contains:
a. factor I b. factor V c. factor VIII d. factor VII
87. In the APTT procedure the time taken for clot formation is measured after the addition of:
a. tissue thromboplastin b. calcium chloride c. phospholipid d. activator
88. A prolonged APTT and PT are corrected when mixed with normal plasma. Which factor is most likely deficient?
a. V b. VIII c. IX d. XI
89. Refer to the following results:
PT prolonged APTT prolonged platelet count decreased bleeding time increased
Which disorder may be indicated?
a. factor VIII deficiency b. vWD c. DIC d. factor IX deficiency
90. The following results were obtained on a patient: prolonged bleeding time, normal platelet count, normal PT, and
prolonged APTT. Which of the following disorders is most consistent with these results?
a. hemophilia A b. hemophilia B c. vWD d. Glanzmaann’s thrombasthenia
91. Refer to the following results:
PT normal APTT prolonged Bleeding time increased
Platelet count normal Platelet aggreagation to ristocetin abnormal
a. factor VIII deficiency b. DIC c. vWD d. factor IX deficiency
92. Which results are associated with hemophilia A?
a. prolonged APTT, normal PT c. prolonged PT, normal APTT
b. prolonged PT and APTT d. normal PT and APTT